« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it won’t lead to Joe Biden if the Special Counsel indicts Hunter Biden on a gun charge. If Hunter’s not indicted for FARA violations or, tax violations - then Joe won't be drawn into this. This is the most harmless indictment that can be brought. Also, if you want to know why Donald Trump can’t get a fair break in front of these Democrat judges just look at NYC. A NY Judge denied Trump’s request to delay his trial. The judge could have put this off but he’s a Democrat hack. Then, in NY again a judge, on his own, said that Trump is guilty in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case. Now they will have a trial on how much he owes. Later, the Republican party in the Senate has failed us over and over. They have no strength on the judiciary. They have contributed to out-of-control spending and have done nothing about the border crisis. They need to stop voting with them and make the argument that the Democrat Party budget will destroy working Americans. It will destroy people on fixed incomes and will drive up food and gas prices. The Democrat Party is the party that stands for bureaucrats. Afterward, the ADL doesn’t represent the Jewish people, they represent the left, and they support the Democrat Party. Finally, former Ambassador David Friedman calls in to discuss his new movie Route 60 – The Biblical Highway. Route 60 is a historic, sacred link to the roots of Judaism and Christianity. David Friedman and Mike Pompeo venture down this sacred road, treading the very ground Abraham, Jacob, King David, and Jesus once walked.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The
the The america mark levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one David weiss its total court that they expect to indict hunter for the end of this month by some Every twenty ninth required to
under the speedy trial act. People are surmising, it must be the gun, violation took them about this than I want what we want. Abby law, as a defence counsel, is actually pretty damn good and he's already set out there several weeks ago than when it comes the gun issue. They already entered into a diversion agreement, hundred Biden has complied with the diversion agreement that, he's met the conditions for pre trial release and that the gun It's not free now to go back on the door, An agreement, regardless of what the overall deal did or did not do. it was agreed to by the us attorney's office. It was agreed to by the department of justice was agreed to that by this one and that one so he's got an interesting argument.
but that's not where my head is going to indict hunter Biden. Indeed, him on the gun charge MR producer in america that doesn't led to papa bear. Does it. See my mind's always moving lower one move and the wheels are always move, and I know what everybody else was turned out: the diversion of green. Why? Because defence counsel mentions the diversion green. I don't know what he's going to be indicted for another. Does anybody else, but if he's not indicted. For the far violations. tax violations that may still be available, since the statue limitation, the ran on the biggest once and so forth, then, is fine. Their jobs will not be drawn into this.
Do you understand what I'm saying you direct, which is any sticks out very busy choking dounia chief stick, but you to understand, regardless which rich doing right just our rich, but that's the point. The point is that this is the most harmless indictment. They can be brought that defend. Council has an argument and on earth its persuade but an argument to make certainly is not to be dismissed on its face. But defence counsel is no argue to make on the failure to register as a foreign asian which Have you a dragon? His daddy as ache conspirator
New that his son was doing far business, who helped him do fine business, even if he didn't receive one damn red sent cnn and MSNBC. It would still be a federal offense, so that's the beginning and the end of the rest of speculation. So I I want to spend forever on, but the rest of it is speculation. But there are other things going on in the country a lot of other things. You want to know why donald trump can't get a fair break in front of any these democratic judges. Take a look at new york today kissed today, new york judge rights, news max
tromp requested delay trial and new york state judge today denied donald trump request to delay the start of a scheduled october to trial and trial an attorney Latisha James of fraud also shows me choosing the form President, his family and the trump organization. Inflating, the value of his assets know? Why couldn't the judge put that I really could judge there s an garonne is a democrat hack. He could have easily put it off. Trumps: lawyers like Tuesday s, the judge to briefly delay the tri until three weeks, just three way. After he ruled on both sides, request for sundry judgment would seek victory on various legal issues without the need for a trial.
the trial. This magnitude should not begin in chaos. His attorneys wrote the cord and defendants are entitled to know the claims and issues to be tried sufficiently advanced to prepare etiquette. For travel alleged, stepped back soon. Since for sundry judgement by both sides, we when you look at the law, you look at the facts, there's no way we can lose. That's prosecution, defend, says we win. Look at the law on the facts, there's no way they can win. So these motions you're fired on they're waiting for the judge, the issues rolling. and so rationally. Logically donald trumps, lorries, Well until you rule on this. How are we supposed to prepare for this trial? They said so, let's, let's wait. Three weeks
Decide these these decisions he's our moment us judge has now, let's start the trial, let's start trot, never mason Now maybe I went to tumble universally law school, but I think I got a pretty good legal education. I did or not practicing law. Now, let's see since I was twenty three soon to be forty three years going to be sixty six soon, pets frightening, but nonetheless I've never heard of an idiot judge. Who would raw like this, that I never have and Reviling tramp also asked the james would draw what he called her frivolous motioned to sanction the defendants in their lorries. Twenty thousand dollars for continue
These arguments that the judge has rejected, who singing at least a quarter of a billion dollars and a bar Tromp and his signs from leading their family business if Europe a business in new york and you republican you better, get the hell out, other you better, get the hell out. What's the point the hope, you're, not mugged, on your way to your office. There tat in the crap out of you, there auditing you endlessly they're looking for four ways Drag you in court, we can spend an x And here's your life, maybe even into prison. The attorney general of new york should be disbarred, She ran for that post, as you know, ran for that post telling voters would be voters that she was going to indict donald trump.
but apparently new york. That's ok! It's ok to do that if you're a Democrat, fairly According to the new york city bar, the new york state bar the highest in new york go for it, it's all right that we won back to new york city sandy. A federal judge, found trump liable for defaming the writer e g carol by dinner, in two thousand and nineteen that he had raped her and said. Yours will decide only how much trump owes and damages so there the judge did in effect, interest summary judgment and said to trump before trial gelding guilty. There's nothing you can say.
That allows you to really defend yourself, but you did is indefensible. You're guilty. Now we're going to have a trial and how would you? Oh, what? Oh yeah, What are they gonna aim is to reduce it. this is the key dream. Carol. Defamation cage the judge on his own from the bench that troubles guilty: judge lou, kaplan, another leftist said the upcoming try four carol: civil law suit against trap, lonely deal with the question of how much the former president should pay monetary damages
Now you know in may a man hat and federal court, a jury rule that no donald trump does not found guilty of rape, and yet that's all he was accused of they said, but he did sex. the abuse carol a lesser included offence. No, it's not a lesser included, a fence on rape. Fact, ladies and gentlemen, it wasn't even an allegation. In the case it was rape or no ripe, but the jury decided to split the baby, They didn't see enough evidence for rape, but they feel Must have sexually abused here, Donald I'm sorry. I've never met that woman. In my life, this cases brought
Years and years and years after the alleged the alleged non rape occurred because new york changed its. It's a statute of limitations, as applies to these kinds of allegations. has been reported. Miss carol met. George Conway. At some event, some party They were talking in as understand it from some report. You can check it or not. Conway said: will you still have a case? She seemed a little flushed surprised and then somehow ate them. crack donor, one or more decided to help fund her litigation and that's how that case got off the ground.
