« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 6/3/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, Republicans in Congress should fight and get the best budget we can, but in the end, it will take a Convention of States. Even Ronald Reagan, the most popular president in American history, could not significantly cut the Federal budget because that is how the Washington machine is built – how can we expect Kevin McCarthy to be able to do what Reagan couldn’t? The trajectory of the GOP is very dire. Notwithstanding the debt ceiling deal, what will the conservatives in the Senate do? Slow it down? Offer amendments? We will watch and see. Also, more black people were killed in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend, and it isn’t even being talked about in the media because the police aren’t involved. Democrats still refuse to do anything about crime in the cities they run but instead cut back on police when they need them more than ever. Stephen A. Smith has the guts to take this issue on. Later, companies like Macy’s and Costco are issuing warnings about our economy, seeing changes in consumer habits that can be disastrous for the economy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills del college, which probably refuses every penny Government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere radiation ales day up for their sponsorship, its quiet in the underground bunker door. First blocks bolted. What the great want isn't it? Resting on our laurels, he's king sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best this this The more club mark purposely didn't posts stuff. Over the holiday week in riga, This budget, the dead. The dead shillings over exam ready, yet But even more than that.
Twitter and so forth, they just not the right place to have a discussion about this and that, despite the fact that I put I'm not one of these social media warriors. I watch, Bore who were in their thirties and their twenties dead? These damn Iphones on one hundred percent of the time I was doing this weekend was finishing my the editor, my project. Which, I think is more important and constant twittering, because ten days from now you know- maybe you know anybody said so a lot of time today, going over this, and what you hearing as a lot of superficiality in many respects, I read the heritage found and objections. I think. The president of heritage foundation is a trick
a guy. I've. Never remember my memory spoken too, but it wasn't particularly persuasive, ire what a red, what the new york post row favour the day. I think that was particularly persuasive. I read what our friends at the washing examined around. I didn't find that particular persuasive in favour of it. I watch this Dan bishop on the steps of the capital. He certainly wasn't very persuasive. He didn't say anything other than grouse. Stephen more somebody, I respect a lot. He supports it. do, gingrich, I guess, he's a sell out and illiberal too he supports it. none of that matters to me, none of it.
I don't care who supports it and who opposes it. just like you we to make up our own minds. good enough anymore to say someone so opposes it. So I oppose it. Someone so supported, so I support it want to read something to you. from twenty fifteen, an entire book on the debt plunder and deceit my book on the debt chapter two. George amazing university economics, professor doktor water williams, rightly Scribes, the underlying pathology driving the nation to economic and financial ruin is a moral problem. We become in moral people, demand the congress forcibly use one american to serve the Purposes of another,
visits and runaway national debt or merely symptoms of that real problem will Stated that nearly seventy five percent, today's federal spending can be described as Was taking the earnings of one american to give to another Through thousands of hand, our programmes such as farm subsidies, business bail outs and welfare factor, thomas sol, Senior fellow the hoover institute here there was a time when the purpose of tat. this was to pay the inevitable custom government to the polluter, The left, however, taxes have long been seen as a way to Distributing come and, audience other social experiments based on liberal ideology, and I added consequences of the rising generation, meaning the one behind us. The council. Once for them and future generations. Of this immoral, politically expedient,
an economically ruth. Ruinous behaviour and policies are unambiguous Evidence by statistic, after statistics, which are only ignored discounted. Used by most of the media, academia and, of course, governing statists now When I read something to you that came out earlier this month, I haven't seen a single, so called conserve columnist even talk about it, let alone write about- and this will be my new book because I went through a quite extensively, but it's not. The whole thing is about the. Government accountability office was probably the best office in the government
It has the role of looking at the finances of the country. and you may not know this, but about three weeks ago, released the nation Fiscal health roadmap needed to address projected unsustainable debt levels. Had a single one of those conservatives in the house who does this have even mention this. Not a single one of those conservatives, Prior to this deal even talked about it even wrote about. and yet I gotta keep hearing them go on and on and on that's the problem of washington. Here's the facts from them. Ready and bureaucrats not normally talk like this, the federal.
government faces an unsustainable fiscal future, that's the first sense. if policies don't change, debt will continue to grow faster than the economy. I review the nations fiscal health found one large annual budget deficits drive growth as the government, borrowing to finance spending that exceeds revenue to end. Costs rise and make up a large share of total spending is overall debt in it. Strange increase over the long term, three risk Include delays in raising or suspending the debt limit and events such as natural disasters. The federal government faces an unsustainable long term, fiscal future, the end of fiscal twenty twenty two. Now that would be Timber thirtieth of last year, dead, held by the Look was about ninety seven percent of gross domestic product.
