« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/22/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, we do not want common group with a Democrat party that is trying to destroy the Supreme Court, Electoral College, and hates the Constitution. Groups like No Labels is what we get from weak republicans like Larry Hogan, Asa Hutchinson, Joe Manchin, and Chris Christie - people who do not want to engage in the culture war that we’re in now, even though our liberties and children are at stake. We know what took place on January 6th, but Democrats have been trying to tie it to Donald Trump and take him down despite Trump being the only person in Washington D.C. to request more security. What Jack Smith and the Biden Administration are doing is unheard of and interfering with the 2024 election. Trump is allowed to challenge the election results and have Congress sort it out, but Democrats lie and claim he tried to obstruct the electors and the election. The Democrats have a plan to block Trump and try to disqualify him from the ballot in key states under the 14th Amendment. They are taking the civil rights portion of the 14th amendment to block Trump from running, and only need one guilty verdict from a Democrat court to convict him as an insurrectionist. There have been a dozen or so whistleblowers who have come forward so far and the Democrats have trashed every single one of them. These two IRS whistleblowers are tremendous patriots. During Joe Ziegler’s testimony, his best calculation was that the Biden’s took in about $17 million, with no business, no service – nothing. This is as corrupt as it gets. The FBI, DOJ, and Jack Smith believe in a two-tiered justice system, unloading indictments and charges left and right at Donald Trump right before the 2024 election while ignoring crimes of the Biden’s. Jack Smith is a rogue prosecutor who is violating all norms to take down Donald Trump and rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor and has been leaking information to liberal media outlets like the Rolling Stone to hurt Trump.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite. Allegiant america, hillsdale college, which proudly refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening My sincere appreciation ale stay up for their sponsorship quiet in the underground bunker door First blocks bolted: what the great isn't just resting on our laurels: he's I'm sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the more club? So we have a group called no labels. That says you don't believe in labels. The title no labels must produce. I think it is. I would like to talk about, but I want to address is for a minute watch this Larry hold in these others, sky, John huntsmen, mansion.
And are being pushed by the media to them. had been trashing tromp, they ve been true, I want to say this my theory there, frankly, as they want to cripple scientists and then take our trump and opened the field for more moderate republican whomever. That may be that's my theory and I believe it's true. In some sectors and the various aspects of the party. Are falling all over their falling for, but this whole thing about no labels, They talking about, we need to find common ground. We need to find common ground. America expects us to get things done. I take the camp The opposite point of view common ground with who, for what.
I have nothing in common with Joe Biden agenda open borders, undermining police choking military. I, thing in common with this agenda, destroying them Sports. Their agenda is a radical marxists agenda, Common ground by partisanship. Republicans early suckers for this kind of thing, I think. Common ground on critical re, SIRI democrat party supports it common ground on sexual lives and our children. The teachers unions and their an appendage democratic party, the war on. catholics the war on pro lifers, I'm anything in who come over there.
The democratic party trying to monopolize her entire political system as, Communist parties do. As fascistic parties do. What should I believe there is competition for elections, they all mine, a completely impotent. Logan party out there. You see them in various states. But that's not what we want. Common ground with our own destruction come Ground with a part that trying to destroy the supreme court com- ground with a party that trend destroy the electoral college, so they never lose an election common ground with a party the trash Our founders with a party I, the constitution. Common ground. This is what you get from malaria holdings and the esa hutches since the chris chris
He's the christening, is you get A continuation of the same status in your face- it's not aggressive, but it's the same. They don't want to engage in the culture wars more, A cultural war rather fight back or we lose lose. The classrooms will lose our children. Will use our language lose our liberties What you mean you don't want, engage in it. Have to engage and we have to win it. So if you do with a political party that hates america. That is hated america, almost since its inception, hating america, so much let a civil war against them country to defend slavery.
A hundred years after the civil war trying to block the thirteen fourteen and fifteen amendments trend of blood equality and due process has nothing in common with this. Wasn't that long ago, when the democratic party was pushing eugenics specially for black people, Margarets anger, Hillary Clinton get the market sanger workers were proud of it. She was a rare, shall you genesis speech to the clan in the south, why are we celebrating there what's the common ground and what is the democratic? already today promote a marxist agenda. Decentralized.
