« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 6/17/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, Senator Chuck Grassley on the Senate floor announced that the 1023 form confirmed there are 17 secret recordings of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and a Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden. The recordings were kept as an insurance policy by the Burisma executive, whose name was redacted on an unclassified document. This shows why President Trump was indicted on bogus charges; they knew the knowledge of these tapes would come out and covered up for the Biden crime family yet again. Also, Congress passed the presidential records act because they decided presidential records should not belong to a president on their way out the door and have only existed since 1981 and were enacted under President Reagan. Before then, a president could take anything they wanted with them, including classified information. The Espionage Act could have been applied to Lyndon B Johnson and Jimmy Carter, and now Joe Biden for stealing documents while Vice President, but never was and won’t be for Biden under this Department of Justice. We know all about Hillary Clinton’s classified documents, destruction of records, and perjury, but was never charged despite doing it over and over again. Not a single President or Vice President has been charged with violating the Espionage Act until now with Donald Trump. When President Biden says he had no role in the Donald Trump documents case – he’s a liar. The White House and the DOJ have been involved since day one. Obama’s personal investment deals mirror tax strategies he once criticized.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills del college, which probably refuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to helstone for their sponsorship. it's quiet in the underground bunker doors most blocks bolted. What a great one isn't just resting on our laurels, he's king sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best more club presidential records act. Important you're going to no more than anybody else by the time under presidential record, so amazing thing you being a year, the show Sixty nine p m and we have all kinds of sports events player So all the rest of it dinner and so
for now get into these heavy issues, and you still show up. That's too your great credit. Not hearing very well in my headphones must produce. Spite my messing around with these these knobs here, in any event,. The president records act and nineteen seventy eight congress, ass, this law and Jimmy Carter- cited in the law, because they d. I did that as an inch or record shouldn't belong, they present on the way out the door that they were too. port. This first time in history. They made this decision and they applied, in nineteen eighty one forward. really only been on the books for little over forty years and its really only been relevant for the last forty years or so.
Yeah they made an arrangement, were richard Nixon. Did the government and paid him several million dollars for his records for his papers. But before then a present take anything a present of one or two with him or her, including classified information. I want The bar and some of my colleagues and I dont, say to be rude. I say this to debate them car through, even Jonathan turn loose been superb. Why is it that no president then prosecuted for violating the espionage. Since nineteen seventeen, despite the fact There was no presidential records act and forced into nineteen eighty one and one didn't pass until nineteen. Seventy eight. That is a president
in classified information, whether why were they prosecuted under Section seven nine three e that prohibits, other things woefully retaining national defence information and failing to deliver it to a proper official. What happened? It was never viewed applicable to a president. The espionage was never viewed as applicable to a president or a former president, which is why I posted that last week let me repeat it so: the back benchers legal analysed, repeat everything. I've been saying which they're trying to I said, donald trump. If he's found The one charge would spend the rest of us
life in prison and die there. I said there on Hannity and that's been regurgitating, but let me continue with this point. Why is it that no former president. even before there was a nineteen seventy eight presidential records act which took active nineteen. Eighty one wires. The no president from nineteen seventy one tonight In eighty one was charged With violating the espionage act, Retaining national defence information because it was never. agent, not even dreamed up Ty spies statue would apply to a former president. That's number one.
an interesting I've heard that, despite all these days of. common on this, and we're really kills me bring people on with no constitutional background or historic background. Whatever commentators analysts, who just spew their stupidity, And then they bring lawyers are very little. The traditional knowledge whose pure there. Lydia seekers, their former federal prosecutors, and then we have constant notional liars and come on. You don't know what the hell they're talking about. It's amazing It's amazing so all of a sudden they found the espionage act around donald trump you see ever took a. Single sentence of national defense information with him never before? Why? How do we know that we do hope? In fact, we can probably opposite. There are
march presidential libraries to my knowledge, all of them, but maybe just some but demand Draw them, Considered off grounds if the general public, where you have to get permission to go into certain parts of the library and read certain files. What does that mean? How does that happen so there's presidential records act has passed a nineteen. Seventy eight goes in effect. Nineteen eighty one starts being applied. The reagan administration forward. Some relevant parts of this law that people through around that you may not be aware up, but I want you to be aware of it all we get along All the hammering going on you know, I only had thirty,
And its I wish I'd two hours. I could have explained it, but here we are on radio, which serves a important purpose. it establishes public ownership of all presidential records and defines the term presidential records for the first time said vice presidential records be treated in the same way as presidential records for the first time places, responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent president. Your records ready for this one with the president. Requires that the president and his staff take all practical steps to file personal record separately from presidential record, be remedied. Someone before this was that these records were the property of the of the outgoing president.
