« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/20/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, former Capitol police chief Steven Sund was blamed by Nancy Pelosi for not securing the Capitol building on January 6. But the National Guard can’t deploy without Pelosi’s go-ahead. President Trump offered her 10K National Guardsmen and she said no, so did the D.C. mayor. Why is it that Pelosi and Mitch McConnell get a pass on not securing the Capitol? The January 6 committee protected Pelosi and pretended she had no role. Later, we have a rouge DOJ with a rouge Attorney General. AG Merrick Garland at a hearing today refused to answer any questions. The GOP needs to have a Constitutional battle. They need to subpoena the schedules and communications of Garland, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, and the head of the criminal division. They need to subpoena their notes from the various meetings that they've had with each other. They need to subpoena the emails and text messages they've had among each other. Then they can duke it out in the courts and get the information because they won’t get anything from these hearings. Afterward, as a government shutdown approaches, there are still 5 Republican holdouts. All these guys have personal ambitions and that’s what they are putting in front of everything else. What will happen is that the Democrats will get some RINOs to join them, then we will have a budget blowout. Also, what is it about the Constitution that the Democrat Party hates? It’s all in ‘The Democrat Party Hates America.’

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the the. america mark levant here our number eight seven seven, one three eight one one aids seven, three, eight one, three eight one one I see President trump endorse the book today, MR producer, I want to thank president we'd, like all
looking candidates, all republican leaders to endorse the book. I mean, after our doubts about the democratic party, but you know some of them see more like democratically publicans these days that. certainly due to me. They get better By reading the book, I believe so they know how to spawned a questions about race in abortion, the budget law and order the constitution, but hope springs eternal, but I don't have a ton of hope on that that I can tell you as well This is important to me. I think it's important EU is well former cap, a police chief blames Pelosi four january six security failures by carry pick it the great carried picketed the washed in time. represent ninety pelosi was among
key players who form a? U s: kapital police chief, Stephen son, said Responsible for the breakdown and security, the lead to the riot capital on January six, twenty twenty one Mr son testified before the house administration oversight subcommittee, tuesday and told law figures that at the time of the attack he learned that then speaker Pelosi never wanted. The national guard deployed. According to MR son or generally three twenty twenty one, he talked to how sergeant arms Paul irving. senate sergeant arms, Michael anger, about calling in the national guard who is tat. Mr stagger, Then he should ass major general, william walker, who is the commander.
The deasey national guard. How quickly troops could deployed in the capital complex if necessary,. Mr son said at the hearing that, for months after the riot Staggered told missus Pelosi: California Democrats did not one the guard on the capital grounds that day, I said mister stagger, you came up with a response fairly quickly for me to call general walker, and he told me polar. Had called him ahead of time and said: son came here asking for the national guard. We ve gotta come with another plan pelosi will never go for it. I was lord by him, saying that, according to MR son, the day when a pro trump mob Storm the capital and disrupt the congress certification of president bones when he contacted MR arriving at twelve. Fifty eight p m, I request.
they call in the national guard. He was fully aware of just how bad it was outside it, and I did I did not get the approval. He said Mr son resigned generously in twenty twenty one after mrs Pelosi called for him to step down from his post and blamed him for nuts gearing the capital think about that. He maintains that he called the national guard six times routine three days before the attack, but they didn't deploy. They can't deploy, as the speaker says they should deploy. He maintains that he did so six times for three
Public law makers excoriated miss pelosi, MR irving, from making Mr Sunday scapegoat the day of the capital was breached by programme protesters. Let's stop here minute. there's a sergeant arms. Are the house read MR belief. There's a sergeant arms at the senate. This may be cannot have any role whatsoever. And whether the national guard is accepted as president trump? Offered or not none of this was part the six politburo hearing are investigating. None of it policy gets. to play florence nightingale How many kinda that pointing thing
elsewhere, particularly donald trump, but she was in charge of security issues offered ten thousand national guardsmen armed troops. She didn't want them. The mayor democrat. Of DC, she didn't want them either. see this gives the lie to the whole. Damn thing there generally six committee, including the two. Probate republicans protected names, you, Protected nancy Pelosi pretended she didn't have any. All she had who say yes,. and none of it what happened but also If the big light of the fact that donald trump was leading an insurrection and com
Sedition when he offer those troops right, my pants, I write our short nicky hailing Chris Christy None of us in this room are saying what happened. Ungenerous six was corrects as representative gregg murphy of line about. I absolutely believe the conditions for to occur, rests at the former speakers lap and those two, Sergeant arms are complicit with other individual said, Mister murphy, one thing for something to occur, but it's the thing to create the conditions for that to occur course is exactly right. Of course,
I visited enormous torres of california. The top Democrat on the panel turned the panel's attention to foreign president trump's involvement in sparing the attack, and then they go on with their talking points, but donald trump didn't spare the attack. He never used words that spurred the attack, There is not a scintilla of evidence in any phone calls texts emails that he spurred any attack people, some of whom are making please and said they would have done what they did, but for the fact of tropics wisely, but that's nothing much much evidence of anything the czech shimmer sparely would be assassination a brand cabinet.
by the things he said when he turned around and pointed to the care of the supreme court building an attack, those justice? How come he's not tied to that and he really did he really did threaten those justices tunnel. Drug didn't threaten anybody in that building. He didn't threatened insurrection of any kind pier we all know it. We all saw it. We are heard it. We know all about it. It didn't happen. This is a long history, the democratic party and there never tramper friends but it's the long history, the democratic party, to make up history to rewrite history- and I ve done it about general sex.
