« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/1/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, what did we learn from what took place in Russia over the weekend? When you have an autocracy - you have the inability to have comity, inability to have bipartisanship, and inability to corporate. There are all different kinds of tyrannies in the world, some elected, some of the mob, and some of the iron fist. We have a tranny right here in America, an entity that embraces tyranny - that is today's Democrat party. The Democrat party is not merely a political party, it is the federal government party, and they want monopolistic control. Also, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court's leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court's Republican members are susceptible to the praise. IRS whistleblowers allegedly confirm that constraints were placed on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast, as presented exclusively by my favorite, legitimate erika, hills, dale college, which proudly refuses every penny, government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening, My sincere appreciation ale stay for their sponsorship, Quiet in the underground bunker door, first blocks bolted. What the great? isn't just resting on our laurels. He's king sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the. stop more club, has enormous amount of money. I would like to address today, but I'm not going to be able to get to all of it, because we only have a three hour show which Why I'm flirting with adding additional things to the programming here the next several months because and I'm enough time to do it-
three hours on a monday like this is just not enough. Mr producer do agree. It's her until right now. particularly when you break it down the way we're going to break down here. Let's start with russia, but. they get from a little bit of a different perspective. What we learn from russia? What have we learned from what just took place. When you have an autocracy, whether it's an autocracy receive marxist parker, see her fascistic autocracy or whatever kind you have the inability, To have comedy c mit, while you have the inability to have called co. Bi partisanship give the inability to cooperate
and the inability, of course, to unite. So the long knives are out in russia. Putin's survive this one for now. There's still he made with the head of the wagner. Group is a facade, to try and find them and kill them as they. anybody who supported. On the other hand, Putin can't kill everybody. And these are militia then I regular army, neither us to go home wherever home is, but at some point Some of them may decide to take our partner one of his men. We don't know. but we do know. Is it's not a free country? That's the kind of country you and I want to live in.
They're all different kinds of tyrannies. We ve talked about this. Sometimes we have to use our elected. Sometimes We turn tyrannies of the mob. Sometimes we have tyrannies of the iron fist. One man rule kinds attorneys out there and all of them are a threat to a republic like ours,. We have tyranny, many in our own country. we have an entity in our own country, Braces tyranny often tries to camouflage But less so now. And that is more inclined toward
totalitarianism, then smaller republicanism or was- and that is today's democrat party. Now there is a peace. I saw the walls journal I was actually quite brilliant by barton swing. Since president binds reelection announcement, video warn that mega extremists are lining up to repeal bedrock freedoms. What freedoms. Extreme its plan on co dictating what healthcare decisions women can make banning books, people who they love and showed me who they can love all by making it more difficult for you to be able to vote unquote. Was a perfect expression to the paranoia state in which american progressive isn't finds itself. Excuse me. I wish they would stop using that word progressive marches. I will use it because it's his peace not
but leave aside for a moment the line about dictating what healthcare decisions women can make a euphemism reference to abortion, the only threat from Biden's list banning Ex telling people who they can live and voter suppression Are literally non existent. Mr patten is engaged in the time, honoured political craft of exaggeration. He said, things that aren't there. Broke commentators been ridiculing conservatives for fears that is Hearing negligible or non existent threats for as long as I can remember, he writes communists, while trajan during the cold war, islamic extremism and the two thousands illegal image asian and twenty tens, gender ida ideology and a twenty twenties, the right might or not of exaggerated the urgency of these problems, but they were or our problems.
That is not the case with an array of issues. Democratic politicians. Progressive intellectuals. A k a marxist are exercised about in twenty twenty three. You have to feel this. Who invested in the idea, delusional right that they can perceive their own. should for dreaming up non existent threats, so he goes on and very excellent way. at the end of that article now, in connection with that, I want to link something up. Again, what's going on in our country, the democratic party And we ve been election coming up. This is why there is no time than the present to be talking about these things. and then the linked demeanor what's taking place in our country, is I'm going to do
There was a philosopher he was a journalist. Gentlemen by the name of raymond around a r o I've written about them before I talk to you about him before its french philosopher is a great great thinker He said when a party on party alone has the monopoly of political activity, the state Is indissoluble linked to it later, is there one and the same animal? The party regime in the west Boasts of not being circumscribed by the ideas of any competing parties. The state is neutral through the fact that it tolerates for plurality of parties. And I add in the united states he can be said that the monopoly party, or at least the dominant party, is the democratic party. Indeed, vast administrative stay build mostly, albeit not exclusively, by the democratic party issues. Edicts dictates reg.