Jackson's from the office of management and budget and the maybe I'll, and geo all show that current fist. Policy is unsustainable. Over the long term, debt held by the public is projected to grow. faster pace than the size of the economy, and they talk about by twenty fifty one, my twenty fifty one, the size of the economy, will be twice Excuse me, the size of the government will be twice the size of the economy. Now think about that. Increasingly large deficits, they say, dr unsustainable debt levels, unsustainable debt levels of this dire. That's the government, the government watchdog.
So what does the steel do?. What does the steel do? Putting aside names and people robbing me in writing mayor going on tv beating their chests first, let's start some political reality. some people who would never support anything. One guy who voted against even their proposals. republicans put on the table as I could never support this. He never supports anything. So it's Difficult when you have what five member majority or so give or take in the house representatives to accommodate somebody like that number two car thieves working with a very, very thin majority. As I said.
and I would guess about a half a dozen of them were prepared devout down anything. It is very unlikely that Biden that binding. would simply sign off on what the republicans past. Because I would endanger his presidency I've his party further and further the nuts. Then it is number three. It's strange how silent Mitch Mcconnell is about all this and the senate. Public generally other than the conservative mike leads, crews, handful of others. But where is that Public and leadership in the senate Are they sitting back and waiting for other people to carry to carry the load? Fact data tell us what it is that they would. It wouldn't accept.
That's would mounted a mere you, but why don't they so it's left of the house, the centre republicans, are awol a hundred per cent. No one you hear or read what they say they have accomplished sounds pretty good. The problem is it's not good enough. I'm not going to sit here and go through my notes with you, the traps in some other. loopholes that are in this. Kevin Mccarthy is not. Somebody who wants to go along with binding her wants to see.
What was taking place in this country. I don't know why anybody wants to be speaker these days and what s interesting is the twenty or so original opponents, the mccarthy they couldn't cobbled again, together. Twenty one people to vote for anybody. They are pet themselves in the back for moving the khartoum to the right. Partly by their own definition, they didn't move and far enough, but they had no kennedy. None. I happen to think he's an earnest man so that people. Trash to me for tracking him again get lost Week they thought he was doing a great job. I asked a couple these people,
were of the twenty before last week. What did they tell you on the show? They think he's gonna a great job, but this proposal does not go far enough. It simply dozen If a two year that cap, that is right is by four trillion dollars. Four trillion dollars in part of the problem from mccarthy and forbidden is that some of the buying people are going around telling everybody how they intend to get around caps. and other provisions that will have been agreed to and so Biden and the damn
credits are not negotiating in a way that reliable. Thirdly, telling us what they're going to do. That we can hold out Am I calculation? I took a sharp pencilled all this and the amount of money that comes into the federal government. Certain things, Are to be pay that have nothing to do with general operating expenses, and yet they really do because they destroyed the trust fund. for such security medicare. So, basically, that comes out of general revenue, even though its not supposed to, but they play this game that it's not so, let's put that aside I statute. Those programmes are to continue to pay So what you really have here in the big lie you ve been hearing as I we don't.
Is a several month period where the government can continue to function and, as time goes on, they have to re prioritize what they're going to spend their money and presently can do. He doesn't want to do that. And in the Democrats, you're doing with comic causes you're dealing with people. who would be perfectly happy to see this country collapse. so my own view is more time should have been taken and can still be taken to get even a better deal. It may not be the deal that son, who claim to be conservative, would want
But I suspect it could be better and therefore, on my voting machine they are to take another look at this. though I french, twenty two. I to his history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three Will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to become a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity. So I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills duck. college, had made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to you. Take it One of these fantastic courses- you can discover the beauty the bible in the genesis story, study the right. things, have cs louis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one or one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paste three courses feature helstone faculty and scholars so visit
in four hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty free hailstone courses. I hope you'll x My challenge pick. Of course, you like and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome, alleviate fray hills, delta com and start. Your free course today making your weekend even better. This is the best of market, Then I guess what vote around eight p m tonight. I'm told on this, sir, on this deal. it's likely to pass the house, and then it goes to the sun now our conservatives in the senate. Are there not our buddy mike Lee ted cruisers ram Paul was the libertarian there's some others. Jd Vance. You know the list. What will they do.