I'm talking about whether you like trump acted too soon to slow wherewith. It's not what I'm talking about. so the insurrection day. Generally, six anybody? Remember that date, the white house came under attack and, of course, the Democrats were very concerned about all the secret service personnel who were injured, Nellie Weren'T- and I damn thing and trump's hustled off to the nuclear bunker under the white house and they're trying to breach the gate and they have to call in police federal police. They have to call in F b I and others for which for achieving bill. Barr at the time was excoriated in yet they needed to do that in order to put
Down the insurrection that occurred that anybody know what date that was no listen, that's circled on our calendar anywhere, no. It will be alarmed and anti for the Democrats. Party militia wing and that's the elephant satellite Republican party has a regular militia, ready to roll at any time, but the democratic party does they do, and so here we have open statement. in testimony, but former: u s: capital, police chief Nancy Pelosi, emitter, Mcconnell. Saying it was policies for that,
was breached on general six. He lays it right at her feet. And so this mirror she fires him and blame him. And that's good enough for washington d c, so it must be good enough for the country I'll be right back, Ben have you been waiting to by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you,
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the garland, the congress today testifying the house judiciary committee pathetic absolutely, I speak to you, as somebody was chief of staff to former attorney general. My attorney general means would never have done this concept. Roper dope, it's just outrageous. The complete lack of accountability. But let's hear some of this now have more to say about it. Hears jeff Van true republican, new jersey was a Democrat, which, because he saw how terrible they were and he's been very solid to his credit cut one go: follow your confirmation. Americans were promised. There are getting a focused non pa listen to lead their federal law enforcement. I have my doubts back then, and
two years have more than confirmed. In my mind, those fears never in my life, but I would thought that I would see such a politicized the oj. Never in my life what I thought I would see such a department of just said, didn't obey their own rules. Never in my life tat. I think I would see the egregious investigations did your what yonder your watch or the blame Regarding the first amendment by fbi field office, under your watch. However, in my life tat, I think I would see our great d o j turned toward into a politicized weapons to be wielded by an invite. The to attack political rivals I still hold the thousands of hard working staff with high regard, but unfortunate. There are some within the department, in my mind, who have betrayed their oaths and for that must be held accountable. I hold who accountable for the label
appearances, domestic terrorists standing up for their property indication of their own children. I hold accountable for the answer. A catholic memo imagined sending agents undercover into roman catholic churches because they supposedly domestic terrorists, and I hold you accountable for unleashing a special council with a history of Boston situations on our car president's police. go rival. The department of under your leadership, I am sorry to say- and I am sorry to say- has become an inn- where's. My arm of the democratic national committee. if there is a perceived threat to the democratic party, the democratic party. This deal j tax every single time, but when there are actionable threats against conservatives, this, the o J stays point protest. Outside violent protesters outside the supreme court justices home unpunished, some pro life centres unpunished, the tooth
system of justice is clear clear, the american public and the box What the man in charge that man is you the actions of the oj J or on you, the decline of americans, trust in our federal war, horsemen is on you. The path to poland. weapon association of the d o J is on you. That is fantastic, other guys. Former democrat Does he doesn't draw any attention from major depressed. We face the nation and adrian networks preside. interested in what a former democrats now Republican has to say about current democrats. Fears, namer adam kings, anger any was trashing, mccarthy tromp. Obviously they be offering him a job on these networks, Or if his name was loose, trainee
she beginning awards from the kennedys a foundation. But here is a flip from a democratic republican. and by the way, one of the better republicans, I might add Listen to what he says and they act like he doesn't exist. I know he exists. He represents a beautiful part of new jersey. And he represented well, and I just one- Point this out, this gentleman had been elected as a democrat. To every state offices new jersey was elected to congress as a democrat. and then he said, wait a minute. What the hell am I doing any switch switched. He did the unthinkable
And so he gets the scarlet letter rather than any. In effect, a media ticket day parade but he was out standing, are one of the questions I'm getting. I've done, maybe already thirty interviews on this book, the democratic party hates american. I bring up this gentleman Jeff Andrew for a reason. I really believe the more people who really understand what the democratic party dance for including Democrats who aren't you know, zombies. Democratic really not sure why their democrats, I will believe they read this. They will distance himself from that party but one of the questions I'm getting a lot about the constitution and slavery
and so I really need to dig into this in the context of what Mr Andrew Jackson have you been Into by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v! I n the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, mark, Levin, tough as hell. That's why I like bartel of them and I'm not sure a lot of people like him, he's tough as hell. What I like, I love,
well call now, eight seven, seven, thirty, eight one three, eight one one and when it thank prison, tromp fer, a very kind, words kind words and person kind words and public posting the book linking to it, and I have to tell you I'm kind of shock right now on the dredge report. Mac drudge has prominently posted my book. correctly, so that we ve skyrocketed, pass the elon musk book and I've been alike, elon, musk pathway, so credit where credit is due. he's treated the book. I think the way it ought to be read it, but it is amazing. Cosy has nothing but contempt for crops are theirs trump, promoting the book in their structures, Promoting the book, ladies and gentlemen, honestly this book is written for you,
Hope is it well change things or begin the process of changing things, but they repeat a question I kept getting, and so I want to address it nationally to appoint. I want overdue, Is something we talk about several months ago that look, people come and go and memories fade and you ve got other things to do. What is it about this constitution that the democratic party hate so thoroughly. Well, first, while the constitution, this constitution was written to prevent tyranny. Totalitarianism of the sort the democratic party promotes, and they lie about the constitution. They lie about. It. Former law professor Robert NATO syn the independent institute says to begin The dominant view among the founders was that slavery was absolutely not fine,
The prevailing view was that slavery violated natural law, that is, the declaration and was doomed to extinction. Indeed, by seventeen eighty seven, several states on the journey towards abolition, nor did the country to show greater mandate, slavery or racial discrimination. Recreations of state law and they varied from state to state their families were forced to accept. that situation to prevent america from fracturing into a multitude of nations, cuts the war with each other, as in europe or self. Also also the common claim that slaveholders adopted the constitution of the public that ratified it. Some states the pub voted, only a small percentage of slaves. perhaps, as many slaveholders oppose, the constitution is favoured it in a least
I've states, the ratifying electorate included. Free african americans. Interesting. How many of those who insist that all our. three must be taught when promoting the non historical see our tee. I write but refused to do just that as they were in lebanon, cely smear our country. they perversely named american constitution societies. President as former radical wisconsin democrat senator fine gold had a conference titled founding failures: getting with our constitutions, generational impacts on health and well being which, When will this assertion quote our constitution establishment of a racial caste system left a legacy. That could be seen generations later and its impact on the health and well being of communities of color exploitation, scientific studies in fear and medical care criminal toy design, infrastructure,
a policy every wreaked havoc on the bodies, a black indigenous and let tee necks, americans, of course, the party directly responsible for slavery, radiation and racism in their perpetuation is the democrat pie which American marxists are aligned with as members and advocates, for example, Bernie sanders a so called democratic socialist eddie caucasus. With these Senate Democrats has run more than once for the democratic party presidential nomination, nearly winning cassandra Cassio Our task as part of a group called democratic socialist of america, There are several house Democrats, but she associates with the democratic party old time marxist francis fox pigeon
still plays a major role in recruiting training promoting fellow marxist who work within the democratic party in gaza, denmark, parties developed into the political harm, the various american marxists movements, which they agree and identify with. Hence they are not repulsed by america's past or more accurately, the democrat parties passed as to forever indem the democratic party and refuse any association with their members. They ignore downplay its So the complex clan white, supremacist, neo, nazis, lynchings, etc. Steady argument blame the entire society, culture and country for the democratic parties. Contemptible past. to underscore the point. The american marxists are supportive of the democratic parties modern day promotion of weakened socialism, cultural marxism and anti,
americanism generally in truth or contempt for the constitution. through teen condemnation, not so much because of some of the framers biographies, but because they constitutions firewalls, we may an impediment to or at least slow there. Revolutionary aims and the speed with which they seek to make them. Indeed, the birth of the republican party in eighteen. Fifty four occurred in response and opposition To efforts to expand slavery in the territories either democrat This proves the real intentions of the american marxists, that is, history is not so what drives them are they wait, there be republicans today or at least not associate with the democratic party there revolution against americanism and for economic socialism and cultural marxism Their real motivation still marked
hypocrisy aside. There is certainly no excuse for slavery code Nobody did it, which is mostly true, obviously does not make a right, but unfortunately, it's a historical fact but is beyond debate, that it was unique to the. The days of certain american colonies in the united states, for example, Coronel professor of history, sangree green, explains and now he was slavery common throughout the world, but in africa as well. You're right slavery in the united states ended in eighteen, sixty five, but in west Africa was not legally ended, a toy eighteen, seventy five and then it stretched on it actually to almost war war, one in africa, slavery continued. She writes. because many people were aware that it again similar to what happened in texas safety, U S, civil war.
he's as while Levin twelve million people are estimated to have been exported as slaves from west africa during the years of the slave trade millions more retain in africa, quoting her that's something many west african countries, talk about, says green, whose black herself sought exactly our moment, because everyone now realises that slavery is not acceptable. The broader point is that all cultures suffered from serious imperfections. I write some can acknowledge and effectively addressed Reforming along the way and others do not or allow Successful in doing so, they constant degree. Meeting of the american system, including the distortion of history, capitalism and modern day, race relations is a purposeful effort by the democrat party not to improve society but to ruin and eradicate it.
