« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 10/14/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden re-armed Iran, Hamas Nazi terrorist groups, and the Palestinian terrorists in every way possible. We’ve gone from peace in the Middle East under President Trump, back to President Obama’s policy which was to weaken Israel and empower Iran. President Biden created this situation in Israel by letting Iran and Hamas out of the cage that the Trump Administration put them in. Egypt leaked to the media that they warned Israel about a possible attack from Hamas three days before it happened, but Benjamin Netanyahu has denied these reports and claims there was no contact with the Egyptian government. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul is repeating Egypt’s report despite no investigation or confirmation from U.S. intelligence agencies because he is being played for a fool. We have groups like BLM and college student groups along with the usual neo-Nazis carrying signs in our city streets saying to exterminate the Jews, that Hitler was right, and carrying swastikas while defending groups like Hamas. We have voices in the Democrat Party and media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post repeating their history of abandoning Jews just like they did during the Holocaust.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by my favorite college in america, hills dale college, which probably fuses! Every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation, Ales data for their sponsorship. Quiet in the underground bunker door, it's locks bolted. What a great one just resting on our laurels. He's King sure, you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best this. It's the best more club in america. This is what happens. This is what happened: when you appease and sell out to the enemy now As I've been saying or weaken on fox the first to say it,
somebody had to say it now, it's being repeated in that's a good thing: Joe Biden, re armed Islam not too regime in IRAN,. Joe binary armed. The Hamas hezbollah, nazi terrorist groups,. Joe binary armed whilst terrorists in every way possible. the democratic party trying to put a man in prison for the rest of his life. You may have heard of him donald trump. who literally change the middle east, I don't mean he made evil genocidal, maniacs peace nics. He had
his foot on their throats. he killed salami, their head of the iranian republican guard. He killed, they had of isis Cut off the palestinians because they wouldn't they wouldn't give up terrorism. And he said we're not gonna use one american sent which they can claim is Refugees in order to build up their terror operation, he cut them off. just like the border. Just like so much else. Joe Biden comes in office as the anti trump. Whatever trump daddy had a reverse.
he reversed at all, so we ve from peace breaking on the middle east literally. Tuna have three years ago unimaginable success. A policy of success. that should have been embraced and continued, and he went back to obama's path, was obama's power. Obama's policy was too weak in Israel. Power ran create what he and the peace well now around Biden. Does his people. Considered they re making of that region of the world. where Israel in IRAN would be a pretty much equal powers. Both Nuclear weapons and look what they ve done.
In Afghanistan, the afghanis have to pay the price. The goods happened. And in the Middle east, the jews are paying, the price americans are paying the price. Their two hundred thousand americans in israel where's your bind today we don't know. Where was Joe Biden last evening is having a barbecue, and so now The obama staff working for Joe Biden is setting Policy putting up propaganda working there, I find media working there liberals to blame everything. Of course on that now.
Course everybody wants to know how this happened. now that the liberals are saying how did this happen? That is Left wing marxists many of whom had our country hate, the state of Israel. maybe was because they re. Go left wing majority parties. In Israel lined with Joe Biden when Midst of a civil war against the Netanyahu government- maybe that was a distraction. Maybe the call for the idea. to rise up and strike against the net government. Maybe that was a distract. Maybe the endless effort.
By Joe Biden to undermine that Netanyahu's authority he'd have body in anybody over with the white ass president of costa rica matter, treated Netanyahu like a dog two weeks ago,. The israelis and the saudis where, within an eyelash of having a peace, deal, never even imagined. That would have changed the middle east in a profound way, but Biden and twenty democrat, so including the most radical among them, said now lot unless they. see the significant amount of land to the palestinians, so he I went up Biden net, Who said, I think we do that we have a problem you might, you might have heard of it's called the Gaza strip.
now you're gonna concede land. So Biden was already in the midst you haven't heard even today. It's amazing already in the midst of sabotaging what would have been an incredible d between saudi arabian israel, he and his party, but here's. The problem now is a war And it's a major war, it's a big deal. War. In Israel can't lose of Israel loses? Israel will cease
existing. You see, what's happened so far with these blood thirsty sub humans who target the innocent. Babies, old ladys old men, including survivors of the holocaust taken away to the other side of the border into Gaza? Can you imagine they purposely attack, first and foremost, this music festival is a large number of teenagers in young people and grab the girls kidnapped them.
