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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/4/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin this Labor Day! A judge is supposed to be a referee and ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected, which includes setting a date for trial. Tanya Chutkan, the District Judge in Donald Trump’s election interference case in Washington D.C., has set a date for March 4, 2024, which falls right in the middle of the 2024 Presidential campaign and does not give much time for Trump lawyers to review the evidence and form a defense. Chutkan has been commiserating with the Obama judges in D.C. on how to make this the first case to take down Trump. She purposely set a March trial date to interfere with the Florida documents case in May. Judge Chutkan does not want a fair trial, or a trial based on evidence, and there will not be due process in her courtroom which would make Stalin proud. Judge Cannon needs to file an anti-suit injunction to cease litigation being brought in D.C. so the defendants, particularly Trump, can do one trial at a time and have an actual shot of staying out of prison and having his due process rights recognized. Also, any Republican who votes against an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden should be removed from office, because the country comes first – not their political futures. The Constitution provides a remedy for corruption in the Executive branch, and there is a mountain of evidence against Biden for his removal from office. Later, it’s time to break up the cabal of radical Democrat lawyers who make up the D.C. judiciary. These lifetime Democrat judges are destroying our judiciary, justice system, and republic. They disrespect you, they disrespect the rule of law, and they are interfering in a presidential election. They are simply too powerful and too political. They've demonstrated that they've abused their lifetime appointments and have become abusive and even tyrannical. It's also worth considering term limiting all federal district judges and circuit judges in D.C. to 10 years.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the best of mark levin, happy labour day, the snow from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The The. the
the The the The America marvel of men here are numbered, breach happens
Seven three eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one republicans may not have the votes needed to undertake an impeachment inquiry. Let me tell you something, and that involves job by any republican who votes against supporting impeachment inquiry. We will give you their names and you should move them from office. The informations overwhelming and if they don't have the guts to take care of business or their busy promoting themselves and some marginal district, I've, no stomach for the country comes first, not their political futures. I'm quite serious about the constitution provides a remedy in, even if the senators hearken vote for it will take down their names to when I started in this business talks,
the house, even national torture house, refused to get involved in campaigns. I changed all aware, with a tea party of return,
years ago, and even before I got involved in a lot of campaigns, ted cruz, Marco Rubio MIKE Lee again begin the remember everybody and although Rubio doesn't talk to me anymore, for I have no idea why these people do what they do. I don't I dunno, maybe I'm too hot. I don't mean that way. I mean this way are, but that's not what I want to get into and by the way in Florida I mean the gulf coast got whacked not long ago, getting whacked again starting tomorrow morning. It's so nerve wracking. I understand that and so you're going to see the leadership abilities yet again of dissenters, not talking not the gift of gab I'd had a turn of phrase, but you're going to see this guy he's just he is what he is. He to say he grabs things by
by the horns and he wrestles him to the ground. But let's get moving here. I want to read something to you, because I doubt you've heard most of this that I want to analyze. It judge tiny chuck. Can the judge who just happened to get the trunk case supposedly bow january? Six c judge is supposed to be a referee even more than that judges to ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected. There's many ways. A judge can do that through motions that other people file but I'll suggest to ensure that the court room is handled properly and I would include setting a date for a trial. She set the date for march. Fourth, I'm going to get it supported the bill. Let's read what took place in that courtroom, according to the new york slimes, who had seven or twelve journalists on the case really just to Allen, fury and glenn thrush, the federal judge overseeing former president trump's prosecution on charges conspiring to overturn the twenty twenty election set a trial date on monday for early march rebuffing, MR trump's proposal to push it off until twenty twenty six I'll break it all down. Just bear with me. The decision by judge tanya s chug kin to start the trial on March fourth amounted to an early victory for prosecutors. Can imagine there who asked for january second, but it potentially brought the proceeding into conflict with
we other trials that MR trump is facing, underscoring the extraordinary complexity of his legal situation, the intersection of prosecutions, this campaign to return to the white house, the district attorney in fulton county georgia has proposed taking mister trump to try on charges of tampering with the election in the state on march. Fourth, as well read the case in manhattan, in which MR trump's been accused of more than thirty felonies connected to non disclosure agreements. in the run up to the two thousand and sixteen elections. Pid schedule go to trial on march twenty fifth, so there will be two trials the same day and then another trial on the twenty fifth, while the other two trials are going on,
it was to try and washington. Last more than eleven weeks, it could bump up against mister trump's other federal trial on charges of illegally retaining classified documents after he left office and obstructing the government's efforts to retrieve them now notice the bias in the article to begin regurgitating the charges by the prosecuted. But let's go on that trial, scheduled to begin in florida in late may. The march four date set by judge chungking for the federal election case at a hearing in federal district court in washington is the day before super tuesday, when fifteen states are scheduled to hold republican, primaries or caucuses, judge trunk and said that, while she understood mister trump had both of the trial date scheduled next year and the same time was running for the country's highest office. She was not going to let the intersection of his legal troubles and his political campaign get in the way of setting a date. She said MR trump, like any defendant, will have to make the trial day at work, regardless of his schedule, judge trunk and said adding that there's a societal interest to a speedy trial. Alright, let's stop right there. The speedy trial is for the defendant, not the societal interests that this judge claims to.
