« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 1/6/24


This week on the Mark Levin show, just because it’s a new year does not mean we can expect anything different from the Biden Administration regarding the border, the economy, or the Middle East. We are under an insurrection right now, not January 6, and the Democrat media is accountable for the great divide in this country by not reporting the truth. Harvard's millionaire serial plagiarist and moral reprobate Claudine Gay has become a media, civil rights, and Democrat Party hero overnight, not because she's a victim but because she got to be president of Harvard by means of the American Marxist agenda. Also, the meaning of the 14th Amendment is clear, it was written to identify Confederate officers as insurrectionists, but Democrats are rewriting history to make that include the President so it can be applied to Trump. This won’t stop people like Chris Christie from going on The View and sounding like an unhinged blithering idiot to call Trump an insurrectionist. President Biden’s angry January 6th speech wasn’t just a speech about January 6, he was sending a message to the DOJ and Jack Smith – Trump is Hitler and you must stop him because the voters may not. This speech was directed at Jack Smith, the Supreme Court, the judges, the prosecutors, and the jury pool to stop Trump before election day. Biden’s speech insinuated that you’re Nazis because you won’t vote for him. Biden wants you to think about January 6 not about Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about his utter policy failures. He doesn’t want you to think about his wide-open border. He wants you to think he’s George Washington and Donald Trump is Hitler.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's all quiet in the underground bunker door, first blocks bolted, what a great one just resting on our laurels, he's making sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best this, is the best more club. I want to thank. the great hosts the time out of their vacations to fill in and we spent most. a vacation around a hospital as well as home. My wife had major back surgery, she's recovering as I speak. Listening as I speak I we love her very much and, of course, were hoping for the best just takes up time to recover from major back surgery,
two new year enough. It's weird this new, your stuff, like suddenly things are going to change the new year. So suddenly the police state, that is the Biden administration, is going to back off. So The board is going to be secured. so suddenly we're gonna probably find the united states military, so suddenly the miscreants malcontents terrace, supporting marxists in the streets are going to go away so suddenly Half the nation at hates. The cops will embrace the cap. and I can go on and on It- doesn't work that way now dominus A wet blanket on new year's eve, but I think it's best described by what took place had cnn. I don't watch it. Despise it it's not a news network. It is
action of social misfits and there there's two gentlemen drinking tequila, To bring in the new year that's about the way it goes over their cnn here. That's the way it goes. You think Hamas cares to new year islamic jihad the gangs in our cities, Modern each other, they think give a damn about its new year road. They could careless, I'm worried about twenty twenty four, a lot. I'm worried about it a lot. And so it is that we have the recognised. we're up against in order to engage and defeated.
God gave us free, will we pray to god most of us. What we learn from the bible is, god, gives us free will to follow Its rider to follow what's wrong and we pay the consequences. You and I we really bye, bye blessings by By things out of our control, born in the united states of america. What a fantastic country. Embraces individualism: free will liberty, private property rights. I supposed to be limited in diverse diversified.
People want to make something of themselves, they can do it, but if people down when they went up on the streets, but that doesn't mean. We don't try and help people who need help. I mean we're breaking our countries back financially and the redistribution of wealth, but that's not my point. Republics. Dont survive very long the roma republic, you know they appear less than two thousand years survive less than five hundred years athens. Less than that. The british empire is no longer an empire. Britain's been invaded
Europe's man waited for the Middle east, that's right, I said, and I will say it and that's the statistics. As I said, I speak the truth and we ve gotta confront what's taking place. I've told you before. Puzzle about liberty. When vexes us about liberty is liberty, gives evil p both the ability to destroy it. Here. People even today saying in our these people, have a right to protest and so forth Shutting down airports threatening people, scaring people. Talking about the annihilation of people tell me how many people going to prison over these acts. None not now one. I want. I laugh january. Six was an insurrection really.
Then unarmed insurrection, where nobody. Was killed, some one person by the capital police had some insurrection. where the president of the united states offered the national guard to protect the capital bill, and it was rejected by the democratic that some insurrection there was no. Section on January six, you are living through an insurrection right now, It doesn't have to have a specific date that we put on a calendar. It doesn't have to have a say in fact moment that. Talk about every year and lament it is in a slow burning insurrection in academia which handout tenure to islam tenure to marxists China to people who hate america faculty,
Poison ivy colleges who, in turn higher the faculty that that follows them higher there president I'll get the present again a minute. Look at our media. Look at these people were not serious people, their punks. Those of us who went to college those of us what we ve seen. People like this, therefore, their performance. they have: no accountability. They have no responsibility, and yet they are. Annabelle foreign responsible for the great divide in many respects in this country, if they only told the truth or even try to tell the truth that they take sides and they take the wrong. So we
well in this country. I hate the country why people driving around in cars with the palestinian flag, referencing, the third reich referencing auschwitz brutal these people vote for think they vote for donald trump think they would vote for any republican. Who are you People all may get right to the middle of an immigration and academia and the media. This is the
the iron triangle of evil in America today the media as a concept, free speech, freedom of the press, crucially important or republic of its kind to survive- no question about it, but we don't have that we don't have a free press. A free speech, certain speeches permitted in certain speeches and permanent. depending on your ideology. Depending on your viewpoint, we don't have a free press, one of press, that it actually tries to report news and is objective way as possible We know this, I wrote an entire book on and on freedom of the press. Theirs, They just came out that about three points. Percent of the press is republican, ok, Ladys injure, that's not a free press. That is an ideological propaganda. Operation, that's what it is, that's what use
every day. That's what you hear every day for watching What was your mostly cable, except from fox and a few others. The purpose of immigration is to strengthen our country, not to weaken it, and Rynch are supposed to respect the laws, the rules, the people, the culture of the country to which they seek to enter. They are too grace the culture they are to be assimilated into our culture the other way around. What you see in the streets, the last several months is the opposite. you don't see patriotic americans.