decision making in Washington much decide. What of products. You can own what kind of servants, since you can hear what kind of If you're going to live with you gonna be dead to do tonight, inconvenienced The life declining common ground- you We stand for liberty that our common ground for this work Right, wingers and extremists by those who doubt. we stand for little, our republicanism constitutional republicanism, they talk, they don't. We stand for a man being a man and a woman being a woman, they'd oak. We stand a pre free press, they stand for a state, run press so
This whole idea of common ground and by partisanship owed sound so swell, but it's a ruse. It's a ruse. And we lose every time that we cannot let. the usual establishment, republicans, the rhinos, the frauds fakes in the phones, we cannot allow them to you This kind of you know again about common ground by partisan That is what the voters want. the voters want, if its presented to them properly least, most of us to be left alone. To buy whatever kind of car we want. Raise our children now with. Village or a teacher union, and away from people to be
but to have free speech on the internet. We want bridge to be able to provide us with their best information. We don't want equity. He qualities where we want and we want liberty. Common ground, let me be very clear about this: we must have. iterate, the democrat party, not appease it, it is the enemy Like any other enemy, but it's more dangerous enemy, it say more complex and darting situation, because Within the united states. the uses, liberty to destroy liberty, it uses the constitution and destroy the constitution.
Since the wealth and prosperity created by capitalism to empower government and destroy capitalist, it's the enemy. There is no common ground, sure prepared to surrender. and I have some surface level. Accommodation is viewpoint of that enemy. I'm not trying to be provocative, I'm very realistic. I am very practical. The mark, your conservative activist, and what does that mean. Means I believe in our country and our founding in our founding document, the Declaration and our founding governing document, the constitution. I believe in these things,
What all american should believe. So no labels, they say no level they want to take out the same, and the work very hard on this. In other words, they want to weaken him a cripple him. They were take out donald trump and imprison him before weaving get devote to set. Who at the prosecutor said to the court last week No, we don't want to move the elections will after she made it. As know after the election will they seek to put tromp imprison. So Wanna put him in prison while, Elections going up. And you may come in groundwater that corner.
so, I would completely different view of the situation and what must be done. Republican establishment. Wants to be called by partisan, even if it means sitting back and watch and the destruction of america its appeasement, but we ve had enough of it. These are quiz lings. What's that mark google, it We need patriots, we need statesman. We need leaders when you people going to speak out, that's what we need. So, when you look at these republicans running. Put aside all the propaganda, and by that I mean even from the other campaigns, the personal attacks, All done because each one of them wants to win, but you need it. The sober look at each one of these people, not what they
Are you to look at what you decided? Lucky to make a decision. Whose capable of saving this country and who will say one thing and then sell us out the next day. If we don't win this election. And then immediately thereafter set our sights. On neutralizing, the democratic party, the futures dim. The democratic parties I said to. You is more than a party to more than typical parties, monoculture party- it is the government party- or I call it. The state party back by the state. Yeah back by the massive indestructible Seems administrators state.
These are all the signs and characteristics. Of totalitarianism,. so I thought I would lay that I'll make it clear. The lobby. It is all in the book, democratic party, hates america, Susan about. Making some kind of superficial arrangement with them they have no kristen that they're trying to destroy us. They call you names. they hate, your faith. drawing the nuclear family, I mean more this we're gonna, take no labels. Now, we need labels right from wrong good from evil Liberty versus tuna, we need labels, mark, I friends
twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer. So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today.
making your weekend even better this system. Best of mark levin, welcome. My fellow americans. These are very very dark days. For those of us who care about liberty, monument politics than even the parties. These are very dark days. You were staring. tyranny in the are you you might listeners. This country is Fundamentally, transforming its the Democrats. It wanted. away from a constitutional republic, And understandable we applied rule of law.
Which the democratic party seeks to monopolize politics? The government. And to use the iron fist, federal law enforcement against those who do not buckle. We ve never been here before we americans, we ve, never Done this to each other. Try when we hear there's no labels group or can we get along or bi partisanship for common sense and common ground through can be known. None that, when they're trying to put people in prison. Let's start from the beginning, and then we will spend, Some time on this murder January sixth,. We know what took place on January. Sixth, but
Democrats have been trying to tie this to donald trump They ve tried to concoct laws, inferences from laws to apply against He's the only top level individual in wash in d c,. on July. Excuse me, henry force, who suggested but the mayor washington, that the speaker of the house. might want him to send in the nest Regard protect the building on January. Sixth, that should get in the big, Beginning and end of this thing it was turned down by the Democrats.
We have no idea where Mitch Mcconnell data mitch when the council is not even talking today. Why? Because Mitch Mcconnell supports all of this. That's why. And so what this prosecutor is doing is unheard of. What the buying administration is doing is unheard of. Let me explain this in some detail. The constant we sets forth the mechanism for choosing electors for president and vice president, not the executive branch for sure. Not these sitting, president for sure there oh department of justice in the constitution. There is no, you are attorney in the constant. None of that.
