« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 4/1/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Manhattan case against Donald Trump is a disgusting politicization of the legal process, and Chuck Todd has turned Meet the Press into a clown show by continuing to push it for ratings. Trump and his family have been dragged through multiple special counsels and Democrat witch hunts, and it seems it will never end. The only way to actually know if what Democrats say is happening is to pass their legislation and wait, and their answer when it doesn’t work is that we need to do more, which is always more government, more centralization, more redistribution, and more interference of liberty. The gun control advocates in the media are getting louder because they think they are morally righteous, and it is disgusting. The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons ban had virtually no impact on murders, but President Biden and his Democrat mouthpieces know that the vast majority of murders are not committed by what they call assault weapons. The law has been destroyed by the Biden administration to go after parents and families and now Donald Trump, just like how Joseph Stalin would do. It’s no longer about the elements of the law or the level of proof, but about tyranny and a totalitarian democrat party that wants to win at all costs and shut down speech of its political opponents. If we do not have a just law, we do not have a free country.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills del college, which probably refuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to helstone for their sponsorship, it's quiet in the underground bunker doors the blocks bolted. What a great one isn't just resting on our laurels. he's making sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best Mark loving me interviewing president trump The sunday show this sunday on fox. The full our sentiments A plan for some time actually, so we will be for the full hour no brother Hannity has talked to present and trample bearing some very interesting
parts of his interview. The next few days, I have not interviewed president trump yet, but, as you know, I focus- will be a lot of different than some of the others the great interviews. Not get me wrong. Just gonna be a lot different joe a campaign, as a good lawyer he's been, Oliver tv dealing with this. The sovereign brag and. the only guy really defending our brag. Is John liebowitz. Member who that is most reducing johns, oh, that's his real name she felt the need to change his name? a secular, is most of them do Joe tack. Pina is. With chuck todd on meat, the depress not towards interesting. There are sundays
lebanon and Levin. We get a bigger audience that meet the depressed, Did you know that must reduce its true. madam, I really dont a network show course I'd never have made because they prefer chuck todd. Next thing you know, cuomo won't on I want you to hear some of this really: listen, a czech type. What you like this guy cut, eleven go. What what you proposed personal ledger seriously. What would he put his personal injury payment for hush money to quite an affair that equipment ever had, so my family doesn't get viruses that wish, but his ledger it there's. No, nothing you're only want you. Let me give the laser jacques, should it deterrent chopped? That would you ever
It's a flipper. We have sentenced to electric shock, you're being that I honestly think you're being a little petty when you look at this now, because there is no filing obligation you can put whatever you want in your own personal letter, cut down here, chuck chuck Isn't it a maze- and this is called non disclosure agreement. Why would you put anything in your letter some. question a truck his as meat. The depressed ever signed non disclosure grim it. Why don't you release them?. truck chuck. I'm not done. Has NBC ever signed non disclosure agreements, Comcast owns NBC is comcast oversight, non disclosure agreements, chow. I'm talking to you: are you awake. The answer is, of course, they have. All of them have.
you know the law so broad by that that kid, whose name I can remember MR producer thea jefferson, memorial. Member when they got his face and they smear the kid and they brought it Nicholas Sandman, what happen that suiting gets the washed and purse mothers and non disclosure grin. About the suit against cnn, see inertia, non disclosure, grim, oh What's in the non disclosure. Now I would say this charter. I have two letters from two thousand and eight We two thousand eighteen one from Collins lawyer, saying Michael Cohen Pedro this out of his own pocket We don't mention that to your tiny
of tiny audiences. Why. How come you don't mention that stormy daniels herself? So Timeframe: twenty eighteen sent a letter. Saying that she never had a relationship with donald trump of any kind at any time. why don't you mention? There are one or two you put in as well but the truth can check jack. That's a good one. You're really good chuck. we ve invited chalk on here in the past. Multiple times have, we must reduce it hasn't wanna come on fillet of chalk. We can have fillet of truck, go ahead obligation,
That would be one thing if he had taken campaign funds. That would be something else this. Neither of these things happened here. So you have a situation where you're looking at either. Was it a tax deduction? They pulled it out the grand jury because they thought initially was mistaken. It doesn't he did not, and secondly, to these campaigns once if he did not give personal funds and the test again is. What do you mean that payment, regardless of their pain and the answer that question time wasn't even listening? This is so far over over his head cause. What tack appeal explaining his federal law. That's what explaining I've known joe tucker pina. Lord, how long is it now. Twenty five years to good lawyer too good lead again. twenty five years, explaining to him- I have rules, work cut, twelve go Mr Tromp has described,
alvin bragg this week as a soros, backed animal said he was doing the work of anarchy in the devil, columns degenerate psychopath. economists soros racist and reversing. This is the discard gestapo. As his lord, you stand by those common can I can. I cannot you tewson truck by the way, listen, a joy irene on your sister network and necessity you ve, heard the racism spewed at her big mouth. Have you. Have you ever heard the holocaust deniers on the view chuck? Have you I'm just curious, How about our sharpening you remember him truck. He It's for your network work too. And I dont know transplant called hitler and muzzle leaning
call a lot of things now. You see, I haven't brag cases. or a sky. And soros his conduct young teenager, hungry. I believe, a worse was disgusting. ro in the holocaust. You can look it up disgusting. He never gets an anal exam chuck todd, we're done a show on sovereign check, very obsessed with trump go ahead.