Patients rules finds penalties that serve the ideological. pieces of the democratic party with a democratic power, is in power or not This is me speaking. It requires the affirmative intervention of a republican administration to roll back, stop or replace, the trajectory of administrative state power exercise, On behalf of the democratic party, you called the swamp, but it is what it is. The administrative state often seeks to sabotage republican party initiatives and policies, thereby during the decision of the electorate, in particular election psycho. Indeed, it can be said that the administrative state is essentially become a permanent appendage of the democratic party that is the swamp. As you say, Consequently, even though elections are held, the democratic party has Permanent hold a major aspects of the government in policy making
or powerful. The central government becomes with ubiquitous tentacles unlimited resources, increasing police powers, the more powerful the democratic party becomes. so raymond around goes on. He says in a one party regime, the state as a party state inseparable from the party. monopolizes legitimate political activity. If, instead of a state of parties, a party state exists, this state, be obliged to restrict freedom of political discussion. They should- sound familiar to you now folks, since the state presupposes as absolutely valid the ideology of the monopolistic party, our case, the democrat party not officially allow this. How audio to be called into question the fact. The restriction on free, if political discussion, various ferries degree course The regime of a single party, but
The essence of a single party regime, which the state, Defined by the ideology, the monopolistic party is not to accept all the ideas and prevents my dears, relating to the party from being openly debated. and I say this is where the democratic parties driving america, the power and control a party legions to it and its ideology above all else, is the ends. At least with regard right her to the who do not belong to the monopolistic party. The party state, the Democrats, hardy, I'm arguing as the party state its now, the party state. reserves for itself almost unbounded possibilities of action. They of the monopolies justified by the vastness of the revolution, changes to be achieved? How can one ass
the exercise of power to be moderate and even legal, exactly hence their dinner. Parties endless intrusions, I write into our lives and self righteous justification for it. For those who love our country. And the principles and values on which it was found that the democratic parties pushed and dragged the nation into a disease, mistress and perilous place decades of user Editions of the constitution, family and faith- look On new jersey, with parental control, now you actually have the governor and the attorney general suing localities. to impose on them the right of the educational bureaucracy to keep from parents these called transitioning jenner, transitioning of their children. It's unbelievable size. decades of usurpation of the constitution, family in faith and abuses
our and governance in support of a so called progressive agenda, or, more the boy marks theories and models are rolling are destroyed. Country from within, and the pace of decay is quickened. The extent has broadened. three paragraphs from the new book, the democratic party hates america. It is a longer book in so from. the time is going to be pulling passages out, I'm not going to use is use. The word monopolize the programme with it, but the purpose of this book is its reliable that everything that is taking place in this country, everything what I just read you there Is the nature of the democratic party in what I say later, and I will read it to you I'll just tell you is that the democrats
Party is not merely a political party. It's a cultural party, it's not merely merely a cultural party, it is. The federal government's party is the party of government that is, as around puts it. It is the party of the state. This is a very different characterization of what's going on in this country of a republican party, whatever you think of it, it's a political party, it's not a cultural party. It's not the party of the David doesn't have control over the bureaucracy and honour the Democrats already. Has that and more have you ever thought yourself? Why is the democratic party insist on shutting down the government if it can't spend all this money, because when you Down the government, you actually stop the flow of money, at least for a period of time, in the answers this
just like g in china, marxist regimes, they play long ball. The democratic party, defend the bureaucracy to the end in ensues An expanding it did system making it immune from oversight, so Of a civil service, your public sector union give the impossibility of moving people out of positions once, alas, the department was eliminated there never eliminated about an agency there never eliminated or expanded her brow are combined. They become increasingly power of the region, And your homes are reaching into your automobiles are reaching into your lives there. Reaching your children's lives and it's gonna get far worse before it gets better. Why? Because, until we accept the fact recognise it, Tell our fellow citizens are family members, the democratic party,
is not merely a political party. It is the party of the state and at once, complete monopolistic control and so even though people go through the motions of voting dates, the democrat parties position and activists that seeks to make it ring relevant, whether you vote or not, because the state party- and they will call the shots, no matter what just another tiny little glimpse into the democratic party, hates america The old grab your priorities as quickly as possible it comes out. I want you to have it in your hands. We can really jump into this. We have an election. up, and I think this is very, very important. It's important that our focus be on how diabolical an evil the democratic party is.
