« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/15/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is about to hand over nuclear weapons to Iran. President Trump had the Islamonazi regime hanging by a thread by enforcing sanctions and blocking them through NATO and EU countries and it was working. Government spending is like a heroin addict, being led by President Biden and the Federal Reserve. Americans have to cut back on toothpaste and toilet paper because Biden’s economy is collapsing, and consumers are being blamed instead of Biden for creating this disaster. Middle-class Americans are suffering, but Biden and the Democrat party don’t care as long as they get their spending and their programs funded by the taxpayers. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was chosen because of her race and her gender, not because she was the smartest appellate judge or the best qualified, and the media wants to celebrate Sotomayor as the first female Latina on the court because she was chosen for symbolic reasons. Sotomayor had court staff members pressure institutions to buy her books in exchange for appearances and speeches, which is as extremely corrupt and as close to selling the office as anyone in the history of the court. Even worse, Sotomayor has refused to recuse herself in cases involving the publishers of her books despite a clear conflict of interest. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified today and he made it seem like everything is going great at the FBI. Joe Biden in Finland is pushing climate change, calling Finland a leader on the matter.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite Legitimate Erika hills, dale college, which proudly refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening, my sincere appreciation ale stay up for their sponsorship quiet in the underground bunker door, First blocks bolted: what the great isn't just resting on our laurels, he's I'm sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the as more club little noted story noted story, was reported on friday and basically drop you folks. We are worried about nuclear weapons. We talk about them,
I will use of nuclear weapons against us. the an administration is about to have nuclear weapons, state islam or nazi regime in iran, and I'm not kidding. In fact, there was a superb report on foxes, on friday. And you need to listen to this because this, issue other than me and our fox nobody's discussing this. I wonder you can awake, would say how they. How did this happen there too busy? character assassinating Kate casey to say does not get back to that. I notice most of the women who are attacking. She d scientists are as Please Bela, abzug ever was mister produce their slobs their pigs.
Most of the men, their slobs and pigs, to two jealous They don't say a word about doktor jill. They don't talk about how doktor jill and Joe Biden hooked up Even though there a lot of controversy around that, isn't there press Not a word now they defend hunter Biden. Just look at their priorities and by the way the only carried out there is will be Goldberg. Her real name is Karen she's, the karen. case. You decides this is a professional woman, she's, a mother she's answer survivor, she's, a wife, brilliant beautiful everything else Virtually every woman in the media is not.
With a few exceptions here and there, of course, but not an you got MSNBC, that's all all the time You gotta cnn, it's all uglier, all the time. It's the truth. I think that, on their resume. Anyway, I want you to listen to this very important. Iran go. right now, we're awaiting an update from the pentagon is new. Evidence emerges out of a run of the regimes: nuclear weapons development. These new satellite images, you're looking appear to show what experts an underground nuclear facility- that's actually so deep beneath the earth. Underground, it may be totally impenetrable by u s weapon systems. Chief national scary- jennifer griffin joins us from the pentagon with new developments, high jennifer hi gillian, while new evidence shows worrisome progress at this nuclear facility, so deep in the earth,
it's likely beyond the range of conventional. U s! Weapons, as you mentioned the new, so is in the Zagreb mountains in central iran, not far from IRAN, Current uranium enrichment facility at natanz, the new satellite photos and videos from planet labs over Iran show what experts say is new construction started in late twenty twenty shortly after a fire. Blamed on sabotage destroyed part of the old the tonnes facility for in answers have been dug into the mountain side too, to the east and another two to the west. Each is many feet wide and twenty six feet tall today Israel's defence force chief issued availed warning. funny. We also closely examining the other ways to nuclear capability going into details there. Civil negative developments on the horizon that could prompt action. We have a bit
These and others have abilities. Iran is believed to be close as it has ever been to developing a nuclear weapon. Experts estimate that the new underground mountain facility is between a and a hundred yards. ground, which is the maximum range of any current conventional weapons. They ve been constructing an underground facility over the past two years or so two, maybe three years Facilities, much deeper than other underground facilities that we know of, including for it. an option for now it's unclear. What's in these tunnels, at this mountain site, if IRAN to introduce uranium into the site. They would have to inform the idea, but I have responded to any questions about the site so far: experts, Here that the site is going be big enough to allow ran to potentially enriched uranium at it and uranium is fuels and nuclear weapon since present
tromp pulled out of the nuclear deal. Five years ago, IRAN has said it is enriching uranium up to six months there, that's the one shot, the kind of a cheap shut. For me, don't leave here, don't leave the spot, their missed producer, Donald. Pad that country. It is these slammer nights regime, hanging by thread by a thread he put these Bone crushing economic sanctions on IRAN any enforce them. They had nowhere to sell their oil, they couldn't get. security, materials and so forth into the country we have black Can we blocked them through NATO countries, European union, that is, other countries. even china and russia dare not cross us, and it was working and the people in iran the one thing to do: the vast majority of them with this threat
