« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 5/6/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, a political party is an organized attempt to gain control of the government, and the Democrat party seeks to gain control and keep it through a one-party state. That is when you know you are dealing with a totalitarian party. The Supreme Court is now under assault by Democrats and the media, who are trying to destroy the court because they disagree with it. The Supreme Court is created by the Constitution itself, and Democrats in Congress are destroying separation of powers and demanding that certain justices like Clarence Thomas testify about ethics. The illegal prosecution of Donald Trump in Manhattan and Georgia and the investigation by Jack Smith is being done to immunize President Biden if he were ever to be investigated. We have a massive coverup of Biden and his family going on while prosecutors use Trump as a shiny object to distract. Biden is pushing the debt limit so much that he is now questioning the constitutionality of having a debt limit at all. The pressure is building from the Democrat media and the radical left to destroy the Constitution and force Republicans to capitulate to President Biden’s budget. Now the push is for Biden to fund the debt on his own and he will force this upon the court to decide while getting away with it in the meantime.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills del college, which probably refuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to helstone for their sponsorship. It's quiet in the underground bunker doors: most locks bolted. What a great one isn't just resting on our laurels, he's, making sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best. As the as I continue, my own journey, through their philosophers and political scientists, and so for it and so on, and do my own thinking and reasoning and want to bring these different thoughts to you.
Where we together can try and make sense of some things that are taking place in the society can be read a quote to you, then we will jump into the other stuff soon enough. A political party is an organised attempt to get control of the government. A political party is organised attempt to get control of the government. Let me do it without causing a political party is an attempt to get control of the government. He shack schneider. Who was a political side. Fairly well known. the middle of the last century. It's interesting is
in many ways. It's correct. A political party is an organized attempt to get control the government, but things are a little different today in several respects. But let me speak to the main ones for the Democrat, Carney, a political party is an organized attempt to get control the government and keep it for. The democratic party should attempt to get control of a government and keep it and have a one party state at why they tried to change the voting system. Twilight they
Pack, the supreme court: that's why they do what they do in the states and that's when you know you're dealing with a party that is totalitarian and make the democratic party is you'll. Also notice. the eight o c types, the Bernie sanders type, these democratic socialists that's what they call themselves. The Democrats socialists of america that was the organization there propelled them and off. Scores of them, as a matter of fact in the house, did not really democrat party apparatchiks. So what are they doing?. They are trying to take over a fundamentally the base of the democratic party because they
figured out their running in the green party. The reform party, whatever party, doesn't work not in the united states. For a variety of reasons, I don't need to get in so the real battle is within the parties and so the mark lists, have battled within the democratic party and they are the base of the democratic party that policy had about two. And Biden has about two and now they are actual participants and that's the democratic party base. So they have succeeded the american marxists and become in the base, the democratic party, even if they're, not the majority,.
And they have succeeded in securing support of the ruling class. The democratic party makes sense. Mr producers, I think this through I mean ass, a political parties and organised attempt to get control. The government- and I added and keep it if you're a democrat. For one party rule permanent one party government I ve been working on this. Since woodrow, wilson and airline eighteen hundreds, but most especially since franklin, roosevelt. When roosevelt wrote long ago when its in one of my books that he wanted create permanent change, because its enough to win an election and then the other power.
Becomes in, and things are you developed are no longer relevant, are no longer in place, and so they came up with this idea of a massive, powerful entrench bureaucracy. That's the permanent government. Scholars called the administrative state politicians caught the swamp Call whatever you want. That administrative state or swamp exists for the democratic party won republicans in office. These are leyla are more particularly what they do. Is they sabotage they lake? They undermine that's what they do, that bureaucracy is built
Not exclusively, but mostly by the democrat party, so even if republicans win elections, they don't win the day. Now there are republicans like Chris Sununu, like karl rove Like Larry hogan, like acer hutchinson, like Chris Christie, her perfectly happy with that they, like the trappings of power As long as again have some changes only on the edges, where they, Point of themselves, as really important figures when in fact not even hiccups in history. Then there are those who take it on like a reagan and a trump and so forth. Who pay the price and dissent.
