« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/23/19


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media moves in a pack making them very predictable as they attacked every republican they could find over the weekend on Ukraine. The "whistleblower" pseudo-event is just hearsay. Joe Biden says he's never discussed his son's business dealings with him, yet Hunter Biden says he did speak with his father about these business dealings. Who’s lying? Following Biden's on-camera threats of firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, Hunter Biden was named to the board of Barisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Yet, there isn't a single Democrat willing to investigate this, or Hunter Biden's similar involvement with a Chinese company. Just like Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, Joe Biden needs to be held to account for what he did on behalf of his son which includes obstructing justice in and blackmail. The media and the Senate should be asking scores of questions of Biden, instead of asking for the transcript of a private conversation between two presidents. Then, presidential hopeful Bill Weld says that President Trump should be put to death for his "treasonous" actions. Meanwhile, Rep. Adam Schiff continues leaking to the media and misrepresenting the facts. Later, Jerry Nadler joins the climate change chorus saying that we may face a mass extinction. Finally, Andrew Pollack calls in to wrap up the analysis of his book, Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger America's Students.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now, in its hundred and seventy fifth year hills is a truly independent institution where learning Surprised and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody. My dear I number seven seven three eight point: three, eight one, one, eight seven seven create one. We won one where I tell you this way with play out
The Sunday shows her all predictable the pack media. Move in a pack. They don't think for themselves. You watch one Sunday showed the same as the next. Every Publican who happen to be scheduled for Sunday show found themselves on defence under attack every one of us. Because of the Democratic Party press The way this story broke, Koran quote. Probably leaks from the House Intelligence Committee Democrats. First, it was whistle blower claims Trump pressured ukrainian President to investigate Joe Hunter Biden, he what military aid that is Trump. Then it was Trump pressured ukrainian President to investigate Joanne Hunter Bud. But though, no quid pro quo. That is,
A terrier was provided. Then whistle blower complaint. Being withheld from Congress by Justice Department, a director of national into. Then it was whistleblowers, not a true whistleblower here. She witnessed nothing here, nothing first hand, all hearsay. Then the foreign minister, the Ukraine, denied the trump pressure them. Joe Biden citing ever discussed Ukraine with his son hunter hunters the past they did discuss with father at least once. And that's the news. And so the Democrats and the media are working together the allegation is did trot bass ukrainian president to investigate by. If so, that's grave, they say, Teachable they say we
the transcript they say. And by the way they include May Romney. Who has his own mental issues, apparently ever back that for I'm sure millions of you agree with me now. And so we have nothing. So now we're to violate separation of powers. You see, and now at present is not allowed to have conversations with heads of state. I'd say he did say to them. You should really look into this matter. This could be corruption and so forth. I have said Extensively, the United criminal code- that's not a crime. What the Democrats in the media will say? Well, that's not attach that's not the standard for impeachment, what's the problem and to take out a political opponent. Well, let's get all the facts on the table.
Joe Biden obstructed justice in the Ukraine, like I said on Friday, He blackmail that government threat new withhold a billion dollars and military aid. If they didn't fire. The prosecutor investigating a son. Peter Schweizer points out, and Spyware Roderick Kimball space sixteen twenty fourteen Devon Archer Hunter by business partner, made a private Is it to the White House for a meeting with Vice President Biden, Five days later, on April, twenty one Joe Biden, landed in Kiev Re Series of high level meetings with Ukraine officials, soon, thereafter, the United States and the International Monetary Fund by more than one billion dollars into the ukrainian economy, then Stay there was a public announcement that art had been asked to join the board upper embarrassment.
Three weeks after that, on May thirteenth, there was officially announced that Hunter Bind would join too. Like Hunter Biden, Archer had no background, Spirits in the energy sector. In March twenty sixteen ukrainian officials fired Victor Shaken This new controversial prosecutor general, whose office was overseeing the investigation and the and Hunter by. Six months later, the charisma case was drop entirely, and you heard the video. You saw it on some shows. Joe Biden has bragging that he himself, the former vice president, played a key role in the prosecutors dismissal. There's, not a single democratic Congress who showed the interest in this whatsoever, not one. Then we have the Washington examiner August. Twenty seven, twenty nineteen, John three steps on Russia.
Damage control at the State Department after him, This partner Hunter Biden cut a deal with an all our own ukrainian gas company, twenty fourteen, according Internal State Department correspondence obtained by the Washington, examining. Any mail released to the Washington examiner shows that binds decision to join aboard aboriginal holdings sparked in idiot concern within his inner circle a political optics by Father, Joe now, via? The twenty twenty Democratic Party nomination was then vice. President in overseeing Obama illustration: ukrainian policy, twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen charisma paid three point, four million to a company called Rosemont Seneca Bow high quality. The New York Times and that country pay by up to fifty thousand, we know now it's over eighty thousand a month during the,
they period, Joe Biden pressure the ukrainian government to fires the prosecutor, whose, getting wrong doing a bourgeois rays questions from critics about whether this was related to his sons position at the gas company By step down from that board, before Father announced his presidential run archer convicted for his role and an unreal. Deposit scheme last November, but was recently granted a new trial. There's not a single Democrat in it states Congress, not one who has shown any interest in it. Third, exhibit they homeless, Paper Trans Solomon. Although by made no mention of a son and its twenty eighteen Spiteri says you know. I got this press. You're fired you The ukrainian authorities both told me buying is office clearly had to know about
General prosecutors, probe embarrassment, Biden, son Hunter, they noted appointment to the boy was rightly reported in America media U S embassy in Kiev that coordinated bides work in that country repeatedly. Publicly discuss the general prosecutors case against charisma, grey Britain took very public action against charisma, while job by. Working, the governmental Ukraine issues by Software was quoted on record shoes acknowledging hundred buttons, Roland Charisma and then times article about the general prosecutors poorest MC case that appear for months. Before by force, the firing of Shokhin At a single Democrat in Congress is interested in any of this, none of it, none of it
Then we have this. From the hill newspaper time ago, a private, pretty far managed by the Son of former Vice President Joe Biden Hunter struck it. China, state on bank and twenty thirteen, the same The ban was in the country to meet with chinese present occasion ping, hundred Biden who arrived in China Board AIR Force to alongside the vice president of the rest, a U S delegation, I'm control of this company. Rosemont Seneca Partners, a private Would you firm that would go on to strike a deal with the stain of Bank of China to create a one billion dollar joint investment fund thirteen the younger bind would be part of an official. U S, delegation in the country ten days later, Rosemont his company entities linked a one billion dollar deal with a bank of China. The deal was eventually increased
to one and a half billion dollars. One and a half billion dollars. Now. Deals made by the firm common by the government to China and the two sons of top american officials and includes John Kerry, steps on we're going to have seen national security implications for the United States. Such deal was with automotive, subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China AV. I see him, you're chinese military contractor accused are frequently stealing: U S military technology, it light twenty Fifteen, this company would go on to purchase fifty one percent of Amerika And precision part manufacture, heritage, Joe Biden son, but the other forty nine percent, and a deal that was approved by the committee on foreign investment in the United States.
Includes members of numerous government agencies, including the state Department. Including the state department. Ever be John Kerry State, the bar. Not a single democratic, Capitol Hill who's interested in any of this. There's not a single, so called journalist, CNN who's interested in any of this. There's, not a single, so called journalists that MSNBC interested in this. Any more than there are interested in the Obama administration, interference with the twenty sixteen election. Spies in the trunk campaign, their beauty violations of the rules with respect to the face, a court that levels of the FBI leaking against the present in the United States. And the list goes on and on and on
Today we are talking about impeaching, the president of the United States. That is in fact in fact, did press the present Ukraine, to invite to date. The binds is there something wrong with that. Should the governor Ukraine be investigating the binds. The government of the United States should be doing exactly the same thing. No, we don't need lectures from NATO policy. On over to demand To me Abbas accuse me. The mass murder who run Syria escaped me as it should. But you know what I'm talking about. We don't need heard a lecture us. What is a rich? No Map mood Abbas. Well they're, so many mass murders
I believe he, Sir he's the Palestinian Authority later Did it confuse the widow lectures from her with a democrat pop Ernie, these people, throw around the word impeachment. There are the ones who started this a few days ago, I expected, as I explained they did this. Two Immunize Joe Biden, and you can hear it all day, long people repeating exactly what I said- that's exist- likely the case. That's Actually, the case. But thanks to you folks me Friday, others now today, Like they're gonna get away with this. I'll be on Hannity denied at nine thirty pm eastern time. To make the cases simply as I can, as is necessary to do so on the programme. But we don't you don't buckle of this stuff
it just like Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted on multiple counts, as she the democratic nominee for president, but she violated the espionage act repeatedly. And Joe Biden has to account for what he did on behalf of the sun. And he absolutely did interfere in a prosecution. Her certainly investigation, there's Europe's Action of justice in the ukraine- and he also blackmail them structured and blackmail. Donald Trump did nothing once again. And there we have these these disgusting, Republicans just buckling under their so nervous. Yes, we should release the transcript of conversation. Tell me. Many transcripts of presidential discussions with fine leaders have ever been released and they transcripts. I am not aware of any
police. Based on what. There's no violation of anything here, so the demo that's now, and the media same thing just keep your impeachment impeachment impeachment. We have a right to this information spot the waves postal Worth, the president doesn't work for the media and the press. It doesnt work for the Democrats, including my house Democrats. That's not, The constitution is set up. And there are constantly trying to blackmail this man with this impeachment threat. That's what they're doing. And the closer we get to the election notice, the more they use. The impeachment word to trying affect public opinion, no! I know their house out there. Their house They did not worry, everything's, fine, blah blah blah history, back. Let me tell you something folks,. These same house should trop lose we'll have a plainly. Spend an attitude about it. Don't listen to them. We
The battle of our survival. As a nation weird in the battle of our survival for liberty and for our children and grandchildren. This isn't something to blow off or something to disburse, explain away or spin. This is a battle he D, keep your political, you know. Arguments ready and make the case say: political brass knuckles. Yes,. You need to be ready. You need to engage.
