« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/14/21


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, California will decide if they retain their liberty by electing a new governor or vote for tyranny and keeping Gov Gavin Newsom in office. Larry Elder is a vote to save the state and reject all of the radical changes enacted in California that shut churches, closed businesses, and eliminated many basic rights. Then, spineless leadership by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the comments of George W. Bush comparing those that attacked America on September 11th with rioters trespassing in the Capitol Building on January 6th are an absolute Disgrace. Judge Mehta is now the second federal judge questioning the constitutionality of felony charges that the government has brought against members of groups such as the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters, and the Proud Boys. Later, the media is working with the government to destroy our liberty. Bob Woodward's new book trashes Donald Trump again, but it also reveals that Gen. Mark Milley tried to lead a coup by warning the Chinese of any military strikes by the U.S. Milley held secret phone calls with Chinese military Gen. Li behind the back of then-President Trump. If the book is accurate Milley should be thrown out of the military and court-martialed. Why would the media only report on this now? Why is it okay for these so-called journalists to hold back information until they can cash in on a book? Why does the public accept these pseudo-events as news? Those who don't follow the edicts of the propagandistic press shall perish by it. Afterward, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is the first AG to file a lawsuit against the Biden Administrations' unconstitutional vaccine mandate because it violates the 10th Amendment and the principles of federalism. Perhaps more ironically is the administration's stance on allowing migrants to enter the country illegally and imposing a vaccine mandate on certain citizens based on where they work which is a violation of the equal protection clause of the Constitution. Brnovich added that while states may have police powers, the federal government does not. Finally, Sen. Ron Johnson calls the show and shares that President Trump was treated less fairly than any other president, ever. Johnson added that we must recognize that Democrats own the media and they launched an internal coup against their political adversaries.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills. They'll college for over one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Dales Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had Hills Dale for their great sponsorship. Now, broadcasting them wrongly underground commend both from the bowels of vulgar somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We will once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant, our numbers, eight, seven, seven, three, eight, while three, eight one one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, California,
They will determine whether you save yourself. the Saviour, limiting your private property. With you save your homes, but he said you're state today, make their determination. They brought out all the democratic reprobates average age about a hundred seventeen All extraordinarily white factor, say transparent. Racist tirades against a man who would be the first african American govern the state of California cause the Democrats had no intention of electing such a person Larry over. Newsome, is at the phone and he's a fool but fairly accredits like buffoons at four areas: like tyranny. but the truth is with such Large percentage of emigrants most three,
Immigrants in a state of California, two thirds of whom vote Democrat and paid off people on the doll and government union types. that's a tough battle, but the people who are on the doll horn on the take up Are the public sector, they got to speak out and you got act as quickly as we possibly can you of a few hours left and that's it. To save your state, the Saviour lifestyle, the Saviour liberty, that's what it's about. So much to get to that, I will have two guests. I don't normally, then, down the attorney general of Arizona who who has already filed the first suit against these mandates, and in the third, our centred around Johnson. Who were it was quite effective today in dealing with what is
squarely. low some secretary of state. Quite frankly what is going on in Afghanistan? The Taliban has business like The Taliban, Is terrorist like. and apparently there's a report that they ve already executed Nitrate who work for the United States, military. And then there is this for Times of London, Taliban death squads on Anti terror units. Information left behind by the security services may be allowing the regime defining kill agents. They used to fear Taliban Es squads of hunted down and kill least for lead afghan counterterrorism agents of the past three weeks in one Is pulling out all the victims fingernails before shooting him. Which brings me to George W Bush. Hardly Anna. how many people had their fingernails
Before they were executed on January, sixth, President Bush. How many killer squads death squads we're centre, On January, six, beyond before President Bush, You did something that will forever teach you Tens of millions of Americans who voted for you, maybe moral equivalence, green people on January six and terrorists Who slaughtered nearly three thousand Americans on nine eleven and it's slaughtered? Other Americans are different occasions throughout. Some decades and who applauded Today,. The slaughter as many of us as possible. that's a disgrace!
lama, jihadis. Supports terrorism, our country in every country. Look at ISIS Happened to Syria look, what's happened Libya locally: happening in Yemen. which happened in a rack liquids, happening in Afghanistan and you dare drawn equivalency, because you want good headlines, you want liberal slobbering all over you It is shameless. What you did your quiet all through the riots in the killings. and the assaults of last summer. You say virtually nothing one here, Friends of Michelle Obama, who supports a rapid radical, American Marxism agenda cannot what's
see what's happening in this country. I listened to him. I listen Chris Christie through Paypal, an establishment. Ladies and gentlemen, is disaster and a disgrace. I have a piece in front of me. What I want to share with you doesn't neatly into one category or another, but it's important. And in all places its in the washed and compost by Spencer S Shoe Hs. You. second, you ass, judge questions, constitutionality of lead, felony charge against old keepers and capital right. So what If I can explain this without being accused of being a nazi, even on jewish, this is in the washing compost? Ace, CAN federal judge in Washington question whether the lead felony charge level by the government against
capital right defendants as unconstitutionally vague as eighteen. Ok, prosecution, a conspiracy case to urge the court on Wednesday to toss out of caring one of the heaviest penalties against you district judge amid P matter, Emmy HD appointed by Obama asked federal prosecutors distinguish felony conduct qualifying is obstructing official proceeding a felony of Congress punishable up to twenty years in prison for misdemeanor offences. That government is charged others with such as sounded to interrupt they congressional hearing. Judge medicine. Essentially, what you said is trust us, and that is it no problem when it comes to criminal status. To suggest we know, when we see it and we'll pick and choose when its appropriate exercise or brusque tour of discretion. At issue is a statute. The justice department is applied against at least two hundred thirty five defendants,
corruptly, disrupting congresses, certification of the twenty twenty electoral college vote price, Figures have brought the obstruction charge and many the most notorious cases and, by the way, not Ozma Torres case. They're, bringing against people who never even ended the capital building who are By capital grounds, Demanding this is what's goin down, demanding that they plead guilty toy, FED misdemeanor of trash pass without the right, Who appeal we're going to gonna dragon through a full trial and charge them with this felony, and this is what they charge are talking about. Wait a minute. You almost never do this and other cases, you almost never do this and other cases show. People who believe that innocent please! guilty, because either down of the funds or they fear a twenty year sentence, and these judges are saying you have done Before now talking about cases of straw,
I saw you know where you suck a police officer, we're not talking about them. Our people have fallen. Anybody, including people who were on the ground, are not in the building. prosecutors are broadly obstruction charge a meaning. The most notorious cases include against members of the oath keepers, proud boys per centres groups? I don't know who most of these are, who allegedly conspired and prepared in advance for violence. They govern wait a minute. I The FBI put out a report on a Friday, MR producers, saying there's no evidence of insurrection, didn't they. There's no evidence of insurrection. The government is also level the charge against scores of individuals not accused of attacking police and destroying property. There you go. Facing some of the most egregious allegation, such as occupying the Senate chambers sitting in the vice president's chair and targeting government officials, but
Also, if that's not Bringing against individuals who did no such thing. They say. Prosecutors have sought to distinguish such acts from protests related civil disobedience. They really results and present time a more politically charged a fish offences such as sedition, but Finance and at least eight cases have moved to dismiss the cow they asserted. My house and Senate session that met January six does not fires and official preceding Congress that the laws- unconstitutionally vague on its face, whereas applied or that it does. cover individuals alleged illegal actions, among other things, and it goes on and it goes on. Now you want to hear about an insurrection, Bob Woodward and Robert got accustomed have a book out next week.