So the truck ass, his lawyer, I want to dissect this case because it's a case that shouldn't be brought him wouldn't be border for anyone other than donald trump. Let us be clear about that. Does anyone actually think left right or in the middle of that that anyone else will be prosecuted for making a civil settlement in a hush money case,
With personal funds, of course, not no one's ever been prosecuted. For that you know, the close we ve com is John Edwards back in the day where a donor paid nine hundred thousand dollars for his his mistress and and the child to bees house somewhere. That case was ultimate dismissed by department of justice after they couldn't do the commission- and that was with the donor. The distinction here is, is so vast and in its clear to anyone whether europe, again, if your support of dull drop or detract or don't like anything about donald trump, we should all be concerned assistance in this country about the whip, innovation out of a prosecutor's office, and that is what this is it might I swear to you in my thirty two years: is both a prosecutor ended defence, but I've never seen and abuse of discretion like this? When you say that we don't know what the charges are yet we have no idea what the charges are, but I gotta go. That way. Is it no? I would you have neither do I india. Would you advise a client to personally attack up a process? like this, and I know this is this is amazing to me too personally,
a prosecutor, the prosecutor, names. Does anybody remember, can star Wonderful human value was a dear friend of mine the independent council, during much of the Clinton administration, he was federal, appellate, judge. He was a chief of staff with the department of justice. Supposition I would later hold was the as a college? a law school. You remember the name said he was called the threats made against him by the Didn't war room? You remember the attack spy step monopolise and car vow in all these. People day in and day out, do you the brutality from the media, NBC abc and CBS Scan star.
And even worse how they hung out at his home every time he would leave this house. Jason down. said the most vile things about remember that. Alvin bragg has anyone come close to that kind of abuse. they can star received from the likes of the debt? Cramps, their surrogates in the media. NBC among them. The recommended donald trump has faced. The spacing four grand juries he's faced: five altogether he's Criminal investigation before, No crimes favours federal. Tax returns. His family has been up and down the criminal this latter for doing nothing.
haven't? Brags office had already dropped this case, picks it up again, because of an unacceptable deputy d, a prosecutor who comes into the office for no pay for their purpose and getting tromp. You have an attorney general on Albany who's out to get tat. I could go on and on and on and this area this ass truck toddy says I recommend him dragging the brass candidates right now. He ought just sit silently and take a truck. That's all just sayin, you take it everybody does go ahead: jack, vienna, it I'll drop
I know I again, I'm not his social media consultant. I don't. I think that was an ill advised posted one of his soul for many people put up and she quickly took down when he realized the rhetoric and the form that was attached to it, but that they are needed in setting out the other rhetoric. Wait a minute, wait, a minute. Wait a minute you're, a man at wait, a minute he needs to take down all is rhetoric in each day, Europe is act, he cannot. Mad swinging now, just because people said. Things about him, continue to say things about him and want to stick. In prison just because everybody virtually except jon, Leibowitz Everybody has said that the case manhattan, is a disgusting polluted desertion of the criminal law process he really shouldn't call names. It should go way way way, didn't take them a name. It didn't stop accused. This is
Why nobody watches meet the press anymore? It's Like it was in the great days a journalist speck, was like twenty twenty five years or where everybody wanted to go on meat, the press, everybody would watch it on sundays. It was a serious show. He's turned it into a clown, show he's turning. into a joke, not the right times of question types questions you want to get to the bottom, and yet they continue continue to push it in person and persian and poaching does I think it's gonna out their ratings. It's not. It's not gonna help their ratings eating it's ok chalk! When Joe Biden with racist and segregation is to keep public schools segregated dear.