The allegation goes back to the mid nineteen nine. These. in nineteen nineties, america, sir trump guilty they find of of not rape. But of course, some gonna of sexual abuse. And then he's he lashes out again. since I came to you a second time. And presently one she made her comments Look: twenty nineteen once you public with a rape allegations, so Ro judge louis kaplan leftist. He rose A point in having a trial on the facts here mean trump did what he did.
Looking at the record, I'm looking at the filings guilty you're guilty guilty guilty, and We are going to have a trial, but really. determine how much you gonna pay this one. When think it? An american. You won't hear that explained anywhere else in the country. tv radio show Wave radio flying and you won't hear a damn thing about this matter. As I have explained it cause it's sickening now under the criminal cases,. and wait for those conway I'll be right back. Hmm
It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your, I re or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five. Ninety.
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the the meeting when it comes to any of us. contact at a number of them. Who said? No, we won't be helping them now, and one of them was a nasty also be not laying going on if I could find the guy's name over, would show Leon coop. and over the hell areas. I wouldn't give a nickel. He says Very negative on donald trump at american tragedy was Because mayor he'd did a great job and like everybody else who gets involve a trumpet, turns and it s so you're not going to. somebody who was your friend who was america's mayor fighting off a totally bogus law suit in georgia. Now that's what republican billionaires do but to his credit. In the same article I say credit. His cast an immediate MR producer,
who has this? Sir love affair? I think we're cuomo for reasons I do not understand, however,. He also has this love affair, with giuliani who he has on his radio station. My w abc station. cast an immediate seti's, committing to helping the former mayor with his legal bills. I probably well, he said. we pay him a lot of money to work for w a b c. I think people should help rudy giuliani that people supported him in the past, unlike them the people who should help him, while that's a clear statement good for him,. The other three or four billion essay spoke to throw a man the bus that Jill rudy under the bus, be throwing rudy under the bus, not here not anywhere. People are down on their luck and you have a government. That's.
Fleetly out of control that trying to take lawyers and break their backs, destroy tourney, climb, privilege, crush them financially, bank, wrap them financially. Well, you don't have due process than in this country, because you don't have legal representation depending on who you are that's what these, new york, city billionaires, don't get. Maybe Or to do, but most em, don't I'll, be right back It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks,
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise as part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight, five, nine to again text! L, easy! I am to six eight five. Ninety live in two six, eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals, dot com, that's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com, marge love in radios, hell, raising intellectual call, now aid, seven, seven, three one and three eight one one and don't forget a fantastic new book, my best book ever The queen and everybody has been reading pre publicly, copies. The democratic
he hates america ice. with the very bottom of the top one hundred list on amazon, even though we're turned were pre, orders in those books have been released for the most part, starting next friday. I believe it is the programme. The programme. The full hour will be. In our view, an interview of me and the book, the Democrats, party, hates america. I would encourage you to try and get him before that. I don't know the forty four. A discount will go away or not. I honestly do not. Now I've seen both happen. That's number one number two in get that on amazon. Forty percent off, but also, I think, you'd prefer. First edition copy There are already printing second additions. And Kennedy has said it is the most brutal take down ever of the democratic party That's not me, that's him and I'm gonna tell you something
In obliteration any reservation using history using philosophy using fact using facts and information people know about that? I did dig out When do you hear about franklin, roosevelt. wait until you hear about Lyndon Johnson Till you hear about woodrow wilson, what do you about Joe Kennedy senior. Do you hear about hakeem jeffries? What do you hear about them. What did you hear about the democratic ready after marks later,
Tina hundred early nineteen, hundreds and eugenics wait till you hear about who heard about What the democratic party in their surrogates were saying about eugenics over their germany. Wait till you hear about how franklin rose about treated lacks why do you hear about how wardrobe, So treated the blacks waiting here about how Lyndon Johnson treated the blacks wait till you hear about more facts about Joe Biden and how he used to treat black Wait until you hear about how the democratic party treated Jews all through the holocaust and their institutions, The harvard university in yale college, why do you hear about how they treat
Jews before they discriminated against asians, why do you hear about How franklin rose about didn't, raise a finger. They, how black americans. and how Lyndon Johnson. He didn't have ay a moral conversion. He was a racist through and through. wait to hear about all. I can't wait to read about the democrat party marxists, who go back a hundred years. Why do you hear about The democratic party marxist today and though capitalism they want to change the language, their role, on changing the language, do hear about why
about a subject, you know how to talk about. Democrat party racism against caucasians, now, how did that happen when the that start? Why did it start? Where did it come from. Wait till you read about how I visit the sixteen nineteen project in its prime author. What do you hear about how I this rate c r t? mutilation of our children, censorship, attack on the bill of rights. Why do you hear it all? Wait till you read it all. Names dates, events.
Wait till you have a fuller understanding from soup. Do not. And the revolution that swirls around his devouring us. The devouring our culture, including our religious institutions,. Where do you read about it in here about woke ism, but a passive word workers. Its totalitarianism, it's one of this- Joe rogan and bill Maher, still liberals raising questions. They truly need educate themselves.
About what's been going on in this country and whose behind it and have the guts, the guts To join, we constitutional conservatives, that's right. I said conservative. What do you read about? What's going on immigration. Their numbers and only worse than you know, The crimes are not only worse than you know the power takes, is not only worse than you know? This is pure evil, as I explained intentional, purposeful, pure. Evil, wait till you read about the corporate interests. And how they're destroying capitalism and free speech.
play? Things are the democratic party as they were in the nineteen forty. Where do you read about here? About see they're all. Media are playing in ways you never looked out before we don't have a free press with a pin that is free to destroy america. That's not the same as a free press. Wait till you read about. In chapter one, the democratic party and authoritarianism and page by pay fact by fact, unequivocal evidence piled on the unequivocal Let's have a democratic party model today is the,
model of communist parties all over the world. I hold back nothing. This is the unvarnished truth All the propaganda that's gone on for decades. The big lie I said have been repeated time and time again to brainwash the population including many of you, Margaret sanger, abortion, eugenics. No, no more about the court system and the supreme court. The near renew before. there's a reason why this is the most powerful book I've ever written. Twenty years of writing also, the longest book I've ever written.
It also has more in notes in any book ever written. but it's also in plain english. It's the easiest to read all my books, it's up their liberty and tyranny and it flows like a novel but its anything but a novel, its anything. But an hour And by the time you're done reading this book, if you're not be a dialogue at the left or an operative of the Democrats Party or a paid mouthpiece of the democratic party and elected hack of the democratic party, even if you're a democrat. Even if you're an independent, even if you're an affiliate, certainly your republican.
Yeah, you know exactly what to believe and think one comes through the democratic party. When you have completed this book. I wish I could get it in the hands for free to everybody, the black community, the hispanic humanity, the asian community. I wish I could get it out. everybody and just start one chapter at a time, one after a time. One page, one chapter at a time and you'll have difficulty putting it down. That's when import. I make the prosecutors case that being a prosecutor or writing like a prosecutor
There are very few redeeming values of the democratic party, despite all the propaganda they get from free me And also paid media during campaigns and so forth. But that's because democratic party media. Are the state media. Like in any other fascistic or marxist society, you could see that with philip bump the other day, but he's he's a pimple on a donkey's ass. These people marry each other. They cheat on each other they throw parties for each other. They give awards to each other, washington d, c, new york, city, los angeles, California,.
