« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 10/8/22


This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark reflects on the passing of WABC radio host Bernard McGuirk. Americans of all races, creeds, and color united to help save one another during times of natural distance like a hurricane. Still, if you watch the media, they pretend to be for the people, but their actions prove the opposite. Biden is reportedly tapping tax dollars to boost Dem registration. President Biden has unleashed a war on American energy independence and the leftwing alliance for electricity (disguised as climate change activism) is ideological and insane. The country doesn't have enough electricity to go around, especially since it takes fossil fuels to create electricity in the first place. We have a president bankrupting our economic system and making reckless comments about nuclear Armageddon. Yet, the media says that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to our country. If Biden seriously thoughtwe were facing a nuclear strike from Putin he should probably be in the situation room with military officials instead of talking smack at a Democrat Party fundraiser. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's quiet in the underground bunker. Deutsche post blocks bolted. What the great want! Isn't it resting on our laurels, he's I'm sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the best mark le then restart. Today's programme sadly about the passing bernajoux nationwide know him from me. I miss programme in an hour on new york city. Many of you know him from w a b c where he did a morning. Show did a morning showed her to sum up in the morning and Debbie ABC Bernie, and I were
I dont mean social bodies, That we won out, I don't mean that we call every day, but we were buddies We share the same philosophy I did the same weird humor. We didn't take any enemies and He was a really really smart, guy, but kind extremely kind. He would call me before I go on. I most scientists would like many command from time to time actually often and. It's a heads up. You know he's gonna. Do this he's gonna talk about that. I said. Ok, that's cool.
And he he was very loyal, ex extremely loyal. And I will show more of you around. The country could have heard his morning shot because he just fantastic. about three or four weeks ago give or take. I tried to call him. On his cell phone, which I almost never did- and there was no answer. And there was no voicemail. and I knew there was a big brown at that point. But he will be remembered as one of the great radio and one of the great people kindest
decent people you can meet in this business and those you who may have met him outside this business know exactly what I'm talking about So I want to wish Bernice, family and friends my deepest sympathies and I want to say, rest in peace. My brother, none of us. None of us may get out of here alive, one way or another one age or another, one on sir disease or another. Crime or another, we just don't make it out of here, not alive. You know well I think it was jean shepherd another great the old man years and years ago,. Who said, I was a young kid when I heard this infernal feel you know with the year tray
Mr radio antenna picking up new york, radio. but he said- and I remember he said something like this cause. It is stuck with me forever and I may pensioners to you nears past he said and, unlike I'm pretty close. You're, not gonna, be remembered after a third or fourth generation. He said you didn't exist for all intents and purposes,. And over the course of a thousand years or human history, there's probably five hundred people may be a thousand at the most. Whose names whose existence Are known and remembered, true, isn't it not to make you sad.
To make the best of the time you have on this earth with your family friends cause, that's all it's gonna matter and I believe, that's true how many of you know who your great great great grandfather was for. Your great great great grandmother was go back one more great. If you do and then you probably don't. Surely not as long ago as you think hundred fifty years, Ago, two hundred years ago, true so well. I just want to say a rest in peace and, and god bless the Bernie, then his family and he's gone too. As we say, a better place there's a lot out there today about a hundred Biden, comes out of the washington post.
