« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 11/11/23


This week on the Mark Levin show, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going behind the back of Congress, and the Israelis to try and negotiate a two-state solution. But Hamas isn’t interested in that, they want an Islamic caliphate. Also, Joe Biden’s family members are representing foreign entities under FARA, yet none of them have signed up as agents, which was used against Donald Trump allies like Paul Manafort. Joe Biden is benefitting from these interests and getting his cut from people like Hunter Biden, which makes Joe Biden a conspirator to violate FARA. There is more than enough information and predicate to appoint a special counsel, yet Merrick Garland refuses to do so. Republican billionaires are not as patriotic and conservative as they used to be, while Democrats have billionaires like George Soros who will pour in endless money to flood the air with ads for their candidates. There should be a House oversight committee looking into George Soros and his deep investment in the Democrat party, corrupt liberal media groups like Media Matters, and groups that are anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. America is dying and cannot afford to have another Bush, Christie, Sununu, or McConnell Republican in the White House because they will not be able to reverse the damage done by the Obama and Biden administrations. Nikki Haley has been lying about Ron DeSantis’ decision on energy and lies about her own position with Communist China and doing virtually anything to have China invest in South Carolina.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by my favorite college in america, hills stale college, which probably fuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation, Ales data for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door, It's locks bolted. What a great one just resting on our laurels. He's king sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best this. it's the best more club. I spent a couple hours over the weekend compiling the hate, laced history. Of anti semitism and hatred. Will it cnn he washington post? MSNBC the associated press and I could go on for,
aids and days and days sharing. Did you check out my view, Social sites on the various platforms, if you want check that out. one day I write a monthly There may be even a book on this because it's important understand and I will name names as well from jake tapir and who else was there Just so many. Many has son what political Offer he's been on the subject, but not just him all of them. This is the mindset at Sea- and this is the mindset and MSNBC the washed- impose the new york times. It's terrible, terrible. But I want to read something to you, because you keep period the two state solution and the sectors
a blanket. It was the deputy secretary state under obama I'll get to him in a minute. There's twenty, diplomacy from one. Murderous genocide regime to another, some of them headed by terrorist, some of them headed by islamists, And what does he trying to do? It? they say the media that, I to make sure you know, aren't more fronts better opened against Israel. Now what he's doing he's gone but me in the back of the united states congress behind her back at the american people behind the pack, though the israelis negotiating free so called two state solution they put that up their official state department website. They want israel to stop defeating Hamas.
They want israel by words As a great peace on this, too Her into its sixteenth sixteen ceasefire. Over the years sixteenth, where guises rebuild them. On our own and then they attack Israel again and people are right when they say and you're the here. There's some fox. that there was a cease fire all the way up to October sectional telly. Until the Hamas and that's nazis, broke the cease fire. But that's not my point. Memory, which is a great site, if you want to check it out, m e m r. I. Memory, dot org Was camera dot? Org? Like the word camera see, I am e r, a dot org. But memory dot org,
staff and others who interpret arabic. Other languages overseas They mention a columnist. The solemn mature Hamas is not palestine and our arab london publication. Without getting into all the details, it gets into a whole lot of detail, So I believe it's a she, but whichever I want you to listen to this brilliant point. There can never A two state solution. Because Hamas. Hezbollah, the amber grew umbrella group. The most
brother heard, which has a long history a hundred year, history is not interested in us. the richer stood in a caliphate. Just like isis. They ve tried on several occasions under the umbrella of the muslim brotherhood and that's what Hamas is part of the muslim brotherhood to knock off. Option leaders in the Did it with my back and of course, the assassination of said that taken over lebanon. That is this effort as at a caliphate they now control? What was a country of lebanon there more power, For the new government there they ve, taken over with the who, tease yemen.
