« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/7/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and the Democrat Party are destroying immigration and the economy. Democrats are telling us this is one of the greatest economies ever. The idea that you have to pay more for fuel, utilities, and food is your imagination because Democrats tell you they created a fantastic economy, and if you don’t believe it’s your fault. Don’t worry about your IRA's and mutual funds. The Democrat position on the border is that it’s secure and now all of a sudden sanctuary cities are upset. This is Biden’s fault, he is destroying America - citizenship doesn’t mean a thing anymore. What happening on the border the destruction of communities, the growing crime, and impoverishment is a Democrat Party-created disaster. Later, school choice is more important now than ever, we can’t have any more pretenders. Nikki Haley can’t run on a big school choice plan because she didn’t have one. Chris Christie didn't lift a finger for school choice in NJ as Governor. Also, Vivek Ramaswamy was the media and polling favorite last week, now this week it’s Nikki Haley. The polls are meaningless, you have to vote for the candidate you believe is best to lead the country - not who can win or who’s leading in the polls. Don’t be misled by talking heads on TV. Afterward, Sen Tom Cotton calls in on the latest effort to undermine Donald Trump and prevent him from returning to the White House and his take on the January 6 sentences. Finally, thanks to Mark’s listeners WLS AM will air the radio show live! And thanks to Fox News and Mark’s viewers Life, Liberty and Levin is expanding to 2 days a week, Saturday and Sunday. The first show of Life, Liberty and Levin got a review from Media Matters and as usual, they got it all wrong.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, The
the the america mark levine here, our number eight seven, seven, three eight, once three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one first, I want to get a little business out of the way be weird. If I don't. chicago illinois, the great w Alice. I've been on the air twenty one years and I.
We ve been liven ws, less. I mean I'm lie, but you understand I'd many different things over the years, Past extension,. Starting Monday, we will be liable. Ws less from five p m to eight p m want to thank the management on that station, For doing what they ve done old management and that station they wouldn't budge, I wasn't. Being I never said a thing, but it's Fantastic, the nations largest city in metropolitan area. Now will be life. I also want to thank fox. I want to thank you folks, banning life liberty and live in will continue to run our show sunday, just as is unwilling to do a second one now on saturdays afresh brand new show. So that's two different shows
I'm trying to use the same or similar format such what you ve got to just more of it, and this is possible because of you. I dont lobby, for these positions. I didn't ask me well us, but am thankful. They did. I didn't ask fox for the Sunday show they came to me- I am thankful they did and ass for the sight of asia unthankful they did they have. Attached to line up on saturday and sunday and throughout the week Don't try muscle my way in the back stairs. anybody. I just do my thing, not positioning myself, I'm too for that I've got to many accomplishments. I dont have to position myself. There will be a day
when I leave these airways, leave television when I lay leave digital tv and I stop running book, hopefully by choice. My choice, hopefully not gods, but you never know. In the end, he does make the final decision. I am deeply blessed. I know this. I am deeply blessed by you folks, Always been my belief, data We bring intelligent discussion to the air whether its radio or tv and now, of course, digital them. I want to listen the one who engage the quotas are called them But mark you know you have this. Sometimes you know you can be lower growth.
Well, that's my personality that has nothing to do with the substance. And my personality, lotta people fun intrigue compelling entertaining funny, that's the nature of being a public figure. And we can view myself as a public figure, honest to god. You could ask any family member I remember that speech that george cease I gave a patent the patent movie. Nineteen seventeen only watch that movie proudly fifty times my favorite movie, and the speech which is the beginning, the movie matter of fact, my should this week and have just myself into. He says three words: it had never left me.
Thirteen years old, when I watch this never left me glory, is fleet glorious fleeting. It certainly is Well, my day comes by choice whereby demand and the good lord himself. Oh I'll be a fleeting there for most people, just the truth, there is one great time radio housemaid decades ago he's. Five hundred years from now, most of us didn't exist, nor what did he mean by that He meant the people close to you as the people. You touch the mouse. be family, could be, friends, could be
large audience of people like you, five hundred years from now. Nobody's gonna, remember even family Most of us don't remember family from five hundred years ago, regaining retracted, back amazing this. Probably a thousand human beings who lived, give or take who are remembered. Most of them are genocidal murder, but also who written ideas have had profound views, exceptional statesmen. They remembered. But there's billions and billions of us who won't be remembered, so I say this to tell you that my ego is in check. My ego has always been and check. It doesn't mean I
I'm not passionate about what I believe. I am passionate about. What I believe. One and once wrote that thing he saw- was a passionate intellectual We saw that line and we used it in an intra. I think that's pretty much right. When I did my first show on Fox- and I want to thank them again- suzanne Scott be cooper, megan terror day with the whole crowd job who else to thank everybody, but mostly you in the audience, because none would matter quite honestly, and how many times, as I said, if you don't watch, I'm not gonna, keep doing it but I dont have been lobby for that night in lobby for this my first show with the gray water, William sacho. I wanted a talk. I got the normal
Bed, he got to know me, we really hit it off. It was a chain smoker. he lived the life. The way wanted to limit is beth best and with a great time, assault, doc, assault. Both of them started out as marxist. Both of the amended is libertarians. I wondered water williams on my sharks, Thomas was unable to travel across the country as it was in water Williams was able to travel from philadelphia to virginia quite easily. He was very excited about. I was very excited about first guest, We got a review for media matters Matters is full of I q evil. Sorrows sink offence.
