« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 12/16/23


This week on the Mark Levin show, University presidents like those of Harvard, MIT, and the now former president of UPenn, do not understand the history of the 1st amendment and allow their institutions to criminally promote anti-Semitism. These anti-Semitic threats and mobs on college campuses are not protected speech, and what they are arguing for is not protected either. Sen. Mitt Romney and Rep Jamie Raskin see no reason or actions that suggest President Biden has committed impeachable offenses and do not support an impeachment inquiry. Biden has not faithfully executed the laws of the United States, specifically immigration laws, and has our southern border wide open, which is a high crime and grounds for impeachment. House Republicans have voted for an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden, which gives the House of Representatives more muscle to get subpoenas and depositions. It is amazing to watch the same Democrats who insisted Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses and rushed the entire process now speaking out against a simple inquiry for Joe Biden. There are impeachable offenses that have been committed by President Biden that every American can understand and are affected by, like the obliteration of our immigration laws and giving aid and financial support to a regime in Iran that is attacking American soldiers.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite. allegiant america hillsdale college, which proudly refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening, I sincere appreciation to hillsdale for their sponsorship quiet in the underground bunker door, most blocks bolted. What the great isn't just resting on our laurels. He's I'm sure you'll began- is even better by giving you is best this this best more club, an old man, a shepherd. You got a lot of tyranny or to cover you with me. You're. The only audience second hand. I want to talk about the first amendment briefly, one of the great experts on the
two men in other parts of the constitution is a gentleman by the name of Nathan. Loan. Nathan leeuwen, has litigated in front of the supreme court in america simpler courts more times than I can cap he's a brilliant man he's taught at harvard and colombian georgetown and university of Chicago he with his brilliant daughter. They her own firm. They bring their own cases, big big cases, big supreme court cases, big first, a memory cases. So he wrote a piece in Jane s: dot org jns, jewish news syndicate, dot, org waning. The first amendment to university president's it's called shockingly, the residents of harvard pan and
I d do not know that the first amendment does not protect anti semitic. Cage each or support for terrorism. wake the astounding testimony before congress by the presidents of harvard university of pennsylvania, to choose its instituted technology. Three important question must be asked number one. Why are the As evidence of leading american universities, abysmally, ignorant of supreme court rulings on the limits of protected speech. Under the first amendment, the president, claimed in their testimony. It is wrong to place a medic protesters. Koran quote on their camp Israeli exercising their constitutionally protected right to free speech when they call for an intifada. And she and Hamas is battle cry from the river to the sea. Palestine will be free, both clear cause.
violence against israelis. Andrews harboured, president Claudine repeatedly declared that her universally will act. Only quote one speech crosses and conduct unquote. She might be so I rise to learn that not a single supreme court justice- not one agrees with her. In fact, it's unlikely, The three presidents a bother to read the most recent definition of first of a first amendment speech, guarantees have exercised by all nine supreme court justices, albeit in various opinions. One of the justices believes that threaten incitement have blanket. Constitutional protection cannot be punished unless they quote crossing. This is a sunny hostile. None of you and other perfet pathetic buffoons the other legal analysts on tv who don't know a damn thing. It's incredible. That's why you're here we know a lot of things on
in twenty seven, the united states, Supreme court decided a case titled counter versus cholera which dealt with harassed. on the social media site, facebook, the case the rate of much discussion, precisely because it dealt with the issue. What limits can be placed on speech projections, all justice is agreed that the better It does not guarantee any right to send threats over social media. None. Nor did they all that. The first amendment entitles the speaker to say anything so long as it does not quote cross into conduct on quote they just It's different. Only over how relevant the speakers intention might be to the question of criminal penalties, a majority in the core, speaking through just this alone a kagan, so that expressing a threat would be a crime if the speaker uttered it with quote reckless disregard quote for how will they be understood by the listener? For just
This is different only in part all the justice has agreed that freedom of speech does not protect the speaker, who makes a threat, with reckless disregard for the listeners, fear of violence, and we are more than five violence with actual violence and threats going on in these campuses jewish it's locking themselves in rooms walking themselves in their dorms of libraries and attics, not wanting to go to class low and rights. The campus protest there's in question are obviously guilty of reckless disregard for the fears of their jewish students. Under the most recent supreme court rulings, they can be charged with crimes and punished accordingly, that the present Some harboured mit and the former president of pen are ignorant of. This is shocking number two a major donors to these universities only terminating future grants, rather than d
that billions of dollars and past donations be refunded. Benefactors have given huge. Donations to harvard and other universities within farmers endowments have announced publicly that they will not continue to contribute to these institutions because they promote and felt a control anti semitism. It is possible that this my influence, public declarations of unified university administrators who are unhappy that the flow of funds has been interrupted. Given the vast resources, these institutions and they contravene We should like it to come from anti semitic and israel at the Israel sources. It will they have a modest and pack a far more powerful response would be for age or donors to fire lawsuits seeking to recover the billions of dollars they ve donated in the past. They could do so on the grounds that these donors, were secured by false representations? They claim the universe were providing proper, meaningful education.