Claims to know about you're a judge, let alone a federal judge that your courtroom and it's your damn job, to make sure that when you set a date for trial, that defendant has an opportunity to actually defend himself an opportunity to go through all the information the government has amassed because the framers understood how powerful the government could become. In the case of washington d c, it's something like twelve million documents. God knows how many
witnesses. Gesture read through the material, let alone prepare your case with exculpatory arguments and so forth, and so on. The idea that it would take six months is a lie and a disgrace, and she knows it she's not interested in due process. By her own statement, she said MR trump, like any defender, will have to make the trial date work regardless of his schedule, regardless of his schedule. How about regardless of the government schedule? Stick with me? The government decided the department of justice, the Biden regime Jacksboro, to bring to federal cases virtually back to back. They knew that this would create a conflict, judge trunk and knows that it creates a conflict. Now, here's the big point, judge chunk and also knows being a radical marxist bomb thrower, which are approved later. That judge canon in Florida has already set a trial date for may, which might be pushed back even further. May the documents case now the department of justice and smith, the first federal case they brought was the documents case. The second case they brought was the january six case. The judge in the documents case in florida set may as the date for the trial chunk and on monday, set march two months before may as the date for her trial, knowing full well that the other court had already set a date in may involving discovery involving all emotions activities involving what you do to prepare for trial. She purposely set the date of the trial even put aside super tuesday to interfere with the florida case. She did it on purpose. She jumped the line her cases. The second case, and now she's interfering with the timing of the first case, nobody's brought this out. This is important she over the weekend, no doubt or even before she looked at a calendar she's. Looking at the dates she knows when these republican primaries are. She knows where she can do maximum damage march fourth, the day before super tuesday, but she also knows that the speedy trial act and the right to speedy trial is not a matter of societal interest per se. It's a right, the defendant has, if the defendant chooses to use it and the speedy trial provision of the constitution doesn't trump the right to due process. Trump's lawyer I'll get into this in a moment says we can't prepare for this one time and she said you gotta meet your obligation, that's how sinister and diabolical this fraud is in a black robe. There is no damn way. She should have ever been a judge nominated by obama slips through the republicans, the judiciary committee. There is no damn way this woman should be a federal judge, none whatsoever, her grandfather in jamaica, her ancestry, jamaica, her grandfather in jamaica was a well known marxist activists. In fact, he was so committed to overthrowing the government in jamaica that for a period of time they put them in prison, she's a chip off the old block. It's like the da in atlanta, her father was a black panther revolutionary another marked a domestic terrorist group. She said
the other one chip off the old block. Then you get bragg in manhattan, installed by george soros, and then you have Jack smith, the invisible hand behind trying to destroy the tea party and conservative groups to help deliver elections to obama, that's the liner, and then we have trunk and the judge let's go on here. So you understand what an abomination is. It says, while she understood mister trump, have both of their trial date scheduled next year and, at the same time, was running for the country's highest office. She's not going to let the intersection of his legal troubles and his political campaign get in the way of setting a day lot. Let them get in the way she setting dates to purposely make it impossible for him to campaign and even more to have due process have a whole below right. We have a constitutional system, it's been around a lot longer than this judge, and it is extraordinary. It's actually unimaginable that she would bend the rules and use her courtroom to treat a former president and a candidate for president. This way and jack Smith is laughing. He got a date that he wants
jack's beth is running that courtroom. Jack Smith said I want to trial. On january, taxpayers brought up the the right to a speedy trial, she's regurgitating what he said, and then they pretend that trumps, not above the law not above the law, is literally facing six lawsuits. At the same time, six for criminal one civil and in new york in another civil in new york. What she says, Mister mister trampling any defended will have to make the trial they work, regardless of his good judge, can said, adding that there's a
it's interest to a speedy trial. Her job is to make sure the defendant has a fair trial noticed. She never said that once mister Travis nobbut indicted they write by grander is four times and for places washing in new york. Atlanta and florida prosecutors have been jockeying for position. All of them are trying to find time. For their trials, not only in relation to one another, but also against the backdrop of MR trumps. Credit counter. The candidate leader. the fear of the republican party, twenty twenty four presidential nomination, the only
agent is they're making about that is to try and set dates that are most damaging to trap and are trying to avoid any type of election scenario, see chunk into such an idiot she's such a bomb thrower she's such a disgrace that she can't even higher, while judge trunk and noted that she had spoken to the judge of manhattan case here. This remained unclear how the judges, prosecutors and defence deemed what addressed the problem of scheduling for criminal trials next year. As mentioned a trumpet campaigning, they want her to go first. Why raise your hand because they know the lunatics out their back by dark money are pushing section three of the fourteenth them, and that is the lie that they can prevent donald trump
running if it's charged, which he has been and certainly be convicted of. Just one count. That's what trunk instant I've got a lot more to say I'll, be right back much love in, and you know it helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the bible ministration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource, for gold. I raise is a gust of precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands americans are getting gold. I raised as part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight five nigh to again
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start come here. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin show happy labour day. Can I was on this morning on fox data primo and prepare the presidium hammer. I've never done that. Show bread ass many come on and I said ok. I want to make this point that I made a maiden to you now and it requires further elucidation. So stick with me, but what's amazing is, as I explained, these things is somebody who's worked at the department of justice at the highest levels, and I see things other people see because of my experience, because it's not just mark forth the day before super tuesday. That would be bad enough, but that cheap,
If the line is the second case to become the first case, which I'm going to explain more, nobody, even after I was on in the morning, reported that in any of the news platforms during the course of the day, not just on fox anywhere- and this is a key fact- this as a key issue that people need to understand. That's why you're here? I'm am convinced that, as you know, We say on the radio he's not recently whereof, but it is a crucial fact and I want. Dig into this more, why it matters I'll, be right back you know it helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the by minutes nation is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource
for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of arrogance, you're getting gold I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact with just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight five nigh to again text l, easy! I am to six eight five, nine too. Then, to six eight five. Nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com, that's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com. This is mark of. In wishing you, I happy labour day now, back to the best of me, judge drunkenness worth my plan, because I know exactly what the hell she's doing and who she is the new york times.
relevant part is part of the year and on monday, John f loro a lawyer for MR trump previewed, some of his defence case, identifying several motions that he and his colleagues todd blanche plan to file on. Mr treves behalf, Mr Laura said he could find
emotion as soon as next week, Oregon that MR trump was immune to the charges. Given that the indictment against him covers a period when he served as the nation's commander in chief mister Lara also said, he was considering attacking the charges with a so called selective prosecution motion. That motion he said would argue that MR trump's election interference indictment brought by a special counsel appointed by the Biden. Administration had been fired, at least in part, as retaliation for the federal investigation of the hunter Biden. President Biden's son, which began in earnest during the trump administration, Mister Lara, told judge trunk in that he was planning to challenge. Each of the three conspiracy counts in the indictment brought against mister trump earlier this month by the office of special counsel. those counts accused MR trump plan of plotting to defraud the united states, to disrupt the certification, the election and so forth, and so on laura said. In our view, this is a political prosecution. Still the issues I just wish. Alright, let me go
so the issues surrounding the schedule the trial took center stage at the ninety minute hearing, which MR smith attended. All the great MR smith attended, Paul wow prosecutors working for Mr Smith have said in court papers that the government could take four to six weeks to present it
I used to the judge with mister trump's lawyers, estimating roughly similar amount of time that timetable will push the trial well. Past march, twenty five, the date that new york justice one merchant another radical Democrat has set for the manhattan trial could edge close to or even beyond the may, twenty date set for mister trump's federal trial in florida. You see what I mean about her jumping the line drunken. She wants to be first, it's not out of pettiness. It's had a strategy if you're a partisan hack judge which she is which I'll get to in a minute album bragg the manhattan district attorney signaled, recently he'd be open to seeing the trial date for the math case, moved provided justice merchant agreed, Lucien shelf, a spokesman for the new york court system and has said in a statement. Justice merchant and judge shotgun ready for this spoke last thursday regarding their respective upcoming trials. At this time there is nothing further to impart regarding the people of the state of new york, vs donald trump notice, judge chunk and didn't talk to her federal colleague. She didn't make a call down to florida and tell her as best we know I'm going to go first, you may have to move your trial even further, because the democrat judges are working together and I'm going to give you another example this in a footnote here when president trump was in this courtroom few weeks ago, if not a month ago, to have the charges brought against him by the magistrate in that courtroom. Three federal judges were sitting in the back all appointed by obama. All democrats, including the chief judge of the district court in washington d c, why were they sitting there? That's shockingly unethical, in my view, because let me tell you a little secret. They touched on this. The other day. I've been around the courthouse. I used to be around a lot for pollack cases and so forth, involving landmark legal and there is
Be a lunch room, there's a cafeteria. Now there are judges, they try him. You know mingle with each other, even for lunch, but they're not eating at their own desk and so forth. But the radical left wing judges are a cabal on that court and you better believe that if this judge chunking is willing to pick up the phone to call the democrat state judge in new york, she's been commiserating with the obama judges in washington d c to try and figure out the best way to become the first case and not just screw trump on super tuesday, but screw the judge in in florida for reasons I'll get to again in a moment. You understand all this, MR believe this
as these sickening entering that taking place it sickening, you won't hear this from the new york times- are the wash them, but this is what's going on in the federal case. Mr trumps laura's began complaining two weeks ago that the amount of evidence the trial, what had that they have the way through as part of the discovery process when they first made the request a popish postpone the triumphal april. Twenty twenty six, MR lara trumps loro echoed that position in court. On monday he took a sometimes aggressive tone and declaring that his client deserved a fair trial, no different than any other american. He said for a federal prosecuted to suggest that we could go to try and four months is not only absurd. It's a violation of the oath of justice which it is. We cannot do this in time frame. The government is outlined in their own court papers, prosecutors and push back against. Mr lars protests about burdensome discovery noted that much of the material listen to this was publicly available are known to MR trumped, known the mr tromp millions of pages, its known de MR trump. Having come from his twenty twenty presidential campaign, which, although when she memorized you say, are from political action committees associated with that, that is the stupidest s argument. I've ever heard that that was good enough for trunk molly gasped in one of the prosecutors. In the case, I did a few new details for the port treated the discovery evidence on monday that it, even though the total number of pages not documents. Excuse me, I'm correction, rightly myself pages that reach nearly twelve point. Eight million pages the defence- could go through it electronically with keyword church. If a defenceless does that they would be disbarred, you don't do he word search engine and we know what you're looking for exactly you scrutinise each and every page of each and every document to see what the government, why the governments, using that document of that information and what you can find its exculpatory, you don't do guesswork or let me look at the headless, miss gaston. Also said the government created a file of about three hundred key documents that serve to anticipate the forty five page indictment prosecutors filed against MR tranquillity of this month. So centrally roadmap torrent case she set a defence lawyer has to do more than follow the prosecutions road map that our case, the prosecution does not control the court room and the prosecution sure it's. How doesn't control what the defences going further client, but not in church truncates court, what it miss! Gaston's colleagues,.
