« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/25/23


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, WREC host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark on Yom Kippur. The Bob Menendez that the Democrats are throwing under the bus has done nothing compared to what Joe Biden and the Biden crime family have done. If you're a Democrat telling Menendez to step down, then how are you not demanding Biden step down or demand a special counsel? Those in the Democrat circles knew Menendez was shady and corrupt, just like they know the same thing about Joe Biden. Also, the reason why you see Donald Trump leading in election polls all comes down to the border. The border is changing people's minds and the White House defending the indefensible isn't working. NY Governor Hochul in the past said she welcomes all migrants, now she's saying don't come to NY. Later, new poll numbers are alarming Democrats. Biden's approval rating among Black voters is down by 17 points. 59% want a challenger to Biden and Republican voters are more enthusiastic than Democrats by big numbers.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader block of it as a martyr then show then various infilling and for the gray one- and I too is celebrating supports an ideal, be back with you. Men, young and we ve got a lot of news that talk about in quoting bobbin in debts lebanon as they leave in the senate. Folks, why would you you ve already beaten at once when you ve taken been accused of corruption and bribery and everything else? Why not stand office and fight again now to be clear, mundane as is a guy that Democrats knew was shady- is how they news corrupt nine years
Last time when there was a hung jury, there have been cut. stations in Washington dc for decades about men and as an how corruption and, as is and I say that to compare it to exactly what has happened with Joe bind the biden, crime, family people, new house. Eddie Joe Biden was James Biden, his brother right Jimmy and then his son, everybody, known about in democratic circles four years. So the question is: why is it a Democrat? are now saying that Mendez should set aside how even a o c came out this week. She said that she believed that bottom and should step down from his seat, now, of course, but it is come out saying I you younger how I do and that, even on the view that woman, new acts like she's a she identifies as a republican. Is that a good way of putting that ms producer man out of our she sheet? She identifies
as a republican she's, a hardcore cranky like shows It was communist. Liberal came out and I love how she tried to personalize it by saying it. I'm I'm really upset about this. I'm very shaken I've known him for years by the fear. Conservative, you don't hang out, are no in india is ok, that's number one strike against you. Never to give up for Democrats you're a Democrat I strike to number three you're, a partisan hack for the democratic party masquerading as a latina right woman, because that's like your theory and how you make money on the view, but listen to her tat about menendez and how personal it is to her I'm having a very high time reconciling the evidence I saw shown on tv what the bondman anders I have known for almost thirty years. This is targeted search. So there's two options here for round navarro I had the they paid me I'd work were there when I was seen as a conservative commentator, and it was it was I
every dollar when I had to deal with her. I love she says here, I'm having a hard time reconciling the evidence I saw on tv with Bobby and, as I have known for almost thirty years. Ok, that's one of two things. one year and eighty eight hour you're, a liar because it is not hard to reconcile the evident, certainly after the last court case where there was a ton of to get him. It was a hung, jury, ok, but that the idea that you are having a hard time, concealing the evidence that you that you saw on tv where the bob in it That means that you are in any case he clearly could manipulate you to believe that he was somehow different than he was now. I don't believe that, on a navarre by the way is that stupid? I really don't. I think Navarro is a partisan hack who is trying to figure out How do I met the bombing and as this scumbag without hurting Joe Biden, because if I met- and this is the problem
Democrats. Right now, I am I want to be clear. I don't give a crab batman and, as I really don't he's a scumbag these going to jail for this, I think they have been. It's overwhelming the governance of overwhelming last time. I think that everybody in washington knew, how corrupt and shady he and his wife were, and now they got caught red handed okay. I I the the system's going to take care of this, so I'm not really concerned with it. The point I'm making for you tonight is this: the bob Menendez that the Democrats. are now throwing under the boss has done nothing compared to what Joe Biden in the binding crime fair, has done while he's been in office. If you are a Democrat, now and you are criticising Bob menendez, then how How are you not demanding that Joe Biden step down from the white house? How are you not demanding a special council? How are you not demanding that he be impeach, because there's quite a few?
crats are out there. Well, you know Bob menendez. He should step down for the good of the country lead to bob Menendez and what he's been accused of is not even close to what the Biden crime family did. We have the suspicious activity reports. We know it's all there. We have the bank and the wire transfers we have. I'm Biden, family members, taking money, we have the white house lying, we have Biden line. I never talked about any business dealings rights on ever period. Ok, you it's changed I I I Never I never. I never was really involved in the family business idea of being a loving dad and talking about the weather, okay, crap, that's not going to work on now! Well, clear, I never! I never took money personally from any of this. Well, you did your son and for your whole life yourselves and emails that you know I gotta, I gotta get fifty But what I make two daddy. I can hold ten percent for the big guy. All the time, so if you're gonna say that bob Menendez is guilty and abominable sit should set down, what is that
hey about Joe Biden, it means in comparison with Joe Biden, should be in jail, and that's why they're trying to make this? most shows out of ours, like I'm having such a hard time, reconciling the evidence that I saw on tv, my good friend, my good friend of thirty, fears and then listen to hear what she says it's hard on her personally hide for me, but you know when I saw all the evidence I gotta, I'm I'm shaken. I'm I'm hoping against hope that there is some sort of logical explanation but I'll logical, explanation. Would there be let let's deal with that in mind? competence to incredibly stupid statement by another navarro Let's really look at this right, she's, hoping against hope that there is some sort of logical explanation for gold bars. What logical explanation would there be for that? You, dumb egg.
Why I prefer for just pure cash coming in from a foreign government what logical egg- when I shouldn't would there be for that you'd dumay, on the view. Tell me eggs a logical give me an example. There isn't one by the way, but this is how much there willing. Cover for mendez, so that they can continue to cover for the Biden crime family, because this is the worst timing for the Joe Biden crime ink right that that the mob boss credit party they ve got a guy. They got caught red handed with gold bars, can sure cars that binds got cars right. They did never forget, they got a porch check the box. They got cash check that box how they were getting diamonds. Raw died, diamonds like me,
fat diamonds. They were getting billions in loans to set up, come They were shaking down people sitting next to my father with that famous now, what's up text message, in fact, I've got it right here. Let's just re, let's just read this real quick This is hunter Biden, I'm sitting here with my father and we would like I understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled now. This is going to that these communist rate may say: government officials, whose in is this: where them tell their direct hunter Biden, writes that I would like to resolve this now before it gets hand. There's your threat. and now means tonight and z. If I get it or tax from anyone involved in this that a new chairman Jane the chairman right, I will make certain
that between the man sitting. Next to me, that would be Joe Biden and every person he knows I, my ability forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I'm sitting here waiting for the call with my father. Now we could have found out of hunter Biden, was bluffing. If he was lying and there's a chance, it could have been lying right. Maybe one hundred Biden was lying and his dad really wasn't. Next to that, there's a chance that could have happened. You know how we could have figured out by looking at gps. We could have figured it out by looking at gps, coordinates to see if they were sitting next to each other and guess what happened? The d o J and the f b, I said nope. You cannot look at that data. You look at the shakedowns by the Biden, crime, family and you look at what menendez was doing their work the same. there are one and the same, and so
This is why people I gotta varro have gotta go out on stage on the view and take a stupid pill to try to cover for the fruit, for their incompetency and I guess she thought well as latina right than liberal. Woman, whose acting like a republican I hate frauds by the way, just like I'm a conservative, I'm a hard core conservative god bless amiss america first policy, I dont, believe we can export democracy. I want to stay out of foreign wars. I want to stop spending some. damn money. I want to stop growing this country for our kids, like I don't lie about that arose at CERN lies everyday just to get a paycheck as a latina woman keep listening, awesome, bob, nobleman and there's another moment, and this is not going to resign. He. it doesn't once he for you know, he's thinking, I'm you know I can fight this. I'm going to fight us he's not all think he's going to resign. I think he's going to
trial. On this. This looks ugly. This looks bad. This is hard to explain. I can come up with with an explanation, but didn't say: should resign? Did you notice that I know bob menendez? It's not going to resign. I'm shaken. This I'm hoping it gets hope that there is some sort of logical explanation. She says, but you notice what a scumbag ANA navarro is isn't this scenario she's not going to tell you that she believes and do the right thing. In fact, she's gonna do the opposite of telling you to do the right thing. What she's telling you to do is to understand well, bobbin end as the fighter, and he is going to fight so we're going to justify him staying in office in fighting and working to justify him in beating right. I could now he's like what is he a cancer survivor, that's how their trading them it's like gotta terminal illness now and the illnesses, corruption fraud and selling out of the american government, but you shouldn't expire tim to resign because he's a fighter and by
Only when you get cancer, you have five kid outguess laid out to give up permanent as is not going to resign, and I'm not going to. firm to resign, because I'm a scumbag just psyche is Ben Ferguson, filling in for rate when market. Then I want to get your phone calls and here's one. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight eleven, we'll be right? Back then Have you been
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
the porter mechanism. Argo then show that ferguson filling in for the gray one he'll be back with tomorrow's is celebrating like a poor tonight today I should say it's really good to be worthy of you to join us. We're talking right now. That's inner bobby, Mendez anyhow, democrats, are like what do we do now. We know that this as a scumbag. We know that he should. Being congress, we know is corrupt, is how we ve known for decades. But how do we protect him while also saying, is you resign, while also protecting Joe Biden little. sidebar here something you may not know. The media will not cover this by the way. There's a really big story. That is connecting bob and to hunter Biden and to the president. I did to america and it deals with corruption centre bobbin end is aid asked hunter by
and his partner to invite Joe Biden to an event in two thousand ten minutes his chief of staff and do thousand in ten ass hunter Biden, Andy's business partner. You may remember this name, another corrupted eric swearing to invite the then vice president Joe Biden to an annual not mix summit. Now. Why was he going through the back channels because it already gone through the official channels at the white house, and these no the emails to pictures. close hunter Biden and his associates worded Joe Biden, this is after they ve already got official, no from the white house who claim, of course, that they never spoke? about business dealings ever Eric swear in emu. hundred by non April the seven there remember hundred by never george mountains, your daddy. That was our story, but on April the seven twenty ten swearing emails? by about kali received from Menendez, is chief of staff, danny o brien regarding an event menendez wanted Joe Biden to attend.