back regime. They rose up, Thousands of them were murdered, raped, tortured after a young teenage girl was murdered by security forces, while she was in their clutches. And then comes in Biden, he turns its back. on the violations of the sanctions than he if the sanctions for the vast majority of the sanctions. Then he sends in america, hating obama, moron. as the negotiator, their sky, molly,. Who's trying to cut deals, left and right shows every weakness imaginable to the islam or nazi regime. bring impudent and the russians to negotiate for us,
and while their plane robot dope, with binding and his We need that more on blinking over there at the state department caddis he off. and a bizarre looking. national security council chief sherman. The iranians are pressing ahead. so trump had them on the run, he had them box. Then here's the thing Michael doran as you, A brilliant, brilliant man writes about these things. And he wrote a peace not too long ago and he pointed out the obama deal. Did something no prior. illustration ever accepted the obama Deal with a ran was premised on the basis Ran we get a nuclear weapons that the middle, These would be neutral arrived. There, wasn't a game
we could do about it there we should, treat. This is some kind of a regional issue not an international problem, even though the iranian our view themselves as purely regional anyway. build icy, be aims? If that your attitude national and by the way why a basis in our hemisphere paces in our hemisphere. If that's your view, At its regional, so essentially obama, surrendered. And then he had one propaganda. after another around him lie to the american people through the media. I have this number my books because But came out, one of them couldn't keep his mouth shut. He stay or brag into the washed, impose it's unbelievable And he talks about how the media types were saps laptops, how they would, take whatever they put out and run with it, just as they are today same dumb, bastard.
So Biden comes any double down on the year. Only about policies and more than that, all his negotiations with the enemy. The iranians are in secret, congress has no idea what's taking place and He still wants to come up with a deal. A verbal, not even a written deal and Violate the treaty clause of the constitution, the united states- this is the problem. This is why a huge problems with bob corker Then sas all these public into went along with obama. To turn this into a statue. In violation of the treaty, clothes and, even worse, greece, under this statute, would have to vote to stop by In other words, the onus is put on congress
rather than the other way around and, of course of sympathy, Buster would kill that in the senate and only to get into the weeds, but I m showing you how Thing came to be recall. The only democrats seriously opposed to this in the senate was Menendez. Humor voted against it while he was organizing the democrats for it, a pack. But suppose they represent jewish is really interests. Truce in Washington dc sat on the sidelines. and J street solve hating Jews basin what did it? Of course, such obama did more on in the white house. No more on and I write out now runs the age of eighty l. Special assistant to the president here, Pointed at two anyway,.
This is a grave threat to the united states and I want to tell you something those sanctions were imposed on IRAN presently united states withdrew from the agreement. I was at his home in new jersey, MR producer did. I ever tell anybody about and there group of people there and he was having a number of people. From his administration elsewhere,. and he summoned me ovaries- mark come over here, said: ok, sir, come over the cinema to do something You approve of ice and what's that. I'm signing the document to get out of this around you said you are. He was taking it for the media.
he was putting it up and after he signed it handed me, the pen, MR budget. One of his famous sharpish and I took that sharply. And I gave it to my steps on David, mostly. Because nobody has worked harder. Nobody. To confront this iranian deal than him as far as I'm concerned and the people who work with ambassador Friedman so far, but I know work day and night to try and protect this country from that enemy added. deserve the pen. He did. Let's continue go, recently discovered. The country has produced uranium and eighty three point: seven
sat pierre pure. I eighty three point: seven percent, in other words eighty four percent not the nuclear level is the the visual material. Ninety percent. I've been warning about this now for weeks and months. Here we are on the precipice. once they have it Never let it go and we can get it to appoint stay with me. Go ahead. Ninety percent threshold needed for web. It's grade uranium so Is the buying administration doing one country whose that has the will and the capacity to take this on Once they reach ninety percent, Any will start arming, not them just themselves
that will start arming are in other enemies, just as they have other their drones. This is very relevant to us. Is it not, but if they decide But missiles in Venezuela, what are we gonna? Do. Yeah that's so far away, I seven thousand, I get another forever war. What the hell are we gonna do yet? Oh my god, I'm so sick of this to tourist state. She killed and main thousands of americans. It's a terrorist state some islam or nazi state. What, if they put this, I in Venezuela, to do anything about it. to cite the chinese have a spy facility in cuba. There are now in our backyard spoke. What do we do?
bet. This is very, very important. I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot, com, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan: testa courses. You can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la And for hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course. Sheila
and resolved to be more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, ele, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today, making your weekend even better. This system, Best of mark love, american seeking cheaper everyday essentials threatened corporate growth. This is Bloomberg now think about that. Don't they Backwards, american seeking cheaper, everyday essentials, threatened corporate growth. Isn't the problem Americans are seeking cheaper, everyday essentials, if americans are cutting back on personal hygiene products and a troubling sign for the? U s economy, consumer focus companies. Now So the thing you ve got Joe Biden About Biden, omics.
