« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 10/21/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, if someone wanted to destroy America, they would elect Joe Biden as president. They would fund and re-arm Iran and the Palestinians. They would throw the southern border wide open. To destroy America they would do exactly what they are doing now. Also, we have a fifth column in America and the media are a big part of it. We have allowed these colleges and universities to take our money and we're told we can't touch them. CNN has breaking news, “Hundreds likely dead in Gaza hospital blast, as Israeli blockade cripples medical response.” 99% of that CNN article is a lie. Now we know what moves the media. Later, not only did Israel not shoot a missile at a hospital in Gaza, but a hospital was never hit at all, and 500 casualties never happened, so in every respect the Hamas propaganda was reported and regurgitated by the Democrat media. The Hamas propaganda has been reported nonstop by the Democrat media, who have all disgraced themselves and exposed themselves as Stalinists, and they have blood on their hands.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by my favorite college in america, hills stale college, which, probably fuses every penny of government funding to remain independent? Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation, Ales data for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door most locks bolted. What a great one just resting on our laurels: he's king sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best this is the best more club make something very clear, This programme, A tv show my play show or write books for the left wing for the marxists for the media. Do it for you and people actually care about this country.
They ve now reveal themselves. Donald trump said tat on american media have actually been mild and then their lives creepy democrat party funded sites like media and media man these and many more than that they ve all now suppose themselves as hating our country. and supporting our enemies, foreign and domestic. They're out there publicly. Their names are now known. Their organizations are now known their donors for the most part or known now. We know who they are the same: people who want to put donald trump in prison for the rest of his life by the way I keep hearing this line Well, how marsh that's? All the palestinian people. Hamas our suggests some- and I guess- goes for the palestine
in authority, which is run by terrorist, I'm at jihad and all rest sought. The palestinian people There's these terrorist groups such as happened and take over all these Territories, all these countries and so forth, and the power Stallions can't rise up and overthrow them. Let me just say this. This had been gone for a very, very long time. A very very long time. So, where are all the palestinians between the wars and during the wars who set of groups. In the united states or elsewhere condemning.
What has taken place and others a few? I know there's a few a few and look at the disgusting hypocrisy. The media that covered world war two never even asked these questions. They really put forward these opinions. Look the people Germany they're not all nazis, he can't help it. What are they supposed to do? The people in Japan. Then our all common causes, you know what are the people of Japan supposed to do. And on and on and on.
Why is this even on the radar. If the israelis wanted to blow every palestinian in the Middle east have to face the earth, they would have done it already. how come over cnn and MSNBC in the new york slimy, the washed and compost and all the others, reuters and ap. How come they never mention These railways wanted to destroy them. Estonia and they have the wherewithal to do it, and they would do it now before anybody else gets next. How can they don't say that Then how come our media previously didn't ask the questions or make the statement that the media today do and how and we had presidents before conducted themselves. Much Firstly than Joe Biden. I know. What's going on behind the scenes, but Biden talks.
To these rallies, when lincoln's over there we're gonna have a guest on Carolyn gluck, one of the great columnists in Israel. explained to us some of what's going on behind the scenes? Have you asked yourself why these He'd gone is rather show solidarity with Israel. But why are they meeting with the palestinian authority why they meaning with Jordan and why they meeting all these people to keep the peace what are they telling israel behind the scenes? Israel really concrete: Says the bad administration at once the arms said simple: it wants the arms. But to watch jake tapir over the weekend? I didn't watch him. I heard little clips. He is a discussion, Tokyo arose type. He just this. civilians are civilians. He says really. The problem is, Hamas, doesn't look at it that way.
civilians, their own people are fodder. The Jews need to be burned literally Kapital, dismembered and burned. You have to He was cold blooded, as so be jake tapir, the rest of the american media, its sickening covered up the holocaust. Another play moral equivalency here. jake show me one palestinian baby been decapitated by the by the hour, after show me one show me: one And, of course, we have a fifth column in our own country in the media is a big part of it. and we ve set ourselves up for this- we have allowed these getting universities to take all of our money.
And then under the rubric of academic freedom and freedom, which they don't honour and don't respect. Where till we can't touch them course, we can touch them, we need defeat them something. I've been talking about now for several years, cloning in america, marxism, women while obligation to fund a fifth column that supports marxism the communist chinese, whether institutes and how and the other terrorists with their organizations. We have no responsibility to protect them and people seek to destroy america and participate in terrorism? They'll have free speech rights too Funded by us and our platforms and colleges and universities. I mean our government is arresting pro life to protest in front of abortion, clinics. How many hamas terrorists and those with the terrorists have been arrested for
Testing anywhere for anything. They throwing january six protesters, I'm really when talking about people who are violent. And in the building came out of the building story, I'd others who were on the property? There are throwing them in a break for years. At a time. About these college campuses in their breeding of terrorism and the funding of confucius institute and these students. For peace in palestine or whatever the hell, they call themselves. There's a piece called the Hamas network in america, short history of by extremism, dodgy w got eddie you.
