« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 4/22/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, these Radical Marxist Democrats don’t want this crime to be stopped no matter how many people are hurt because it is part of their ideology. Instead, Democrats are only around to destroy the communities and cities they run, which is almost exclusively where this violent crime is happening. Robert Mueller and James Comey are the two FBI directors in recent history to have done the most damage to the FBI, which is pointed out by Thomas Baker in his new book. Mueller took the FBI in a bad direction after 9/11, and Comey’s hatred for Trump turned the bureau into a political weapon for Democrats. The FBI is now a dangerous organization to anyone who is an opponent of the state, while allowing the Biden crime family to go without investigation despite more and more evidence of their shady and illegal business deals. There is breaking news that the Hunter Biden’s investigation has been infected with political preferential treatment after an IRS whistleblower has come forward. The claims come from a senior career IRS criminal supervisory agent putting their career on the line to expose how bad things are in terms of investigating Hunter. The Department of Justice has been covering up for President Biden and his family and will continue to do so despite the Biden White House denying any obstruction. Climate change has nothing to do with science and it never has. If government has the power to regulate air and water, then there are no limits to the power it has. They want to regulate you. It’s also a way to destroy government sovereignty. No scientist will say carbon dioxide is a pollutant - it can’t be because you’re exhaling it.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills they'll college, which probably refuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to helstone for their sponsorship. it's quiet in the underground bunker toys, the blocks bolted. What the great one isn't just resting on our laurels, he's King sure, you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best more club in our thoughts you watch these. video shots. What goes on in Chicago one on compton couple months ago, philadelphia.
Goes on in l, a york and on and on and on the fact is, you can deal with this crime, but these radical left wing marxists democrats do not want to deal with this. Crap They don't care how many people are heard, how many people are killed and And otherwise maim they don't care. How many stores leave their city means nothing to them. Because they were born out of the ideology they came, through the ideology, most If you've never worked a day in their lives, they've always been involved in community activism and so forth, and that's where we now know how do you stop? It overwhelming force
Virtually every metropolitan police department needs thirty to fifty percent more police officers, if not more. They should be highly trained I should be very well paid, they should be properly outfitted. There needs to be more jail space. You start writing. rounding up criminals and throwing them in jail. That's what you do to bring down the hammer. That's how you stop crying. To do with parents and video games and over the fact of the matter is.
If you dont have significant punishment punishment that is swift and severe than this continuous, they can talk about. Once they can talk about poverty, we want, had poverty. We voice had guns fact. Wasn't that long, go where we didn't have a mass of welfare state and we didn't have many gun laws either. And we didn't have this much crime, big issue. Thar ways to address this I lightfoot, she says these vinyl rioters strongest its mayhem.
Let's not make him branded johnson, the cook The commission is now the mayor aleck here we condemn the looting, says people desperate. Now I will just say this: the people should Chicago voted fur brandon, answered another going to suffer they're going to suffer. That's what's gonna happen. but you have a right to vote these people out and when you vote the men you can in societal suicide. Because there is a way to deal with this. There is a way to fix this
and that is muscle up the police forces arrest, the the criminals put them in jail. The problem is the police chief in Washington d c. Is a good man talks about this he's african american as well that the prosecutors and the judges won't keep them in jail. Our entire law enforcement system has in key positions radical leftists Who used to be defence? Lawyers used to work the a you or something like that? Now they have created themselves into the judiciary, can either into prosecutor's office prime examples.
In the suburbs and loud and county virginia fret about. schools and loud county virginia lounge. in may I will be one of the wealthiest counties that america, and so you have a future of radical left wing he lists with individuals do not the mob, but they are a large number of people, regardless of race who also believe in big guns. So called the mob, but every one o clock, so they elect this woman by the smallest margins,. First thing: she announces that, like all the source prosecute
Anybody who steals, I think it was over thowt under a thousand or whatever the number was, will not be charged. They won't be charge. You people, I joy, reed reprobates for a house I myself stay in the crap news network. But joy reed, I remember some time ago. She said their property crimes should really be crimes, something to that effect. And, as you know, the founding the nation property was crucial and many of you were very hard for your property for your homes, for your vehicles for everything you have you ve earned it you ve worked for. Nobody gave it to you
It represents what you do when you get up early in the morning and go home in the evening or some late at night, you paid for it your possession, if somebody steals from you. They're taking your money through taking your labour, as I say you worked for these things, you earn them. Somebody else didn't changes the entire psychology of the community, the entire psychology, the community. So you need ask yourselves, there's the democratic path. we do so many democratic voters.
