« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/26/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden received a $250,000 wire originating in Beijing, with the beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden’s Delaware home. The money came from Hunter’s Chinese business partners in 2019, which is more evidence against the Biden Crime Family despite Democrats saying there is no proof. There have been zero search warrants and zero subpoenas issued against Hunter or Joe, which is a completely different treatment than Bob Menendez or Donald Trump. Also, it is repulsive to watch both Democrats and Republicans fall all over each other to promote an indefensible demand by the UAW. A 40% pay increase and a 32-hour work week is a total rip-off of the American consumer and has nothing to do with job security. The UAW Democrat bosses are shaking down the American consumer, but if you call them out for it you will be called anti-worker. We cannot bow to this kind of blackmail, whether it is from a public or private union, but instead stand up to them like Ronald Reagan. Then, we are likely to get a spending bill we don’t want at all now, which is what happens when you spend more time banging your head against a wall and having a personal feud with Kevin McCarthy instead of using your brains. We cannot afford another disastrous spending bill, which is exactly what we will get if Republicans do not come together in the House of Representatives. Later, there are radical Democrat judges who are doing more damage to this country than Antifa or Black Lives Matter could ever do because they have control of the courtroom and the justice system. We have individuals in the highest positions of government who are selling out this country, some for money and some for ideology. Finally, Mark is joined by political commentator and author Bill O’Reilly to discuss the witch hunts of today and his new book Killing The Witches, The Horror Of Salem, Massachusetts.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader, the
the the America mark Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! I want to thank those great pay, to turn out and rain was. Chile was Wendy Book ends and rage and Opel in Maclean Virginia. I want. Thank you all
pleasure to meet all of you, except for one guy, but I'm not going to get into that, but it's a pleasure to meet all of the rest of you and just fantastic page. it's as nice, as can be again. I want Thank you very, very much, and Obviously most of you can't be in these two places, and I want to thank you folks to four for your patriotism. Your effort to spread the word. Reed things remain out known about before the end of the great thing about. Concerned was generally in particular here. You folks in this audience. You want to be informed. You want to learn as much as you can you wanted participate. You want some role in saving this country. Even if it that's some formal role was some group and so forth. You want to be able to have discussions over the holidays with your family members.
Neighbours. When you walk in your dog in your friends and so forth,. And so this is the book. The democratic party. aids, america that will help you advance our cause and liberty. The goal has to be to crush this, this very evil do they really isn't even a political party had to say It is a state run party that owns bureaucracy that owns the media and is drawing the country, so I can't thank you enough Those of you who want to get informed, is or is informed as much as I suppose I want to thank all the elites and others that have participated. This great effort, this movement, just so many fantastic hosts local hosts national hosts, just terrific
I cannot thank you folks enough really in the eye who now sixty eight interview a day do my two fact shows. I start my too lays tv shows and of course most important show this one extraordinarily busy, were excited about. What's going on. I must tell you, though, there is this: what is your name cassidy, hutches, the law, is pushing the hell out her book. The media are pushing the, however in it, full of gossip crap it just like with it, and you see these books come from time to time Bob woodward, her or sky wolf, the rest and their their flash in the pan, but they hit hard other being pushed fray hard at MSNBC and see an end to the things it. She says a source
Morgan stupid I had, some of them are very, very serious and you have to ask: is her? Will why are you waiting for your book cause she's, a grifter? That's why this book is about her. In what she wants you to believe as her life and the trump white house. is scandalous. It is dim witted. Maybe she wrote it. Maybe she didn't obviously share to participate in it. but it's being pushed by rachel, Marylin MSNBC, is being pushed by sea and its being pushed by the new york times in a wash them. But that's the nature of the beast So that's what I'm up against his books went out for eight days, and you haven't heard peep from the left. Not a word, nor, why is it? What are you going to say? There's some fact that they wanted dispute,
There's literally thousands of facts in this system, and now they want to challenge. Is there some historical point Some audio that I transcribed some They were written way back when hundred twenty years ago that they want to challenge currently. Not so if there is to be an attack, will just be a personal attack or, generic attack, but so far they ve laid off because they do not want to engage I'm here. I am ready to engage and that's why it's a powerful, powerful book in so many respects. And that's why I hope you'll take advantage of it before I stop talking about it, Before it's not on the shelves anymore, bookstore last forever, not in this sir this environment there is,
big story. There many big stores and want to jump right, and I also want to thank my buddy Ben I for sitting in last night. It was Yom kippur the holiest jewish holiday. and we also had russia, china, the jewish new year, these are The high holidays should mean they're both over and I like leaving the airways but the road occasions when I when I need to, I must have when I want to, but I'm not in taking, to take a trip to her, guatemala, honduras or even better. One of the caribbean islands, But here we are- and this is the big storm in their several but hunter. Listen to this this It came in an hour ago, this is from fox news, digital. Hunter Biden received two hundred and fifty thousand dollar wire ready.
Originating in beijing with the beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden. So how well wait a minute burma? You don't have any evidence that there was one dollar that job. I took the money from a hunters, china, back business partners right brook, cinnamon two x five hundred by and receive wires originating in beijing for more than a quarter of a million dollars from chinese business partners during this? We have twenty nineteen wires that listed the delaware home of Joe Biden as the beneficiary address for the funds for whose digital has learned how so psyche. Many german james com has been investigating the buying family dealings and eurobonds. Alleged involvement in those ventures just reading what they wrote. part of the investigation, commerce, subpoenaed financial records related to a specific bank account and receive
of two wires originating from beijing, china and linked to be hr partners that the joint venture, Between hunter binds, rosemont, senegal and chinese investment firm by high capital, the hr pie, nor is it a beijing back private equity firm control by go. China limited a the communist party trainer china by Sat on the board of directors of bee hr partners first, why said two hundred buying dated July twenty six. Twenty nineteen was for a tenth, thousand dollars from an individual name. Ms Wang YI. There is a mere when ye listed on the website four b hr partners it is unclear of the wire came from that. Why the second word transfer said two hundred biden dated august stooge. Can I team was four two hundred and fifty thousand hours from lesion king. also known as Jonathan Lee ratio be hr partners.