Lorenzo Vo or video, published this month. You better watch his back because nobody safe anymore now. Here's what he says about Hamas, it's the very, very small thumbnail sketch says Hamas supporters of long operated in the united states. In turn, I must documents in F b I wiretaps introduced as Hence, in various federal criminal cases clearly show the existence of a nation wide. Hamas network engage fund, raising lobbying education and propaganda dissemination dating back to the nineteen eighty. You know it's refreshingly we once had an epi either. Did this sort of thing? basically saying maggie republicans are the greatest threat we face cause they're right, wingers same with our intent,
its agencies that are going more more domestic disgrace. The network form its existence and nineteen. Eighty eight, when it created the Palestine committee in the u s, but don't worry Palestinians aren't bad the committee's causing. Quote: increasing the financial and moral support for Hamas, fighting, surrendering solutions and publicizing the savagery, I'm calling of the Jews and of The american media has his digested, all of it right, Jake, tapir, burnt, Andrea Mitchell,. The Palestine committee spawned several public facing organizations, most of which are based on it. Cargo dallas and washington d c: they included the. Purpose: islamic association of palestine. There
annual arm represented by the occupied land fun which later in the holy land foundation and the think tank nodded association of studies and research night Ninety three, the fbi wiretapped a meeting of top hamas activists in the? U s held in philadelphia. I've talked about this many times the. Why tat, show internal discussions on how to active activities in support of Hamas within the united states and how to shield them. The designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation. You space time. Ass activates agreed that hiding their affiliation and intentions was the best tactic. To avoid negative consequences quote I swear by our that wars, deception one senior later deceive. Camouflage ten that you're leaving. Why you're walking that away deceive your enemy.
Not hoist a large islamic flag and, let's not be barbaric talking, we will remain a front. So if the thing States governed the ban on how ass happens. We will benefit from the new happen instead of having all of our organizations classified as expose and by the way one of the groups that, created at that meeting, was care. Cr, which has a solid linked to the democratic party and for years, was providing training to the federal bureau of investigation. For years had ties the Clinton administration and the obama administration. over the years the us authorities have contacted several activities to clamp down on the network, including deporting prosecuting Hamas operatives and showing down multiple front organisations
two thousand one designation of the holy land foundation of subsequent prosecution of part of its leadership for following twelve, A half million dollars to Hamas constitutes today the largest successful terrorism, financing, prosecution. In? U S, history arr by the way, was named. And I d call or they had checks and they had other things, but they just figure. They couldn't convict beyond reasonable doubt I don't know why you have. based time as networks and individuals have displayed a remarkable resilience and many of the core activists- Palestine committee are still engaged various forms of support, albeit at times purely political and not material for hamas. Individuals and networking providing various forms of support for Hamas have been active in amerika for decades, small,
was a palestinian to belong. The muslim brotherhood networks in the Gaza strip and the west bank in fact arrived in the? U s since the sixties two studied american universities or as immigrants and refugees Hamas as it's true, states is quote one of the wings of the muslim brotherhood in palestine that hamas over time. The official foundation of Hamas and nineteen eighty seven onwards. This network recently organised itself creating a relatively large set of public facing organizations. Diverted activities such as funding lobbying education, dissemination of propaganda? Much like them can media, I might add, since the EU Government first designated Hamas as a terrorist organisation and ninety ninety seven use authorities. did several activities to clamp down on our but its not working is it know them?
following the nineteen. Eighty seven formation of Hamas, muslim brotherhood, branches and I'll shoot throughout the world activated themselves to it as the newly formed organization corner do internal doc, its released in the federal court case. Nineteen eighty the head of the palestine section of muslim brotherhood in the Middle EAST. Travel to the united states we met with fell. Muslim brothers to seek their support. The result of the meeting was the formation of this palestine committee muslim brotherhood in america, sub group, the moderate muslim brotherhood in the united states made mostly members of palestinian origin. They said their purpose Palestine is the one for the muslim brotherhood prepared armies made up for me children of islam in the arab and islamic nations to liberated and from the abomination in the deferment of the children of the Jews, the palestinians. Never ever.
had claim to the way they are on right now. Folks, you ve heard me about hills down college, giving away free copies of the constitution washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your for for my listeners in soon so if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com, every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy,
I'm hills. College girl of for hills, thereby come right now complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies. Last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy now at fray hills, dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills del backup, making your weekend even better. This is the best mark Levin round to say it does to the rescue He brought in hundreds of americans from Israel, and he said something which took a lot of guts and is very true. The new york times hates and because the new york times haters and hates the Jews has demonstrated during the holocaust We scholars a written about it, I've written about it more arms at defend what took place
The new york times have read a damn thing, knew it even apologized in two thousand one sort of. so the Santer says we shouldn't accept I from the gaza. They're, always pay semitic this offence. The Hamas supporting media in america- and you might imagine Near exclaims, constipated news network washing Posts are all quite offended. Tell me boys tommy wash them. Host. How many give a bureau in in Gaza? You don't wanna terms new york times. You have a bureau in Gaza. Why not.