Do they share the same mentality as the rest of us? That is that they want safety. We do that they want criminals, put away taken off the streets, safe families. Because, honestly, if you vote Democrat today in a city, you can't possibly support any of those things. You simply cannot Joe Biden likes to say. The republicans in washington d c voted against funding police. Put your lot. Joe Biden has Another sleazy liar as you must be to be an elected democrat. You have to be a sleazy liar republicans, never voted against funding police.
he's talking about is one point: seven trillion dollar inflation reduction act, which was a kill capitalism de growth. been an increase inflation act, which was mostly about climate change, with a provision in their monies to be given cities and states to spend as they see fit. And so what Joe Biden says is that wallace evidence of the republicans voting against a democrat bill that would fund police sadness, ridiculous. The issue is not that the cities like money to fund police when they deem funded police, her slash their budgets and their numbers. They took the money away from them,
the question of having or not having money, they didn't want to give them money. That was the issue. So there are ways to address this. Effectively, giuliani didn't Bloomberg, did it in new york and other mayors have done it and other governors have done it. The fact is, You, a billionaires like soros. Your billinger democrats. do not have to live for all this hellish activities taking place and they go. far away from it all. Maybe not even in our country most of the time, maybe not even in our country
felonies in new york city, a hundred in two thousand and twenty twenty one hundred and twenty two thousand and twenty twenty two. Families downgraded to misdemeanours fifty two percent of the time and twenty twenty two felony case decline to prosecute alone, hundred and nineteen last year that sovereign brag. And the Democrats or their media keep telling you that crime is going down in new york. It's going down in the eu, so white ten how's into twelve thousand. People are leaving every month, so the demo I don't even say you know. We made mistakes here. We ve got to alter what we're doing modify our power. No, they lie because the radio likes- and so
continued to be. Anarchy, may have chaos, death impoverishment, lack of employment- Lack of schooling, totally gonna get worse, and so many wealthy people of every race, but wealthy people who could be role, models to try Fight this to stop mouthing the democratic party line like the lebron, bron, James's or the world to stop blaming people have nothing to do with it start blaming people who have everything to do with it. They could help, but they don't want to. Though I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be
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making your weekend even better. This is the best of mark levin. What happened at the fbi, now neither I nor a book review can do a book justice, but I want to ask. MR producer, the follow the fbi's written by thomas baker. We should have on the programmes. Have we grab him next week and we can talk to him directly. This isn't it. just some former fbi agent. This gentleman well Was the legal tash to the? U s: embassy in france, as pointed out by gland beaten, Why does that matter when princess di was killed in a car crash in paris member, and
he was in the neighborhood and he spent the singing arriving just minutes later became in charge of the investigation. And as this review says, he was cross examined by infamous lawyer, F bailey in the trial of a mobster bailey lost their case Yet the flavor. It's a real life story, something like the stories there we remember on tv, the f b. I remember that every symbolist junior, the rest of the brook described, the sad decline in the culture, the bureau bake, traces it to nine eleven. The dirt during the time during nine eleven was robert mullah.
