« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/13/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the left-wing media, Democrats, along with some Republicans, keep saying there’s no evidence to conduct a Joe Biden impeachment inquiry. Three presidents have been impeached. None were convicted by the Senate. And none were impeached for “evidence” of receiving money. President Biden has committed numerous High Crimes and Misdemeanors as understood by the framers. Joe helped Hunter Biden, unwittingly or willingly, to take money from foreign governments that benefited the Biden family and that may have influenced Biden administration policy. If you’re a Democrat or Republican and you say the impeachment inquiry is a distraction, then you're part of the problem. An impeachment inquiry should not only address financial dealings but much more, including violating immigration law. Tens of thousands of Americans are dying from fentanyl, schools are overrun, law enforcement is being overrun and it’s being done intentionally – that’s an impeachable offense. Later, Rep. Chip Roy calls in to discuss using the power of the purse to force change in the Biden administration. The founders gave it to the House of Representatives to be able to check the executive branch. Finally, Dan Bongino calls in to discuss his new book, The Gift of Failure. Bongino identifies failures in his life and how those failures led to bigger and better things.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
The the america mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. I imagine that you really frustrated now you're sitting there and you listening. In the spirit of the house, says he wants an impeachment peach. This is something you and I have been calling for now for several months. Actually.
and we ve seen one with a house republicans deuce do something at this corrupt president We are hearing from the left wing media that there's no evidence that eurobonds, look any money regurgitating what the democratic party says- and I really These state run party, the democratic party in the state run media, and I want to thank some of my friends in this business and on tv for regurgitating it don't worry. You don't have to put a footnote untold. Tell anybody where you read a trump tokay. got it from raymond around a brilliant philosopher and journalist from france Those cited in at least three of my books- you can that, in my notes, I don't expect the same people who don't do their homework, a separate issue. So when Here people like mad gates and putting them you decide we're going Chris Roy on here. We're gonna have a good talk about the budget chip,
but when you hear mad gauge going on about that, it's a diversion by the speaker. About enough for that. I am so pissed off. You have no idea that these republic even so called concerns can coalesce around impeachment inquiry. That is overdue. Are you kidding me I don't know what their agenda is. It's not a conservative agenda. That's number one number two: I'm sick and tired of hearing people. I can back and others say, there is no evidence of unimpeachable offence. There's no evidence that Joe Biden took any money. Democratic party, saying this, the meteor saying this: that's not the test for impeachment. and I would encourage dreams comber, I wanna carriage my dear friend Jim drawer- and I want to encourage what the other guy's name smith of a house.
ways and means committee? You need to broaden what you're looking into here. Yes,. Continue to look into what you are financial crimes, profiteering and so forth but impeachment is broader than that america. And here's where I want to provide you with information, here's where I want to educate these members of congress, the media are liars and they know it but will educate them along the way to MR brok and MR buck. there have been great books written about impeachment. First one will be the federalist papers, medicines notes such pretty good, but impeachment goes back. Peach MC goes back to the two British! It goes back to the parliament versus the king goes back to a signal.
Period of time in this was argued, it was debated at the constitutional convention. They never came up with a specific definition of high crimes of misdemeanor, but they I didn't mean solely in only crime was committed under the Monaco there was no criminal code, they just form the government. And so we're having an entire national debate on idiocy and its intentional, state run party, the democratic party with this. run media. pushing inherited. Would they help of quisling said the republican party? some current history, american history, Tromp was wrongly peach. Me was impeach twice one on ukraine, one on january six remedies Where is the evidence.
What. But there is certainly wasn't any money involved there. Certain was There certainly wasn't any violation of the criminal code. They specifically peached him on insurrection and sedition, one camp there was it rammed it through rambled through The Senate couldn't muster the votes taken victim. So you, judy judaic innocent, but they saw accuse him up Nonetheless, not my point bill Clinton. He was impeached impeachment surrounded the issues of lying under oath and destruction of justice. Andrew johnson was impeached virtually every one of those eleven calls was based on the tenor of office act. I don't have time denied to get into this, because I nine constitutional law, but that beside the point.
To actually have Andrew Johnson impeached on trumped up charges, bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice? Donald trump hasn't peach twice on trumped up charges So where is the evidence? They say, where is the evidence that Joe Biden got one I even heard this on fox and friends today: where's the eminent steady, one penalty penny that doesn't have to be The evidence that he got one penny if he opened the door to his son. Heaven, access to foreign governments too far incorporate and from which his son and sat alone may one Thirty forty million dollars that isn't impeach while offence. If he assisted in sun it making those connection. and his son did not register under firearm
Actually he's a call conspirator in that all. How did he know it doesn't matter It is a peaceful or fancy violator immigration laws when he just wipes clean, seven hundred thousand? in cases where adjudication they came to border open, so fair ignores coming into the country, so that murder that they give. pennsylvania comes into the country, so god knows who's coming under that country. Creating mayhem and anarchy. In our cities in our states and sir on the border that isn't a page while offence we're not talking about mere policy disputes, We're talking about a real impact on the nation on the people of those countries, Now, how do I know this because, unlike
Body also commented on this on tv and radio. I've studied. Yeah I'll, give you I'll give you a short lesson on this from the congressional research service. Can we get all the debates at the cottage international convention over Behaviour should be subject to impeachment focus mainly on the present. discussing whether the president should be removable by impeachment. Women Morris argued that the president should be removable through the impeachment process. Noting concern that the president, my quote a bribe by a greater interest to betray is trust. The example charles the second receiving a bribe from Louis the fourteen. Adoption of high crimes at misdemeanours standard during the constitutional convention Joseph the framers- did not envision impeachment. Proper remedy for simple policy disagreements with the present during the debate there
where's rejected a proposal to include an additional treason and bribery maladministration as an peach while offence, which would apply similarly incorporated a broad range of common law offences of ministration was a grand for impeachment many state constitutions at the time of the constitution's drafting their framework. Instead adopted the term high crimes and misdemeanours from english practice. James Madison objected to including maladministration as grounds for impeachment, because such a vague standard would be equivalent to a tenure pleasure, the senate. On quote. I agree with that. But that's not what we're talking about. the convention voted to include high crimes at misdemeanours? Instead, arguably the framers reject if such a broad terms supports the view that congressional disagree with the present policy goals are not sufficient grounds for impeachment fair enough, particularly instead the understanding of high crimes of misdemeanours to the fore,
This was a roughly contemporaneous british. Peach when proceedings warren hastings, I'm not gonna get into that in great detail. while evidence are precisely what conduct their framers in ratifying the constitution considered to constitute I crimes Misdemeanours is relatively sparse. The it's available indicates that they considered impeachment to be any central tool to hold govern officers accountable for political crimes are offences against the state. James madison, considered it indispensable. I'm calling it indispensable. some provision be made for defending the community against incapacity, negligence or perfidy of the chief executive board. That shore fits as the
my quote: pervert his administration into a scheme of population or oppression or betray his trust. A foreign power betray his trust, a foreign power alexander hamilton, In explaining the constitution's impeachment provisions described impeach above offences as arising, From called the misconduct of public men or another This is an from the abuse sir violation of some public trust such offences where political, He said, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself or the avalanche start buying took. Co chair, that's not protest! These bullet while could take innumerable forms and simply could not be neatly delineated at the time.
But the north carolina, ratified convention jane adele later to servants of social justice and the? U s supreme court, noted the difficulty in defining what constitutes unimpeachable offence. Beyond causing injury to the government for him, each one, was quote calculated to bring offenders to punishment for a crime which night easy to describe the which everyone be convinced as a high crime, a misdemeanor against the government. The occasion its exercise will arise from acts of Grady, Rachel community that the present The impeachment were receiving a bride, of course, or a quote. Acting from some corrupt or other, but at me for one of judgment, some correct motive. Similarly, Samuel Johnson, then the governor north carolina later there states first senator thought: each one reserve for great misdemeanours against the public. These are offences against the public, but they were concerned about.
