« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/19/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, if there is a government shutdown for the right reasons, we should be all for it, but we have 5 Republicans in Congress who want to do it for the wrong reasons rather than advance the ball of liberty. The role of the federal government is to protect us from foreign threats, and the greatest threat we face today is Communist China, but these 5 in Congress are endangering our country and pretending to be principled conservatives when they are not. China is plotting to go to war against us and it’s as clear as day, and we are not prepared psychologically or militarily. Also, oil companies have always been in the business of creating oil and natural gas, which we should be celebrating because without energy we wouldn’t have the mobility or technologies we have today. Instead, the Democrat Marxists want us to hate them because oil is central to our economy like Gavin Newsom suing the 5 largest oil companies in America. They want to destroy the combustion engine, the production of fossil fuels, stop drilling on lands, and prevent the building of pipelines to efficiently move natural gas; this is a full-on war against capitalism and on all of us. Later, today is the day ’The Democrat Party Hates America’ is available in all bookstores. It’s about time to push back on this party.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the america mark levine here our number eight, seventy, when three eight one, three eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three one three eight one one before to the launch of the book, and I want to thank all of you who are participating. Look folks. If there's a government shut down for the right reasons, I'm all for.
I have lived through them before as part of the ring and administration. Before and after. They ve been twenty one of them. Since nineteen seventies and we have survived all of them, but I am deeply troubled. By what's taking place with five members of the world, become party individuals are not conservative. These are dead ends. If you're going to shut down the government, you better have a damn good reason to do it. Again I'm not even opposed to it but chapter plan. You have them away out. You have to have something they can be accomplished. Anything to advance the ball of liberty. You ve got a number of people who want to run for higher offers. Some of them want to run for governor. Some of them went around for senator.
some of them. This is the greatest opportunity to draw attention to themselves. Five of them were not even talking about the freedom caucus I ve been talking about the twenty one who, however, for a period of time against mccarthy. As a matter of fact, I'm not even talking about Mccarthy. When you have byron donalds and chip roy and Jim Jordan and other stella conservatives Used to join these five dead anders that should tell your lot one of the things that the federal government is supposed to do because we can't do as individuals states can't do. It is to defend this country against foreign enemies. The greatest threat we face in terms of foreign enemies has come
is china. These five reprobates are endangering our country. Their endangering our country and their pretending that their principal constitutional ass, when they are not such as anti bigs of arizona. Such as rose and dale Montana, you want run for the senate. I hear Read something to you from friend, Gordon Chang, few weeks back, there's nobody better. In a president, a moose chinese religion paying replaced the senior leadership of china's rocket force, which has response
Almost all of china's four hundred or so nuclear warheads these, personnel changes are part of what is almost certainly the most ambitious development of this time looks like these contemplating using or at least threatening to use his most destructive weapons nuclear weapons, in other words, And is planning to go to war he sacked is rocket commander and its political commissar neither has been set in public since then. pity. The commander has also disappeared along with a former deputy. At the same time, the deputy commander, the rocket force reportedly took us life in early july, so is cleaned out. The nuclear rocket force. Top individuals and second tier individuals, is blown amount.
periodically there have been suicides of senior chinese military officers, but the simultaneous removal of the top to us so the rocket forwards, is unprecedented so unprecedented, are the replacements coming from other branches, the new rocket? Forest commander is from chinese navy. The new commissar moved over from Countries airforce mary observers seem to believe that these sweeping purge was designed to target widespread corruption and the senior ranks the p allay chris Buckley new york times, for example, called the personal changes and unexplained shake up that suggests suspicions of graft rather misconduct. Yet this explanation is partial at best. Almost all the senior generals had good reputations before their promotion set a well place or speaking anonymously to hong kong, south china morning post. Indeed, the appeal a senior offers core is known to be thoroughly corrupt.
Aging paying has during his decades long. Roar generally tolerated corruption among supporters, so less likely corruption is the reason behind the purge. The rocket force upheaval than a convenient excuse, the more likely explanation for their purge lies elsewhere from the beginning of this year, jean paying as pan purging them. Save officers opposed to going to war because he's per bearing to go to war. jeanne paying these days often talks about war, and his regime is fast preparing for one day This party is implementing the largest military, build up since world war to its. multinationals trying to sanctions, proof the country stockpile and other commodities. Survey america for strikes and sabotage immobile? China's civilians for battle that military doctrine
no children begins during the first years of school, and why would she she pink opera going into battle? China is failing fair. and jeez being blamed his mouth since our policies, which favours state enterprises over private farm businesses. I may severe problems even worse, especially troubling you. She pings relentless cutting of china's links with other countries and he's in trouble. she's only way out is to rally the chinese people with an external crisis. Chinese doc, Turning to threaten the use of nuclear weapons to prevent the united states and others from coming to aid of taiwan or other targets. Going. Jeez rule beijing has periodically made unprovoked threats to kill americans by the hundreds of millions and begin twenty twenty one japanese, when a as well.
Moreover, china is also warrant. It will look taiwan, the self governing island, that beijing considers its thirty fourth profits. In short g age obedient rocket force officers to execute. it is to launch nuclear weapons spare. If the initial stages of war do not go well for chinese attackers and is fischer of the international sesmond strategy. Centred told me Time when she is preparing for war, his change. an appeal. A high command reflect his demand for senior officers who will obey war commands. That so many have been purge: reflex disobedience and the ranks exe asked as a reluctance to go to war. The regime handed out a death sentences here to former air for general Lee yazoo due to his content opposition to an invasion of taiwan, He's not alone the image that gene
ping is firmly in command of the communist parties belied by increasing evidence of instability in the region. the chinese military leadership said The burden of the ottawa base mcdonald lauer institute the extraordinary parents the commander and political commissar. The rocket for suggests there is serious. Content within china's military regime, pink, bert, nay, former canadian The map posted in beijing points disease failing domestic and foreign policies. Spare craig during economy. They they ve got some pride Said abiden. Bad things like starting wars, are clear, the g, succeeded in taking the people's liberation army, where the chinese military will remain loyal to g if he orders and invasion of taiwan, which could well they all disastrously for china, is now very much in question is, however, one thing we know China is a,
ticking time bomb and other world has to wonder whether that device is a nuke. I run enough at history, even our own history. Well, as world history to know,. that the signals are always there. There might be a surprise attack. But Japan was building up for war before they attacked us pearl harbor. Japan, made alliances with countries. already gone the warlike italy like germany, china is plotting to go to war against us. It is clear as day.
We are not prepared as a people we're not psychologically prepared. All voluntary militaries, not meaning its numbers. We are cutting r and d in catalan, I spent a weapon systems were at a time We should be significantly increasing our military muscle. Not to go to war on our say so, but to protect us should we be attacked. Rethink ronald reagan would be doing right now. What do you think Donald trump would be doing right now. We don't have a lot of time.