Take them to the Gaza strip or they're gonna be raped over and over again decapitated. Are you have soldiers they capture and let me tell you something: Most of the idea of soldiers are civilians who spent a year Three in the military there there are very young. Seven in eighteen, nineteen, twenty twenty one, the very young thee,
Hamas, not caesar using isis tactic, their torturing soldiers, the torturing civilians, their dragging them through the streets, the pudding babies in cages. I have posted relentlessly relentlessly my social sites. You can see what's taking place and also what has taken place in the recent past. It's gonna get worse before it gets better america, we have a hamas wing of the democratic party.
Who get an enormous amount of attention from the corporate media who hate america. Who hate our military? who hate our law enforcement. Hate our founding, who hate the Jews and not just in Israel juice period, there marxists ma, does have always hated the Jews. Among everybody else tell me Who are the jew haters among the republicans in congress? There aren't any how, by republicans in the senate, thrown any. Joe Biden has always been of two minds when it comes to Israel, but he's always Two minds, even though it doesn't have one he's, never.
a great supporter, buddy. Ever really made it a big issue. and so he and the obama Pervades he surrounds himself with, I want you, remember blinkers: deputy secretary of state under obama, sky sherman, another obama, guy. There all obama paper. Obama was and is, in my view, an anti semites. Interfered with the israeli election much as violence interfere with the israeli luck. As far as I know, as of right now, obama hasn't even put out a statement peasant put out a statement. Oh half hour ago, two and a half days later. What did it say
we ought to come together, show restraint, see if we can t escalate. Something like that. Rick pretty much. Because that's the party that lie now in the help hamas wing of the democratic party, what is a Democrat Already done to put down its hate america, Hamas anti semitic wing of the party, not a damn thing- has shimmered condemned on now. As how jeffreys condemn them. No did nancy pull. sing condemn them now now, some jewish, Democrats in the house and others more sympathy, Israel have said things, but the leadership of the democratic party has said nothing. What about accountability? Accountability?
As I said right out of the box when I was on saturday on facts,. This six billion dollars issued not only is the by ministration, lying and trying to get people confused and the media regurgitating what he was saying I to put an end to that and you can see now people are standing up in this. It's not just that money is fungible. Why how will we give six billion dollars two weeks ago to a regime that wanted to assassinate might pompeo and John Bolton or any american. Since hate to america was building intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. But it's even worse. Six billion dollars. In rant, obama paid almost two billion dollars in cash and grants.
Well, the enemy cc's thinks, and they see weakness. They see opportunity, they see exploitation, but for two and a half years in total secret Vine and his people been negotiating with the islam or nazi regime in tehran and their chief negotiator. He is a well known, uranium sympathiser and its classification. Was pulled a few months ago and he was yanked obama, another obama, guy In buying was begging the iranians to come to the table, begging them to take anything he would give them in. Among other things, he waved a sign And against them and that handed them ten billion dollars. the things he would enforce. The oil sanctions are donald trump put in place that
about sixty billion dollars at sea, sixty and ten seventy billion dollars. So six billion chump change. But when you, give em billions and billions of dollars. I don't care for giving them billions and billions of dollars to buy lollipops when, in fact, they threaten the life of a former secretary of state and they threatened to destroy your own country. The phone insane folks, you have heard me. About hills, down college, giving away free copies of the constitution Washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous, however, this for your
for for my listeners in soon. So if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, I'm hills, college girl of for hills, thereby come right now complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy now at fray hills, dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills del backup Thank your weekend even better. This is the best mark levin, when Israel was attacked during yom kippur,
fifty years in a few days ago,. There is surrounded, there were caught off guard. We're losing territory, Quickly, we organised push back on every front, they took the golan heights. They took the Sinai peninsula, they movies in jordan, back And the man who ran iran was a dictator. But he was our ally: the shop around the actually helped Israel.
But he couldn't have a dictator in the Middle EAST. You know under Jimmy carter,. The shop around, was pressure to let the ayatollah khomeini to return from his five star hotel. Then europe and he returned. He overthrew the shah, they took over the country. They slaughtered tens of thousands of iranians and they took our embassy staff hostage. that's? What carter unleashed middle east, among other things,. before reagan was sworn in his present, the united states?
Slammer nazi regime in tehran released the american hostages as fast as they could. Because they knew Reagan were banned. The spit reigns de the israelis, hundreds of various corner co. Peace deals, cyanide points peninsula was given back to the egyptians, but during that battle The israeli army was fifty. else from cairo. They cross the sinai peninsula. There is nothing to stop them. then impression is.