The way Woodward does these things as he is able to shake down public officials. The story out on CNN or the. Why? in Poland, or both. every single media platform picks it up. And this is a second or third book trying to trash president drop and it's gonna be a massive bestseller, huge vessel. Because that's how Woodward does what Woodward does here is my confusion. if you're a journalist If special information about news events that have taken place. Why those appearing in the Washington Post, Robert there is a journalist so called for the wash them, but what are they wait for a book seriously. a journalist I ever knew paper divide that I write for gossip. I write about the urine philosophy and activism such a book.
old perilous shock it shooting to the top of the list. Every He's talking about everybody's, pushing it. this is how woodwork gets more. What word gets he halls information costs the holds back information. Others of these so called journals whole back information. So they do a big book which is kind of string. so? I don't buy books like this at the same time about a week or two later Stephanie Griffin, coming out with a book who was pressure. came to the first Lady press secretary to the president them back to press, ok, the first lady and theirs. King stuff, out of their all my god, we ve got more private information about the family and so forth on who tromp, Maloney and the family. the staff disloyal now
character, morality whatsoever and that's being pumped. Meanwhile, the Democrats are The transforming this nation- that is something you all recognize with em I consider citizens hostile is overseas the borders wide open. What hundreds of thousands of month coming into this country. with covert and other illnesses, they're gonna bankrupt this country. They want pack the Supreme Court, and this is what we focus on. This is why we focus. Four September in October it shameless And so you, Washington, Post reporter eyes Stanley Becker know what kind of reporters this Isaac Stanley Becker. being handed billion fed cherry pick parts
This book, written by woodworking CASA obviously the most provocative Information that they can provide becomes a new story. From two news guys who are supposed to reporting. It is a matter of course, such a matter routine. So this is now a new story. This is exactly what Daniel bursting from it your library Congress, professor at Chicago, meant by pseudo events. This has no news. are you going to say the substance of the book is newsworthy, but it substance of the book as newsworthy. Why didn't they reported earlier. I haven't here twice in the final months of the Trump administration. The countries tat military officer was so fearful that the president's actions might sparkle war with China that he moved urgently to avert armed conflict in Paris
Secret phone calls Journal Mark a merely the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, a shortage chinese counterpart generalization. Buzz Liberation Army that the United They would not strike according to a new book by washed post associate editor, Bob Woodward and national. Report, a robber cost ease and associate at a cost, as a political report and they save it for a book one called took play. October thirty, twenty twenty another one January, eight, twenty twenty one. Now this is news worthy. The news element here is in trumpets, Milly, its mail. I try to leave an insurrection. It's me. I would try to leave a coup, a military. dictatorship There is no reason to warn the Chinese or beef well that trumpet use nuclear weapons whatsoever. None Why would one word emerged anyone working class to sit on this for a month after month after month, shit on it
when the same General Milly is in charge of what took place Afghanistan, just now. What he should have been removed should I stars taken from should have been Take down the heirs out the back door, right back, then Hills a college serves for purposes, learning character, Faith and freedom now educate if they thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate graduate students but nationwide.
free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty kills Dales Articles of association dating back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This includes. The constitution includes the laws of nature and natures, God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is possibly derided and denied. does motto is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty, four and Iraq
can you to fight to live up to that model? Come what may learn more girdle of Infra hills, delta com? That's l, e g! I am for hills, they'll come when you read well into the wash their compost piece. It has the state peril. The author say is based on interviews with more than two hundred people condemn On the condition they not be named as sources, That quotations or conclusions are drawn from the participant described event a colleague. Direct knowledge, a relevant documents. Accordingly, authors note Trump combined declined to be interviewed. How did they get away with this. interviews with more than two hundred people.
Long as they not be named sources, two hundred people as long as they're, not name the sources kisses fiction, is it not secure? What exactly is this? But if there is a an ounce of truth to this, guy Milly should be brought up on charges. Absolutely other right that hills deal. College serves poor purposes learn. Character, faith and freedom now education of faith, thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide throat,
Free online courses it support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty kills articles of association dating back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This law includes the constitution, includes the laws of nature and natures, God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is firstly derided and denied
does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that model, come what may learn more girdle of Infra hills, delta com, that's l, e g! I am from Helstone that come nobody says the gutter mark, Laverne Import, remarked tat. Nobody could better call now irate seven, seven three! I won three eight one one. The idea that Donald Trump was thinking of nuke in China is so preposterous. I think this because of fraud? This apparel. What do you think of that? Mr producer hell? I doubt that Milly did some of the things said that they say, but the idea that they were concerned that Donald Trump was gonna, know China. This anybody Believer
Anybody believer Think the psycho hears the head of the chiefs of staff of this is true, but we don't know if it's true, because the two hundred people who didn't want to be identified. Two hundred who writes a book like this woodwork, woodwork speaking of books, Elizabeth Warren, this is news, Tyler only Elizabeth, worn S, Amazon to suppress books, would cover. I d misinformation, Elizabeth Warm was born. About a hundred years too late, Mr Produce. I wonder if she speaks fluent German, I'm just curious. Foxes business stood, Barney There's nothing good success with it. Parlor senator
with warrant sent a letter to Amazon Seo Anti Jesse, demanding that Amazon use its algorithm throttle the sailor book she characterizes spreading covert nineteen misinformation, whilst The government is doing a lot of that. What does she think of that? Oh, that's! Ok, after pulling up search results on Amazon for various covert nineteen and vaccine related terms. Why team claimed many. The books they came up were based on falsehoods about covered nineteen vaccines and cures. quoting those written by the most prominent spreader submiss information. This pattern Practice of misbehavior suggests at Amazon is, Unwilling or unable to modify its business practices to prevent this a falsehood of the self inappropriate products and unethical unacceptable, potentially unlawful course of action from under the nations largest retail you stand the American Marxism Movement opposes free speech? You understand that right. We get an example about every day.
at a time when every step towards ending the pandemic could say Countless lives, misinformation poses a substantial obstacle, sneaking around I've found the others worn. No, no will confront her on her tell a tearing viewpoint. Nobody. because she's an american marxist, in my opinion, therefore she possibly oppose free speech right wing- that's who oppose free speech, weren't faltered, Amazon's, algorithm, presuming to promote the book, the truth about covert nineteen, exposing the great reset lockdown vaccine passports and the new normal. The book written by John. I recall Enron comments best seller. The book asserts Vitamin C vitamin d queer set in Lemon solemn recall, as website can prevent covered night. I don't know what the guys. I never heard of this guy in a word of his book.
But I have heard of liberty who cares about this. For a United States Senator reach in the Amazon, and so you need to start banning books. Banning boy pulling down monuments. Changing a word there. is the totalitarian mindset of the American Marxist Movement, of which Elizabeth worn out Balkan member she'd, denies it or not. She wants to. Undermine circumvent the constitutional attack, free speeches I say over and over and over again. And you can see the alliance, the fusion between big government, big tech and big how's. Like Elizabeth warn, you can see this. This constant effort.
To undermine our constitutional system, that's misinformation, they say everything. That comes out of Elizabeth warns. Mouth is misinformation. Everything. This is just a big effort to devour your liberty And its literally coming from leaders of the Democratic Party literally. Leaders of the Democratic Party. and the media are offered the media Have no problem with none whatsoever. It's ok. Because they support the same thing. As I say, they write books that their newsworthy should be on the in their newspapers and timely. But they say it all up, and then you re, This thing, in the middle of the article well into this very, very long, article promoting Woodward and costs are there to so called, reporters for the wash Post CNN jumps in everybody jumps in the interview.
Some two hundred people, none of them on the record that one not one but that's, ok,. Close their trashing trump. Germany hate Trop books, there been just in the last few months, one two three five. Five of them, since my book spin out MR produced around five of them, By three different, I think it's four different washed imposed reporters. We took them over the New York Times. I confused and the very very similar, as you can imagine, there been five this summer, Two more coming, it should be. Three, this summer, to coming one next week and one in October and amazing. That's the news.
That of General Milly did what's asserted in the in the book. The unnamed sources, I cannot believe that these two so called reporters sat on it for months. And that same Jim. That same general was responsible for Afghanistan. In that same general, what behind trumps back tonight a policy. Same general, twice Cobb communist chinese counterpart to say, don't worry, we have an undercurrent. perhaps not going to do anything and that he wouldn't allow it Another generals needed to give him a heads up before they would act. Is that true or false? We have no idea. Because nobody on the record. I can't figure out how to write a book like that must produce other. Why waste my time.