in florida who is now being stock by Nancy mace, And just let me say, a footnote, Nancy maize, Chris sooner asia, Hutchinson truth is they in their own, would not beginning Time on sunday shows on cnn MSNBC and b c, a b c or c b s elastic. Trashing their own party and members in their own party I say wouldn't get any attention cause they irrelevant if I were to state today some provocative statement about a conservative principle, or about a conservative, governor, conservative, senator or donald trump, or what? What have you I would be invited and meet the press face. The nation. And every other show they could think of. When I
besides the establishment fifteen twenty years ago, remember mr reduce they were begging me to come on their shows. I said no. Because your intentions are not pure. Your intentions are political, but that's not the case. its he may. Chris sooner is heard their intentions or self aggrandizement right. That's that footnote. Let's get back to the bigger point. so we're facing today. A democratic party that has a bit if not more than hates america rejects. The constitution rejects the rule of law. his marxist in very many aspects of its ideology. That has a cent
we conquered the ruling class within their party, and that is the battle, It has been lost in the democratic party within the democratic party, but now that's the battle we face. Many of us anyway. As non democrats. now. Having said all this, I talked about the permanent bureaucracy. They also stack the courts with ideologues. We start the courts with people who say they won't be realised. We stack the courts with people, say I'll, take each case
It comes and apply the law, they stack the courts with people who say I'll take each case as it comes and I'll advance. The radical left activists agenda, which makes it of course, very difficult to overcome, makes it daunting matter of fact, but as such, this entire system is now stacked against us, the permanent bureaucracy, the judicial activists it stacked against us. Those of us who are constitutional conservatives stacked against us. This is what I've been
About over the course the weekend, I think that's what's happened, and so they continue to empower themselves and trying their agenda through their bureaucracy, with regulations, bureaucratic dictates and fields, and rules and penalties and punishments. Executive orders. Live an entire massive governing apparatus that has no constitutional basis. And completely blows out, the idea of a representative government and exists
To not only empower itself but to continue to grow and grow and grow, and the democratic party and this permanent government are one and the same, which is I Biden previous democrats who proposed mass, was spending massive dead, more programmes, more agencies, more bureaucracy, because item hours, the democratic party than empowers the permanent bureaucracy, and they advance their agenda. Whether therein office ottawa, listen uh. This cut five so you're saying that billions should not exist. So you are you basically saying that once you get ten nine hundred and ninety nine million dollars that the government should confiscate all the rest on saying that we
go back to a very progressive tax policy like what we had on the light, the ice, which would mean that at all tat billion dollars, basically at all does today, I knew may disagree with me: mom doesn't Y yeah. I think people can make it on nine hundred, You know it's not a matter of people making it on nine hundred and ninety nine million, Don't have it in their mattress there. Now it's not in their savings account to their money. Cider invested. Much of it is Canada has their wealth, even though its not liquid some businesses and its employing people or its and capital invest bits trying to develop new technologies for a health or whatever So you can imagine what a disease after this would be. I hope he got to watch life liberty in lebanon,
on Sunday. We did I pencil first time ever, I think of any show we did. I. Hence our Bernie sanders doesn't know how to make a pencil and yet luckily would disrupt the economy, and he doesn't care the way they disrupt our. Gee system and they don't care the way they disrupt our border and they do not care. They want power, they promote their ideology, they don't Care about your lifestyle in the least they want you jealous as hell it's not about some guy store having twenty billion dollars. Even today, elon musk doesn't have an account with fifty billion dollars in it it's invested in businesses. Would you would have to shut down and give the money to the government? Why so people can get more bloated, so they can hire more people more ira,
agents to harass you empower the police state. We ve seen this all over the world, so he says he would confiscate confiscate later in the Api would confiscate anything over nine hundred ninety nine million. Where the hell does he get the authority to do that under the constitution, to confiscate anything and binds pushing a wealth tax, but don't worry it's only. Four people were much richer than you. It's only a matter of time once they set the principle, then you're the target you're that target they want your money because believe it or not there, on a billion heirs to pay for what bernie sanders wants.
it's not until the people are enslaved that government that's what they want, then they have their control. I friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be Am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer. So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit LA
And for a hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses, I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today, maybe you're weekend even better. This is the best of mark love in a workforce of conservative talk. Radio is here. The brains to but who would break, I don't brag, just kidding, hang in there Another institution is coming under brutal vicious. Violet sought by the Democrats in their media, and that, of course, is the supreme court.
