« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/22/21


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, a belief that Republicans will slaughter the Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections is no reason to sit on one's laurels. Americans must organize now that a movement has been built. After 10 weeks on the New York Times bestsellers list and one million copies of Mark Levin's American Marxism book now sold, there are one million people that understand how American Marxists work. They are better prepared to get active and counter President Biden's policies and the American Marxists implementing them. Then, the Biden Administration is sabotaging America. Democrats feed on a divided, and economically weak America because that's when the American Marxists step in to offer all sorts of free government support. This is the Cloward and Piven strategy of overwhelming the system, crashing it, blaming it, and transforming it. Later, a group of 15,000 Haitians has illegally crossed the border into Del Rio, Texas. The media goes after the border patrol on horseback instead of after Biden's policies. Anyone challenging this gets labeled a xenophobic racist. This is how the radicals change the voter rolls, by changing the citizenry. Meanwhile, when Cubans that escaped communism were rejected while all other immigrants escaping their countries are welcomed. Afterward, Democrats are attacking the funding of Israel’s Iron Dome yet they never complained about the massive spending bills they've advanced. Finally, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in with an update on why Democrats defunded the Iron Dome that protects Israel because the pro-BDS anti-Israel leftwing is running the Party.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College for over one hundred and seventy five years. Four purposes have defined Hillsdale's mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for listening and myself sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters at Hillsdale for their great sponsorship somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact with our leader, hello, America, Mark Levin. Our number is eight thousand seven hundred and seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight one thousand one hundred and eighty seven, seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I want to thank Ritchie and Ben for sitting in. I didn't take off because I'm
Birthday Planning on taking off at all. Too much important stuff guy. But I will share with you we'll get into extraordinary detail. That last week I wasn't feeling very well. And then, over the weekend, Turner Member, which day was- and I got a Sunday. There was a little festival out here in Virginia and I went there My wife, my mother, in law, Drop them offered a spot and I parked when I walked from the car that a hundred hundred twenty feet I head. Tremendous pressure on my chest, I could breathe Renoir. So I of knew what it was having had I pass instance before. And then that evening When we came home and I sat down
it intensified, so I wasn't even doing anything and then I knew I had an issue and I went into to the hospital. And they implanted another step. So that makes three or four stance, three bypasses. That is three graphs. One bypass procedure. And its, unfortunately, its freely aggressive has the Khartoum just told me, and it is the word he used, was dispersed the heart. He's is dispersed in a number of areas. But the main blockage was ninety percent block. That's been addressed, there's a few others and we, be able to keep them under control. So I'm not going anywhere. Is a great man who passed away car accident at all any more details? I've tried to find them and Could a value. He was a favorite. Russia's too.
And he wrote so brilliantly about ruling class in the country class member that article rushes to talk about. And whenever Madame Spoke term, but I was- huge fan is. And apparently there was a car accident and here he passed away. Too bad. He was also one of the. Scholars and intellectuals who supported Donald Trump. There are Samuel Victor Davis Hansen term, Charles Kessler, I believe in their others, and He did so brilliantly He also worked for really tremendous senator way back when. On the Senate Intelligence Committee. Bolivia was the staff director. From Malcolm Wallet,
It was a senator form from Wyoming. A man I always admired, he served three terms in the Senate He was solid as Iraq. Absolutely fantastic. Unfortunately,. He didn't live that long. The way in the seventies. But these are, these are great people. They're going to be missed. That's it's important that you in the next generation step up. If you do and have. Because a wall in some facts replaceable Europe, spot in other respects, it is very, very important Excuse me that we have. People who are willing to step into the breach as I've. We do. And I just heard right before I came on the year- that America,
Marxism is number one in the New York Times, Nonfiction hard cover, nonfiction combined print in a book list. The tenth weaken around. Let's turn I have months now. We will not be next week because Woodward and cast as peril book will be, but I can tell you this: they won't. Do better than this book in two and a half months I also want to announce to you the way. Now pass the one million mark That's ten weeks in a row number one. This is you you've done all this ten x and around number one. Over a million. American Marxism copy sold in all format. And it's the biggest book of twenty twenty one, The biggest spoke of twenty twenty one the biggest nonfiction,
Lack of twenty twenty one. That's a trifecta. And remarkably, you won't read about this in the Washington Post. You won't read about this in the New York Times you here about it. In many conservative sites,. Many many conservative recite you will not hear about this. You want I read about this. They have no interest in understanding Europe. Action with the contents of this book or this programme, none whatsoever if they don't work I dont know what it is. But it doesn't matter. Because this audience is large enough. Reach is big enough for it doesn't matter, but you would think they Want to know They like to write about contempt, politics philosophy, but this touch their so disconnected. I have unless numbers of people publicist
attacking a we, MR producer, about authors, income, September late September, October or November December, it's an avalanche. They all want to come on the radio show they all want to call my function. And so I have to be very discerning, They all can't- and they all want, because Not turning this and a book notes on C span, that said many, These people have had no interest whatsoever in you interests, including this book: America Marxists, there even put anything on social media. Now, let me tell you how amazing this is because of you again. New pat yourselves on the back- I am on Twitter and Facebook. Everybody else on these lists is.
They say I don't want to deal with big tech. I want to get around with big tech, big text to liberal big text, censoring us, but they use big tech and proud they self righteous about it, we're not going to resign and give up well. Why not. Their business and you'd pulling your audience into their business in their schooling their information for marketing purposes, so they can continue the multi billionaires. I'm not doing that to you you gonna be on twitter and Facebook, Your own decision you're free. Well, that's fine! I'm not. Among getter and parlour entering parlor. You don't have to be, but that's where I am. So this book sold over million copies despite the fact that is not promoted on face Or toward analysing this is a big deal pretend my name is earning robots in the books called X Y, see it damage. Reach that you don't need big Tec to get your Set out. To an enormous number of people
we're not all you, I'm explaining that you can do other things to get them. Message out, you don't have to use Facebook or twitter. Many authors who use Facebook and twitter don't even sell that many books. So this is an ill strange of what is possible without Strengthening these entities that are style to our liberty and hostile specifically to you. And so I want to thank you for this trifecta. And I think it is very important for you to Because think about this, There's a million copies in one form or another of this book in the hands A million or nearly a million people, depending on whose body money but justice, explain. That's a million people, Above and beyond You want to be engaged in formed
And one a rally their fellow citizens, they should a big smile to your face One of the things I can watch. The last few weeks is the. Is this sense, the feeling even the comments. That we are going to slaughter the Democrats and twenty twenty two. I sure, as Hell hope that's true, but is that how you fight or race. Is that how you want to raise. Tell everybody the Democrats are doomed. Now we need organise, we need to be resolute, we need to turn out a large numbers. We can't just assume anything regardless of the pulse. It's true. I think it's true, but I don't know because it hasn't happened. Joe Biden. It probably the biggest reason. The biggest reason why we expect and hope a significant turn out,
people who love this country believe in this country,. But there is another reason you. We just pulled a movement. Pat yourselves on the back Just build a move in a well over a million people. Who understand America, Marxism who understand? What's going on in this country. To understand how we have to engage. Look what's happy in our school systems. Look at the boughs and not just that Using more lawsuits against these climate change mandate, you're seeing battles with respect to non scientific mandates at the governors and present its pudding, you're seeing much more activism than you did four five six months ago. This is a good thing. This is what the In stream media, that is, the corrupt propaganda organizations are missing.