I'm just curious. Could use no time on their whatsoever and he's actually the presently united states. How much time. You spend with terror red who accused Biden molesting her. really seriously. I mean you, about this non disclosure agreement. How come you're not worried about that he's sitting in the overall? How come you're not worried about big issues, a cab job? and is compromised by the communist chinese, which a each and every one of us in danger. This is why nobody watches meet the press or the other. The other phony show. And they all sound the saying they all talk the same. They all do the same thing. Where If you own a small business, you know the value of time. Innovation refunds does to leave me
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The your weekend even better. This is the best of mark levin one of the things that happens in totalitarian regimes, whether its communist or fascist, or something in between And I might add, one of the things said happens in this country. Would democrats. Is they always talk about power, sees that will do X. Y, see its nationalizing health care, mothers, climate change, let in future. This will happen in the future. That will happen in the future. This will happen. Promises it's a pretty good Dick gets them a lot of votes, a lot of support and a lot of power, but the
Way to actually know. if what they're saying is to occur, MR producers, what. Is to get it done and then wait and if it Doesn't work, it doesn't work. Their answer. That always is because the vast majority time it doesnt work is. We need to do more. Government, more centralisation, more redistribution, more rules, regulations, laws, more taxes, more interference and liberty. And so everybody should be on medicare well that'll, destroy, there's no walk, says Bernie sanders. Joe Biden says we need to outlaw assault weapon.
There, literally no definition for solve weapon cause anything could be an assault weapon. Even a musket can be an assault weapon. Even a staple can be an assault. Weapon anonymous be or can be, an assault where there is really no definition. So the Democrats have succeeded in controlling? Once again, as we talk about here, the language? Why law exactly. Would we pass- and I've been saying this for twenty one years on the radio? What law. exactly would we pass to prevent what just took place in Ashraf? What law, I noticed, some back benches, had picked up this point. It's a small point. They ought to repeat it. What law would have prevented this.
No law would have prevented and ninety ninety four Joe Biden like to talk about how he passed the federal assault, weapon ban. That was the name given to it. Actually, the brainchild of Diane Feinstein. Ninety In for he was a co sponsor and they took a bunch. weapons they call them a saw weapons. Semi automatic weapons is what they are, but nonetheless, some of them locally military weapons, a whole list in the congress past it bill Clinton signed. It Joe Biden goes around saying in a word. in the study he sites. I actually looked into this today one. There was tat, my mother jones, a radical left wing magazine, but radical left wing eddie le.
The reincorporation would later do a study, their very highly respected research organization, and they said it had no effect the department justice conducted its own investigation? It? It said no perfect, minimal effect, Other studies, I were done that found the same thing, so they cherry pick their studies. And they tell you that had this enormous effect promise it didn't. What was happening is when they banned all these weapons. One list a minister producer people used weapons. One list these that warrant banned there, weren't band.
So that's just not an answer to this. If we want to protect our children, he didn't predicted. After ninety ninety four and when that law lapse, ten years later, I recollect Was a ten year law with a lapse he didn't protect them. Then. Now Joe Biden, Sarah north carolina- and he knows nothing about weapons- are bullets. He knows nothing about security and he says in part this cut three. The overwhelmingly majority of gunners agree. We have to do so. I agree. We have to do something. The question is: What are we agreeing that needs to be done? Go ahead, gun owners. This is a moral price to pay for inaction. Last year we came together the password
gun safety, legislation and thirty years. Why didn't stop. this mesmer. If it was that significant go ahead, gotta thought and don't come on. We can do more to get try again. I want congress to pass the salt live as bad as you see pairs the assault weapon. We just passed some kind of gun control right now We need to pass the assault, weapons ban and what our assault weapons we don't know. semi automatic weapons, you can't buy automatic weapons, that's been outlawed fur. Half a century that said, if you go to the treasury, When I try and get one but its very, very unlikely.