These people have nothing in common with you zero corporatist that on these so called news platforms. They have nothing. in common with you: zero. these are many. The same corporations. That century, during world war to the holocaust, the new york times Is one of the most grotesque corporate entities to ever have been founded or to exist, its ownership? The people who work for today.
Have tons of blood on their hands in promoting a corporation that, under any moral system, should cease to exist It doesn't believe, and freedom of the press when it is the greatest corporate entity. That committed the greatest act of censorship in human history. How is that a free press. How is it that they were leading correspondent in Moscow whose mouth, forestall. Stalin covers up the slaughter, the ukrainians. How is it? they have a leading corresponding berlin during our two and the third reich who covers up for Adolf hitler. How is it.
That they send a report to the island of Cuba who help castro. As communist dictatorship in that country. How does a corporation like that? That's what it is! Cooperation like this continue to exist and people are proud to be columnists for this newspaper for this cooperation. their proud to be reporters for this cooperation there proud to receive pulitzer prize. There's another site. aggrandising prizes, these bridge hand to each other for reporting at the new york times the paper record, all the news that fit the print.
and it has spawned papers like the washed and post like the ella times. They respond papers like the boston globe it has spawned. The likes of MSNBC and cnn whether reporters make regular appearance. All of which are owned by big corporatist now. Cnn and MSNBC Yes, you will learn. A lot have tried my best over the course less sixty days or so to give you a taste for once in this book. I hope I haven't felt. Chapter one: the democratic party and authoritarianism, chapter, two anti
black racism and anti semitism chapter three I white racism and anti semitism chapter for language control and thought control, Therefore, I wore on the american citizen, a crucial chapter chapters war on the nuclear family. Another crucial chapter chapter, seven war on the constitution- there are crucial chapter. Eight stolen- would be proud. I'll be right back then,
It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raised as part of their retirement portfolios and you need to contact or dust of precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five. Ninety
Live in two six, eight five nigh to are good. I gust of precious metals, dot com, that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, it get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com tat s yourself, question america: to explain this in the book it has to be done for black american there's prison, the united states, absolutely nothing. What does he done for asian americans. He is supported those institutions that have supported segregation against asian american. What does he done for jewish americans.
He is single handedly in the midst. of destroying Israel by effectively making it possible for ran to have nuclear whip, Among a thousand other things. Does he done for unions in this country the borders wide open those our union members flown across. Those are illegal aliens. Displacing american citizens. American workers. You see, it's always a lie with the democratic party. that's necessary to slow down and unravel at all I will be on Hannity tonight at around nine fifteen pm eastern time, maybe nine twenty who cares, give or take We'll be, there hope, your job I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage,
Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the. Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The americans aren't levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three eight one, three one one lima! I will be on Hannity tonight: nine fifteen twenty pm eastern in that ball park hope you ll be able to watch. I wanted to talk you just to pick up one point.
From yesterday, where we spent a lot of time talking about the comic destitution and impoverishment? It is being Used on us. In a way that, at some point we will not be able to climb out from under this by politicians, frankly and both parties, mostly the democratic party boat, with republicans in abetting show me. First start with Mitch Mcconnell, I make this point which I think is related. The republican party in the senate has failed us over and over and over again a marked the judiciary. That's funny is all, as at all, these centre republicans are supposed to be working on, Judiciary every now and then and they're gonna have a crappy drop that
Joe Biden has appointed more judges had this time more then the presidencies of donald trump, Barack Obama, either bush Clinton reagan carter Nixon going back sixty The Democrats have a bare bones: majority in the senate. How to get away with this Started the use of the filibuster against traditional candidates really under george w bush. So how is it that the Senate judiciary committee.
They get these nominees through and that the republicans on the floor, the Senate are preventing this. How can there be a coward, their camp, I don't want to hear about their strengthen when it comes to the judicial by mark. Look at the supreme court. the republicans in the senate has given us crappy republican justices and great republic injustices. It's really been up to the nominee, the president and they decide if they're going to fight to get them confirmed but mark mitch don't get married garland off the court. He didn't keep sotomayor off the court. He didn't keep her off the court.
And she's, not only a fool she's, a crook, but enough of that what else they none for a slightly Mitch Mcconnell seventeen republic, Voted on that infrastructure bill, member that it's a trillion dollars that sharing we added to inflation, question about what have they done to secure the border any riders, any amendments on any legislative, none non, backed by mitch, Mcconnell Non backed by mitch, Mcconnell. The legislative genius doesn't appear be able to legislate himself out of a paper bag. The board how to control. What has he done? Nothing spending
control. What have we done contributed to it? Even now he wants, Short term speed. resolution. He does take on the Democrats. He doesn't want to take on buying. but it's the only way you can get spending under control. There is no other way these people spend like drunken marxists. Is it too much They asked them to stand up and fight In the end, they'll lose but stand up and fight apparently it is you'll? Remember the last time we had somebody do there was ted cruz and blue was twenty thirteen. he was viciously imbued horribly attack. By Mcconnell and his media fellow rhinos. He was attacked by the wall street journal,
Coral page was attacked by the national review is attacked by suitor Conservative, even conservative media thirty six days must have been very lonely. Very lonely in any event, was look at the national We talk about this, just the news interest or national debt on paste to eclipse entitlements defence spending amid funding I thought it was necessary to add a little bit more to this from yesterday. Criticism of sustained deficit spending prompted house republicans earlier this year to pressure white house to make budgetary concessions in the fiscal responsibility act that aim to
the nations runaway spending. The debt service may soon exceed Added major allocations. Now I want to remind you that for several decades our interest rates had been at two percent: three percent two and a half. percent four percent was considered high. Now it's above seven percent and climbing. Why? Because a monetary policy intended to try and breach inflation, because a fiscal spending policy in endless borrowing and therefore printing paper money effectively, which is driven up interest rates, in other words spending
And more spending and more spending to the point of two trillion dollar deficit in twenty twenty three on top of a one trillion dollar deficit last year, and we're not even at war Sustained deficit spending by the: u s: government: how push the national debt of do a job? Dropping thirty one three eight trillion in twenty twenty Recorded in the: u s: treasury cisco watchdogs are now predicting that the interest alone on that debt will soon eclipse both entitlements and defence spending as a major com Of the annual budget see the rape of a camel large this for the longest time because of low interest rate. The same time. The national debt is at a record high interest payments in made twenty twenty two it just under six hundred billion. According to a report from the committee for responsible federal budget.
pour it outlines the challenges that face the next administration in projects that such its will exceed the by the costs of medicaid food stamps social security income. In later, I twenty three varies based on interest rate, but not much so. The expense on interest In the next administration will exceed the combined, the medicaid food stamps and social security income. debt surface. The service is projected to exceed the total amount of then spending either later.