And saying what many the conservative sites and organs missing it completely. It doesn't bother me. That we're not on their radar. The fact is. We are who we are and we exist. And so I want to salute you me, I want to salute. You have got to get to lot. I wanted ok about looking taken now I'll be right back then hills
college serves. Four purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. Now, education and faith thrives in freedom and freedom requires an educated people and people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred written seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its one thousand five hundred undergraduate and graduate students but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, Hills deals, articles of association dating back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution, includes the laws of nature and natures God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is falsely, derided and denied
Does motto is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty, four and Iraq? Continue to fight to live up to that model come what may learn more go to Levin for Hillsdale COM. That's l e g! I am for Hillsdale that come in a city. Let me put me through this more minutes explained this just to show you how positive you should feel about yourselves and positive. You should feel about your fellow Creates an event Ok,. Not only am I not on Twitter and Facebook. Not only do the main stream corrupt propaganda media? Ignore me in the book. We do significant concern. Platforms pretended doesn't exist, oddly, bizarrely.
You look a word. What Woodward's Han Thee I chose the funny comedy shows he's the network shows. He's on MSNBC his aunts, CNN odor, all the usual ninety. Ninety five percent of the media and entertainment platforms are open to a guy like him and close to a guy. Like me, American Marxism wore out so his book peril. When it's all said and done. How do I know I look at the numbers, we'll never catch us. He will never catch. And he has access to all Platforms is supported by one hundred percent of the left. Which include, of course, the corrupt
propaganda media, and of course I have access to. None of that. And really the only television I've done is on one cable channel Fox, And only half of those shows. Maybe a third of those show so think about that over a million Ten weeks in a row number one. And so forth. The big deal. Thanks to you, so the message is getting out a movement it has been formed and is growing. It's completely off. The radar is amazing, MR producer, its really shocking: in part of all these movements. Very few others have in the media have any.
That was the Reagan revolution. The tea party movement. We jumped in on Trump after primaries were open over hundred per cent of the way, but this is a movement. This is the pro american anti american marks. Movement It really is an amazing thing that you ve, Here, An amazing thing again just think about that, without. Up against all these entities and forces imply we're the David there. The Goliath. I want to get started on this way. The few minutes in this second, but we, Limited by a segment, as you know, tens of thousands of patients. Found their way to our continent up through south and Central America, through
her in India Del Rio text. Some fifteen thousand of them the buying administration Sabotaging America, Sabotaging american or why would they need to sabotage America, sabotaging America, because that's what the Democratic Party feeds on. A week, America. He divided America. Nominally challenged America because
the Democrat Party, steps into the breach and says you need more government, you need more Democrats, you need more taxes and spending and redistribution of wealth as they push their american marxist agenda. If things are going swimmingly, if the economy is booming, if the border is secure, if people are happy, what is the purpose or use of the Democrat Party? There is none of these various american marxist movements. There aren't it. I want to expand on this when I return. Hillsdale college serves four purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. Now, education and faith thrives in freedom and freedom requires an educated people and people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its one thousand five hundred undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide towards
free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, Hillsdale's articles of association dating back to one thousand. Eight hundred and forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the declaration of independence. It includes America's great heritage and liberty that too often today is falsely, derided and denied night he'll Does motto is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty, four and Iraq
Continue to fight to live up to that model come what may learn more go to Levin for Hillsdale COM. That's l e v, I N for Hillsdale COM. That's why I like Mark Levin and I'm not sure a lot of people like him, he's tough as hell, but I like like them. I love them call in now, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven there's our man Donald Trump. A truly unique and historic figure. Which is why he's hated. By George W Bush and job, which is why he is undermined by Chris Christie, Mitt Romney and SAS, and people like that. Then they will understand what's in front of them, these never trumpet. I can expect it from the American Marxist Movement, but the Starboard saw homer the story, you so
depressed many haitian immigrants camped in a small Texas border town are being released into the United States. To you, official said Andrea. The by administration, public statements that the thousands of they can't faced immediate expulsion, binding in his What are the most grotesque and unconscionable liars in politics. Ever they are unseemly. They are pernicious. They just lie and lie and lie about everything. And so to either the Supporters like Terry, my colleague, who wants to be governor again and Virginia Newsome. They tried to destroy Lariata, They just lie through their teeth, all six of them.
Patients have been freed on a very, very large scale, court on code in recent days, according to one: U S: official direct knowledge of operations Fischer was not authorized to discuss the matter, and I spoke on condition of anonymity put the figure. Thousands, and now they think about eight to nine thousand of the fifteen votes. Many have been released would notice to appeared and emigration office within sixty days, an outcome that requires less processing. Time And I ll get into this from border patrol agents than ordering an appearance in immigrant. In court points The speed at which authorities are moving to homer Security department has been bussing Haitians from Del Rio to El Paso, Laredo, Rio Grande Valley. They can hardly afford more illegal aliens to along the two supporting this week added flights to Tucson Arizona, the official said, Arizona, both state. They want a flippant, they wouldn't turn it Texas. Purple state and then a blue states or scheme sauce.
A touch. A second. You US officials who had direct knowledge Speaking on condition of anonymity, said large numbers of patients were being processed, immigration laws are not being placed on expulsion flight stating that started the official, couldn't be more specific about how many and its interests in forty eight hours, different committee hearings that had a d chess a spend garlic Give the true number of people were actually being expelled because it would demonstrate not many. In fact, we have now learned. That a family unit that here illegally hey haitian family unit or a pregnant Haitians get the state they get. This thing. And they're getting notices to report and noticed report. That is a request to go to an ice facility, a request. And sixty days.
They're not received me notice to appear which has a commando to appear before administrative immigration, Drudge and I On Fox, they said because its twenty minutes to process under the notice to report and one What to process under the notice to appear And so what's going on here is they want to disperse these illegal aliens from eighty. The by administration does as fast As possible. So you'll forget all about it. And these individuals are coming into our country there not being tested for covert you ve got less than one percent v seen rate in Haiti because it so damned poor broke and corrupt. And they're, bringing with them now, tuberculosis and measles and other diseases that we have to have a largely defeated. Into our country, and it
Not just five, it's the entire Democrat Party, you Few objections from the Democratic Party, ladies and gentlemen, few feel. You're, bringing in these hideous diseases to bringing them back where we ve conquered them. As well as the virus. And God knows what else. Now the head of DHS said the borders are not open, he's a liar he's a filthy, stupid wire. Aki says: they're not staying up she's a liar. She's a liar and a bad administration and announced that there are going to be removed, the liars these people. We have almost one and a half million illegal aliens in this country, since this man. Walked into the White House. Most one and a half million.
This system is broken and then they go back to their. We need to find the root causes. You're the root cause bind and his hacks And its mouthpieces are the root cause fix our immigration. We need comprehensive immigration reform, we have Comprehensive immigration laws- they don't even know what they are. I see these next appear on tv and they say Rock comprehensive immigration reform Congress not paid. Only when we are talking about, we ve got a thick. Book of immigration laws that are not being enforced. We are perfectly. Legitimate and useful immigration laws, what they mean by immigration reform is more illegal aliens, an amnesty. And so we have really too Professors, husband and wife, Marxists
and you ve heard me talk about them before us of others. Glenn, did often. And that's cloud employment The cloud and payment for those of you of American Marxism Cloud and paving talked about. How you destroy the system. They were talking about welfare in particular and then take it over an expanded. You overwhelm the system. You lapse. The system. Then you blame the system and those who support it and enforce it. Then you sees the system. And then you transform the system, though Effectively, the steps- and you see it occurring in so many areas of our life especially on the border, especially immigration,. Your house, they said.
Those of you who have the book on page thirty, five and beyond that the Democratic Party which they never like. Because their march has, but that doesn't matter that is A vessel that is the political party vessel through which their movement a moment confine legs that, where the opportunity is they need. They argue, you gotta, transform the Democratic Party and they have. I'll talk about something. A little later America Marxists from the Democrats party choose me. Are they tell wagon the dog. And they said in their anti Semites everyday and one of them. Their anti American in their anti semites- and they said we can.