You know it's one thing, ladies and gentlemen, there are disagreements with, Decision it's one thing to support convention of states that sort of thing, but it's quite another- To try and destroy the supreme court article three creates the supreme court congress does not create the supreme court. The constitution does the framers did every bit as much as they created congress and in violation of separation of powers. The Democrats continued to insist. They continue to insist that republican members of it shows me that the cards,
crucially, on the supreme court, come a testify from the chief justice to justice, thomas to justice, corset. They don't have any power to enforce it, where they're going to do go to the courts, but they're supposed to try to avoid these kinds of confrontations. If they can, but not the Democrats, there should be a lesson I think to at least some judges injustices that when you allowed. the rogue unleashing the rogue unleashing of congress and these federal law, Foresman entities against donald trump. It's come back to were to you,
Now the same crowd thinks they can take away a you. This is an attempt at intimidation, its attempt to threatening this. been going on now for a long time It went on when shoe Was in front of the supreme court steps pointing to the supreme court screaming at the top of his lungs that they were coming after a couple of the supreme court justices, you might recall pretty lousy stuff, and yet he did it's very important, Important to keep in mind that the supreme court, unlike the lower branches of the the judiciary, again, is created by the constitution itself.
no. What's going on here. They want to look into the unethical behaviour of supreme court justices, clarence, Thomas who they continue to try and go after pro publication or pro pubic out there on the west. Radical left wing operation, obviously spent months digging into clarence thomas background in media outlets, batman sticking in due course, such as background. Nobody ever nobody reduction to ruth pater Ginsburg background or any of the rest of them from making. So that's what this is and what's interesting is in the past the just the year, the members of congress on both parties understood understood, leave the cord along.
But not anymore, the dep her she's me. The democratic party, believes and burning down things if they can get their way. So they went to burn down the electoral college. They want to burn down the filibuster rule they wanted to and down the supreme court because they wanted a pack, the court more than one occasion, they want to burn down the voting system. They want to burn down the border. They want to burn down I'd say they want to burn down capitalism. They want to burn down energy independence, they circle back to the courts. working hand in glove with a radical leftists in the media. I remember a time when we were told don't attack the cork, don't attack the independents sanctity, the court on and on and on.
Now it's attacked on a regular basis by the same media, goons democrat hacks, really as before as before. Then you really care about clarence Thomas is financed, and you know how I know, because I don't care about Joe Biden finances as they don't care, The buying crime family at all. They never ask a single question about It is present in the united states. They were about foreign intervention when it came to trot now expected when it comes to bind and they don't care in the least. What's that all about.
I want you to hear the kind of vile poisonous attack on the court and these original justices that took place today, and I want you folks who are black- brown or yellower. However, you categorize yourselves. I want you to keep something in mind. These white, liberal sleaze, white leftist democrats. These black and brown left as Democrats. They don't really care about you and if you see- about side, the radical left agenda they will destroy. You, though, certainly tried there destroy you in the media. They will destroy you in congress.
I'll find a single black host on amazon, see come to clarence, thomas' defence. Not one! Do you, fine. I sing all black host on cnn com, the clarence thomas defence, not one now, one. Now this is interesting because they talk about the ethics rules as applied to the supreme court. This would be same congress mine you that just Not in a vote to give themselves four thousand dollars in a salary increase which they call reimbursed. prince- and you are unaware of this- would be the same congress. There was, Cutting deals on sexual harassment and use your tax dollars to pay off the accusers They were signing non disclosure agreements and they
found out about it, but they did it behind your backs. Same congress that usage your tax dollars for junkets the same congress Fuses to be on social security they have their own special pension bland. This same congress diary users to be on our health care systems, they have their own healthcare plan, the same congress at exemplary self, from the freedom of information act. Because they don't want you to know what they're doing don't want you to know what they're doing so. First, I want you to hear Chris murphy of connecticut Chris murphy is a reprobate Cereal sleaze bali's had a connecticut. He wasn't it at the hearing today, but he gave a speech press conference.
I want you to listen how he speaks about the justices in the court. I wrote an entire book criticising the court or no occasion that I accused justices of what this line while accuses them of. Cut eleven go supreme court justices and their families essentially. Pay role of interests, interest groups and individuals who have cases before the court right? That's the most. This stunning brazen conflict of interest. You can imagine our let's stop. There is not probably a judge in america at any level at any level.