The same mahler, who years later supervise the investigation of president trump for allegations of colluding with the russians, alligator, since that would ultimately shown to be as groundless as they were explosive. He and his crew are part of the cia were summoned to the white house debris president george, w bush days after the nine eleven attack and mahler explained the president what the bureau was doing to identify the perpetrators exactly what the bureau was supposed to do. a straight with mahler and understandably still upset by the horrific terrorism bush snap that he he just wanted to make sure didn't happen again. The cia director then told Bush what his agency was doing to make sure didn't. Mahler left, humiliated This take away was that the bureau needed to shift focus toward intelligence gathering, even if it
Sacrificing resources for law enforcement, the bureau became fewer cops and more spies. A mother successor was they notorious james call me who baker cause a charlatan, whose ten. director was a disaster for the bureau baker, rights, bakers, indisputably right, even if you can sit or only the bureau's reputation, but baker points out that the disastrous beyond reputation. Well, on the substance. Call me had all mothers bed instincts for centralisation and controlled by bureaucrats and more. Call me seldom got into the nitty gritty the bureau work but instead floated above it all beggar. Didn't you, is the word, but I will the review says: commie was lazy, many lazy people, he was also arrogant, arrogant,
thinking he was so smart. He could do the job without working. Hard was obvious from any of us pompous speeches that what he loved most was attention, This guy's got it right on Glenn beaten was the lazy ass. The laziness Eric tried again was the laziness, arrogance and Craven that lead commited substitute is political leanings, his hatred for trump for professional law enforcement procedures that were respect for the legal process and require quiet, hard work within it. Commie had a political agenda too. Trot and he figured its agenda was a good and right one and that the ends here,
covered an investigation by the newly intelligent striven fbi, namely the rushing collusion he wistfully thought had taken place would ultimately justify dishonesty and laziness of his means of uncovering. He imagined that in doing so, he will be a public hero who might even make the spooks of the CIA a little jealous. He was proven wrong, mother and his history unequivocally decided. There was no russian collusion. He's no hero and the Scandal was the investigation itself, a scandal that respected prosecuted john dorm has been in turn investigating for a very long time. Bakers, too modest, to expand, spoke about the rotting culture, the ep. enjoy commentary about society in general, but I'm not rights. The author. The review like
may the left and increasingly mainstream democrats have decided that their political opponents are not only mistaken but a legitimate. Democrats, coddle criminals and want to exterminate republicans and they seek one party rule something I've been talking about now for several years, and there is no question about it. They are willing to employ any means to achieve that end in america's major cities. They ve already achieved it and we see the results woefully blind to basic notions of honesty and fair play and incapable of the art of persuasion they instead riot shalt thou speakers cancel careers, Make death threats against supreme court justice after slandering them with false allegations? They circumvent both the polluter. the legal process by fabricating wild and defamatory p p stories tricking judges into it.
Having a legal surveillance and employment, the power the fbi, their unscrupulous allies. In this. It's called news, media reports or defamatory accusations of beige, one by report, the debunking of them on page nineteen, if at all, and so Tom baker's written his book and we're going to have- was he wouldn't get Tom baker on the program to discuss this? And it's gotten worse since hazard.
It's gotten much worse, since, in one day the book will be written about how they've been treating the former president trump little good it'll do us today, little good it'll. Do the country today cause the gentleman's right he's right and I've been saying this for years, which is the is going on at the f b I's illustrative of what's going on throughout the country, the abuse of institutions, the rejection of traditions and customs. the lawlessness, the attack on society in the culture, the effort to bring the whole system down here.
Certified by one thing: people are more and more using the word marxist. I here present trump use. It may hear members of congress now using it. We can't play games. We can't play patty cakes here. Folks,. We cannot save ourselves or even ever, shot at it. If we don't acknowledge what we're up against and speak the truth about it, the fbi, out in many respects a dangerous organization, and I can assure the things that I am telling you on the earth. Millions of euro has not lost their attention. Mr produce, I'm considered without question and one of the enemies of the state, and yet I love and a door. The country and the constitution
We did something today on social media that we ve talked about before. And I want to get an answer to this Thirteen at my email messages wound up in the hands of the government, the democratic party they never trappers. On the general six committee, there had been a subpoena documents against John eastman couple. He's not all of them. Most of them of these emails reflected a debate he and I were having over the constitution. Discussion utterly nine to the events of january six, really nothing to do with them and.
Eastman had not turn those documents Herbert anybody, yet he was fighting their release, so it wasn't him and was in his lawyers and it wasn't his ventral release. So where did they get them from? I know they had them, because a lawyer for fox told me that the committee said they had. These are police state tactics. These are the tactics of the stasi. These are the tactics of the modern democratic party.
They use a committee hearing to somehow access my email for all. I know they access all my data. I have no idea. The issue is, and I have nothing to hide and that sort of thing the issue is we're in america and these people who claim to be defending democracy. They don't even know that they're defending the defending if they claim republicanism but nonetheless defending democracy against donald trump and maga and all the rest. These p or destroying it. Can the Democrats go along? The all use perfectly happy, the eighty owls perfectly happy the whole alphabet. Soup, no problem cause all democrats in all these anti american
activities are being undertaken by democrats. Meanwhile, the pine crying family, just unbelievable. What these people get away with Congressional programme covers ties between Biden campaign security letter dismissing hunter laptop, which is something that makes sense, but You know you gotta determine if we get the evidence, so the Biden campaign Was probably behind the security letter which attempted to mislead the american people that the russians were behind the laptop story? Doesn't bother any money there? Does it bother anybody republicans now believe the letter that falsely portrayed laptop is this information was a consequence.