Just blow these things often have a trouble here and there I'll be right back since its founding in eighteen, forty, four hills, they'll call. It is provided students with sound learning of the kind of central to preserving our civil and religious liberty. I want to tell you about him Primus the free monthly speech. Digestive hailstones college in primacy is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty by covering important cultural, economic, political and educational issues first published in nineteen. Seventy two in primacy is one of America's most widely read: publications in support of liberty with more subscribers three point: nine million than the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and recent Primus publications have a job issues like free speech, the regulation of big tech, mental illness and the American Medical Insurance system
cause. America's founding principles are so important. Hailstone offers and Primus absolutely free of charge to anyone who requested that's right. You can subscribe to Primus for Free here's. What I want you to do, I want you to visit in Primus thought Hills, they'll, DOT, Edi you for your free subscription, that's an Primus! I m p r. I am I S, daughter, still that EU welcome too.
We still have no time to ask a question of job. I have you ever spoken fears about its overseas business dealings, never showed him. How do I know I know from deserve to be investigated? Is why lady every basic norm of a president, you should be asking him the question: why see on the phone with a foreign reader? I that's enough face he's been scripted, but he said he never discussed this with some he's a liar told you before these aren't gaps. The man is a problem. Cereal liar better past and about everything else. And that's why I got irritated with Peter Peter Deuce. He asked a simple question. And he was extremely defensive,
to the new Yorker from July. Is written by Map Margolis over their Pga media. Hunters Biden set. That we discuss this with his father now Why would Joe Biden Labour the same people One after Trump, his kids bid Stealing should have no interest in this whatsoever. None can you imagine. Four was Donald Trump and Donald Trump Junior. And all this money was being pocketed by Hunter buying them should be about Don Junior and then Trump interfered to get the prosecution stopped and so forth and spent heaping impeached. Over this I mean,
slim pick. This is a big day off, but Biden has done here. We must rammed down their road I'll, be right back. You know our nations oldest colleges, refunded to teach students to seek truth, recognize what beautiful and hold up what is good, but the vast majority of them have abandoned their missions, locked in the grip of political correctness. They no longer allow free and open discourse rage. Thing, the idea of objective truth: they pedal moral and cultural relativism. Thankfully none of this applies to Helstone College. For all Two centuries Hills Dell has remained true to its original mission to provide sound learning of the kind of central to preserving civil and religious liberty and intel Impiety now is here Still celebrates its one hundred and seventy fifth year, it remain
committed to offering its students the very best liberal arts, education in the land, as well as to extending its mission nationwide to its many outreach efforts on behalf of liberty. These include free online courses, the publication of its free speech, Digest and Primus its Kirby Centre for constitutional studies and citizen ship in Washington DC and its Barney Charter School Initiative, which is helping to establish classical k through twelve charter schools, nationwide pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four, this is hailstones college and, let me add, I think so much of Hills Del college I donated in a regional copy of a compilation of the Federalist papers which sit today, as I speak at the Kirby Centre, Hills Dale College. America's college voice talk with that voice. Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: what should we haven't worked long term watch them, because it is what I wanted to really take part Fredo Fredo's performance who's got, but according to core sets, Fredo Cuomo.
He's not only shaking up these forms of ash didn't see, he is. He's not only really. White solid on so many things. He's not only shaking up these forms of actually see he hilarious and that's. Why he's so? Damn effective, hilarious, Can you imagine job Their case sick or the Scots thing, Romney? No, no. Trumpet the? U N today cut one go.
A moment ago. Did you tell me your brain leader that they would only be investigated? Joe Biden understand? No, no Jo Leinen said Joe Biden was very dishonest. What what did he said if they don't do this or that get rid of a certain prosecutor, Joe Biden, but because you're a faker you in particular here of a group of people report? I didn't do it and you can. I hope, to be able to see a call, because I didn't do it you're everybody's looking for that call he's going the way you do it, because when you see the call, you gotta be very surprised. Why? Let me go. Let me just because you're, like the one that
did a very, very bad when he said that, and I think it was one point: two billion dollars. You was a prosecutor who is investigating you, son and a company that has worked for then you also say how much money do the sun make from the Ukraine and then ask another question: how much money is suddenly from China based on energy? He knows nothing about energy, so why did he leave China? Why did he leave Ukraine with all this money? So Jo Leinen, who is very designers, those with joy? many questions. I dont understand the Republicans clean the Senate. They control the damn Senate, retirement of every committee than I state Senate is a Republican. I don't understand, why they're not investigating these matters? I dont stand whether not legitimately issuing scores us subpoenas always
look political, stop worrying about what you look like right now. You look like a bunch of morons. Studies have guys like Romney, taken up the space. Mommy's a failure he's on is a loser here, you talk to get elected, telling you these are legitimate questions and the report Kids need to stand up, particularly in the Senate,. And they should say in the Senate, you outstanding, adult, don't bother spending us and sending us impeachment over here, don't even away, Your time They should open an investigation, the Senate Judiciary Committee. This intelligence Committee, the Senate Affairs Committee: they should I'll, be opening investigations or is scores subpoenas, ah holding press conferences Chester.
The democratic do in that house instead Viti. Why, I think they are released. The transcript says to me. I'm gravely concerned about this as Romney manner, get up, you Eddie, you know what the hell, wrap against ear. A law that left is running circles around you more trump at the. U N today cut you go now when you see the call, if you see I see it frankly, you will find a meteor. Why you may Taiwan that may sound introduced. Some of you. Presidents are not supposed to just give up report records, of their conversations with other heads of state transcripts. But its ever been done Democrats just what this as an excuse. You know it's like sixty grand jury and promote, wait, demand or you don't get it.
