« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 6/24/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, a Judge ruled that Donald Trump can’t discuss or post on his social sites about the core of the appalling case that Jack Smith brought against him. Trump gets to defend himself - we don’t have secret courts in America. The government will have to let every one of these documents see the light of day. The Democrat party is the most dangerous and disastrous political entity in America. There is no debate that the Democrat party hates America. This party is like the Communist party in China, they want one-party rule and seek to destroy all competition. It’s time to take off the gloves and to brutally and comprehensively confront them. That’s the point of the new book, The Democrat Party Hates America. The more Democrats have control over classrooms, the more our children’s test scores keep falling. So much of what goes on in the classroom is Democrat party propaganda. The government has obliterated the education system and destroyed an entire generation of children. The Biden family is worse than any mob family in America. They’ve used the power of government and their position to enrich themselves. And there’s a massive cover-up from the Democrats and the media. New testimony from IRS employees has revealed that the Biden IRS and DOJ Interfered in a tax Investigation of Hunter Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite. Allegiant america hillsdale college, which proudly refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening. My sincere appreciation ale stay for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door. most blocks bolted. What the great isn't just resting on our laurels. He's sure you began is even better by giving you is best this. This. best of more club circle back to this register like an opening comments on it. A federal judge- and I really a federal judge, say judge rules that president trump cannot discuss or post on social media.
The substance of these classified documents. sounds pretty sense. Maura. Let me ask you a question. Should this matter go to court who brought up classified documents from instrument? Is the government right in fact it pictures of classified documents. At least the covers boxes made allegations it. He'd endangered the united states there, patsy bull bars Our tv. Making the same allegations one this country actually get to defend yourself and you get to defend yourself in open court. We not have secret trousers. Country framers, were very very smart. People
if I'm donald trump soyer lawyer for anybody in this position, I go document by document. To make a determination number one if it is in fact a classified documents what's in the document and how, if he did, the former president declares further doc Now some might say the issue. Declares classification really doesn't matter at this point because we're dealing with an obstruction case. Excuse me it's all over the forty nine pages. Why would you include photograph. Of the sort that the prosecution did and then all of a sudden say we're not discussing this so first and foremost,.
That courtroom courthouse connect to figure out how they're gonna do with this, and the government put the judge in this position. But you have a right to go through every damn document you into question its classification. Things role requires fine things that should be Five- and the other thing that's interesting to me is: has there been a leak investigation, taking place here by the department of justice and the fbi? There's only one party leaking, and that is the special council they're, the ones leaking. The leaking about the grand jury four months, the other leaking taking place. is anybody going to trace when you, those families, are not he's a rhetorical questions? Of course,
And then ask yourself we're going to have a great lord on this programme, I read his peace. There was in the federalists last week, william sharp, And he really is a former federal prosecuted, the top order. and he's running for attorney general of Missouri as it turns out and I'm going ham on this program, we're going to go through some of these points. But one of I think. The important point she raises something I've been thinking about myself was: why didn't Wait till after the election to bring the charges wanna. There's no statute of limitations or would have been violated. There's no staff limitations or would have been violated, ladies and gentlemen, you'll notice bill bars all over television, his
tax on tromp, regaining increasingly emotional. Increasingly unhinged irrational things changed and are really watch the guy I got other things to do. We do have some of the cliffs. But whenever you bring up a substantive point, apparently he just blows up which he doesn't have answered sad he goes on. These shows with these sapo interviews And the questioner doesn't know enough about the law or practice involving these laws to challenge, because I don't want to challenge. You ve got him on tv. You ve got john boardman tv in Interestingly enough He was challenging John boltons revelation of class. Information, or at least allegations
For the information in his book and judge royce lambert admonished John bolton, didn't brain criminal charges against John ball. Many have, as former chief of staff general kelly, he's out there to do. In this thing, saw the long, knives europe. This is the ruling class. They'll bar John, bold and general kelly, they ve all been in iran, washed and d c for decades, and their training, Like back and will be more. In the end, they don't matter humming. You care what bill bar has to say how many due care, but John Bolton, has to say how many of you care. The general kelly has to say- and I will also say this to my pants- you read the prosecutions
I can make you know nothing else, Probably being advised by your aid mark short. To try to somehow distinguish yourself from the crowd actually buy. Trashing crop Not distinguishing yourself from the crowd you may, a more more obvious that maybe you should have been charged under the espionage at Would you don't have clean hands the He wasn't whether you really really dirty hands verses, just dirty hands. Oh, you did something to most vice president still do mike, and that is you had one or two or more documents at your home that reclassified. So that means you violated according to bill bar according to jack, the Ripper smith, according
Mary garland, you violated the espionage jack. You committed a felony. So keep that in mind. And veal bar has not been asked in a single one of these programmes about his handling of classified information, continued ask. I do know my show last night bill Whoever we classified information, while you were being ushered I'm home to work I worked on did you were not to very simple question. You said you didn't I'd like to know the name of your fbi escort in your driver. because this is how it works. You say this is her work.