The old version over the old soviet union contacts Nixon because Egypt was a client state of the soviet union. And he says we're going in this has to stop. Nixon said no you're not going in or we're going in. Over the years, I've talked to people who are involved in that, and they said Their bombers, literally several their bombers based in germany,. Chuck conventional bombs, replace them with some nuclear bought. This nation was put on a phone nuclear alert, Israel.
Which could have literally conquered egypt and destroy cairo pulled back. The soviet union pulled back and we put back in the mean time when they war broke off dixon, causing kissinger. twenty four hours less than twenty four hours after their under attack me says the kissinger. What do these really neat, thousand, but the israelis need and Nixon says doubling as fast as you can. I heard by speak today give a reply.
Erratic speak. He for me with a carry group. In the mediterranean, perhaps a second one, and I kept listening: ok, what We're going to replace their munitions whatever they want. Ok, when us nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, I take sacred Iran is using him. that's the muslim brotherhood,
even the same muslims as the muslims in iran. Hamas is using its own people. Why? Because the nazis? They don't care. Joe Biden created this situation, In create terrorism per se, getting crape hamas per se, He didn't even create the islam. Nazi regime and around per se, hitting create hezbollah per se, but they're all in their cages like animals, then the prior administration in this country donald traps, administration, who they're trying to put in prison. As I speak,.
Try and put him in prison as I speak,. Because trump showed strength he took out solar money is responsible for all this And casualties of americans in Iraq he took up a guy, they had of ice. He drew a real red line, and syria and the russian side are respected. Obama drew a red line and I couldn't they could. Ass it over and over and over again fast enough talk is cheap, even stupid. Talk even incoherent talk Biden, rebuilt built motor. Biden put tens of billions of dollars into their bank accounts.
I don't care than MSNBC has become the propagandists for the nazis. On the one hand,. And I never chamberlain into the binding administration, on the other hand, look at their line up, look at their liner cnn, pretty much the same thing pretty much the same thing I heard mark warner determined the democrat region. Of the sun intelligence comedian, nook of voters do a pretty good job but am habit. I was proud, o. sometimes she and I certainly known agree, but he was. He was pressing right. There. Are they can keep doing assuming this six billion dollars. Is not available turann you gave six,
Billion dollars moran, I dont care in what form or where it sits replying to assassinate MIKE I'm pale, whether building nuclear weapons Why are you giving them anything, usually crushing our economy, but, as I keep hang in there, I'm the one who started to say: ok, great, put aside their six billion. What press, seventy billion? What about a boys? What about Joe Scarborough you, the biggest punk. A whole host of progress over there, and I must be see you're a disgrace, particularly at a time like this. You are so far it binds ass its common areas right nostril. So now, after that, tough speech that we were package
period here, a politico. U s cause for proportionate is really responsible, not openly. Setting red lines support, is rod taking necessary and proportionate action to defend its country and protect its people, said national security, spokes idiot adrian watson. What the hell does that mean. We weren't afghanistan for twenty one years was proportionate response. The by administration, created this situation to begin with, they betrayed people of Israel as they have the people or the united states. and they have suffered mightily and we ve seen it. And it's not some sick, grotesque movie, it happened and it's happening. So my wife Julie says what is proportionate response me.
So the israelis should be had babies, rape, women grab Grandmothers and grandfathers and drag him over the border threatened to execute them. Their sound. They mean at the white house by a proportionate response, because that's a proportionate response. When occasion. We're can have a guest on the programme with the barn when they are in this gentleman. Is really with a very small group, a very small group And he sees all the protest I can pay
In this country, the students for justice in palestine, every media outlets has reported what they have said and what they're doing everyone. Had MSNBC. They hamas wing of MSNBC, very supportive. The hamas weighing the nazi wing. I should say of the democratic party protests with, but who are they too? Are they? I decided to take a look today. Tail. Is this group subject their running a bunch, confucius institutes in america, here's they found the students for justice in palestine network serves as the leading student arm of the media s boycott. Investment sanctions, movement in the united states there, As they claim a grass roots student organization, it is a terror of
elliot an anti semitic network they currently operates without economy and impunity. A college and universal Across the united states is adopt a policy of any time. Normalization. Unquote, relations with china, groups are most jewish organisations, with the exception of the equally radical, at times zionist and probity s, jewish voice. America, and by the way, a footnote. Mr rama swami. Member when you said real needs to stand on its own two feet. and the various cultures need to assimilate. I'm must reduce. And he called me that weaken any said, though. What is the issue? I said, you don't understand the middle EAST. It's him I spoke for the cultures to assimilate.