Blocked a billion dollars for Israel's. I'm done. You see, iron dome wasn't given to is Ryan Dome was developed. Using is really an american technology, was a joint project. But as strong as Israel is, it doesn't have the industrial capacity to produce as many missiles as it needs and a. It's it's a solid defensive weapon. Tested for missile cider, fired again stood by Hamas and others Maybe these missiles are produced in IRAN. Sort of trillions and trillions of dollars. They did walk at all, but eighty five billion dollars left for the Taliban, not in the least. Look I'm not going to get into this these couple a guy's on horses. Trying to prevent Asians from coming into the country and so forth
We have a mess on our hands, I'm not to allow the left and the Democrats trying Bully me or press me Focus on this one thing and so forth, and so on. I understand the imperfection of all of our systems, and I know we need to get the facts, but this isn't something That's going to draw my attention for them, stood at night or the rest of the week. This is what the cracks in the american marxist? Do. They can burn down cities They can brutalized cops, they can even kill some people. They are racist through and through they can say anything they want about. And Asians and Jews and so forth, and so on, or even acts who don't fall and a lie, look what they did: Larry, older and so forth. I don't need any lectures from them about morality or justice are right and wrong. We got it
huge problem this country and its them that pretty and their surrogates. And they are doing all these things intentionally all these things purposely etc. These people, thousands and thousands, are being dispersed in the United States. We don't, Damn thing about, we don't want their criminal records, we don't Very if their perverts, we don't know what, if they're, wanted in Haiti, we don't know a damn thing. We don't know diseases they may or may not have. Is this what you want America is, What you want women in the suburbs of voted for buying is this. What you wanted That's what you want inner city, America. Is this? What you want to empower the Democratic party. Is your allegiance? I would ask people in the inner cities. I would ask people in the suburbs. I would ask what
people on black people and brown people and red people on yellow paper. I would ask people of walks of life, all income levels, Is your allegiance to the Democrat Party or to Liberty, and on our rights and opportunity- and you country, because. Democratic party. They rat themselves and self righteousness they re. Themselves in our work for the little people really work. Going to give you freebies we're going to take from the rich and give to the poor, it is all What power them everything they who is destructive. Its destructive. If you beat up on business, is so badly They're not gonna hire people there but those stuff like bread, like milk, like meat, Like the things that we need to eat like nothing like building materials.
These clowns, these American Marxist, who do they think they're falling. Now there's a shocking the lies and propaganda that we're getting from buying and the Democrats, the deflection, no a couple a horseman border patrol agents? That'll, be doubt what trust me. Whatever happened. I don't even know, there's been a lot. Explanation. Is this they use their in the water than a tough ere. They can't drive up, there's not enough for them. They use the horses to try and people out of the way there not whips, some kind of a last so that they use in order to signal the horse Find out, but in them in time. None of this would be happening, including the horses, but for what Joe Biden has done. For what is administration has done,
or when I return hills, college serves for purposes learning character. Then freedom. Now, education of faith, thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate graduate students, but nationwide free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, Hills, dales, articles of association dating back to eighteen? Forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This law,
includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is possibly derided and denied. Does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty, four and Iraq continue to fight to live up to that model. Come what may learn more girdle of infant hills, Delbert COM, that's l, e g! I am for hills to overcome some of the usual hard left mouthpieces in Congress, worse websites and so forth. Talkin Border patrol, which has an impact Job right now, they're overwhelmed. They are concerned about humanity.
They claim But said very little about the american citizens, who are still an enemy territory controlled by the Taliban. Most of them have said very little about the pay, to help the sis, the United States. The Afghans who are still stuck there. Many of whom are being slaughtered about the Taliban like some kind of reform movement were women are being abused. I mean literally whipped and we ve seen that evidence. Much from axing waters about any of that have you, MR producer, and we have looked, and we have looked hard. An anti policy praised finds handling of all this. Just remember that may we have a lot to go over. But to underscore this issue about how we're going to slaughter them in twenty twenty, two Succeed in changing our election laws, which is in this
They are coming up next week, May not slaughter them because Entire changes intended to empower the Democratic Party and eliminate competition. That's the purpose. And they can attack Donald Trump, all they want for raising issues about fraud in elections and so forth, and they came may work. Chris Christine irrelevance tackle memory once and in some areas, You know some of the allegations are preposterous, but that said, tromp was brought. Focused attention to the problem of elections in this country and like Mark Eliza LAW firms like Perkins Kui, Andy really illegal, dirty tricks. How Just dirty tricks of the Clinton, Campaign and they d and see working the FBI and intelligence agencies, and, quite frankly, the oval office and others.
This is another reason they hate Donald Trump. Because the guy doesn't take crap, that's why And so, for that is supposed to be quiet, George W Bush. Don't you wonder, sometimes how he got nominated an elected. This Why the bushes hate me, Cable, tv and everywhere, I'm just asking an honest question: he's a nice enough man, but he like jumps in at exactly the wrong time. Apparently he's going to do a fundraiser for Liz Cheney would have been nice if he had actually done on a full pardon preschool Libby fighting. In a chinese aid who deserved a full part, but that was left the Donald Trump
George W bushed in at the guts to do that, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel of a non descript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, hello, I'm America Mark Levin. Here our number is eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I want you to list in America all of America to chuck Schumer on the floor of the Senate. Yesterday bye bye, If you insist on a lawful immigration system,
Democrats used to insist on democratic president's republican presidents, who was by partisan, and if you jack, Two Haitians pouring into this country illegally. You're a xenophobic xenophobic, so we can have a legitimate concern about what's taking place. I want you to understand that because Chuck humor, an extremist and a radical when it comes to open borders, because is the Democrat leader in the Senate, and this is one other ways: they seek permanent power. Change. The very roles. I trained ring the citizenry. By changing the demographics. It's so obvious in it. You know I sat and yet I said it
twelve years ago in Libya, The integrity and elsewhere If you understand that for the Democratic Party it's about the Democratic Party and that they will up our constitution figuratively, but the Definitely will and our entire economic system for themselves American Marxism listen to we cut seven go we ve all seen these horrible images coming from our southern border as haitian asylum seekers simply looking to escape tyranny. The problems that they have soared have been met and our doorstep with on imaginable dignity image. A pretty head migrants not been hit with whips? I give them been hit with whips. And again, did you see this concern about the The left behind in Athens
The stand, what's literally happened to women that torture, the decapitation, the brutality, the murder, the murder, Why do they hate our country so much where they assume the worst? our people, this hasn't even been investigated yet and yet they Aid, our country, and so they we'll give due process to anyone. Murder, they support. The kind of release catch her release for criminals in our own country, in the tore out the back door. But when it comes to anything that results in enforcement of the civil society, it is assumed immediately guilty. Guilty. That's how media matters works, sets how all these sites work guilty. Go ahead, violence, is completely unacceptable
This behaviour must be addressed and we must provide accountability. Now. This is the same democratic Party that is well aware. The little girls had been molested has arisen Of their open borders policy, that's right. That thirty percent of the women coming over the border are raped. Or otherwise, molested. The God knows how much Fetnah was coming into this country that Cartels are operating in this country. And I could go on and on and on as result of democratic Party in Biden policies and yet Do not show any level concern or outrage or anger at all. Schumer hasn't gone down to that border. To witness what's taking place Maxine Waters has gone down to that border. Witness what's taking place. To. God knows how many people.