They have never created them yet, but did they create this government and Election process was a purely political process, and so if a political party is doing it out, an estate. And that political party sees a close election and after them so cortical counted after weeks of delay Harvesting and all the rest and the party that is, I, by ten thousand votes, twelve thousand votes, five thousand wrote. Feels that in the end. They will succeed.
They are free to send a slate of electors to the archivist to the united states, who holds them to understand you generally six, at which time lay along with the other parties electors, perhaps Five by the state perhaps certified by the sectaries state and the governor. Are sent to a joint meeting of congress, up the congress to sort this out. Congress can easily say no, those lectures are out. No, we accept the results in this data that state now that's out that's gone. It's been done in the past was done in nineteen. Sixty in hawaii spend and other states almost done in full in two thousand is resolved. But the damage the Democrats were done something criminal about it, there's nothing devious,
About it, there's nothing illegal about you, not obstructing an election. You're not obstructing a result. You not obstructing congress. Congress will make the determination or what the count, what not account, which is exactly what congress did Process is not supposed to be criminalized waste. single grand jury, washington DC being add one sided arguments by us, special counsel appointed by the party in power. By a prosecuting whose threatening lawyers and threatening witnesses would charges were long.
Sentences if they dont, if they don't buckle under as if that's the pursuit of justice in punishing wrongdoing. What you are watching today is an insurrection. It's war on the voting system into war on the constitution, its war on the river, the party and, of course went donald trump? If they get away This the country will never be the same ever. the challenging of elections occurs all the time and not just in court all the time. and it's up the congress disorder that that's what constitution, says congress has the final say: congo and throw out electoral college results willy nilly for once to these battles have been fought, especially early in our history.
We also have Democrats thousand for the bushes and the rhinos, and never trappers would comprehend this who sought to prevent. George bush's reelection, as they did in two thousand When the supreme court had to step in and stop the florida supreme court Trying to steal the election from bush, I give it the gore. Two thousand for short, bush- won ohio by fairly soon. Actual amount, but the Democrats. They want to the floor of the house, which is where these meetings are held, given that that is a lie. Larger area than on the senate, and perhaps up to three. Dozen of them challenged the election, starting with our high.
among them. Jamie rascal. Among them. Benny Johnson january six committee members. They wanted to reverse the election. One of the ohio electors thrown out, they failed They prosecuted with investigated kirshner market The system that set up with us the measures set up. Is the same system that these others like? slater is. Her report, party was using in these other sites the same system, Two different way of challenging. Ultimately, congress has to say. Grand jury does not have a say, west's, does not have a say in general, the united states,
opposition party does not have a say, the exact brad chairs show none. For so actors, vague electors to give it the tinge of criminality. Congress is meeting if they believe that these are false, electors are vague electors, then they don't count them if there's competing. Lists of all actors from a state. and they choose one over another- they choose, neither that's how it works. So they try muddle the war. The donald In a speech in cited violence.
then, why isn't and Schuman present and he was in the violence against the supreme court. In fact, why aren't all Leftist in prison when inciting violence against justices against their own country. MR klein tape around the dns c and Hillary Clinton house Bernie sanders have. Nobody objected in two thousand to two thousand and four was investigated, And they invented they objected and twenty sixteen to two donald trump. They try to well out, legitimate electorate, but Ok, they followed the law when raise their objections and their fellow men that congress turn them down. That's exactly how it works under the constitution. Without this statue.
It is, congress has the final say. The framers could not possibly have dreamt that some. called a federal prosecutor. grand jury. Were witnesses and potential defendants are not even allowed to have. Lawyers present, we beg determinations. In lieu of the four congress meeting on january sixth very interesting to see what this Full prosecutors pulled together and I want you to understand something he's the ugly face of all this. It's mister MC, the phoney attorney general and his comrades, his radical left wing obama com and the assistant attorney general slots, the deputy attorney general associate tourney general slots who are sitting down,
shadow politburo secret politburo, making these decisions and so righteously saying to them, says we have to pull the lawyer now we ve got to do it right. We're gonna do what right does a matter that each one for the present, we cannot be intimidated. We must go forward. the marks, a slash fascists and the department of justice. And the timing of the letter that was sent to president trumps lawyers sunday night. Now, monday morning, not friday evening, sunday night. Why would a prosecutor do that? Mr petition. They create as much havoc personal discomfort and embarrassment from a former present as possible. The government doesn't do anything on Sunday night.