interference in the last presidential election hated by two obama era: witnesses to obama era, witnesses. Congressional investigators led by house judiciary committee, chairman, Jim Jordan, have developed the first evidence that a letter from security experts that false dismiss the hunter by laptop. Is russian disinformation during the twenty twenty election? Oh by the way, Harry major news organization ran with that, including the new york's limes had ties to Joe binds presidential election. Jordan Just the news. He expects to release a report from the house panel on weaponization of government towards the end of the month. that lays out evidence the players behind the letter, which many republic gets now say, was consequential interference in the last presidential elections. Clearly,
You look at the interference in the election by the fbi by the Democrats by their meat. It's just incredible. done with politics and it looks like there was some real connections with the binding. Pain Jordan said during an interview with John solomon from to the last three years, the letter from fifty one national security officials. You remember that letter that was intended to blow smoke. Has been portrayed as an organic effort from the intelligence cream and I don't believe in organic efforts. Remember number that national school board association letter that actually came from white house staff and the department of justice staff and department of education stare As well as the teachers unions working very closely with the national school board association, none of this staffers organic.
Who's to raise concerns that the emergence of a hunter binds laptop and the false twenty twenty could be tied to a foreign power, meaning russia, but it's been proven authentic. The office with the director of the national intelligence has said it did not involve a find its information camping. You know, John rackliff said that early on from day one he was the acting director. They national. Intelligence office, but before the letter was departed, was used to censure stories online eustace censored the near post just the news and other outlets and what has been described by former president donald trump, Jordan and many others. Interference in the election- and I asked Remember our friends at the media. Research centre are buddy. Brent bozell has made it clear that they look,
it all the numbers and they said that look had this been known. Had the contents been known Joe Biden, our putative president would not even have been uprooted and present, it would have lost. Jordan said his investigators have derived valuable information from transcribed interviews from two former cia officials from the Obama former acting director MIKE marilla nick shapiro, a former adviser to x rector job brennan seems to me that one of the key players here is my morale than he was one of a kind of coordinating this working this together, Jordan said then there are a few other folks, we ve talked nick shapiro. Shapiro I'd think was the one kind of coordinating the outreach to follow.
See median how they wanted this story presented. So much of what you see our lies or I'll. Currently work said as a contributor at CBS news shapiro, who worked as former president obama's national schemes,
spokesmen before rise in a deputy, see I direct runner. Brennan did not respond to comments. Jordan's had a specific ties that bind campaign will be divulged in the interim report. And what do you think the media are going to do with their report? America think they're going to ignore it? Oh it's just the republic is an amazing, the republicans control the house, the done a tremendous job on these investigations to gathering all kinds of crucial information, but people who we the new york times in washington, post people watch the network nightly news programmes, people who watch meet the depressed or deface the nation of the rest of them. They never hear about them. They don't know a thing about nothing same of the people who watched the very bizarre,
looking Joe scarborough with his bulbous w c fields knows, and I say that not to attack and were to be critical, but just a point out. The obvious, MR producer note bug this episode brought to you by cliff kid makers of sea bar the win win energy, snack bar for kids, kids, love, the soft big texture, delicious flavors like chocolate, chip and iced oatmeal cookie and parents, love that each z bar is packed with wholesome ingredients like organic oats, with no artificial flavors or high fructose corn. Sirop cliff kids e bar is the winning snap to fuel active kids that every one in the family can agree on visit, cliff kid dot com to learn more, that's c, o F kid dot, com, sitting to the best of mark club, then- There is truly a big breaking story tonight.
and I will say it from washed- can examiner hunter by an investigation infected by politics and preferential treatment, says a senior iris, official, seeking whistle blower status by jury done levy, and this is now being picked up everywhere, because this is. a serious supervisory special agent of the iris criminal division. He's a career employ it's a bombshell an irish aging is seeking whistleblower protections and alleging that the criminal investigation into hunter Biden has been infected by politics and preferential treatment The bombshell whistle blower claims come from a career, iris, criminal supervisory special agent.
As he's been overseeing quote the ongoing and sensitive investigation on quote a high profile, controversial subjects and shirley twenty twenty. Source familiar with a letter till the washing examiner that this is about president Joe Biden, son is being investigated for several potential crimes, the whistleblowers lawyer. mark little sent a letter to the heads of multiple house and Senate committees? Telling them is clients protected? Disclosures, lay examples, a preferential treatment of politics improperly infect. Decisions I'm calling and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances, if the subject were not politically connected, quote unquote,.