his students and, I might add, an important footnote here. Parents who've paid the tuition of their kids to be students at these universities. They would have the same cause of action with different facts, the same cause of action to get tuition back, for example, harvard original charter of sixteen fifty stated students will be taught knowledge and godliness quote unquote. Contributors I discovered that harvard does not abide by this charter. Instead, it agreed sleep violated by nurturing hate in violence against Jews as donors are legally entitled to recover the funds they reconvene. By harboured false representation to provide again same, but the student. and three and finally wire? No federal grand jury is investigating the probable violations of american tight terrorist laws committed by.
organizers and participants, and pro hamas public protests and nineteen. Ninety six nineteen. Ninety six congress back the anti terrorism and effective death penalty act, which makes it a criminal offence to provide quote matter. Support, defined terrorist organizations, unquote violating this law can be punished for they long prison since this supreme court, which Trust to try roberts riding for a six percent majority upheld the law Twenty ten I rejected claims that its restriction of material support on quote for iter. And violated. First amendment rights of free speech and free association. They cases hold Versus humanitarian law project in twenty ten advocating a terrorist organisation and supporting its activities, even if they constitute otherwise lawful protest, violates this provision of the federal criminal code organised proud,
supporting Hamas, accompanied by costs Printed signs custom I uniforms and gaps that palestinian flags assuredly qualify As quote material support, unquote for Hamas and I'd bet, if they look further going, scary they'll find money there too. So now leeuwen asked this: why has the department of justice under attorney, journal merrick garland, a descendant of holocaust survivors, how to initiate a federal investigation into these probable violations of america's anti terrorism laws Why is no not one? U s attorney in patently federal Grand jury and subpoenaed witnesses these region Some of the questions that an american law must ask in these turbulent times.
And now he has set the record straight, as I have quite frankly on the first amendment. These threats are not protected, these mobs and what their company and what they are arguing for is not protected. The supreme court has said so every member in their own way has said so Joe Biden, america, ireland, not a single. U s attorney has brought a single charge against anybody. Nobody. What about some of these faculty members who go out there and celebrate these threats and the violence and hamas a terrorist organisation? I said before when I required to fund this number, we're not required to provide safe havens.
Home, grown in foreign supporters of terrorist and terrorism and turn the other cheek. That's not academic freedom. That's not free speech! That's quite the contrary. things that can be done are not being done by the department of justice by Joe Biden, By not a single, u s attorney in the united states, not one of the ninety three, none other folks, our friends at helstone, wish you and yours a happy and blessed christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year tells jos farming in eighteen, forty four, it is taught it students by precept an example, the teaching and practices of faith they college continue
this mission in its classrooms and nationwide through its educational outreach efforts, hills del college, pursues learning character, faith and freedom and all they do because supporters, like you, allow them to refuse every power the taxpayer money, even indirectly in the form of federal student grants and loans. So this christmas season. My friends at hillsdale want to thank you for your kindness toward the college prepared a special video featuring their sacred music choir, singing o little town of bethlehem in their beautiful christ. Chapel at the heart of the campus, when you visit live in four hills del dot com you can see and hear the choir in view many other free resources to help we celebrate the season. That's levant fails to die camp making your weekend even better. This is the best
mark levin, mitt romney says he sees no evidence to support the impeachment. When, in impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden. Jamie rascal, a marks: Red read think there was involved in both impeachment donald trump was involved and objecting to donald trump selection in the electors and twenty. Sixteen on the floor of the house who has promoted the rageous argument that the fourteenth amendment section three prevents donald trump from being on state ballots. Every state court now has rejected that. and hates. The men who wrote the constitution is father was a marxist and a soviet colleges. If you will and rascals no different. Any ideas on tv all the time. but romney- is remarkable for his
pity and his arrogance dressed up as self righteousness. They may educate the senator, who took an oath to uphold the constitution about the president, who took an oath to uphold. The constitution is failing to do so, but start here. article two section three, you haven't heard any this today- I bet article section three of the constitution, the united states. He The president shall, from I'm too time give to congress information Of the state of the union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient. He may on extraordinary occasions convene both houses are either of them. Any case This agreement between them with respect to the time of adjournment. During them too, Time is, he shall think proper
He shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers. Here's the key here child take care that the laws be faithfully executed. and shall commission all the officers of the united states. This is called the take care clause. The constitution provides that the president shall take care that the laws be faithfully excuse. This booty, potentially implicates at least five categories of executive power. Including number one powers: the constitution confers directly upon the president by the opening succeeding- clauses of article two. powers that congress kg Shot acts number two directly confer upon the president number three
powers are congressional acts, confer upon heads of departments, another executive agencies of the federal government number four power that stems implicitly from the duty to enforce the criminal statutes of the united states, number five Power power to carry out the so called ministerial duties regarding which an exact Officer can exercise limited discretion, occasion or manner of their discharge? Now. he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. There's another part of the constitution of the president has a specific oath of office somewhat different than everybody else in the federal government. Some indifferent. And judges and senators incurs he shall faithfully execute.
