« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 1/13/24


This week on the Mark Levin show, the Democrat party and the media have a long history of labeling people they do not like as Hitler, from Ronald Reagan to Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump. Also, there is only one way to bring the Hamas hostage issue to an end in Gaza, and that is for Israel to take hostages too for them to make a swap. Hamas only takes hostages in order to get money from the Biden administration and to get their own terrorists back. Chris Christie finally suspended his Presidential campaign. Christie is an angry, ruling-class establishment Republican from the Bush administration, and is doing what establishment Republicans always do – sabotage their opponents. The same was done in 1980 with Ronald Reagan, who won a landslide victory even with a third-party candidate. We cannot let people like Christie and John Sununu destroy real conservatives like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis while pushing the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley. President Biden is re-arming our terrorist enemies in the Middle East through his appeasement, and as a result, the war in the Middle East has expanded because of our unwillingness to take out military sites in Iran. Iran has come out from behind Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and has now seized an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman with U.S. interest.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite allegiant america hillsdale college, which proudly refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening I sincere appreciation to hillsdale for their sponsorship. Quiet in the underground bunker door. most blocks bolted. What the great isn't just resting on our laurels, he's I'm sure you'll began is even better by giving. You is best this. This, best of more levin. There's a going on today when I want to put things in context, Joe Biden, the famous church, Going off in a.
Insane speech against tramp tramp supporters, the threats against democracy Liz training saying we will lose democracy. You write about donald trump's elected the hitler. Of which obama's pushing binding use aggressively and, of course, obama is access by the scenes, fine, doesn't need a lot of pushing to do. That is loathsome to begin with, looked into this from a historical perspective,. And I want you know this is a new. In fact, it was first tried out nineteen sixty four. Can stars on a senator barry, go ward. Scrape piece about
yes from twenty sixteen in the city journal, Harry Stein, there's other great peace, about this and other publications. Is actually very good peace. There was in political some years ago by Michael Lynn, Liberal, but not a crackpot one point, as I recall, been a conservative but nonetheless About the use of the word hitler and the attack on blue collar america inferring that their brown shirts? Why don't they just listen? Why don't they give the programme and the efforts by republican establishment types? Those from
Republican families like sue nowhere, bush, romney and others. chris presty how they try to sabotage the leading candidate or canada, for the nomination. This is not new either. The democratic party in the media have a long history of labeling. Peep I disagree with his hitler. I told you bury go war, they label richard Ronald Reagan, george w bush centre, crews and rubio were hitler, among others. Peddler.
I have written to you and in my book america, marxism about the frankfurt grew. group of marxists intellectuals in germany who sought to overthrow the government there, asia with marks a marxist regime, but they lost out to the fascists. And hitler in the third reich mania them fled other. To europe, and many of them fled to the united states, including herbert marquis swift. We ve talked about Are we to train overthrow our own country with the new left and software. Has lent points out was an ongoing nineteen fifties that the frankfurt score. The mark
Intellectuals who emigrated to America, who tried to use the nazi characterisation to attack, though I went down further, And to insinuate that working class blue collar american, because they wouldn't overthrow their government that they, the proletariat as they call them, What actually defend their own country among the greatest of the patriots are their people that they were effectively the brown charts for fascism. The here Joe Biden, talking about my guess, supporters, magyar supporters, that's his version. attacking blue collar america. Batches version attacking suburban america. That says version of attacking any trump supporters,
church is what he wants to say. The brown church is what the frankfurt school marxists in america did say and binds picked up on it. Despite its support of unions, because they support him, Biden has contempt for book our working class americans Nixon one them reagan, one them trop one and that's the truth. The co was painted as a threat as an extremist, and yet all he was was a traditional conservative. They took us words and his phrases out of context. They way they do with trump anything to link him, Totalitarianism or a terrorism hitler. They sought the dehumanize go war exactly what this
to do a trump. Their running them Eighteen, sixty four playbook, that's exactly what's taking place. and ass. The city journal points out from its peace have a half nearly a year ago. among those who poured fuel in the fire. Those in the republic in a step Those who are part of the republic and ruling class were those who were correct centre is a modern and moderates and the republican party. Soon types, romney types christie types with their media support. In fact,. It pointed out that they were incredibly vicious towards go water and a lot of the information against goldwater get up
session research like never before against cold war and gave their information to a democratic party. importing compliant media. Same thing happened today. The main force behind that was nelson rockefeller joined by The governor of pennsylvania, scrap drawn by the guy and a michigan romney romney's father, just as romney the sun does the same thing to conservatives across the board, and donald trump sought to destroy, go water from within their was relentless. Try you see, Chris christie on fox. And elsewhere, chris swear on fox and elsewhere. That's. Why you see the editorial pages of the wall street journal.