Voicing their rights, their free speech, writes about some issue. No, you see people on the streets. by recent generation, young first second generation in the streets, most vile, anti american anti semitic statements. We ve ever heard in this country ever and they are joined by the marxist and sometimes there one and the same, but not always. And over the marxist, while they can be immigrants to, but many of them are homegrown their punks there. Now, Sixty five percent of the american people, who don't go to college data, thirty four: thirty: five percent of the people who have graduated from a four year, cortical education, a k, indoctrination,
they come out of our colleges and universities brainwash and that's the way it was supposed to be that's the way, John. Do we wanted it? twenty years ago? That's the way marks, torpor, destroy all social norms destroyed. That is quo, destroy the relationship between the crowd and apparent, destroy create something new and what are they create? It's not no tyranny. These two forces have joined And by the way they offer democrat, maybe the vote third party, but they don't vote republican publicans have their own problem, but not related to this per se. What do you think the borders open
Does it help the united states of america, the citizens who are here the legal immigrants who were here does it help when nearly eight hundred thousand aliens of hit our border since act Our first, where millions of people have come into this country on vetted, we have no Do they are? This is purposeful, Is it an accident? This is a mother nature, it's not climate change. This is purposeful. This is obama. In the other marks Binds administration is Obama's administration, the third term, exactly what it is fine hates this country, but he may mark.
Funny way, loving it funny way of showing you support it, but it's obama it's his troopers throughout the government who doing this. The bigger the government get The less control and say you have over it, and now you have almost no say no control our right, academia for half a century under the rubric of academic freedom, the marxist the left, us, the radical call it. What you will have spent that time, building an infrastructure within our academic system tenure
hiring practices ideological tests, the possibility of removing a professor claiming gets all academic freedom and free speech. One is, of course, the opposite: they own they own higher reggie. in this country we don't we don't ever say others are. Outliers out. There are few colleges a few, but there's thousands of colleges in this country. What do you think that their budgets are open ended? What do you think stew? Loans are being waved the near the media, the american me, the american media
Is a propaganda operation when one says something it's whispered down the lane, they all say the same thing: there is no difference, the sunday shows there is no difference. Other than fact between the morning shows there is no difference between in among the house the same damn thing, no matter what how will you put up a matter what newspaper you read it an internal battle alleged going on right now in our country, a battle of culture, truth ever changing social and moral standards as much our citizens, whose ancestors built this country from the ground up it's hard times, arise and bring back our fundamental principles that america was founded on a mac. The association and mature american citizens is america's lee. Eating senior advocacy and benefits organization that conservative alternative to the a r p. I would two million members strong
mac will stand with you to preserve traditional american values, become. I have a mac today by visiting us at a mac dot us slash, mark, that's a m, a c dot. U s, slash, mark and be part of a community that is fighting for the rights of future generations and as a member be involved in a community that aligns with you core values? Keep you informed about current events, provides resources to help navigate social security and met care, as well as exclusive benefits and discounted join me. Joint two million patriots take action by joining amer help. Reclaim our nation visit aim at that's a m, a c got: u s, slash mark and choose the plan that's best for you the weekend even better? This is the best of mark then stick cover and you know it Deep here, not superficial stuff,
while this is why I wait a little bit sometimes to see how things shaker With claudine gay. To see the reaction of the media. But the phoney civil rights movement and of a court the democratic party, the umbrella for all just posted this on social media. harvard millionaire. Cereal, plagiarists and more reprobate become a media, civil rights and democratic party hero overnight. Why. Not because she's a victim in factories evoked a miser, but because she, to be president harboured by means of the american marxists agenda. Notice. The same claudia engage defenders are among the most vicious hateful and vile figures. Smearing clarence thomas. Or any conservative minority.
