« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 6/10/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, we have a huge problem in this country with Democrats and pseudo-conservatives who have lost their minds, and who blame America first and apologize for Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Communist China is threatening Asian countries and claiming territory while building military bases in the Pacific Ocean and our hemisphere in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. China is prepared for war and muscling up further just like Germany, Italy, and Japan did before WWII. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is forcing woke ideologies on his employees through the use of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores. Unfortunately, executives like Fink are using their importance to slip in vague, progressive categories like “carbon footprint,” “social vulnerability,” “disadvantaged or priority populations,” and “board of Directors’ diversity,” just to name a few. Canadian wildfire smoke is spreading across America and the left and the media are blaming climate change. It’s not climate change, it’s the incompetent ruling-class ideologues who don’t know how to manage forests. FBI documents allege that a ‘businessperson from Ukraine’ sent a substantial bribe to Vice President Biden. All of this news is stunning and it’s shocking how quiet the media are. There’s a full-fledged cover-up taking place being led by AG Garland. Meanwhile, the Democrats are at it again - this time with redistricting in Alabama. Redistricting is supposed to be race-neutral but the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, abandoned that notion. We have the segregating of communities by a majority of the court in order to make an additional black majority district for more Democrat votes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills del college, which probably refuses every. Penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to helstone for their sponsorship It's quiet in the underground bunker doors. Most locks bolted. What a great one isn't just resting on our laurels. he's making sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best More mark risky question american. wired to our entrance into world war. Two German or the japanese fleet started cutting off our destroyers.
would that not be a major concern for the entire country and, if the week before they had sent a fighter jet up to come within. God knows how close to one of our spy planes. In international airspace would that be a concern and if the. The head of the military in communist china refused me with our secretary of defence. Would that be a concern.
And I could go on and on and on the great concern. I dont know how to express this, but we have a huge problem in this country and its not just among Democrats. We have some pseudo conservatives who ve lost their their minds. They claim to care about america first, but they Lemme america: first we have every right to trains of that area. The world we ve been doing it forever. It doesn't Under the communist chinese, the south china sea. Almost seven trillion dollars of economic activity travels through that
national waterway this same communist china. there's having battles military skirmishes with india on its border. threatening japanese islands threatening philippine islands claiming. Water is often vietnam, it scott Phony island cited is built militarized throughout this area. Now it has anti carrier missile system spilled specifically to destroy our aircraft carrier.
It is killer, satellites way advance beyond what we have since we don't build. Those sorts of its hypersonic technology far exceeds hours because we would invested it. It has a deep water base of the solomon islands, which is in the middle, the pacific. There's only one reason: I have that to attack us. It has management control over both ends of the panama canal, which we built. It's got up to twenty seven. Twenty seven.
facilities locations for their military in our hemisphere, in violation of the monroe doctrine, it's got a port on the western side of africa, which faces the united states. It is almost one hundred percent control over cobalt in the congo. Lithium eighty percent control, where surrendering to their economic activity because our strength is and fossil fuels they are building to coal power plants. Every week Their receiving oil from the iranians, with
Stopping them in violation of these sanctions and they ve bout, doubled their defence budgets. It's hard to know because they lie, and this the line between civilian and defence of others are really quite nebulous. Till I get any From a friend of mine who says, I saw one ear tweets we're, so we need to spend more on the fence. We could actually cut defence twenty percent and still be prepared if we prioritized the right things. Have they hear from the america first crowd that they don't believe in america? First, they believe america last where the imperialist.
Where the colonialist they sound like marxist, they sound like marxist. Communist china, listen is preparing for war as a matter of fact, they are prepared for war. There just muscling up further no debate. Over there imperial colonialist. Let's cut a twenty percent, nothing not a word they're moving forward. Anyone gets in the way they crush them their staff. Winning their grip by whether domestic society the way the german state. The way the japanese did the way the italian state before war war too, they I violated their agreement with Britain fifty years early.
and they destroyed hong kong, which was really the freest place on the earth even freer than the united states. They understand that we have an agreement with taiwan. The taiwan act, where we don't explicitly say, will come to their defence, but that's the application and they don't care. They ve already said among themselves to been reported that amount Is in decline in there in the ascendancy, whether you leave that are not, and unfortunately I do, but whether you do or not that's their psychology, and when you have a psychology like that you're going to pounce. So concerned, are they about the united states is response that they send a massive spiral.