How come you don't a bureau in tehran? What's it all about, why don't they have bureau's. the euro in tehran in Gaza because they get killed. That's why. the Santer says: you're should not accept refugees from Gaza. He says I don't know what you're binds do, but we cannot accept people from god in this country's refugees. I'm not gonna. Do that feel if you Yet how they behave well here we haven't here, is the audio twelve go so I will say- and I dont know what life is going to do, but we cannot accept people from Gaza into this country. As refugees. I am not going to do that look at how they behave, not furthermore, of Hamas, but they are all anti semitic, none!
I believe in Israel's right to exist. None of the arab states are willing to take. You know any of them, The arab states should be taking them. If you have refugees, you don't fly people and import them into the united states of america. So we're gonna be very strong on that and I think about our country. see these demonstrations, so hoarding Hamas in the united states of america. How did we get to the point where people are out there doing that you get reports of babies being murdered all this other stuff, and your first instinct is to go out and praise, the terrorists who perpetrated that you have students at harvard signing letters sent in praising Hamas, for doing it with That's some serious problems in this country. We ve allowed a lot of these problems to fester. but I'm my view is very simple: if you don't like this country, if you hate amerika, you should not,
into this country. We ve gotta, start being smart about noise. percent correct so, let's see seen in response to this it is his characterisation of Gaza. Residence is not supported by public pulling on the ocean, oh you say: enjoy in a July Paul by the pro israel organizational washington institute, very leftwing, fifty percent of thousands agree that called Hamas should stop calling for israel's destruction and instead except a permanent two state solution based on them Ten sixty seven borders. What what does that have to do what the Santer said? Mister produce said their anti semitic. So there is seen- and looking very far have that's that's done. Atrocities of he's he's wrong. Going column a racist and in can day this pole doesn't contradicted anything dissatisfied, Has nothing to do with what he said
He said there not all come ass, he was term, a two state solution or aware: how could they didn't take a pole on what they think about Jews? Now, ladies and gentlemen, You're, like our critical re syria effort in this country by the left in america by the democratic party in amerika, I guess what in area location where palestinians live. I don't care if it's under the We still need authority under Hamas, where it is every location in the Middle east, where palestinians will, if they alert hey Jews, they. And I hate use, they learn anti semitism and that's that's a passageway pudding The videos are all on the internet. You can look at sea and air, but you all cause you're you're. Disgrace you disgusting and remit. What that cnn report, started right away with the president of Israel. Hers herzog, remember that. But what about this?
civilians over there and go a tank. Haven't you entered Gaza. Yet this is a week ago, I will g p predator presidential contender, Nicky hayley on sunday. Listen to this response. that is to say those remarks by saying the united states quote, has always been sympathetic to the fact that you, separate civilians from terrorists, that's what americans have to do following the harassing hamas attack these not answering them either. Why she is an ambulance, chaser, she's cheese is bad, as advocate gay, rama swami as far as I'm concerned, but I was you and for two years. I know that you at the? U n, you know new york city, the lesson of this she's playing the left wing card, This didn't say: there's a difference. Beach. Hamas and civilians he's
We should not taken any body from Gaza The palestinians are anti semitic, wiser controversial for Nicky early. I understand cnn and the new york times all these other slobs. I got back and we're most. These people live there point out a palestinian within ten miles by the way, I'm just saying. you have to realise that, whether we're talking about gardens and palestine, all of them, don't you have half of them. The time that I was there didn't want Under Hamas role, they wanna have terrorists overseeing that they need that they were living a terrible light because of how that doesn't answer what to Santa said either that doesn't answer anyone. The scientists and others goes on CNN have used the attacked, argue for a hard line, immigration policies and stronger
order security near see what I mean just sickening. This is. the democratic party hates america. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the umbrella group for the media, It is the umbrella group for the house swaying in the democratic party. congress and elsewhere. It is the umbrella group. Our colleges and universities in their tenured marxist, that's why I too The democratic party hates him and all our so controversial over here, barnes and other. We can't put that book at the front window no way. So Nicky hayley doesn't answer dissenters. Cnn doesn't have to decide this. They say the things that have nothing to do with what the santa said. In fact, he wouldn't really disagree. Dickie hell he said so she twisted. So I don't trust him. If, here, I can stand up now. I call a spade
pay than when the hell are you. What are you? as the time to recognise whose ho and what's what yes and finish my. Hamas information, MR producer, you bored with that- can find the damn thing here. It is So there they its meaning further taping their tapped. the internal strategy, the report go. This is the hamas network in america put out this month This is a meeting in philadelphia twenty years ago. The internal strife, the committee. This Palestine committee, aimed at mobilizing america muslim community to support Hamas, meaning participants.
understood that they could also play an important role in aiding the group by influencing american public opinion in policy, making in particular, stressed the need to increase the committee's court influence. Will congress unquote enable foothold in congress? That's not play games. said quote, this can be achieved by infill trading, the american media outlets, universities and research centres. This is, an analysis. This is them call on take. He continued his so achieved by working with islamic political organizations and the sympathetic ones such as the american muslim alliance. Such The united muslims of america, such as the month muslim public affairs council, still calling if muslims and gay muslims engage in political activism and american started to be concerned with congress and public relations, we will have an entry point to use them the pressure congress, the decision makers in america, corn on quote the development of a care,
Crafted media strategy defending hamas without giving the impression of voice of supporting violence was deem to be one of the most important aspects of the committee's public relations camp. Mister It is remember many years ago really when I was starting out over twenty years ago. This group air used to try and get talk, show host, fired. Remember what I said: try it. On you and I will see you for interference with my contract and I will pose you and I will see who all your contributor and we'll get your texts who will get your emails? How get every anything you ve ever created and ever hope to create, and they said, It is far away from me as possible. They were picking off. Conservative talk show us. There are monitored They were recording the shows they were putting it out like it.