The irish agents allegations also quote contradicts warrant testimony to congress by a senior political appointee. Unquote, this is their letter and court of our failure to mitigate clear conflict of interests in the ultimate disposition. Case against honour by the whistleblowers lawyers said the ira sage and it also made already legally protected, disclose internally, the as well, whilst the treasury department, inspector general for tax administration and the justice department, inspector general republicans of long contended. That hundred binds lucrative This dealings in ukraine in china indicating may have committed crimes related to far lobbying or money. during our taxes, our recent reports of indicated federal, invest
The asians may have narrowed the focus that binds investigation to tax fraud and twenty sixteen and twenty seventeen and lying on a federal form on purchasing a hand, got twenty. Eighty. both are potential following that could lead to prison time pursued by the department of justice. Gee, I wonder how the judges in Washington DC were treated. It's up to you, S, attorney david. Why say? Trop appointed hold over whose duenna crappy job so far. and the delaware prosecutor overseeing the case to decide whether to indict the president's sun, and it goes on other ass. This permanent idleness son of a sitting pressure will be a major development, the bigger questions remain where the department has been considering more significant charges the money laundering and foreign lobbying, and whether investigators
looking into their national security implications of hunter binds overseas business dealings, specially his association of businessmen linked to communist chinese intel. Here's where I come How do you constrict or contain. Investigation of hunter binding and not look into his father. How is that possible? It really is. And I've been contending here from day one that the department of injustice has been covering up for Joe Biden and they are going to continue to do so.
I spoke to you last week about how the vine white house was involved in the so called documents: investigation of donald trump and the democratic democrat parties, technical, Other than here, if you heard that anywhere else, no, you haven't because people don't care, they just drop it, but I care, but I care and have a democratic power he was was really behind what was taking place with Alan brag, which is why you saw them defeat Bring him in what I what's been taking place in new york. During that hearing yesterday,. but now we have. A senior career irish, criminal supervisory special agent. Who wants whistleblower status, literally
Puts his career on the line or hers seeks whistleblower status goes to an outside special lawyer involved in such things. That's how bad the situation is that the irish and the treasury department in, terms of investigating hunter Biden. Sure that's how bad it is in terms of investigating Joe by. where there is a the only wall. These eyes, building the wall to protect jobs. they build a wall around him to protect him from criminal ass to get really quite outrageous This is breaking news. Hunter Biden, investigation infected by politics and preferential treatment says an irish whistleblower seeking
Whistleblower official legal status and this whistle blower has said that these is raise concerns with the inspector general of justice he's raise concern would. The treasury department has reigned concerns with others he's getting nowhere. Nowhere traced her with ie. Treasury department inspector general he's raised it with the justice department, inspector general, legally protected disclosures, and now he says I gotta go to congress. The suggested this is unacceptable. Republicans would likely very much be decent pointed it says here and minimal charges brought against hunter bide should be minimal. Charges brought against four hundred biden, chuck rashly says, based on recent protected disclosures to my
office. The fbi has been in its possession significant impact for and voluminous evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by hunter by, and he said that in october, twenty twenty two letter to garland tat christopher re, enter this: u s attorney vice. They have everything they need charge, convict and throw hereby imprison. while the busy chasing a generous six parameters, and this goes well beyond and that's why the republicans are really dig in here, because they know that this leads to papa. And I see their Robert Kennedy, junior has has announced he's running for president. Let me tell you something he could become
very very serious candidate in a very short period. Dot Other serious democrat africa, the woman's name she's, not serious, william centre, something marian Williams and there you go for Robert Kennedy junior, even though he has some flaky ideas. He's not a flake. Joe Biden has a flight flaky ideas, there's a difference, but he could become a serious challenger just because somebody Democrats are sick and tired of Joe Biden, I'm not talking about the ruling class, they love job and they ve known Joe Biden for the longest time. I'm talking about voters, Joe Biden, popularity It's spat as high as I raul castro, while in some parts of our country that will be