Doesn't have some at least indirect connection if somebody has some matter before their core practically the supreme court, since the matters are so big and cover such broad areas. You know, like members of congress,. Like members of congress, how many times today trade stock read before they have about, do you remember Chris murphy going to the microphone whining and complaining about Nancy polo scene or big, dumb husband. Now, of course, that and of course, Joe Biden. whose bought and paid for by the communist chinese he's the manchurian president. Nothing. Go ahead: individuals and companies that appear before the court,
Sending money quietly and privately into the park. Of superior, not sending money into the pockets of supreme court justices. First of all, we are talking about individuals who purchase land who have law time relationship in the case of parts thomas. I'm putting money in his pocket. Wasn't a quid pro quo. They have no causal connection there. Anything. There's no causal connection to any ruling, none. As a matter of fact, I think we talked about this last week. They looked at Twenty cases that might have had some connection to one of these individuals or their business and they found in the case of clarence Thomas twelve. The eight.
Twelve times he. He voted a ruled in a way that We'd be positive and aid. Times. He voted against. While he's really on the payroll, how MR producer, meanwhile these bastards in congress, they ve legalise graft. They ve legalise grants for themselves. There's more pork in the last spending bill. Then any time in modern history vote for me I'll get your park. Give me a donation, I'll change, the tax laws, These are the slaves boss. The Chris murphy types go ahead. Justices What is so stunning to me is that we can't.
all agree easily. But this is eleven. The Democrats can't you agree with us to destroy donald trump. Can't you agree with us to destroy thomas and gorse. It can't you agree with us on abortion. Can't you We with us on open borders come on now. Can we all get together in x. The budget even further- I mean it's just common sense. Can we need to talk about this? Go ahead Not everything in washington dc has to be left versus right a yeah right right. Well, for me, it's not left versus it's radical marxist bastards marxist bastards versus has not left, not leffertses, right, good vs, evil, you're evil and were good. Go ahead. Look here has to be a controversy
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getting to the best of mark levin. You know I'm starting to think, ladies and gentlemen, that the reason Donald trump was ill legitimately charged in manhattan and why the da in atlanta is potentially going to do the same thing and while and we have jack the knife or jack the Ripper in the special counsel's office in washington, starting to think this is all being done to immunize the binance. So, if they're ever charged with anything. They can say well look at trot now all the the interest today, certainly not with ninety eight percent of the corrupt democrat party media, but with everybody else.
is in a letter that was transmitted to bear antlers, garlon and christopher ray. By senator Charles gradually writing member the budget committee in the senate. and representative james, comrade, chairman of the committee on oversight and accountable, It says here attorney general ireland, indirect array we receive legally protected and highly credible, classified whistle blower disclosures based on those disclosures that has come to our attention that the department of justice and the federal bureau of investigation possess and unclassified empty ten. Twenty three form that describes and alleged criminals scheme involving then vice president Biden, any far
national, relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions spit allege that the document includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as it's purpose. Let's stop there. That's the first paragraph. I wonder if the f b I and or d o javed freud, this evidence, I'm not saying they have. I have no idea, I'm wondering how loud basin, I'd specificity within the document. It would appear that the d o J and the fbi have enough information and the truth and accuracy of the information contained within it. However, it remains unclear what steps of any were taken to investigate the matter. Significant public interest in assessing the appears response to this information as well
my concern that the deal jane, FBI's track record of allowing political buys to infect their decision, making processes necessitate exacting congressional oversight. the deal jane. The fbi appear to have valuable verifiable information. Did you have Other disclosed to the iraqi people, therefore, congress will proceed to conduct an independent and objective review of this matter. Free from those agencies, influence transparency, brings accountability, truck rashly and James com or now, but they ve done is issued a subpoena and they're giving the department a week to turn over the document. The white house says
it's pure politics, and that's all the republicans caravan. It's amazing, isn't it it's donald trump is under one criminal investigation after another one civil suit after another, and Joe Biden isn't even facing a grand jury, despite the fact that he's corrupt as hell. I don't put this past Joe Biden at all. Meanwhile, I just heard he reported that in the case of hunter Biden, the department of job This is looking at potentially to misdemeanours, one felony and one false statement at peanuts. People who paraded and trespassed on capital whole property, including those waved in
By law, enforcement of those who just did it on on the ground have face worse than this. U turn my a five year investigate. Two misdemeanours, one funny and one false statement: the false statement, into an purchase gun, see they're, not serious, about enforcing gun laws. Lying on your application, in reality had been a drug attic. There was tax issues. Cause hundred didn't want to pay a fair share. And they want to put an end to this now as fast as possible because they do not want a special council investigating hundred buying in his father causes fathers, a crook
That's right, I said it. I said it and I meant it all this money flowing into bine who's, an imbecile from foreign governments. I haven't seen one report from maggie haberman Jeremy and his peters, philip and his bump, the new york slimes generally the washington compost. Generally, I haven't seen one report contradicting anything that Peter Schweitzer has reported in his books, nothing about thirty one million or so flowing into the Biden. Crime family, nothing, but I want to thank these iris whistleblowers. These f b I whistle blowers, are ought to be more, but I want to thank them for coming forward. Obviously, in F b, I whistleblower saw this document this ft ten twenty three and knows exactly what it described if in fact he didn't or she didn't prepare it and the I r s agent has come forward and talking about political obstruction and sabotage. If you will.