We have no leadership out of the white house with appeasement capitulation in ensuring president, and now we have five phony conservatives. These are not people we want to follow. These are not people who you should one, a father who just block the defence authorization bill. Even though in contain an eight percent cut in non defence, non veteran spending, eight percent and embraced- many of the objectives you and I have in terms of securing the border again, illegal immigration. but it wasn't enough. They went all twelve Bills or something like that, communist china
sit there? She sits there and he said what will we do without in the president's without shimmer as the leader of the republic, the democrats for the senate, What we do without these five phony conservative. Who really have no plan b spout off on press? They don't even make any sense, and they are not the people. We want to follow and support a government shut down for the purpose, Defending this country, spanning our liberty, slashing spending. Yes, a government shut down
that arms are domestic enemies, but propaganda and our foreign enemies would propaganda is unacceptable to me. These five or not the conservatives, You haven't even heard of them before unless I and show their names here. They ve done nothing significant, ever rose and dale Montana came back Mr anti impeachment inquiry any big mister air, tight convention of states. These are not conservatives. These are not constitutional ass. I call I'm kamikaze republicans because they don't present you or me
Any rational, rational position that will strengthen our country, slash spending. And get control over the reprobates in this government. today took place two hundred fourteen against two hundred and twelve, for we were three shy, these five know that they can do whatever they want. The Democrats voted against funding the military and sort of these five, so called conservators. This is not the freedom, cod
which is made up of about four to five dozen members. This is not any caucus said the caucus of the a holes. China builds china plans getting closer and closer. We can't even get five republicans devote. To get our military preparedness in place again, An enemy that is building in getting stronger and stronger I'll, be right back Ben Have you been
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures or augusta precious metals, dot, com
you damn jeez resolve. Maybe you think this is all hype you think he would bankrupt, is kind We develop his military just for the fun of it. Is this not the man under who. The corona virus was released In the world, we're ones. Thoughts were theories about how I got released millions. but died as a result. He didn't give a damn. He could care less the large
Concentration camp in the world is in north western china, with millions millions, a wiggers tibetans, Chris you see how he disappears these officers, their executed. This needs to be taken seriously deadly seriously and I'm starting to wonder if we have the pass near the willingness our government even care for our own survival, right back. Have you been way by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two- that l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two next date and message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions that get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, he's driving the media, mad mark levin colon. With your outrage, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one!
I want to reiterate my thanks to all of you. I am blessed. Have this audience the smartest the aim of all audiences. Want to reiterate my thanks to all the affiliates who participated in this project. The cause of liberty, the democratic party hates america. Serious satellite pod gasters. Anybody, I forgot, I apologise, but it's a great honor. We had some beautiful reviews that have been written to. I have announced a single person. A writer reveal people have- and I appreciate it very much more posting them, but I want to read one to you as lush too well, we ve tried to do here and a move there. We are trying to push here. As you know, I in this programme with you how bleed How participate in the tea party movement in my book
liberty and tyranny. was a significant part of that movement. I've been involved in the ring and revolution when using a man as well. We ve done. two things here where we ve taken best ever we can in the maximum use of these platforms. To try and do the right thing I'm glad I'm blessed to have these platforms and and less to have you out there great conservative websites out there is the american thinker, the founder and If money mug over there is timeless, listen. Dear friend,. Is also an intellectual used to live on the east coast, moved to the west coast problem I want to get out of there too, but known for many years.
Ask to write anything, but he wrote some He said once again, mark learn has done a great service to the republic by running a fully documented, highly pointed book on a topic of vital national interests. The Democrats Party hates america is required. Reading for anyone who follows politics in america. Most assuredly includes those who identifies democrats, We will shun the boat because it is too much of a challenge to theirs answer southwards and virtue. For the few who have the courage to read it, the will be a revelation. He said I make no secret that I was born into a family of active democrats and until recently in its reality, rather intruded well into adulthood. I share them. political attachment. I've regarded it as he missed he can affiliation, but after reading book. I now have a sense of shame.
If it is widely enough, read. sorry moment scroll down, and I predict It will be a runaway best seller. The book will change the way. The public understands one of our two major political parties forever tainting the Democrats for the racism, hypocrisy, lacquer and spawn sheer ruthless pursuit of power at any cost there Mediated their party throughout its history If you have family members, colleagues associates or friends who are Whole democrats, and who Don't shy away from political discussions. The debt, grab party hates america is a cornucopia of evidence that you can use to sway them out of their delusion that they supporting a worthwhile political movement chapter one. democratic party and authoritarianism introduces several themes that weave throughout the entire text. The Democrats see
via the dominance of the administrator. Stay composed of career bureaucrats have criticised exercise powers there really belong to congress, and even the judiciary to monopoly As political power and have succeeded to an alarming degree, excellent use, is made of a twenty seventeen report by freedom house in order Artisan ngo, founded in nineteen forty one that has historically focused on authoritarian governments overseas, including most recently, china and russia mark, show in detail, recent report on authoritarianism overseas also applies to the united states under democratic ministry, She had the state and federal levels. One virtues of the book, is the way that it weaves together history, impressive day, political issues, chapter two anti black racism and anti semitism shows Historically, the Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim crow segregation, terroristic violence. Well, the twentieth century.
While I knew some of this history, such as the disgraceful roland woodrow, Wilson and so regaining the armed forces. I wish by some matters, I missed glossed over wilson. The first Democrat to win. Two consecutive turned since Andrew jackson emerges as a transformative president. We have abolishing the federal income tax founding the federal reserve in the of t see and pushing the administrative state run by so called experts and supposedly disinterested bureaucrats is progressive ideology imagined and demanded chapter three. anti white racism and anti semitism is the first time for the first made sense for me, of the pivotal of the pivot of Democrats from being the party discriminating against blacks to the poor, Discriminating against whites marked fully debunks the myth push by democrats. Pundits and and story, and that it was the
yo peace, southern strategy so called taking advantage whites resistance to integration, the brought about this, which he brings facts and figures for documented that destroy this pernicious y know the pursuit of power that brought about this change, as he writes. That's me, race and racism have been court characteristics and hideous weapons, the democratic parties, pursuit and maintenance from its earliest days: capitalism: constitutional ism, whether emphasis on individual freedom as well. limitations on central planning at social engineering inconvenient obstacles to the democratic parties, objectives for its entire existence, democrat intellectuals, leaders and activists has told us, since at least progressive era. There, Or abandoning the old civil rights movement for civil rights, marxism and banning ads Black racing for anti white racism was not a difficult
transition is one might otherwise. Imagine in essence, the debt credit party has and does reject americanism, meaning the funding principles upon which our nation was founded, and not only capitalism, but the deck laurie no independence and the constitution. This is the common thread that ties the anti black democratic party woodrow Wilson, to their current anti white democratic party of Joe Biden page. Eighty one choose me. thomas lips and goes on that part with me now back to listen, as with racism, the world's oldest hatred, eta, Semitism is a continuity among democrats, though its expert, changed over the course of the last to play centuries: how, need you he writes, can support. The party is a mystery to me. I agree. One hundred percent with that. History remains a constant presence linking part practices
present realities that there remain new chapters, language controlling thorpe control, chapter four, we're only I consider in chapter VI we're on the nuclear family chapter six and we're on the constitution. Chapter seven take on a much more contemporary character. Would expect from the author of american marxism marks last best seller. The role of marxism disintegration of in the party receives abundant attention for on tension, purposes. The Democrats are now marxist party, though they mostly carefully avoid rhetoric suggesting this marxists are all about exploding, divisions to hand absolute power to the vanguard, that is the party and its administrative organs. After all, as and write some page to forty six, the democrat parties d, into the political home of the various american marxist movements, which lay free and identify. Hence there are not so
pulse by america's past or more accurately, the democratic parties passed as to every condemned a crowd party and refuse any association with it, they ignore and play its links to the coup, collects clan white, supremacist, neo, nazis, lynchings, etc. Instead, they tie blame the entire society in that country for the democratic parties contemptible pass This core that point, the american marxists, are supportive of the democratic party modern day promotion we can. Make socialism cultural, marxism and anti americanism. In truth, their contempt for the constitution. and its routine condemnation is not so much some of the framers biographies, but because the constant Patients firewalls remain an impediment to really slow. The revolutionary aims at me, page to forty six, their friend
ass, the reviews of the book, but the best review of the book will be after you, ve read it. If you read it. I'm on a mission to spread the word, I'm oppressed ties are for liberty and freedom lower case. I repeat: organism in constitutional, as I come under attack for this. sometimes from one or two radio hosts his way above their level, italy by the left hobby, sleep by media but it doesn't matter, nothing was stopping. From doing what I do and what I believe I like em, Facing gunfire we're looking down the barrel of death, hopefully, but it's you I'm talking to. We need your help.