By how many lawyers do you need a lot of apparently Thomas p, windham, told judge shrunken that the discovery evidence would include a limited amount of classified information clean about five to ten sensitive documents, totaling fewer than one hundred pages at one hundred and twenty five transcripts of interviews with a witness during which classified issues were discussed. So let me tell you how it works. If you're a good lawyer, you collect all the information that the government's required to give to you they're required to give you all their evidence, not part of it. Why is there so you can go through it with headers? She can use their software, so you can be told here's our roadmap. This is what you need to look at now, you're, looking for everything and anything to undermine the government's case to defend your client. There may be things that the government doesn't want you to see. There may be exculpatory information that has nothing to do with what the government's arguing. It's your turn as a defense lawyer. It's your turn. Their governments had all the years. It's wanted millions and millions of dollars, sixty lawyers and law clerks. Now, it's your turn. It's your turn into two three four lawyers who get all this crap and by the way, it's not only this information. They have a right to go out and get other information represented during the course of a trial, and this judge just stake, as you don't have to be a lawyer- is basically giving them five months to do it all why there is no harry, there's not going to be any violation of any statute of limitations with one hundred biden, they didn't show any harry there. It's the same game department of justice. We know why, because this is an abomination, which is why I'm taking the time to go through with it not even close to done if you're bored by this you're going to want a tuna, because this is going to be most of the show as they move from point to point. So the article goes on in seeking to persuade judge chunk and to move quickly to trial. One of the government's prosecutors gassed and reminded her that MR trump had repeatedly attacked the integrity of the court and the citizens of DC on social media waves that could affect the case's jury pool now that that is precious given all the leaks coming out of the government. That is precious. We need to hurry up. You see because trump won't keep his mouth shut. One has nothing to do with the other, but the government has leaked all kinds of information in the documents case and in this case at a hearing last month, judge shrunken ward, mister trump. She would not tolerate him using social media posts to intimidate witnesses or potential jerk yeah. That's because all the Democrats in Washington dc are hanging on true social and everything that donald trump has to say. Mister believe it's a farce during the hearing on monday, judge trunk and sought to calm mister trump's lawyer, MR lauro cautioning him twice to turn down the temperature when he was speaking. That's right, you've got to go along for the ride there. Pal don't be emotional, passionate, don't be upset. Lawyers never do that. Do they mister producer. I dunno clarence darrow. Did it all the time considered one of the greatest lawyers of all time Alan Dershowitz has taken on some of the biggest cases of the country. He's emotional patrick, MR lauro, please settled down. I know you don't like. What's going on too bad one point, she appeared upset by the way that MR lauro in his filings, but the trial scheduled cited power versus alabama, landmark. Nineteen. Thirty, two supreme court decision that reversed the convictions of the scottsboro boys, nine young black men who were falsely accused of raping a white woman, judge trunk and pointed out that the myth that MR trump would face trial and seven months after he was indicted compared with only one week in the alabama case, but really what's the difference there weren't twelve point: eight million pages of documents were there judged chunk of the scottsboro case. There weren't hundreds of witnesses at the scottsboro case. Where judge trumpian. I think it's you who are comparing apples to oranges, that's the article. But what do you do about this? We already know some of the motions that Mr Laura is going too far. What do you do about? This is what I think is best prepared up right there. Well I'll tell you what you do you file an anti suit injunction mark once an anti suit injunction. That's a very good question! I was never involved in this because I never faced circumstances like this. An anti suit injunction is an interim order issued by a court in one jurisdiction that prohibits a litigant like the federal government, the department of justice trash smith from initiating or continuing parallel litigation in another jurisdiction. I told you that judge chunk and jumped the line. I told you the one
Judge canon in florida, in the documents case set her date in may judge chunk and should have taken that into consideration. While she did that's why she decided march was the date that she needed to do this. The government as for january, and she knew she couldn't do january- should be left off the federal bench. She should be left off the federal bench anyway, but she also knew she couldn't do april or may because at too close to judge cannon in florida and the big documents case, so she chose march. Fourth, basically saying that her decision was while she was solomon, don't you know that both sides were too extreme? Now she handed a complete victory to jack smith. Complete victory, judge trunk and does not want a fair trial, judge chunk and does not want a trial based on evidence. Judge shrunken would have worked out very, very well in Stalin's regime. She goes through the motions. She's a pretend judge, with a pretend prosecutor, there'll be a pretend jury. There will not be due process. I want to continue this. This anti suit motion. What should happen next I'll be right back much love in, and you know it helps me sleep well at night, physical,
I am concerned about what the binding administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your, I re or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands americans are getting gold I raised is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text. in the six eight five nigh to again text l, easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six, eight, five, nine too.
