« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 10/7/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, how many of you would sit down and cut a deal with progressive Marxist Democrats in the House? They are economic socialists who reject everything we believe in and Rep Matt Gaetz voted with them. There is no civil war within the Republican Party; there are 8 anarchists who wanted to bring down McCarthy no matter what the cost, and in the end, Rep Matt Gaetz got what he wanted while the country lost. One of the greatest disasters in ancient history was the destruction of the Second Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It didn’t have to end that way. “It was the factionalism among Jews that ultimately brought about the destruction of the Second Temple.” All of a sudden President Biden says he has to build parts of the southern border wall because Congress told him he had to and he has to obey the law. Why the change of heart?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills they'll college, which probably fuses. Every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation. Ales data for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door It's locks bolted. What a great one just resting on our laurels. He's I'm sure you'll began is even better by giving you is best this Is the best more club you ever go to the house: progressive cock, a site didn? See it on the internet, what they stand for. These are marxists Universal health care, a progressive national security.
climate justice, a fair economy, there's a marxist. And we ve had a law. talk about this privilege: Apart from seattle is the term of the devil, chairs Ilan omar. At chair. Emeritus is Barbara Lee. The whip is caesar these are the worst of the work, the worst of the worst there Economic socialists, they are cultural marxists. They reject everything. We believe in I want to make something abundantly clear.
those who name call neo con and rhine on all. You have no impact on me whatsoever. None you're, not conservatives, you're, not constitutional issue, not capitalists. You don't believe in this country any more than these progressed with these marxist Because you would never catch me dead, conspiring with these people. conspiring with these marxist democrats in the house of representatives that hate your guts each and every one of them that supports an open war that opposes real constitutional. that back black lives matter, that black back anti for that hate, the united
its military, that hate our police and their de fun movement. How many of you would sit down with them and cut a deal. With a owe see with alien omar would tallied with bowman, but gyre PA we're barber lee how many You would do that and they claim to be a conservative. Would you, MR producer,. I wouldn't want to be in the same room with these people, but they could Sure would have done what channel I want to cut government. I want shut down, all damn varying means making deals were marked by god. I will do it Then you listen to the wrong programme. Goodbye,
goodbye. You listen to the wrong programme because you don't care about. That's not to say you have to agree with the republicans. I've been sitting behind. Microphone was twenty one years doing it. I would republic, you know how. mark meadows came up with the idea to try and remove the former speaker, John Vainer. He called me And I went through the process with. And I told him what the petitions it say. And we went over together, member that mark member. That's why. Because John baino is trying to destroy the tea party. because he was called
With Barack obama. Against conservatives. Because he was removing conservatives from committees like mark meadows. That's why. Nobody due to our Paul ryan. More than I we friends or one point when he was conservative, not anymore, I didn't change, they changed or in I know nor and have said so Twenty four years old. Then it is last term he moved left. I quit. Size to me. Call me on the phone I wouldn't take. His call,
and sas renders a tea party candidate. Then he threw in. Bob corcoran tennessee to undermine. I believe the country This position on Iraq, he called And I told them don't recall me again: I don't work with these people, On the whole, I dont want to work with. The same time behind this microphone when take crews. at five percent and call me we jumped in and for like Hell my glee at the convention and you're talkin jump in, we fought like Hell. It was the underdog markka rubia. Who does anyone come on the show anymore I'll go, The other show when he was it,
percent running as a tea party candidate. We jumped into support him and I made it. difference by we I mean you taking on much, but can't I've done it for fifteen years. He's a disgrace and always has been, you don't see it. People coming on my shoulder, go or not shows of other fox people, the radio, not mine, they don't want me, and I don't want them. I know a huckster when I see one I know a huckster when I see one. and for those on social media who have done a day thing with this country having raised a finger for this country, so tall tree,
sharing everybody else, conservatives chipper. I byron tunnels, time clint talk Jim George And I go down a long list of freedom, carcass members and conservative other conservative. They won't fallen, lie behind mac gates, whose reprobate, whose current deals with marxist then gabon, and we know why you got my social sites. You don't need to don't stress out here the facts I spoke to a couple of conservative.
