« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 6/22/24


This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden is desperate to hold on to power and will do anything to keep it. Biden's use of immigration for votes is contemptible. There's a reason he is doing this now. He and his regime are looking at any and every way to use the law, budget, policy, executive orders, and the rest to buy votes. President Biden is an expert at repeating the lies of the Democrat Marxists, just like Barack Obama and other students of Saul Alinsky who destroy, smear, and character assassinate political opponents. Biden is destroying the electoral system in order to ensure he cannot lose, all while acting as though he is the candidate who will save our democracy. The Democrat party has been conquered once and for all by people who have rejected the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Biden and Democrats accuse Donald Trump of doing everything that they are guilty of, which is typical behavior for a Marxist. President Biden is violating the law left and right with immigration and mass amnesty, and yet Conservatives have not done enough to show that Biden is the fascistic dictator who hates Democracy and is creating the disaster we’re living in every day. The Biden Administration has been exposed for withholding and delaying shipments of weapons to Israel, and after being called out publicly by Benjamin Netanyahu they have doubled down on their lie. President Biden, Antony Blinken, the State Department, and the Democrat media are all lying to us about Israel.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's all quiet in the underground bunker. Doors closed, locks bolted. But the great one is in the underground bunker. Just resting on his laurels. He's making sure your weekend is even better by giving you his best this. This is the best of Mark Levin. You may have heard of it. I wrote a book called The Democrat Party Hates America. I have to say, the... Predicted a whole lot of what's taking place today I came across an article in the New York Post over the weekend that was so horrendous By use of text and email must have sent it to a hundred hundred twenty people. In radio and TV and elsewhere, even on the Hill.
And each one of them was appalled. And I told them, Please use it. Please spread the word. You know, I'm the cleanup editor here on Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays and Friday and I have my two Fox shows but still, during the week, clean up Haters number four. Article that explains what we've been talking about now for years. I've been on in this business It's not a long, long time. Although it doesn't seem that way. About Joe Biden a long time. I've known about our immigration issues a long time you and I together together. Have prevented a lot of bad immigration legislation from being passed, including under George W. Bush. What's happening now...
Is not about passing legislation. What's happening now is about the tyrannical acts of Joe Biden. Biden. The vast majority of what's being done to our country has no statutory or constitutional basis, quite the contrary. He uses executive orders, he uses regulations, he uses memos, he uses directives and fiats of various kinds, and he's destroying our country. He's destroying our country. And I view him as sitting in the Oval Office. With his staff and his campaign people, perhaps on the speakerphone. All of them looking for ways in every department, in every agency.
In every corner of the federal government looking for ways to win this election. To use the budget and your tax dollars to win this. Election, to use policies to win this election, by hook and by crook. And I've told you even last week before this article in the New York Post, which I'm going to get to I Told you That this man This man is doing what he's doing Because he's desperate to hold on to power And that's what he is, desperate to hold onto power, and so is his party and so are the media. They hate this country, and they try to--
And project upon us the nomenclature of radicals and extremists and dangerous and anti-democratic which defines them. It says here how non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US and how Republicans are trying to stop it. I know you've heard about this today, because I distributed it all over the place to friends. To acquaintances in every media every walk of life Josh Christensen wrote the piece Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts.
Now the problem with that is they control the bureaucracy, they control the regime, they control the Senate. So how are we going to get swift action for them to stop what they've done and what they're Every state but Arizona, which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms, gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver's licenses, or other services. Or in some cases mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship. So there it is. When former Attorney General Barr says there was no evidence of fraud... Once stated, we are going to continue to look at the future of the world. Federal judges say there was no evidence of fraud. The Supreme Court doesn't take up relevant cases. When the media, of course, say there's no evidence of fraud.
This is systemic, ubiquitous fraud. That is intended to help one party, the Democrat party against another party, the Republican party. There's currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one as a citizen or for a noncitizen to... Passed a ballot in a federal election. It's also illegal across the border. Without following the law but that doesn't seem to stop almost twenty million people over the last four years has it Bye. Billions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee, or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the United States. The offices where voter registration takes place. That's on purpose. As I've explained before.
The National Voter Registration Act, NVRA, of 1993 ordered states to... Register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles and agencies where Americans apply for public benefits and those offer... This is required by federal law to hand over the registration forms along with the application papers. 1993. Who was president? Clinton. I remember, you know who pushed this bill in the Senate? Chris Dodd. Voter voter bill. If an applicant attests that they are a US citizen that is considered valid on its face and the person is registered to vote. Now you'll notice the Democrats aren't upset.
About this you haven't heard a single Democrat complain about this you haven't Let's join with Republicans to prevent that not one. Because this is a matter of affirmative policy. The House Administration Committee last month approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act to require states to receive proof of citizenship. When anyone has a question, please ask. And registers to vote by mail at a DMV or a welfare agency office. Radical progressive Democrats give ISIS and criminals an app to literally schedule their illegal entry. Republicans must fight any chance of illegal voter registration until we can mask deports, says Rep. Chip Roy, who... The measure and he told the New York Post. Speaker. Johnson in a statement said, As President Biden has welcomed millions of illegal aliens through our borders, including sophisticated...