Over the continental, united states, they don't care what we think about it. Cutting off our destroyers, threatening our spy plain The phony islands, the south china sea, make Demands on the east trying to see as well.
They got knocked out our electrical grid. It's not prepared its, not defend it. They are looking at all options. All up cyber warfare, space warfare, missile warfare, hypersonic missile- they have more ships than we do now. More military ships and weed. Your country one point four billion people. We have three hundred twenty million where rounding error. And, at the same time, our militaries being hollowed out we're not meeting are enlistment numbers,
because young men and women, who are the mindset to fight for this country, they do not want to deal with c r T they don't want to be treated. They don't want to treaty. That way, and so the numbers are way down. They saw what happened in Afghanistan, where we surrendered. they see that iran keeps punching us in the nose in the middle east and they laugh. by now is begging. The iranians begging the uranium to accept the deal
The iranians have no intention of complying with Israel's gonna, be on its own and we're not paying attention to their so a story or come across. But it's not a headliner, that's not a headline its. While did you see what they did? Does? Yes? Ok, that's gotta jamie rask in about indicting tromp. we're not prepared psychologically philosophically physically, that is militarily. We are not prepared for this. I expect us from the Democrats, although it still sickening. But we were weak underbelly within the conservative movement and in the republican party. That doesn't mean we support. Intervention
meaning everywhere and on how many more times have to say this, I'm by communist china? Now we now have people saying friends of mine or associates, I should say what is Taiwan have to do. That's all right, so we don't help ukraine when their invaded weight on help taiwan, when we're invaded ike. This sounds like the nineteen thirties and for that What everybody and then suddenly locker running. Oh geopolitically, they control this lane. This air space, this waterway, this continent, they're burning forward bases they're, putting missiles on those
Aces their building phony islands are putting missiles and ships on those islands. How is this in our national security interests? Don't we learn anything. There's always been this sort of luck forget about the left. We know how rotten and evil the left are. We, no. They sell us out in two minutes they do and they have. No. They hate america that are there Drawing us from within I'm not talking about them, anybody can talk about them and how many dare speak about? What's going on in our own community, increasing our defence budget by three percent.
Doesn't even keep up with inflation. When you like reagan, would say: oh forget about reagan, yeah, he only defeated the soviet union. What do you think? The thatcherites? Oh forget about thatcher, yeah, okay, it's incredible who we're supposed to forget about. Then. The Democrats remember. Here's the problem, if we're attacked and we don't have a sufficient standing. army. There will be a draft, that's the way it works, and they want to draft girls to not just boys. There will be adrift and if four attack once again will be on defence, like we were in world war, two. Which means we're gonna, lose a hell of a lot more people. They would otherwise lose. If we run our
I was rather on our heels car industry's come to our support. The way they did And the nineteen forty signatures now, the captains of industry, captains of industry anymore. The pushing D I any ash tree woke ism. There are disgusting to score and most of them are on patriotic anything for a buck. That's the situation, stoning, moment rights, the daily mail, chinese, warship cuts of yours, destroyer, amiss, it by a hundred fifty yards and taiwan strait during you. and canadian drills as beijing, accusing them of deliberately provoking risk. You not pay King said in essence, what are you doing here? Why, even coming through here, you're provoking us.
yoda reason to be here. In essence, we on this waterway, you do Oh yeah, what are you doing here? This chinese warship made a course change specifically to cut across our destroyer and our destroyer slowed down. That's the first battle, a war war. Three they just one. my friends. twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be, a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity. So I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss.