Republicans I mean solid and more than a couple of conservative house members and I mean solid on friday. The republican conference put up a bill. Mccarthy currently listener this to vote, to cut thirty percent to all federal agent. Thirty percent and hr to secure the border with mandates the military Firstly, the border patrol and homeland security and the veterans astray should be held harmless. But that's it that thirty
The same would apply to the department of justice FBI, the whole kitten caboodle. the main person behind that was byron. Doubt. Not the only one but the me There's a whole strategy developed and I took notes during these discussions. Between the conservatives in the house. the conservatives in the senate in attire. Strategy, and that includes the republican steering committee, but the likes of ted crews MIKE Lee and over them
and the plan was to get this past in the house, and the republicans agreed that the vast majority, shocking, leaving the moderates and the liberal, yet it over to the senate, With a senate, conservatives would use it to pound Mitch Mcconnell to have leverage leverage with Mitch Mcconnell the Senate republican leadership, so call, but it was killed. They met gate in twenty other house members who got nervous, who got scared. the original five were drawn by sixteen
That's not even ten percent of the republicans there, but the overall majority that freedom caucasus, the cancers supported this bill. Thirty percent. In rather than these conservatives on social media supporting those who put for this bill. who had a plan did get out in the senate to finally, Mcconnell and their leadership responsible. They killed him. They voted with the Democrats, they voted, the progressive caucus. They voted with a marxist. because they said they wanted to shut down the government. You just gotta thirty percent deal.
Now the government's open for forty five days and nothing is cut. Biden, Schuman, Mcconnell, how jeffreys and the progressive caucus got their way because they ran circles around mad gates. They ran circles around. Because he is a hate on from mccarthy. Maybe some of you do too, but you ve, gotta put the country first, you ve gotta put the country first, you can't do its charge, and they claim your serious conservatively can't be a common cause. You claim your sears can do. You're not cause grave damage was done to this country because of that had passed
we'd be debating a very different sooner Right now, the ball will be. The court of the Senate Mcconnell what back to the wall, the commission in the senate will be pressing. All that was killed for what. The original proposal was eight percent. Public and said you know what that's cut: thirty, that's. Thirty, that's what we said in may: let's do it and all, but twenty six agreed thirty percent. Does it mean that we're gonna get thirty percent but they wanted a hat. You know they want put a flag and the ground they wanted a marker, so they could have a a sigh.
Foundation on which to fight and agenda now nothing. engaged is the first one out there say mccarthy. Is the Democrats speaker. Oh he's negotiating with the progressive carcass. The lowest of a low lives and washed, and if that is a snake, that's what that is. And for people to cheer this on is to encourage, I kind of stupidity. That's not conservative, that's stupid and you just give aid and comfort to these marxists. Thank him Freeze to Schuman, and by giving aid and comfort by putting your
Personal obsessions ahead of the good of the country is not acceptable to me. Think: that's, ok, then united conservative, that's, ok, that's fine, The facts you have heard me About hills to college, giving away free copies of the constitution. Washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your for for my listeners in soon so, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy,
I'm hills- college girl of for hills, thereby come right now complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies. Last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy now at fray hills, dot com, that's l, easy! I am free hills del backup maybe you're weekend even better. This is the best of mark levin, there's no civil war and the republican party against Stabs german conservatives there are, but these that's different. These are eight anarchists. They voted with a demo. Wretch to ensure that they would get what they want played right into their hands. We now have more admiral spending as a result of what, you have done what they did couple weeks ago. And what they're doing now.
and they're lying to us, you just Thomas massey who's been involved in all the negotiations, whether it was all the deal's recur. to make sure it concerns had significant posts throughout their Committees and so forth, He was in on those discussions and negotiations. He was in Dead suing negotiations, and so you are, they have them. leave thomas massey or mac gates now Out of the twenty or so members who originally opposed Mcconnell back in january
only listen to this who voted from economy. Today, scott perry learn bobo chipper. I keep safe andy ovals ralph norman Mary miller, Andy Harris paw go sir Andrew clyde, Michael club, out trash, beecham, Dan, bishop, environment donald, so they all rhinos neeoka neo, these most conservative members of the house are representative who voted today. When I came jeffrey agenda, squat max Of course, mac gates now says we can accept any body pretty much any body. This the armor is a liberal.
are you out of your mind. Mr antis convention of states he's mr conservative. Are you kidding me. He was on the floor. Today spoke. The longest was utterly incomprehensible. Man rose and there who said he was involved in making sure that the Republicans didn't have a bigger victory. Does that sound? People who hate that democratic party, because they hate us and by the way, many people lost their raises in the mid terms where conservatives. and the idiot celebrating it we all one way to take Congress we have to win the elections. What conservative. He wants to be a senator now for Montana Nancy mace,
You have not heard another host on radio or tv. criticized this head case as much as I had they per tv. Why could she hates tromp? That's why she votes against my car. He promised me he do Something about guns and women's issues: ok, there's another one: saving america can back. All over msnbc over the weekend, all cnn trashing conservative, while pretending to pay one refusing to vote against funding, drag queen, said the pentagon we're going to follow him off a cliff come on. This is a disgrace.