so immediately I am suspicious by devil. Baron and perry stein. Whatever the hell ladders federally and see chargeable tax gun purchase case against hunter Biden, federal agents investigating Biden, son hunter have gathered what they believe, sufficient evidence to charge him but tax crimes, and a false statement related gun purchases according to people familiar with the case. The next step, for the: u s: attorney in delaware or trump administrate and hold over is what they call him. decide on whether defiles such charges? These people said. The investigation began and twenty and became a central focus for then president trump during his unsuccessful twenty twenty reelection? Every. nationally the investigation centred around how binds finances
did oversee business ties and consulting work over time in two gaiters with multiple agencies focus closely and whether he did not report all his income. whether relied on gun purchase, paperwork and twenty eighteen, according to the people familiar with the situation who spoke condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing case. Agents determine months ago. They had assembled a viable criminal case against the younger bind, but it is ultimately up to prosecutors in the department. justice, not agents. To decide whether to file charges case. We're prosecutors believe the evidence is strong enough to lead or likely can action to trial, the intense political interest in a criminal probe involving the son of a sitting, president attorney general merrick garlon, has made clear that you're so attorney in delaware. David see weiss, who is
many, thereby tromp. Now they ve twice said it is a trunk guy right must reduce it. Supervising the case, on his vow. There will be no political or otherwise improper interference in the hunter buying case and is not move. The push wise to make a decision. People familiar with the matter said: it's not uncommon. justice department take years to finish, and it goes on. And notice. They didn't talk to tony barber, linsky said yesterday, a hundred tucker crossing In our view, a bible and see the second time was really incredibly powerful. The first time was but the second time, even more so because the appeared in dublin in areas basically encouraging the apply to talk to her again. grand jury to talk to him again? That is they
Talking to Babylon ski about their investigation of a hundred by because it clearly leads to Joe Biden and a hundred binds the fall guy for Joe Biden, Joe Biden is corrupt. He's a crook, I've called him the manchurian president, because of all the money he had his family received through various ways various forms from the communist chinese regime, but I want to suggest something to you Why does this story come out now. Even within the story. It says that these investigators. looted months ago that they had the evidence to indict Hunter bind we ve heard this over the past few months too wise coming out today on october sixth, at two twin,
Six pm eastern daylight time: do you know why you know why MR producer. Before the election, though indictment now. So my question was: why would the department of injustice leak now october sixth, but a month before the election, this information on hundred Biden that they have the goods on a better course they're not going after those criminal acts of hunter Biden that my drawin big, daddy, the big guy, MR ten percent, so the making making sure they can protect jobs I, why is it, ladies and gentlemen, while I'll tell you why, which.
You're, gonna, hear this within an hour or two or three after I say, because well, are probably saying right now, many of you and your cars and trucks or at dinner table or wherever, but what are they waiting for? You ve got the goods on this guy. Even this leak says they ve got the goods on this guy. They ve had the goods on this. For months the grand jury's ready to go, it's ready to indict what are they waiting for? What are they waiting for they've caught them? It's black and white. It's a trap! Now why is it a trap? Anybody know it's a trap, because this is what they say about donald trump, but. The likes of the bar in his ilk and other legal analysts and others have been saying in low. I q
what types on the constipated news, work in her myself. I stay pools in the near slimy in the washing compost, former federal persecutors. They have trumped up right rights, presidential records act ii You know he can't just declassify on the fly sway. I await the espionage to its cut. Try, what are they waiting for this department of injustice under merit, loose garlon now q s attorney the moron director, the fbi, a k, a the american stasi. They are chopping the bit to charge donald trump, their chopping
the bit to charge more, where mickey mouse claims that's right, mickey mouse, many ass donald duck whatever. So they flop this out through their favorite. one of their favourite phony media platforms, the corrupt washed compost and their ideological phony. Reporters. Delay ape our foundation for charging president trump at some point from their point of view, the sooner the better to damage. It's your fair. We are seeing. fair. We are. We have all this phone now turbine. It's only a matter of time till we pull the trigger so only a matter of time. They're not gonna, pull the trigger against hunter.