In the investigations of one hundred Biden. They want to close it down fast before the whistleblowers and the republicans in the senate and the house report on what they discover they want to shut it down, want to get a plea deal fast as they can. They want to get it done before the the alimony trial, a child support trial. Then a little arkansas courthouse is underway. They want to get it done before the election really takes hold. They want to shut down the one hundred button stuff and they continue to encircle Joe Biden like the praetorian guard to protect him, including the corrupt media in america, and I want to talk about this. Look Joe Biden got through law school by plagiarizing somebody else's test. He got a second chance. Most people will be thrown out of law school for doing something like that. Somehow he got another chance. Joe Biden's even lied about the way, and I hate to even bring it up, but others have his wife and daughter. Original wife. First wife died in a horrendous car accident scene. The other driver was drunk, the other driver said he was not drunk and in fact the accident may have been the fault of of Joe's family and Joe has been forced to kind of restate that, but he continued to go back to the lie. July's Joe Biden has lied about being involved in the civil rights movement. On the contrary, when Joe Biden got elected to the united states senate the age of twenty nine and was sworn in at the age of thirty, he befriended james, eastland, powerful, powerful member of the Senate had been there a long time and eastland was a full blown, racist and segregationist, and he was opposed to the integration of public schools where black and white kids and as press reports indicated the time. How do I know cause? I dug him out. That's cool, I know Joe Biden wasn't just a bystander supporting what islam was doing. He was actively involved in it and you've heard the quotes before about the jungle and everything else. Now his supporters say everything's taken out of context, nothing's taken out of context. Joe Biden was a racist and a segregationist, that's what he was.
For several years, george wallace said positive things about him. James Eastland said positive things about him. He wrote positive things to James eastland. He wasn't a bystander. He was a participant. Kamala harris knew this. She brought it up during the debates and I guess he had her as a running mate to shut her up. I dunno certainly didn't pick her because of her competent Joe Biden is a old time. Sleazy politician, that's what he is and the chinese bought him off. You could take one of the many examples out there. That would be enough me. Why would the chinese communist party, the government, pour millions of millions of dollars into the penn Biden center in washington d c? What conceivable reason would they have other than to buy off Joe Biden? None? What conceivable reason would they have to send money to one hundred buy in and his partners other than to buy influence with the then vice president? None. We have a massive cover up going on here and they want you to watch a shiny object, read
crap prosecutors go after trump. That's exactly what's taking place here, but Joe Biden has a lot of issues. He has no integrity. He is a serial pathological liar and he's an incredibly stupid man. I mean he was stupid from the day he walked in the senate. I am not joke. He graduated very low and his class at delaware law school fact. I don't even know how he graduated from dollar law school and when right into politics like shimmered. It.