M is Tom link. They come He is trying to identify lings wrong beneficiary for the wires is listed as the robert hunter Biden with the address. twelve o nine barley mill road in wilmington, delaware? That address is the in residence of Joe by but Joe doesn't know. What's going on, you can prove that he does. Come at a house oversight committee have obtained bank records part of their investigation, revealing the family and their business associates risk. millions of dollars from oligarchs international up your brain romania, Kazakhstan, during the open administration. Fox news did I was also learned the committee has records revealing that from twenty four kinda. in nineteen, the bite and famine their associates receive twenty four million dollars twont.
four million dollars in farm payments. Fifteen million binds nine million for business associates for million. More than previously known, you know, by the way before I go on in this really crucial storage, big time. I'm sure cnn, MSNBC, CBS Nbc a be seen all arrest with a crap networks. I'm sure that they're gonna leave This will be a marquis line in the news, I'm sure I'll be right across the top priority times are no washed and it's gonna be a big deal as gets closer and closer and closer they knew they were neighbors had tried him committee aids told foxes. digital are the beneficiary addresses, are either the address listed, the recipient account or listen. The individual sending the wire it is unclear.
based on the wire records who listed the address. Does it matter and by the way, didn't ya the regular statements or anything nice and on friday, and I thought was absolutely superb habit and brilliant statement. special pleading for Menendez bob could be a crook through and through for. I know, but I very sceptical of prosecutors, these days, And it happens that Menendez as the chairman of the foreign relations committee, the senate is actually anti iran. in a tiny number, these dictatorships, the job has played wet kiss with me. I say her hair smell with her. Whatever. Hallmark eerie here. A conspiracy nomadic especially now
issued search warrant. They went into his savings deposits in his banks. They window his home as wives, clothes for money in the closing firm, while very aggressive. Do you think mister? Please tell me how many search warrants have been issued Against any the by family members, exactly zero. how many subpoenas have been issued by the department of justice whereas we know exactly zero. How many investigators and looking into Joe Biden right now, really danny this exactly zero. You might even remember in the hunter Biden situation and its The united states attorney committed an active obstruction
When the irish was going after some locker, wherever the hell, it was with documents, they wanted to get access to it, involving hunter, perhaps other. Of the fantastic family members and she tipped off hundred binds lawyers? So I want you to compare how dubai is treated with how Menendez has treated completely differently. Even though Menendez, as is a Democrat, buddies and out a favorite them. of course, they're demanding his resignation. The Democrats are lining up because he's running for reelection don't want him to run free election, they're, afraid who lose member. What I said both in the book and repeatedly here, you have to understand the democratic party by looking through the lens? The lens of power,
a party that is monopolizing our culture, our politics and our economy- has autocratic parties. Do Some an end, as is dispensable actually, if counting on deep, blue new jersey. the whole onto that seat and by the way is a footnote. I make a prediction Predictions are worth whatever their worth, but if Chris Christy. Finally, takes low, smelling salts and realizes, in his case, a lot that he can madam president, may be held the side, people the site is going to run for the senate in new jersey. One knows I don't know what the rules are there over the geo p or the limits under the. Action laws, air who knows, but I would point that out
Now hunter Biden spent a period of time in twenty, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen living at the Biden family home and will maintain its own clear if he was living at the home at the time of the wire transfer, in July and august, twenty nineteen, the wires Sent just several months after the vice president announced his twenty twenty presidential campaign, Joe Biden, twenty nineteen said he never discuss what my son or my brother, anyone else anything You do other business period, so the only person in the entire family? Who didn't know anything about anything was Joe Biden was the entire reason there hi reason hunter bite in the other, family members were able to conduct shakedown. We have the home is the beneficiary, the old man. On the farm on this hi how I ya who's that I can't tell you daddy. You haven't been meetings in our dealings with the business partners. We had the business partners and his staff, and via the only one
No, don't know anything. Joe Biden is convenient no sir. He knows no warrants, know nothing of iraq. Ben Have you been way
dubai gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, text l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com
I dont, do it again by the way I did talking for years about the conflict This sum will only get worse between the radical environmentalists and the rank and file union members for years and its coming to pass. But that's not all. That's not all. It really is repulse to watch democrats publicans falling over each other too, and a indefensible demand. by the? U s: w democrat bosses for free. We percent salary increase of thirty two hour week. and massive new benefits, and I would say to you my republican france should join about an electric vehicles in that
has put them in this place. Fine. But what is a forty percent sal increasing three two hour week have to do with that. It has no can do a job security. That's a complete with both of the american consumer habits back on. What have you been way?
In buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text: data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta. Precious metals, dot, com,
plastic, conservative, mark love and show call now that eight seven, seven three eight one, three eight one one: it's amazing thing: american You call out the: u s: w democrat boss, first, shaking down the american consumer. The american consumer, including union members,. Suddenly you must be anti worker really. But when you consider that ninety four percent of the people who are quote workers user communist term, that's fine. And our union. Members are not shaking down anybody. They are. there's just a lot of people who cannot afford these vehicles right now,. Now, if you're going to argue that the electric vehicle.
pursued is absurd, had taken actually the nobody on that. For many many reasons, many reasons in fact I'm going to get into that a little later, but. That does not justify he five day week. Turning into a four day week with forty prison, Increase as if you're working a five day week, I'm sorry. I don't know anybody who gets that nobody and you folks, you're gonna, pay for this house that populist how's our populace to stand with these. U a w Democrat Party boss thugs as those two tens of millions of americans. How is that populist and they were public injured, falling all over themselves to defend this and to render the strike area ably prison?
Trumps gonna do that I think josh hauling, jade vance did it? Is this thing or what is this Ronald Reagan didn't massively win union. Members by pandering to the. He massively one union members by talking about We, the people and common sense. Ronald Reagan broke their traffic control union. Because they were going to shut down the entire air traffic system and he put What is sector transportation, drew louis offence, stick mind. From pennsylvania charge several weeks before, just in case. and they would move the military air travel.
Controls, or at least significant number them into the commercial towers and he warned them He said under our contract, you can be fired on the spot. I'm gonna, give you twenty four hours to return and after that you're going to be fired and you will have no new position within the federal government. Not now not ever. So a significant number: the union members went back to work, but a significant number did not any fired them and the airports worked as smooth He is possible very smoothly, in fact more than they are today. You cannot bow to this kind of blackmail. Well, it's a public union, our private union, of course, people too a corner, call living wage but the average,
The income of the average full time you. W member. The baseline, its eighty two thousand and with benefits a hundred and fifty eight the average, not all, but average These aren't sleigh wages. This isn't a boiler room operation, sweatshop. she's in a hundred years ago, twenty twenty three Joe Biden. Don't give a damn what happens to you any more than he does when the borders wide open or the police or undermine or inflation Is going through the roof and interest rates? He goes to that. Strike line today or historic first, president, is also the first predicated aware pens. As far as I know, what's all this first.
and he has some role and what's taking place, the mass. Inflation and interest rate increases, and where's the supply line problems and then beyond that the idiocy with these electric vehicles, but that doesn't mean. That we as a people throwin with individuals who are demanding a thirty two, our work week for five is paid. A forty percent increase where I come from called insanity. I don't care, are they talk about? the executives make a gm and these other places. Why don't you talk about. What workers earn at other facility all over the country. what workers ernie ninety four percent of whom are not members of the? U a w! Why don't we about what capture and fire fighters z personnel, our
Workers earn and on and on and on how many I am referring thirty to our work. Wake with a forty percent increase basement. Forty our work week, how many of them can get away with that? I ask you how many of you can get away with their heads? suppose they rally behind this. We do not have political party that stands with us on this now one one tries to populist the other and the american people get screwed. We get screwed. And other union members get screw the union members, the steel workers.