Another gonna be in a minority, but they can slow it down. They can slow the vote down. They can offer amendments, there's other things they can do in the senate that you can't do in the house. What will they do So we'll watch that see what they do or do not do and to reiterate, not that I really need, but to underscore to make it abundantly clear. I would not vote for this. Why? Because I think they should have for another month or two. They had that much time it was not going to be a default and probably get even a better deal.
But here is where I differ from some: these attacks on cuba, mccarthy, or actually bizarre, so to think about the small in four months time. This guy has a normal. bills pass through a very, very tight house on parental rights On the wall and securing the border one after another, Go to the senate and they die in the centre, for the Republicans really do nothing's do nothing to especially in mecca he mustard. A majority do but an initial proposal dead, increase. past it send to the Senate
the white house had it. the senate has done absolutely nothing. They could have voted on. Why didn't they? They did nothing. And I know we had forty three republican senator signed a letter, but no jumping up and down demanding a vote on the republican propose. And binding sat on his hands, hoping that the Republicans would fray and they didn't, and that southern negotiations such as they were began, truncated form. So the only one carrying any water are the republicans in their house and Mccarthy. And so his negotiators,
Negotiate this deal a comes back. Some people are happy. Some people are unhappy, some people sure what they are and so forth, and so so in this process, but the house past was never going to become more because the centre wouldn't take it up in bed when agree to it And the house republicans can enforce this on their own, so the argument then is: could they ve gotten a better deal and I believe if they'd been more patient, they likely could have. Now we have these committees in congress. One had by Jordan, one headed by comber
Really working very very hard, we have Julie kelly on it in our three to try and. Peel the union on some of these terrible scandals and giving up now they don't How to prosecute anybody, not in ways that they would use, and they ve covered a lot so far, Whether the american people are interested not as a whole other issue So when you consider there's a very small majority, republicans in the house for the responsibility,
is that the house has under article one it's been pretty active and it's been pretty conserved. But in the case of this it's just not good enough. No, I see our friends, including one who I would debate more and I so thrilled and away. This proves how terrible more kevin mccarthy. And you hear this from sun pseudo conservatives and actual concerned, I think to myself. Well, who else was going to do anything? It's perplexed.
Nobody else could be speaker on the republican side. Those are the facts. You can ignore the facts. Those are the facts. Nobody. You can go over there and negotiate with binding. and get the best deal in the world. You know and I get enough people in the house of representatives to vote for this is the system. Today, it's broken. This is the system. Today it doesn't work. They can trash Mccarthy all they want. Why it's a freebie. it's a freebie, they already said I would not vote for this. I also said during January that it my car
He does something that I disagree with I'll, say, sir, and I said so, but Mccarthy's, not the devil. Here. This system has been going on for decades. Finally, we're going to draw a line how the system cannot be fixed inside washington And anybody who says it can is a liar. Their ways to try and deal with it weighs and try to box it in a bit Ways to try and limited, but the
a will when the house, again with the senate and the presidency and will be few ways to stop them. There are very few ways to start which is why I'm having mark meckler on this programme in about an hour, had a convention estates. To explain that what's required here, at least on the political and constitutional side is something much more fundamental. the rather than beating our czech endlessly about this, and we can beat it somewhat, I got. Would it be great if the debate were every conventional states day in and day out. So why don't conservatives raise enough? He crack open liberty and tyranny.