and he goes to read state to talk about a cake or any blue states, because other blue states, or in the cropper literally crap, all over the place. and so this story comes out only say society troubling sign for the us economy. Troubling sign for Joe Biden. and his ideology and his ro the economics and reelection bid. I, like the economy, is doing this on its own. I've told you make eyes before: if you kill the golden goose, you don't get gold mags anymore. It's the way it works. Spite surging inflation, shoppers kept spending, thanks to income gains and government stimulus, but those benefits or waning You see, ladies and gentlemen, govern spending is like
A heroine attic dealer is Joe Biden and the fed and it's been for years and years and years. The fact of the matter. Is you don't bill a Real economy Was sustained growth by profligate spending? It doesn't happen what you do, and she destroy an economy that is trying to grow and that's exactly what they did after the pandemic, so they write, display surging inflation shops kept. Spending thanks to come gains in government stimulus so for the democratic means more amidst stimulus, that is, more inflation. and looking to drive us right in its pressure. Those benefits are weighty now. Americans are skimping even
today items such as toilet paper, toothpaste never in my life thought that His words would come out of my mouth, never imagined that americans have a scamp toilet paper, toothpaste both ends of the body. These are essential. These are Charles? Why are the republican sitting this hard enough? Mister producer. Many times I gonna Walmart the costs go. See vs, walgreens and social. I'm check out the prizes. I want to know. What's goin on get stuff for the family, so forth, and so on. and I see what's going on there is also shortages.
Are there any politicians who do this? When's? The last time Joe Biden shuffled into a walmart now they'll laugh like this I found K partly others about Karen. It's just another way to trash him middle america by go, obama did it's just another way to trash middle mark extremists, mag another way to trash middle america, white supremacist, middle america, They come up with different phrases. One more rageous and vile than the next, but people this country and are cutting back on toothpaste and toilet paper shoot me. Their hygiene products, necks You know the whole country smell, like a democrat party convention, more sites on the economic environment come on wednesday, but the release. Of June's consumer price index.
They can really saw the index as they want all the unemployed statistics. They want all the Stop it. I know what I see and I see a lot of people in pain. Lotta people I'll tell you what you ve got like. That's just take paper: towels even have bounty bout. This paper, As for equals, twelve, I don't even know their turn about twelve. it thirty or now you have toilet paper. It's like you want the really really thick big rose at all I've been a walmart knowledge, or what do you want and now you can get a whole package of a hundred and twenty. twenty equals one hundred and twenty. I am watching people and I don't blame them, go up to the light signs that they have under each different type, the see how much
they're paying per sheet of toilet Paper per sheet of paper task is to produce. three point. One sense versus three point: seven cents which pays more, which rose, and then you get it, side. if you really want to do. A hundred and twenty toilet rolls, if he can afford regardless of how much it is perceived People are sitting there standing there trying to figure it out or toothpaste. In a two for the price of this package of four for the price of that watch, the most they struggle over there. I look at the two guilder The price of the order is through the roof, its through the roof, stuff, but the manufacturers and the fires
material that goes into these products. They have to assemble it all The extra costs on top these, these disruptions. supply chain for the little things Culture goes through the same thing. People who raise beef, FAO. fisheries, are all gone through the same thing. This is crappy economy. It doesn't mean that you can acquire things. It just means that there are much more expensive than you dry by mcdonald's right here. Right near me, And they have a sign up that says. minimum wage up to thirteen dollars an hour, that's a pretty damn good minimum wage the problem is? can't stay ahead,
ten dollars an hour. Why? How much the charge from hamburg and fried chicken nuggets. or a soda to get at higher speaking of which have you been to drive through lightly. Mr producer, you can feed for people for people, not kids, for for adults. Let's put it that way. Get a couple hamburgers side of fries and soda ten bucks. You gonna go through their drives. Renewed you're pay forty hours for fast food. I don't blame the first companies they're under enormous pressure and then the diner. I go to while the ladys who waits there and she's leisured terrific people, but there in there
if these and sixty. she's always- and they are happy very pleasant how's your day. workin on? Has your book coming to very very nice, and I always we'll how's your day, normally thing she said to me today price of a gallon and gasoline on my corner, just one up twenty cents again. How this affects her she's, a waitress she's, a waitress she lives, mostly on tips, the word a whole lot of people in this morning, actually so, make a ton of money this war. This is what people who get guaranteed.