If you have been with this programme for twenty one years, you know that we you and I we lead the charge to get rid of banner. I did with mark meadows and we did it together. We let the charge to help push Paul ryan out of office. You and me not. The other hosts, Not any tv host, we did this. So when I tell you that this is different weapon together long enough to not that I've changed. It said I refuse to go along in pickets, charge, I refuse to go along with the comic causes, who are finding that
remember higher levels than the proposal that they voted again, and why is it that there are question questioned their character and their their purpose? Why is that? I'm not running for office. They're running for office? How can you say at a one, sided mouth, this guy mccarthy's, no good And then support his low turn it Can you do that or support? Even look more liberal member What what scares me, as so many people can be played for suckers.
and now we might lose everything we might lose everything the plan for a thirty percent cut overall, What was an eight percent overall thirty percent certain departments, because they are protecting defence? The veterans think we should do that. I do in the most conservative border security bill however, in the plan, was that the real considers in their house the chip rise Byron, donalds and others others negotiated deal with a so called moderate, liberals and the republican party so they had together. Then they had to Justice and made a deal with Senate conservatives that they get a bill, This over to them, and then they would take it news at the hammer, my camera
it says no, I dunno. I need diary dollars to be welded on a regular art like that's going to fix anything. are you telling me if they put a bill on the floor today to cut the government? Twenty five percent across the board, with certain exceptions by the way, is something that I would support that you folks. When support it, will they did? They cut a thirty percent? Now now we have this. Forty five day continue resolute. So they stop. The conservatives in the house Real conservatives in the house and the Conservatives in the Senate from doing what they to do, and then they complain that there's gotta be more expanding. They were told that this would lead to more spam. Then they complain that the borders open. oh there, the real concern result baby. Why.
They know how to put those heartstrings. We have thirty three trillion dollars have you heard Thomas maisie in me I never heard squat from that gates about that. three years ago, four years ago, when we were on the table right here and I wrote a whole day. A book about be careful, be careful with politicians. Period have headed up the hill with politicians. I've had it up to here with washington Sick and tired of the whole damn thing. And I was sick and tired of phony conservative. You're undermine rio, conservative.
When I talk about Larry whole getting Chris Christine the other reprobates here. No. So we could very easily lose the house now, because a lot of these republicans and many of them are conservative hurriedly swing districts. They may not make it Mac eight raised almost seven million dollars for his campaign. I looked into this today. You know how He donated to other candidates. Nothing well. it keeps deny you wants to run for governor. That's been his plan, whether he does not. Now I have no idea, but that's the plan. Rosen deal. Once the right for the Senate a second time, he got his ass whip before sweden.
Stability is doing in his own mind. He stood up against the whole system. Can I ask a question if you want to stand up against the system? The why do you run for public office. for the florida assembly and in iran for public office to be a member of congress. Does anybody really believe that we can make it age or major major changes if you're in congress. I look at these guys. I say to myself so many damn political hacks. They pretend that third leading an effort, tickets. when the willing to massively increased spending handed
gradually over the hockins, jeffreys and humor and binding, and then blame and everybody else, do they really take border security seriously. I look at this list. I look at this list and I think to myself any bigs in arizona. You just killed the most conservative border bill in american history. Certainly in modern american history, you go to the floor of the house today and you say: yes, we have to admit they did pass this great balance over the and then just move on when that was part of the package and he just moved on. Did you see that mister producer then he goes on.
we were promised twelve appropriation bills, and I see this- and I hear this: u gestured thomas massey, they try to past twelve bills and they couldn't Analyses point is, we could have passed while bills have we buckle under their spending demands of the more liberal members and, of course, the democrats in these committees it so tight. We gotta one vote majority. Maybe too. on the committee, so we could have had our twelve bills, but he said you can, Guarantee the outcome of what he meant by that was when have twelve massive spending bill. I know, of course, he'd be accused of look at the mass of spending that he is supporting your suggestion from timeless massey that under the deck the owen may now,
The eight percent of the budget was to be funded if they couldn't get these various appropriation bills done. What did the last proposal? negotiated by members of their freedom, carcass and republicans in the senate behind the scenes, whether that proposed. Ninety two percent, I don't wanna hear another. Damn thing: Why are these eight? I am no special pleading for governments, Arthur your state, school or anybody else. I am certainly not a special pleading for the irish sea, the republican establishment, what I've spent over two decades binary microphone, fighting every damn one of them, but I'll be damned if anarchists who work what marxists and then take the tramp about
Paying conservative, I won't be damned if I'm gonna go along with that crap you and answering to the best of mark Levin one of the greatest disasters. in ancient joyous. History was the destruction of the second wholly temple. Those of you who have been Andrews one you see one of the outer wall that survived it didn't have done their way. a bad dot org just little overview that I want to share with you because it has meaning to today this
Second, wholly temple stood in jerusalem for four hundred and twenty years, unlike the period of the first tempo when the Jews were, for the most part autonomous there it's majority, the second temple era, the Jews were so like to foreign rule the persians, the greek. Eventually, the romans decide for that was caused by these external powers. The Jews were also plagued internally by tumultuous politics, and they divided into many factions. A phenomenon that ultimately led to the temples destruction and The nations tortuous exile. A concise history. The sex The temple era, spanned four hundred and twenty years, with the romans destruction of the holy temple in seventy c e and buy them.