Trot was not a threat to anybody. He didn't threatened anybody. The classified information such as it was put, was perfectly protected. When you mention Lyndon Johnson Hillary Clinton. What about as it now? It's not what about as it's about equal applications along. Let me ask you this question, ladies and gentlemen: the gallant earthwards is any does so very well as he does so many things the nations better off, for Having been indicted, then, if he hadn't been, you think the nations better off. I don't care about bill bars, personal enemies and peculiarities I don't care about John baldness, personal anonymous and peculiarities and all the rest, all trying to get even.
stand. There's been humiliated that their embarrassed. I got it, but it seems to me if they really about the country. They wouldn't be doing what they're doing, but they are terrible, one of CBS sprout fox repeatedly, though bars, but on meat. The press, dubai I repeat, the war peace, whereas in the wall street journal discrimination, he's when a grand old time he can't get over this. He can't get over the fact that he was fired, pussy Ever been fired, esper, I don't know I fringe, Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be
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is the best of mark levin, I think, it was any way to avoid a world war. Three, there is not now cause it's clear that blinker was grovelling TG at the direction of a Biden anyway,. furthermore, was in pennsylvania. Vainer words obviously represents federalism, pennsylvania and Joe Biden was there. in some genius put em both on the same stage mr produce. They can understand each other, but the rest of his kin understand either of them quite frankly, anyway. But fishermen had a few important words. I thought for Joe Biden was. She was praising.
Guy had missed a little over a year ago,. A little over a year ago, the president Our standing right next to each other at a collapse bridge Pennsylvania, a bridge that drove over just the night. Before with my young son, And he showed up with just hours hours after that brought the bridge collapse there and heap I wish to make sure that any resources that they need and any help and support and guess what and guess what that that bridge was rebuilt less than a year well well in front of time. Anyone and now I'm standing next to the president again next to a collapse bridge here and he is correct. To work with the governor and the delegation Make sure that we get this fixed, quick ass well to this
the president that is committed to and fractured, and then on top of that you're a kind of it. The law. In for information, in fact, information, a bill that is make sure that there's gonna be bridges all across like this all across amerika getting rebuilt It's a pleasure to be here and introduce my rifle congressmen boy awhile- Really the guy's name boil bile Brennan boil the collar point. Bile could have been worse has put in by the way he couldn't see it, but Joe Biden was actually Cringing the whole time And he was I, oh, my god. and I blame his wife for this- that is, veterans, wife,
she knew he was ill. She knew he was an up to the job I know all about it, but it's like job. And she does want to give up the white house in Why I blame this on birthing people in the case of your formerly burthen person? May I say that must reduce to be respectful. I circle back. Any point in further at this news coverage of beijing today can I go. Economic relationship with china is vitally important and also one is fair A very positive thing for countries around the world at a time when Countries are trying to rebound from from covered something the united states has done very successfully. We I see growth. We want to see success in every part of the world, ring. Of course, in the major kind. Like china is in our interest,
but at the same again. No, it's not in our interest for china's economy to be strong Would ronald Reagan have said that about the soviet union and china is a bigger to us today. Then even the soviet union was red and try to destroy the chinese the year we had economy condom any succeeded, and I thank you. Saying it's in our interest for the soviet economy to be strong. And so here you sing appeasement all over the place. no. We don't wanna support taiwan. Independence, ok, just shut your mouth. we want to see china's economy to be strong, its and our interests. No, its not folks, Steal our stuff, their building, terry to go to war with us.