For many many many years ago,. Here's what I say here. What can be done? What can be done. I don't pretend to have all the answers. Moreover, the act of writing a book places, pray limits on what can be said in any given time, but I do have some thoughts serve. It must become more engaged in public matters. It is Nature to live and let live to attend to his family. The volunteer time Church and synagogue and quietly assist a friend, a neighbor, even stranger. These are sir we analyzed qualities that can Tribute to the overall health of the community. but it's no longer enough. Statists counter revolution: now I would say the marxists: that's where we ve come to,
turn the instrumentality of public affairs and public governance against this civil society. They can, a longer be left to the devices of the statists, which is largely the case today. This will require a new generation of conservative activists, larger number shrewder and more articulate than before. Who seek to block the statist counter revolution, not intended not not imitated and gradual, We in steadily reverse course more concern. This then before will need to seek elective appointed office. Fill the ranks of the administrative state, hold teach Positions and public schools and universities and five positions in hollywood in the media, but they can make a difference and infinite ways. The status does.
I have a birthright ownership of these institutions and the conservative must fight for the modem and, where appropriate, eliminate them where they are destructive to them. Conservation and improvement of the civil society, in other words, felt surrender the bureaucracy that agencies and divisions departments. Don't surrender the culture to these people infiltrate them participate in them, take them over. I think this is very, very important. And I point out here the administrative state course I write a more detail on the boat, but these are the proposals sunset. All independent federal agencies every year, subjected congress, affirmatively reestablishing require federal departments and aid,
She's to reimburse individuals and enterprises for the costs associated the devaluation of their personal privacy. from the assurance or regulations that compromise the use of their property eliminate unit. For federal government, employment and so forth, and so there is a whole laundry list of things. Unfortunately, In this system today, most of them cannot be adopted because alexis to talk for warned about this. Basically, the endless complexities You ve core challenges. You have activists courts. Your bureau Crises making law you ve congress, that is either tentative or attentive in a way that is contrary to constitutional limitations.
You have a media that basically is a mouthpiece for the state when the democratic control and the Democrats, Even when they're out of office- so I was thinking, there's gotta be something bigger than we can do. There has to be something else. There has to be another way, and there is she. Ladies and gentlemen, we have some people out there who who believe they can invent new ideas, invent new principles that, over the last thousands of years, that the great thing There's hadn't thought and most of these people were, and there lay twenties early thirties, mid thirties and many of them having done a damn thing except right about their ideas.
We hear behind this microphone we've been involved in grassroots movements, whether it's, the tea party, the parents' movement convention of states, we've looked for real and concrete ways to confront their foundational problems in our politics and our culture. We don't just write, columns and issue white papers. We don't just participate in debates till we're blue in the face. We try to do something about this Even if they are the best deal, you can imagine, even if we had the deal that they voted on originally adopted by democrat president, a democrat senate
Tiny majority in the house, even if While they're dreams came true, and I wish they did because. We have to fight at every level and in every way the trajectory of the republic is very die. Mark
The woman sitting to the best of mark levin- I guess she saw where Joe Biden fell today and honestly, I don't think it's fun. He looks like he's way older than eighty years old way older. He tripped over something I dunno what it was. I think he was the gave the colorado springs. The air force academy gave the speech they're a graduation ceremony fell over, he had trouble getting up and I honestly I felt terrible about it. I don't wish that on anybody sewer. I just think we have to come to grips with the fact.
But he's a very old man, much older than eighty, that his mind does not function the way it should and that he shouldn't be present the united states under any circumstances and I'll tell you what else. I think the Democrats, god forbid, if he is elected it'll, be the Who use the twenty fifth amendment replacing would come our harris? That's a year. Lingering concern I have had in the back of my mind in others, some.
I think that if I don't do it now, I will get to it. So I'm going to do it now. As you know, I'm good friends with stephen a smith. We don't always agree, that's for sure, but so what now? What I base? My friendships on is a very, very nice man, very decent man, very smart. Pan again, I don't always agree with him for sure, and he with me, but he is a straight shooter shoots as he sees it and he said something on his podcast yesterday that it has not received the attention that it deserves. In my view, and so I will make it go national cut, sixteen go when we gonna look at ourselves.
When it comes to black people being killed in the streets of america, I don't even want to get into what happened in chicago, but I have no choice. This path It's memorial day weekend from friday to Monday at least fifty three people were shot eleven fatally according to police. If one black person was killed by the police.