Right into politics, so he was an anti black racist and now is an anti white anti asian racist, because Joe Biden will do anything, he will say anything for Joe Biden now he want you to believe he's the freedom candidate for president, unlike all the radical magazine out there, the freedom Kennedy, while he reaches into your homes, to control your gas stoves, your washing machines, your window, air conditioning unit, your h, vac systems he's the freedom kennedy. While he destroys your right to purchase the kind of automobile that you wish drives up. The the cost of gasoline and food is the freedom candidate, while the borders wide open a freedom candidate who who defies the limits on the constitution that are placed on him, this man is a is a terrible person, is a terrible human being the allegation that was made against him by Tara reid, to amazing everything about donald trump winds up in court. There's a billionaire backing the woman who's sued him for rape, apparently.
Tire reed is unable to sue him because of some statute of limitations, difference that is unable to sue Biden. The amazing isn't it every case that donald trump brings on defamation libels thrown out virtually every one mark, rovere. The great one makes your weekend even that here. This is the best of mark le then every year of David, turkey will, of course, in the wood david turkey, as the deputy energy secretary them,
but to get to drive around in a black limousine with a driver with security gets the do all kinds of cool stuff interesting. Nonetheless, he does control your life will be interesting to know about him. I want you to listen to this, questioning it up. Here's the thing I've been doing this for twenty years and depending on, what's going on a given day or given given or even even d given year, I sort of a just my format to keep its substantive and keep it relevant to what's going on, so we can think about what's going on and think about what to do about it. If anything, we can do it
And so most of you who listen to this, show you work for a living. Are you retired, you're, just doing other things during the course of the day you're not watching hearings on tv, even if they're available, because you have a life to lead it I get it, and so, when you kick up your feet or you're at the dinner table or you're in your vehicle, I figured this is a good time to acquaint you with. What's going on with your country So david turkish, the deputy energy secretaries question by louisiana, senator John Kennedy and it's about the budget cut one go. You have been a good answer, my question: if we spent fifty trillion dollars to become com
if a neutral in the united states of america by two thousand and fifty you're the deputy sector of energy, give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperature, so so, first of all, it's a net cost and it's what benefits were having from getting our act gather and reducing, although those climate benefits may ask again or nato ambivalent right now, maybe I'm not being clear if we spent fifty trillion dollars become carbon neutral by two thousand and fifty in the united states of america. How? How much is that going to reduce world temperature? This is a global problem, so we need to reduce our emissions and we need to do everything we can how much if we do, our other art is going to reduce the number of where thirteen percent of global- and you don't know, do you No, do you can do the math? We need you don't know. Do you, MR secretary, so worthless
percent of people, you know why won't you need help me. If we went to syria that would be thirteen pursue, don't know, do you, you just wanted to spend fifty three endorse and you will have the same I just the idea whether it's gone reduce world temperatures now. Molly for carbon neutrality, the near the deputy, shack and clear the department of the energy. and you are advocating. We spend trillions of dollars to seek carbon tragedy and you can't initiative your money and mamma use taxpayers money and you, Tell me how much it's gone. Lower world temperatures there. Are. You won't tell me, you know what you want in my heart of hearts.
There is no way the world gets his act together on climate change. Unless the? U s elites, tell me how much you to us recently, you you can't tell me either that or you won't. He can't anyone. I want you to think about his answer. Cause there's information in that answer: they're talking about being carbon neutral by what was a twenty fifty mr producer, in about twenty five years. If we spent fifty trillion dollars and it's more than that, as those explain
as residents throughout the economy, it's much more than that, it's hard to believe, but it is what he's saying there is even when we're done because of the rest of the world we will not be carbon neutral has taken another step. What is at me, what it means is the extent to which the united states government becomes a police state and controls your life and your lifestyle by claiming they have the ability to control the climate man made rich man may then
man has to do with that. Not only will they be changing our form of government and our economic system now but forever, even if we in the united states or carbon neutral, whatever the hell, that means only. We know what that means, because I'm stupid, because they don't know what it means
I can get sure you have Joe, doesn't know what it means he doesn't. He wrote carbonara, but that said what the deputy secretary there is actually saying is: there will be no limit ever ever to our power to reengineer to rejigger human nature, none, and that will be our new constitution. Climate change fill in the blank, it will trump the constitution, it will trump capitalism, it will trump private property rights, it will trump civil liberties. It will trump everything everything. That is what the man is saying and by the way notice how cocky he was when he was saying it to, but that's what he said now Michael reagan