the peggy noon and another supporting the quit. The Chris Christy's, the Nicky haley's. The go water wasn't an extreme, it was more libertarian franklin and conserve anybody was a libertarian conservative had his views, try to turn them into a fascist. This the man who desegregated the national guard of arizona one. It was a territory. This is a man who, when he took over the business co war in arizona he d regarded the department store. This is a man who have found the urban leg in arizona and help fund it when it was going bankrupt and Toward the end, w c p, when it was Your attack in arizona and another man at the media play book.
There's the same playbook today, the dry one was nineteen sixty four, but even then. The media, or at least. Concerned about being labelled, some concern about being labelled. The began a machine. The democratic party they weren't, cautious. But they didn't brag about it as they do today, as they hire democrats to shore major anchor and hosting positions. That's what's going on today and it's a huge problem for the american people, We have a corrupt media like this, so Joe Biden gets away with the comments already makes without any scrutiny whatsoever.
Scrutiny about what he sang any scrutiny about the past and the media have an enormous influence in this country. Interesting go. What is response to all this was a kind of pope them. In the note, the way trumped, thus, yes is the city journal. Points are rather than seeking to explain the nuances of go orders position. The press engaged in calumny by association continually Badgering goldwater, for instance, to disavow the K, K, k Go what is long and honourable record on civil rights was ignored and early member, the end of p integrated his family, storing the nineteen thirties well before is the norm in phoenix or most of the north after the war save for the year national guard in arizona which he founded And on his arrival on the senator desegregated, the cafeteria, he had voted for every priors
Alright measure- and I do not wish to reach Where did the contrast with Johnson in this regard could not have been more dramatic? Is a texas centre. I'll- be j, never supported of pieces of rights legislation repeatedly vote gets banning the paul tax and against making lynching a federal crime. and, as recently as four years earlier running, simultaneously for vice president and re election to the senate, I'll be J d civil rights in text in the texas contest supporting them nationally. There you have it. The goal water was a polite man, a man of great class. He told campaign. We are not going to attack Johnson personally, the way their attacking me we're gonna, run a campaign of ideas and, of course he doesn't know it But instinctively trump knows that you can't lie down for this kind of treatment, you'll have to fight
Back, if you have any shot a winning. Johnson's recording character and very close inspection, but he didn't get it from the attention given to go. What is purported recklessness the man Chile wielding power, reckless laser return. I got no such, NI and under his leadership, the nation was so quickly be racked by turmoil that for years here. It would be as parties convention playing out against a backdrop of warfare in the streets, sound familiar handy coverage of john, in the fall of nineteen sixty four was so uniformly positive. The We d and media accounts for almost indistinguishable from the man presented by his meticulously stage managed campaign a benign father. your spreading even more great society, large s across the land, even as you they stand is hard hearted opponent the would be destroyed.
of the world. President urges political vision, ran a typical new york times headline over a story that began president johnson, daddy hated himself today. The politics of excellence restrain envision interesting and yet and yet the doing it today there is no question. And they're doing it with the help of these republicans in Biden with them, of obama is running. The nineteen sixty four rerun avail be Jake and buried a war with some exceptions, of course, no comparison is perfect, but it's perfect enough. Then this ideological attack was given birth
By communists, marxist who came to this country Thirty's in the forties to escape hitler but to Britain up, promote marks. And so today, everybody's hitler nobody's hitler. Then it was george orwell who said fast. ism is reference so often, and he was an anti fascist. Though we don't even know what it means anymore We got another of india edge and with bands.