Yeah man, they they control yemen. Now. And they're, taking over other arab states in other states. In the middle east and elsewhere there not interested in Cora quote two state solution, but they are interested in the united states, given them territory from which It can continue their caliphate. And it wouldn't matter for was abbas with fatigue party or some group or whatever it is, with a grab it The chunk of land from the israelis In somalia, they would push the indigenous peoples the Jews off there We create this. This fabricate this, this country. And the point of this author is- and this is the only arthur, there's another author in egypt-
Written essentially the same thing. The west doesn't understand what's going on or if they understand it there denying. This is a caliphate. Hamas is not interested in a tree unless it could overtake it and use. As a base, which. Leads me to my next question per job. I, blanket obama and the other reprobates. What exact with this other state. Look like. On Israel's border Exactly would it be different from the Gaza rip, which was the two state solution? How which was too. Two state solution didn't work out. Because the terrorists, the islamists, seek this caliphate, they don't care. but the united states and europe, and the, u n or whoever else,
Stalls some committee. To some some new country, that they car by a tiny little israel, not gonna, limit they're not limited by down trees, there Limited by state sovereignty, they don't care about. Any of that do not a governing party. There are terrorist movement, a terrorist movement. an ideological islamist movement reed they write read their mission statement, this by idea of a two state solution is a disaster. I need obama, pushes it binding, pushes it blank and pushes it. The eu, and persia too, country side by side living in peace, show me where that is this in the Middle east, though
I'm also said there never going to give up in there have ever this are the Jews, muslim brotherhood, islamic jihad, same thing, iran same thing. So how exactly what this state be governed? How exactly what anybody prevent their toppling? Of these so called government and that so called other country. How exactly. Your prevented probably come, highly militarized base, from which Destroy the jewish people in Israel? How would you do it? You can't do it it's impossible. these so called two state solution with to the annihilation of the Jews. The annihilation of so called moderate arab states and country from which the nuclear rise to ran and others would be able to threaten- and, in fact attack
the united states, the united states interests all over the world. there's nothing humanitarian about, what's being pushed by obama Lincoln they are fools absolute fools. H so called two state solution must be opposed with every fibre of our being america So they're talking about it. Even whether holding Israel back. from eliminating Hamas. even while their funding iranian to this day wanna caliphate. They don't want. A quarter quote state with borders They want more than that. Islam is revolution, that's what it is, that's what it
continue to be in here is little israel trying to take out one little piece of it and the run tat from the united states of america just from our streets from our media from sea, The washington post print thomas. Promoting our times, from reuters and eight p premise, We there are under attack, and there are the only ones that actually Flesh and blood on the line, and they are fighting, caliphate movements that seeks to spread grab the middle east with the united states the most stupid regime in american, his paid to reward the terrorists after their attack on Israel, The only way to resolve this, they say is: finally for Israel to lose ro, we all know is
its inhumane, its targeting citizens looked at all the simply pictures left and right. Don't you see. and of course we have this thirty forty fifty baby was twenty million. I don't really care people marching in Washington DC. The media. Do not tell you that that's fine, by international answer: ain't gay marches operation. The media- do not tell you that its by the hamas network in the united states. It I've been talking about for a four month right now, which acts care in these other operations. The media will not tell you that many of the front groups involved the now Governmental organisations have been funded by george soros. There's been tried, Straw is rolling sovereignty for decades. Soros and care, always welcome at the white house obama or by raising, isn't it you don't get the facts,
From jake, tapper and cnn from wolf, blitzer cnn, you don't get the facts. Msnbc an age. Mitchell, her Elk, you don't get the facts. National postal generics limes. They don't care whose funding these things in the united states and meanwhile they desecrate desecrate monuments in latvia park, they desecrate the fencing around the white house. They try climb in breach the fencing around the white house and Ivan that the united states department of justice, an fbi trying to and up as many these people as they can send out swat teams with an obvious effort in an insurrection. What these Article left wing organizations, many of which have ties to the terrorist organisations. See this.
its urgency. Do you do you? I'd help So what you ve learned here by listening to this programme and the first fifteen minutes, is more then you're gonna learn on CNN Msnbc, the near at times and unwashed imposed for years. And you're, not gonna, hear I don t know you may hear it on tv now, cable, you may and talk radio now, but this about a state. This is about a caliphate, susan about a two state solution if there is a cop. So two state solution it'll be Israel's. Final solution, what you're going to see is what we saw a year or two ago, intensity of the smear and character assassination campaign against Netanyahu's government is government. Its core
Call right wing its extreme is that now the problem we could just get rid of Netanyahu. We could judge table Two state solution: if we can- just do what obama bind and blank and want us to do at thomas raven want us to do if we can just do what jake, tapirs, cnn and others and we see it, we could just do what they want us to do in a total pages of the compost and this line. Peace will break out in the middle east, and yet they seek to put in prison for the rest of his life donald trump. He didn't see it that way. And as a result of his policies, which run completely contrary to the democratic party. Peace was breaking out everywhere, Marrakech college,
jeanne universities today are less concerned with critical thinking than with indoctrination, but I'm happy to report. There is a college where students to ideas openly and honestly where they pursue true, together with their professors where america Great heritage of liberty is studied and revered. My favorite college hills delicate as stated in hills, does founding document in eighteen, forty, four hills, nails regional mission was to offer the kind of syria liberal arts education needed to preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty across the country, and this mission can used to guide hills del college today and you can a whole lot more at levine for hills, they'll, dot, com vienna, fray hills, deodar come there, you'll find it. What video it's just over a along, showing how helstone work not only in michigan a washington dc campuses but across the nation is effective enough. american liberty. Take some time to watch today at levine for hills delta calm, that's ellie, vienne for a hills del backup.