The men and women who produce aluminum plastics and rubber the mechanics down the street crossly cross the highway The salesmen and saleswomen at car dealerships the people who clean the car dealerships- I've done that over and over again that Nor audio and I pencil well imagine it being a car. But it's the end user who gets no respect. The consumer who goes into these dealerships goes online to purchase a car. Do you notice, there's? No, talking about you, but me nobody talks, about you but me, and what about it? what about the waitresses in waiters across his country? What about
small business people who are up to their bows and regulations attacks taxes. What about them? They are part of the people. They are part of the populace movement of either party when you abandoned principles, pro in principles, principles based on human experience and embrace ambiguity or bumper sticker label. This is what you get, On the member of the union, the sagging like the right Here's who on strike and this one in the other that's on strike. By little corner. The union is an honest right.
Why am I remember, member this union? You think I want to be a member, this crap union, this left wing cook. Hollywood base union- you think I wanna be a member, this crap union, because the companies I work for me. deal then, in order for me to be behind a microphone or any of us, we have to pay these dues. These confiscatory outrageous dues, for which I get what crap. I am perfectly happy to make or break my career on my own. I don't need any help from sag perfectly named. Don't you think that's even headed by woman right now. Did you know that Mr S.
Look at her she's the president of sag you're, not kidding well anyway. That's might take on it like it or not through. I am. I don't think everybody out and by the way this is it. This is, and let's all get behind unionism stuff. That has nothing to do with this zero zero. This is a Democrat, Union boss, they're just like party boss, and I love a combined says here What have me interpret. It's thanks to the unions, the? U a w. its thanks to them that we have a vibrant car industry. So it's not. We, the people, Decided we weren't gonna buy american cars, and so they made them.
same quality of some of these fine manufactures. I lived through this. He kidding union members are being laid off left and right, there are play, couldn't give their cars away. G m chrysler ford, others back And pontiac you name it. Some the one out of business, some of them got government subsidies and loans through the back door. It was a mess until they increased in. the quality of their vehicles, american. we're going to buy them and didn't buy them. They are buying The and german cars tat nothing Do with labour it had nothing really to do a management everything to do with you, the market. The market said you give us crap we're not buying it. That's why happen and, while we're at it, we need to come to so is something here in amerika with this, so called climate change and
New deal and all the rest of these crap titles they give to their fair policies. We We're would now in industrial policy and thinking about. It's an industrial policy. It is a government industrial policy, the sorts of which they have in these autocratic countries. Europe, which requires I autocratic countries, this administer It is completely abandoned capital, as this is industrial policy. And many republicans support industrial policy framework Am I? What are we gonna? Do really. Created, virtually everything on your table. Virtually everything. your garage, virtually everything in your home. Everything you wear. Why we destroy the greatest
can system built on the greatest economic model that man has ever conceived it site know how to win a mass of popular vote with a mass of electoral college. So why? Would we abandoned constitutional conservative, unlimited government, oh there are places where the government needs to act like a damn border. But really involved in light bulbs and h, facts systems and air conditioning window units and washing machines. Indra, where that come from. Where did it come from? Came from the bureaucracy. I'll be right back much love in the Have you been away?
Buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, text: l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions that get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com.
look cyclades John in the first week of democrat party, hates america, all units hardcover, kindle audio One hundred and sixty thousand copies mister. Hard copies alone, one hundred and thirty thousand copies that's those of you who decided this is important enough to drop in and I really feel that once you read it, this is she's gonna spread very heavily by word of mouth, even more so in the ets exceptional, can. I want to thank you who jumped in those of you who have been supportive. But honestly, we need a lot more than that from spreading, there's a lot of people out there in all parts of the country,
car balances arisen for five consecutive quarters. Since some of the largest rates in twenty years. There is a remarkable, shocking story. Involving IRAN, I and all the time to do it. This the servant, I wanna, get to it next hour, One of the reasons this country's and. such dire straits, is that we have individuals in the highest positions of government that binds just the latest. Example, but others For selling out this country, I'm doing it for money, some are doing it out of ideology. It's just shocking to me supporting And yet it's going on. Meanwhile, when I have been elected Emma judge in new york in this, sir
A case brought by Latisha who, who ran for office of course, saying that she was going to charge donald trump With a judge, in a summary judgment, ruling held donald trump, basically Like everybody in any body, in order to get loans for his building business. then says that some of these businesses are not going to be Since to do any more business in new york,. Some of them are going to be turned over to a dollar, Handlers or managers this. continue to piss you off, because this is. This is more than by the book totalitarianism. This is a brand new book.
destroy what is built, destroy with Letty James, is the attorney general democrat judge. Ninety one trial. Destroys entire reputation in a civil case. They moved a criminal case down the street with a manhattan DA. I have a friend of mine There is a big ragging guy, I'm a big rang guy any roaming, email and diana mechanism. get into his name and like an embarrassing music, dear friend, he's smart guy and yet the way he described trump. Was absolutely appalling to me absolutely appalling to me.
I mean it's just amazing what this, though, what were Tromp is having to put up with the crew. A charges estate, a bringing federal charges in violation of the constitution is dead. Meat has said Peace was so good at meets his affidavit that somebody, the federalists, embraced it Eveline wrote an article should have attached for David now would spell it out. This really is it is, it is nightmarish. I'll, be this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship. Your talk. Now, no broadcasting from underground can impose post the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The mark living here aren't number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! one one. I want you to listen to this story. and you're gonna hear it everywhere, but fox to its credit, did run it earlier today. an hour ago. Actually. this jane S, news some of or which is a reputable site, as I understand it, iran
Experts initiative, the iran experts initiative included top aids to suspended. U s diplomat, ok. What does this mean. Newly released documents show that at least three people who were became. top aids tissues and did you s diplomat Robert mally were part of ranch twenty fourteen iron experts initiative. I e I intended to burn The countries and its nuclear programmes, global image, price before report. In june, Molly was placed on leave and insecurity. Clay she has been revoked the fbi has reportedly investigating the diplomat for mishandling classified documents. I'm just reading from the report some Foreign ran international, which reported
prince stories obtain quota large cache of iranian government correspondence and emails. According to some afore called the documents offered deep impregnated new insights into the thinking, inner workings of iran. foreign ministry at a crucial time in the nuclear diplomacy, either. Tehran's portrayal events as question. If not flatly dinner, by others involved in the I e I They show how iran was capable of the kind of influence operations that the united states aids and its allies in the region often can back more specifically, a german professor in the I e I this cabal offered the ghosts right indian pieces, Fred, tehran officials, and others in the network sought In foreign ministry staff advice about the: u s and israeli conferences- and here percent my for quality. I e,
Participants were prolific writers of our beds and analyses and provided insights on television and twitter. Regular, tapping the need for a compromise with tehran on the nuclear issue. position in line with both the obama and right administrations that the time had reported that I e again. This cabal have particular access during the years of former president Barack Obama's administration her ronnie then. The iranian president called the iran experts, If that's the I was born from a rural honey administration eager to end terror pariahs status. Following a ears mohammed gathered this presidency, which he courted holocaust denial and promoted the application of Israel. Some for reporting quote this initiative, which we caught
IRAN experts initiative. I is consisted of a A group of six to ten distinguish second generation iranians have established a failure. the with the leading international think tanks and academic institutions course Only in europe and the united states in a rainy diplomat who later became spokesmen for countries foreign ministry wrote to the head of the ministries, think tank in twenty four. According to some force, so they add mouthpieces who were strategically located and info Sk american policy, but that's not all ariane, tibet, but you have a dapper whom the uranium diplomat identified as part of the eye network ready for this holds the pentagon boast pose. The pentagon post chief of staff to the assistant secretary defence for special operation. Let me repeat that