She can grab copyright now amazon books, a meal barnes and noble online I like. twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer, so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la
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Since four senators and representatives shall be priests, bribed in each state, by the legislature thereof from the state the legend, nature, is the beginning, in the end but the congress may at any time by law maker, alters such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. Now the word. legislatures in there, A common understanding of a legislature, it's not complicated. This is one of the clear pieces of next in the constitution! How could they written. And it was obviously do after that, the constitutional convention it was adopted at the council. the regional dimension and it was adopted by ratifying states, but that's not
Good enough for the: u s supreme court! That's not good enough for governor four boards of supervisory boards of election state courts. Our federal courts- it's not gonna, that's right seems pretty playing to me. But the democrats in advance of this decision have had a full Press- and I mean the Democrats in the media and elsewhere suggests That if you rule that the language Constitution says what it says. Then there, Be something wrong with you. This is unique theory. It's a theory. That the state legislatures have the final say and that there isn't state court review.
And the: u s supreme court today, even expanded it to federal court review the state legislatures, just a bit player and it can be overruled by state courts by federal courts. And you remember all this: during the last election, correct. So the supreme court just rewrote the constitution. Remember the first hour where I read at some length about our constitution. And I want it takes his virtuous people to embrace it to follow it, to execute what we lack virtuous people in high positions in America today, buzz you running around trying to get trump. That's pretty Charlie, do these days and destroy the country.
Before I get into the case What you do know that the cook said MSNBC and obama a cook himself and he in his career, condemning the constitution, those who drafted it while they pray roberts, the chief justice who wrote the majority decision and blew out the text cavanaugh. Cavenaugh, who was so beaten down by the left, he's doing everything it can to build up a credit and bear it. The biggest disappointment of them all last day the trump administration she is confirmed, she's, considered a scholar, it turns out she's just another rhino. because she's under the wing, a roberts in this after all the roberts court, and he doesn't like all the talk about a right wing court this case is in pursuing the matter?
any decision. It is a logical, completely alive Two grounds number one. This case was already resolved. You know one up. Supreme court by the supreme court North carolina, the petition Including the speaker of the north carolina house said that North carolina supreme court did not have the power to change the district lines that were determined by the republican state legislature. It didn't have their power Then they cited, among other things, this section of the constitution. We get to make these decisions, the people who elect us. We get to make these decisions. Well guess what. In the next election, the subsequent election, the people North carolina elected a new supreme court new supreme court,
Majority, I should say, and that court reverse the price court and agreed with the republican speaker, and the case was over. There were no issues for the EU s supreme court. That happens from time to time. You know, but the? U s, supreme court didn't drop the kid. He wanted to give an opinion. The majority wanted to give an opinion. even though there was no issue left to adjudicate the petitioners as a result of the state election and the new majority on the states the court, they one, they won their issue, but the supreme court, the majority, said no. We want to take this up number one. That is outrageous. That means that wants to play in this field and activists, role.
it had literally no basis for ruling anything today, because the people who brought the case case was satisfied. It was over its moot, but roberts, the chief justice, These three marxist radicals on the court, who always stand together when it comes to a major case. And now the two other rhinos they wanted to hear the case they wanted to decide on the case. What did they decide? What are they decide? The language seems pretty clear, doesn't it In english I mean, if you come from a big time, law school and you ve been a judge. You bins really know how to read plain english, like a few sentences in the constitution, that we read him again
times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representative shall be prescribed, in each day by the legislature there, but the congress made any time by law. Making such regulate, there's another section of the constitution to what We spent a lot of time on again It emphasizes the role of the state legislature in the choosing of electors. Doesn't say the state says the state legislature in yet in other parts of the constitution we will hold tenth amended, about the states at this day? I just later, but this No impact on the six justice sixty three, the three truly excellent justices Alito thomas in corset. Before I give you the second point, the real The justices wooden drop this case, particularly the three republicans, is because
They wanted to appeal to the radical left democrat party media- that's been pounding them lately. John Roberts, hollywood John, because he reads the news he's on the media: it's his court baby, cabin eyes. I said, is trying to remake himself and Baron is a lost solve. Who is. Directed to the influences of the chief justice Two lousy chief justice supreme What will this MSNBC supreme court rules in giving state legislatures unchecked control over federal lectures. How do you like that sense? How do you like that total know now what to the court's. Instead, they have on czech control. The justices rejected the quote in the paint pendant State legislature, theory encore, so it's a theory there is in black and white in the constitution, but it's
theory, you see america which was signed, by trump supporters during the twenty twenty election, they mean me. The theory would have restrict the power of state courts to review certain election laws exactly because the framers didn't say the states. They said the state legislature, each state by the legislature thereof,. At the state thereof, they know how to write the framers. They know how to think these things through, but you see. what happens here is when you abandoned institution in the mornings, are the constitution. You can do this sort of thing. So the three marks on the court they hope for and they were joined the three rhinos on the court. So there you go sixty three