Making your weekend even better. This is the best mark le. Then I'd want to bring up the speed a little bit there goods on buying, but they always have were not hearing anything premarital a scarlet. As you well know, this is from the daily wire. The white house dismissed her request: my house oversight trim and james combers seeking proof of president Joe Biden providing a loan to his brother james by It concerns that the commander in chief may a profit or off his family's influence peddling schemes. Robert sober special, also to the president, wrote back to coma on friday. In response to a letter, from Toby, twenty six that saw document
Haitian underline a two hundred thousand dollar check J, who's buying wrote to Joe Biden that was Labelled as a quote loan repayment in twenty eighteen Letter concerns a financial transaction between two family members says this special council thinks best about him at a time. Both individuals for private citizens, sovereign state Currently, in his reply. come on whose leading a corruption focused impeachment inquiry against pine is trying to get more information about it. Hundred thousand dollar check dated march one twenty eighteen, which he said banquet. It showed james by an issued premise per I count on the same day he received the same amount of money from america or health elsie that coming. Currently comber was going through a bankruptcy, Cities to which James bind was quote representation that his last name Biden could open doors that he
obtain a large investment from the middle east based on his political connections. Unquote. come on fisheries committee as a record supporting the clear I let me slowdown. I have my own information supporting the claim. Is there a loan document? That's what they want to know. No one, page long document. If there's not, then that's a lie. That's number one number two: if there is alone document was provided that fine had to pay any interest because of Joe Does it pay any interest in the eye? This tells you with the minimal amount of interest, is on alone. Then it would have been a gift to Joe Biden, and it should have been reported as a gift. The Joe Biden, that's number two number three, my big bugaboo. Joe Biden family members by rapid. Any foreign aid to tease foreign governments under fire.
Neither is brother nor sister in law, nor a hunter, Have signed up as agents It was used against some of donald trump closest supporters. for that endeavour We have been used before, but they used now against some very good men. Poor man referred. I think they used against roger stone, but whomever two hundred thousand, but my but mark binds not representing these interests. Biden is benefiting from these interests. he knows he's getting his money from hunter and Joe and Jim he knows there not farra registered agents of foreign governments, and so what Does I make Joe Biden conspirator to violate far.
This is on top of the phone calls and the meetings and the guy failings in the dinners and all the rest as it piles of piles of piles. there is also another check Forty thousand dollars same thing: much forty thousand dollars and, of course, he gets section from jamie rascal, whose a complete reprobate any. donald trump did was impeachable and It is to prison for the rest of his life. Rascal, whose used to these stalinist, like inquiries. Since his father was a huge fan of stolen and as they say, he's a chip off the old block. He definitely is. But I have a different question: that's not being asked, and I don't get it. Once again where's the special council. There is enough information here we call a product theirs
eddie gets everywhere there flying around like mosquitoes predicate everywhere and yet. no special council appointed by marit list. Garlon He doesn't even show his face that she was met a long time ago, under the regulation and they will not appoint one in speaking, especially also jack smith jackson. It is on the loose, he is Well, he is stalinist as well, of course, the name the bees over there in the democratic party. He's demanding a broader gag order on trump, even though The existing one is pathetically unconstitutional. and he is now making filings because there was a very smart filing, very smart by the trump lawyers say. Oh hello, every the donald trump did, while he was president, was protected. You can now go back
say: oh, that's, not, executive privilege after the fact and go after president for things he did which we believe they argue as constitutional, legal, sir. Why? But now, because he's up citizen, say that protection that period of time. The things you did during that period of time or no longer protected and Oh jack smith rights, basically an ipad peace for the new york times and unwashed imposed because a guy's, basically an idiot basically a slob, but he's got the power and the tools, the federal government as well. This is a different situation. No president has ever done anything like this. No bread, hey idiot its executive print, gimme there's. No president crap. Joe Biden, doing as we speak, these a crook. oh and also a smith And by the way, smith operates after one of the EU
I'm a judge's strips president tromp of his attorney climb privilege predict member all this. We start seeing that secret opinion by that obama pathetic phony judge who had been the chief judge of the Do you see district? Of course she would be. we haven't seen that so he stripped of attorney client privilege he stripped of his first amendment rights, which meets stripped of due process. And his lawyers are told they have to prepare for a trial four and a half months, despite millions of pay, it is a document. So he stripped of is Sixth, amendment rights, the right to effective representation council, so there they violated, first amendment the fifth amendment Six, the moment and there interfering with a presidential election. So tell me, Should be on trial here. Who's running insurrection, here, Biden.