Allows the incumbent president to dispose of records and no longer have administrative, historical information, evidentiary value, what The views of the archivist, the united states on the proposed espousals, been obtained in writing. that's not relevant here, but what's interesting is even if the arc of his disagrees, the president can still destroy them. Establishes a law that any incumbent president records, whether texture, electronic. Held on courtesy, storage by the archivist remain in the exclusive legal custody of the president and that any request or order for access to such records must be made to the president, not to the national arca. No wonder jack, the Ripper smith.
Did not cite the presidential records act in his forty nine pages of indictments. Establishes that presidential records automatically trance into the custody. The archivist, as soon as the president leaves office. Stability, is a process by which the president may restrict and the public may obtain access to these records after the president leaves office specifically The pierre re allows for public access to presidential records through their freedom. permission act, beginning five. five years after the end of the administration, which of course had not occurred allows the president to invoke as many as six specific restrictions the public assets access for up to twelve years.
Clarifies the process by which former and incumbent presidents conduct reviews for executive privilege prior to public release of records by the national archives and establishes procedures for congress courts and subsequent administrations to obtain quote unquote, special access, Two records from the national archives. There remain closed to the public following a privilege. review period for the former unencumbered president's? You see the control that a former president has numerous documents. The procedures governing such special access require request, continue to be governed by doesn't matter. Bullshit preservation requirements for official business conducted using non official electronic messaging accounts. Any individual, creating presidential records must not use not official electronic messaging accounts. That would be
like, unless that individual, copies and official account as the message is created or for its complete copy of the record tuna four messaging account? This is why Hillary Clinton had the private serving our home with a specific reason of violating the presidential records acting getting around. It prevents an individual's being convicted of a crime. Does a man doesn't matter so present trump has a dispute with the archives. They say wait a minute. He took a whole bunch of bucks and even contained classified information, What so, what while those records belong to us for the present, a heads up
It is time to review those records to make his own determination when it says, but what about last friday for me, doesn't say anything about that. Even make a distinction about. So how do you square the president records act of nineteen? Seventy eight with the espionage active nineteen, seventeen. You doubt. Because the espionage act of nineteen seventeen was never intended to apply to our former president. There's nothing and I look. Nothing
in the original legislator record that supports what's being done today. There is nothing in any of the amendments that imply this nothing. You can't really square the two statutes and you're one was passed in nineteen. Seventy eight And became a placebo nineteen eighty one and not a single former president from nineteen seventeen again for the third time. I want the back branches to regurgitate this from night seventeen to nineteen. Eighty one has ever been charged ever been charged. Under the espionage act period, but under the specific section That is lace throughout the indictment section. Seven nine three e possesses
Most muddy exception, it's the one they cling to that problem, bits, wilfully, retaining national defence information and failing to deliver it to their proper official. Now this further demonstrate to you and How outrageous it was to get a warrant, how rage so. It was TAT ate up. Armed fbi, swat team said to the president's home in florida. There are still many years available to have these negotiations about. should and should not be considered.
Residential or not presidential or whatever, five years, five years, but the archives. What the department of justice, probably for the first time ever in the department of justice, couldn't wait to sharpen its teeth. Bill Clinton had tapes in his socks drawer when he left the president's those tapes worry aggregate I a number of interviews he did with reporters, I guess and others that his presidency and judicial watch sued under the free movement
nation and its judge jackson, bomb appointee in Washington DC? Who is a horrific judge. Please direct the archives to get those tapes and we want copies of. Judge Jackson looked at the presidential records act, not the espionage act. The presidential records act
I want to be very, very clear about this. Under the presidential records act. In the first instance, the records are with the president, unless the president gives them all to the orchid, but there's a period of time the president can take to go through the di came in to make his own decisions. He was in no hurry to do it at no time has there ever been a criminal. Potential that hangs over the president's head at no time did assumes that the record one I personally, the president, are under his control.
Spots, ability for the custody and management of incumbent president, your records with the president. So he has boxes any moves them around where we had a subpoena further, though subpoena were illegitimate Though I fringed one Twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I a better educated american, look every new year's a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills college. you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan tested courses you can discuss. But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer.