The laws of the united states is not an option It's not a choice. the thought process. He shall I shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. He shall take care that the law Sir enforce that they are executed. they round says he has seen nothing that suggests Joe Biden Has committed unimpeachable impeachable, so you have those two sections of the constitution, the explicit that may He shall he must either Laws he disagrees with It's been plenty supreme court precedent that is litigation on this issue. It means what it says there we go to. The impeachment clause
and the impeachment clause is complicated tree average legal analysed on cnn and MSNBC and elsewhere, but it's not complicated. The bottom line on the appeasement clause is this:. president shall not commit acts or fail to act. The society when the country is in trouble or create circumstances intensely creating such an environment In the country when it presently united states refuses to actually visit, acknowledge, correct Policies that clear specifically intentionally and directly violate
Federal laws that he is required to uphold. I don't mean just challenge them in court. Once the dust settles refuses to enforce them, that is I crime, under our constitution What's meant by a high crime, he is committing acts, Legal acts unconstitutional acts against the country. We don't need to look at bank accounts to figure that out america. We don't need to look at. Wires, we don't need to look at foreign governments really to look at anything except his conduct. We don't you positions. We only notes. We don't need texts, we leave phone records, will leave subpoenas. Joe Biden is unilaterally. violating separation of powers.
violating his oath of office, violating that take care clause of the united states constitution. As he directs his regime to keep the border open. To defy existing federal immigration law to allow millions of people to pour into that country who are unwedded. thereby threatening the safety and security of our society. Encouraging foreigners to come into our country overrun our towns and cities. over and law enforcement and our hospitals. It is a high crime, Joe Biden conduct in the conduct of his
Subordinates in violating not one but a school a federal immigration laws. Undermining the ability, the border patrol. undermining the ability of administrative law, judges and the ability of customs of law enforcement of state law enforcement and local law enforcement to protect their communities to protect the country. From millions and millions of illegal aliens coming into the country, port And terrorists and criminals undoubtably policies that are encouraging drug cartels, kidnappers to rape, women
To write children to asylum and the sex slavery, Wearing billions of dollars into the coffers of the drug cartels south of the border with A fat know another deadly drugs in country joy kid story, grand kit resulting in the death of tens of thousands trap. Private property rights. Managers and others on the border, this, In their communities. because there's no way to put them there, so many of them. This is a high crime, since a high crime. It is a violation of the united
its constitution in the least to respect- and it is unleashing now: societal, cultural. And criminal may him in our country. And by knows it he should be impeached. He should be removed. What is it Big romney doesn't see. They did romney says there is no basis for even in impeachment inquiry. did they romney is the favourite. Among other reprobate republicans. In the fifth column in this country. I stash dishonest propaganda
Platforms in america. Specially on their son? Nature, seeks to undermine not just this party, not just that country. The people who have suffered horrendously. I'm an open border, the well been raped and sullen the sex slavery, the children who go missing the amount Consumer dying from criminals found none other drugs they romney doesn't see. He doesn't see a high crime he's an ignoramus at a minimum? Jamie rask him. An american hating marxist. Who, year after year, leads to efforts and did the presidency of donald trump alleys, claiming that donald trump is the dictator.
rascal, who hates our country hates our constitution. Hates capitalism is now talks with some republicans. Try and convince all they need, or two or three to vote against and impeachment inquiry. because you're doesn't give a damn what's happening on the border or to our country. He hates he hates her. Economic system, he hates her history? Is it Off his old daddy's marxist black. You can go all this information, high crime. The reason cnn isn't on the border day in and day out, the reason MSNBC is not on the border day in and day out, the reason Your time spent more time trying to knock off benjamin Netanyahu than to protect and secure our southern border. Same of the way,
in post in the rest of the media is because they support this. They hate america too. If they love america, they have funny way showing it they have bent over backwards to try and land donald trump in prison. phony charges on january six phony document. Does that have never been used against a president, the energy, has never been used against a president, a vice president of former attorney general any cabinet secretary that I'm aware to throw back. nineteen seventeen woodrow wilson doesn't matter they dust. My client act to go after trot. Here. We have it straight forward: black and white. What
taking place on our border, who is responsible. The supreme court said not long ago and a case that involved. I resumed in the former governor there a case was again ruled wrongly that the present Has plenary power to make decisions about what goes on, but of course that does it mean as plenary power to defy undermine and violate specific statutory language and the intention of those statutes. Joe Biden has blood on his hands Middle EAST, with israelis. In the united states, with even more civilian deaths,
Is a two state solution for Israel, which will be the final solution? Will I have a solution for what's going on on the border in peach, Joe Biden now, Any republican who opposes it must be defeated period. This is not some stream a radical position. This is again actually why the impeachment clauses there- and this is actually why the high, crime languages in the impeachment clause. This Exactly what they meant by a high crime. I'm sure my education and met romney has fallen on deaf ears because he said. Mark We got another day of india and with bantu every night is a watch
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you're sitting to the best of mark club, then look at this from bright bart john heyward. They ran, rejects two state solution demands and to visit. This is the disconnect this is in insanity, the imbecility, a jew the Biden administration and the obama underlings had serve him. Talk about Two state solution ran in that and Hamas before ran their trauma caliphate. Thirty rejecting it so is. Where would surrender its and did you Ancestral lands. The entities that hate them and want to destroy them and are going to say that's not enough, but don't worry Joe biden- will protect my job by and I'll be getting gone a long time. Let me continue shall I think I shall.