Criminal syndicates, and foreign adversaries that is incumbent upon Congress to implement greater enforcement measures that Secure the voter registration process and ensure only American citizens decide the outcome of the American election. So let's look at this. BIND defies a Supreme Court decision and awards Billions To those with student loans to buy their votes Bynish is a secret executive order, secret, to all the departments and agencies to use every tool and instrumentality they have to register voters in the area Is where they are demographically beneficial to the Democrat Party. That's still going on.
Of course the border is wide wide open to achieve two purposes really three one So when quote-unquote people are counted the Democrats have more House seats than the Republicans under the census. Not citizens counted, people counted. Pretty swift, huh? Number two obviously to register as many illegal aliens as possible to vote That's what this is all about That's what this is all about and the word spreads fast In various... among various aliens and so forth. And number three, to permanently change... the makeup of the population, the citizens.
And subscribe. On YouTube. Are attacked by the Wall Street Journal editorial page. They called me a restrictionist. I said, Yes, I am a restrictionist. That's what law and order is all about. Restricting anarchy and chaos and lawlessness. While at the time they were pushing a five-word amendment to the Constitution thou shall have open borders. They never admit that But you can google that it's right there Right there
It is undeniable that the current structure makes it possible for illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote, and the American people have no way of knowing how widespread the problem may be, said Ryan Walker, executive vice president at the Heritage Foundation sister group, Heritage Action. The SAVE Act puts all these issues to rest and gives Americans confidence that our elected and the elections are decided on more even playing field. But then they claim that you're against people voting. You're suppressing the vote. You're repressing the vote. That you must be... Crow 2.0 comes out of the mouth of Jim Crow 1.0, Joe Biden. But the fact is when illegal aliens vote, it destroys the voting system, our franchise, and it can't. Cancels out the vote of everybody else.
Is to institutionalize the corruption and the fraud, which is what the Democrats have done, which is-- Other laws were spread out throughout the country litigating in favor of no voter ID, no voter ID. The left-leaning campaign legal center has opposed the save act as a shameful That will undermine trust in the electoral process. Dispensing concerns over non-citizen voting, declaring it as not taking... Place at any meaningful level of course it's taken place at a meaningful level how could it not see this is the deal they want us to prove a negative we're Uncharged of this system. If you can register to vote without voter ID how the hell we can ever find you? And how is
a citizen going to find? How's a litigant going to find out? There's no fraud. How did you find fraud? Well, I don't know. How did Biden get 80 million votes? It's a fabrication being peddled for personal political gain by leaders who should know better said Campaign Legal Center Executive Director. Steve Noti in his statement as the House administration can be prepared to consider the SAVE Act, but federal prosecution... Investigations and audits have shown in recent years that thousands of non-citizens are being registered. Ooh, there is proof. And you know what? It's the tip of the iceberg. It's the tip of the iceberg. When the door is wide open and people are flocking. In, you're not going to catch them all. As a matter of fact, you're going to catch a small fraction. In Georgia, one of several battleground states that delivered Biden is victory.
2020 election, left-wing voter group sued Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger earlier this year for trying to implement citizenship verification method. See it's only Democrats on the left who do this. Hundreds of non-Americans have since been caught after casting ballots and races ranging from the local presidential and subsequently purged from voter rolls. That's the other thing. Landmark Legal Foundation among others is challenging states to purge their rights. Which they're required to do under federal law in blue states. They refuse to do it mark Levin Everyone, Mark Levin here. In today's America, finding the peace of mind of a good night's sleep can seem impossible. Day ready to fight for our values and for America quality rest and energy is essential. That's why I'm proud to introduce Dream, a purely American-made nighttime drink blend that helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up a
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Discount today. You know America, there have been many many books written and I've read a whole lot of them. Thank you. About individuals who have survived totalitarianism. We've talked about this before. Whether it's the Soviet Union, whether it's the Third Reich, whether it's North Korea, whether it's Cuba.
And they all say pretty much the same thing. And that is that the people are disbelieving of what's taking place. We asking or even ignoring, quit swirling around. And-- As the country continues to change, change faster and faster, they wonder what happened. As a matter of fact, many of these people have cast votes where votes are not. Were permitted for the very tyranny that imprisons them.
Them and destroys them. Disbelieving what's taking place. Thank you. There's many, many methodologies that are used by people who are power hungry. Power hungry. One of them is to change the language that's occurring One of the... Is to change the belief in value system that's occurring. Them is to destroy the moorings, the connection. Between the nation's history and the individual, the nation's family. Excuse me, the individual family and the person. And then of course.
To inundate the population with big lies, small lies, lies of all kinds and just keep repeating them, brainwashing them. Thank you. And of course intimidation. Intimidation. In other words People are intimidated from having a different view an independent view from challenging that which is taking place and so forth and so on. That's exactly what's taking place in our country. And it's happening at breakneck speed. Look at every aspect of this culture. Whether it's education, whether it's law enforcement, the military, entertainment, the press, immigration.
Immigration again. And the big lie and the repetition of the big lie is crucial. Is superb at it he's expert at it you see you don't have to be intelligent you Thug-ish mentality. You can have a low IQ. Tell lies and to tell them often. Then of course... As Lenin understood, as Alinsky understood, as Obama and Hillary Clinton students of Alinsky understood, and as Biden learned, you have to destroy. Smear character assassinate your opponents
If you can get away with it imprison them. Use the system. Pervert the system, bastardize the system, and then praise the justice system and law and order and the jury system as you abuse it to destroy your opposition. Thank you. Virtually every aspect of this totalitarian mindset is being instituted as I speak. Joe Biden doesn't have the power. To wave a magic wand and give 500,000 people effectively amnesty and a fast track to citizenship. There's no federal law that provides for that. That's Congress's power. We have separation of powers. Joe Biden doesn't have the authority.