An organisation that files, in my view, a false tax river and just my opinion, because its obviously a democratic front operation that tries to detroit fox talk radium that claims to be a charitable organisations. My partisan nonpartisan, I made a statement at the beginning. The shown in the past Wrote this matt, what is his name? Mac Kurtz, knows who he is nobody ever? Will he won't take five? Here's to forget him take about thirty seconds, so running the country from experiencing the imperial declines of rome and the united kingdom by preaching small government principles, so heavy gold, ray cable news programme with a ten p m, weaken slot. Finally for love in foxes, audience and perhaps the republic. The shows first episode was a glass. he'll slog
levine and waterway spending the our trying to pass off warm over right wing talking points as coins of wisdom Thirteen, the daily be suggestive of him, was the most powerful conservative. You never heard of help provided electoral architecture for the tea party movement with ray Lee charged commentary stretching the purported radicalism of the democratic party in the need to return to this more government routes. The nations founding. In its first episode, Levine largely focused on well trod territory. There was a constitutional convention shot out, for the levine heads who might be turning tuning in while those less familiar with his personal of war, chairman Williams, they never disagreed during their interview. Actually you did a warriors was not a big fan of the convention of states endangered
fucking points. This is to show for you, if you think the height of political discourse is someone stating that more people are covered knives. There were rifles before Asking without irony, what do you want knife control and this is the kind of inane low. I q mocking commentary and then we get all the time from the radical left marxist. Life liberty in living on sunday, thanks to you is the highest raided every week, I'm time son, evening shall cable news. We Beat CNN and MSNBC, combined with to be one of them by three. Times the number, the other one by two times the number I just can't remember, and I
tell you these things, I'm telling you now just so. You know. And we're right in the teeth of football, and we must put it sunday night. Football starts at eight point: five p m. life. Libyan levine starts at eight p m eastern. This thing will happen on Saturday night their saturday night for power after. and we will be on a p m on Saturday. the Saturday show substantively might be the sunday show they are separate. Fresh show, and I intend to keep similar formats, if not the same,. If you continue to watch, if you dont continued a watch. Then I will continue to do it. You got
but do shows five days were nights a week on fox. Are we doing to that's all I wanted to? In fact I was perfectly happy with one, but I always you these platforms as an opportunity to advance the cause and what is the cause? Our survival is the cause. Our survival as a free people as free individual- To make choices about whether we want to be successful or not, and so I want to thank you for watch. Thank you for listening to this, because during baseball season. In almost every major city in the nation that this programme is right up against baseball and
come to this programme in some real, big cities like new york rwanda, you, a b c, where I started out on the BBC, which is good Through several nations of ownership. I'm the only host that goes up against the mets and the yankees we looked into this four nights a week, that's four shows out of five. those. How can you show any numbers for that. We shall very strong numbers for that. There are many hosts they could survive that. Now. How do I know that w b c in the past tried many different house, they tried many different formats. from sixty seven sixty eight sixty nine
I enjoy the one hour two hours three hours. Shall we do local? Shall we do national to do sports? Talk political talk, this talk that talk. I do people talk. I try to make the complicated is understandable as possible. That's what I do. They ve been seven efforts on competing travel in new york, seven to defeat they show every kind of shore marginal. They can't do it. The only thing that would defeat the show removal of the show, and then people will or in the hardware that
really nothing that can replace the show. You know why, because of me, but because of you, you won't stay. You won't stay. All this to say, I'm enormously grateful, and thank you. And now we're gonna move on I'll, be right. Back Bryn hmm
What helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or gust of precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five nigh to again text l easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six, eight five nigh to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dotcom. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a lot. That's in common with, what's going on with immigration in this country,.
and what's going on with energy in this country,. An individual who have to being the oval office, his politburo, that's advising him and taking action. The entire democratic party regime is destroying both. I don't want to hear this as mayor of new york city yelling at half of his lungs and refusing to mention the word Biden Biden, you jerk! That's the problem Biden. Our hope or whose name sounds like something that stuck in my throat another one. These Democrats are pathetic. Meanwhile, there destroying our energy infrastructure every day I want to talk about both of these when we return, because they are all affecting you
it helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or vesta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight five nigh to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five nine to live in two six: eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com
when the going gets? Tough, tough, get mugged, club in Galway? Now, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one before I get into this gratian energies, He shook ass, I think they're tied in a way. Pardon me forgetting Andrews definition, first education, because during the break I'm watching Foxen mickey highly has a educational, And that she is going to unveil must producer. The kin is now talking a more presidential. He you know he wants to talk about parents right, I got him elected governor Chris. St cause he's all over the map, as most rhinos are. He says he's trying to get the attention of folks who want to be in the middle. I told you the arena, the middle of what. A little get a lot of things done had saved the republic.
You know the wreck roma swami. A week ago two weeks ago, was the favorite of the media. Mickey hayley, today's the favorite of the media, and they drag out these poles show cnn. Nicky Hayley, would be Biden by six points run to scientists. Even these posts are utterly meaningless. They are so contemptible that Lazy news organization still. You know how many poll showed ronald reagan losing losing badly to Jimmy Carter. All of them follow them till we get past the nomination and
Into the fall, then things turned around you that a vote for the candidate who you believe is the best to lead the country that corner called. Who can when the poles have no idea who can win the talking. Heads on tv, how many more times you gonna be misled by them, particularly the we ve been around. Like half a century, the architect, and don't mother, you know what, from the you know what they say Least have to have their records placed up there's. We can all see them so dont participate in the prediction: gay, I, like son, sir, but I don't like gigawatt than support. one so because then he or she may win. On this issue of school choice.
Nobody has been involved in school choice, more certainly no, maybe more in the media. Then I then they I work for and with four decades landmark legal foundation, The first battle of school choice was in a state of constant governor, got Tommy Thompson had signed a very limited scope. Choice bill, but he at the behest of any sport it good. For I mean it was good that he did it. the relate lady name, polly Williams, who was a black representative animal walking. In a Democrat, she was our client. That's where it all started, in landmark legal with hers. The client.
And one or two other legal groups, but I could speak at my own expense. Including with the current president of landmark legal foundation of fantastic lawyers. The gator p touches. We had a shoe the current level of the state. The state circle, level into the supreme court of wisconsin, opposed by the acl you we were opposed by the end. W c p were opposed by the any aid by the w E. A these state affiliate were opposed by the entire democrat mob.
So we went to the supreme court, it was constant twice and then we one was a modest programme. Couple thousand kids in the ghetto. Who can now go to a public school? I mean a private school, then wait a lady eight again. Could they go to procure scope? for that matter. Any religious schools, widow litigate that struck years and we won. Then there were federal challenges, same groups,
same opponents when all the way to the supreme court, not once but twice, and we want. This was a decade worth of litigation of court battles. State and federal court to supreme courts there was constant supreme court in the. U s: supreme court. I know what I'm talking about when I talk about school choice. And the original idea for school choice came from milton friedman, the great milton friedman. It was his idea.
School choice, including homes, going the great MIKE ferris in virginia, really the father of the homes going movement, just a great guy love. The guy. He litigated and they lead again at any living. They litigated and stay cord may litigated in federal court made lady gated in the supreme court. When you have somebody like christie surges, one appeal to the middle onto the moderate: you don't accomplish things like this america, you don't accomplish things by being in the middle and the middle of one. What a useless reason to be present the united states to be in the middle. We were democratic. Hardy that seeks to destroy this country is destroying our energy set, its destroying our sovereignty. Drawing our school destroying our courts,
destroy law and order- and I go down. The list in somebody wants to be in the middle. somebody wants to be in the middle? They don't want to be churchill, they don't want to be Fat truly want to be in the middle. Some people in the middle claim that their ronald reagan Claim to be great leaders, and yet when you look at the records they haven't been greatly. modest gains is governors, even in republican state. I am deep Thankfully, Glenn young can one this state because the state, was gone over the edge Still might maybe he's a flash in the pan, much like Christy was a flash in the pan in new jersey. Chris, you didn't do anything to build up the republican party he despised.