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Making you're weekend even better this system, best of mark levin. I have to get something off my chest that doesnt really relate anything. I've been talking about. But I really been grinding my teeth. My blood spin boiling over this. There's really only one way to get the hostages, those who are still alive from Control of these terrorists and these women are being raped repeatedly. They are being brutalized there being murdered. And noticed we don't hear anything about, the men must produce we have heard some stories of rape against the men in nineteen. Seventy two.
when the peaceful, moderate palestinians and are Fat. The pillow They they call themselves the palestinian authority. Donna, nineteen seventy to munich olympics they kidnapped. the israeli libyans now during the Worse of that, many of you may not know this. They castrated in front of the others, Israel's weightlifter mr produce they castrated and, of course, they killed them. It's not just a one year old baby, that's still being held hostage assuming babies alive. I mean they
he's a lot of attention and little children. In age, girls being raped repeatedly, brutalized. Mothers and grandmothers the same Happening to the men and the boys. there's, really only one way to bring this hostages redundant. And people are not gonna like this, but you're dealing with terrorists, and I understand And I will come under attack for this, but I dont care. The truth is the truth that is for Israel that take hostages to- and I don't mean to brutalize them- an attack them and read them is where would never do that? The jury,
heritage would never permitted, nor should it. But what I mean is not, in the traditional sense of a hostage. I mean in order to make a swap, because that's why these hostages were taken in the first place. This is what hamas does islamic yard. The muslim brotherhood. And I'm not even talking about innocent palestinians talking about Hamas palestinians.
I'm not even talking about women and children. I'm talking about Hamas. Terrorists p o w, as they say now you want them back. You give us our people back and just because Joe Biden is weak just because Joe Biden spent In some billions to get hostages back and so the enemy takes more hostages, it doesn't mean that every country needs to demonstrate that kind of lunacy and insanity. We have our hundred of your hamas terrorists. A hundred m.
We want our people back and by the way you lay one finger on our beautiful girls anymore. We want hunt down the perpetrators and we will kill them period. That's not even proportionality,. No, you don't take the women and children you dont brutalized them and torture them in rape them period, but you take the combatants and you use them as pawns. You don't take your own people back in exchange for a cease fire that gives the enemy in upper
and it'll never work for the israelis, you certainly don't listen, listen to Biden and blinking. If you want to lose a war You're gonna lose more of your people. If you want to suffer another october, seven attack, we are women and children are raped and brutalized and be headed and all the rest. Go ahead and listen to bind and blinkered, but all the pressure on Israel, they say let the gazans go back to their homes when you finally stop. What you're doing is wrong and we would like a diplomatic resolution, a diplomatic resolution with terrace america. Isn't that been the problem, diplomatic that Ilana, resolute, doesn't matter. The use of the lunatics that we're dealing that dangerous, suicidal lunatics, inviting a blanket
They would never allow us to happen in their communities. Never fact they keep funding the enemy, paving cut a penny from IRAN, an increase, the or sanctions they ve taken, all those off the having cut a penny from me. Hamas run Gaza through on raw and were now finding that people working for the EU and under many them Our hamas terrorists and their pouring money into the palestinian authority, the old arafat pl lo, who are killing jews in judea and some area and blaming the Jews. So I just relevant. He was secretary defence. It is prostate cancer, any goes in four procedure and is under general, anastasia.
Nobody in the white house knows about it. Presently, united states doesn't know about it. The deputy secretary defences vacationing puerto rico. She doesn't come back the chief Step has the flu unease at home and he doesn't come in the kind of ministration we have. Ladies and gentlemen, the sector, defence, the deputy secretary defence, the chief of staff to the sector defence, are a and the white house isn't even aware of it or pretend not to be aware of it. So Joe Biden, I guess, doesn't really keep in touch but what's going on militarily, does it you're sitting to the best of mark lovers.
You ve seen some of the breaking news. Chris Christie is out of the race. I want to comment on this. I listened carefully to every word in his speech. It was contemptible, To bring up the israeli hostages in order to make a cheap point, attack trump about as low as I've ever heard. And this is not a classy guy. This is not a guy that does Damn about the country he. is an angry. Ruling class establishment publican given birth, the bush administration. Is? U s attorney. And he is doing what establishment ruling class republicans always do. Try to sabotage their opponents will give you an example.