chief of staff to the assistant secretary defence for special operations, a position that requires a: u s: government security clearance percent before She previously served as a diplomat under the sky, mali. Mali is a bad dude. he's, the one that had is a classification pulled. She previously served as a diplomat or maladies iran's nuclear negotiating team. After the binding administration took office in twenty twenty one. She s the iranian foreign ministry. If she could visit saudi arabia following invitation from a saudi prince, inform bastard ambassador in Washington, whether she agenda. A workshop been going university on IRAN's nuclear programme, quote about it, stood in going, but then I thought maybe it would be better than I go up Rather than it is really like, Emily landau who go and disseminate this information, she wrote to the iranian official the university event. I would like to ask your opinion
two and see if you think I should accept the invitation and go. Dorani replied the same day quote all things considered It seems saudi arabia is a good cause, but the second cases better to be avoided. Thanks. The reigning official wrote back day, referring to the israel trip theirs. But she went to the conference Israel thou her books and research record suggest she's interviewed a number of senior israeli officials, so. Let's see here, is a scroll down One carry use. Government official is he mentioned in that story has written critically of iran on a number of occasions before,
joining the government and underwent a thorough background investigation to obtain a security clearance before joining the department of state. That's Matt miller, us department of state spoke city. And so now we know why, at least according to fox some afore I ran international giant S. Apparently we know now why Robert Molly had his papers pulled. because he was using at least one of these people have no more these. I ran experts initiative. Can you imagine them sitting at the negotiation table or influencing on our side? The table, I can't I mean I can imagine it happened, but I just can't believe. What's goin on this ministration somalia, was placed on leave the security clearance revoked
Investigating for mishandling classified, don't documents. These news outlets got large cachet, raining gummy, correspondence and e, and they quote they offered even unprecedented insights, into the thinking inner workings of iran's foreign ministry. The bottom line is, they knew. People in the united states, who would do their bidding and they did do their bidding- and we did get this around here. Of course, they're, not the only ones when you read and on freedom of the press have a deputy national security advisor In america lie to the american people, spun a press that was willing to be spun. About romani and lied about the nuclear just line, and They could count on so reporters regurgitating.
you see how we, the people. How we are lie to how we are deceived and again it's the Democrats are used to this kind of thing. This is what they do. I'm sure there be more on this eventually certainly hope so. I was on maria barter. Almost show sunday morning fantastic, she's, absolutely fantastic and add a few things to say about the potential government shut down. In one of the things I made abundantly clear was have had about enough of the five bonehead to clean be mister and missus. Well, in this case too, as MR conserve, they claim to be the real people who are going to save this country.
In most of the time or political grifters who want to move up to a bigger office, but they're, not conservatives, and they haven't accomplished a damn thing. Not a damn thing. Take this. Big sue, who succeeded in blocking convention of states in arizona till he moved up to congress, and then they were able to pass. He rose and dale. Who is. perennial candidate who now wants to run for the Senate again tiny loss barely the first time He is hooked into this. Then you get, let's had idiots name from. Caroline. I can remember mr produce another one. The tweeted you send me the tweet bishop. I think his name is Dan. Bishop princess jackass everett, Other than spew carbon dioxide, nothing, then they get this guy north,
I'm thinking about running stay while in others, mac gates, I know many of you love magnates, he's really good talker. I mean, I would argue, is a better talker than obama. When you say he can talk the strike alpha, zebra and boy when they get democrat witnesses out there in front of the table on these committees here, Some haven't were excited. The way makes them. Seed, even hotter, he's unbelievable and he's done absolutely nothing. I've had enough of what's going on in their government mark member pickets charge pick a. Pick it didn't, want to be involved and pickets charge was ordered by general Lee. And they were sick man. They were ready to
get to the union man. They were going to run through an open field and then uphill that was going to stop tens of thousands of them yelling at the top of their lungs. They meant business boy They didn't care what was on the other side of those those fences and was then manner. They are in the right and nothing was gonna, stop and boy, but something didst up. There was stupid, it was stupid, it was a blunder It was something general long worth would never have done long street, sir. But Lee ordered them to do it and they got mowed down badly. They achieved absolutely nothing.
But their own death and ultimately their own two feet, great political and military leaders patent. a great leader who is undermined virtually every step of the way, quite frankly, by eisenhower, no more broadly and others. A man could have saved many life, but he was he was politically incorrect and they ve been others. And I have a problem of the government shut down. I did more research on this. I used to say, reagan shut it down six times he shut it done. Eight times were still here, government has been shut down since the light Seventeen twenty one times going to shut down the government and thereby
Schumann's bill passed in the house with all the Democrats and three reprobate republicans her sir that's pickets charge at stupid. Maybe you may get excited by it. Get worked up begin. Citing a worked up about the right strategy. because we're on the same side of this keep your personal I'd cinema gauge your personal hate, Towards mccarthy or somebody else, cabinet control, www power. We have a country to save chip. Roy Byron, donalds Parry, the overwhelming majority, the freedom caucus. Are they rhinos too. Jim Jordan, Jim banks. They rhinos too. Everybody's rhino, but these five people, for whom you don't even know anything about what
whom you don't know much about but keeps his mouth flap in the wind really can have any plan At least leave with piccadilly a plan was just a bad plan. You have a proposal to cut eight percent domestic spending, except for defence and veterans benefits, and this is key To secure the border in a significant way, you not blow that off when they can't sign as they can, The present today controller bureaucracy. You know just blow that off shut it down, shut the damn thing down, we're going, millions of more people cross the border and ten
if the billions of dollars more in debt, because this eight per cent cut in the secure the border proposal come. They came from members of the freedom caucus, not the rhino caucus, not the progressive republican caucus. If there is we're not from them, but from members of the freedom clocks and dismiss that while we didn't have child bills and we need regular order, will you gotta get vote? On twelve bills and regular order that wasn't happen on either Sorry, I can't abide and will you won't even vote on one of those bill that supports the united states? Military did hu the housing conditions, her volunteers are in their disgraceful
roaches in rats. Did you read them, MR reduces their living and filth, our volunteers, american kids, their living and filth, and you won't find the military these I voted against a separate bill funding the military to send their master. Try fair past. I'm sorry folks are not joining in with that. I support the miller very obviously, not the woke idiot to run it. I'm talking about the men and women who volunteered were most of us did not. They deserve our support, so do the veterans and their border needs Be secured, that's the number one issue in this country, their several big, big, big issues, but that's destroying the country's fastest
is one can imagine millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens, and I can't do It- Why my cause reading didn't all the bills are forever? You had your minds. Yes, they are. And so now were likely to get something, we don't want at all, that's the problem. When you buying your head against the war, rather than using your brains, I'll, be right back Ben now you know it companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider p
talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent. More five g data, plus mobile hotspot gestures, bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterinary. and only hires, the best customer service team Here in amerika most time these are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say markel of in to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today There are precedents, trunk, put out a statement. We only and at this segment that I need to read you after the bottom in the hour, because I don't think america has ever experienced
The kind of stalinism that trump contending with I really doubt it isn't an amazing to you. They d, never wins. A case is cause he's just wrong. Is it because he's been ripping off people by hundreds of millions of billions? He's been roaming? The country raping molesting women is because sold national security documents to the enemy. Supposed our national security it because he led insurrection is guilty of sedition on January? Sixth, they in fact organize day a gang style. Criminal enterprise in georgia during the election. I mean, ladies and gentlemen, Strong is business tonight.