guaranteed salary, guaranteed health care, guaranteed pension striking For a little bit more or in the federal government, you close federal government. For a couple of weeks, they act like you're you're, choked after sisyphus such tests, subsistence. But the average person is not on the government, though, whether through, Well for employment, is it represented by the trade union. Which is the vast majority of the people, their suffering. middle and low middle class. People are suffering, People in washington, in the media, don't care to people and wash
and the bureaucracy dont care, Joe Biden, doesn't care he's telling his economy democratic party does care that just create a couple more programmes and not blame republicans from blocking they don't care. the strange that the consumer is under, have been exacerbated over the last couple of months, said: morningstar analysed, error, lash the doctrine of food assistance, prohibitionist lowered. Returns and using up extra savings in stimulus funds from an impact she said. So in other words, for bloomberg and from Star the problem we're not spending enough money. the problem. Is we're not track and up the economy on a heroine enough. Now is my friend craig shirley row yesterday, comparing
again in the Biden, economies, reaganomics, verses by economics, reg mix which relied most, a hundred percent on private sector and the market capitalist system by not mix which trashes the market system of the capitalist system and realized. What's one hundred percent redistributing wealth and socialist economic principles. There's no compares no comparison, When ragging came in office, people were scrimping under the carter economy. Much like the Biden economy, same principles. But one reagan came in, He blew the lid off the whole thing: massive cover economic expansion, The economic expansion in fact, was so massive twenty five percent of the nation's economy grew by. Twenty five percent by the time reagan left office door
and a chill grew by twenty five percent. So massive was the reagan economic growth plan that even after george bush's fairly pool presidency. Bill Clinton was still benefiting from the policies that were put in place to go in there. Reagan, administration. and the media were focused on homelessness. sky mitch schneider and why, Indeed you see they were there We now know network tv, they go a homeless shelter. They go to a food line, What did you do believe that right, They created all this poverty destroyed. All this well didn't care about. Little kids didn't care about older people didn't care. People were in bread, like the depression. It was a lie me while I just reggie were blown by, which is a liberal, new site said, and theirs no cameras at walmart
No cameras, carrasco, there's no care, Was it CBS walgreens, there's no cameras at the gas station. There's no areas have. American families having to struggle nothing No discussion about whatsoever on these main media player for nothing And I want to salute the united autoworkers. That's right. I want to salute the: u s w but doesn't represent your interests? In fact Joe Biden, I represent the interests of any private sector unions, public sector unions, minus thirty and the firefighters sure. That's the teachers. He has no respect for the air fell seo the mothership they go out there. Endorse Biden is sickening to me.
he's destroying the auto manual. Acting industry he's just the steel industry is destroyed. the coal industry. These destroying all of our hard industries where men and women get third under their fingernails. which they know not a damn thing in why in d c, mark You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen,
you're, sitting to the best of mark laverne bugs. Let me suggest to you that the white house knows who brought the cocaine into the white house. Unless the fbi, the secret service and all the rest of them are completely pathetic. It's for cover up This is what they buy. Administration does for cover up now. This is what their known for I mean from the communist chinese to terrorize dollar estimate, since my intention that they know who brought that into the building. to their family member, a friend or donor. Or a senior.
Person over there at the white house. That's it that's! It. And so the stonewalling should continue until they can find a fall guy or something else had diversion. I want to be diverted from this justice soda my your issue so to my oars. Not particularly brecht Democrats can say what they will against clarence Thomas, Miguel Estrada such a Careful group of red blooded, Americans and they trash them because of their race. so am I or was chosen because of their race and cause of her genitalia. She wasn't the smartest appellate judge. Now, some of you might say
people in the media. How can you say that it's amazing to me think about this? The meat Wants to celebrate her as the first as the first female latina extra on the court. And then, when you notice it. They say. Why are you mentioning the fact that she is a female italics. I'm sorry I'm an added dimension it, but you are. But what I'm also mentioning is she wasn't the best qualified. She was chosen. for symbolic reasons. The reason Action was chosen for symbolic reasons. that certainly not to say that there aren't really smart minorities at the federal court. Well, they're, really really smart minorities at the federal corollary. There's no question about that.
She's, not one of them. She is now want. How do I know what is it based on? Listening to her during oral arguments when those clips are released, ray in what she says, which is typically some kind of a political screen in her writings Come close declared standards. Nothing not even A mile away from Thomas is thinking processes. The left mercilessly attacks, clarence Thomas, they can't attack, isn't Elegance they can attack. The way. He reasons the way he explains himself in his opinions. You, sir, they can was so familiar. And now we are in this
I get going here. I want you to think of a couple of things. There hasn't been a word from a single. A crack in congress today There hasn't been a word from a single democrat, phony journalists today about what I'm going to tell you. Yo see has not called for the impeachment of soda meyer. now that the rest of the slugs. What do they call themselves must reduce the sky, upon the slugs. The rest Sludge have any where's little dick turban, absolute munchkin of a politician. Where is he. run it or I wager where's rascal, not a word. Why is it cause? a bunch of democratic party marches hacks: that's why sensible one mark why there you go
you go. This is a big deal. she is so come up in conflicts and grafter a grifter for the people. Four colleges and libraries seeking a boy Face name of a guess: lecture: few: bigger than sonya soda, my or the supreme court justice who wrote from power rose from piracy in the bronx. To the nations highest court, which were born in the bronx must reduce. And you rose from very modest means than you. You should be in the court to She is better fitted to from schools purchases of hundreds, sometimes thousands of books, she's written over the years so the some sort of my own staff is often prodded public institutions. Now this staff is on the government. Para prodded public institutions have hosted the.
