« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/18/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we currently have a president and an attorney general who are clearly going after their political opponents, whether it is pro-life protesters or parents at school board hearings, and we have had the greatest widespread institution of censorship under the Biden Administration. Despite this, the Democrat media continues to attack Donald Trump over January 6th and assume he will appoint an attorney general to attack political opponents, which is exactly what Joe Biden has already done. Also, United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain is leading one of the greatest shakedowns in American history, pushing for a 4-day work week on top of a 40% pay increase, and is using Marxist tactics and language to do it. None of this will benefit the workers or more importantly Americans, but only benefit the union. Next, what’s going on in our cities are not natural disasters, but instead Democrat party manmade disasters. Two teenagers in Las Vegas stole a car and deliberately killed a retired California police chief riding a bicycle. We can thank the radical prosecutors who do not prosecute and judges who coddle criminals for this. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Byron Donalds about the budget battle in Congress and challenges from both Democrats and fellow Republicans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the.
The the america mark levant here our number? Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seventy when three one, three eight one, one man or manischewitz there is a tongue going on today. I will possibly get all of it. he began in the second, our friend, byron donalds from Florida help workers what's going on on the budget.
other things what I do want to get, but before I get to all of it when shall listen to this interview, martha rabbits of abc this week's this week with general mark milly. I want. You listen carefully and I can become a before, except to say, on full display is the democratic party this. party media, just listen to this cut five go Are you concerned at any time that you might receive in a legal order, and please, let me just say this about january six in the election? Sorry, let's start over guy, You concerned at any time that you might receive in a legal order. After election day I never did receive an illegal war was concern
Can I I I argued the case at various times to for alternative courses of action, never received newly lord. You were in this building on january sixth, and you saw what happened on January. Sixth, Are you nervous about that happening again? Can you Honestly say: you're not nervous about that happening, I'm not nervous! You know, I think that first voice- or you worry about it- you you will be long gone from the pentagon. I don't I don't worry about a lotta things martha, I don't get nervous, but a lot of things have seen a lot of combat so beyond that. Actually so, but I would tell you that the the united states, the institutions of the united states, are very strong and very soon, as I talked to I just want. I want to get this app that turned out. Okay, whatever words you use were a concern, but are you confident that that won't
and again. I am confident that the united states in a democracy and of this country will prevail in the rule of law, will prevail. I'm absolutely confident of that and the these institutions are built to be strong resilient and to adapt to the times, and I'm one hundred percent confident will be fine. this amazing I know you now liver damage its even more than that When, when we finish his thoughts,. She was pressing him hard to give the Answers that she insisted on, because I hate to say this- in many ways, but the man deserves credit. He was not going to accept her narrative. And he was in the oval office- were donald trump. offered, ten thousand national guardsmen to the speaker of the house. the mayor of Washington, d c,.
And they said no. He was in there the acting sector stay was in there, the chief of staff, the acting secretary of state was in there I think, mark meadows was in there all witnesses, tractor general of the defence department afterwards looked at in road, it up and said yes but he did he offered them. and this is what gives the lie to so much of this. This is gives the lie to so much of it. Now I want to go back to meet the press well trumped decided to go and meet the press are meet the depresses. I call it and the new Moderators name kristen I'll call. You saw in one of the debates and twenty twenty as a moderator for NBC bc solace. this cut one go. I wanted
What's in your head, when you go to bed at night, do you worry about going to jail, really I don't even think about it. Built a little differently, I guess, because I have had people come up to me say how do you do it, sir, and do it I don't even think about it. These occur People that I'm dealing with destroying our country- I don't even think about it. All I think about- is making the country great making america great It's easier call geezer banana republic can dive and been a third world and diamonds. The president of the united states sees how we're doing we have a movement, the likes of which has never happened in this country before and you see it with the pause, I mean I'm up on these people by sixty points and fifty nine points. I don't mean I'm a drifting, not am leaving them by fifty nine. You almost say like: why are they campaigning a searches and he's a zero christy's at two other ones?
one just sanctimonious mona at nine. He hates he hates. The scientists have no like to say is a tremendous amount, but he hates I must say this is number two and keep trying to permit down the number three that that's beside the point. I'm leaving him by sixteen point: let's run, you say why they do, but guess what they did. They saw this happening to the eternal general, the united states, and he told them indict trump, there's just no evidence of two out of the nation and the lives of using all the president. There is never any evidence, there's no evidence to impeachment increase, because there's no evidence that you're buying did anything wrong. There are mountains of pieces of evidence. A Joe Biden should be impeached,
Even if I take all the financial violations of the table mountains, starting with the border. Presidents have been impeach for far less, including trump far less cartoon when you talk about retribution. You talking about did your attorney general to try to go after A political one- and I ve amazes me here- he's not present right now. We have a presently united states and an attorney general who is clear. going after their political opponents. turn about politicians, their political opponents. parents who read enough these teacher unions pro lifers.
Catholic Juno, the list going after their political opponents, so kristen welcome doesn't even lay the foundation for a question. Like are you concerned about this administration going after the reports we ve had the greatest widespread the institution of censorship, if not an american history, certainly since the civil war, and certainly since woodrow wilson rain, go ahead. I'm talking about fairness, we have to treat. People fairly these people on january, six
they weren't some of them never even went into the building they're being given sentences of many years. Are you going to pardon convict them, and I certainly might, if I think, it's appropriate know, it's a very, very sad thing and it's dividing the country so badly and is very dangerous. Well, MR president, we're going to delve into that a little bit later on, but I want to stay on this idea of what you mean by retribution. Are you to appoint an attorney general who will prosecute the people you, the prosecutor, I'm looking to appoint an attorney general who's gonna, be tough on crime and fair for simple one: more cut three go I wouldn't know who you, by the way on that day, man she policy, I don't have I. Why would I tell you that? Listen, nato, it that was in georgia, security. She
turned out ten thousand soldiers. If she didn't turn down the soldiers you wouldn't have had january your call military or law enforcement. What Did you call military or law enforcement at the moment the cap on anything? I let me In this way I mean I so well, I just you're good job needs Pelosi turned down ten thousand soldiers. If she didn't do that and now I must now yonder and unduly address the finer and chief nestled Mcchrystal listen to set up a second, you see, you see, I played milly first for reason, because there- pushing propaganda and playing this now for reason, Nancy. He doesn't have the power to call out the military. When he was thinking about call out the military when our streets were burning and people were being murdered in maine. Moreover, the media said then, member what the general said. Then the answer
actual will be trumps. Member Ola, white house was under attack because it I weren't in any move and the sector defence had no intention. of calling out the national guard to stop any of this period?. Now she wants to know, I didn't call at the national guard or federal law enforcement. On that day, she does not want to discuss. The Nancy Pelosi turned down ten thousand troops, armed troops who are stopped. Everything. She doesn't have the powered calling she says the military The mayor DC, certainly had the power to call in more police. The fbi director doesn't need a directive from the press,
the united states to send and more fbi go ahead. The stand at the police testified against the chief very strongly against her capital police, a great people. Testified against her and they burned all the evidence. Ok, burned early evidence story, all the evidence about land you interrupting him. They destroyed sixty. Seventy percent of the information they had gathered, the generous excrements. one insiders says they didn't investigate. The lack of security at all. another says that, of course, they never talk Anti Pelosi at all, who should have been a witness. Why is there no relevant go ahead? Data? all who wonder why you you, as commander in chief, you have authorities that Nancy Pelosi doesn't have, as noted, underlines already aligning send help. In that moment, though,