According to this email on earth by the not for profit, Marco polo, the female came days after a brian was officially turned down by Joe Biden official office on may, the fourth Joe Biden, scheduling, department, email, Mendez and o brien dig o brien declining the offered to attend the spain's council's annual forum. Now this is where the corruption gets interesting they get the email back and it's very clear. It's a center menendez, Mr Brian, thank you for inviting the vice president to the keynote. Unfortunately, due to his schedule and the volume of requests that come in the module, then we must decline sincerely. We regret at the price presence unable to come thanks for your interests, including the vice president, Yadda yadda yadda, and then its I sincerely the office, the vice president office of scheduling,
Well, they said alright, we know how to get around that screw. It right, we'll just go through the back channels to daddy right, we'll get to the big guy through the little guy through the bag, man, so Brian emailed Eric swearing right. This is one hundred Biden's partner. Shady business partner may the six after o brien now to revise the request to the white house for Joe Biden lieutenants, like eight nine and a united stand, we need in there now. What were they offering in return right, cause hey look. We need the vice president there. How do you in time Eric swear it and how to entice hunter Biden? What would you do? Well, they made it pretty clear and their backing fourth emails. They said: hey cinnamon and as the years air of this above group punter spanish member and could see, owes a major banks and then they list some of the banks also amber Sir settlement is a big supporter. They say keep going on and on about how great
Are they say: hey we got this annual meeting in December. Aren't you in July in say the span foreign minister will also be in attendance. Then say what danny really wants to explore with you the possibility of getting your dad the BP to host an event. Maybe an appearance at a reception at a hotel. Now, that's after the official wide ounces of vice written selvas has declined I'll get you more. Formation, the email, reeds, and we can discuss what danny next week. I think so am I mentioned here's, the pay off your interest in spain, That is why danny is calling us what I want to know: ok hold on a second. What what is your red stripe, the ambassador is, is gonna, be there you guys are interested in spain. You want to do some business here. Some major bankers, some see, are gonna, be there Honneur get your dad cure
damn meeting. I again I'm going to quote the email, I think so am I mentioned your interest in spain and that's why didn't? He is calling us sounds interesting. Let's discuss his business partner says probably dont want to mention the trans atlantic. In case we can't deliver, though I guess this is a strain of business deal folks. That's what they're trying to do there saying hey you want to get into spain, we'll get you into spain. You wanna do business. We got the ceos these banks right here. You want to get some banking down in spain, we gotcha whatever you need. I just figured deliver your father. The big guy now you understand why Democrats are freaking out, then ferguson, filling in for the big guy Good big guy marco event will be right back. Have you been way
by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two next date and message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions that get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, conservative, firm, proud of a goal by mark levin show at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one automatic
it has been ferguson filling in for the gray one mark event tonight so good to have you with us he'll be back with you tomorrow is he's sobering like a poorer, and I want to get straight back to the point I was making before the break bob Mendez is big problem for the democratic party, because bob and then does puts democrats situation in there. I colleague crap. What do we do now? How do we deal with a guy that we knows corrupt. Where thou going overboard and then making ourselves. Look like hypocrites with the Biden crime family, which brings me by the way to impeachment Biden. Family bank records are going to be at the centre. impeachment the same way that gold bars in cash you're going to be at the centre of trial with bobbin index and games calmer has come. and sent over the weekend very clearly that.
As the chairman of the house oversight committee. There are clear links between corruption, allegations leveled at members of president Joe Biden's family and Biden himself? He had this to say to trey Gowdy. Listen, come on we're adapted emails from national archives. If memory serves, did you get them and are you satisfied with what you got well, there two hundred emails that Joe Biden used a pseudonym in communication, with some former fashion with with the government? We got I this now we these emails that we want the unread acted margins. The Echo archives sit fourteen of those Fifty two hundred emails yesterday and
I'm sure you will be surprised to hear this. Try those fourteen really didn't say anything, but yet the media as soon as we got the emails that fourteen out of fifty two hundred they said, although this is a big, nothing martyrs. So this is another example of the book what ass coordinated with their trade and in the media to pay a false If so, no, we are not satisfied with fourteen out of fifty two hundred emails. We expect they do hundred emails Another reason why we had to go the impeachment, inquiry route to try to speed the process up from where, These government agencies are stonewalling in obstructing investigation. chairman you're going to need to give me just a second or restart my heart. I always love to hear that the dc media was not interested in a republican investigation as a first time. our bank records corporate documents tax returns. What other
evidence: do you need that? You don't currently have listened carefully by the way James comers response here, because you're going to understand just how corrupt the democratic party is the same democratic. That would throw bobbin and, as under the bus, for, I would argue one hundredth of what the buying crime, families I listened to what he says well, weeds. Subpoenaed meg records from the shell companies remember the problem that the binding family has. The president has its families received over twenty million dollars from foreign nationals. Ok, the family in the wide I cannot say one thing: this family did receive the twenty million dollars. That is a big red black with With every american, the polls show that well next,
We want to see the personal bank records because the way the bygones operated trade is they with Joe Biden set up these meeting, they set our own calls. What these poor nationals, who are all bad people, meeting some type of assistance from the united states government? They were all in trouble. They were mean That's the gatekeeper, corruption that we're trying to get sweet. nails so watch them. The meetings took place, Joe Biden communicated with all these people, then wire started transferring from those greece to the shell cut reason the buying then, according to the banks, the buying We didn't launder that money too. From the shell companies to nine different, my family members, in incremental payments. We want to know what happened with the money once they receive. It's our or say mother, bogdan their partial account. So we ve been doing what we said. We could do a lot more follow in the money we followed the money from countries like romania in china too. My! U shell, companies to buy,
individually, now we're looking at the mines, individual personal bank records, and we want to see where they spend that money. And if you look at the laptop pray, there are many instances where people are sure Sherwin communicated with by saying this, bill is due for your dad's who's. Gonna pay for it. So we want to see it in fact, provide is paying for things of mail you for Joe Biden, let's just pause there for a second and compare that too. What bob Mendez is being accused of There is an even if they're, not even close, Melendez is like ok, jaywalking, and this guy's, like grand larceny over here the Biden family, like we're talking about money laundering, we're talking about. selling foreign access to. God knows what from the bible crime family are granted manila,
It was basically saying: hey, I'm gonna, give you into right. He's gonna get gold bars for entail, Joe Biden was selling policy decisions. Joe Biden was getting people fired, who were investigating corrupt people in ukraine Joe Biden was literally selling decisions menendez as just giving info. I'm not saying that that Menendez isn't a terrible human being. It doesn't to go to jail for this? I understand But how is it that Democrats can come out like air navarro there? I well shaken I'm hoping against hope that there is some sort of a logical explanation here. she's the only idiot out there saying this crap theirs. Of others that are out there saying the same thing that well, I just don't know what to do in india's here. This is just you know. This is this is something that is so hard. For me, I'm just not sure you know, I'm not I'm not sure
we're going to do here right, I'm just I'm really talk what's gonna happen. This is gonna, be so tough. Neither of these cases to be clear ok, neither of these cases, any one should be confused by them. when the? U s attorney, came out indicted the foreign relations committee chairman bobbin and for bribery scheme evolving egyptian government. No one should feel sorry for him and no one should be surprised by what he said. Kate, that no one should be surprised Wait wait when Damien Williams came out there and say What he said, I promise you and the rest of washington DC were not surprised by this
wasn't a single person in the democratic party that was surprised by this. They all knew it because they all knew he was a scumbag and they only this is what he did. They all understood that this is what he did. They all that they all understood it and their rights We just you know. Well, he deserves to stay in that office. There right menendez, just EDA. We can't we can't throat with stones. Adam, you know, he's got a right to hear innocent until proven guilty, which they use logic in skins against against J trump. Don't you don't you wish they? that same logical connection. One other side note here that I do want to bring up so that you know how corrupt all of these people are bottom end, as Two hundred binds lawyer for his bribery case Mendez higher