But this is the way to take attention away from all of it and just guess on the other, but we can How could you come at the same time? We can focus on all of it, but they don't want to whether its act understand mob Thirdly, border mum go ahead. The images turn your stomach, it must We start his car the violence Right now I'm told there were four flights scheduled to deport these asylum seekers years then shut him up. He has no problem whatsoever. What's goin on the border, none. I want to remember something. When it comes to Haitians. I'll be the first to point this out and underscored. When it comes to Asians patient the coming off the island country tonight when the turf Haiti Dominican Republic,
have to cross the water to get to the continent To work their way up across our borders. What did they say about Cubans who were escaping true tyranny? What are they favour they would immediately send them back, don't come. Even if you come through shark and none of it matters we're going to send you back What did she say about that? Not a word now why folks he got it. You gotta trust me on this. It's true because the Human population. Votes significantly republican, sometimes less in recent years, but it's a largely republican ethnic group terms. Political habits. The Haitians in Florida, are largely largely exceptions. Of course, a democratic vote en bloc.
And so Schuman ever got to the floor of the Senate, spoke about. How outrageous it is to have this kind of a policy that obviously as political, that obviously benefits one group of human beings over another. He never said a word about that and he never will. Any more than he will about what's taking place in Afghanistan, as I speak tonight, not a word Any more than what's taking place on other parts of the border which her horrendous. Kids being molested as a result, of the Democratic Party. And by policies not a word. Try this, I hate these people. Can I say, hey, I know it's. A strong word must play a despise them. I don't wanna hear from America. Their such frauds.
Absolutely now when it comes to Afghanistan. One hundred twenty. Some people were brought here, we're very proud of it. The administration and, of course, But my position, if you fought with us. Next to us. Are you an afghan patriot who helped Fight terrorism because remember we went to Afghanistan They didn't ask us to come to Afghanistan. You should be vetted works out, you should be able to come in here with your family. These are the kind of immigrants we want. But it turns out. That's not the kind. Immigrants we got. That does not mean all the people are bad. That doesn't mean all the people want, that problem. But it's not what was To happen.
At a hearing today with this Andrew, my Yorks headed the age s, go. Captain. Doesn't always seen some figures floating around that suggest that over eighty five percent of those were backed waited were neither as ideas, american citizens or permanent residents. Obviously it's a very fluid picture. Are you prepared to answer the questions we posed in that letter? Are you prepared to answer that today and Mr Sight of yes? Yes, I am it and if I may provide the answer in percentage form, congressmen so we have emitted into the United States over six thousand afghan nationals- I just want you to think about this you think of its over sixty thousand afghan nationals in about ten, thousand Haitians. At seventy thousand people in the course of two weeks, Mr Produce, maybe three that does
The cap for the rest of the border, where the cameras are not worthy tensions, being pay due to what's going on in this international bridge. That's the usual flow of illegal immigration into the country, were adding folks The equivalent of a city of a quarter of a million people every month every month, How many people live in your city? everyone's, not in New York or our layer, Chicago so, but but figure it out go ahead. Simply seven per cent of that population are United States citizens approximately six. Percent are lawful permanent residents, approximately represent special immigrant visa holders, three percent special immigrant visa holders. In other words, there is a price
my eighty thousand suvs. People got special visas because of the extraordinary work they did with the United States military in Afghanistan. Left in Afghanistan. Ninety seven smart, ninety seven percent of them, but the vast majority of. The vast majority of them have been left by, Three percent of a hundred and twenty thousand is at sea three thousand through And of twenty ok very de minimum number, thirty six hundred give or take. Ok, that means about seventy five to eighty thousand are still there Is not talking about them, the fact there being tortured and brutalized or there What kids, through your little girls and boys and yes little boys, are raped by the Taliban.
Now it's the Americans, who are the bad guys. The Americans, sick. The whole thing, a sick I'll, be right back two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carries a pure talk over the past few months. We the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, Tee and Verizon or T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika? Does that sound good? While he gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data chest?
dollars a month, and if you go over on data they don't charge you for it. They don't care Gerda, pure Talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levine Alleviation Podcast, and when you do you're safe, fifty percent of your first month, that's pure Usa, dotcom com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless, hear them talk about progressives and moderates and a democrat part. You see how we use the language. The left are not progressing their marxists. And they're not moderates their frauds. They wanted, Publican, this x or marginal districts and they pretend to be moderates, but they vote for Frumps impeachment.
They vote for Nancy Policy to be Speaker For all these things that have make a difference. And then I'll throw one or two votes out so suckers in there. District. You know what I like that guy. What's his name Kashmiri Meyer, whatever his name is in Northern Jersey and God, high a little feller goddamn He got home, I do while you do. Have you taken any medicine for that now I've got, I mean I've got this got Keimer Rash and my inner thigh politically, I think that's right thank the folk fraud, I'm trying to say phony, So, as a result of his idiocy and his radicalism and, as I've said, Joe Biden is a human pandemic wrecking bar His ratings are starting to suffer.
The problem is, I don't think he's gonna run for a second you want, Why I honestly believe his his mental situation will be so bad that it simple a possible that even the Democrats on my side. For the Churchill of our time, Kamala Harris. But I'm not sure they're. Gonna, be that excited about come all Harris to beef, Frank, because she's a disaster to. We have to deal with what we have right now so according to gallop, items- approval rating You'Ve- probably seen this all day- hits a new low of forty three percent Harris is at forty nine percent. I don't even know how Harris is at forty nine percent. I don't even know what the hell she's done. Months after operation to job approval ratings fallen. Six points to forty three percent. The lowest of this presidency. And for the first time, a majority, fifty three percent now disapprove of his performance, his performance performance
He's like a comedy dummy. He's like a mannequin in the window of Macy's, what performance And so let's see here. Afghanistan Disaster Board Disaster. The virus, which was actually being defeated thanks to operation, warp, speed and the therapeutics and so forth. Now it's the disaster. He takes three vaccines and therapeutics. Now turn them into a disaster. But again they use their autocracy. That is there. Their iron fist, because they that somehow that will get rid of the virus that just think about. Let's stepped back a SEC. You don't have to be a scientist unit, be college graduate to be a high school grad. Just use your own mind what God gave you every week.
The Football Stadiums College Football Stadium in their bigger than a lot of the professionals who are for You notice that Mr Barroso knows. Export rule. And by the way we now know there was no rationale behind out I'll get to that of time, there's no six foot rule and mostly kids anymore, masks either and there they are and there's no massive outbreak, Omar It's because of their age and other young people, ok, then wired kids having to wear masks in school. Little kids having to wear masks in a classroom in yet we can we can watch college football where there's tens of thousands of people crowded into a stadium Older than those little kids So this is about stopped its path.
Some of these people. The politicians are definitely fascistic in the way they conduct themselves. But the scientists are like the scientists of old and too many respects. You know where the doctors of all The doctors who tended to George Washington and kill them they kept bleeding to get rid of his his illness. Which may have been the flu Lincoln, who could have been saved shot in the head and they took this really thin poker and they kept poking in there. You know where's the bullet where's, the bullet. I mean Medicine is come very very far. Don't get me wrong, but some of these people have not. And so yeah riders one set of rules Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. Another set of rules- you have
abortion clinic one set of rules. Churches. Another set of rules. You, have the Big Box stores one set of rules. The lid Stores, Mama popular another sector, Petitions one set of rules, the average mo another cetera. You see what I mean, this isn't science. They get more and more. I fisted in their demands and their propaganda that you're killing people he's at forty three percent it's the second significant decline since June his honeymoon ratings near fifty five percent. Will you can see? There's no honeymoon his greatest decline is among independence. Christine rats approve abiding doing has remained. I not varied more than eight points, since he took off with their high rating, was ninety eight percent colleagues
eighty percent, so ninety percent of Democrats think binds doing a good job. They are they like on drugs or something Miss weathers. Ninety per cent of Democrats think Bygones doing a good job. God help us. Republicans, six percent Smart people I'll be right back Mark Levin, America's passionately, cerebral voice, talk with that voice. Now eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven so Democrats have blocked a memorial for heroes at the National Mall Democrats.