In nineteen eighty, when the girl, President Reagan was running in the republican primary. you already ran a nineteen. Seventy six against europe where job for was elected president. He got the presidency by an The resignation of richard Nixon, he was a horrendous kennedy, good man, but he was fairly liberal. Moreover, rockefeller republic. Which is why I chose rockefeller, but he wasn't a man for the time and yet the republic stablekeeper, linda behind. Some of them were radio host. Today, some of them tv commentators today. Some of them still give advice
Campaigns today on tv and elsewhere, yet how to stop reagan, an extremist garrison reckon he couldn't be anywhere near the nuclear button as they call it. I remember my home. suburban area outside of silly and pennsylvania, the republican establishment, their ran that town back then El township, which is all democrats now, of course,. They told me over and over again, ragging cannot win because I campaigned heavily and all ized others to campaign heavily for reagan and seventy six. A mere nineteen years old? I guess less than that. so seventy six, they denied reagan the nomination came about a hundred give or take
Convention dolly had short and after he gave a speech, people said. I think we made a mistake, but they didn't mean it. Breaking out so you can run a nineteen eighty, this republican establishment rises up against bob all an honourable man, the great hero, bob doll, george w bush, John Anderson Six or seven of them. Trying to deny ronald reagan- denomination all, but one of those We saw crane was a libertarian consider all the other, ruling class, moderate republicans, establishment republic.
The things they said, particularly the push camp. about ronald reagan, were disgraceful. John Anderson decided go third party. he said he was sort of the atom kings in rivers day, but they failed. Luckily,. In writing ET the nomination. Roger said, this is right when he said the other day. That about a year out in the general election or so. when the poles were pulling reagan. He was twenty four weight behind Jimmy carter in as our body, craig shrilly the foremost,
expert on the reagan president dear friend, is he would tell you. Actually, about six weeks out give or take Reagan was behind prominent republicans. Mitch Mcconnell during the republican primary head back gerald ford and he would not back right. until much later. Nineteen eighty car arose was all in for bush, as you can imagine And it really wasn't until reagan, one the nomination there. Through an pretended, he was in front of the parade for reagan. He was not never was. How do I know. because I'm a seventy six rigging in an eighty The guy, with the ever heard, a car rove regulars, denounced, he called I'm stupid.
Reckless he'd get us in a world war. Three, as I have explained, For they call him hitler. There are individuals who gave speeches like Christie. Did this evening, this guy christy, Like the others is a self righteous egomaniac. If you don't agree with him, there's something wrong with you fundamentally wrong. You and your character. And that he will do everything it can to stop donald trump from getting elected president. the two time. Loser against trump is lost in twenty. Sixteen any loss this time. reckon one a massive landslide victory. In that we were told he couldn't, and he wouldn't.
Massive landslide victory, even with a third party kennedy. He won over fifty one percent of the vote. Even with a third party candidate bill Clinton, Gooden achieved there. it always bother them. He was always a minority president reagan policies were told, would be very unpopular. The media in the Democrats, attempted to pay him? As for the rich. And I'm a policy for the rich, slashing patches across the board for the rich trying desperately to cut the size of government will he did, but he could have done more, but for the republicans who control the sun, and rode reagan's. Coattails ended the majority. Nineteen eighty and then served in eighty one as a result.
Hence landslide, but the rhinos. There are always the rhino this day, Coal is was fine by them, no matter who runs it. The matter what's happening, don't stir the path that the democratic and their surrogates run circles around you you dare to run or unorthodox campaigns. If you dare to speak your mind, rather than top behind somebody's back, if you dare to take on the corrupt him. Brad party media take on the fbi. And the cia are take on the open borders. Crap, you must be destroyed, that's what they tried to do, the rain and before reagan had a kill politically very goldwater before he can get out of the republican primary. They tried desperately the same people lead
Rockefeller, who ford would pick and scranton and romney carry around me father. There will be measured in new york and pennsylvania. Big states couldn't tolerate go war, they couldn't tolerate reagan and they can't tolerate trump. The same people. Look, I understand. Donald trump is not an orthodox politician speeches. Mind says things that at times cause people to cringe.