To give student forgiveness on their loans under the Constitution. That's Congress's power. And the Supreme Court said so and he defies the Supreme Court while he's attacking the Supreme Court. Joe Biden has used the instrumentalities of the massive bureaucracy. Thanks for watching! his political ends, which violates federal law. Who's prosecuted under federal law through his malleable Attorney General who's been held in court contempt and of course the Attorney General's not going to prosecute himself, is he? and who... Urge Joe Biden to assert executive privilege to protect Joe Biden.
Even audio being released that would humiliate him and demonstrate that he is in fact an imbecile. With his interview with her. This poison, this cancer is now running through the veins of the government and spilling into the society generally. And like all... Even beginnings of totalitarianism, but even advanced totalitarianism, they have cheerleaders in entertainment they have their propagandists in the media and then of course You must destroy the electrolyte system while insisting you're protecting it.
You must destroy the electoral system to ensure that you cannot lose the election. You see, the purpose of an election Is to get enough like-minded totalitarian's in office so that you You can impose your will through all branches of government as quickly as possible, making it impossible to undo it. They're power hungry. They want to create a party monopoly. Bernie Sanders is a Marxist, he understands Marx, he understands Trotsky, Lenin, Mao, Gramsci, all of it.
It's always totalitarianism in the name of the people. To choose your enemies, to pick at people's emotions and jealousies that can be race, and it is. It can be. Classes of wealth as Mark spoke of and it is this. Corporations versus the individual. Foreigners versus citizens. They're not interested in harmony and unity. Joe Biden said he was, but then again, Joe, Joe Biden is a. Totalitarian. That's what he is. Democrat Party has been conquered once and for all. Conquered once and for all. Thank you.
It has never been really an American party. It's always been a party, not since its earliest days, but... Shortly thereafter a party that has been sort of foreign to the American experiment It's rejected the Declaration. It's rejected the Constitution in that It it fought a civil war wasn't just the south versus the north it was the Democrat Party versus the Republican Party Same with segregation, same with Jim Crow, and now same with Marxism and Islamism. They embrace all the isms except Americanism. They reject America from the... Perspective of the white supremacist and the Klan from the
Of the eugenicist, the segregationist, and now they reject America like the Islamists and the Marxists. They never expand liberty. They never expand opportunity. They expand government. Their idea of liberty is bigger, stronger, iron-fisted, centralized government. But that's not liberty. Because you can't control it. The public can't reach it through elections. And you can see how more distant the government is from the people, we the people. When does the president wave a magic wand and all of a sudden half a million people are on the path- give amnesty and on the pathway to citizenship? No president has done that!
He waved the magic wand and all of a sudden people here illegally under DACA are eligible for... Obamacare, you and I are paying for insurance for illegal aliens who are here. He made waves of magic wand. Destroys with 94 executive orders our extensive immigration system. Comes the propaganda, the big lie. The big lie. Totalitarian regime under cover of every ideology, whether it's Marxism or fascism, makes full use of the big lie. The border is open because of the Republicans and Trump.
There is more crime in the streets because of the republicans and Trump not voting for more spending when they are arguing for defunding. The economy is better than it ever was. I inherited an economy that had 9% inflation. Flat out lie, everybody knows it, it was 1.4%, but you repeat it and you repeat it and you repeat it because perceptions matter. Because perceptions matter. In Biden's case, you have a long and deep history of... Of racism and segregationism, publicly so, in letters and speeches and legislation, but your opponent is the racist and the segregationist. You're the great civil rights activist. So he lies constantly, endlessly.
About a record he never had, and to cover a record he always had. You talk about improving schools while you prevent little kids, especially little poor kids. Especially little black kids, from benefiting from school choice. You warn people that if you're not re-elected and that other guy is elected, we will lose our democracy. He'll start rounding up people and putting them in prison. Based on what? You announced today that half a million illegal aliens are... Given amnesty and a pathway to citizenship and it's Donald Trump who was separating kids
from their parents and putting them in cages. Flat out lie. In fact, it was Obama who did it. And you need to understand that when adults come across the border with little kids... A determination needs to be made whether those kids are being held for sex slavery, for labor slavery, or just to get over the border. There's not a lot of... Identification. There's no computer systems to vet to make sure that kid belongs to that adult. And so some... Sometimes they're separated for their own sake. But when you're Joe Biden, you lie about it. He's got a horrendous record on his hand. He's destroyed our economy. He's destroyed a living wage for ten years millions of Americans. Small businesses are shuttering. The price of
Fuel us through the roof. He's robbed our strategic energy reserve. Political reserve he wants to drain it of the last drop before the election he He's using the federal bureaucracy, the welfare state, to register as many Democrats, legal and illegal, as possible. Judiciary with left-wing activists
Joe Biden is a tyrant He's a totalitarian mark Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds recently I asked mint mobile's legal team if big wireless companies are allowed to raise prices due to inflation They said yes, and then when I asked if raising prices technically violates those onerous to your contracts They said what the fuck are you talking about you insane Hollywood? So to recap we're cutting the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month Give it a try at mint mobile comm slash $45 up front for 3 months plus taxes and fees. Promo rate for new customers for limited time. Unlimited more than 40GB per month. Slows. Full terms at mintmobile.com. You're listening to the best of marks. Love then. Donald Trump must get elected for the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren in the future of this country.