garland, whose clearly, in the witness protection programme now smith and shrunken, There are the ones running an insurrection, its dressed up as a court room. It's dressed up as justice. It's none of those things. I've told you explained this before they create a potemkin potemkin courtroom. This will be used. Believe me, potemkin courtroom,. where we have this judge, whose I really god: she's a hack we have this prosecutors, not really a prosecutor he's a nut. And where one day we may have a jury, the jury, the In its peers, if he were a democrat. ninety four percent of the people in work, in these voted against Donald trump voted against donald trump. Isn't this sickening?
And they get sick, they most producer dry. Oh you anything by the way before I get it before. I keep going ahead, because I'm I'm getting my second wind here, but that I need one and then, of course, neither photos of they crackpot elected dammit. Brad judge. It is civil case who already rule before Donald trump. People walked into the core rumours lawyers did that donald trump us These charges are matter thing how much he owes and where they can do. but there's there's a new york. They they do these things right in front they click lights right in front of us and it Oh ho him, how who cares o hum is shocking. and it's going out all over the country and by the way, their trash That judge again in florida.
all the usual marches operations like salon. Real commie operation, but more because the judges, a real judge, she's pointed straight by the book And she's, making decisions on motions- she's, not here at take a look at this trunk. She sis that this trial beheld before General action she insisted be held during the primaries. The first date is the day before which was all intentional, and then she told prompt the shut up. So here too recipe. Candidate has told us shut up, can't defend himself, can attack the prosecutor. He's running for president, so they're doing everything humanly possible cripple him, but you know what here's the thing many americans are onto it. But here is
concern- and I mentioned to this to you months ago months ago-. They want to have that scarlet letter of convicted phelan number that We even have been talking about, and now the democratic party pro mass media, that's what they are. Not against Hamas than your pro hamas kebby. Partly again, thomas use. Their statistics use propaganda than then pretend years: Shooting com, as you seem no you're, not you're pro hamas. Take saying calling them, as I see them, of the nazi germany. Yet none of your presidency. But the point is this: they want that. scarlet letter because them you say, it's one thing and they don't like buying, they might vote for trot. But if he's convicted,
On it's gonna be very difficult for some of these people to vote for me. So that's the game plan. That's the game plan Well, you know I had known about this. until somebody sent this to me from bright part today this morning, Jim Jordan, censorship, org election integrity partnership was created at the department of homeland security agencies request now. This is really unbelievable, The police state is here. Jordan is release further evidence of the collaboration between the federal government in private institutions to censure. First amendment member protected speech of americans, including new files that show that the infamous election integrity, partnership, understand. This is in my book, the democratic party hates america.
which targeted social media posts for censorship. During the twenty twenty election was created at the request of the and a homeland security under Joe Biden and The examples of the censorship machine and action share by. Jordan is requested. Sensory tweet by president trump, including a link to a bright bar news story. You, like integrity partnership is a consortium of four organizations, stanford internet observatory at counts digital forensics research lap. What sounds so professional the university of washington centre for an informed public, represent Dan bishop in a hearing. The house. Homeland security committee earlier this year played a clip on earth by the foundation. for freedom online, showing the atlanta council can really discussing the ipcc, quote: partners The government must particularly those at the hs.
Ok, so who were they monetary who are they trying to squelch censure must produce. Take a look at the list here: Looking at the list, news let's targeted by the eu, included bright barred news, fox news, the near post, epic times As a social media accounts, a prominent consumers, Charlie Kirk Tom, fitting jack, both black mark levin, James o keefe and sean hannity among others. That's not nice. That's not nice at all. I'm sure jake tapirs going to be very upset about this boat blitzer to Andrea Mitchell. Joe Scarborough, I'm sure they're all gonna be saying this is outrageous. so this show am I
social sites for targeted for sensor, among others, other folks, other conservative by the federal government through a third party, This is why, Still and well considered elon musk a hero. He's lost money on twitter ally. But he's one billion air put its money where its mouth is. he didn't need all the headaches, the left, love them. Answers in really know anything about em. and here is under federal and Allegation now by the southern district in new york and main justice. Why? Because you and fall in line with buying and the Democrats, that's why. the police state is here. The police state has been here. You know folks haven't gotten me, the democratic party hates america go look at that
months on amazon you're sitting to the best of mark. love in italy only billionaire and I can think of who consistently with generous with an enormous amount of money. Machine and analysing the late sheldon idols. Money for their house money for the senate money for presidential candidate Multi billion airs when the republicans people Two three: twenty five: fifty billion dollars: twenty million forty million fifty nine for them, that's like by a hot dog and a baseball game. Don't they care about this country too?.