fraid. This is going to turn into another burger court. To be perfectly honest with you. Warren Berger. I in turn, for warm burden. When I was in law school, I drafted beaches most of them, no doubt with the poor quality of. of teaching in law schools when it comes to actual litigation cause. He asked me to look into those things I certainly enjoyed it not certainly did, and he quite right, but that was a court. that was all over the map, because you had leftists. You had. One conservative. and then you at others who were looking for in on each case, looking for a way in a way out on a sudden, it's the way, NBC news and MSNBC report. The supreme court onto decline to impose new limits on state courts, reviewing certain election related issues by ruling against republicans north carolina fighting for congressional district map,
would heavily favour their candidates. Imagine that Imagine having a majority party winning elections deciding what the district should look like lay gentlemen, that's been going on since day, one who should decide we should have experts in washington and what happens the experts or corrupted in the next thing. You know the Democrats, parties in charge of it again? Don't you so that court inclined to embrace a broad version of a hitherto obscure legal argument called the independent state. Just later theory now by the way Propaganda came out. I ivy league law. Schools has been pushed by the media since day. One. Which republican say limits. The authority of state courts to strike down certain election laws enacted by state legislatures support former president donald trump cited, the theory and various cases during the Twenty presidential election and its aftermath so coarse, they go after eastman,
actually come after me, even though he and I never talked about this, as far as I know, doesn't matter. it's always been my view. Its it is. My view is the view of a number of justices in the past. Including renquist and so forth, but regardless president, what justice is thought? What s this is wrote. What is the constitution. you have here in the federal constitution, the conference of a third eddie on the state legislature in federal election matters. There's not a conference on states generally, there is a conference on the state legislatures in plain english, under their federal constitution. How, then that's a state court get to intervene in and say no the state legislature is wrong. It has no that role
producers are authority to interfere in a federal election man. It doesn't matter what state courts normally do, MR chief justice, it doesn't A state courts normally have judicial review overstate constitutional issues. Mr chief justice. This is a federal constitutional issue, authority granite specifically to the state legislatures. the framers of the constitution were a hell of a lot smarter than you and those five others. You went with you. They know exactly what they were doing. They wanted the elected body in the state dealing with the elected body at the federal level congress, they didn't want all courts in between tibet decisions. Like this they did, they would have said so.
very reluctant to empower the judiciary. They called it the weakest brand, now the most powerful brand other than the fourth branch. the unconstitutional massive bureaucracy- and this is exactly the point of my book bring way by rulers. the democratic parties all end. But then we have this. I couldn't get they wanted today without those three republican, and they got it how much we vet these candidate no matter there, bridge and lower courts Matter their record Juba bureaucracy, norman their records. They flip the vast majority of them and I don't wanna, hear again remind all ran federal judge, Roy lambert wonderful cabin. I was on the court's. He sacks.
And I don't want to hear from the federalist society ever again how wonderful parent was when we took up her cause here. She, sacks mark you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple, spotify or wherever you listen? you're sitting to the best of mark Love in new york times our friends, it the daily wire new york times berries. The lead,
It confirms that a hundred Biden probe whistle Blower claims by daniel and a new report from the new york slimy tells of a source confirming whistleblower allegations that can Trains were in fact placed on the federal investigation into a hundred biden, but it takes some. To find out. In other words, they buried it in their column. Much like they bury the holocaust. as noted tuesday by washed and free bacon, reported truck ross that guy's good The publication waited twenty paragraphs the news worthy ted bed, The source of our credibility. Claims of additional charges against president by his son, getting blocked near it. as reported in the twentieth, paragraph. And irish supervisory special agent, Gary chaplin's whistleblower testimony claiming that Made twenty twenty to bid by delaware? U s attorney David weiss to pursue charges in Washington d c got rejected by the top
a prosecutor in the nations capital, you remember, What about this mass graves over and over and over and over again how and he's the one? That's if holly hell against protesters on January six, I met him at violet, just any. and to a man and a woman, the black robe where's, their judges have thrown the book, and the book and the book after one of these citizens? After another, And here we are, in hunter binds case same jurisdiction, and Mister graves. To: u s journey there with all kinds of links to the democratic party, and of course they don't mention, mr opponents by Biden David Y see what two new s attorney point about trap, but what happened to MR grosch the? U S, attorney appointed by Biden? They never say that such
ross pointed out. The new york times waited twenty paragraphs state the newsworthy tippit about the source, who added credibility, claims of additional charges against violence. by son hundred the near times reported and twentys paragraph that irish supervisory special agent garish. Please was a blood test money claim that they made twenty twenty to bid by dell As u s attorney david wise to pursue, charges in Washington dc got rejected by the top federal prosecutor nations capital. Why other busy getting trump quote a similar request to prosecutors in the central district of California, which includes l. I was also rejected. Mr shapely testify there of the new york times added in the twenty first paragraph They said in the twenty first paragraph, a second former iris official who has not been done.