Conservative movement, even though he was slobber lower by national review in the wall street journal. and young. It hasn't done anything to build up the conservative movement a decent guy. Wonderful guy comes across that way. he's done some things, but he hasn't done enough. You only get. Or one term here is governor for years, and that's it and the Nicky Hayley she's gonna, put out a big plan. She can't run on her big school choice plan. Could she didn't have a big school Joyce agenda. others some. They all support some. But the only one running is dissatisfied. He and the former governor. arizona, ducey
really put in the most ubiquitous. That is far reaching. School choice, programmes, ideas, school competition programmes. The nation has ever known ever. he doesn't have to put across a plane, I mean. Maybe he wants to for the federal government. Betty already broke the teachers, unions flora. That's why they hate him. That's why embattled that's why these quisling billion air. Republicans in I hate billionaire republic. there's a handful that I like couple. I like a lot, but for the most part they gutless wonders! They are quisling, they'll get behind. It can The kennedy, slowness and I work in a tool to radical on abortion. Radical disney to rag. In other words, the guy is fighting the battle of the culture
it's right in the middle of a state and disney in school systems in the billionaires run. You know why, because the useless the useless, not all of them, certainly most of them. Some other flavour this week, and maybe the flavor for the next few weeks, will be Nicky Hayley. They ve has always been thrown bombs, left and right at everybody. and she's drawn the attention of the establishment republican. quisling some pseudo conservatives, but I keep saying what was what is Record for eight years and south carolina even give us the best things you ever did and run on them.
so. We can all understand what they are when it comes to abortion. She sounds great she's, not very pro life. That's the truth. We gotta work with this when we get to work, was that when we started fifteen weeks, that's better than nothing but Never really advance the ball on life at all when and where so she's commentator skull, choice. I would ask the people south carolina: do you have a vibrant, extensive school. Choice programme are almost any kid can participate. No, you don't. now. Why is this important? Because the radical more excess democrats near unions have taken over the classrooms there
when you parents that you have no role in the educational, your children, you have no role in what kind of explicit sexual exposure your children receive whether in books weather some plans, whether one on one and you have no right How about you like a girl, so The choice is more important. Now than ever ever there cannot be pretenders to scold. Try their luck. There cannot be People who talk the issue up but are followed up. Really not well enough. We lay a mark said, and we got it out there in the in the public that school choices, the civil rights issue of our generation This used to be in our brochures, our publications people have picked it up.
There's only one guy running is actually done anything about it to scientists now interesting. We donald trump was very interested in this. He spoke to me I spoke to my wife Julie about this- is something we're very interest. And he decided at some point in his presidency to make this a big issue is very difficult for a president. The break, the back of state and local teachers. Unions he's the head of the federal government at that Of every government, big, small and otherwise but he made it a bigger issue than anyone
should it be for him any any and they funded grants grants to promote it where they possibly could and so forth, and Chris Christie did nothing for school choice in addressing didn't left his finger If the finger I now when I come back, I want to jump back into this issue. Illegal immigration and. the war on our energy sector, how their thee their different sides of this in coin I'll, be right back much love in the
It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or gust of precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight five nigh to again text l easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions; it get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com,
my god, we're not gonna get to the immigration, Gee she, after the top of the urban, is very very important because this is In part, destroying your lives, this in part, intensely tended to destroy, had left. This is a natural disaster. This is A democratic party bind regime made disaster, and no matter where you turn no matter where you look, it's everywhere. The destruction of the civil society, the republic By the way, I see my dear friend, newt, Gingrich's really obsessed, with an old book remaining mccarthyism. Like note. take a little lower
What does that called when you wake somebody? I will add something source. I forget where the smelling salts then with the other, little smelling salts new, please selling sex, we called smelling salts, whatever smell something I'll be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
Sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american Martin Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one will wave a great gift this sunday together life liberty and Levant, a pm eastern on fox, Jim Jordan,. Now Jim Jordan, interviewed by me. That means oughta, be really very very interesting, because I've got some very interesting questions. ask him about a fanny willis her desire to get information from her, which I think is a brilliant idea, and one of the great lawyers
They would show who represented president trump and one of the impeachment trials, but he's just a top constitution: list, and we want to share with him too, and I have my opening monologues. I hope you will join us, Jim Jordan. And david shown in my long form of your programme. That's what I do long before. No Congo line a gas war or that we are now too And when this new saturday show start sometimes it'll be one. If I think that gases. So crucial, I believe that more more americans need to listen to what that individuals has to say. We will have one. media matters may not want to watch, because you know their busy watching. You have a dab adieu. Come over matters at their yeah cartoons.
the Democrats are saying right now, america, I want you all to listen to this, that this is one of the greatest economies ever know your your take them or what they're saying, because this is their position, We don't need to do anything about inflation. We to do anything about food prices. We don't need it funny thing about gasoline prices. We to do anything about any of it. It's the great the economy in modern times less another. What they're gonna tell you. Don't worry about your I raised in your for one case in your mutual funds. if you put a little money and now and then you're you're, hoping to put it away for a rainy day or you're engine and don't worry about your retirement checks. It's a great. We ve never seen anything like this economy by be unbelievable. The idea. The admin more for food, the idea that you have to pay more for fuel for utilities.
while that your imagination, because the Democrats, while they produce this fantastic economy, and if you don't think it's fantastic, it's your problem. It's your fault, That's what they're saying to you right now Biden the congo: the Democrats that the suffering you're going, through the decision. You have to make the choices we have to make between one thing or another when you Go to the grocery store, the supermarket, and you push that basket that car and you go past me. section because it just to damn expensive bats, Kay the democratic is showing no, no, no I understand that This is your great their price,
you're gray, what he complained about. That's what they're arguing right now. that's what they are arguing right now, as I speak to you, that's their position on the border Their position is banned. You have heard these secretary of the eight year say you ve heard calmly harris said you ve heard Joe Biden say he speaks a very fluid gibberish. The borders secure what they say the is secure. Now, although suddenly sanctuary citizen, sanctuary states, they're very upset. Blame governor abbot, among As for sending illegal immigrants to their towns, governor abbot couldn't send enough eagle,
Legal immigrants to these states in towns, if he wanted to, they are poor, With a border- and they are freely going to these states in towns, there To the biggest welfare centres in that country. With a cities in states are incredibly generous with your money doling out. That's why we're going to new york city in new york. That's why they gotta California! That's why they go to new jersey, that's I headed up to chicago when they wind up had floated because their ship there are tennessee it's because their ship there, but they know exactly where to go and they know nobody's gonna And they, then they can do damage whenever they want.
They had no concern when texas has been overrun with millions of illegal immigrants, arizona million of illegal immigrants. New met current events, which used to be republican states overrun. with millions of illegal immigrants, tokay. The illegal immigrants florida shy, mostly on the beaches, immigrants in georgia,. South carolina ran up the coast whew illegal immigrants in Washington DC? We ve never seen anything like this before. What are we supposed to? Do? We need more money. We need more money. We're running out of space, and they won't mention, binds me. Biden is destroying america.
citizenship doesn't mean a damn thing, any more. Nothing. and it's not just fine. It's all those democratic, senator, oh, they can put out the little statements. press releases they mean nothing. They vote a party line they do step. Behind Biden, whether shiny boot, that's right, I said it- you ve got The congressmen who represents the southernmost part of new jersey was a Democrat. Now is a republican. Why well? This is part of the reason I told you my wife and I were in atlantic city and ventnor margate. We loved it. It's where my Emily used to hang out when I was a kid. The summers.