hunter binds lawyer Abe LAO to defend himself against federal bribery charges. So not only are they trading emails about access in two thousand ten, but when they get in Bravo there's a guy who you use and freer. They are grandma hiram too well. who represent high profile in the individuals involved in political scandals, has now representing Menendez any also represented in the prior curve jeanne case in two thousand fifteen, which ended in a mistrial. His former clients include John Edwards lobbyists, jack apron off bill Clinton and hunter Biden sounds like a pretty cool group of kids to hang out with right, endemic, france over and over again they say the same thing. Well, you know we ve got a problem here with minuteness. Listen to this from saint in another congressmen coming out and saying
we gotta talk about. You know that the real problems here women index shortly We know that as well as the looming government shut down is congressmen dean Phillips minnesota is a member of the by partisan problem, solvers caucus in the house. Thank you, commissioner, for joining me today. Just first on the medina does knows, as I was a very serious allegations against the democratic sender. Do you believe that he should resign from the senate? Will first everybody's innocent until proven guilty, thank goodness still in our country, but I am appalled at any. Who pays attention to bulgaria or politics democratic republic, and you should be a pop, a member of congress who appeal is to have broken the law. is someone who, I believe should resign. I think george santos should have resigned already. Sadly, house ethics process, and I would argue, the senate as well as not as proficient as it needs to be, so we have to rely on the judicial system, but I'm really disappointed and I have to say in comparison to the president of the united states, of which
there is no evidence whatsoever- has broken the law and yet, as being subject to an impeach. Munich worry, there is evidence, and yes I am, and I love is like ok, so so all spits active reports are not evidence right now that that there either way here to cover themselves, you saying my end: as yeah he's probably guilty, but he's still going to send a proven guilty and and and what menendez is dealing with is completely different than what Joe Biden is dealing with. You have shakedowns happening before your very eyes. You have emails. They're saying give me my damn money. You have text messages saying you got to the end of the night to get me to tell me to resolve this or I'm going to come after you and my dad sitting next to the
guess what happened within the next week, they got five million dollars. Menendez is facing, and his wife face three counts conspiracy to commit bribery. Conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right in conspiracy comment: honest services, fraud. That is nothing compared to what the Biden crime family has done you owing to an end as it took the gold bars and cash. Apparently, you got nine binds, but this idiot congressmen represent deem philips democrat of the problem. Solvers carcass trivia clare, Menendez is bad joe by he's good. We want to make sure there is no connection between the two one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one. Thirty eight eleven, your reaction to this. This is a nightmare for the democratic, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one thirty eleven, then ferguson, filling
for the great. When market, then you can keep up with me semi. Your comments on twitter been ferguson, show instagram, then ferguson, guess at me black there, it's hard to find me see, gotta put it in that way and I'll get your comments as well right back, then Have you been away by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news. If you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself. Use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com Why
Welcome back. It is the mark of any show Ben ferguson filling in for the great one who is celebrating ACA, por he'll be back with you tomorrow. I do want to get in your phone calls your reaction to bob menendez. When he came out today, making it very clear at a press conference. that he is not going to waver, he he says that he is a innocent man and aunt? Look. I don't blame him for this. I'm a realist here right. If european and as the since your last two? I if I was him right I would stay in their. Why? Why would you stay in their work. How else do you to wait for trial? Might as well? make someone likes or cash. Why you're there you're gonna need it eminent Also, I am sure the arrogance factor here is massive for him because he's thinking
to do anything in the world. I already beat this once before. I'm a Democrat in new jersey there's a very good chance. I can beat this again with a hundred I'm an end. As for goodness, eggs with somebody had to say in union city new jersey good morning? thank you to all of you who are here today, especially the new jersey and who have, I may, as I addressed the events of the past few days, on friday to southern district of new york bore charges against me I understand how deeply concerning this can be. However, allegations levels again smear that allegations anyone who has no me throughout my fifty years of public service? They know. I have always fought for what is right advocacy has always been grounded in what I learned from growing up as a sign of cuban refugees, especially my mom, my hero. Eventually, immonen does everything I've, accomplice, I've workforce
the naysayers and everyone who has underestimated, make I recognize, This will be the biggest fight yet, but as I stated throughout this whole process. I firmly leave that when all the facts are presented Not only will I be exonerated, but I will be the new jerseys senior senator for now to address four things. First, a court stone or the foundation of american democracy and our justice system is the principle that all people are I innocent until proven guilty all people I do have to ask about minute. Ministers here agrees talking this way like it's like you. I get done this before worked out last time. Why would I be worried this time? right, I'm innocent until proven guilty. Maybe you should tell your friends that about our present donald trump right, maybe you should tell them Maybe I did that same mentality
you have that you are innocent until proven guilty. Wouldn't that be nice, one aid, seven, seven, three one thirty, eight eleven when we get to your phone calls jerry line ray you are on the mark of inshore, been ferguson, filling in hello, you're, doing a great job remark, sir. I appreciate that he is the correct one, but I'm not John you're you're you're you're you're keeping up with them pretty good, and I have family that was complete, die hard democrat union get people, they were whereby a blue dot Democrats they built for blue dorothy was run into the demographic but I'll be on the real men tat we hear about like delivery. the view is that it is like the yankees band versus the red sox ban. You gotta pick your king
we gotta stick with your team. So as long as they're wearing a blue hat, my god, they made me a card, but by god, they're they're, correct and that's okay for them for democrats and republicans they throw their people under the bus. If they say the wrong thing little more than do anything is outrageous says you know what Biden and and men Melendez has done like a it's a it's just. It's just the point that I'm republicans conservatives. They have principles that they try to stand up with. But democrats today the die hard Democrats, it's all about power, they don't care, it's all about our. So there is no right or wrong in their aspect. It's just winning and losing yeah. Well fetterman is Example of that I go back to how tribal we are democrats, don't care if there's a dead body
as long as they have power. They don't care if there's kids being sexually us, did on an eye when connected Epstein is long. they have power, they don't care. If a former president Ben too that I went with under age. Girls as long as they have power. They don't care. If you sold secrets to our adversaries, as long as they have power and and and fetter men, you know it is me: cap abuse. What they're doing this man there may coming You can now look like you're from the atoms family for the senate. Don't change arose as long as they have power, it's all about the power one, eight seven, seven Three eight one thirty eight eleven Ben Ferguson, filling in for the great will mark a then keep up with me on social media, twitter, facebook, parlour
all together. All those places been ferguson, podcast della my pack ass. We came up with me every day. The ban ferguson packets for it would be right now. There's segmented podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of a job and various infilling, and for the great when Michael, very celebrating, ikea poured tonight, he'll be back with you to morrow, and if you just joined us, I want it. Your question about the new pole numbers in or out. New polling is out, showing that Donald jade Tromp has a nine or ten point lead and a head to head match up tat night at ten point lead over Joe Biden.
Democrats are having to figure out how to deal with that? That is something they did not think was ever gonna happen that you would have this type of lead. With this new pulling data. This new pulling data that is out. Is she King and democrats are, I think, really concern and now that Joe Biden is more vulnerable. These ever bent now an argument yesterday on this topic- and it was It was a pretty heated perception with a couple different liberals that they will remain nameless because I'm not going to do that to them, and I the ice at work, you guys are screwed because of the economy and they said it's not the economy and I'm like well. I'm now admit canada is it's the economy. There ain't? No, it's not it's, not the economy. Donald trump was asked about this: a b c new. I wash imposed pole. Sicily
by lot against definitely is he described the worst present in our country's history? Listen to him in charleston You're a new hiv see washington, post national pull, finds that in a hypothetical rematch between trump and president Biden, crump wins ten points, We were leading by a lot. According to the washington post, the apc is probably the worst president. Definitely the worst president in the history of our country. Now ten point lead is big right and even center. Chris coons liberal Democrat had this to say about the pull numbers right now. The poles had to add or more concern that I would expect, but I would say I'd rather be in this position of having an incredible record for our president to run up. What's his record folks.