starting with our allies, they send a spy worn across the continental united states, now we're supposed to believe it was an accident they just I happened, go about nuclear sites, I mean so the communist chinese take all this in. They say can for what he is. howard, a nerd, a buffoon. Sure will go along with the game. We got no problem with that. That's what they're saying that's what they're thinking in themselves, there simply we'd better get rid of these people's faces. We can, which is why I get so disgusted with a billboard.
and the Chris Christy's in the world and I saw a k as long as we know, a crop will trumps leaning. So let me put it this way if we lose this election, I put it at the feet of these republicans Mitch Mcconnell bill bar Chris Christie, john boredom judge it. I dont mind a good fight in a primary, but that's not with these guys are doing. These guys are trying to destroy the leading republican Maybe you won't be the leading republican forever. What do I know. But the point is he is now, and so it's hard enough to take on the corrupt democrat party, the corrupt media, corrupt academia, it's hard enough, the defeat that But I have these constant stiletto stab in the back of your head, your neck. Your back makes it that much harder to go on tv,
And give the enemies of this country who really trying to turkey into some kind of marxist regime with wide open borders with federal coming in. Country, going a hundred thousand people at a time for it, our bill of rights. They get on tv in a sound sanctimonious self grand aging way, because you're trying to cripple. Guys over fifty percent right now. The republicans among republicans, is sickening to me, like I said it
one thing for a candidate to dig it out with another. That's not why Chris Christie there. Nobody cares about Chris Christie, not even this is kristen fact. When that all you can eat smorgasbord play. What's it called corral, sumter calling corral when they see christie coming, they shut those doors and bottom up as fast as I can, MR producer, they don't want to lose money that weak. Oh, my god, when they see christie, embryo bar, coming at sight, o my lord, like a hurricane. And when those two a done eating, trust me it is like a hurricane. What would you say about a delicate from the virgin islands who says president trump needs to
shop just getting much attention today, other than on top radio. I don't even know now. It's going Our attention today, MR producer, tells me none. So exactly what I mean Somebody said that about a Democrat their harrowby on fire, and you wouldn't blame, but when it said about trump, ok, who cares. this stacy plastic. It is among the worst of the where she went after the two Depended journalists now that time they were testifying. To levy in shellin, burger hamburger, whatever. She wanted to throw tele be in prison, as I recall, urgent island, MR producer, the virgin islands, nice I've never been there. Have you ever been there. I hear nice things about them, but surely gis.
Cut them loose and say you not a territory anymore. Take care yourself, start, no wonder when you jack s like stacy plastic to congress. That's a problem Lee! She doesn't get the vote. She's a delicate. Why shouldn't you a virgin islands is not a state. Why let back it in the way. Well, here she is on MSNBC. Yes, I want you think about this cut five go having trouble not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for americans and being able to put that out and share it in resort with anyone do any of that. You fuck you. He didn't do any of that
Are very concerned about Hillary Clinton: weren't you, you jerk, go ahead Rule should be terrifying to all americans and he means to be shocked, stopped he needed be shot stopped. Now she saying she asked currently misspoke mr produce. Did she apologized to the former president, no. He needs to be shot. Stop start, I meant stop, stop stop, of course, and I would you stop him. That's a tough one You're sitting to the best of mark love in latin america. You got a guy here who bore a guy
Illegally filled out the form illegally committed, perjury cause you was a drug attic, he's mishandled the gun, throw it away. Try to conceal it, then he had somebody go get it on videotape waving it around. is an individual onward to your period made one and a half million dollars in. Add to your period didn't pay is federal income taxes. Mr producer. and then he catches up and pays them late because well On time and. Now they're gonna hit him with misdemeanours. It's gonna get paid. Trial detention agreement on that
the possession of a gun as a drug user. Which simply means he's gonna, get off scot free, he'll hill homer do a minute a time in prison. Give em parole when their done. two misdemeanours. When taxes I I can't at anybody out there running that kind of money, not paying their taxes, treated this way, and this had to be signed off by the department of justice. This, u s attorney louis a special council for these purposes,. From Wilmington delaware, he couldn't do this on his own marie special counsel report to the attorney general, the attorney general recused, as the deputy attorney general. So I want you to keep this in the forefront here.