Took out a billion dollars from Israel. Iron down defence. System and you can see they hate. America And then you have the aggressive marxist wing, which anti semitic, I've been trying to explain this. For years now. You, like secular Jews, who vote with the ty Semites. It's an amazing thing. It's disgusting or you have You know like blue collar workers, many of whom are catholic, who believe. Faith in them vote for somebody like Biden, who's, the most extreme is when it comes to abortion, present we ve ever had strange things, strange things Hi, let's take some cause: Evan Fargo North Dakota, on the mark, Levine APP Evan. How are you
Carry it on our right, so. I am sitting taking a environmental science class right now college for my four year degree. And my future is a girl of her one. Questions for this task, which the following its most beneficial for the environment, the answer a long. You condemn it. Economic risk ocean. Now in your book, that I read town or a couple months ago Here are quite change after right. Everything that you said in that chapter is exactly what he's preaching. We need to do, it's a whole chapter, it's one of the longest chapters and that's right, because These truly I d grocers, and I read who he reads and then regression hatred to you in the classroom, I read so called iconic
scholars in their degree slash, climate change, slash green new deal. Movement have read the same. That this vote has read It's all about propaganda aimed at all it is. It just makes me sick. I gave your book my sister who had gone then Ivy League School when she laughed at me frightening. Just it's an up an appeal battle, but we're gonna win to take these institutions back so this producing these fanatics in reprobates start brainwashing people. When the group think. And other many ways we can do this, as I haven't chapter seven of talked about on the air, but there is no reason why we have to keep fully funding these institutions. There is no reason why everybody has to go to these institutions. There's no reason we have to give ten year, two out of the closet, Marxist
Don't have to do these things, particularly in states had republican legislators and governors, it's time to put our foot down in and say no. I'd ever, let me Samuel, I signed copy of American Marxism. Don't hang up! Thank you. My friend letter continue John Martigues. I guess it is or Metallica California. How are you doing Sir, thank you for taking my call got it my point: It is by their worlds deep in boats, Democrats of undermine our border and constitution for over fifty years and every many thirty years gone back to the seventy they say. Oh, we have too many illegal to deploy you know, that's not passionate nets. Caroline, I wait a minute. I have to disagree there in the ninety nine. Is they supported securing the border supported a law they voted. For, They help fund it.
So this aspect of their position has changed literally in the last twenty twenty five years and also the nineteen seventy is in Lebanon. Can Sixtys and Seventys They were trying to secure the border. It was they who started the phrase wet backs and and a number of individuals, including Ralph, Abernathy and Eugene Mccarthy,. Water Monday on others, went down to the border, insisted we closed the border because back then the Democrats, viewed power as weaken union eyes. All the american farm workers in this country, the lava Democrat and so, business is bringing in these court on quote their phrase. Not mine, greenbacks undermine them, it undermine the Democratic Party, the democratic parties, reverse course the big unions of reverse coarse, and they now, Taken the position that you know what the hell with it
We want to change the system Henry will increase. Our membership will increase our votes. And so they really done a one eighty or get Wouldn't it be easy to show by the number of illegals that they have loud in and correlation to our most of em, both Democrat to show, all they and what states they sent them too. People are already doing there. You can find it on the internet and. People with several legal aliens can vote, but even You accept that the fact is that at some point they have children and children become american citizens and they can vote and they reach a certain age than you have chain migration. You bring more more people in. I I don't hang up job we're gonna, send you assign copy of American Marxism. Let us continue, let us continue PAMELA.
What is it what's the name of your term that doesn't apply migrant? What's the name your town, Byron. I remind my Oro in yes, Georgia on the market in a fine, thank you, I was going to say this sort has the way you talk about with local border movable military in Germany, and I saw this happen in Germany in real time. Never thought I'd see. It happened in my own country, but there and the Germans were allowing in middle Eastern Mainly Turks and George, Jordanian and they would allow in large large groups of single men. And they would, in any case, was darn to undermine your middle class and they were scattered. In fact, is crime went through the roof.
Whether people want to admit it or not, when you have a clash of cultures and the simulation and people We can do Germany or whatever their coming into. You had a significant increase in crime and in Germany still do right. Women women would not now be damned market to get their groceries button. But what is the way this they first undermine that we're through free education free education for the college, students and the way they did this? They have. Each student who wanted to go to a college, fill out a form and list their top three professions that they want to go into all right. Lights out, o to stop this yo? You we're losing our connection. I apologize PAMELA. Does it sounded very interesting to me?
we're gonna? Send you assign copy America, Marxism IP? to you. We just can't hear you anymore a cam, Yorktown New York, the Great W Abc com. How are you today Hey Markham great. How are you good so with lunacy in hypocrisy, going on in our world right now. I thought you could use a cute story and then I have really quick question for you: So when my kids were younger, they they would go to ccd. You know the Catholic Religion class them up at six o clock light. When your show would start. So I had that on in the car and I'm not gonna lie at first. They were not that interested this is typical, but that's But listen but get fired up and start yelling about. You know an issue, and they would
Up in there see they were like well, what's going on by little, it just became a thing. We listen to you every week, coming home from religion and the conversation that we started having and they they learned so much from view it became thing where you were. You were called Uncle Marcie, so it was like they got in the call in the guise of vat is so sweet and we would. It was great So they are fierce conservatives They now are twenty and twenty two years old one I went to school in New Hampshire all there. You know elections were going on, everyone was visiting my Son College town and they were Knock on the door, you know looking for support like Elizabeth Warren, everybody was visiting and he would say he ran to the door and you go don't bother war on the Trump train. Here I mean it with its. They are
how are they live? It's amazing. Twenty and twenty two so real in college, and we're getting all those questions that you're one of the first callers all those paulino. The indoctrination is going on, but they are holding the got to go. I want to tell you this is a fantastic, so I really appreciate it. Don't hang up. I want to send you a signed copy of American Marxism Hopefully, that will answer a lot of the questions they're getting in college or a lot of questions I have as a result of being in college. That's one of the points. Don't hang up. And I shall return two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carries to pure talk over the past few months. We
The rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with ATM T and Verizon or T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you get great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save is a fortune. Pure talk is the top rated wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team based right here in America. Does that sound good? Well, it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and sixty skigs of data. Just thirty dollars a month, and if you go over on data they don't charge you for it. They don't care Gerda, pure Talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levant Podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levine Alleviation Podcast, and when you do you're, safe Two percent off your first month. That's pure
USA, dot com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless County region was a republican accounting for a long time. I moved out aloud. County Virginia over twenty years ago, was public and county, was a well run. County was the wealthiest county in the country. Eighty percent of all the internet traffic goes through allowing candidate. You know that must reduce growing there. Just these massive price without windows all over the planet. Then the Democrats took over the Board of Supervisors and they took over the scoreboard in one election.
Because the county has become democratic to the two things. People moving into this area from Maryland and D C, as well as other parts of the country who are Democrats, and gates of immigration. It's her land counties now a blue counting, light blue, but almost start fine got over sixty percent of the vote. Here. George H, W Bush got over sixty percent of the vote here, so you can see. It happened in a relatively short period of time. We can look at California is other than this law intentional. This is all strategy, sabotage. So, incredibly, radical buffoons have become members of the Board of Supervisors in the school board. Until I have this from Fox I've d c.