Cellular from your write the book, I need people to read it to become messengers. to become Paul reveres to spread the word. Our countries dying. I understand people like my pants want to go out there and see where americans we don't know this isn't about. We are americans, we arrogance have no say in what's going on right now, nobody, for open borders, and they hell and inhumanity. That's resolving their number voted to ban household appliances in products, but that's what they're doing Nobody devoted to destroy the abundance of energy The national more more parts of our countries, energy exploration. Nobody voted for that.
Nobody voted for a corrupt department of justice and f b, I corrupt federal judge who were ideologically promoted an incline. Nobody vote for their ted interesting when you catch the Democrats. In these things and on the rare occasions when their pointed out. They have you chase shiny objects, they are because that's what they have to do. Their ideology doesn't builded destroys. Their ideology doesn't breathe life into a society, its mothers as society. They don't believe in individualism, you're non nonhuman you're, a non being. They believe in group ism.
The big around today, and they tell us the economy's really chugging along the number of people who who fallen To poverty level is become historic, When Biden took over was a little over seven percent. Now it's a little over twelve percent. We know what's going on. As I have told you before, ideas have consequences, ideas have consequences. They put their ideas relentlessly, we do not they a book after book after book. Describing journey is freedom, autocracy is democracy. Well, I figured it was about time to push back in the past
responsible and the impoverishment of the american people. Morally, ethically financially the pot responsible for what's happening on the board and what's coming across the board in terms of faint and so forth,. The party that is responsible for the delay action of our inner cities, destruction of the black family, the destruction of all families. The party Is responsible for this Thousand other maladies that we are facing is the democratic party, because it's not a political party. It is a an entity that seeks to replace the nation with the party. And all will bow down to the party. All will repeat with the party tells you to repeat.
All will know what the party, once you do now to step out, align, you'll receive the scarlet letter. You your job you'll be humiliated, It might even be charged recur. When imprisoned. I'll, be right back much have you been way.
dubai gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist today, text l, a v, I n, to six eight five, nine, two again text: l, a v, I n to six eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com
These elected democrats, the vice president, the governor, California, the others they talk in such flowery terms in such and such if the ideas and promises that we need. Says, come our harris had a reading in an era community college and pennsylvania. Today we need equity, Gavin news. Climate change is showing the oil companies for misleading the people on climate change. Sir trying to destroy the oil companies, Destroy anything they disagree with, but these asteroids tehran, the damn thing california, is effectively dead.
Lose five congressional seats in the next senses: five, That means millions of people can't get out a california fast enough. The running a massive debt despite all the money that poured into california from coal and wants to be president he's a stocking horse. Come harris takes no response, Dolly for what's going on on the border, even though that was her assignment habit, What are you for? What's going on down there, migrants, remarried citizens alike? Are they like to talk these people They love to talk, Biden, seeks a more secure, more prosperous, more equitable world for all people. He says that the urine equitable world house. I work, I'm just curious
We have some control over the rest of the world, and an equity The rest of the world: what does that mean, make america's pours the poorest country? It doesn't mean anything. Climate change is everywhere, they tell us everywhere, Look around there's floods. There's tornadoes there's earthquake? We ve never seen anything like this before we ve seen all of it. world has experience this, and I have a lot more but somehow the very people who can secure the border. can control the sun, the atmosphere. Why because it is never any Andrews That can measure what they're doing.
So I want to go into some of this with these lawsuits now against the oil companies. Everybody the companies right miss them when they're gone? I can tell you that brown outs blackouts. People freezing, you're, gonna, miss them you gonna, miss oil, you're gonna, miss natural gas. You gonna call you gonna miss at all? There's the whole goal here from these radicals. the war on capitalism. It's the de growth move, I have said this for years, I've written about it, Yes, we're going to become poor you're, not gonna, have access to goods and services. The way you used it. It's not gonna happen.
When I return I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the. sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader, the fuck back america september, nineteenth twenty twenty three, the launch of the democrat party hates america? It's and every store every warehouse store at america today
If you happen by by any those places you can acquire one amazon dad come of course. Now oil companies have always been in the business to create weapons to producer oil, natural gas. We should be celebrating these companies without energy, plentiful, energy. Low cost energy you wouldn't have the mobility that you have today. We wouldn't have half the technologies that we have today. We wouldn't have much the clothing that we have today, many the materials they go into: building your homes and offices we wouldn't have asphalt road, luna, plastic.
These companies have been a tremendous benefit to our society for over a hundred years. They fuelled the industrial revolution. They created light at night. They they fuel electricity. companies which have been told the hate by the democratic party, the marxists, because As they have been central to capitalism, growth of our society, to our prosperity, central to it.
people realise how much oil is used in our economy and ubiquitous the plastic their wraps. Our food is oil based fertilizer is oil about Electricity can replace Oliver trinity needs oil, so the marxist phony environmental groups for the last thirty, Forty years have been trying to destroy the oil companies by litigation. Came up with a plan, not sick, but nonetheless, that these oil companies, these oil executive. Have spent decades concealing from investors,
concealing from the american people. The fact that they have been fuelling climate change that structure of our climate, the destruction of our environment,. So they went to sue them out of business. They want to go after gun companies. She gave a new centres on cnn yesterday. There suing five, the five largest oil company, and I want you to hear this gave a nuisance and his ilk artists. Drawing our economy, justice, They destroy california, cut five, go start about your lawsuit against the five oil. Giants for misleading the public on fossil fuels, the american patrolling hemingway orders. You think that jail comes from much in his hair. I've noticed something else about newsome as a footnote
He has copied built, turns head and hand gestures. You watch much more closely. Now anyway, go ahead is pushing back. calling it merit lists. Politicized and a waste of california taxpaying hair resources, I should be ashamed of themselves there, one of the people we named in the losses they ve been line, the people they ve been playin. You and everybody watching us like force. Had information that none of us were pretty to, in fact, in Creation of this loss it in action in this lawsuit irene so ignorant. I was on the issue back in the fifties. There fundamental, dad and information. That was share with the american people. So back in the fifties, america, they had all this data on climate change. It wasn't even used in the fifties. Was global warming? Neither was global cooling.