If they cared about saving this country's much as the democrat, radical left wing billionaires cared about destroying it. That would shore help, but Other things here miss but Kamel is out of sync. Mitch, Macao has always been about Mitch Mcconnell and he gets the backing. from the liberal media but left wing media politico, the washington post, new york times when he conservatives Tea party revolution, the reagan revolution, the trump revolution he's, not a leader figurehead. And so are mostly senior People in the senate around him, fighters they down on the conservatives in the house. They look down on the base at elects them.
It rather be in a minority. then have these these crazy conservatives in the senate and the house and in the oval office I've seen it up close folks. Listening to one of the few hosts in america,. Bon gmos run for office. He knows what I'm talking about. But you're. Listening to one of the few I said whose involved in your presidential campaign for reagan, in seventy six when we lost lost, To the rhinos. And in eighty one we won, Massive landslide. And Reagan was still under cut by the republican established, wanted to get rid of the department of education. He was blocked by mark Hatfield and howard baker in there The majority in the senate, no thanks
campaigns, they rode his coat tails and office? This is the problem You had approximately one hundred ninety democrats in this house yesterday who voted against censuring rashida, Talib and media even friendly media. Will you get it right? he wasn't censured because she criticized Israel. She was and true because she supports the extermination of the Jews in Israel. That's why you dumb ass, theirs! Don't you understand. others things republicans can do that they're not doing how come the republican party National in the states, why don't they developed there when election procedures that benefit republicans the Democrats
do this all the time and then they ran down our throats. They do it by fear they by executive waters. They do by regulations, they do it by legislation they go to their friendly judged. at a judge to impose it. Why, is the election procedures that the republicans developing tat problem I, when there aren't any it only when I had to do or fight the Democrats who keep chain During the rules. So why don't we changed the rules to our benefit? Baxter Is your politics. They said republicans are responsible for them being in a minority and for us Horrific conditions imposed on us by the Biden regime about ten or twelve centre. Republicans voted against Mcconnell being the republican leader.
And they do this voting in secret We want to know votes for him and against them, because He needs to go you and I I do it all the time, but a bigger group of us need to put pressure on republic in Senate take kick phony there, how out play some other another four make day we has to go. She's a loser she's not up to them fight she's, not up to the task she's, just not the problem. in the parting. And why are we organizing our lawyers. To take on their lawyers, why We leave people, I giuliani and eastman and Worse and others out the hang all by themselves why we developing
An entire army of lawyers who will go. to these states fight to change the rules. go into these states may challenges, left and right. This is what pray do. Why won't we do it. So you're gonna hear every buffoon with a microphone and a camera in their face trial. figure out, what's going on, I'm telling you what's going on, I lived this. As a young man. Conservatism works and when its explain properly people embrace it. how much juxtaposition was there when inflation, when the Democrats.
The democrats in power, and I want the republicans were in power. The border honour, not the issues are so one sided in our favour. But they can't figure out how to deal with abortion. Do they listen to this show. Do they pay attention. Do they know how stream the Democrats are on this issue. Democrats do not believe in life or Secure the southern border. or they would demand more police. Then hand covering the cops and undermining their funding, the Democrats,
their number. One priority is not life fact: its death abortion crime in the streets, those are democrats, cities, democratic policies, don't Lock up recidivists, even if their violent out the back door. There is one little glimmer, by the way in. County. These soros, funded and did prosecutor loss by this you never teeth, but so what she lost. In the law and order sheriff and loudly canny chapman, he won his well. He one as well. We need to have a concerted effort to appoint the kind of federal judges are we need because
make decisions on redistricting and they're, making Surgeons are killing the republican party right now. Graham. The geographic and I bumped into each other from time to time linsey? Were you On the judiciary committee is intolerable. you're rubber, stamping their judges intolerable and then the other think we, To do luckily right, these bowing out, but he was gonna be primary anyway. Republican like romney need to be defeated, I'd say they all need to be conservative. but I am saying they can't be saboteurs back stabbing Benedict Arnold. And we have a lot of those in the republican party that needs to be broom doubt that needs to be cleaned away, the democratic zone have, like I said one hundred and ninety house democrats gibbered. Take they keep talking about the twenty two one
and ninety, and I posted this earlier voted to protect rashid ITALY. Even though she's using a phrase that connotes the experiment- of the Jews. From the river to the sea. From the Jordan river to the east. Israel too mediterranean on the west side of israel from the right very to the sea- means the obliteration, the extermination of the jews who reside there everybody knows that especially those democrats who were to protect her. one hundred and ninety them in four republicans canvas again because can, because I had case he's ahead case.