This year or twenty twenty six again contingent on interest rates or any time either later this year into twenty twenty six or in between interest rates? That is get on to pay interest will be so high, it'll be bigger than the entire defence budget. a ten year treasury, no, which in twenty twenty one came with just under a one percent interest rate. That figure now sits at four point. Three, you see those low interest rates were were set. The legitimately, I would argue by the fed and that, just the just a few needed the big spenders in congress, or in other words the fed, has not,
done its job, which is to ensure sound money. The fed has been the drug dealer to the drug attics in congress said. Is the spending attics in congo Debt service is projected to accede. Defence As I said, mortgage rates, which an all time high, had been predict To remain high as well fanny may says it doesn't expect rage to drop below six percent until the fourth cordon twenty twenty four, and I believe that for two seconds. Analysed from rocket mortgaged says the that, during the trumpet creation years the average rate for thirty or fix mortgage was three point: seven percent its whack dynamics as whack. Now you know the man's insane, issues of rising debt and rising
Interest rates clash head on with major spending packages, spearheaded by Biden, regime and the democrats in congress, including the twenty twenty one american rescue plan and the twenty twond. to inflation reduction act, which saw the guy an authorized one point: nine trillion and seven hundred and forty billion federal spending an additional ordinary budget expenses. It's funny how nobody holds Mcconnell and the others who voted for this monstrosity responsible and the republican side to amazing. Criticism of sustained deficit spending, prompted house republican thrown in the year to press the white house to make budgetary concessions gnp budget hawk. are largely unsatisfied with the concessions house, speaker mccarthy, managed to wrest from the administration. At that time. The
Administration, however, has largely dependent on spending more and more on title mints: the ball streets, What among demographics, like key, democratic voters, Could you republika marjorie, tell a green indicated that she would not support the ministrations funding, requests and so forth?. In a separate interview on the programme, meaning just the news. National taxpayers, union executive fight. President brain and honour arnold forecasting, six change over the dead funding, deputy disputes rather been warned republicans to formulate a winning strategy. Should they opt for a government shut down there in the republic of failed to secure concessions through such an approach before And that is a problem so when we have suddenly better conservative saying we're going to shut down, but you ve got to come up with arguments.
We don't sound like a c p actuary and their simple. The democratic party budget will destroy why King americans, it will destroy people on fixed incomes, double triple expire. Since that you need to survive, there will continue to drive up the cost of food, continue to drive up the cost of fuel and utilities. they combine impossible, drive up the cost of rents, go throw it explain it it's not hard and then turn the tables. The democratic party is the party that stands for the bureaucrats, The building air should made their billions of government.
Why is this so hard must reduce, would ever wondered. Use have how these people were get elected, a high offices it we could the assembly- it's like the abortion debate, They're on their heels, I don't know what to say here is the easy answer. The Democrats, he believes not only an abortion on demand. They believe abortion in the last moments before birth. They believe in a boarding baby they believe in infanticide and when they say they author, liars, here's the proof and then pull out the bill that they wrote for right after the dobbs decision was issued at all. This isn't just about babies in the warm. This is about babies coming out of the war and in some cases, baby outside babies outside the will make them explain.
Some other. That's not true, oh yeah. Well, let me demonstrate to you that it is what about it. I return. This happens. The Democrats think they have the upper hand because, though, go through the litany of programme, that the plan will be shut down and cut and they get help. From a carnival says, he will not allow the country to go bankrupt. First of all for the A billionth time on this programme and the country can go bankrupt or can technically, when the government shuts down the faucet for your tax, paying dollars, stays open. So they continue to receive approximately three hundred and fifty billion. Bout that amount every single month.
Probably more than that by now, probably close to four hundred dying, so they have to do is trim their south, but they want they don't care. If you go broke, Then we'll get their power from you, they get their power from the bureaucrats. They write the laws of this country that impose the regulations, the interests that penalties even sometimes prison sent the bigger the big, bureaucracy, more more powerful, more and more of them are armed. The court's back the bureaucracy, so they know the bureaucracy never takes certainly not opponent. One. Never ever question is just how much is the increase, not the reduction. I'll be right back then
Cell phone in desperate need of replacement, you know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand. Cracked Screen that gives you glass splinters ouch time to put I found a rest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free, Gee samsung galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge Splay, an ultra strong guerrilla glass, when you sign up for your trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the data you could ever need for a half. The price of the big carriers because most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound five, zero say markel of in pure talk,
Please smarter wireless. Cleaner, defamation leg, I've been criticising it since was taken over by an obama radical marxism idea. does not represent the jewish paper it records, since the radical left- and I wanted- more klein, the fantastic of z away sinus of america year after here for adding this organization for what it is. It doesn't even support Israel, let alone jewish community? Does anyone support the jewish state? It supports the democrat party positions which are anti israel. and I like the way David. Our society has put it at the federalist
says the eighty hours in a jewish organization, any genuine ethnic or theological sense. Its primary mission is no longer to stop the defamation of Jews. The eighty I'll see yo jonathan green bladder, former barack obama pointy, who, after appears on MSNBC to china they tied semite AL sharpen, created a party Left social justice, outfit its primary law. these days is cynically using the organizations historical position. No advance, often ill liberal, completely irreligious left his ideas and went away does. This is by dishonesty framing an endorsement of free expression. It's an endorsement of things. I say using free expression, including Anti Semitism, that's it is done with elon musk, so I've been Surprise of the eighty hours were leading a politically motivated boycott effort. I would finish this peace, because
between the tide, defamation, leg, friedman j, six organization Jews in Israel on other chance with these reprobates we back. Is yours phone in desperate need of replacement? You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch time. To put all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free I've g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge. splay, an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign it for pure trucks. Unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the data you get ever need for a half the price of the big carriers,
because most of pen above five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy when you switch to pure talk, the pounds Five zero say say: mark in pure talk so please smarter wireless, The market then show the fool fee for the conservative media diver. Now, eighty seven, seven three eight one, three, eight one one and not whining but every day around here, it's just so busy at at Levin household radio tv plays don't a time frame and with people who are so kind and generous help me to come on the rare chosen. So I can't I can't even find five minutes
one of them is glenn back a dear friend. I believe me on his radio show next week. Briefly just cause he's a buddy. I can do this at night with Hannity tonight, because tonight a different story, but the rest of the week is just as brewer I get a little breathing room next week and then the big launch, which is going to occur, I hope your part to I want to get back to this, and I need to start over nothing worse than when our house can a blows. The the clock. And the break and he's in the middle of a story. As I was saying, the at thy defamation leg, the eighty as right, David R, her sunny when the best writers, by away
jewish organization, any genuine, ethnic or theological sense. Its primary mission is no longer to stop the defamation of jews The eighty I'll see oh Jonathan, green by a former barack obama pointy, appears on MSNBC to chair it up with anti semite AL sharpen and by the way is embraced, a credit brace, critical race theory and the big the visuals behind those efforts and has come to their defence created a partisan leftist social justice outfit. And its primary gall these days is, they using the organizations, historic opposition to advance, often liberal, completely irreligious left his ideas,
and I pointed out earlier, I wanted to salute my buddy more klein, who really is fantastic. he's. They had mockery, makeover, z, away, who's been going out with this for four years. one of the ways it does this by dishonestly framing and endorsement of free expression, an endorsement of the things people say using free expression, including anti semitism, what is done with the alarm? Musk so well being surprise if the eighty, our leading a politically motivated boycott every court, we all have must now don't they america and an investigation, as he see investor, yearn for what must example contend said, the eighty? I want him to ban the lives of tiktok, a popular run by an orthodox to try re chick.