So people are running around with machine guns and that sort of thing when they talk about oh military weapons, most people don't have military weapons go ahead. It should not be a participation. The common challenges at voting time at censorship that the white, should be protected. The congress should be protected that every federal building should be protected. Every state building should be protected, but our schools shouldn't be protected. Just think about this think about this. Go ahead. Why do I keep saying this is not happening because I want you to know who is doing it, who is in helping to put pressure on You know, I know you see on television, not just merely, though a weapon in terms of its, Semi automatic, in effect,
but the velocity with which it comes out of that muzzle what it does when hits the body most bull, we go just straight through an out leaving, but it blows up on his insight. You're, both alright, alright, alright, I said there are different kinds of bullets. There are bullets, they just go through the body and there are bullets that expand as they go through the body. We call them hollow point. what's you might say? Well, that's her. Those You don't understand. You know why police officers use mostly hollow Point bullets not simply because their deadly they do Want a bullet to pass through one person and hid another person. That's one of the main reasons hollow point: boats were developed in the first place because you can hit the target
but you might also hit other people That's why I'm assuming the police in nashville, who killed the mass murder, would have preferred to have the hollow points, not just for the bullets to be deadly but what? If she were standing there with children behind her, the bullet could pass through the person which had easily does Does your body is mostly water, the bullet capacity, the person, Do one two three little kids. He has no idea what he's talking about. None he's got shot gun great. He never has any idea. What he's talking about. So we ban all these weapons and their stone gonna be happy. You want to know why cause Hundreds of millions of weapons out there.
but was sell them and other people buy them, and then they want to step in and put an end to that then they're gonna wanna put an end to the grandfathering of weapons. It's always ratcheted up up up up because it's not gonna work. he didn't work and ninety nine for the two thousand and four: it's not gonna work now secure the buildings. As we know from this latest horrific episode, one of the buildings was more secure than another, so the killer chose the building that was less secure. How many of you have systems and you put the signed out Put the stickers on your windows in your doors way it's that go on if somebody motion lights, approaches your home floodlights. What have you, because of it,
We would be burglar, rapist or killer. He seized I've been a house. He goes to the next house, But the study show that's why you do those things. Will you leave a light on the house her several when you're not around or radio or t same thing, if they think People are in the house more times and not to go to the next house, although it's not perfect. The same thing applies to facilities.
This school was in a gun, free zone, a gun free zone, so the killer knew and plotted. It's not the follow the score to private christian score to the zone that created by ordinance, gun, free zone. Set for the killer she had guns anyway. I hope you better understand now why bullets are different. And then finally, David Roush, tennessee bureau of investigation, is a press conference. Cut six
again. I want to echo what Jesus said in reference to the great support and the great team work that has been taking place here, as well as sending our heartfelt prayers to the families to this community of these victims. Now I know there'll be people who want to criticize us for prayers, but that's the way we do that in the south right, we, we believe in prayer and we believe in the power of prayer, and so our prayers go out to these families. amen to that. may god look over these children in those three adults, then their suffering families. Then jean Pierre the morning jody. This is just appalling.
MSNBC. Nbc. Come cares that whole line up his jested disgusting disgrace cut seven girls. here's the thing? What we will say? What I will say to republicans in this is what you're going to say to these parents. You see you see it's the fault of the republicans. This is the way totalitarian propaganda works if they. ass, would have done what we told them needs to be done if they would just do what we want them to do those Be alive today really and how about all the children and others who been murdered? Illegal aliens coming across the border on your watch. then raped in molested and the children Sold into sex slavery. is that on you.