At the virginia ratifying convention, a number of individuals claim that unimpeachable offences we're not limited to indict about crimes, for example, James madison himself argue that worthy. as to assemble a minority of states in order to ratify a treaty at the expense of the other states. This would constitute a peaceful, misdemeanor, hey Joe Biden, is essentially entering into a treaty with a ran he's not even trying to organise a majority of states he's doing it on its own. In violation, the treaty clause of the constitutional more come on jenny, governor, edmund random, will become the nations. first attorney general noted and peter as appropriate for a quote wilful mistake of the heart, but not for incorrect opinions The words if you're intentionally letting sent no under this country you
if they actually sign off on people bringing in italy country. But if you are aware that your policies are resulting in a hundred thousand americans dying every year that not come the country that's unimpeachable offence. James Wilson, delegate to the constitutional content prevention from pencil, By the way and later supreme court justice delivered talks at the college. I felt Alfin impeachment following the adoption of the federal constitution. A claims peach, my reserved to political crimes at misdemeanours enter political punishments. You that in the eyes of their framers impeachment, did not come within the sphere of ordinary jurisprudence, in other words, ordinary criminal law. They are founded on different principles, are governed by different maxims and are directed to different objects That's for wealth on the impeachment removal. Individual did not preclude a later trial and punishment for a crime. The greatest social justice, Joseph story, whose look too often causes written so brilliantly about the constitution
Is riding on the constitution echo the understanding that impeachment apply do political offences, That impeachment apply to those quote offences committed by men, public men, in violation of their public trust and duties duties. I do the political and like hamilton, store consider the range of impeach will offences called so various in their character, so indefinable in their actual involution federalism. Almost possible arrived systematically for them by Is it a law now, that's hi crimes of misdemeanours at all, about there's ambiguity, but not Oh, my much ambiguity that it is clear that Joe Biden. In his violation is supreme court orders. In his violation of immigration practices resulting in the death of americans,. And I could go on and on, should have been a peach
Long time ago, so that here there's guy gates and the obligations it distraction, there's a distraction, rigour, damn constitution, MR conservative, I'll be right, back mud hmm, what helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing- and I've decided to learn more about gold? I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks
Record is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five, to live in two six. Eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals, dot com, that's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com. I mean I release your everywhere Look they're stupid. the Senate side there about the south, country on spending.
And some anonymous, senator brave, senator brave diversionary republican Mcconnell light senator. As to the hill newspaper to another, the left wing pizza trash, Says to them: well, you know we, We all want this. I mean this just distracts us and you know we could lose seats, no like what you put your damn hand on the bible and take oh a solemn oath, to uphold the constitution. You fool they present in the united states is violating it left and right whose since clearly can win the four corners of the phrase. High crimes and misdemeanours. And you guys are worried about your asses and the next election, but will take him out then. What are you gonna do then, what the hell are you gonna do. You morons right back,
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raised as part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech- levant, six, eight, five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five. Ninety
live in two six, eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com. That's all! I got stuck precious metals. Dotcom text data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dotcom, you're, listening to knowledge, create one, the gray one. You can call it now. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. When you read my book, the democrat party hates america, the launch will be Friday comes owner, but most where's on tuesday You'll see my writings about the state run party. We state run medium by that. raymond around meant, and I mean Similarly, there is no distinction between the democratic party in the government why they want more more government? More more
centralized government, which is why go through the motions of mourning free and fair elections, but they too and destroy the electoral process. Para themselves: in the decision The geo peer make the geo p a party into mitch, Mcconnell or mitt romney's party in words a bunch of quiz links, and we have so many of them in the republican party, see it the goal of the republican party to transform america fundamentally and turn it into a marxist american form of Paradise. That does it mean that parties without fault it's a quisling party to party with falls as leaders. Look at the senate. Tat was the son had done one of the republicans. but not just leaders rank and file? You know these. These concerns and the conservative I put my credit up against any damn one of these guy when you're?
Their parading around and friendly cameras, me about how impeachment inquiry is a distraction. You're part of the problem. when you can block and you're out there saying I don't see any evidence, then you're blind as a bad one. How do you think this guy was a back bedroom? Nobody gave Damn about is now we're tv like Chris Christie, MR big two percent. because their useful idiots. That's. Why should a distraction? Ok,. Well, that will give all the part of the Democrats and they'll fix the economy, the same economy they destroy. This is a great one year. The Democrats go on. We need to focus on table issues, bread and butter issued. You're already did destroyed all of it. So The constitution is nowhere in line when it comes to a republic.
And apparently, somehow republican adds a backpack issued out, you know. They also make marxist anymore to me till they sound like to me Want you to listen, romanticized from trumpet daily had tipp to them. Democrats in the media. There is no Evan There is no evidence evidence of what There's unbelievable mama evidence to Joe Biden committed political acts, In violation of public trust, then it, his family? He doesn't. They were dams, a shepherd, not a nickel. Is why the report brain trust needs a broaden. Their debt discussion Impeachment here, in addition,
what they have found out, what they're going to fine they needed investigations into what happened on the border. That's gotta be part of it the effect binds intentional violations. immigration laws and the impact on the people that isn't Georgia is continuing purposely, in other words, ready ready america take on this marxist revolution that is destroying our culture and destroying our lifestyles and destroying communities, take them on my talking about their fears that the year in the capital burrowing, maybe I got to go,
the present, have been in politics for a long time, and I think it's you would say, he's seen a lot of malarkey along the way, but this might take the case. This is all smoke, no fire. What a waste of time and money! I don't see any probable cause here, there's just no evidence. I have now see. Amy Laddie goes to John dene for an opinion. Don't they wasn't disbarred? I think he was denied time, because a worry, I think he did but the dun manner, and my we got him. I we got all the great ones coming up here. Go ahead, they crime at all, no evidence so far. The ties Joe Biden to any of this there is nothing that they have brought forward and that we have seen have you seen said events no us, inter of ever I have seen, said evidence. Stop go into the house colors some serious people. I've seen said evidence of high ground the misdemeanants all over
they are place. The families that are suffering from all the deaths and may him as a result of the open borders, violation, immigration laws. About violating supreme court decisions through the back door like this. so called student loan forgiveness activity. What about that Does it bother them known and unknown powers are not all the court is in there It's a right wing enterprise go ahead, shreds of evidence that president, Joe Biden, whose jeffreys, while let's go how came Jeffreys they get his opinion on. Surely smart go ahead, Wrong doing no business dealings, hunter vitamins or any ones was discussed. In these conversations, I think they're megan make it clear that there is not a shred of evidence Their president, Joe Biden, has committed an impatient
a fence, a substantial majority in american police, something which is not true. There is not a shred of evidence that presidential Biden has committed a crime. You ve done it with them. See what I mean. The skies and eddy they're all idiots, president, doesn't have to rob a bank to come the high crime, a misdemeanor, that's not what they meant, how hard it exists. Quoted from you, rather than some of the sky We bucks on this subject that I have right behind me. I just quoted from you be really easy for members of congress to read from the congressional research service. That's their researcher. What? climate misdemeanor. Does anybody remember us going through? All this would be to trump phony impeachment,
Define a word, no evidence wow one of day, main matter whether they know they should do it baby, don't get it over with rogue rogue impeachment. No hearing law about person impeachment secret, transcript secret testimony in the basement. Guy blow it out go, get em, get up, get up, get him out. There's no eminency her show me where he took one penny. We even have commentators saying this that cause they're idiots. don't even understand what an impeachment is. Go ahead like you've got to have some accusation you can make, and they don't really have anything right now and I think I made who's an idiot. I dunno I've made many accusations but they're, not accusations, they're facts, Therefore, I want to ask Are you listening out? There is Joe Biden,
set in motion the ability of terrorists, criminals, rapists, murders, drug kingpin Has he created the situation where they gonna come across the board As he created the situation, where people are being raped and tortured. Testing. is created a situation where drugs can come across the border like fetnah. Does he know these things are happening? Yes incident sure that that borders open yes,. that is destroyed, parole that is destroyed the whole notion of refugee status that he's destroyed the administrative court system with respect to this because there are overwhelmed. I Can'T- you can't really hold enough hearings to deal with people coming. Has he done these,