We'd raise holy hell and in some cases, they'd be riots in the streets and damn it I'm not here to sit up there and blame anybody for that, because I'm tired of the nonsense that we've seen going on in the streets aimed at black americans- that's not where I'm going when I'm saying is where's the due diligence when it comes to putting a spotlight on what we're doing to each other, because this is pissing me off fifty three laps, fifty three in one week in is not the first time this has happened. It would happen, and year after year after year, chicago saint louis portmanteau
go on with an always there with the protests. His way through media talk about that. Where is it. That's what I want to know, because let me tell you something: nothing else, matters if we did nothing else matters if we're killing each other. That is while it's something we've been saying here, but it takes a lot of guts to say that if you're on E s, p, n and honestly for many black americans and this guy's guts he's got courage again, you don't have to agree with them.
And he says what he believes and he's right. One hundred per cent right- I've been talking about this term on the face. There needs to be more leadership in every community, but especially the black community. That's facing this down, because this is the great civil rights issue of our time and when you're talking about over fifty people being shot over memorial week and fifty people at one city and I'm talking about black people, shooting black people and there's cricket You hear nothing, you didn't hear present abide in here. The attorney generally down here come our harris.
You sure is held on here from the senators of illinois. You don't hear from our sharpen. You don't hear from anybody.
The list happened to be listening to this show, but now here's stephen a and he's put a marker down. I think this is very, very important what he says here. You can have all the complaint you want about society, about other people, about the police and so forth. That doesn't stop this that's his point. This is going on. This is going on. So what are we going to do about nothing? They're not going to do anything about it. Stephen, a they're not gonna, do anything any more police, specifically in these communities where the facts are. These murders are occurring more than in other places. That's a fact. Somehow, some way we have to work on morality and health parents raise their children. We've got to have a dose of school choice, so kids are literally taught or then just gone through the motions.
So we can subsidize the teachers unions. There are things we can try, gun control and many people who are murdering other people are going to be affected by gun control. It's one thing: if it's a family dispute or a husband and a wife, something like that. Most of these killers are gang bangers, gun control. We have laws in some states, capital punishment. If you kill somebody, if that doesn't deter you from killing,
somebody. How will gun control deter you from killing somebody or something terribly wrong here, and I wish the los angeles dodgers Lebron James kaepernick, the nfl commissioner baseball commissioner. I just wish all these athletes and sports, whatever they call 'em legs. I'd, have more concern about that, because there's a lot of these kids look up to these players and they're focused on these legs and so forth. I wish there was more effort in this regard, because this is where all the slaughters taken place. It may be stephen. A smith has started something here, because he has tremendous influence in sports broadcasting his he has tremendous influence in the black community. He is highly regarded and highly respected, including by me. So let's hope this. This ignites a fire of some sort.
and I just would say to my friend: keep at it every now and then because it can't be a one off work. But it's so important that in that he mentioned this because people don't notice it, and it really is grotesque. Mark. The great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of I love it a kind of economy. Mason cars, co sign a warning about the economy and I still got a casket for that had dug and soda. Mr words dollar. Fifty.
Now another losing money on that that big all beef, hot dog you ever eat a hot dog mister producer. What's wrong with you, I mean it's well worth the membership facts tell you at least, that is
me so cnn at macy's, costco and other big change by the way. Let let's stop a second year costco. Is there anything like costco in any other place for the world? No walmart. Is there anything like walmart in any other place on the planet? Know these big supermarkets florida. We have publix and virginia. We ever wegmans and places like that. Any other place on the face of the planet know you can choose all kinds of beef, all kinds: it's like hamburger. Ninety per cent, fat, fat, free. Ninety, five percent fat free. Eighty per cent for every omega. When you go over to the to the fish counter
Big shrimp, little popcorn, shrimp, all different kinds of fish, literally from all over the country. If not the world, you go to the beverage such wine from all over the united states all over the world, so many kinds of beer you go cross I'd go to the bread- I oh my god, seven In six break gray, nine grain, no grain oatmeal wonder bread, potato bread, alot go to the freezer section hundred different types of yogurt. Fifty different flavors
Butter margarine butter with plant oil on he goes on and on and on go to the fruit section, fruits, you've never even heard of before you don't even know what they are even plastic bags. Fifty different types of plastic bags for god's sakes go to the candy section which I'm not allowed to. My wife tells me: we've never seen anything like this and all of humanity. What's responsible for this, the government government regulations, capitalism, the market system, the poor people in america or the middle class with a higher class and most of the third world. Did you know that the vast majority of poor people is defined by the federal government, have colored televisions and at least one car people in america the average citizen lives better today than any king or queen lived one hundred years ago, capitalism, a market system? That's why we've never had a revolution in this country. Capitalism and freedom is not a perfect marriage, but it's a very good one, a very close as being married as any economic system in any free system on the face there to an imperfect system. But it's a fantastic system. Capitalism. Choose me: we may not be glad when our flights are cancelled or delayed. The more americans have access to flights across the country or anywhere in the country anywhere outside the country than any people in the face. Lear think about its remarkable. We don't stop in and think about what capitalism and freedom have brought us in this country a great deal, and that's even so, despite all the regulations, despite the movements toward socialism in congress and in the states, many states, despite all that it still has away a muscling through, because when I say it I mean you when you abandon capitalism for statism you're, abandoning what's between your ears, the ability to think for yourself the ability to create to develop, to produce you smother entrepreneurship. You do all those things all those things, and yet capitalism is under attack from the marxist left and some pseudo conservatives to under brutal assault.