Like robert needles, in assisted professor hills, to college doktor David A rod makes a good answer: saint defence of their framers and a constitutional rights. The argument that the constitution is racist suffers from fatal flaw the concept a race does not exist in the constitution. Nowhere in the. institution or in the declaration of independence. For that matter he writes a human he's class replied according to race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, religion,. or any other of the democratic parties favorite groupings, our founding principles are actually color blind Although he says our history, regrettably, has not been, the constitution speaks of people, citizens, persons, other persons, a euphemism the slaves and indians not taxed, in which case it is there ex exam status and not their skin color. That matters. The first
french to race and color occur in the fifteenth amendment and its guarantee. The right of ratified in eighteen. Seventy azra points out that the infamous three fifths clause we ve talked about this, which more nonsense has been written about than any other clause. Doesn't that clear that a black and his words sixty percent of a white person. It says that for purposes determining the number of representatives for each state in the house and direct taxes. They government would count three fifths of the slaves and not all of them as this states who want gain, more seats had insisted the southern bates insisted that, although blacks, where property, but they should be counted as people for their purpose, of assigning how seats, because they wanted more power in congress. It was the north. That said, no, no, you only get three fits.
the sixty thousand or so free blacks in the north and the south were counted on par with lights. The constitution deferred to the state to determine who shall be eligible to vote. It is a little known fact of american history black citizens were voting, perhaps as many ten as ten states at the time of the founding. precise numbers are unclear, but only georgia, south carolina and virginia explicitly restricted suffrage to whites. Now, on July, five, eighteen, fifty two frederick douglass who escaped slavery, came to the north. Was not educated in any school was soft, educated and intellectual. A genius.
A leader, the abolition movement who, Eventually, befriended lincoln, although initially he was sceptical, became close friends would lincoln, who did more to help free slaves advance the cause of a colorblind society than any black person alive today, whose teaching at any cowardry university, whereas on any cable, show on July five? Eighteen, fifty two before the outbreak of the civil war douglas, gave a fierce speech. Dammit slavery, endorsing abolition in that speech It's also strongly defended the constitution of the united states and those who drafted it among other Things douglas declared that those reply to him by charging the frame The constitution, for quote proofs, Firstly, what I have now denounced are, in fact this is,
not me ted and sanctioned by the constitution, the united states that the right to and I had slaves as part of the constitution, framed by the illustrious. fathers of this republic, but I differ from Who charge this baseness. The framers of the constitution, the united states. It is a slander upon their memory, at least I believe, fellow citizens, theirs matter, in respect of which the people of the north have allowed themselves to be so ruinously imposed upon and that of the pro slavery character that institution in that instrument. I, there is neither warrant licence, more sanction of my head. A thing that is slavery, but interpret it as it ought to be interpreted that cod, Attention is a glorious liberty document. Read its preamble consider its purpose. This is slavery among them. Is it at the gateway or is it in the temple? It is neither
While I do not intend to argue this question on the press occasion. Let me ask if it be not somewhat singular that if they constitute were intended to be by its framers adapters, a slaveholding document Why neither slavery Slaveholding nor sleep it can anywhere be found in it. What would be an instrument drawn up legally drawn up for the purpose of entitled in the city of rochester crack of land in which no Of land was made not take the council fusion according to explain reading, and I defy the present We a single pro slavery clause in it
on the other hand, it'll be found to contain principles and purposes entirely hostile. The existence of slavery, they're pulling more statues down in new york city. One of them is George Washington. As the president of the constitutional convention and I point out of douglas we're alive today and made stay put on nearly any media platform are virtually any doubt democratic party event. He be bul off the platform. In other words, he would the abused and smeared as clarence thomas is today others much more in the book. But I wanted you to have a little bit of it said. You have a little general knowledge of how to push back
I'll be right back then Have you been way by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there? But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
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I definitely want to get into this hearing today more deeply because, we lay road department of justice under rogue attorney general. He he did his role. the dope thing. I don't babies running that department, anymore than I believe, binds running the government. believe it's lisa, Monaco, the deputy tourney general, who truly is a marxist palm through our and the other? in your officials there who are of the marxist mindset as well. There is simply no question the extent and the depth of the corruption. And the police state abuses of the department, justice and their prosecutors are simply no question about it. We're gonna get into this hearing more deeply. I mean I've got a tonne to discuss, but I'm not gonna get all of it. There's always on the day after the debt, while almost always
truth is what Mary garland is going to this country with the department of injustice is doing I'm seeing now that there is a report out there of course leaked by the they government by jack, the Ripper smith's office that They now have an individual. They say who is turned on trump. They had. I t admirer largo, who says he was told, if asked about the boxes, to play dumb movement of the box, so everybody's out there, including the legally lists and including the biggest analysed them all chris christie- can you imagine mr bloom These sperm whale of the candidates that this is open and shut ever witnessed hamper. Ladies and gentlemen,. just because the prosecution leaks, something doesn't make it true. Where the hell are. We live anymore here just unbelievable?
I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much. Sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america mark levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven so, Three, eight one, three, eight one, one card number, five minutes to producer Merrick. Ireland's ass by my johnson
standing member the house. former head of the republican another conservative group of Republicans there listen to this cut five go. Have you had no contact with anyone. It fbi headquarters about the hunter by an investigation. I don't really. I don't. I don't recollect the answer to that question, but the f b I works for the justice department, sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't recollect you don't recollect whether you with anybody at fbi headquarters, abundant investigation of the president's son I believe that I did. I promise the senate. When I came before it for confirmation- and I would mister weiss in place and then would not interfere with his investigation. Had ever. I have kept that promise or cut six go can you tell us about any briefings or discussions that you personally have had with MR weiss regarding,
in all federal investigations of one by say again problem. the senate that I would not interfere with MR wise. You have not I'm just under oath Your testimony is, you have not had Discussions with mister weiss about this matter under oath like us today is, and I promised to the senate. I would not in in his investigation. I do not intend to discuss the liberal Internal justice department, deliberations whether or not I had them. Ok, so you this money today is you're not going to tell us whether you had discussions and mister weiss. My testimony, today, as I told the committee and I would not interfere clear that mister weiss would have they forty bring cases that he thought where appropriate mister weiss as minor? Ok, let me not forcing its answer. Are you the fbi officials have come before this committee and they have stated that there was a cumbersome bureaucratic process that MR white,
to go through to bring charges and another judicial district. You know that I'm not aware That's not true! There's not cumbersome about the process. So those wasn't in order lying to us under out there, whistleblowers your line that that they are description of the process. Cumbersome is an opinion, not a fact. She doesn't know anything, but he does know it's not cumbersome. He knows when he wants to know. And by the way it is not an intrusion into the investigator process. To answer a flat, I question whether you spoke to anybody, the department of justice. About a hundred buying and then investigation? That's not about fearing the investigative that by members of the house for anybody That is a question that lee answerable, that he doesn't want to add that simple.