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For months, I've been saying, he'll be a kamikaze candidate, just trying to take out trump to santa seven. I said there must reduce it's all over the place. Now, rush used to call an echo chamber starts right here and spreads out to exactly what happened. I want to play this again because I I rushed at the bottom of the last hour and I want to get into this more black And once you remember that name, black rocket, Hard to remember This massive, I think, it's the biggest financial institution in the world. And it uses your pension monies, many of you leave her in the public sector, but also in the private sector. A uses these pension monies to provide capital loans, investment dollars, purchase stock and so forth.
Of many major corporations in this country- and the ceo, their Larry think that's not. Hard work to remember, in fact, is: name should be whereat rat. Think By the way who is white, he saw Sir, about diversity said other rich white, leftwing, coke. Then he said, look we're forcing behaviors were forcing behaviour. And so you see the clothing shop in the children section all over the country, indifferent major department, store chains and you're pushing back exactly as you should be,
these have to make decisions, it see their Larry think shopping to destroy the culture, ports, the customers, but their larry thinks all over the place for a rat. Thanks all over the place. This guy is just such an egomaniac and publicity hand. He drew attention to himself. Now again they're running adds all over the place. Black rock and you'll see kids riding their bikes. Families and their parks. There have been a grand old time, its propaganda guys know damn good he's. damn good and rat. Thank you. You wanna come on the programme. We'd love to have you. Here we go come on go you now make a point of that's it. That's an investment criteria for you, while behaviors you're gonna have to change this.
They were, whereas in companies listen, I how sanctimonious this little bastard, and I know billionaires and I know billionaires. I know many of them not by choice. They contact me for the most part. most of them are very, very kind people very smart people, very driven people but every now and then he made a real slob, her real but really go maniac. some of them look dishevelled, they can barely speak, not most of them, some of them. This guy dress up in a suit and jack When you should be wearing camouflage out on the street part of the anti for crowd. And it is in charge, you don't you folks, out there
What I find out, who is managing your pension monies, Equally, if you're in a union who is managing your pension monies, ultimately. Well, you might say: well, my union is no its, not know it's not. They pay for a group like black rock to do it. In black rock makes money all over the place, it makes money, as the manager of your pension fund said it makes money. Turning around taken at the same money and loaning it to this company, ear, buying this investment and so forth, We're going to well, behaviors are going to have to change and we're gonna make, then change dammit. This is why, If this is so smarty one after disney, he knows what's goin on with disney and eiger.
these financial institutions that are behind them, he says no, sooner knows too stupid to understand it. Chris Christy's, all for it. Chris Christie hasn't lifted a finger to fight the culture wars I don't even know if he could lift a finger unless he was eating a hotdog, but you get my point. You get my point start at the top. Please go you now make a point of that. That's an investment criteria for you. What behaviors are going to have to change, and this is one thing we're going to we're: asking companies you have to force behaviors and at black rock Are forcing behaviors fifty four percent of the incoming class or women? We we added fifty one percent of the incoming class are women. he doesn't say we have the smartest last. We ever had wanted to force those behaviors.