I'd be curious to know what you think about this. I really would. What's in the book is true, this man, the court martialed. Thrown out of the military, the dishonourable discharge and perhaps charge was tradition. That's your real insurrection. And I hope to hear other general speak up if it's True. Then these two authors. With their unnamed anonymous sort, two hundred of them, two hundred of them. should be sued out of existence. Should be sued out of existence, I don't think if this is a fiction are nonfiction. This book. most impossible or no. And it's interesting home, none of these people, everyone! I answer.
I'm not going to answer leaks, I'm not gonna run. You know. Anonymous sources are not going to answer. They never have to answer. So we have a number of issues here, really. My biggest concern is this guy Milly, I told, before there's some about this guy, that's awfully wrong. He's unhinged. Gets up their lives to the american people over and over again on his watch. We leave american citizens by What kind of general is that. So there's a lot of questions here: the book I'll have legs. Everybody can I want to talk about two hundred anonymous sources
well I'll be on Hannity tonight on the Fox NEWS Channel its nine. What is it? Nine? Thirty, five p m eastern time. I hope you'll join us, we'll be right back hills deal. It serves for purposes, learning character, faith in freedom now, education of faith, thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve at Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate and graduate students but nationwide throw it
free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, Hills deals, articles of association dating back to eighteen. Forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution, includes the laws of nature and natures God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is falsely, derided and denied does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty, four and Iraq
continue to fight to live up to that model. Come what may learn more girdle of infra hills doubt that combat l e v? I am for wholesale dotcom, here's what you say- and this is what you get from the New York Times awash imposed on the russian just a reminder. Just a remark. page, one hundred and ninety nine american Marxism. In his one thousand nine hundred and twenty seven book propaganda. She's we propaganda technique and in the World WAR, Harold drawing laws well describes propaganda as a tool used by the press and others Does learning and wisdom. Cloaked as learning and wisdom, he says, again. It is a concession to the rationality of the modern world, a list
Well, they reading. Well, they schooled world prefers to thrive on argument and news. It is sophisticated to the extent of using print either takes to print shovel, four perished by the press. The apparatus of diffused erudition popular rises, the symbols and forms of pseudo rational appeal: stick with me: the Wolf Propaganda does not hesitate. The masquerade in sheepskin all the valuable man of the day writers, reporters editors, preachers lectures, teachers, politicians are drawn into the service of propaganda to amplify master voice. All is conducted the decorum and trappings of intelligence. for this is a rational, epic and debate Its raw meat, cooked and garnish by adroit and skip skilful chefs get his point. then there's Hannah a rent and she wrote of very famous book
for some, the origins of totalitarianism and she said. Totalitarian propaganda cannot Obviously, and solve common sense were common sense has lost its fight validity. people in a culture or society in decline. Which ceases to be a unifying and civil society, where the just social order, unravels, are highly suspect. Believing in following dangerous fictions, even if they lead to their own demise, before they seized power and establish a world according to their doctrines toto. train movements conjure up a lying world of consistency. Which is more adequate to the sheer imagination, uprooted masses, can feel at home in our sparred spared the never ending shocks which really I've been real experience- is guilty human beings, their expectations, the force peasant.
by totalitarian propaganda before the movements have the power to drop iron curtains to prevent anyone's disturbing by the slightest reality. The gruesome Wyatt of an entirely imaginary world lies ability to shut the masses off from the real world. The always signs which the real world still offers to the understanding of the integrated in disintegrating masses, whom every Stroke of luck makes more gullible Wash you too does not care to discuss publicly, but the rumours that does not dare to contradict This is the nature of the woodwork books, and it's not just him it's nature. The american media. Ladies and gentlemen, we We are being surrounded by totalitarian impulses and forces. I just told you about Elizabeth, worn. And she's, not alone Joe Biden, is thee
closer to a dictator? We have come in modern times. and yet there is a juggernaut and support for these sort of things. You're, seeing what's going on in California, the governor and Newsome, who is one of the most dictatorial ever and yet many people will vote for him. And. The problem is You see in many of these totalitarian regimes throughout well history, people acquiesce to this. Are they even celebrate. and you are experiencing, that you can see the people around you right now. They are willing to live. The big lie, believe the big lie. Even though their own experience tells them otherwise.
Even their own experience, tells them otherwise. But they want to believe, wanna believe how many people have you ve come across. Who say ironing and I don't think by national there. I don't think this. I don't think that, but you know trapper an area of voting in Vogue Democrat there's a lot of people like this there's a lot, people go to accounts and try to find ways to pays little on taxes as possible, but vote for people who want to raise taxes, Does he think that's a good thing, except for them. They live, the big lie, they were. I believe in the big lie. If they really look in the mirror- and they really think about themselves. They realize how superficial. They are how detached they are and they're not prepare.
to do that. They're, not to do that. Someone Elizabeth Warrant comes out and says zone should start banning alot of books if they dont in other these start, although the government line on this side of the other medicine and so forth,. People supporter, or they ignore. either way it's very dangerous. Every time the Democrats don't get their way or capital hell, they talk about packing the Supreme Court and eliminating the filibuster all the whole purpose of that destroy separation of powers and indicate a quasi totalitarian country, and yet theirs Push back in the media because the media, corrupt, the media, agree with them and that's a huge problem. So I just point out to you.
It's like this book peril, it'll be a huge by south two hundred anonymously or sources that don't wanna be, nor was it fictional nonfiction. It doesn't really matter. Not too the washed imposed, not do so
many people out there. They won't matter at all other. I back now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader of art of an air, our number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one and symptom base quarantine. Keep our kids in schools is doctor, Marjorie, smell, consent, anymore; My county Maryland School Board meeting.
let's take a loose cut, seventeen go, I'm doctor, Marjorie smell concern and I'm an infectious disease scientists and have four elements: school students. Last Thursday, most of my sons grade was quarantine because of one covered like symptom, not a covert case. Just a headache. Quarantines based on symptoms will result in our kids, sacrificing it and other ear to other education, too ridiculous and unscientific policies. This policy put a thousand kids in the corn teen in just four days. It is the strictest in the nation and goes far beyond CDC and state recommendations. Again we are a national outlier. Why have you place so little value on in person? Education? Why are you a hearing to a policy that will continue to needlessly keep kids out of school? Your misguided approach also puts the burdens on one family to test their kid to end the quarantine for the whole class. Some parents may not be willing to get a test or have the job, flexibility or resources to do it quickly. The inevitable consequence of this insane policy is that lower income students we'll get fewer days alive instruction and symptom based quarantines immediately instead use onsite rapid antigens has on students, would cover like symptoms is their negative. Let them stay in positive, implement a test to see programme instead of foreign heeding the whole class. This involves daily testing of close contacts for weak and keeping them in school as long as they tests negative. Other states are using this as an alternative to quarantine and ensure that only those infected stay home. Last year you ignored scientific evidence, played politics and provided some of the least live instruction in the country. This year be brave and prioritize our children, the state has tests, get them use them and do whatever it takes to keep our kids in school.
She's, hardly an imbecile she's, an expert on infectious diseases, he's, not the only one, even though, is how wanderers position for for decades. I see what's really happening, ladies and gentlemen, is You- and I we believe in science, we build In statistics, believing data. We believe in human reasoning and logic. It is people who use all of that claim that they, Support it and then name call you as denier. Or whatever it is, who do not there are simple questions out there that they can answer and won't answer. Why? Person,
Would natural immunity antibodies have to be vaccinated? The sciences they dont to refuse to answer that question the other day when he was confronted on television. if this is an emergency situation requiring OSHA. Of all outlier agencies to use authority. It doesn't have. To compel businesses or organizations. Four, five hundred more employees, to ensure that their people are either vaccinated retested. Then can that same administration that very same fallacy that very same Biden not compel lasting and vaccinations for everybody who touches foot in the United States of America, a spy illegal aliens from other countries. Third, world countries where we know they're not vaccinate than that
Sense to nobody. It makes no sense at all, but they won't discuss it. They won't explain it. The study I discussed with you the other day from the Atlantic magazine. I may win a fan of a magazine, but the Atlantic magazine pointed out. Hospitalizations have been used as a key measure, but now We find it s a significant percentage of the people who are hospitalized what Have a minor effect. There's a minor effect from the virus or they didn't come into the hospital because I had a virus in the first place. There Stood as a matter of course, A symptomatic. And so they keep talking about the number of hospitalizations hospitalizations, because everybody who has come of it. To life and death situation, but it's not.