that battle went on for almost five years, but from Much of this period, judea was under foreign domination,. The beginning of the roman take over Allowing palm pay to become involved in the internal affairs of the holy land had grannis aristobulus headed certainly given today in the hands of the roman empire,. the roma governors allowed lawlessness, terrain, arab gangs and crew, roman officers plundered and killed. From a high priest form their own militias to control the temple Jews have been united. They merited gods protection. It was factionalism among Jews then ultimately brought about the destruction of the second temple.
Now the Jews began revolt against the romans, while they were fighting among themselves all against the romans throughout the land. In Increasing numbers, they join the movement of the zealots who were openly caring for bar camacho, stood up brush the dust from his clothing and said to himself said, some rabbis were present at the feast and did not stop him. There. If they agreed with him. And our slander them to the emperor. Rob I, your hannan, then zack, I Isley foresaw the that Jerusalem was doomed MR the need to transplant the central tower scholarship to another location, the extreme pretending to be jews coming off her sacrifices also entered once inside. took out their swords and began to kill moderates as well as visiting jews.
Now, finally, all the factions in Jerusalem had no choice but to work together. Fight their common enemy, but the outnumbered jewish defenders. They fought with great courage, but it was too late. The best of friends with snatch food from one another, the tom hence the sorry tale of a woman who killed and consumed around baby Titus The general saw the Jews were now weakened by hunger, yet is sold. Cut down all the trees and a third came miles swath around your loosened in order to build a new rampart for the rest, and they also build them. To build miles and miles and miles of crosses recapture Jews were tortured. They ran out of trees.
The destruction of the temple, the romans and jews, were crowded together and their dead body come on top of each other. And screaming filled the air and the floor. The temple was cover bodies. Whoever the romans found alive were slaughtered and fed to their dogs. They burn houses filled with the starved dead, the victoria roman troops, marched through the ark, would Titus. It was at their head and in front of him The young and handsome captors carrying the golden vessels of the temple. wicked one. The son of a wicked one descended get. These saw the I have an insignificant creature in my work called Matt come ashore. And do battle with it. The redeemer.
I wish him. The potential of redemption was born the moment after the destruction. The second temple fell, Because the Jews were killing each other finding with each other, they were not united, and when they finally were united, it was too late They are a common enemy, the way to busy fighting in killing each other it was too late. I want to read you from the epilogue of the democratic party hates america. it may twenty twenty three is concurring opinion in arizona VA verses. My yorkers Pre importers, Souci justice, NEO gore such issued an unprecedented Even to his fellow americans
thing is opinion is unknown or new ground, but it is profound in its consent. Paul revere, like warning not that the british are coming, but the tyranny is here: and while all is not lost, we are closer to losing our country. The many may think here's the most salient part of what he wrote. March. Twenty twenty we have experienced the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in the peacetime history, the united states officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes shuddered businesses in schools, public and private. They closed search a closed has, even as they allowed casinos and other favorite business is to carry on
They threatened violators not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions. To these surveys, church parking lots recorded since plates and issued notices, warning that attended said even how or service and satisfying all state social distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct. Federal executive officials under the act to they deployed a public health agents deregulate landlord tenor relations nationwide they used Workplace safety, Incidentally, vaccine mandates from working americans, three fetnah fire non compliant employees and warn that service members who refuse to vaccinate might face dishonourable discharge in confinement. And along the way, seems federal officials neighbouring pressured social media companies. to censure information about pandemic,
policies that which they disagreed. He said the king, situation of power in the hands of so few may be efficient and sometimes popular, but it does not And towards sound government, however, eyes one person as advisers. Maybe that is not a substitute for the wisdom of the whole of the american people. Decisions made by a few often yield unintended consequences that may be avoided when more are consulted. Autocracy of us have always suffered from this defect. left unsaid. Of course, this is that the vast majority of those who acted in this manner described by justice corset, were overwhelmingly democrat officials from new york California, illinois michigan everywhere in between the blue estates, being free and open societies. There were, as close to police states as well.