I told has republicans they say, story that episode confirmed independently to the new york times by a purse with knowledge of the situation, there were six. plan that meaning who were witnesses You heard the same. Damn thing, MR shapely, wrote it in an email who took copious notes. Smart man. Reporting about the source could be significant as it any general marital is garland, is denied allegations of political and periods in the investigation which, far, as amounted to a plea deal for a hunter by taxing gun violations ross others called out the new york times for the low priority placement. Has berries in the twenty first paragraph that it as an independent source. It confirms the two whistleblowers claim that David Weiss said he was blocked from bringing
charges against hunter binding california course they did respond to the house shake him any geo peace, a cat buried the lead at a jack jason. Fostering former investigative doubts on the senate who founded governor watched, our group and power oversight, tryst and eleven. president of empower oversight in eloi, representing shapely, respond the pair of exclamation point the best way to read stories in the new york times and the washington post is for A bottom up, twitted David larceny senior editor at the federalists. By the way we reached out to Mr Lovett, did we get Response must reduce, we read to the other lawyer for MR shape did we get any response from him we reached, to MR shapely directly. Do we get it response from him three times- and where am I guess,
two garland friday push back on the whistle blower allegations. He said he was given complete authority to make all decisions on his own and on how people support for anybody to blacken for bringing prosecution, given that he has the already, and I broke those words down with you on friday. The attorney general is also denied assertions that why sought by was turned down special council status. How many times have? I said why, They appointed a special council for god's sakes. Which could have allowed and broader authority to bring charges outside of his jurisdiction? Mister weiss I made that request. Garland said mister weiss doesn't have to make their request. Mr garland, that's on you. Why I sent a letter to house traditionary committee chairman Jim, join this month in which the EU s attorney indicated he been granted the ultimate authority. Thereby matter, including for prosecutions can
System with federal all while he's got a problem on his hands to because contemporary contemporaneous email. Other notes, witnesses who, my goodness and it's good. Because Mr Mccarthy, the speaker, their houses, looking at impeachment hearings and a Y know from media. Our body map margolis. One of the best mccarthy said state for spill impeachment hearings against merrick garland. On Sunday house, bigger mccarthy, indicated their house geo p. Could ignite patron We again scandal plague you us attorney general merrick garland, the increase recorded on whether iris criminal supervisory special agent, Gary happily claim turning wise, wanted to appoint the appointed a special council free
department of justice vacation in non urban, proves to be accurate when I wave a second a second source from the new york times, they buried it, but some of us can read to the twentieth and twenty first paragraph can't we american. Sharply named six witnesses twice as claimed during the october meeting in a statement from his legal team, six witnesses. In october seven twenty twenty two meeting at the delaware, you, to attorney's office. Yours Tourney David wise told six witnesses he did not have authority to charge. Another districts thus requested special council stairs sharply attorney suddenly statement those six women this included, they name baltimore the ice special agent in charge tom sober sensibly and assist
special agent in charge, russia, holly IRA. Assistant special counsel in charge gary sharply and special. agent in charge, darrell walden, who also independently and content romania's lay corroborated MR saplings account in an email now public. So that's three, really you ve got sharply. You ve got. darrell walden, and you ve got it anonymous in and out an ally. That's three: three: against garrett, Mary garland, three themes, it seems to me the year the standard has been met. impeachment cretin wine, impeachment angry, gives them much more brought authority Please, no explanation for why weiss would make these statements if they weren't true,
legal team argues that sets a statement can be corroborated, zap to mister weiss and the justice department to up to them to make it clear. Now Mccarthy gave a date from the impeachment ink It could begin while you apparently don't follow me on twitter. He said because yesterday I laid out, he says, is to brand kill me today lay out very, very clearly July six because allegations from the iris because of the west, Blurs were garland is saying Mr David wisest same privately or two different things. If it comes what the irish whistleblower saying we're going to see. patron increase on the attorney general.