in any one often said it again,. Students for justice in palestine advances their proprietary view, a palestinian This by undertaking initiatives to isolate demonize and ultimately destroy the state of Israel. Many students and university administrations have treated them as a pro I was standing equivalent, the pro israel's Group such a stand with us, the israelites it has coalition or Hillel. However, is this monograph commence? Obviously, I can't showed you on radio. It is an x We must organization that maintains affiliations with arab and islamic terror groups is over, the anti incite hatred and violence against jewish students and rejects the exist so the state of Israel in any borders right here on our college campuses like harvard you see that statement: the university of virginia students for palestine
justice and palestine put up it could come from Hamas. Prying eyes did spend linked to terrorist groups. And so forth, and so on you're an answering to the best of mark love, unfortunately,. a man is little who is little known to you, but as a powerful term, they house foreign affairs committee is being played for a full and he's a republic and when to read this article, two. And this is all over the media. Now, when I read this two year headline, Egypt warned Israel three days before Hamas massacre. U S, congressmen says what
U s: house foreign affairs committee, chair, michaelmas, call a republican, told reporters on Wednesday that Egypt had warned Israel two days before Hamas, as a sought. On southern Israel. They court an event like this could happen. I quote. According to u S, media, there seems to be failure of intelligent, he said we are not quite sure how we missed it. When I quite sure Israel must it after you the a classified briefing, Pacify briefing by whom will obviously, u s intelligence, we, that Egypt had worn the israelis three days prior than an event like this could happen. We know this event was plant. Perhaps as long as a year ago, out of the house, foreign affairs committee, chairman mccall, stay Since come after a series of reports that egyptian intelligence officials headset to Israel ahead of Hamas as a solid over the weekend On monday, the p reported that an egyptian intelligence official had suddenly
Had warned israel repeatedly about quote something big unquote, but that this morning downplayed, as is as israeli officials, were focusing on the west bank, so egyptian How a says was down papers. There are focused on the west bank. We have one. I am an explosion of the situation is coming and very soon and it would be big, but they underestimated. Such warnings said the official, the egyptian official but the ap on tuesday. Our monitoring reported as well, that senior egyptian officials had worn is rather an impending attack from Gaza. But these warnings were not specific, not brought to the prime minister's attention now. How would the egyptians know that? But let's go on on Wednesday. The financial times cited to unnamed officials and stating that. Japan, intelligence repeatedly warned Israel that Situation in the Gaza strip could explode the officials but that there was no hard intelligence about a specific attack, and this was
a general warning now? Why would egyptian trips unintelligent? Making this all over america's media and worldwide media. The prime minister's office. This is at the very end of the story, We'll be Netanyahu, the prime minister's office has denied the report's calling them coat absolutely false, unquote, stressing that quote no message in advance has arrived from Egypt, and the prime minister has neither spoke can nor met with ahead of egyptian intelligence, so The formation of the government, neither directly nor indirectly, should that be the lead. Paragraph must produce. so we have leaks by egyptians to the media. We warned we want and what we have three different scenarios here and, of course, in the best interests of united states intelligence which of course,
non trump and so forth and so on to point the finger elsewhere as well? Now here's the deal folks, this case chairman of the house, foreign affairs committee. there's been no formal review, there's nothing no interviews, there's been no known, Negation there's been a scotch and with the israeli intelligence. We don't know what american intelligence, no, I didn't know there has been nothing There's been a hearing, nothing there's been a briefing and this fool. The chairman of the house part affairs committee's all over the place saying. Yes, the israelis were worn by the egyptian warned of what. three different scenarios I'd say they will want to something. Though is a practical matter, you always
These kinds of warnings we get him in the united states to police departments get them. The fbi gets them. State troopers get that everybody gets them, but that's not the point. Why would they chairman. They republican chairman of the house. Foreign affairs committee, makes such a definitive, conclusive statement when absolutely no review has been conducted because it in played for a full I've, never been impressed by this guy. You probably seen won on t was a big rhino is weak particularly high, I q, you can tell when you talk. the man he's all over the place. Now. Why would he say this now when you and have all the facts because he's being played. That's why
Maybe there was a failure of israeli intelligence, maybe they were told something by the egyptians. Where were they told? Who knows who told you I don't know, but mccall knows everything He was briefed by our intelligence for an hour or so he knows everything. But what about our intelligence? What did we know fairly, nothing, but why would the age options just give this to israeli intelligence and not to even american intelligent. We have troops in the region, we have a base in the region by went, they tell us arena. There's a lot. We don't know so I would this full command or make a definitive statement now before I saw the facts because he's a fool: that's why.