So you see they had this date in the nineteen fifties and they were just hiding it from everybody. Go ahead, let's lead It received people as a consequence. We didn't take the kind of actions we would have taken to hold these big a accountable, narrow I've done. What would you know. See the whole marxists every, were they transition, the democratic party from nineteen de forward didn't exist. This really in the forties and fifty's they were, still stuck in their black racism mode and their there biology of that sort- and they have now, of course, clip flopped, but look how preposterous this is go ahead The consequences of it as we can we here with the united nations and climate
in new york city. We broke ten thousand workers around the world. The climate is indeed The strategy lie so thoroughly incompletely. They don't have facts to support any of that. In one wreck, around the world. What is that even me? In They start their records. This think about this. so the attorney general california name is rob. Banter he's done then come our harris when she was attorney general california,. So the question by somebody named poppy harlow, who you're supposed take seriously at six cup So, MR change, our help us understand your most powerful piece of evidence that you believe show it will show in court that company executives specifically knew that they were doing things that will cause this damage and that they suppressed
It would cause what damage. Can anybody know that when Baron oil it gives off smoke was at hidden by somebody. Mr Miller's. You can never have a perfectly. Medically sealed atmosphere, environment The question is whether the amount of pollution is sustainable, that is, can be devoured by the environment. And the environment has been developing a hell of a lot. these people, you know what you're talking about We go ahead. Six seven years ago we have colonel mammals, internal speeches in this We commissioned studies, no on memos their words, not mine, take their words, forty, where they say the other
internally privately their knowledge and climate change or knowledge in the damage to the environment. Fifty sixty seventy years ago, they were knowledge in climate change. Did you know that MR bloom wonder there praise even come to be so they want to destroy the combustion engine they want to destroy the production of fossil fuels are doing by showing the companies. Nationalizing lands. And then saying that you cannot draw on these lands. Preventing least and drilling on lands prevent the building of pipelines to more efficiently move oil and natural gas to places they needed from places that find it. This is a full on war against capitalism,
and every single one of you? No matter what you do for a living? No matter what you do for a living. There are going to draw of course, like you, ve, never seen in your life, they're gonna creation, what it is like you have never experienced in your life. can it be colder in the winter hotter in the summer have odd and even days you gonna Brown add some blackouts: you don't have. You gonna have a nation that is destroying itself. So for the democratic party, rather than the endeavour, revolution, being the greatest economic explosion of mankind has ever experienced graining a middle class and prosperity. lifestyle that
human beings on the face of the earth have ever experienced not even kings and queens their destroying it. These are people who cannot even control the border and do not wish to. They can't even troll, the crime and streets and do not wish to they're going to do to our economy what they ve done to our streets, what they ve done to the border, what they ve done with inflation in the currency. Everything Touch turns into crap and its intentional. What they're doing here there's not nature the distress chill of the american economic system. The core which is energy. Is man made more explicit glades democratic party may now Here we get to the nub of the matter. Here we get now the matter cut: seven, go
mine's many of us who lived through the big tobacco litigation a lot of the model and governing some said as much that you are following the model of big too. Ultimately, that lead to billion dollar settlements. Is that what you're? Looking for? Are you actually look. Before. mandate and change of company operation. You understand, see, there's no push back, there's no knowledge. This entire discussion has no knowledge whatsoever. and she's never going to point out what the really up to what the really up to and then I'll tell you for the people there, but who been harmed we're gonna, destroy the country for the people go ahead. we're looking for an abatement fund, an abatement fund there look For a massive transfer wealth from oil companies to the government. A massive taxation through litigation,
the transfer wealth. Producers, energy gives. Maybe year, jobs down line as an end user? Also, The government has money to spend on the things that it wants to spend money on what happened at the tobacco money. Does anybody know it's all gone? Where is it what happened all the covert money child gone? Where is it. Hundreds of billions of dollars unaccounted for tobacco. Covered money. Where is it doesn't matter? Go ahead, by the time the big oil companies to pay for the damage they created, it simple there also for their actions, they should pay for the damage they really have put stuck there with californians to pay for
Tom's, increase lasher homes. However,. Last terms increase insurance laws, farms, health risk greater, so they have the hope I'm a change de growth ideology. They ve spent years now, indoctrinating Tens of millions of americans now they have the in the fall guy for their false ideology. Of course, tat the government, it's the oil companies, So now we need to nationalize the oil companies through the back door, stealing all the wealth that they ve created because they, given you, Products and services that make your life. The greatest lifestyle my face the earth, so the government wants to take it. a government that won't won't do what the government supposed to do to protect you and to secure our country. And so it goes down the list of what they claim. All these climate change issues. People live
their homes are climate change. What floods. Increased insurance laws, farms, health risk, greater cost, I've character so another This is how it works. This is how it always works. Go ahead, farms, health and and a risk that in in and greater costs to their health insurance, California shouldn't pay them. They should pay because they created it. So it's an abatement to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. before abatement mitigation and adaptation. Meagre. abatement mitigation and adaptation to the word the transfer wealth. From the men and women who work in oil companies, transfer, wealth. from you. The american people cause you're gonna pay enormous amounts of money. Now for what you pay very low for economic
See the prices going through the roof and thereby there, Squeeze these oil companies they're going to prevent them from finding or oil, and you, Ladies and gentlemen, are gonna be starved. What you need to live your life and then the iron fist, the police state well it'll, come down on your heads, the right back and now you know companies, looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot
just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be better known and only hires best customer service team Here in amerika Mostar these are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say markel of in to make this, which the pure talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first, month, again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today While you can see. that we spend an enormous amount of our time personal lives, whether we watch the news whether we listened radio or do neither. but we spend an enormous amount of our times as citizens.