gay is not qualified to be on any cost faculty, let alone a president of a college because Later ism is about stealing and other persons, intellectual property, knowingly lying about it, And deceiving the entire college but well now get even wealthier with book deal speeches in there, all the rest, playing the victim, art and taking no responsibility for her contemptible behaviour, and her unconscionable responses. But before that such occasion committee and our inaction is harvard president in the face of your students, receiving threats, attacks and physical abuse depends on the context the scene which that occurs. This may be what democrats in their marks of surrogates promote, but it nothing more than a racist view, a black people, especially black women, that is that they cannot come. Eden succeed without special
privileges and worse cheating on line, indeed stole the intellectual property of at least one other black woman scholar. Carol, swaying whose furious Our gaze fever of her work. And, of course, that is never mentioned. the media and so called civil rights leaders, can give a damn why because sweden is not only a brilliant intellectual, she's conservative. the more the american marxist own, our colleges and universities. They want no oversight. No transparency. Real academic freedom and free speech on these camp as they can. Cities are the marxist indoctrination mills. The democratic party relies on this. where's from which the so called journalist graduate and to the mob set have taken over our streets rigorous. economic standards have been slashed admissions policy,
become leftwing ideological tests based on the can marxists agenda asia are discriminated against. Other preferred so called classes of people are preferred. dorms in graduation ceremonies are segregated. Conservative speakers are three victimized laughter at the run for their lives gay with their backing Barack Obama, who I bet had some input in her statement, was the perfect harvard president, the perfect harvard press where they hate america marxists revolutions, and they will fight to the death to protect these schools from any kind of reform, improvement and accountability. You understand Now I've done shows on radio and tv on on Joe Biden. His pleasure is at
I'm not going to do it and bore you with it again at length. If you really want to know what's going on If you really want to know what's going on carriage those of you who have bought the democratic party hates america playing. Exactly as I predicted and re chapter, three retracted, three. The old civil rights movement is dead. The idea Equal opportunities and equal justice doesn't matter anymore, because equal opportunity equal justice under the law well from a constitutional legal perspective. It's been achieved. There is no systemic jude
sure inequality. Unless, of course, you believe the courts or corrupt and filled with racist. Unless, of course, you believe, the department of justice is filled with racist unless cause. You believe that all The aim is imminent Communities in the cities are racist, unless you believe all these juries, in our cities and metropolitan areas are races democratic parties, not about logic care less about hypocrisy, about power toward a credit. so those circle around and around gay, because she serves their purpose initiated press is the largest Press operation in the world,
of its wire service. It is a contemptible, unconscionable rats in ass, a bigots, racists and anti semites. They wrote a peace today and sent out the thousands of its subscribe Where's, its media subscribers heavy media platform, basically. making the most horrendous arguments, Half of gay and against those who, tragically political, which is really the the bastard child, washed imposed. It was a winfried conservatives, don't you know? Well, you know what I wear that proudly I wear that. Probably we conservatives oppose anti semitism weak servants oppose plagiarism
Conservatives oppose the segregation of students based on their identity. We oppose see, T we oppose the. Yeah I and all the other crap, being imposed on our children and on our society we conservatives conserve our constitution, we even the declaration in that each individual, Individuals, valuable because of the individual, a god given right to each individual free, will. And we conservatives will stand up against this american markets revolution understand. What's taking place, america.
And they all dance on stage like the rockets rockettes. Oh god, this leg that leg ass back ass, for where the rocket set their ugly. The media, the democratic party, Phony civil rights member, which is really now marxist movement, to what it is. So rights movement is about advancing. cause of black people, it's about advancing the cause of marx's, just like the rest the democratic party american markets. May I heard of it. The same people who are trying to destroy and have for decades, clarence Thomas promote this woman, Claudine gay. Why.
Because she is the quintessential result of their ideological advancement. And honestly, Barack Obama in many ways you are too. That's why you haven't affinity for her, That's why you lobbying on her behalf to defend her why you're invisible hand is behind much of what's taking place, I mean you an accomplished crap. By the time you were a senator and then present, but you're celebrated. Why did you do something great. Now you did a lot of things that were terrible. You weren't even a good price, you weren't you what a good precedent for the black community theology over that black
many donald trump, that more for the black community than you ever did the truth to if you support People who still not just Words but entire paragraphs from another person who wrote it and then lie about it and then get advanced as a result become president of harvard as a consequence on that. Then you're, perfect democrat and by the way, our sharp and nobody needs a lecture from you. You a whole. Nobody. Of our race. Or about anything else, you moron.
But it is fitting that he is a sort of character witness from gay gaze. He, I think, that's very fitting. These left us these marxists. These Democrats, the media, think about what they're. So, as I pointed out in this post, think about what they're saying to black people. The young black people to young black women in particular, should defend this kind of conduct because a faint individual. Sheets and lies and steals the intellectual property of somebody else because of an individual has hypocritically and unconscionable. punished either people for doing exactly the same thing said. It depends on the context,
When you're harassing and victimizing and threatening Using jewish stones depends on the context, understand that, Entire democrat party apparatus supports supports. This is how you get ahead. This is how you get ahead in Joe binds america and Barack obama's america and our dens america. In jake tapper, I told you jake, tapper, isn't in a hall and jake tapper is america. This is how you could get away with it. They are the racists. They are the racists and what kind of message does former?
it ain't gay who's, a millionaire, a millionaire. She's, not gonna, lose a panic, should actually be fire. You not thrown to the streets or she's celebrate What kind of message does she said the little black girls or don't all girls are all kids. It's all right to cheat tolerate the scam, The right to be a fraud and a phoney, that's all right. to sit silently. While your fellow human beings are being threatened. Tokay, that's the standard at harvard college.