Good, I gust of precious metals, dot com, that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com. This is the best a mark, levant happy labour day I do have enough time to get into the more this issue on the entire suit injunction. I will do that after the top of the hour, so don't leave the leaf, but in a new post, John Levine judge The january six cases is coin of marxist revolutionaries, DC, judge, tanya chuck. The judge signed the former president trumps multiple indictment stemming from the twenty twenty election. Is this going to
emily revolutionary marxist in native jamaica, she's, an obama appointee, her grandfather, frank hill, a jamaican communist revolutionary. Who, along with his brother, can were briefly jail by the island's british governor, doing war war to over suspicions of subversive activities, sir grandfather and our uncle, where marxists, trying to overthrow the government. There. He'll is the father of Noel he'll, judge, trunk and mother public record show frank along with his brother, can help fella comrades richard hard and arthur Henry were expelled from the people's national party, jamaica for espousing communists who need a local jamaican media. Comes from a long line of communists, I'll be right there
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So when we went along here, stick with me. This is like a story tragedy. Actually, so two cases have been brought by the same prosecutor: the same department of justice against the same defended among others, while trump went out of this case january six in washington d c, where the judge has played politics with the setting the trial day, she jumped the line to put her case in front of the case that was originally brought. That's the documents case. Raw. They know nothing. Former federal prosecutor say this is a real case or the former attorney general level bar complete disgrace. This is the case.
So you judge canon and you're sitting down there in florida, you're thinking to yourself holy crap. I've got the case here. I've already set a trial date in may. The case here literally involves nine months of videos and one point: one million documents, that's according to the government, there could be more so again. Defense has a right to make their own case without being directed by the government or just using the information the government gives. So they want to look at all the government information plus more they want to conduct depositions, maybe have some of the people the government spoke to. Maybe some others can't get that done in four or five months in one of these cases, so a judge chunk and did being the marxist bomb throw that she is who should really be removed from the bench. If our justice system was working, she'd be thrown the hell off the bench, she would she's a disgrace. A disgusting disgrace. So a chunk and did is basically tell judge cannon we're going gonna do better screw you I'm going first. I picked two months after the government asked that too much before your trial, and so have my trial here in washington happens to bleed into your trial. You move the day or if the discovery from my case.
which is kind of come first now interferes with discovery based on the calendar that you set in florida. Before I set my calendar that your damn problem, you move your case because trump kim knows that this is a kangaroo court and she is the head kangaroo and they want to ram through a trial as fast as they can. They want to get at least one count, the conviction let loose the nut jobs on section, three, the fourteenth amendment or just they believe, and they could critically damage trumpet his campaign. We ve never seen anything like this in history, but here we are
rather than moaning and groaning about it. What do you do about it? Well judge shrunken, has now undermined a federal judge in Florida we have no information that she spoke to judge kenner about what she was planning on doing. I would bet the house, although I'm not, that she never spoke to drudge canon other than to maybe let her know what her decision was, because there's no way judge ken would agree to going second after she already set the trial date and before the trial. Obviously, she sets all kinds of discovery, dates and deals with a bunch of emotions. Now she has to deal with what church trunk and did in Washington DC. So what do you do.
Brought by the same prosecutor brought by the same biden, department of justice, approved by the same attorney, general garland, they all know what they're doing they all know that they got a great choice with this judge in Washington DC. Now what
they do baseline everything. I've just told you. I know what I would do and I talked about it this morning on Fox- and I want to thank my buddy danbury jean, I think I'm told he mentioned this and disgusted because he's a smart do so also very honourable guy. What would you do if Donald trump lawyers were you the lorries for the co defendants, you? Finally, it isoude injunction would judge cannon in florida. That case was first not because judge can and made it first, but because the department of justice and the special council made it first, that's the first case they brought that's the first case they brought. It's the first in the hierarchy of cases, judge trunk and showed no respect and oh comedy see
When my t, why towards judge cannon or that entire process in florida, she stopped all our purposely she rolled them, she jumped ahead of them. This is what nobody's understanding now. Hopefully, everybody's got. I understand, and she did that purposely lady defile, the trump lords and the other lawyers somebody anytime suit, injunction to an interim order seeking an interim order from the court in one jurisdiction, in this case florida that prohibits alone again, in this case the prosecution, jack smith and anyone
it's from the department of justice from continuing parallel litigation in another jurisdiction? They brought the case first involving the documents that judge in Florida has already made decisions on that date. She's already making decisions about discovery, classified information, videos and so forth, and judge kin being the marxist bomb thrower that she is who should never have a judgeship, not here or anywhere else. She jumps the line tries to override what canada is doing, because she wants to get trump converted in washington dc on january six, pittsburgh all the nut jobs on section three of the fourteenth amendment and if that doesn't work, you're going to have a man who is said to be convicted now running for president. How does that play out for a second year Chris Christie on t v, all the time he doesn't care that stalinist tactics, even worse, are being used by the department of justice by this judge by the special counsel. He doesn't care that what went on in georgia is a complete travesty. He doesn't care the wet album. Bragg has done his universe.
We condemned, he doesn't care about the venue shopping, he doesn't care about the trial date. He doesn't care about the fact that the fifth amendment due process is impossible to achieve. Under these circumstances, for donald trump, he gets out there and he says Donald trump can't win. He can't be dealing with sixty a week trials, and I know I was a us attorney in the fifth biggest terror stricken country for seven years. I know we can't have so Chris Christie's equivalent is a coward, but worse than that, he would contribute to this destruction of our justice system. Just because he wants to be president has no chance he's hated more than any republican in the race. Nikki Haley exploits this too she's more clever than chris Christie. She's, not a complete blunderbuss
But she doesn't condemn this process ever MIKE pence is walking around like caesar pretended to be right.
In buddies, walking around like caesar. Like he's conquered something he's done some great thing. He doesn't condemn this process he's contributed to this process. Maybe there's others too. I just can't remember now back to the law. It's going to take a lot of guts, because the media, the democrats and the rest have already trashed this judge in florida, but she is the smartest of the bunch she's also the least partisan of the bunch. As far as I can tell quite she's a trump appointee. So what this other idiot is an obama appointee. Last time I checked, judge canon's grandfather wasn't a marxist either with judge canada needs to do is issue an order to the department of justice and to the prosecutors involved in this case, to cease the litigation that they brought in the district of columbia, and she needs to do that. So the defendants, particularly the former prisoners running for president, can do one trial at a time and actually have a shot of staying at a prison actually have a shot of having his due process rights, recognized rights that are in the bill of rights that apply to each and every one of us judge chunk in with your damn stupid lectures. I'm going to be hanging on judged drunken like a bad rash, Mr Pinnock. In fact, god forbid. If there is a trial that begins, I'm going to be sitting in there from time to time. If they let me in because there's going to be a a crash of reporters to get in there and I'm sure I'm not on the shortlist, but I'm getting ahead of myself now, what's important about the anti suit injunction act. As I study this now, is you have an immediate right to an appeal: you'll have to wait for the trial. Why would you you're trying to prevent overlapping trials that prevent a defendant from having the right to a real defense in church chunk and gave it away when she said every defendant has to make it work, I'm setting this date and you make it work, and not only that she says.
the right to a speedy trial, is a societal right now the right to a speedy trial. America is an individual right. It can actually be waived by defendant, she's, asserting it here, on behalf of the prosecution in government, to destroy trump's chances of defending himself defending himself in a courtroom. That's going to be filled with Democrats, it'll be like a democrat convention. It'll be like there'll, be like the old roman colosseum, where trump's throw to the democrat lions, I'm not kidding Chris Christie's. Okay. With that, you know when I go, I can't tell what, therefore I cannot shut up your big fat slob mister, what three percent
A nikki haley really should know better she's willing to almost say, and do anything I'm sick of these desperate politicians. I really am now so the anti injunction act should be filed. We're talking about you see can be complicated if it's used federal the state courts, but that can happen.