Did you talk to anybody or not nodded, I recollect and then it goes to. I told the senate I wouldn't get and raw. Then it goes to are not going to discuss rested, gave I wish the center I went what does any this mean. and so this is all an attempt to sabotage congresses right. go oversee activities at the department of justice at all. It is that's exactly what it is. And as for this David, why you can thank bill bar for David, why despite all of his spin and the rest of the crap. The? U s attorney and dollar. As I have explained this multiple times, a tropical They said, as I have said repeatedly,
as somebody who understands this process and lived with it,. Proper points, all u s attorneys during the course of his presidency. It mean he's a trump guy. Everybody. Damn all knows at all. U s attorney appointments go through the office of then senator, President president Biden, he owns the state he who's that city. Nobody gets a job. Joe saying so, and so he might be a trap. Pointy could be a throwaway, you know, snowboard, that's nanopore, us attorney wilmington. Who cares that's what he's thinking, but they can keep saying that the man's actions demonstrate the here's. Something one a garland and his troop say we don't report abiding we're America's department of justice, not for the department of of not for that
crap party and not for by and yet the media, keep saying. Why was a trap appointed as if he's doin trumps bidding bidding just damnable and stupid. and stupid thomas massey really good with mary garland cut aid go now in that way, Oh, that was your answer to question to me. Two years ago, when I sit re epps, the infamous re apps charged with one misdemeanor, despite the fact that every daddy sees him video, encouraging people to charge into the capital building And for some reason, the same department of justice, the same group of is that cabal and washington and easy or putting people in prison in
isn't, for I have a lot less, a mister, in charge for trespass for MR epps Ivan. Is MR apps of a damn thing on this programme, but I want to fight him over the airway to come on the programme. if he and his lawyers are willing to do so. Come on the programme I mean Chris Christie. Won't want a program because he's a he's asleep the only go to certain places that slobber all over him, better europe's I said a word about janni by not on the air, not off there So you have no reason to hide from me, nor do your lawyers useless with a misdemeanor go ahead now and that video.
If that was your answer to a question to me two years ago, when I said how many agents or assets of the government were present on january fifth and january six and agitating in the crowd to go into Apple on how many went into the capital, can you answer that now I don't know the answer that question last time, No, how many there were, or there were none. the answer to either of those questions. If there were any, I don't know how many you know whether there are any. I think you may have. perjured yourself that you don't know that there were any. You want to stay That again, did you dont know that there were no personal knowledge of this matter. I think what I said the last time you had two years to find out and by the way that was in reference to re apps and yesterday, you indicted in isn't that a one four coincidence on a misdemeanour, Meanwhile, your sin grandma's to prison. Your point
people away for twenty years for miller, merely filming some people weren't even there. Yet you got the guy on video he's saying: go into the capital he's directing people do the capital before the speeches. At the side of the first breach you ve got the goods on ten videos and its in it and it's an indictment for misdemeanor. The american public isn't buying it. I yield so my time to cheer majority, I answer the question. One now be, was well at the dawn of the go ahead in discovery in the cases where file with this After january, six, superman prosecutors, provided whenever information they had about question that you're asking with respect Mr apps, the fbi, has said that he was not an employee or form Two of us,
fbi. Mr maps has been charged and there's a proceeding. I believe, going on today I met subject the charge is a joke? Are you the chairman, cut nine go you almost, a Democrat who, admittedly supported Biden. But then he became a critic of the administration and expand who's, the censorship regime now poor public report. the d J, his open, not one, but two investigations of iran us mark sucker on the other hand, spent four hundred million dollars in twenty twenty tilting, the? actions secretly for democrats. No, investigations whatsoever to the americans public. These look like mafia tactics. You pay your money, we the other way you, norway, we punish you, americans, A big sees what these tactics are out of prison
while it's more the same during the hearing, I'm not gonna play anymore. For you. but it is really quite quite disgusting. And so I was on the morrow Maccallum show where this afternoon thank her. She real journalists as far as I'm concerned the little bit about the book, but she asked me About this testimony the attorney general to that- and I tell you just as some up and paraphrase I said I was the staff to an attorney general, and these hearings were robust. That, many of the questions this man would not answer, would have been answered by General meets firm grip on what was going on in his department, and then I want further So I want to say it again: friends on the house, judiciary committee. Obviously,
Set it to them a private, I'm saying to them a public issues subpoena for all communications. between the attorney general, the deputy attorney general between and among these Is he the attorney general, the head of the criminal division, The head of the civil rights division. As well as others for other communications related to these cases and related to hunter Biden, in particular,. Emails text messages, phone logs schedules and I was at the door. when a justice we had fairly extensive. Schedules her put in writing and up by e mail, the subject various meetings again when I was department of justice. We at least had a weekly all hands on deck.
meeting, and that would include all the heads of the different departments and divisions it's time to go right for the top the department of justice? They will claim that they cannot provide that information. They might even get the present the united states to assert exam. it a privilege over the communications and they should raise it to the highest level. Now have this constant Who battle, which is absolutely required, duke it out in the courts and try and get the information they're, not gonna, get it from these hearings. With this report In the other, reprobates that, by an appointed, they are not going if the information they'd rather less, get to the washed imposed in the new york times, which is what they do. One of the people who used to be a conservative federalist society. Member used to hear an honorable
here is George conway. Really. His name should be george, the com, not so much conway George has lost his way George is all, in my humble opinion, he's all in any tyranny: Department of justice he examined you find, it is to be perfectly fine. The targeting Former president presidential candidate bogus allegations using the most ridiculous laws, he knows Possibility for convictions encounter very high, because the cities there brought in and because of the nature, the jury's. He knows this is a stalinist stone as production, but he doesn't care. He doesn't care. Cut tango reaches just doesn't stop.
that's why all of this that it's just the all fits together and- and you know they when we see, we see count thirty three of the indictment in the mar a lago indictment, which is the conspiracy to obstruct they listed these things, a b c d, f and g that they didn't put in the mall. So maybe even he's dead to rights, and all this there you go I wanted a job in the trump justice depart and he was turned down and he's been on. I hate motion. I refer obsessed, unhinged, as far as I'm concerned. Only when a very good lawyer muscle His way through over the years. But they love him. Now, I'm MSNBC and cnn and airport radar and santa grams war arose. He can show up because this. the road to say- and this is george, the conway. Of course, their number emotions I can be filed in florida.
hope they are. number good motions. I could be filed to address this, George Conway, the car, the conway, he will never described them we'll, never discussed them. They have this man rights. Eyes they wanna ride him back when I myself, lsd the dead rights or not. again, I can tell you, as a former chief of staff, to attorney general mace. That case would never have been brought there never would have been a criminal case period. It means would not have done this to the country. He would not have ever, taken the criminal route for a search warrant, a swat team against anybody. Like a jimmy carter and so for never want to happen, there were also survive and use that could have been pursued, but they chose not to complete, set up job?
like this generally six cases with this judge, and I want to talk about this fleet to there's just so much did discuss, judge tanya drunken. As I pointed out to the sun ago, on life liberty and live in cases overwhelming for her to accuse herself. Julie, Kelly really laid out the facts having gone through thousands of pages of open court com, and by the judge, which are as outrageously. Biased and partisan and political as one can imagine more I've ever seen before. Then I read out loud during their programme what the rules, a professional conduct, our federal judges and she violates. But she's in charge of whether she stepped aside can be appealed to a circuit court, but a circuit court in washington you see,
majority, there are democrats because they, bandit accord, Washington DC c in and obama populated with bomb threat. But here's what interest I have never seen a case of my life doesn't mean it's never happened, but its very rare. Where a party says Judge you should recuse yourself for all these reasons, the file their motion with their brief, supporting it and then the other side, the department of justice they file. A brief Opposing the party seeking the recusal, the judge, I've never seen such a thing. I've never even heard of such a thing, so they're defending the judge to the judge against the defendant. Why are they doing that, MR producer, because they have the judge in their back pocket and they know it?