very high, but I'm trying about south florida. The corruption in this by the administration is incredibly so again, which is why the Democrats are doing everything they can to sabotage every hearing to look into these matters. overplays media, the afghanistan inspector general, the vetoes taxpayer, monies flowing to the taliban and the by administration is guilty quote of unprecedented obstruction, see the pattern. John sap go as soapy kayo special inspector general for afghanistan, reconstruction told congress. Today, the taxpayer dollars are flowing into the talibans packets The shocking measure was made during a house oversight committee hearing about the bad administration. Disastrous and deadly withdraw from africa
stain on august, twenty twenty one? This is from chris and low at the blaze, code, unfortunately, as I said here today, I cannot sure this committee or the american taxpayer that we are not currently funding the taliban, nor can I assure you that the taliban devoting the money we are sending from the intended recipients, which are the poor afghan people. Sancho explain that obstruction from the state department and the? U s agency for international development and abide ministration has been quote unprecedented. On quote, he said both agencies have demonstrated and quote abject refusal to allow oversight and quote of the billions of taxpayers dollars that had been set. Afghanistan, sap co later said. I don't trust the taliban as far as you can throw them. The information
we're getting again not from the state department who isn't talking to us, are: u S It is the taliban has already diverting funds here is their special investigator, the special inspector general. That's his job he's the inspector general to get to the bottom of what's taking place and he'd be obstructed by blankets, state department. And? U s a I d? U s! Aid. The agency for international development- you ve, got a senior supervisory iris criminal investigator who seeks whistleblower status because his investigation of hunter pine is being obstructed by a political appointee. From the past administrative sap go said, I would just say I haven't seen a starving taliban fighter on tv. They all seem to be fact dumb unhappy
I see a lot of starving afghan children on tv, so I'm one We're all this funding is going, Canada was tense the amount of the. U s is made available to Afghanistan more than eight billion dollars since the withdrawal less than two years ago. Why? we giving them anything there. The enemy takes our money, it's prose and around throughout his testimony, sap co repeatedly returned to them by the ministrations obstruction. In fact, he said cider, that's it office has not heard from quote any body in the administration really have said.
routine meetings. Would top government and military leaders that happened in previous in the previous administration have ceased under by so they occurred under trump they ceased under by now. It's just radio silence, he said sap goes. I opening the moaning came about two weeks after the bad administration released its after actual report about the afghanistan would draw. The report attempted to blame former president donald trump for what happened under binds watch completely absolving binders administration and that play The game continued prior to the hearing cnn reported
the white house is denying they are obstructing sat, goes oversight efforts by the way, liars thieves, corrupt obstructs. These are career people who have the guts to come forward. We have F b, I some career with people coming whistleblowers who have the guts to come forward at the iris. Now, a key senior supervisory criminal investigator, a civil servant that guts that come forward seeking whistleblower status. Now we have the in special inspector general. Would the guts to come forward who's being obstructed? Who's been
Obstructed by the department of state and a day which is part of the department of state, did you know that we ve given eight billion dollars to the taliban. Since our surrender two years ago. Did you know that I did know eight billion dollars? No wonder our enemies think were weak, because we are no wonder, are enemies on the move because now's the time they're not stupid, stupid. It is the people who vote for Joe Biden and the Democrats that stupid You gotta hate our country. If you vote for Joe back, you really do not know that robert Kennedy junior, I know that he no bearing on water,
I know he's a lip, but I also know this: guy has the potential. I think that being a Democrat, but at least has the potential to make some inroads here, because I know like most americans the Democrats who serve on these committees are happy with the way that Joe Biden surrendered and, by the way, their style hundreds, if not thousands, of american prisoners over there. Where. The great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of mark loving. but you have we, a thousand billionaires america. Note average tax rates of pay,
it's e. I g h percent eight percent, eight e h e h percent, not e. I g h, t e. I g h. They pay a percent billing in taxes and tell me on your s, corporations that you sent up to cover up europe you're communist chinese money. Mr president, what percentage did you pay on that? He sets up to s, corporations he and doktor Joe They set them up, so they don't have to pay obamacare taxes and medicare taxes, so he paid zero on all the funds that flowed through the ethical. aberrations, he's never released. The tax reserve returns on those S, corporations you not much. They paid zero z, e r, zero ladies and gentlemen. Here's the thing. Do you think that