and she has, since he done the purposely. Yes there you go open and shut case, but you can't tie tie him. It's his policies. now policy differences alone- that's not unimpeachable offence, but when hundreds of thousands of americans are dying What am I doing, you're paying brought a large one school you're over IRAN, one hour long for it's over and this is done intentionally, as a matter of an agenda that is an offence offense. It's not a mere policy, discreet their consequences. Let me work on this one. The fact that Joe Biden open doors to his son with IRAN. They are forced to whether taking calls on the speaker for weather
having dinner with his business partners. And all the rest of, and of course we do have witnesses against people forget about them. Harp I guess they forgot about Bobby Linsky. I guess they forgot all about the laptop. You don't even need all. The fact is that Joe Biden help his son Waiting, I or unwittingly, to take ten but millions of dollars from foreign governments that better fitted abiden family. That may louis by an administration policy. That's enough, but you know of another present in american history is done anything like this course, not one of them Delegates to the constitutional convention was specifically concern about foreign influence. If this
foreign influence there. What is Jodie need that? Take a single penny, not one penny boy lying to you, these phony media types they just regurgitate stuff, they run media backing the state run party and shame are people who who throw him with this crap. Shame on you send it republic So called Senate house conservative distraction distraction what you boys, Walk untrue gum at the same damn time barely not, then get out of the way we work. But we can. Yeah my angry, I am disgusted absolutely this scheme by the lies in
media by their lives by these political parties, The cross party does not even alike that constitution. If you're going to fundamentally transform america, you can support the constitution. One their presidents one after another. After another rejects the declaration of independence. They keep talking about fundamental transformation Biden does they shall does barrack. Does sandridge marxist, he does now suddenly there's no crime. Here under the constitution, we are facing. a revolution falls on capital here, neither don't get it for they know, prioritizing we're, gonna lose and a purple to buy, get off your ass explaining them,
Can people what's going on and help save the damn country. I'll be right back then, helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the the Biden is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text, six. Six. Eight five nigh to again text l, easy. I am to six eight five nine,
live in two six, eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com, that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions; it get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com, in our friendship, roy on the programme. Chip is long time for he's a good man. pretend to understand all the ins and outs of this budget process suggestion regular guy who believes you shouldn't be spending massively in pushing the nation into a debt spiral. But I want to know exactly what's going on up their own capital here, because I'm hearing different voices different things even from Conservatives what they want and they dont one and then there's one or two
few people I really admire at the wall street journal, kimberly strasser, who wrote last week and even bigger political price, would be put by republicans for jamming a speaker with such a slim majority? She right Not me, the geo become a cause, he's won't be bullied into submission and they might use the scent of pressure as an excuse to again against work on regular appropriations, provoking a government shut down. In that case, the rip, begins will take total blame that so rules of congress fails to enact all twelve regular appropriations built by the end of the year discretionary? including the military, is subject to a one percent cut. right our desire to help Mr Mcconnell ukraine. Priority Conversely, supposed a pressure grows so great, a mccarthy that is forced to pass a supplement appropriation with democratic votes, ex call may be emotional vacate the chair leaving their how speaker the house
let us again and that something that again, that the gates is pushing, I want to know where chip stands on this. and I want understand this better If they really need to pass these twelve regular appropriations bell, should that be the focus I don't know we'll get information dream, as I say, he's on top of this stuff, and I'm not just later, thank god no. I am out here kind of the intellectual rabble rulers? Would you say, MR producer. We're gonna have thomas soul on my new saturday, show get a pm eastern same format, but always anew show and sunday will be a pm. Eastern is well same format, new guests and so forth. And he wrote me a beautiful, beautiful inscription in his
book and Antonia. He is an icon to me and he reached out, and he asked. if I would talk to them, I would interview him in that he had really known Doing other any other programs, you wanted to come on our programme. I said absolutely Should it be covered very carefully by call be what is the end, snake. Paul over their media. This guy's anyhow, this guy, The pinnacle of his career is collecting clips from, their people over a mediator sickly there and knock off of media matters of our immediate manners. I'd be very upset that there's Other sleazy operation in town trying to fill their lane this crowd. Is there in love with scarborough, but I wouldn t be collectively. They when I killed negative seventeen,
He knows who kobe hallways, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna reached down and and the crap out of a guy he's got a a pathetic life, can you imagine this is what you do every day when he does, and it's just democratic congo line of lower q preview. Batshit moura is a comic book character. That's all he is called me. Hall I've made his name no more than anybody else, certainly more in him. Does anybody know who we're anybody know if he's ever said something intelligent answer is no and no more. call me in the future, I'm sure
this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that, right for you, thank you again We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the america mark. Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one eight seven
seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one its pledge that have my buddy chip roy chip. How are you mark of great? Are you, my friend, I don't know ticked off about everything you want another truth, but anyway chip can you explain to we? The people in plain english, this budgeting What's going on in the senate, what's going on in the house? Please yeah! It's like yeah, not that I'm doing great now you're going to you're going to drag it out by having to talk about.
because temp can come live in my world yeah. I had a bad, broader, look. Here's the deal we set out. Obviously early this year worked the oldest speaker we bought. We should be spending at a level that would be pre cobit level spending trying to give a shot to increase defense a little bit get the bureaucracy back to pre coven. You know twenty twenty two levels while that deal was caught in a higher level. I didn't like it fast forward now, where the question of how we're going to fund government by the end of september, without one appropriations bill and in July part of the defense package, and now we've got the defense bill. That was supposed to be on the floor this week and we don't have full agreement. Here's. Why? Because there's a bloc of conservatives in that in the house who are saying one, we need to hold down our spending level, but two importantly, we've got to use the power of the purse to force change out of the by the administration. We've got a border that is out of control. We've got a d o J, the data control and weaponized against the president, united states, the average american citizen, the atelier, trying to turn criminal laws out a gun gun owners. We've got a department of defense that woke more concerned about social engineering than the first mission to defend the country that we're trying to force change through the spending
and that's what it take right now and and what some of us are just saying: god we're not going to break we're, going to hold the line and say that we've got to get changes out of the senate and the president and that's what's currently being debated. As we speak, one of the republicans in the senate doing their utterly useless. I mean look. The house is having the debate that needs to be had. We don't always agree on it, but we're having a debate that needs to be had the Senate is being utterly useless other than a handful of champions, they're, obviously led by MIKE Lee, who are trying to do the right thing. Most are already pre capitulating mitch. Mcconnell is trashing tommy tuberville for daring to Sarah stand up for life and holding up these nominations, the deity and any guard who tried to preemptively surrender on the spending fight. So the Senate is not helping we're trying to hold the Senate accountable, the guys we're going to keep fighting in the house, and- and you know what mark mark
you and I lived through ten years ago when I was ted cruz's chief of staff, a fight over obamacare prevent some of my colleagues say. Oh my god, you know what happened after that. It was terrible, so wait a minute hold on what was terrible in two thousand and fourteen republicans gained fourteen seats to get to forty seven and gave nine seats in the senate, the largest republican majority, since nineteen twenty nine part of that was because TED cruz stood up and fought against obamacare and showed that, if we stand up, people will be inspired. Doubts were trying to do now and then part of the problem is, and I'm having trouble understood, What exactly is the position that conserves are coalescing around? Isn't the board in addition to cutting spending. What is it?
exactly the border, the department of justice. What is so great question in part made more difficult because of how bad that the administration is at war with all of us on in many ways an existential fight. We are saying that we should be securing this country first. The first order of government is to secure the blessings of liberty right and they should security. They should secure our border. The military should be doing it's core responsibility. We are saying that do those things fund, those things and that's what we'll do yet the border is the tip of that spear. I'm a texan. Yesterday, the reported nine thousand nine thousand encounters. We have all the story like this illegal in pennsylvania. That would that that he stabbed a woman. Twenty eight times then broke out of jail. We have the kid who was killed in ohio by an illegal immigrant released into the country. We have mark you're, going to believe that the inspector general sixty thousand releases the month and the inspector general found that of a miller
in relief between twenty one and twenty two for over fifteen months. One hundred and seventy seven thousand of them gave false addresses and multiple addresses that, like parsons then altered things. We have no idea where they are. It doesn't help, I'm being honest with you chip your buddy mind when gate is out there talking with you that impeachment inquiry as a diversion thought of us one and impeach inquiry. We've asked aspirin impeachment Engrais my audience once in impeachment inquiry can't. Can we walk and chew gum?