What is the e p? A administrator and under the Biden budget he'll get a nineteen percent increase. Nineteen percent that enormous, and that means forever more than nineteen percent will be baked into that budget defense. Despite the rise of communist china, will get a three person increase, which means it won't even keep up with inflation, but it shows you the priorities. The priority is to control you, while they have their hands on the steering wheel, they're gonna drive this economy into the cropper, while they have the ability to control you they're, going to control you with thousands michael regan
You pay administrator cut to go well at E. We ve built environment justice into our very dna and so number one we have some very concrete metrics that our task, These twenty seven billion dollars to be sure that decent, and his communities and those who are disproportionately impacted have access to this capital. so on the one hand they saw you look, you just heard the guy, the deputy energy. We can be carbon neutral zero, but we can control the country's right. Because the air at their moves around it, doesn't, though sovereignty and borders and, however, when it comes to the united states within the united states, apparently we do know communities in cities and counties one from another when it comes to pollution and all the rest of it? Environmental justice,
built into our dna at the e p, a that damn thing ought to be shut down, var mental justice that how who do they think they're kidding anymore, every single damn angle, every single damn angle. for redistributing wealth for controlling your life for destroying this country, whether trace, whether its climate whether its voting whatever it is. This is a as they call it a whole society effort to destroy society. And they see their opportunity now left cause. I have missed apples, our brain there in the white house and the yeah.
radicals in the asylum iranian lose their run and loose. That's why the democratic party is the party of american marxism there, one and the same it doesn't matter how it came to be. It did the democratic party, it's the party of american marxism. Just as earlier in our history was the party, the confederacy, the party of segregation, the party of Jim crow. Now it is the party of marxism can marxism We are giving you nothing, but the best. The best of mark levin pressure is building in building and building in the media and among them
crabs to violate the constitution, in fact to destroy it. and what they're trying to do the white house, the my credits in congress and the Democrats in the media is full. the republicans to capitulate to fund every penny abides budget. Now. I would, of course destroy. public and hopes presidential elections potentially and. got their ability to hold onto the house and maybe take the senate. By knows his spine is a street thug politician. The media know this. They are street thug media types, So that's what's going on here, The push is forbidden.
to go ahead and fund the dead on his arm. And you say he had no choice that the fourteenth amendment allows it and Catch me, if you can all the way up to the supreme court and then the pressure will be on the court and they've tried to soften up the court. Try to threaten justices of the court to capitulate to their agenda, whether its rays, whether its abortion, withered spending willard. elections, whether it's anything else. In the meantime, one expand on that in a moment persist western a huge bank, going belly up patently patently lost fifty percent of the value their stock. Then we have first horizon cooperation. Another.
Its launched about one third of the Stock tv bank was. By first horizon now, these put it off. This is something we very very worried about and this was happening under tromp. It's happening now because, again this this is completely out of control we fed it is trying to counteract the spending, so the School spending is out of control. The fed is raising interest rates to try and control the consequence the fiscal spending and I'll, be perfectly honest with you. These smaller banks can handle this when you took out mortgages, had to threes three and have four percent the people Holding that bag are these banks. And when inflation is going through the roof,
that's raising interest rates to try and control inflation and the Democrats Want to spend even more and are threatening publicans violating the constitution. Smaller banks, these so called regional banks. They can't handle this. because now there caught their subsidizing, the lower interest rates on the mortgages which everybody why Sleep took advantage of, I hope. Now he interest rates are going up so what they pay for the money- that is, these regional banks is higher. Then the interest rate on mortgages. and there's no really, From sight, given what, and the Democrats are doing- was spending that in a knot. Shell, Exactly what's taking place here,
by the way we're gonna get to the proud boys trial. We're gonna Julie Kelly on an hour three. there's a lot here that you don't know who you are too big, big fans, proud boys to believe And civil liberties and due process. And this is really a very, very shabby peered in our history. the way these judges and I'll kill appointed them there. Obviously one mindset in washington dc conducting themselves. so I will circle back to their regardless of the headlines. I will be applied to me that I support the proud problem. Why would I support the rapporteur. Finally, do I know very little about them. I have nothing to do with them My checked do not exactly constitutional lists, but that's beside the point.