Loud and County Board of Supervisors is taking up a proposal to launch a study on whether reparations or in order to rectify history. Racial discrimination. Throughout the summer The loud and kind of public schools community has been locked and fiery meetings over so called critical race theory transgender right. You have so called their scouts books. Essays enormous amount, but its so called. But on Tuesday Night County supervisor, Julie, J, you L, I risk men. We'll call for a vote on her new initiative for both the county government and public schools to study what she called the harm. By the counties, discrimination of black residents and its impact on black students. The vast majority of people in loud county are newly en route loud county.
The vast majority. Nothing was done to their ancestors its exploded in its poppy, but it doesn't matter, quote Yet I see tee movement is much more about today and what were teaching today in my board, member initiative is looking back potential harm. That was because they can, Speak english harm. That was because we operated segregated schools illegally. Against the rolling, a brown versus the Board of Education Brisbane set so Democrats want to relegate all this stuff, and yet they were the ones who supported segregation they were the ones early on who supported slavery, and so they Keep picking at these scams and the low in proposal which has been around for about two decades, MR producer, is that the Crap party should pay reparation Anybody repeat that you another plagiarists
As there are many, the Democratic Party should pay reparations. The Republican Party was established to defeat slavery and segregation. The democratic party fought for slavery. And segregation. So when you that school board meeting accuse me when you go to this county board meeting the supervisor meaning or to say you gonna, studied, study there. All the Democratic Party in the Democratic Party should pay the reparation course. Nobody should pay reparations. Not they keep seeing this stuff to try mainstream it to get it in the Conversation than I have a few professors go on tv to say this is a smart thing. Then you have false. Chuck Todd, though this is a great thing, then at the ball rolling you see. And Sir Bridgman site several examples, and so forth there
but would tempers having already flared up allowed, counting and scope or Minis basement said she's not concerned about turned up the heat. I'm just reading the way they rode with the debate disparities, because she starts its a systemic issue that needs to be dealt with You know it's a systemic issue that needs to be done with the democratic party. It never supports the country it's about. Most on american institution said before. If you're going to abolish anything, abolish the Democrat Party, it was behind slavery and segregation, but the Democrats would not do that. Of course they want more power,
but they don't support constitutionalism republicanism. They go from slavery and segregation to American Marxism. It's never americanism I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by Amax, the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong Amac, believes in and stands up for the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support a max and you can become a member at Amax, Usjoin from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact with our leader, hello, America, Mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one one thousand three hundred and eighty one one Kevin Mccarthy is scheduled to be here in about ten minutes or so I started writing about this immigration issue in liberty and tyranny some years ago.
The history of the background of it now the status as I explained then, and now. I think American Marxism is more accurate even twelve years later,. What do you think? The Democrats and some other surrogates in the media and the professors write about. The browning of America. Attacked if even bring this up, but they bring something commenting on that issue: is a goal of immigration. Now, the purpose of immigration, ladies and gentlemen, isn't to benefit one race over another one color over another or to transform the citizen. That's not the purpose of immigration. The purple of immigration. Benefit. The citizens.
Because the citizens are the country, not the government, not the politicians, you're, the country. So why is it that we keep talking about the browning of America or that the that, it switches, I guess every but which is another phrase. It's bizarre another term, but there were It will soon be, A minority, not the majority in this- is a good thing about used to talk about. Why is it a good thing the bad thing, but what does he think? It's a good thing. What These activists think it's a good thing why they obsessed with this rule, number one critical rice there, so they, feel they can build up their marxist movements race, theory and so forth, reparations whatever it is. Does the attack is constantly on? The white dominant society
talking about this stuff, I really do but they're the ones it throw up in our faces. And there are policies in place now to do these things, Number to why do you think the border is wide open again to affect the nature of the population. Why else would they do it say They keep the Cubans out because they know most for many might vote Republican. And then they accuse you. They say and see that you're afraid of the browning of America, not afraid of anything. Immigration has a purpose The purpose is to Brown America or why it America or anything America, To prove. The standards of the civil society.
People do not have a right to come into this country. The citizen reuse to decide, through their elected representatives who come into this country. It reminds me of something I wrote. You know when you're right all these books, you remember all these things. Are you studied the Supreme Court that conferred free public education on illegal immigrants. It was the Supreme Court that conferred. Emergency health care and beyond on illegal immigrants. The voters never did that the people never did that open border. Today, the people have said? They support an open border. Four Biden nor anybody else See what's going on in the southern border today, this is part of the American Marxist me what they used to call her. They still do progressive ism. To socially engineer the society.
And so, if you have resistance in the society based on the ancestry or beliefs of certain people, what do you do it? page that society. What else do you do? You make sure People are not assimilated into the existing culture or society, so you balkan eyes All these things are being done. All these things are being done. Sure people flooding into the country there not assimilated into the culture you critical race theory going on, which is pure racism, that's pink attacking the Koran called White dominant society, the white dominant society, the democratically. Brought brags Obama Biden, others Will cease to be white dominates just a matter of a mother Eight or less, where they are. People are imported, who are your non white.
That's what they're doing harrowing! That's what they tell us they're doing. And God forbid, if you speak out against it,. God forbid, if he say that this isn't the reason we're supposed to immigration in this country. Immigration isn't for the emigrant it's for the citizen to determine, What's needed in that country. What contribution to be made to the country, and yet we people poring over the porter, just walking in people Forty eight hours ago, who were on that under that bridge, who are now somewhere in our country. That's not immigration. That's lawlessness, that's anarchy! That's chaos. We don't know who these people are. I mean they know who we are the IRA. Tracks us, if necessary, the FBI tracks us.
Operation track us. We have ideas, we have social security numbers, we have drivers licences, they have All kinds of information on us, but if you just walk across the border and so forth and so on, I'm thinking about you. Not a damn thing. And these universities and colleges. Ladies and gentlemen, there, the worst here we have, the college, fix, You see Berkeley latest cluster higher Cora sounds like a cluster, something MR producer fails there add intellectual diversity by Caitlin Richardson. You and I ve used Berkeley announced a climate, equity and environmental justice cluster higher in early September, featuring five new faculty members
The university hopes will bring greater diversity, worked together to address threats, to quote vulnerable marginalized groups and offered to the natural world, and this is a problem. We want the cluster to be able to work together, intellectually, on some of the most entrench problems that country world are facing. Be greater than the sum of the parts track. Graduate students to be social support for each other rack array, Dena Berkeley, division of Social Sciences said Equally news. The five professors all are advocates of climate change, and many of research focuses that center on social justice. Again in American Marxism. I talk about and they talk about this intersection out about all these marxist. Limits on how they overlap and intersect Social justice and engineering are treated like oil on water when they should be treated like cookies and melt. She says on our website so in other words, area of study.
Needs to be saturated with this poison. And other do higher Daniel, I'm gonNa Cohen, has been acting. The green new deal policy development, CO, authored about promoting the policy in twenty nineteen. His research centres on investigating the intersections a year ago of climate change, housing, political economy, social movements at any qualities, a race and social class in the United States and Brazil Xo Hampstead, who was brought onto the team for her work and city planning, is currently working on a project called critical heat studies which quota it's a racial justice developed within legal and educational theory to understand why thermal insecurity has long been neglected as a fundamental environmental threat and social debt determinant of health. Although steadily than all other weather related disasters, Sanity.