but certainly federal. The federal court with a prosecutor's, the same guy with a prosecutor brought first brought the case that is being heard in florida with a date was set first in florida, where discovery was first set in florida, where issues of classified information were first determined in florida and then in over the top comes chunking now either she's the dumbest person to ever ever have a black robe or she's the most radical marxist bomb, thrower or she's both and I vote for both. So that needs to be filed, and I have to admit judge ken would have to have a lot of guts, but what's right is right, and what judge and needs to know is that history is going to look at this very very carefully. These cases will be taught in law schools. These cases will be taught in history. Fifty years from now will be documentaries that have done about these cases, and there will be that judge who stands up to the mob the mob on
provision, the mob in the legal community, the democrat party mob and says: no, you know we're going to do we're going to follow the constitution. She doesn't even at the say what I said. The judge pumpkin is an imbecile you're, going to meet date and you'll do the best you can and that's the way it is judge trump can know she's going to be reversed on appeal. She knows, but she doesn't care cause. That process happens after the election once she has a conviction and she has it in her back pocket. It's going to do great damage to donald trump.
whether president trump thinks it or his supporters, think it or not. It will in the minds of many many people. You can hear the commercials now he's a convicted criminal. He is a convicted felon running for president united states. That's what they want. That's why Joe trunk and went first. That's why she sees the number one spot when she's in the number two federal spot, based on what the frog prosecutor stupidly did. I'll be right back ban, is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement
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listening to the best of the mark, Levin, show happy labor day the I want to get into another constitutional, slash legal issue related to the grand juries which we touched on the other day. So this is institution day. This is due process day. This is anti tyranny day. This is the day that we push back against the totalitarian democratic party there, judges and their department of justice, the least on me. understanding level that you can repeat. If you wish It's obviously not in the democrat party, hates america, because it's it's more recent me write a book. You get a turn in at some point, so they can edit it and publish it.
But I bring those kind of thought and logic and argumentation in the entire four hundred pages of the book against the corrupt, in fact deadly and horrific democrat party. But what I've been discussing this past hour and a half or will we ve been discussing here for many years- has been the democrats party. I finally woke up to that fact couple years ago, I decided right this book. We talk about marxism. We talk about Any totalitarianism, the destruction of our culture, the destruction of our educational. Customer finds a way where we will somebody with some me thing needs to be held to account, held to account what entity political and governing entities behind. All of this is the democratic party.
Then they're destroying our country and they're, going to destroy more of it. And if I have time in our three, which I may not, I want to get into some more that. Whether it's drugs or. The voting system in all this is a a rat Oh revolutionary movement, which fell? means its ideology in marxism. A tailored marxism, an american marxism. I wrote an entire book about, but this is basically volume to not american marxism, but about the democratic party and what he's doing with this ideology to the nation. What it has done, this nation really since its founding that the democratic parties funding, but when we come back tomorrow,. constitute. Is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? You know this
he's right sure battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Crack screen that gives you glass, splinters ouch time to put that all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free Five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure clerks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy you get ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super adorable, five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound to five zero say mark Levin pure talk simply smarter wireless. This is mark live in
She knew a happy labour day now back to the best of me, the second area, to me of obvious abuse of power and their men, for which you can make emotion and in an attack it even before the trial begins above. The grand jury is now. I spent some time on this yesterday, but I just want to do a little refresher. Because I know this stuff can be complicated, even if I spend ninety minutes on and move on. So let's go a little bit of time, but not ninety minutes, the fifth amendment to your united states, constitution, states and relevant part. This ready quote no person shall beheld. The it's a free capital or otherwise infamous crime. Here's the kicker, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury.
In other words, you to be indicted by grand jury of citizens, not by the prosecutor, not by the government, Haven't you heard the reporters say? The grand jury brought back an indictment with twenty eight hundred charges. You say what happened when special council jack smith and bind department of justice violated department of justice rules. Use day, democrat grandeur in washington dc with a democrat motions, judge last name how first name barrel used to work for patrick lay. He put it. Obama is, I wanna happened in the documents case. Hey grandeur in washington dc boats to it. On matters. involving events in florida in west palm beach.
Can you imagine if that is permitted by s attorney office, all ninety three to them, and the thousands of assistant yours attorneys at her out there, that their freedom pick a venue where they think they can get an indictment and then shipping indictment off to their to their jurisdiction the events occurred and basically ass, that grand jury to rubber stamp. It isn t rule at the department of justice. Not an opinion is that the Dig at the department of justice intended to avoid Oliver answered. Yes, yes, yes,. don't ever listen! Msnbc,. Were seen in for legal advice or legal information. the nightly basis there committing malpractice they just star.
They have the lowest of low lives. There would give commentary stupider than hell. Now in this case was move from Washington dc to florida, grand jury. How we heard was the fatah grand jury voted to approve the grand jury charges. The indictment in washington, about a week ago, the grandeur in washington heard testimony for over two years they saw an endless congo line of witnesses.
They looked at an enormous amount of documents. They looked at videotape. What exactly did the grand jury in florida see or hear? What exactly was a grand jury told. The despite what some of the legal analysts may have said to you, it's not good enough to move a an indictment to another jurisdiction and give it sort of a surface level polish in then ass, the grand jury there to vote for it. That's not what the fifth amendment means dna, those grandeurs have any questions Did any of them ask about any the witness testimony that occurred in washington again? This is why you're supposed to use the proper venue were there any documents
there are highlighted any documents they asked to read. Any video they asked to see I'm guessing now because it happened too fast. I'm guessing they went through the motions. There wasn't a lot of substance: the protection afforded by affair, grand jury, proceeding dates back to the magna carta was adopted by british and american courts, black plying black stones, legal doctrines, blackstone being Brilliant lawyer, the robots we lost our black stones, dictionary from the law on so many other treatises,
The notion that any grand jury would wooden a ham sandwich involves cases that are more garden, variety, unfortunately, but nonetheless, with laws not complex. With a violations her fairly routine and so forth, and saw that's not this case, this is a case of first impression The espionage act has never been used. This wagons to former president. He former presidents never been indicted before And on and on and on this is a one off. it's not a garden variety criminal case is a judge shrunken. Obviously this is in her case, but the question is: What happened in the grand jury room in florida now,
We have secrecy, rules, rule cixi on federal grand juries, but that that's only applicable, while the grand jury is actually doing it's business. In this case, the grand jury's business is over. So there's no harm done. If a motion is filed by defense, counsel, again and judge cannons court raising the exact questions and I'm raising based in part at least but significant part on how the government, the d o j, garland smith, you know the mob how they took all they took.
all the witness testimony, all the the documentary information, all of it done in the wrong venue intentionally the florida grand jury didn't have the benefit of any other they're picking up the crumbs. Well, that's not good enough. Under the fifth amendment. We know that from past litigation court rulings, particularly the supreme court, so there is emotion there prosecutorial abuse to the grand
Eerie process, that's the motion and jack smith. Sadly enough has made it relatively easy to make their case in the supreme court has ruled that you gotta make their case before the trial begins, because after that you can't make the case you're stopped. Why? Because it doesn't make any sense to raise it after the trial began yet erase the fact that you were unconstitutionally indicted before The trial based on those charges takes place and so were at a juncture. Now that needs to be done relatively quickly. That's not the only place where there is prosecutor, abuse of the grand jury process.