What what? What? What is the record? I want to know MSNBC they came out with their opponents. God not that bad, it's actually tied forty six, forty six, this other Paul is wrong right. That's that's what they said there now coming out and they are just like. This is just flat out wrong abc news recline. He described New poll number, as quote alarming and staggering for the sitting president needs its america. Listen still. These numbers paint a bleak picture for president Biden, real. chances are. There are more than maybe the most startling number in our poll. Is this the the hypothetical batch up, a rematch of donald trump versus Joe Biden, our poll with with interposed pegging this at fifty one percent to four four donald trump over Joe Biden. That is a nine point edge Now, that's only a couple of points difference from our last poland may, but it is significantly different than most reach
poles the polls. It is an outlier compared to other poles. We ve seen recently our partners at five. Thirty Put together an analysis for us, they find it, a recent polls having this more than the one or two point range with Joe Biden we having the edge, but whether you will if that were not look, there's a good chance that it- people, just trying to send a message in the polling right now, given the other prostration we ve seen. We know in this Oh there's some awesome corks out of these around the number of black voters and spanish borders. The younger voters, who seem to be supporting donald trump and get this cassettes. hard to believe, but we asked people whether donald trump should be constitutionally this wall. I for running for office and among people who said. Yes, one in five about eighteen percent, sedate vote for tromp anyway, so that might just be of sending a message- that's more answer by then it is pro tromp, but regardless that the we,
This is that we are seeing for Joe Biden. Innocent people ready across the board are very real. They are alarming to Democrats, even if no one thinks this is ultimately going to be a nine point: race, nine point race alarming and staggering. Now my debate with liberals over this was what is driving factor. and when they explain to you, why I believe the Joe Biden in such trouble right now. I wish it was the economy and I do think part of it- is the economy stupid, but there a lot of liberals out there in bad economies. It don't feel the pain that hard working americans feel because their lives are subsidized by the government. And there's also something weird that happens when you're subsidized by the government when things are bad, you actually start to get more money. Look at social security payments, ripe for cost of inflation. They'll get these bombs. It's like! Oh wow, I'm getting more cash
get more food stamps ya, go up there, giving me more money once they give it to you, they're not going to take it back. I don't believe this all about the economy, I think the reason You see a nine point difference and that's out that the word I would refer to the margin of of corruption right. Nine points is enough to deal with a lot of democratic it's trying to manipulate and alter the election and steal elections. I want to be clear, like I feel good about nine points. Alright, three points, four points. I don't feel good about it. I think you've got to have more than that. When you go into that final day, because there's going to be democratic, and try to screw? You lie cheat and steal to do whatever they have to to win this election. So let me make that clear right now, second point here, I want to make. I actually think the reason why this pole number jumped so big in such a in such a. massive way it actually
opinion comes down to the border, I think the border crisis and the- way that we're talking now about the border crisis is what this is really all about the border. Is changing people's minds. the white house and this border and the way that they're having to talk about it and try to defend the indefensible, is a problem. Look at it, for example, hotel or whatever or, however the hell. You say your name, the new york. They are governor right. This is a woman I sent me everybody. You want just what we're hopeful there. We go, hogle, whatever the hell or name is hopeful, is a chick that was just couple years ago, saying send me every body right bring them To me, I love when you send me all of these illegal immigrants. We want with them and we will take care of them. What does she sang now on cnn If you want your country, that's fine, but don't come to my city. Don't come to mice
get the hell out of here. It's certainly will because about forty. One percent of the people in our shelters today are from as well as they are from around the world and west africa, south and central. They're coming from all over, but we have to at the word out. When you come to new york, we're not going to have more hotel rooms, we don't have capacity, so we have also met It's probably that what our limit, if you're, going to leave your country go somewhere else with a smarter thing is to apply for asylum before you leave your country, and then you have a different experience when you arrive. I love this right like where, at our limit new york's at their limit their at their capacity. What does a hundred thousand people there- that they didn't want we're at our limit. Don't come here. You leave your country, don't come to new york and- and this is as
watching on tv, and this is why these pole numbers are changing. Large groups that are coming across the southern border eagle pass is dealing in a day What new york is dealing with in a in a in a month or two months or three months per day of illegal immigrants coming across the southern border, listened to dibella, luge and reporting on the largest illegal crossing that we have ever caught on video. We ve ever seen happening this sweet. I can tell you that early this morning, an eagle pass. We witnessed one of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen in the last two and a half years of cover our southern border will get right to this. Video. Take a look at this stunning footing, border patrol source is telling us just after midnight about two thousand five hundred migrants crossed illegally into eagle pass see this lengthy line of them stretching from shore. or to shore in the river. This video perspective coming from them
again, side of the river and Pierre there's. Nato us one of our contacts over their shooting video, as they essentially bomb rushed eagle passed last night. Bum rushed that's what's changing people's minds here. I wish it was the to me, but it wasn't, the economy has been bad and inflation has been bad and and white ass won't answer basic questions on the border either they won't answer the questions. Listen to this question. Peter do sit the white house press briefly to what do you call it beards white house when ten thousand, illegally cross the border in a single day. So what do you call it here when gnp put forth they? Wait! No! No! No! No! No! No! You carry I'm answered.
I think we're going to be ranked: no, no, no, no, no, no we're moving an agreement that the board don't know the answer. Peter I tried to answer the question you stopped me. Let's go. I tried to answer the question. You stop me what I mean and the fact that she gets paid a government salary. So let's try the question again day. Two, let's see if they'll answer it this time, what do you call it when ten thousand people illegally crossing the border in a single day? So here's what I will say and and hard to say. You heard me say this a couple times and I'll say it again, because it is the facts, one. The first day of this present administration, he put forth a comprehensive immigration reform that we believe. We believe that desperately needed for this country as we know- and you heard to say this many times before we are dealing with a broken system and no action was taken from congress, and so what the present able to do. He imposed consequences for them,
who do not have a legal is to remain and has remove more than two hundred fifty thousand individuals, this administration, done so since me, twelve, and so we have to action to present a has secure. He also secured record funding and that, let's not forget this record funding that the present fought for. over the last year or so was was opposed by the republic, and this is something that they oppose and didn't want to see, and so what loudest to do is actually higher about tat. Five thousand more bring on us BP agents and really do Something that was historic that we haven't seen and so a broken system. It's been broken further pascoe. decades the last administration certainly guided the immigration system for four years. That's what they did and you had speaker, mccarthy and risk,
begins in congress will continuously continuously take step to undermine what is currently happening. Trying to undermine getting border security, we saw that we saw that this week with the with the sea are where they put forth. Another another piece of legislation to cut to cut, to propose continuing to cut cut some report and resources- that's needed, whether it see BP, eight hundred, you were c b b, is what they wanted to do. Fifty thousand pounds of cook That's what it would that's what it would hurt right now in trying to prevent that from coming in waiting more than three hundred pounds, offending only think about more than seven hundred pounds of heroin more than six thousand pounds of met affinity to enter the country. That's what they were trying to prevent us from the work that we are trying to do. Perfet coming into the country needs to stop there. Does anybody believe this crap cause? I don't like it that the border
is total anarchy. It's a wide open border, and I truly believe that this is why, Joe Biden right now is in a deficit the way that he is in a deficit. I truly believe that that that donald trade tromp is in the driver's seat right now in this new paul because of the border issue, it was the border issue by the way, building the wall that that catapulted him to the presidency without I'm saying I'm gonna build the wall. I don't believe you would have become president. That's when people are like. Oh ok, now, that's something I can get behind right. That was a moment that quick through the american voter words like o r now you're talking about law and order, you're talking actually making sure that we are protecting in defending this country, and this type of anarchy in this type of lawlessness
Yes, that is happening right now in this country. I believe that's what's drive these problems. I again I wish it was the economy. An economy is part of it. Yes, but nothing compared to people. in new york and other play since it are having to deal with this type of total anarchy and our southern border now. My question for you is this:. what is the number one issue in this election for you and why I really want to know: seven, seven, three, eight one. Thirty, eight eleven Ben ferguson and for the great movie right back then now you know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider p,
talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks that's why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran own and only hires the best estimates service team right here in amerika families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g. work in america now pound to fifty and say mark love in to make this, which the pure talk and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month. and I are pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today then walking back. It is a mark of a show Ben ferguson, filming it for the great one who is celebrating our report tonight, he'll be back with you tomorrow. I want to get into your phone calls your reaction to
We now know about these poor members. We know There has been a quick shift in a significant shift. Nine point Ten point lead is what we're looking at right now in a head to head matchup for donald trump is outside the election interference margin is, I would describe it. These are great numbers. I believe it's the border issue that is actually change. These numbers more than anything and people watching thousands of people come across the border online tv hour after hour. I think that is having more of an impact of like what are we doing this country we're losing our country to and peep understand. No one else is doing this like this is absurd. No other countries Vowing this to happen. This is absurd. No one says that you can do. This is absurd in another country. Wouldn't allow this to happen. That, sir,
even in same countries, don't allow this to happen. But here we are loud in this country to be full. It with millions of illegal immigrants and mayor Adams as he described, and I think this is making people wake up. Because look, there's a lot of democrats! Ok, there's a lot of liberals who are out there and they look at mayor Adams and they're. Like that's, that's a that's a woke new york mayor right. There who is coming out saying, I don't know, To deal with this issue, I am not sure what to do with this issue. Here is mayor warning? The city of new york, we're we're doomed if we don't deal with a migrant crisis, wicked, no support on this national crises.