by my calculation, MR producer in general. Sixty two days after choose me joy, success today's after July. Fourth, there will be thursday next thursday, There will be very, very important, but there's more and a hundred biden, scant, I know, make it right scared, focused on truck. I got it focused worm, focused fox news. hunter demanded ten million dollars from chinese energy firm because binds or the best and have connections. So we have more contemporaneous evidence against the burdens on top of the text that by now, you're well, familiar with honour and told chinese energy companies family is quote the best. I know and doing exactly
the chairman, wants from his partnership. On quote what does determine want access and, of course, let stepped back step. I'm giving you a lot of that step back and and think this through, Biden has single handedly destroyed our energy system in this country. He's using climate change as camouflage itself right proclamations and executive order. The shutting down drilling shutting down drilling in federal areas there making it almost have passed. have any new drilling weather. Continental united states, offshore anywhere else. The shutting down fracturing they're, not approve pipelines are closing those down there
destroying our energy infrastructure destroying it, then they claim we're all we go towards clean energy, he's in gentlemen. If we have no energy, that's the cleanest energy. There is, but it makes very horrible life doesn't so I want to go further. So they say they want to go with electric vehicles. More, So the material in these electric vehicles come from communist china. They say they want to go with electricity warner. I have enough electricity, the experts have said when you cut off call natural gas that is franking and all the rest. That is what creates electricity, doesn't just tap. And you think yourself, what are we doing to our says were committing. gee suicide to benefits from all those who benefits from all? As MR producer.
The communist chinese they built Solar power panels. they build those massive propellers at are outrageous. They build the batteries for our cars. Electric vehicles. Because they had the call boat and all the rest, they ve sown all add up. They blocked it up. Joe Biden is not doing. Things are benefit us he's doing things that benefit communist china, frank about it, think about it. The communist chinese have benefited in Sleep by Joe Biden, we A special unit at the department of justice focused on Communist chinese govern it's stealing our intelligence, the fbi. You said this is our greatest threat. Joe Biden shut it down,
He shut it down. He said he doesn't like the. They connotation, that's apply to it. we picking on the communist china. Many me why we pick. On the communist chinese, he shut it down. Joe Biden has delivered for they I'm in his party regime in Chinese, delivered for them his his guide. Carry has delivered for them. Bernie sanders has the for them the democratically he's delivered for the common chinese. And is destroying our energy infrastructure and energy independence. I hope everybody understands this to come in,
Chinese got their money where monies worth and a helluva lot more. This is a mass and cover up that's taking place right now,. the binding family, so that the country. Any serious effort, even by patriotic and courageous iris officials, mid level fbi, officials. Being shut down the? U S, attorneys. Including in Washington DC, who at the drop of a hat go after average citizens for anything and everything Though,. The great one makes your weekend even that here. This is the
best of mark levant you're in the right place. Certainly, today, every day three hours a day. And I have heard the supreme court has ruled that affirmative action is out when it comes to college. in universities and admissions justice roberts wrote the decision he did say, look. There is no problem with individuals telling their life story, typically european, essays to get in the college in university. Not just part of Say tier so forth, but you have to do that as an individual. He can't speak for an entire race and he can't be treated as an entire race. One applicant that stereotypical Ladies and gentlemen, the were of asian american students who brought this lawsuit against harbour.
Harvard created a racist, bigoted admissions policy against asians, even stereotyped asian, saying that they don't really have the kind of personalities that would lend themselves to the diverse student population that we seek here at harvard college. This is flat out racist. The congressional black caucus is appalled at what the supreme court did. The three radical leftists on the court, obviously they endorsed racism. Joe Biden who I'll get to in a minute. the last remaining of the all white supremacist peace.
See severely disappointed, there's something wrong with the court. So it's ok. If you treat asian american differently than everybody else, according to Joe by everybody else, now, let's get something straight These Democrats are re segregating our society, you have dorms for blacks and whites. You have commencement for blacks and whites, Critical race theory, suffrage donation into blacks and whites. Their recent regaining our society, their region. regaining our country no longer implore persona.