Frankly, just imagine how on earth can you imagine if he said His direction, the military or the fbi to the capital, when they have accused him mister producer of sending them in there to help the insurrection. is there any doubt in anybody's. My girl I assume that she took care of it turn down when you realise that that the national guard wasn't gonna tell him, you didn't, realize anything until quite awhile national gardener coming. I guess I asked to be there three days in advance and she turned it ass. She says that that request was never officially made. I to stop she's a liar, merely says. cash patel says the acting sector defence. The inspector general defend says one hundred percent
was offered says she is a bald face liar. That's why, they did not wonder tat to test found january six she's a fool she. Down the people in there, concerned about optics? Can you imagine in the testimony about what she said, all the text messages that she issued or the emails she sent and that she see, can you imagine what that would have done to the damage? party and the speaker of the house, destroy them. go ahead. Ask your lease limited president. The mayor of do see gave a letter. Saying that you turned down, ok, we have it nancy policy. Also, was s and she d Down the police can argue about dailies, wait a minute here capital, but he said she wanted it and then
policy, wouldn't accept that. Let me you something walker. So why didn't pelosi pick up the phone call the president and then say police and in the national guard Did she do that proper supposed. Sending all the way down the other in pennsylvania, avenue, washing this on tv in order, the military to go to the capital building. to pause. He made calls that day when I was taking place. She just didn't call them. in chief Why didn't she on that day? Call the commander in chief and ass for the military. We'll never know. Now here's nato policy on with Jonathan kay? hard? Who is a radical kook leftist It's no ratings whatsoever on the weakens had too bright bar cut for Go gears, blaming you for the attack on the capital that he instigated your response. When a core question, so true
instigated the attack on the capital he's never been charged for their cape heart. That is your name. So what did she say? There's a sickness, their damage for this sector. has her face melts. The heat and light to the camera. and I have said in the past years, the cheese fascistic. The way she ran the house. The way she ran impeachment. She is fascistic, she's, also and not job. I'm here back then Hmm,
it helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raised as part of their retirement portfolios and you need to contact with vesta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five nigh to again text. L easy! I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot. Com
It's really a tight three hours this evening, so I'm gonna move could We all these issues, I believe, a very, very important about Fifty seconds in this segment, but I want to address. But apparently a lot of conservatives are afraid to address, because well they're more populous light Bernie sanders than they are a conservative like ronald reagan, and that's this strike as you are w strike with this prayer In short, fain has said in his sang and the fact that there were very few american children in support of any sympathy for the strike. Union and non union. Because the u s w among the best paid union members in the country
Particularly when you consider benefits and open Rather than in the least but who is gonna, be gradual when they learn what these you, I w members and their prisoner demanding a merry as waitresses in janitors and plumbers electricians, Farmers and I ranchers they- can have a tough time with this. Point in a moment.
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is a gust of precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five nigh to again text l easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals, dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com. This is the nations town hall meeting you can join in had eight seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. By the way I agree with rhonda sentences and-
republican legislatures decision on abortion six weeks month and a half. and by the way, this is what federalism is all about. If you want to go to a stay where it's abortion on demand right up to the last minute, we have states like that too, but the truth is Oppression and has no say in any of it anymore: the supreme court gave that power to the states to the states in a lotta. Republicans just don't know how to deal with this, which shocks me. It's one of the easiest issues to debate. The democratic I reasoned on abortion, peggy haley's, all over the map on abortion. they believe in killing. Davy is right to the end. That's about a mine, no matter how much joy
As saki lies on M s, lsd only other democrats have demonstrated that before. Sean fain is the president of the? U s w and what is Do, ladies and gentlemen, is drive up the cost of automobiles, so you can afford them even after combustion, engine driven he's going to drive at the cost of, So to be almost impossible to fix your cars unless you have some kind of warrant and throughout he's going to hurt the supply chain, because so much is related automobiles. You folks in the steel industry,. Aluminium industry, plastics industry robber in this you're, going to take it in the neck.
The, u ada- and you know what bothers me about the so called consumers from the wall street journal- page the phony populist conservatives. They blame this on electric vehicles now that has a part to do. That is simply no question about it. And we're gonna be blaming things on climate change for the rest of our lives. I'd still does not excuse MR sean fain, nor does it support the idea that you W members should receive a forty, sent salary increase over a four day work week. Thirty two hours so they're not gonna cut anything they're gonna get paid as if there were a forty hour week. But us the two hour week with a forty percent increase, plus better benefits,
no maybe some of these so called populists and considers don't get out very much, but I get our lot when I talk to people Or break in their asses and their jobs, waiting on tables landscaper, so many others people getting dirt under their fingernails there once ones are going to be hurt the most, why why they get nothing? like the. U s, w members get while they should join the union that's not how it works. So, ninety four, Some of the private sector should join the union. This union- the? U s w, I don't think there's a cop, a fire fighter.
whose part of these public sector euins, like that these kind of increases, and then this is used as a baseline for other young. well they're getting that over there, When the end, like all other things, the american consumer, the american taxpayer is ripped off, is punished. This used to be understood among conservatives, I understand present trumps, considering Going to one of these. These places, where their striking that I will be very, very poor advice, very, very poor advice. Multi millions of americans are gonna be harmed by this, and Gonna whole politicians accountable. There is simply no joy,
The vacation for these kind of demands, this kind of a shakedown none. I want you to listen to the marxist language that this guy sean fain uses its like me. He said. I have it in the book, we're all marxist now we'll talk like marks, as we all think, like marxists I'll, tell me about this. One. Margaret Brennan, anti face the nation cut. Fourteen go your ass. for thirty six percent pay raises our rapporteur just laid out. There still able said dame offered twenty one percent. What do you expect? tomorrow's negotiation, tomorrow's negotiation with them that seems forward movement. We ve asked where forty pay increases energies. We asked for a forty percent pay increases is because, in the last four years alone, the sea opaque, went up three percent are already millionaire and she knows I challenge at persuasive anybody. Now, why is this not persuade,
Why is this marxist class warfare? Stuff, not persuasive,. These companies have shareholders. There is nothing, I repeat, Nothing stopping shareholders from organizing. And having a ceo who they thinkers, overpaid, fired? It's happened before. The shareholders have basically no say negotiations that take place in the contract, that assigned should there be a forty. send increase for thirty two hour week. That's number one. number two by this kind of logic by this kind of logic. Everybody microsoft, given a hundred billion dollars, mr Medina mean, after all, bill gates.
swear the hundred billion dollars. You stone a place, everybody a tesla. He gave two hundred twenty billion dollars every employee at any company or business Should I get an increase that is system or whatever management, skills. now, if you want to get a management, getting of the assembly line, and do it takes to become a manager and executive do something else. So the marches claptrap that doesnt fly. Either it's pure Bernie sanders is you're about to hear a sheet. a forty percent increase, so You get a forty prison it now. How work it's not our works prefer
it get tenure, many of them after one or two years on the job single school teachers I dont have any tenure give tenuous reducing. Don't you want tenor? I want tenure too. A lot of these? U a w workers have defined pension programs What do you ever, MR illusion now. lot of them are medical coverage that I dont have Most of you, dont have shown I have the same thing. America, should we all the same thing? So this is the justification A marxist argument is the justification. And we're gonna have republicans, including my dear friend, the former president join with these god. Now then,.