This device, memoir children's books works it. burned her at least three point: seven million. Since she joined the court in two thousand and nine. I wonder if beachy reality, you know the daily beast reality. I wonder if they've done a story on this, they flat out lied about me. What our cause they're scum details are. Those events, largely out of the public view, worked. And by the associated depressed, through more than one hundred open records request to public institutions. holding tens of thousands of pages of documents. afraid rare look at soda, my or and her fellow justice is beyond their official duties. so you see? Even they can't do a straight store. They gotta dragging the other justices, but trust me at least As far as we know, right now,. so am I or is, as close as being
as somebody her office is. Any justice has ever been a case. The documents reveal repeated examples of taxpayer funded court staff performance tests for the justices book ventures. Which workers in other branches of governor barred from doing? I remember when I speak right member, that guy with the eyebrows. He had to resign because of a bulk sale. by union donations or some such thing. This right, Then we come close to what sort of my oars been up to stick with me. But when I. To promoting a literary careers ceremony or is free to do what other government affair We cannot, because the supreme court. I have a formal code of conduct, leaving the nine this to largely writing enforced around rules, ok hold on a second. This is thing to do the other eight justices, nothing, and so
Take the laurels that I gave Brian slots go and Eric Tucker. I take them back his you boys, you ve the story, the story of your careers and he keep watering down But that's what I'm here to do fix it. This is one of the most basic tenets of ethnic laws that protects taxpayer dollars for misuse, said kendrick pain, a former deputy chief counts of the office of congressional ethics, encouraging council for the campaign legal centre, whatever they lead, is the problem of the supreme court has said there's no one there to say whether this is wrong. That's not the problem at the supreme court. The problem That sort of my or used her position and make millions that's the problem supreme, court staffers, have been deeply involved in organizing speaker engagements intended to sell books that its conduct
prohibited from members of congress and the executive branch or a bartender ethics rules, blah blah blah, when saddam IRA's invited to participate in a book programme chamber Staff, but there too You say there is Supreme court's staff. recommend the number of books for an organizational order they on the size of the audience so as not to disappoint attendees, who may anticipate books being available in the event that a quote unquote says the court. That's a way for her to make money without having to be transparent from the group that she speaking she knows exactly what She's, the documents obtained by a p show that the justices conduct spans Conservative liberal split their conduct their they go again.
Side books, but assails appearances by the justices, reuse and hopes are raising money at schools, trapped and invited me It contributors to the events. Ok, let's take the fat these guys there like what is that. Oh c d, where, whether whether heavy color attention deficit, I can't focus mr produce. in twenty. Nineteen is sort of my your travel. The country to promote or new children's book, just ask lie community college officials in portland, Oregon jump at their chance. Host an event. they put in long hours and accommodating the shifting requests, a sort of my ears court staff? Then there's two public costs. Hosting the events sword, sort almost ten fold. a ceremony or eight emailed with a different urgent concern, the again had not brought enough of her books, which attendees had to purchase
I have on hand in order to meet certain my yours after that soon will you After her talk. I mean folks. This is right in your face for an event one thousand people and they have to have a copy of just ass to get into the line. Two hundred and fifty books is definite. Enough. The aid wrote on Lee road staffers at the Malta, my county library called families purchase malta, rules and people will be upset if they are unable to get in line, because the book required is sold out. Daily beast reality. This is a phoney push to sell books. Can you understand the distinction now you can purchase mouse. It was not an isolated push, a sort of my or prepared for commencement weekend at the university, California, Davis law school, her staff pitched a fish.
they are buying copies of sign books in connection with the event before visit the university was cards and staff suggested a book sign mist which I think she has more books signings than I do. I do pop pops form. A book comes out pops for But we're on the private sector here were not. I have never asked supreme court staff of sis mean anything. Clemson university in south carolina school officials ordered by sixties, Copies before twenty Seventeen appearance, sort of. Er staff noted that Goals ordered around four hundred: they just keep jack in the box ass. You say this can stay university, a sort of my order come the campus twenty eight and spent more than one hundred thousand dollars copies of ever these Israel government institutions might Can you shop in libraries one at a time.