If something was miss that should have been caught, that'll be dealt with and should be but mccall has no idea no idea of the full or comprehensive extent of any information he doesn't. Because our intelligence services don't even have because the israeli intelligent and u s intelligence, they're gonna, have to be reviewed. Our government in the israeli government. Let me see Just you right now, the israeli government is focused on one thing and one thing: only saving its country. Saving its country, some car coming out popping off like this without being in the form of what we had a briefing. I don't A briefing on russia collusion, a briefing on the dossier, all kinds of briefings, taking place. That's not my.
My point is wait together. information and when the chairman of a powerful committee and you do something like this. You undermine our country and your undermine their country. You don't really know. Squat. that's why there are reviews. After the fact military operations, intelligence operations headed, we miss this. How do we miss that? You don't just pop off because the egyptians are putting out all this information and he had a bit program, yours intelligence. We saw this text and we saw that you don't know damn thing. Certainly dont know all of it, and you should know better. Then, to gather all the information before you papa: this is a dumb man. This is a rhino, these absolutely the wrong position. As chairman of the house. Foreign affairs can absolutely the wrong position it then
watched interview, I think it was. We concluded a mark warner. He's the chairman of the Senate intelligence committee and at no time in fact, let me change it. He defended, The six billion dollars going to the iranians. They have the same talking point it's not really to the iranians. It's not really our money. It goes in the account over here. It's not part of so why not fraser? He didn't want to freeze it or he wouldn't he wouldn't be pinned down on. Now this is illustrative of something that's been going on all over the media, with the democrats and liberals, even those who have condemned what's taking place, which is on all of them. Some will condemn Hamas but defend the palestinians.
You know a boss he's moderate he's over there, the palestine it no he's not he's a terrorist, and we specific We pass laws that prevented him from giving. Enormous pensions to palestinian tourists from the palestinian authority, Poor slaughtering jew whose and by the way, americans like teller force and so the united its congress had had enough of it. They passed a teller force act which prevents Hundreds of millions of dollars ear we're going to do. Estonians, primarily the palestinian authority? Why? Because it gives pensions to terrorists in the morning, Would should kill the bigger the terrace pension should that condemned. Democrats and liberals on tv should condemn that because Donald trump said now. I'm signing that law and Joe Biden said: guess what I'm doing contravening law and a federal judge basically ruled that yesterday, but the devil
crash in the liberals on tv, the guests in the house. You don't hear crap about that. we have so called moderate Democrats senators, putting almost eggs actually the same Dnc written talking points if a rat found a have been involved in these terrorist activities against Israel. There, should freeze their six billion out o how courageous and theirs It's her almost exactly the same. Oh that's, very courageous, syn clay political, the worst kind, ok,. How come you on issue a press release that states that the binding administration, the Democrats need to enforce the trump sanctions We'll sanctions there were placed on IRAN, which enabled, when Biden reversed it
iran to get seventy billion dollars that they didn't have before. selling, their oil to china and venezuela and russia and syria to rearm, And build up its terrorist war machine. How come you don't put out statement condemning that? This is what I mean: how come haven't heard a single democrat liberal on any of the cable channels condemn that and how come Having screwed this up, they're, not demanding right now that Biden enforce those sanctions, where's that press release where's that statement, liberals and democrats on tv. Nowhere, nothing. and how many liberals and democrats on tv have condemned Joe Biden for the murder of a hundred thousand american citizens as a result of fetnah coming over our open border. the rapes and the murders and the sex slavery. How come they don't.