That's the standard at. Cnn and Jake tapirs journalists and the rest of the media, joy reed: Is the ideological and philosophical queen of this movement with her blood thirsty, eight and racism and anti semitism and she's even a platform by comcast dispute every single day,. and of course the lesson is for academia and everybody else never. We're fire. Somebody of misery. Is it illogical elk or your pay, a price for? Don't you dare day?
Challenge, what's going on in our colleges and universities, Well, not permit it. That's! What's going on chapter three The democrat party hates american you're sitting to the best of mark love. Then, let's get to it and get it over with its painful. As I said, one of the honorary members of a few fatty united would be Chris Christy. In its hard to get out of my mind the day that he was found on the beach he was beached like a sperm whale. Indeed, the family members around the beach was cleared up because you know
crises remain of people, everybody was told to get off the beach, but there's the governor in the family and if a helicopter crew. another they're gone up and down the coast there to look at the damage and so forth. Similar says outsiders binoculars they. How is that the middle, the beaches. Nothing else, look at the big that, where what is so, they start to speculate. What could it be aware, of course, more likely a sperm whale or could well be. But there's only one, you know a lot of times when you find one,
you find a number of them beaching themselves. Then they go down for a closer look and there's chris Christie in a bathing suit. With the upper body exposed. of course that story not true, but somebody did see him in a helicopter captain. They wait a minute, the guys going be it created a many scandal. But I have to be perfectly honest with you mister producer and again I dont say this to offend people. I've been heavy, I'm working on it. I've never been two hundred pounds over that much I can say, but I wouldn't be flop
on the beach like a flounder. If I were Chris Christie, but then again, I'm not. Thank god now so here's would be goldberg, he rulings caring and they can make their stuff up, hilarious. Her real name is Karen. I have no proof with the name karen, but some people, particularly marxist, particularly marxist who are like be alive and so forth. They will disparage white women, though call them currents. and that means in the vernacular why woman white, suburban mama, well to do one? Who cares what they tyrant has to say that sort of it but will be gone? burg is far from a white woman and her name is karen:
Sonny house, then I forget her name and that's probably, why should calls herself sunny, but the costs of depressing cause, she's depressing and moronic. But then again, That's the if you work the view and why do they call it the view? What does that mean. The view from where the view of what more, like the pew anyway. Chris Christie go ahead. well next time I get into one. I think they should try him and convict them in Washington dc and send them to jail for it, and I think that's the way to do that. Clapping, the yes! Yes, that's why we do in america right graph this This is insane. These people are lunatics gets here.
Another with a green rooms in these places where he shows up you know they have it stocked up with soldiers, fruit drinks, goggles, don't let's muffin! And when they hear crises come a boy, they really stuck up. You know you don't get the look like that by just drink, You gotta work on it. Don't you, Mr Barroso, you gotta work of the intake must be immense. It's gotta be immense. What's the phone bill there and you know that people. In new jersey. You must have spent a origin, they prolate, arrange your property taxes to feed that man no offence. Of course,. And I will continue to humiliate him and other people who showed nothing but contempt for america. the political system and our history period.
Let us set in column hitler. didn't call him. Stalin notice, I didn't call him muzzle, leaning notice. I didn't say that he should be true charged and sent to jail, and one thousand other notice that. but he's airplane to their great yes, yes, types of farming, J out more modern american. But don't investigate by not political Oh, I got another one for it today before I get off the area, the effort to now tied trump into fire money. It's sick, its basic. A replay of the monuments clause, effort by the democrats- hey, hey. Hiding the constitution that we ate, and that was written by white supremacist and slave holders violation that document that we don't even believe in, and I wait only when a bright he's violating it. How he,
as properties years, hotels, EU businesses and fine governments there, our using is hotels; their buying is condos there. Actually, that's, not a violation of the monument clause. If you're, on the take from a foreign government like Biden, that would be elation of the monuments clause So what they ve done, listen to me clearly, because the back printers, hopefully will repeat this tomorrow, what they ve done. Is they brief package to all this shit. trot took money from the Chinese, The saudis hatred money from this one and that when how so they stated this hotels, Mister Benyon, did you see this. Ah, they stated, or so they love his clubs. A joint is. Jobs they eat is food, bats
Exactly the same as setting up all these phony corporations and having your son shaken these businesses in these governments produce absolutely all exactly the same and the Democrats on the generic authors, so smart, there's so clever, look they come up with and the media, choose it up and spit it out, because their say two. I let's finish wasn't law. He did he do what he's what he's been accused he's think he's gonna be convicted, he's going to be convicted of water on a dummy, the clinic? Oh, that's a good one, that was the enron I call perfect and Chris Christy's such a year, such a genius
Damage she's gonna be convict, while she a demo a jury in washington, academic, a jury in manhattan, a democratic europe In atlanta wow crash, you you're a very special, so Chris is all in favour. Of the stalinist tactics using being used against trap, and that's what he's campaigning? That's what he's campaigning go ahead? talking about the fourteenth section is affordable and welcoming apple by jefferson Davis. Wasn't convicted servants she's a sharp one, depressing house than. She's a sharp one gifts, Davis wasn't convicted, so just because you're not convicted doesn't mean you're, not an insurrectionists, so in other words everyone could be an insurrection, everyone and no one. Let me