Bernie sanders was already down there, but I'm not done. We already finishes cut MR believes, go ahead. But you know one of the one of the leaders of the court wanna of corporations sitting in his second home and a couple go while we're bargaining soon, I'm eating. Should I Second, homeowner kapogo, always bargain. people are in earnest, twelve fifteen twenty thousand dollars a year, you put in some time. we're doing very well, since this is the test Guy's got a second home acapulco. he's sitting there while we're bargaining, it's mine, Standing, sir, that you weren't bargaining. That the ceos of these companies, all the big three, they can begging you to come back to the bar meaning table. You refused, go ahead
playing table, and so in our demands are just were asking for our fair share and its economy and the fruits of our labour between, for your fair share capital fruits, the labor People are trying to buy an automobile? There are the one he cares for problem. Companies don't exist to pay you members, they don't even exists to pay management. Companies cease to exist. If that's the mindset, companies, eggs. To serve you. Mr Mr Amerika, you you're not at the bargaining tale. So one demands are made there are met in any substantial way. Prices, skyrocket,. and so, when a consumer you, the american people, are treated this way. You know, what's going to happen.
People are going buy more foreign cars. That's what they're gonna die because they're striking the big three. People are going to say, you know what we went through the seventies with the automobile industry. We help build it back by purchasing their products as good americans. They had to improve their products. You know to compete with the japanese in german card member less, and I people say I don't give a damn where this is made. If the eu, a dummy, doesn't give a crap about me, and I don't give a crap about them, and so people are gonna, buy cars there may by foreign companies
Why shouldn't they act in their best interests? When you hear this guy puppet, often saying I r c makes this its fair share with your response to them is ok, fine, fair, share, fair share whatever that means. Go ahead. Only one percent is a no go for you. It's definitely Go and we made it very clear that companies and get the arrogant here- twenty one percent- that's just too much- we want our thirty to our work week, but we want to be For forty hours and each one One percent increases are no go. How many of you were getting a twenty one percent increase out there. This is one of the greatest shakedowns in modern history. Bernie sanders at all, and doesn't I tell you something. Periods on with fake tapir cut. Sixteen go this push from you. W for a four day work week,
is I'm a negotiating tactic: organs see that is the future of labor. In the: u s a four day work week. Well I'll tell you what I think And thanks for raising that question jake, We all looking at an explosion in this country of artificial. intelligence and robotics. That means that the average worker is gonna, be toward called doktor point you well There's a man who's never worked a private job in his entire life. You know Bernie Sanders the average man is, you call. Him also has to purchase a vehicle also to pay for maintenance of a vehicle. The Man in this country there, many more average men in this country than ever. Men who work as you a w workers. They have to live with. This result, too.
And we have millions of millions of people who do not are what you are The workers are not that's the way the cooking. Numbers I understand, but. saying, it's gonna make the argument. That is all well and good, and this is for the work or no it's not for the workers, for the. U s, w theirs. Adam bought a lot of a lot of workers out there who are union members too, who are not members of the? U, a w go ahead and increased signal The question as a nation that we have got to ask ourselves is who is going to benefit increase productivity, I'm so sick and tired of this marks is poor. Crap. You have no idea, I am so sick of it If Bernie Sanders is right, we would have had a communist revolution from the bottom
up, in the middle of a long time ago, naughty Communist revolution, from the top down that we're dealing with today, but from the bottom up, the proletariat. would have overthrown the bourgeoisie, as marks had predicted but even linen and graham ski. in ireland? Ski knew there wouldn't happen in the united states. For Bernie sanders is an old red he's, a marxist through and through. And so we want you to believe that working have all this new wealth as a result of artificial intelligence. In its only going to go to the rich, the rich. The fact is, the overwhelming, amount of money that is possessed in his country is possessed by the broadest. number of people in any country on the face of the earth.
and you go a grocery store, you shopping with billions and your purchase. You're buying with billionaire. We have more prosperity in their country because we do not follow, Are you not used to anyway Bernie Sanders ideology, but the eu w demanding here is gonna hurt a lot of a lot of work Poor middle class americans in a thousand in different ways and people whose When with them on this, a forty percent increase with a four day week, in other words, being paid for the five day week on top of that significant new benefits, these people don't care about you, thrall about politics and are on the wrong side.
I'll be right back then It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the binding administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks, record is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise as part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or augusta precious precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five. Ninety
levin to six eight five. Nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com- that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com, Some hours a day, ladies and gentlemen, when the democratic party hates america goes life Billy, tomorrow, truly midnight, and you can order on line tomorrow, you can shop at your reach a bookstore if you happen to be a wonder, you wanna go to one you'll be able to get your copies, will be at cassio supposed be walmart. Be J Sam's buxom
in bars and noble target it'll be really in every retail book out store in america. Of course, they're hiding, but they ve ordered a lot, so, presumably the clerks, no better than the hide it sometimes management doesn't know the clerk. For doing so. I told my publisher. I wanna make exactly the same amount of money as harry potter books me, when we talk about, should it only fair, I mean I'm an author, the author made Hundreds of millions of not billions of dollars. Why should I get that? I worked justice I'd most venetian cause it's stupid. That's why.
because that's not the way the world works are, should work. In the real world. You put product out their whatever it is about Leader biter, they don't I'm not that guy over there. I should be getting what that guy gets. I don't even know it. See ya Simon, introduced or makes I don't care. But I dont say you know what I share and at least as much as the see of Simon schuster makes cause. I probably bring more money. First of all, I doubt that's true, but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter. can't live in a free entrepreneurial society that way I speak to you directly, honest to god. If you wanna help save this country.
Then you have to train your focus on your attention on the democratic party, that's destroying at each and every day you see it on tv. You here on radio This is the party that has to become persona non grata. We don't know Time left, we have to use the facts, the information spread, the word that's how we got our free country in the first I see and we gotta use that are not. Our ability to speak information. Try and claw away back? That's the whole purpose of the Democrats. He hates america please join this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much
sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hell america mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three one one: it's open season on police office, local law enforcement, all the talk inside the best is always about mega violence. I think I read a story that a pr agents need protection. Our some such.
Police officers in all walks of life all over this country are being murdered in cold blood. There are the ones who deserve forty percent increases. Why. Because they put their lives on line, that's why nobody else does that who's, not any law enforcement in the protection field. All this testimony washington dc all these statements. By Biden regime officials, caring about the capital police. I don't give a damn about the capital police had a means to an end and I'll give it, about police at all. What's going on in our cities and elsewhere is our natural
ass is once again. These are democrat party man made disaster. By now, most of you have seen this horrendous video. have these teenagers and a stolen vehicle laughing targeting a man on a bicycle: the dry, Where rebs up his engine taps his horn. Slams into the back of the bicycle. The man flips up into the air is bikers crush and he dies instantly who know what it is Six m is out for warning bicycle ride.
We see the video because the teenagers are very proud of what they did and they posted there's. No doubt what took place at the guy in the back of the car egging on the driver, who did need much hanging on by the way they carjacked as vehicle, though, what kind of people do such as to what kind of people do everything they can to tempt down the coverage. What took place proud of the same kind of people who eighty five years ago and beyond covered up the holocaust. probably the same kind of people who cut corners all the time when it comes to reporting the truth, particularly.
If it means they have to. Abandoned their narrative and their agenda. and so this story has spread a lot thanks to the internet, and certain media, including concerned, would talk. Radio. But otherwise you don't hear much about it. Lets tiggle of deeper. The truth hurts The man riding the bike middle age turns out. Sixty four is a white guy. I thought a race was important. It's important everybody's race, isn't they were told, press are oppressed and so forth. White guy.