But time massey tonic talk and some other time men under heard before. And we need to focus on the real issues in this country and this back and forth stuff. This is a back and forth stuff. This is free speech, stuff, she's, free to say whatever they all. She wants to. but the house is also free to respond to it and for it begin to think this is a waste of time. Punishing a member who promotes the extermination of Jews is not a waste of time, it's not a waste the time at all it provides. Its moral clarity, it damage
age that there is at least one party in the house of representatives. There will not tolerate it. That's not a waste of time. You guys waste time all the time. That's not a waste of time. Mark though,. The great one makes your weekend even that here. This is the Best of mark levant well The programme was over last night. I did watch but remained of the debate. And I have some observations that might be little different than most people. Making Hayley is a liar.
She's been lying about rhonda scientists, his position on energy. She's been told, she's lying and she keeps line. She lies about our own position when it comes to communist china. She was celebrating the communist party officials for years and years as governor, virtually anything to have their investment in the state of south carolina boss again to attack the santas is doing the same, which is a lie. Everybody in Florida knows. She says she's pro life she was Never a big pro life governor or pro life supporter. So she's lying about that too. and I know down the list.
Why the wall street journal. I bring all over her today because, wall street journal is not a conservative editorial page, not leftist. but it promotes peggy noon and hurry oak be used to try The tea party, twenty ten. They used to promote an amendment to the constitution. Thou shalt have thou shalt, have open borders, corset, it doesn't apologized for their position in the past. It's called the world wall street journal, not the main street journal. Is being promoted by essentially three groups I'm going to establishment bush individuals
as well as democrats in the media and bill. Air republican donors who hate donald trump. When people talk about Nicky Hayleigh, they talk about the superficial, how she was bond had to run the swami watching at about tromp what she said this. What she said you noticed she never runs on record. She runs from her record. She didn't answer the questions about her close economic ties with communist china. Should, only attack. I've been calling her george bush in a dress I guess, rama, swamis people of her me about. Training with high heels, but that's not it. It's george bush and address she's. Establishment, moderate republican now some people
I'd be looking for that, and this is what I wanted to say about that The country is dying, In the I see you we can afford to have a bush Christy sue me com or republican, and the white house. We will not This country around we'll have a respite from the Medical left, but we will not make progress, not one inch progress. During our agendas, that is a problem, and so
Oh the reason, people I donald trump, isn't because they're stupid. is it because their hypnotized is because there maggie radical mega. It's because they saw how he governed for four years. And his substance was outstanding. Peace in the Middle EAST. A boy That was more secure than The time since dwight eisenhower. An economy that was grown, in expanding increase Wealth and opportunity for americans normalcy when it came to it
It's like transgender ism, critical race theory. The same media is pushing immoral equivalency between the Hamas terrorists. The democracy in Israel is the same media that did Has and continues to try and destroy trump. The reason why many of us like to say this as a governor. Is because he can run on his record, people moved to four In droves, they still are people speak with their feet. Nikki Haley speaks with her mouth. That's fine,.
But people weren't rushing into south carolina because she was governor. Shall carolina, wasn't even thought about what people are thinking about. Where shall I move. Because Nicky Hayley, what one of a mass of republican governors who basically manage as best they can the state They don't make any forward movement, they don't make any progress. South carolina is largely republican state. She even had an easy itchy accomplished. Almost nothing rhonda centres Winds by the skin of his teeth, and here play Rhino, he doesn't play it safe.
Governs the state as a constitutional conservative. And so is attacked by the wall street journal. Why? Because the tea party movement. The reagan revolution the tree, revolution. None of these things would have happened if the republic, establishment had its way the dissenters victory in florida. None of these things would have happened. He had a when a primary against arena. And yet what conservatives Finally, win. Your extraordinarily popular. the problem conservatives, have whether it's barry, goldwater. ronald reagan. Three attempts to get the nomination of the republican party or donald Trump is a conservative by common sense, not by philosophy.