the same times on the republican side, that, of course, we can and let your map random info. On this point, I I disagree. I've I've said this repeatedly. We should have an inquiry. I applaud mccarthy for advanced than going down the road of an inquiry, and I've been advocating it for awhile to work to Jimmy connors been doing, has been pretty darn solid. Given people don't realize you worked in the justice department, I was a former prosecutor, we don't have the backing of the justice department, so we're having to do it through the staff at the oversight committee and you gotta work through it. So they've been getting the information draw, the whistleblowers make the case and we were only eight months. Then they made they laid that foundation. You now do an impeachment inquiry. Now grabbed the bank record. He goes to try to follow the dollars they were dollars went from the foreign nationals to hunter Biden. We believe to Joe certainly either direct, if not directly, certainly in terms of funding. Let's go follow all that and that's what this is about. An impeachment inquiry gives you the tools. You need to heighten the
or what, whereas the board subpoenaed that you well know in court chimera. I don't understand a couple of things here. You point out the ted crews situation up out w down which, which president had the two biggest massive landslide victories and modern american history, ronald reagan. He shut down the garments six times six times If the rightful know you're trying to do the right thing and at the other side isn't We should all the media with you that makes it much more What did we have a united voice of, particularly among conservatives, who are trying to do the right thing that they get up there? Not just twenty of you, but fifty of you, eighty of you, and I'm not run by you in particular, I'm just saying and get together and say these are the three things we want. We want on the board. I can just hear it now. I can write the speech. I get the labour this speech, but if you ve got a particle
we're not gonna headset or off they're charging on their own. It makes it much more complicated. I don't know that there's anything you can do about it. I'm just saying it to everything. I've done mark since early august and has been designed to try to shove. All of this, through the funnel of security, whether they said the border being the tip of the spear everybody in america, is starting to feel it. The new yorkers are feeling it heck, even the liberals in new york, the mayor
york you're going oh crap. What have we bought we're starting to get a wake up to the me? If you want to rally around something and you want to force change, we can't get everything we want in this current divided government with this administration, but we can constrain spending and fight for something to change the disaster, our border, because it is fundamentally endangering us undermining our sovereignty, empowering cartels, empowering china, killing our kid and, frankly, killing migrants getting sold into the sex trafficking trade. So I believe we can win this fight if republicans are willing to do it now. Here's the thing other republican lunch today and I was having to make the case and the response As always to, but what we do know what'll happen, we'll get blamed, unlike those no kidding would have low cigarette, and how can I just interrupt? You second understand on the issues the american people with us, in that
rather than allowing the Democrats, the use your usual marxist bs. how little kid you going go hungry and seniors you're going to go without. Why is it? Why not get out there and say were the ones I wanna prevent. What's going on in the border were the ones who want to prevent the Democrats from this you know, homeownership and pushing interest rates, higher and so forth and so on? Why don't we take with the american people are telling us you don't like about what the Democrats are doing and rub their
This is as a group a man mark, and I am working to try to get it to some sort of unified position to do that and in state and even go even further, but not only in the american people with us. The whole point here is in a republic we're leading even if they warrant whether we should do the right thing, but they are with us. Though gosh you got all the wind in your sales. The american people want leadership. They wanted to secure the border, they want their defence to be focused on gaunt and bullet in boats in planes and people trained, apply those things and not training to be. You know, transsexual or something we ve got people who wanted to actually reduce spending and constrained spending. Instead of a two trillion dollar deficit, we ve got people who want the department of justice to focus on federal and gang and cartels and criminals, and not like criminals on the street, rather than targeting scots met the lab county or mark how can hold out the hour for prostitution,
they want us to do our damn job to want to campaign or one on those thing I dunno do something about it to me. It's like abortion. The Democrats want abortion right up to the point of birth. Americans do not now we never said there. I got chapter and verse of them saying that in voting for it I dunno. Why do we, I dunno? How did these people get elected? I think earthy like the pinnacle of of politicians. They get elected. Now, it's, oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid you're afraid
What I don't get it, I also your I'm, not a politician. I just don't get well the good news that look like bent or in a positive way, and you know that twenty of the war on the foreign and in january no differences of opinion at all that, but we force and read that will change with guns and really good thing. Age are too, with the great border bill limit. They grow with the great spending bell. Unfortunately, we didn't stick with it. We got a great bill in the national defence authorization aggregates got rid of transgender surgery that aboard all this up goodwill, but more united, we're doing a good thing, because the work we're doing so, let's just take stock, that there are some of us who are trying to move the needle enforce these guys to have to answer- and you know what it is working I'll tell you mark their bit in a little bit of a gordian knot, they're kind of tied up on themselves, because we're highlighting that guy's when you vote to fund these things. Your voting for that stop your voting to give money
to merit garlic, you go after scotsmen and you know a mark out or the bright bomber present. Your voting to give out my work is more money, your voting to give them the ability to lead night. Now, let's make learnt under their dissent, I'm gonna run up. The majority of the republicans in the senate are supporting. exactly that aren't they shimmer has run and circled around the skies. He's gonna break this. Knowing that you guys negotiated a few months ago, he's adding more crap to it, Mcconnell, really should not be the leader any more, but the guy's behind em are no better. They are supporting this yes or no, and we ve got a break the back of a public and senators of much. We have to break the back of Democrats senators and not just the stark reality and watch it and that's what makes it so. Dear. Tough, quite frankly, because the pressures always on the
side and never the downward. So there's no reason. The department of justice should be having the money that it has done. No reason the fbi, should have the money to luck. I used to work there. I don't care There's no reason they should, if you're gonna let the border patrol do its job when the what are we paying all this money? Finally, I now we're going to ahead thousand new iris agents. This you know the sentence signing all that the republican somebody. asked me the other day, a color chip, but I support we nor the patriot act, I shouldn't I supported originally absolutely would not unless there's a phone mental change where there's some kind of czech and balanced and so forth, and so on, because if we rubber stamp that thing no use it even more because, though, see there's no downside to it. I want to catch terrorists as much as the next guy, but we always have the patriot act in unless they come for was some
of a patriot act that I can really understand that has some checks and balances it as something going on where it can be turned against a presidential campaign or american citizens one million monitoring. We made a mistake: now, that's not acceptable. Where do you stand on that? Well, look I mean that the whole mother conversation you know
The thread for a longer time lag of a downer. What are we running out of time because, like no I'm not, but I'm concerned that you have to go well, I've got to go, give a speech at a thing, but like look, we here's what I'm I just want to make sure your listeners are luck with. They need to turn the heat up on their senators and their members of congress they have to because right now is the time we we lost our leverage last december with the omnibus that the seventeenth senator sold without on we, we now have to work within the confines of the debt ceiling, deal to try to hold spending in check to go fight for them and the border. We can't wait, eighteen months, for god, willing a president to say that trump or someone else to be in here to save the country we have to do it.