Doesn't do anything most nights but son united particular Saturday night to why would they do their cause they're nasty there, a disgrace? The record arguing that they want to continue, arguments case they want that Alan December, no matter what I hope, the judges listening, it's not about what the government and the prosecution lots switch in the best interests of the country. A handful of these people are destroying the country and they are tearing it apart. Never before has a political party, using the fbi and the department of justice and a phoney special prosecutor gone so far as to as to indict, The opposition candidate, and not just in diet
but overwhelmed with dozens of charges and done so in a more of a campaign. now we want to do it again. On january six january, six. Oh they'll come up with obstruction of dust off some old sort, statutes and so forth. But it doesn't matter yet almost forty counts in the document case garden, How many council be all they need is one count in any in any of the cases, one camp Beginning on one count, what happens mark I love it
You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple Spotify or wherever you listen, You sitting to the best of mark lovers: inciting an insurrection. They say america citing an insurrection. They say MR producer, may make my opening and closing comment on that to the jury. Readied rich, the price situation stands here today, accused A former president, who's running for president again
Of inciting an insurrection, so I want to ask you people a question. If you're going to incite evidence, action, Twenty four to forty eight hours, insurrection, you on your own suggest. Did that ahead of the joint chiefs of staff to the secretary defence to the chief of staff of the secretariat defence taken That the speaker of the house. and the mayor, I shouldn t say an opera. Ten thousand, Professional reservist in the army to be available to protect the building is, I would you do
When you're plotting an insurrection,. Which they turned down, there's out what they do. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, sitting. Presently united states offers ten thousand troops armed. With military weapons to protect the capital building,. Does he then encourage an insurrection, no. If you are leading an insurrection, you don't offer ten thousand troops to protect the very building that you seek to overthrow the gov.
To seek to overthrow, I do you It, let me say this to the members of the jury: Does the government present you? Why didn't it with one just one piece of evidence? One text message one email one hand written note in which sitting presently united states- says. Words to the effect. there? We will not leave the office of president under any circumstances. Do whatever you have to do, including.
Encourage our supporters to overthrow the government. Where is that piece of information? America, I don't you Witnesses who been threatened I don't want to hear about witnesses. Who see their lives in front of them being destroyed for the next twenty thirty forty years in prison Threatened by the prosecution, we don't you hear from them. Where is the physical evidence? There is none. To find a way to run an insurrection, don't you think You also heard, ladies and gentlemen, because I played it is defence counsel,
The part of the president's speech that from it doesn't want you to hear they, certainly not what you to focus on the job six committee didn't I not even once where he specifically says. To go to the capitol hill and peacefully. lobby or members of congress hemming, Politicians have said that before. If you are planning an insurrection, you do it in public. Do you say so in public. Capital. Take it over charge, the police. Is that what you do.
As I would, he did know, he did the opposite used. The word peacefully. He offers the national guard. Ten thousand men and women armed to the teeth in the army- and they say no four to forty eight hours before these Oh, come insurrection. He uses the word peacefully in broad daylight. for the whole world to see. The strange way to what people up in Frenzy and send them to capitol hill, to attack, police and so forth, and so on. There was no insurrection. I want one other thing below this: first amendment, the divine administration.
There's not embrace corridor. Federal, judge in Louisiana member that one where the Monitoring the american people. Illegally, a million of them number that When do the leaders of the so called insurrection contacted by president trump? Did you pick up the phone call them and encourage them to to attack cops break into the building. If so, why don't they present? That ever said, they say the speech proudly encouraged. A b c x Y Z, all of whom, of course, are on the hook for decades in prison because he didn't.
Would the january six committee by now tell us about no, he didn't so insurrection. Now they show you that he delayed his response. was tepid when he finally gave it and so forth, and so, it's nothing to do with an insurrection. the question is whether donald trump was behind an insurrection. This is a statute. That hasn't been used. I don't believe, let's assume, I'm right. Let's stipulate. For over a hundred and forty years they dusted off today,.
Then they try and convince you to use at why, as I have nothing else now, they talk about obstructing the outcome of the election. Obstructing the outcome of the election, that's what we're doing right here. As I stand here in front of you this, Tasted had to be brought today tonight to be brought this month didn't have to be brought this year. It could have it until after the election. But over here this prosecutor, he wants to effect the outcome of the election. I don't call him an insurrectionists, but nonetheless that's what they do and he works for the candidate who is running a My client, we asked them to dismiss this case and they would we ask that the move until after the election- and they said absolutely not because.
want to interfere in the election. In effect, it effectively an insurrection. As for these fake elected, that's a very very bizarre way of putting it these fake alike, ladies and gentlemen, fake electors without fake electors, cordon quota, nineteen sixty hawaii the people who determine whether their faith electors are too, Two groups of electors, and how do we sort this out as congress had wanted to the relevant part of the constitution, are not going to do it now? Congress decides we members of congress who stood up the challenge. Elections.