he's not saying we have the most motivated class we've ever had wanted to force those behaviors, the most innovative Class we've had. Instead, we have fifty four percent women who cares. We have to force behaviour and by picking Groups of people and emphasising that over individual merit. you destroying individualism and you're pushing group is. When you're getting an operation you care. If it's a woman or a man, do you care? Persons races, you just want
best surgeon you can get. Am I correct now, I'd think liberal should have to live by the behaviors at their forcing I think people bay gone physical characteristics should be operating on them, not based on merit. This is going on. And our medical schools. Now What's going on in our law, schools we're going I have an entirely new generation that will one day be running the country. And this will be their mindset because pieces, a crap like rack, frank, Larry, our forces. Behaviors leggy some kind of god There is a very few number of politicians. conservatives who are willing to stand up to it and when they
They come under attack by our own rhinos, go ahead in terms of diverse employment this year, and it worked If you know what we're doing inadvertently you're one of these people who doesn't, Job because of their diverse employment practices. Do you want to build a career? You have a family to feed. You have All the interests of any human being I gone to school. You worked hard, you wanna get a job at black rock and your passed over. Is that the american dream now you have an opportunity. That's exactly why we're supposed to believe in a colorblind society. That's exactly why you, you choose people based on The visual merit, that's exactly why
gave each and every one of us free will rethink, doesn't know. Most of the well, that they're hiring over there, the ten trillion Dollar, black rock. But he's proud of his statistics he's proud of his statistics. Go ahead. If you don't achieve these levels of impact, is your compensation could be impacted. In other words, we have quotas around here as well as quarters that we impose on other companies, were the biggest annual institutional or face the earth, and we have a tunnel clout, screw around with us. don't screw around. That's where you to change behaviour. Nobody elected us. Nobody, even those we're doing it. Nobody, even those who we are
This is what I mean by corporate which have been talking about for twenty years, That's what I mean now that there, the enemy there, the enemy. charles pain was on my show in fact sunday you made a brilliant point. You would think it's obvious, but it's not. the automobile industry. While it seems to be squawking about the switch from fossil fuels to electric vehicles, they're gonna make I like men, they gonna change fleet of cars, millions and millions of cars over a very trunk. A period of time and force people to buy their new cars, the gun,
It's doing that and the really all in dollar does I don't care, make more money? Have electric vehicles go ahead, said it? So it's just. You have to force behaviors and if you don't force, behaviors, weathers, gender or race or just anyway I, the that here's, a white male guy going on about forcing behaviors so sick of it, Lectured by pukes like this, are you another billionaire whose smarter than everybody else Been to a billionaire hosty, hammond,
they're dumb as a rock and you think to yourself. How did you make the money cause they're, stupid lucky in some cases, stupid lucky go ahead! Aim you're, going to be impacted in that suggest that recruiting is development, as can said, and ultimately it's still going take time, but I am just as much shocked as can is that we have not seen more opportunities and we're gonna have to force age. I, mr produce. I want you to save this clip and I want you to invite larry think on the programme. Or is he another coward like Chris Christy. Once you divide Larry, think on the programme. Fire betting man, we wouldn't have words, it's unlikely mark
You're sitting to the best of mark levin. From canadian wildfires poured into the? U s is bright by reports on the east coast in the midwest govern the cap. is about nations in an unhealthy, hey, sending school recess indoors, prompting people too Our pandemic era face masks. Canadian officials, expanded evacuation orders and ask other countries for help fighting Then four hundred twenty fires, nationwide air quality. What the? U s, rates as hazardous levels of pollution, Then it into central new york with massive tongues of unhealthy air extending as far as region and indiana. Baltimore, where officials mord residents to stay indoors, one osborne limit outdoor exertion, Debbie, funk
Ordered a blue surgical math, while there Debbie, whether mask and it s wild or fire season, started early this year, so very early, exhausting fire fighting resources across the country. From the blaze in various parts of the country, has been left in the u s since last month, but intensified with the recent spate of fires and quebec where more than one hundred fires were burning and consider that. trial, and it goes on. And the more answered twenty about climate change. The fires were started in one case by campers and most of them by lightning. and the morons are going on about climate change, always an opportunity, boys and opportunity. No, it's not climate change, its the competent
in class ideologues who I had a manage our forests, they ve been saying for decades. Nature will take care of nature, let nature deal with the old growth than the and the dead fallen, trees and limbs. Let me Sure deal with they will natures dealing with. What's the problem. And we have the interior department the the AG department. All blocking the clearing of dead Treason and all growth, blue, King logging, which is this modest way, to take care that sort of thing. When you are very logs in charge of life and death situations, this is what you get. also get brown out some blackouts. You also get shortages of water and shortages. electricity? This is what
I do why khazar idiots- and I. There's. Nobody is talking about the lack of competent. forest management or wildlife management. We go in and clear their stuff out, especially can Canada is a big damn country doesn't have a lot of people either. by then I have a lot of people either. Now we have clocks are monitors on tv screens. Showing us where they smoke is worse earth cams drones, climate change, something to do with climate change called lightning
it's called idiots who throw cigarette potsdam who run out and put out camp fires idiots. and so we have these disasters. We have these disasters. He go look at their liberty and turning over and I read it. To page after page after page of how the media in amerika and the Mccrae party, one and the same site every In anything is evidence from climate change. Much be must be nice, we don't We need science, you just the accusations and allegation. He just you just say stuff. People, you must surrender your way of life, we must destroy capitalist. Oh yes,. We must do all these things to prevent climate change. you must give up your cars, your gas stoves.