zelensky obviously was in washington. Today in ukraine is desperate. They don't have an industrial base that builds. Military armaments and equipment, jets and so forth. Because they were conquered long ago by Stalin, who took every out of ukraine and brought it into russia, Crane has been largely an agricultural part of europe. some industrial centres, but nothing compared to the rest. The industrial nations in europe they signed a deal and ninety nine you for that. I've talked about first broke it behind this microphone
surrendered every nuclear weapon they had to russia. In exchange for a security promise from the EU it states, britain and russia. They're, all three nations would help ukraine protected sovereignty in its borders, On tv and, sadly, actually people on tv who claim to be conservative, constitutional, you don't care. Its perverse. It's bizarre happened before in our country. Many of them are I but dont they're called Isolationists ass, many of them are appropriate and but dont dare call them pro putin. What we call them. Hey elac mark
port enough money into that country and here's the problem, Joe Biden you are quite right. We have poor tens of billions of dollars into that country. Ukraine in like Biden and blinking, are trying to tie the hands of Israel just like by and blinking are trying to tell them. I don't have a crushing victory. You need pauses You need to feed the enemy and to fuel the enemy. The savoy. It's complaining that the terrorists, the Hamas terrorists, are taking it from them. So what. So this money goes into ukraine. We conditions you not to go on office inside russia,
you're not to attack russian soldiers crossed the border. You not to attack, russian supply lines across the border you're not to attack. Russian towns and cities across the border, you're not to take out putin's. You're, not the head, moscow, only kiev can get hit so they place These conditions and they tie those conditions for the provision of armaments. It's not. Ukraine receives ten billion, thirty billion forty billion, there's basic we a credit line that they have the And again, and that money is spent, four are Eric and industries are military industries to make the weaponry Where ukraine, that is, they take em out of our inventory and replace them with the money, it's an accounting move. So it's still money, don't get me wrong. We're still spending it. Some of them. Lines up in ukraine, but you,
we need to spend it here till they can get tanks, missiles, defence systems, I can get him anywhere else basically spending our money. Here. Ok,. But Joe Biden has constantly told them how to fight their war. I began cleaning about this from day. One general kane has been complaining about this from day, one others who now They're talking about who are concerned. Groups who are with us you and me I ve been saying the same thing. We poor this money into ukraine. Why isn't it having a bigger affect its because abiden. and his limitations and his directions and his interruptions, and this guy thinks he's thee The commanding general level, the world of all of our allies here to do exactly the same with the thing with Israelis had some success, but Israel has pushed back much
harder than some linsky can quite frank. so some linsky never had the full support of buy no short. Today, data press conference so sure the Democrats are insisting that money going to ukraine, but the So the story is not being put to you and you see a being played out with Israel. And the enemy there. The terrorists don't win, don't hurt. Civilians no matter how many of yours, civilians, Michael, if you dont, destroy Hamas binding. is actually preventing, and this will be very complex. complicated for the left, and the Democrats, black levantin shares, or you damn right.
He gives a money in any ties, one arm behind their back, while the russians can do whatever they how they want to the ukrainian people to the rank ukrainian children as they kidnapped them and bring them up the border as they target Cities and their towns, as they In brutal lies there women and their men, Straining them world stories they just disappeared from the meat. I guess they got bored. I guess there board now Biden has handicap the ukrainians, he's kneecap them. and so he paused money into that country and then tell them what. Can and cannot do with it and what armaments. He will make available to them when they use that money to try and purchase armaments. Now now, jets eventually agreed two subjects No, no, not heavy artillery, they can reach Moscow. He eventually greta, but it's always two. Three four months late.