seen or experience. Certainly, in recent history, democratic party officials tickler demonstrated a lust and frenzy for seizing an experienced power issuing fee Their previously seemed unimaginable many merits. Is lost their lives, who may not have died without. My friends around at the federal level, the keys government were effectively handed a long time. Medical and health care bureaucrats rejected most formation? They did not comport whither narrative. I came sources outside their circle of sycophants, although they, we're welcoming of self sir, and politicized advice from the likes of the teachers unions memories tend to be short. Let us hope they are not so short as to forget what was done to the country.
it is one thing when politicians seek the input of experts as part of the decision making process, particularly when the issues are atypical or require certain agree. A speciality covered, nineteen virus surely did, but that's not what happened broadly. Moreover, the low. Of corporate and social media participation and censoring and dismissing competing medical and scientific opinions and demeaning the highly regarded professionals who attempted to voice them As well as lockstep acceptance over the integrity and soundness of virtually every edict issued by the few self appoint medical masterminds. At the top of the dc bureau, bureaucratic letter underscores the extent to which america lacks a free press It is proselytizing for the democratic party and the parties agenda makes its. posted independence from democratic run administrations in the administrative state, impossible and preposterous. For this,
country pays an enormous price in liberty in a functioning constitutional republic. Unlike the Public and part of the democratic party is more than a political party. It is the state party it seeks to Managua. Eyes the political system, the culture, the government and society, and why Republican party exists to try to win elections. The democratic party plays for keeps that is election too It can never be allowed to interfere with the ideological trajectory The party imposes on the nation and weather. If party winds elections, it continues building upon the permanent parts of the government infrastructure, it firmly controls. That's the democratic party single Only built permanent centres of power including the vast federal bureaucracy subsidized. Non government organizations, lifetime activists, judges, tenured professors and teachers, party members in the media, etc,
The democratic party users, the culture and politics to empower itself in its agenda and democrats have no intention of surrendering control of either. Consequently, The democratic party wins elections, it claims broad mandates. When it loses elections that ignores the pipe the world people in turn to the permanent government and its cultural surrogates to sabotage republicans and push for with our american marxists agenda classic. Lee over time. It becomes increasingly difficult to reverse the debt. crap parties, political and cultural damage. Conversely, the republican establishment is mostly flat footed course. The republican party does not just to fundamentally transform america. However, refuses to acknowledge or take effective, affirmative and proactive steps to counter the democratic parties. Agenda. The forces of american marx's
many cases acquiescence and contributes to them. The republican party fails in its most important mission to defend the american people from a democrat party that literally hates the country. It is destroying it from within. and, unlike the democratic party, the republican establishment would rather be trade zone base. Conservatives and tried marginalize, it then battle the democrat party, preferring to make appeal to the democratic party median demonstrate thereby partisan common sense. Suit of temporary political power and positive media coverage, send a republican leader mitch become the likes of mitt romney Susan. Collins, LISA murkowski, Chris Sununu, asa hutchinson and Chris Christie are but a few contemporary examples of this defeated mindset. It is also one reason why they and republicans like them: constantly target donald trump rhonda, santa's, ted crews likely and others,
down the nature the thread and are willing to confront it. It takes on common Forty two principles and foresight to recognize and engage the democrat party, it's surrogates and american marxist movements, and he goes on the mark. These eight they hadn't come and fortitude. No, they didn't they're saboteurs. The house, republican with the tiniest majority, have been making very good progress, very good progress. Those eight teamed up with a democratic party and destroyed. The great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of mark le then,
Founding in history are under assault. Our family faiths are being degraded ism, has been substituted for group ism. Color blindness is now racist capital and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism in climate. age, fanaticism, clay, Firms have become indoctrination, mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion. Teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions that the health and welfare of their children in iraq, or freeze agent, academic freedom are shrinking and the police state is growing. As is monitoring and spying on citizens, Remedies banning and regulating more and more a household products from incandescent light bulbs dishwashers, while creating shortages,
and right driving up costs of others. Crime is out of concern. on our streets, public transportation and schools, while policeman, it's her slashed, emily ass, accusers and judges, cobble violet criminals. our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into the country as drugs criminal cartel ship killer drugs into our country by the tons. And brutalize migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves, and the list goes on. The democratic parties response for most of this and much more, let's see permanently control our governmental institutions Does it dominates our cultural entities from the media that academia from entertainment the science seeks
de legitimize and eviscerate the constitution, including the bill of rights, the electoral college, the supreme court separation of powers and so forth, which obstructs its. illogical designs abusers the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation and prosecution. And in the end, it seeks to imprisonment in october. Thirty, twenty await when Barack Obama Do a crowd that we're five days away from fundamentally transform in the united states of america. He was not kidding. I may fourteen twenty away when Michelle obama pronounced that we are going to have to change, our conversation, we're going to have to change our traditions, our history, we're going to have to move
into a different places, a nation she minute. the obama's you're, not alone among democrat party apparatchiks, in their contempt for the country. In fact it is the rare top democrat party politician who regularly praises america is sincere about it. They mostly trash talk the country and smear millions of its people. The examples are too numerous to catalogue, but it is. A party spilled on the demands and propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues and malcontents and as a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation The coup, klux clan, eugenics and even lynchings.