At the very time that Mary garland and his deputy, tourney general and all arrest rest. Oh mamma, that crap house. We are preparing to sign off on donald trumps indictments, throwing the book at him even creating a book to throw up. At the same time, there are trying to figure out how to go soft on hunter by and even more. They never step outside to look at the connections to the father. only they never even looked at the laptop. They never looked at anything MR, but is. Now you- and I is honest: americans taxpaying americans, hardworking americans who believe
This country, it's getting harder and harder is. This- is the latest example. But it's been going on a while now, if you Awaken we are watching the lead, five, six, seven, eight years before that, but especially now, and it's going to continue the war against our justice system. The war against our immigration system, the war again People based on their race.
The war on our economic system, the were on property rights, who's responsible for this. Well, many people are, but I took a look at this, ladies and gentlemen in this one thread that connects the democratic party worthy go back to slavery, where they go back to
the civil war. You go back to what is segregation. You go back to the client. You go back to lunching, you go back to efforts even in the past century, eugenics segregation, Jim crow, and then they flip to marxism c r t the democratic party is central to all of it, because the damage-
a party is the most dangerous and disastrous political entity in america. It's got power. It's got size it ubiquitous throughout the culture. Television, Whose papers fact that media today are circling the wagons around hunter by and by These cases are usually prosecuted. The department of
as this was very harsh, because the media today are propagandists, they think you're stupid but you're onto them. So I have nothing but contempt for people like bill Barr. Chris Christie me to some of us were fooled by them. Never Chris Christie. but not anymore. Not again. The democratic party in america in many ways, is like the communist party in china, or these single party system effectively in russia or any other autocratic party. It wants one party rule seeks to destroy our competition
It insists on conformity and pushes group ism over individualism and its reached a point A country where we are losing it. As I like to say, we're not look into the abyss wherein the abyss try Claude way, up. And last year this time I thought to myself. How do we deal with this? ask me all the time. What do we do? I'm, not god I dont have this kind of power. You may recall when you look at the bible. that almighty god was defined.
From time to time. Was he not MR producer? Yes, he was defied from time to time in the people suffered. Why not god, I'm just one mortals human being, but I can fight, I can push together. We can lead and that's what I'm trying to do The moral of human beings throughout our history who have made a difference. You can make a difference: the democratic party, hates america theirs,
no debate about this cept among them, but their liars. They never have anything good to say about this country. Ever they ve destroyed our justice system. Now they ve destroyed it. Every now and then we'll get a good rolling, but it's the exception, not the ruined by good ruling. I mean just fair and legal, but the democratic party is poison cancers. Think about it this way the democratic party had its way. We didn't have a constitution. What do you think this country would look like today, MR producer.
the would look much different than any other horrendous totalitarian regime. Would it as the likes of tallied, omar hakim, jefferies, In others, the type the work at mediocre garage, immediate matters. Claude, their way to the top of the system, I once those are worse, you don't agree with them tried. I said it cause. I mean it.