In two thousand and two thousand four in two thousand and sixteen. They wanted to throw out the votes in ohio. For that they wanted to throughout the votes in florida. Their colleagues said now just ass kind this is free to do or not to do under the constitution, fake electors. Members of the house and members of the senate, of both parties. They hear the arguments they make objections and a side, Doctors are legitimate or not, or whether to choose them. They're not play they're not stupid, so the Democrats We're going to go along and vote for the Republicans sight of electors in pennsylvania, the republican slate of electors in michigan and say, ops there.
Cancer, I know they what it said now and they would afford it and because they still called the senate, they would have won. His under our system. It takes members of both houses to throttle actors or approval at this. But they brought in the gentleman from the hague was an expert on international law. Is an expert on these an expert at bringing cases against foreign dictators expert but somebody there hasn't read the constitution. You don't criminalize these events, there's not obstruction because people challenge elections. Others all fake electors of her party thinks in the
they're going to win or they want to try and even convince members of congress. Don't pick those are like pick our electors they're allowed to do that. There are allowed to do that and it's not a crime when they do which does exist: why the government has had to reach into a barrel, filled with dust and filth and dirt, and try and find something anything to use against. My client. You're not supposed to do that when you are prosecuted. We are in the middle of an election. When you're dealing with a former president, but they are convinced. the day convince you, this jury to fund
I can't get even on one count, just one, That's all they want from you one count. They want you to back into the room. Let's stipulate twenty charges, they just You do get together and say you know where to we'll just convicted of one. Why do they want to do? Why are they in a hurry. because there are the ones interfering with an election. They want you to carry out their work for them. One charge. So they can prevent him from serving as president. Should the american people decide he shut. That's. Why. For good measure and they want him in federal prison for the rest of his life. this case should never been brought its, but it's been built on
rats against his lawyers threats. It's his former staffers word of mouth thoughts, comments, arguments, and yet that's What happens in every Christine and every meeting in and so forth, and so on. Every disagreement is not a crime, even if you don't agree with anything that was done, doesn't make a criminal. Even if you and your own view. Take. It was wrong to consult through. lawyers or any other way and I don't know any these facts and is suggesting
republicans in this data are actually to come up with another group of electors. You like that it's been done before you start like it. It's not a crime. And I want you to think about the future if I'm wrong in new vote to convict on any discuss what you think about it, what is an end? What does Politics is a rough and tumble sport, parties, com state legislatures. They contact sectors of state aid. Change the laws to benefit their own party write letters. They can solve lawyers, they talk among themselves, they ready emails, say, write texts, any project. It over the kind of resources that the government has contrary pick. This trade pick that trade pick this trip
that, and next thing you know a legal and legitimate discussion. Over how to battle over electors and a state how to count balance. How to persuade officials in a state to Our point of view can be criminalize where's. The line we don't know, there's never been done before and if it's done here will be done, Instead, the crack- this is what's met by criminalizing the political process. This case should never been brought. It was resolved. It was resolved by congress prison trunk did leave office? President trap that offer the national guard to protect them?
about a billion years turned down, no steps were taken, none no actions were too while he was the most powerful man in a planet. While it was the united states. While command may forces, not one step was taken to prevent. Joe Biden from being sworn in on january twentieth? Mark though. The great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of mark Levin watched. A lot of this hearing. These whistle blowers were tremendous patriots. Democrat party is filled with loathsome scum,
And just like with the fbi was blowers, all they did was tried a characters. Has I like this guy row? What's his Ro cannon, because on facts, the pretend he's he's a moderate is another fraud, Jamie rascal. He is a marxist, just like old daddy, then you Some of these radicals going on about can't you said two tiered. System of Justice- that's a proper From the civil rights man fashion, That's how I will say what we want to speech police, but these Democrats stand shoulder to shoulder their boots or click in their unbelievable. In a way we have republicans who pure love, I can't put up with this aim: not them. now most of you didn't see this, if you
If we want to see and enter MSNBC, would you don't, but I'm just saying I e the general you they didn't even run it. They censured, censored it then he would run it. Because I don't want to have about job bind the crook. america. Mary now, ladies and gentlemen, has to be has to be said to be a a mob lawyer. But I'm getting ahead of myself, but I like to do programme I want to read some of the opening testing. from zero, are ziegler second iris whistleblower, who was incredibly effective in some ways more than the first. He says in part in his opening statement, I recently heard an elect officials say that it must be more credible because I am a gay democrat married to a man.