Indeed, almost from the start, the democratic party rejected the principles and values of the american experiment. Today, it is the home of another anti american movement, the american marxism movement. Its various ideological appendages democratically A ruling class elites and activists are united in this revolution just swirling all around us, the title of this book this from chapter one Is that the democratic party hates america did, if you want Fundamentally transformed something you clearly do not love or even like it is explain my radio show time and again, if some. Says. I wish I could fundamentally transformed my spouse. Then you obviously don't love or like your spouse,.
but what, if you don't want to fundamentally transform for america and love our country? What about them. Well, then, the ruling class of the democratic party will try to destroy you. Silence dismiss you, that's the way it works. Biden has an autocrat. Twenty, if an autocrat, whether their march as fascist or of their own making, they want power. I've done probably a hundred radio interviews.
Morning noon and night over the past five or six weeks, fantastic hosts, affiliates sea or satellite online, certain podcast, you name it and I am grateful to you everybody has a say in the book and I said in every interview: you must look at the democratic party through the lens of power through there in the book, it hates our country, the declaration, the constitution, it hates free speech in hates, peaceful protest and lesser degree. In haiti, the competition of ideas. It seeks to monopolize monopolize the language thought process
beliefs and values in service to its own power, and, as I say in the book, the republican party is in a different place, As incompetent, so many are they been recognized the danger some do and Do and then shoot themselves in the temple in the country with them. That's a different story. This book is not written. for politicians in washington, DC republican or democrat. I'm sick and tired of politicians. generally ones a lie to us and then pretended to represent us.
This book is written for you, I'm one of the few people in broadcasting the spanish and has been his life. Studying history, ancient history, american history- I can't get enough of it, but there are lessons for us, How many red twenty five books on people Who have survived totalitarianism, armenia paper, I mean, read the books tat, so many books. I read for this book that I wrote on that issue. This is why so many who have survived the gulags, Are union the internally camp? It is north korea.
The slaughter and torture in china, cuba and other places, not one of them- supports Joe Biden now, one of them. support, the democratic party. Now one of them has or will. and those who are alive today asked the same question what's happening to our country. This generation, my generation in the generation right behind us we're in a uniquely important position,
happening in america is not unique. It's happened before in other countries champion in another republics has happened in europe. It's happened in the Middle EAST. It's happened. We need to learn from it. Going to tell us about the politicians are going to be able to tell us about it. There too stupid most people on broadcasting if they have books ever written. They spend their time doing other things and do not hold that against. Most of them will live longer than either.
but I feel a responsibility as the second largest syndicated radio show on the face of the earth to use this microphone. and use every platform, I have to lay out the case between good and evil, way out the case for liberty and tyranny, We're running at a time all that stuff place the last forty eight hours rushed in DC didn't help us we're wasting time. He democrats
and their surrogates in another government. They don't waste time. They use selective office to destroy elective office. They use the voting system to destroy the bonuses they Is there judges in their court to destroy justice and law. They use their mayor ships in their governor ships to destroy our cities. Third crime or illegal immigration, the you the teachers unions, which are paid and bought for today, Try the relationship between a family and their child and to brainwash they are at odds with the bill of rights. They are constantly tackling it. They come up with proposals to destroy free speech,
judges, reassuring gag orders. Like candy on halloween against one person, Donald trump. as they did against roger stone, as they did its poor. Man referred in his. well against anybody who gets under way. You're living through a soft tyranny. His alexis took for poverty. He didn't think happened in the united states because you With all these townships, villages, counties. there's no way under the constitution that they can control these. These americans, Through a rugged, individual lectures to fulfil
Wrote two volumes: democracy in america to volumes came the united states twice. He Despise by marks to dismiss them. Has an intellectual lightweight: that's one of the most important books, those two volumes actually in existence. The describe america. I didn't have Alexis the togo and mine when I wrote the democratic party hates america, but I think it will be said when I'm gone There is certainly one of the most important books describing. the entity that is destroying our country. Small matter I'll be done and gone.