It simply not. and so the hyper. In a fear that is created this is intended to empower what and home the doctors. No parents The government and we do Trust the government, because the government attacks are free, Beach, Elizabeth Warren. The government works with big tech and silence certain individuals and groups again in it Back on free speech, Colleges and universities don't believe in academic freedom, unless you have one viewpoint. I mean I go on and on and on the lies are endless. Even lied about the end of the the Afghanistan war, its constant its constant.
so here's fat you in the morning Schmo today here We go. where he celebrated nowhere else, had eighteen go The component that in many respects is equally important is that it is in all about you if you get infected. Even if you don't have any symptoms, it is likely that you will pass the virus on to some one else who might pass it on to some one else who might have a severe out my than this one might not one might say, Smaller too stupid to ask the question: ok got it. how many of those run vaccinated Have natural immunity, the antibodies? How many you not find it on the CDC site. I've been tony this for how long rich two weeks now. At least two weeks. You can't find it.
so far, she how many, but how many people we really talking about here. Cut. Nineteen go you can't on a plane without having some kind of proof that your negative, it seems to me crazy that a year and a half into this you can still, I can still go on playing to Boston or California. Nobody's gonna check me. Do you think that needs to choose a university stronger, they have anything but a country right now? Anything but. So there's this constant pressure from the media working with the government. to destroy liberties. The destroy limits, its really quite remarkable. So is there an outbreak on airplanes? The corona virus, or the delta very particularly on doubt airlines, but seriously now there's not an outbreak, there's, not an opera
They clean those jets from top to bottom inside out. people where mass on the playing their ordered, aware mass. They do. It. Doesn't that demonstrate the opposite of what she's talking about America that there? You know that People are vaccinated, people aren't vaccinated, people are proud of the antibodies people who may not having an outbreak here sit in enclosed plain, I flew from California Round trip with awakened my wife- and I wish to do the same thing about three weeks ago- four So go there's no out, I gotTA corona virus in the airline industry, not among the pilots, not among the flight attendants, not among the passengers. How can that be? Doesn't that prove opposite go ahead. Well, that's only consideration, certainly I mean I abashed shut up. You quack penance,
This guy too, Gender everything's under consideration, we're looking very thoroughly. How it can violate individual liberty, state authority police powers. Would you they write back then,
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Two percent off your first month, that's pure. USA, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless attorney general arisen as already filed, but I'd rather be a very substantive and solid lawsuit. hence the buying administration against the government, the federal government for these mandates- and I wanted him to come on unexploited attorney, general mark burn, How are you, sir, Very good mark, thank you for having me again my plan, You tell us what you ve done
Basically, we file, they lost you today, the first to give feed by an administration unconstitutional covered vexing mandates. As you know, more, the Bite administration is issued executive order and they have said that we have proposed some rules regarding mandating vaccines for little fat, probably more than a hundred million Americans. So we want to do everything we can to push back. So we father loss today saying that this mandate is inconsistent with the constitution. It violates the tenth amendment. It see, violates traditional principles of federalism and, as you know, we ve talked about your books and under show. The federal government has enumerated powers, as was to be limited, especially executive, and so the by Woodbine restrictions, dream, inconsistent constitution and, furthermore, as a result of them systematically at a perverse irony thing that, if you're here illegally, if you do, we crossed the border guaranteed, you don't have the vaccine, but yet american citizens argotic you're, already the vaccine so clearly that the violation of protection clause. So we think that what they are doing on faith is unconstitutional and we should now away for a bunch of rules to come out that may affect businesses and impact people's livelihoods before acting. That has very strong point. The latter point in particular to me then install torpedo the sign of this in this
federal titanic. It really is because if this is, as you say in emergency, why Proposing these draconian decisions, even apart, The tenth amendment and so forth on the Eric and citizen Ray and only certain Consider since depending on where in who they work for and yet illegal aliens and others who come across the board, Eu Youth effectively said you're not going to tell them. How does it make any sense? Why doesn't make any sense in one of the things that I've talked about mark? Is that any any discussion about covert have to begin with? What's going on in our border, where you have more than two million people that illegally crosses Europe like the entire state of Delaware coming over, the binding ministration is doesn't care whether they have covered are not their cramping him into small areas, are putting up in hotels and Scottsdale Arizona there, given him. Why
but the country, so they don't seem to care at all, and yet they allow them they allowed them to do. The people have entered illegally that aren't even citizens. They protect them in their rights, but they're not protecting the rights of american citizens are working taxpayers, and so it's just absurd on space and, as you know, the constitution clearly serve the powers not delegated. You asked for the constitution are reserved the states, and so we have to start with that promise. We know that the federal government has to be limited government in the executive. The executive branch disposed to execute laws, not unilaterally create laws announced that they are doing, and they are doing it in a way that clearly violate legal protection clause. So whether Europe Bluebottle Republic in Democratic Republic, in if you aren't intellectually honest, you have to see what the binding ministration is doing, is unconstitutional. Good luck with our general and that here there brought the emigrant you you're not going to Berlin Lemme ask them to make another point. Two.
it's this- we see a lot of carve out, sir. You have pointed out the carve out for illegal aliens. Unless this is changed. The employees of the United States postal service don't fall under the mandate. He met with union bosses to train a discount, with them, the mandate and so forth, and so on the politics that divide hours, the science in so many respects here, Seems to me, if you ever get oral argument of that sort of thing seems to me, is quite pronounced. Is it not Absolutely, and as we discovered in the discovery and one of our lawsuits against the bite ministries and not enforcing existing federal law over their interim guidance and not deporting people that were your legally entering that course that we found we interviewed.
officials, ice officials and they knew what they were doing. We're endangered your community, so we can get the discovery and we can find out what's really going on, even during the course that litigation we found out at the political pressure was put on the White House and that's what they have come about as to who would be deported a wooden. And if you look this is our arrogant wiped his mark. If you look at the statements from the chief of staff in what the president's own folks and spokespeople saying they literally are talking about, the quorum court ultimate work around, so they know what they're doing is increasing
for the constitution and they don't care, because, if the ultimate arrogance and the ultimate hubris in that's, why it's so dangerously others concentration of power in DC, because, if you're, one of the favourite classes, if you're one of the postal unions, if you're one of these paper groups, there's one set of rules for you and there's one set of rules for people to hardworking taxpayers. That is just not right, and that's why I said earlier about joining together. Can really we all need to fight this, because once you see this can arbitrary power to DC or that the president? Can you act like King George and do it every wants, will never gonna get back. Is the people and that's why you gotta fight these bows? Now you said this is just the four first torpedoed the water. There will be other lawsuits, especially if they actually try to propagate entities, rules and in turn it generates. It's always believed for some reason that the acts of centre as governor so noble And so reasoned
And I'm sure you looked at the: U S Supreme Court, the history. You have the jackals from case, but you have a subsequent case about twenty years later, where the court ruled that the four sterilization of what they called Idiot women was, in fact a power that the federal government could exercise and they sterilize sixty or so thousand women against their will or without their consent, and so we have a court and we could talk. Our policy. We could talk about all kinds of decisions that have come out of the Supreme Court, some good some bad, some irrelevant and Idea that we would continue to support the centralisation of this kind of power, because we believe the central government is so noble defined, the facts. Doesn't it
Flew the end, you know you referred of Jacob some casing. Let's not forget that that was a case involving the scope of police power of a state, I think, even a hundred years ago, or the framers our constitution understood that the government does not exercise police powers when it comes to public health safety, welfare, those issues that were supposed to be laughed at the state, the obvious. If you read petals forty five, fifty one, they understood that and furthermore, to do that, just as homes famous doping in the sterile nation case around you said: three generations are enough. You know that that that's the problem that the last the progressives donor stand. They believed it there's these enlighten people, they can tell us how to live our lives and if only the experts right, the experts are in charge that everything will be fine. It's kind of a marxist notion that only the right people in charge that how society
forces. It is fundamentally wrong, but it also unconstitutional and the genius of our framers was they understood that there is a need to have these checks and balances nobly amongst the executive, legislative and judicial branches, but also the states with the ultimate check it. We need a zealous we guard are. forty estate, red uphold federalism and, quite frankly, what biting is doing is down. In fifty fifty states degree Head course they won't now. I don't know what you're plans idea of a few minutes to wait after the break. I have a few more questions for you all right, I'm on worthy, really outstanding attorney general of Arizona attorney. Burn of it, of endorsed in the republican primary for the United States Senate as well, and my question: when I come back as this, you really highlighted are crystallized a very important point. You know The president has a lot of authority when it comes to immigration at securing the border. He has no authority to do
he's doing with small businesses are large businesses, and yet, when it comes to his actual authority on immigration, that's where he decides to take a pass. We doesn't see to enforce the vaccine explore that further with the treaty draw a virus, otherwise lasting conservative higher Mark Laverne Show call now that aid- seven seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, I'm talking to attorney general mark burn of it, who has brought the first case, challenging the Biden, mandates and I don't believe presently United States has ever done this before. Has he general has one I think that what the Biden administration is doing frankly is unprecedented. I can't think of any other instance. Were you ve had
kind of overreach? And you know I don't know- you noticed up very well marked, but evil bomber cure case. One of the arguments was major in that case. Well, under the common cause of forty, can Congress pass this law and even just as Robert said, Nan common concepts going too far? They don't have that kind of authority. That's why you that principle, logic and saved by using the tax provisions, so I think
the notion that that even Congress can't half a mob require you to buy insurance. So how is it that the executive, without any legislative approval workforce, can work? Why are you to inject something in your body? Against your will I mean it really is crazy when you think about that terms. Take it out of you know all the staff that the debates about covert science, but just as notion that the federal government that the Department of Justice, where it is going to literally destroy you if you don't inject something in your body, is just really a radical notion that underlined anomaly. Tradition notions are federalism, but this notion that government is here designed to protect our rights, not infringe on an individual liberty and really is radical and yet the media with this guy? It's unbelievable. The media just do not believe in Limerick, and they don't believe in reasonable nurse or about a balance.