And by the way that describes the Democrats more nuts, more nuts, I'm no more credit this plan sitting. Next to me, sexual orientation or my political beliefs. Member couple, those. dependent journalists who testified they were tracking number. They both They were Democrats and they voted for by didn't matter like they try to destroy them power, baby, Since I was raised and have always strive to do what is right, I've heard from some that I'm a traitor to the democratic path Then I am causing more division, our society. I implore you if you were My position with the facts as I have stated that you would be doing the exact I'm saying, regardless of your political party affiliation, I hope that I'm exam
two other algae bt q, people out there who are questioning doing the right thing is. tension costs to themselves and others. We should always do the right thing. The matter up aid for the process might be I kind of quite this to coming out. This is obviously one of the hardest things I've read to do. I contemplated scenarios, They would have been highly regrettable, but I did what was right sitting in front of you here today that Kelly has to explain himself the poor guy. I would like to take a minute to thank some people for their unfettered help and support, I'm not going to read the whole thing, but first off god for giving me the strength and courage to go through this process. My husband has been my rock- is put up with me and my stress has had to deal with his personal info
She being displayed on social media is part of this matter. You believe it This is how the democratic party treats minorities and care for you gay black. What area? This is how they treat you. Because it's a marxist iron fist at operation Care about gaze it'll came up blacks unless they can use them. so I would like to address a couple of high level arguments that have been raised against us gary shapely and make very shapely the other iris whistle blower. Very, very impressive: the concerns. Mister Weiss authority. This guide David wise for the damage, In and out of the media, keepsakes appointed by tromp appointed by tramp tramp appointed over three thousand people to the federal bureaucracy.
David wiser points to fix me reports, numeric garland and there are going to be republic in one day. You actually says that careless enemy report to merit garland numeric garlic, like what he was doing. He begone Merrick. Ireland will never touch a special council against by he'll. Do then you can to prevent it because he knows that will destroy buying in his present. What do you think the Democrats kept pushing for a special council again trump without any predicate. Mister Weiss stated that he had been great at all authority over this matter, but the latest dressed in the same letter. That is true authorities geographically limited, and then he would need as president Biden appointed To turn his bides appointed: u s. Attorneys too were to partner with him
in charge. In any case, a u S. Attorney is not free to go to another jurisdiction period unless they get the written Scent of the present the united states, or perhaps the attorney general in his stead, delegated to him. He can't just go into another division, but they'd be all over each other. There is ninety three of them. We know that children, we know, as recently as march, twenty three, even the department of justice tax division attorney assigned to the case question Mister weiss authority in didn't know. Mister Weiss was going to charge the the case. Mr waste did he was making decisions necessary Preserve the integrity, the prosecution, consistent with federal law and so forth. He never had the authority to go anywhere. see the letter that gave a term from Biden or garland. There isn't one.
I never asked for apparently that's the issue. Isn't it. And he goes on with respect to see here hunter Biden, criminal code to key considerations and charging. violations under title: twenty, six or willfulness in a tax loss, the criminal takes wilfulness is defined as a voluntary intentional. Why, Nation of a no legal duty, the tax law, Is the monetary loss to the government after what Our testimony some mistake, Regarding whether hunter binds conduct with respect to his income, tax violations was wilful, whether there was sufficient monetary lost The government should
early twenty twenty hundred Biden on filed an filed and the link with tax returns were being prepared, which includes is twenty eighteen tax rate during the twenty twenty time period. See here by returns by hundred binds own. He was sober newly married in writing. His memoir hunter binds accountants requested that then he signed a representation letter stating that all deductions for business purposes and were being reported appropriately. statements hunter bride made in the in this filing raise questions raised questions. For instance, he claimed business reductions for payments.
The chateau mamma a hotel room for a supposed drug dealer sex club membership falsely referenced on the wire, is a golf membership hotels. He was black with that he was black listed from columbia, university tuition payment for his daughter. Didn't somebody go to prison for this? Yes, but it didn't do that and that was the cfo up. The trump org innovations vice like seventy eight years old. The false deductions claimed by hunter by closely false return to be prepared that under reported as income by approximately two hundred, sixty seven thousand causing Lost to the treasury one hundred six thousand respectively twenty fourteen tax year hunter Biden, did not report any of the money here and from charisma for the twenty fourteen tax year, which would have been attacked.
Most of the us treasury of about two hundred twenty five thousand code in my previous testament. He says Why did I report this income to the irish repay tax on this source of income, says I'd like to make clear that the charging document from the district delaware hundred buying was charged with thirty two timely pay taxes. twenty sixteen and twenty eighteen of a hundred thousand dollars for each of those years on twenty seventeen and twenty eight tax return. He reported access out of five hundred eighty one thousand and six twenty thousand. Respectfully, this tax amount for twenty eight without have included the additional alleged tax due and owing from a filed, false tax return.