Now that we've got to turn the heat up on these guys to check them in order to do our job that that's the main thing that we need right now. How much time do we have no time right? We gotta get on with it. Now we gotta get on with it right now I mean that's the thing. The leverage point we have is this spending pipe right now, it's the only leverage point we have for the next year, yeah we have a few like five, the reauthorization. We might be able to check the department of justice you were just talking about. You know, there's a couple of farmville, but none of those have to be dealt with the the the funding fight. This is the fight it, the only real fight for the next fifteen, sixteen eighteen months until the presidential election is Judy created. So we've got to do that. Now and again, you want to inspire people to show up to the polls by boring, but we can't just keep rubber stamping the same crap in washington and hand it over to the to the Democrats just to keep the
but they're doing they made following out of people for simply having a pistol bring to pursue replay like yes, you, you ve, got a fight that man by the way how you feel in these days. May I ask I don't get the top unless you're on the radio you now you in prague, Aragon brother, done how you feel you good good enough may put it that way. My man, we love you by the way. When did you get that go to grow that appear in the pan? Stomach and everybody has off that- I look better with it, which I didn't take offense to they just wanted me to cover my face. I felt like I got a face for radio check that, like I excuse you, so do I yeah I'd, take care of yourself. Thank you. God bless brother, you to the fbi. I dunno about that goatee, I'm just saying myself personally, by the way he in our fast.
certain people try to come between us. I cannot agree with everybody. They all agree with me. on some things are more hard core than others talking. I come to my conclusions independently. For instance? We don't have time, that's ok, I think we need them. civil increase defence spending, whatever you think about ukraine and russia. I am not talking about that. That's a separate budget item. I'm talking. the united states military. China is a grave threat to our liberty. To our security and your children, because if we go to war with china, there's gonna be a draft. There's no question about it: not spending enough on defence, that's my opinion, so be it I'll be right, ben cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand. Crack screen
that gives you a glass splinters, ouch time to put that all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five g. Same song galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge display and all A strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure works, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the data you could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers because most dependable five g network make this which, to my cell phone company pure talk today, just I'll pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, a pound five, zero, say markel of in pure talk, so. Please smarter wireless
why we are so good man, but there's a lot of good people out. There is not enough of them right. Right I think many senators are very lazy they enjoy. Called the senator they enjoy being treated like some kind of conquering heroes. They went against about them. They were smugness about them. We concede every time economy has a press conference. When he's not staring into oblivion, mostly men standing around him and women are exactly that way. the female senator from west virginia and inherited her power from her daddy. Alaska, there's another female senator who inherited her power from her daddy. There's a re smug, arrogant people, it's much easier. If rick, next. It had been a Democrat. He never would. Had to resign
You know how. I know that, because franklin Roosevelt John, The Lyndon Johnson did what richard Nixon did times. Ten with the eye Ass, the I later with the cia is yours, phone in desperate need of replacement? You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack. Screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch time to put I found a rest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free I've g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display and all a strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure Talks are limited. Talk, text and fifteen gave data plan for just thirty five bucks a month, plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers.
because most of pen above five g network, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super durable five g samsung galaxy when you switch to pure talk the pounds, five, zero, say markel of in pure talk, please smarter wireless. This places, where hollywood liberals can vote rehab? The mark levin show his bank at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one and when I have a little part, the hard with you, my friend, Your family and I really feel that way I know when I write a book like this. The democrat party hates american and put a title on a book like this and I'm putting a target between my eyes and on my back, I know that there are friends.
Both in the media think tanks, other organizations. There are afraid to get involved. Provide a reason, some legitimate some knowledge, and I understand that. I also understand it's already begun that I will come under attack because the very people who expose and their institutions The only way they know of fighting back is to attack. particularly now, because we're in the middle of the revolution. A revolution that is thoroughly embraced by the democratic party that is actually being led by the democratic parties circuits in the cold,
in the government. I understand that. I've already prepared my family for which to come because it's come before, but I think it I'm in a much uglier away now, and so these, that I write, a very scholarly and yet if they're in plain english readable specially this one. you will see them commanded and claim it lacks scholarship. It lacks intelligence. It lacks this election, I would implore you to ignore them. These are hit men and hit women for their revolution and for the democratic party corporatist are going to be very concerned about this. We're going to find out how many business
is that are in the business of selling books, whether their independence or change are prepared to put this book out front for everybody? see whether they're gonna hide him in the boxes or on the back shelf. And if the book didn't have an impact or potential impact, an attack it. They wouldn't tell me it wouldn't care. Fundamentally, here what I'm trying to express and four hundred pages- and I can't do this- you senses. But let me just give sort of a general point. the democratic party is more than a political party. Ladies and gentlemen,
We have a marxist, her fascist regimes or autocracy, many which exist in what used to be free western countries. You an entity around which and through which people organise to destroy their countries, the status quo, it's right there in front of us. You see it happening every day. I get the same question time. How can this be happening? A wise, this happen, but why do people let this happen.
But that's not how you defeat a revolution like this. You ve got to spread the word the way thomas pain did you gotta, have ideas, idea we're locked, it marked askew founders, jefferson, and so many of you can't battle this by complaining were watching the news for just assuming you know all about it. The smartest men and women who ever lived on the planet felt that they were never smart enough. They read more and read more than anybody else. Among the human being, your human species, einstein was never done, it never stopped.
He kept asking why why why why any he kept pursuing course he's not alone you and I had been gifted truly With the most magnificent country, in the face of. Some of you are here more recently, some of you go back and many generations to the family. some of you have lost family in major wars. Some of you have fought a major wars. Some of you have not.
But what unites us, not all americans, unfortunately, but what unites us, sir god, given right to liberty, that's what unites us. We know there were blessed, and so people seek to take that away from us. Our declaration or constitution are capitalist system. Are private property rights? Are children. Our faith, the bill of rights, but by schemes and plots. We seek to deny us of our god, given.
Unalienable they we have to make a choice, make a choice, zero, ask yourself: what's gonna happen to my children and grandchildren? What is this. You're going to be like you shouldn't, even have to ask those questions, and yet we must, because that's how, via the situation in the democratic parties, not just a political party at spars with the republican party. It's not a party that just seeks to get votes legitimately and knowledge enemy as it up. It is a party that seeks to substitute its own power for the republic. It seeks to substitute its own power for the republic as autocratic
parties do all over the world. There is not a dimes worth a difference between the democratic pretty and the rules and regulations that flood businesses our homes, our society from the washington bureaucracy, because democratic party for the most part, build it owns it and controls it, and that's what the next budget fight is about. They want to continue to feel that they want to fuel deficit spending, massive debt, borrowing and other backs of average american. Look at every one of our institutions: every one of them is under a life and death struggle right now, every one of them, the right for parents to raise their children.
It's under the greatest assault in american history. As a result of the democratic party surrogates, the teachers in the democratic party pushes cr t transgender is the mutilation of children without their parents, knowledge, a kind of country does that The democratic party actually campaigns on abortion, not rare likely. You start abortion on demand at any point kind of party. Does that party Supported eugenics! That's what kind of part of the democratic party prone!
as do the media out of the closet, marxists, who get elected as democrats, Bernie sanders he'll see to leap, omar, bowman, priestly. The numbers are growing and growing and grown. The democratic parties responsible for, what's going on in the border. The man made human disaster and, while a few of them complain. there, the power to put a stop to it and they walk. The democratic party has done what most craddock regimes, do they take
their judiciary and they go through the motions of having trials with radical judges. Phony juries of your peers were prosecutors, who do at their told to do by the regime like taking up an opponent. but the present regime singing number prison for the rest of his life. They can the trial that's commencing five, with twelve point, eight million pages of documents the democratic party, is real and even about elections. Now wants to win all elections. That's why the destroyer of earnings. That's why the first chance, a god, The virus, the pandemic in the blue states in the purple states they moved at breakneck speed.
Change the voting laws, so you couldn't catch him if he were committing fraud. Eliminating voter idea, Eliminating signatures on absentee balance and dates for harvesting. We are counting votes after the fact votes a month before elections recounting votes before the elections, every conceivable road to fraud is taken in a legal act, and so you have the court's most of which are occupied by Like minded activists but not exclusively, who throw the cases out of court in the new have become The line of people saying all these cases were bought and they didn't find any fraud. Wow
similarly, election in american history, where there wasn't any fraud and it had the least amount, the least amount of security of any national election. American history made him. so. You cannot discuss tyranny totalitarianism, we cannot discuss eugenics, slavery. You cannot discuss segregation and marks as we cannot discuss the destruction of our economic system, your way of life, the impoverishing of people who were henceforth self sufficient. You cannot this ass this in a thousand other thing. Well, I've attributing them to the democratic party and that's why this book and I will come under attack this book formally is available
next tuesday. Six days from now, this book will be formally launched exclusively on china parities one hour show on fox on Friday. I hope your watch. On the sunday show I will be spending part of their showed discussing it as well. and then I will be doing multitudes of radio interviews and tv shows to promote it, I worked right and promote a book, but it's even worse to lose a country. That's what expat I'll be right back much cell phone in desperate need of replacement, you know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge on hand. Cracked, Screen that gives you glass, splinters ouch time to put.