And what was her fantastic book, her why my beloved world to distribute the incoming first? your students, how much you wanna bet she had staff helper right that book just to surmise the books were shipped to the supreme court copy were taken to her chamber, is by court workers and signed by our before being sent to this. So she and lists the separate, but I'm talkin, one off books, you know senator sends the justice timber Would you please sign? I got that that makes her she's getting boxes and boxes of books from the publisher to sign for the university book so that she demanded as a requisite To speaking stunned, another justice on the bench that does anything like this is best is it.
He may try to sort of fabulous sort of my or whose annual salary this year's two hundred eighty five thousand four hundred Does not alone and earning money by writing books? That's not the patents there. They go again. Promotional efforts risk damaging the supreme court's public standing further by placing an individual justice above the institution. so said, Michael J deluded. Why do they go to him? Who cares what he says he like blue and mental gasket,. So to my ears, publisher, penguin, random house, has played a role in organizing or talks some cases pressing public institutions to commit to buying a spit specific. A number of key is requesting that attendees purchase books to obtain tickets emails, show
Publishers had several matters before the court in which sotomayor did not recuse yourself. Let's get this straight. so so to my hour, has tons of books delivered to her office at the supreme court when she signs so it's a wash through So am I your has government staff help her set up. These meetings should be these speeches and obviously prods the people, and sleigh these government institutions, public institutions, to cough up the money there now. her publisher. Penguin random house has several matters before the supreme court. Now you can have a case, We're as a matter before the supreme court in its your publisher, one of the justices publisher,.
That has absolutely nothing to do with say anything related to the publishing of books might have some do attacked. Who knows which has a much closer com, but not this. just as soda judge says so to my or would have accused the cases in which penguin random house was a party in light of her clothes, An ongoing relationship, the publisher, the supreme court in a statement in inadvertent omission, feathering penguins participation in several cases their attention. Why is that? She just as we have a list I mean everybody has to do This even even members of congress. I mean. is an amazing, the court that they put these rulings down and you're supposed to be the perfect citys. But now we get this. Person close to sort o my or who insisted on anonymity to discuss the justices booked we said that sort of more europe had not wilma profit from
also remember beyond three point: one million. That's her advance, that's very cause. No nice, mr produce She's not taken one penny beyond three point: one million. Mr bidders. Now one She continues to earn royalties at least four hundred thousand dollars since two thousand and nineteen from says of her children's book. Just ask wonder if her children's book has pictures in it, MR producer, that are wholly inappropriate. and yet in great demand in our elementary schools. though. The great one makes your weekend even that here. This is the best of mark levant. Well, you know Christopher eight testified today we learned nothing from him.
But he has its defenders out there, like hindenburg. Chris Christie and the Democrats. and should have you listen, christopher re everything okey dory over there at the fbi's put in call reforms his front man. Chris Christie, among others, say he's changed what took place at the appearing. Chris curse he's a liar. christopher, raise a liar I do not understand how a man with less than one percent of support, among republicans, is on these cable programmes cannot get. Why isn't spending time, and I were new Hampshire.
While the reason is actually he's had torpedo in order to take our trump and the scientists and I want to make a point before I go further. Still people are falling into the trap, the Democrats The establishment republicans wanna take up two men trump and the scientists. I've noticed lately some of the tromp supporters on tv wanna take out the scientists to that's understandable, but some others are trying to take out the said. Polly people are thinking trump can't get past his indictments, they hoped for fictions and all the rest there will be. to say, as the twenty twenty five percent are right now We don't run
primaries. Nationwide are run in individual states like the electoral college, its individual states, but nonetheless,. So they want to take out number one, a number two who represent over seventy percent of the republican party and Peggy nooning gave it away when she back Chris Christy. I mean there's other great candidates in this race, the back it was like nay, my can ever pronounce, among others,. a pencil beyond the programme. Tomorrow is ass. They come on, I said sure, and there are more But Chris Christie isn't in this race to be Presently, united states in this race, Either get a rhino nominated or
Frankly, to support Joe Biden, what he's doing. So ill defined, christopher re, he'll defend what's take place. The moral largo hell trash trump. spends ninety percent of his time doing that five percent rational to scientists, the other five percent eating donuts. now. That aside, bear this event on capitol hill And christopher ray and those reporting on it, many of them what you believe, at the apiary doing just fine. Now the fbi has been monitoring, many of you and you don't even know it. The f b. I was involved in the raid on president trumps home, on MR household. Remember him the programme red seven little kids.