jean Pierre, is out on Biden how, but all of them now let's come over the border slaughtered give or take A hundred thousand americans, most of them young people, is that on you. yet. It is on you. for not following the law, but the idea that congress republicans, are to blame every time somebody is murdered because they, while pass a law that the Democrats insist on of the sort that they passed. thirty years ago and didn't work. You should despise these people for how they conduct themselves and how exploitive they are because got
knows, I do mark you and answering to the best of mark Laverne. It's a sad day. It's been a sad couple of days given what's taken place and all but we can't be totally glum. Can we turn up smile, Our hand roma reactors, As the secretary department of homeland security, he was the deputy Secretary under Obama he's the secretary tranche of you can see the ancestral relationship or even the incestuous relationship between Biden and obama and their staff staff infection of
ask me so all the radical commies that were in the obama administration have gotten bigger jobs and bind administrate the run in circles around this, not. but there was a hearing today in take crews boy. When he's on his game. There's nobody is good their justice. Thought you enjoy this already cut. Sixteen go, is there prices that are so the border centre. There is a view so. Let me answer yes or no question very scene. If he is there, a crisis centre there's a very signal. I think, you're microphone is out. There is a very significant, so we are fair, sir. Now he has an era crisis. I believe I've address that quite so you're refusing answer centre. There is a very significant challenge, and will you enter a crisis? Therefore, we are dedicating resort okay, refusing an answer well, sector work I'll, tell you someone who is willing to answer which
is your and president Biden she for the border patrol and a sworn deposition in july of twenty twenty. Two. When asked, would you agree chief cheese. The southern border is currently in crisis. Answer, yes, noticed One of those wiggle words: none of that equivocation, one One syllable, yes, are you this week with the same clarity, is chief ortiz. Is there a crisis that our southern border? Yes or no centre, are very proud? work alongside you refuse to answer. Can these keyser unbelievable, I think, but its energy and a beer work long day again, you dig but there's more seventeen go how many more. its died and twenty twenty two errors of approaching our southern border. Yes, Precisely why we are seeking doing so you're the sooner you know the answer. Do you know how many died? I do not. You do not. Of course you know I know how many died. Eight hundred and fifty three there are eight hundred and fifty three and by the way here the numbers that of
every year you're back to ninety nine You see it's consistently between three hundred foreigners, four, forty three to four hundred suddenly, when you twenty one? What happened you get in office and that red line are Bodies I've been on the rio Grande and I've seen dead bodies floating there who ground, because Your refusal to do your job, you But no, how many died? What do you say to the texas farmers and ranchers? Who find? Ladys dead on their property, you find toddlers dead on their property. What do you say to them? I say that, is why precisely we are taking it Smuggling organ is that you're, not that is simply not true number two. Let me read from the street journal, the walls journal two weeks ago ran and article entitled it's like great. A graveyard record numbers of migrants are dying at the border. The story and with this chilling line, quote eagle, pass texas local of fish
keep a refrigerated truck to hold the bodies of migrants who drown in the currents of the rio grande while trying to cross the border in the? U S, mixture I ask unanimous consent that this article be entered into the record. You take any responsibility for that Biden because you are responsible for this Biden. Talk about gun control. He talks about nashville, All these people dying on the southern border, suffering being abused and raped in solving the sex slavery. The drug cartels that drugs coming across it is ass. It is anarchy on the southern border, anarchy and it reaches. all of our cities in all of our states, and you ve got this.
This mannequin sitting you they get warn them up. Brain John is the president for the national border patrol council. He was at the hearing today and here's what He said in response the representative eli crane on the house. I go. Can you briefly, Grab some of the most detrimental policy changes that current administration is put into place when you look it that the main magnet draws people cross our borders illegally is whether or not there are going to be released and the united states right now, nearly everybody that crosses the border illegally, if they're not expelled under title forty two, which is only about thirty percent right now than their release, Into the united states that the main magnet they credit that that drives people- and he has he- has put that if, if you will he's put that on steroids, does it bother you on a personal level, to see these changes made? It does because I know that we can properly protect the american people with these policies
You are one of the things I was covered earlier, sir, was the attrition rate and the border patrol in your professional, in long standing position. The border patrol. Do you think that has anything to do with border betrayed bourbon? agents feeling like It doesn't matter what they gave. Does I speak with agents on regular basis that that are leaving the agency because they know that they can't do the job that they they wanted to do more bran enjoy president for the national border patrol council, this hearing with Dan bishop, represented a bishop go. So I fully three that we need to not rob resources from a particular place in the border to go elsewhere, then, like members opening statement suggested that the issue is republicans want support enough resources, but it seems me that is in general, with respect to the open borders policy. The bottom ministrations pursued whether you can burn everything in a process in people into country faster. If we do,
We apply more resources in general, it is going to process people in the country faster it and it's not going to secure the border or break make it more orderly. But what do you say about that? Now? That's, that's apps! Correct and when you look at what he's proposed three hundred new agents? That's a drop in the bucket, especially when we're losing agents at a six point. Eight percent attrition re right now again is, Absolutely unsustainable: we cannot send agents from the northern border the southwest border and expect to keep control of the northern border. and this is what buying thus take. Oil out of the strategic petroleum reserve: that's for emergencies, mostly for the military for go to war and drains. It has no intention reap replenishing. Takes the funds out of the highway trust fund, the highway trust fund is now broke, there's nothing in uses.