The universities promoted the cluster higher is filling a need for greater diversity of ideas, but the explanation of intellectual diversity Ben Herman vice vice pro For the family was unusual, quote high, education hasn't been diverse and its topics of inquiry, its academic pursuits, it's been two Eurocentric too focused on the issues of people. Doing relatively well. Population has gotten neglected its a must but it doesn't matter. It's all part of the American Marxist Movement that I keep talking about. Now you and I, I very comfortable talking about American Marxism Buddy. When you turn on our favorite cable channel. When you read various writings on different sites at your check out, they are frightened. They are scared to death, To use the phrase American Marxism because they really don't understand what it means, because, unlike you, they haven't read the book.
They're afraid does in fact say socialism. Which place right in their hands? We're not talking about socialism we're talking about much more than socialism. Socialism is an economic issue where time about economics, but well beyond the civil society, the culture. I'll. Be right back then aims
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them Amac, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. Do more than talk, Amac fights a full time presence in Washington, Amac pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a max gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an Amac member and you should be too join today at Amac. Us, that's Amac US stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for Join Amac. Instead, a m a c us, it's a pleasure to have the republican leader of the House Kevin Mccarthy, on how are you, sir, I'm doing well and congratulations on just passing, seeing the one million books sold? How big is that it's big, I'm telling you thank you congressman! Thank you! Well, here's the thing there's
an army of millions of people out there who had enough I've had enough of this Let me ask you this: I mean you're in this position. You see it even better than many of us. Every thing. This guy touch Turns into crap I mean the border. Afghanistan and what I want talk a little bit about tonight. Is these votes that are coming up. Economy, this massive were truly five: five point: five trillion dollars ill on spill. We Americans don't really know. What's in it, but they will change our lives for good wildly. It will be the worst thing possible, and you are a hundred percent correct, abide emancipation issues wrecking our reputation. Think about what he has done. He cannot manage anything. The first time was the border he ignored it because the crisis he wouldn't acknowledge it, then he pushes it off the vice president right after
then comes he ignored All the recommendations people get up and no one could have done it worse, but I'm never thought in my mind that I've ever seen american Administration knowingly leave Americans by something. We never do now you what was happening in Congress just this week, you're the democratic system one billion dollars after spinning trillions of dollars put a billion dollars out not on the iron go now. Why would they do that was responsible for that? possible because you know what they are. A pro beady ass radicals bigger. The message around the world that they no longer stand with the people of Israel in their mission to defend themselves. This is a defensive weapon and you know what It was Elsie, they leave the party they. What the Republicans that we put an amendment up to add the bill. Back for the iron dome, every single
Democrats voted no to I don't care what they tell you. They are probity. Yes, they are anti Israel and they prove that that is show. That is shocking. These bothers me These phones from so called moderates in these republican or marginal districts. They were hard left. Ninety nine percent of the time they put Pelosi, empower look like this vote now they vote. There are, then they run home and they they have three or four votes. They say, look at me, I'm a moderate. They joined get themselves that title and the NATO with them all the time. They are going to stand up and not letter start the reconciliation not only that they thought they d. Meaning you couldn't even debate it and you're right. It's not three point five to eight, it's five more than five dollars trillion and what's worse about this, it will be even more than that, because they're in the tooting new programmes that will never go away. It becomes big government socialism,
it's really scary, and they have what I hear a for vote majority. They they have no man day, it's fifty! Fifty in the Senate, I mean bad assembly, Sdr stuff was in some way and an end, and John Linden Travail Mass of majorities. He's people nothing ass. Burma has sixty in the Senate, forty feet, majority in the house and your two may we have aforesaid majority. If we had for democratic but with us it would, it would break it why why are so many these communist human nature there, but where so many these democrats willing to commit Harry, carry for Nancy Pelosi? I don't get it, I dont get it either. They're afraid of her, but more importantly, AOC, is running the party party. He walk into the met instead of go. Listen to the small businesses, this pact rich. Why she sitting at a thirty five thousand dollar ticket hypocrisy. Is there
everything that democratic continued approve at all they do is create problems. What was they ignore the problems they ignite? The intelligent tell us. Are you not serious watch carrying America of Trust? Me upon the table, a lot? Here's my question tell us the big things that are in this matter. He trillion dollar bill, I mean, isn't it voting and they tried amnesty in these other things oh they've, tried everything, but in the Senate you have what is called the bird rule. It hasn't met the criteria, but let me tell you what then, when they really talk about how they're going to help the working American, you know what they do in their, tax bill. Increase it. So, if you're making eight hundred thousand dollars, taxpayer is now going to subsidize you for getting the Tesla and they're going to help you your kid at Yale for eight hundred not the increase the ability there, but then they go after somebody who wants to invest in get get create jobs. They create
The programmes after new programmes, the green new deal remember but this is this is a redistribution of wealth. You talk about it in your book. They go unpunished. People Dislike and reward things they want. How much money are we talking about here? In other words, I know it's five trying and so on, but they want to create all these new freebies right, freebies it never go away. They won't condemn to eternity cool free. This free that from from cradle to great big lion, And if the work take away the incentive to make America better No, they don't like the whole oversight hearings of the Bite administration, neither do they like Afghanistan and and the Hunter Biden, and all that I don't see any that has had not going on. No because do they won't hold hearings, they won't hold oversight and think, for one moment
We are- and I gotta think, every bertrand- every gold star family for your service. What you did you kept our, for the last twenty years, but now this president, the decisions he made aching out innocent lives but other wanted, talk about that. Then you watch ignoring the recommendations that people had and leaving Americans behind. Why wouldn't the Democrats join with us? Those are Americans left there and answer me. This. Has anyone heard a plan to bring them home no like do they handle but they made a decision to leave him back with no plan to bring it back. Let me tell you a secret, Many of them are not, and, many of those afghan aside. These are not coming home, and you don't hear Pelosi or waters or any of them talk about what's happening to the women over there. We'll girls are being married off and so forth. They don't talk about any of that fact. Here's of the things that really bothers me. You know
say what you well about Republicans. You do a break off Republicans who will criticise republican administration? You have none of that with Democrats, it's like they walk lockstep and they never break rank is amazing. It is amazing that they do that. But remember Republicans were individual thinkers, we're not afraid of having a debate, we're not afraid of criticism, and you know what, if we find, the crisis that we created. If we want to fix it, that's different ended, greatly woody door? It listen
You need us anyway, to block this. Damn five trillion dollar thing. We talk about every night we ve gotta fight. This thing you, let me know what you got it over to people's bill. I God bless. Take care will be right, back AIM Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless bending disasters like many care for all, and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot! U s! Thou art, Lava Michaud lie a national at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one bill
column Michigan on the Mark Levant bill. How are you, Sir I'm good murder, you do ok, Thank you. You got it. You got take care of as we need you out here, you're very kind. On workin on I got I gotta go quick stories, my doctor lovers in the waiting room reading your book and some guy gets from across the room, sits in the chair next to me and says At the same level and parks, and I said: yeah I wish you'd get his own show but I have my own show them here. Educated about your show, and I hold them. He could lessened it's three hours every night. Thank you very the prize. They learn. Story, I was listening to a podcast. Ron Johnson came on
He was really hard about some new happens. Next, the terminology excited your book twice. You know what he's actually listened to the full audio. He told me he is a great patriot by the way he really is, and a very good guy. Well, that's very nice of him. If more people will actually read it and get it particularly in Washington DC. I think we make a hell of a lot of of progress exactly I agreed with bill your very very kind. Let me send you a signed copy of American Marxism, so don't hang up, hand out, let's continue Sondra the Bronx W Abc our greater failure in New York? How are you. Hi. How are you thank you so much for before responding in