The teenager driving the vehicle and the guy in the back or not like us to black ass, their punks. They saw this man riding a bicycle kind back says, get his ass driver. Slams into the back of the bike and murders, the guy isn't bothering anybody. I dont see attorney crump out there. Do you missed bidders. I haven't heard our sharp and talk about this needs. He Pelosi mom. all? The leaders of the democratic party don't say a word Biden, kemal harris ship. Nothing no word.
Everybody knows damn well She was on the other foot, they should be a marquis story on every work in america across the top of the page and every newspaper in america. But it's a non story is a right Right scope: the harbor video shows teenagers in LAS Vegas hid and kill a man on a bicycle for fun. As they ran another car off the road, the man they killed was retired. California, police, chief undress props, who was only sixty four. The teams are just stolen a hand I and were picked up by cops on the fourteenth of august. seventeen year old driver was arrested on suspicion of hidden run, but it was only after cops discovered. The video.
Showing them committing a crime and late august that they were charged with murder. As a new york pay paper reports Tired california, police chief appear to be deliberately mode down and killed while riding his bike las vegas by a laughing teenage driver whose power can be heard saying yes, hit his s on the video undress, probst six forbes was killed, every was deliberately struck out for him. Bike ride around six: a m on august fourteen according to law, las vegas police. The dinah Seventeen year old driver of the han day was arrested by police soon afterwards, the las vegas review journal report was it's on the morning of smoking. Do you even know who knows she was sure, is very concerned about this
tina since been charged with murder after police discovered a video posted the social media that legislation I am deliberately hitting the man, so they posted that's how proud they are very funny. this week in the shocking fully went viral online shown the driver asking his pals ready as the passenger films laughing Yeah hit his ass, he chose to driver before ploughing under the retiree. The disturbing clip begin the passengers cursing at other cars essay speed by north tanya way near west. Your highway parkway, the video shop, The car approaching a man and a red writing about I call on the side of the road from behind with his friends, courage meant, the driver pulls under the bike lay behind amongst his horn.
liberally smashes directly into the back tyre, with a loud bang, sending the cyclist flying. The passenger films, the man lying helplessly on the side of the road behind the vehicle. Damn that in word- and you know, the inward dan the inward got knocked out got knocked out. The passengers says, is the driver can be heard. Stepping on the gas probst was he to the university medical center way was pronounced dead. the seventh junior was arrested. The same day has props death on suspicion. Ronnie was later charged with murder because of the video, though the date the charges were set was not clear passenger in the back snack, clear, what's happened to him
The former cop and moved to sin city after he retired as a police chief and bell california, two thousand nine do dimension about the deputy sheriff was murdered. Who was sitting in his car, His own business murdered, I think, was yesterday to shop where he sat. These are the people who deserve a forty percent salary increase. And these are the people who are now being targeted tobin, seasonal cops. He can thank, media for all this animal. He can thank the democratic party.
The civil rights marxists. Many of them, as I call on you, can thank the prosecutors who not prosecute the judges who cattle criminals most Democrats, sir supported many of them, the democratic party hates america, you said every damn day. Every single day, I'll be right, back then, cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand. Crack Screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch time to put all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free
I have samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display and all strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure marks a limited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers because most of pen about five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switch to pure talk the pounds, Five. Zero say markel of in pure talk, please smarter wireless the my very short hannity here As a body you I'll have. You me for full- are four p m. afternoon. As on with them on friday on, here
the programme is well we're gonna be doing more Cattle to be on with her pete hexes score, to be all of maria part to Roma, who was very nice kind, lady we're going to on fox and tomorrow, including when my buddy kill me and that'll, be I'm just looking quickly folk, sorry, eight thirty Fifty a m will be on with a whole bunch of shows. The first show will be oconnor. company under biarmia, but I'll be on many. Many affiliates Our friends out there will be on a number. Pod casts typically, the larger ones are beyond up my dear friend bon gino show caraway El, I obviously, and you'll meet radio show as well. Mr producer, When are we have our dear friend byron
I was with us Men, how are you, sir, Margaret you doing great. Now we're are here and I need take over the other side and if I may, is going on I capitol hill. I understand you have tried fancy fairly solidly conservative proposal on the budget and to tell us about it know what's going on lower! Well, we ve been able to negotiate with some of the members on the on the moderates. Our conference. Some of the members of the mainstreet caucus is a short term spending, but I will be a person cut to overall to all the agencies. It would leave o d and are Trends with what they need to continue their missions, it would, Our southern border would actually path hr to our border security package into law and so
basically what it does is. It puts the fight about border security squarely in the middle of funding and to shut down and makes the president and the Senate decide if they want to the government and secure our border or if they want to shut them, from it down and not secure a border and you're saying you were able to negotiate this with some of the modern republicans. So you have that kind of a signal Unity and behind this or think would have Do you have a lot of members, regardless of their in a home? Conservative america, first members or their more moderate members who see the border as such a disaster, far country the fat, no killing our people, though migrant flooding, our cities. Border completely understand secure the cartels having control of abortion. Our country and they are fed up with it, and then you the other issue. Where look we're running a two trillion. Dollar deficit fits ratings downgraded our debt and they want to try to do something. So what what we ve basically come
the to as well: let's cut the agencies, at least some at a stopgap measure while we continue to work on the appropriation built in the house to further cut spending, further get rid of these crazy paul please put in by Nancy Pelosi. Job and I will add MR mccartin. The senate, when they signed a format omnibus deal before in the last lame duck at least somebody now. You folks have united around this proposal, which does cut domestic spending and the border right out front that we need to deal with and immediately are you getting up Issue for this year We thought we have some opposition house from ITALY from some members who were in the freedom, I guess, I'm a limp. Let me be clear about my colleagues passionately care about this country in ages. Their view right now is things are so dire that you know that there is no ability, negotiate something in the house to save the country so
While the government continue, my view is: let's actually try to get some some way on securing the border, and we can use that to then move winter. What with other republicans about you know going after the department of justice, the weapon zation going after the atm pistol braces going after The won't policies in a department offence going over the world policies in the department of homeland security. These things, the under undermining us as a nation think really mark we're having a tactical difference of what's the best way to go about saving the country. So we'll see word ends up over the next couple of days and Schumer trying to jam all you guys isn't he's blew off the lead in the last year as if it never took place holding but money needed for fema for florida, Maui and so forth. as part of this their throwing in All kinds of mass of new spending, an expansion of government and then they're saying, take it or leave it at that europe as a group,
What they're saying an intellectual Schumer? Even set it believe earlier today, that's what he plan on doing he's already come out said that even the proposal we are discussing is We then on arrival in the senate, and I think it important for the american people to understand- and I know you listen Definitely understand that this this these Democrats in the senate. and this white also saw a diabolical they truly. But when fundamental transformation and bade simply do not care, so its import. That we have these political fight when they come so people know where republican stand and we fight on every footing possible to achieve success. virus donalds, please hold. We want to go back the after the break of had several more questions. I want to ask you Donald so many ways, ladies and gentlemen, is the gold standard I'll be right is yours phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack. Screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch time to put
old, phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free. Five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display and all strong guerrilla glass, when you sign up for pure works. Unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers, because most dependable five g network make this which, to my cell phone company pure talk today, just I'll pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy? When you switched of your talk, a pound, five. Zero say markel of in pure talk, so please smarter wireless
I give him the thunder on the right color now at age, seventy seven, three, eight one, three eight wide one, baron donald supplier and donald's dino, region of florida spent time in Virginia. I I have come to a conclusion about Matt gave said he's not so much a conservative as he is, I'm not sure and I'm not trying to drag you into this discussion, but is he in a bag? Or a confrontation with you, tuna, his eye. What I'm reading unsafe. I mean I mean like mad tweeted directly about me. What I was doing in know entitled to do. But you're, not gonna respond. Mark I always do tomorrow and you wonder I do politics, it don't look! I'm a man. First, arctic council And so in know. If wants to make make this between me and him, we can do that. But, like I asked him today,
social media. What's your plan are you? Are you? How are you going to achieve the objective you're telling everybody you want to achieve? You know because in the house in the body you out of it, The votes and you don't count votes just sending out tweets heartaches We are both trying work hard to figure a path forward to be successful. Ask you this question because I notice again I'm trying to drag it was reading some of these things today. I find a lot of his battle with mccarthy's personal. A lot of his battle with a lot of people, it is, is personal, and it's not like you that far. On philosophy. But if you disagree on strategy at that there was crappy sherry took a you quite frankly. Well, look: it's ok to disagree about strategy and tactics. I mean we don't have to agree on everything I mean we're, not liberals. I went out This is where we just move unlocks that we have a disagreement from time to time.