having to deal with what the democratic party is doing to us, both in the present and in the future, and you also need to look at their past. I understand how absolutely unencumbered. Unencumbered by morality, hundred by law and income by the constitution. They are and how they really don't give a damn about you It's going to happen to you with their policies. They do No, they can centralized power and just like the pandemic, something happens they stepping. been and take power. Now you know it companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just cited
data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love- talk that also happens to be better known and only hires, the best customer service team Here in amerika most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable. gee network in america now pound to fifty and say markel of in to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month and I am proud to five zero say- mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today,
Mark love in the research are of conservative media call in now, eight seventy seven, three eight one, three eight one, one Well, I saw this today at bright bird and I consider it very very important. attorney general edwin, meese. In many ways, was my mentor. He was a true constitutionalist. His entire career and He wasn't a politician in any respect. Bunny and serving ronald reagan a year or two under the ragging governorship. As his one of his top advisers, probably number two but became number one Gentle man, very decent man, cerebral, but down to earth
He's known as nineties, any sharpers attack physically He's hanging in there but sharp as attack this beautiful wife freshly. I saw this headline a bright bark literally before I came on the programme former major general meese, georgia's prosecution tromp and unprecedented affront to federal, supremacy. When Edwin me speaks everybody, who is a serious, constitute lester laura listens. So Jordan, dixon hamilton rights, former reagan era attorney general edwin Meese argue that fulton county de fanny wallace's prosecution of former president donald trump and his top officials is a quote major. A front
two federal supremacy. Never before seen in the history of our country. turning general me. Finally, nineteen page affidavit over the weekend supporting former trump era: assistant attorney general Jeffrey clarks bid to remove his georgia case to federal court, We know how the media is treated, this guy clark in a horrendous way, They got there boy John Dene out there who were related federal law and was disbarred, so he's their export them. It is being charge of violating the rico stature in attempting to commit false statements and writings. The false statements charge stems from a letter. Clark wrote they claim the. U S, department of justice had quote identified, significant concerns that may have impact of.
outcome of the election and multiple states, including the state of california, unquote, so he's been charge for running the letter. Under federal law, a stay case may be removed, the federal court of the prosecution is called for, or relating to any act under color of such office. Unquote. Many journal niece argued that clarks actions fell solely within its authority as a princess Officer of the united states, it is the department of justice, me said it is implicit and logically necessary that the president can also signed task to an assistant attorney general at its discretion and meet fought back ganz claims. The letter clark row was a false statement. Nice wrote in his affidavit, read in. Of the law and longstanding practice inside the department of justice. However, that Letter was a proposed view of facts as brought up
georgia senator lie gone. In hearings he conducted about the twenty twenty election meet, wrote the letter than couple that, with a proper host recommendation by the department that they conclusion at this stage senator reach be investigated further by the georgia legislature, which the lead, legally opine. The georgian legislature could do consistent with the electors clause of the kind the tunisian and related case law. That is a fact said georgia's prosecution against clark. Risks quote destroying Supremacy of the federal government and what I mean- there is these are federal officials. It is the federal constitution. You're talking about electors who to making decisions about federal offices. That is,
The president and the vice president means Finally the idea that proposing a change of position could be a criminal attempted false statement. That is why clark wrote the letter, based in part on information, he got from the state senator explaining that the actors clause of the constitution would in fact allow the state legislature to do certain things. Me says the idea that that's an attempted false statement. because it is not the same as the position it proposes be changed- is a farce. Fetch legal, non sequitur the losing side of privileged and confidential internal d, o j, factual legal disagreements api subject to state law, criminal prosecution on the grounds of attempted false writings. That decision
in the supremacy of the united states government. These relied on these decades worth of experience serving in the government upholstery clarks arguments meets wrote disagreement on legal, factual policy. Matters in the hall of the department of justice is commonplace justice, agreements among lorries and private practice and stake urban and local government, our common. He said I should now I participate in his lawyer in a wide variety of levels of governments in each off swear I took an oath support and defend the euro constitution me I did the unprecedented nature as well as case against clark, trump and other. From the former presidents administration, he wrote I am not aware of any state criminal prosecution ever being brought against state President and a senior justice department official, like Mr Clarke for their privileged and
financial discussions of there and how to assert federal law enforcement authority other than this new state of georgia versus trump indictment. Trump wrote the press, occasion of the president and an assistant attorney general is a major affronted federal supremacy. That is the clause, the federal supremacy clause. Never foreseen in the history of our country? U s. District judge, Steve judge, johns portable obama, had a hearing on clarks rumble motion monday, but gave no time to time For a decision after the hearing, so we shall see. this guy's been bad in the past sure that he's even open to objective m hoping to be persuaded by by fax My guess is that he's not I'll be right back
ben now you know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just cited, dated eight. Every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot. Just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens. Veteran own, and only hires the best customer service team, here in Amerika most These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and.
They mark live in, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today the let's see a rainy, Weingarten, Ain t president on site, and we see today she John In this whole idea of. at sea the? U s w getting forty percent. I wonder she's opposed to that. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe current and I don't know Canada- and I remember my light this case- good cut fourteen go
If it turns out that the? U the big three are much less competitive because of whatever, and is that? Okay, if the government subsidizes these big pay increases down the road, it's taxpayers that end up getting stuck with whatever it costs to get a forty percent pay increase. Are you ok with that? The government has been subsidizing. The oil and gas industry new years work is that this road I owe doesn't what went on I am saying, is that if you have fairness, the labour market. I that's enough furnished in the labour market right right, fairness say: that's right. The teachers union. That's fairness in the labour market, no competition whatsoever, the schoolboy or against you and their negotiating with the teachers unions at her against you, so the property owner the tax,
the small family small business gets hit. The throat. Plus you have no say what's going on in the classroom, nor should you rank special, you, parents, parents who who actually were urged- a few years ago to get involved in your kids education. Member- that one, don't you sleep the teachers, it's gotta, be in all the family has to be involved to the parents, have to be in love to write. The parents are involved now get out of the way, we're going to raise your kids rate and decide what? agenda tell you they have and on and on, and you know the rest so now its fairness. The wine gardens a marxist to in fact whole damn union it as the n battling these people for decades, but I used to be the president, the landmark as this landmark today under the great president, PETE hutchison, it's about fairness, america, whose fairness they could, most fairness, the parents, France, the students furnace these people
understand. They only exist in these jobs because you and me, if we don't buy from the big three, the big three go broke. but for the american taxpayer the vast majority of whom are not teachers they're. Not in a straightened out union bosses. These school districts will collapse. the people don't see no matter Aramis, you see fairness, so the ceo forty percent rather Fire her ass, they should get forty percent and grow you america, if you're gonna, pay for all of it now. Would you. This is why only six percent. private sectors unionized. This is why, because most people don't like Even many union members don't like it, you know why
because their union whips them off they painted this fund that fund. Let me too, dirty little secret. Alot of these union members know it, but they did not speak out, Because these union pension funds are not run properly. Member bob I jumped then, and put like these six billion dollars towards one of the EU. in pension funds, maybe was the u I Debbie, but whatever wise member, that. And so these union bosses want these massive increases because they have to fund these benefits that they didn't managed properly. Put it gently that they didn't managed properly So they need an influx of money in the way Do it as they rip off their members after they rip off mister and missus america that consumers, so they get pad there Their funds and all the rest of it, which.