Who gain fame by respect reposted, real leftists saying real things. Certainly, laws about considering the eighty are already has an entry for re trick in its luxury of terms. Now I'm not a big fan of nit picking but I've seen anything in her feed that could be rationally construed as anti semitic, and here she is an orthodox drew, and that speaks to the problem of who gets to decide what hate speech entail. for green lad, who work to get Tucker karlsson fired by, can barely muster a word of disapproval, fridge new bayer's like russian, to leave or any other elected, progressive hate speech. A finely tuned political weapon. the eighty hours spent years, exaggerating the threat of anti semitism on the right finding that's not only in demonstrably ugly. Page, but also an endless number of dog whistles, include
criticisms on the left us mega dona george soros, who I despise the same time. It gives perfunctory attention, but mostly ignores the in normal zation event. I your sentiment among after some college campuses, with an activist movements in the government, don't think of it as a double seat, think about it. The eighty hours a run of the mill activists shop, something a candidate southern poverty law centre and it makes com. since you only need to look at the organizations, educational recommendations, Stand at its world view is detached from any traditional understanding of duty. Is one strong Doubts the founders of the eighty I could have foreseen, though organization in so the idea that jews were among the racial oppressors of can society.
Yet the idea of school curriculum readings on race and racism. I told you are littered with tracks. rotarian tracks like how to be an anti racist. Abraham gay candy a fan of amber brazen, anti, semites and white fridge Letty by robin the angelo. How can we claimed a fight against the defamation of the jewish people and recommend author to insinuate or, worse, that Jews ready and a disproportionate amount of power in the united states, one of the most and troops of anti semitism the eighty. L also recommends that pseudo historical, sixteen nineteen project and the podcast the urgency Of intersection out by campbell, Crenshaw you're all familiar with these people. If you read american marxism, Leading scholar of critical race theory, the teaching of which are also inherently anti jewish. How can the idea
it recommended american marxism. Ah. Because they headed the ideal is an obama, but is that suggest to you the localities? the american marxists agenda, he's a phoney a fraud a reprobate supposed representing the eta. Defamation league, not the jewish defamation league saying that many, maybe most american juice don't agree with the area. Logical I'll, look at the idea, but me do not nothing Judy. In the our immutable appearances praetor, Term in our societal role, actions are worth. Why is a group claiming to fight Jewish defamation spreading trendy, illogical puffery, because it is not what it says it is.
Now? The eighty ourself anointed arbiter of anti semitism is certainly. Useful and providing lazy journalists were quotes, confirming preexisting notions about eighty seven and being largely a right wing phenomenon and risk of Corporations might use them for guidance but it has no moral standing to dictate appropriate speech, certainly not in the name of Jews and a day. Harmony: senior editor, the federalists, a hundred percent right to great peace. there's really only a handful of us concern. the jews who are willing to speak, and I see a handful several dozen, but that's bad. It. But I don't care I com. As I see him, I call him as I see it, the handful of Dennis Prager then Shapiro.
Obviously more klein highest David, our son. My buddy David Freeman, the former ambassador to Israel from the united states, will be in the program next hour to talk fantastic, movie coming up the jews and christians, and, I would say muslims. I can really really appreciate their others. My own kids, David Lauren, jenna chase course my wife drew, but many others, but on an after member these people, a tonne treatment and other perfect example thomas even would rather see israel.
Burn down burned to the ground. Then another minute of Netanyahu's leadership, all of you! Faith, you have people like this within your own religions. Catholics, you, Joe Biden, is a heretic show the way to put it twenty years. Ninety pelosi the same damn thing: then there are others in other face same thing saturday. After believe like you, it's not that they have to take a hard line or accept every so of every word in their and our most important books, but if their self heating.
In their projecting that self hate or the people who practise their faith. and their encouraging others of other faiths to do the same thing in their own face and against their own faith. That's pretty sick! That's derangement!. And that's, in my view, Thomas Freeman, this guy green blair, all the creeps worthy J, six group And there's more than that is much more than that. I'll, be right back then cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge on hand, crack screen that gives you glass, splinters ouch time to put
all sound arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free, five g, samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to display an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for your trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers, because most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk power to five zero say markel of in pure talk so Please smarter wireless I'm calling the eighty hours green black to resign
Try the adsl in many ways his aunt. Israel, He has used the institution to push democrat party propaganda, and radical marxism, so green, glad they headed. The idea has destroy that organization. He should resign. People who really care about whether organization used to stand for should be encouraged to try and rebuild it, The idea that promoting critical race theory anti white racism, a marxist agenda, the Democrats, party agenda tacking, republicans, hacking conservators trying to throw the man with real aid I semites wall. Mostly silent when it comes to the democratic party, anti semites, simultaneity semites of the media, this guy green black,
is a hammer ride on the body politic. He is undermining, Purpose of the eighty alleys undermining the state of israel- and honestly undermining the united states. These are propagandists. So I am calling on the eighty else see yo green black to resign. And mister green light. If you'd like to come on this programme and debate me my credentials if you like It me mister, graham black The producer you make are airwaves available for that. Mr Friedmann, Thomas Friedman, the reprobate, not the great put the David Freeman you tube buddy, you don't speak for all Jews either accept those who are
self, hating you're, more than welcome the come on this programme to because you're right for it, newspaper that covered up the holocaust and that does it seem a body or one whit. You also Friend of the communist chinese regime- oh I remember Ten or so years ago you were jealous their former government really and now look what they do: roundup muslims by the boatload and kill them torture and rape and slay them. Yes time for discussion, Mr Friedmann, time for debate rather than. taking your sorry ass to audiences, You went celebrate you you're a disgrace.
And by the way, your barely literate and on a why you're gettin awards, finding that your barely literate, in my humble opinion, of course, to us as their o J street. Changed streets, were all the anti semites gotta go speeches against Israel by the way and are applaud. This is. so called jewish organization. Israel is not allowed to be strong. Is Is not allowed to have a strong military Israel's not allowed to have a free market economic system. Rose not allowed to defend itself. Israel's not allowed bandit sovereign. They now J street is like omar interleaved. It's a joke.
Not all, but most of these people, like many people and other religions, their born into the religion, but they're, not people of faith. Lucky reconstruction is true, there was that they invented like fifty years ago. Reconstruction is oh congratulations. The hell. Are you talking about. and I ve told you folks before I was raised a so called reform. You Are conservatives conservative thinking Henry reform Judy at a site. I want to make that that allegation of question about it, but not enough. I want the he briscoe.
Twice a week on wednesdays. In sunday I went the temple almost every week. I got honours awards for reading hebrew. I went to grab college mostly reform jewish institution philadelphia. I learned almost nothing highly political. That's how I did very well. then I wondered why was doing Some no longer reform drew. I'll call myself a hubbard. You.
I hereby rabbi haim code. There is no better. There are others who are great too bad. Why john orthodox jewish movement? I know what I am. I know what I'm not I'm not much into the bureaucracy when it comes to religion, Mister booth. He got us in this way. Gotta look over there. You go again a bend over here you go. I met in norway, the substance the sub I've had enough of that and enough of me I'll be right. Back I.