Linux city has a total of fifty thousand people. That's the population. And there's an enormous hispanic population there now. legal, illegal, it's just lark and same with other parts violent, new jersey and so forth, sound county generally in I want to take a legal immigrants out of new york city and send a whole bunch them to atlantic city. Folks had city cannot withstand thousands of illegal immigrants. its barely homing on their great efforts. There you know There's a part of that city. That's all build up, were there trying to attract tourists and are trying to track
People who have money with these more high in shops, which beautiful actually. Then you walk two blocks away in it's not so beautiful. He has sirens all night long, still a great city most of the casinos or boarded up. You could see most of the kind. Many times when the boardwalk disrepair not all most People many have left the lane exceedingly moved vendor mar gain along port southward laxity. Linux city is only barrier island, that's what it is. I think it has greatest speech in the world. That whole lineup of towns have the great The sand is like talcum powder decision, Just so soft you know, but
each in florida, not all, but much of it is regrettable. Granular the waves, a great too. the body serve through there to do that as a young man, my father used to do it brothers used to do it. I tried it out this week and I must round the death. My spanish side didn't try it again now, but my point is. You know what's going on in your town, you know It's gone on a new school system, people showing up from nowhere. You know what's going on when you drive passed a why or seven eleven. Where sheets or whatever you have in your community, and you see people lined up. There are illegal aliens. They have nothing to fear they're not going anywhere but worthy going. it's a about a year ago,
was on Hannity, shown fox. And I said, among other things and only know this, because I remember everything I sound foxen alone, hannity show, but De I remembered a moment. I said: where are all these people going? This was before it was obvious there in new york now, but they just kind. They just kind of one over the border in they disappeared. But now we The point of so many people coming into the country illegally, you can't miss them. They're everywhere I love the left. How can you tell well, let's their homeless, they don't speak the language
we're looking for refugee status, some one amnesty, that's how you tell it's not hard so anyway, where are all these people? President trump contacted me and he said that's the best. Damn question I've heard about this Where are they? I said the reverie Werner. Nowhere now they're everywhere everywhere, The sanctimonious democrat mayors and governors and stay legislative, these Demoniac punks on television, radio, pushing sanctuary, cities and sanctuary states not so much anymore, bigger it destroys the quality of life. Let me repeat it: it destroys the quality, life for american citizens in these communities, democrat republican, independent, it doesn't matter, it's not politics for them. So now they take over.
You know recess areas in schools. They are taken over soccer fields and football field. Some baseball fields So then, I have little it anymore, they're taking over parks, so people can Certain other benches anymore and feed the pigeons or bring their little kids baby carriages. That's over that's over people! afraid a walk on a public street in the middle of the day, because you have encampments encampments, looks like the poorest parts of the world poorest parts of the world, because they are becoming The poorest parts of the world- I listen to this may only argues, sounds like an idiot. He did,
Answers or the illegal aliens and then he said, as we must care for them, see schizophrenia. And then they have a new trick while blame the Republicans, because we don't have comprehensive immigration reform. Excuse me turn that securing the border prehensile immigration reform. You idiots secure that damn border, comprehensive immigration reform, Why do you want us to hand out citizenship certificates to everybody? That's what they mean because that's what they want now. The problem is, it's very painful. For the cities of america, it's very painful for these states that where these people are starting to show up there, states that hand out the biggest welfare tracks are now get and slammed. people in these communities. Don't why get one damn bit
In the inner cities in chicago, not in the union's cities of new york, not am I the inner city of philadelphia. Looking Kensington, it's gone. It goes through all these communities there taken of their over that time lost angeles honestly, who the hell once believe in them, of all los angeles. Nobody. This is up. These are the Louis, the blue areas in the country, destroying our country. Because they're destroying the rule of law, we have, immigration laws in place. I have to do, is enforced. Trump showed them how to build a wall. They stopped and another was sold. The steel And also in the still pennies on the dollar, this
intentional? This is man made. This is democrat party made. I don't How many local democrats and state Democrats wine, like stuck pigs, their parties, doing. and not one of them has that gets there stand up the vine? Oh, I wrote a letter. Shabbier lighter how many of them are challenge, the demographic primary, not one of them, How serious are they they're? Not they just figure you folks in new york, you're going about Democrat. They just regular you folks, l away, you're gonna about Democrat you folks unfairly. You you'll always vote democrat and Lana democrat chicago Democrat. So what the. There's no consequence when you have one party rule and the people want it. They want One party rule, even though it destroys their neighborhoods increase,
crime destroys their school systems doesn't matter because for a century, people have been told. That the republicans other races who pay your guts. When it's been a Democrat, all along with the Democrats, have something the republicans have the media. The Democrats have something the republican stone have marxist revolutionaries who wake up every day, trying to figure out how to destroy mark and the debt Crash, don't have something that the republicans have the Chris Christy's of the world, the christening. Of the world, the rhinos, the establishment, republicans you always want to be in the middle and cut a deal. You can cut a deal over time.
he can't cut a deal over slavery, you can cut a deal. segregation. You can cut a deal the survival billowy of capitalism. You can cut a deal over the secure the border. You can cut a deal of protecting the amount Some people, these are defining issues. What does this have to do with energy every Think I'll be right back then Cell phone in desperate need of replacement, you know the signs right sure battery lives, so you have to have a charger on hand crack, Screen that gives you glass splinters ouch time to put All phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five g. same song galaxy with today battery life edge to edge. Display an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you sign up for
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so you sooner sweaty we'll be right. Back is yours. Phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand. Crack screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch time to put The old phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free. Five g same song galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display, and all A strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure. folks. Unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers, because most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super adorable, five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound,
five zero say markel of in pure talk. So please smarter wireless Mark Levin radio's principles, the patriot call and now at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I gotta get on my horse here we gotta get moving what's happening, on the border what's happening in our country, the destruction of a man. can communities. They lack. Be more of a distinction between the citizen and anon citizen, the guy in crime, filth, impoverishment, ass ability to live in these enemies anymore, where people litter literally are forced to pick up and get up is a democrat party created disaster? They did it they're still doing and its purposeful.