say something too depressing house. You sure you have a I'm just curious Oh yes, I want the prosecutor wants, but who is countries Fuller prosecutors and former federal prosecutors, former state prosecutor's former dea agent, oh wow, so what. Still a moron still a lunatic. ladies and gentlemen, jefferson Davis wasn't convicted of insurrection, but he still committed insurrection. She argues. Who is the president of the considers? That's the argument. That's the ark
Because Jefferson Davis wasn't convicted convicted, therefore, jefferson, Davis, that's the precedent, for preventing donald trump from running for president use it because each age, where he's at their tater and just because he's not charged with insurrection, and just because when the Senate voted not to convicted of insurrection, he's just like jefferson Davis dodgy got it. Don't you get it jefferson, Davis. By the way he was a Democrat is depressing house. Nowhere there why she democrat. Why would she be a Democrat with a history like that? Are they really all politically republicans today are the new democrat? Oh okay got. It says how sick they are
there's Chris Christie go ahead or try to again okay, so we never tested that sunday right away, you never asked it was never tested. Jefferson Davis, if you can imagine saying this, the president confederacy had some class and decided, and after one for all this in mind, I declare my days trying to be cupid and what you think about what this cloud. Yes,. The man who headed the confederates Which over seven hundred thousand americans died? The man who headed the confederacy defend slavery. Who brought us to the point of a civil war? He had some class as chris Christie because he never decided to run for president in run for president again
You never ran for president of the united states, who was president of the confederacy, though you see, add some class. According to Chris Chris, He's not like hitler, you know he had some class and yet jefferson, Davis and the confederacy had one. Slavery, would have persisted in this country. That's chris Christy. but keep listening to Elisa Ferreira, griffin, she's, very. Important, who is I don't know, but she's important? She was a b c news sunday show with John Carl with two other reprobates. She's gotta be important and she feels the Repubicans chair in the view. Well, then, she must have a stellar background. It's gotta be something.
Something the tremendous her to the nation every everyday, actually, nothing go ahead. That's them. we're right, look, this is there. Another point is the constitution and there is a constitution and there's precedent needs to be taken out. I understand I understand what, when you answer that depressed The house don't listen to. He needs to be taken out. Christy says he understands shouldn't be on state balance. Jefferson Davis has more class ahead of the confederacy defending slavery, and these are the people who who talk about
The right to vote leaves of the people who say, uphold the rule of law and there's this big slob sitting among them among these, the this their worse than yet this these reprobate, their worse than reprobate. That's the point right why out at an ever been tested, you know so, Is depressing house, and so there's a constant action there's theirs. President, he needs to be taken up by the constitutional law applies to applies to every single law has never applied through presidential candidate. first of all, the state itself does not have the power to coordinate, called enforce the fourteenth amendments. Section: three: it's the federal constitution. That's number one number two
would upset the entire electoral process that was set up. the framers. That was not the intention that the fourteenth amendment She can't point to a single piece of evidence for no president, so the best they can do is Jefferson Davis, that's the best they can do so. That's what we're up again. Finish it MR producer, go him like an applies to every single person will be applauded, The they side were plotting and you Herbert christie, should it absolutely sure so. Christy's a lunatic, a narcissist and a buffoon and before
but then there's make it but has instead number her fathers big new thought he despised, israel speaking you. There are rumours about him in his views of Jews to bow and speaking you despise. The state of Israel is meeker, make em Joe scarborough what a fantastic copyright must have enough together before them,
Of course they failed and radio miserably. They said there are going to take a high aid is too to work on it into two upgraded and never came back because nobody wanted to hear them. Then they found a rift over there in Emma sellers d. They tried it fox. So Joe did. He failed fox, have standards, MSNBC does too, but the extraordinarily love there in the gutter make a brzezinski you in the morning jody go. Sometimes woe is me. Works for transcend. Borders is just another reason why their common after him and they they don't want to take a question. Why don't we ever talk about their side in any positive way, but only ever talk up the country. Why don't they talk about what a fantastic guy Joe is. How is united the country? The countries is excited there,
countries positive that countries moving for theirs pregnant. What would they do that from though,. The great one makes your weekend even that here this is, the best of mark levant man or manischewitz. Do I this rate Joe Biden And my opening monologue on sunday, MR producer fifteen minutes, but I want to spend time on it right here. Unfortunately, you're going to hear some of these clips, those of you who work for a living probably haven't heard much this, but that's ok, Joe Biden. Demagogue, propagandist fundamental transformation of america. Is now
White knight, who's, gonna, defend democracy, these destroying democracy and socialist party, that is constitutional republicanism in America today market today, our founding history His under assault, our families and faiths are being degraded. Individualism has been substituted for group ism. color blindness is now racist capital and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism in climate change, fanaticism. classrooms have become indoctrination. Mills for racism, segregation bigotry ty semitism in sexual perversion
teachers, unions, her hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare, their children in america, Joe binds america free speech and academic freedom are shrinking the police state is growing, prices. Monitoring and spying on citizens think is banning and regulating more and more household products from the incandescent light bulb dishwashers, creating shortages and driving up costs of others crimes control on our streets, public transportation and schools. While police budgets are slashed too many prosecutors and judges, coddle violet criminals. Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into this country. Drugging criminal, cartel ship killer drugs into our country by the tonnes and lies migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves.