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the ten twenty three produced the house committees, redirected for that the four national who allegedly bribe Jovan hotter Biden allegedly has audio, It is obvious conversation with them. seventeen such recordings. According to the ten and twenty three The foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between am and honour by. According to the ten, twenty three the four national possesses to audio recordings of form. Walls between him and then vice president Joe Biden, the recordings were allegedly cap as a sort of insurance policy. For now case city got into a tight spot
and he goes on america. Now you know why. They didn't want to release the document. Now. You know why president trump was indicted, indicted thursday on bogus charges. I said, bogus charges under the espionage act. Now you know why casino thee. The fact of the alleged existence of these tapes would come out because, even though they were attacked this information from a non classified documents to cover up for job, I and the buying crime, family, somebody and others still knew what was under those reductions,
that was the original whistle blower and obviously they ve told chuck rashly. What's been rejected, explosive information about it Kay pure item fifteen, and robbing Honneur to involving Joe the idea that Joe Biden didn't know that his son was involved and these corrupt businesses is put to the big lie. now. You know why Donald trump was indicted, like no president in history, Now you know why bill bar and the others look like that, jackasses that they are now there's more. The first impeachment donald trump stick with me: put it together, the first payment of tunnel impeachment donald trump.
You and I were scratching our her ukraine. For god's sakes, we read the phone call. It wasn't because tromp was tying aid to ukraine to investigating the guidance it was. Cause she asked them to look at Violence having nothing to do with to ukraine. There was no quid pro quo. That's what the Democrats claim what their phony whistleblower claimed, who had worked for buying and who had worked in the obama administration because the f b. I know they know about the allegations.
There were awaiting Joe Biden now it makes sense now it makes sense the first impeachment these charges not just to destroy But they're trying to enormous damage, and let me tell you something if it was a donald trump and random said Where the leading republican army, they be doing things to him that will be considered today, unthinkable absolutely unthinkable. Now you know why the media are all in covering up the laptop, no interest whatsoever in that forum. Ten twenty three,
they treated the whistle blower so called in the ukraine matter, like a god. Can't even repeat his name. Even though was known The whistle blower here and the whistle blowers from the fbi iris, another matters, there's retribution from the department of justice and the by them in a straight line. The top my employer, the attorney general, the united states, puts his foot down doesnt show his face, refuses to explain anything, and then they have their willing dupes bill bar and the others. Donald trump is toast. if even air for these charges are true and sooner knows uses exactly the same words is billboard.
is it the rhinos or passing around talking points or something. And now Nicky haley has reverse course. Trashing donald trump on the indictment completely reverse course The appalling doesn't work. Who knows who knows. but to me now so much of it does make sense and they know that trump should get elected. Will now dig and dig and dig till he finds the truth. They know that if you shoot at the king as the old saying goes, you better not mess.
and they have used atomic gone against the former president. So far they ve missed, so they bring in a guy from the hague hit man. Who's been used before They bring in their head man from ahead even looks like a man. I got to go The jury is going, they put out a third in florida and I wondered I wondered why the indictment on thursday. They don't even wait till friday evening, when I'm here in place, where they usually drop a shoe all the time. Why stay. Why thursday, because republicans on the committee. I got to see that document, but I was red active and now today, on Monday evening,
We know what some of the information was, that was red, acted. So are we can launch tramp tramp tramp We get along its the press, tramp tramp tramp tramp trying to dumb down the american people because they know it's coming. If recordings alleged tape recordings now, I rescue america. I ask my fellow Citizen, I ask you honestly Do you not appoint a special council now. How do you not appoint a special council define the tapes to release them today? I can pay poverty for their selection to look at,
show corporations which tens of millions of dollars pouring through to the binding family or you care, prove Joe got any less. So the stupidity of the media and they didn't want to give the wire transfer information they had to go to the bank's again. Did he get the transfer information from the banks, their debts, christopher ray what contempt over a period of months, I needed an rated give them all the information he had. Sierra leone information, demos, gaming allegations tapes tape. Where was maggie, I remain oh. She was on tv trashing trump. Where was built bar, he was on tv, trashing trump.