The same can be said of Joe Biden, obama and his hate america comments. Pelosi says most disgusting things, but there are given a pass tokay because they get a stop hitler. Creatures campaign was an absurd campaign from day one hell returned to a b c news and his buddy George step a lap and stuff apples, of course, is best known trying to destroy any woman who came forward to tell the truth about that sexual predator bill Clinton. Staff, annapolis didn't have a journalist background, but they they choose him To be a morning host and meet the press, we did,
third, this pair sunday, that donald trump did commit an active in or the pixel Like chuck tired, but his radios were so bad that it given the buddhas but chuck Todd still with us. Mr Barroso, I don't seem to hear from you I must say you know, that's like the that's where they, any it's like a single, a minor minors baseball though the Democrat meet the press. Announced that he will have no guests who dare to challenge climate change even https and physics, but we can have them mother from mit. We have some from prisoner their deniers. College customers, like the palestinians, can have them tournament.
To put the embrace them, that's over another story. Chris Christie was never a conservative chris Christy's, not a truth, teller He ran a campaign to get even he wanted. The attorney general was furious. Had nowhere to go in this affair. this is how I look a billboard. I've known bill toolbar while I'd consider us the pass friends in this. Wife, whose lovely would invite us to their christmas, partisan. Once told me, he remembered me: I like to eat the food now, that's the pot the kettle black as it now MR producer, but nonetheless I promise Bar as he waited until december. T there be fired a resigned depending on who you believe
in the administration give or take for two years. He worked closely with president trap. So all the things he says no, on fox and elsewhere, I scratch my head and I say I am perplexed because This is a man who defended. This is a man you work with and work for. But all of a sudden, you find him to be the greatest threat ever in the office. The presidency. You find it to be lawless,. Suddenly the light bulb goes off and that's what you conclude now it doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way. So mcchrystal studies would trouble Governor new jersey, trumpets is developer in new york, but also as is beautiful the new jersey Chris.
like the high life always did always does likes being around people of well people of prominence and then the light bulb went off suddenly He's never trouble. You know the funny thing about me. I am not one of these people who gets, Guinean by personalities, I really don't in the twenty fifteen and sixteen republican primary supported ted crews, whose a dear friend of mine, I knew crews for years. I think he's tremendous. I also think it would have been a great present he's a great senator. He's a solid rigging. Conservative.
Then he lost three bubblegum primer, fair and square, and then I endorse donald trump after he gave his gettysburg's peak People say mark you were never trumpery, whose For a never trump or I've explained it a thousand times, but I'm not gonna explain it again, but I was for cruz and then I backed trump strongly, and I don't regret it, and I regret it. He's done tremendous things for this country, a great personal expense. He loves the country, dissenters, loves the country. Tromp has lost. A lot, is now fighting for very freedom in his life christine You never had to do their nobody's had to do that as a result are running for office.
though. a great one makes your weekend even better, this he's the best of mark loving you circus. You. the individual that truly at the centre of the public and the individual who provides the narrative for the various hacks, individual who, Really draws in the the crowds attention too tough job, too tough job. But when you're a lawyer, that's not your trap, abbe low! I thought it was a great lawyer and I think, he's a clown not evenly.
the man at the centre of the circus, the clown. although I think I m clowns and when I say that these spectacle with hunter by first on the steps of the capital, and then today in the house today, J committee, then. When a pr points, but it did reached me. That hundred doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. There are only only give testimony in public. While there are others who said the same thing, but they had honour their subpoena or face charges by the Biden, justice department, the Committee today in the house voted a hold hunter and contempt. Vote now goes to the full House where I think he will be telling contempt by the skin of their teeth, because Rabbit republicans are running out a republican and I hope
our friend peter Navarro Stephen ban- and I hope there watching this. Because of the department of injustice, doesn't charge hunter by I have my lawyers- find a way some way to raise the issue of equal protection. Why does the president's son not face criminal. Charges for defining and really define. because bennett and of our arrays constitutional issues, the court judgment I agree with it, but As far as they are legitimate. Turbines by raising any issue sees given them the middle finger and tell them to screw off, and I know why and I've told you why, because Joe will pardon no matter what that's now being regurgitate, by friends of ours in the media and the right to regurgitate it.