becomes on from on high from faulty or the massive bureaucracy in Washington, DC they're. All and I'll give you an example. There was a rapporteur for the New York Times. It was on MSNBC and said she spoke in a legal expert anonymously, so we don't get to know who they are, of course, and she says that they have all said. The administration is a very strong case and they said especially with ocean, because you now show this example. She says: if there's a toxin in a any work place. Osha has the power to make sure people don't get sick from their toxin. A few people odd vaccinated who may carrying the virus men as a right not to be had to sure that those people won't make you second right off the top of my head general I've heard my son. I wait a minute what The comparison is, if there's a toxin in the workplace, obviously the owner, the workplace, history with the talks and it hasn't start sticking needles in everybody's arms? Does your fire them if they don't accept them? What why
that's part of the problem the Bite administration is gonna have once they probably rules is really do. These are to be capricious and arbitrary, and I hate even say this mark, but you know this line where they do it in a hundred employees. Why? A hundred, if you really care about public health, so I think that eventually, what is going to happen is demanded is for every one of you get any sort of government benefit, and this, of course, is the fundamental problem in a government soap to big when it has its fingers and education health care all these other issues. It then that power, because it controls economically and financially and then taken Mandy, two things and that's why we have to push back and restore the constitutional order, and it is I, I guess the second thing to kind of preview with his go next I'll tell you right now, there's a lot of jurisprudence. You mention these terrible case in the past. You know correlates zoo policy or the cork on a wrong. I will tell you what at some point, we need to integrate with the
Stretched out of certain social requirements, and has there been an unconstitutional delegation of Congress of Legislative Forty, two agencies, like OSHA, you know you have these federal agencies now that are run a mark, and it's about time. We check that, and so there is a lot of lawsuits, I'm involved and on the border. We other models and against Yellin were resumed. The bite administration over there, the coded build attested, can cut taxes which once again, is clearly contrary to the ninth and tenth amendments. So there are a lot of issues. We need to be vigilant about pushing back against the federal government and you know mark the reason why money for the? U S, Senate, besides being an aging, is because my job is to go to Deasey Economic Washington DC, more efficient is to make it smaller. We need a stern dramatically, reducing the size of the scope, the federal govern our lives not trying to make a better more efficient. That's the laptop! That's what I get our folks that are trying to feed the alligator hope each last year
Let me tell you something even bring and very very important law suits. I hope some of the other states will follow suit. I suspect they will the governor of Nebraska, mention that they have these weekly discussions? the White House and they governors And the other guy who's never present is Joe Biden. He's at present, so he got he lashes out against these governors. They don't talk where is your piece probably doesn't work on the phone you get that inadequate. So it's it's tough to you know the folks, their speaking as your peace when he's on the phone promptly. Why butter? I pray you want, but you don't folks can always go to mark, be brave. You dont com. You know we had to change a little bit occurs. Every thought burden for easy was too high about a lot of continents. In your name. We know we couldn't afford. Thousand we emigrated to the country and announced we go so we are now about our Asia. Is, is the website if people want to find out more about what I'm doing need our help I get
We wish you all the best, sir and we'll have you back for short, take care yourself. Thank you. Thanks mark jobless,. He is he's quite good and he is you know you can't Picture local views or speeches in a brief file them in federal court. to make serious substantive constitutional argument. You have to look at the president if you're going to overcome A challenge to the federal government- you gotta, you gotta, make a very strong case. He files lawsuits like that Very very strong lawsuits- and this is one of them- Gotta on Hannity denied, again nine thirty I've pm eastern time, I hope, you'll join us. There they take on this whole issue of Milly. This book peril. What word in Costa. And all the issues that are involved there,
So I understand he's gonna have a lot of discussion about Afghanistan and Larry elders going to appear, it's gonna be a hell of a show. That's for sure. So We ll join us, and think Melias unhinged. I think the man's unhinged think what you see what he did in Afghanistan is unbelievable. Theirs. with things that intersect here. How can you have to Washington, Post journalists so called. Who sit on information about an unhinged headed the joint chiefs. For months and months and months of the consequences you saw Afghanistan. now we have citizens behind enemy lines. And this guy Milly, Intents and purposes he's. The head of the military, commander cheap, but you the head of the military's, the head of the Joint Chiefs, everybody reports through him, that's pretty frightened
I look at article three section: three, the: U S constitution. I dont say this to be market. If I wish, I didn't say that all treason against the United States shall consist only in living against them, earn adhering to their enemies, giving the made in comfort. giving our enemies aiming comfort. When you go The commander chief, the present you talk to the communist chinese regime. Twice, he reportedly tells the communists that he would alert the communist regime if we're going to attack them or what is that. That is shocking to me. That's shocking to me. What also shocking to me as I would it cost would sit on this. Because they know this guy, if their reporting is accurate, is unhinged, they know they did- is unprecedented in american history going around.
back of the president of the United States, the elected commander in chief ghost, Worried that tromp might use books, which is so preposterous. What's the evidence for that. I use nukes against Communist China on the way At the door, this guy think my opinion, based on this is unbalanced, and I have to report to sit on this until What comes out on September, twenty first. and during the course of them sitting on their book. We had this Milly involved in major decisions, including Afghanistan, a which we now have american citizens behind enemy lines. Green card, Americans, who are on the way to citizenship by the thousands behind enemy lines. Afghan allies and patriots being hunted down and murdered.