He's here now broadcasting them only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one, mickey Hayley. What is a nicky hayley run an eight year record as governor south carolina, honest to god. I She's, proud of it will then run. I give us ten things that you did were so fantastic She is on the attack, which is great scanners attention, I think, she's gone from six point state or nine points. Mr producer.
It's not going to be enough. Did you seems to me when you say that, among others, random This has trump light. Then, of course, there monster that is she's bush light. Pattern of use really differ from those of george w bush or the bush clan such as car of the library. they lower over there. The wall street journal editorial page. They think you fantastic, but she's, not. She then all that conservative I'll just say it. She just man, and I don't even disagree with her on ukraine by the way, but I'm putting that aside, that roma swami I've giving them my opinion on him. I think he's a fraud, this guy's them.
business with communist china. Then I think hunter Biden. and when it comes to foreign policy, he just wings, it. He thinks he knows what you want to hear any wings, it so good enough for me and a one winging. It. But it's very weird. These came a look at pence pence in do like a year. An angry science fiction character, but the eyes Pop banana, their head in the the sharp teeth, the ideas in the year and the spittle coming down it This is now how I think a pants. The depends I used to know was
again, like not anymore. He's christie like in fact he's more christie than christie. He he's got trump in his brain and he can't shake. plus it's weird. He says the trumpets team did this in the trumpets team did that trashes No one is all my he's made the distinguish. The latest think should be in policy. Happen on January six, but that's southern fly. It president. Mostly you dont make policy, everybody that the job of vice president is MR producer. The official congressional job did she make constant. no job search,
the present in the senate, which they really do because all they do is sit around. You not spit out the sun seed. So what do they do? Go to fuels There there encased president dies, you becomes incapacitated they have no job, so eggs. Leggy simeon there were trumps setting policy trumps power, Everybody knows trump did what he wanted to do. He said, policies. he didn't say what is my pants want me to do. I'm just being honest with you. And, of course, his right hand. Man marked short, got his ass fired out of the white house, which is why hates tromp for money reasons. That's one of them.
I brought him back into the old executive office building as his right hand, man and you can see why the guys on t v, that is short and he won't even cause. I wanted sailor. So all these people are self serving. If you even think you have a shot at defining tron, you run as an anti binding at any time. Trump. just stay in a lane where you can be strong, specific, have a powerful message. You don't even have to get involved in the other stuff. You stop problem A chance, but you have a shot- and I think this is a mistake- to guys- are two three four five six percent or making right now there.
claude, their way up on the back of trump another. Not none of them are. I don't know why the deck rama swamis running at all. I have no idea. If you really look at its best brown is troubling very troubling to me, and I not going to make excuses for period what am I going to make excuses for Nicky haley's gum, toil record because she won't run on she only when defining to explain why. Chris Christie he's got a new line down, he's the only one running for president and the republican primaries, who defeated a democratic government, what he felt it these core zine was corrupt up to his balls was unethical up actors eyeballs Derek a party members returning against them the maid. The media in new jersey returning it and he ran like the conquering king. The? U s attorney, he doesn't I have that anymore and he's not running
Hence causer anything As such a fantastic governor, the republicans and most The people in a jersey, dont think so now, as they look back on the path. found things that he did like what I don't know. Hi text states in that Three still is was when he was there. I capacity I don't give a damn what you did scattered among them. Taxes in the country republican. You keep and He rang into but you're a bush guy you a ragged guy bush guy. so most of these guys running is reagan. Roberta rhinos, car of guy. Asia Hutchinson canyon break one percent, the guy from
What the coda seems like a good guy. He can't break one percent, so they're gone they're gone, Is funding to watch some of these guys? Tim Scot, I liked him scott very much. I think he did a few things had heard em like topped the fee, real conservative in alaska, by backing leeson rakowski, is not just a rhino. She is it Benedict Arnold she's, more democrat republican. She changed the voting system in alaska to ensure her reelection with the backing of a match. Macao republican I'm going to put up a there, certainly not on a national level, they're not going to support it, so doors, somebody who did that in ireland.
praise for- and I think he is, I think that hurt him a lot. Unfortunately, I think it hurt him alive Who else was on that? The scientists there's another hurricane, its forming off the east coast of florida. Here I hate to tell people this. and that's where we have a home as well. Storm lee strengthen. You know a hurricane today and is forecast to become an extremely dangerous hurricane. This weekend, here's what they know national hurricane should said in an update. Hours ago, the tropical storms. it strengthen euro category one hurricane already did napoleon was released, the storms maximum. Stained winds about seventy five miles per hour. Where get stronger? The storm is expert. to become a major hurricane and a couple of days since then
a cane centre as the storm intensifies. At a steady, too rapid pace, it may become a category for a potential the catastrophic storm with sustain wind speeds of a hundred. Ready to one hundred and fifty six miles an hour apples over warm water where's that heading the storm is moving west northwest at about fourteen miles per hour, the national hurricane. The centre said the path is expected to come, You knew the centre said with a slight reduction and ford speed over the weekend. Its headed for these coasts to florida. It's expected to pass near the northern leeward islands and puerto rico this weekend, The leeward islands are a group of violence located where the caribbean sea meets the western atlantic ocean include the: u s virgin islands, lesser antilles, islands, may also see some impacts with national hurricane centre warning.
area may see some swells from the storm causing life threatening surf conditions To use a year, he clung colleges phrase mystery. This looks like a big mother. The probable scenarios will track far enough nor to bring just a brush hosty ones and shares the northern leeward islands. Well, if it hits the eastern side of florida now. Why am I bringing all this up for obvious reasons? It's potential disastrous hurricane, but governor de santas. Has been doing a tremendous job every time that state is wallet. Biden goes down there, trying to credit. They attacked the santas
His fellow republicans running for the presidency attack descent because they're so desk. to be number two in case something happens to tromp that they don't care. That this guy's a serious leader, support him or not, but that's what he is It comes to hurricanes and tornadoes when it MR education, when it comes corporatist and woke ism when it two firing soros elected prosecutors when it comes to appointing, constitutional conservatives to a supreme court. one issue after another after another after another, MIKE. Pence doesn't have a record of the governor of india, hell he does not have thy record. Is the governor of south carolina
his christie. Does not have that record is the governor of new jersey Chris. It does not have their records. The governor new Hampshire. Right back then it is a pleasure to have a dear friend of family friend on the programme ambassador with freeman. He was president in ambassador that Israel from the united states, where all kinds of great things were accomplished from, relatively small group of indonesia. Including ambassador freeman day, It's an honour and a pleasure to have you in the programme, and I gotta tell you this movie that you and palm pale and others have put together routes. Stay there biblical highway.
I saw the six six and a half minute clip I played on my love in tv blaze, tv programme- I was, dell bound by it and I wanted to come on the programme and talk about this little bit because I think people need this. I think people are can tired of what's going on. I think they need a movie like this and I can tell On tuesday I believe you're gonna be showing to a limited number of people at the bible. Museum in memories. family will be attending it. That's important. I think it is in any event how Are you and tell us about this work? I think it's great to be with you and thank you for your kind words. So, ok, why we we made this movie. You know when I got into government The two thousand and seventeen I one of the things I wanted to do as a diplomat, was to explore a judean scenario. You know the the place that most of the world calls.