In georgia, you don't have to use a grand jury to bring an indictment prosecuted can do at him or herself under georgia constitutional law. But if you choose to use the grand jury, it cannot just be window dressing for prosecutors, actually bring. In the case, you have to make a choice. Now: fanny well ass, the daughter of a black panther she made a choice, was gonna, be the grand jury, but something happened. The clerk of the court on the official website published the indictment.
With all the charges against trump and the eighteen other codifying early in the morning before the grandeurs even ended the courthouse, let alone voted. Why? How did that happen? While the clerk of the court didn't sit there and right to charges, she was handed the charges from the prosecutor's office.
And she downloaded it into the system. She accidently push the button that put the charges on the website. Now, having done that, the question is raised in the room. Just came the smartest lawyer. I know how she's leaving the question is: what happened in the grand jury
well did they go through the process that kind of process I'd just discuss with you. That's an awfully long indictment. Ninety eight pages and forty one charges are shown. I doubted he would have taken an hour or two just to read the text of what was given to the clerk to the grand jurors, but wasn't it weird at night they brought the he announced. The vote. It brought the formal charges against president trump and the other defendants. Was it a weird how desperate she was to get this thing done that day after the publication of the indictments? So why did she do it that way cause she knew she blew it. The jig was up.
A grand jury, in my estimation, didn't deliberate, like a grand jury supposed to she announced not only that Andrew had met, they took a photo. She put out their names. broad ordinary citizens brought this indictment. Did they. Now. What you also have in georgia is a wonderful opportunity for any the defence lawyers of any the nineteen defendants. They don't grand jury. Secrecy rose kind of weird, but they don't. Remember that idiot that was going around who'd been the foreman of the investigative grand jury and she was all over tv and one party went to court and said judge you got to shut her up. He said no under under georgia law. She can do whatever she wants pretty much. So defense counsel have a golden opportunity to ask the court for the right to question a number. These grand jurors
Finally, what took place to see if that grand jury indictment court on court was in fact a grander indictment or whether was window dressing. Is he, ladies and gentlemen to me? This is legal hand to hand combat now. I don't need to hear from legal analyse who think that this charge is a good one. Only be here from blunder. Busts like bill bar, who has just teaches you don't screw at a government, are not jump off that bridge when I get it and when I hear that crap what's taking place here is outrageous despite their hate for trump. These are battles for the times, meaning for all the years.
this republic has left not just for today I'll be right back mars. Is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? The signs right sure battery lives. So you have to have a charger on hand. Crack screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch time to put that all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you see
for pure trucks are limited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for half the price of the big carriers on america's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super adorable, five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound to five zero say mark Levin pure talk so Please smarter wireless: this is the best. A mark, levant happy labour day, see when you and administration is corrupt. There's no limits What about the, whose an exclusive from the federalist margo Cleveland attorney: weiss colluded with the oj to thwart congressional questioning email show the department of justice is
an extraordinarily dangerous and corrupt institution right now, and it exists to promote the democrat party to help the democratic party won elections to help Joe Biden wind reelection. They sought to protect Joe Biden by protecting his son, because you had an ethical and a real judge in wilmington. No such charge, at least for the most part, exists in Washington DC. As far as I can Certainly not on the Democrats, I didn't have the republican sector petrol, we're up against some people are running for
president on the republican side and they don't point this out and they have no answers. I can't vote for them because they're complete disconnect from reality complete disconnect. Chris Christie keeps talking about trump. Why doesn't he talk about jack smith, Wasn't me talk about judge trunk. What does any talk about the venue issue? What is any talk about the grand jury issue? What is we stay away stands on trump. We wanted. Stands on liberty. constitutional rule of law, so far He doesn't stanley very poor. Now remaining I'll, be right back. I friends. Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to become a better education.
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The broadcast from the underground command post the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight, one one more outrageous ruling and others cabal. A radical left wing, democrat Judges in washington, d c, but get to later in the show, but I want to make a point, as you know, when I wrote the book, the but amendment, I came up with a number of amendments that I thought through the convention of states. We should try to adopt In order to get our constitutional republican back.
Because they ve been eviscerated, they ve been obliterated. but I want to suggest something that the reply the goods and the house of representatives could do right now. It may not be accepted by the senate. It may not be accepted by Biden yet, but there Ways to deal with that, keep coming at the door until something that seems impossible. One day becomes reality and number to attach to every major piece of legislation. Wording that I'm going to discuss with you right now. mark. What are you talking about, ladies and gentlemen? The the courts in the district one b are runaway courts.
If not all most of the judges, that is radical democrat left wing and some case marxist lawyers put on them Black robe, I called your honor and are given the kind of respect they do not deserve because they disrespect you there this respect defendants. They disrespect the rule of law. There are during a presidential election? They are interfering in the in the justice process. They know what they're doing they talk to each other. It is a cabal, it is cabal at the district court level. Ok, the trial level. It is like a pop excuse me,
the circuit court level? That is the power level now under our constitution, under our constitution, article three sex, and one funny how I refer to the constitutional. The time is it. The judicial power, the united states, shall be vested in one supreme court and in such inferior courts, as they congress may from time to time, ordain and establish the judges both of the supreme and fear courts, shall hold we're offices during good behavior and shall at stated times receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. They put that last part in there, so judges wouldn't be threatened or
mediated by having their salaries reduced removed. That's quite a relevant here. In other words, congress has created and does create every federal court below the supreme court. The constitution actually creates the supreme court congress creates a quick congress. Also has the power.
To determine if those courts do or do not have judicial authority over certain subject matter, did you know that, since the ratification of the constitution excuse me, congress has created these various courts these districts there are twelve circuit districts. There are ninety four trial districts. Congress created everyone. If congress wanted to deny authority in certain subject matter, certain subject manager Takes it has the power to do that constitution gives in their power to direct grant.
I know I am not a former federal prosecutor am a constitutional lawyer, so we have a court in washington d c, the circuit court. Then we have lower courts in washington, D c. Twelve, Active district judges, as well as judges on what they call senior status But it goes through again for you what we ve talked about before here and on fox and on the Van tv, but the majority of the judges at the trial level, the district court level are o bomber and Clinton appointees.