Millie thinks this was a great military operation. Wasn't this reported in the Washington Post and then we have this line. The author, say it's based on interviews with more than two hundred people conducted on the condition they not be named sources. So we don't even know if this is fiction or nonfiction. So what are we to think of a public? What are we to think. if this is important enough. Why wouldn't these people want to be named. Two hundred people. So you see these reporters, in my view, are utterly unethical, my opinion yet Milly, about as close to treason, as I think anyone can. And then you have two hundred anonymous sources. I don't want to be named so you and
kid determine if this is fiction or nonfiction. Meanwhile look what's going on in the world right now: our enemies are on the rise, the borders wide open. The Democrats want to destroy our republic. The unions are destroying our classrooms. Is this a shiny object, watch they thought about this. just to keep shot against Tropic. Another been five bucks now by October. The first week in October, five books, trashing Trump five can't put it fast enough. I have serious questions about this. be right back then,
Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carest, a pure talk over the past few months. We- the rest of you to join us and see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, tee and variety and her team obol, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika, does that sound good? Well, it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data. Just there dollars a month. And if you go over on data, they don't charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levine Alleviation Podcast and when you do you're safe,
two percent of your first month. That's pure USA, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless! Think about the more troubling it is so many levels, the two Wash and post journalists would sit on information if true. That the head of the joint Chiefs is dangerous, unhinged any too Took unconstitutional acts if it's true. That. He wants to assure you Lee quote you and I know, each other from
five years for going to attack, I'm going to call you at a time. It's not going to be a surprise. Are you not shock whether line MR bidders. It's not going to be a surprise. First of all, trouble Planning on attack in China. He's one of the least hawkish president's we ve had a modern times. But this is incredible stuff and then you, The page and you get this the authors say is based on interviews with more than two hundred people conducted, only condition they not be named sources. They use two hundred Unnamed sources writes a book like this to hunt what word, of course, our name sources. Two hundred unnamed sources.
so not one of them had got to speak out and have their name attached to this. But don't worry, we have the recordings and this it was what we the people nothing, nothing. Millie also summoned senior offers to review the procedures for launching nuclear weapons, saying the present alone could give the order, but critically, that he Milly also, To be involve looking each in the eye, Milly S the officers to offer but they had understood the authors right in He considered an oath. That is that they would have to let him know unbelievable. Tremendously was pulling a slash, enjoy the offers right resorting to measures resembling the once taken August seventy four by James Lessons or defence tomorrow.
Officials to check with him and the chairman of the joint chase before carrying out orders from Nixon who has faced Impeachment at the time, I was bad enough. He wasn't talk in any cabinet. Sectoral Milly was doing this on its own on his own. In unbelievable. This is something that is very, very serious if true and if not true another Black mark on american journalist, but here's my problem. I want to underscore this these so called reporters knew this for months and months. and they sat on this. It takes at least three months to produce a book, sometimes turn a have fits exceptionally quick. I am not a journalist, I don't write books that sit on information like this. They
We do well Wouldn't you provide that information to the public. As a reporter, rather than waiting for your pay day from a publisher. If this is so shocking, if this is at. Did you see what I'm saying Mr Milosevic. You literally sit on this. You sit on it. and so Milly retains its position and who's up afghanistan- Karras The authors of this kind then chief. I guess. serious questions about journalistic ethics and morality, very serious questions at the Washington post. Very serious questions about what Milly was doing here seized power. He didn't have under the constitution to conduct foreign national security policy that absolutely astonishing. We don't have
militarily. We respect the distinction between civilian and military. In so many ways in this country,
it is a basis for thinking that trumps gonna launch Noakes against China. There is no base, none whatsoever. What shocking here is the corrupt media and the unhindered melick I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, slash joint now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levantin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven create one three, eight one one is the peril fiction or not think. Why would to Washington Post journalists sit on explosive information from month after month,.
About the head of the joint chiefs. Knowing full well his conduct, if this is true, was dead, Andrews unhinged, an unconstitutional. They're not going to make millions of this book by sitting on this information rather than reporting it in real time. Milly. According to this article in the Washington Post, that's their employer, he made who caused to the chinese counterpart the book Account he went so far in the second called in the first to pledge that he would alert his counterpart in the event of a. U S, attack stressing the report they established through back channel. Generally, you and I have known each other for five years of we're going to attack, I'm going to call you. I had a time. It's not going to be. surprise. So,
we call the communist chinese regime ahead of time. If american troops, to attack China. Is there not trees. And, Mr Barroso, if it's true. Believing that China could lash out if it further from an unpredictable and vengeful american President belly took action the same day called the admiral ever seen the use in the Pacific command the A tray, Yonah response for Asia, Pacific region recommended postponing the military exercises. Millie summoned senior officers treated procedures for launching nuclear weapons, saying the president alone could give the order but critic. Crucially, that he Milly. Also To be involved looking at each other eyes, Billy S officers to affirm that they had understood the authors rights and what he considered an oath another way
they reported to him. Not really Milly, and I really tromp, though Milly went further east and seeking to stave off a national security crisis is alarm, was shared. You make it Read this correct, His alarm was share with the highest ranks the administration. The authors reveal see I directed Gina Haswell, for instance report. we told Milly we are on the way to a right wing coup. They can't even challenge an election like the crash do every election. But the reason I say if true paragraph pearly author saves based on interviews were born two hundred people conducted on the condition they not be named sources. This guy Milly also went around Trump,
Speak to policy one around trumped to speak to humor, so he. Repeatedly attempted to undermine this president member the Lafayette Park issue. I suspect is a leaker, I don't know all the details. I suspect years he's a CIA artist. I suspect that as well. So we don't know whether the book is true or false. We know the reporter sat on this information for months of its true in order to make several millions of dollars in a book rather than reporting in the Washington Post and the imposed obviously went along with it. And here we have, they sat on this information. While Milly was head of the Joint Chiefs, overseeing the operations in Afghanistan and the amount People should be appalled by this now
Couple of weeks ago, when I appeared on Hannity, shall I took out a a phone a portrait. I have a sign portrait of Georgia's. And I said: Melias no patent. Trust me on this. No is no patent. Never Democrats will think this is great. The media are already defending this. Because the meeting the Democrats, power hungry and they are perverse the fact that Milly will conduct himself and what I would arc. is an illegal and unconstitutional manners of no consequence to them. They do that all the time that not a big deal them. Obviously,. Not a big deal with them
much talking did Milly do these reporters if any. How much trust to the american people have now and Milly how much as members of Congress, haven't really. I had before did you, I don't think so,. To have secret conversations with a communist Chinese, our enemy took around the back of the commander in chief, because you're the one who's on hedge, not the commander in chief Have the backing of the CIA director back this close to occurs, as one can imagine. Does it certainly comes to close to treason, as I can think of the joint chiefs. He also an apology for the Taliban. Have you noticed that, in my opinion,
He definitely is. Now you know that policy and Schumer not going, can do anything about this, because, while he can and with them he conspire weather. And to this point I don't know exactly what they discussed. What did he discuss? What policy and sugar. This is really quite shocking and if the That's not true how we ever going to know if it's true enough, as a matter of fact,. How are we going to know. Woodward and cost aren't gonna come clean. They got two hundred unnamed sources I think an important question
when one we're going to now, if ever but should concern all of you. That too, Reporters would sit on this if true that fact. This occurred. If true. He should resign. but is a another stubborn, for With a lot of stars on his shoulders. but a lot of stars on his shoulders. Meanwhile, while we contemplate that contemplate this. This is from CNBC top earning. Yorkers could face sixty one point: two percent combined tax rate under house plan. California, my pace face fifty nine percent rate.
the proposals include a three percent, Sir tax on taxpayers, earning more than five million dollars a year. They will also raise the top marginal income tax rate, the thirty nine point, six percent, so. for those who earn more than five million their top right be forty six point: four percent federal income tax half of everything there. go to the federal government to be Distributed to somebody else that fair earning five million or fifty million or five billion that the governments take nearly half of it and that's before you get to the states that the localities top earners in New York City could face a combined city, state and federal income tax rate of sixty one point: two percent is this free country. got me, can do that to anybody. Three percent surcharge on taxpayers, earning more than five million raising
top marginal income tax rate to thirty nine point. Six percent from thirty seven percent, though preserve the three point: eight percent net investment income tax and extended to certain pass through companies. The result play top marginal federal income tax rate of forty six point: four percent for every dollar: the tax bracket income threshold. so in New York City they combine top marginal state and city tax rate is fourteen point: eight percent. Cities die it's just dying because the people, because of the government. Absolutely shocking. I'm just reading this noble. should have the pay income taxes like that and by the way the reigning. It you to all of you who donor and five million and more and I've tried
point this out from markets for acts or form Democrats proposed three trillion dollar tax Ike on working families in small businesses ray taxes on working families by increasing the federal corporate income tax rate from twenty one to twenty six percent that'll be passed along longer working families in the form of higher prices, fewer jobs, lower wages in the shuddering businesses? This will give the: U S a combined state federal tax right across the board of thirty point nine percent higher than our foreign competitors. China Twenty five percent corporate tax rates Europe An average of twenty one point: seven percent. We. We have twenty six and a half percent so American and cooperation. We'll be more highly taxed by our government than any these socialist regimes in Europe.