What what oil and gas that he permits to be developed and pumped and refined. Don't worry in ten years. We won't need any of it. He says like he knows: knows nothing. This guy's a know enough. And here we are on the border, which he controls, one on percent in terms of the ability to do something about it, and it won't do anything about it. when they say the Republicans won't support resources to secure the border will bind his pro Ozone is a few hundred more a few hundred more people too. since the paperwork for people to come in that country, not armed border patrol. And there's nothing in there for the wall: it's not even a joke. It's pathetic.
And this is why I want you to know this, because it affects every corner this country now, for the first time ever, the northern Water is being used for illegal immigrants that come into the country, knowing begging for security on the northern, bore no angling. Can you believe it. Go far. The governor no Hampshire, there's cinema Chris Chris sit down. You're all worked up, cress too much sugar against chris and by the way. What is it with these guy? I'm being honest, I speak as a a hare challenged individual was to produce room the top of my head if our challenged in individual. What is it with these guys?
Is that start their parts at their ears, mr produce, do they not know? We know. His christian known as like his daddy, comes as hair over its outcome. Dont. Do it and look stupid When. the great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of mark le you're still full of the gun control advocates. They think they know what their talk At bow, they get louder and more of noxious. They think they are superior. Morally, your self righteous they really disgusting. Let me give you one basic fact: I looked this up as I look up so many.
Things before I come on this programme, from the pew research centre of pure Search dot org. This came out in supply, where twenty twenty one, the latest date on guns and gun deaths and twenty twenty. So let's take a look at this star, one figure: That I think you're kind of puts the end of the argument about we're going to have a new federal. weapons ban and that'll fix everything. Twenty twenty rights, pew hand, guns were involved and fifty nine percent of the thirteen thousand six hundred twenty? U s gun murders and non logan manslaughter for which data is available. According to the fbi,. They keep talking about assault weapons, particularly these are fifteen's rifle
they category that includes gun sometimes referred. Those assault, weapons were involved and three percent three said a firearm murders, gunshots. One percent. The remainder of gun, homicides and non negligent manslaughter thirty six percent involved, other kinds of firearms or other classified as type not stated suffer the types at our stated rifles were involved and three percent cordon called assault weapons. If you go back- and At the federalist saw weapon banned from nineteen, ninety four went on for ten years to two thousand ford elapsed. You'll see the same results at had Clean no impact on murders Biden in the it creates and their media mouthpieces keep citing. What does a report there was
by mother jones, a radical left magazine made up of people. Basically despise our country. As far as I'm concerned, it's an outlier. Branded a study department of justice stood a study, others have done studies and they all paint appointed. same conclusion that the nineteen nine you for so called federal assault, weapons ban at a negligible impact by murders. And yet there they were in the media all morning. all morning telling us that- where's needs to do something and that the republicans you need the campaign against republicans on gun control.
And, as I said yesterday, the problem here, ladies and gentlemen, is if they keep chasing. This issue, will never be able to protect our children period. We just want, we will not But to protect our children are also turns out that the killer in nashville did not use, and I are fifteen. She used a modified rifle used. Mostly nine millimeter in and nine- and I choose me forty caliber bullets. Typically, that's for a handgun. but I'm not gonna get into the weeds on this stuff. It just a me To me that we, though, we support more police. More armed trained individuals to protect our members of congress, our supreme court justices, our federal Houses, the white house.
Governors mansions state houses a building, stay buildings and on and on down the less. Well, when it comes to kids, we don't want schools to look like prisons, they say turbines. You took forty minutes for these brave efficient, fast police officers in nashville to get into that score and kill the murder. And that's as fast as you can do. With gifts Don't have armed police on the site, I don't want to hear any more that it costs too much money doesn't costume. Money to put porno books in school libraries. It doesn't cost too much money to pay tv to stay home during the pandemic. It doesn't cost too much money. Push c r t debate,
Half a million dollars to see our key director over eighteen months to push climb the four, left money is no issue, except when it comes to apparently protecting our children. Now this was not again. I read. this was not there Asked on virtually any morning show today, instead, we have people wringing her hands. When will we as a country foam on the black one where we as a country, fell on a black when you play every body are blaming nobody and god forbid it Cross their lips to say this was a christian school that was targeted a transgender individual. people want to know what happened. That's what happened? That's correct! That's what happened.