I running any money. The running and money. and so you and I pushed pay flawless soon about fairness, sober rip off. Ripping off the average consumer. Seven enough trouble in this country right now, and then they claim fairness for families. They don't believe in fairness for families. Randi Weingarten doesn't give a damn about families. That thought boss of the. U, I don't give a damn about families. They give a damn about families, they wouldn't be asking for a forty percent increase paid over it, two hour period. Rather a forty our work week. Nobody, leaves at smart, let's go you're beneficiary of it everybody else. Looking on the outside answers, that is outrageous
Set for randy Weingarten now get me started with the work here, When it comes to the any e, a the a f t, don't get me started with the benefits of an old sky. Board member. I know, what's goin on. and of course, merit is utterly said quenching, others by twenty five percent of teachers this country, who are republican and cannot stand these unions, but because their clothes shops, the union shops, they can't get jobs without being members of easier, talking about them. Obviously, their stock. You wanna be a teacher. You wanna help kid Are you gonna be part of the union? Even if you disagree with their politics with all it's like these sag union screen actors go
In order to do this job behind this microphone, I have to be. Member of sag. And when you look at a lot of these actors and actresses, It is about right, but I have to be met Sag they a tremendous amount of my paycheck. I want nothing to do with these bastards. Oh, the the writers, give their own strike. Who cares gives a crap all they ve been out. nor am I ok. Is anybody noticed side, a hollywood now we're doing just fine. So the vast majority of sag members are left wing. Democrats, a solid conservative. Yet I have to be a member. I understand all these teachers tens
thousands will have to be a member, the any a or the t in order to make a living. I got some not talking about them. But we want to hear about fairness from a teachers union, that's destroyed the edges, asian of children, set them back eighteen months, we To hear about them their collusion with the mob boss over there. That runs the department of justice in a letter, trashing parents- we don't you, from then about fairness? Fairness, that's a joke! right back folks institution day has come and gone, but there's still time to receive your free copy of the constitution and dec creation of independence for my friends at hills del college grab your free copy. It levine helstone dot com. You may remember that hills delves goes to give away one million copies to americans who don't have one and if do have one well give it to someone who doesn't area
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The broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one now. I can spot him a mile away this story He just came out in any art newspaper. Representative KEN buck, I see and in job while criticising buying impeachment anchoring this. one of the five guys who voted not to fund it. Hence
has been running around sang? The republicans should not started impeachment increase been doing it now, for many weeks, said this is incomprehensible. when are you know why, the white house's go to republican critic of the impeachment inquiry into president Biden is considering leaving congress for a new job and expressed interest. in being an honor commentator foreseen in the past does learned. Representative came back a five term fiscal hawk Surprise! Fellow conservatives, by repeatedly criticising the probe launched last week in a bind, alleged corruption, including with a september fifteen washington, post, op, Ed, that other republicans included glaring inaccuracies boxer vessels in privately last month that he was interested in a job at sea and in the source told the post after you wait other options over the past year, including joining a dc base law, firmer seeking
ireland's nomination to the federal trade commission. I guess he's got close to the bag administration. Does he once things box? Sixty four firmer their policies, exploring options. It said it would be great to join cnn. That other case kings, who has anyone seen and must reduce her MSNBC one of them. Setting a phone interview, I am interested in talking to folks had seen in another news organisations- call them left, but sort of centre left and having an opportunity to do that. Full time do that is tributor, would be great, also box set at a phone interview congressmen called back later in the day to say that he'd also expressed interest in a position to right, leaning, snooze or news back over there came to him as a thought. You see. I didn't want to give the impression that I've only talked to said cnn, on the left? I've also talked others about this and backward
since a vast rural district that spans the entire eastern border, the rocky mountains state and said to say it was unclear if he will leave office. This kind words next congress or whatever about his ass out these nuts. he wants to represent. You then To be sure that you don't want him to represent here, because, obviously, Interests elsewhere, in your mind, personal, you just my opinion, affecting his outlook I want to say something about ukraine and zelensky. You know We oppose the money going into ukraine and the amount of money going into ukraine and that's a fair point towards a debate. Corruption, ukraine, I get it and I, cannot possibly support Putin and the russian. war machine and what they ve done. The people in ukraine Nor will I ever under any circumstances
and I well aware- where Putin's written and sad when he's done ukraine at he intended to hit the balkan states and poland and Zalewski. May that pointed the EU today, deniz being marked. By some hope for making that very point. He just repeating you didn't set and whatever as well. But why is it Why is it that if you, if you have the view that them here is the ukrainian people and they true ukraine and the the criminal here is putin and, his unleashing of his army against the people of ukraine and in sk imminently killing ten thousands of citizens and kidnapping tens of thousands of children and bringing them into russia to be indoctrinated, taken them from their parents.
Can understand, I think why some people- Would say that is absolutely repulsive and unconscionable. So what is this effort? They constantly character, assassinate someone ski for The common neo nazi he met with every rabbi leading rabbi abad. Orthodox jewish movement in from every immunity in ukraine two weeks ago, while user fleeing russia? The rabbis are fleeing russia. Should a common neo nazi when he lost, is family members in the house I caution in june is just sickening its sickening that's number one number two, If you stand with me and if you don't that's fine, but if you do then all of a sudden you taken same position is Biden and Clinton. I don't give a damn weapon.
Asian binding Clinton, are taking something My views has nothing to do. with the views of many honourable people, general jakin, others. so that is another game they concern. This should not play, should not play, but they do. So I dont know where that is coming from. I dont know what this affection, pew news and many these? Maybe not you folks, I'm not talking about you in particular, but the idea when they just keep the an impudent defending puna trashing insolence. You want we just say I don't believe we should be spending our money on this war. I don't believe it's in our national security interests, I'm concerned about fill in the blank. Why isn't that? Good enough? Why isn't that good enough?
So lying about putin's in its defence, and then saying: oh I'm not talking about peut, not defending putin's russia is Putin's All decisions made by russia, particularly war decisions are made by Putin's, so you are talking about Peut. And then why is it that some linsky is some kind of reprobate by begging me I have stage in the european partners and so forth for more money and more equip it. That's his job as the president of ukraine, From the roll over and get an official position. They've lost seventy thousand soldiers in ukraine. You look at afghanistan, the problem there was as soon as we left the whole thing collapsed. It didn't matter how many weapons they add it didn't matter. much money we spend in Afghanistan a collapsed.
As soon as we moved our troops out after twenty years, twenty one you. ukraine is completely different. Troops in ukraine will, there are twenty one years. Anyway, I'm just giving you their point of view, because I really don't understand. What this this hate on is forgot. The trend save as country from the russians who invaded his country and have done unspeakable Acts of harm war crimes to his people and his children there she will be chairing the fact that the guys hiding, he doesn't have an air force because they gave it back to the russians all the plight. they gave all their notes back to the russians. Thinking other heavy military equipment back to the russians, because the russian said Here's sign this agreement. Ninety
on you, we, the british, the united states, the british. The russians in ukraine- will sign this thing and all four of us have pledged to protect your boundaries. oh no big deal and then, of course you look at the international situation, china. I just read you a story from the great article that was written by gordon Chang Chinese are watching all of this they're desperate they're, desperate. How is it that we can say or withdraw from Afghanistan, which was horrendous. It was a surrender led putin's. invade ukraine, but then, if we would draw not men. We have no men there, no women there. We withdraw our funds that that wouldn't make. Wouldn't have an effect on china's decision. Making that doesn't make any sense
it's my two cents worth snipe, really one I wanted again into tonight, but the guy's spoke of the, u n and you would have that he was adolf hitler, the way he's being attacked which a sickening. Why can you not agree with me? I get it. I really do. but on the other hand, I do and understand my almost collectively on tv and radio among conservative Populist pseudo conserves wherever they are. They all sound me. They all sound to me like the most left wing democrats, george Mcgovern Bernie sanders and others that I don't get.