Wait, a man a transcript of the president's, conversely, or since, when do they get that there is not China of a crime has been committed here but with a wasn't, even a whistle blower. Somebody that has no first hand knowledge of anything. What did I call this in my book. It's a pseudo event thanks to Professor Borst, say shooter with that's what the present calls it fake It is a sort of it. It's a nice Event that keeps growing agrippa pseudo events the more pseudo events which need more pseudo events, they grow and grow and grow. That's what they do. The democratic leaking to their democrat friends in the media and vice versa. This is another set up job there, the immunized Barton, I think ever tougher and take down trump. Yet again,
While all this is going on, the Good NEWS is what's taking place in that country. It's no attention whatsoever. The real threats to their country gets no attention whatsoever. Now it's trumps defending his conversation with ukrainian President. When you love to have all the transcripts of Iraq, Milhouse Benita Obama's conversations with heads of state, we That one little clip way Now the year. The camera was on the audio was on telling my dad did he give debate a bid. Vladimir Putin's psychic after you, after the election, I had more flexibility. Please tell lad. Yes, I shall. I would do yes, nobody problem, Democrats, oh my god. What is no problem
And so what you see an end to those two Adam Schiff, fake tat that complete hack. Complete, yellow journalist they bring in membership. Why cause item ship says what they want and say that's why. All right, let's go to the we do cut to already. Let's go let's go to,
to place? Got felt when you see the call? If you say it say it frankly, you will find out that I did not do that at all and you re very disappointed. When you see it's really a disgrace. It really is a situation. Where shows the press you that such a bad, we between justice cabin and this thing's, showing how dishonest so many members of the press are not all of you, but several members of the press are so totally desires, but this is the case. I hope you can see the court, because your question you will see I did not ask for did. I did not make you say you have to do this or I'll give you I wouldn't do that because he has a separation of powers is surely has to protect the office of the Presidency Congress. Create these pretexts for demand This kind of information, a president, cannot function if he cannot
confidential foe cause with other heads of state at present That function, if his council, like Mcgann Is yanked up the Congress under other pretext. At present and has to be able to do its job, the entire is now the House Democrats in the media, it's too kneecap. This present is too so thoroughly burden him and straw is reputation and character with the american people with their propaganda and most subpoenas to keep em busy cut Threeg
everything was president. Everybody knows it's just a Democrat which argue we go again failed with Russia in the south and wonders problem is vital. If you look at what line did what they would like to have me do went wrong. I didn't do find. It is a disgrace. What is Sunday is known ass. They not pressing by as I speak, there are not pressing by. They're, not bringing Republicans on to talk. Bob Biden on these various cable shows and so forth. At tromp. This is how it works. This is Media this group think this is what the Democratic Party press. Those of you half a million of you, have read on freedom of the press that
what it's all about their agenda we do not have a free press, we have Propaganda machine with some few islands, safe havens, exceptions, money from you re the sums of money from a lot of money from China. China would love to see you could think of nothing but rather see inviting get in because they will take this great deal, the whereabouts of me and they would really ask themselves. Why is it? There's sure Council investigating the burdens. How come you're not hearing the the The calls the LAO Shrill voices of the Democrats Or by the media, or vice versa, how come you're not hearing for a special council? Why is that.
I'm quite years about this. Text Jenna, we we don't stand still and take our constant. The slings and arrows here. The Americans between Ukraine and the Eu S list confrontation between cranium foreign minister this weekend, This to say about all of this cut forego the most
I think the situation that has taken place with the Americans between Ukraine and the Eu S list confrontation between Republicans and Democrats, all these populations that Ukraine helped the Democrats that we wanted a President Clinton incentive. President tromp. This is a result of misinformation and evil intentions of certain people. We lost a lot of momentum of progress. Those who work in relations between Ukraine and the USA understood that we work with both parties. We always valued the help from both sides and our priorities won't change with relation to the? U S, regardless of who is in the administration. Different american presents have supported us and we value the support of Congress, but that doesn't mean we could or have the capability of, even in theory, of helping one or the other party. To say that, where an independent country we have our own secrets, our presence has the right to speak to another president, so that that conversation, women's confidence, stop right there. Other heads of state what there relations remain confidential to but
Democrats and Congress are bulls in a China shop. They could care less there in full destruction. If they can't when they want to burn everything down. They ve got their little militia wing antiques out there they ve got there. Growing anti semite wing, they ve got off kinds of things going on in the democratic party. Go ahead, does the precondition that leaders said each other so that they can exchange sensitive information. American vessel gaiters have the full right to turn to the. U S plan to get this information if they think that our president has been pressured licking clear this up, I know what they spoke about and I dont think there was any coercion. There was a talk. Talks can be on different topics. Leaders have the right to talk about any problems they wish. This conversation was long. It was friendly in it touched on a lot of questions, some of which had rather serious implications. We don't care, we gotta get Trump.
This is a grave grave says: Mitt Romney. Nancy Stretch Pelosi now, Now some of these. Freshmen house members who want a republican or purple districts. About their having second thoughts on impeachment. Now this might do it test might do it depending on who hearing with the directive Intelligence they acting director if he doesn't cough up. If he doesn't give us the transcript by the conversation? Well, I'm by God, they saw pod. Centrist, moderate Democrats who won in these republican districts? That's the For them they can't take it anymore. Now, they're gonna, back impeachment use Trump has done it and, of course, the Ladys in the suburbs were told her ass. We here we ve had enough
but were Donald Trump Leah that president, we we cannot tolerate his tweets and in his way he speaks none of them wait. We can't do this right Melanie, hence right Tiffany.
I'll be right back more than liberty and learning and a healthy democracy. These two things are mutually supportive in America. Today, however, that bond is broken to help prepare the breach hills. Del colleges wants the Van and oh graduate school of government in the nations capital and, unlike other graduate programmes, hills dealt, teaches politics as a human activity, oriented toward justice, a series of choices guided in the best case by right principles, but made an ever changing circumstances. I require prudence to achieve the best, attainable results. Tills deals, curriculum, combines the careful reading, a primary sources and serious historical inquiry. Students learn how to apply the principles of free government an advance. The cause of constitutional is in the context of ever changing circumstances. He'll, snails, new, vain and or school of government is a program, unlike any other, in Washington, Dc Hills Del College pursue.
The truth and defending liberty since eighteen forty four learn more at Lavigne for a hills: Delta COM, that's l, E Vienne, free hills Del backup, so they drag out. John Hornby face the nation when his own steps on is caught up in his own steps and over Faced a nation, they don't you bring it up, cut six go
the Secretary of state seem to be supporting on this programme. What Rudy Giuliani the presence personal attorney is doing in terms of calling for an investigation into Joe Biden will first of all what are appropriate for the programmes, personal authority to be involved in another country trying to find dirt on a bridge village that right there he's not trying to find dirt. There's already dirt dummy same guy who's undermining our second. Estate They're gone around his back dealing direct they were the Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran. There's no! inappropriate about our president sang somebody need to get to the bottom of this in Ukraine. Present. It's not obstructing justice. The president's promoting justice, Joe Biden, absurd. The justice in Ukraine and then blackmail them blackmail.
John Kerry is not exactly disinterested party, given his steps. I M not saying anything was done wrong. I don't know, but his name popping up, go ahead. Number two What President trumpets done is in a blue if he has done it and the way approve where there is done or not is released. The transcript about. We release all the transcripts when you were sector estate, talking the heads of state or your counterparts However, we do that you clown that's how you get to the bottom of this, but there's just you know for the present United States to be leveraging american Farm policy Hocking it now, let's, let's not, you know it. Virtually every present in the United States leverages american foreign policy for honest with ourselves. Does and they do the wrong thing. Like Obama carry. Is a guy. They gave a hundred fifty billion dollars to the enemy guide.
Another country, that's what has happened is unprecedented and the last time the president did now. It's not unprecedented manufacture, hero, Kennedy, Chappaquiddick TED the Cape COD Orca, communicated with the head of the KGB through a surrogate former senator and conspired with them on how to defeat Reagan. In his re election bid, it was written our body professor, can gourd appears in my book on freedom of the press. Again we don't.
Lectures from these guys here. This is here now run casting a mermaid underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building it we once again made contact with our leader. My love. Anybody mark living here aren't number seven. Seven one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one not forget the download the mark, Levin Podcast second list me anytime, day or night, even when we're preempted by sports It happens on some stations, like my home station dubbing, Romeo
gotta mark Levine showed outcome? Attire homepage for the great mother, chip of websites are radio website. Mark Levine showed outcome, click, Audio rewind, it's the middle, the top of the homepage then I'll. Take it the podcast paid. Then you have choices, apple pie, Stature, Google podcast: what do we want. It's easy to download and I'll be With you all the time, and then you can just play whenever you want. Maybe you're busy. When the show was aired again, we have the podcast, it's it's a massively growing podcast. I consider the size of our terrestrial radio audience. Understand our satellite audiences, massive. We ve over three million me on our podcast. Imagine. If I wasn't doing, I am from radio Wasn't doing satellite dish streaming out there, and just only did a pod guest.
This bizarre by we have twenty million people on our part, kissed. Don't you think so. You never know one day, you just never know. I'll be on Hannity tonight, that's right! Nine Three p eastern time to discuss some of the stuff. This latest sir fraudulent attack on the present, the United States. You know bill well was not just governor Massachusetts. He was. Attorney. They also serve to the tv associate. Attorney General United States. I work with bill well. The world is a conniving unconscionable on earth, Carpio S. He, along with the then deputy attorney general, aren't burns. As well as Rainy Levine, who I believe is now the presidency of the Yankees of all things,
they went to the oval office where Ronald Reagan was president, Did he get Ronald Reagan to fire The attorney general these at least one of his longest confidence, one of the most decent ethical man, I've ever known a mentor and they failed. Parents failed. Levine failed and wealth failed. Three musketeers and wealth. Was really a policeman. And he did all this to position himself to run for governor of Massachusetts. He's doing a similar thing against President Trump choose me. Man is utterly unprincipled. Utterly in principle. And I would argue, is job and only to prove it to you. He's on with the morning smile.