Now I want to talk about another calamity coming. to a city, town and state near you. If it's not already, there This from the oil and gas journal now that's postal, like the oil and gas journal, because it has two words near that are supposed to be for about oil, gas. But I like oil and gas, I like energy, and so are you ready for this? One has happened under cover of dark Three saved almost no attention the buying ministration a the regime. Ready said it is. Cancelling oil and gas leases. These are oil and gas leases. They were already let on coastal plain of, arctic national wildlife refuge and is
Proposing a rule to reduce, put reduce potential acreage Releasing in the national petroleum reserve in alaska now let me explain a little history. Alaska is a big damn state. So several decades ago a compromise was reached. To protect the vast majority of the state which a natural resource from development. In exchange, however, they can they created anwar just a tiny little part of the state and war. And then in a part of anwar the agreement was he could drill. Truly your heart's content.
so down this little piece of Anwar within the anwar refuge, but it sounds. National, while I just sounds so nice, you been there. Son was nothing there, caribou, but even Currently running back and afford get some he, but nonetheless, so at the time. Craig had been doing ever since what these more says phony environmental groups have been doing over sense, is to try to prevent any drilling in anwar, despite the fact that there was an agreement reached. In the nineteen early nineteen, seventy there put the entire area out of production, the entire state
that is more oil or natural gas than you can shake a stick at even though much of the state was already put on the sidelines half a century ago, it's not enough, they want know drilling. There wasn't a deal that man. So what so, these little areas. These little areas one of the areas: the national petroleum reserve in alaska and pr dash a. Well now the binding ministration says and, as a matter of fact,. We're going to have an outright prohibition on any leasing. In this little area of ten
Point: six million acres, that's more than forty percent of that little area that they put aside. Forty percent of an over forty percent of it you can. Drill on any more and if we gave you a le sigh, we're taking up what are they gonna mistreated. The interior departmental cancelling seven anwar leases. Despite the tax cuts and jobs act or twenty seventeen, which mandated the least our health and twenty twenty one. Senator brow So why arming said is, it was ignoring the lawn, at least few other lawmakers agreed. This is another They use executive action to certain A law to accomplish what this administration does not have the vote to achieving kind, which you know said that Joe mansion damage by colonel Joe mansion. cancelling valid leases, removing acreage from future sales. Attempting to reduce production and alaska
taking steps to allow IRAN, venezuela to produce more oil with you, environmental regulations makes no sense and is frankly, embarrassing, we're imp. Putting more oil now from saudi arabia, and these other reprobates. and they don't even drill and producing region as clearly as we do. Now you see what I mean about insurrections if you dress yourself up and put a nice tie on if your lady, a nice skirt, if you're transitioning, you know, I dunno what you were barrel, whatever. And your name is president or vice president or senator congressmen or bureaucrat, you know, gs, fourteen or whatever. That's not sedition, that's not treason, campi known.
Just because you destroying america doesn't sedition mean it's an insurrection now that definition requires violence, and your nonviolent, what I say in the book, the democratic what he hates america right in the first chapter. I hope my buddy newt gingrich's, listen he's got the book series read part of this. By now grim sky lenin saw lynskey all said: he'll need violence to overthrow a country. Any power. You don't need a proletariat. That means the people, the middle class, rising up to overthrow the government when you think you're, proud boys arose People, what are we talking about now? We don't do those things, we don't do it that way.
just take over the government. Slowly but surely creature cells into these powerful decision, making positions top down at bottom up and exploit the weaknesses in the system. So regulate the combustion engine out of existence right a single family homes out of existence didn't even Have to ban them just regulate them out of existence. Make these phony in Some of it makes standards so high that are not allowed to make for the environment. Of course it's this have to do the environment. more buying oil. That has to be shipped, although in the united states from producer
The damn about oil on water, anxious about the air and water. He kept me so here we are so what they're doing. Is illegal, violating a federal law, but there never gonna peach buying over it. I can do a whole list of impeach ball of fence. That Biden has there's my beautiful daughter, my beautiful daughter learn their beautiful voice. You ve heard her sing that song before she had just for a few days. I honey energy.
So what's happening dollars more member, they blow out one million one million acres in colorado. Member that MR bidders there's like seventeen native amount, And live right on the border there and, of course they did it for them. They want to save. What belongs to the indigenous peoples are seventeen of them. and when it comes to Israel today and scenario, those words came cross your lips. They don't care about the indigenous peoples, not there. Not this regime. This anti semitic, democrat party regime, with its anti semitic supporters the eight I defamation league, which embraces top Democrat, anti semites all the time. What a phoney fraud operation that is anyway, and we stick to the topic hears from fox obituary
this one two days ago by administration, ministries and quietly reverses trump arrowroot bans transporting fossil fuels by train. What now, if you can't. If you can't transport fossil fuels by train and you're cutting off the pipeline, so you can't you can't transport fossil fuels by pipelines and how to transport them either. This is why I say the greatest enemy we face is the democratic party they are doing in this country. With no other country can do in this country.
If you are enemy, if you're a communist china, what would you do he cut off our pipelines? He cut off our trains, he cut off our drawing, and you told us you chug our end of energy capacity, We need energy not only for we, the people, so we can live a comfortable life or even live a life period, but our industries can function, but our industries, can produce what we need, not just in we d laws, but in terms of defending that country, our men and women In forward positions all over the world, they need fuel for their tanks. They need fuel further jape renewed. They need fewer further Armor pursued our carries, they need, they need fuel further.
Fourthly, they ve all the navy needs view these off your other kinds of fuel. We're triggered off our own terry. You only do that if your hatred country, they hate us and they hate this country and they wanted to collapse. They wanted to collapse They want to create a marxist paradise and authoritarian centralize regime where they control the levers of power when I return I'll, be right back then cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack
screen that gives you glass, splinters ouch time to put All phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free five g same song galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge splay and ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for your trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. because most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super adorable, five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound to five zero say mark Levin. Pr talk Please smarter wireless!
The tree, straight and quietly rescinded. This proper regulation allowing companies to transport, liquefied natural gas via round of victory for environmental groups. Yeah well, whenever they win, we lose in a federal filing. I had a holiday week, and just so you would notice the department, transportation, spy blind and hazardous materials, safety, administration, formally suspended already, the twenty twenty authorization of transportation and real tank carson. They do it when you're not looking when you're try and I were wonderful, weaken this- when they do in congress, doesn't do it, they do it. And you're gonna run out energy one day you gonna happen.
Some blackouts one day and you're gonna wonder why they gonna blame the oil companies, the very companies in these other industries that want to build pipelines that war drill that want to refine. This is how they make money. They want to transport them want to transport in pipelines. They want to transport, and trains was all perfectly fine. Programme. There are a hundred years of us all perfectly fine, but not now, because apparently, words Slowly but surely. even though our living like ten years honor than they did a hundred years ago. That matter don't follow, Science followed a phoney science here, a club and several other environmental groups like earth this natural resources. Defence council on Food and water watch hey. I should join that group, MR petition.