Imagine four more years of Biden in this administration, this regime. Wins i suspect will lose the house and they'll hold the senate can you imagine if they control everything and the courts there's no way out up. The Democrat Party seeks to be a monopoly party. It'll change the voting system for good. It'll pack the court so... It'll take a generation even attempted doing anything about it it. You won't recognize our economic system. Taxes will go through the roof. Constituencies within the Democrat Party, public sector unions, teacher unions, the bureaucracy. Radical left-wing organizations that will be heavily funded by you. US Attorney's Office and thousands of thousands of prosecutors.
We'll be targeting those who resist or those who don't go along. I don't mean... Finally, I mean, legitimately. Don't go alone. You saw Biden's effort? To monitor American citizens, you've seen Biden's effort at attacking our free speech, various social media platforms. They're serious. This is tyrannical. Let me ask you this, those of you who are old enough, and I don't mean old, old enough. When's the last time you saw the kind of violence that you saw in 2020? It was in the 60s, right?
But soon thereafter, followed by an uprising in our colleges and universities by this fusion of Marxists and Islamists demanding the extermination of Jews. Demanding the overthrow of our own country right here in the belly of the United States? Last time you saw that Nazi Germany's when you saw that that. Wide open borders so the United States is really not a united anything anymore more. It's a territory with people roaming into the country at will. What they will to the citizenry of the United States, to our institutions, as long as we
As long as they know to vote Democrat, if not illegally, their children who will be born here will become United States citizens and then you will have chain migration. The country will be lost, utterly and completely. And people, many of whom are illiterate in their own languages, can never be expected to understand a common... Complicated document like the Constitution of the United States. The philosophies in the... Principles we discuss about natural law, they'll be irrelevant. They will respond to passion and emotion, and that's Marxism, and that's fascism. Hyperbole, demagoguery. Propaganda. The Democrat Party, the monopoly party that's following the path
methodology of other parties that seek monopoly control. It's not about the country, it's about the party. Joe Biden is the most fascistic, that is dictativistic. President in American History. He and his administration, whomever is running it, doesn't matter. He and his administration are literally... Looking at the various departments and agencies of the federal government and trying to figure out how to use them to... Advance their ideology, to advance their policy, to empower their party, and to expand their voter base. It has nothing to do with the With the well-being of the United States, the well-being of the people the United States, the citizens upholding and...
And securing our justice system, our constitutional system, has nothing to do with any of that. This is a pure power play. A pure power play. And it is justified, or they attempt to justify it, there is no justification, but they attempt to justify it by creating a boogeyman. By creating a fiction that Donald Trump is Hitler, that Donald Trump is Stalin, that Donald Trump is Mussolini, that Donald Trump will destroy our institutions, our democracy. That Donald Trump is a racist and a segregationist. That Donald Trump will lock up his opponents. They are everything they accused Donald Trump of. That's typical of Marxists and fascists.
Throughout human history in the case of Marxism throughout the last 200 years. 150, but who's counting? Here's a piece of the New York Times that gets almost no attention, because it's in the New York Times. Is sort of the Pravda, Pravda the communist part. It is the Pravda of American Marxism in the Democrat Party. Just as it was the Pravda for Stalin. Just as it was the Pravda. For Hitler, just as it was the product of Castro. The New York Times is a sinister, diabolical, evil institution with block on its hands from one genocidal maniac to the next. That's the truth. The resistance to a new Trump administration has already started. Now this is the first time I've seen a single-page document in the world.
This isn't called an insurrection. This isn't called fascism. No, it's a resistance. An emerging coalition have used Donald J. Trump's agenda as a threat to democracy. Is laying the groundwork to push back... He wins in November taking extraordinary preemptive action so by saying That Trump is a threat to democracy, the Marxist, fascist, Islamists resort to Marxism, fascism, and Islamism. Opponents of Donald Trump are drafting potential Lawsuits in case he's elected in November and carries out mass deportation as he is Val out. Trump group has hired a new auditor to withstand any attempt by a second Trump administration to unleash the IRS against them. Democratic run state governments are even stocking up.
Compiling abortion medicine, a sprawling network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, Marxists, watchdog groups, police state groups, and ex-Republicans sickening. Has been taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency drawn together by the fear that Mr. Trump's return to power will pose a grave threat not just to their agenda... But to American democracy itself. Here we are in the middle. Of a man who is literally destroying our constitutional system. In a way, it's not that you can't do it. The New York Times will never write that story. Charlie Savage, Ree J. Epstein. Dean Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swain-Swan to bring out the four Stooges themselves. They'll never write the... Story about what is already happening to our country.
Reject in an attempt to nullify federal approval of the abortion pill, liberals fearing abortion. Thank you. Thank you. Just like the Democrats in the media were obsessed with eugenics. It's really quite sickening if you think about it. We have more abortions down in this country since Dobbs than we had before Dobbs, but it's not enough. I read somewhere that a hundred and some women in Texas quote unquote had to travel out of state to get abortions. Did you see that Mr. Producer? How many had to travel out of state to get cancer treatment?