Idiot illogically, of course, I'll be right. Back was then now companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided, it every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot with each one with no price increase whatsoever? Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger. Take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent. More five g data plus mobile hotspot gestures bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happen. to be veteran own and only hires the best Customer service team- here in amerika Mostar,
These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say markel of in to make this, which the pure talk and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again dyer pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today well before we get a break we only a minute here and for We do need to address this x trump aid. What is your name? Cash, hutchison must relation, Rudy giuliani groped her on general six. General six, twenty twenty one. two and a half years ago. Why would keep that information secret,
Will you launch your book next week. Rudy giuliani, grope. True you claim, and yet you, until your book comes? I have to half years later, to mention it, I'm sorry folks, sorry, I'm not mine it now. You know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge. You, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, just Data every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spots. just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be better known and only hires
best customer service team here in amerika Mostar, these are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this which the pure talk and you'll saving it national fifty percent off your first month again a pound to five zero say, mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, mark, love in research are of conservative media call. Now eight seventy seven and three eight one three eight one one While we already know one of the five whole group, Looking to hold out to oppose an eight percent cut in domestic spending I supporting military, invest spending and oppose securing the border. One of the five can buck, whose also pose
when impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden says guys basically sold out to washington. And he's looking for a job at cnn, so that's one of the five Now we learn from our friend byron donalds, that mac gates is desperately looking too. For governor of florida, showing trying to make a stand, get as much engine is. He can because I will be very crowded, primer, Ain t there right now, as a resident of florida he wants to be viewed as mr fiscal responsibility, so he pose the eight percent cut in two Expanding. supporting the military and our vets. and Harding. Our security because that's the proposal that borrowing nods and other conservatives came up with.
But there's more matt rose and dale republican montana and mean to be rude, but he strikes me is kind of these. The So the crowd, maybe. he's plodding terrain first day, white office too. This is our political against John tester. So he's looking to separate himself from other possible republican up, when I'm just showing you how all these guys have their power so ambitions their per I ambitions, and that is what their pudding in front of everything else: Ralph norman. republican of south carolina Let's see here, what do they say, he's mowing a primary challenge: lindsey gram. So he's looking for attention a drawer,
attention to himself so I like any, these guys, want to hang around the house representatives by the way. then we have what else do we have here but an name. A bishop and Virginia. he is floating. Ladies, to be an alternative candidate to the speaker. So he wants Speaker, the house and then we have any bigs. Who tried to do a knockout bloated convention of states in area? These are the five that we're supposed to follow down the yellow brick road Conservatives, you know, I don't know, any speaker in my lifetime, not a republic,
Speaker, none in my lifetime who supported a bill that were cut them stick spending by eight percent for god's sakes and just a start. Just a start. Who would support our military support our veterans and take a firm steps to start to support the border and defend it and keep in mind. Camera mccarthy's up against natural colonel, and these lousy. Easy good for nothing said republicans with a few exceptions. and so people I'm to challenge him, will remove area What do I know, What's going on here, I know there are conservative, think tanks in washington dc not
but some they want to be the power brokers, This is how they raise their own money. This is Make themselves quota core useful. I call out anyone I can see who, in my view is not supporting constitutional conservatism, and it's not, putting we, the people from. his programme, Mccarthy's rhinos, Ahmad, really and yet. He only has these five reprobates he's doing with their freedom caucus, yeah knowingly backs this effort, overwhelmingly chipper roy dear friend Certainly one of those whose the gold standard byron donaldson. suddenly flip. Are they write
now. All these other guys are positioning themselves for other further jobs. Of course, the focus should be on which macao And the pallbearers he surrounds himself with and the republicans in the senate, that's where the focus should be because they're making it impossible. If we pass a bill ladys injure, they cut spending twenty five, and that builds a border wall that is bigger, greater wider than the great wall of china? If we do all those things, the republicans joining the democratic senator going to kill it anyway. So what's the point of this,
in our wrath be focused on the Senate leadership. Let me ask you a question folks, if you're the speaker of the house under these circumstances, what would you do? What would you do. In my twenty one years behind this microphone and longer served in the reagan administration. I supported a number of governments, shut down, but ronald reagan wouldn't even support this. This has no purpose other too other than to advance their career, these five guys we're skype, parry scott perry, whose a great guy out of Pennsylvania monterrey great leaders of their freedom caucus. He an throne and with these five. Nobody's protein with these five, although
true conservatives, another, not the true conservatives, they're, not the true conservative. And what's gonna happen now the Democrats are gonna grab. The ball will get a few of these lousy, liberal rhino republicans to join them. They will have a complete budget blow up. That's what's gonna come. of any government shut down. Under these circumstances, I remember that government a dance on Iraq any wanted to try and missile system they Put any money in there, but he wanted to do The soviet union, so he said now, I'm shutting down you put that in that bill or you get nothing That's not only here today. We don't hear that today. Yeah. Well, I want that twelve bills that they come out at once and nobody got over it.
Understand. What they're talking about america, of course, not it's gibberish! You I will support a garment shut down. We want these republicans from At the time the fall on their swords, we got it, but this this and who they going to replace them with one of these knuckle heads of the five he wants to be speaker. It's not gonna, be speaker here, you can get the other members of their freedom cockers to support its absolute shocking to me and then every damn one of them is positioning for something you and I we don't trust most politicians were. Why would you trust these five kristen.