And your player from deliverance on the bridge, the inbred. With a dubious Seafield shores, Then there is the lovely make it Brzezinski. Who can forget her wonderful father, Zbigniew. Ah, but in any way that. Wild was on whether the morning Schmahl, and these are two real reprobates. Their disgruntled. The morning Schmahl used to be very, very close to the President promoted him during the primaries. I've told you before the first speech, the president gave in Congress, both joint Session of Congress, The morning smile was aired, jumping up and down like a clapping seal. I thought this balancing abolishes knows, but Mister Adams. I was just as no anyway. So he s bill well on and lets let's play this cut some go,
these now urge that a single phone call right after he suspended two hundred and fifty million dollars of military aid, the Ukraine? He called up the president of Ukraine and impressed him eight times to investigate Joe Biden, who the present thinks that stop right there. This is what the guy does. There was no, It proclaims the Wall Street Journal. Article said that he doesn't say that cause. He doesn't want to say that is pushing a narrative. So is trying to leave the impression that there was a quid pro quo, even though the article says there was no quid pro quo. No quid pro quo. And the Ukraine got its money. Not like Joe Biden who blackmailed the Radiance and they fired the prosecutor, they got their money. You see what I mean guy
running against him. Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with uncontrolled a? U s election. It couldn't be clear. No, no! That's that's not correct. Even if the president. Add to the Ukrainians yourn investigate this. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever. Now the foreign Minister of the Ukraine said They ve listened to the call they have a transcript of a too and there was no pressure. Certainly the present Of Ukraine didn't view this as being pressure so twice now so well. Instead, there's a quid pro quo when there wasn't any insist, there's pressure, even though the President of Ukraine, through his foreign minister and I just player for you, said they didn't take thy way at all, and they are to the release of any transcript. That Stop bill well, go ahead,
undermining democratic institutions that is treason, its treason, pure and simple, and the penalties for treason under the Eu S code is death. Listen to this. This is how sick this man is. The penalty for treason under the? U S. Coat is death. He says: that's the only penalty go ahead. The penalty constitution is removed from office, and that might look like a pretty good alternative to the president. If he could work out a plea, deal, listen to this. And he'll be invited on tv over and over again, even though it doesn't have a chance in hell it getting even one percent of the vote, but listen to what he just said. They should be Absolute controversy. That William World just
Accused the president of trees and pure and simple and then said the penalty. The only penalty is death, death. It may be, can work out a plead the or in other words. Rather than death being paged. Now this man wants to be president of the United States. Who wants to be president of the United States,. He doesn't even qualified to be a hostess, MSNBC or CNN, whether all insane death, unbelievable. Unbelievable he's a sick man. And his Adam Schiff now why bring Adam Schiff on CNN. Unless you want to speak through Adam Shift. You know exactly what Adam ships gonna say. Why would jake tapir a k, a fake tapped out. Why would he bring this guy on.
Because he knows that he's a radical. He knows that he's ludicrous. He knows He has a screw loose. That's why he brings amount because so does fake Jake Tap tap out. And then help pretend ask him a question is who pretend while you, then I put a question mark on the nobody knows why he brought chiffon. Ship, as is his own color,. Porn star as me,. Is there a tv show, this guy won't appear on, Tv porn star cut a go. If the president did in fact, in that phone call push the ukrainian President to investigate Hunter Biden and Joe Biden eight times as Wall Street Journal reported. It's an offence in your view. Now, let's stop that. Isn't that a very, very
written question, MR producer, where the amount People are gonna, get all kinds of information that they didn't have before. I mean he really knows how to panic, through the static doesn't that JAG Tapir. Is it a peaceable fence, In your view, slipped, so we investigate hundred now we know Jake? Is he just on tv off tv. We know he hates the president's cuts in. If you hate the president's guts, you shouldn't be porter or newsman, covering him. You'd gone radio, you can give opinion, you can have an opinion, but you can't be Rapporteur. One of the standards that will take on board a ship. Here's an objective man, Adam Schiff,.
I gotta believe this guy had his ass kicked all over the place during recess on the playground. Don't you think MR producer Adam never mind going looks like you know. I have been very reluctant to go down the path of a man. Now, that's funny Jake. You know where you were. For elected to go down the path impeachment. I believe here, somebody on his committee, has been Leaking this stuff about this phony whistle blowers, not whistleblowers no, this guy's a Laker any stay ahead of the intelligence committee. He had no problem when he thought he was talking to Russians. He wanted to get to remember that Presently- and I dad I'm ok and a farewell- our staff drown. Em all goes one way. Jake I've been very reluctant to go down this path of impeachment, been objective individual head for the reason that I think the found
Is contemplating a country that has elections every four years that this would be an extraordinary remedy remedy of last resort, not by resort but but But if the president is essentially withholding military aid at the same time, ok, listen. Is it like. They didn't read the Wall Street Journal article, MR producer, Came out before his interview. And we do a lot of this if, if, if, if again pseudo, if this happened, if we must, Treason, capital punishment. So I have a whistle blower was not a whistle. Blower has first hand knowledge of nothing Wall Street Journal peace. That says there was no quid pro quo, but if they're wrong, glad Toyota Treason Capital, fishermen out of payment. Can you
Peter President has been excluded from treason. That's a little over kill us not go ahead too. Brow beta foreign later into doing some illicit that now the fine stir of that foreign leader said there was no brow beating and there was no proof This whole thing is not news, it's just the lie there. What pressure. According to the President of Ukraine, who received the conversation leaving care if there was, but there wasn't. The whistleblowers, not a whistle blower. He has no stand, knowledge there was the quid pro quo, according to the Wall Street Journal, not me and yet Still have this discussion on CNN increase our nose, operation Harry and our Cinema, Galahad, dirt on his opponent during a presidential campaign
Then that may be the remaining guard on his opponent. Doing a presidential came at that, never happens. Does it must reduce. What was the year, the dossier was an attempt to do the set up of the present United States using Russians. We can have that wait a minute. We did that and there's Jake Tapir Looks like he's sitting on a cucumber. All time were like If we look on his face, you understand that just staring into a camera. But just staring into a came there, namely looking in another human being there just staring into the camera, interruptions, hey wait, a minute is That would you guys are accused of this doesnt work guide, that is good, He called to the evil that that conduct represent shut up. You idiot This might salmonella deadened sound the rest of the country. What
Ice neck, you think he s like a twelve like us, With greater something like Mr Bittacy, do you think the thee? let the circumference Ebay. They think it's like twelve inches. Then we're there I'll be right, When you wake up in the morning, feeling sluggish and have to drag yourself through your day, give you- a bloated, tired and out of shape eating healthy as a habit. But most of us don't really know exactly what we should be eating right: how much we should be eating and how to properly prepare it. This is why I drink field of greens. Every morning before I start my day, just one
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We find that he is in Cahoots with a foreign government, I feel like the outcome of this election for president of the EU, a few Eddie? I got your party the day and see, and Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier involving eighth, Ex farm british spy some russian apparatchiks, the trick concern about dossier interference. You're here Albert Milhouse, Benito Obama and the Democrats within our government lie to federal court. The fight Not a word, you don't mention a word that Obama interfered in the israeli election several years ago that doesn't bother. Gimme that crap the trick concern about foreign interference in anything. The ukrainian government us interfered in the election F, Raillery Quaint, and you don't even mention that not
You don't mention a word that Obama interfered in the israeli election several years ago that doesn't bother you or that John. F student: carry still interfering with our foreign policy and undermining this president with respect or ran Doesn't bother come my luck, then. There's Julian Castro, but there pastors and as far as I'm concerned cut tango The president is using his office to strong arm another country into investigating a political opponent. Yes, that's the political opponents who you said has dimension frontier some purposes, that Guy Joe Biden. No Joe Biden, you see.
Oh Biden was trying to influence his candidacy. By trying to get the prosecutor and successfully so to back off of his son this job, Who is trying to cover up what was going on for shake of his own candidacy. You go That's true, that is certainly unimpeachable, impeachable. Thank you D. Donald Trump blows his nose. I viewed as unimpeachable offence. Then there's brine, helter, stolen, o Brien Health and stabbed her believe it or not, is not running for office as a democratic candidate stead. He's one of them Pretending to be a media reporter. A media reported that's kind of a weird thing. I'm reporting on myself, but anyway.