Government has enough money, he says the average billinger weave a thousand and pays eight percent on their federal income tax. Why is that deceiving? Because you might have corporation repaying zero? Why cause they us money during the pandemic. They don't have net income on which to pay federal income taxes. So it's all a game? It's all very, very deceiving. Our problem in this country is a taxes and tax rates, our problem. Country is even if you give everything they want? It's not gonna, be enough. If you give them a hundred percent, it's not going to be enough because the democratic party exists. By stealing money from you in the private sector and spending it themselves. So Is by now the major economics form at the white house today what it should be
it is the major economics illiteracy form because he's a moron, but that's, I want you to hear some of the things he has to say cut to go with these acts. The united states is on track to achieve one point: five to realign go cutting emissions by fifty to fifty two percent by twenty. He has no idea what he said. the? U s is on track to achieve a one point, five degree aligned goal are cutting emissions by fifty to fifty two percent by twenty thirty. Does anybody have any idea what that means, and what is that based on which research which scientist? Where does this come from this stuff. He comes from nowhere. Nowhere. I remember rebuilding cared about the amazon everybody here remember when they cared about the amazon I member when they did and remember. It was
global cooling in the amazon dying by the way. I am broadcasting from ronald reagan, ranch centre in the middle of liberal ville, santa Barbara. This is a fact casting place- I'm sitting here looking at present reagan's jeep- that he used his ranch I'll, be at the ranch tomorrow for a huge event. Twenty fifth anniversary of the young americans foundation, yoffe acquiring the property which could have been solved, the some private developers something, but they came in and they saved it. And if you folks well to learn more about sir conference centre,
unbelievable. You can actually come here free of charge. You gotta yeah, dot, org, why? I e f, dot org one of our great sponsors as well and there's other things. I'm looking at here of the chair that president reagan sat in when he may cause the heads of state just all kinds of cool things: a big chunk of the wall, the came down. in berlin. Maybe we can use out on the southern border. Maybe we can use a piece of that that wall seem to work in it. But in any event, that's where I am the people here are great and we have a great event tomorrow and I just wanted you to be aware that it's yaf dot org, why a eff dot org, which is F, hey? Why spell backwards fe right? Nobody cares all right. So there's Biden talking about
He had a fifty fifty two percent or twenty one and a half degree aligned goal. I dunno what that means, but how do they think that they can predict whether by twenty thirty I don't care how much carbon we squeeze out of the atmosphere and, as we've discussed before, do you have what percentage carbon is of the atmosphere? Does anybody here know mac maps? Were me the engineer? Do you know Matt Matt, but come on now point zero, zero, four percent! We gotta get that down your say by fifty to fifty two per cent. Now, if we eliminate all carbon human beings are dead, do you know why? Who here took third grade science? It's called in taking oxygen, exhaling, carbon dioxide.
Now, what out their needs? Carbon dioxide decreed oxygen plants plants need carbon dioxide. You see Joe by MR great sides very forgot, so carbon dioxide is nessus. in order to have plants and trees and vegetables and fruits and human beings. The idea that eliminating light bulbs or the combustion engine or whatever the house next online gas, Those is somehow going to take this massive globe in this matter.
If the universe with a sun shining upon us and is going to be able to adjust the climate that takes place now and in six ten twelve years is so pathetically stupid. It's just hard to believe, and so they tell you you're a climate denier am a climate denier. I can give you a thousand scientists with all kinds of relevant backgrounds who are climate deniers. If I were to ash Joe Biden today, can you name five experts? Five of your experts that you're relying on for your policies he couldn't one, could you name any studies? He couldn't name one, not one, but he's word about the billion airs. We gotta get the building a wise worried about them, because he knows you don't give a damn about them and that, if there's thousand elements a thousand votes. So that's the way of using the way. I view it.
Some of those billionaires employ tens of thousands of you of those billion errors, have created things that you need to survive or to improve your life, the quality of your life, that's how people become billionaires. They create stuff like computers like automobiles, god knows what so they attack success. They attack capitalism, that's all they know. So that's what he's doing it is major, a cock. Islamic forum today at the white house, he's preaching socialism If we do nothing but the best the best of market, then my friend kelly and conway, was on my friend my record low on the fox news channel
And she was saying that decide to spend too much time on the cultural wars, and my friend cuddle apparently felt that he on two far was going too far would disney. I could not agree with either of them more. I couldn't disagree with either of them more. Why? Because the key Towards need to be fight and there's no such thing as fighting them too hard or too often because we are surrounded by this poison? You have a governor whose willing to stand up and fight them in comes under enormous criticism for it. He should come under criticism from a public good in servitors, but he does particularly establishment republicans its preposterous.