Racist look at this time are, like I said, bring it on. Not a word mr produce remember. This is why it front group, and I said, and I won't settle- I'm not going to settle. I will chase you down on discovering ends. Earth instinctively knew what they were when I had appeared on cnn and talked in the way that he spoke, this greatly reduces the severity allegations of radicalism. See they have. They are media, figured out all of our enemies. Do. midge statement refer to the appearance of a few weeks earlier of an ip public relations directly method or a wad on cnn, As for I wanted advanced Hamas his point of view with words that we're palatable to the american public. This is the guy. There runs care now,
did the media savvy Awad, followed up on our minds. words for their presentation and the media strategy, stressing the importance of quote training and qualifying individuals. The branch in the community's on media activism, through Special courses on the media and quoting him and highlighting ports are riding up ads and prominent american newspapers strategies, long been heeded by? U s basic hamas activists upon their return to the middle east factor last few years form a? U s. Palestine committee had my suit Mars, Zook and former yasser director of may gather diver do currently Senior political divides to the palestinian prime minister, Ishmael Anna had several editorials and prominent american newspapers, such as the washington post, the new york times and allow. Santos times using tones that are quite different from
because they use in arabic. Discussions in the meaning that nineteen nineties for meeting made it clear that part spends fully understood that if, within the muslim community, they decided to openly in unabashedly supported Hamas when dealing with the general pub And policymakers they needed to take a more nuanced position quote. Is the wire tat picked up? We can't as an american organization say we represent summer MA spelled backwards, explain matt. Oda congressmen and tell him here sarcastically. I am omar chairman of the union yasser Arafat, I represent me by Hamas, spiritual leader, shack, yes and does other participants agreed de simulating the dissimilar. The committee's real aims and feeling
when dealing with americans was a necessary tactic, quote again picked up by the wire, I swear by all other wars. Deception, said: abu back, We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart deceive camouflage. Pen. That year, leaving while you're walking that way deceive your enemy. I agree with your politics as a completion of war, said displaying a remarkable knowledge of class wits outcome at first elaborated abu back cars position. Comparing the deception group was to use with their head fake, used by basketball players quote. He makes player believe that he's doing this while he does something else. This is the fbi recordings. Are. These guys are met The bikers calls for dissimulation were heeded by other participates. One argued quote my opinion. must form. A new organization for activism, which will be neutral because we are placed in a corner
and I believe this is care they created among others. We replace is known who we are. We a mark. I believe that there should be a new neutral organization which work on both sides and other unidentified Speaker agreed highlighting the need we creating a new organization that will be quoted official. U s cover representing the islamic community will also serve as a cover for the existing organizations. In case they got dissolved. You see what we're up against this need to be clear, now. These groups need these shut down with terrorism and terrorist links, and these asked which need to be thrown out of our country, their terrorists or there, sir, The terrorists wannabes mark you're, sitting to the best of mark.
Levin from CNN hundreds. likely dead in Gaza hospital blast as israeli blockade chris, Those medical response. By jesse young kyra John son honour, hawk and jha he'd Mahmoud. cnn palestinian officials say, hundreds were killed by Mr Blair study gaza hospital on tuesday, as monitoring concerns mount over Israel's deprivation of food, fuel and electricity to the enclaves. Population holly baptist hospital wish sheltering thousands of displaced people want. It was born. tuesday, the palestinian health ministry, said in his statement. Many victims are still under the rabble it at first to paragraphs third, paragraph palestinian It shows blamed ongoing, is really strikes for the lethal incident, but the israeli defence force
have categorically denied any involvement in the hospital attack. Blaming and steady, failed rocket launch by the palace. meaning islamic jihad group a rival. Islam is group in Gaza. Gaza has been under. Siege, israel for more than a week in response to their deadly incursion by Hamas. The islamic militants group that controls the coastal enclave hum the two point: two million p Hospitals, meanwhile, are struggling to tender. They wounded across the territory operating with shortages of electricity and water, Vital humanitarian aid is meanwhile piling up because I shuddered border, despite diplomatic efforts to open a corridor from Egypt. The? U n, other officials have said they needed. Shorts have saved passwords for a potential aid for potentially convoys, and it goes on. Ninety nine percent of that is a lie.