It's terrible it's terrible and only bring that up. Ladies and gentlemen, because costco and macy's here, but particularly costco, while they kind of know, what's going on costco macy's, other big change, say shoppers are pulling back at their stores and changing what they buy. That could be a red flag for the us economy. Macy's today cut its annual profit and sales forecast after customer demand, slowed costco finance chief said last week that some customers were switching from price, your stakes and be for cheaper meats like pork and chicken, which you can get at costco. This is a train that has been common in previous recessions. He said, and by the way walmart we talked about a story about a month ago. More more people are just from the bottom, but in the middle are going to Walmart, and even people are driving up there in a mercedes in there and then they renamed their and their benz isn't set forth in there they're going to Walmart, because the
exurbs, tend to be cheaper, and what about online shopping? Amazon started in america to rebel during the pandemic. What would people have done without online purchasing, but would they have done would have been tough if tougher than it was despite the fascistic marxist, I would argue pandemic restrictions over. stone. So many that's capitalism. we are giving you nothing, but the best. The best.
Mark le some of you may not have been hearing the back and forth work for living within the republican. So I want to give you a chance to human Mccarthy had to say in a chance to hear what chip Roy had to say. first mccarthy cut to go right, because at this point you guys only confirm republicans only control one half of one branch of it. So for you to get where you, god was great for the most part, because you know that we can do much better in this. Then the Democrats did Obviously, in dear point Joe Biden terms, I do see that's not mccarthy, they You know a butcher republicans on the big boat organ about now, You're gonna need a bunch of democrats to say you know what a cable I'm doing. This vote with Kevin Mccarthy well
normally when you make a week when you come to an agreement with two different parties, you have people on both parties vote for it, but the difficulty that's different than any time before is the Democrats will tell you there's nothing in the bill for the not for the president. Numerous times he kept asking for tax increases, new government programmes and I just said no and he's Well, there's nothing in it for us to vote, for as a whole, this debt ceiling increase. We can go forward on. I'm not sure people want to go pass. A deadline of interest rate. go up in others right. I think this is a good first step, but we can go much further and I have a plan for that coming forward, where we can look at the entire budget and tackle our problems, especially in a bipartisan way. This is reasonable. This is sensible, but it's also responsible thing to do
He's among the most popular republicans in the country- and there is at least one common cause- he's talking about making emotional remove him as speaker. So I don't follow. The comic causes. And again when we talked to mark meckler he'll, be here tomorrow. I want to know how many of these kamikaze s have supported. Convention of states in a activist kind of way.