And so you'd literally have an army in ukraine. That's much smaller than the russian army has smaller population, then russia that month them does it, nobody can or cannot do. Because of the decisions made by the secretary of state. at present the united states in the oval office. There there decisions for our allies are under attack. I, The believed? The israeli see this Netanyahu and the others? I went by has done to solve ski in ukraine. That is, provided them are resources purchase armaments, but only the armaments that he wants to sell them, it can only fight the war, the way that Biden wants them? That's about the united states is all abide by.
Biden doesn't care if they sluggish out forever. That's how much Cares about ukrainian citizens, he doesn't Here they slug it out for twenty years. When he's long gone, he does not what ukraine to have a victory period. He doesn't care if the israeli sluggish out forever he wants to netanyahu and the author. Choose had her in his administered should because, in the end, binds a bigger to just like obama,. he won't even allow the hostage families. American israeli with us, which is taken by Hamas to go to the hanukkah party last night? Why. Why, of course, he's allowed leftists or the food
these the frauds, the self haters they all came, but not the families of the hostages. Now. So you're, looking at what Biden has done to ukraine, he gets credit. providing money in armaments look further cause you're? Smart? You not jake tapir. and I toby hall or dan abrams. Not the races, big, an anti semite who runs media matters. Forget the jack S, his name. all the good on that. The sea, ukraine, is not gotten what it needs in time to defeat russia, now, by defeating russia, I don't mean going into russian, defeating russia going all the way to moscow? Neither do they mean pushing him out of their country and in defending their country.
and it's so crucially important because Putin's may clear: I've redwood Said most people in tv and radio of not there yet Brain is a. Is a land, a territory on the way to poland. That's why the poles, are giving ukraine's every damn thing. They have that's why the balkan states these little countries through them. Are giving everything they have? They don't have a lot to the ukrainians. Vision countries built on a war machine like putin's russia. This is why romania is giving ukraine everything they The right on the border with ukraine, ukraine,. Falls. Nato gets involved, that's how important this is then of Where's the domino effect with
is china, now threatening the philippines, threaten the philippines. All those islands area there, art. Japan, those islands are yet they're, ours, vietnam, good friend? You know that the water off your short, yet there ares, then Reclaim this. The south china say yes, it's eyes. He's trying to say yes, that's charged, though what are you gonna do about, while their work and what they're saying it. Joe Biden doesn't believe and victory it has. Leave, the ukrainian should have a victory, doesn't believe the israeli should have a victory. These rules, should negotiate with terrorists who slaughter their people. If those terrorists for south of our board and slaughtered our people away, they treated the israelis, the women and children. There, be no room for a pause. As for fuel and food or anything else,.
as I said earlier in the show bite, is demanding Netanyahu provide their enemy, fuel and food and medicine him lincoln Ulysses s grant not just in vicksburg but other worse refuse to provide food and clean water. And medicine of any kind to fellow americans who they were trying to defeat did a feat slavery, but you see with a laugh in amerika the meeting america defeating slavery was the be all and end all in a was and it should have been, but these ellie jews defending themselves from terrorists who want, stan slavery, who want the torture, rape and elimination of the Jews. That's different, why
A different isn't that a moral imperative you would think. IRAN rejects two state solution, demands the end of Israel. Hamas rejects two state solution demands the end of Israel Indian foreign minister Hussein yeah godiva do he said. They want to caliphate huh, says they want to caliphate. They ve said it before Why are we only want to listen to these these nazi bastards? We need a two state solution for peace Where's, your ever been peace with a two state solution from one place: korea that peace The north has nuclear weapons aimed at the south. in the south surrendered all their nuclear weapons. Nother brilliant, American administration decision,
south korea has no nukes. North korea is building nukes. And by the time this administration leaves office, which has in fact, not for me era, it's gonna, have nukes wall tat be great for the next. that the deal with you can and do it yet unravel the knowledge once they have done. I do not know how it's done. The Joe Biden worried about the civilians has he ever worried about the civilians in ukraine? We ve already talked the southern borders, as he ever ever talk about american civilians on the southern border. Never does. He have Talk about americans civilians in our inner cities. Work shuddered, never what The american hostages backwards about our holding. They never talk about bad either, and now we have a report. There is a special.