But while I'm alive and kicking Top side of the grass, as we say. gonna, keep pushing the hell out of this because a what's in the book I cant do otherwise. Otherwise, there is no point in my existence. Went to this radio show. There's no to my blaze fled from theirs point of my fox platform: I'm really not a broadcaster, even though a broadcast on multiple platforms. I'm an activist emission oriented. I believe in everything I say I don't put it. Finger to the air and want to know who's forgave
Against gay to form a carcinogen, I don't care People agreement me: that's ok,. In the end, we all have to live with ourselves. But I'll be damned if I allow the democratic party to define itself a party of blood lust. Of horrific racism and anti semitism This anti americanism, a party The marxist movements in this country, And every other movement that seek to destroy our traditions and customs. our ancestors, fought for our liberty. Many of them died. Many of them died whose names we only one now
mrs racists. Many, the most brilliant authors. Philosophers are dismissed whenever discussed. We millions and millions of people crossing our border, most of whom. Speak our language, most of whom an illiterate in their own language. It's hard to understand a complex document like the constitution of the united states, Can't speak your own language, let alone our language. We have heard the disunited of america, is our. this lesson, junior put it the purposeful destruction of this country and if we don't start pointing the finger.
At the end, to do that's doing this rather than talking about it in a vacuum, rub abstractly then it's over and I don't want it to be over. They can't surrender mug, We are giving you nothing, but the best the best mark cloven Jimmy. it should be. The next speaker, loyal to the previous speaker and the previous speaker. He was loyal to because the previous speaker was doing the things they promised to do. join as a conservative he's been running me, judiciary committee quite well, and I It can be very, very good, and I want to thank hakeem jefferies.
This is a logic now that Matt gates issues yeah we'll have Jim Jordan. That's better than mccarthy. Because of me me me: no, no power! Every democratic would they came. You colluded with e ma This party, that is destroying our country and the result is the chair was vacated. could have been done without how came everything you know it. That's why you were conspiring with the democrats the squad the other marxist reprobates, cannot take credit for that. Now slot talk today this evening, paula About Biden and these twenty miles, ahwahnee says I have to do it. I have to do this. Because they pass. This is a matter of law since its appropriated, for I can't say no.
I went to listen to this anomaly to tell you why exactly is doing, because nobody else will tell you cut. One go The border wall border one was appropriate for the border wall. I tried to get them very appropriate to redirect the money they did. They would, in the meantime, there's nothing in the law. Then they have to use the money for what I know. So I to do this because Hungary's tommy, I had to do it. Why did we wait. get to that in a minute. That's the key question that I'll answer gnp. At the white house briefing today, what about these five, Its appropriated for the wall cut three go
What is his own homeland security secretary sailor? Public notice quote, there is presently an acute and leave me to construct barriers. Here's what I can say I can speak to what the president was very clear in saying, and also what you all have been reporting about about this. This construction so the facts or this this. This is not new. These funds were appropriated in fiscal year. Two thousand and nineteen under republican leadership and DA this is required by law to use the funds for appropriate, appropriated purpose. That's what we're seeing this was announced back in june by the hs and so look. We, We believe that there are better effective ways of moving, for To secure our border and security weaken our border security, we have continuous We asked for congress to act to provide our sea BP, the law enforcement law enforcement at the border, To give them the resources they need to do their jobs.
I listened with a very important they're saying two things at once and they do make sense if you drove by. I don't believe in this border war. He tells us base. I don't think a border war works, he tells us base. But all of a sudden the money For appropriate- and he says I can't ignore the safe to do this. Why did I like I'll go off america. I'm gonna tell you why On this radio show that sure by fourteen and a half million people nationwide or the course of the week. I'm blaze, tv and live tv and on my fox pro rams life liberty and live in this.
Ass weaken, especially, I laid out that the first impeachment article against Joe Biden should be his failure. To uphold article four section, one of the united states constitution: what is the full faith? What am I talking about? There, the present united states not only takes an oath, but he is compelled he is compelled to comply with statutes that he may even disagree with. supreme court says on several important on numerous occasions.
That? The present united states might be the president of the united states, but if her laws passed ngos like the law, he still must comply with the law. Unless he has some. Overriding substantive constitutional objection, there is no overriding substantive constitutional objection to the walls of policy objectives. I've said behind this microphone. I said on tv I said to the house judiciary committee, not personally, but three of these various public platforms, article one in the impeachment, of Joe Biden, you don't need any hearings on this issue has not upholding. His oath of office he's not upholding this a place where we haven't in the constitution. He is
upholding his requirement to ensure that the laws of the land or executed Ignoring these immigration laws somewhat we appropriated funds for the wall and he blower off that wasn't impeach. While a how many times have. I said, a rich from blue in the face. Now, apparently, the republic itself capitol hill, don't hear me. But the lorries and a white house barely do people are shocked at. reverse. What's he doing this reversal of assignments, appropriation, jest reverse course when our own conservatives on our own conservative networks, don't understand what's taking place, And they don't listen to what I'm telling you.