I don't necessarily a surly disagree with those who are opposed to this, but you can see where the guy's coming from, and you see all the things that is trying to do, and you can see he's trying to do things that Reagan didn't do in trump. Didn't do, and certainly bush didn't do any speaker, their house with a handful majority votes So cut three go well, look. It's a different congress in newgate is not that you have to pass a bill to find out. What's in it, you got seventy two hours. This isn't a thousand page build. This is ninety nine pages in this is different than we ve never had before. We are actually going to spend less money this year than we spent last year and you're viewers have heard me give this analogy before a death limit is like the first We having a credit card, but you ve been
charging it up every year and just keep lifting the limit. This year's different, we now say we're gonna, spend less Fortunately, I wasn't able to look at all what we spend our money on, because the mandatory spending so scary, medicare, that's all off to the sites. I can only look at about fifteen percent of what we spend our money on. So what we did is its elements. like nondefense, that's going to go below two thousand and twenty two levels. So that's a very positive, but the other thing we did. We put ourselves on a spending plan. We cap how much we can spend for the next six years with government, but we also did I get that, but they cannot control the years. One congress can control what's going to happen in the out years. So, for example, if the Democrats take over the house they're not going can honor their.
I just want to make that clear: go ahead, indifference in this family. We may have a child that able bodied not married, no kids, but he's sitting on the couch collecting welfare. We're going to put work requirements on that individual, so he's going to have work required, he's going to get a job and he's going to make the life easier, but we're also going to look at places. We've been spinning our money that we've wasted that we're going to return right, like all that covert money that we didn't spend we're going to bring it back. But one of my favorites here is four hundred million for cdc the global fund, where weed worries that hard working taxpayer money over to china. We're not going to do that. We're going to send that back. And then we did a number of other things here. One of the things that's very interesting did that the president has been spending money wildly if he wants to put a new regulation in. We took a executive order of president trump's and now we're putting it into law and making it a little tougher if he wants to put a new regulation and he has to cut government if it costs more
in one hundred million, and then we looked at things about cutting the red tape that we get so frustrated. We kept build the roads that take seven years. We now reform nepa the environmental review instead of waiting seven years now, the studies are only one to two years. This hasn't been done in forty years and then we did something interesting to make the government or make congress consequences. For the Actually they have twelve appropriation bills and they have to pass every year and they never do and they come back with that omnibus now we say: if you don't do your job, it's a one percent cut across the board.
Encourage members of congress, not now with the new congress, he actually show up you're all you're going to have to work. This is going to be the biggest cut by the congressional budget office as in history of where we're going forward to do all that we allowed the debt ceiling to go forward for the next eighteen months and we'll readdress it, hopefully with a republican president, a republican senate to even make it stronger. Now the rebuttal, your chip, Roy, at a press conference today cut for ago, my colleagues were very clear: not one republican should vote for this deal. It is a bad deal. No one sentence here to borrow an additional four trillion dollars. You get absolutely nothing in return, but at best, if I'm being really generous a spending freeze for a couple of years, that's it.
it's about what you get and frankly, you're going to make things worse, and my democratic colleagues know it. That's why they're supporting it. A lot of them are not supporting it actually, but go ahead around gleeful, but there's a reason. Our democratic colleagues support this there's a reason that mitt romney supports supporters. There's a reason that bill Kristol support, says.
It's all the same stuff. There is a reason also, I guess newt gingrich, Steve Moore. I mean that's why I said at the opening of the show don't get caught up in who supports and who opposes use your own brain, your own noggin analyze. It yourself, I get texts and emails. Did you know this? You ought to think that nothing's more annoying, I said I'll wait till it comes out. Go ahead, the reason that our conservative allies are opposing it roundly the corporate growth story against it, bared it's foundations scoring against it. Freedom works scoring against it
I must say this publicly about president drop said he thought we should therefore, rather than pursue, there's gotta lunacy at the end of the day. The only knew. How would you know in all due respect? That's not what he did during his presidency. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just being extremely honest with you, then farmer, nobody else, willoughby go ahead. Joe Biden unless republicans to fall on the american dream by voting for this bad bill. That is why this group will oppose it. We will continue to fight it today, Oral and no matter what happens theirs, to be a reckoning about what just occurred. Unless we stop this bill by tomorrow,.