Old phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five g. Same song, galaxy with today battery life edge to display, an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you sign up for peace talks are limited, talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers, because most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk power, five zero say markel of in pure talk, so please smarter wireless When I go through the sponsor list, the sea who I want as our sponsors
I can support them and so forth. This is what I look for. I look for the mission statement. I look for whether or not you be able to reach We get a service or a product, whether real value there those are my shower different, I think the most others there, by me, and these are the To the best of be right back. I. he's here now, broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, like Michael of anywhere, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three eight
one three eight one one. It is amazing. How his work in washington d c, the vast majority of you never heard of a man by the name of David Ignatius Couldn't spell his name I couldn't we'd, better unwashed compost for a very long time, and It puts out a an opinion piece. I guess so late last night, And, of course, all the cable shows can't talk about it enough. and it's a Yes, that says you know Joe Biden, you been the greatest president really almost have any present. Tested things you ve done than you stop tramp. Of course,. I love you, man you're, just the best. Come on same with you
Are they sweetheart sweethearts? I'm telling you you just fantastic you're. The best there ever was. But I David Ignatius columnist, leftwing hitman, peace for the ruling class democrats. Who never really worked a day in my life, sit here as a catcher catchword if the league. think it's time Joe and you come our take a bow. Maybe get a medal of freedom, nay, nay, the medal of honor, maybe and don't run again. Don't run again. You see jody. The poles are inheriting up to many people, think you're too old, In too many people want somebody else, So I've got a number of ideas. Joe look at
So from the marriage b, be honest with you so much! If any presented Democrats think you're tool fox news, media, those wrapper h no, no, but follow them. where to find fellow party members conrad unfortunately come our boom say again. I love she's, quite the sweetheart. Her numbers are lower than here. So my fear, is you see though you might lose. and if you lose well, we'll have trump the dictator back in God knows what I happen to the country. And so some of my conservative friends of surmised it David Ignatius is the canary in the in the mine and.
This is linked to him and he regurgitate it and then its picked up. By others and then it's safe to say these things are even though will fox been saying this for some time. We know we can press. Then we don't want anything, do them, but Joe. I beg you, I'm looking you in the eyes germ here on the scarborough show. You know. We would normally waste myself on a show that doesn't have any ratings, but I understand you watch the shoulder. You watch their show. With me in jail and some here, I'm here to tell you that Please have a conversation with yourself course. He always has a conversation with. Please have his lessons. I hope Biden has this conversation with himself, but whether the iran and that he levels with the country about it, would focus the twenty twenty
or a campaign who's the best person to stop trop. That's all. We need to stop trump. No, we don't think all these indictments might stop him. I mean we hope they do or economic three, the fourteen, the men with all kinds of goons and clowns at their bring along Sewage pressuring too, to take trouble of balance. our democratic da's and where else manhattan in atlanta workin hard, we ve got jack. The Ripper smith he's doing his thing is best he can. We ve got judge tanya Jackson she's, ass judge? We could find jobs and of course there is married. Garland is really the chief of the cover ups and. And the head of the stalinist regime that seeks to take our trump, but it may not be enough to.
Show the people may see through this despite respect, you success. The people might see through this. Now Joe Scarborough, who has been a mouthpiece for Joe Biden well,. kind of agreed, but before we get there, I just want to show you what a chameleon Garber lies here's the morning schmo twenty one must reduce or- and this is just a couple weeks ago, Catch twenty one go well, I've and again they cut clothes short. They getting just what he's bound his head. There's no contacts, it you're right, it's a lot of others and yes
donald trump may have tried to steal elections. He may have tried to destroy democracy. He may have unleashed an angry mob to beat the hell out of the cap boiled cobs. He may have stolen nuclear secrets. He may have to look into why he's so old, Ok, you really need to describe what does a whole said. No we're not going to do that. Now. Here is last tuesday, Joe Scarborough Twenty two ago turbines always underestimated he's always going to lose and writing is always a guy. You know after you get the idea. You're interrupting. Stand: the water democratic set at them,
in they. They said it before the election. They they said that after he got elected time. That again, he's too old. He's too is outdated. He can get anything John and then he passes more bipartisan legislation than anybody and twenty twenty five years. They say the same thing before the twenty twenty two election he's too old his party's going to get crushed. There's going to be a red wave. There's, not a red wave. Okay Bout coal camp and then too, on the morning, I'm just showing you what a complete puts this guy's and by the way he's the favourite pots of media. I'd call bihar call be called me. Don't touch that call being certainly not in public, says mama call. Now here is today scarborough cut twenty girl
and willing just to answer David's question Micah and I everybody we talked to every political discussion fall talks a lot about trump, but when it comes to Joe Biden, people say man he's too old to run. Isn't he I mean he's not going to how about that. Folks he just said the people bring as a way to distract from tromp. Did he not missed reducing? just said, you know it's true, all they Republican say so he's going to get crushed, but he doesn't. There's no red wave they needed, that the other day mister producer. And today he says everybody tells me he's to everybody to Anybody tells me Joe Scarborough, your maura, but to people he's right sometimes, and I think they are there-
but he took about turn about what I summarised as the David Ignatius hurt but we need to talk about this article very important. This. When David Ignatius write, something but he reads it except you, the american people, give a damn about David Ignatius. You don't give a damn about the washed and compost, but the people. Inside the beltway. Oh margaret Yes, don't you remember, we had David over the other way. Again. Oh yes! Yes, I do. and you served in his favour green tea. Yes, yes, I do you shall ever apple danish lady lives in his remit at gillian's years use. I do my witness absolute one. What did you say when he wrote me? Where's postpone? Oh, yes, yes, I do did I saw what he wrote why
Up until the moment, I read that article maghreb, poland for mine, but now because David Ignatius wrote this peace, I gotta, give it a second, so in other words before Ignatius wrote this peace, Fine was an old Mine was the most competent president, modern american history by you can whip trump. their mocking binding, but by a man of enormous talent David Ignatius, indignation, rights, this peace and well minute. David Ignatius at what confucius s. We don't need David Ignatius to tell us the Joe Biden capacity mentally. That the democratic party really doesn't care the Democrats, but he doesn't care if we actually have a republic, they don't really.
If we have a constitution ass, the Bobby sixteen nineteen project, but the sea are twofold: talker The tall white supremacy I don't care about the economy, they hate capitalism as their favorite economist Bernie sanders, but he thinks we capitalism, The open borders, and so for that I view has been that get behind vine he'll get elected if they can. This is there Do you not mine, and then the remove and replace. Other he can't get elected. You want to know why you want know why. because they think trumps too strong or even anybody else for that matter likened to sack.