I'll be right back then, I thought I right in the democratic party, hates america when you have a state run party, that is a monopoly party, running most things in this country, which we do that happily parties the democratic party You need a stay run media because that's how autocracy is further fashion. Marxists totalitarian inform that's what they need and want to control. The messaging propaganda group think and so there's not a dime's worth of difference. As I keep saying over and over again between the democrat party.
and their media, and I want prove this to you on the issue of abortion, kristen or is the new head of meat, the depressed she's does lousy is all the them. sixteen. She has donald trump whither go I knew you would ask somebody what women actually let us start a cut. Fifteen mr produce cut fifteen, go Ro we wait. I just something that nobody thought was possible and Robert wade was terminated was put back to the states now people problem for who have the right to negotiate for the first time they had no rights at all, because the erratic people on this are really the people, the democrats I did say after five months six months, everyone's eight months and months and even after birth, to present a minute. We were saying that I just have two democrats or not saying you are true junior governor. is governor, who said. After the baby is born, you will make
Determination, and if you want, you will kill that baby on the very mention of writ large, are not talking about that. Only one percent of The term abortions happening always in this stated a radical label because nobody wants to see what this motion after five months in six months and seven months, cut sixteen You and you're going to somebody who everybody comes together, bother you, though, that women say their lives are being put at risk. Do you feel you bear any responsibility because, as you say, you are responsible owing to and is an issue that been going on for a long time and is a very polarizing issue Because of what's been done and because of the fact we brought it back to the states we're going to have people. come together on this issue. They are determine the time because nobody wants to see five Six: seven, eight nine once nobody wants to see abortions. When you have a baby in the warm I shed with him,
Clinton. When we had the debate, I made a statement rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month. Allowed to do that and you should be allowed to do that again. No one and again argues that that you are not a part of anyone's Mr Kerr Democrats are able to kill the baby after burned me talking. Nobody wants that that democratic right. she's a liar and theirs much information out there. The demo Rates otherwise embassies moderators daily wire narrowed roddy Embassies moderator told trot, no one is calling for later abortions. Here's why she's wrong the way she could look, this up herself at sea here, down and they say beside the untold number of abortion activists who advocate for abortion on demand up to birth, a slow
States currently allow abortion at any point in the pregnancy and they would include after birth. alaska colorado, new jersey, new mexico, oregon vermont in Washington dc all our board. With no, I wouldn't limits. Why profile, democrats, often hedge, on whether they support any limits on abortion. come right out and admitted they support abortion up to the moment of birth. Senator Ben cardan Democrat maryland retiring, was direct about his stance during a fox news segment in June quote. Is there I offer you before the due date. Ho shannon bream ass card and no to me it's a reproductive. It's a healthcare decision, it's up to the woman to make the decision, Dozens of house and Senate Democrats also support the women's health protection act, and I write about this again in the dim grab party aids- america, you will have every single issue you can imagine and beyond addressed in this book
so the women's health protection act would legalise abortion after fetal viability, usually around twenty three weeks. If an abortion is quite good faith, medical judgment, the pregnancy poses a risk to the mothers health. Mental health is not excluded in the bills language. The by Administration supports the act as well. President bind lamented centre, republicans blocking the bill. Last year. He said the princess is that the women's health protection act would ensure, she'll, do they how safety and progress of our nation no democrat lists infanticide on their platform, but some have appeared to support it most infamously former virginia governor wrath north them, nor from a physician was asked in twenty nineteen, whether he would support abortion occurring when the mothers already in labour code in this, take, for example, the mothers and labour. I can tell you exactly what would happen. He told w t o the info will be
every the info will be kept comfortable. The info will be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother, in other words, whether the key baby alive. same here all but three Senate democrats killed a bill that would have protected. Baby born alive after a failed abortion requiring doctors to quota? suicides, the same degree of professional skill care diligence, the reserve. Life and health of the child on quotas. They would do any other child born alive at the same just emotional age. At least And thousand late term abortions are performed every year. You see this host for meat pressed is just a propaganda for the democratic by democratic Like to claim mostly term abortions happen because of a feudal abnormality or to save the life of the mother, but there's data to the contrary, quote
data suggests that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so. For reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment reads: a two thousand and thirteen research published by perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. A journal of the guttmacher institute, As far as the american public goes embassies, workers, correct and downplaying popularity of late term abortion a reason. A people showed only half of americans when abortion to be legal after fifteen weeks, which is just the beginning of the second trimester democrat politicians, however? Another matter. Ms welter is ignorant as a want to be informed. She's put. An agenda and the democratic party agenda. And why are the Democrats so obsessed with abortion is because as they really care about a woman's right to choose
and you'll learn in the democratic party, hates america, the most reliable and law, just demographic for the democratic party, his single women without children. Single women without children that necessary you folks listening who are single women without children, but single women without children as an aggregate. port, the most radical abortion timeframe that Are the democrats doing remember the lens? You need to look through his power and what advantages them? That's all they care I'll be back Then right now, seven, seven, three one. What was now forget thugs look ends fantastic. and a bookstore. We love bookends in the owners, their bravery, sweet people. Are we doing
book signing there. This saturday happening now this saturday at ten, a m. this added a tiny and book ends in ridge. Would new jersey on ridge would have you know they ve gray, restaurants, there too, it's a great little town and Look very much for the meeting you as I do every two years, and then they vary. next day. Sunday, sunday at one p m. our favorite barnes and noble thyssen's corner maclean region the Tysons corner malts one of the biggest malls faint small again, a lotta restaurants, people make lifelong friendship said these very signings in the past. I ve for five, this room doing three, including the reagan library october? Twenty one saturday tiller ways away. So I want to focus on coming saturday, bookends ridge would new jersey, ten a m.