Or the communist regime in train, and I want to think about that. So Corporate tax increase will threaten a life savings of families by reducing the value of publicly traded stocks. Those who have fought one case and I raise you're gonna. Those plummet is well raising, Taxes on small businesses by raising the top income tax rate, the thirty nine point- six percent limiting twenty per cent small business deduction, expanding Obama, net investment, so much more money is gonna flow out of small businesses. and so obviously many an american survive. And they want a sixteen point. Five percent global minimum tax. And the by two ministries and has been pushing for this too. So even if you want to invest overseas, to try to escape this you're gonna get a hammer. It there's no way up. they write back. Then Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants, and I have a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m: a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for join a MAC; instead, a M, a sea dot! U S! President travellers responded issued the following statement, and I will discuss this on having the story of dumb Ass general mark. Nearly the same failed leader who engineer the worst were drawn from a country of Ghana. Stand in U S history,
leaving behind many dead moon and soldiers, many american citizens and eighty five billion worth of the newest, most sophisticated military equipment in the world and I can't reputation, it's true that I soon he will be tried for treason and that he will been dealing with his chinese counterpart behind the president's back and telling China that he would be giving them notification of an attack can't do that. the Good NEWS is. The story is fake news concocted by weaken, ineffective general, together with two authors who refuse to give an interview because they write fiction, not fact action should be taken immediately against billion, better generals in our military of which we have many should get involved so that another Afghanistan disaster never happens again met. I was the one who took out one hundred percent of the ICES Caliphate Milly set. It couldn't be done for record. I never even thought of attacking China. China knows that the people that fabricated. The story are second demented and the people who printed our justice
In fact, on the only present in decades, we didn't get the: U S into a war, a well known, That is seldom reported. There's a lot to be said for that. is the most abuse present in american history town, it's true absolutely true demon, to be present in american history. Senator RON Johnson of Wisconsin. How are you, sir,. I'm doing great mark up about yourself, Well, I've been doing better. You know I mean personally, I find that the country's gone to Hell and you're in standing senator you see what swelling around this country right now. Ghana stand by this the current state secretary defence, this guy Milly, who seems to me quite unhand, a complete possession? I watch the Secretary of State Senator Johnson and I feel that this may. is deceiving,
This man is his is trying to find ways to avoid taking risk, its ability. What does your take here. It marks a Democrat I you're you're exactly right about present tromp used the most abused present I think in U S history, I go back to two weeks in office. Phone conversations he had with Prime Minister, Australia Present Mexico were leak, immediate you had Colonel Vincent? think committing treason. The internal coup at that point in time. continuation of what pressure Tromp had to deal with who you trust, is present- its data, you. It was amazing using accomplished as much as he did, but the now you know: that's not so now the media installed bite. Please stop by social media Democrats enabled us
the solution. you point out in your book. The solution it's true. Sweep Democrats from Are we first must awaken see the moment. I used the phrase in your book all the time with audiences, because exactly we what we as Americans have do. We have two hundred to what democratic way rose the media, the social media is are doing to our country. A country We love country. We know ok, marble and expanding human history. Democrats are hell bent to destroy. That's what's that in the days and I'm afraid, few people. Why should you see in both parties are sleeping? just do not understand the the sea at the moment, and you do And you didn't come to Washington, I dont believe.
Realizing this and you see it right now in front of your face. This is something you've live now and experience you've been chasing. It you've been trying to wrestle it to the ground. How is it that publicans don't see this, I won't name names and put you in an uncomfortable position, but how? that so many of them do business as usual by partisan agreements had suffered? Don't they get? What we're up against. But first I ran two thousand tankers. I was panic for our nation. Ok. We got from ten to fourteen two thousand dead now approaching fair. with burning budget be forty five near the problem. You have you. You you just have so very few bureaucrats. congressional staff nobody can have any experience in knowledge of recipients. before the private sector albinos government, but the baby been part of a functional organization so busy. all they know that this is a very thick bubble here, and so you you,
into this problem from the outside. and the shocking What are these people thinking? you, you cannot, you just cannot describe straining. It is when see what happens here, the complete! utter dysfunction. It's all taken as Normal No! I can't I can't explain. I cannot give the mind of liberals. I can't get in them It is clear politicians you just I just want to be somebody, others. They idea, member parties who idea centre nets, primary motivating in factories. You just get reelected. I can your precise panic participation and do everything we possibly can to to raise the alarm to awaken Americans to what is happening to this country that we just so dearly love suppression. This spanish human history, senator? I do this too. If you have to run, I get it. If you dont, can you hold on a short moment, will will come back with you?
ah, the great senator from Wisconsin RON Johnson, and I mean that he is a real.
National Jim. Are they write that aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint a MAC; instead, a M, a seed dot! U S! Programme from the Roma rights go in low, seven, seven four year, Gordon for you, what one we have centred around Johnson was caught in a senator Johnson youth. This hearing today, you question the sector state
You think I got anywhere with this guy. He's pretty sweet. Bureaucrat pretty good deflecting saw you reduce, make points of Ngos. The primary point I was trying to make is how detached from reality He and his mistreating are, but also the Odin. For that detachment, you're trying to. you put lipstick on this pig? Five are I see two hundred twenty four thousand people Let me start drilling down audits about a summer five special visa holders thousand you citizens. What about the other hundred and ten hundred fifteen thousand people who were they in we are hearing from administration is completely contrary to what we heard from people on the ground chaos Thousands of Afghans flooding into that airport, totally uncontrolled, and we p m on planes.
tail detail. We evacuation, you wait, in other words, bothers vetting in third countries, not be playing into their country, no planes their tail. Those download him up in this wine away What is the vetting process? They talk about by many screening checking up a database, is marked. Do you think an icy tears Biometric screening database, kind of cares, what were hearing things and in these intake centres, including The current scattered about child Brian what time, but young men who irish yes, integrate themselves these families, just like you have to Think families coming across our southern borders is an utter disaster in this administration, then two years is probably status. Legal rights, I'll see you would, I can't believe this proper getting your sector does well what you step plan pressure on that is all about duchess bicycles
these are wholly so summer in five of the hunt, twenty four thousand people out of fourteen step programme of bedding. What about the rest, are we did my motion sector, these slick slick, bureaucrat, and you can't trust anyone. And, of course they say there is about a hundred citizens by an enemy lines. They don't have the foggiest idea. How many citizens are behind enemy lines? Do they senator. nor am I really don't have the foggiest idea Hundreds of thousands, games are either. I really don't think they do now I completely agree with gonna, stay veterans to us passionate about helping those Afghans that saved their lives are their safely and safe and successfully greener society, but I don't think Naturally, who got almost planes- and I dont I do not trust US administration, not for a second.