So a hundred buying is laura. Cocky is how, because they know the and he's not siren. One second imprison, not a second He will partners son, but why. mark. He showed you out he's a liar. He will. If he loses our partner on the way out when pardon me and don't give a crap those there's another anybody can do so either. That's what's gonna happen. So that's why doesn't take much to be hunter binds lawyer. That's why do a clown show. That's why you can define a committee of congress. And that's why you can break the law, willy nilly and, moreover, theirs The reason Joe Biden would want to partner son anybody know. So a sun can never be patient trial, put on trial.
In any matter that might reveal. His fathers and bob. It's, not a tax issue per se or any of that, but notice. and been charged with a far violation yet- and I ve talked about this months and again back benches are burping. It Now, as they should, they show is for them to because Fora, But all the sign is a big deal now that they have used it against trumps. Folks, wasn't a big deal before, but then again its trump and his folk. Because, as I've said over and over again here on fox on blaze and everywhere else,. Joe Biden is a co conspirator. when it comes to hunter Biden that, Falling but refusing to registers of An asia to very broad law
Catch a lot of people- I don't mean to be caught, but hunter guidance. Violations of far are textbook violation. as of today, has been charged with any other place. Man. Afraid in solitary confinement, try to get him to flip on companies that there's nothing to flip lot. He didn't care guy- has a heart attack, swat team sent to his house. They didn't care, the obama judge. Forget what the hell I name Was- doesn't really matter another another row judge did they I think the roger stone same damn thing that not hunter no. The notice of the democratic defend hunter hair tunnel, Tromp family had done half of what the Biden family it does all this money,
flowing in from foreign interests washed through these front corporations Absolutely nothing in return daddy on the phone number, the phone Tromp had with the head of ukraine excuse said it no problem and it wasn't a problem, but when it comes to Joe I know on the phone he doesn't always talking to. He doesn't know where we are. He is, he doesn't know, what's going on everything's fine, sick, I robot dope crap. While they all know will hold him in contempt, in put it attorney general all arrest him over their present. It troubles correct it Deputy attorney general who's running the department of injustice. Monica was your name. she's, a radical she's, a marks,
As our so many of them over there, the truly appalling, what's taking place in his country, and the people who are the tyrants, the people who are the two how a terence the people who are the part of the aristocracy, but should I say autocracy better yet. They want you to believe that there are in the right that they represent here. I want to say something to the people of iowa voting coming monday and look I'm not making predictions american just saying my feelings: Very important, Nicky hayley not come in second place. making health is a creation she's, a concoction she has her back,
I the ruling class, and that would include the republicans in washington, but many she has the backing of the republican a structure that is the operatives that consulting the road types. The journal editorial pay. Here's the backing Wall street billion errs on both sides that conservatives yes, some republicans, of course,. and she sought their backing and she got. It is the backing of Democrats we're going to vote. for buying and support by. Why is that? is the backing of the american media, who want her to be the republican nominee. So all the wrong people want
to be the republican oddity. Why? Because they longed for the day, gerald ford and george w bush and george w bush a law? for the days of impotent. Republicans I won't even say leadership because that's not leaders they want. Relations with communist china. They wanna keep working with communist china to make money. They don't want to secure the border even Now, even in new york there putting illegal aliens in public schools kicking the kids out, that's their preferred. There are so many millions of illegal aliens in this country. There's literally know where to put them- and I want you to think- Something is aside now, if Joe Biden, god forbid, were somebody like him is president another four years.
We could well have as many illegal aliens in this country as The population of pennsylvania. Perhaps illinois from Massachusetts worthy all gonna go. Some of you haven't been touched by this. You will be. There is no question about it. Nobody's ever see anything this contemptible, this suicidal this insane, but it's the fall climate change. You know and the republicans. he hayley, hasn't lead the fight on securing the boy. Shouldn't lead the fight on anything.