I'm sorry, there's an inconvenience? How many women in Texas got abortions? Probably a whole bunch. But this is what they're fanatically obsessed with. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. Centralized police states, whether it's Marxism or fascism or whether it's the Democrat Party in the early 1900s, they're always trying to quote-unquote call the herd. That's what eugenics was all about. Call the herd. That's what's going on in China.
Calling the herd. That's what goes on in these Islamist states and movements. Call the herd. Eugenics movement is a real movement. Now you're not allowed to talk about it because the Democrat Party was behind it and Hitler saw it. There was a big Democrat I wrote about this in American Marxism with all the appropriate endnotes. Real scholarship has been done on this by others. There was a big Democrat attorney wrote an entire book on it. And Hitler read the book headed. Translated into German, and then it was the first official book published by the Nazis. 1 And he pointed to the American administration, the prior Woodrow Wilson administration, that the American
Americans are way ahead of us on this and they use eugenics to slaughter the Jews and others What's with this abortion obsession You know, I notice we never get reports out of the New York Times about, as a percentage of the population, which ethnic group gets the most abortions. It's the black ethnic group, the black group. Black population. And so they're never gonna report about that because then people are gonna wanna talk about it and ask about it. So simply a matter of a choice or a woman or something like a woman or something like that at that point now Now becomes now wait a minute Why is that happening? You're just not allowed to raise it. You're not allowed to go there. I go where I go.
And this is a long article from personnel to immigration. All these groups that are sucking at the public trot. Feeding from the public trough, the A sales use involved, other groups. Are involved, environmental issues, they got a whole shadow government they're creating. Whole shadow movement that is intended to destroy the administration of Donald Trump should the administration should Trump get elected and of course they're doing everything humanly possible to prevent that So. This isn't about democracy, this article is about sabotage, it's about insurrection. And of course, the New York Times...
Their handwriting is all over it because they have blood on their hands. Because they've supported revolutions in the past. They have supported genocide in the past. As I said, Stalin, they covered up the Holocaust, they helped install Castro, they have... Embraced Hamas against Israel, ask the Israelis. And they hate us. This is not... You know, it's a funny thing. These are corporations. They have a special place in our Bill of Rights. But that doesn't mean they're not corrupt, evil, sinister, Fascistic? Marxist? Just genocidal. There's not another corporation on the face of the earth that could survive what the New York Times has done to peoples all over the world.
Held up as some kind of a, you know, a model, a model for free speech. A model for the press. No, the New York Times the opposite. It is a corrupt, evil corporation that has done corrupt and evil things. Now here's the whole article, the headline, they're bragging, The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started. Things going on in the shadows. There's things going on under the radar right now that you I can't even imagine. Because the Marxist-Fascist-Islamist mindset, working together, is the most important set. Working together. Organizing together they don't follow any rules the only rules they follow the ones they make for themselves Patriot
Americans they go to work every day they raise their family they have a faith they believe in the country they try to live moral and happy lives. That's not the way that the Marxist fascist Islamist lives. They're angry, they're hateful, they're jealous, and they're violent. They talk about election deniers. What is this? Plotting. Plotting, Mr. Producer. To prevent a newly elected administration from instituting its policies. Through all sorts of sabotage and guerrilla tactics. What is that? Is that not an insurrection? Mark? Who Bovine. In today's digital age, we're cyber...
At Sloome larger than ever. Safeguarding your personal information is paramount. So why is Congress considering a law that could put your credit card data at greater risk of being hacked and exposed to foreign networks? Marshall credit card bill could jeopardize your financial data, make it more susceptible to cyber intrusions. It's a controversial bill that... Proposes a shift in billions of dollars worth of consumer transactions to payment networks security measures consumers rely on. Who could possibly want that? Well, the answer, woke
Megastores seeking to inflate their multi-billion dollar profit margins. The Durbin-Marshall credit card bill will undermine our safe and convenient payment systems and endanger your data security. It's time to take a stand. Visit ElectronicPaymentsCoalition.org. Make your voice heard. Tell your senators to oppose the radical Durbin-Marshall credit card bill paid for by the Electronic Payments Coalition. The great one makes your weekend even better. Best of Mark Levin. I told you about these polls Fox has a poll that could be right could be wrong. It's a Uh, it's of likely voters, not of, excuse me, of likely voters. We're a head to head. Biden has a 50-48% lead since the first time in October.
Vote doesn't determine who the president is but there you go there's another poll should we believe it or not And we only believe the good ones. You fight like you're behind. One of the things they have noted. Is that the number one issue now is democracy. Why? Because Biden pushes it everywhere that Trump is a danger to democracy. The media push it everywhere. He's paid for ads. Biden has to push it everywhere. So it's everywhere. And yet it's Biden who's destroying constitution. Republicanism, we'll call democracy just for argument's sake. Biden's the one who defied the Supreme Court that told him he could not forgive student loans. Biden has violated federal immigration laws with his open borders policies. Biden has violated congressional power by granting healthcare benefits to illegal aliens and granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Has used the Justice Department to target his political enemies, including Donald Trump.