binding on anything related to Joe Biden period, ending Related to tony babo and period. you ve got to immunize Biden, they ve got to protect him, he's there boy, but so what they bring up hundred a few charges of this after the other thing, some negotiated please deal or whatever lap among the hand, slap in the face. Put him in jail a little while what the health matters if he was a trespasser parade, on january six on the grounds of the capital. Now those people are dangerous. As if he's a pastor or and activists against abortion, those people are dangerous, one,
washed and calm posters involved, and when you have a leak like this, it's not as it seems at surface level. It's just not. its budget are that this would be linked to the washed and composting that the washed and compost would run a month before the election. The timing is relevant, substances, rob and the way they wrote it is relevant. Trumps name appears twice in the first four paragraphs of a story that has nothing to do with trump, nothing. So just to reiterate, they flop this out. There. They too were ready to go where to get one hundred with black and white open and shut case. You know it register is a foreign agents in pay as taxes. But what about
if the money he got from china and passed on to his daddy and a hey, hey, hey, where you going with this or not looking at that the trump trump to the documents he did, what the documents. I try and even the repute. Even some of them are out there saying they have trumped underwrites. So you see, ladies and gentlemen, the department of justice, work out something with hunger or their charge. Him on on counts and lay the predicate. I fear foregoing donald trump? We see only equal justice here, even however, here at the department of injustice- and we always say equal justice mark I love
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backgrounds, it doesn't matter- were red. Blooded, americans, linemen, the police, the fire fighter. The emergency person how the volunteers. Doing everything they can neighbouring a neighbour to help. One mother and to say one another, but there not the way the radical left. Thanks have you been watching television lately when you watch the putrid he enters on the view it's all about politics all the time. You want to know why they're very stupid people who never get dirt under their fingernails. They don't care about the working people on this country. They don't care about the middle class, lower middle class, really the poor. I don't care what their background Sorry, I see them now and there are illustrative.
Of so many on the left, they pretend to be for the people and they hate the people. They hate the people, Have you seen all the white supremacist, MR producer workin the electrical lines to try and get them working again. Have you seen them, ladies and gentlemen, and by white supremacists? I don't just mean white people, I mean americans, who make this country work of all backgrounds, creeds, colors, ethnicities and the rest, the white supremacist. You know. Who made the country work? You seen them all other white support. Sis, police and fire fighters and emergency personnel again regardless case. These are men and women, who are patriots who love their country in their fellow man,
a month. I wonder how many law profess to college and university professors are out there trying to impute improve the situation for the people. I really do probably none. maybe a couple more come all harris. She said the demon that national committee women's leadership forum on friday and she has lifted a finger, help the people in the border. She hasn't lifted a finger. The help the finger to help the people who have dealt with this harry And kamala harris is always about kamala harris like so many on the left She had something very very important, say: people are trying to walk back because of the push back from the american people. But I want you to hear this america. This is what she had to say on friday,
after the blaze cut to go is are lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by These extreme conditions and an impact by by. Issues that are not of their own making, and so we absolutely vital. Let's look, let's hope, so, asked about the hurricane. It's the lowest income communities in our communities of color, mostly impact it and women, says actress. Pre anchor. Chopra Jonah, I dunno. Why do I care and women? I say that's very interesting, So mother nature goes after mothers and women
for we go on with this idiocy, this insanity I dont understand the name democratic national Many women's leadership form have we not concluded now that there is no such thing as women? Have we not concluded now that all we're talking about here is birthing women or formally birthing people, burthen people? Well, what's with the democratic party, on the one hand, they embrace. Women. On the other hand, they pretend that there are women they cared to find women, because their insane We have to address this in a way that is about give
resources based on equity understanding that we we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity understanding, not everyone starts out at the same place and if we want but to be an unequal pay. Sometimes we have to take into account those disparities. An end to that work. I see in his eye what we should do, and people need help taken into consideration. Economic disparities. Taking into consideration race. if you're a rational human being and listening to this, what are you to make of it? What do you make of this. Honestly, if your white person, whose lost every in florida. What are you to make the vice president's comments? If your black person working in a police force her foot.
Fighters, emergency personality or lyman to make this. When you hear the vice president say: oh I'm sorry, you need to go into other. Minute he's not this community. And how exactly are we supposed to do this? when people are in need. Kamala Harris is a racist, that's what she is. And racism in the so called progressive movement and the progressive era go hand in hand. Oh yes, they do hand in hand. The early, so called soft identified. Progressives that is, marxists were racists, their president's form.
their party was and is racist. Their media are racist, whether trash and black people, whether trash white people whether trashing asian pay whatever it is because that the mentality, they have united individual human being with individual worth your part of a group. so you could be managed and manipulated. And this is the problem, ladies and gentlemen, it leads to, come mentality like kamala harris has an actress, priyanka chopra Jonas hurricane in disaster leave should be based on equity, on race, on group. Think.