I receiving no support and let me tell you something new yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an end into. I don't see an end to this. I don't see an end to this. This issue will destroy new york city. Destroy new york city. We get into thousand migrants a monk one time we were just in venezuela backbone. I like this. I actually levis we're getting ten thousand a month. That's what it passes getting in like a forty, eight hour period and may around insane going around new york? I'm not saying he's wrong, but if you think ten thousand a month is bad go down to eagle pass and look at four thousand come across a border and ten hours he said,
by the way at the beginning- and I agree with them our quota year out of this- is a national crisis- he's right, It is a national crisis, one seven seven three eight one? Third, eleven. Your phone calls a reaction to this coming out, been ferguson billion for the great one, grandma podcast event, ferguson pike, s turn to break more coming. I know you know it. Companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure clutches data, every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider p talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Just twenty some months folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens,
veteran own and only hires the best estimates service team? here in amerika. Most family sir saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g. work in america, thou pound to fifty and say markel of in to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll saving it national, fifty percent of your first month again a pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, Yes, it's true that marshall event is the fastest growing radio show in amerika the marshal of, and show always on that. Eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one I welcome as it is our convention ben Ferguson, filling in for the gray one is celebrating I support tonight and that he will be back with you tomorrow. In the meantime, what does
number one issue for you in this election. I didn't say anything about it can what's the issue? Is it the economy or is it something different like border security? in a head to head matchup now it looks like Donald trump- has a nine to ten point lead and that's pretty significant over Joe Biden. Why? I actually believe it's probably because of the border issue. Let's go to your phone calls one eight hundred four, seven, four, nine seven, three, two one eight hundred four or at night. Sorry, I got the wrong number, I shall wait. Seven seven producers laughing at me in there eight seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight eleven, let's get to your phone calls go to Anthony. Welcome. You are on the market, then show Ben ferguson filling in high. my name deadly and actually I'm from members
violent. I'm gonna talk to your comment that I had to make was guidance is indeed a crook. He should be removed from office actually go to jail. He has The economy is crushed the southern border, but on the other hand, from a kind of election tactics. I think that keeping Biden air ticket on board is the tibet. For the Republicans Biden and Harris go away. They may actually put someone else. In who can now say, I'm going to fix the border, I'm going to do all these things, to reverse some of the Biden policies just to get elected trump, and then there are Democrats and they're going to lie, and you know just continue. That's that's my comment. Yeah there. It's interesting that you mention that, because there's there's going to be a debate between
gaming knew some. I think it was and dissent as I saw today. That was that's gonna happen on tv, and I don't like that, because I don't want to see what you justice I'd like I dont want to deal with it. don't want to have this idea. Look I'd Democrats believe that donald trump see the easiest person a beaten engine.
Election. Alright, they've gone all in on that idea. That donald trump is the easiest candidate to beat, and so they want him to to be indicted and they wanted to be tied up in court and they think that he's going to you know say things that will turn voters off him. I've said this to many people around the trump campaign. If Donald trump can just stay focused and just talk about the issues, I believe he can win this thing, but if he takes every baited question from reporters where they try to get him to to re litigate the past or the last election right was election or rig fraud, you go backwards and you re litigate that he'll lose and they're going to. Try do that. Donald trump has to stay disciplined and if donald trump can just go back to the basics of talking about
here and now and not take the bait and let the past me the pass and talk about the future and talk about what he did so well in the past. That's fine! You talk about, compare and contrast what your life looks like now compared to what it looked like back, then what you're? or one k is now compared to what it was back in what the gallant price down a gas or milk or bread or eggs or eating out, look like tat, about how how how you could get a home at three percent interest rate compared to twenty one year, high interest rates right now on top of inflation right. It's all compare and contrast, but if he can stay discipline and just not go down that road of reach it is getting the last election, not through Democrats are betting on their betting on her.
People are saying I am the present I was present. I was this election was stolen for me and I am not arguing whether he's right or wrong. I'm saying it turns our voters, if you can just talk about now, the here and now it's gotta be game on, and that goes back to the border. If he can talk about the border and how secure the border was when he was president and how we drop these numbers of illegal crossings to to these all time, low and talk about. You know finishing the wall and building the wall and everything else you go back to that and you talk about those issues. I believe donald trump can win re election
now. Democrats are hoping that he will not stay, disappoint and he'll screw it up the same time. I agree with you anthony. I want to make sure that we can have that we have a candidate that is the easiest to beat. I believe that Joe Biden, I can't imagine Joe Biden, getting through a debate with donald trump right now. I I just can't I cannot imagine it. I cannot Imagine Joe Biden going out there and and convincing people that he is competent enough. I'm talking about mental capacity, I'm not talking about like intellectual, I'm talking about just straight up mental capacity to run this country. I think he's gonna get himself in serious, serious syria serious trouble. I also believe That camera harris is the perfect vice president and the vice presidential candidate, for us to be because all we're gonna have to us
look at her. Do you want her to be around the country? Look at him and there's a very good chance. She will be president within the next four years. Do you want calmly harris because the only birds, worse approval ratings, then Joe Biden right now is coming more people hate, conway, harrison, eight Joe Biden in the democratic party. They can't stand or she's not likeable. There's also ought to be the just police she's completely incompetent, and I agree with that statement. But what you have now- and you have this game of chicken- it's like I, we want the person we believe is easiest to be in the democratic way that donald trump, because they believe he cannot say this point as a politician and he'll screw it up by regret the pass and out of turn our voters in the same people that voted for the first time it involved from the second time, because they were annoyed by his tweets things will do it again, that's their goal. We should be rooting for Joe Biden right now, like never before
to be the nominee and to not all of a sudden say: ok, I'm not gonna run and then bama gavin new summer. Michelle obama comes- and I believe, is a very good chance. It made can be michelle obama. I believe there is a very good chance it that that there's a lot of Democrats quietly behind the scenes at want it to be michelle obama and that's a problem. It's a huge problem. Michelle obama is a candidate, are would be a candidate that would have the best campaigner Besides bill Clinton on our side every day and that's Barack Obama and there's a lot of people like them and there's a lot of you, like obama and the obama family, and they, like the obama, hell of a lot more. They like the buttons- and I do believe that by right now are sitting there in their having this really awkward moment, and that moment is what that. What are we gonna? Do this guy's
mumbling and bumbling his way through the united nations, putting sentences together that don't make any sense words it don't that you couldn't even spell because you don't know what letters is using and they're trying to figure out. I know now what and that's gonna be the problem at the appreciate your phone call one eight seven, seven three eight one, thirty eight eleven when we get a brian imprints albania welcome. You are on the market, then show been ferguson filling in hell up thank you, I enjoy it. So when you host, I have three quick a man on your current topic. Of course it's the border. This is why the president terms numbers are going up because the good people of new york city, which I assume, firstly, democrats and also Chicago. I heard a woman demand that they closed the chicago
city borders to an official. These Democrats are saying what we have been trying to tell them. The border cities of other southern border, have been trying to get the nation to say they are now experiencing it themselves and their abandoning the democratic talking point. Then, dependence or being swayed to president and by the way his demeanor has been very good lately. So I think he's on the right track as far as men and as I don't care, I don't think, there's any you know history, that he is a crock, but I think that he will be exonerated like he was the first time he was charged and suddenly we're supposed to think that the prosecutors and the southern district or new york or after justice, its laughable. The the reason is to turn our attention away from president Biden and his son hunter
and the crime, family and america needs to hear the message that a sea captain once gave to his wireless operators under this fight administration we are? I titanic accept and people are waking up- and I thank the president. Trump will be seated back in the white house and it's going to big because of the Democrats cities who are experiencing the horrific failure of this by administration, and now the officials are even touting the republican talking points and I'm I'm sad for the people of the inner cities, but I am also thankful to them Four waking up and helping america say that we're sank gang well and, like you, gotta, look at the present day. Give example today presents
at the white house today, a reporter yells requested to him. It says what your message to the car companies before you go to Detroit Biden: very confused, his response. I'm going to tell you what it was. He can hear it: okay, because you're going to have to listen carefully. So I want you to know. He says he reese. This- is not a joke. Stay under the speed limit, listen carefully mr let's stay under the speed limit. What your message to car come before you go to detroit to deal with the. U s w stay under the speed limit That is what your president, united states of america sat with world leaders standing beside him stay under.
may limit that's what we ve got for ya. Everybody around it was like what the hell are. You talking about santa speed limit, but this is the same guy that just he sits there and he's like he doesn't know what to do. He was sitting there with anthony blinken on stage what was this earlier today and he said this about again, listen carefully to his words. Thank you very much and I think I'm now this over the cook islands are mature. I do you miss primary. Therefore, as yours, no herzog have they can obtain their internal guidelines here. I have ha this. Is your president of the united states of america are going to I'm going to have around? I think I can cook islands yeah a time is there the islands here
What he's doing I'm never make in front of him anymore? This is it. This is the idiot in chief, this is Joe Biden, the it in cheap, which is why a b c news came out and said that americans are for well saying, you're, not feeling good about the economy and the border american? overwhelmed overwhelmingly, so They are not feeling good about the economy and that the president is to blame. Just thirty percent approval his performance on the economy, a career low, largely dragged down by pocketbook issue for families like food prices that have risen. Four point three. Since since last year our poll, showing more than in ten americans rating them negatively motors across country telling abc news. They are frustrated castle.