Every democrat and rhino and trot paid or on tv, most of them from You see daisy interviewing dc. Then I wear this pretty incredible. Don't you think america, the indictment against trump or I don't care how pharaoh they are. I don't care how long they are the president. Records record and the espionage act simply do not square with each other. Their legislate purposes are completely different and there are contradictions built in. To the presidential records act, This was never intended to be a criminal matter ever and these former fed prosecutors, and the other losers would come on. Tv format
any general. All these facts, I don't care when they go on tv, what trump had give them, what they demanded? That's not the way the presidential records record jack works and its that's Was to be the way the espionage works against a former president of the united states, so they took it. They took the provision of the espionage act, which does not require intent. In effect, they applied strict liability, strict liability. He has the records we want them. He won't give them to us and data. They didn't do that. The Hillary Clinton the position of the department of justice, not whether former president, whether former secretary of state, was
Bring those kind of cases and yet they just it and how do they not bring one against, and I like the man and I don't want them to have They not bring want against former vice president pence if its strict liability. How do I not bring one despite the issue? you gonna to date, former president, how do they not bring one against. Joe Biden, and is that special council notice no leaks and one other thing. What are the lawyers they seek to? Disbar is Joe clark who worked over the department of justice,
He's in their target area, they want to take him up. He made a point. Look at the indictment. Look at the forty nine pages. Almost word for word is the language the media have been using for me Make a lake about an audio tape from a reporter involving donald trump, who they say was talking about information that was classified we're trop, allegedly says I can't be classified the document dom of former president and Joe clark
A superb return points out how the hell is that in the indictment chart, they don't say they got it from the newspaper. They got it from the course of their investigation, which means the special council and the department of justice like that. So donors paper they like that which is a federal offense. It's a following. I said yesterday I life liberty and Levin. Look around you. This is what tell a terrorism, looks like look around you,
democratic parties, dragging us into this hell, that's precisely what's taking place, but don't worry. There won't be any talk about the tapes tomorrow. There won't be any headlines across their front pages. Are there? Strict composed, who just rightly fired there, see oh by the way or their front page of generics, limes the front page of already this fish rack crap, but they call newspapers, it'll, be the arraignment of donald trump by the bag demonstration as they did, grace s, resignation you're sitting to the best of mark club. Then, ladies and gentlemen, I that linden baines Johnson
in one of his top say the top aids roster to take topsy information involving the vietnam war. His spying on Nixon through the fbi. take them out of the white house. while he was leaving office now I didn't have a presidential records act back then, but we did everything. Espionage act by them. and it wasn't until Johnson died. There roscoe. Maybe Lyndon johnson library, where the fact that he had records in an envelope at his home turn the envelope open a word to the johnson library. Another can Should that they not open the envelope for half a century
as an advisory light. The espionage agnes to produce. So why wasn't the espionage act applied against linen johnson, in his aid, Mister rochester. Jimmy Carter and nineteen anyone happen a fine one or two classified documents among his papers. now. He did return under to the national archives, but the section of the law that this prosecutors pointy too, has nothing to do with when they were returned. Those are due issues it's the mishandling of classified information? That's the issue Jimmy Carter, who literally sign the new presidential records act, was not charged under the espionage check.
Joe Biden literally stole information out of the senate skiff in held onto it. for many many years. For many many years. Also. She knows president, he removed documents had the matter, by the centre were far vigilance- would come and go routinely because blinking at his office. There too. They moved as documents, he moved him elsewhere and This multi million dollar premises, including his wilmington estate, and there are boxes and boxes and boxes of documents at the university. Delaware Which are only now being searched, but I'm sure there. there being slow, walked out of the espionage jack. Why isn't Joe Biden being charged right now
Debate the issue whether you can charge president or not you can, but under their own very wisely being charge right now doesn't take many weeks to figure this out. My pants. Not encouraging those from just pointing it out bolivia at a couple. A dog minced they found, Destroy them are given to the enemy or anything like that, but he mishandled them. Why isn't he being charged with a felony? That's the nature: the espionage act, Hillary Clinton.
We know all about a hillary Clinton and she was never even charged with obstruction of fact. They never even investigated whether she committed perjury, false states or obstruction, which he clearly did Donald trump's not being accused of destroying anything destroying anything donald trump not being accused of altering anything. Hillary Clinton did it over and over and over again, as did her staff. How come she wasn't charged and didn't go to prison for four hundred years and the attorney general Alberto Gonzales was known to be reading. Sensitive material clothing, classified material was way back and forth from,
Home in his vehicle, that's a violation of the espionage asked. Why wasn't he charged with a phone? I've asked repeatedly about bill bar since he presents himself as an expert on this topic, he was attorney general, not once, but twice The question is whether he did the same. Whether he's wearing to swear to it if he did the same, and I dont know that he did if he did he's, also go guilty of felonies. And, as I said last night from nineteen seventeen when the sack was past until today, not a single president, has been charged with violating the espionage.