you probably got people just gonna, it's a numbers game, just Craig construe claim a lot of what a successful operations one hundred twenty five thousand people unbelievable. It is unbelievable woody. get this general Milly? Are you familiar with him at all other than Nuno media? We hadn't before any your committees before. No I'm not I'm services. I've been the situation a couple times with me. You kid he looked scary the serious character, but if people It is true that this is just jawdropping, I think, but present rob certain statements is pretty accurate, but again it. It's just the latest example of what President Trump had to do it during the night duration, you're gonna, try to all these investigations subpoena increase for rape, the present wants to stop Lastly, we couldn't get it out of the deep state. is the deep state and it was doing everything it could to frustrate for present,
I was doing, I feel sorry for pressing trumpets who could he trust who could you trusted administrate? They really were out to get a warrant. They it's obvious so will never occur? Colonel been did We shall miss going in and Eric ok, without jealousy in turn. cool Did you call back in engineered by Adam shifty shift. No, this is outrageous, but of course, the democratic, on the media, on the social media and its hey if you can four minutes guess? You republican president, it's over if you can cover up the border crisis or out of control debt deficit spending They will my first speech doing passes. Under my first speech, I used to worries drawing down. I referred to Ronald Reagan, unbelievable that he got tat reached out twenty percent. I said for it,
More time we were seventy two percent free, it's a direct, relationship not now we're talking about tax rates again rising above fifty percent. So you what forty percent free thirty nine percent free his government grows. Our freedoms receive enough. What Democrats robot is growing government and taking freedom, when will Americans wake up to that reality? And you think we're going to be able to block this monstrosity honest to God Center. I think mansion war Whoop declare VIC if they cut a trillion or so out of theirs and Saddam of move the chest pieces around a little bed and then likely vote where this thing in same with cinema. What do you think. well, my fingers are crossed, but I am myself attitude towards this is because we re seen how big story just three points. Five trillion Because that is the way to new entitlements, but they're not having them run through the full ten year period, but we,
Ronald Reagan said seldom costing eternal life in our lifetime. He government programme. I guess it became the play here- is entitled to scale back to. Maybe only one you, you didn't scorned, by the way that the three have millions really finally had been but trillion. Yes, expanding you gotta trillion many have Abbe tax increase, so returned our tax increase, plus May I please have training to reduce spending There is, then a jawdropping, yes, eight thousand billion dollars, Then what will use the drop these bills on the floor? The senate- and In a day or two will be voting on any, and people will have no say, because these massive bills are intended to get around the opposition party you guys as well as us. The people absolutely because a thesis passed before news
Are we talking about the one point? Nine trillion dollar called repackage. Several billions spent twenty twenty two and be, of course, that was stop this past is forgotten won't bring it up the press even talking about twenty nine three thousand get forty three thousand ten years This is unsustainable. This you gonna, destroy this country handwriting we're talking about very few people in Serbia, biologist whistling by the graveyard and this is really the child abuse and the abuse of future generate. This is wealth that hasn't been created yet and in the old way. What we are, what we are into our children and grandchildren are great grandchildren, This is shameful, it is, it is mortgaging our children's future is John Mccain, set Its intergenerational back, that's exactly what it should stop, but it's not going to
well Senator RON Johnson of you decided whether you gonna run yet I'm not trying to pressure. I just would like to know. no, I haven't, but I will say Mark is I've tried, run Wisconsin, I'm doing it. A lot of encouragement. I know you got it from us here in the loving show and I appreciate that Why don't you say what Trump says? I think a lot of people going to be very happy. Well, Trust me for me, and my wife understanding to see the moment he had to do We understand that. Will I got time, decide I will say if you want to help riding RON Johnson per SE. God, com That money will be used to help make this kind of thing, republican hands with ice I'd, rather not be the leading Democrats interested in taking the seat the winner, What are the Good NEWS is that they got up but ten of them already, and we have a very late primary, so it it does, it does provide. revenge, assume carbon
mindful that as well, so that they can at a big fight in their hands? They won't be settled, tell August of twenty I too, and the Good NEWS is This kind of a mess of Democrats side Senator jobs and thank you, sir. We appreciate your great and keep up they were marked. You God bless you the book, American Marxism He really does. He told me that two and by the way, he's act We purchase the audio, he listens to the audio, but I with more senators, would read it. They have all received a copy from the publisher, all of them he's the only one I've heard from that's. frightening, I think, MR producer, I want to remind you. I will be on Hannity tonight nine. Thirty, five pm eastern time, nine, thirty, five pm eastern Time, Can I have a hell of a show tonight had crews and Rubio and Larry Elder and me,
and some others say you don't want to miss it, we'll be right. back, then Amy
the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot? U s! So every head of the growing case working with the heads of the Democratic Party in the Communist China against the prisoner United States. That's how I would sum it up.
and if this is true the reporter sat on this for months, so they could make a buck. And they allowed this incompetent assistance screwing up Afghanistan. The greatest need security failure since the end of world war, two. again I'll, be on Hannity at nine. Five pm eastern time. I think you're gonna watch. Let me jump in full since Seattle, Washington, the great Katy Th Florence how're. You owe me Doktor Van I'm always a great honour to speak with you. You know I have to tell you I I my rarely to be humble opinion I believe we are watching and have been for the last eight nine month we are a king, they attempted marks takeover of the union.
Did. Government amount is something I am saying exactly like that to everyone I meet and I'd like to invite you wonderful audience to keep an eye on what is going on in Seattle, because if they want to have a range five feet of water, thirty looks like that's been taken over by a the council that is dominated and controlled by Mark the Seattle and these are marxists, who are elected as Democrats, correct, democratic, democratic, social and paragraph it all they loved that word progressive. what happened last evening there was a vote on the two one of the, there are seven are not marked with, but there are two or three who are out spoken leaf, though, and the way to the left off the charge, laughed martyrs and we're gonna have to go soon. Yeah baby.
they dominate, they absolutely dominate, and without going into what happened last night, I want to tell you: I've ordered eight. Eighty I have in my possession, haunted me wonderful book. Eighty, eighty, your book and the reason I got eighty one for every black with here. I have lived in this remarkable what land of mere unbelievable Florence time. I will call it and tell you where they are going and how they are going there, because so many of our colleagues have much we can do it isn't enough motivation to know all the things we know at this point be aware of what they're telling us about Social security and not large. Florence definitely call us call us later in the week or next week. Ok, cause were nearly under the show that's a lot of books. I just want to thank you for doing that. That's really extraordinary we're going to send you a signed copy, say
Is to have that of America, Marxism. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, this book, what's it called again, Can't remember the name of their book, they would embarrassing book peril. I mean really folks we focus on what's important in this country. No, I mean If this book lashing, like I did hear on Fox. But the pay these journalists become wealthy. because they sat want. If it's true, if a new story, We had a right to know, Given the nature of this general Milly and what they end up doing in Afghanistan here, excuse me, His shameless and they did it for a buck The report is supposed to report what they know in real time, not sit back on a book really discuss. That's gonna Wily quickly to sign Arizona. They great can s tea. While I go right ahead, place.
thank you for taking my call No, I'm hearing about this general Milley in the Marine corps for three years. If something like that would happen to me in the 50s, I would have been in prison for the rest of my life and that's where this guy belongs all right. My friend, I appreciate your car, unbelievable. really unbelievable Jennifer, Gardener Ville Nevada, exam satellite quickly. Please go right ahead. Make sure that gentlemen gets a sign book yeah! All I wanted to say is that these people are so thirsty, they'll drink any poison just to get ahead there, disgusting, vile pigs and they all need to be put down their horrible world and I'm gonna be put down butter Pritchett Recall, thank you. at sea levels? go to Brian.
Helena Montana Exam Satellite. How are you I'm good mark pleasure every night on the way home from work. Thank you just got a couple of quick things as a: U S: tax air, As many of us are, should We be upset by the fact that, billions and billions of dollars worth of equipment in Afghanistan, after taxpayers will ones paying that bill. Let me tell you some of the core issues should be upset. You should so be upset that, are they called one point: nine trillion dollar urgency virus spending budget four hundred billion dollars so that they can track and went to fraud. they just keep blown money left and right, and you ain't seen nothing yet unless we stop them in the next two weeks, absolutely Chris Thank you for your call. Dan Rock hold on Get the man a signed, but please god
Port Illinois excess satellite quickly go right ahead. mark. I just want to change my comment for more Europe at all obvious. What that all thing about tromp under New can block of China or other stuff. I remember after he was, let's take dance phone number. Please I don't watch the clock properly. Please take Dan's front over we'll call him the more. We salute our armed forces, police officers, fire fighters and emergency personnel. Folks, I hope your vote. I am resolved that calm and get your copy of America Marxism. Now, more than ever before, any the retail stores grab it there, but we really need to spread the word I'll see on Hannity in thirty minutes, left
Transcript generated on 2021-09-15.