The reason why Joe Biden genuflect within a few days, Is because he realized, I was right, I'm not he's. Listening. Others were listening Although he knows who I am and he's told me, he has listen called me a smart ass least. They could get that average mouth, it's an peaceable offence, You don't even need anymore evidence, the evidence is obvious. So what does he do? He starts to try to repair this while they appropriated the funds hooker. I have no choice now, but do you support the war now you think it'll work, no, but I have to do. This was the low hanging fruit. It was the most obvious tangible article of impeachment they could have been drawn.
What he has done and is doing on the border. no he's not in this case, not scot free, there's other. Gratian laws he continues to violate, but this one was obvious congress. Appropriate funds not once but twice finish the war, He says now: I'm not gonna do that then, all of a sudden. This making reverses course, because they realize wait a minute. It is an impossible offence to do deep, dives and finances, and already we don't need subpoenas we'll need anything. This is low hanging fruit. You don't even need, and when I inquiry there it is their defence. The law on their saying there, deferring the law and letting parts while last in the desert.
There's selling it office, scrap, ok, great sadness and more pig is just more more evidence of unimpeachable offence worth illegal. lisbon on this nowhere. Why? Because of your former federal prosecutor, your focus like my optically borrowing and our document twelve point: seven key, section seventy three, forty one, that's a violation of the espionage jack. He shouldn't really turn out over oil step back. now. So the debate is over policy, so your hearing over hypocrisy, wait. A minute here is an example missing, tire point a why there is hypocrisy, John Berman, as dense as a block of some, And on cnn today he placed clips of trump and eyes, I didn't saying he will not build another for the war cut to go by
a clear that he would not expand the boar wall. If elected I'm campaigned on Will that wall are you willing to tear that wall down. There will not be another foot of wall constructed my administration President also said today that we're presidents have said to him: they wish that they had built a wall that they give a single one, who said we need border security, but that's not the borders, On the day he took office president bind signed a proclamation seeing that core building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is a serious policy solution that we should know. Today's action does not do that. twenty mile section. Nevertheless, is very different to what president Biden campaigned. So he's not going finish the always in about twenty miles. Section they'll argue that's! What's. Appropriated there's no more and it now filing following the law
And so going to see this debate, he did it because he said He has seen the problems in the Democrats, cities, the Democrats party are actually mayors and governors, some of the pressure, and so he finally buckled not what happened. Two minds about Joe Biden: turbines about power. That's why they're getting this message. Do you think it works? Now you want to know you have to do it. Yes, why cause they pass that damn appropriation and it's been my poor that congress has passed the appropriation and other immigration laws passed and recent. and he has not complied with them. These are impeach offences and one damn lawyers finally whispered in his ear. They have us on this one. They don't even cree, then on his penis deposition, it's all in the public,
We ve got to figure out how to fix that jean Pierre Cot three go, What is his own homeland security secretary sailor? Public notice quote, there is present, I'm anymore, I'm sorry harry. President, I didn't say there will not be another foot constructed. I support was appropriate in twenty nineteen. He said there. It'd, be another foot wall constructed in my administration, so something changed. What you want us to break the law. Is that what you want? You want us to not comply with that. Let's stop right there and I'm a huge fan of Peter doocy there. It is it's laid out right in front of you. You want to to break the law. Joe Biden was breaking the law, Joe mine was violating the constitution toolbar
has committed unimpeachable offence because he still not following the law, but they figure. This will be enough. That's they say their policies, not to finish the wall or even twenty miles or war. But we have no choice and so the next time russian peter and everybody else should be. You did this big You were concerned about an impeachment article at heart. Folks, wanna. Tell the reporters out there. You don't have the fear me to pretend I don't exist. I know most, you despise me and I despise most of you, but sometimes Information I provide, if not all the time, is very useful. I'm telling you why they did this and there I'm telling you, but they don't use the eye. Word they're kind of telling you.
He's breaking the law. If he doesn't do this, he's been breaking the law, go ahead, why only, why was it not here? I thought you wanted the administrations that followed it once all the time the student loans, the city, in the forgiveness program. He went to court to fight for that. If this is such a problem building twenty miles of wall, why not go to court. We went to congress, the congress approach, the funding when hires commerce. So let's stop here, he shipping impeach for that that is defying a supreme court ruling. He should be But here s a statute, a law, an appropriation. Not a ruling that they feel they can try and get around they should, but this black and white, and they know it- and I know it. And I'm saying it over and over again.
in the media would now if they had nothin integrity, to listen to what I'm telling them.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.