their falling all over themselves about how they miss identified This person in new york times- u s, Today, corrections apologies! What we do whether we do biological woman who identified as a male they had set up illogical woman who identified as a woman, a biological woman who ident there, they they trip over their own idiocy. The identity is, or was that's what happened and six people died, who didn't have to die binds out their yesterday's marking it about ice, Joe Biden, is going to with the memorial service. I think it's tomorrow, one felt sure bringer chocolate chip ice cream, whether that
buying was so focused on the other day. And I might add, ladies and gentlemen, that used to be the job of the vice president to go to events like this, but obviously Joe Biden think she's more qualified or better position to do it. We have the statistics. But the left doesn't really believe. Ladies and gentlemen, Science and knowledge and data they pretend they do. You you say you are the ones who are ignorant you're, the ones. I believe in science you're, the ones. I don't believe in knowledge, they do. The administrative state is all about expertise, expertise out of the bureaucracies really have you
in a bureaucracy lately have met many the people there. There therefore alive. There's some very bright hard working people and the bureaucracy, but then there's some these some of the damage We you'll ever meet experts in being done and pushing paper. And retiring in twenty years and getting lifetime pensions and lifetime medical coverage in that Ass, their smart, then they moved attacks, the states like florida or tennessee or whatever take advantage of conservative states, but that for another day, science, knowledge and the left is busy pushing the opposite democrat party used to push eugenics as science. Now it pushes abortion as science
That's right many times that I say to you: the doktor felt she was never ass, not even once ass he went on Tv shows pretending to be susan rice. Is it a life backer fallaci? What are you talking about right before birth? Is it a life partner, fallaci, or is that a choice. Yes, by the way said what a weasel. What a weasel said knows who he is mark we we're giving you nothing but the best
of more clear, then obviously I wasn't here yesterday. Call in my man been ferguson. Was here he's terrific memphis. I'll tell you where I was and what I was doing. I was more largo for almost the entire afternoon eyes. Two hours interviewing president trump life, liberty in love in two episodes. And it really was a fantastic interview and not because of me because of him. And he went very deep in the issues. Policies, principles. Belief, systems, straw, in presidential, because he is a fact: ass the new book coming out letters to tromp and what's fantastic about it, as you won't believe what some people
wrote to him and their scores of letters in their over the course of his lifetime. And he and I will use the letters as a jumping off point to discuss these, vigils in and news out, baldwin shown connery Richard next in the queen of england brok Burma and on and on and on And he's a very kind man, he was a very nice man. He gave us all this time, You know I do end of useless differently on fox, as most actually led him speak because I We can learn a lot if you shut your mouth and you listen. Otherwise, why have a guest. When it was over. He said I want you to come to dinner.
I said all right we're having a wonderful event here. He said they too great musicians and they were great. And again just a fantastic coast,. And so I left, because about five pm give or take decided to take a drive along a one, a the ocean. And our home, we live about twenty miles. North. and he got home, but I decided to take a drive I like to take trot. Obviously my wife was back in virginia. with the new poppies and so forth, and I very much wish But she had been with me when she does too, but we couldn't. We had a split our time, but I kept her informed me talk often every day.
And tourism driving, I got a call from a friend. He tells me I just heard and not on a radio When the president's lauren attacks that he's been indicted- and I have to tell you- I got sick of my stomach right there- there was a blow to the gun I just been with. The man was in a fantasy, The mood did a fantastic interview which we will see in the next few weeks. it's not this sunday off explain what I'm doing this sunday. And I contacted. folks tomorrow, largo, better, If I were later, I said you
want me to show up at the some pain they said. Absolutely president wants to see you actually circle back back tomorrow. Largo he's got fantastic supporters who started a gather with flags. And I went in there. sat down in an anti room next to where the main dinner was going to be. With a friend and people were planning, so that was obvious, the present and energy. as the president in the former first lady millennia,. and I was did the sit at the table. There must have been three hundred four hundred people air. This was an event that have been planned a long time ago by a party for
him or anything like that. It's for the members of the club. The members of the club or serious people from kinds of industries, professions, backgrounds. people of significant success In the meantime, I was being asked to go on virtually every show that fox had I called my body hannity, who had contacted me in we couldn't get a truck out there so I said I'll: do the interview by telephone. So. I left their around nine. And on the way home and did the interview The car on myself, then it was posted on mark levin, show twitter. Yet her parlour and trousseau
and all over the world. I guess, if you care to hear it and, of course, our dear friend Ben who was so filling and then ferguson, it does a great europe. Great constitutional conservative, I called into our programme this programme immediately at the top of the hour spent about twenty minutes. Discussing with you or what I thought about. That's the long and short of it now this sunday Life liberty and live in that will be one of those occasions which is fairly unique, if not rare right the entire. Our by myself, I didn't need any guests. I know what I have to say about this, and it's not just lots bigger than the law? The law has been destroyed.