By the way during his testimony ziegler? Who was the point man in many that much of this? He said that his best calculation is based on what he had he didn't, have everything and they weren't allowed to conduct interviews One interview at twelve that they were able to conduct the binding took it. Seventeen million doubts? Think about this? We know this, no service, nothing, This is corrupt as it it is corrupt. As you I mean well. Scrub thing is, you know, maybe chappaquiddick, but beyond that distance is corrupt, as he gets remember how they cover for TED Kennedy, Somebody's very involved quite long. Those other information they came out marge.
You tell a green, she did an excellent job. Ladies and gentlemen, hunter Biden was buying sex across state lines, he's paying for airline flights. For you prostitutes, the come from you taught a washington and so forth, and so this is considered sex trafficking. It's considered. Hey man act, violation, the power the united states son and the Democrats They were very upset about this weren't they missed reducing. Not one of them was concerned about sex trafficking. Now one. Not one of them was concerned that hunter binding did taxes, not one. Not one was concerned about the obstruction that took place there. gee into the irs, not one they talked about tat
over and over again they talk about, how they republicans her appropriating the term to tear justice. They better stop because belongs to the civil rights women. Don't you know so they're trying to silence the jamie rascal? She got a little style on a communist. This guy ronan has his name wrong row code, where what's his name written wrote, Conner. Would you like the guy furnishes growing? A guy can't finish? Incenses was obnoxious, goes on tv or electricity so you know he's not he's a jerk. Does a lot here, a whole lot. Listen to this cause, on go. I've recently discovered that people are saying that I must be more credible because I'm a Democrat who happens to be married to a man, I'm not more credible than this man sitting. Next to me, due to my actually is,
to my sexual orientation or my political beliefs. The truth is, my credibility. Comes today, For my job experience with the ira and my intimate knowledge of the ages standard and procedures raise and have always strive to do. What is right, although I do have mice orders others have that I am a traitor to the democratic party and that I. causing more division in our society. I implore you to consider that if you are my position with the facts, as I have stated them ask yourself, if you would be who, in the exact same thing, I hope that I am an exam ports are other algae, bt, q, people out there who are quest, in doing the right thing at the potential costs themselves and others in which hear more from this gentleman, I watched her more from MR sharply stand up gentlemen trying to do their job
jobs and they ran into the Biden mob family. They ran into garland and the department of injustice They ran into a department that would not take these cases, we are giving you nothing, but the best, the best mark le then watch these hearings in your jaw hits the floor. You listen to these Democrats and he camp What your hearing. but you're. Seeing is a revolution which her hearing our marxists. The department of justice, the fbi, Only special council, Jack Psmith believe in a two tier justice system would donald was the main focus right now, with unprecedented investigations in charges by democratic prosecutors all over the country on loading.
eight months left and right charges left and right all timed intended to interfere with the twenty twenty four election and cripple glp. They submit down the chain, she's going to make it very difficult for republicans to accept a cried victory. Twenty twenty four should occur. Let me repeat that. This massive damage. Cried party wide use of the criminal justice system use censorship and attacking the first amendment To make it very difficult for republicans to accept a demo, add victory. Twenty twenty four, I'm running Urging this. I'm not wishing for. I am observing what's taking place.
the vitamin australian the neither surrogates as well. Mcconnell wing of the republican party. You ve heard nothing from them. They sit quietly at all This is unfolding. They do not choose me They do not understand what they're doing to this country, or maybe do, but they don't care. meanwhile, the widespread obstruction cover up protection, racket, etc. At the buying crime, family. Open to the public for everyone to see. At this point,. Most of it isn't even covered by the media. Same d, o j, the same appear in the rest and the constant.
Democratic party racialized of everything, especially their opponents, republicans underscore the problem. The Democrats have already indicated they don't accept the results, election should Donald trump when air quality of had Eric Adam shit, you that other prominent cried say that if Donald trump is elected president, They should immediately impeach him you ve got. scores of radical left wing marxist I cried aligned, phony groups, Back by massive amounts of dark money from millionaires minors who do not want to be no trying to prevent. donald trump from even going on a bell and under they claimed section three of the fourteenth amendment and surely get elected
Their insisting that attorneys journal in these states refuse knowledge? Is election. They seek a revolution, they see violent revolution. That's where they stand the meantime. This cover up with a biden- crime family, starting with merrick garland. This refusal to appoint a special council outside of that of justice who will look into. the enormous amount of information it's coming out now, which lay Not just a predicate for a criminal investigation by a special council, but a thousand predicate than the mediaset quiet. They do nothing.