I'm watching food and water all the time Let's see have argue that allowing the transportation could lead the mass devastation secure these bastard. You have no idea this illustration. A strange donnelly entertains every one of these radical extremists- cooks red actually take their policy ideas and institutes them through regulations and executive orders were members congress don't even seem now it's interesting is the democratic party doesn't care the devil, party doesn't care how you get to their ends with its own constitution executive orders regulation the matter just do it just get there, You're here this debate again when it comes to the debt ceiling, just do it just do it. There are private law catch up with you.
and I can't tell you how many times Biden and his regime defy the law, even the supreme court, but that's not an insurrection, national sedation. No, no! No! That's progress I'll, be right! Back and. he's here now broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark living here, believe I gave everyone from them It gave out your home number, eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one choose me. I want to thank you folks,
we ve jumped an amazon recently in order the democrat party, hates america. I think we're number four, ten or fifteen on the list. Right now you can see we're getting down the game time here. pre seasons over the book comes out. Nineteen to the book comes out about ten days. Twelve days. I want you to get the forty percent off and once you get the first edition, why? Because if you're gonna get it, I really think it you ought to get the disco Buying says, as I've said, the whole time and the Democrats say this is a great economy there. not selling it too. You well enough When a lotta tonight on this here's new york,
credit card and car loan defaults here ten year high hit a ten year. Hives inflation squeezes families. Fine, says inflation under control. to do anything else, about inflation, finch, Trade and control the monies flowing, let's problem there block and pipe, you know, The chinese are blocking our or production. The Democrats are the chinese are blocking they transport of our oil from place to place through pipelines. That Democrats are that chinese, preventing our trains from transporting natural gas? The Democrats are The chinese are private, Yes from stopping their fetnah from coming into this country, that Democrats are These are destroying our cities. The Democrats needed to china's.
Foreign threat. We have that the greater What we have is the democratic party. That's the point of the book, that's what I want abundantly clear credit hard and car loan defaults had tenure eyes. Inflation squeezes family. This is the I regime democrat party cause this. They cause this now mother nature. Frazier squeezed americans are the following: on there cards or cards alonzo levels not seen levels not seen since the financial crisis. While this is a financial crisis too, but a pay. Their bills is poised to get worse as interest rates. And the moratorium on student loans expires target binding but take care. The student loans cause that's his voting blocky thanks low and middle income earners have been especially hit hard by soaring prices on everything. From rang
groceries are new and used cars. Despite the federal reserve's attempts to tamp down stubbornly high inflation and you I have concerns are going to try and stop this. Spending and you're gonna have a media and democrats and some rhinos we're going to oppose them. This your credit card the link with seeds have had three point: eight percent, while three point six percent, on their car loans. Accordingly, credit agency equifax both figures, the highest in more than ten years. The increase in delinquencies under false is symptomatic of the tough decisions. These households are having to make right now whether to pay their king car bills, their rent or by groceries. It's ok, historic work at work, and it is talking to this why american impoverish americans, so they got me, gets even bigger.
and they blame Irene way. Grocery big farmer beg Now, a geo you big mouth. There are: seventy million more credit card in credit cards, account open now there before the pandemic and twenty nineteen people, a desperate people are absolutely desperate. And credit card debt surpassed one trillion dollars for the first time ever this year. One trillion dollars. We sped way past normal says Bressani senior economist and moody's analytics who were further. Delinquencies, is very concerning the interest rates on credit Large could saw even higher as fed malls and other rate hike at the end of the month too, inflation down. You know it's interesting,
and all this spending and barring was going on- we about this year when the other edge a boring. You biggie. No, told you and inflation gets out of the bag. It's extremely painful. To put it back extremely painful. Excuse me, the pain felt by consumers could be a positive sign for fed policymakers as they seek to thread the knee the feds, not sure what to do. You're going to have to increase rates again to try and control inflation. But it becomes a cycle. Reagan did this with water. They got it down, gotta done in about a three year period for your period, but was extremely painful
The problem, is we don't have reagan We have the the the certifiable imbecile in the white house and then try to control spending and cut taxes So the economy can grow while the raising interest rates at the fed. That is the formula it's not complicated at work. The opposite happened. The feds raising interest rates, the governments no spending more than ever before, borrowing more than ever before, and they want to re stacks of people Can you make ends meet already, but whatever have you lunch even if it only means seventy percent of the them. Don't you do it. does washington looks out for washington. The bureaucrats look out for the bureau.
At the politicians. Look out for the politicians, the corporatist look out for the corporatist. That's why. The pain felt by consumers could be positive. They say. Oh that's, great. But the holiday season approaching industry experts are also concerned that consumers will rack up even more debt on top of their rising energy bills and that's particularly the code. Whether cakes in the cost of heating homes ratchet up now. Why would the cost of heating homes rat trap, whose doing then called supplying the man we talk about the three four five months ago, Portugal in the northeast, we ve been warned By the companies, the regional companies that distribute oil and natural as we have been warned that they're going to be shorter.
Shortages are going to be massive price hikes price hikes. Our common aim of climate change, of course, climate change- you, yes, it's a great peace here in new york posed by patrick t, brown as a scientist, I'm not allowed to tell the whole truth about climate change part of this. He says if you ve been reading any news about wildfires this summer from canada to europe, to Maui, surely get pressure that their mostly the result of climate change, any site, the ap, he cites the pbs news, our research, the new york times he cites blubber, see these are news have again, I want to repeat this: we don't have a free press with oppress, that's free to lie. There is a difference, says: I'm a climate scientists and more climate change is important factor affecting wildfires over many parts of the world. It is close to the only fact
that deserves our sole focus. So why does the press focused so intently on climate change, the root cause? for the same reasons I did in an academic paper about wildfires a nature. One of the world's most priests just journals, it fed say so. We'll storyline that rewards the person telling it the paper. I just Bush climate warming increases streamline daily wildfire growth risk in california, focus closely on the climate Age has effects stream wildlife behind. I knew not try to qualify key aspects or other climate change of my research, because it would delay the story that the procedures their nose like nature and its rivals. Science wanna tell this matters because its critically important for scientists to be pub. In profile journals a menu They are the gatekeepers of career, success and academia and he goes on to explain. But you can't get published as a
I called climate change denier. You can't get federal and state grants and three quarter coat a climate change denier. You can't get jobs, or at least keep them A universities and colleges, if you're a so called climate change denier, the marxist left and then, of course, the use climate change to impoverish here. To impoverish I'll be right back then It's always a pleasure there, my friend tom cardinal senator from arkansas, I think referring Don't you time
absolutely mark good to be back on with you. It's always great to listen to you and also watch on fox. I want to congratulate you on the news day that I heard that you're going to have twice the show now coming soon box shattering on Sunday night. Your congratulations for many many years sure are very excited. The news. Thank I just mean you're gonna- have to appear more often you understand that to build on the fourteenth memory, you sent me a note. You said you know what I really want to talk about this consensus. So outrageous and you do have a great back, grounded talk about something like this senator cotton section, three, the fur came the amendment. have these a phoney egg heads and all the rest of them out there. The Democrats pushing this latest really outrageous effort to differ some franchise, tens of millions of people. What do you make of this market just related damage by the democrats to try to you're, mine, donald trump and try to prevent him
am returning to the white house just like they tried to deny him the white house in the first place, or take it away from him when he was in the white house. If you go back to the first campaign and the russia collusion hoax, continued into administration as gender ended. He went into the first impeachment with that. Ukraine, oaks and an even more after he had left office in twenty twenty one. He was no longer in the law, else. They wanted to dig him up and dry kill me in my teaching him after he had left office for the sole purpose to prevent and remember ready and probably could they knew, how weak or by the day and now their abolition earlier this year is clear that Joe Biden was extremely weak. So what happened? You got four different indictments of donald trump yeah the damage em they still ahead or tide of Joe Biden. The poles, Joe minus, showing historic weakness, rank I'm at present. So what do we do now they're trying to do Qualify donald trump, using before
If amendment the fourteenth amendment says that if you committed interaction or rebellion against united states are not eligible for federal office. Does he written after me? the civil war it will use and to ensure that unreconstructed confederates could never surge in federal office again finally, it doesn't apply today, Donald trump hasn't been convicted out. was even charged with insurrection in it We all know that it jack sniff the rabbit zealot that merit garland appointed to prosecute not Rob could have charge insurrection? Obviously he would have been democrats in places like colorado, you're talking about unilaterally through partisan state officer is like a second state or attorney general, removing donald trump from the ballot in those states.