Biden has violated federal law by withholding funds and ammunition from Israel. And the list goes on. That's why I fight the battle of substance and ideas and lies and policy. And I. Spend almost no time on polls. Am I the only one who does that Mr. Producer? I don't know. Turn on TV, all I see are polls. This pollster says this, this poll says that, who cares? Who cares? Now, National Review Online, there's a great piece by the editors. Biden's lawless mass amnesty. Introducing his latest quote-unquote immigration relief policy at the White House yesterday Biden told the assembled crowd that the changes he making had been considered by Congress and had passed. Then correcting himself
That this wasn't true. Rather, he admitted he was announcing it another executive order. That Biden chose the 12th anniversary of DACA to promulgate. His alterations, his fitting. Indeed, all that was missing was a commemorative sign that read, 12 years of ignoring the Constitution. The creation of DACA... You may recall, was marked by President Obama's astonishing insistence that if Congress won't act, I will, quote unquote. To its announcement, Obama had explained frequently that he did not have the power to rewrite immigration law on the fly. I'm not a king. Obama said often, I'm not an emperor. But with a tough reelection fight looming, he forgot all that and did it anyway. This represented a little moment in American history. That President Biden.
As damning in the extreme. That Biden chose to -- That Biden chose to. 12th anniversary of DACA to promulgate its alterations is fitting. Indeed all that was missing was a commemorative sign, as we pointed out. Ultimately that is all that matters. Shortly after Biden's speech, the White House released a fact sheet, quote unquote, which are recorded upfront that since his first day in office, This Biden has called on Congress to secure our border and address our broken immigration system. Notably missing in the subsequent pages was any explanation of why. Having failed to achieve his preferred legislative choice. Changes, Biden believed he had the right to issue the adjustments himself. No laws were cited, no court cases were invoked, no principles of any kind were outlined. President Biden, the document explained...
Has announced new actions, yes. But that's not the way you run this country. And yet it is. And yet it is. Biden is violating the law left and right and the fact that he is the upper hand on this is very troubling to me. That means the republic Party conservative media patriot media haven't done enough haven't done enough to explain it is Biden who's the dictator. It is Biden who is fascistic. It is Biden who hates democracy. And you're living it.
Day you're living it each and every day I don't know Why? It is so hard for Republicans, spokesmen, and hosts to speak the truth in a compelling way. They support infanticide. Just keep saying it because it's true. Thank you. They want no limits on abortion. The American people do. They want no parental notification when it comes to abortion. The American people do. And the list goes on. Make the case. Peace. Or the case will be made for them and they will make your case too and lie about it. The issue of democracy don't... Let anything get by when it comes to Biden. Everything should be challenged and attacked. Democracy.
Biden has a funny way of showing his support of democracy. He defies the Supreme Court. Immigration law he defies separation of powers and the power of Congress when it comes to spending he orders the Justice Department or at least he uses the Justice Department to target his political enemies. That would seem bad enough. Trump hasn't done anything. They keep saying if Trump's elected... This this will happen and that will happen well things are happening now Happening right now so if i'm debating Biden, and of course I'm not, so it's all swell for me to say, but if I'm debating Biden, I do it this way. Did you have the power to defy the Supreme Court when it came to student loans under what authority did you have the power?
to destroy our immigration laws on our border when it comes to illegal immigration. under what I know, I know that. Authority did you have the power to grant illegal aliens health care and grant them amnesty? Under what authority does your administration have the power? to try and imprison your political opponent. Where do these authorities come from? They don't come from the Constitution, they don't come from the rule of law. Bye. Issue executive orders like your Joseph Stalin issuing fiat's So I want to know Joe Biden, let's just take one of them. Let's just take one of them, the immigration laws that you have eviscerated. What authority did you have to grant amnesty to half a million people last week? Under what authority did you have to grant Obamacare?
National healthcare to illegal aliens last month. . And. What authority did you have the power to fly half a million illegal aliens into the United States? What authority? Don't you think that's the way to approach this during the debate, Mr. Producer? You say you love democracy, you do not. Under what authority did you defy a Supreme Court decision that said you did not have the power to forgive student loans? loans. What authority did you destroy fifty years of immigration law so you could open the border to terrorists and criminals and twenty million aliens under what authority did you grant Millions of illegal immigrants, amnesty, and taxpayer-funded health care. Didn't say that before did I miss true no I don't think so me keep writing it them going to
Put it for myself here, just bear with me. Now what authority did you block weapons to Israel in the middle of a war when Congress authorized those weapons for Israel? authority of senator private citizen and vice president did you steal classified information reveal it to a publisher are those fair enough mr. producer I'm running against you in part to save our democracy from you Right I think so That's my thought And put it in the form of a question because I think that will love the fuddle amand is easily befuddled but that's an issue that must be taken on you know? you agree with that? i think it might be Be taken on especially if it's now the top issue or one of the top issues and the Democrats are going to make it
a top issue whether we like it or not. Well, that's the way you have to deal with this stuff as far as I'm concerned. Now, more. See here. For example, if you look at the Fox News. Risk of terror attack on US soil rises to alarmingly high level, experts warn. Now we're being warned this about every day now. And the threat of a major terra event taking place on US soil is at a dangerously high level with big cities like New York and Washington most vulnerable to an attack. Terra experts are warning. Who's responsible for that? that. It's been nearly 23 years since nearly 3,000 people perished on 9/11, but even though surveillance and airport security has been beefed up, the world has changed consistently.