Does it get any worse than arresting a former president, the united states charging him with a host of crimes. If he's convicted by a democrat jury in a democrat city, he will serve the rest of his life. If he sentenced, then you'll die in prison. A case brought less than ten days ago that could have been brought after the election, even if you're gonna bring a road case, but didn't they didn't way. And then, whose son is treated with kid gloves like this. sounds like cuba sounds like then, as well sounds like it sounds like communist,
it sounds like all these places. Doesn't it alright? While I think it's time in fact, it's long past time to take off the gloves, take off the mittens, stop playing games and to brutally and comprehensively confront them. That's the point of the democrat party, hates them That's the point of the book: to spell it out and brutal detail factory
urgent, take everything you already know, and it's meant for people who can't decide what good and wants evil which side to be on spent for people who want to spread the word liberty and want to spread the word against tyranny cement for people who want to know all about it. On amazon and in the book, flapped publisher wrote the following. An american marxism mark Levin explained how society ology has invaded arse signing culture. In doing so, we expose the institution scholars. activists leading the revolution. Now he picks up where he left off to hold accountable. The true mouth factors.
Steering our country down the wrong path. They write. site for and hard hitting as ever. Levine proves that, since its establishment, the democratic party They set out to rewrite history and destroy the foundation of freedom in america. More than a political, party. It is the energy through which marxism is installed as philosophy and its new revolution. I was in a thomas paint pamphlet or a clarion call from Paul revere living words. His fellow americans did the destruction this countries facing. Tries to rally them to defeat the threat in front of us More looming than ever, he writes every legal, legitimate and appropriate tool. A method must be employed in the short and long run. To defeat the democratic party, the Democrats, Party must be resoundingly conquered in the neck.
Election and every other election and in every way possible or will become extra the difficult under the damage. It is unleashing at breakneck speed. The democrat party hates america needs to be a mantra that we repeat over and over and over and over again just like marxism, which is now being repeated thanks to you. I've never written a book like this before and I suspect, when you get your copy, will have never read a book like this before. We're going to jump into the news again put both feet, but you can priority copyright now, for the first time.
On amazon that com and be the first to receive the copy as soon as the book comes out in its time on september, sixteenth choose me September. Nineteen for reason to have, as big of impact is passed On the legal issues that are going on in this country and on the election, we can use it help. The great one makes your weekend even better this system. Best of mark Levin lot going on out there and most of it that good If you want to see really good things going on honestly. Look inside your own heart and solve look.
Side, your own life in your family, we Not complete control, obviously, but more control If you want to be down and out, you look at the government. there is an endless ever a relentless effort, Interfere in your life to tell you what you can Cannot due to bad things, to compel things? We really never seen anything like this in our country. Never. And when I look at MR who did a hell of a job testifying to day. And yet I look at the Democrats and we'll get into this. friend of mine said to me today. The Democrats don't want to hear what he has to say. No, of course not because they were part of the plot to get trump and he exposed it any expose them whistle
Where's, the only good whistleblower is a whistle blower that can be used to get a republican. Wise, their livelihoods are threatened to even threatened with jail. When it comes to the Democrats. The Democrats, Joe Biden in particular speed More finally of illegal immigrants have just entered the country, he does of american citizens. First. Second, third, fourth generation think about their the democratic party.
and by- and they are more in love with the paris climate accords than they are with the constitution and the declaration of independence. Why is that? I think we know why the list goes on where's, the worst crime in america and democrats, cities, Were the worst judges in america, the democrat judges, one of us, partisan, worse prosecutors in america, the Democrat prosecutes. Which party? Is it? That's massively expanding government. Spending money they don't have imposing impossible that generations yet born. I think that's the democrat party.
And when you look at today's news, today's events that are going on twitter, About yesterday hunter Biden getting a pass. Why Democrats, former president tromp indictment, arrest attempts to put him in prison democrats somebody? The people aren't safe in the cities. The war on the cops Democrats I want to thank those of you who went over. Would amazon an orator, early copy superiority, copies of the democratic party hates america? Since then, I've got Quest I've kept track of this, MR producer about a hundred twelve free books, clothing from programme directors,
think, I am going to send our books willy nilly. First of all, the books are unavailable for three months. Secondly, The publisher can't possibly meet all those demands, and certainly I can't. in the label, but I thought it was important to do this project. And I told you yesterday, we ve been getting a lot of inquiries. I want to thank you- and I am certainly not gonna- spend all day on it, but I open it up this, the democratic party and authoritarianism is the first chapter. This book is not intended to be provocative, but in the
the crowd party, central parts of our society, and undoubtedly will be that said: it's not written for democratic party officials, politicians, media sycophants activists and surrogates threatened for those patriotic americans who fear Our country, in its future, America's unravelling, are found. History or under assault, our families and fade sir being degraded, Individualism has been substituted for group ism Our blindness is now said to be racist, capitalism and press startup. Prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate change, fanaticism classrooms have become indoctrination. Mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion. And teachers, unions or hostile parental environment and critical decisions.