I mean how hard is it to debate, arm and stored dummy this one debate it's not hard at all This clown, David Ignatius, doesn't leslie horrible's here the beginning. He talks about by Has been a remarkable presentation. Call string, a wednesday defeated president trump and twenty twenty. He let a democrat. we of trump's acolytes and twenty twenty two midterms his department, justice has systematically prosecuted the generally six insurrection trump champion and now through special, so jack smith, the department Tromp himself to justly you see, you see what an autocratic, the patches. What I had my most about present tramp is that in a polarized nation needs governed from the centre out. He promised in his victory speech, listen to this guy.
expectantly steady hand pair some of the most important amending legislation in recent decades. That's right has your food ladies and gentlemen, far policy manage these delicate, but let me just take When you read my book cecily the democratic party hates america, you will see this kind of slobbering. Over franklin, roosevelt overjoyed Kennedy, a real, be j over all other particular reservoir. It was a racist and anti semites a socialist and an anti constitutional toward the S put some of his political open, in prison use. The fbi very liberally- may I say twice- said- Earlier in the programme of richard Nixon with a Democrat would have been a problem. David Ignatius is a mouthpiece for all of us.
he's a mouthpiece for if the mouthpiece region Kennedy a mouthpiece. for Lyndon Johnson mouthpiece. obama is a mouthpiece for by, but now When the middle of a revolution. We're in the middle of a revolution. We can't leave. the politburo, the shadows to run the country. The revolution comes first the great Joe needs to step aside for the next great joy, I'll be right back then?
the choice in honor. To talk to my buddy dam bond gina. We don't get to talk as much as I'd like he just got a fantastic radio show and podcast and all the rest of it. In his written a great book, the gift of failure, How rethink the title of this book? Fair, standby, gino dan? What What caused you to write a book like this? Well, you know Arguments: nobody, nobody knows about patients better than you. I mean You're a liar, and I caught a guy and liberty tyranny. Probably but like the manifesto for the tea party movement, you know I got an advance copy of great new book democrats to hate america by the way and it's up there with liberty and purity, but you know, went to book business. It is to amazing.
among the gum, grateful you come in on my shoulders, actually talk about it. My own is already looking forward to it. How does a marriage river? I like, I only like to write books for that kind of purpose, so it's been awhile spit about three four years in I wasn't really inspired him and when rumble, which was the priestly competitor to youtube. I won rumble one public and we had finally succeeded in taking this parallel economy idea away from the big lunatic psychopath liberal and we finally took into the public stocks. It's for a million dollar valuation is twenty three walk you out of the nasdaq in its reign in and you know my wife and I'm getting Three from crazy lunatic liberal, I maybe after many years, something we'll get a loser bar gino rambo eu ran for congress, the law but a loser, everything was about. Maybe in such a loser nepal, a market. I said Mary,
bring on the loose. I have movement feel pretty good he's like you should write a book about you like that what you want that alive. You know you does often got up, and did you think so that that space we had a bookstore very, very inspiring book. here you see a career, your hardworking guy and law, fortunate and so forth. In I jumped there, act. Fact you run for a number offices in an extremely difficult environment, Marilyn, which is very difficult. Four republicans even run for the senate, Member Julian, I came to one of the fun razors at your house. Therein You have a lot of support. You did better than almost any Republican has ever done in that state. And you give it another shot. and in florida, and you dust yourself up.
and now you're, really in international personality, with real substance of following blown away on the pod cast and so forth. He had a huge hit from the radio show this book. If affair It almost reminds me: this guy hurts the quarterback or the other. Lots of in all my my analogy here. You know there he was in the alabama game, play a game there. twenty five million people watching and is had hafta a dust himself off and I look at him he's here. He is a tremendous quarterback. You get down a little bit like all the rest of us. Have you pick yourself back up? You explain everything that you have done in the book. Go ahead, hard mark, I mean listen, my senate rates. I got. I just got annihilate media with humiliate, I got destroyed. three person raise? It was really in it. You know on it very thing performance I mean I
My past I knocked and all these doors I didn't happen so yeah I figured hour. I will not go on out like that, and I'm run for congress and usually democrat district, people are leaving right. There there's later right there that this is very, very important and so its blown out in the senate. You know It could have been glum for the rest of his life, but he wasn't. And this is where I want to pick up down the book- is the gift of failure. get at amazon that all my social platforms we have em. I encourage you to get it well. I bet folks as listeners. To my show you what I like to call a lifelong learning- and I know you- probably always looking for more ways to become a better educated citizen. That's why, as Students head back to school. I encourage you continue your own education and learn more about the funding I suppose that made our country the most space nation in history. Now to help
do that my good friends at helstone college send out in Primus that's there. Free digest of liberty Millions of americans, including me, receive the best of conservative thought in the mailbox every month and right now for a limited my listeners can sign up for free, just go to live in four hills. Drawback, come alleviation frame tell that come in the pages, in Primus. You get smart commentary on the big issues of our time and I look or to reading it every month, and you can't do you can learn or about Hilda college and in Primus today, levant free, those down calm, that's l, easy I am for the hills AL dot com. This episode, sponsored by ethics, is american horror story. Delicate. starting a female led, ensemble cast, which marks the highly anticipated return. A fan, favorite Emma Robert said the franchise delegate also will be introducing some fresh blood featuring conquered.
Action and a role that was specifically written with her in mind, along with car adela being who will both be joining the hs family for the first time affects the american horn. Story, delicate part, one premiers September twentieth on ethics stream on hulu then the thunder on the override common. Now, seventy seven three eight one, three eight wide one, damn band gino's book it is generally the gift of failure. I wanna talk afterdamp toxin it's about that Senate race he's all right after that. I want to go to the part, because we have a limited amount of time for he gives advice, when a tiresome. When I read this, I found That I needed to follow some others cause. I wasn't doing it and The advice is absolute genius. Stick with me. A second have some, nor for you today, folks something absolutely free hills. They'll college, the great american college, with a huge and effective,
occasional rapture outreach efforts on behalf of liberty skimming away free copies. Constitution and declaration of independence and our constitution day this month, so damn bound gina. We were talking about this senate race. You fell humiliated, you are you beat up. You left the state actually cause. I know you you folks wanted to be in florida. Fr, among other reasons, the environment of flooding. You decided to run again by the way. yeah. I was out of the car, We had an eye, elated salaries, brutal. I mean it they bring about politics. You know it's like our business Marcie, when you fail in this business in politics, you fail publicly. They say it's not like you know even the secret service, and I would therefore screwed up and no one there. Think about it. You fixed it. Nobody knew anything ye old, you know if the tree fall into one thing, but not in our business. If you suck everybody knows you know it's a lot of pressure. Do I
for congress again, we almost when it a big huge democratic district. I don't know Come within double digit, not even within, I think, fifteen voice of winning We lose by one point. We actually went on election day and so on my gosh. We got beat up again. It's over moved to florida. Be the third time I run. I think it does it. It turns out to be a bad race. I get smoked. I'm like this really sucks, and I thought when it occurred to me that you know mark at one of the lessons in the Sometimes you god for an answer, any it there's no if you are willing to accept it, I'm a believer. You know I I've always been a. I I created Jesus every night and ask him, for you know to be a better and a more than I was today and, as you know, I kept asking them is this: is it I call on you kept given me every sign that a one in me, politics weren't gonna work out. Can we ignore again, though you
I write and above you, but my dear and severe. Do you didn't kind of lifted? That's very good. It was not for me at the temperament for that You know mind huh mark, unlike you, don't have a bad temper unlike market, I don't have a job at all I mean I have a horrible The bark you're very control, not me, can you help. I felt I dont have two pages, but I pull the ayatollah dry dock. how I got into talk. Radio with equal mean with you and johnny. That's in their totally. I would in doing this. Without when shown to be that whole story how it started it is it Look I mean I have this show right now, while the three weekly lock your gun, friend rationally bottle. I had never met and I could never ever replace it. quadrillion years, but
I'm in a spot. I enjoy it, but I'm only there because you and shown- and you guys, are very humble about it. I listen to me vulgar away to gracious number one number two: I got into this business. I said to rush, how the hell am I going to follow you and hannity, and you know what he said to me: dam bond geno. Hopefully I said it to you but nobody's heard from you but he's heard from Dan, the words of wisdom I read about them, I'm glad to hear that because you're better because marked you'll be out of place in anybody. You're damn now, but I feel terrible because you know I mean obviously having gone through lung cancer myself? We are not the same result. I did. When you grow up a fan of people different like I listen to what everybody listen to shawn and mark I mean that's, that's been Twenty years radio, the beauty