It's all well and good. You know, but I beg you not like There's issues I've had one speaker, Mccarthy, on how he's done things I did and agree with a debt feeling deal at all in all the emily. I disagree with that. Now he's a speaker of the house and so in. I think, for your listeners in for a lot of people? In my- my concern is that if we get into this circling firelit firing squad about Mccarthy that Mcconnell gonna use that to advantage in the Senate and we're not be right. back where we started from and so I don't think that's the most productive thing right now. It might come to that I think we ought to use every opportunity possible to fight for the country first, and it will do it all the internal politics later mama, Why should this? You think it is trying to position himself to run for governor. That's my sense of floridians. Hence my sense I mean you don't have that. That's happened. you know, but looked at everybody gets in themselves involved in politics. They all happen.
The decision on how to run it. You know, go about it. is it a handle on cells the common or what you doing. That is what I think The governance mansion, the people of florida gonna decide at one and the republicans of florida. The site is gonna, be the nominee And you are Proposals receiving. you say there are some concerns: we're not gonna back it. What is it six, seven other matter Well, I mean both. The concern is that in our people are starting to ratchet up pulling no on it. So honestly mark we gotta see where it goes from here on when I do it just be honest with my members about where they are, where we are what's possible, what's not end at the end, They they represent their district. Like I represent mine, I know that they all care about the country they want to fight for the country. We want to reverse this crazy. Stop at Joe Biden has done. I do think, having internal republican fights about this stuff. Right now, where we can put
Joe Biden on the line, and let me say this: Joe Biden is the first. president: in the modern era who has control over the bully pulpit mark, even his own after one him near the bully pulpit, may my elevator music to get him off the stage we have received. we think like this and so on. You're telling me that we can't win real political gains against this guy Then there. What are we doing or capital hell mark? And that's that's my overall concern in trouble so you do it? How about the mccarthy cider they service receptive to this idea, yeah, they're, receptive to it and they've kind of you know, given me, and a couple of other members were on to to to try to figure some things out and In our even one is gonna com to having a figure out, though the appropriation bills. I think we have a group of people. are willing to try to figure out a way to get two something neck and they can pass that we can work from from air. I may look there
Some say that there is a lot to do market homage to say absolutely, not I'm not supporting And we can, I add those conversations already, but you have people in the chamber. They are the ones who vote, and so you have to try to get them most conservative, place possible. That's what I'm focused on doing. I was on the programme last week, He sent a very much like you by the way on this and I said, chip, here's my promise, a conservative standing back and watching who's that involved in congress. The conservatives are not organised around any positions, in other words they don't even have the same agenda, other than cutting spending. He got guys over here. Push this guy's any. He admitted that there was an issue A conservative see that this is an issue yeah I do in writing this one. Ah me, we disagree on a couple of things, but in our union
about this. There were lacking a real cohesion, in my view. Internally. Now I think that the best the southern border is the one Point we all agree on. I believe that the point of cohesion- and if we can, you know, make up real fight, a real political battle in the press, the halls of congress, so that the american people can see would have and see like man. He's republicans are right. We shall be secure the border that makes sense, then it gives cohesion in the house and then continue that fight onto the weapon, Another department of justice onto the agency that. Oh garbage an almond weapon eyes garbage and on that we gotta get out and I think marked the one thing I answered: phone calls in my office today. Look there's a lot of Republican. in our country. A lot of them are your listeners they're, just their tyres there. There, too, This government they ve, been lied to before they ve lied. By republican leadership before they ve been told. This is the time we're gonna fight. I never materialised and I get their frustrations. I I
those same frustrations and if I didn't, they built a pathway to succeed, I wouldn't even be doing this right now. I agree I'm discuss versions were Hoboken and Do you think if you need an eight percent cut spending, except for the military, junta and veterans, even for a thirty day or sixty day deal at the same time your focus attention on the border and what needs to be done about the border. I mean that seems pretty good to me. Eight percent to big number yeah, that's The boy am argyle add that not mean a word is gonna. Do that and nothing else remembers already talking right now about ways to further cut. Some of these agencies that way we can get responsible agency that are doing the job of the american people. Not do women, but the radical left or not doing the job while the never trappers We the job of the american people and that's what matters more than anything else, and I also think it
Yet the upper hand on the Democrats curves the border issue- you right at such an important priority. And the massive debt in her you're saying ok, we're slashing a prison except for these two and we're gonna do with a border. And then you have the Democrats, her sank down on arrival in they gave them on their heels them. Don't you yeah, that's the point. That's the whole point right there again look. The first of all chuck shown we're. Not nobody really knows who he is a man. Oh, you do, People don't even know who the democrat leader is in the senate. Joe Biden are, it me in a basic current the airborne more see him, and so these of a political, Dynamic set up front of us, I think we have, opportunity to really when this fight, but you know you, don't you When you don't want any fight, you don't get engaged in. I byron you're. Welcome back any time take care yourself, sir. Our thanks mark be well, so you ve heard from chip
Why you ve heard from byron donalds for them. You heard from Kevin Mccarthy. He amazes me must producer, are an american. It's not like they're. All at far part is. It like they're all foreign, so that tells me that some people have do their own thing on because they know they would for five old majority that it we take really couple a members. To throw trades in swimming pool nursery goals to bring down the government, let me tell you a secret they're not can be able to do it. This way Can we not do at this point? Let me tell you: what's gonna happen. The liberal, moderate rhino. bush light republicans are going to join with the Democrat. That's what's gonna happen, so I ll lose everything
and I suspect that one of the reasons- chip Roy's trying to look for an answer environment downloads is trying to look for an answer. But if somebody did says now bring the house down. They're not gonna bring the house that we may well get, The worst budget in american history. because the conservatives wanted to say how guns of the centre will go along with whom they already have. All you need, or six or seven republicans, the democrats from the house and the game's over, and so You know you can't be it can't be picket, skimpy, pickets charge, pickets charge. Let's go get em Even pic I didn't want to be part of picked charge resorted to. Do it sounds good.