Listen uh. They said he had cut eleven go somewhere. Websites are already saying. The whistle blowers story is such that something had selected for Catherine Humpty. Such never? Some, like They don't they. This guy's no ratings whatsoever, raining Fletcher, Lucky can make fun of my voice, but his. I'm like Voices like Frank Sinatra compared to this guy, You know why some right wing websites out there now either on the reactor, the right wing website and I'm sure, reporter over here.
We return we want to hear more from Brian helper stuff will be right back with a daily fake news, Don pouring through your tv, mobile phones and computers. You may have missed some real news, like the recent study in the journal cell metabolism, scientist suspected a correlation between growing rates of obesity and processed food, this study Discover was that these foods also appear to lead people to over eat. Here is the bottom line. You need fresh fruits and vegetables and your diet, which is why I recommend that you start taking filled of greens by brick house nutrition. Just one scoop of field of greens has a full serving of real USDA certified organic fruits and vegetables. It helps booster immunity using antioxidants, probiotics and probiotics. This is real food. Not some fake supplement, lab powder. Just read the nutrition facts panel on the side go to
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takes ten minutes to start when you call them here is the number eight eight, eight, nine hundred eighteen, twenty eight. Eight nine hundred eighteen, twenty eight or go online financing? That's a man Can financing that net immoral. Financing animal S, one two, three: four: nobody! Nobody! Nobody, not animal, less consumer access, dot, org! That fast, you know what I'm on tv- and I have a short segment- must reduce area All in all, we can we can we can we can. We can, anyway, we will do our best. Let's go back to Brian Helter skelter This is why you hate the media. Because the media hate you they You're, stupid and you're smart. And I would say I do my friends: Fox it's a very lucky thing that I'm affiliated with Fox MR producer. You understand my point that there's a supper
a few people over there that I would be a right now, but I'll keep my mouth shut. I gotta play fair. Brian helter skelter on CNN Com, and go some way. Websites are already saying the whistle blowers story is a body that we're not just sharing the whistle blower stories of parties and I ve been a whistle blower Brian. Hear anything directly. He didn't see anything directly, there's nothing. First time. So what did you say that lying right out of the box? But we still haven't seen the complaint, yet it's a little bit like William BAR coming on spending. The Mulder report. Findings before any of us we're Lenny was right about the Mulder report. You been wrong for years. You been wrong for years Non professional hack- may I say, bar is a professional project. Professional lawyer turn
general twice what accomplished in your life, nothing, So in this poison information space, the press needs to provide a major points. Information space Kinds of what is going on. This is a very complicated stole. Now it's not complicated in the least I'm in his family are corrupt Stepped into protect the sun. And Joe Biden stepped into protect his own Canada because he knew he would run so he threatened The ukrainian government either I like prosecutor or I will hold a billion dollars on american aid so annoying. I can keep doing this and that's what he did. You know what we call back where I come from in Philadelphia. Mr producer, corruption. The Biden family is corrupt, The Democrats know it:
and blow nose so they're doing everything they can to deflect and protect. They don't really want this, gotta be the nominee but they're afraid he might be. Mainly walks into walls, but this is a problem guide. The picture of the Washington Post the involves this morning, he wrote this again, who am balls. Let's be a lousy, I believe. The name is Dan, MR produce any. We got it based on what has so far been reported. The president asked encouraged or demanded that the leader of a foreign government undertaken investigation designed to produce info. They could damage of potential telling me about a bit of a little better than I do that, neither quoting each other they dont effects, but their quoting each. You know Damn ball says that they Washington, Post.
His reversing autumn, I'm trying to say you understand what I mean MR producer. I can't imagine, sitting on the year in the studio with this guy now without a gas mask or something he's like four hundred twenty pounds. He does not a blow. Engine our got the Acid reflux. But his food is reversing autumn. I'm trying to say you understand what I mean MR producer. I can't imagine sitting on the year. In the studio with this guy, a gas mask or something. He's like four hundred twenty pounds Not a blow as knows wash his hair, thinks he's a journalist, ISA Everything is Watergate. This is worse than war. Worse than water, gamer feeling like were Watergate
action is next him Nixon. I want Nixon thanks for coming in Karl and then you get the. These Sakhalin Van Seti of Media, you got stouter and Bernstein on their got twelve go. But I think the first thing is to find out exactly what has happened here and reporting of shame. Harrison Wall Street Journal outside what is said in the background is from the feet. Is it is stomach. Can you take it from the top again, please, God. But I think the first thing is to find out exactly what has happened here. Reporting Harrison walls is accurate and it seems to be clearly moves towards a grievous abuse of power. Grievous prefer prayer or.
Revision, wearisome powers, Republicans erosion agree with Power reaction Reagan Worth grab, Go ahead, you getting ass other echoes of Watergate in Korea more in the following way. Watergate was very much an attempt by Richard Nixon to undermine the democratic electoral process of the United States. Has like Obama sounds like Hillary Clinton. Go ahead are very basis of democracy, the electoral system, by trying, through political espionage and sabotage I see and I'm sure cosmic all over, but the I did the candidate Trump now he hasn't actually because of fraud, so blowhard.
Bloated blowhard match. This guy's one big fat carbon footprint. May I say that, may I No chairman of fat is united around you. And as far as I'm concerned, Carl's, the perfect f you member. Can I had a position party in denominating through political dirty tricks and misinformation, its weakest candidate, George Mcgovern, instead of its strongest candidate? Who mixing didn't want to run against? Who was similar every must now I see so as a self may I say screwed up I have to say that only I think I am so. Nixon control, who the Democrats nominated. And Nixon stop Muskie and got Mcgovern nominated this guy. Such a puke snotty when funny. That's why, on CNN,
In his is the home to Pukes, it really is Everything seems to be happening here whereby did you hear that the legitimate there mister happening there. I heard it. Either that or you know, he's gotta drumstick hardness throw go ahead. People have said they fear the most in terms of being an opponent has been the object of these perhaps dirty trick. Eight hours is class rambling on about. You know why he does the show MR producer, because it Sidney Green Room before him, people need and others a green room. It's not really green. It's what I read it. Typically, thou have like a plated donuts, company. I think this guy goes on scene, and so I can get free doughnuts. Don't you must reduce. Sits in there, but there were the doughnuts in his hand, Chauvelin in his mouth, like a hamster, hey AIR,
Hey, hey, Karl, it's time to come on their reading. Abortion, crypt puffer current, come tomorrow. No no come on. Mom please come on. Otherwise we gotta bring Anna. What's her face on you know the big mouth We need you to come on, get require only flower, Ashraf. I think he comes here for the donor say rallied. Why else would you go there There's no reason to be on CNN. Cnn and MSNBC: that's were. People would journalism, degrees or former Democrats go to retire. Get this global blitzer he'd have retired, already have retired I think you know when they say what is who shot on another name of a shock.
I don't I don't even know how he stays on the air. Does anybody watching this guy Wolf, Blitzer. Does anybody know any story, real story, New STAR, the Wolf, Brit, Blitzer ever broken and think of one by one anything he's ever said: that's my niece cancer have anything professional cancer At least with a guy like brine, helter, skelter,. He's a jack S, so you know is a jack, as you know, is a jack S everyday. Of course, he said that statement that must be Brian stouter. A lying little anyway, that's brine, stopper or dummy lemon, with some racist comments, I address dummy lemon. So am I right extra but won't bludgeon? What did he say disease But he was still with us. Well, I guess you know
Shutting shiver, I guess I'm, I guess I'm a low early hour and I'll be right back. If you have a moment, I want you all to vote a brick house. Levine dot com just go there and click on the by now button. So you can read the reviews over twelve hundred five star reviews, I might add, but this one caught my attention from Steve in Denver. I'm upset with mark because he's got me hooked on field of greens. What a great product! Thank you, brick house for your amazing product and great customer service. I may monthly subscriber and I won't live without it, and your welcome Stephen subscribing a smart. You say money that way. Field of greens is made with real USDA organic fruits and vegetables and helps booster immunity using antioxidants, prebiotic, some probiotics, plus they offer a one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee or your money back gotta brick House, Levine, DOT, com or call eight three three ring be age and get fifteen percent off your first daughter with Promo Code Levant, that's brick, house, L, av iron, dot, com or call a three three ring be H. End promo code, Levin, Anti Pelosi, secret healthcare planets officially Athens much worse than we thought.
She's gonna tell you her plan will lower drug prices while folks know along little drive. Drug companies, out of business of drive up the price of drugs. And we won't have new cutting edge drugs. Member hell bomb care was gonna. Lower costs. Have I work out? federal bureaucrats decided the drug costs too much under her plan. The maker of the drug will be forced to sell the drug. Price the government's sets- or retroactively taxed at least sixty five percent of the gross cells of that drug from the previous year, the ninety five percent of the gross sales, so that go broke. That's like calling an armed robbery and negotiation Ninety five percent assess tax would kill any company and put it out of business too. I can tell private companies what they charge for their products, the beginning of the end of the free market system.