Then, on the individual needs of a human being, individual human beings suffer, they have pain, they have heartache, they have stress individual babies, specially Even those who are not borne yet they have pain, they can suffer. The inhumanity the dehumanizing of the left has done grave, damage to the psyche, the american people and torn country. When you get up there and say: oh yes, yes, hurricanes in disaster relief. Yes, we fight for equality. We also need to fight for equity everybody. hands out starts out. It as you know, at a different place, and we people to be equal in the place, and so yes, you know, disastrously, not even
Communist regimes conduct themselves this way, but the progressive movements so called does it does so few help according become our harris, it should depend on your skin pigmentation and then a determination will be made whether you should get help or not Will the famous administrator dan, the n criswell, doesn't think this way, she's a job to do she's a job to do. And that's the save people's lives and help people who have lost everything and she says bad. This anti face, the nation cut three go, but just to be clear here. The senator said device
comments were about if you have a different skin, color you're, going to get relief How do you I can respond to that Margaret our programme support everybody. I would say I believe some of the things the vice president was talking about, are the long term recovery and rebuilding these communities to be able to withstand disasters, and so they can have less impact we're going to support all communities. I committed that to the governor. Margaret Brennan, it wasn't enough. Margaret Brennan is a propagandist for the democratic party as our most of the media in here she is taking it out with rick sky Senator from floor to cut forego last night at his rally, georgia congresswoman
marge retailer green made. A false claims. Democrats want republicans dead and they have quote already started. The killings. Given the level of security threat right now, would you rebuke those comments? I think what we gotta do is we are bringing a rumour together are also That what vice versa harris said yesterday that our David you say that you know a thief a different skin color you're gonna get really like tat. Does that has now left the vice presidents ride out what we gotta do? That's out of the vice president said she talked about adequately. I would try and within fema, but I'm specifically asking about marjorie taylor green and no noise directly, where you margaret margaret this picture fema has to be colorblind. Vienna has. wide support everybody in, Our group Brennan hugged me on his people about these things there to leap, says about Jews and she says it now, every day how come you're only as democrats about that.
And while you lying about what come A harris said we all heard what she said. We all heard what she said: So why you lying about that? And what do you care? What do you care? What what's your name mark marjorie, tell a greens when you dont condemn Joe Biden for saying even worse. Why is that I thought rick scotch answer was perfect. absolutely perfect. You're sitting to the best of mark love. Then this
issue keeps lingering and I am very concerned it will be at the forefront after this mid term. Elections in its latest adoration is here at the just. The news Biden tapping tax dollars to Democrats, registration turn out warrant a house geo p voting watchdog with mid term elections just around the corner congressional begins and election watchdogs are sending alarms the buying a minister, asian and left leaning, nonprofits, maybe tapping taxpayer dollars taxis and funds respectively, to boost voter ready duration and turn out among democratic constituencies, under the guise of protecting democracy you: aren't we this in the next limes or the watchman compost? And you won't hear this
jamie, the red ruskin in march, twenty twenty one, as we discussed by new, should and executive order entitled promoting access to voting, which instructed federal agencies did of proposals to expand opportunities to register, to vote and participate in the political process, then submit their strategic plans to the white house. Domestic policy council congressional republicans, I've written letters to twelve federal agencies, Both office of management and budget director shall launch a young and domestic policy council directors. Susan rice raising concerns about the order for The agency should be focused on serving the american people by fulfilling their respective since not engaging in a bind administrations, political actors- he's wrote nine geo, p house committee ranking members in a stay. when, after seeing the letters to the twelve federal agencies,
when our nation is facing many crises. we want to ensure that president Biden is not diverting resources away from a foreign programmes that fall directly. Under our congressional oversight. They said, one of the questions raised by republicans is how the departments will ensure that federal employs won't violate the had checked in implementing his executive order. That law prohibits read federal employees from using their official title suppositions while participating clinical activity, which is defined as activity directed at that success. failure of a political party, partisan political group, our candidate for partisan political office,