the health and welfare, their children in america, free speech and academic freedom are shrinking and a police state, growing. As this monitoring and spying on citizens. The government is banning and regulating more and more a household products from incandescent light bulbs, dishwashers. While creating shortages and driving up costs of others. Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation, at schools, while police budgets are slashed and many prosecutors and judges cod. violet criminals. Our borders are wide open to millions of. Energy who seek entry into the country as drug and criminal cartel ship killer drugs into our country by the tonnes
And brutalized migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves, and the list goes on. The democratic party is responsible for most of this and much more It seeks to permanently control our governmental institutions, just as it dominates our cultural entities. An immediate academia, entertainment, the science seeks to do legitimize and eviscerate. The constitution, including the bill of rights, the electoral college, the supreme court separation of powers etc, which obstructs its ideological. his the abuses, the rule of law, by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation, prosecution and even imprisonment and october. Thirty two thousand when Barack Obama shadow it grad than we are
I've days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america, he was not kidding I'll. May forty, two thousand eight, what michelle obama pronounced that we are going to have to change our conversation. We're gonna have to change, Traditions, our history, we're going to have to move into a different places, a nation she meant it. the obamas are not alone among democrat party apparatchiks and their contempt for this country. In fact, it is the rare top democrat party politician who regularly raise america and its sincere about it. They mostly trash talk that country smear millions of its people. The example are too numerous to catalogue here, but a party that is built on the demands of propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues and malcontents
And as a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes,. clothing, slavery, segregation, the coup collects clan even lynchings. Indeed, almost from the start, the Democrats party, rejected the principles and values of the american experiment today it is the home of another anti american movement, american marxism, with its various it illogical appendages that Their party ruling class are legion activists. Are you in this resolution. As the title of this book declares the democratic party hates america Indeed, if you want to fundamentally transformed something you clearly not loved or even a like it explained on my radio show me many times One says I wish I could fundamentally transformed my spouse. If someone says.
Then you obviously don't love or like your spouse, but what, if you buy? What if do not want to fundamentally transform america and you'll love our country and it's important to speak. The truth about, those who seek to impose their will on the rest of us when dealing such a direct threat to our freedom society way of life. We cannot dodge our responsibilities as citizens, specially in my case when I have such a large such large platforms to push back. We can be difficult, an unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this Even the predictable outrage and anger that will surely result from mars individuals living quarters. Nonetheless that time is light and the cause is too important to self centre. So let us step back and examine what is taking.
Ass in the central role of the democratic party. now, I'm not going to sit here and read all ninety two to ninety three thousand words, but those are the first handful of paragraphs They led into the rest of their chapter the democrat party and authoritarianism, the other chapters extra one chapter two as anti black racism and anti semitism chapters, we as anti white racism and anti semitism. Chapter four as language and thought control chapter five is war on the american citizen chapter six war on the nuclear.
Amelie chapter seven war on the constitution and chapter eight Stalin would be proud. Then there is the closing chapter. The epilogue, I hope, you'll take a moment because this book is written for you to written for this audience. Specifically you, my radio and tv
on it but mark but mark we already know these things is a lot of things in this book. I doubt you do, but that's ok, then be preachers. Then proselytize spread the word used the book you're the new colonists, and why should you think back to the time when this country was facing an illusion.
From the british crown, and what do you remember what I told you before that one third of the people in this country at the time one third of the colonists and no more supportive self government supported representative government supported independence. I want should remember that one Third oppose them and supported the crown in knowing one too. But in one colony against another. Some of the colonies were perfectly happy sewing cotton to the british crown they won.