not a single vice president, has been charged with violating the espionage. How many cabinet secretaries have been charged. Now the arc of this, that is, the crimes. They were asked. What this situation with the mishandling of classified information. They said it's been a problem as reported by what is this so I barely as reported by Paul, was either ape yeah supported by the associated depressed Said it's been prom often on for decades from president's to cabinet members really. and the administrations stretching as far back as Jimmy carter,
so they ass. Would you provide a list of those officials because the list is rather extensive? Apparently they said no. They would not, even though this clear policies they said. So enormous number of people have violated the espionage act had not been charged. The separated, apart from the issue of obstruct now a year individual you're, quite familiar with. The rights of national view is on fox, Danny Mccarthy, former federal prosecutor, of which there are many. I didn't hear it myself, but just guitar laugh. I can imagine that she would misquote. Any mccarthy
She said any mccarthy announced today he declared today that the federal records act. I think he was referring to covers documents material from the bureaucracy the presidential records act does not so these people keep bringing up the fact the presidential records act on. What they're talking about. I dont off mccarthy came up with that on. His owner is good. Friend the former head of a well see- or I don't know, but it's not particularly let me put it this way. It's completely false.
The issue is not who created the document. The issues who possesses the document, Donald trump, that create classified information and say: hey I've, creating classified information gimme the folders cycle, put top secret on it. In fact, the information nets at the issue here was not created by donald trump, certainly not for the most part created by the fence agencies and tell it. It's agencies, maybe the department of justice who knows like the vast majority of classified information, is created by the bureaucracy, so the federal records act or the equivalent applies to the bureaucracy. The presidential records act applies. The president factor was specifically pass to apply to a president and in this case also away
Present such a document is created as an example by the cia and it sent over to president by. The cia has an obligation under the espionage act, to keep it confidential The cia has an obligation under the federal records act to ensure that nobody takes at home as well. It's to government document under the federal records, but that same document. be a document at the white house and say Biden takes it with him when he retires, hopefully sooner than later in that document would be covered by the presidential record tat his copy of it for sure. So it's not as.
Mccarthy says it's not that simple, the information and documents can be covered by both or neither depends on the document. That said,. He also said the other day that their individuals have been Charged under the espionage act, we believe in a nation of law in the present it's no different, but the president is different. under the constitution. He is the executive branch under the constitution. He is the commander in chief Hence there is no disputing that he has the power to class, find declassify wally's. President. No less than the! U s supreme court has said, sir, which makes sense. since all these other entities aren't even in the constitution, they didn't exist that the town that said the president
record? Jack was created for whom MR producer, the president, and it covers the vice president by statute as well. So that law clearly applies to the president and it doesn't apply to general ernie Grabowski and it doesn't apply to Ernie Grabowski and it And apply to assist a? U S, attorney ernie Grabowski. In other words, it applies. So the president and the vice president only. Passed at nineteen. Seventy eight and it began to be enforced. Nineteen. Eighty one. Now, what do you do when these laws contradict each other or
when these laws don't answer question that might be a little bit more complicated. What do you do, then? You indict the president, that is the former president, so questions first impression: cocoa in front of a federal criminal jury, a trial. Hurry, so questions are first impression are to be resolved in a deterrent, asian or whether a former president, in this case, even more an individual who is the leading republican, put Shall nominee against the administration that prosecuting him so. It's resolved in a court. And if you lose, you go to prison. Is that how we resolve these matters now the federal government-
Had no indication whatsoever that any doubt, It's her being destroyed that any documents robin Altered that any documents were being shared with the enemy. So they load up their indictment with picture so where the document restored, whether stored they say there not stored properly Then how did they not indict Joe Biden this minute, my pants this minute. Why didn't they look into that when it came to Hillary Clinton in terms of charging her or the others? In fact,.
they keep bringing up obstruction and then they tell us not to look at Hillary Clinton. Why it's the same bureaucracy, the step behind department of justice? Why her obstruction She destroyed document she destroyed. Email should strike classified information, we're not sure exactly we're thing she destroyed. She destroyed so much she destroyed herself found shelter. Staff used their amorous. There is no grand jury. There is no swat team? There was not think obstruction wasn't even considered, neither was perjury or false statements. Why? Why shouldn't we look at that. Course we should mark.