It's going to be a reckoning either way. That's amazing america, even if chip and gets his way one hundred percent, it's not going to save us, that's how far along we are here at how bad this is. It's not going to save us cut five go. There are two paths here: take up the bill that we passed. It's a good bill sitting over the senate. They could pass it some of the prizes, Second, speaker mccarthy, should pull this bad bill down. We should stop taking this bill up right now. I don't think he even has a majority of the his own conference at this point we'll find out, later today, he should pull this building on and then we should. You exact order. I we have carbon rescission right now,
rescission or in the bill carbon rescission of twenty nine billion dollars. They ve already taken that in this bill and they swept twenty two billion and just set of over the department of commerce is man or play money spent. Take that money take IRA's money, and go tell ginning Ellen you're gonna pay ever bell. You need to pay and working to sit down at the table. and do the job for the american people, but don't tell me you're gonna, put me over a barrel. for four trillion dollars, because you refused to do your job. That is what speaker, mccarthy, should have told the press that the united states, whether you go now. What about the Democrats, Jim kleiber, unusable Eddie man tat sick scope. I know you said that you will vote for the compromise. that bill negotiated between president Biden. Speaker, Mccarthy, tell us why well thank you very much worth separately
as I recognize that there are a lot of things at play here. Number one. The full faith and credit of the united states of america is at stake and we've got to keep that projected two wheel governing and when you have to pilots, as I have said before, fifty one percent of the house is on republican control. Fifty one percent of the senate is on the democratic control that needs, but we ve got a fine compromise and I think that we found a very good compromise. I spoke throughout this process. The president arafat cylinder yeah, I've never met. Anyone got midmost competent for work, more compassionate
There too, I need to get out a little bit more, their kleiber than you will go ahead and asset. Therefore, and I saw her, were given a date sums up on this deal. I felt that it was the incumbent upon me did you I can't get it across, but Jim Heinz. Democratic connecticut he didn't say things that worry tat. Seven go back came jeffreys said to him that there are democrats are mank. Is there's nothing for them in this? Well, what do you make of it?
illustration and a matter of fact, there's there's two problems with the bill. Number one is yeah. None of the things in the bill are democratic priorities. You know what those priorities are because in the last two years, when we control the house, we kept insulin at thirty five dollars for seniors. We did have drug price controls, we passed the biggest infrastructure investment in our country. Ever we address climate change, those are our priorities and not a single one of them are in this bill. Now, that's not a surprise, given that we're now in the minority, but the the obvious point here and the speaker didn't say this. The reason it may have some traction with some Democrats is that it's a very small bill. It's a very, very small bill now and had the bill. Look anything like what the republicans passed on the floor, where they rescinded all of the money and designed to create an electric battery industry in this country and designed to further reduce drug prices. You would have had unanimity against it, but the I r s money is a pretty good example. Why the speaker by the way, wants to defend taking IRA police off the block so that more people can tell that he can cheat on their taxes is beyond me, know a whole people don't want to be harassed by their government, but you guys are all in on the police state
other story go ahead. The numbers right now, eighty billion dollar sent in that direction over a period of time. A very, very small fraction of that has been rescinded. So again, not ability going to make any democrats happy, but it's a small enough, build it in the service of actually not destroying the economy. This week may get democratic votes It's all over the map and that's why you get a look at these things for yourself and that's why I think they should take a little bit more time and go back. The countries not gonna default. Most Biden once it had a thought, but if anything has been demonstrated through this process at a minimum he doesn't and
The buying was hoping originally was that the republicans with followed the mccarthy couldn't get majority together even to make the proposals that they did and that they passed it in the house. That's not what happened. Obviously, and then. Finally, he puts his team together to negotiate at the eleventh hour. Now. It's true that you, the Democrats, don't call anything victory that doesnt massively increased spending mass will increase the central government and just continue to push push push
But what I'm trying to tell you is this: their trajectory that we're on as a result of the way the institutions of government have been bastardized, are going to be very difficult, if not impossible, to change, because, as I've said many times in many ways, we live in a post, constitutional america in one of the people who texts me most, and I won't tell you who it is- is a absolute rock, solid concern and we're dear dear friends, I get these texts all the time. The skywalker this this guy wants that this place is broken. This is this. This is a I
we live in. Yet this dear friend of mine does not support convention of state, so I think to myself how the hell are we going to get out of this? How are we going to get out of this. see the problem is. Ladies and gentlemen, let's say we win the next election and the one after that and the one after that. Nothing will stop the Democrats from going right back to this. Nothing, not even a brother chip or the speaker of the house. Nothing will stop them unless they are fundamentally stop his best, as we can in the constitution itself and even then
They may not adhere to it. If that happens, it's all over anyway.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-04.