Atmore to buy a loaf of bread these days we're all trying to survive. We can't even work two jobs at this point and try to make it. I don't think that anybody is really paying attention to the working man. I don't think anybody's really paying attention to the working man You want to know how to lose a country. You keep doing what they're doing right now. Eight seven, seven three, eight one: thirty, eight and Ben ferguson filling in for the great market, then we'll be right ben Now you know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge. You, for this is great news, and for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just cited,
did it every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever? Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data, plus mobile hot spot just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterinary. And only hires the best customer service team here in amerika, most families, saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five, gee network in america, now pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first, month, again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today,
nobody magnetism our gauvain showbiz ferguson, filling them for the great wondered I'll be back with you tomorrow and there, One other store I just had to bring up roquat. We were talking about this during the break in it does make me laugh, there's a like a huge scandal that involves Joe Biden being erases. The media is not going to cover it. Some in the congressional by carcass- and there were some minorities that were offended by what I'm about the play for you, but it was quietly just kind of tea but back, like our hold on hey guys, say he's on our team: calm down its job, Annie's old, yeah he's old, racists, Joe Biden was in an event, and he referred to ll cool J as a boy now, if a republican would have done this if donald trump, what are referred to now
can american famous individual as a boy, they would have gone wall or would they racism and the races tendencies are delegate trump, but Joe Biden does it now we won't touch it at all, listen to other great artists of our time, represented representing a groundbreaking legacy of hip, hop in america, ll cool, J, the same right, either way the boys guy he got man's got biceps bigger than my thighs. I think he's the mc lyte both of you. Thank you, Matt boy yeah boy: there, I'm rich white country club man at boy down there. You got some muscle I knew your boy yeah, you're, nice boy down there. Now there is that I think everybody knows You can count on here in the room right now that I get.
Guy's name wrong colony boy afterwards, but don't worry. This won't be an issue we'll just move on from it, because it's Joe Biden and and the big guy can get away with this kind of crap one aid, seven seven! one thirty, two eleven get gotta Ivan info if you are on the market, then show been ferguson with yellow paper. Are you done it? The Democrats? We are destroying the country on multiple front. Is not or the other, but or economy there is, G is illegal. Immigration is all that, but the ones I believe that will far republicans up is our kids six words Ben leave our kids, they alone Democrat stole away. election with well yelp centred on a book and the women they got dumped. They got democrats far up about that. We need to get fired. But our kids, if we gonna get fired up about our kid, we can give thought up about anything. You can one
you wanted election of innovative as a template and virginia you're about about the kid and we walked away from it. They force our kids to get shot. He ordered the creek, their teaching a mob, see aren t they teach it raises plant crap. They they teach you to make a change sexes with or without the top parents. Cosette failed gave you all the the low graduation rates drop out rate it cut across, raise your lives that cuts across party lines leave kiss, the hell alone. I wish that was a big enough issue. I don't think it is. Let me explain why republicans for far too long and conservatives have divided this country on that issue. Let and I'm not time at tradition, political division on talking about lack of engagement, because you get your kid and failing school right. You get your kid in a public school. That's doing this
kids and what people do immediately. There are concerned, as they do whatever they have to take to job three jobs to get their kid out of the failing school and when I say leave, they focus on their kids new life at their new school. So- and this is a problem with conservatives When we walk away, we dont go back and try to fix that. They get away with this hold on you bring up a great point. I want to continue to discuss it Ben Ferguson, for the great remarkable, don't forget you can follow me on my pocket. scrap it during the brain function institution day, has come and gone, but there's still time to receive your free copy of the constitution and dec creation of independence for my friends at hills del college grab your free copy, it levine helstone dot com, you may remember that hills delves goes to give away one million copies to americans, who don't have one, and if do have one well give it to someone who doesn't area.
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He's here now: broadcasting, I'm lonely underground the manpower than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader impervious feeling and for the great wine market that is celebrating like a poor. He will be back with you, men yadda, if you just joined us tonight, we are talking new poll numbers that are out and one very interesting aspect to pull numbers right now deal with Minority voters in america now the last election african americans went for Joe Biden why they live government aid and govern handouts and Joe Biden said. I'm gonna give you more covert, cast covered money, it was passed, pandering what I want
this was because at that point we shut down the entire economy because of covert. What did it look like before that we had a president by the donald trump, who had the lowest unemployment rate in history that have been reached for minorities, for african americans, for asian americans for prismatic americans life was, looking really good for minorities in this country. He set out When I give you handouts, I want to give you a hand up, and I want you to have a career. I want you to be successful. I want you to own small businesses. I want to get the government out of your life. I want you to be here to succeed on your own. I want you to not be living in poverty. I want you to be a individual that is six for living the american dream. Now that rhetoric made with minority voters until covert hit and one's covered head tat. It came all about the free money right, the free cash and I and many others, the great one warned you
It is not free money and this money is going to cost. You countless dollars down the road with inflation and interest rates and what we ve seen now, There's a lot of americans have, you said hey if you could go back to new, no dollar, eighty nine gas and you could lower the price of food. Would you give back that six hundred dollars hell yeah wasn't worth it, but at the time, That's what Biden and his friends we're doing? They were buying votes while there's something interesting. Happening right now in the minority community, new posts, members are out in this is concerning republicans are actually say, democrats in a big way. Its concerning them? So much right now. Is this new NBC new news? Pull that's out that says it binds prove already among black voters is down significantly listen. This is
new poll shows the president's approval among black voters. This down seventeen point. Since the first year of his presidency, MR ryan is also down by double digit among latinos voters, without a college degree and independence, and as you mentioned, fifty nine percent of democratic primary voters tell us they wanted a challenge to president by fifteen percent of democratic voters. they want to challenge to Joe Biden. He's down seventeen points with african americans. Now this all So is an issue of enthusiasm, and I want you understand what enthusiasm means just so you can get through the political b s for you today, Finally, when you're the part- that is in power, There is less enthusiasm from that group of voters because you have the power and there's more enthusiasm for the underdog use fighting to get you out of office. Okay, so you
back in history, appalling, and you can see that. But right now, There is a significant separation user. There's a slight separation right. The party that's in power, there's more contentment, you think you're fine, you're not worried in the party. That's lost power, there's more than thirty thousand, because you want to win back the white house in the house and the senate, but members are usually pretty close. Three to four percentage points. That's changing this time! publican. Voters are significantly more enthusiastic about the twenty twenty four election than democrats, not just a little which would be normal significantly more listen to this data from again NBC news with this new pole is also this. We found in enthusiasm gap between the two parties. We asked folks on a scale of one to ten how enthused
to argue about the presidential election and you could see republic into Democrat. There is a gap right there, where's the lad. For Democrats. We found a couple places non white voters. You could see significantly less enthusiastic than white voters and they have that this age gap, the youngest group of voters of democrats, have been trying to get excited in motivated point nearly fifty point gap there, so really an uphill battle to try to make sure voters don't stay home. If your democrats, yeah that's, choose exactly right We also have another part of this pole, and now is the disapproval rating of Joe Biden, This is concerning Democrats as well. Listen, there's just as a simple question of job approval bear Forty percent approve of Joe Biden performance and we have to note fifty six percent. That's the highest disapproval rating for president Biden, since he took office that significant. So, let's take a look at what driving their to hear one big area. No,
prize eightys, the economy? Look at this contrast. This is april of twenty one months after Biden took office, nearly half the country was satisfied with where the economy was then now barely one in four american satisfied with the economy. Just twenty percent of americans say they are satisfied right now, with the account me and where it is now, let's go to minority voters. Real, quick, ok, the number say- and this is of among minorities right back voters. It's down said Ten points since the first year of his presidency. That is significant there There's other doubted its come out. Jim clayburn is the guests. meet the press and he's asked about hey just thirty. One percent of americans have a favourable view of comrade Harris that even lower than Joe Biden, and what does he say the reasons for that racism? I know that you are saying you don't look at the polls too much, but are pulled a show. Her favor ability is actually lower vat.