And a system that is attractive, billions of dollars and investments to develop drugs people depend upon to help them live. And improve their quality of life hello plan is a scam. Socialize, medicine and other fraud and fantasy. It'll, kill the investments needed to create to Mars miracle drugs and her our health care system. And most of all her you. I only hope House Republicans propose this and vociferous Should be dead on arrival for any republican member folks, get the facts. Go to church health care, dot com- that's true! Healthcare start come true. Healthcare facts that come. Potential. Can you believe, they're debating meet lists, meals. To combat climate change on television. Some of you out there may be vagabonds, May Vegetarians
Maybe we should outlaw Huey Maybe we should allow. Let us what do they do that, MR producer, and we should not locked. That's right, can play this game and let me tell you something:. You made a lot of lettuce and tofu. You're, a gaseous near goes up through they I've that those who work goes up through the clouds. When you say MR producers, distributors, who would know it's like a rabbit no actually doesn't need the most. You see food imaginable, And it doesn't even upset your stomach. Well, there you go. So Jerry, never, I can help these clips rumble little Jerry Nobblers at a climate strike rally Friday in Washington, D C. We're a bunch of young white liberals are blocking traffic there, obviously not working there. Stopping people in Washington who are working from going to work in this the protests. It is.
Enough, the tea party it ever done anything like that. You know what they be calling us. And here's what this clown had to say cut sixteen go We have to start the treasure conveying to get rid of those ignoramus isn't ascended and they re missing. G. Clever, you slob, you can You won't come on any. My shows cause you an ignoramus hey K, ignoramus. This is how he talks. Let's go to cut fifteen. Go I am thirteen keen month old granddaughter and when I look at you, I get her listen to this guy's put down his own Grandaddy looks at his granddaughter and he gets terrified. Mr Barroso, what does she looked like for crying out loud. I mean I have ever. Most six year old, granddaughter little over five and a half. I have an almost two euro grandson. I don't look at terrified they're, beautiful theirs.
Looks at his granddaughter is terrified, go ahead, Because I don't know if human life who survive fifty year, how you idiot. If the Islam or Nazis get nuclear warheads with icy beams, that's true! It's not that climate. You idiot. Good Lord hundreds of years from now, The valise men and women Look back on this as the dark ages. They really are. Regressive period thinking Backing of what the hell with these false, Lincoln. My name's rational. They have neanderthals and there's a problem. As you know, we have the neanderthals and initiatives in the then then we get the liberals, the liberals. Climate change, they think they can control climate with straws in an hamburger me, but they can't.
We may raise climate scientists, tell us that we may face the sixth mass extinction in the history of the globe. The hell is this clown Scary he's the chairman of this House Judiciary Committee. What scientists. Professor Owen Corey what science That we may be facing the sixth mass extinction in the history, the elope. You don't stop beating hammers and stop using plastic straws. Why? How do we fix that Surrender your liberty and your wealth in your property to the government to fix it. Cautious, starved to death? That's one way to prevent pollution. This is insanity guide, the oceans instead of by which they are beginning to do Did he say acidifying.
There are further from which thereby getting to know This guy, I'm sure. I'm sure he's been on a beach get beached. While may I say. Every now and then tiptoeing into the ocean, you see guys like this in their speed, owes its grotesque. You know I'm talking about MR producer,
used to get online exceeded. They'd, walk up and down the beach near the ocean. Like Mr America, they look like they haven't quadruple, bud reports. That would be very Jerry NAD. Let me right back now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, but I guess so that more women are number eight seven, seven, three one, three eight one, one.
Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Go back. Eating raising, storing, probably are. And were the best raisin, etc. They don't. Com resonates MR produce those really big plump, once Pasco ever get in. There Oh, my not getting paid for this just telling you the truth. I'll be on Hannity, nine, thirty p M, spend time tonight. While any or times. Ladies and gentlemen,. All the news has fit to print. I really print there's a word. The rhymes with print. But doesn't really rhyme with print begins within us that doesn't run with print. From our friends a bright barton, I used to think about the bright Bart website. They are constantly attacked.
But it's the strangest thing is being anti semitic and all right. Anything like this. Among the biggest supporters of the state of Israel that you can imagine. So this is, and bright bar and their commenting on the New York Times. By Harris Alec. Another high level employ the New York Slimy, made racist, anti semitic and disparaging comments on social media. And notice, how It's become so routine that it doesn't even upset people. Jasmine Hughes, who jasmine use. An associate entered the New York Times magazine is made. A series of racist and anti semitic comments on social media. A multi year span. A number of the tweets came from users, personal account. Which is associated with their times, email, After she was hired by the outlet in it,
twenty fifteen and continued well into twenty seventeen. Why if they are to make her the managing editor. Bright bark news has been able to confirm the authenticity, the tweets which are still visible on Hughes's page at the time of the publication of the story. While Twitter is not officially rarefied uses account her New York, Times, website, biography links to the account farming is in fact hurts. I am only going by the story. They go on uses a high profile near at times. Editor Forbes highlighted her on its twenty eighteen. Thirty, under thirty list of influence for media figures,. I think now what we need from sources. The under thirty anti Semites and bigots, who are now in the mainstream media. The business magazine even conducted a brief interview with her she promoted or suffers and champion of quote D
storytelling, unquote in the words of Forbes. He was his only the latest times employee to be exposed for making controversial racially offensive statements. They write recent months. Pay Brisbane rocked by multiple instances such behaviour. And its top editorial ranks. Although most of the tweets centre around everyday interactions and few appointed to political overtones,. Use appears to have been particularly. I write with white people Lightning present Donald Trump, Lena election, I twenty sixteen shortly after became clear, trumpet one, the presidency use took to social media to state had not been so angry at white people since having learned of Drake and tell us with short but ill fated relationship. Now, the tweet that you send in the days following the election seemed to imply she blamed why women for trumps victory. An argument that times itself made the morning after the election.
So you suburban women, you white, suburban women, your problem, no matter how you look at apparently use continued, making disparaging tweets, choose me about white people and Jews I want a twenty seventeen, recent came in June. Twenty seventeen when the The claim called Jews are indeed good with money. Time and again, I find myself reflecting in America, is only good white woman, Katy the duchy. Jasmine Hughes may nineteen twenty seventeen apparently pointedly. Hell even prior to joining the New York Times Hughes had a history of controversial comets and writings in February twenty fifteen shrilly before being higher by the times you stated the working I don't know pc adjust slaughtered for the New Republic was what
take your freedom, but can't take a joke. White people aren't. I can go on. Jasmine use is welcome to come on the programme. If she didn't say these things to impose these things. We want to hear from her if she did. We'd love to have a discussion with her as well. I believe unequal time for of this mentality. So they can defend themselves who have, Posted these things to explain that they impose them. Then we have this New York Times staffer apologize after racist, homophobic, tweet surface from jail, Joseph Watson Fox NEWS, Another staff from the New York Times has been swept into a viral controversy. After all, tweets featuring Rafe, homophobic slurs, reserving this is amazing. This New York Times. When they go out of their way to hire people like this, they must Maybe the ownership to.
In a US c h, e r e AL: U S! and it system who court for Lincoln Page spent a research, in fact character for the great lady since April. Deleted several tweets initiative. Apology late, Tuesday afternoon MAX John John Cardenio, shared screenshots were offensive. Tweets are mature when this was with doesn't really matter five days ago, I have deleted offensive tweets from when I was in college nearly a decade ago. I am truly sorry. She wrote. In a pair of tweets from twenty twelve shrillest slammed asian nail, salons cordon quotes, I end quote feel effing in title and dont know anything but base a ghetto s. I'm not saying all Asian turn able, but this really cause you to make hasty generalization? She wrote.
She, you say: hispanic slur against another twitter user, who appears to be a friend of hers, calling hurry a wet MAC. Time, stare frosty you several homophobic slurs, including apps and these an end queer I we know what that means. Scott, the attention of Donald Trump Junior, who blasted times for hiring another big and he's right Another day another big exposed at the New York Times are they ever going to do anything to address the rapid hatred their paper? I can tell Don Junior no starts at the top in it. On for decades in decades, And who can forget Tom Right, sandy member him. Senior staff at the New York Times for politics. Whatever happened to this guy, There's an article from August, twenty second, two thousand nineteen by Matt Boil over there I get a bright bar. Bright barred and others our exposing the anti Semites bigots at the New York Times. I
the New York Times, might be all right, MR producer, what do you think. Maybe they're all right, For him, crappy junior. Happy Julia Crappy, Junior. Now he we remember him. And. Neither one December two thousand nine affordable vehicle. With what looks like a manoeuvre, cultural and religiously associate associated, obviously with the jewish. However, Hanukkah on the roof of the car. And he tweets, who called the Jew police Was a funny? What do you think rich and there you have it. Only what we know. You think they be especially careful. Given their horrific history of covering up the Holocaust, for years and years may be very careful at the New York slime sooner.