the great one makes your weekend even that here. This is the best of mark levin as the days go on. We learn more and more and more about how our shadow government operates in his eye, dig out more and more in other people send me things over the transom. I want to share them with you, because I really believe here at radio free america that it's very important be armed with this information could that your country that your liberty at stake and my buddy Joe Pollack, fired this would offer means very, very important. It's from the new york times dated june, twenty seven by mike
collation that's almost six months ago- and I want to this with you, was written by Michael D, sheer ready. The national archives and records administration this week can six months ago delivered a gentle request. representatives of former presidents and vice presidents, could you Please check again to see if you have any classified documents lying around well. Ask me nicely is about all they could do. Legal expert said that officials at the hour, I do not have any independent ability to enforce their request or direct
that the countries former leaders conduct searches of the materials they still have in their possession. That is a killer paragraph. Even the near times is writing This is something I explained on Hannity last night. This is something I expect On life, liberty and live in last sunday, this is They explained on fox again last week. This is something I have plain behind this microphone almost on a daily basis, Fishermen and laws governing presidential records in classified documents is up to the justice department, which is open investigations and inaction, president Biden and former president trump, who have each discovered classified records at their homes. officials at the department of not commented on whether they plant an investigation and a former. Vice president fences is an old article officials of the just
department decline, to comment about an spain authority yeah. They leak that stuff person for the archivist decline to comment. william masako, b, o s yankovo sancho, the chief operating officer at the archives wrote to representatives of the former presidents, vice president's urging them to again a lighted, the discoveries may by MR trump Mr Biden and mr pence. We request that you conduct an assessment of any materials. determine whether bodies of materials previously assumed to be person Nature might inadvertently contain presidential vice presidential records. There are the archives said in his request, which cover both classified and unclothed classified materials,
but so far the letter does not appear to have yielded any significant new actions: freddy ford, Freddy fort chief of staff, her former president george w bush provided a response on friday. Thank you for your note. Mr Ford said he wrote to the archives. sustain its purpose and remain confident that no such meat rules are in our possession, but freddy did not did not search again. gnashed archives as the legal authority to collective maintain government records under the president records act. Another federal laws which lay out what commits must be preserved for history in nineteen Sonia congress pass the act to clarify the documents, created and used use at present in a wide. I got that any mccarthy Chris. And used by a white house whitehouse officials are the
Property of the federal government, not of the person who occupies the oval office, the law apply who all president's following Jimmy Carter. But people have studied the handling of government documents so that there is little in the law that provides the archives, the power to require compliance it, thereby relations of law they can be referred to. The justice department for action said Stephen after good a specialist on government secrecy. The federation of american scientists, but now itself, has no police force or ability, don't its own actions must, after good said, Officials in the archives must rely on what he called some degree of moral force. To back up the request to the former officials caught the president chirac,
jack in the hall archive or system, depends on good faith. He said lacking good faith. The system is going to break down which brings up the question. Then how did the department of justice can? And that is how did the department of injustice get involved? But we think we figure that out here But see here, president Biden had his white house deputy council Jonathan sue as few way president trumps claim approved, executive privilege leading to the unprecedented rate in august in resolving indictment. Now this is according to MIKE Davis, who treated this information out. We ve talked about
this before, but Joe Biden says he had no role in this he's a liar, but Joe Biden has led by the lie. the big lie, little eyes all kinds of lies- and we repeat this Joe Biden is white house council job, and had his white house counts, deputy council jonathan sue, as you wave president trumps claim of executive privilege, but the words Joe Biden said accuse me even though trumpet his asserting executive privilege on behalf of the presidency, as a former president, but on behalf of the presidency. Ah, where we're drawing his his or his or his motion with the court, and we waive executive privilege so that waved it leading to the unprecedented raid in august, and resulting in this indictment,
so attorney general merit garland personally prove the trump indictment, as he had to. So the white house and the department of justice had been involved in this since day one and they even followed their stated practices when it comes to charging even under the espionage now, as I have explained also explained again last night on Hannity. The espionage actors, the wrong law, it's the presidential record tech, that's the law, That's why no president, her former president, I should say, was violated the so called been our jack has never been charge because violating the so called espionage act. It's something that applies. Certainly in this regard too. Former president did applied l b J when he ordered top secret in for me
related to vietnam and the fbi tapping into richard Nixon phone and nineteen sixty eight when you it remove by his aid ross rostov kept it for Johnson. Nobody knew about. It was kept in secrecy and then job Did I told him upon his death to give it to the judge and library where there are supposed to keep it secret for half per cent. so they made all that stuff up, but mark there wasn't a president chirac reject. Another wasn't But there was an espionage act and he wasn't charged under the espionage act because it did not apply. That's why, when it came to Hillary Clinton, the espionage jack apply, because there is no presidential records act covering former secretary of state.