it's no longer about the elements of the law and the level of proof. It's about more than that about tyranny, better totalitarian democrat party, It's no win at all costs, punish its opponents shut down speech. monitor the citizens and other police state tactics. Can't be among those who does not believe to this day that there is any way Joe Biden got eighty million votes legitimate. I dont believe I'll never believe it and I'll go to my grave. Never believe me. Mass massive turn out for Joe Biden. I never saw it. and now the use of the criminal justice system,
The democratic party in this administration. to go after families parents to go. For people who believe in life to go after thoust. Are people who attended the january six protest but we're not violent in any way? There were two thousand people who broke into the capital violently attacked police. They're trying to pick up anybody, they see on any video than anybody shows More tells them about I'm just sick and tired of it. I've had enough of it. The reasons are going after Donald trump is the reason why they ve tried to destroy the supreme court and pack it with eddie logs, as Stalin would do
The reason why they want to pack the united states Senate with four more democratic senators Stalin would do. It's the reason why the A general of the united states use. The power, the law to shut down opposition to squash speech, to intimidate and threatened people, Stalin would do. The reason why the borders open to change the nature citizenry in this country, people coming that have no attachment whatsoever to the constitution to the Declaration or american history. As Stalin would do that, and of the economy, the de growth movement, the destruction of energy independence, preclude a change which is a front for economic Socialism to create want to create poverty to create, need
To create inflation, to create debt, to create shortages and supply line problems. As Stalin would do, but this is different. This is, as I say, crossing the rubicon. You do not have a just law and attempts to equally apply it. You don't have a free country, it said simple. the constitution. Doesnt matter statutes, don't matter nothing matters now you're dealing with brute force and that's what the democratic party is about brute force you can hear them You can watch them. You can see their entertainment clams a late night.
You can see their racists and their anti semites in there. irony in their totalitarians around. It's NBC and cnn on the ages of the new york times and washed and post. On m b c, a b c and c b s are all there you can see. How they destroyed the media. sure now, even american pravda that supports whatever they. Crash do and, however, they do and attack dogs against the Republicans, particular conservatives, and especially donald trump, and his support. The democratic party. He's not happy enough with controlling virtually all the instrumentality of the culture, and the government now wants to sell.
To the republican nominee for president will be, who do you think the democratic party wants Chris Christie, asia hutchison? Chris Vanunu, it's about right. The good old days of the ford bush. Presidency, because they can roll these people and they know these people will respond? to their surrogates in the media and buckle on bended knee. Once in a generation or maybe once in several generations, somebody or a couple people come along were truly unique. Individuals who are presented to us
We don't know why we don't know how- maybe god does it but the presented to us to help us to help save the country in the republic. Our constitution in ireland When the elite and the mob get together to smother us. Donald trump is a unique figure. He will be a unique finger in history, not The reasons the media and the phony historians would say for the opposite reasons. He came along at exactly the right time. The blunt what obama had done to this country to prevent an obama through.
Term through Hillary Clinton, man who loves his country he's a cop. by common sense, not ideology, securing the border building up the milk. Terry for sound our. Constitutional us on the court. The regulation, tax cuts to grow the economy. confronted the communist chinese, fascistic russians. Islam or nazis in iran, he wasn't cotton run. wasn't an isolationist, surpass the pacifist use common sense. He outmaneuvered the enemy, they didn't know what to make of him and every step of the way
The totalitarian democrats, the problem media in the back stabbing republicans tried to cripple to pathetic impeachment criminal investigation. Now they have for five grand juries. Washington wants nothing to do with them. They want to put him in prison. We want to send a message.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-02.