You gas, lawnmowers year, washing machines or dryers your h, vac system, your window, air conditioning systems must give up your toasters, give it all up, give it up and give it up fast. Look what's happening, look what's happened, so you have no time to think about what they're saying, no time to think about what they're saying. Preposterous and so you have these horrific events, they get worse worse. because the idiot who leads Canada is an area. The idiot who leads the united states is an area. That's the problem, the most in
but and it should illogically driven ruling care class in our history I mean we ve had fires before. We didn't have technology so even capable of coming close. the slowing them or cutting them all for what have you, a whole lot of human resources, and a lot of buckets then allowed a buck, In this happened before, but there is to limit the damage Ways to limit what takes place, but instead. The idiot said: the interior department, the idiots Agriculture department, the area today be the idiot seti, the equivalent jason departments in canada, blood nature do ok,.
Mother nature, can be a you know. What and she's doing. So it's burn, maybe ban and they smoke the pollution fog is enormous. As the Miss strange, bring it which the east coast in the mid west of the united states, the extremes, We had a candid. no no, you don't understand, see automobile. No, it's not! You understand it's! It's americans, back industries. No, it's not it's! None of these things. Not so there you have it climate change. They throw this phrase out That phrase means everything and anything because
It's been used by the marxist left to destroy our economic system and content to attack prosperity and your way of life, the things that make your life easier. many ways make it freer make it laura. Cool during the summer warm during the winter mobile soon get from point a to point. without a whole lot. A hassle they're, all under attack so you can live in a nice home under attack all of climate change When. The great one makes your weekend even that here. This is the best of mark le then Robertson, passed away very.
A kind man very decent man. Every time I spoke to him loved this country loved his faith this fellow americans and was very very concerned about the future of amerika. And I did all they could in his lifetime to try and save us it's gonna take a lot more than that. I'm afraid I want to talk about that are not true. situation, but before I do, you may have heard of a case that nobody was really following involving reduced. In alabama Louisiana and it could affect the majority status down the road of the republic Guns as well in the house we district in, is supposed to be race neutral, that's what they come.
Detention compels that's what the supreme court up until today has compelled race neutral, The state takes race into consideration that and of itself can be unconstitutional. We reject proportionate representation. That is, if you have twenty five twenty seven percent of the population that saves black and it represents one seventh of a state. Then blacks get two seats that are predominantly black. Quantity gonna hear: lonnie gwen ear used to support that position. She was a radical left us and has been rejected as racist and yet that's exactly what the supreme court did today.
And incidentally, if you pack all black, your latinos or Jews, or whatever into single districts. So they have a black congressmen. Or latino congressmen or a jewish congressmen you're not doing them any favours. Why? Because at one congressmen. if, in fact, that population is primitive more evenly and surrounding districts, they could have two or three congressmen, two or three, but if their packed into one day, one district. This is something the democratic party and minority organisations continue to fight, for they can You do insist that they want these pact districts proper,
national representation, because, typically they vote democrat fact, almost always they vote Democrat. The supreme court today, in a five for decision written by chief justice On robertson, supported by Cavanaugh, as well as the three left us on the gourd, abandoned that that notion altogether. We're gonna give you an example of what actually, what took place an alibi. Because people who don't live in the south, where people live in about an hour, Burma just call you no traces, they did No, it's not it's not what happened here, not in the least The example I just gave you is alabama twenty six, percent of the voting population ages. Black, so that
determine that they ought to have two black seats that seven and that's all they'll get ever, but that doesn't mean the black people are properly represented, Maybe they would have one other seats as democrats, let us are always blacks. So clarence thomas right say scathing descent, which is why the Democrats, we constantly trying to destroy him his wife and have him remove from the court. Plaintiffs in these cases seek a proportional allocation of political power according to raise, he said colonel. Twenty twenty census black alabama for twenty seven percent of their states population. Twenty six percent woods voting poppy. They should both figure slightly less than two sets of alabama
seven existing congressional districts, one district, seven, his majority black. These cases were brought to compel quote the creation of two majority minority congressional districts, roughly proportional control. Remarkably, the majority fails to acknowledge that to minority controlled districts would mean proportionality or even that black alabama you're about to seven, so they stay. In that context, is critical to the issues before us, not least because It explains the extent of the racist sorting. The plaintive skull would require, in other words, supposed to be raised, neutral, But time is sustained this we compel ratio and racist sorting of the people in the state.