She wasn't a president and she wasn't a vice president, so she's no different from colonel or that general. or anybody else who cornucopia sandals classified information refuses to turn it over. Moreover, she's covered by the federal records act, which had only to get into here The other lawyers on tv are confusing laws, their confounding, the viewers and the listeners Former attorney general bill bar is an absolute illiterate. When it comes to this stuff, they presidential records act, doesn't turning to the espionage act investigation. It never has.
If you believe they, president has information, our vice president has information, and you believe that the information should be the possession of the federal government. If you take that position, if you take that position. The presidential record jack does not provide for the criminal nation of that issue period. I need a without it. the president has been charged before former president or vice president watch, because they carefully handed no. They didn't. I just read you an article in which they've now asked the libraries of former presidents and vice president, please search your. Moreover, we know Johnson, didn't he purposely secreted.
top secret information? We know bill Clinton, purposely secreted top secret information at no time Did anybody suggests that bill Clinton should be charged under the espionage act, not once I've looked? Why? Because it didn't apply. I let's look at the history. This clown prosecutor, this guy jack smith, Jack's they try to turn a bribery law Henderson, thing broader than it was when he was here.
Public integrity, section of the criminal division of the department of justice under Eric holler under Paraca obama, many conventions, federal district judge, and it was appealed.
invents the power cord, better ways appeal again to the: u s supreme court of justice in southern, I knew aren't they. So what the hell is this you can accuse a governor who simply has a meeting or suggests that there be a meeting with a quid pro quo for benefits given to his wife. That's not what the bribery statutes says. You ve taken two words and you ve stretch their meaning eight zero. They over ruled that struck Psmith.
same jack smith, as I've said now, the back benches are regurgitating and that's a good thing: the same jack Psmith he roles and a nor caroline again, the head of the public integrity section, which means you signs off on a number of these things and their john edwards with his pregnant girlfriend. He's humiliated sources, lima, but nonetheless, that's wife has cancer Elizabeth edward, who is no longer with us.
So once the high did, he puts her up in an apartment, but it has no money to do it himself. So they s donors. Can you please give us some money to do that and they do jack. Psmith has an idea, that's an illegal campaign contribution both in the amount and the failure to report it we're. But, as you know what the hell is he talking about, because it help contribute to a positive message to his campaign. The jury heard five felony counts not guilty on one. In one hung, jury on four and department of justice side and not to take it up again. Why? Because jack smith stretched the law again. what is jack Psmith done here? I don't care what any damn drudge rules I know the law jack
It took a law that does not apply and it's never applied to our president. Vice president, under these, I'm stage or any other, and he applied against trump we are, giving you nothing, but the best. The best mark levin moroccan our house, benito obama. using tax loopholes, are used to rail against, like the mist She was selling sugary juice drinks too little kay. Said she used to rail against, but really with these to attain. For a dollar I'll, be perfectly honest with you anything there, with hundreds of millions of dollars. But it's not enough, so I left for these two marxist. What they are excuse you, but he's on sub podcast, there's like a billion podcast. At their view,
Christ anyway he's on some podcast and decides to comment about TIM Scott. Just about tim, Scott. The both black men obviously and TIM scots conservative and obama's a marxist there's, a big difference between the two. and so he has a warning for TIM, scott being the eagle. Maniac did obama always has been cut. Twenty one go. If a republican. May even be sincere in saying I want us all to live together, doesn't a plan out on stopped it if they republic, whom. Even be sincere, that he wants us all to live together now mostly live in lily white neighborhoods any
The neighborhoods, mostly that the average person can afford white black brown or in between twenty grew up in a white neighborhood in have I E. So he sounds like he's really down further. You know revolution monies. Or like up for the year, these communities. my me little bit, lebron james? Quite frankly, these her? revolutionaries who do not live in the streets. They live in Paradise. And the wider neighbourhood the better as far as their concern to me, you know what I look for solitude I don't want to be around anybody: white black brown, whatever. I really want to be around nature. What do you think that mr produce, am I looking at it. I just don't want to be people hey. You wanna, take