Called the hard liners True believers, the real conservatives now they're not- exploiting the numbers. and the media on what the american people to believe that these are the conservatives, these the fire true conserve it. And this is what happens when you're a conservative they're, not the conservatives, and this is not what happens when you support conservatives. When you support conservatives, they propose an eight per cent domestic spending crack. They support the military and they support the veterans and they support doing something substantive and asked on the southern border and by the way, humours already set its general arrival. You know why, because he is if machado and back pocket, because Mitch mechanic
doesn't support at either. So these five are effectively during the dirty work of mitch, Mcconnell and the centre republicans. They don't want this bill coming to the senate, thereby Donalds has been involved in and Conservatives support data, Want to see it in the senate, because I agree with blowing off the spending caps that were agreed to last may. These are the centre republicans, so mcconnell. while he says we're rooting for the speaker. He is three with these five thrilled, Now are they the great conservatives? No, I don't think so. Now, Least I'll be right back much Now you know,
Companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news. And for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just cited eight it at every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterinary. and only hires, the best customer service team, here in amerika, most These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on. During the most dependable gee network in america, now pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today
saudi arabia, says the inbred prince bunnybury, There seems very in trade matters prince filling the blank they said. They're going to go. Nuclear throng goes in clear and under Biden. Iran may well go nuclear. and you see this administration is gonna leave. Heads of Helen fury for the future this country? This is why I despise the george conway's of the world and his ilk. they'll bar was a friend of mine. I can't stand it anymore,. I understand they hate trump. I understand there personal reasons, professional or whatever, but it just
like these five guys can't put that aside and look at the bigger picture what's happening to the country. It is mind boggling to me and to tens of millions of americans, mind boggling Now, that's not to say that there are good people running for president. I can think of one other, the others sort of, like TIM Scott as a person, Not really sure way stands almost the issues. I think. Nicky hayley hard for me to take her. I've tried I really want to like her and me personally as a candidate she's, a very record as a governor, very milk, toes Record as a governor, she made her hands
spurs as the ambassador to the EU and which she gave these very strong speeches, but. Nobody can explain her abortion position, she's all over the map, and she says that's the position we should follow. No, that's ok had rather not. rod, dissent as his duke in it out with disney. She jumps in says what take come to our state and spend Words of millions of dollars and higher hundred employees, which shows you unserious she is when it comes to the cultural war. She quotes the gray Margaret thatcher of which he's not. Talking about. You know: men talk, women act really. that's part of the problem of Nancy Pelosi. The way she acted so like that game, either I'm the only woman and I'm younger than everybody who cares. I could care less. when decisions are made about our country that have an effect on our.
kitchen table issues and our national security and all the rest. I don't care what janet tell you, is I'm not voting for your genitalia voting against your genitalia? This isn't a bachelor genitalia. So it sounds ridiculous. Is the Democrat I'm just making a point. she's another one, she trashes two scientists to scientists. The guy in the house of representatives, all biased lonesome, who was pushed before anybody else to move the. U S, embassy at a tel Aviv and Jerusalem, he was the first now remember Nicky hilly supporting that until Interstate and then trump actually did it, I'm just being honest, I'll be right back folks,
institution day has come and gone, but there's still time to receive your free copy of the constitution and dec creation of independence for my friends at hills, del college grab your free copy, it levine helstone dot com. You may remember that hills delves goes to give away one million copies to americans, who don't have one and if Do have one well give it to someone who doesn't area and young and old should read these documents. Why? Because liberty Hence, on we, the people, knowing the basic principles, are free government given state of our nation. It's more critical than ever for citizens to read and understand these documents so to claim your free copy from helstone collar. or one to give away girl event for wholesale back com. I have to do is fill out a simple form. You receive europe led by male without paying shipping and only available while supplies last, but, as I mention this,
of her for my listeners, expires in just a few days: reserve your copy Levine for wholesale back com. That's lavigne for hillsdale dot, com. He's here now: broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mac. I mark levant. Here I number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one: three, eight one one item Talking about this, you a w situation better, go. Really nobody was willing to talk about it and they are all were slobbering lining up behind the you ate up, you us and yes
the distinction between the boss and the memory of the bosses, the key political hacks. None of these unions have simply maybe mrs to their members, that they themselves cannot keep their pens funds run dry, which is why they ran to daddy Biden, who took thirty six bone dollars a year money to put No, a government pension insurance programme, guinea, gay congresses approval we just did it. So what the usa, w boss and his ilk do. If so, then go back the next contract, Then you demand much much much much much more money, so they can actually put some of the bag. Into these funds. Until they run them dry again. None This is being reported by the media because they sank the media
We have heard from James president, but he put some information out there and the public record for the Detroit pre press than anybody can track, including you. and this is why there will not be a groundswell of americans who even sympathetic to units are even other union members who are going to support the. U s w. and we americans already know that the price of automobiles her through the roof new cars used cars pick up to. eighteen wheelers there almost unaffordable most people had to them. That these labour contracts don't have some role in it is to lie. So. This is mark royce Ike he pronounces at detroit free press you're free to check all of his comments,
it was published this morning amid the rhetoric of the: u s, w leadership, the food of misinformation is not fair to anybody. It can be hugely, cannot predict To reaching an agreement, they gets the gm team back to work quickly, which should be everyone's. Go there, offer we proposed on September. Fourteen recognizes the many contributions are represented, a team members make to our company past present and future, and it addresses directly What they ve told us matters most wage growth, jobs, eddie and long term stability says I'd like to take this opportunity to be bunk Some of the myths being shared out there, in other words, some of the lies by the? U: a w boss,. You're, w leadership claimed gm pays its team members, poverty wages. You also heard this from the marxists Bernie sanders. Is simply not true and our
The proposal we are offering a twenty percent wage increase, how many we're getting that, including for temporary employees who make up only six to ten percent of our workforce. What he's trying to say there is not like we're here. all these independent contractors and temporary employees to get around the contract. We only A very small number of our employees, who are temporary and they're getting at you increased? Who says means about? Eighty five percent of current representative employs would earn a is wage a base. Wake of approximately Eighty two thousand dollars a year did you know that MR this set of poverty way contrast, the average median household income and nine areas. we're GM has major assembly plants is fifty one thousand eight hundred twenty one dollar compared to the eighty two thousand and total compensation for the aid
Five percent of the workforce, with overtime in benefits ready, would be more than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars year per employ their benefits or through the roof. Over time and all the rest. so the base is eighty two thousand even before he had the benefits. When you add the benefits and the over time one hundred ten thousand dollars a year over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, Imagine a forty percent increase for a four day week, workweek and even more benefits. That's what they're striking, for the twenty nineteen contract wages for hourly workers with less than one year service earnings nineteen dollars an hour at the potential to reach
two dollars and thirty two cents in our over the term of the contract. With our most recent proposal, some entry level team members we'll get up to a maximum rate of thirty nine dollars and twenty for cents, in our forty bucks an hour at the end of that kind, Track for some workers that are one hundred and forty Percent increase, not good enough, says you a w bush. We want more. Says the fundamental reality is that the? U s, w demands can be described in one word untenable We want to ensure our company succeeds and, more partly wins for the next one hundred years for the benefit of everyone and they go. with their electric vehicle. Began, to which, of course, is being imposed on the cooperation by the by
Illustration of the federal government has for record profits, those profits. He writes a reinvested in our company in our people in twenty two To Jim had net income profits of nine point nine billion dollars in china Twenty three, our capital spending, will be eleven to twelve billion. In other words, there off its ten billion there pouring that us another one to two billion dollars in the capital spending in their company, Shows that's not an aberration over the past ten years, our noting a total of sixty five billion dollars and the amount we invested backing. The company during the same period, seventy seven billion.