That a statement or outcome? A democrat liberals on tv, don't say: ok, I'm a Democrat! Well, we need to reverse course secure the damn border we see. What's happened in the middle east now and in Israel and so far nothing zippo. Why is that because you're, a democrat first country? Second, our country? Second, every other country, second third fifth dead man, because that your religion, that your faith, that your ideology, toys about power, regardless of the cost. And so now what were hearing is from people like that. Our cities are horrific, monstrous. You mentioned Biden, but the praetorian guard steps him
Never I don't understand what don't we understand. Mark then. The great one makes your weekend even better this system best of mark levin. I have a question for you: how many people died. As a result of the new york times covering up the holocaust gonna keep body council to do it. How many people died as a result on the new york times covering up the holocaust? Let me here
Let me open another one, my books on freedom of the press. These books will be other than family and friends my legacy, one I'm gone people get what set on radio and tv they forget. What says on online but books last and I write books too, but because of a legacy. I read books to last because I want to convey what I think are important points to save our country. In nineteen eighty four, Dr David S, wyman page one, forty five on freedom of the press in his book, the abandon the Jews, and he wasn't jewish by. Explain that quote one reason ordinary americans were not more responsive to the plight of european jews drawn the holocaust was very and he probably a majority- were unaware of hitler's extermination programme
till well into nineteen, forty four later. The information was not readily available to the public, because the matter media treated these systemic systemic murder of millions of jews. What were minor news. You're on november twenty four nineteen, forty two. I beg you as evidence of the nazis, ongoing extermination of you. European Jews was made publicly available, but was largely ignored by the media. Called lack of the press coverage in the weeks immediately following november twenty four muffled, they historic news at the outset. In fact, newly released documents prove that the allied powers new first hand of the mass murder jews by December nineteen, forty two, First reported on April eighteen, twenty seventeen by the independent, a british newspaper, quote juliet es material from the united nations
not seen for around seventy years. shows that, as early as december, nineteen- forty to the- u s, uk and soviet governments were aware that, two million Jews had already been murdered in a further. five million, were at risk of being killed and were preparing charges. I'm quoting this I there's the allied powers did very little to try and rescue provide sanctuary To those in mortal danger it late december, nineteen Or to uk foreign secretary anthony and told the british parliament, the german authorities, not content with denying Two persons of jewish race and all their territories over which there barbarous will extends the most Elementary. Human rights are now carrying into effect. Hitler's off repeated tried to exterminate the jewish people? Unquote. In the united states, Wyman asserted two or three clear statements from franklin. Roosevelt would move this news in public view and kept it for some time.
public view, but the president was not so inclined. Nor did washington report is present. Gretchen, seems almost unbelievable. That imbros rots press France's normally held twice a week, not one word, was spoken about the mass killing of european jews and almost a year later because they colluded they didn't want to talk about. That's me saying that president nothing to say to report on the matter and no correspondent asked him. A single question about a new state department which was populated with several individuals who were at a minimum, indifferent to the fate of the european jews and others. Who were flat out anti semites and your read that in the democrat party hates america Did not want to draw attention to the holocaust, What was assisted in this policy by the american press rights women For most of the war, news outlets and journalists censored information,
Ongoing sense, extermination of jews or hid the information in frequency erratic reports among voluminous other stories, most news bridge printed very little about the holocaust, wrote wine, and even though extensive information on it eventually reach their desks. from new services such as a p. You pay and others, and from there correspondence. Now surely the new york times with its wide reach resources, access to foreign sources of information, reputation the foremost newspaper in the country, large jewish readership, the jewish ownership would do everything possible. I write Ass the gate and disclosed a heart of jewish genocide, but the opposite is true. Why then explain that the times jewish own, but anxious not to be seen as jewish oriented was the pre. American newspaper lira printed,
substantial amount of information on how holocaust related events, but almost always buried it on the inner pages and the washington post. The jewish on washington, post printed you and throws advocating rescue but only infrequently carried news reports of the euro He endured situation, the other. I sure, to newspapers, provide similarly limited information on the mass murder of european drury, most of the other press, outside new york and washington. Press coverage was even thinner, army newspapers carried some holocaust related news, but it appeared infrequently must always in small items located in the inside pages american mass circulation magazines all but ignore the holocaust. Radio coverage of the holocaust news was extremely sparse. The evidence of the new york times cover is unequivocal.