Is that a very, very dangerous road to go down? And I would suggest the Democrats, as I have from the very beginning, about donald trump and for that matter, any other republican meadow like they should simply try to beat them at the ballot box. it's amazing semi, made great points On the one hand they say he's these used to be. On the other hand, there doing everything they can to learn bury him alive. You make of ninety one charges for different really want to I guess five different grand juries, cried da's. You have a democratic regime special council, all the Juries will be made up of largely aunt. I trump Democrats, the judge. Are largely died trump Democrats, not all, but most pretty bad. Now you like marty gets back to the point that trying to stop donald trump.
And other than simply the feeding him at the ballot box, the democratically These charges at any time after he left office. Waited until the spring and summer of twenty twenty three in their scheduling trials. For expenses, the radical obama Point the in Washington DC has done then day before us, your produced a primary, and that's because they know that Joe Biden is so weak. He's your and our economy that he's not mentally get to be president and the only way they may be able to profit of art is too criminally large, not just the former president market, bad enough, that banana republic kind of staff and all travis so the leading candidate of the opposition party- really banana republic style operation that some pc and in brazil, pakistan or other countries, not in america,
and again, this is a very dangerous precedent that water is already crossing unabridged, though should not be surprised to see republic an attorney general republican, the age. For instance. You had By and large and binding, or even Joe Biden pass through their jurisdiction that some point in recent years, looking for opportunities to charge him with kind just do these democratic prosecutors and looked at donald trump, much like Stalin's chief of staff,. police once said. Show me the man and I'll find you the crime. There's an interesting piece, senator by byron york and wash and examine the other day. The call to stay a right is the language of the unheard, siberia, seven, twenty twenty, two senator tom card and a member of the judiciary committee wrote a letter to attorney general merit. Girl was about
case a montes, leia rochester minnesota man sentenced, detenus, imprisoned for setting a fire, they killed a man doing black lives, might arrive in minneapolis, remember this case in you. Remember what the debate when a justice did and why you are so upset about it I know I remember it very well. This is during the blm riots of twenty twenty. A minute or listeners may remember this terrible tragedy where a building was set fire and it killed the man who was inside it is a murder. This is alluding mark this night, no shoplifting that is those crimes are. This is cold blooded, homicide setting, bar to building on purpose, committing an arson and, in the course of admitting a murder, and given this perps raft sheet, which is as long as your arm the finishing I live, said he should spend up to twenty years in prison, yet the bible, justice, not not his girl defence lawyer that
in the department of justice proposed to the judge that he only get ten years because he may have committed arson that result in a homicide. But you know for a good cause. It was for She'll justice hiding because riding in the language of unheard, the department, justice ash, actually wrote those words in its core following an impact fact, that's exactly what he got He's gonna, be out on the streets, walking pre many earlier than he should have because he shared merit, garlands and Joe Biden, politics and the car. In their eyes. He had the right skin color, a travesty of justice and its at a price that is big victims, employee, so blm marxist. Murders in individual cases. A building on fire arson. Just Department goes in much like the molotov cocktails ivy league lawyers in new york, where they where's that
as a result of the request by the prosecutor of the department asked us, and then we have people who committed no Acts of violence are, on january, six senator and throwing the book at them like them your opinion about them folks as listeners. To my show you what I like to call a lifelong learning- and I know you probably always looking for more ways to become a better educated citizen. That's why, as. students head back to school. I encourage you. continue your own education and learn more about the funding Suppose that made our country the most space nation in history. Now to help do that my good friends at helstone college send out in Primus that's there free digestive liberty. Millions of americans, including me, receive the best of conservative thought in the mailbox every month and right now for a limited my listeners can sign up for free, just go to live in four hillsdale dot come ele vi frame.
Tell that come in the pages, in primus. You get smart commentary on the big issues of our time, and I look or to reading it every month, and you can't do you can learn. or about hilda college and in Primus today levant free? those down calm, that's l, easy. I am for the hills that can put them thunder, although right now, seventy seven three, eight one, eight one one time can look. These sentences. Some of these people are getting from January six lemme talk him people who attacked cop something about other people like they were in the building for about fifteen minutes. can touch anything and walked out. Some of these people sent to jail right out of the box. Some of them are getting a year two years. Some of them are getting six months. a team. What do you make all is more regard?