Seribly since then excuse me technology to come cheaper and more advanced the internet is lightning fast in america's open border means millions of unvited people from all over the world are now living among the general population and continue to pour in at record rates. We're in a period where a number of factors are combining to make a terrorist attack on the homeland far more likely than it perhaps had been, says Paul Morrow. By the way, I love this guy. He's on Fox. I don't know him. I've never met him. I've never talked to him. He is top shelf. Paul Morrow, a retired NYPD inspector, he's also a lawyer, who worked in counter for nearly 15 years. Moreau said the risk of a potential new attack should be assessed in a criminal context. As the means, motive, and opportunity to successfully execute a deadly plot. You know what? God willing, if Trump's president. This guy should be the FBI director. What do you think of that Mr. Producer?
The world has gotten a lot smaller since 9/11. You've got drones, the interconnectivity of the internet is more ubiquitous and areas that may... Didn't have the connectivity. Excuse me. You can get an uplink. Using something like an Elon Musk satellite and you can get online from the mountains of the Hindu Kush Where the hell that is. You've got AI capabilities and so forth. And Morrow said the threats would likely emanate from current hotspots. Around the grove. He's 100% right. The Middle East, where Iran is a live threat. An Iranian major who was taken up by Trump, Soleimani Thanks for watching! Might be looking to even a score. It's just a lot. He said we are going to have a good time. We've let 10 to 20 million illegals into the country with little or no vetting. It's hard to think they're all just... From small towns of Mexico or Bolivia or Ecuador or something like that.
The director Michael Morell also sounded off in a recent foreign affairs op-ed writing that the terror threat posed Vulnerabilities at the US-Mexico border is blinking red. Isn't this one of the guys, one of the 51 who signed that letter? Could be. I just don't recall FBI Director Christopher Wray and US Central Command General Michael Carilla. Said there are serious threats posed by terrorist groups like al-Qaeda ISIS, also known as the Islamic State and Islamic State K, ISIS-K. And for more information on this project, please visit our website at www.thezeitgeistmovement.com. Forces under Carilla's command have been battling ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria, killing or capturing almost a thousand terror fighters. Last year nearly... 8500 ground operations and 45 airstrikes according to foreign affairs I'm a Nazis are fighting each other who would have thought Carilla in March 2023 testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee called particular
To ISIS-K and warn that the group would be able to carry out an operation against US or Western anyway. You get the drift. You get the drift. He's running around as Joe Biden talking about democracy. Talking about democracy. I have another one mr. Producer Under what authority did you, you know, remember the, uh, the Sites and what authority did you monitor right did you monitor
our social sites writing it down as you can hear and What would you say he threatened them Yeah, good point and center information That you disagreed with I think that's a good point. How about this under what authority did you? Department decide to threaten and monitor parents threaten and monitor parents who who challenge School board. The list goes on and on folks. The problem would be for Donald Trump, you can't memorize these things. You can't bring notes with you. But Joe Biden, I don't know. Joe Biden is,
supported our constitutional system ever, ever. ever. I have a better idea Mr. producer in addition to this since when was supporting democracy opposing public school integration?
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Away, he said, look, thank you for everything you're doing, Mr. Biden and Mr. Blinken, but. We have arms and ammunition in the pipeline that we can't seem to get as we're trying to Finish off Hamas and we're about to go to war with Hezbollah. What's that all about? You told us you would look into it. We just want to make sure we get it. So they went to their favorite propagandist, who's actually an Israeli that stabs his own government in the back, Barak Ravine at Axios, which is a left-wing site. And they go to their favorite brothers and sisters at Politico and the Washington Post and then it takes off all over the place and Netanyahu comes under attack Netanyahu said today, Look, I'll take all the personal attacks as long as we can get what we need and defend our country.
What did he do that was so offensive? Well, he revealed that the body administration is slow walking in for me ammunition and weapons Now, they're not slow walking it to Iran. All kinds of billions of dollars have gone to Iran and they're busy buying weapons and manufacturing. Weapons and they're, and I blink away from having nuclear weapons. And we have funded all this, you and me. And in fact, Biden funded October 7th. That's right. And I'll say it forever. But here's a piece from Adam Credo over at the Free Beacon. The Israeli administration stopped fast-tracking weapons to Israel in early January. Campaign from Democrat lawmakers who oppose American support for Israel's war to eradicate Hamas. A Republican senator said today
Federal law allows the president to forego formal congressional notifications on arms sales when emergencies exist. The Biden administration Invoke this power last year as a work to quickly provide Israel with the arms it needed to combat Hamas but the administration stopped ignoring on the subject. Israel said senator Tom Cotton, this man's a great patriot, Tom Cotton. He wrote the book, The Great War. Out in a Thursday letter pressing the White House to explain the delay in arms shipment to Israel. The issue here is how Biden and Blinken know the bureaucracy, the bureaucracy works with them. You know how to use the bureaucracy? And after Netanyahu released that really harmless... Video to tell the whole world what was going on. They trashed him. They said we don't know what he's talking about
We don't know what he's talking about. We're not stopping anything. They're lying to us. Thanks for watching! Cotton Row, your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight of hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. According to the letter that he wrote, You're playing politics with the nation's honor and our allies' security. Worse still, your administration lacks the honesty to communicate with the nation's security. It's true policy to the American people. That's what's key. Instead, preferring to hide behind weasel words and bureaucratic process. The letter comes just days -- after Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly accused Biden of withholding US weapons and ammunitions, The Jewish state is relying on to eradicate Hamas in the Gaza Strip and combating growing threats from Hezbollah on its northern border. The White House denied the accounts, saying it doesn't know what Netanyahu is talking about, but said it had delayed shipments of 2,000.