Binders revving up his re election campaign with federal agencies, warns Phil Klein the director of election watchdog organization, the amistad project. The effort is funded with Biden box, said kind, kine, alluding to the sucker bucks. The approximately four hundred million from facebook founder mark Zuckerberg, widely alleged to have been funneled through left, leaning, nonprofits to turn out the democratic vote in the twenty twenty presidential election. And if the Democrats do this there, begins must act immediately to impeach button and the attorney general of the united states immediately something's going on because they won't respond to oil litigation asking for copies of these stocks
that were sent to susan rise, among others, the centre for second civic life, which receive the bulk of the four hundred million and donations from Zuckerberg has Illsley said that the funds were spent in an effort to make voting safer amid the pandemic. And any political preference, while Biden, boxer, funding efforts similar to those funded, privately, twenty twenty in the name of pandemic safety, the president, using taxpayers money under the pretext of democratic participation, according decline, The intent behind the executive order is the target of voter profile that benefits one political party. Span of another, it violates a ray of laws. Client, explain the Illustration, however, is trying to disguise its intent. The challenge she acknowledged is proving intent. The twenty twenty election yielded enough evidence to prove and ten Klein said as sophistic technology,
was used in certain areas defined democratic voters to help in them out, while ignoring republican profiles, selection laws space Fi, what is prohibited, but not what the remedy should be when their violated and they go through some of the states binds eggs of order regarding voter registration, is nearly identical to a federal election. Take over plan crafted by the radical left, leaning, group known as demos de imo, s, republic, as pointed out in a letter to young earlier this year,. The amounts of five or one c, three tax exempt organization. And under irish rules governing such organizations, voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that would favour one candidate or another approach, a candidate in some manner or have the effect of favouring a kind of
a group of candidates will constitute prohibited participation or intervention. Such tax exempt organism actions are specifically allowed to engage and voter registration campaign said J, christian and atoms. However, he said, Left leftist admit that they are difficulty targeting their efforts on behalf of certain candidates, contrary to the federal tax code that could jeopardize the tax exempt status, I don't think they care. I think kamikaze democrats, I will do whatever they have to the environment train is weapon. Icing institutions says Klein and again I won. Add, ladies and gentlemen, that not one of these cabinet departments has provided real substantive
formation about the plans that they sent to the white house when you're talking about the domestic policy council are you're. Talking about the. Any other agency that that coordinates for the other cabinet departments. You're talking about the white house. so the white house is involved in this up to its eyeballs Susan right is involved. We susan rises involved up to her eyeballs. and the fact of the matter is they Not release these reports there clearly public there clearly required to release them, but they won't release them. So there's a cover up going Because they're up the no damn good and then they you see the way they position this is they always put
site themselves on the side of law: no court. What overturn this can you prove foreigner? They institutionally alter the voting system by strategic, targeted litigation in twenty twenty and before there is. the two making efforts under the radar in the shadows to change or affect the voting system with our tax dollars now Zuckerberg. Under the rate. Four hundred and seventeen million dollars. his molly hemingway has pointed out. We are given a democrat groups in democratic precincts to promote democracy. Don't you know. And it is January six you see where there is an insurrection. Ladies and gentlemen, this is
the insurrection by the democratic party by their governors by their courts by their president By their departments- and this is how it works- they have the government behind them. We don't weed out They are destroying our election system, they are spending a fortune on elections, scheming around the protections and the laws and the barriers that are in place, and we still know what it is that each department has proposed to do to spread democracy. This is so appalling. And other than certain conservative media sites it. It's just shocking that the media itself. the corrupt media, will do nothing when.