And yet look with slips through their hiring practices over there and what resources are human resources department we're always on the lookout? We want the varsity, we we're gonna, make sure nobody's discriminating except the jewellers. Avengers, whatever those two cartoons, it's as if Hitler himself through those cartoons slip through our editor. Sorry, what, I slept thereafter. We promise. We want random anymore. Ok, promising Captain then, of course, they have their subscribers liberals all. Specially New York They can do nothing wrong. The nearest lamps if you they can do almost nothing right up here.
Back me up with tax rate than you ask you. How are you Hi mark these, my third time calling you yeah, I enjoy your shoulder, I led a law. Fire Ass, you, yes, Are you the other day? You say we need to be offered We need to be watching what did I say We then be in defence of the trilateral offensive, and I really do frown upon hosts on tv and radio dont think these things are big deals. We have to fight, them each and every one of these phony issues. We can't out now
You gotta be engaged to be an activist gretta. These are my idea. I know a lot of independence Emma That cannot be bored. These politicians know because they want to quote they want them to cover up there. The Sunday stealing they won them, some things are going to help the poor going to be. I'd rather certainly going to increase the number of poor. Aren't they They would be about that. That's the deal! budget at like corruption, need to calling those good Democrat an independent to compensate for these cover Yes, I agree with the Carolina. Thank you very much for your guy agree completely Greg, Ben Dwarf Iowa the Great W k e? I? How are you, sir? I don't mind
God is my body Dreyer light at the end of the tunnel. Ninety three years old, the printing or to Korea gap. And I'm still still fighting fighting like hell. Thank you. I can't I just can't take these guys. Sitting down their arrogant, their arrogant, another ignorant their evil, nor corrupt, their anarchistic Their self aggrandizing self serving people who, Literally, throw anything out their trash and its complete absorbed, by a public, is ignorant with respect to what it takes to run. Our great United States, satisfied just with listen to what the guy say that stuff, with Biden, for instance,
absolutely is- he said himself he's confirmed that he has had negotiations of consequence with with the Chinese with it with the folk silver in Russia. Can you imagine that the Willy Bird Bulger boulders her kid Let me let me them each everyone, your term out his nephew, as in business with, carries stepson and with buying some very thing I believe were entitled to hear some things since the pillory what has been causing thousands of emails, uranium bill, speaking fees, etc, etc. I don't think we're entitled ear what Trump says: the barn dignitaries I'm insulted, went on says: wait until I am elected elected and I'll be able to work with the. I think. That's a growth in
there is a need for national application of justice, destroyed from within. What are we saying to the world about us there? Reagan says: freedom never is more than a generation from extinction. It's not pass. The children by inheritance the path to them so that they might do the same thing that we did before and are continuing to do Greg beautifully. Put fifthly, but I'm so honoured you're out there in my audience and so honored to under the programme and continue to take care yourself. We want to keep hearing from you and God bless you, my friend Zeke
Thought noted in Florida acts am satellite, go get even mark a mark before August start. I gotta tell you your greatest show ever was by this time last year, when you tell a story about your parents and their store and their business and their little artery things like that. Nothing here that I will be ready to ever. I think, but hates her yesterday. What this is a pre emptive strike by Hillary Clinton, boy, mere, not ok, because she doesn't that secret meeting last week and the timing is so obvious that jump in to the camp is gonna support. Elizabeth warn, you just said a little bit ago: they dont want bought into be the guy, so now they could do to think they can try to take body now, just like they try to take and she's done it before with a bomb up with a better thing. He did it with the Dutch yet with with that problem.
Round and now they're trying to do it again with this closed up and they don't want Rudy going over there and get the best game because it will come back to the Clinton dirty campaign last time round without the Ukrainians, also using its Clinton, absolutely absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt, go right back, then the timing is so. You know obvious she's had a secret meeting with lives of war and last week, and then three days later the secret stored comes out about somebody know. Somebody did something: it's the same thing: we think what the Obama Burger thing with the same thing, with a birthday, all rumours, innuendo, somebody said something, but here comes again. And then the liberal media jumps right along my friend we got yet. Thank you seek much appreciate it very much. Well, let's go ahead and take Anthony Queens New York, the Great W Abc who just popped in Anthony, how are you
the great and now I want to thank you as usual, always taken a first guys want horsemen. They can undo sick and tired of all the stakes boys. With this, Already it's amazing. I really think it took the clothes off. Let him expose them for what they have it. When forty statesmen now, just a point, you make an interesting point: if they would actually report, the news in this man was actually Be rated And undermined and burdened with all this Maybe he being exceptionally popular president more more than most people. Think I'm all right! Thank you. Guys could not guess is one also acting. I note a week after two officers, not one Sunday was for a walk, was idea I guessed at lunchtime. So it's you guys, you did you you're, very kind, Anthony God bless. You know you're and I take it of course
while New York State Courts, Iraq Roquat give everyone my best. I won't take carriers numb hungry. What people the say lunch for dinner, then I'm hungry. Thirdly, that simple, dont forget Thirty p m, Strange time I will be on Hannity tonight. I think the vice president, actually flowers, recorded. There's a football game are now don't waste your time, Was it the Redskins, and what most of it is only when the.
The brown. No, not the browser displayed in life. He doesn't know why. My asking you, it's not the Steelers, you don't know I'd I'll, be right! Back, build desk emperor middle ground. There is now a middle ground drunk with mark live in now, at eight seven, seven, three aid, one create one. One liberty and learning healthy democracy. These two things are mutually supportive when America today, however, that bond is broken, tapir Are the breach hills colleges, launch the Van Anvil Graduate school of government in the nations, capital and. Like other graduate programmes, hills they'll teaches politics as a. Human activity, or toward justice Series of Choices in the best case by right principles?
but made an ever changing. Circumstances require prudence to achieve the best attainable results This was the view of our stop to reach. Then the idea that we have nothing to learn from the past hills, Dose curriculum combines the careful reading a primary sources in here is a historical inquiry. Students learn how to apply the principles of free government ass, the cause of constitutional ism and liberty a text of ever changing circumstances. Hills down. New Venango school of government is, Ok, I'm, unlike any other She didn t see no educates thoughtful students, so they might perpetuate liberty, hills, they'll college pursue truth and defending liberty. Since eighteen, forty four I want you to check out their website for yourself, for your pen. As for your grandparents, for your children in your grandchildren, learn at Levine for Hills, Delta, come alleviation for Helstone outcome.
Then for a healthy about come. You know. This week, we of time of Andrew Pollack, and his very, very important book. Why meadow died, the people and policies they created, the parkland shooter and Endanger America students, is not getting the time that he really deserves when most other so called news platforms, and Pollack welcome back? How are you all facts mock thank for her extra haven't made back on. While you were just getting into this issue, a policy what policies you thought work and then you, you were getting into the issue of all this gun control talk and how that would have made a difference. I wanted you to go ahead and pursue your thoughts. Well, you know I just want everyone to know that you know I lost my daughter. I don't need it, I don't even sell all she was murdered, so people say you lost her. She died. I correct them, because dying is something that's like could be. Peace
and my daughter in die so, and she would want to oil listeners and everyone in this country to know why she and what happened so everybody in the news now that everyone or you here is background, checks, background checks from from Democrat, And it's pretty said even Democrats that loss kids, Shootings are pushing forward these background checks, but when I look change into the policies in in Brower, that that one made a difference because he didn't have a background because of policies implemented. Bye, bye liberalism and by Democrats bring an agenda to end the school the present pipeline. For, since he threatened kids wives, At the school wasn't arrested, he trusts passed at the school never was arrested. He he threatened to shoot the school up mark and he wasn't arrested. You know it.