the fbi has been involved in monitoring parents or school board meetings. I will go on and on and on everything's, not hunky, dory over there and we're three hundred page doorn report. Is so in credit, in its details of what the appearance, but up to now To say well, tristram, her rays put in all these reforms means nothing. Haven't gone away. maybe some of the names of change, some of the faces of changed, The mentality is not changed, which is why the mad dog The Ripper smith has gotten away what he's got away with now. Press for re is defended much of the past, but they dont collude. With social media sure they do
the questions may be asked, but I didn't hear it is. Mr re: are you going to enforce the attorney general's memo on on parents at school board meetings? But there's a piece you're right, scoop. What're files, whose exactly why a federal judge blocked by administration from colluding with big tech. but chris voracious told us they don't know. We know they do man tabbies back he just posted today, a new twitter files. Supposing exactly. Why judge daddy a louisiana. My hero, judge. It should is injunction in short, the f b. I moved to get three accounts ban by twitter on a whim and twitter, quick the acquiesce now, who is here
director during the pandemic? Christopher re not call me christopher re, he was, and so What do we have here in terms of what are you saying? Reports appear: here's the email. elvis chain? Is these in san francisco appear high I rights monti, whose our intelligence division, foreign in loans, taskforce, global unit, the follow three counts for not only believed to be associated with foreign influence actors, It also potentially being used to display information that violates twitters terms of service mentions them when available, can you provide these accounts to twitter for further review final disposition in addition, if twitter
notify us of any actions taken as a result of this referral. That would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions now, Stacy. I stay c r s idea of global. and so these accounts and wanted to bring them to your attention. Please take what actions of any you deem appropriate thanks, Elvis, Snyder Elvis presley by the way. hi Elvis, I hope, all as well as of june twenty, three twenty twenty, because and associated with a twitter account. They mention peered to still be accessible. Since the car was originally referred to twitter on june, a lever for possible terms of This violation I wanted to follow up to see if this account was truly suspended. In addition, I also wanted to reach out to save twitters investigation. The accounts. One of them is the post box
don't go, identify any other linked accounts. World milly suspended due to their so The terms of service violations. From your roth over a twitter thank Stacy, I always and team wanted to briefly up on this one following our real first, I want to apologize for any confusion here, a truly on our and resulted in one of the accounts not being correctly enrolled in our authenticity checks, which is why you saw it stay online, even after the This came down, we fix the issue, but what do we know about this The neither the fbi nor twitter you of these, it can for actually malign, is Toby put one of the three was from canada. the fbi had no idea either the twitter, but this
spend it in any way. and tell you be says, is this sequence, showing censorship demand from a de facto superior just apply ass from a pal, you can judge for yourself to demand by the fbi. Threeg it's taken out? They have no idea. None of those counts were problematic or not. We know that one was not without a canada but was not fronting. pretty hostile regime. And they christopher race is. Are we don't do that? Patch june eleven twenty twenty chris for re was director the f b. I wasn't in you check that must reduce I'm pretty sure he was june. Eleven. Twenty twenty. But don't worry, there's no problems anymore. The fbi doesn't do that and don't worry crushed. Christy says all's well, how would chris Christy know anything he wouldn't
But all is not well. You saw your eyes were wide open what the EP bind and important Justice did would try Yes, Christopher re was the fbi director. Here he came in and twenty seventeen thank you rich. Twenty seventeen. Others collusion that took place which twitter and facebook. From mostly twenty seventy mid twenty seventeen on it was all on christopher, raise watch they don't worry. Now we ve got it fully taken care of twenty twenty all the collusion, all the attacks that took place, the fbi and so forth, curse for re was
wreck. I'm gonna play some others for you. She can hear some of this, among other things, whose it's really quite remarkable, but here's chris Christy in responding to John roberts on fox cut one girl. What do you think His tenure there has the f b, I lost credibility, and do you believe that the reforms that ray Insists that he is implemented were fixed the problems, the fbi has had in the last few years. I think they are starting to fix those problems. Alien. What are those reforms? They boy? Are they? Can you name? Ten of them go ahead, corrupt. Hey look, I know Chris for a long time. We worked together in the bush. Justice department is all that matters. He worked with ray in the bush justice department, so rays could do that so go ahead, Levin period and he didn't extraordinary job in yeah, I did,
I commend them to present a trap and proud that I did those things they were talking los angeles. Slob go ahead for made this point overnight again, are all things from when Jim call me erica Hello johnny: that's why I just went back here: there are twenty seventeen these things are not all call me. they're not already launched, and not all holder. These. These are christopher ray. christopher wray was F b. I director for three Years when all these reforms, when in place and all. conspiring collusion. Place with his agents, catherine Genes, among others and twitter, and no doubt the other platform now. What do you say there? Big boy, go ahead: for in charge of the justice department. For he got put in charge here?