The great one makes your weekend even that here this is the best of mark le then once again, opec, opec, said they are going to cut production by two million barrels, despite the fact that by one over their gravelling begging the arabs for oil. They said no He's now push saudi Arabia close to Putin's and russia. meanwhile, energy independence in the united states was killed and quickly within four months abiding taking office and his party as I speak, the beer
Accuracy is and has been, full steam ahead, crippling and sabotaging are Fossil fuel industries and our ability to drill refine and deliver fuel to you. The reliance on electricity is ideological and insane. Since we don't have enough electricity to do everything, they say will be done so far, ethical grids are not as stable as they need to be and not as big as they need to be and since elect The city is created by other fuels in the first place. the prices are going up and they're gonna go faster. Now. Prices are going up and they're gonna go faster and by the way, is a footnote to the peut annoyed. Who say: why would rush damage their own pipelines because up
What's going on behind the scenes, cheesy to figure out. Russia has worked with opec, opec's gonna cut production by two million barrels Russia is going to say, of course, that it cannot increase the flow of oil. The eastern, and western europe. That is to the western countries continue to truck, train its fuel out particularly to china which will serve as an an intermediary for russia and how they also russia will continue to make a fortune, but where russia has done and will do, massively increase the price of gasoline and oil, which of course, will help. Russia it'll punish your punish america, because.
We are suicidal, we have more unused fossil fuel. Than any nation on the face of the earth, and we more obstacles to getting to it than ever before ever before,. Now here's part of the problem will get into some specific in a little while, because this is seriously gonna damage seriously going to damage your lifestyle. Your pocketbook, particularly people on fixed incomes, pensions and the like, What's going to happen now, is the shortages are going to take place by and will look others to blame. You are blamed. The oil companies, of course,.
the real problem we have now is this area. Logically, the democratic party, Purposely put this in place: this is a mad man made disaster which will cause people their livelihoods, cause people their jobs. And caused the economy enormously. And it was man made. It was ideologically driven by the democratic party exclusively exclusively by the so called climate change activists at is marxists, the de gross movement. This is exactly what they ve been wanting exactly what they ve been one. They got, but politically it's a disaster, so they got the policies they wanted. Thieves
suited the policies they wanted. They have control of congress, have control of the white ass. They control the bureaucracy, they got exactly what they want and are not taken their foot off their gas pedal. So to speak, they just past hundreds of billions of dollars to subsidize the utah be in paradise and destroy reality. That's exactly what's taken place, but the problem is. It is a disaster politically. So they ve had this huge radiological success, which is a disaster politically, because the american people reject this. The american people oppose this and the effects on inflation
and the effects on food production, food availability, the price of food, everything starting with fertilizer is disastrous. This situation is going to get incredibly grave. Biden has unleashed a war or america's energy production and is promoting and proselytizing an ideology. They have massively supported ie or electrical vehicles, because the market cannot support it. The radical left and these corporatist together using these s, key policies to prevent banks, financial institutions and, of course,
Oil industry, companies and those related to them from expanding. from putting that kind of research and develop that that's necessary to provide You are what you need. So there's war on the investors, there is a a subsidy for electric vehicles and of course, we can't refine the few Was because you can't get a refinery epinal s, forty five years and refineries are being ordered through regulation to move from refining fossil fuels to creating biofuels are a biofuel mandates. What you're also really not ready for use on a wide scale they lost
taken millions and millions of federal acres off the market patrolling of any kind they ve taken state acres off Four drolling of any kind through the back door through regulation, making a prohibitive. They took Anwar offline, they took no mexico offline. They took off shore areas off line, they took pipelines offline. Obviously, the keystone exile pipeline is the most infamous But there's many pipelines that they ve stopped. And they have appointed radicals at the e. at the interior department and elsewhere. The energy department, marxist radicals, who, at every turn in the shadows.
Without your knowledge, without your knowing, and the media of course, is not interested- are using every tool available to the bureaucracy every bit of right, tipp, red tape that exists to prevent production, development and research exactly what this administration is denying the securities and exchange commission has been unleashed illegally. It has no statutory authority, twenty, executive order. These e s g rules requiring firms to disclose disclose so called climate related risks. So firms are required as a matter of federal regulation to obtain independent validation for their adherents,
To a radical left democrat party marxists agenda, that's what they ve done: So now you have a cap and sunlight and lobbyists and so forth and so on are making a fortune and harassing in suing companies a fortune distracting them completely out of control. It's completely out of control, and then they lie. But I want you to think about what they're doing or what they're saying and how it is absolutely vital. And the propaganda that they use they blame Putin's. You know, I have no corner impudent, I think he's a monster, but they blame Putin.