Pound and 500 pound bombs. Cott and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee says the administration is being dishonest about the delay, not send an assortment of promised weapons prolonging Israel's war and endangering its soldiers at a time of both Hamas and Hezbollah Continue to rearm regroup and coordinated tax on Israeli civilians can you imagine this Now, the enemy knows this is going on. The Democrats know. The Defense Department knows. The Federal Government is a very important part of the American economy. Military contractors know everybody knows but you and me but now we do thanks to Tom Cotton What I want to get into after the break is this bureaucratic morass that you have to go through
To a friendly ally. But the way that you cut through it is the President of the United States calls it an emergency and they cut through all the red tape and they get the ammunition and the weaponry to where it needs to go. Well Biden put his foot on the brake. And so when they say we don't know what he's talking about they know Exactly what he's talking about. Is manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification of Congress of approved weapons sales including f-60 f-15s rather tactical 120mm mortars, 120mm tank rounds, Joint Direct Attack Munitions,
and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are in process while you never deliver them. You got that? But they can't get them to Ukraine fast enough. Thank you. The far left flank of the Democrat party that is pressing the president to punish Israel based on false charges of genocide according to Cotton. Now... This is why they have a guy like Barak Ravine. This guy's an Israeli. He used to or still does right now. For Israeli papers, but he's hired by Axios. And the Biden regime, Blinken in particular, Sullivan and the others, they go -- Directly to him because he will transcribe what they say and he will run with it.
He hates Netanyahu and he hates the government in Israel. He's a horrendous backstabbing mouthpiece for the Biden administration, in my humble opinion. And so he puts out the story in Axios under breaking or a scoop and all the other media run with it. But of course, he doesn't explain what's actually taking place -- the truth. The truth of what's taking place. After Netanyahu's accusations this week, the United States reportedly released one ship carrying an arms supply. But Cotton said this modest step doesn't cure the damage done by the delay. Any delays to military support to Israel blatantly disregard Congress's bipartisan mandate. To supply Israel with all it needs to defeat Hamas, terrorists, and other Iranian-backed groups. Our ally is under sustained threat.
You must use all available resources to expedite military aid. The senator is asking the White House to come clean about the status of U.S. arms shipments to Israel and to detail what has been Paused in recent months amid a pressure campaign from anti-Israel activists and Democratic lawmakers in Congress. This is Biden. Listening to Bernie Sanders, Tlaib, AOC, Omar, the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. He's choking off -- Israel while he provided over $100 billion to Iran and while Qatar and other countries are pouring money into Hamas and Hezbollah and they trash and attack Netanyahu Try and set him up like, well, I don't know what he's talking about. And then like, it's a dirty trick or it's.
Dirty play so we're gonna postpone our meeting over what? Over the Iran nuclear progress. What? This is the same. Same propaganda operation that Donald Trump has to deal with? That Sam Alito has to deal with? That Clarence Thomas has to deal with? That the Speaker of the House has to deal with, it's the same thing. Kodyn asks the White House to explain by July 1 what weapons and ammunition are being- withheld from his or including any weapons or ammunition delay more than two weeks beyond their original delivery date. This is to include a detailed list of all foreign, military, and direct commercial arms sales requested by Israel and the current status of each request. Wants to know about any weapons or ammunition Israel's request to be expedited, the status of each request, and an explanation of the situation.
For the status the senator says that if congress must intervene to fast track any outstanding weapons it will do so So. White House envoy Amos Hochstein reportedly chastised Netanyahu earlier this week for going public about the armed situation. Send the Israeli leaders comments were unproductive and more importantly completely untrue according to CNN. Well that's CNN, propaganda operation for the government. It's untrue! Well then give Tom Cotton the information he's requesting and we'll see if it's untrue. It's not untrue. The Israelis know what's been ordered and they know if they've gotten it or not. And this is Joe Biden buckling. To the Islamists in his party as he's buckled to the Islamists in his party in the streets. Now I've told you.
You this man as an anti-Semite. I've told you this man, his administration has with anti-semitite just like Franklin Roosevelt and his administration. They talk a good game. Fool a lot of Jews, but they are what they are. But I want you, all Americans to know that it's Biden and Blinken. And Pierre whatever and all the rest of them who are lying to you the American people and you can expect more of it during the debate they're lying to you They are slow walking this stuff if they ever deliver it at all. We don't know what he's talking about They know everything that's being done. It's like the letter from the 51 spooks that is former Intel types The Biden campaign drafted the letter
got the signatures, handed it to the media, it comes up in the second debate, he denies it, says it's wrong. Disinformation points to the letter, points to the fact that over 50 former national security officials, including four or five former CIA directors, he said, about parties said it's Russian disinformation. When they planted it... And they knew it wasn't Russian disinformation. They're doing the same thing to Netanyahu and the state of Israel and the people of Israel. Same damn thing. And this Tom Cotton, he really is a prince. He's a gem. He's on that committee, he knows exactly what's going on.
Transcript generated on 2024-06-24.