Group within Israel, with top notch doctor there's an expert and so forth. Who believe most of the remaining hostages have been murdered. Unfortunately, I predicted this and warned you about this. It's a terrorist organisation They committed heinous acts, hey It's humiliating sexual acts against the women and girls and by the way, apparently against the men too,. Would you mind tolerate that, if that happened in texas he might from mexico, he might, he might the listening to this might help your mental house, but sometimes
you need someone listening to you that I m d live. Has licence therapists ready to talk when you are get how Weekends, after hours, whenever you're free and get back to feeling like you again, its mental health care, made easier, Emily life. Now, that's better! The great one makes your weekend even better. This system, best of mark Levin, the house of representatives, nay, the republicans in the house of representatives every one of them voted impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. Genetic creates an actual impeachment, as everybody keeps saying, which is true, but because impeach two provided for in the constitution itself. It gives thee house of representatives. The majority more muscle today,
an actual responses to subpoenas testimony that is depositions. and more muscle in court. Should there be a dispute to get those subpoenas depositions. Now what amazes me about this is to watch the same democrats, who insist Donald trump committed impeachable, france's let's take the second impeachment first, without ever holding a hearing they re through the house of representatives they delivered to the senate as fast as possible. Every senator. Fred voted for it somewhere the balkans voted for it like SAS. Like romney and a handful of others. They said that he was invited an insurrection and seditious conspiracy, Of course, he was not. There was never any evidence so that this dealers in any evidence to that end, I ve been charged with it.
Standard for impeaching president has been fundamentally destroyed. First impeachment we have a public phone call. Excuse me a phone call that was not possible, between president trump and Zelensky Rob Angela ski defended the cause. Let's he said he did not in any way feel pressured to do anything. President trumpet so sure of that he actually released a transcript of the car, which is a rarity, The credit seized on it nonetheless have percentage. Reinterpreted. What actually was in the transcript and insisted that donald trump was put the shoulder on solvency. and then only a zoo, linsky Zalewski open investigation on Biden, get some of the aid that he wanted silence. He said. I never felt that pressure that wasn't what was said. Trumps are the same it didn't matter.
nothing on russia collusion, they created ruptured collusion. They created their criminal investigation. They plan entire story. But they couldn't get it on and because it was utterly completely false was a lie to the american people led by democrats in their media said, though when they move the ukraine, they have an insider, a trump painting, I'm obama hold over. Jenny impeached him for that to be. And it was more than that, a bogus criminal investigation by a bogus special counsel and now the republicans have voted. On an impeachment agree, and I watched swore well who was involved and everyone in the impeachment sir trump and the general six committee,
swell on our saying in the case of little by an hundred by hundred binds says a lonely testify if I'm so painted to testify publicly such transparent. That january six committee, every deposition, it took Every interview it took was in the basement of the capital building. There are requests. There were demands better. Deposition beheld publicly in the democratic said. No rest. And said no. King senor said no. Chinese said no policy said now. turbine says today at a bizarre public event, can only testified public. Well, guess what you spoil the little bastard. You don't get to tell them what to do and there's plenty a precedent for this. Even before the general six committee.
So all this precedent is coming back to bite the Democrats in the ass, all of it, except one. The attorney general, the united states, has gone silent, gone silent about anti semitism. He can't silent about hundred Biden. He didn't hold any big press conference. He's got silent. Why is there not a special council investigating Joe Biden, these special council appointment process, There's more than enough information. More than enough information to suggest a potential conflict of interest. state department of justice, all senior point of senior members appointed by job eyed him our sitting on their hand when it comes Joe Biden when you have an indictment
California, of hundred Biden, that, specifically, I discussed the data happen, excludes Joe Biden and specifically x, Those possible council would ensnare Joe Biden like fara. We, Oh it's got on here we're not stupid. We're not stupid. let me tell you some other precedent, this administration, these democrat hack obama, judges, are create, in this country and are not good they're. All bad. When a president of the united states makes decisions, he can be charged with a crime. Or has opinions are expresses viewpoints? He cannot be hard with a crime. Otherwise the presidency's dead.
You would literally have an unelected prosecutor, an unelected federal judge ottawa Did trial jury. determining whether they're going to decapitate the executive branch. The president is the third branch of government elected by all the people. That is Their people go to the voting both or whatever they do anymore elected by the majority or a plurality, but all that people participate. That's there's another offers like that in the united states, excluding the vice president. So you can have one prosecutor, one judge, jury say in washington or Atlanta, whatever determined their present stage or goes. Moreover, a president, to be free to act.
that's one of the reasons he's not sub to criminal price inclusion, while he's president now. But the Biden justice department, where jack the ripper there was a completely rogue son of up. You know what I want this Shrunken and others have done, is they said: ok that may true, but that doesn't carry that privilege. Doesn't care after a present is left off he's not Can you now he did so You are president, I weak Me violated the coup clutch clan act eighteen. Seventy one week violated the enron abstraction act twice. are. We claim that violated a federal contractor act and we those for charges to effectively price, acute and for insurrection,
the dishes conspiracy without Finally, charging hammer having approved the the element, such crimes case, above the law painted a charge with their troubles. There's going to wait a minute. so in other words,. And opposition administration or an opposition party or a candidate whose ray to run again say Donald trump, that Prosecutors can look, The presidency can look at that decisions made during the presidency and we at present, it is out of office, indict him for those decisions. So to put a fine point on it,. I could sit here today. I can make a list of all the violations said Joe Biden. Committed including ice core of immigration. Laws. He's intentionally violated the virus
it's that has flowed from met their death rate, rape, their sex figuring that its flow from that they undermining The undermining of our communities, the undermining of law enforcement, the undermining of our hospitals, the mayhem havoc that that is created for towns and cities across the country. I can sit and wait. Until he's out of office and soon. Find some law. Some law to hang around here- that's exactly what's gonna happen if the supreme court blows this one, if hollywood John roberts, if Cavanaugh.