I have nothing to do with what was going on in boston in philadelphia and one state in particular,. half of those who fought in the revolutionary war fought for the crime against their fellow colonists. but a third of the colonists who were in fact affected by the revolutionary war took no side, two thirds. Therefore rather against the revolution or took no side. there are tens of millions of us america. Tens of millions of us who need to support each other. I don't have all the answers.
I had only answers I wouldn't be in this. Business would be a preacher or something else, but I dont have only. But I do have a lot a lot to offer you. From history and economics from philosophy a lot. and the democratic party today is the greatest enemy we face in this country. The greatest enemy we face in this country. and I'll take all sling and arrows. But I want you, The army of lava nights, the stand with me, the
we are giving you nothing, but the best. The best of mark lovin five six days are reporting enemy based on theories, based on expectations, and they were all wrong. This is why don't do that and they should know better, but people want clicks people. One viewers, people want ratings in burma, and my view is why do you keep talking about, stuff. You don't know anything about where we thought we heard pinging in it. It's just Said it was ghoulish and provide any information, these five poor soul, startle instantaneous. It's about ninety minutes into this trip. When the submersible blew up. They found five major pieces large pieces of this.
mercer on the bottom of the ocean?. And the amount of pressure and robbed and that her, Given the blowing up with his vehicle they're, not gonna, find any bodies might find something here and there, but they're not gonna, find any buys the horrible thing. But then, in the end is what happened in and remarkably, found pieces of this vehicle. Sixteen hundred feet from the titanic of all places there were down or the look at the titanic put good. Guarantee. They didn't expect a dying extra. The titanic. There are people out there who take chances cos Take chance every time you no longer be automobile across the street or have surgeon.
Whatever, but these are, these are kind of control chances, especially as I can say it. They are people who climb MT everest. people do this sort of thing, and so you won't find me among month. You won't find me among month now just not interest. Some people are Every day that goes by, we learn to things. We learn that the Biden family. Is worse worse than any mob family in this country past or present. These are mobsters. they use the power government. They use their positions to enrich themselves.
And secondly, we ve learned of the mass of cover. Goes on in the government and the media for the body, And this is one of the reasons donald trump is under such vicious, constant attack. As would decide to speak and so forth, but nothing like donald trump. Some of you ve, probably heard a little bit of this today, something heard none. So you may have heard everything. But you're gonna hear everything from me. We have these fbi whistle blowers, who testified in front of congress. The other week. about how they had been brutalized, how their careers destroyed. Other names and reputations have been ruined. by the fbi, by the department of justice by the bynum ministration for coming forward about abuses of power,
Illegality, unethical activity, much relief. Do the buyer confirm the Democrats condemned each and every one of attack them. We heard testimony yesterday from John dorm, why urban alike, at all no one, but I was listening. And even he was stunned at how corrupt the obese Abiden F b, I was, and is how dishonest deceit He never seen anything like black in his entire life. His career, the russia hopes stations
Four, through this year after year, the media handing itself pillar two prizes meteorite to disgusting, Cooperation in this country that hides behind the first amendment, they do that King of the democratic party, they do the bidding of the corrupt mob. That's in the white house, iris whistleblowers came forward. They were also attacked, their careers ruin. Currently, the only whistleblowers who are worth anything of the whistle works, the go after trump and republican. Not even allowed to repeat their names This will take a little while bullets step into this. Mr producer, first, I want you here from the chairman of the house ways and means committee, nor but of a tough time here.
Its congressmen smith, who were you'll, be joining us tomorrow. Perhaps.