the list, goes on The crab parties responsible for most of this and much more it seeks to permanently control our criminal mental institutions, just as it dominates our cultural entities from the media, academia from entertainment, the science it seeks to tee legitimize any viscera the constitution, including the bill of rights, the electoral college, the supreme court separation of powers, and so Which obstructs its ideological designs, this is the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation and prostitution, that is, prosecution and, in the end, it seeks to imprison them on October thirty, two thousand when Barack Obama shadow do a crab we're five days away, I am fundamentally transforming the united states of america, he wasn't kidding, I may fourteen
two thousand eight were michelle? Obama pronounced that we're going to have to change our conversation, we're going to have to change our traditions. Our history, we're going up the move into a different places, a nation she meant it. The obama's you're, not alone among democrat party apparatchiks, in their contempt for this country. In fact, it is the rare top democrat party politician. who praises america and does it sincerely. Democrat parties, a party that is built on the demands and propaganda revolutionaries demagogues malcontents has, Horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation, the clan eugenics lynchings. Indeed, from the start. The democrat party rejected the principles and values of the american experiment.
It is the home of another anti american movement american marches, when its various ideological appendages, democrat party ruling class are legion activists. needed in this revolution, Fundamentally, transform something it. As I have said repeatedly, then you don't love it, you don't like it. You don't want it. When you want to fundamentally transform america, that means your anti constitutional republicanism twenty twenty three speak to the canadian parliament Biden concluded. His remarks are mostly at further government too. Space exploration with kitty in government said. Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in an age of possibilities sweeping asked me and the tibetans plateau could I do. In america and I could have said the same thing if
asked about Canada. I say yes, one word, and I mean it. One word possibilities: Michael wasn't talking The possibilities of america is talking about the possibilities of government. binding rules as an autocrat binding, said that he wants his legacy to be as bigger are bigger than franklin. Roosevelt, who did in fact radically chow the nature of their federal government, its relationship with the citizen. Biden is being urged to continue the transformation america away from the fire ideas toward the american eyes marxism model. There is no question about it. Binds conduct on the sun, judiciary committee and the viciousness and dishonesty of hesitate Excellent conservative nominees was appalling, just as he attacks mega and trump same tactics, same character, assassination.
Biden always saw himself as presidential timber when most did not. He lies and deceit, including his habitual plagiarism, Including stealing words and phrases are speeches by Robert Kennedy, neil kinnock than the british labour party leader, as well as its white lies about his academic writ record help d. His previous embryonic presidential campaigns and today is lack of character Chris.
Who are they outbursts and obvious stage, five dimension of which there are seven states, are all but ignored or dismissed. That's right and there's more when it comes to buy. That is the opening introduction from the democratic party hates america, the democratic party. Because the autocratic party to ladys and gentlemen, Joe Biden, has taken an oath repeatedly to uphold it constitutionally united states. This assertion There's a vice presidents oppressor, constitution of the united states in exclusion? in detail, creates a government.
That is nothing like a democracy. It creates a republic sonata parliament. Like italy or israel or britain or most of europe. It is a constitutional republic. The only kind. on the face of the earth. The only condors ever been on the face of the earth. It's called the american experiment. You see, the fact of the matter is the framers Our constitution learn from these so called Mark receives and parliamentary systems, and they want nothing to do with. They wanted to limit govern it. So they turned a montague. put very, very broad terms, told him what to do a judiciary
He said a legislative and executive powers divided the competing against each other through checking each other. It's called separation of powers. The president, the prime minister's around the world, is not chosen from a pillar, party that wins a plurality of the vote. That's not our system. We don't have direct elections for president, because the framers were brilliant. The. Stood factionalism and they understood that the city what control the national government and they understood that the rest of the country would not join into such a compact that the people who grow the food, the people who who mine the coal and they alone and the steel.