She does not have a conservative record a run on cause she's not running a record is quite poor. Actually, she's billions and billions millions and millions of dollars behind or millions to lie to you. To tell you she is the alternative and she's a woman by the where she Have you ever noticed. At one side of her mouth. She admires Hillary Clinton out of the other side of the mouse. She admires. Maggie thatcher means cinema. Anybody except herself. She's, a creation she's a fiction. She's, the candidate amalgam,
the forces that you cannot stand and who will undermine as every step of the way you need to think about this. And not allow your emotions, you, you know the The general you not each and every one of you. Because only a massive mistake we talk about the after that is our country right now, and I son raveling and we're running out of time, so Nicky Hayley. We should. we should get behind Nicky hailing the republican primary. Why. She would sell out the disney she would sell out the communist china. This is your background. She, we consider peaceful palestinians from gaza Although she changed her mind on that one, when she was called out by december Much commentators all over tv
trashing that, however, the sentence dissenters these commentators and these media outlets. I despise and I'm thinking. if your choice of between two santas and highly were, why would you vote for healthy? Why? Wouldn't you up the santa. So in my view it is very important that scientists have a good showing in iowa why to knock out Helen. because, with the open primary new Hampshire, not talking about caucasus Talking about eight open primary. whether a so called former republican governor. And the sooner dynasty there are pushing hard for independence and democrats to vote for nicky hailing. renewed pushed hard for christie to get out of the race, even though he wouldn't endorse he will eventually, but even though we wouldn't this, All the set the stage for a healthy.
Millions from Austria. Millions from companies that want to do business in china are merely from open border crowd, like coke industries,. What do they know that we don't know the answer is we do now. I listen to people on tv and elsewhere who defend her and support her. They say nothing, they say nothing. We need a leader statesman. We need somebody's gonna do something They ask yourselves quickly if I gotta take a break. Why do they want to put donald trump imprisoned do something so horrendous. Why was it? What did he do? with the clan act
The Enron act, the federal contractor, His handling of documents charge him in new york with a fraudster. that doesn't require fraud where there's no complainant to trying and destroy business. You gotta sleaze, ball, district attorney, enfolding county is abused or offices. Views are office, has has her sweet, Apparently, reportedly rico statue, If ever there was a meeting twice with council, do the present in the oval office, for which the media have no interest whatsoever again, can you put the shoe on the other foot and imagine if all this was happening trump or president to Biden? Eric garland doesn't have a problem with any of it. Of course,.
Why do they want to imprison so damn badly? What are they want? A brook to set an example. That's why. Through the play, the game of the corrupt incompetent in class or the destroy you, they tried to destroy, reckon they try to destroy, Barry go were packed, they did Right back over his presidential campaign. and they destroyed his reputation in many corners. We are giving you nothing, but the best, the best of mark Levin Joe Biden. Of his appeasement and, worse. is rearming our enemies. Iran, Hamas, hezbollah. The palestinian authority and the who we used to IRAN has now
Bandit the war in the Middle EAST. First, they keep blaming is Robert Israel's focus like a laser, no it's by In a blanket and Sullivan. it's more larry and curly. They have expanded. The war in the middle east as resolve a provocation, shouldn't created from their unwillingness to take out major? Military side in IRAN. In other words, it is their planning with the british supposedly targets in yemen that are controlled by the hutus, but I don't know about you folks
a rat's nest. You don't keep chasing the rats that escaped the nest. You hit the nest, but they won't do it and arrange sees it so ran Has come up from behind Hamas and hezbollah and the vote is now seized an oil tanker in which our government, the united states, has an interest already enforces. Ports fox? Have seized an oil tanker in the gulf of omar to military officials, confirmed the seas vessel previous. previously known as the suez regime and now known as the I shall islands, flag oil tankers. Saint Nicholas was one at the centre of another dispute between the. U s and around that ultimately saw the euro sees over one million
Of a rainy crude oil armed iranian soldiers, partly boarded the vessel this morning. We condemn this If the parents seizure, the iranian government should immediately release the ship and it's crew said they spoke said he had John kirby who lied to us and covered up for Biden and his ilk when Afghanistan went to the taliban, they slaughtered our soldiers and they took americans hostage. Kirby said these provocative and unacceptable acts. We need to stop what what kind of nonsense is if we continue to work with our allies and partners to determine confront the full Of iran's concerning destabilizing behaviour, in close coordination, of course, with the international community, but that's interesting, so job