Ninety nine percent of, as is a and the corporation, that owns cnn. should be ashamed about its putting out they're pretty At a time of war, they could involve the united states supporting the enemy. Seen and supports the enemy. the new york times supports the enemy, the vast majority, the meat. In america, and europe support the enemy. the entity of america, the enemy of the west, the enemy of Israel. Now, let me just say this to you. Now we know what moves the media, an allegation from Hamas, that is, blow up a hospital in Gaza, despite the that Israel does not target hospitals,
is well aware: the outcry, if it did, target a hospital in factors a video showing that the palace In islamic jihad, off a wave of missiles towards Israel. At the same time, currently wanted? I'm hit the hospital. But the meteor poised they're poised to attack Israel to attack Israel. And this is slavic jihad work side by side with Hamas. There are the ones who fired a barrage of ms this as it is one of them, fell short heading, Well, there's a video out now and they have the data to bake back it up.
in fact, about thirty percent of the missiles palestinian terrorist fired, is run misfire, causing damage in death in Gaza, but seen ended report that. I understand the media are disappointed. I understand it and I understand that now. There's pressure on Israel to make sure that the terrorists the nazis aren't shooting this will somehow that's now. Israel's responsibility, where it totally Couldn't have happened at a worse time for israel. Should I Israel's responsible for an islamic jihad miss or that it's a hospital in Gaza. I understand IRAN, the palestine an authority, the arab countries? Don't care about the facts: they Dictators and every damn one of these countries, democracy in the arab world. Now one there
taters their monarchs their terrorists- their dictators whatever they are. They are, but the fact that the media regurgitate these lies from terrorists and are poised to condemn israel at virtually. Every turn is uncomfortable. What anybody had seen and resign over what scene and is doing. Now we know who committed the atrocities against the Jews and october seventh, including babies in their cribs people burnt alive people, decapitated. In one case, one of the forensic medical doctors said the son of this. When MR produce, they took little kids.
Group them into what I call a pile and set them all on fire at once. There was a burning pile of children. One of these forensic medical. doctors was very active after nine eleven going into the room to try and find bodies and so forth was driven to tears. He was interviewed. He said I I I I seen anything like this. I can't even imagine anything like this. He described one pregnant woman who had her belly sliced open. Her baby was slashed to death.
the umbilical cord, was still attached and they shot in the back of the head. I guess for the media that has to happen in a hospital to make it matter, so we know who committed these atrocities. They even took video of the atrocities. They were so proud of themselves. We know who. Slaughtered thirty americans and half a dozen or to american hostages who started it always does whose mission statement calls for eradication of the gene. Who's in all non believers, so when you get a report like and Hamas is sang. Israel did it. We lost five hundred people in order to get the arab street or fired up in these dictators and terrorists.
The monarchs who run these countries throw in immediately because they don't want to be overthrown. Who do you believe you're in a newsroom and the story comes in And Hamas has immediately saying it's: Israel. you go and storing like that. Most of our media, do The remedy go with. and then in a sickening example of professional malpractice, location back when the facts came out and then on the war, then move on. Here's is Netanyahu at a press conference just a little bit ago. Cut one go Hamas, The new nazis, is isis in some instances, worse than isis
and just as the world united to defeat the nazis, Just as the world united to defeat ices that's do stand united behind Israel to defeat Hamas. This is, part of an axis of evil of iraq. Hizbollah and Hamas. their goal. Open goal is to eradicate the state of Israel. The goal of Hamas is to kill as many jews as they could, and the only difference is that who killed every last one of us murdered every last one of us if they could just have the capacity, but they murdered an extraordinary thirteen Civilians which in terms is like many, many many nine, eleven So obviously we must take action to defeat Hamas and to ensure
This doesn't happen again, but this is not only our battle, it is our common battle. The battle of civilization against barbarism and if its not stopped here The savagery will reach you very soon. The entire world already has. Democracies in europe have been overrun with it. Grants from the Middle EAST her own country same thing, you see the protesters in the streets, obviously than are all from the middle east, but many are they are funded by Hamas related organizations. I've been through this in great detail its in arguable, its unequivocal and they're here On the least three hundred college campuses
and there are here and our media, like MSNBC Cnn new york times washed impose they are here- the democrat party on capitol hill tallied Omar elsie, And the rest of the scum on the democratic party left don't hit a harsh, bleak and headache about sped away. Can hit a synagogue, he can murder people in their beds. You can cure holocaust survivor. You kill babies and a thousand different ways. You can rape, you can pillory consular too
in sixty five teenagers at a music event for peace have at it just don't hit the hospital and they didn't hit the hospital. The people who slaughtered Jews on october seventh, who wanted to kill more jews, because they're shooting missiles from schools and hospitals and mosques and other places where the bite administration says you cannot attack in a more northern part of the gods. strip, islamic jihad, palestine, fired a barrage of missiles in at least one And they think, maybe more than one fell short and hit the hospital there's no video. This.
And yet seen and rights, the crap that scene and rights, and what about the humanitarian concerns it's amazing to meet EU humanitarian concerns. First law context, history: our own war, where war too, we know concerns about humanitarian efforts at all. When we went to war against the japanese, the germans in the italians, none zero. In fact, we were targeting hospitals, schools, anything we could to break the spirit of the nazis
of imperial japan and fascist italy. Citizens were targeted all through our work, but Israel doesn't targets. But you can't fight a war without citizens time and if I have to explain night after night day after day time after time, the difference between targeting citizen And citizens who die as a result of war launched by their own regime in a five. Explain again and again and again the unconscionable effort at creating moral equivalency. Then these people have no morality, they don't know the difference between good and evil.