Around the scientists and farther the problem they all have is the report An establishment, the reply but can billionaires who stopped them, who try to stop them? Who fight them. Once they muscle through they do ok, even. We have car rove out there saying if its biden, trump Be the most disastrous election in american history, a rhino established Chris Christie spends all his time appearing in front a ripple guns, trashing trop. What is the point of view. Nicky Hayley was a trump appointee. was not on the national scene, but for trump. And she said she wouldn't run against him if he decides to around, but there she is running against them, we decided to run so what right.
And I'm no rama swami fan in the least I know a charlatan. When I see one that said when he pointed out on tiktok, Nicky highly going on about all the things she's gonna do about tik tok and protect. The children from tik tok, it was absent. Legitimate for him no mention any didn't, do it in a disrespectful way and he didn't attacker He didn't attack her daughter to say We have even dealt with that in your own family. Your daughter's on Tik tok. and she called him a scum really. If we want to win the next election- and we must. We have to ignore these commentators After nor these operators.
You're on cable and elsewhere, who said their entire lives? Feeding from me. the ruling class in the establishment. We have to reject these people. Gerald ford lost against Jimmy carter for crying out. But my concern is we: can the democrats and the march send the islamists How do we deal with the fifth column in the republican party that seeks to purify the party. Whether they are in the minority or not, they are much care so that they, in contrast, continue. beyond the media. They contain to make money
Office because, honourable that's been the problem for republicans conservatives, we have a republican party that hates conservative base. Hates its conservative base. These push guys always throwing reagan's name around rove. Does it grow was never ragging. Guy Christy, christy was never ragging guy saloon. Who does it soon as family there whenever recognize? What are they talk about. George w Bush, when they talk about george w bush. I have nothing against those men personally past and present nothing, but they didn't do anything. Certainly not anything that mattered. The great change among president's the greatest republican presidents.
Where men, who were leaders, leaders. The Abraham lincoln didn't try and figure out fifteen different ways on slavery That would avoid an all out war. Having college didn't try and figure out fifty different ways to expand the economy. Ronald Reagan didn't try, for you have fifty different ways to defeat. This the union so forth. So things you do, because there right. The republican media, republicans in the media notice. I didn't say: conservatives want us to change our views on abortion.
we're getting our ashes kicked on abortion. They tell us where we are for two reasons: Number one when it comes to that issue, republicans become illiterate. Capable of speaking in explaining number to that Require party billionaires are all in on abortion on demand right to the end hakim Jeffreys just said no Directions whatsoever on abortion, papa can billionaires years. Many them agree with that. I can't tell you how many times I've had some of them and other wealthy Bob begins come up to me and say can't we just drop the social issues, in other words, the cultural issues. I've never used that phrase social issues, I've always call them cultural issues, mickey
ellie says, drop it and it's not just with abortion. It would disney its would the classroom. The peggy noon and same thing. Peggy noon was never involved in reagan's primary campaign. She came on later after got elected. She worked for dan, rather. she hates Netanyahu, she hates the scientists who course she promoted Chris Christie, but nobody one Chris Christy's up there, because the Democrats keep sending in small donation small donations. Binkie Harry said something I think it was enriched, neither tim Scott. Miranda santa she said weak. Build our navy. We don't know how many ships we need. because of our massive debt. Is its like a letter to you better
we're reagan, said you have to report prioritize spending in the federal gov? That's hard to do so. What goes to defence and left decline unless the climate change, because we to do both if we're going to survive. Now we have to do both for going to survive. Rama swami is farm policy illiterate set about now Well, cons, etc. That stuff he's a policy illiterate. He does his best imitation. Of George Mcgovern,
We are giving you nothing, but the best, the best of more cloven media coverage, guide, benson, good man. Good man, I I've always like this gentleman, always. When I watch my tv when I read is columns jest superb here media coverage of conservative rallies versus pro palestine quota call rallies. Can you spot the difference? He writes a town I come another great say. So Think back for a moment to the early days the obama administration journalists were you born because there every politician had triumphed in the presidential election and there A party had one sweeping victories at the polls, sure it is rare, linking their wounds and regrouping trying to regain and identity in the political wilderness did you
ended up scoring auspicious victories in two thousand nine, presaging their historic twenty ten romp part of which feel by intense and focus energy among conserving grass roots. much of that energy energy was for a time centred around the tea party movement. Which demanded a restoration of fiscal responsibility and constitutional government. These so called news media eager to protect obama, discredit his opposition cover. The tea party is negatively as possible, and I would include the street journal editorial page. I would include all the comments on and off the record by the republican establishment led by Mitch. Mcconnell ruling party, including the irish, took note and followed suit with their own forms of abuse, and harassment was a team effort whence Quarters of a fringe, mostly leftwing wing figure, showed rallies were placards depicting obama's hitler. The cameras flocked to them