I'll take him, had arm or split the ranks in many ways. It was at the beginning of the end of the confederacy in the civil war, so we have stood, people doing stupid things in the name of conservatism. That bothers me a lot. I'm never going to line up behind stupid and weed Take a second see you and I body who says that this governments how to control this government is more than out of control. This government is no longer a constitution republic as far as I'm concerned, but that I'm an excuse to give them everything. Will you play them? a picture, don Quixote, I'm ready. Kristen, any single politician and care who they are, what office they been one office. They want. I have no interest in whatsoever.
I'll be right back then cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen that gives you glass, splinters, ouch time to put all sound arrest and upgrade to a new five g same sun galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five g same song galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge splay and ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for your trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy you could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers
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or that has books in the country at least supposed him colony carrasco, You know about watermark books, a million all the stores, and we want to thank them- throws the independence She had to forty one percent off now: on some you gotta, maybe thirty, eight percent. I believe they honour the higher discount number he's been sitting in number. One on amazon for the last five or six days, thanks to you again, but tomorrow as the big day. And I cannot possibly do this book. Justice. china has said has, Everybody has read it up to this point has said in an interview: I can't do it justice on the radio, but you can do a justice and you yourself,
justice by reading it. Even if we go to the library somebody hands it too, there's a lot of holidays coming up, maybe there's birthdays other occasions. I think this would be the perfect. but I also think it it's a perfect gift for you to give to yourself. When you put them down. I honestly believe we're gonna be a totally different person. an understanding, this country what's been happening, what's happened to you past and where we go in the future. And I believe I've ever had a book like this are read a book like this. I have not, and I read a ton for when a written We kept the retail price under thirty bucks so that this kind of price has actually under eighteen bucks
I love the way. Some very cynical people say I do these things to make money. I don't need any more money. Those are not commit sixteen months of my life to make money. This way that it's not worth, I do it because I believe He knew in the country and liberty. This is, I do day in and day out. This is how I think, but those who view of purchase my books in the past this one's different. I believe the best and most important. Liberty and tyranny- american marxism swells other books. There should be right up there with them. Because the democratic party does hate amerika. I want you to try something new,
wake up to morrow morning and listen to the news. We watch the news on tv reading in a newspaper. I want you to look, through the lens of the democratic party, part part, Excuse me in their pursuit of power, things will start to make sense. to the question I get. Why? Why? Why do they do us? Because they don't care about the country they don't care about, Yeah they sold minorities in this country, a bill of goods for one hundred and fifty years, and I prove it so I want you to do if you can. To get over amazon or any major bookstore tomorrow for warehouse or for that matter, though I'll be discounted and grab yourself coffee, You have to book signings this coming weekend. with new jersey, a book ends.
Noble tysons corner mclean, virginia the folks Institution day has come and gone, but there's still time to receive your free copy of the constitution and dec, creation of independence for my friends at hills, del college grab your free copy, it levine. Helstone, dot com. You may remember that hills delves goes to give away one million copies to americans, who don't have one and if do have one well give it to someone who doesn't area, and young and old, should read these documents? Why? Because liberty, hence on we, the people, knowing the basic principles, are free government. Given state of our nation, it's more critical than ever for citizens to read and understand these documents so to claim your free copy from helstone collar. Or one to give away. Girl event for wholesale back com I have to do is fill out a simple form. You receive europe led by male without paying shipping and only available while supplies last. But as I mention this
of her, for my listeners, expires in just a few days, reserve your copy Levine for wholesale back com. That's lavigne for helstone dot, com. easy. Now, broadcasting only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, like america, mark live anywhere, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: eighth, seventeen, Hence we ate one three one. Well, let me briefly, Something to you that I think you'll find very interesting. there's, an entire school of thought, Scholarship, read in the democratic party aids. America
the marxist eighty logs claim that the english language special spoken in america His in another example of imperialism, which must be up, ended in reply, With words and language, their promote the marxist ideology in his book aim Excess philosophy, a language jean jacques lesser I prefer serving wish at the university of whatever in france, argues that which is about more than communication, some more political than communicative ties, development of the english language to the interests of feudalism and then capitalism. He contend, called English has become the the language in the language of globalization, big it is the language of the empire, These practices are ever more explicitly imperialistic. He insists that Co language is not only a battlefield in one of the
Instruments of the class struggle, so the site, an instrument of the transformation of individuals and the subjects its principal function which is therefore not that of being an instrument of communication, the lengthy, we know linguistic conflict and class struggle is not bad. For vertical or merely analytical, so right, the english language, is the language of domination. He argues. Puerile capitalism, thereby requiring a break from its dark routes and the application of marxist ideology. To fix it. And I wanted you to know that there is the scholarship all over colleges and universities in this country in an english speaking countries all over the world. that seek to change words, language thought process. promote censorship, is it a marxist ideology in it?
taking place in our schools today is taking place in the public square today. a professor emeritus at lancaster university in Britain, norman, fair cloth, tens and his convoluted book language in power, the myth of speech that anyone is free to say what they like is an amazingly powerful one, given the actual actuality of a plethora of constraints on action, The various sorts of speech in writing these are part of also of more general constraints on practice on access, more exclusive social institutions and so forth. So he's Is language speaking. World comes from feudal lords. mike's would say the bourgeoisie in this, is everywhere and our college campuses.
Everyone on his work and I in fifty improved other soviet union's official, so called news outlets. Joseph Stalin wrote an entire essay titled marxism, problems of linguistics. Now I read this: it's not like an article two small book tenacity. Among other things, Stalin said that core marxism all that that, insertion of language from an old quality to a new does not take, waste by way of an explosion of the destruction of existing language in the creation of a new one, but by the ground draw accumulation the owl and so the new quality and hands the gradual dying away of the elements of the old quality. So I write from style, and we get the gradual usurpation of words in the language to accomplish the marxist sands and by the way is basically played rising, linen and
They are not. We must understand that time and again, the democratic parties surrogates demonstrate their commitment to this effort. Example. The washed and free bacon reports quote federal agencies and the Biden are using taxpayer dollars to promote so called Close language guides. Instructing americans Ben in common terms like homeless people for left wing. relatives. Like people experience and sheltered homelessness commendations from agencies such as the centre for disease control and the national institutes of health focus on now, stigmatizing language which means eliminating turn such as inmate and alcoholic caught on use instead the cdc advisers, American should say person, shore incarcerated are detained and purses Alcohol use disorder, the energy style guide. Meanwhile, advisers, people to say gender affirmation or gender confirmation rather than
sex change. they should similarly avoid the term hermaphrodite never miss gender someone, I'm quoting them, which is using a word or address that does not correctly reflect these gender identity of the transgender gender agenda. Diverse person when it comes to conservatives, I point out republicans in trumped supporters that the hay, speech fly nothing's off limits, but the administration develop guidelines, I'm just showing you how have what's taking place under the democratic party, administration is develop, guidelines and directives to be implemented. Government wide that affair lee change words and language throughout the bureaucracy? Cope The agency's terms from pronoun list stem from an executive order, Biden sign on his first day in office. They called for a comprehensive approach.