And yes I tried to. He tried to commit suicide on his eighteenth birthday. He had ray intervention, stay up, threatened three in one week, What a committed him as the Baker ACT, where it went to the forks, a war. He would have one honest background if they don't arrest, kids that are violent when they people's wives or commit crimes doesn't go on their background, so background checks, don't work so You know a car, I take it personally because I want solutions for so parents don't have Feel like I do so a background check Look at the Dayton showed a mock same thing. Brightened kids lives had a rape list. Never rest itself I don't understand- is democratic policies that they want to push us. At home and kids accountable when there are them whenever threat, who were they protecting
Now, what would you do to strengthen the of the schools and the protection and so forth? First, What we did in Florida security, look? I'm talkin like I'm a security export, but I am because what happened? and I can tell you from what Governor Scott. At the time he put that Amnesty Commission together look and all the failures. What would be very important is: allowing purse our to school, to go through that hundred forty our course to be able to be armed at the school and that's voluntary Democrats, I don't want you to really know the truth that its variant tents, it's almost them along the class. And have to have the teachers that Bob dear, actually flock out. It's that it's that intense. So that would make a big difference, School saw to have someone right there to hand. A situation, because what, when my daughter-
we want. You know everyone talks about the second amendment, I'm such a proponent of the second amendment. Now, because my What was on the third floor, I don't know how many hundreds, of course, the night one one and One came to help her mark. You know what I mean: on the third floor: where's the police where's, the cavalry coming also dial nine one one, and now they expect me with their platform to turn over my guns and not. Such a proponent of being able to protect myself, do you think I would want? I wouldn't my kid or family be a victim like they did to my daughter on the terms more, no one known And a tolerable, you know when you think about it about what they want to do and and the place was bought I urge every parent out their markets if they eliciting your followers. My book because it so important when what environment you put your You know security people ask me, you know, sir,
pretty is only, I would say, is like thirty percent walk, like the single point entries the walks on the doors, the armed guards- that's thirty percent. They put emotionally disturbed kids in the classroom. What your kid that's it environment I bought not one parent will want you're kidding And I did it, I put my daughter and environment with, it's ok to have emotionally disturb children who that data it they call it. Oppositional defiant disorder It's like another word for cycle paths that juvenile and they put the schools and throughout the whole country. Will you know you know Andrew Rounded, When I was a kid. They actually separated these kids out. And now they assimilate every body into the same classroom because they don't want to create a stigma, and so they create these circumstances that you're talking about putting Putting kids in the general population who
should not be in the general population for a variety of reasons. Yes and you take, then you take the the policy of are not holding kids accountable for multiple crimes, and then you take kids that and we're not talking like special needs, a kid with Dyslexia, right, autism, we're just any kids, not disruptive those kids. We want to help. What about dangerous kids here and there- the main stream, these kids, You don't tell you like, I did know they had the first the sky every morning school and they don't tell the parents. He was so dangerous Was he wasn't allowed in the school what a backpack, but they let him in the school? What my daughter, and it's just- and this is something I gotta live with, but every parent owes it to themselves not to put their kid child
or grandchild in a school. And let me ask you a question of personal grave. He raped if you're, willing to react and affects every night. When you're going to bed. I imagine this really ways on your very, very heavily it's all day. Today mark here, I wish it was just that night. When I was going to sleep, the general picture. Could you it affects me every time I see a father and a daughter, I see that at all day long. You know what I mean. Yes, everywhere you go even little girls. You know that. I see I think of my daughter that what ambition and it's it's I cannot describe the pain of of goes through, would lose a child and the lose it with such people that, if someone competent it angers me no extent like, like. I wrote a note that a president he's gonna get my book.
God is weak, be at the? U, when I told him what the Democrats due to him is only words what they do to him and what they did to me is the worst possible thing. I took my thought Romania's Democrats and I blame them cause it's their policies. I want him to see what they did these on ethical bureaucrats, brow it, and I want him to fight for metal every day when he wakes up when he hears what they say about just think about metal and get the strike. The fight for all of us Americans at an that's what he's doing our president. He asked the fight every day, as I witnessed it in the White House, how they had oppression I just witnessed it. How the press treated me. Not one mainstream media channel. Put Mr Pollack on the bombed, say the truth of what happened at parkland, not the bs, with the control not matter all that not with the background checks that, with background checks for ammunition, none of that would have made a difference and they won. Put Mr Pollack
Whose daughter was market park on its despicable May I ask you this what about your sons, my son to death, there with me all the time and that doing a great job. My son was in the sea, he in turn, would Senator Scott you. The guy advocate for raw school safety he's conservative law. You know I raised my kids right. They see what what really happened there able to look at the facts, that's my son Hunter and my other son hawk. He said the affair, you he's doing finance, but it wait. You know I I have to see my you know it's one thing mark. I got a deal, what the pain illusion the thought of it, then you even think about your sons, an ape what they got dealt, What I mean is not noticing I would do for my kids and they got it. It dealt with a hand like this that you'd know one should ever get to get out,
and it was all avoidable. You know that in Brower and a lot of these men, Wouldn't you avoidable? If you just arrest people when they make threats and and commit people that are rather mentally ill, that a violent and nay, nay, threatened people till they were danger to themselves or what are we not committing? This people philosophy? You'd they need back, well what the hell you're a big difference I want to tell you something: you are. A very very important. Voice in this country, didn't ask to be. You certainly didn't, and but you are You are also very courageous. You swimming against the tide, but Telling the truth. And throughout history who tell the truth? I'll have to be very courageous because the year the mindset out there's just different. And I can't tell you:
speaking for millions of people are listening. How sorry I am about the lost your door and how you lost your daughter, what this is done to you and your family. I often think if I lost a child How I would react- and I dont think I'd be astronomers. You I want my audience, Mr produce good put this book up again. Oh my social sites. Folks, I want you to go on Amazon right now. This is a very, very important book. Andrew has written here. It comes from his heart and comes from his head. Why a meadow died, the people and policies they created the parkland shooter and Endanger America's students. Please get the boy, and read the book and Andrew God bless you and I, I wish you all the best. I really do. So much mark for having me on and get this message out. The family saw the really know the truth of what
happened. The meadow and wipe out died. And God bless- you, take care of yourself and he does want this to happen again, which is why his written this book. He's reaching out to each and every one of us. I have the book its remarkable book by a remarkable man. Who suffers every damn day. Right back then, ladies and gentlemen, only one week left for the summer inventory clearance Shell from Germany and, right now, when you ordered genocide, drawn line treatment, you'll get the club. Took genocide for bags and puffing is free. That's right! Free today, Here's Beverly from Huntsville Alabama raving about the result she saw agenda so oh, am gee. I love this product
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Let's go to jealousy. Pensacola farther the Great W C, o h go home. All good evening, I'm very I'm having trouble hearing. You speak right into the mouthpiece. Please can you hear me now? Yes, ok, I'm very disappointed that their Republican hardy, keep coming out with all this differ Thanks and their own take no action in Europe, the only correct its time, Then I feel like going for margin. They see very upset with the Republican Party they're not for tromp at all. Well. Aren't they holding hearings in the Senate on by right now. Anywhere within the city a rip, Mitt Romney. You know he doesn't talk out against Biden,
He talks out against Trump. He's got a little psycho way. She gone on their I'm afraid You know my love, I went in Congo, and so the fifteen year old girl. The machine gun in my chair. I was going to die and thanking seventy three in July. September embryo and on this radical people. I have never seen the Democrat Party like it is now- and I've been talking to a lot of people, I own a small business Europe and call on them. Burial, A lot of young people are Brainwash, included, less men today he goes all euro latina, they're gonna be poured units, and no, I can't leave away and Can it be the porter? If you do thank the legal way and Joe Biden in the reform plan, arguing for many leave off in the country and what ledgers called his rage at the buying families is corrupt
Currently, these things dodges habit millions line in their pockets and server the buying families, corrupt the democratic parties, corrupt in their circle in the wagons around these guys. And saw the media because the media corrupt they just our area. They must pay their country mark Guard? No, no, no, you don't understand they love it. That's why they keep attacking it, that's why our history began in sixteen nineteen, you see with slavery. Love our country you're funny, but I love the way how you then, and let me tell you when you come to a handy sure I don't miss it for now while not forgetting thirty minutes I'll, be there a mark. This funding is like them. I had to watch what, when he take that eye glass boy here, How do you know what you know? I do that by the way, Cause I'm near sighted, meaning I have trouble saying far so I
I look in the camera, the glasses and then, when I want to check you know a few notes I make to myself I'll just go on there Low steam, hot air and so forth, I'm thinking about what I'm gonna say: during the course of this programme. I have to take the glasses off to read what I wrote Whatever their reason, as I love and Mamma, had ok there's a glance ready. You very well, ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all less that have you out there. We salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, you folks, who keep us safe and I'll, see you at nine thirty pm eastern, in other words in thirty minutes, some leaving the bunker and running so the Reagan studio right now, goblin from the West would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-16.