Has learned what never table and learnt accept, never chamberlain. Had a learning zone and Joe Biden had the history novel chamberlain, and what am I talking about this and out of pity, is an enemy but finds worse than ever chamberlain, as I've been explaining for months. He realized the enemy he's provided billions to the enemy, they're using it against us, the using against our armed forces they're using it, Hence the israelis. The ship was in transit to turkey, which is an enemy. when the iranian naval forces boarded and sees the vessel pentagon press, I pray major general pat rider, there's another loser, sonata loser honestly, if you're a general one star to star
What are you doing as a yet communications person? They subsequently force that I got to change course toward a rainy and territorial waters and status. Was unknown at this time, while maybe they want another six billion dollars caught the activities cod International law, you know you and I, if you know, or study or understand the nineteenth thirty squealing like stuck pigs, all the third reich? They need to stop this, their violating international law. There are not allowed to take dish and do their actions. That's what evil regimes genocidal regimes understand. Nothing else. Nothing more
We call on a ran to release the tiger and the crew immediately a moron, but the star on your shoulder one on each shoulder. The iranians ready, purposely took the ship. crew, so why would they immediately release the tanker in the crew? The? U s and other western navies had been combating attacks from a ran back hooty rebels in yemen in the red sea for weeks, but IRAN itself has not taken direct action beyond sending one of its naval vessels to the region. The hoodies had been in state department, designated foreign terrorist organs. Asian until february, twenty twenty one. While what happened in february, twenty twenty one divide administration revoke the designation as a tourist, organization, while of course Hamas is not does
It is a terrorist organisation by the, u n, so unripe sense, hundreds of millions of our tax dollars mostly to Hamas, with which it builds, tunnels, missiles, rapes, tortures, murders, trumpet cut it off, but in blinkin turn the spigot back on their blood under their fingernails. Their drenched in blood. But the israelis, if they would just capitulated, to state solutions, announced today by agency, blink and myself haider here, since today. This and it is that it. the two state solution with a palestinian state, you know the peaceful palestinians that would vote for Hamas and two seconds. That would do more to stop orion than anything else. Oh I got it so, sir.
There are thirty. Your country, your ancestors Homeland to dance and some area shrink your borders further. Subject your people major cities now so what took place on october so- and that is how you bring peace with iran now Biden just gave them billion button, took the restrictions of the shipping of oil, which, of course, they ship. The china. And they get the money from China and they build weapons for russia. Nobody knows this. Punkin knows this. They all know. The, u S, navy is shut down. Numerous missiles and drones fired by hooty rebels were shooting down missiles and drones, should we be destroying These bases that shoot the missiles and drones yeah. I think that would be a good idea.
So the war has widened because netanyahu mapping Of the israelis, not because of treiber because of Biden and the wars. Widened and the world's about be all lit up, IRAN's seizure comes just one day after the hoot is launched. The largest attack to date on international shipping lanes in southern red sea and the communist chinese are looking at this and they're saying wow. The americans are easy pickings if they can't stop the hoodies in iran because they don't have the guts to take. An iranian oh they'll, hit the who did you work, but they will not hit around.
then, what are they gonna do to us? China. We have one point: four billion people four times as many people, no state where modernizing our nuclear missile capabilities, the united states has done nothing. we ve expanded our navy? The united states is the next to nothing. We force our young men in the military service. The pentagon, because awoke ism they force our men out of military service pack were not even allowed to call the men. A nation in decline because of the american people, because the democratic party. Joe bide running around haze hat, trappers. Where are you trying to take our democracy? No, you puts.
You remind me more and more ready america of stolen, though, can I say that I think I just to accept Helen was a vile, genocidal, maniac you're, an idiot, but youth in your policies have resulted in the deaths of many. On our own border in ukraine because of what you did in afghanistan. In the middle east, where was they control until you, he came in and started to rearm, the enemy. You have blood all over you Biden lincoln, yet the funding. am I.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-15.