The west bank. But you know what is real causes and sumerian theological is referred to as today aims to marry, I wanted to see it because it is the diplomatically diplomatically, the most sensitive. part of Israel. It's it's an area which their many disputes relating to an unwanted together and see and talk to the people and the state department that we absolutely not it was off limits to any american diplomat and I didn't understand why Am I'm a I'm a diplomat, I'm trying to you know, resolve problems, but can't even go there, and what I uncovered was that there was this intentional self imposed, ignorance by the state department, on the other back his cruel chris in a crucial area that somehow we would offend people if we travel there and spoke to the five hundred thousand israeli, Well, if there are the palestinians that libya and so on
broke that mould pretty early on and I travelled there where my comp hale became secretary of state. He endorsed that policy and we travel there together. and what we found there was no. It was so compelling into important and we wanted to bring a pillow much larger audience who wanted to bring it to the world, because you know most people. Think of this. You know this strip of land that you know six thousand miles away called the west bank and they think it's just the a street fight between israelis and palestinians- that's been going on for honey here's! Well, it's not it's the land of the bible, it's the lamb where Abraham isaac, Jacob Moses king David Jesus, where they walked where they preach to where they rule, where all of the biblical wisdom comes from. You know where truth that are enduring values that are that are enduring and authentic. It that have animated, our the founders of our country, to do to to write the declaration of independence. You know it's all there in this.
that nobody wants to look at. Nobody wants to talk about, except just consider it some real estate dispute in it so much more and so my can. I we went on this. We call it route sixty because the it's. The debacle spine of Israel roots excuse the router nazareth beersheba, and it is the road upon which within our he'll kilometers, any direction where almost all the great stories of the bible take place and we went from place to place the place you now again. Advice of all the great the great pundits you know went there from place to place and we brought it to a broader tools: a larger audience, hopefully to a very large audience, and if not political, you know what I'm looking for people how to resolve the israeli palestinian conflict, although we were well. We ask them to do this just to care about this area. People should care about today in some areas it is where the bible was born, where the christian faith was born is where the jewish faith was born.
It's where our judeo christian values were born, and you have the opportunity in out, through this film or hopefully when they threw travelling there now to put yourself back and crime into the issues of our greatest biblical eras. The real live, the great events for the bible, and I'm telling you you know as somebody who studied the bible, my entire life. You know that the bible great reading the bible great but living the bible walking. That path is incredibly power, they gave everyone. We're gonna, take a break and want to bring you back, but before we go, if people want to, This movie, where do they go? They got a route sixty hour. Oh you see the number six zero that movie and they can put it. It could find out what theaters buying it might rigour and will pose set on all our social sites as well will be right back with ambassador free, folks as listeners. To my show you what I like to call a lifelong learning- and I know you
probably always looking for more ways to become a better educated citizen. That's why, as students head back to school. I encourage you continue your own education and learn more about the funding I suppose, that made our country the most space nation in history. Now to help do that my good friends at helstone college send out in Primus that's there Free digestive liberty, millions of americans, including me, receive the best of conservative thought in the mailbox every month and right now for a limited my listeners, can sign up for free, just go to live in four hills, drawback, come alleviation frame, Tell that come in the pages in Primus you get smart commentary on the big issues of our time and I look or to reading it every month, and you can't do you can learn or about hilda college and in Primus today, levant free those down calm. That's l, easy! I am for the hills. At that time.
I put now seventy seven three one. Three eight one one parts pleasure to have ambassador David Freeman, asked me to Israel from the united states, probably the most successful ambassador, that part of the world in history. The movie is route around sixty. I can take it at rule, sixty dot movie again any enter your zip code and find out what theatre its playing, and I want to strongly encourage you to view it even if you're just curious. Now, David Freeman, Father was a rabbi. You Israel four billion times you know that Country almost like the back your hand in it, Something early in the interview there was intriguing to me, did you learn some new things in the course of you and my palm pale
really narrating. What is this movie in the walk through these different? The historic, religious sites and so forth are dead because you know some of these places just are so off the beaten path and they don't get the It shouldn't they deserve. You know I I got to see something I'd never seen before and you're right. I've been there a million times. I got to visit the altar of joshua when Joshua brought the jewish nation across the Jordan river at the very earliest stages of the jewish nation. He built an altar and he wrote his own ten commandments and he prayed to god, and you know that Will there now it's it's on the side of a mountain. There's, no signage, there's no and no access. You have the really hard to get here, but we went to a bunch of places like that because we had extraordinary access. That's you know, I'm pay. When I got the security details and help from the israeli government could they wanted this postponement? We got to see things and brings to the audience that you really don't see on your on your typical tours.
Michael out, and you don't pay a mark of of. I think in then synopsis. That's what's best about this thing. Is that when you go to a place like this, you really know what kinds of bible lorries, has a kid in you, you learn, it isn't a gallop and you study it, but being there I think they are on the ground, where the events took place where you get biblical heroes, actually performed the miracles that are attributed to them. It really takes it out, these stories from the world of legend from the world of myth in it breaks in the real world of truth and And in that inspiration that I gained from being there is something I hope we can bring to our audience yeah, I'm embarrassed to say, but it's so true, the first time I want Israel with sixty years old the second time I want. Israel is at your invitation with the embassy in Jerusalem. And we went with our family what the first time eleven twelve us trucked over there,
I can remember just going to city a david and touching the steps touching things: o, my lord, the people who worked here it's it's real, so your point is but a minute, it really is real and that's what you get out of this movie right, you bill. David is very prominently featured in the film it's it's it just it actually happened and when you can feel that in touch it it it brings to you What's the you almost shudder at the at the reality? That's thrust upon you, the fact that the Bible really happened. The the archaeologists and the scientists and theologians are all in the same place when it comes to these biblical events and it's it's enorme, we inspiring course. You talk about a lot of places in this film. You visit a lot of them, yet you explain, In plain english, it's really quite compelling an intriguing and in the clip that you see
that, I've poster that you sent me a lot of he broke Was buried, india hebrew oh yeah, Abraham isaac, Jacob Sarah, rebecca and leah, so that three, but that the three patriarchs three out of four matriarch, the fourth rachel is buried somewhere else. Are we visit her tomb as well in this film? Her rachel's grew grave is very meaningful to make people it's a source of great fervent prayer. Look it's right there in the in the bucket genesis. You know If the story is told about how Abraham was looking for a place to bury his wife, Sarah ne NE met someone that he negotiated with him and he bought a place and he created a burial cave rooms for his wife that he himself was buried there and then his progeny. So you know and it and it's and it's it's right there, the the tombs are right there and and the hurry is unassailable, so amazing that
Three, the main face many would judaism. Then christianity than islam count. Ham as really the fowler. Their faith can be built with them call their economic faith and an end by the way there they're all welcome in hebron and and they do come to have, got it and that the structure that was built by king Herod two thousand years ago to encapsulate this, this tomb still in pretty good shape it still intact for two thousand years, something I was the only building that was built the two thousand years ago that wasn't destroyed because they all the fates have such respect for this place. Of course, the flip side of it, is that you know our country and in so many others around the world, think that Israel should just surrender their territory to the hostile enemies who the first thing they do when they control it, is to destroy as they've destroyed so many other holy sites within the judaism christianity. So I hope that when people see this, they say gee. This is an important place. We hope it's prison,
for eternity for our children, grandchildren or progeny? The only way to do that is to allow israel to be the custodian of these places in Israel, the only country in two thousand years that is afforded access to these holy sites to all to all face or people of no faith. I mean it's, it's the only solution to our ability to preserve these holy sites. tested movie here route, sixty that movie type in here your zip code, your final were theatre is near you that route sixty and said he is numerical succeed. That movie roots sixty dab movie type in your zip code. I want to ask few questions on current events having nothing do the missouri everybody short sea. The movie. Am king Mister ambassador the binding administration legally unravelling everything the trump administration did in the middle east the heap talking about
two state solution. There now funding the palestinians, even those who commit active, cross it not just against israelis, but americans. You see. What's happened now, one comes to efforts, people, you to expand the abraham accords, which is we're not going to happen right now and they're, even talking down Netanyahu's attempt to a strong alliance with saudi arabia, because time is free men and binding in the wreck. bates age he surrounds himself with they only want to deal kind of forces, Israel not to take action against IRAN. What do you make of all this? I figure. It's been one mistake over another and- and it's been tragic because you know when, when we left office and one at one of the hyper highlights of the trump administration was the middle east and what progress had been made and you're right he's used to unraveling it look. The interference by the by the administration in Israel's internal affairs is unprecedented.