going to break the think, stark contrast, stark contrast: It was blm writer and committed an arson that led to homicide Minnesota got outside supposed such get twenty years getting kinnear's instead, stark contrast to what the dormant justice almost gave. The present nine hundred binding yeah, what is sometimes called the monster grandma's elderly men and women who came to washington january six because they were engaged in legitimate protests. damn them, then the matter there. the book thrown at them for being mary present, sometimes mark just on capital grounds, much less the capital building or being in the capital building significant amount of time after the lie at first occurred and the capital building was entered Some may not have even known they weren't allowed to be there, many of once they learn. They were yet, as you say,
basing peace, silly inflated charges on things like obstructing or official proceeding, which, frankly, probably doesn't even apply anyway. I expect these convictions to be overturned the spring quarter or parading on public grounds without that one anyway, I just want to explain to the american people. The obstruction is based on that same damn, fifteen choice that using against trump. These are the post enron, obstruction issues that have absolutely nothing to do with this. Isn't that right so the post enron law was written in a way that you can't destroy evidence or otherwise engage in obstruct I'm an official preceding like a court hearing like a thief, Commission hearing it was not designed for people who are here on the capital drain. On down the day we were about to start off by the electoral college. The disease are equal, peeled almost struck down those convictions, I would be surprised, springboard dies, but when I try to these people
they charged with marcus, in public growing up, she had a permit to go to shows you how far they're stretching the law, and my understanding is either. The vast majority of cases that go in this first bucket, we're not talking about the bucket of people. hurried away under public rounds, and damage public property who breach the doors you otherwise riding and were certainly not talking about people who commit acts of violence against law enforcement officers. Who should have the book down at a more committed acts about other people? but the large majorities cases my understanding these people merely present on the capital under merely present in the capital, and I like a shed in some cases. They were even aware that the capital was not open that day, but the guys at merit. Garlon who frequently both this is the largest investigation. an important history, no larger than the effort to get Al Qaeda larger than the effort to root out what we
I'm the blm riots in the interior riot the summer of point, twenty that caused a bill dollars at the property damage. It took me alive, no you'd they're, turning their guns, fine grandma You came to washington where mother hatch, a young twenty two year old man who can his uncle to washington was uncle. You know was much more aggressive more, I want this. Kid was in violin in the least he goes into the building. He's got a trump flag on a pole, doesn't touch assault, doesn't break a thing, doesn't touch a police officer and he goes in. He takes the flag and Paul. He pushes it out the window for show. Then he brings back in the window office
says to him. You need to lead the building. He leaves the building. senator they charged him with four misdemeanour. The twenty two year old did mister son of tucked. What am I saying Tom? You know these ten twenty two year old it he committed suicide cry out like a terrible, terrible, tragic story. There forget about that. Surprise you, your obsession in these cases such as this number of cases you would expect prosecutors to that kind of tree. I shall focus on the worst cases: the cases of violence against law in force not charge or other person cases up much of your property damage, not he's meyer offenders who may not evade nor was there any at all, but a yet it all political effort that is miss allocating the Resources are using tools to pursue people like the one. You just described that frankly, there
in routinely. We use against drug dealers hardened criminals that they would sooner a street because their engaging, as we said in the minnesota case, the language of unheard I want to. Thank you for everything you do and want to. Thank you for your straightforwardness intelligence, intelligent taller estimate, your friendship and keep up the good work, senator Tom garden, he might be out of it. bless you he's a good man Family man, I don't even think in an apartment, let's start with your hand It is always nice to me there may be some kind of minor points out on the matter, but the It's been very good on these issues very, very good on these issues very good on the constitution, the rule of law, good and trying to hold? The guard to account over these hearings. You can see some of the the director dunno going to do
like the republican tromp can elect a guy like Chris Christie. Chris Christie will embrace all us. Chris Christie will give the report in primitive. This your work risk. These cities leading a is he's reaching to the middle. You know, ladies and gentlemen, as I said before some time, there is no middle. there's right and wrong the middle and right and wrong. I like me, Wash a lot, I don't know, I mean he's- been shove you times not socially, just like the guy ellie wire guy, who wasn't even at the capitol in january. Six gets twenty two years in prison. Just amazing. What is interesting, he says, is fear of former geo he congressional candidate by in regard to rio to railways,
sentenced to twenty two years in prison for his environment, corn and call on january sixth matches Kevin Benjamin we're who is one of a handful of militants who was arrested after the attack on the federal court house, important after where pleading Joe Biden. The J made a point issue, a press release about the many years in jail that this domestic terrorists was facing specifically press release stated where's intentional destruction of federal court houses was punishable by up to ten, is in prison. Now ten. is in prison is a little light for trying to torture federal Ass house, with people inside of it, the least itself thing it's a long sentence, long enough, you might think to deter ally, californians from tracking the portland for the purpose, burning down courthouse. Interesting, is that Joe binds deo J, never released a follow up press release after where was actually sensed, they sent them
such that this arsonists would serve some hard time, but they failed to inform the public their wares actual sense. What was it Well, it's not hard to answer. As happens, we're ultimately received a sense. There was no near nowhere near ten years at the binding They suggest that he might serve instead, the recommendation of federal power. here's on the recommendation of federal prosecutors I received a sense for two years probation for trying to set fire to a federal court house. and indeed Kevin. We're never served a day in prison. Not one did after two hundred dollar- fine, though so there is that so if your former gnp, congressional candidate by the name of enrique career. This is all Confusing to rio was just send to twenty two years in prison for
suppose it involved on january, such prosecutors, twelve thirty three years sense, but the judge brought them down a little bit. Judge Timothy Kelly was Enrique curios crime more. He didn't try to set the cap, building on fire. Generally, six on like having a weary didn't play. Safe flaming piece of wood up against federal building. We know that as ungenerous six and we get the rio was nowhere near any federal buildings have been arrest. for Van a wholly be alarmed banner. A few days earlier was ordered by judge stay far away from washington d c, which is what he did, and yet he received the single along sentence of any general six defended thanks to the department of justice and Timothy, way. Surreal news report a lot of ways for one thing: neither the rapporteur nor the two anchors seem remotely concerned he's talking about a particular report by
I can only get out errors which a sense that twenty two years in prison for court on code or straining arrived. They needed when a ten. There is no decision in whatsoever about what three I might have done or how exact You ve facilitated what happened on general six. No one cares. So, let's talk about it. Where did it a government to rio? Total followers on general sixty quote: do what must be done on quote here Some members of the problem is to organise a big crowded washington to storm government buildings, scheme was noted. Seventeen seventy six returns sounds pretty ominous I government buildings, where we seen that before. Well, if you're not a goldfish, and your memory extends longer than a few minutes. You know The answer to that question is what the supreme court in the capital complex look like doing, Cavanaugh hearings and, of course he provides video. In other words, the building was storm.
in over. So these bang on the doors of the supreme court they storm of Senator offers putting in their punishment absolutely nothing they get zip tied it. still I go immediately. Their ex their explicit purpose was to delay a government preceding fact. Some of these activists barged into this chambers, none of them suffered any real consequences. In fact, levelling activists have it is an act of violence. Even homicide have received Farley need and more lenient senses and alleviate the rio did just did. Consider that isabel am arsonist back and twenty twenty lit a pawn shop on fire in the name of civil rights. Three days, Saint George floyd overdosed martin as tv decided to commit an act of arson that killed oscar least stewart. It's body was found in the rubble, for nearly two months wasn't found until nearly two months. What active arson that killed? Oscar Lee stuart storage body,
via the robber. What was montez is Lee sentence. He got less than ten years in prison, that's less than half the sense less than half the sense, then I'll get the rio face for sending some naughty text messages, says I'm focus. look at the real because his sentence most egregious, but there are many more examples of this. Obviously, my equal justice were saying consider the case of Joseph bigs, with absolutely no criminal record digs army veterinary, didn't hurt anyone on general six, but he did walk around the capital building and he did pull down offence on the periphery of the building and further judge TIM Kelly, the same who sends to decided that Joseph bigs needs to spend seventeen years in federal, prison. What are we seeing political demonstrators ripping apart fencers in front of government buildings before? Oh, that's right, we sought,
the alarm riots that port Saint John church crossing the white house and sent Donald trump data nuclear bunker. No involved and tearing down that financing and setting the church on fire was ever frog. Marched in front of the cameras are sent to when two years in prison. In fact it doesn't it that anyone involved in that incident or the burning of saint John church spent a day in federal prison, and he goes on. We gonna break up the cabal of judges in d c they gotta move, subject matter jurisdiction to jurisdictions had have rational judges, because these people are disgusted. That's right, judge killing. You too,
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Thank you for everything I hope you enjoy the show this evening when we back tomorrow, we sleep Armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency person out there in fighters in ukraine. Yes, ukraine and taiwan and the truckers out there but most of all you in this audience your great patriots gap each and every one of you see tomorrow I.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.