I'm talking about the american and european media, what does it take? What do they need to see? What do they need to hear? What do they need to read? The answer? Is it? Doesn't the american media are our enemy. We don't have a free press, we have propaganda and demagogues. That's what we have who are free under our first amendment, to be paid Began to sing demagogues, we don't have freedom of speech and academic freedom on our democratic control and funded college campuses with your tax dollars. We have indoctrination, brainwash. the creation of a generation of american hating americans. And terror- loving americans. As long as the target is the united states in Israel
mark a great one, makes your weekend even better. This is the. best of mark le then a lot to cover in a lot that overlaps- and I want to go through this with you in a way that the kind of puts things together our friends at bright bark, has a hassebu. He shows that the near ties reportedly editor heads. Twice on tuesday about a blast, the blow up a Gaza hospital changing that Each time to reflect less blame against Israel for the tragic explosion, now folks, a few me online, I don't read any comments, because what
meaning is these front groups are flooding in. They give their comments. I dont worry about comments, but you should read what I post Because I said yesterday. That I'd information and it was accurate that normally did not israel. not only did Israel not shoot him, lead hit that hospital, but the hospital wasn't hit. It was a parking lot next to the hospital and that five hundred casualties never happened. There were dozens, but not five So in every respect, the hamas propaganda was reported by media regression. aided by our media, with very few exceptions.
So now we know what I knew yesterday that it was the islam or nazi terrorists who action miss, fired a missile which happens often. didn't hit the hospital. I hit the parking lot for some say behind it and were not. Hundred casualties now the problem is the american media, the european meat and, of course, the middle east media. What were the Hamas line? Hezbollah, exit around grabs at all the terrorist groups and all the Brad I run these countries, they use it and so our media, the amount. Media insignificant part is responsible for what you're saying all around the world today. because these terrorist networks, including in the united states of america they seized on these opportunities. I told you
Hamas is network in the united states on our college campuses, through students for justice in justice and palestine and care and the rest of them. So the EU social media. They use the internet to do Everybody these rallies and then there there grew, sorgen eyes and they pants. And that's what you're saying. In addition to the indoctrination and brainwashing that's been taking play and our colleges. You know, look in university for decades, So they were up new york times, edited a headline twice on tuesday that this explosion after that This model of pieces of evidence emerged from these really defence forces, anomaly them, but from independent television networks that I've camera set even
jazeera, and then they pulled it back as fast as I could out users on by qatar. You know the ones that fund Hamas and, among others, and protect the Hamas leadership But even though her showed it, then of course these early release. The audio of the congress. It should be trained to nazis friend of mine, said, or what they really said earlier. Why didn't they really said earlier? Does anybody know it's obvious why they didn't really said earlier? They had to make a decision. If we release it there, nazis will know that we have a way of weapons intercepting their communication. People are so ignorant. But if we release it will also have really. This is just for piling on evidence of who did what now,
does it matter to the arab world into the p, Loving palestinians doesn't matter to them, not in the least. doesn't matter to our friends in the Middle east, not analysed egypt, Jordan and the rest. Saudi Arabia. So it's released to persuade the american media in the european media that we do. We really didn't do it, even though Hamas as we did, we really didn't do it because Israel is Using an anti semitic, american media and anti american american media. How many times I say, that's one and the same really it is so they had put on. information probation out to persuade not the arab street. They cape persuaded of anything but the media street
the bbc, the new york times CNN Msnbc You see CBS a p riders, all of them pershing alai, pushing a lie. So The first headline was, is rarely strike, kills hundreds of hospital palestinian say. It was Hamas that said it now, if I have to ask the meet it, our hamas, the palestinians, the same thing or the palestinian to stone port, Hamas or well. What is it with you? People. So they use a woman, oh she's, the first black woman, who can't even defined what a woman is on the supreme good will, which is its neither its whatever works. The second hand.