As a matter of mathematics, single member district intends to deal out representation, far short porsche to virtually all minorities from environmentalist in alaska, republicans of Massachusetts as such, creating the majority black districts would require alabama to aggressively work voters on the basis of race and nothing more, The plain of so Levin illustrative maps make that clear all eleven maps refashion existing district to into majority black district robbers during the current black majority in district seven, they all all the same approach, starting with black majority areas, unpopular actions in montgomery, county, Montgomery alabama They expand district to east and west and commerce, predominantly majority black areas,
throughout the rural blackmail in the process. The plans, careful to leave enough of the black bout for district, seven to maintain its black man already then critically. The plants of district to search about for two and seven. Stand a south western ten droll, mobile county to capture a dance. Highly populated majority, black custer cluster in urban mobile. was blackmail. Billions currently reside in the urban heart of district one for fifty years. District one is occupied the southwest pocket of alabama Sitting at this stage to populist gulf coast, counties, mobile and baldwin as well as some less popular I area. Did they meet north and east, it is indisputable that the gulf coast, region is the sort of community of interest that the alibi, the legislature might reasonably think a congressional district should be
What around so we sit there saying when he sang really is the alabama Just later was raised neutral because you have community along the gulf coast, and so this will bus stop that community. the contains alabama only coastline, its fourth largest city in the port of mobile, its physically its fiscal geography, runs north along alabama mobile rivers, whose past district WI fi its economy is tied to the gulf to shipping. Ship building tour some commercial, fishing and so forth. So here you have the state of alabama not turn. these districts and do you know. Spaghetti and all the respiratory twisting here in it. Following a logical population and geographic lines, but for the plane,
The time is right to secure the majority black district to this long, in compact and eminently sensible turkey, must be radically transformed in the gulf coast, ray the newly drawn district wandering retain only the majority wide areas that district to did not absorb on its path. Demobilized, large majority black population to make up the lost population, just take. One would have to extend eastward through largely majority white, we're all counties along the line The valor bam is border with the florida panhandle the play Stu not assert that white residence on the gulf coast have anything. National. In common with the white russia and those communities and the district made no. Such finding. The plaintiffs mass would thus district one. to the left over white communities or the southern fringe of their state. It shaping constituents define almost entirely by the need. Make district to majority black well off
retaining a majority black district, seven, so You have here is these segregating of communities by John Roberts Cavanaugh and the liberals on the court. The segregating of content of communities in order to make an additional black majority district And these stereotypical view that he traditional black majority Strict, therefore will elect a black uniquely can represent the district. Statistical evidence also underscore deal struck. The illustrative extreme racial sorting. Neither the plaintiffs experts cool, see my computer generated ten thousand. District plans using a supplying algorithm programme to observe several objective district criteria, none of those
when's contained even one majority black district. So this guy uses a computer. He goes through it every conceivable combination of interests for a community other than race, ten thousand dish, play is not one of them is black. Nor am I generated another twenty thousand plans using the same algorithm, but with the addition. constraint that they must contain at least one majority black district. None of those plans can and a second majority black strict or even a second district with a black voting. population above forty percent. You saying this is how we work if it was actually neutral. The plurality of justices pewter agree that with the plaintiffs, they could not prove the first precondition of their state wide vote. Dilution claim- and he goes on,
So, rather than being race neutral, they must be re conscious and just because you put people of the same skin pigmentation together doesn't mean they have the same interests. All these rules, brac lacks with urban blacks Same with white through anybody else for that matter, and so with this, prima court did and what the media promote somewhat. The democratic party in various ethnic front groups promote are these districts which are based on race and race alone, even though its unconscious Social and if you dont have in alabama as an example to