So here is korean. Jean jean Pierre, at the white house, briefing she's been told what to say. the problem is the republicans in their house. That's the problem. So here they are, they just come in office. There sworn in january. their sworn in january, and it's all in the fall. It's all their fault. Why. they didn't pass the budget. They didn't this debt, no, no, no, it's all their phone now, Hello sees fought, not sure Where's fought. now Mcconnell standing back. Not his fault, even though All contributed to why So saying not our fault or to do is raised that that ceiling and if they don't pay.
For everything we demand them are, the default and what a bunch of deadbeats these republicans that's exactly What's going on. and we have liars on cnn and MSNBC. Liar The print media liars on the networks- it is that simple. Pierre is currently in the air car. One go
directory on the ceiling. Does that apply to vote as well, because the house or the Senate was the solution that the president is proposing is at odds with the reality on the hill he need to adjust in order to to get right with reality to act really and when she says she said the math is the math. This is going to be catastrophic for american people there's a reason why we call the bill that house republicans put together a default in america act because it is forward cause it's all politics with these people. Economy collapses. Ah for them to the better. Then politically, that's the way they view at they're going the media behind them. They live
Their teeth without without pause. and they think this'll be a knockout punch. What he told you the speeches are going to give. I told you yesterday the republicans Are endangering social security, recipients, medicare users. They're endangering hospitals, police, firefighters, working people, blue collar people, same thing, but nonetheless this is what they're going to do, while there are the ones who are destroying our economy. Printing. So much money there Now how banks failing going to have businesses shuddering? one foot induce stagflation and their day
They are going to push us into a depression of what happened. Last time we had a depression, america. We want from it bad recession to depression, last time we had a depression. The democratic took the car Where's for a generation they have Hu, the Democrats believers their most prop popular president. Ever we Destruction: men in many respects, of our constitutional economic order. A massive increase in the power, the central government fundamental changes without MR the constitution, or anything of the kind. they saw what happened, listen, they saw what happened any HE night, in virus pandemic, were blue sky, democratic governance were able to achieve in terms of violating civil liberties, show. Businesses compelling
But on how to behave, removing p Both from public places shutting. Churches and synagogues. You saw what they did and if you ever economic, She's made human economic catastrophe Imagine the kind of power they will exercise the republicans Nothing to do with the Democrats want they want it. Go ahead, we know all of house republicans a mega republicans voted on this bill. It is going to hurt american families and we get within the magyar republicans the mega republicans. But somehow she lies does every republic who voted on this bill, a trump support now, they're, not alter it doesn't matter from ag. Republicans.
cause Magda they're, trying to turn into a curse. Weird. And they have learned learn from them as vile dictators in the last century about the big lie. And how the big lie takes hold when you just keep repeating it. over and over and over and over again mega report hence magda Republicans extremist magda republicans, we support freedom and democracy mega republican these People have a totalitarian mindset; they do not care about their country. It is party first, why you they have children, a gradual walk because. There, the leaders of the democratic party there, the surrogate so the democratic party, and so the party comes before the king tree I've, set it a thousand times the com
His party in china comes before that the country of china. Communist party and Cuba comes before the country of cuba communist party in Venezuela comes before they can Venezuela, the people who go to hell and the ruling class wants to hold onto their power at all costs to you not to them to you. Think complicated about what's going on here. By fuses in any respect to cut spending, and saw these phony moderate Democrats The new jersey exurbs of virginia. other areas in this country. Although these phony moderate democrats have helped put us in this position, go ahead to also be very clear. We congress
begins in congress. You gonna do your job, it is simple, You show up against your job in congress is to do what turbine tells you to do. is the span every penny, Joe Biden, insists that you spent got two hundred million for a park. san francisco under Pelosi, pork barrel, Sets for more homeless people on drug acts. two million dollars the tumor put side for a hip hop museum york city. You gotta vote for that you gotta, do the hold it whatever they demand. And one of the reasons Mcconnell is not hard to trot more get involved. Is he supported all that crap he's got? support barrel spending in here, but they don't care about you.
What binds saying here is your choice. We shall more banks by day inflation, even higher. The we destroy more american lives by driving inflation, even higher make economic activity utterly unpredictable. By passing my spending requirements or I'll kill economy, one shot ride to the temple. That's why it is problematic to have a thug street politicians like by There was no marbles left. It was all about himself and his party in the love office. I.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-07.