Up the israeli accusation, which still called the blessed a strike, the third had And dropped the word strike a worthy Insinuate an israeli airstrike and said at least five. hundred dead in blast Gaza hospital power Danny and say so accorded your transactions be abundantly clear. The palestinians, hamas, are the same thing, because I wasn't steady and per se who said it some guy on the street in Gaza city, it was their health service which is run by Hamas. They said. So just be clear: the near times has reached a conclusion. perhaps unwittingly that the path, iranians? Hamas are the same thing. That's never admitted So the first time the times changed its story about the recent conflict on the Gaza strip border. They write that paper published a story. Last week
four into her hamas, as Hamas terrorists before revisit revising it to Hamas gunman the new york times The story, a second time on wednesday to harass, come terrorists. If there there was backlash. They have no more a core. They never have, and they never will. I mean after all, is the new york times have covered up the holocaust and betrayed the holocaust. The millions of how people who died in the holocaust. Then we have another example here. In washington d c, the cannon house building. protesters take over capitol hill spencer ran a town hall. But who are these people the day after the thought. on capital, a worn lawmakers and their age about it change our demonstration activities, yours capital grounds. I quote. Civil
urban some Wednesday unquote while promising a quota heightened security, posture, increased police presence, a group of apparent hamas sympathisers. Look over the return to their cannon house office building to demand a cease fire now. According to the? U s? The? U S, a capital placed. Illustrations of any size are prohibited inside the congressional burning part they obstructing work. Then that's taking place in the cap. I understand they're gonna be charged with trespassing, but isn't it more than that A judge, jackson, church chunk mc or whatever the hell, your name is, but who is this group? You know centres I looked up the group unwell familiar with this group, and I looked it up just to get the lincoln the the the best explanation of what this group
now spreading. Among so my media friends and I haven't used at the sitting on its a jewish girl, Yes, it is a jewish group, but what is it jewish voice for peace? Okay I saw that none of the car, IRAN's jewish voice for peace, for what's that I'll, it's just a little google search away. This is from ngo, monitor ngo. Dash monitor dot org, which tracks these and they write in an executive summary. Jewish voice for peace is a: u s pace political organization which refers to itself as they can, Jewish wing of the palestinian solidarity movement- unquote, J, He provides the facade of significant your support for beady and other forms of demonization,
including on university campuses and churches, while also seeking to create quote a wedge with the american jewish in general, polarization over Israel. J p p is not transparent about funding source. and in light of this lack of transparency on the part of J, p, p and geo monitor, undertook research, research and its funding supporters and total between the years twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen that, as far as they go back six hundred Twenty six thousand seven hundred ninety three dollars they are, but a fine, indonesia in grants awarded to it and the rest, It reveals that there's j we receive funding from a broadway The foundations and charitable trust, many of which, unsurprisingly also contribute to other
israel organization, see this helps to know this. Doesn't it that's what the cat why? Why do I have to do this while I live for it, but one of the others? Do it on tv, among the donors, rockefeller brothers fund, tides foundation, fire doll, foundation, schwab, charitable foundation, jewish committee. no fund and so forth. In other words, ladies and gentlemen, this is a truly sleazy operation newly sleazy operation that uses the jewish faith in the name. Jewish. basically to represent. I guess we call them that steady and hamas right, but the near times are so confused. Now, I'm confused refer
through its offers, the jewish wing of the palestinian solidarity movement. That means it's, the jewish wing. In my opinion, of a terrorist group self haters I've talked about them long time on this radio show have condemned a vicious attack, but it causes see him when I see him very clear eyes, so the jewish group unquote, one in three of whom attack police, but it's mostly peaceful, don't them Never an insurrection of that. Even the blowing up the capital blowing up the panic trying to blow up the white house, like the weather underground, supposedly peaceful Our black lives matter, mostly peaceful, each other jewish voice, repeat
J vp. There was organised in canada office, building disrupting congress and they won't be charged with obstruction just trespassing. We people. sitting in prison in Washington DC. As I speak to a peaceful and they were in. the capital building on january sixth, it didn't, hurt a fly. They ve had the book thrown at the book, thrown jewish voice for peace. no better than students for justice in palestine. There all front groups there are heavily funded by overseas operations by hamas network by islamic jihad network by muslim brotherhood network right under our noses and the federal investigation, is focused on what mega christopher re says, what white supremacy
So the greatest threat we face is an idiot obviously Clansmen in NEO nazis that the greatest threat we face. This is the greatest threat we face and by the way, to see what care is up to see. I are go to their website. They are. full bore ahead. Radical Hamas supporting propaganda, though, we are giving you nothing, but the best, the best mark LE then do the Democrats want Israel a blow out Hamas or not this fine one is blow out Hamas, or not, because these and was conditions. For any army or are impossible. what's causing the delay.
These animals can do in the media. Is there are many more? There are poised to jump if something goes wrong, it always does and war. There They're gonna blame Israel and the poor victims, of course, are the palestinians in the Gaza strip. They have nothing to do with there's nothing whatsoever. These are peaceful people and if we had a two state solution, everything will be. The two cultures could assembling one into the other, No, that because rama swami set. So there must be right who, just beautiful. Take no, ladies and gentlemen, look what's going on here in the united states of america. What people are saying I want to remind you that the people in the united states of america there are supporting hamas and terrorism. They don't have a problem. They don't live in Gaza there and under
israeli oppression. I guess so under american oppression, but you got my point: people would these attitudes, people. Want to slaughter the Jews right here in our own country talking, exterminating them, and hitler was right, equity timber. I saw them. I saw their signs, there are carrying palestinian flags, you know people a piece. So when you teach people to hate to dehumanize their enemies here, Jews. That they will kill you and kill your families and most horrendous ways. but how can they live in peace and harmony with their neighbour? How stupid as this, and so the debt kratz hundred destroying our country that are destroying our border. The Democrats for destroying our cities.