And barns and noble thyssen's corner sooner. That's thyssen's more maclean Virginia at one p m on Sunday hope to see you and for Don't forget him now doing a saturday show on fox, I think, People are unaware of this, and I think it's got enough promotion quite frankly, but that said, be steady, eddie just a matter of time, and so people wait a minute. It's saturday. Eight pm eastern wax ought As well as sunday, a pm eastern, so all we ve done is double lock and we ve done that, because you ve demanded it, and so that's what we want to do? That's what I'm until we know fantastic, shows each and every day Am I do it here? We go, The democratic party in their police state from forbes fair, prosecutors are probing whether teslas company resources. Now this I mentioned earlier, but it gets worse, were used to supply personal. Benefits to see. Oh, you learn mosque
twenty seventeen farther back them. Previously known according to people familiar with the investigation. Who also said, Passengers have made illusions: the involvement of a federal grand jury indicating potential Charges reports the wall street journal the very busy with this prison that they want to call these people in. Aren't they, MR vanessa down, tromp will have a cell elon musk, we'll have a cell be giuliani, will have a cell, maybe I'll have a cell for me. I don't know we can I have this federal prison that needs to have a new name. Will political prisoners in there. that's gotta! Have you no seventeen year old pro life protest, if they can be in there may be a few parents, throw them in their shore get entities
Catholic churches truck a few priests in have a granddaughter more political prisoners. prosecutors are reportedly broaden. Their probed include transactions between tesla and other ass connected entities and whether any turkey must receive were properly reported, accorded s easy regulation. You know when you're running hundred billion dollar operation. You don't have any idea. What's going on at the grandeur lever in the Did you really can't possibly so you can done any billions in this country, any of them and they damn well know it. but they also know if they are wearing the cape of the democratic party. They're not gonna, be together. Then I can have any problems. The wine investigation comes after federal. Prosecuting the sba began probing a secret tesla project known as project forty two. Then employees
scribe does a glass house for a mosque in the arctic texas area, you want to know Crime is rare, but you want to know why the communist trainees are all over our country. Stealing We think that we have, because that day behind these efforts Our prosecutors are doing a damn jobs. That's why. Too busy run in a day a police state. as I see, regulations required a year, but what about mobile butter? A glass house and Nypd is very busy. She's may not the My party, the? U S, attorneys off the son, a district in new york. Excuse me. This is why, when push comes to shove, when something in it really be done about this, Need to slash these offices if this is what have time to do it's time to get our country
back and you do that in some ways through the budget, if he can now by sign it? Ok, there is a reason to shut down a government right there can't slash running from the police. They been shut down, but explain yourselves for crying out loud get behind these issues for crying out loud right now, there's so many things going wrong. There number of concerns. You heard byron, donalds on here. You heard chip roy on here. The number one issue- the additional I shall spending is dealing with the border. I can agree with that by the way. so there's erle, seven, eight percent cut in domestic spending, except for the military, except for the veterans. Put some language in here. That is gonna starts. Ring that border maui. go for at say, the five.
Where the real conservative, why can't you go for the eight percent cut you start securing the border. It seems like a good start is to me, MR producer fact. I've never heard such a great power So before I really happen, Heard the word eight percent cut in anything before. and by the way, whatever they do, the senate demo. Rats joined by the leadership of the centre? Republicans, as I've talked about for several days now there are going to join in two trains sabotage. The house republicans these five or done sabotaging their own conservatives in the house. Then they begins. Who are rhinos in the senate, though start sabotaging the conservatives in the house The Democrats are fine with it all baby because they try going along with their. Fucking balls all over the place and their fourth branch
remit, that's not even in the constitution, passing laws, edicts a shrink Fines and penalties, they got their prosecutors there. Enough salivating mo. They got therapy, I there they are out there doing their thing. And there's Joe Biden shuffling around free spirit. spent forty percent of his time on vacation. No wonder you for this. You ass, you are you a w. Were union boss right back then now you know it companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it? This is great. News and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just had a day
every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterans and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g, work in america thou pound to fifty and say mark love in to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again dire pound to five zero say mark levin and make the switch to I saw phone company pure talk. Today the man called, let's get going, everybody wants to
because one thing and that's pretty cool james vegas nevada, the great k x and t go good. All the greater Tokyo get your. I always carry that Michael. the actual made of car grady. I you're the coroner goal. Glover power at all. I will already read the book. I listen to it. I got it last night, and it's a quit. Writing these magnum opus is. I think you write why many write another It is an awesome book. I do so. I ll let you know. I appreciate the fact Five. The Julie made in your dear children in your grandchildren have their their their grandfather spend the time to write such a great book. So I really we shared and I'm gonna, get a book out to Noah brigham red The EU is well son, carried James. Thank you. I brought. I really appreciate, I'm glad you liked it can bless yo, correct trucker and you ta accept satellite. How are you hurt?
I doing great mark. I am a fabulous story to share with you. Yes, I know I have a friend and are still friends, but we were not even though she is aid, never trauma, and I could read her through all of our political debates to start listening to your radio programme and watch your show on sunday. He reluctantly agreed about four months ago slowly through our debates, we would debate every saturday about what went on in the for opinion- started to change. I ordered her your book, the Democrats hate america, you got it at midnight You think you're a word if you dont want audible, for she led me to her. She called me up at the just before five thirty pm, your time crying and apologize to me for being a democratic
well I'll tell you about my brother. That makes my day I've had a red, Review by our friend time must listen said he was a Democrat. Most his life, and he was ashamed of it. After all, in a book. I wasn't just a mistake when he says I cannot believe I was part of that institution for so long enough, private change minds were able to get people to join us. It's gonna take people like you kurt to get access to the audio access to the book and spread the word- and I cannot thank you. god- bless you, my friend you too, We don't hang up. I should have said the same to James James next time you call don't hang up. I want to get you assign copy of the democratic party hates america sit on hang up james in las vegas. Next time you call will do the same thing. I let's keep moving george
two new jersey, the great debbie wavy, see where what trend makes the world takes. People are starting In what they make, but it doesn't really matter Joe. How are you mark thanks for low in this country, so much in that the extreme that strike they did blank. She goaded offended. I wanted to talk about it three weeks of your steer sunday and saturday, shows more like great mohammed ali round, one you took on jack Smith round to you took on that Judge shut nick and round three, you followed it up with that great interview of doktor soul. What the whole time on much the doctor so he's ninety three. I believe this man was sharp as attack and we got a president who does it know whether is coming Thank you so much mark for everything you do for this country near very, very kind. I really appreciate it
really appreciate. Let's get to Brian Olympia, washington, I'm just gonna write down the line. serious satellite brian hurry. You, sir. I just wanted to thank you for projecting your strength and given me that to be more of an activist up here in washington, but I would get it say that I have for books that are stamped you, some friends better. Here are Democrats, and I heard already receive due notification. I've gotten them- and I just want to let you know that. Thank you, her forgiven me all to help expressed or what I already knew to them god bless you man, three very important. We triangle people who are completely brain dead on this subject, brine, don't hang up! I want to get you a signed copy. The Democrats He hates america, where yankee braun here marie camp. air day, arizona, their great k, BT k. How are you
I meant Marie I apologize. Yes, I'm sorry, I'm, I'm wonderful right!. I speak here forever whenever me, I can't hit what we we like to say run. I did not get my book bed I had orders about had had for me of amazon and obeyed and damage to morrow. Yes, Birthday, I know it's later in the week, but I wonder if the council had to people's burthen, it's fun. Well, thank you very much, dear and dining out. We're gonna get you assign copy don't come in and I weaker ten days once I get them sign. I want to thank all you folks, god bless you. We salute forces police officers, firefighters, we
by whose a hero out there, including you thank you so much. I appreciate, that you do not like that. You're out there have left.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-21.