then, obviously legislatures fair, why racists? And yet Couldn't prove racism at all, because what the legislature and what the governor signed off on had nothing to do with race. It had to do with the logical geographic community and commercial line drawing, but John Roberts is desperate. Desperate to receive a pat on the head from the left and the new york times, Cavanaugh As I told you when he was nominated, is not a constitution. As I told a friend of mine. judge who kept calling me and tell me how wonderful cavanaugh was that he's not,
and this is what happened. This is what happened. And so you have issues now being raised in Louisiana. You have issues Are being raised in florida, issues being raised with a legislatures are not accuse other than by knuckleheads in the media and so forth are not accused of race based gerrymander, in fact, quite the contrary, you're being condemned for not considering race when they created new districts, which their prohibited from doing we are giving you nothing, but the best. The best. Of martial. Then this is from donald trump on true social. The corrupt binding
a strange as inform my turn. He said I been indicted. seemingly over the boxes hoax, even though Joe Biden has one thousand eight hundred fifty boxes in delaware, and so Fourth, with even more boxes at the university of pennsylvania and doc And strewn all over his garage floor worry parks as corvette and which is secured cordon club by only garage door that his paper then and open much the time I summoned to appear at the federal court house, miami on tuesday at three p m. I never thought it possible that should think it happened to a former. Presently united states receive far more votes in any sitting. President in history of our country, is currently leading by far all candidates. Both democratic republic and impose the twenty four presidential election I'm an innocent man. This is indeed a d, Day for the united states of america, where kind
serious and rapid decline, but together we will make amerika great again We ve looked for the news in for me. Behind this nonsense thing has appeared yet in the federal court. Docket people of reach. to these special councils office. They have not responded yet, And thing is any in any media organization, except that the president has said. The president has said he's been indicted. and we are here for another hour and a half aware going to monitor this very very carefully. Obviously, and.
If he's been tall, he's been indicted and I suspect he's been indicted- truly signal, so there you have it. I do not know the particular. At this point, nobody does. And we will learn. Sherbet before program is over, certainly by the third out We will have the particulars to report to you and discuss at some length, of course, like clock, I've been asked by hannity on fox to appear on his programme this evening. So I will and And like this, where I need to get out there, On radio and tv, big to these matters were we. I have here is a document case. that was turned into an espionage been.
There was turned into an obstruction case, This obstruction so called. Is related to responses to what is this Investigation, in other words, This matter never been criminalize, there never would have been an obstructionism. And this creates a horrific precedent, a horrific precedent. At many levels. Number one would donald trump left white house. He was still president. He was still president at that time. Number two. In this issue of obstruction
You notice this is where prosecutors always go obstruction. Why cause they set up people? That's why. We need to know if this is every single document you have. Of course it is, and then you find the document oops, ok obstruction. Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emu, And they were destroyed in away by her people that they could never be recovered. They weren't just deleted. They were destroyed. So the entire digital platform was eliminated. Her people also destroyed her cell phones with hammers. She was never charged with obstruction there is never a search warrant issued for her home, where her.
Where her server was placed. She was illegally using on government business, her unsecured server. Gee also used and unsecured server one she was overseas in belly, the beast of many of our enemies. She was never president, despite our best efforts, despite her corrupt efforts, with russia collusion which mean she doesn't have the protection of a president of former president no armed fbi, swat team ever showed up at her door. Never she obstructed justice. She was not a former president.