Their destroying everything he built in new york. their destroying his life. Going to put him in prison for the rest of his life, I dont even Stalin would go through all this nonsense to take out one of his opponent But now you know it companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge. You, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, pure clock, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be better known and only hires
best. Customer service team. Here in amerika, most fans These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this which the pure talk and you'll saving it National fifty percent of your first month again tie up to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. My love and re, one of the great one locked with thailand, now eight seventy seven thirty one, three eight one one for credit our balances, never isn, for five consecutive quarters. Mr producers are true. And so it is very important to do something about it. Among other things, you need to fine savings elsewhere,. Someone I talked to about a mac- the association mature american citizens, these extreme
the difficult times everybody can't get affordable an increase in cut their work week from five days to four days and by the way. I wonder if shady vance and Josh holly, when Strike is over at some point. I wonder if they're going be going to dealerships or with the american people. go to purchase our new vehicles and one of them go to those dealerships and meet us in time, us about how their populism is helped us. I mean there? Are workers in america who do by vehicles and are not involved in manufacturing. Many people who were- and I held a lot less than the average of a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year with benefits, see out just bear. This is I think washington is truly on a touch, so a being a populist means supporting.
People who, on average, a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year with benefits against those who don't is ever populism means on my left to the right. The only reason- and I don't care whose, during which a party With the individual is the only reason they're going to the strike line is because politics in power. There have helping the average american. You're not helping the average american with these landing demands. trust me. I understand electric vehicles and what that's doing, but a forty per The increase for a four day work week, people, don't wanna work five days and forty hours a week, but they want to get paid. Forty four
and more an impasse, all those costs and all of you and if they don't sell at the company, goes under big deal right to govern subsidizing governor gave a big alone because that's how it works, It's how it works with this industrial policy, which is outrageous, but you don't fix it by bending to it. This is what washington means by populism, but I have them populism actually mean something more than what washington believes. Populism is or the? U s, w democrat bosses. Are they populist. Well, then, why republicans backing them or not? in the bosses. We're backing the members. What the hell are you talking about too clever by half.
I'm just asking if these republican other democrats, one of these republicans, will show up at the dealerships now enter The mechanic and service people there and then salespeople there and the people watch the cars that people who saw the parts. Very few of whom are running a hundred fifty thousand hours a year benefit I won, These centres are going to go to any other car dealerships in their states. that are going to suffer enormous from this as well you, the consumer, look. This is do not exist for employees. Businesses exist for the end user. If you, restaurant and nobody comes you go out of business. You're not guaranteed. Some increase.
and again I want to emphasise these demands have nothing to do Possible loss of union jobs at the? U s, w nothing, zero someone. Republicans argue, while this is the the green new deal, these union d I have nothing to do with a green new deal there not demanding that people might be fired. As a result of electric vehicles, Of course, the union democrat thug in charge of this union. He welcomes vying with open arms and he doesn't want anything to do with tromp, so trumps gonna go visiting, nonunion location, so who's the bigger populace. Who's, the bigger union yeah, not how you attract voters, including public and private, like your voters. That's not how you attract them
I don't know why republicans blow off reagan. We have won a popular vote by the percentages and he one since And never will in the future the Democrats, don't give up and safety are who was a racist and a bigger than all the rest of it here look. I owe you one of those rebellion old, timer marianna. One of those guys do. be confusing reagan who wouldn't nothing. To do with the republican establishment, who rejected kissinger's foreign pause, who to build up the military you wanted to defeat the soviet union. He didn't want. They tat must be confusing reckon with bush thus be confusing reckon with ie. Mitch Mcconnell wing of the republican party
harshly hutchison in her fantastic new book. number one on amazon, it's so important. She says that she never dated Matt gates, mac gates said. Yes, I do data. So now we have a conundrum rachel. Those were excited about this or gas, make bad. He might. They are all roma sellers d in the constipated news network. Did they data or didn't they? She describes in detail how mad gates traced her down I stood in the doorway as I understand. basically saying I paraphrase going my way and.
She says he was a friend just a friend. And then she says I better taste in men than mad cates. I would think Gates had a better taste in women than castles. Jason, when you must reduce. And then she says, mark meadows was busy burning stuff, maybe evidence in a fireplace at the white house. And the smoke on his clothing. to mrs meadows insisted that they take his close to a dry, cleaner. So wouldn't have the oder smoke. These are the great things in the book just telling. Then they have legal analysts on cnn and the others, my god there will be a matter. All men think awoke.
Then she accuses Rudy, would have giuliani effectively molesting her. On january six. I think it was that generally six I'll tell you why. And rudy says: that's just be s and she saved it for a book. Did she go to the police now secret service? Now. the committee now now didn't go anywhere just in the buck very believable functioning. and, of course the constipated news work. Networking sl astir all over it Could deny Cassidy Hutcheson integrity, her truthfulness, even though time and again
It seemed during her testimony on little things and large. He got things wrong, Oh yes, that's my signature on that. No then the lorry comes for no, it's not it's mine. Oh sorry, whoops. She talks about what happened with the secret service and president trump basically put his hands around the neck of the secret service. Driver never happen. How do you get that when rob petty get that one wrong? But the question remains the big question in her book: that's called enough Enough very strange photograph of sea again, I don't write books about me, but Cassidy hutchison did what else you can write books about. I thought to myself is this,
book in the fiction or nonfiction section must produce wait in the fiction. Excuse me nonfiction sec, and it is I rocketed on amazon. After a heavy, weaken promotion. Quoted all over the place. I got it quoted now. I have to give left some credit here. She doesn't have to work hard to promote her book. I guarantee you should get invitation after invitation after me, please come on the show. Please please in and suddenly the week before, boats came from her book. They were all over the house all over the place quotes from the book enough Cassidy, hutchison alike,.