Just listen to them. They sound like a bunch of more on a leaders, said some ivy league scope. Well, you know where we don't wanna to we Right, the palestinian terrorist from the Hamas timing, the palestinians from Hamas terrorists. Really, oh, yes, yes, we do. And I'll say again worse what office do I go to mr produce? What office do I go to that says, palestinians for israel. Hundreds of thousands of arabs live in Israel in a hundred thousands of jews. Don't live anywhere in the arab world,. Or for that matter, hundreds of thousands of christmas. There is no office name for me, these five
Top palestinians, the middle east, just five up like a better to help make it in, but one who speaks out for troops peace between the israelis and the palestinians. Who is this person named them? Came there? Isn't one Those that do obviously if they come to the united states to do it, but there are few and far between as well. but there is one who knows all about Hamas. There is one who condemns Hamas as a vial terrorist organization focused on not. Peace, but on slaughtering the juice and by the way, slaughtering americans, as they have in the past as well. and his name is most sob Hassan Youssef.
Sob Hassan Youssef. He's son of the Hamas leader. He was so disgusted by his father so disgusted by what he saw in school, so disgusted by the culture of mass murder and he left he could have lived in luxury. in our buddy brine, kill me tracked him there and he was on Foxen freds today. I'm sure the knicks limes washed and composting the rest Ivan track. Anybody down. Oh, I'm not I'm wrong about that labour costs by Hamas spokesmen her one of their surrogates. Here we go, Five go from this. Have you also say it's: it's almost impossible for us to give aid to the Gaza strip a hundred million dollars, we're about to give them and keep it away from Hamas. Don't you agree,
can't work, after we destroy the tunnels, we need to finish. I am ass. Rule in Gaza strip is priority number one then, when to replace the regime could be the palestinian authority could be. The egyptian government could be arab league force. We need to replace their rule in Gaza. After that we can talk about eight but as of now In any aid is a mistake: right on that point of the palestinian authority was in charge of Gaza two years until they were voted out feta for hamas. So that's not gonna fly. I mean if Israel is going to spend the blue. of its young men and women in Gaza. Really they get to decide. and if they want to involve other such great. But
those are our israelis who are going to be dying to deal with this, so they in their people die they We put an end to this, and then ok world. What should we do with ourselves on our border that I be insanity, Most sob hassan youssef centre, hamas leader on fox and today, here's more of what he had to say, cut six go is not a national movement. Hamas is religious movement with a gold Establish an islamic state now what's right here, why does it take the son of a Ass leading to speak the truth folks, you can do this if you can look only in an it's all right: they're scholars, researchers, think tanks, eye witnesses. Hamas as a terrorist movement? It's not a political movement.
And it's got networks throughout the united states, and I want to talk about that. I want to talk about that Am I saturday and Sunday show this weaken among other things, go ahead, MR producer that isn't actually are against nationals with that's it, understanding that they are using the palestinian cause. Only There goes to the long term goal now transforming the middle east and world in An islamic state this is how mass agendas and you're not hitting by the way so Hamas is serving for an urgent. Does we're talking about iran and worth talking about russia lately mass, so those parties and IRAN pays them closed a billion dollars annually.
is the real master in this picture. Does not serve the palestinian people can thus, Sir IRAN, Those are the masters of Hamas. Now this man As I say, the son of the chief terrorist in charge of Hamas. The Hamas leader he's the sun. has said more about IRAN. Joe Biden has in two weeks. And he's telling us and he's telling Biden lincoln, don't send that money. Gaza, because Hamas will take it. You're going to be fuelling there, their war machine. He talks about iran, paying them a billion dollars annually, I could barely raise a billion dollars annually, one trumpets present now folks. I know what the speeches can be.
They ve got all kinds of speech, writers, poland, together it's gonna, be Passionate it can be emotional, so people say yeah stands with israelis. But he's funding israel's enemies and he's funding our enemies. It's one thing to deal with these things after the fact, but there was no thing to deal with When he came into office because trumped up with you I'm not find a single news report in of the pro hamas corporate media from the new york times and see an end to the wash them hosting MSNBC and everything between not one. in the trunk farm policy compared to the bag and foreign policy. From foreign policy amerika was a smashing success, he got nato to to increase it.
contributions to its own defence. He got the inbred and north korea to stop firing off missile he put Trade barriers and tat end terrorists on china, There were crippling in many respects. Same with russia by the way in russia, Didn't blink Very concerned about what trumpet do He did things in the Middle EAST that no former president could have dreamed of. they wouldn't allow embassy dimly move from tel Aviv to Jerusalem? He did it. He recognised this. Where do the golan heights? to the israelis, he cut off monies to palestinian terror.
Including the palestinian authority. I think it's five five peace agreements, States with saudi arabia not far behind, they ran on sneeze. I know we're gonna run. The speech live at eight p m eastern, but I don't care, I don't care what he says, but. The idea that he doesn't contribute to these disasters, whether its have stan understand ukraine. Perhaps taiwan at some point our border, our economy energy independence, the idea. And he's the president and the commander in chief, but its everybody else's fault. The idea that these things just happened in the middle east on his watch darn it here
We were really doing a good job and his neck security adviser, said, look how quiet it is in the middle EAST. We haven't even had to focus on says a two weeks before the attack. And now all the pressures on Israel, they moral equivalency that I keep talking about all the pressure on Israel. Don't hate the civilians make sure the food gets in there and don't overdo it there. You know, but we stand with you. We got your back. Nothing's going to happen, while our arrival at just did you moron He's gonna happen our it just that, while you're around it happened before.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-23.