Fired on you now he's a prop again slight. Isn't it that's what he is, so he could easily peace for good attaining where crisper raise opening statement said in areas on fox as these special pleading for christopher ray. He's the special pleader against drop it he's not just on Fox is on cnn, Abc all over the place, I suppose we run for president. Christopher ray is not a bad apple in the sense that co meters com therefore raise a willing, stooge. He's a willing stooge he's happy to work with it. Up the attorney general, a corrupt special council, a corrupt administration. He's not there to expose area of nothing. so called reforms, reforms and fixed any up,
We are giving you nothing, but the best the best, Mark Levin climate change the same People who hate this country, who hate capitalism who hate you. Have, you noticed, are the same people behind climate change? How can that be tavis climate Change is just another ruth they ve tried. Many, they tried global cooling global warming. They sit on climate change, they ve tried. Communist style class warfare you're not buying it. So they decided? Okay, let's claim that capitalism in prosperity and growth, damaging air and water and the environment, in fact their deadly, and it say In international emergency and that, if we don't quickly,
Destroy our own economic superiority, weed do these things and do mess yesterday. Then the nation cannot survive So this is where they dragged us. And you actually have Joe Biden, but today essentially saying this. Which only motivates our enemies even more listen to this cut five go work in the locks to have fun to tackle climate crisis which you leaders on for a long time and in order to literally preserve our planet? It's been a leader, do we get something from feminist roma is? It is like Like the phoney bridge sign, leading to it,.
twenty new jersey were tried to make it the world takes trend, doesn't make anything not more. Anyway, go ahead, central thread remaining faces and we don't have a lot of time, but I am confident that we continue to work together. We can deal with it, so the Essential threat- that's a new word last few years that they keep using the existential threat is climate change. This is why we had to ban the incandescent light bulb policy, because it's it's a life threatening product, the light bulb. Now we have to use ellie days there always, ugly, but whatever.
which is why we have to eliminate the combustion engine and fossil fuels, because everybody's dying from them, though not oh, but you scientist, biologists. And the stupidest politicians of all keep lecturing us about this stuff and are in charge of it. This is a religion. This is an ideology. This isn't science. Where's, the settled science I want to read it said where's the settled science. I want to read it. long there with the chapters on the mask and the large towns cancelling store. Where's the set of science. As you and I watch our country being destroyed.
And we have little say in it: we have no say in it because it's being run by the bureaucracy and they're not up for election, not now not ever, isn't it great to be a marxist. You build these massive bureaucratic empires, your lower em up. What like thinking radicals. There are immune from elections. their civil service status, they have union status. On top of that, you couldn't move. These people at office, if your life depended on it and its incestuous the hiring practices, just like my faculty.
Congress didn't pass a law eliminating the combustion engine, We didn't pass a law and say: thou shalt dr automobiles at use. Gasoline are diesel fuel kindness, Every voted anyone any of that. and so what do they do? They do exist They were jeweller brand and the other puke are doing with the constitution. They are taking statutes Re writing them in the executive branch. Essentially, issuing regulations and saying we are authorized by congress to make these decisions life acting quality of life decisions. Who nobody border on? What kind of
representative government is that it should actually central threat. Don't you know. I bought the oceans by now we're going to be so that we all be flooded. from seed a shiny. She never happened. Now we get these damn whether report. Oh it's hot out there, it's hot hot. You know where it's hot las vegas. It's a desert. You idiots Hot in florida, I'm here yeah, I know here record said every its it's record, setting so damn light bulbs and guess those and that damn cows. Another thing that I stay calm honours the steel workers there. The problem is, there
wineries with regard to shut him down. As I said when that book as written about america, There is a book called the suicide of the west tremendous book. this is the suicide of america. And you and I didn't even vote for nobody voted for exactly what gram ski the italian communist marquis see the german communist came to the united states, infiltrated our country. so they all said. Slowly but surely secrete. selves under the culture into the government. No bottom up revolution, no middle
revolution violence if it occurs. Great, but it's not going to most democracy, so tat, this system over overtime overcome The title in the book of records that time, they taken of the media, which is the state run media show me show me: the difference of opinion between chuck todd and anyone in the government ever when there's a democratic power and good analysed. They hire from each other's work forces its top down. This is all top down. Washington centric,
regulations treated as laws with fines and penalties, including possible imprisonment, and not a single vote was cast for this if you had today. A public vote on whether to eliminate cars, run on fossil fuels, it would lose overwhelmingly. If you had representatives They voted on a piece of legislation and whether the outlaw the combustion engine They would lose overwhelmingly, they don't even bring it up to about. But if you have a bureaucracy. That issues regulation, because the supreme
what said under the chevron decision and others I won't get into the split, but they they lay the foundation and on elected body of justices of lawyers. Conferring enormous power on an elected body of bureaucrats. the only people who don't say you and make such an existential threat? Ladies and gentlemen, those of you who drive, Work and work your ass off every day, whether it's over, Or a track or a vehicle of any kind of car you're, the problem. Don't you see our heart? It is. Jesse our holidays in nevada,. You know centre day. We have air conditioning for at least for now till the broad outline, the black out, what a whim
group of wimps would become so hot gasket. You know that say down here in florida, MR produced everybody to chile, isn't it? What do you mean they don't get the iron. No choice.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-16.