Just unbelievable newsworthy much all over the place to amazing still is. I ask any conservative authorised they get media like that. No man they're not call by car. the media, maybe Little bit, but not a lot, Surely the left wing media these so called news media, the so called objective non partisan me want nothing to do with zero, nothing I'll, be right back then, Now you know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge. You, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just cited data,
every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran own. we hire the best customer service team Here in amerika Mostar, These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say markel of in to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, in his present trump statement, the whites
red radical attack against me, my family. My supporters has now devolved to new on american depths. as the hands of a deranged new york state judge, doing the bidding of completely bias and corrupt, prosecutor latish james, who ran for office on a get tromp platform, Before, even knowing anything about me, today's action as a refugee. asian and my status as the leading candidate for president of the united states, including with a substantial lead over Joe Biden. It is terrible reminder that the radical of Democrats, wilson but nothing and trying to prevent me and the american people from winning the twenty twenty four presidential election regarding a party we cannot let this happen in the united states of america is right. In the pulse of Joe Biden continue skyrocketing these corrupt Excuse me
political prosecutors and judges are getting more more desperate and dangerous. We are rapidly I'm a communist country. My civil rights have been taken away from me. The new york state turning general went before a high, politicized democratic judge who refuse whose allowing the case to go to the committee. Division where it belongs,. Is simply rule, despite all the evidence to the contrary that I committed fraud, which is both with he listened untrue as an example, democratic operative diet more largo, the most spectacular invaluable bring in palm beach florida to be. As low as eighteen million now, that is rageous when an actual reality could be worth almost a hundred times item out. He hated everything about me. I'm sorry, I'm trying to pull back up here,
at a level that I've never seen before even beyond the hatred of that displayed by Latisha James, there was no trial. No jury for the supposed wrongdoing of fully paying back sophisticated wall street banks in full with interests would know defaults. There were no victims. These banks were represented by the largest most firstly, cater law firms in the country- this is a dynamic political lothar, which, on any level, never seen before, is an attempt to badly injure the opposite, the opposing parties, leading by far presidential political presidential candidate. Nothing like this ever happen in our country. For my Of our rights have been violated, some power cord, whether federal or state. My
reverse this horrible on american decision. If you can this to me, they can do this to you. This is sickening. it's actually incomprehensible, the judge sounds like an absolute imbecile, but it Secondly, I mean how hard to get a conviction in their city would mean when you gonna begins donald trump, you get a favorite judge, heavy, ratify pack prosecutor. He says no trial, no jury I'll make the decision based on the papers. That's what summary judgment is. And based on my reading the papers what she said and what you said in response to what she said in response to you and you and response there. I find the bay area around I've moment by moment by members, two million dollars from our lord. If I could Altogether, eighty million dollars- I couldn't weimar logger freight in mind, Mr Buzek, I'll be back, I.
He's here now, broadcasting, I'm lonely underground, can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america mark levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three one three one, one, eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one About trump, and so many other american, what's taking there no country, despite the fact that way. The constitution, The constitution is the most remarkable governing document ever written creates of
Increasing federal government protects both stated. Individual liberties at the same time uniquely divides the federal government to three coequal branches with its own responsibilities and whose members are chosen and fundamentally different ways. Is further designed to protect people from a loose to forms, a tyranny, mob accuracy and monarchy dictatorship. It is a dock. meant that takes into consideration the extraordinarily diverse nature of america from its more densely populated areas to its rural communities from commercial centres to farming areas from its fisheries to its mining towns from people of deep faith. The people no faith from the educated, barely literate from the rich to the poor and yes from white or black and every other. King color, they saw Correcting document allowing for amendments to dress imperfections and unforeseen events
a significant portion of the body politic and public demand them. The constitution is truly an incredible. And if a station of thousands of years of human experience in prague he had drafted in a period of less than five months. But if your purpose to fundamentally transform america. Then your purpose must also be to destroy the constitutional republic, when you have these democratic judges, many of whom are radicals. including this judge in new york. They may not be in the streets. Guarantee for black lives matter, they made
be incongruous, proposing the most radical legislation possible to destroy this republic, but they can wearing black robes behind a table in a court room, do even more damage to the country. Woodrow Wilson knew this. a racist, bigot commander, despise the declaration, the framers of the, institution and despise the constitution the history and all these other things just got in the way of the more perfect society saw that more perfect society manifest to soften the russian revolution. There were captivated by its correct joe,
dewey had more influence on public education even today than anybody else. He visited well stones, russia, whose a guess the stones visited their school. And he fell in love with him, he was impressed any wrote, a piece about it in the new republic in nineteen twenty eight. almost a hundred years ago, and he spoke glowing Of their educational system that it is a unified system And everybody knows what the communal is about, how they want dance. The communal that every aspect, the liberal arts education
By that I mean ideology: liberal arts, education, you know, math, science, literature, history and so forth was inculcated with a message of advancing the cause, through the party. My memory, Thomas freeman,. but a decade and a half ago, more than once, What a couple of columns of the new york times celebrating. The communist chinese system of government least they get things done isa. not all the squabbling. You know the yemeni republic or democracy. Mindset was not that much different than what was seen.
Stones, russia, and eventually by these so called progressives of the progress of europe. And so they ve always known that. You need to control to things Wilson wrote about it, but he wasn't the only one, the press in the classroom, that is education and public communication, You must control them. We cannot tolerate debate. There needs to be conformity, cannot allow individuals or even a small group of individuals to challenge the orthodox Because they're making it that much more difficult, if not impossible, to advance the cause. You see all that happened in this country today. Even linen lenin talked about this install and actually wrote about other somebody wrote about it forum that the language, the thought processes,
The belief systems, the values must be those of the party and hence the state and anything and everything is legitimate if its purpose is to advance the cause of the party in the state, and you see that in the democratic party today- and rode extensively that billy the way, to get around these constitutional barriers the way to get around the framers of the. constitution. Europe Ok I'll, he would argue it already Read this new, more advanced, more perfect country run almost scientifically with experts. Is from the judiciary with people, don't have to say
Lifetime appointed federal judges or even elected state judges prepared a time anyway. can impose their views on a compliant population. And he said that is how you feel The change you need, in other words, a judicial oligarchy. That's basically right Illusionary bomb throws a night and activists dressed up as judges having the final sir, that's. What's going on against donald trump in new york, Judge says now no jury trial, nor not signing into the commercial division I'm holding onto this one and any Those under sundry judgment that was committed all these offence offences. All these frauds. Excuse me. in what is a relatively incoherent opinion.