I like what he out of your mind? Hey, hey! You want to go on a boat. Now I get nauseous on a boat. Besides, do I look like a fish now anyway to another story, so the neighborhood, I'm looking for really honestly mister blues, there's no neighborhood. no neighbourhood. Now, alas, said brok, milhouse biniod obama talks the talk and may never stops. He is one. Carbon dioxide emitter- let's start from the top cut twenty one, go if a Republican Whom may even be sincere and say I want us all to live together, doesn't have a plan for how do we address
crippling generational poverty- that is a consequence of hundreds of years, Of racism in the society and when I'd stop, I addressed this in the upcoming best seller. Yes, it's all due to hundreds of years of racism. Ladies and gentlemen, the answer, of course, is a hundred and fifty years most two hundred years, A marches pedal fix it. Now, you have, you have countries. You have countries and where the vast you're the population is black there's some of the poorest countries on the face of the earth that the hundreds of years racism, your country,
where the vast majority of people are brown? Is do the hundreds of years or racism, some of the poorest parts of america, and appalachian so forth. Are mostly white is that the hundreds of years racism? So this, it is a racial list, he is a race bayer. That's all. He knows. as he hangs round white people and gets rich. he's billing airs, who, like being with obama and Michel II,. Hundreds of years racism, that's the reason, that's the reason. We poverty not follow us, Homes and by the way, not seeing every
that's fireless, the children turn out to be criminals and so well. I know that not be the case, but if you have a to parent household, the chances are significantly better that the children will be raised. Better obama school choice? That's a big waiter, improve communities, improve families, improve education and get out of poverty. obama opposes capitalism except his own capitalism, where In mrs have become extremely wealthy for doing nothing literally, nothing. And they will not one single business opportunity pass like I said, the sugary fruit juices per children that Michel is supported by the way went broke so that she, where they pull out already.
It wasn't even embarrassed. I'm sure that organic garden at the white house said she built up. Will you get the point? I'm sure doktor jill is tending to properly oh yeah,. These are all frauds and phonemes who are destroying the country, destroying our culture, destroying our our neighborhoods Biden Obama. All these radical left wing cooks go at about them. If Candidate is not willing to acknowledge that and again we ve seen discrimination in everything from job brak you're, getting a job too
buying a house to the case that what are you talking about? What exactly are you? Where are you talking about? Who were you talking about enough with the generalization? What are you talking about. We got people porn over our border from Africa, from central south america from the caribbean Also from the middle east from china, russia, other parts of eastern europe pouring into this country from every corner of the globe. So what is he talking about Some idiot did he say that, yes, I did he's an idiot obama is an area he so. It's he thinks everything he says is so important. He thinks it through.
Many hangs on his own syllables have you noticed, go ahead operates and so that somebody who Does the exact same offence. kind of sensing, the likelihood that they do Time has been be different What are you talking about again. You know this guy's really skits have frantic no one hand dish to show his street. Cried. He hates the country trashes. The country. On the other hand, he can't get enough for the yachts. He can't get enough. The hollywood billionaires millionaires. He can't get enough of gaiety communities and why shouldn t see and so forth and so on. I believe he's on matters venue two which has like a year, the two percent black population. I think when he and the family moved there, they doubled the black population. But you get my point.
You won't find him in canada, New jersey, that city that I grew up next to newark new jersey. these palo alto, these Saint Louis, you won't find him in these places. He wouldn't be caught in those places, no matter what in any talks like this, this is all addressed, because I'm sick of It- and I could have written this forum, we ve heard it so many times, and so it's the system, you see that keeps progress back system that stands in the way the people.
Said no progress is ever made, no laws have ever been changed. No wars have ever been fought. Nana Nana nothing's changed sky was present the united states. What did he do for the people of america? Nothing now be honest. What did he do for the black community? Absolutely nothing. nothing he's in eighty log lives high, while he pushes marxism and by the way, that's typical of these marxists. they live one way and inspect the rest of us live another, mostly servitude to them. if you really cared about education and poor communities each port school choice, there's a lot of black people who do he's now want to heed support more cops.
And the most violent areas of our cities, but he doesn't he'd support long sentences for recidivists who kill people who write people Who rob stores and the stores shudder when he doesn't? He just supports redistribution, will talking about two hundred years ago same thing day in and day He miserly Bernie sanders it doesnt matter the same ideology.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-18.