And of those most of them are obama appointees and he selected the most radical bomb throwers he possibly could and there now judges. Now these your flesh and blood people. These are lawyers who are pick from obscurity and they become charges for life. You know people talk about term, limiting this term, limiting that I don't necessarily disagree with them by the way. talks about turn, limiting, specifically the federal judges in washington, d c, so number one eye. Put them on the table. That is something we should add to a list of constitutional amendments we want. I know it's difficult, but we must turn limit those judges, because it is extraordinarily powerful
Part of our judiciary, way out of line with the framers ever had in mind. That's number one number two: we have a cabal whenever you have a cabal you'll tyranny. And we recognise that threat american history. The constitution is concerned about come off. That's why we of separation of powers? That's why we of checks and balances? That's why we have federalist. That's why we have the ninth amendment, where you have individual rights as as declared in the declaration of the,
Independent, that's what the ninth amendments on appeal: we're, not sure what the ninth member means! That's what it means. It's the connection to the declaration. Now, if we have economic monopolies with any trust laws. They were passed at the beginning of the last century. I don't necessarily agree with them, but there they are now. What are they, therefore, to prevent monopolies? Now, there's no more. Dangerous monopoly than a monopoly of one party controlling a judicial district in this country, which is washington, d c Washington d c is the most partisan dammit, At city in the united states, where they are too
about the ruling class or what they are talking about, the population. Ninety four percent of the population that voted voted for Biden only see those numbers with Hamas. You only see those numbers in in russia and china in north korea. In dictatorships throughout our own hemisphere. You don't see numbers and a functioning republic. Ninety four percent. What would happen if washington d c Was filled with a population republicans who voted. Ninety four percent for donald trump and Joe Biden is indicted by two grand juries in washington. D c We have a majority of ragged and trump appointed judges.
And some of them, let's say, are in your face radicals for the right. You think they're be squeals and hollers and all arrest and the democratic party from the media, of course through it. now, since the beginning of congress, we ve had judiciary acts without a judiciary act. We wouldn't have any these lower courts. And the judiciary act also directs the department of justice and prosecutors throughout the country. Sometimes it provides for sentencing, guidelines and so forth and so on. The criminal code. Is adopted by statute congress has a lot to say in this purposely congress
he's supposed to be made up of our representatives. when you have what our lifetime appointed democrats lifetime appointed bomb, throwing radical marxist and left wing judges who are abusing their authority who, using their positions for using these courtrooms in their lifetime, appointments to destroy this country
to destroy our legal system, our constitutional system, to destroy the bill of rights, to destroy the rights of defendants that due process probable cause a joy of their peers reappears than you have nothing. We have this idea of judicial review where judicial review in the constitution nowhere find it. He find the term judicial review in the constitutional. Give you five thousand dollars. Go ahead. Look judicial review is an implied powers. Somebody has to make a decision. We have these courts. There ve been big bucks written about them, trying to convince you and me that it's really a solid pernod. It's an implied power read the constitutional court.
text you can see the judiciary is to be and was to be, very weak. The federalist papers tell us the judiciary is and was to be, very weak. These men didn't fight a revolution for judicial review in a judiciary, they fought a revolution for representative government, that's what they did not lifetime appointed district and circuit court judges. It's time to reform the judiciary, it's time to reform the judiciary in Washington d c. It's time to break up this cabal of marxists, Logs, who don't give a damn about due process and the rights of defendants, if the republicans are, if his name is donald trump, and I sit here really appalled, appalled, discuss,
is there not a single republican in the house of representatives. Despite all the talk, not one has been talking about this, not one has presented a judiciary act now, one that would break up the cabal and washington d c and move some of these subject matters into other jurisdictions, which would have much more balanced and fair grand jurors, much more balanced and fair trial, juries closer to fifty fifty or even seventy thirty, but ninety five to five, and they should break up the traditional cabal in Washington d c at the circuit court level, which was expanded and packed by obama and reid, and the d c court level congress shouldn't sit on it's hands, certainly not the republicans and pretend there's nothing. They can do about that at least start pushing the agenda, the agenda being a just and fair and balanced judiciary. That's not what we have in Washington d c. You,
Can I cannot get a fair trial? It is impossible when you have judges like beryl how judkins jackson along less the reprobate and that proposed legislation, be it should be attached to everything. Spending bills, get limit bills, every game, bill and fight for it, because you are fighting for the country break up that court. In washington d c, the district courts and the circuit court take authority away from them,
and give it the other parts of the country other jurisdictions? Other judges who know what they're real role is and other citizens in a more balanced and objective community I'll, be right. back, then Hmm, between the kids being home and hosting everything in our house gets used up in summer within cigar Can save money by stocking up on all my favorite summer brands? I save time. forgetting everything delivered in as fast as an hour, and I say it myself, a simple of dirty dishes: by stocking up on paper plates for the annual summer cook, up save more on summer, essentials spend more time enjoying summer, add some article download the apt to get free delivery on your first. Three orders offer valid for a limited time, minimum ten dollars border additional terms apply. This is the best of mark levant, happy labour day
virtually every matter that involves the federal them. The or at least allegations by the federal government is heard in a federal court in Washington DC. That's why they had considered these second most powerful courts in america virtually every manner with its january six, whether it says In our cases, executive, privilege cases, cases involving the bureaucracy, the irs they all have to be brought in Washington DC. Why is there? Because that's for congress is done Not in virginia than a west virginia and marrow and nodded.
georgie or in the city of washington d c, the district of columbia, not even a state more when I return Welcome to the wealthiest brute s, Amar enjoyed the big boat. Vibrant sounds of real fruit, DR various forehead. Circling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you well she's less fruit still form this mark levine wishing you a happy labour day now
to the best of me. What are you power to the power elect? He sees a president for like she's here and it's the same judges over and over again, mostly the obama drive, there's not all of, but mostly the obama judges. All the obama judge, but I mean not all the judges in that particular district. who do the same thing over and over and over again this under this ap Rudy giuliani, a federal judge rule today. Rudy giuliani is liable in a defamation loss who brought by to georgia election workers who say they were falsely accused of fraud, really
That the former new york city mayor gave only lip service to complying with its legal obligations while trying to portray himself as the victim and the case. This is a judge who is making headway, toil comments. About the psychological process that rudy giuliani is going through She's not ruling on the law, Notice more more, these defamation suits are being brought when they brought by donald trump? He loses right out of the gate, rather gain for the brought against donald trump in new york. He gets whack once gets. Why Again, having a trial, he says I don't you know this woman is. And by the way he was convicted of rape, the jury decided
in victim if something else as if they were negotiating in the back rooms, trying to figure out where we got to convict him of something he was not convicted of rape. Then he comes out oddity. He points out Her again verbal accuses her again and she sues him again, and this was the eye. The idea of a never trapper george conway, if the media reports are correct, and dark money millionaire to help funded her case in new york, where they extended the statute of limitations to like two thousand years or something the matter that took place ledged to have taken place years and years and years ago. No witnesses so is having to deal with that was district judge barrel how'd you member beryl, have done as adorn on, but she served for patrick lay he for ten years.
on the senate. Judiciary committee saw the dirty work and attacks on condition. It is. There lies the cover ups by patrick lay. He she was the democrat general council on that committee for patrick lay. He and she gets a judge. Ship obama patrol the court and she's the chief. Image of the district, while she's taken senior status, such partial retirement, such you, don't have to take on a followed but she's air for the giuliani case. how sad the punishment was necessary against truly because he'd ignored its duty as a defendant.