Because they know that bind in the day Crash control, the executive branch and only the exact. Branch can be charged. I love to hear hosts. Try to position themselves of tough guys and tough women, telling it Jim Jordan by james commie comber What are you gonna do about it when you gonna do about it? That's the problem. Congress can only do so much, This, doesn't have the power to prosecute people, they simply don't, and the Democrats know this. The fund them they say, I'm all for it- where's mcconnell, not going to support it. Now. One penny: he controls a third too,
For the republican senators- and there is the republican leader these people playing with fire, they don't care. They figured out, they figured out and twenty twenty, that their militia. Blm and antifa. Get away with anything that they can do anything. bombing the portland courthouse day, And they up for over two months, mostly peaceful, of course. Violently attacking the white house with Israel has to go to the nuclear bug. They build under the white house.
You, don't hear about all them being rounded up and justice being done and other resources, the department of justice is expanding. You have chuck humor urged the democratic party militia to go after the supreme court in the justice. It has price for any other. None celebrated. All the norms. All the traditions are under attack and are being destroyed, including the next election. And certainly the fbi and the department of justice. In its all one way. It's all one way this is a day this game, it's a dangerous camp, but we're in the middle of a revolution. Not ours, not mine, theirs.
They're telling you what language you can you dont use two tier justice for now on. I will use it incessantly. I'd criticized its use because I don't think it was very descriptive, but now I do When they tell me, I can't say something I'll say it: not only do they take What you can't say they tell you what you must say the word you must repeat and regurgitate, even if they don't make sense, even if they're, not it's got. Even if this science tells you manage a man or a woman is a man. Now you do what you told and then the censorship. Brilliant federal judge, a hero, gives chapter and verse of what the administration. The federal government did to you and does to us.
In violation of the first amendment, the most important free speech. And he is I am by the media. so I am by the legal profession and then the boy the justice department, which is responsible for the censorship files, an appeal with the fifth circuit court of appeals and a three judge panel, including at least one. Drop appointee says of the lower court decision. Matt stay Temporary injunction, the government is,
continued century into. We hear the whole case. What what they said so many words she credible isn't. This prosecutor, jack smith, has a long history, long history. A violating every ethical norm and ethical practice of a prosecutor cause he's not a prosecutor.
More than barrier under Stalin was a prosecutor. Not a prosecutor say hit man he's a hitman parliament in the direction and in go after trying to assassinate your character, trying destroy you through the process. That's why garland and his team, marxists thugs chose him to be the special council. could have chosen anybody. I chose him he's a wreck, Of abusing the system is IRAN To being reversed by courts and trial, juries. He has a record of violating attorney. Client. Privilege is a record of leading to the media is a record. Threatening what this is
turning family members against each other? That's the main. They pick a hitman, an assassin. And you can see his dirty work all over the place, not prove it to you goes in the core. what trumps lawyers say, refinement in this case should be heard until after the election This is now to be heard by december. Why what's the imperative. Watch the imperative that a full scale trial in december- I get say former president, who's running for reelection. What is the imperative? There's no step, of limitation issue. Have all the documents. There is no imperative.
Unless you want to interfere with the election, which is exactly what he's doing don't worry I'll get are What took place today and more well, let me just give you ok you see what they did: Robert Kennedy junior today, the Democrats. His name is Robert F Kennedy, Jr. His father was Robert F Kennedy. who was assassinated. An iconic figure, especially in the democratic party. this is. His son who's named after him.
It just shows you what's happened to the democratic party, these marxist vile, racist, anti semite american The tunisian capitalism hating miscreants malcontents didn't care That was so long ago now, never just today, and they will do anything to protect Biden. They know they know he's on stage five dimension. They know it. They know all this, but they also know that their agenda is being implemented by the people around him. No that too, and they are thrilled Destruction of this country there are When the unravelling of our system, there are three empowering themselves monopoly in politics there through whether media friends who get them cover light brown,
the dead, the old soviet union law good by them. And they don't give a damn whether you accept the next election or not. because elections to them unless they win them, our quaint can get in the way of things ever permanently. Accuracy that belongs to them permanent courts that belong to them this election. His motions they go through, they want to completely control it, control their outcome. Don't get me wrong. but they don't give a damn whether you like it or not. You will heal. All you insurrection there, even those of you who weren't even even on washington, that there you're all insurrectionists your white supremacist, even if in our white.
You're all racists, which, of course you are Doesn't matter.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-23.