that the people who drilling for oil and natural gas, in other words the people who are not of the city they need to have representation to. Joe Biden hates the electoral college, as does his party. They want to destroy it. So eleven blue states control our government forever. They want. these importer rico. To the: u S, senator states, but because they give it about dc reporter rigour, but that would add for permanent democrats to the senate. So the republic never ever. Have a majority in the senate, they sought to get rid of these filibuster rule. Why? Not? Because they believe in democracy. Snap So they can ran through legislation that can never be reversed. Pay the supreme court unless the supreme court does what it says. So they threatened supreme court members, clarence thomas above all, others
try to destroy its character with, Phony media organisations, phony investigations, phony ethics issues, because if there are serious soda my or would be impeach tomorrow, she's the biggest crook on the supreme court, they keep flirting with. Packing the court. If they are the Democrats of today, but mark Joe Biden said, Joe Biden has defied the supreme court repeatedly where there was the student laws or whether was imposing price controls on landlords during the pandemic? It doesn't have the authority to do either he defied to supreme court rulings and he doesn't give a damn. Mr democracy. They want to national our voting system to turn the voting system into the california is voting system, so I ve nothing, but super majority congresses filled with Democrat.
So we can never win the presidency, we could never win the house, we get everyone. The Senate is the california, cessation of the if states, no voter. I d photo harvesting no signature requirements. on and on and on- and they say this promotes voting- they don't believe in promoting voting. They believe in promoting power, their power, they ve turned the fourteenth amendment. That was a tremendous amendment that have added as its purpose, to convey equal rights, and due process on the newly freed black slaves, and what do they do, they turn around section three to try and prevent people from voting for whom they wish to knock. Presidential candidate, up about it. We ve never seen this before ever and then there's
action for that I'll, come up in a couple of weeks that I've talked about before of the fourteenth them. Where they claim and binding says yes, By has the euro rattle of dictatorial right to raise taxes to increase the funding increase spun In violation of the core function of the house and congress under article one, if congress doesn't do what he wants to do, Joe Biden Whose done more to try and squelch your freedom of speech and communication than any Residents since woodrow wilson racist and segregation. Who federal courts have so ruled? The supreme have said. Well, we want to take a look at this: the fbi, the d, a chess, the
There, agencies under the vine regime threatening pressuring cajoling social media, to advance their agendas, whether it's the vaccine, whether to cover up on the hunter buying tape, laptop and all the rest of it. We ve democrat members of the house, Purport pressure and comcast and horizon and others today, platform fox, those max or norway, and among other democracy they say we ve Democrat, controlled courts in new york in wisconsin. That, as I speak, are re making the congressional boundaries in those states. I thought they were supposed to have Every ten years not only has to happen before this election, even though the cards
true gives our power to the state legislature, democracy, american democracy, Joe Biden. to throw with unworthy slanted status to raise segregationist, when it became a senator Joe Biden who forcefully opposed one of the leaders in opposition to integrating our public schools, Joe Biden, hope raise diesel and who prey status, who praised how much of georgia and other racist who praised robber bird one of the men HU fellow busted, the nineteen sixty four civil rights act as a mentor who praise george. While When he was campaigning in the south and nineteen, eighty, seven that george walls, national democracy though.
We are giving you nothing but the best, the best of market. Then, inevitably, democrat parties infinite cultural, Egon, making political interventions. Always in the name of the people, some virtuous unworthy cause lead steady decline of liberty and stay rise of totalitarianism and the exploitation of the people. fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever increasing army bureaucrats and enforces rain in the citizenry What is and is not good for them, the abuse This apparent limitless, as are the justifications. and slowly but surely that people get used to it even vote for it.
Until one day its grip is too tight. Then it's too late. That's from chapter one of the democratic party, aids, America. What did Joe Biden done for democracy? That is what is Joe Biden done to strengthen our constitution republic, exactly nothing. What Joe Biden done to help the black community, for which he claims to have a role as a civil rights leader when in fact, he had a role as a racist in his segregationist. Absolutely nothing, in fact, worse than nothing school choice. Choice is the civil rights issue of our day, just because people live in.
Certain zip code, for instance in inner cities, where crime is rapid, where families are broken. break gangs control one block after another, where people are dirt poor. Doesn't mean they should have to go to the school right down the block, because that happens to be right. down the block, those schools don't work. We see this statistic: Given to us by the government, there are not getting educated, there are not literate, they came to pay.
mass skills not because of their race, but because our federal government still still needs poor people, a party still needs poor people still need people that it can use as a foil. the palestinians in the middle east refugee camps in their own territories, they have to have refugee camp. It was otherwise the money from around the world will dry up while same. Macro mayors and Democrats city councils and same with the democratic party. they can allow communities Succeed they can allow capitalism to flourish.
They can allow the system to work, so they fight to cripple regulated. Impose their will on it. I told you before turning takes many forms. Joe Biden wants you to think about general six. He doesn't want you to think about Joe Biden. He doesn't want you to think about the character or lack thereof of Joe Biden. He doesn't want you to About the obvious dimension of Joe Biden, he doesn't want you to think about the outer failures of policy. That affect millions and millions of people's lives of Joe Biden. He doesn't want. just think about wide open borders where criminals, terrorists, rapists, are coming across the border.