She was in charge with anything and yes, there is a parallel. That's a parallel. The case of donald trump, they criminalize this case as fast as I could. Isn't it amazing the impanel, a grand jury in florida, then indicts the president within seventy two hours, pretty shocking? Don't you think federal indictment? Don't tell me Biden I know about this now. As for the attorney general, the united states, who pretends he is hands off the attorney general. The united states has hands on he appointed jack smith, the rogue prosecutor, knowing full well that jack
Myth over reached in the case involving the former governor virginia, for which the supreme court unanimously overturned the conviction he knows. for any general that this same guy over reached with John edwards. north carolina when the jury refuse to convict and that's the main issues. Moreover, we're not talking about the independent council statute, which lapsed years ago. This is the special council regulatory appointment. The appoint is made and was made by the attorney general and in this case the special council. ports to the attorney general, ultimately and directly, the case with the independent counts. symmetric karla knows exactly what's going on. He knows exactly what's being done.
The violations of normal prosecutorial ethics and procedures. Or unbelievable the endless followed, is leaks by the special council office to the. and post among others, the use of power by going behind the attorney client privilege going in front of a judge whose rolled in your favour, over and over again a judge upon a by obama who handles all the matters relating to the grand jury is prosecutor. Insisted questioning the attorneys in quest in the attorneys, getting attorney client privilege information, which means you don't have a right to count. They call us the crime fraud exception. I call it a fraud period, They ruling should never have stood and shouldn't stand and am sure will be an issue on appeal. This process
It has refused to release. Refuse to release the memorandum that lays out the extent of his appointment already. Why shouldn't we, the people, know there's nothing confidential or secret about that. But defence. Council wanted to have access to that, so they can make a determination weather. Need to use it in. in appealing these matters and course or in his ass, for it is well said. The junior shaken What's the secret? What's the secret. I want you to listen to tim parlour door. former trump attorney handling, which Rusty and others, the documents manner. On CBS news yesterday, I want you to listen to this cut twenty to go there
attorneys, have raised questions about prosecutors, almost conduct in this case. What did you witness. witness the lot of misconduct by that look like so I report. I went before the grand jury myself. I was not subpoenaed. I went involuntarily as yet in the place of custodian of records and I was really stunned by what I saw in the grand jury room by the conduct of the prosecutors and they may many attempts to try to get it privileged communications. They were to ask me about conversations with my client. They would make improper references to the jury trying to mislead them about that. With it to to the level where they're asking me this again, and then they will turn to the grand jury. The shoe you refusing to provide this information not refusing to provide the ethical rules. Prohibit me, even if the answer this question is helpful, I'm not allowed to give it
Turning to the jury innocent and she knows it, she knows. It's an improper question. It's an improper influence. Then led to an exchange where he tried saying wall the privilege has exceptions. It could be waived yes well. The presence so cooperative. Why won't he waved privilege and allow you to tell the grand jury about his conversation. Lighted sat cross, a legal red line that that cross the major red line as far as implying guilt to a jury based on the invocation of a constitutional right The kind of thing that, if that had happened in a trial court, the judge would have immediately stopped, recent probably declared a mistrial and the kind of thing that, quite frankly, an attorney a prosecuting attorney, who wilfully does that type thing would potentially phase discipline, and I think. It probably will, when this case comes out.
I am more information here reporter nick sworder on twitter. president tromp has been indicted on early seven federal charges. Including a legal retention of classified documents, obstruction and conspiracy. The united states of america makes me sick to my stomach. and I know his lorries will fight this and they must The supreme court, I hope, the weak links on the supreme court in specific, the chief justice roberts, Ann cavanaugh. I hope fully comprehend. What's taking place here but Biden, is running for reelection as a democrat that here turning general who has targeted parents, pro lifers, refused,
to enforce the law when it comes to the border is gone after. It we state legislatures lose them radical partisan attorney general in american history. I corrupt fbi. laid out by the doorn report, an infamously rogue prosecutor, who was brought back specifically to try take out trump. This whole families are linked to the democratic party Generally, the obama hope they understand what's taking place here, and the timing of this is not First on any of us centrality effect the republican primary the outcome of this election. And don't how many of you are the
among us. You ve, never seen anything like this before. Have you no, of course not Neither have I.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-11.