No longer diversity, yes, but one culture. No, no, never!. These same democrats- and I will call them george wallace Democrats? They congressional blackhawks george wireless democrats, Joe Biden, george wallace, stomach the three dummies when the court george wallace Democrats, that's what they are. George wireless webby, thrilled Would they conclusions that they reached throughout asia, and today african americans, tomorrow after hispanic americans, what's this step A college, a university or anything else. Fifty years I will do so years ago I was blacks. Today
agents same damn, democrat party did george wallace party, the remnants certainly intellectually, are still all around us. Just look yes, they say State institutions and private institutions of higher learning should be able to discriminate against people based on their heretic, while george wallace would be proud not so much abraham lincoln. These same george Wallis, Democrat supposed school choice. They pretend that they want minority other nations, of course, and jews, of course, but they want minorities have equity.
But they do not want minorities to have an opportunity when it comes to crossing the lines of the government. Democrat party teacher unions isn't that amazing. Where's, the congressional black hawk us on their nowhere, because there coffers are aligned, teachers, union money and their army of It is on election day first things first year, folks. Well the white intellectuals about school choice, whether a black kids, they oppose it. They want
It's called nothing more and nothing less than a matter if test scores are gone down, a toilet doesn't matter if what kids are going to school are facing criminalization and other rhetoric things when they get there doesn't matter no school choice, but yes, racial discrimination and re segregating america that, therefore, the george. Wow party is still with us, and it is amazing to see how many minority black so called leaders activists sound. Like george wallace It doesn't amaze me that Biden sounds like george wallace We want of his heroes.
so am I origin, ignoramus writing for the minority talks about superficial neutrality, superficial neutrality really can we do something? There's so much to cover her stick with me. I have already broken this down in a way that nobody else can know brag just fact, race, racial quarters in medical school mentions. This is what we. until the day discrimination against station american seeking entry into harboured, segregating college Rooms and graduation ceremonies dumbing down school curricula sabotaging merit scholarship programmes. Showing presidential executive orders that, for instance, exclude why
farmers and other privileged racial groups. Yes, this is from I'm party hates america isn't in america. Is an amazing. Because of the emphasis on race as the basis for all behaviors and outcomes and allegation to be irreversible. White racism based on skin color at birth Go race theory and what I call I've invented this phrase now: civil rights, marxism, civil rights, marxism, that's what this is. De human eyes, the individual groups of individuals, ironic the scholars and active in promoting this point of view use dehumanize stereotypes, not only labour. Why people, but to describe black individuals in the black humanity, after all, in the end, marxism of any
mine is built on the false foundation of oppressor and oppress class identifications. Abraham acts candy director, centre for anti racist research at boston, universe, is one of the leading bigots in amerika my view and only advocate of c r t, has written to say, ready, so that there is widespread racial inequity caused by widespread racism and by the way, this. like some of my yours, opinion, she's all in baby that there is widespread racial inequity caused by widespread system, which makes the u s racist, isn't opinion it isn't a partisan position, it's a doctrine, it isn't. I left wing construct anti white is an anti american, its fact
security, scholars and activists dismiss all social efforts: economic programme laws, court rulings, even this civil war the presidencies of abraham, lincoln and lessons s grant, as well as martin luther king, courageous. Activism in speeches as little more than transparent and self serving attempts. White dominant society or those who go along and help perpetuate a privilege. knowingly or otherwise to paste over the union Incredibly, flawed american fanning the civil rights. marxists again, as I call them also reject both the idea in pursuit of a colorblind society. This gets to the nub of the matter. There, the modern day, segregationist steer them, wendy, racists, lest we forget peter, see, myers.
visiting, fell herded foundation reminds for frederick douglass. How are these phony civil rights leaders today can hold a candle to frederick douglass douglas. Ninety centuries greatest abolitionists and some rights advocate. He said binding faith in reason, a truth and justice sustained an expectation, That the color line will cease Many civil, political and moral signal Hence, in america famous dissenting opinion in: u s supreme court history that boy this is douglas. Just a star Marshall Harlan, provided a more focused expression of that sentiment his vote and pleasure versus ferguson. To invalidate, allow mandating racial segregation on drinkers. He said our constitutions kullak flying shoot me law regards man is man takes no account
Of a scholar, when is civil rights as guaranteed by the supreme level and are involved in this brief, plain of some landmark round, russia's part of education, thurgood partial, argued, distinct. based upon race or color alone, are the epitome of the arbitrariness and capriciousness constitutionally impermissible under our system of government. He said three score in seven years after policy came most resounding statement of all. When the reverend Martin Luther king Jr stood under the shadow of abraham, lincoln, in a the moral vision of these civil rights movement. By declaring Ivan Dream that my four little children, They live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of not be judged. Excuse me where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. The democratic party believes, and none of it.