Prevents equity for all throughout the federal government, each agency rights, the beacon. asked assess whether and to what extent, its programmes and policies perpetuate systemic barrier, stoppage, unities and benefits for people of color other unsearched under Groups according to executive order, one three, nine, eight, five Followed up with another executive other further advancing racial equity which cause a whole of government approach to embed equity in all aspects of federal decision making, in other words, embed marxism, even in the face of federal aviation administration tests with focusing on traffic safety, they comply quote, though, language we use and aerospace matters, the f a tweeted from its official cap we begun to adopt, or neutral and inclusive aviation terminology is part of our agency wide initiative. Recommendation
include replacing airman with air crew. Me aviation, with traditional aviation and cockpit, with flight dec The department of transportation said in its budget proposal. It would allocate funds to tackle climate change, address inequities rats environmental justice and improve aviation and infrastructure by including improving improvements in promoting environmental justice, climate change mitigation and enhancing What is more inclusive, contracting and workforce development? That's the FDA forgets the foia. in fact central to the corruption of our words and language and the and of the public service to the democratic party are the media. since in chapter four of the democratic, hates america molly, giving a tiny piece. Of course, the purpose
presses disdain as a bulwark and watchdog against the turning of powerful institutions and individuals, special The increasing centralisation empowerment of government, the hall, such entities and people to account to the public and to inform and disseminate information to the citizenry, but not as voice of a single party at any time american revolution in tone Allah, train regimes, the meteor control by the state italy in america, the media largely transformed into a crop prop again: operation for the democratic party and its causes, In an arm of the central government stunts Voluntarily without threats or intimidation, Because the media are mostly populated with ebay logs of ties to the democratic party activists american marxist revolution This is most of the other cultural institutions have been devoured by the american marxist ideologists so the media. I rode extensively
bad. Then another book, soil repeated here totalitarian regimes. There is an extensive and relentless user propaganda. As was sociologists Jean K, child The explains the press becomes part of the airlines what state apparatus that Races, artistic and film production, education system, Aids and religion in their turn, our current state. The parties monopoly on the means of communications serves to broad purposes. The first. Is repressive in scope and help stifled the sign in silent opposition to the party autocratic rule. Second, it facilitates the, transformation of the media and the instruments of propaganda, designed to indoctrinate the masses to tell it. parties engaged in vast programmes of socialization. a fashion the new individual that fits in the parties vision of the new order. That's the demo
a party. It is in many ways he totalitarian pardon regret, Thirdly, there are clear and significant overlaps between the media under totalitarian regimes, the american media service, to a single party in its ecological agenda in the first place as Joe a thorn barrow senior lecture in the center for language in communication research at cardiff, universally that's in wales, explain the end What's in power, the mass media in society, the culture and politics are enormous. The mask He had become one of them: spock means through which we gain access to a large part of our information about the world as well as much of our entertainment and because of this they are powerful site for Production and circulation of social meanings, for instance, to a great extent media, decide the significance of things that happened in the world for any given culture, society and social group, the lange choose by the mediator represent particular social and political groups, and it is
cried. Newsworthy events tends to provide the dough. at ways available for the rest of us to talk about those groups and events I'm not going to read it all back where the whole chapter book is for your pages, long adjust three pages, a chapter, four like the rest particular to me is an immensely important check. where did an enormous amount of research, and I hope you understand or no. that for every. Actually, I read. Most of them are not in a book ferry. I read historical book. most of them, are not in the book. You need to read a ton. You need a reason. your time and then you analyze it time to decide how you gonna put the puzzle pieces together in a book particularly book like this, so throughout the last few years.
Here and there you ve heard me talk about history, the culture economics you ve heard me talk about the constitution, marxism, capitalist. You heard me talk about a thousand other things and I think This will be a page turner for you, because, the most part, we americans have to self educate these days. Most of what I write about in these box- and this has put number ten. I didn't want anywhere it learn anywhere. I taught myself.
And whenever I can to the extent possible use original sources, because original sources reveal a lot. in many other instances, not all but too many not original sources reflect the bias, The individuals who write them that sometimes sometimes their superb, Most of the time or not I'll be right back then the mac, america. It wasn't that long ago
when there was a radio host who couldn't. begging, made promoters book scratch My god, my door like a cat in heat and it was stupid but really, but I hope the guy he was quite does they needed help plaguing help happy needed to brag about his raining. Will the sixty nine slots had top slot? You go up against the mets and the yankees and other parts of the country go up against team to go up against the hockey teams and all the restaurant.
It's tough slot. You know we on w a b c I've been on their station for twenty one years. He can really fine people for the slot because were considered dead, dead. But sixty nine as these slot, we really the duke it out for you really of competition the time slots. There is no competition, none whatsoever, and so These guys are really a flash in the pan. somebody's really ever heard of them before think their king of the hill in one particular town or city they pop off, like they matter.
Some do matter summer, outstanding summer clouds. Vast majority are great. and I'm gonna be on many other programmes, and I want to thank them all over the country we have great affiliates here, but some of them people are actually listening and then because of their entertainment, another listening to them because their head cases, because their burned out. That's why people are listening to them. For the same reason, they watch corrects that again. Not the vast majority. My fill that's for sure. they can even read a book, let alone write a book. Oh! Yes, yes, mark come on your programme. More. Can you
my programme, one in particular any demonstrates. And he has no character, no class whatsoever and still has no character, no class. The mental midget. given the time slot really than any monkey, can do well any monkey, but I dont want to put their monkeys. I was taught a long time ago. Don't shoot down, don't reached down, probably good advice. Don't you think most relevant sir? Why
So very much, but this guy was burned out. A long time ago. Join his ears and another why's. He is a calm and people like to watch clout in all respects. Then I'd listening to what the clown says they just like to watch the clown stumble but I want to thank all the great affiliates and mourning herself there. Thank you. We revere you will appreciate. you're makes radio work you don't climb on the shoulders of people before you then slid their throats right back?
Liberties voice my love and talk with that voice. Now eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one! a guy, the treasures, the deceased, russian, like her treasures higher It was never even this guy I've seen stupid, cocky people, War, in the end, they don't last, particularly when they have a background like some of these guys. Do they don't last they just don't they just don't they can't because they're stupid, so they gotta be clown all day long, though
stand that people think this is what works on. I am, but I also know that disrespecting your audience doesn't work for the long haul it just doesn't it doesn't. I stand jealousy, I really do I got it. I understand, but stupidity. While I comes at worth that junior dna and stupidity can't be shaken It's in fact more later, perhaps perhaps not motivate MR producer
for the fun of it. If I decide to use, would you pull the interview I deal with this guy with his book and just pocket? It just pocket it. You know what they say about no good deed goes unpunished, with the guy stupid. Well,. Maybe you should be punished, we'll see we'll sit on it, but I want to get the bigger things right now by inflation. this is town hall when the great columnists there is. Sarah Arnold, I don't know anything about ceremonial, but she's, good. Inflation has caused a drink. Take number of americans to live in poverty. Such as an invite entered office three years ago by inflation has taken us we are told on americans tourist,
far left policies. Americans wallets have gotten slimmer, while prices, a grocery stores and gas pumps of increased, couldn't do a new report, released by the. U s: census bureau than ever americans living below the poverty level has ribbon for the first time in years in two thousand twenty two twelve point: four percent of the population lived adder below the poverty level, a stark increase, Twenty twenty one, one, seven point: eight percent: lived in the poverty level and think about that. When he says it's working by not mix is working. and the Democrats go on tv. They tell you what a success. It is how the economy- doing great it's working Twenty twenty two twelve point: four percent the population lives adder below the poverty level,. twenty twenty one and with seven point eight percent. That is a massive increase.