Look at these crazies when grown men would show up and revolutionary war era garb in keeping with the tea party thing they often, see disproportionate screen time these weirdo copes players. Ridiculous when a single utterance or syllable was deemed out of the line or inflammatory that poor quote was in attributed to the larger group. Windham crash claim, without any evidence that tea party shouted racial epithets at them. The press ran with it Nancy Pelosi, whip phony tears about how scaring dangerous at all was gunnar rebel attention from her many journalistic allies. When there was no overtly offensive or problem or problematic material to work with ubiquitous insidiously, Whistles were identified. Journalists. Ears were highly attuned to these allegedly hidden despair urging racial messages about obama,
The overall thrust of the coverage was that the tea party was a hotbed of bigotry without racism and even violent impulsive simmering just beneath the service corps. Most of the actual violence attributed to the miller was either exposed as a hoax, always disproportionately catch by leftists, but that Didn't get in the way of the larger narrative in service of a broader political truth, so called news media was on a second destroy smear mission against obama's critics and that agenda Virtually all the coverage others have really by the dramatic differences between press treatment of the tea party in the contemporaneous eneas core occupy movement, the former applied for its picked up rubbish after rallies and waved american flags, the latter participants deprecated on police cars, respected no rules of law and case, He committed a soft sexual and otherwise. Guess who's overall media coverage was alive, more hostile.
Current moment is even worse. mass pro hamas hate rallies have erupt a major you, a citizen across american campuses. And a fine gravely offensive signs. A chance does not require any sleuthing or cherry pick. Just eyes and ears this so called pro palestine movement go too slow. include explicit references to killing jews, intifada. Calls for the elimination of the jewish state from the river to the sea and crowing about palestinian liberation being achieved by any The necessary cordon quote an endorsement of the october seventh terrace. it's, the of jewish civilians in Israel, more We inverted nazi. Imagery is everywhere. Popular trend among this crowd is ripping down at facing posters of hundreds of heart. It is still being held by Hamas by the way footnote on that,
I hate to say this. I know a large number of your thing. It is, but I have to say. Most of the women most of the girls, most of the young girls who have been kidnapped. And who are israelis. I gary You have been sexually abused in many of the murdered. I don't believe many of them are even alive anymore. So guidance and goes on they endlessly traffic and mine. Bending misinformation, conspiratorial lunacy, stung about the islamists and outright bigotry, train, aggressive, dehumanization of Jews they're. Here parades are widely suppressed. For my airbrush by the same news media that precede excuse me. whistles anyone violence around every corner, circa, twenty ten, they deny justified
defenders celebrate Hamas is true butchery, some call for more some deface synagogues, multiple examples: public property, washington dc menace Jews at their homes in california saw jews in the street new york city Quad in harboured attempt to kill he children in indiana even kill they pro israel demonstrator again in california. Much of the resulting coverage has been drastically and undeniably less skeptical, two hostile than what the tea party experience. No one's arguing, it should argue that there were no racists and the tea party I mean Hell, didn't crap parties filler, were If the pro palestine rallies universally hold some of the most republic views representative those events, but I argue that, unlike the former movement objectively, disgusting sentiments are very common feature of our gatherings openly
elimination of slogans had been the rule, not the exception. Yet the coverage of these respected movements, broadly reverse, that dynamic the danger and threats posed by the american right wing or self evident to most journalists. You see so they go about their accordingly, but when a ethically aligned or inconvenient group ostentatiously lives down to the image work hard to impose upon the tea party. They headline at a decisions, look rather different. They don't like to or even sensor, unhelpful facts. Juno's Journalists have true inform themselves from pointed inquisitors, accusers into publicists, it's impossible not to notice Finally, in light of another glaring galling media double standard about the relationship between political red rhetoric and physical once I ask why Not in the midst of a fraud media driven national conversation quota quote
the civility and dangerous culture of hake format. politicians words, especially in light of the multiple violent episodes that you have mentioned. Where does that sort of moral panic only apply when the news media is preferred? Team stands to benefit from a thats about standing piece on time, by guide mention the title. the coverage of conservative rallies versus so called pro palestine rallies and you spot the difference. I spotted I tasted smell it and I'm nauseous remedy.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-13.