The dehumanization have people on both sides of the border, sex trafficking, empowering the drug cartels sentinel. killing tens of thousands of area. Not I don't want you to think that donald trump as hitler and that he George Washington, in george washington alone slaves. We were told. Joe Biden doesn't know anything about valley, forge. He doesn't know anything about george Washington. he doesn't know anything about our constitution are a declaration. Joe Biden embraces the sixteen nineteen project. which smears america from the first from the first breath of our nation
seeks to replace seventeen. Seventy six george walk the george Washington. Joe Biden embraces c r. T d I asked His main advocate for executive orders. Joe Biden has destroyed equality in this country, replacing it with marxist equity. He's, strong women sports because it has a believe inequality, Joe Biden, blocked. A black woman from becoming an apology As because she was a republican, a constitution already less than he didn't want her to be the first black woman. Supreme court. He sought to filibuster. never before in american history. Never.
But you ve got the scene anyway, on the circuit court in washington dc droppings Destroy clarence, thomas his reputation and, of course, the left to exactly that, but anything for Joe Biden. Joe Biden try to destroy robber bork. you're buying is try to destroy donald trump. Joe Biden has a punk. He's a hack street politician, way over his head. But he's an egomaniac is an arduous and he's power. Hurry, he's money hungry. Joe Biden doesn't talk about. Genocidal.
finish chinese enemy g. The way talks about trump now, He doesn't talk about the leaders of Hamas. The way talks, Trompe doesn't talk about the islam or nazi running around the way he talks about trump, the demo. It's called barry goldwater hitler; the devil Rats called ronald reagan hitler. The Democrats called george w bush hitler. And they called donald trump hitler now. their these videos of january six, the violence breaking into the place And they want you to believe that was on the orders of donald trump.
investigation after investigation charge after charge, it's not true, but they don't care, they don't care. Joe Biden says that. donald trump, even used a word that was used by the third reich. no word was used more by the third reich than the word hitler in the word rolls off the tongue of Democrats? Democrats in the media Democrat operates so easily so easily. We have experience, would donald trump for four years and Joe Biden. He didn't defy a single supreme court or court ruling. None.
and, unlike Joe Biden, he upheld the asian laws knee sought to secure a border which is responsibility under the constitution and I, like Joe Biden down from his commander in chief, did not provide Billy some billions of dollars to IRAN, hundreds millions to Hamas and the parallel, in other words, donald trump, did not provide me. to rearm our enemies. He did the opposite, cut them off. Hitler. He uses a word vermin that hitler used the nazis herman. That's exclusively a nazi third reich word when that start when that happened today, because it's convenient and yet
Compare donald trump record on israel Le Joe Biden compared donald trump record Fighting I semitism woodrow binds. Joe Biden embraced the taliban, the tarmac, remember, telling her she doing a fantastic job she's jus hater try Choke handle enemy did embrace virulent, racists and segregation. the nineteen seventy sweats difference. Joe Biden went to their national action network to condemn white people and to seek the support of sharpen whose history is loaded
The bigotry and anti semitism, but he's a new man. Now, of course, he said MSNBC Joe Biden likes to talk about general sex. We ve got jewish kids in this country. As I speak, you right now or scared to death. The go to class That has an end for a hold up in their dorm dormant, Fraid aware, sweatshirts or shirts supporting Israel who take off their keep us so young workers So they're not identified is jewish, who take off their star David. You have to do whatever they have to do to hide their faith. I hide their ethnicity on our college campuses from say their shining say
Joe Biden and valley forge park about general sex where's, Joe Biden's national speak national speak. where he denounces anti semitism in his own party. By up to twenty five percent of the members of the house represent democrats by the american media where's his speech where's their action over there, the department of justice in the education, while they ve brought some cases, but not many the cases broader, as a result of donald trump did, with an executive order. Make sure civil rights legislation actually applied to fight yet I semitism it never did he signed that executor
What hitler sign the executive order, Joe binders wanna talk about any there, because Joe Biden likes to talk about the third reich. Because Joe Biden and his staff for more, like Joseph goebbels. and nobody will say that, but me that speech he gave today is the speeches given before he does softly. Joseph goebbels card And he wants you to believe that if you dont vote for him, our country will die because Donald Up in the mega republicans tat is the vast
Are the republicans in this country are like nazis? They hate democracy, you. This is an attack on you. It's just that the global. speechwriters are little more clever, then Hillary Clinton with the deplorable joseph fine, doesn't call you He just insinuate that you're nazis, because you want vote for him pretty discuss. Then don't you, like Joe Biden, says we almost lost our three ungenerous. Sixth, though we didn't. How do we almost lose our country and generous. Was there an armed insurrection,
capital, the vast majority, their violent know. How did we almost lose our country on six. An amazing thing have a Democrats and their goebbels, propaganda works. There's only one person, one person. Who offered to take steps forty eight hours before just in case, and I was trap, the national guard, Joe Biden, didn't talk about that today. Told people pagoda capital lobby peacefully. Joe Biden didn't talk about that today and he's not go.
And neither will jake tapir Joe Scarborough or all the other lying filth from american meat.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-07.