Data also found that inflation surges outpace the average pay raises of: u s: workers in twenty twenty, two coming for the third consecutive year under Biden that paychecks didn't go as far as they once did, Inflation adjusted median household income suffered a two point: three percent decline, interesting to seventy four thousand five hundred and eighty thousand twenty twenty two now compare the twenty twenty one, the average was seventy six thousand three hundred and thirty. It has fallen by four point: seven percent, since its pointed twenty nineteen a year before buying took office. In addition, consumer price index was six. five percent higher than last year I going to do Lee released by the labour department, such fine, took Price inflation has risen. Thirteen point seven percent since the beginning of twenty twenty three pretty damnable. Don't you think.
and the Republicans stop fighting with each other? They actually have a case here, but god by can to gaslight americans, insisting as economic plan works. this morning, we have some good news. He said recently we more work to do, but we're clearly moving in the right direction and there's more breathing room in store for eric and workers and families? Will they make? People are buying it by any poll as a matter of fact, and then there is this, I can find the damn thing other. It is a k business in politics. irish watchdog rips in the binds false pledge that eighty billion dollars would not be used to audit average. Americans, that's what he got: eighty billion dollar two hundred and eighty seven thousand new iris agents, Report has been issued by the official watchdog, the irs.
Surprisingly, emitting that eighty billion I was given to the irish by the binding ministration Potentially means more audits, for average americans, the watchdog claims this watchdog, the irs in the iris watchdog claims, the audits will occur if the irish doesn't take immediate action to prevent it and theirs. Indication their inclined to do so quote last year, the inflation with that mac, which was not actually designed to reduce inflation, gave the ira. Eighty billion dollars a new funding. The funding would be used to hire eighty seven thousand new agents. As you know, over the next several years is the blaze report in response to criticism from americans of all political views, the by administration, promised None of the money would be used to increase the number of audits on american households or small businesses, earning less four hundred thousand a year well.
It is apparently turning out to be yet another lie by the bye and administration. The official iris watchdog, the official iris watchdog, the? U S, treasury inspector general for tax administration is claiming the arrest can fulfil that promise research, that this is because the irish defines high income. Taxpayers are earning an excess of two hundred thousand a year theirs way to identify the complete population of taxpayers that meet the criteria for a thousand or more specified by the current treasury secretary. The report contains The two hundred thousand dollar threshold for high income earners was setting. Nineteen. Seventy six when adjusted for inflation, threshold would be more than a million dollars today. Well, I haven't adjusted for inflation. Dollar, two hundred thousand hours. So let's take an example: you're senior five. fighter your senior married to senior police officer, your senior police, officer and your
I too, a senior teacher. You break the threshold you're, a small business person. You break the threshold. From the beginning, the bad administration is clear: aim that the reason for billions of dollars to hire an army of new iris agents well was to increase tax enforcement against wealthy americans to gain the tax code for benefit. But that inspector general noted that increasing enforcement, when it comes to what the americans will be problematic because the aid He just doesn't an event agents who know how to tear into the financial data, in other words too many Agents who so stupid they wouldn't know how to audit the so called super wealthy if their lives, the panama So what do they do? They go after you can save numbers to me. They have internal quotas that they have to me.
Caught our analysis disclose no significant increase in the number of high income. Individual returns audited says the inspector general, despite congressional, incur If you to examine individual high earners, the former treasury sectaries D, the most examinations were not focused on high income tax pairs said the inspector general. Making it evident that average americans are being the ones targeted by the hour s so You see. This is what I mean about the democratic party, the Biden regime and all all talk there. Help. The little guy or they'll help the middle class. They there to help you, MR and mrs america, but they're not to rules. its camouflaged for what the really doing they want to do so
I wish, in this spirit, the middle class that you folks will lose faith in your country. In your constitution, in the rule of law, and not keep talking, a class warfare, though, keep talking a marxist claptrap when, in fact that's what they believe in. But they blame the system which they ve destroyed and are destroyed in the media. Then do it I'll be right back then. Now you know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just had a day
every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again. Just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterans. And only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g. work in america now pound to fifty and say mark love in to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again dire pound to five zero say, mark Levin and make the switch
I saw phone company pure talk today. You know what I want to apologize. I shouldn't gone. I should be baited, This stuff it'll never happen again, cheers seriously. makin, a reach down. And in basketball with somebody and not going to do it and balanced on the floor, so I won't be going any more. Yes, of course, I'm really pissed, but my goal is not to do that. I listen to this. This is what I want to Julie Kelly, one of the great. Reports on january six ready for this. Just now,. A washington dc jury just conflicted to seventy plus you're. All pro life activists and a
see, judge immediately, ordered them into custody. Announced by the d c: u s attorney mass graves, whose wife is a radical pro abortion activists? That's when I talk about this is frightening Frightening to seventy year, all pro or more is pro life activists. Why did they get too close to the abortion clinic? No violence? No touching, none of it. They're in jail and I and they have to wonder what kind of country they live in, they have the wonder what kind of country they live in.
By the way, MR blue, why would he bought guy attack somebody's being bought? One I mean about stupid. Don't get me in the past and what people done in their past and what don't don't don't take me? There must produce, don't force me to go there. I really don't want to do that. I really do want to bother about short guy who don't want to do it and I'm not going to do I'm not gonna be baden into, it must produce, prodding, may you know, don't you, Mr Barroso,. I gather all this. Are you not know don't want it keep it? the nation doesn't care or on the precipice here. What do we take a couple of calls? Mister british I've been known all the talking today. Who do you recommend. Brenda and Oregon
sam satellite brenda hurry up. Good. How are you I don't know sinning really enjoying hearing here is an over rated, bald guy. I don't know what to do. why why people listen anymore, I'm so down, and I just don't know what to do brand Recommendations, or am I Mr hughes balls and on his god only made, though many perfect head than the rest, he ever with hair and eyes Ok, then imagine that imagine a ball guy saying that to another parker does not damage. rates. Stupidity, I think it does. I go right ahead. Brenda hair yahoo exactly I'm really excited about your, but thank you. Yes, I m really excited about your book and I ordered ten of them, so I can only mount them family. Well, guess what
you're gonna get a one sign one for me and I want to Thank you very, very much ha you're! Very! I can make sure you keep that one, don't give it anybody I'm here now and I'm excited, thank you so much. Thank you and don't hang up, because we need your address. to producer any. Irregular americans. bailey new york, w ABC Billy. How may I help you As the recent kasparov hostages transfer juxtapose without a year, I ran culture at the head of the after it yeah I'll. Tell you what, where are they institutions on this one It was by accusation, went where all the investigations on this another wasn't there
I know reagan said he wasn't even aware of it and there wasn't even evidence to demonstrate that he was. But here Joe Biden is bragging about a touching find out. Strange he can answer any of my questions jacket. Eighty. So, if you're going to answer any of my questions, should there be a joint hearing congress to determine how we, how this occurs like there was in the iran contra case should have meaning in a council investigate, says for seven and a half years like there was in the iron cartridge case. Should people Prosecuted and go to prison Happened in the iron contra case, more happy to discuss this with you. That's what happened in I contra, so you got your pound of flesh and yet one. Comes to the six billion dollars given in Islam or nazi regime in IRAN. Now that's when the press. Of having nuclear weapons, which had certainly wasn't. During the reagan administration. How do you drive with that heavy driver.
get on the phone. You idiot, you can't make any sense at anything. Well, there you go. He's not a warning host as he missed ruse he could be. Where was he coming from or part in new york? just said new york no identification, Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you tomorrow. A big day I appreciate you more than you can possibly known. I treat you with the respect that you deserve. and that's how you remain on a radio for twenty one years. You don't treat the audience like crap I, on the other hand, and blessed by you- and I appreciate you every single day that I do god bless you And I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-20.