it's in a russian and mark you weren't costs the boy you will live on- jupiter sunlight at it and I don't need you better. Florida mean get in the uk worried I mean outweighs what you did you, what you like, Four nine hours, sometimes you to get it out, but that would be at an end. When he last year we still have you two guys, but these big hole- and I mean get it. I is nothing I or anyone else could have done. It was god time and that fit, but we ve lost a fare that someone is you. It is no wonder radio thinking to myself. I don't want to me, I'd rather litany right now, like lead, listen all I take. Obviously can't speak fine, but has very to my thinking be very, very proud, but you? Do a each and every day on the air carriers flag push for liberty and the backing of book. The book is give to sell your folks. It's real the very
I need to book and it is fill with gems. Here I mean I really think so in order to decide what I wanted to talk about. I get to the afterward here and you posted something and then you go back to it at the end of the book. and you have these just a couple of paragraphs really have really been yeah brilliant advice, and you say look I learned this the hardware of a vice here that I stolen foundering than I to follow. For instance, let's go through a couple. These number one group, and determination, are far more determinative of success than intelligence, looks or athleticism. Said I've met a lot of very smart people whose stumbled and simply failed to get up. The world is littered with gifted people who failed to get They have to the fore. See failure is a gift to learn from, but an insurmountable obstacle. Look around you you'll see people everywhere and you'll, never unseen it and then look at the gritty people. Chances are
they ve had incredible failures before their most profound achievements. That is, that is brilliant end. When did you start following that advice, north or nodded? But when did you start following your own advice on, I would When I wrote tat, I was really sick. I had now go on. I was really bad shape and my house than I thought. Gosh gotcha by can only talk to my younger self right now. You know when you're sick, you know you're bored, because you can't go contaminated people circle, I'm sitting there and I got them. about what I tell my younger cell and thought that I mean mark you and I, the honour that, due to our great audiences which overlap I'm sure a lot of it, People have been there for us and they been able guys, like you and me, to be around very successful people. They did. This brought and I learned sunlight, I'm calling people who are not just talking about political people and business people, I'm talking about athletes and other folks
painters and you noted they we have nothing in common. They, not good looking there, not all my heart, there not all hand levick think it's all have this one trade, your house, Twenty five stories about told no before they I told that I call the big yeah. You know from radio figures. That aim are you going? As you know, body like they do. We think that- happened overnight. It I mean you can tell, sorry, please I've heard your story mean your friend. It didn't happen overnight, like you be patient and ended with a big success here in a pool all of a sudden like its opportunities. All I got work will be an overnight success. I figure I'm an overnight success to twelve years. Twelve years of operator, by being nodded, it happen, I mean rush path. We too quickly and come on. Call me and said: hey man, it's your turn Happen overnight, I had a bill. This enormous podcast birth. I had it again so spur you were shot
like I had not embarrass you guys and I thought it's all grid like it's great, smart guy, me I met the media are not dumb. I'm not going to video and tell your audience they. I got sick. In hundred on my s, eighty, I didn't I read a lot of stuff. You don't have remarked the debate on five. They can tell you that right down to centre that guides cause you self tigers. I just read every big yes unfilled, I'm gonna, need another one. Already that strikes re close to home, can't seem to get a hold of it. I need to. number for sleep is there change your show me, someone sleeping I bid for hours and I assure you, are going to be a person dan sleep for a night. I can't break I now and you're a hundred percent. Nobody here, two percent right the mark. I
a moment or of I'm forty. Eight I've been through Nineteen orthopedic surgery, chemotherapy radiation, childhood asthma, families gotta hit diabetes, thereby I have the worst gene code you ve ever seen and I'm telling Forty eight I'd argue be into all of that outside of sunlike arthritic pain. I never felt better. I've never been better shape, and it's the craziest thing. We was the key to the whole thing my entire life. My big example may in several vitamin c college, in burberry new name at supplement. I take on all the stuff. I feel terrible. I'll, be on the radio, sometimes on the show, ready to pass up and I'm thinking to myself. It's gotta be something wrong I get this crazy or thing monitoring my sleep, I'm asleep in like a dog like it I mean like the guy and I figured you start figure an outrage once you master sweep change. Your whole life
entire life will be different. You will never be the same person again and you think I'm I'm overselling that I did not put it in a book for knotted. Go get yourself, one of sleep honours figure out you, sleep, you'll, be which person I mean it I mean was so important. I put it the end of the book. and I know it is, and it creates problems for the heart, and I will tell something I've been told. Anybody now tell the whole world. I had the inspire problem put in my chest with a wire up to the back of the throat, because sleep at me, I I was unaware those damn masks. And allow Julie might be mad for talking about what I'm talking about so Paul. You may be sure everything I try. I hear what you want but mark, that's why? But you have to understand like Oh, that's why you you're the most powerful talk radio host in the conscious, but you know that people want like they know, you don't want to feel cheated.
So when I'm on the show, I learn how to be a real horse from this cabin margo event I mean I met him to you for years, though I tell everyone like em, I learned on the radio. I learn from you everything everything where's sweetheart, they read you some attitude. Should not man, it's true, it's true, and in your you know I don't mean to be a love. That's could be in europe, but it true. Why wait? I have one five years because I'm not in love with anybody asked tom would tie the checks at my own family and why? Let me ask you this: when this is, I think, a very, very important one which were bay? if doing here choose your friends wisely. That is so you have to have a lot of them. You say that Madam. I met two of your friends at a restaurant. When I was in the floor, after twenty eyes or cheaper nice people, they loved you mark. So, yes, you choose your friends! Why, at the end of a book you do I need a lot of friends spoke
I dont have a lot of friends because mark and all I do not share, but I think like you, I just don't. I dont trust lot of arms. and in burned a lot. So I don't let a lot of people in my network, but people I let in do. I know I can trust like tat guy, the orthodontist you met, who you could have been nicer. I like again marked with it nice guy, you ready. I note a restaurant to go back there at a couple: gray, restaurant black eyes, the greatest sky I met him. He was apparent. What am I of my daughter's schoolmates? and we go on vacation together and market pay. there's an- and I mention in the book at the end, Choosing your friend tat you. You know somebody, you can rely on on family. Sometimes they let you our two. But if you can ever to vent and unload all this stuff on and you know it and it just gets it and added labour to talk to them. You not like you, don't have to think of something,
retirement as you can. Actually you sit there quiet once in a while. That is worth about. Billions of dollars in income to your life, what it would give you an equivalent value not unlike so you don't need a lot of friends you just I learned how to slay dan. I wish we had an hour, because I love it here in you and I'm talking to you. You have tremendous insight treatment is inside life experiences got a very good now going on top your shoulders. They are very varied: smart dude gennaro. You really are and self taught in many ways. I know I am things. I learned tat men and learn a college in Moscow ida. Forget me that way you it's, it's really It's really genuine and folks. I really want you to grab this book. It's gonna make a difference, the guy the failure and I'll rethink the title of this, but failed by damn ban gene or the gift of failure,
damn bound gina and the other thing you are is your tremendous patriot and then I want to thank. For your friendship. I want to thank you for you. yes and senior kindness and Thank you for this book. Folks get the borg rabbit now the gift of failure by damn bound. You know this is a very different book, bless you my brother anymore if you're a good man and that you know- but I know you've got a lot going on it's for me to come on your show and for you to let me do this. As an get it tonight, you're, a good man, I wouldn't know wrote a book would actually allowed. I wouldn't have been you that your audience leads to know that we're. Gonna have to meet up and flirt always take care. You saw brother, he rain He is exactly as he said there's, no affectation, nothing he's just a great guy.
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and anything he succeeded at he succeeded there because they have not anybody else. That's fact Anybody can ask you to substitute, but have you no good and manner, and I am not even in charge of those decision corporatist sir, in charge of those decisions, but he's the real deal a dear friend and is found for fantastic. And I really want to check out his book the gift of failure. It's a terrific book looks and there's a lot of wisdom in this book. No, sometimes people write books Just talk about themselves from promote themselves thats. Not this book dane shows you everything and explains what he did about it it's written from the heart and they want to I you to get at the gift of fairy amazon dad com, it's on oliver social site, any major bookstore
We salute or our forces police officers, firefighters, emergency person out their freedom theirs, and taiwan and ukraine are trucker. Brow and sisters, and most of all you folks, god bless you thank you for being able to do this again tomorrow, grand amazon and get the gift of failure by damn bound geo. It's a great book see tomorrow, god bless.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.