look it's been done before by other governments, but it's never been done to this extent that they're having a a new year's toast, the jewish new year's toast at the at the ambassador's ambassador now, but the ambassadors or whoever is in charge now is having a party there in a couple of days. No, they won't invite Israel's minister of finance, because they don't like his politics. They want invited to talk to a social event because they don't like his politics, and you know that then yahoo still hasn't been invited to the white house, even though easily elected you know the prime minister of Israel, one of america's most loyal friends. For I dunno almost twenty years. He can't get an invitation to the white house. I mean I'm not concerned about the discourtesy, to Netanyahu, cause he's a big boy. He can handle that, but the signal it sends a
The globe is that the united states is opposed to the israeli government and enact just invites all kinds of mischief and mayhem among Israel's enemy. So yeah, it's it's it's I dunno where they think they're gonna to succeed here, because it's just everything's heading in the wrong direction. and I mean it's deeply frustrating to me as somebody who committed, well years of my life and frankly, I'm still committed to it, and I was committed to it before it's it's all wrong. The hope everything is is is wrong. I mean, I think, and I think you know what's what's odd. Oddly enough, I think, even though the arab countries are scratching their,
It's about about Biden, I mean they actually said more actually say more than that. Many of the arab countries really are are deeply offended by Biden's embrace of IRAN. I mean they can't they can't understand it, but but this this idea that you know america is going to continue to fund malign behavior by palestinians. I know if you saw what the what what president of the palestinian authority to set a couple of days ago, prime minister president mohammed Abbas, he said that the you said that hitler wasn't anti semitic. She gave a speech to public streets. You said hitler was not anti semitic, he only killed Jews because he disapproved of their financial. practice, and- and this is a guy who just got a half a billion dollars in aid from the united states. So you know I dunno what to make of it. It it's it's! So it's so offensive and so counterproductive, and so you know it's so likely to lead to to a bad outcome. I just hope it ends. It ends can't can't
The problem is, of course, IRAN is, sir. Now breakneck speed, it's gonna, when a nuclear weapon if they're not stopped the vitamins. Straighten, seems to accept that outcome, but wants to the reengineer. We engineer the entire middle east and some are fanciful. Idiotic way and of course they feel that Israel stands in the way, in my opinion and the hate netanyahu because they know lap peed in the minority parties over there will pretty much do whatever the vitamins Creation wants them to do a lot. Pete even comes to the united states. The lobby against the elected government there and I want people- we're going to understand their not right. Wingers sir, we would consider them right of centre. We were concerned Netanyahu right of centre. We will consider berry, goldwater right of centre, any
so she age and he works at the deals and sewer, but it's not good enough for them. Is it mister ambassador? No, I I! I don't understand what they. What they want from Nathan yahoo- I just don't understand what more he needs to do, and you know Tom Friedman writes these think about how Freeman, whereas the other day he writes that amounts to scrap ceiling there. He writes that america should stop dealing with the penny. I hope because his interests are contrary to those of america. He says that in the end, you know that you know that the discussion between the power, the indians and and binding and ambitious from saudi Arabia and the money out of those four players. The oil. Whose morally infirm, isn't it anyhow he's a bad guy? You know the guy who claims that the hitler was never semitic. Yet, if you talk to him in negotiate with them,
But then yahoo, who am I you know, is the longest serving prime minister in Israel's history who who who brought the gdp per capita from you, know twelve thousand to fifty thousand dollars. You know and you know it made me made Israel. You know the the envy of the world in terms of it's technological advancements. I mean the guy said nothing but but build Israel into a first world. A first rate country and and Tom Freeman says this. Is the guy you have to box out. You know, don't let him, in the room, it'd the same time frame and praise communist china a few years back and their government because they could get He's done mister ambassador and he's done that are more one occasion. His background is really quite disasters, as was pointed out in the great peace in commentary a few years back. So the movie focuses route. Sixty. Are you t six, zero, that movie it'll, be all the social sites- and you
I've, been here, am urim, zip code and tie awaken, see the movie. I would encourage you to do it. It's it's it's entertaining, but banana stupid waits unattended, you're. Looking at it. You're learning so much. It's a family adventure, You put all this other stuff behind you, and it really is incredible, and I want to thank you for this David, it's really a fantastic movie and on tuesday yo see some of my family there watching it with you. Well, it was We have left and will work will be good here at pure family groups, You can't be there. I know you're busy, but we the labour of love and god bless you, for family back your I rather take care also check out that movie folks had really is gonna, be and it is a fantastic amelia, be a wonderful! fancy to attend again. If you want to know specifics mark levin show calm and all the other social.
Sites I have- and I think it's very important and that the ambassador was able to talk about it and they re I was then is yours. Cell phone in desperate need of replacement, you know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Crack screen that gives you glass, splinters, ouch time to put It all found a rest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five. Same song, galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge display and all a strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure Talks are limited, talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers, america's most dependent Five g network make this
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But this argument is not a foolish argument that the fact is that hundred by making argue, relied in good faith diversion agreement and he is complied with every piece of it as a condition for pre trial, release and more who knows the judge whereby, but that's not even the most important point, important point is why charge him on this. why not charge on any the outstanding tax issues are fairer. The Foreign registration act and there he's reason for that is, ladies and gentlemen, if you get into a full blown trial on those issues and issues like them,. they are very likely there certainly more likely to die in daddy Joe Biden.
Gun matter, not at all the tax matter and fairer. Yes, that's why and if the judge rules in favour of the defence. Then, of course, hundred gets away with that too. armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel. Are truckers Their freedom fighters around the world and taiwan and ukraine most of all you, the great americans, out there. They great patron Thank you very, very much taken Trip, I would amazon, I encourage you to do that release is almost upon us and I ll see in a few minutes fabulous.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.