Because right down the line with latish james, who is a horrendous, horrendous hack and radical who should have lost her, licence, when she announced that she was running in order to go, have condemned trap that its new york, so tyranny of four and by the Democrats is perfectly fine. Donald trump is facing this tyranny. And saw a more more americans who don't fit the the narrative of the demands of the state party, the monopoly party, the democratic party and the compliant State media, the democrat party media, give them kind of tyranny and totalitarianism, support and voice in these court
lists that on these platforms they watched the hosts are. HU. The guests are what the messaging is, This is the unelected, the unelected parts of our government, federal judges, the media of course, and then in certain states they are did the judges, but they elected primarily from one party in the cities, and they are there to promote, the most radical agenda they possibly can. americans, know this intuitively. They see it where they get angry and the same media that participates in this and celebration and gives a voice. We don't stand well, understand, and so do you
right back then. Gentlemen. I ve come to really like and respect always work out that way. But who cares does now is built? I only billow. Riley worked very hard. He has a wonderful radio programme. he works on these books that are excellent and superb- he's got a brand new one out today called kill. The witches, the heart horror of sailor. Massachusetts had been the sailorman tutors when I was a little kid, the whole story is frightening and my man bill o bill. How are you brother. you the same, which is a tragedy for everyone,
like to see some improvement as you get older, but now it may thanks are written a book or appreciate it got up great start and now with eleven audience dial. Then in ireland do it'll do better. I think story today. That ties equally in killing the witches- and I beg your audience- will be very interested to hear this. The new york judge, who denied donald trump summary judgment. On this civil suit lodged by the attorney general of new york Latisha james it's not only overvalued properties and asked to pay a fine for doing it. This is a witch hunt and part of the witches in the beginning of the book. I tell you what the horrible situation was in salem in sixteen. Ninety two and people are not gonna, believe how
This was twenty human beings executed for nothing, but we have As you know, when you talk about on the air a lot, a contemporary witch hunt and I'm not trump's lawyer, that's not what I'm cut out to do here But in this case there is no doubt from bob. Money from banks off his real estate holdings. He told bank. How much he believed the holdings were worth a bank that and lent him the money which trump paid back in full. There was never a complaint lodged against donald trump in new york for his real estate activities, not one yet the attorney general a trump haider logic, to him. That's a witch hunt
and it's not only having a president Tromp is happening to you. It's happen. to me. Today we have to deal with the people trying to take us off the map trying to destroy our careers and families and their dozen. seem to be any mechanism in america to stop it so given the, which is. You have to understand the hysteria back in sixteen ninety two, but the same hysteria today. It's just in power. It's not in religion. And another in more recent example, bill arriving, What cnn com due to you the other day remind the american people what they want. Unbelievable Friday afternoon. Murdoch resolve. chairman, she above fox news, cnn went on the air with among pie of sound from the fox news channel.
The goal was to portray the entire up already racist among the trees in broadcasting prime time May your humble correspondent for eight seconds, saying that slaves were well fed and had been in housing that hit that the entire statement they use from me from two thousand. Sixteen you know about what that was taken from my defence of yellow obama, who gave each saying that slaves largely build the white house, which is stork leak rule and I my audience on the factor that what miss obama said is accurate, the slaves that built the white house were well fed and how's because they had to
So hard to see an end took it eight seconds, to try to demonize me as a racist, telling their audience. I was justifying slavery my attorneys, have written a letter, a demand for an apology. We're back. their attorneys, but this is an unusual. That's not unusual, because they get away with it time after time after time try. This book is so important because out the history and It connects to modern days you're, exactly right, look at what they ve done: the parents look what they're doing to catholics look over and then deny it they do. and denied- and you know belarus you don't have to be a lawyer for trump? When you look at this, they have brought every conceit, While action against this man at every level of government am I
postal believe that's just a coincidence. What do you think, of course, not they know they being the programme of all the stuff comes out of a progressive left, the real military arm of the damage party they ate round they want. Destroyed europe, because they fear a vision of danger if he wins real action he will win because americans Now say we ve gotta, get rid of this progressive stop and he only guide is gonna. Do it is trump, though this is turned on. from policy into personal, because so dangerous. What is going on the meat enables all of this. The media were fair and saying hole, There's hysteria in the classroom
culture. There you're you're ruining people's lives on accusations which they are okay and you gotta stop it country were due process So in sailor Massachusetts there was no due process. Young girls can eleven twelve good point an adult and say that Person came To me with satan and try to make me a witch and weeks later, to be a rope around the adults neck I mean that's what we we kill. People No, this make a sale massachusetts. Has millions of millions of dollars billing itself, as which city, if you got there, is twenty five miles north of boston, aright, a big sidewalk on the salem witch city and on there the you know they have a pedestrian mall with which option, which is reading your poem or whatever, which is due. Okay. Now harmless, but they make in the money off the backs of the
twenty people were executed in the motion, sterical fashion and here's the kicker that correlate right to today. If you stood up and say eliminate in sixteen ninety two into this is well as a lot of people knew it wise. Accuse you a bit of which you have a rope around your neck and if you go against, the progression Media today the new york times and imposed like I did, they're gonna get you They really want to hold you over the break. In my big question, for you is this fifty a hundred hundred fifty two hundred years from now may be saying about this period in american history. Relatively to these witch hunts The book is killing. The witches is horror of sailor massachusetts, fantastic book, yet it at amazon that calm any wholesale wholesale any
store, I'll, be right back folks. Institution day is coming on, but there's still time to receive your free copy of the constitution and dec. Creation of independence for my friends at hills del college grab your free copy. It levine helstone dot com? You may remember that hills delves goes to give away one million copies to americans, who don't have one and if do have one well give it to someone who doesn't area and young and old, should read these documents. Why? Because liberty, Hence on we, the people, knowing the basic principles, are free government given, state of our nation, it's more critical than ever for citizens to read and understand these documents so to claim your free copy from helstone collar. Or one to give away girl event for wholesale back com I have to do, is fill out a simple form. You receive europe, led by male without paying shipping and only available while supplies last, but as I mention this
of her, for my listeners expires in just a few days, reserve your copy it ll event for wholesale back com. That's lavigne for helstone dot, com. I, the sunday romo right now. Eighty seven, seven three eight one, three eight wide one, my arabella riley's great new book is killing the witches, the heart of salem massachusetts, beautifully written the way right. He gives the history this in their course projects it out. What's going on now, billow riley to question, First of all, how do you think There will be writing about american a hundred years. You know we could go either way here. I think there will be a backlash against the paragraphs, those who are trying to destroy the country. Your new book deals with that and I think most americans don't want this destruction. I'm praying that I'm right,
If the backlash comes, then it will be a blip, but if progressive word to increase their power, then. History tells avis. This is a turning point here where we went from a free society to a government controlled society, and now it's lightning to contemplate. If you really stepped back, take the emotion out of it and look what kind of a country that the progressed what's up. there was a high school teacher right now you in virginia northern virginia and he was you sexual impropriety with a student she was arrested. The cops went to her house drew up
brought to jail which tour upon only students affidavit and I write about this in killing a witch hunt, his wife in the boy of an I. It even know where the police were come into. Our house was ruined. Fired from her job, no due process then, weeks later the cops drop? The charges could sewers no evidence at all and one five million dollars in less than an hour. The jury returned with the burden bud he told Yeah he has the money, asia, some security, but Why,
we ve ruined by this, which are so then I ask you mark within what is the difference? We know that more young teacher, northern virginia and the people. In sale of massachusetts, they're dead, she's, not but there jobs are ruined and people Romantic, oh no! It can't be that bad. It is that bad hundred percent. It is that bad and, and the problem is well full, but I'm not as hopeless you necessarily because I dont come from our history and point of view here, but you be right because it is a different factor involved now in the mass media, so and I'm gonna break a little news on a mark. Living chose out, ok, absolutely So tomorrow, at nine o clock up against a republican debate. Talker cost
drop in and our interview with meat meal never happened before I've known ombu. We ve never if we have one our conversation. You gotta billow rally dot com. I got a link to it. You just punch button bomb you'll be able to see it. It's really, your honor, I taped it last night I am very pleased that he did it, but we in the media, big and he loved killing the witches he's coming out reload, but point of view. He was very interested in the d, not demonic, possession stuff we have in the book but anyway. That, though, One factor that was not in play in this country was a whopper media that in enables the progressive laugh to destroy tradition, that new.