I want you to listen to cut one go, not one, but two iris employees are blowing the whistle with evidence that the federal government is not treating tax payers equally, when enforcing tax laws. The whistleblowers were working on an investigation into hunter Biden that opened in november of two thousand and eighteen as an offshoot of a separate corporate investigation by the irs. Let me emphasise this was an investigation in the ordinary course of work at the iris. It was not ordered by any individual, any chairman or any political entity. The testimony we release today shows the irs recommended charges against hunter Biden that included attempt to evade or defeat tax, a felony fraud or false statements. A felony and wilful failure to file returns supply information,
or pay tax, these tax crimes cover an estimated two point: two million and unreported tax on global income streams to Mr Biden and his associates from ukraine, romania and china, totalling seventeen point, three million from two thousand and fourteen to two thousand and nineteen mr Biden personally receive Eight point: three million dollars whistle blowers, detail foreign payments to Mr Biden, including six hundred and sixty four thousand from the chinese company state energy h kay large diamond worth eighty thousand dollars and a porch worth a hundred and forty two thousand dollars. These payments are just a fraction of the total, but they provide insight into a world of
an influence that no ordinary american would recognize. The chairman of our house ways and means committee today what you think about on top of what. The chairman of the house oversight committee, told us ten or twelve days ago. Comber about these shall corporate since that were set up to receive. Millions and millions of dollars from the communist china used ie can your picture here now. It's a big deal.
these are separate issue and yet the same, the same family cut to go. Whistleblowers claim that Biden, department of justice is intervening and overstepping when it comes to the investigation of the president's son. Despite what whistleblowers described as a clear cut case for tax liability on these payments, iris investigator say they found themselves hamstrung internally that testimony we have just released details, a lack of: u s: attorney independence, recurring, unjustified delays, unusual actions outside the normal course of any investigation, a lack of transparency across the investigation and prosecution teams and bullying and threats from the defence council. This was a campaign of delay, divulge and deny whistleblowers say reoccurring. Unjustified delays pervaded the investigation, including an office
authenticating a what's at message in which hunter Biden demand payment from chinese officials, noting that his father is in the room, the whistleblowers rebuild iris investigators on homeowner. Did you. He shaking down a chinese government communist official from billions of dollars, and I want to read it a later came out this afternoon, Read them saying his father's sitting right next to them, no other his father sitting right next to him or not, is something that needs to be investigated. but either way again. Using the by name threatening this chinese official. You better come up with the money.
And the department of justice is aware of this. The fbi's aware of this. The internal revenue service is aware of this and they cover it up. Go ahead. I'll, buy you s attorney leslie war, that, because the evidence we found in the guest house of former vice president Biden quote, there is no way close quotes. A search warrant for evidence would ever. Yet approved. You see that we can't do this as the eu truly will never get a search warrant to search. facility and the vice president's property.
Much the same department of justice. Obviously your where this that had no compunction about getting a search. warn against a former presidents home of our document dispute and they got the search warrant. And they send enough be ice. Armed swat team. To the president's home. Go ahead, these whistleblowers report they have faced almost immediate retaliation,
they say they tried multiple times to sound the alarm internally at the irs and raise concerns with the department of justice prosecution team. Their concerns were not given fair consideration. One of the whistle blowers was passed over for a position when he was more qualified than the candidate selected by irish leadership, and roadblocks roadblocks have appeared in the course of their other unrelated investigations now that they have testified the congress they have been removed from the investigation. These italy alone in congress remove from the investigation. the whistle blower, whose name could not be repeated. Who met with Adam shifts people, if not adam, shift worthy perfectly fine fund
Our president Tromp had would zalewski member that, and this so called whistle blower. The Democrat he'd work for Biden. He'd worked for Brennan. He was a hold over a try. My master stupidly kept him on. He'd been suspected of leaking before had been removed from the white house. My master brought him back that so called whistleblower was protected Media member Paul, sparing a handful of others have the guts to mention who was packed.
I remember his name. I'd tell you that matter point. Is this endless disparate treatment? I am so sick of it. This punk this hunter by this punk with the hookers, with the cocaine with the gun with handling of the gun not signing up as a foreign agents. This punk with his father. Courses, fathers gonna, support his son, because this has been subsidizing. The father. How do you think all this money just gonna hunter and Joe Biden as such aid? thorough psychopath such a liar about what he knows and doesn't know, and this jerk this this marriage garlands phony attorney general
My lawyer.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-25.