Since I spent twenty two years as a day of to union later, and then they go on he says. If we don't continue to invest, we will lose ground quickly, our competitors, rush the countries around the world, most of whom are non union, will waste no time seizing the opportunity? we'll be handing them we, We offer sixteen to nineteen paid holidays per year and of authored the addition of june teeth. Paid holidays can vary due to an election year and Christmas holiday falls, roughly percent of representative team members, with the exception of two pray implies a new hires receive three to five weeks of vacation per year. based on seniority. You believe that Mr Milosevic, three to five
Weeks a vacation per year based on seniority, other words where they get three weeks for five weeks. It doesn't include these sixteen to nineteen paid holidays. New hires he says receives one week: a vacation in their first year and two weeks after the first year. james offer, includes annual wage increases for new employees with progression to the fore. Wage rates within four years We have assembly manufacturing jobs, we have warehousing jobs, we have supply jobs and wood these distinctly different businesses and our national contract. Everyone is paid on the same wage structure. Represented, team, receives extremely generous retirement benefits, our latest for to the. U s: w continues our unconditional six point: four percent company for one k, contribution, Employees who are not eligible for pensions,
twenty six hundred contribution, each year's provided as an investment toward medical expenses and retirement a twenty I percent increase over today those retirement its grow to one point: seven million over a typical thirty three year career. combined with our average employer contributions in this historical investment returns and our plans, and he goes on If these three automobile companies agree to the demands of the? U s w vast, they will go broke, their will go broke, that's how stupid this is now, even what the corporations are proposing to the union bosses I'm gonna drive up the cost of an american vehicle to almost on a audible levels for most americans who are now, sir
going to put food on the table struggling with high interest cards, and so when they hear about a hundred Two thousand dollars for an employee base age of eighty two, plus, all these benefits and so forth. Let me let me promise that if you're a so called popular conservative. If you're afraid to talk about this and the real costs Quences for the vast majority of america's working class is the marxist, like the call it here. you're breaking up the wrong tree. Whether it's a corporation, our union boss, when you're being off the consumers? The van majority of americans when you using this this contract. An opportunity to try and exploit. the economy in the circumstances,
waitress down the road at the diner, the plumber, the electrician, the h back, installer landscaper, you not fallen anybody, not anybody. and when you're you're pushing up the costs of steel, aluminium and plastic, you are not fooling other union members, either There is no reason to stand shoulder to shoulder with this union bosses were pushing this. This is destructive. ultimately destructive of the. U s, w, certainly destructive. Of americans from all stripes backgrounds are parts of the country who are trying to make ends, meet and need vehicles and need repair parts.
You're, not foreign anybody, there's nothing populist, popular about any of this, this is old fashioned. Shakedown I'll have any investment in these companies. Less through my I or something like that, but I certainly have no direct investment or any investment that I know, this- is an old fashioned shakedown unit, shaken down, billionaires and millionaires. You shaken down court called the little people People who are striking earn more than most of the people who buy these vehicles. They talk about fairness. Is that fair? No, I don't think so. And I don't give a damn what you see orange What the pressure on the shareholders, who get ready or c o then go for that, has nothing to do with the punished,
The you intend to mete out hardworking americans who hold different jobs, donor in anything the watchword Gonna make their lives even much more difficult obvious back then, Right we really collars, there must register. I know a bored. Ok will give me a couple. A names get me one, namely starred in K b, Joseph colorado springs colorado, I seem to recall the air force hangs around there. How are you, sir? I'm doing markham, doing great red. All your books got the new. They come in because
we have been given twenty five bucks a month, a convention states on my credit card, which has paid off every month. the way for the last three years, I've taken over ten courses that he'll they'll college, but thank you thank you for what you were, which what you you're helping grow up: Well, you're very, very kind, and I want to thank you for all your support. I want to thank you for being an activist So don't hang up. I want to send you a signed copy of the democratic. He hates america take care, but don't hang up next, MR producer. St tall utah sirius satellite woody. How are you a mark of the married you good good thanks, hey? Are you a really quick? Third, I discovered you were all out or add up
I'm not getting a good audio here with a genuine must reduce. Try again, sir, citing in Europe. Running out of time,. then we ought to think really quickly. I are for years have been talking about to them and communism in america and the us all, but has had on the united states and essentially a nation of the united states, the ratification and our children? I first heard about you when I saw an ad for a book called american marxism and I thought holy crap somebody's, actually calling it what it is exactly, I want to thank you for that wanted to thank you for all the work you do died this new body, yeah come on democratic party against america. Now it's out now on order is actually in my hands in my mailbox. It arrived today, so I can't wait. Good omen,
we'll get it out of here before a range. You know that run the book, but you're very, very kind. I appreciate the way you get this stuff gonna. U turn around these now running any candidates and mine. yeah stag having remain sound, really solid we'll see what we're going to have him back on the programme and a few weeks, but yeah I'm just glad. Romney's done now he's out there trash and republicans trash increase, a nasty, and being I mean the wage eve, so many of us when he was running for president the guy's, a complete principal chameleon. I wish I knew that earlier. I just is daddy was one, is daddy destroy? The campaign of bury go water was running for present at the time. This is These reprobates are the george, ways of the world. The year the Chris Christy
is the chris. Sooner knows the bushes and and on and on and on these. These are. These are people who put their own? I guess there own feelings. And their own beliefs and how the republican party should continue to be in a constant state of passivity and defence. I would argue in front of the best interests of the nation. They just do and they do it election your election after election, or am I and don't hang up, we will send you a brand new signed copy of the democratic party, aids. American. I look if you ve already purchase some copies and you get through and I give you a signed copy, keep the signed copy I'll, give it away cause. I can't give you another right, sir. Thank you for your car. One more collar go ahead, MR producer.
Hoboken new jersey, anthony on the mark, levant up, which is a good way to listen to the show by the way. How are you, sir, very good things my call or, as we like to say in philadelphia, anthony the ages- would you know Anthony enemy? She was many times about the sword. In lausanne, we had a few laughs back then you go on the true cost, It is. I was with you with sir said crews. Into the trap of triumph over from again years. Why I believe he's seconds. I tell you what a little single he's compromise because you wanted to pay levels on a black he gave was crushed. The parade bill baja session now he's not perfect. Wanna go through a bush did you wanna go through Nixon. Do you want to go through with those republican instead
far superior? mark then making conservatism, grating dial in eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one that just a reminder: It's getting late in the week On saturday, we need so many of you at bookends, enriching new jersey and we will start at ten a m shaking hands, signing books having a wonderful time those have come to these events before now how fun they are know that when their done, Store than going had some lunch cause, redwoods the fantastic town in new jersey. That's atm this saturday. I really hope you'll do edison ridge would new jersey, a bookends, it's fantastic ended,
the bookstore. You know some of these independent bookstores are so leftwing. They won't carry my books, ridge would does what bookstore It's supposed to do. They carry everybody's books, especially mine, so I hope you will you'll come by book, ends ridgewood new jersey, and ten, a m This Saturday morning the next day sunday afternoon, it'll, take me a bit of time and my family to get from new jersey to virginia we're gonna, go to another haunt. We love the barnes and noble thyssen's. Corner mall in Maclean virginia the access to its very large barnes unknowable. They too wonderful, restaurants, both in them all and outside the mall. It's comfortable and again, both of them people will meet. Many times for the first time and make lifelong acquaintances? It's just a fantastic thing where people who
the country believe in the country are concerned. but what's happening the country we all get together. These are really are national town hall meetings that later october, the reagan library I'll talk more about that later, most of that is sold out, but you can still purchase a Again in line and to say hi, enemy people course, I'd love, Meat as well. Flying all the way out there. Later in october, but I just want Focus on this weekend, right now, let's hit those are the three signings. There are no more. Certainly, no more than I plan to do. And- and I want to like you, I want to thank all of you. Everyone care about the country, look, No there's different types are radio hosts three different types of radio shows there are different types of radio stations, but you folks seek me out: some of you. Listen on the old. I am a reform bands and
I believe, and I are very grateful for that. We have a massive listener ship through a podcast, and our podcast is Not a new programme, its the same programme, and we have millions and millions of people listen on the pot cast We were streaming. We have the mark living at the eye heart radio, happily of millions more who prefer that. So there's I can only seven ways to listen as its programme and all of them Able to you very easily and for free. So in some people's who and other ratings on the ratings king, I got it. your ass- are nowhere to be found in podcast or online or anywhere else. I got it my added Is this.