president Biden and even then former president trump. Why do you think she's not resonating more with voters? What do you think the issue? Because when you compare the first women of color the first woman to be at present, the united states and compare to all of the history before you, that I think you do campaign demonstrate as he did, and at our last night, Exactly what she's doing she, as to capacity, and capability. president of the united states have called upon To do so. I know that yours I mean I love this right. because she's, a woman, Jim clyburn common here's, your races, because she's, of color and the first woman to be vice president and so It's the reason why people don't like her because she's black, your racist, so you better supporter cause she's black. I don't think that's gonna people around. I may be wrong, but I dont
Thank you yelling, that if you dont like calmly harris you're, a racist is gonna a bunch of voters overall, YAP, you're right, Jim Carver said it. spot on right spot on area. I'm sorry, you I've, you figured it out, I'm a racist black women, that's what he's saying if you don't I got my ears and that's part of it Remember what they did. The media dead and democrats did never forget with Iraq. Obama I remember when he was running it was like. Well, if you don't support barack Obama, that's your racist tendencies. Coming out, you couldn't disagree with them because of policies. You couldn't disagree with them because of what he stood for. None of you disagreed with you just agreed with him because the or of his skin and you're a racist. And they shame people in devoting for morocco, burma, because Why are male racism I'll proven here our vote for that guy there see I voted.
guy now you can't come me. I'm Jim kleiber, like If you know my camera harrison than its because she's a black woman, so you hate I'm an engineer and you hate you. you're you're, racists, that's what you are. You are a racist, wanted. seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight! levin one aid, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty, eleven when we go to Paul, welcome you You are on the market, ensure been ferguson filling in for the great when hike. there are also a man is greatly here. He had great to be on your shop and a great doing great tonight, night pay one a couple of points really and you've touched upon a lot of this- the fact that ah they wanted him impeached Joe Biden. I think that's a great idea because there's plenty of evidence for it clearly there's plenty of evidence,
places. There's not I dunno what they're blind or what's what their problem is, but they got it. I think you've gotta keep them in office. I don't think they should get them out of office because if they got them out of office, look who the replacement is the the but you were just talking about she's, an absolute morn I need to have who is president, I think, between the two, a bump That is the reason why there's been real talk in democratic circles about replacing her. And I mean she's whether you like it or not. She is a huge drag on the ticket And she's terrible, I mean she's as bad as making speeches as he. Did you hear that speech where she made you know about time? Well, there's something about time. What would we have time, and or so I mean what in the world are you talking about you as bumbling as he is yeah? I am hold on now come on? Let's be realistic here she she's
the smartest chick you ve ever seen in politics, but she's, not as dumb as Joe Biden is right now, alright right, let's thou back crazy, Joe Biden, Xanadu what scale right now we would not be out of put together coherent sentences, but this idea is cliburn says that you know hey this. a guy there. are you no thirty I sure americans have fair. We have come a harris even lower than by its because she's quota, women of color and first woman to be vice president, so she's be justified as a president who look if you're at the white house tonight you're concerned over this in a way that would make many of you very very I mean you we sit around gone. We need a vice president brings on the table because there's no away that you can vote for Joe? In this election, not paying K, there's a real chance, there's running mate. Ok, there's a real chance!
that his running made is gonna end up being the president of the united states of america, and I also say this: I know why kama Harris was picked is because she looked at Joe Biden on stage and called him a racist. This is the same guy by the way just got an african american elegy ll cool a boy this week right. So it's real like the right is real and they re. if guy crap, we gotta, we gotta go with us right. This is what we're going to have to do. We're going to have to we're going to have to find a black woman it calmly, hairs on here so she'll shut up about the re baiting. That's that's. What would it will get We're going to shut up on the re spending, be it one that that'll that'll fix it right. We'll just shut up on the re speight issues and that of that a fixed while this will be fine. I'm gonna say it now. I will say it again. This is a point
it calmly harris dropped out. She was when the first to drop out, never ever ever ever forget that in that, in that primary, the democratic Mary and she re spain to get a job as the vice president and now they're want a dumper because are sick of her because she brings nothing the table. I don't blow Joe Biden team, for one to dumper she's alive. ability, she's, not an asset, and it's pretty damn clear that she's a huge liable and not an asset to the team right, She is a liability. She say it again. She is a liability. in sum and thirty, eight eleven aid, seven seven three, eight one
Thirty, eight eleven Ben Ferguson, filling in for the great one, will be right back much insecure helps you get, beer and wine delivered in his fast as an hour? So whether you need a filter, Therefore tailgate or fill glass for pino by the fires, these and can save time by getting false sips delivered in just a few clicks visit insecure duck. Or download the app to get free delivery on your first, three orders offer valid for a limited time. Minimum order ten dollars additional term supply must be twenty one are over. For alcohol delivery were available in start at life. To cart, automatic. It is a mark of Chopin ferguson, filling in for the great weren't markov, and it's really nice to have you with us. They'll, be back with you
the morrow and if you just join us, so what is the number one issue for you, this election cycle? Is it the economy or is it border security? And if you don't vote Joe Biden is it because you're evil person and you you just too old and if you dont like calmly harris's it, because your races, that's now it Democrats are saying it really is a me there is an immediate is to me it is amazing how fast a scream racism. If you dont do it, they tell you to do and ah, my hair is, if you don't like her cheer fault, that in cause you're a racist calmly, hairs Favourably, as it is, is a disaster james I'm not your racist. I know that you're saying you don't look at the polls too much but are pulled a show. Her favor ability is actually lower vat.
President Biden and even then former president trump. Why do you think she's not resonating war with voters? What do you think the issue? Because when you compare the first, women of color, the first woman to be. As president the united states, compare that to all of the history before you will give that. I think in this campaign. Demonstrate, as she did in that hall last night, exactly what she's doing she has the capacity and the cap, military President of the united states have called upon to do so so you're races, if you download for him or you're a terrible person. sensing isn't calling african americans, I guess racist, because by approve. A ring among black voters is down seventeen point since the first year of his presidency citizen. You're on the mark, Levin show Ben ferguson within an night high
you're doing a great job. Failure for the great one thing I'm gonna get my check out your pack here. Thank you. I promise. That might my biggest issue and partly as a I grew up or my grandparents fled, I'm a communist country with their youngest child and my mom was basically brought up like you know. First generation and just love this country appreciated so much and now, when we see the stranglehold that the communists, especially the chinese communist party, turkey has made at so many levels in our country. That is my big, and donald trump handled them, beauty, Please have handled ninety percent of things beautifully at his results. Now, I'm from the business world we go by resolve and he had a
no he kept his friends, closeness enemies closer and was able to put them. You know at bay And better and to weaken them so that we can let the good chinese people become free and and not have american companies? at their enslave right now and other companies it I may work, could nike. For example, they don't exist with the profits they have written for slave labour over in china, and everybody knows it. But what do we do? We look the other way. We don't call them out on me where we are either for all the the woke people in that chronic party, you guys sure, do you like your nike is their nike shoes are they really worth child labour that really worth slave labour, but they the other way every single time. That's a democratic party. We like cheap stuff from china
we don't want it manufactured america? We want to stir the american worker, but they will tell you were in favour of union labour right will tell you weren't Of the unions and the union work, love reunion, labour right. I wear where we stand with you, you daddy animals, screw you as soon as we can, eight seven. Seven three aims: On thirty eight eleven been ferguson, filling it for the great one then the thunder, although right now, seven, seven, three one three, two one one blogger mac: it is the mark of a show, then furious and filling in for the gray. One is always an honor to be with you tonight and when Biden took office in Shit was one point: four percent gas two: thirty: nine, a gallant today Why should it is more than double that three point: seven percent and gas is now at three eighty four gowan what is
I saying about his time in office, rewriting history, listen it again I've noticed lahti. Focus now, my age Will I get me I know better than anyone southern outside well, I came to office. This nation was flat on his back. I knew what to do. I vaccinated the nation and rebuilt the economy, so yeah rebuild their economy and I was vaccinated every about a psycho, you took office, inflation was one point four. You skyrocketed above that three point: seven and use skype gas prices, three d, four, and you want me to believe that your rebuilt it are you insane, I that's what you're doing and you ve destroyed our country at the border, even dig turban, listening durban, unseen and asked about the surge and though
prices at the border and the pressure Putting on Biden. Listen! Do you expect What crossings to keep rising? well. I can tell you very serious challenges that we've never seen before. At least in this volume do you really that's like can count. it's a very serious challenge that we ve never seen before its rising. Ok. Thank you. Thank you for that dig. Durban. So mean. Thank you. Thank you. So much for the way that way to clarify all that for us. abc news. I have to give them some credit and I never give them credit unless they deserve it and they deserve it on this one they ran. report this week in and told the truth for once about how, the economy is as Joe Biden out their tony. I rebuild the american economy to vaccinate everybody a man.
can overwhelmingly say they are not feeling good about the economy and that the president, is to blame. Just thirty percent approve of his performance on the economy. A career low, largely dragged down by pocket book issues for families like food prices that have risen four point: three percent since last year pull showing the nine in ten americans rating them negatively motor. across the country telling abc news, they news frustrated on costs. Atmore to buy a loaf of bread these days, we're all trying to survive. We can't even work two jobs at this point and try to make it. I don't think that anybody is really paying attention to the working man or the job, economy rebuild did by golly. I did. I bet I the whole damn thing: That said, all of you, Every single one of you, I vaccinated. That's my
You see, I'm glad he's talking about it my way, because it really will remind people. This is. a guy. You want to vote for. If this is what he's gonna- do right it is, this is what europe this is, what you want to do, but hang at least we got a prison that's coherent and his age. Does it matter? Twenty one to go at the white house. This is where their president sounded like the they gathered here. Biden mumbling moment, folks that it ass me has. cut funding for I saw or heard some then on one of the on the internet. I guess we have several internet's now.