Over information requested by election workers, ruby, freeman and her daughter, one dreyer whatever as part of their loss it. So she said, he's withholding information he dragging its feet. Therefore, without the trial, I rule against him. What an only that now that giuliani is therefore ordered hey significant damage to the women? In addition to tens of thousands of dollars in legal, these he's already being directed to pay is to pay their legal fees. On top of the fees for defamation, so called. The workers complaint from December twenty twenty one acute giuliani when a trumps wars.
Of defaming them by falsely stating that they had engaged in fraud, while counting ballots had state marina in a light, When Wednesday, the women said they had endured a living nightmare in another a wave of hatred and threat because of giuliani comments. Ok well nobody's ever face that before heavy, but that's not my point, the substance of the case. It's the same judge who denied donald trump attorney, climb privilege in secret. It's the same judge
Who agreed with the vine regime in the department of justice and jack the Ripper smith, the special council, that one is showing a search warrant? She should it to search donald trump twitter posts, including those that are personal, that they were not informed, donald trump, because he was a flight risk. This judge is a disgrace to the law, to the bar to the judiciary, to the country. So how do you mover, whilst whenever they move, because you have been peach? They get a conviction in the senate. That's not going to happen! So don't waste your time republicans, but what they should do. Its user has example. I use trunk in his example bay.
Good, I'm a whole list terrible see example, day. Example of the abuses of power by these judges of the political nature of the ruins of date and stay make from the bench we're gonna Julie, kelly on here in the third, our about this truck. What she said on the bench it shocking and they figure nobody could touch
May I have a lifetime appointment. What are you going to do about it? They get cocky or cocky or more authoritarian every day, more abusive every day, who's going to stop them. John Roberts on the supreme court, and now one of my heroes I never met the man never talked to him. That's not me. My goal in life doesn't matter. Elon musk wall street journal today, manhattan federal prosecutors are investigating. Teslas use of company funds on a secret project that have been described internally as a house for achieving
Executive elon, musk people familiar with the matter said that is a leak from the southern district in new york used and by the way, the meteor so pathetic. They just serve the purposes of the regime. You're, so turning office for the southern district, new york has sought information about personal benefits, paid the mosque. How much tat was spent on the project? The call for a spacious, clear structure to rebuild in Austin Texas in that area and what it was for the people said. No, they don't have anything. People who hate moscow to the prosecutors in the southern district in new york.
They say you ought to see. There's, there's glass, structure, it's spacious and has used tesla money, but it's really for him, it's not for tesla, and then they break open a criminal investigation. But the Democrats say you can't prove anything on Joe Biden. There's nothing! Twenty shell corporations. Oh, that's! Nothing! Endless, participate! and phone calls and violation of far. Oh, that's nothing! Tens of millions of dollars received by his family from the communist gene in china from the corrupt regime prior to Zawoiski in ukraine, from the wife of Putin's handpicked moscow mayor tens of millions of dollars.
Then, are we gotta get your masters, this glass building, you know somebody said: he's been elon musk, elon, musk, now tesla, essentially under a criminal investigation. Now you all know damn why this is because you watch water he took it out of control of the Biden regime in the democratic party. He truly wanted it to be and wants to be as much of a free speech platform as possible. The media trying pick em the death Cherry pick lucky get. There are located at the same propped
Asteroids in the media, who don't believe in freedom of speech for us, the government censoring an explosion of censorship under the Biden regime, but now we're going to investigate musk we're going to take the world's richest man and we're going to show him. He may have hundreds of billions of dollars, but we're the federal government. We control the law, the law when put in our hands defeats money every time as donald trump asked rudy giuliani
The wall street journal was the first report, others so proud. Look at this. We got the leak from the. U S, attorney's office, before anybody else. Wall street journal was the first report in July that tesla board members had investigated with a company. Resources were misused on these secret. Every known, internalize project, forty two and whether musk was personally involved, the outcome of teslas internal. Instigation can be learned in a we have an internal investigation by this once chief judge pao, it showed me how barrelhouse on whether or not donald trump has the right to attorney client privilege that goes back to the roman period to the magna carta. They took it away from him.
They took it away from him by the companies. Private internal investigation is in public and the media way. What about black tommy? How many? How many. Media organisations are knocking on barrel house door telling her to release her secret investigation, your secret order, denying Donald trump attorney client privilege how many men, but not to be outdone. These security. And exchange commission has opened, a civil investigation said I have a criminal gave a new york a civil unrest. negation by the assisi in washington and a project, forty two and is seeking similar information from the company. One of the people said.
The southern district in new york in the ssc investigations are in their early stages and may not lead to former allegations asians wrongdoing. Tesla didn't respond to requests for car goes on and on and on employees were working on project. Forty two last year plans called for spatial. Last building to be erected near the automakers Austin area headquarters, the journal reported at one point: the building was envisioned in the shape of a twisted hexagon. What does this have to do with anything? Is this a architectural digest? Mister producer. They want to be magazine mighty, like what he's gotta languages, bastards darling. Guy, elon musk, you know we ve had
billion airs and multi donors in this country, but very few of them stand up for liberty and put their their own fortunes thrown liberty on the line. This guy. Doesn't he took action? whether he exposed twitter for the corrupt, fine regime, democrat party regime at b, I regime day, o d o J regime that it is, and what the department of justice in the EU You see it also each open an investigation and whether tesla misled customers and investors that the performance of its advance driver assistance system known as autopilot wow wow they're going after mosque they're going after his company
They're using your tax dollars, they using the enormous power of of the prosecutor's office of the securities and exchange commission. Eighty seven thousand new iris agents, america they're trying to bring down mosque they're, trying to bring down trump they're trying to bring down giuliani. These are iconic figures. These are historic figures and tell me how many big time Democrats are they trying to bring down? Obviously, the protests Biden from everything in anyone, what do we know about ninety pose moreau that legislation they gotta put out
It'll be voted on that would improve their finances, the big dummy Paul's finances and his wife. He he he he he is yes, Nikki haley. He won't talk. You you vote for a man. If you want action, you vote for a woman, I guess we should have all voted for Nancy Pelosi. the good at sexes. Bs tesla must have repeatedly clash with the yes, he see since they paid twenty. And I was in twenty eighteen to settle the agency's fraud lawson member there also going after him for what america not hiring illegal aliens refugees, they call them the by the ministries and is rubber stamp? Is many illegal aliens in some kind of a legal lane or legal pastures possible in so they're going after spacex.
going after his spacex company. Because he's only hiring citizens and people were green cards which use posted if they're going after his company because reclaiming the It doesn't work properly, the going after him and his company, because he's pulling some glass hex or whatever it is in Austin. I, of course we know that sir, that's big crime right there. So there are opening the entire federal spigot it to go after elon musk only senses announced he's not a democrat anymore and my vote for a republic I back then cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand. Crack screen That gives you a glass splinters ouch time to put
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today. Now, in this same sea, port jurisdiction, A washington dc jury finds pro life active guilty of violating the face act in abortion clinic blockade. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have all kinds of blockades in this country by protesters. Basically, they took over several blocks in seattle. They took over federal court house when they ve taken over parts of cities. They they break in the business Is still for their hearts desire
Transcript generated on 2023-09-06.