So if I were to say this, I would ignore their advice at that: their establishment, I'm talking about others like christy and so far, but I would ignore all their advice and to keep fighting it. We don't want this crap this cancer in our classrooms, And the culture is devouring us and he is got to stand up to their seized the guts to stand up to a company that is based, in los angeles, California, that is pushing the agenda of its chairman was a radical, dumb, crash fundraiser or donor bob eiger, and that. That cooperation should not be telling us in Florida what to do in our classrooms. You looked at arc So we talked about this last week in asia. Hutches ended it absolutely nothing to fight what walmart did their classroom
and they have D all over the place now, and the propaganda and Fourth, this isn't about little hits on Tv and he's taking Much criticism and and disney be governed Small government now. and I'll say, one other thing too,. Do you remember who ran against gerald ford in nineteen? Seventy six. Does anybody remember who ran against him and the republican primary I'm here at the the reagan ranch center, that's a pretty good hint! Isn't it ronald reagan Who was governor from sixty six to seventy four california. decided to take on a sitting republican president. A sitting republican president any was attacked for this, and so are the people who supported I
Put him in pennsylvania. A handful of us did. He should wait, is turn. He should gain in line who does he think he is he's gonna cost us the presidency now course Carter one. But what was going to lose and no disrespect to the fort family. But he was terrible. So it's not an exact parallel, but with all due respect telling the santas that he is away again. I don't think as accurate or even good advice unless he chooses to a lot of things. happen in four years, a whole lot, people, come on the horizon. Something had happened with family that.
Causes somebody to decide not to run they have to take her. There could be a thousand different things these things play out. So let him play out, but I dont think president trumpets taking advice from descent to supporters, and I don't think it's particularly wise for dissenters to take advice from trumps supporters. Just saying that- and nobody should take advice from Chris Christie because he's a bloated buffoon he just is, but if they think the argument that disadvantages fighting too hard to defend america's morality, to defend american values, stood to defend the belief. System of the american people to protect children in the classroom, then they ve been.
bending way too much in washington dc on tv. That's just my opinion. These are strengths, not weaknesses, strengths. Turning attorney merit garland is the senior an official and a hundred by an irish whistle blower acclaimed. There's a big deal, new york post Stephen now send you won't see this on media I'd medium There's We see a b c cbs tourney general merit. Garlon. Is the unnamed official sworn testimony before, congress is being challenged, bomb shall letter from an eye s whistle blowers attorney that also alleges a cover up and though hunter Biden, criminal investigation, the posters And attorney mark little wrote
this day that the long time iris employed, not just an employee, senior advisory criminal division. vesta gator assigned to the hunter buying case. Civil servant has been around for years. Apparently. He saying that the contradictory. worn testimony to congress by senior political pointy that it was garland and he also detail preferential treatment in the criminal probity. Son garland is a corrupt s, o b. That's what he is. He is furious. He didn't get on the supreme court and this is pay back. The whistle blower already made disclosures to the inspectors general the treasury injustice departments, but due to a cork of federal law, he needs congressional provable more fully
Scribe allegations to his own lawyers, which he wants to do before tests to find a lawmakers garland has repeatedly claimed under oath that dell. U s: attorney David Weiss hold over is able to criminally charge hunter bind without the permission of other justice department leaders. Despite republicans challenging the factual accuracy the claim garland. In April twenty twenty two told senator bill, Haggerty, very good guy that there will not be. Fear of any political or proper kind in the investigation of hundred by and bye weiss eustace Proviso of this investigation said garland, adding we put the investigation in the hands of a trump appointee from the previous administered, asian whose, u s attorney for the district delaware. In march, senator chuck rat
lay press garland over whether wife was truly able to bring charges without the approval justice department officials, specifically if the alleged crime occurred outside delaware, In April twenty twenty two, you testified to Senator Haggerty that the hundred binding The game was insulated from political interference. Because I was assigned- as you just told me, the delaware yours attorney's office, gradually said at the time. Well, that could be misleading said gradually. That could be misled. Without special council authority, he could need permission of another. U s attorney, in certain circumstances, to bring try. is outside the district, delaware, which is true and he's I want you to clarify this.
you're, a garland of former federal judge, replied the wisest able to charge hundred buying even for crimes that occurred outside delaware rashly press, those, the delaware? U S, attorney lack independent charging Already over certain criminal allegations against the president, son excited delaware fits in another. is tricky would have to bring the case in another district but, as I said, I've To ensure he's able to carry it out, it would need permission a main justice now do. I know this because I was Turning, I was the chief of staff to the attorney general. That's all I know. Giving false testimony. Congress can be a crime punishable up the five years now they need to throw the book a garland cause he's thrown the book a trump and their thrown the book, a trap for something much less significant than that.
Much less significant significant than this, the general is a liar, this Why he's always ambiguous? always misleading in the way that he describes things. We have a huge problem there at the department of justice. It's a big deal.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-23.