and if bear it has been a complete disaster if they go along with hollywood, John and their cowards and they're afraid of what We set them on MSNBC unseen and set them in the new york times It's the opposite: what's taking place, it's not that the president is king an extremely radical political party which now controls the executive branch. Wants to destroy the presidency, because they're out for donald trump and presidents, who will be destroyed forever if the supreme court doesn't do the rights which is number one know jack. Get a line when everybody else this is a life and death is an emergency. If Trump loses: you can hold your trial when he worried about now.
Not going to abandon the process just because you insist and write a hysterical, political. Self aggrandize. In brief to this Court will you claim to represent the public interest and you claim the public. Trust is in a speedy trial, jack Beady trial, provisionally bill of rights belongs to the defence had not the government. The government doesn't have a right to a speedy trial, the governance or the power of the resources. The personnel that was written to protect The person is targeted by the government not to protect their governments, can crush defended the tracks in a hurry so its trunk and who today realized She was a little too big for her britches, so she said I have to put this on hold until wallace. let's stuff, is resolved that that's right charge. You do I'm sorry.
She can see how Biden the Democrats, Jackson judge trunk and how they are literally destroyed. Our constant she'll processes when it comes to impeachment our constant We processes when it comes to criminal law when it to the immunity of oppression and separation of powers, you can see there fires everywhere. Just at your by setting fires all over the world, germany, we let me return. I work for MSNBC, MR producer, then we pretend Joe scarborough and add subtract, about a hundred iq points. Well, you know me: will you make it? Joe by indulging. I really need to cover up cover up what she worried about an hour ago. Evil I may go what's the problem
not the tiger like a man. I have been star. Wars have a big job. President by and give them what they want, demonstrate. The gay pride weekly worded, where we may write mega door share our job. Another I here The report by Anne. Those three million dollars in didn't pay taxes for four years are they going to him because the magter me I told him not to pay taxes maker, right area track. I told them to spend money on hookers and drug man may, I told em they shake down there How many chinese or the.
And the question for the average intelligent american is: why would These governments and companies pay hunter by Over thirty million dollars, if he's a drug addled moron, has no business and did nothing for them. That's the case. I voted for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming, the over thirty countries? That's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas york. From the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and a rainy you dial away and here's the best part, there is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the ira to family.
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in the senate as a group, but that said, ladies and gentlemen,. there are impeachable offenses committed by this president that punch you right in the nose. That every american can understand that affects every american directly, some indirectly. When you listen to some of my friends, Every year on radio go through a long iteration of monies that were given to The buying of family. You need to understand that the vast majority of americans are ice glaze over. That doesn't mean it should be pursued constitutionally thrown page.
Doesn't mean it shouldn't, be pursued criminally. But you're selling impeachment, which is not criminal process. The removal of a present united states and when you in overwhelming case that is understandable to MR illnesses, america, why don't you use it what's mark talking about now, Time after time, till everybody repeated radio and tv and maybe some congress. I hope so here's my point. Explain it briefly on Hannity, I'm not explain it at great length on sunday on life, liberty and live in another way, for great guess, saturday and sunday. Dershowitz
They would show LEO to richard goal, but these are fantastic guess for fantastic issues, but. It'll be the last Weaken shows for life, liberty and levine until the new year will have some special zuyder fantastic cause. I just finished working on, but this weakened as the last live, Shows until next year, so I encourage you to set your tv you're, smart tv or whatever you do back to the point. Prez, the united states, for reasons I have explained, is violating the constitution is oath of office by. Not justifying our immigration laws, obliterate. Our immigration laws and their purpose.