I want to be as many platforms as possible. this is a radio programme, so we want to do new cars. We want to be available. I am an him. Some people swear pod casts some people. With a laptop on and they're doing their work, and they want to hear to the live, listen to the live stream. Are they want to download the app on their own cell, phones and so forth. I want us to be the most easily act. S program as its you the audience. However, your listening, wherever you are whatever you're doing You that I'm trying to accommodate in every way I possibly can We give a little here. We take alone are there and when it comes to the numbers, I don't really care doesn't matter. But I want to. Thank you all. That's number one number two: I want to
All of you who part tibet in blaze tv, our digital tv network, which was a combination of concern. review tv, which I co founded, and then we. Made a purchase or an alliance or partnership. but blaze, tv and the great glenn back. We combined our resources and our platforms, and we are just two an fabulous thanks to you that is purely subscription based in. Again. We have the serve your interests. not mine and not ours. Otherwise, Stop subscribing in all platform. Will collapse numbers I want to thank all of you who have true, dvr to record now for saturday nights at eight p m eastern five pm pacific seven.
yeah I'm central and all the other times on Saturday and, of course sunday, Same time same place, the rest fox expanded. The programme from just sunday night to sunday incited he night is because of you. because you wanted at least two more these programmes, honest to god, I resisted for three months. I've got a pretty for play, but then I relented, I got to thinking Life is short careers, however, have a limit, the countries and deep, deep trouble, So I can contribute to this. I will contribute to this, and so I Honestly, I relented, I agreed and now I'm all in when I agree do something I go all in, and so I hope
fine us on Saturday night. I hope it will become as familiar to you a sunday night Same place same time, different days, same format differently. Saturday is not the sunday show. Sunday is not a rigour Protection of the site, in I mean, are an organ show. We had thomas On Davis hands it doesn't get any smarter on tv than that. So I want to thank you for that. and then finally want to thank you. Those of you who acquire these books that are right- and even for those of you who read them whether you I am personally or not. The Democrats, he hates america. Those who you've listened any these interviews, I've and there'll be a few more and that's it. You'll know in the reviews you ve read that are online as if he read them that this is the
compelling book ever written. That's why the longest book ever written. it's the most involved book that I've ever written. It truly it's bullet proof from our critics. They don't know what to do so they're ignoring it as I speak, they pretended doesn't exist. Thanks to you, we blew passed. What was the number one book in the country written about love. Ask by water isaacson who, as a left wing historic, gives advice to Joe Biden. We blew pass that. and we won't blow passed all over again. Books have a shelf life there's an books coming out next week, there all gas books and other job on fox news and the murdoch's. What's that book number one thousand. when by left wing, so called journalists by the name of wolf, maybe heard of a maybe I haven't
This is how they make their money with ease they had run books. In my humble opinion, and then there's the book coming out by is at their cassidy. Hutchison must produce a believe its next week. where her allegations are now all over the news because they give him to the news outlets. Donata heat up interests in the book, where she's making here alligator against rudy giuliani So these are the kinds of books that are out there that's so alot there. Forgotten about within two months, but their hyped, their hyped by cnn and MSNBC, their hyped, the new york times and washed and posts there are hyped by the sunday, shows meet the present. Face the nation. I remember all their names, a constant hype through even hyped news prs. Like our friends at the near post war,
this book is ignored. Because you and I have a special relationship, we trust each other. And we know why we're doing what we're going other tv and radio HO some understand, but most do not. Maybe they been sports their whole life. Maybe they ve been intend different stations. flash in the pan took her. I do things differently. I always have I don't just How are the wrestler until we know what the rest of them are doing, so I thank those of you who pre ordered. I want to thank those of you who ordered yesterday the book was released, those of you ordering today can see the sales we now have one hundred and ten thousand hardcover copies of the book salt Been counting the other platforms for the book, it's only out for two days.
In its available in all these retail stores, Barnes ennoble, walmart, SAM's club. Be jays target, yes, Kosovo has. It has a very significant supply. Our brothers and sisters are friends of barnes and noble and, of course, amazon. which has a significant number of cars to send you immediately so there before you. Nobody is hiding them they're out there. You are just too powerful, your way too powerful, there's too many of you and they don't want to take you off. They dont want to take you off. And I want to thank all of you: the army, a patriot up. There this is possible without you, and I want to tell people who keep saying the same thing. These critics
Do this for the money. I don't write books for money. It takes too much of a toll on my family, When I had to spend week after week at night after night, early morning after morning, emma holidays, we Urging in writing a book. I'm going to be a fairly wealthy person, whether I write another book or not,. But I do another tv show an act. but I do blaze whether I do radio it about money. I wish some how I can get that through the heads of some of these critics,
phony conservatives than leftists. But I can't some going to stop trying. I even have one person is trying to get me to retire. Yes, mister producer, I shall not mention that person's name, but ready to retire. There's pray for you and me to save and as long as I'm able to do this, I can't do it forever. we can join together and keep this up, because one day I won't be going this by hook or by crook. So now is the time for to do this together. I'll, be right back then now you know Companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news
and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk decided day. Every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterans. and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika, most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g work in america- thou pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again dyer pound to five zero say mark levin and make the switch to me
I cell phone company pure talk today. Well, isn't that interesting looks like California is going to lose. Next round of congressional seats, distribution through the census. Up to five congressional seats must produce. Now they lost one last time and it's a damn shame What I think is the most beautiful state in the nation, maybe not but it certainly was and look I'm not a california just telling you with some of Beautiful cities in the nation, like san francisco, it's been destroyed. you know, they used to say: brandeis said that the states are laboratories For experimentation California is a laboratory for experimentation. Radical democrat marks
experimentation one party monopoly rule and its destroyed. Nobody, to California, to open a business anymore. They leave everybody you still want to, California, the line of opportunity. and this guy gave a noose and thinks he's presidential material. Why? Because that's what I greet and his hair. Why? Because he's copied bill Clinton, motions keyser dunce, he's destroy California. Now he thinks he's presidential, mature and trust me so allotted. The crab soda, some republican, that's how imbecility things have become. So they ve lost five congressional seats on average about eight hundred and citizens per congressional seat. It's four million people. even when you add in all the illegal aliens and aliens set have come into California. They ve been net loss of former
and people the vast majority of whom, I am sure republicans. Or some consider some democratic bumped their heads and decided they Did you get out of there So very very productive people have left that state and taken billions of dollars in economic wealth with them. That's america The Democrats take control whistler enforces police officers, fire fighters and emergency person, our truckers freedom it in ukraine that, right taiwan and all over the world, and I want to thank you, folks, gabble It's each and every one of you see the mark.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-22.