They blame the entire world market. They blame the oil companies. They blame the gas station owners. If they could, they were blame the gas station attendance in the workers, but it is they who set policy through centralized edicts executive orders regulate. Nothing that's gone through the hands of congress and the representatives of the people, nothing Zira and they are choking. The golden goose They are killing the golden goose that lays the golden egg killing it even the. strategic petroleum reserve, its half full now. Forty eight hours ago, the bad administration said they were done, tapping it today, big in response to opec, saying it's actually,
slash, two million barrels a day. going to tap into it again. Ladies and gentlemen, they can tap into it. There's about four hundred four hundred and forty nine Think million barrels left in that strategic reserve. It can take almost eight hundred barrels. Eight hundred million barrels, It'll, take no time at all to cut through the rested in their job and as us build things, he destroys thing, that's what the left us. They don't build things. They destroy, thinks they're going to destroy the automobile industry, to which all by general motors of the big three are all focused on. Electric vehicles are focused on electra.
Regardless of what the market, once it doesn't matter, what market market all on the name of environmental justice, economic equity and other communist, like phrases at me, absolutely nothing but controlling the private sector and destroying capital investment? That's what's going on here from the DE growth movement The growth of big government movement- that's what's going on here. Let me read you something: we propose the file, transformation of power relations and dismiss decision making for the construction and anti patriarchal people's power. Transformation of food production systems into agro ecological systems.
thus ensuring food sovereignty and security, valuing knowledge, innovations in sexual and traditional practices, transformation of energy production systems, eradicating dirty energies, respecting the right of the peoples to fight poverty and keep fair transition. The guiding principle transformation of energy consumption patterns, her education regulations to large energy costs, region, empowerment of the people over community scale systems, implementation of participative government of territorial city planning systems, thus ensuring fair and sustainable access. Land. Shifting from an energy and materials profligate system toy cyclical System that emphasizes the eradication and unsustainable exploitation of nature and promotes reduction Reviewed utilization and recycling of residues.
creation of accessible mechanisms for the protection of the displaced people defenders of environment. This is from twenty fourteen, This is from a meeting of the so called international environmental, a k, a marxists in europe? This is what their declaration states, and this is what the binding administration is doing. The politics of this is a disaster, but this exactly what they want to do. This is all man made its all made by the democratic party. It's on them. One hundred per mark. we are giving you nothing, but the best, the best of market, our founding fathers
Here in this country, brought about the only true revolution that has ever taken place in man's history Every other resolution simply exchanged one set of rules for another set of rules but only you did that little band of men so advanced beyond their time that the world has never seen there like things. While the idea that you and I am within ourselves- the god given right on the ability to determine our own destiny. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for protected, defended and then handed to them with the well talk lessons of how they and their lifetime must do the same if you want, I don't do this and you, and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in america. When men were free
Ronald Reagan. Eighteen, eighty one little sped up version there, but quite true, don't you think and which would compel nineteen sixty one sorry, eighteen sixty one and their way of Joe Biden, Joe Biden. You know all this talk in the media, others talk by the legal analysts. All this talk by the former federal prosecutors and disgruntled former trump administration employees about the dangers posed by former president trump having these documents a moral argo, and they can point to a single instance. Not one of those documents were shared revealed,
Discussed with anybody, not one and all the findings of the department of injustice or. The scrutinising the documents there I have one example, not one that any classified information, regardless of level of classification, that any classified information was shared with anybody thinking. Donald trump was a grave threat to the nation. Ladies and gentlemen, he's the grave threat no the grave threat to the nation, is the man, the putative president, who sits in the oval office as I speak, he's a grave threat to their nation in every respect. Domestic and foreign, the associated press binds armageddon talk edges beyond bounds of: u s, intelligence.
President Joe Biden warning that the world is a risk of nuclear armageddon was designed to send an unvarnished message that no one should underestimate the extraordinary danger of fresh. It deploys tactical nuclear weapons in its war against ukraine, administration official said friday. That's not what happened. He made those comments. He made those comments at a fund raising event off the top of his head president's grim assessment, delivered during a democratic fundraiser last night, rippled around the globe and appeared to edge beyond the boundaries of current? U S, intelligence assessments, fuel security officials continued to say they have no evidence that Vladimir Putin has eminent plans for a nuclear strike. Vine veered into talk.