Because he heard I wanted the internet's exactly by the way I saw heard something on one of them on the internet. I wanted the internet's, then I cut funding for it may see use, but that's first. saying from the truth, then again a lot on that internet. That's the exact call them the united states of america front from just a few moments ago. And in what's your message to the car comes before you go to detroit where the auto workers era, where, where Joe Biden confused yelled back at a reporter a couple hours ago, stand If the It is not an issue folks Joanne you're, on the mark of Ben ferguson failure for the great one area. all benefit, then I'm fine and the woman before me was terrific, telling you that you are you great you and I want to join you, but I did too. I rode on their own one that just wrote on there that the Can you doing all you're like many live in Libya?
you long as you're, not nothing ever every so often work on that on that I gotta get be home for copyright reasons there. Oh you re you're, a considerable. I mean my friends. We live a better all gone. I gotta we'd, better, get their mark anyway, so now I will. Can I just want to cook a couple of quick things because you're running out of time- and you also like mark in that you don't let us in enough- we need to We need a few more of us emails. I could talk a little bit until your notes, coach, I'm taking notes her. I am rather go agreement with my money, pray, tell you! We want you hearing for me. Ok, thank you real quick! Are we really have to get over a mumbling pulling a band of I'm gonna? Call him jellybean just to be nice, the end including comma behind him, because you know what we all I know is right. Now is my main point tonight. If nothing else, we are the lift stock of the world and an please make We ve taken by that. I mean pleased really, which
and the only other thing is. I would love to have been a fly on the wall. Lester, when he's in pain and putin at a meeting or private meeting, I dunno who heard about it or who didn't. But I thought I read it. I heard it. I thought, and you know, I'd love to have been a fly on that war, because they're laughing the rear end it off. laughing the rear and off right now at us? There's one thing I would say about that: you mentioned a moment ago about, should we laughing. I am worried right now about national security, more than I've been in probably ten years, because of the number of people that are coming across the border right now they have ties to terrorism where catching people on the terrace watch list. Now on a regular basis. Ride so so understand, that's happening. I fear
that we're gonna have a terrorist attack in the not too distant future and we're going to find out for damn sure right afterwards that they came across the open southern border and at anyone by the way that that says to me been that's absurd. No, you can't say that that's like that's ridiculous. I I don't believe it's ridiculous. Okay, I want to. I want to make that clear. I do not believe that this is ridiculous at all. I think it's reality and it frustrates me because I do it two reasons. Let me say this: why it frustrates me one because we know it's a threat to our national security having an open border. We should have learned our lesson after nine eleven, but we ve forgotten the lesser nine eleven we avenant ministry should that makes deals with terrorists like we just stay with a ran, sending them back. What was it six billion dollars for five
People paying ransom and sending back those who that the iranians want to back. We pay ransom. Now americans. This does not make a safer to carers, who kill a man, can soldiers in iraq and afghanistan on a daily So that's what around it the people that are chanting deaf to america. We just gave him six billion dollars, that they had not had access to. That's so that to your dealing with That's the incumbency of this administration, but we, should know that a net that than an open border allows a can open. An open border allows for terrorists to exploit. This country's vulnerabilities and that to me should be an issue. I firmly believe that,
I believe that we really really really really should have a mercedes about not just that illegal immigrants coming across the border? Ok, we're we're we're talking about forget six, our national security with terrorists with which, with terrorist folks with terrorists, what the hell is wrong with these people a hundred are one aid, seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eight eleven, we got to Larry and Augusta georgia. I'm just
alice was everytime. I hear augusta as a golfer that just makes my day Larry. I hope you played it. If you haven't, you got a sneak on there. Take your chances. How are you, sir? I've been watching, but never actually played the course local talk show guy named Austin road. They just play it every year, but anyway I was going to Right people not talking about our national debt and right now, the debate in the budget. Ok, It where I got a bad connection with you hold on I'm going to try to come back to you. Ok, let me go to David. Any jersey, you're, on the mark of ensure Ben ferguson with yellow. Thank you. my call someone who has been voting since nineteen, eighty, five or republicans and someone wasted because of september eleven. I need for every american citizen is listening to our group,
they party partly should now, whether it all Mcconnell or the guy? Living in the one bedroom, sweet with frank lights, police is taken, came out so he's busy the republican party leadership, including mittens romney's needs, are not doing, finger to help our republic. They have got to do something that control the southern border and the way tat they want to cut the spending so the check in doubt less as a former navy sailor. I take the the utmost ridiculous nature that the republican party leadership is serious about anything. Are they even at a cut funding friend? Pr? How the mccarthy will you cut funding friend, pr you little coward? Thank you for taking my car. God was about there is david, get to talk to you, one aid, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty, eight Levin, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eleven been ferguson filling in for the great wonder, forget grandma my podcast. Let her keep up with you guys during the weekend,
I would have been fergus implied, Cason withstand, had sat way more coming up love now. You know it companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk customers pure talk, decided day every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterans. and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g
work in america, thou pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again dyer pound to five zero say, mark Levin and make the switch tom I saw a phone company pure talk today, the back? It is the mark of a show Ben ferguson filling in for the great one he will be back with you tomorrow. In the meantime, I want to get some of your reaction to this. Election and the new poll numbers. The members do not look good for Joe Biden. This is the first time the media's kind of starting to say. Ok, we're freak out a little bit more freaking out at the idea that the we might lose. This thing the pole, numbers that they keep worrying about our pull numbers. It now show in a head to head match up that binding is down by nine or ten points. Now that can change want to be clear.
over a year away, but this number for him- is the lowest of his presidency, with a unemployment eight that is starting to move in the wrong direction for him. Inflation numbers that art, through the roof gas prices that are extremely high, again an interest rate to the twenty one year: high one aid, seven, seven, three, eight one thirty, eight eleven andrea in pencil. you're on the mark, Levin show Ben ferguson with your high the ferguson? How are you underwhelming? Our EU arms? I am- First time caller, and I guess stumble
were your radio station and all I here is the vision, the vision, the vision the Democrat or the republic is both of em are no better than the Democrats. Make list and Republican can make mistakes. Mitchum, o connell is no better than Joe Biden with their health problem. there should be an age limit when it comes to who congress who says on the supreme court Yes, we have a border plots or will honour once they must go back the aging real quick. You're saying that you Joe binds too old to be president. So what is the age then? That you think is the cut off if you could be king for a day, and I say that age cut should be at least
the one, how carried them So let me ask you this law based on. Why did you come up with a number Well because seventy one people people are, it's longer and sometimes at seventy one. You do have a sense of direction. You do have a sense of um was why, was warm. You now would suddenly what I think is a great age to just say kay after seven. Why not? Seventy then can bear to seventy one. Why the one extra year? Well, because sometimes It certainly want. I mean I'm have worked with some, God had been able, cannot immigration, we wanted, they steal, quickening, all one, sir, In other words, your ear admitting you just arbitrarily the age, seventy one not based on science,
based on life expectancy, just because you know a guy at the that you work with. You say: seventy ones, probably the number no pulling your people that still do Seventy one kick him out to pasture right. I got just get rid of them here you were all is mere mcconnell. I don't know I can google it. If you really need to know well go ahead and google it I'd. So a guy so midsummer colonels eighty one. He was born in in nineteen forty, two least that down ok, so much for connell's gone by age, but you want to get rid of him a decade ago ronald Reagan would have never been president. If we had a your way. Joe Biden would of their main reason. If we have it your way, Donald trump would have never been present. We have it your way. So again this goes
to the core issue of you just picked and arbitrary number, and you cited that's too old for you mile. Well, she's, what I'm telling you it seventy one! What what are they going to do with you? seventy one. I hope to be about it. What if your Should they automatically retire. You listen. I'm a single mom. I've been work in driving a damn chocolate when you see how you gonna drive a dump jacket, seventy one you're too old for that. well wait. A minute is some guys or my job death. Listen if you're a complicated to do your job I met a lot of twenty one year old that are incompetent and thirty. One year olds are competent. and is a midsummer conall. Ok, so you want. In other words, let me recap this rig quickly. You know I gather side- and you know I go-
when politics and you want to get rid of all of em. So what level? One other question? Who do you think should be? president, if you just got rid of all of them, warfare to be I don't know feeling that was gonna be be the response and I think that's the most of thing you ve said so far. You don't know. Thank you for summing up perfectly for me. Time. Marco Van back with you tomorrow. Let me to keep up with now. Am I ass if he would then ferguson, pod gas have a great man.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.