You say what's going on on the southern borders, outrageous! Yes, it is. It's also unconstitutional that he wanted forced the immigration laws. He doesn't get to change them by executive. its executive orders and so forth her or blow or for law. You depositions elites He knows you only document generally tax, italy, witness, but just a fact. Biden, regime policy. That there's mayhem inhumanity. an unimaginable level taking place on the southern border. Now you know it's really really bad, because most of the crew. Democrat party media won't cover it or they covered a little. you, know, swing into admin swung out of it. But americans are dying by the tens of thousands because of open borders. Drugs people are being
physically abused and raped and soul into sex slavery, women and children. Elementary school age, children. We don't control the southern border, that's our sovereignty, that's our country! This is by intent. This is purposeful, this parliament ideological agenda. People say, let us impeach their head of de chestnut. Why waste your time he's too in the pine, tells them to do So they have it in an inquiry resolution that passed with every republican for it and every democrat against. I read the resolution, such as it is its re broad, And it certainly would allow the house representatives to consider this issue-
As part of a impeachment report, should be article one One in impeachment of Joe Biden, article two. Without any constitutional authority whatsoever. In fact, worse In violation of a supreme court ruling, in fact worse, undermining separation of powers by seizing the power. The purse from congress. Joe Biden with a magic wand cos The american treasury half a trillion dollars. stood alone, forgiveness, quota, coil,. Sue loan forgiveness. The president does not have the power to. is that authority from congress he defined. Supreme court ruling. He and his administration
when around two branches of the federal government under our constitution. One has complete control over the purse. The other, was asked to rule on an did Binding still stall carefully million dollars out of the treasury to try and pay off part of his base. that's a clear violation of his oath of office and its a clear violation of its responsibility. To take care that the laws of the united states are executed, that's impeachment article number two. impeachment article number three. The main responsibility of a commander in chief, that is the president, is america's national security.
Twat he has the commander in chief total responsibility. He is the executive branch. When the commander in chief knowingly and actively. Is providing aid? it shall support diplomatic cover. Per terrorist regime. It is killed american soldiers that is kidnapped. Americans that, as I speak, is trying to kill more american soldiers and attack american bases in the Middle EAST. That is, funding. terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah the hutus and many more. When the president of the united states specifically hardened envoy, who so special pleading for the iranian regime and that in turn, hires people, one of whom may well we spy
and why, who so bad, had his clearance revoked by the by Administration under cover of darkness, they won't tell us why. But when the president of the united states institutes waivers. On a regime that is Yours that tens of billions of dollars report into its coffers. That, in turn, takes Money and helps build weapons for russia to it. Accurate ukraine that has Build an alliance with north korea, but an alliance with communist china. and its funding all this terrorism. These attacks on americans when it presently the united states we Arms this regime, we arms it. regime the targeted, are former sector of state or former national security advisor for assassination.
These are collectively unimpeachable offence. It's a high crime. article one article two, article: three, our high crimes. What's a high crime, the framers looked and, among other things, english common law through came up with the idea of impeachment to begin with. There edit. They looked at it and what did it say? It said An individual who takes enough. And is thereby in a unique position of authority who can effect. the well being of society who takes That's or fails to take steps. to secure that society. Has committed a high crime,
but the word high means in that context, in other words, should take To show violation. Joe Biden has done that on immigration. Down there on the power. The purse he's done. That the commander in chief, funding our enemy article, three. Is the third priority for impeachment one article two article three in the mark: levin impeachment outcome. lately understandable by MR mrs america, Democrats in the media and the other members of the pretoria guard circle there wagons and try to protect their president. They will fail user, black and white issues. These are good and embellish caesar good, any this is right and wrong if, in an era,
case. There's no need for subpoenas documents, texts, phone records, witnesses. To matter a policy, the official policy. Of the barn regime to do these things to do these things. And then you can have article four, which is what Discussed endlessly on cable with a one two or three chairman of the various committees, are brought in where they speak quickly and talk about Evan, archer and archer, and this that and the other may vary Wrong case I think against by, apparently chuck rashly, can't see it. But then again, that's not the standard. But chuck rashly kenzie marks article one,
gradually can see, marks article two gradually can't see, marks article three and it becomes an imperative, an obligation A members of congress who also take a different oath of office, but one that is close enough to the earth at the president, takes that they haven't absolute obligation to vote and impeachment an indictment of Joe Biden for their deaths, the rapes they chaos, the economic. Consequences what happens in our schools, law enforcement with illegal immigration. They have an absolute obligation. And a president of the united states from seizing power under our constitution from another branch of government.
They ve an absolute obligation to impeach and died. And really remove. American commander in chief, whose subsidizing who is funding our enemy. Level chamberlain appeased hitler, peace in our time. but he didn't send funds to hitler he didn't send funds the hitler surrogates. He didn't. Subsidize hitler by lifting waivers on sanctions. He didn't subsidize hitler through international. Organization, but that's exactly what Joe Biden is doing The islam or matters in tehran in Gaza, lebanon in yemen and all around the world, the american pay.
see it and can understand it. Even those who aren't focused on politics, article, four, the issues being discussed on the hill and cable and radio. They can't follow them. When you have democrats in the media really coming up the works, claiming Nothing here Lying about it covering it up exit even harder again. It should in fact be article four of impeachment because the Biden sword, mig daddy's office, They made over thirty million dollars in a peep, I want to believe that their blind to the people will Believe and do understand the first three articles I am pleading this case. Over and over and over again to the Republicans, get your act together.
You ve got a strong, strong case. If you do it right.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.