taking direct aim now more patron, fifty for those falling on freedom of the press, taking direct aim the new york times preset. Professor laurel laugh Western university, formerly journalist, meticulous scrutinise, not only the role of the media generally during the holocaust, but the new york times in particular and she's. extensively about code, how the new york times failed in its coverage of the fate of european jews from nineteen, thirty, nine nineteen, forty five in her book, buried by the times she asks what was About prevailing press standards in the policies and personalities of the new york times that led the nations most important newspaper to discount one of the centuries most important news stories. The times was unique. She wrote in the comprehensiveness of its coverage in the extent of its influence, among american opinion makers because of its long commitment to international affairs and its willingness to sacrifice advertising rather than
articles in the face of newsprint crunch and its abstained. The jewish readership. The times was able to obtain and publish more news and any other mainstream newspaper. The way that Arms published that news also had a disproportionate impact on both policy makers and fellow journalists who consider that the newspaper record that data I'm was owned by jews of german ancestry, who is merely be more sensitive to the plight of the european brethren further, to find the times critical role in shaping contemporaneous coverage of the holocaust, professor, then makes this damning disclosure cope new york times is judgment that them? millions of jews- was a relatively unimportant story. Verbal rated among other journalists trying to assess the news among Joe groups trying to arouse public opinion and among
Government leaders trying to decide on an american response. Then you have democrats and liberals today Some of whom are jewish, not all, maybe not even most, who still defend Joe Biden. His handling of around funding it funding the palestinians selling out the united. Aids to ran over nuclear weapons, continuing his policies hasn't made. One degree turned leaded la U turn and they still defend him just as they defended adored franklin Rosa. What happened here.
Left rights professor left, the times publisher, arthur haze, souls souls burger, essentially, and repeatedly buried news about the holocaust, deep within its paper or ignored, altogether she rachel. Although the war was the dominant news, it need not abandon, was not the only front page news. The new york times per annum. trained, twelve and fifteen front page stories. Everyday fewer than half of these typically concern the war, the near tat first storing the nazi extermination campaign, which described it The greatest mass slaughter in history appeared on page five tucked under the atom of a couple of stories, its debts other civilians. Often fewer than a hundred regularly appeared on the front page. So berger's personal philosophical views on judaism also played a major part in his callous disengagement from the plight of the european jews in the case of salzburg right, professor left concerns about
I shall pleading and do loyalties we're not purely a pragmatic calculation. They also reflected a deeply religious and philosophical belief that mates berger resistant to changing the views in the light of changing circumstances. George was solely a religious. racial or ethnic orientation. He maintained take care. With no special obligation that have followed jews as anti. Semitism intensified in germany and, to a lesser extent, in america, he protested bit to vigorously perhaps they do we're just like other citizens. They should not be persecuted as Jews, but they not be rescued, is Judas either. In fact, american jews who help other Jews because they were jews, threatened under cut position in america salzburg or believe the pilot times
publisher thus was philosophically oppose, really are my words to reporting on the holocaust. Incredibly souls burgers personal dislike of certain jewish leaders in opposition in their efforts to establish a jewish state in the region. Jewish homeland further soured him, and hence the times Bridge of the holocaust was minimal. Professor left that sounds burgers. Environment with american jewish community also lead on to be less inclined to emphasise their fate. His antipathy the jewish leaders in the: u s and Palestine tempered what his sympathy for persecutors. Jews in your so guys are left us He's an eighty aloud. He wants to serve the interests of franklin rose out of the democratic party, tat six, Actually, the new york times today. Exactly the new york times today
lord of the Jews, the massacres we ve all seen the video jew and gentle alike. I've seen it a horrendous. What's taking place We expect the new york times too. Actively and honestly cover, what's happening by scribing who's doing what to whom? No, we cannot, And as the israelis demonstrate that will not play the role of victim that they will not let their babies and their children and their mothers and their fathers and their grandparents and their health? costs survivors, he pushed into what is the equivalent of gas chambers of evans of mass graves. The near tyres will turn on the israelis. It is
always turn on the israelis. Whenever Hamas or another terrorist group. Has attacked innocent civilians and started slaughtering them As soon as Israel fights back up goes, the numbers game up goes, the hamas propaganda handed out, particularly to the new york times and you'll, see it on cnn and MSNBC, which already is the home to fifth columnists. Who hate america and are more than happy to carry the war for the enemy and already are But any news organization any end whose programme plays the numbers game and doesn't tell you. whatever consequences, whatever casualties, whatever deaths occur,.