Today, some rights, marxism, again as I call it preacher demands the opposite. For example, candy is declared. The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination, the going after asians donations, own slaves and american eighteen, forty and fifty, and I don't believe so how ridiculous. The only remedy to present discrimination, he says his future discrimination. These are the marxist. Thus, the demand for equity need them urban has come up with a new term for condemn Color blind ass. You want to hear this one color blind racism. Did you know, that's a new phrase. Now, when you get the democratic party, hates america can learn a lot of fact. I columbine danny plastic. An educator contributor
The having to compost further illustrates the point she asserts. Color blindness voiced whiteness on everyone it is another way of saying I've: u everyone as if they were white. Your default color for sameness is white. She says colorblind strips non white people over the uniqueness. Your default culture for sameness. Is why culture when you're a carriage child to be colorblind view. Everyone has the same. Your projecting white on people who aren't white negating their experience and traditions, and you this again this good sound. Like sort of my yours, outrageously, pathetic opinion, color blindness suppresses critically important narratives of oppression. She says one: you. U everyone through colorblind white lens, You do know the reality that non white people face. She says color, the great huffington composting about color blindness assumes everyone has the same experience here in amerika when you failed.
The color. You felt a recognised, injustice and oppression. She said colorblind This promotes the idea that non. Why. races are inferior when you teacher child to be colorblind, your essentially telling them If someone is in white, pretend they look like you, so you can be friends stripping people of a fundamental aspect of identity. They clay not to see colors dehumanizing get it. We ve gone from, don't make decisions to embrace stereotypes. And the color of somebody scan treat them like an individual human being to do don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon. Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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We are giving you nothing, but the best. The best of mark le then do not do not allow this evil democrat party there corrupt media and these civil rights marxists take control of their language to take control of the issue there, the racists there, the biggest stare, bigots they or their haters. We stand here in defence. I've agent, americans, at all americans against a Democrat party system that they have put in place to put people based on their race and skin color. They ve been doing it Damn I called damn civil war in this country and the tires
civil rights movement had to rise up against the democratic party, and now they pretend that they're protecting minorities- and I applaud marks professors as guest all over three way. Telling you the same thing: that majority on a court. You know what. And they all fall aligned out they. Here's Biden. so the railways- and we see today out on he goes diamonds NBC. Today, one of his safe places go panic colleagues on the judiciary committee would go as far as to say that its anti democratic. Do you agree with that? Why, when you should choose stupidity, question to colonel wallis, because you are one such Whites you, you are so divisive for this country, you
The worst of the worst, in my view, talk about chameleon you just like Biden. go from John Mccain. This go ahead Now, if I say to the democratic family gets all I travel is Its value system is different and this respect for institutions is different. And in that sense, it is not enough. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't need this guy's at first level dimension, and I say that not as a he joke supporters in the book. Look it up pace at five level, dimension, dementia and that's what all this is about. His affectations united affectations. The consequences. But he says the value system. I don't need lectures,
Joe Biden on values. He need lectures from us. We don't like. From a democratic party on values or race, we don't need lectures from the democratic party on equality. Because they oppose it all and they always have. This is a party that destroying america, because I ate america. An america that allows asian kids based on merit to go to harvard college. That's america! Not what the democratic party is peddling, not what their propagandists and demagogues and the media are peddling, not what they are now what their president is
peddling and then to trash the supreme court. I've had my differences with this court in these justices and I've made it abundantly clear but tat the entire institution. I made some reform. There's a lesson away talks. They have a different value system on the court. how come nobody talks about that? Inciting violence have come. Nobody says attacking the independence of the gorge. How come nobody says that that's that they quiet watch of an insurrection or dog whistled, a violent people, none of it. So if you support raised neutral,
Colorblind society. You don't share their values. You're right, I don't live for a second, how anyone can To be a part of such a disgusting party, I don't know, look I've told you many times you can go to amazon dot com or these other places and order. Your preorder, your copy, the democrat party hates america, it's the finest book I've ever written It gets the most important book I've ever written because our up again, the.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.