Ukraine at the end of a standard, fundraising remarks, saying that Putin was not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological and chemical weapons, so sir quotes further quotes. We have not face the prospect of armageddon since Kennedy in the cuban missile crisis. He suggested the threat from here is real because it, his military, is, you might say, significantly underperforming now couple things about this. If you're, Vladimir Putin and you're the monster, I say he is and if he is very very concerned about what's taking No question is it frees hanging on the power by a thread and we don't know, but it's possible, and you hear the putative presently, the united states speak like this.
You almost feel like had been given a green light. Don't you, MR producer, who are expected to use biological camel chemical or nuclear warfare? We expect you to do that. We don't think that's outside the roma possibility. Yes, he might do it. We ve ever and so close to a nuclear war since the cuban missile crisis- and he says that a democratic fundraiser, how serious this president should he be hungering down in the situation room or in the oval office, with his national security team, with his state department, team or the defense department team and all the other teams are supposed to seek advice from if he really believes that rather a democratic fundraiser saturday point to
This man is so dangerous. I can't even believe there is any thought that anybody's gonna about Democrat there's november. I can't believe it. White house press secretary herein using the air said today she did not directly response to a question. Whether by had gone into the event intending to invoke armageddon, the white house sought to clarify the president's off the cuff comments, the two things that sent in is internally inconsistent. Did he tend to invoke it? Then they say the comments were off the cuff. The comments were off the cuff. She told report
there's quite russia's talk of using nuclear weapons is irresponsible and there's no way to use them without unintended consequences. It cannot happen. She added that if the cuban missile crisis has taught us anything it is the value of reducing nuclear risk and not brandishing it. It's all, so the value of not suggesting that your enemy, Really is quite capable of using nuclear weapons. Only has folks its arm again and potentially arm again. Just like the cuban s crisis folks minds. National security team for months has warned that russia could use weapons of mass destruction in ukraine is. It has faced a series of strategic setbacks on the battlefield, but the president's remarks with a starkist warnings yet by the government about nuclear state. They weren't warnings they
off the cuff comments at a fundraiser. That's not where you deliver a warning or how you deliver a warning when? U s official said Biden was also trying to warn against you're estimating the danger any level of tactical nuclear weapons, would have. We know that, but that's not what he did at his democrat fundraiser, so they're done, in other words, they're, not even criticizing back they're, not even critiquing. His utterly irresponsible. king at this fun razor. There is some concern in the administration the rushes to terminate can use its nuclear arsenal in a manner sure. A full blown nuclear attack on ukraine and impatiently limited reaction from the. U s and western allies are determined to keep the ukraine conflict.
From turning into a broader war, according to the official who spoke on condition, Hey man and enmity to discuss administration thinking, so that's probably J sherman the national security adviser, paeonies, repeatedly alert. We know Putin's has To use nukes, we know you, my tactical looks.
But as president of the united states, you don't go to a democratic fundraiser off the cuff and talk about and talk about. If you don't believe Putin's willing to users are capable of it, you'd better think, twice, you'd better think twice the armageddon he calls it were at risk of a nuclear armageddon. Twenty says no joking quote when he talks the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological chemical weapon weapons, the threat from Putin's real, because his military is, you might say, significantly underperform
and you're putin, you hear that what do you say whilst any Biden says it's not a mere threat and I'm not joking, it's not a mere threat, so he knows that I could use them, so I'm going to use them. That's not what you say. That's not how you speak. That's not where you speak. You choose your words incredibly carefully. You don't do it off the cuff. We have a very sick, mentally unhinged, dangerous man in the oval office. I do not excuse later Putin's genocidal, monstrous attacks of the people of ukraine and so forth. That's not my point. The peut noise do that.
But we ve got an enemy impudent and an enema invite.
Transcript generated on 2022-10-13.