It's my answer to the port I did have to issue to address. First of all, is immigration a second one? It is health care, they're really related to each other as illegal immigrants and to this country mom. I believe the current situation is not only slap in the face for all the people. All the Americans, but also naturalized citizens. That came here legally that follow the process, the law process. You know here and years of of checking and and making sure that you got the papers if there is very, very stressful till I work I just to add that yes, Biometrics
I mean all of this. It takes a long time, it's very stressful and on that, but that one thing so would be created with this. This chaos basically, and only through care they can operate this on. The second thing I want to add in health care and at the registered North in New York, one wonders leaving not just an under the New York but across the country they're leaving because of the mandate on healthcare system been broken up before the Corbett crisis, and now this is just kind of covert, was just the catalyst adjust creates more and more the difficulties that we had before it, which is getting worse and worse now, so on it's important
just the healthcare, because we have Medicare medicated Medicare that is intended for american citizens. We have about twenty two million illegal aliens according to MIT Study, flown school of management on that been registered on so with new. Influx of immigrants. How much there's gonna be a more and more difficulties with healthcare system. The be burdened even more value. The american citizens. Will the american political get the care to read that they need now the veterans get the care that they meet? No ah said: that's that's very important thing and it's not just I'm not just putting it on health care, but it's really important because well, listen! I have to roll, but I'm going to say you raise a very, very important point, We have limits on doctors now, the doctors, don't want to stay in their practices, anymore, hospital beds, medicines and so forth, we're bringing the poorest
more people into this country, the poorest to poor people. In this country, more more They get free health care, they're gonna get medicate, they're gonna, get Medicare Obama, care, they're, gonna, collapses. Healthcare system, people start paying damn attention to this you're, exactly right, your exact right Sondra. Thank you, You called on hang up will send you a signed copy of em. A marxist folks, as a big deal. These services are going to really deteriorate. They're going The deteriorating you're gonna happen People coming into the country have contributed almost nothing more, nothing. We're going to be using this massively expanded. Well. First, that they want to pass edition of the mass of welfare stay. We already have. I mean free education for all means illegal, it's free healthcare for all means illegal aliens. People in here by the millions
That's that's not a small say, that's a big city, It is shocking to me what these bastards in the Mccrae party are doing in this country. Bastards in the media regurgitating this stuff heartless. Unless you believe american citizens who build everything who paid for everything For whom this govern exists should allow These so called elites to destroy their society. Bernie Sanders, didn't build this country Elsie contributed nothing to this country, suppose you know husband have taken from this country and your I've been on a government, though his entire life. These they create price Acts and services and wealth and all the rest of it there creatures of
meant and they were power hungry narcissists. That's the truth!. Let's go to Gregg Akron Ohio Exam Satellite Gregg go right ahead. Please you for taking my call yes, sir, Hey I just wanted to bring up the like, versus opportunities to me in my life, I've always looked at issue. Being a away, but I could create an opportunity goes all the way back to When I was in the martial arts, I would I would go against the competitor. There was much bigger stronger than me and I was always looking for a way to take what he was giving and turn them into an opportunity for me to win We need to do the same thing with what Democrats, you don't they want to bring millions workers southern border, so why don't we figure out a way that we can take them?
illegal immigrants and make them an asset for because, because many them are illiterate in their own language, they make them an asset? For us? There needs to be some basic understanding of unalienable rights and civil society and representative government and this is also why the Democrats don't support assimilation, because if you start to think for yourself you you're in a a buffoon who Marches in line with the Democratic Party, so I hear what you're saying and it sounds very persuasive, but it's not you can't just do it. Particular whether handed out free this free that free this free that you're trying to do. People how to read and write and understand The principles of the civil society, doesnt work, why you can't have so called immigration like this, with millions of people coming from all over the world. Most
The third world impoverished illiterate, A massive well, I mean even the great Milton Friedman, a libertarian and one of my hero said you can't have open borders and the welfare state Destroy the society. And that's where we have so first things. First, that's why lay up, in my view, the case in American Marxism, what we have to do and what the problem as these are enemies, they're, not opponents. In this, these various american Marxist movements- when you look at eight o c or Presley your. Acre any these. These marxists. That is the future of the country. If we don't want. That kind of an ideology alright, my friend call martial arts, it's a good thing we're gonna, send you a signed copy of America. Marxism spread the where brother
back then Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a seed dot. U S! Son ass, you folks! According to a Democrat Party votes,
to deny Israel one billion dollars worth of metals. Iron, dome missiles, defensive missiles to shoot the missiles out of the sky that the Iranians are giving to Hamas, among others, When they made an, unfortunately, should nuclear weapons sky, is led by Talib Anti Semite Elsie at thy Semi Presley, Anti Semite Omar Anti Semite in the Democratic Party. The the anti Semites. So the Republicans Mccarthy and puts a bill on the table, is ok. Let's have a straight up vote on on adding that back every public and vote. Yes, every Democrat votes now, including the jewish Democrats God homer? What's his name.
God homer the little creep in northern news voted. No, while I was we will now No is now so, They don't my money going to the palestinian terrorists, they don't say I'm thing about. Eighty five billion to the Taliban terrorists. And around, but Israel, Israel. None of the mainstream media talk about the anti Semites and the Democratic Party, never the corrupt propaganda. Me never, then, Recall them out fake tapir de lemon Fraid Cuomo. Now. Angela Mitchell. Now. Brian Williams. I remember on day day when I was part of the normal. Do you know him, none of them how Bout Chuck Todd
nothing and many of the people, I'm referring to our secular Jews, say a thing, but it's not Them Andrei Mitchell, Chuck Todd, Jake Tapir, some of the others he's dyed in the wool Democrats, who dressed up as journalists who are propagandist. Nothing. Anyway. The amazing isn't Renee Fair Ex Virginia the great w I may now. How are you Renee. I'm good mark? How are you I'm good? Thank you, would like to tell you that I do have your book most. Definitely, and it is. We then about I and enjoying it well my eye. We in the book, I also want to see me,
and then I listen in my car and I go back and I read over it and I go I can I listen in my car is gonna. Take me a while to get completely through it, but I am. Finally, having some confidence, to debate some of the issues with some of the world people I know, and it has made such a good report. Am, I do have a friend on Facebook. And down on my boy and I had just had enough and I say: listen, I challenge any waiting this posed by Mark Watts, been american model. Some waited without emotion, intellectual about it. Look at the fact, and then we can, talk about it. There is no way after reading the book on him,
Similarly, we bid, I hate tromp out there wait any one in their right mind good what is going on and it is working in my heart, my dad was a world war. Two that one leg and now in the Pacific It just why my heart to say, is going on in this continent's maisie- treated us- not treated there's an entire. Of course. They seek to overthrow our society and replace it with something else. Which human history, not even that much human history tells us, is. A hideous ideology and so what's happening is these so called leads the people in power Trying to use their power in this case Democrats. They're, trying to use their power to check
our country to empower themselves- and this but I try to get through to people night after night after night, they want allegiance to the party not allegiance to the country. They don't care about the country as it currently formulated. They don't care about that detention, it's in their way, they don't care about declaration of independence in old document doesn't mean anything to them. They they they look at everything from the perspective of government and how to social engineer, and that's it actually what they're doing and that's exactly what mine doing the destroying the people in the name of the people. Are I mean Frank, don't hang up, but where time I want to send you a signed copy, the American Marxism I want to thank you all. Again were now over a million Happy sold in all formats, thanks to you, not me You ve done it and that means as a big army, a patriots out there that are not
even on the radar screen, and that's good number two is the highest old, nonfiction book of the year, nobody's gonna catch it, not even this bogus book peril. So that's not going to happen either the number three ten weeks in a row two and one slash two months number one on the New York Times. Bestseller list: that's you know big media, no big tech, you we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and you're, not and emergency personnel want to. Thank you. All God bless you and I'll see you here tomorrow take care of yourself
Transcript generated on 2021-10-20.