As a result of the israelis defending themselves and their existence that tax on the hands of terrorists. And hamas and hezbollah in IRAN that that's on their head. Then you know That those so called news organisations are no different than the new york times was the holocaust We are giving you nothing, but the best, the best of more cloven. Now twenty nine nation even little me. twenty nine nations have said so Our forces of their own or military forces into
Israel, they get their people out, We haven't done any other. I came here tonight with a notice. There was provided Two americans, who want to get out of Israel to leave israel from our state department, which told them to get commercial flights and keep you receipts and also told them to get your commercial flights and they, your pay for your flights, You need to reimburse the government for meals, housing and the commercial costs for the flight. but before I could go on air was exposed made the rounds
This is what it takes with this administration of the humiliate them. You have to expose them. So now they said basically forget about all that. That find your way out On your way out other governments and in troops her actual forces or just in bureaucrats. We did nothing. And this is a good time to remind ourselves that there were Americans who were taken hostage taliban that we ve never heard from again americans in afghanistan. And how does this administration and tender rescue are hostages? I
stupid. If I told you that publicly the only reason they get a question like that is because they didn't rescue all americans premise. I understand americans know no the swim along memory. if a long memory on this stuff I'd be remiss if I didn't mention something saying this, because I believe it. While the rest of the media are. propaganda for the enemy. Some small way, some large but they're, not full throated for our ally and the victims in Israel. I am proud of conservative talk, radio. I am proud.
National house, regional hosts local house almost remain and one pod castors, so many The voices of liberty, the voices of freedom, the voices of sanity, the voices that the Democrats and the democratic state constantly seeks to shut down. I am proud of fox news. They have done a fantastic job.
Including its news team, including its prime time hosts they have been unbelievable. I am proud that in your post, The washington examiner of the washington times. of national review of the wall street journal editorial page of the new york son. And so many others that are explicitly conservative publications. I am proud. Of cumulative westward, one.
This day in this time, so far, so good so far so good. I am proud of the blaze. The daily wire, the daily car right, scoop, bright, bark town hall. Just the news so many other sites and I oppose As I have mentioned you it's not for lack of wanting to. I am proud of independent media conservative media.
Their news and their editorial personnel news max hawaiian sinclair I'm proud of all I am proud of their hosts speak the truth. I am proud of the guests who speak the truth. I couldn't be proud. The most well, I'm proud of you folks, moral ethical law, abiding. I don't care what race you are never do. Have an ok. What faith you are never have they were. Do I don't care.
We know a red blooded americans, that's all I care about, we know, are blessed be in this country and were pushing back I tell you, Ideas- do have consequences you sooner streets today I will do Does this more lent them? I fuck show's over the weekend, these protestors are not student protesters at all their violent. they- are funded these organizations, students for justice. Palestine there, funded by qatar, their funded by and ad links to various organizations like hamas groups, many them here, student visas.
Not surprising under this administration is it. We have a problem, as I said on day, one on our college campuses always this poor hundreds of billions of dollars into these campuses, and we leave them alone. No, they don't get to hide terrorist activists, America, hating marxists. Behind the notion of academic freedom. When these people, Trying to destroy our country industry academic freedom. These are thugs like nazi thugs just a different time, just a different language, just different garb, But they are what they are. And I am calling on state legislatures in governors across the country.
particularly those at a republican. Why are you funding this? I ask you this in my book, american marxism, why you funding this. We know it's here, we knowledge predictable, we know who they are. We know what they're doing idea that this has anything to do with our cards, to show the irony: is they hate our constitution? They hate the men eroded and ratified it they're trying to destroy it and replace it went on attacking the first amendment for academic freedom. They are stop apologizing. Stop cowering. Where are the state legislatures in this country, where the republicans other state legislatures in this country, where governors, whether a public and governors in this country
Where's your oversight, and I get a free pass on these universities, where we pass hundreds billions of dollars of our hard earned money of our property taxes to fund the enemy, the enemy within. What do we do that? What we need to stop it? Why are there two hundred college campuses that provide funding a platform home to students for justice in palestine with their tyres links with their mission.
With their qatar connections, why are we doing that? We talk about confucius institutes. Are we shut, but we have confucius institutes on our college campuses. We have students for justice in palestine and our carpet college campuses. What the hell is going on there. We tolerate this. We don't have to go back to the words academic freedom when people are marxist supporting terrorist. That's our death, That's our death state legislatures overall, where the hell are they. has anybody any republican introduced a bill to deal with this with respect to federal tax dollars when the house are still fight, I want to tell you something you know damn well. I was right about this matter.
each of these seven other stooges. They blew up the report a large majority in the house of representatives. They do not have an alternative strategy, they don't care- drawn attention to themselves. They pretend to be the real conservatives, area, conservatives and others talk about a job leadership in the house. I warned you about this item, do these guys were frauds that they're, not conservatives that you haven't done a day thing for conservatism. They haven't done a damn thing for this country, sir. United congress, many names. We can't even remember. And here we are.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-15.