And we're doesn't seem to be much push back against the fox news does, but not as much as it did so. You will be very interested because you know a spouse. that our conversation, which again is the more night at nine o clock, drops and then people can see it at their leisure said why, that instead of Chris Christy think you can do both trust me. I we Christy fan. This is a great book amerika seriously, killing the wit is the horror of salem Massachusetts It was horrendous. The way these people that did they burn some at the stake to bill only in europe. Not a fascinating thing, so do without which is burned in europe, joan of arc being the most famous, but in england the king.
Outlawed the burning of witches, because he said it was a religious ring and after the aid wiped out religion in england than they deemed a witchcraft to be sedition against the crown, but in scotland we open the book with this renders burning of this, which, up in scotland, that's how the book opens, but england hanged witches and then, when the puritans came massachusetts and we put you on the mayflower. You knowledge you would not have like those accommodation. I don't think so. Not it will it also. I get very nauseous on both bill, so there we go pilgrims bags, in passing stopping. Where do you see what happened on at mayflower and then they get here and it gets worse. the origins of our country.
But anyway the crown didn't burn which but all the european countries gets but because when control the new world, they hanged the book as a great book. killing the witches, the horror of sale in massachusetts comprehensible, very easy to read. and in your own w abc after my programme right and we really appreciate the lead number one. I appreciate you may on the target killing a wages, but people might not, can all live in the new york area that w I beseech powerhouse. Now it is Most successful talk radio station in the northeast, and well, then it leads into riley and I'm take a little bit of credit? I'm here you are too for the fantastic ratings undervaluation, while united took it out with the mets in the yankees is a pain in the ass, but we do the best we can
and a very bad? We were relief that wasn't it I want to thank you. This is another fantastic book in get it at amazon dot com. Any book store Probably anyone of the warehouse stores killing the witches the horror, assailant massachusetts take care my friend, our data me and I really appreciate it? You bet whose rights very interesting and compelling books there's another one. Let's take some calls were here: let's scope to Jeff dunbar, Marilyn never heard a done. Dolls maryland on the market of an app. Is there a done duff, Marilyn, Jeff, you dont ought now just out more and more sitting given he's just outside of baltimore city. That's the teller ways the dog then anyway, Jeff. How are you my friend? Well
great god bless you, Sir I am humbled and honored, Speaking with you just wallet you know that, I'm almost I can go around the democratic party h america on audio book, here I am unhappy I bought it. I bought a copy for my pastor because he shares allotted, started. You talk down in the book and I you I know that my father, I know father, small and from Heaven. I lost ten years ago, but he since you you every day and there are a rally at night here. So I've learned to talk to you tonight. It just touches my heart while Jeff, that's very kind of you- were gonna. Send you a sign copy of the debt
grab party hates america. Saddam hang up, and I want to thank you and posthumously, your father, you know it Billy touches your harmony here, people up to me and say, or people call, and they say father, my mother, my grandfather, my grandmother used to listen to your show religiously there. Asked away when I tell you something That is very its emotional from me. So I want to thank you for let's keep going. Let's see here. Gary trucker in india and I think, exam satellite. How are you gary. Yeah good I'm in frankfurt, indiana, looking forward Daguna mark you got mark, Right here, how are you mark
I'm good our you I'm good! Thank you thank you for taking my call yeah. Thank you for taking my car than trying to get, ned twice. I listen the everyday you and I just like our chairman there, man, you you a friend of mine. I look forward to five o clock central time. Every day, Our. I really appreciate that I feel with this audience. I do it. Bond and vice versa, everything I As for the audience, everything I write is for the audience. It's not for me and all right, about me. I retrain you know, I just know: there's there's tens of millions of us who do love this country, her family, our history, and that I feel you need a voice and I can vent and I don't mean just vent, but I mean
give us the evidence. Give us the facts, give us the information and make our case people. Listen to this show all over the country all over the world you'd be stunned. I'm stunned Number of people who listen the variety and diversity of backgrounds and jean. we feel people do in other people, it's it's an amazing Of course. Have some people who disagreement? That's ok. his manners were on the same sheet: music. With respect to the end game. Is there are enemies there are evil peep There are evil institution. And this now and then we gotta play team football against these people, and so that's my and why I spent all these weakens and nights and early mornings writing these books. Good for my health. I dont do it for my ego. I do to try and get the word out. you folks here you can get the word out to other people, and I want to thank you
gary do not hang up. I want to say you assign copy of the democratic party hates. Merrick, as on a very thankful for truckers, like you out there bless you, my friend of Europe, maude ban. Now you know it companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news. and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided day every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterinary,
and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika, most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g Work in america, thou pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again dyer pound to five zero say, mark Levin and make the switch to mice phone company pure talk today. This is from the daily collar. Adam shift earmarked millions to defence contractor donors, so he won't be charged like Menendez there's crimes and then those crimes, there's grafton, then there's graph, there's griffon, then there's grist demo representative, Adam ship, California, running for the senate. Twenty twenty four doled out. Ten million dollars through earmarks to defence contractors, let down
to his campaigns. According to a report published monday by political show, who's running its fellow democratic representatives, katy porter and Barbara Lee earmarked for ten million dollars of taxpayers money to five companies. Devout military technologies between two thousand one in seven, these companies were founded nato tens of thousands of dollars to his campaign. a review of earmarked record spike political excuse me we're always concern about the pay to play aspects wrote steve, Alice, runs the group taxpayers of common sense. Earmarks if we're getting a kid contribution getting your earmark from that same company for a client of that lobbyists it has that perception, but what is the real difference which in this slob, using our taxpayers dollars to line the pockets
certain contractors and in return get campaign Nations that benefit him Robert Menendez lines its own pockets. I mean seriously. What is the real difference here the largest donor, your by shift totalling six million dollars, what the smiths detection, which was developing chemical, been centuries for the military, while another three million went to phase bridging which was developing a naval radar system both of these groups, written the lobbyists around the same time donated eighty five hundred dollars the ship he was later convicted lobbyists on federal charges of illegal campaign contribution, since twenty seven months in prison political report, it. escutcheon hangs around all kinds of sleazy people. Daphne I mean all these democratic seem to any
on about a mere marking, a million dollars for eureka, aerospace and the contributions that they may do his campaign. Thirty. Four thousand. I believe it was ladies and gentlemen, we salute all our forces: police officers, firefighters, emergency person, our trackers and freedom fighters all over the world to me personally a regard amazon dot com, if you ve bought the book and give it rating, and if you haven't bought it grab a copy now see tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.