« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/13/21


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Article II, Section I, Clause 2 is clear that it gives the broadest power to the state legislatures to decide the time, manner, and place of its elections. In the contested election of 2000, the Supreme Court stepped in to defend the Constitution. In the 2020 election, they refused to intervene in the state of Pennsylvania's overreach. On Sunday, Justice Steven Breyer said that none of the cases brought met the criteria of having four Justices agree to take the case. This program has repeatedly made the case that the Constitution is clear that each state shall appoint the electors they see fit. Breyer was wrong and never cited which criteria he was referring to. Then, serial lying from the Biden Administration continues to go unchecked by the media. Even FDA officials are stepping down because they disagree with President Biden and Anthony Fauci's push for booster shots. Forcing people to get vaccinated is not the same as keeping a clean workplace under OSHA standards. Later, Secretary Antony Blinken is questioned by members of Congress and offers little in his responses on Afghanistan. When pressed on why nothing is being done to get Americans out of Afghanistan, Blinken said he was unaware of any such problems. Afterward, Curtis Sliwa, the Republican candidate for Mayor of New York City joins the show to explain how he's in the battle for a lifetime to save the City of New York. His opponent Eric Adams poses as a moderate when he's as far to the left as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and was mentored by Al Sharpton. Finally, California is no longer the land of opportunity, and it needs to be helped by Larry Elder.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes have defined hills. Douze mission learning care, their faith and freedom,
you for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had hills data for their great sponsorship now broadcast. Remember me underground from both the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant. Our numbers, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one literally just got back two hours ago,
careful event corral A country, wonderful failure, in LOS Angeles and the gray, I know, but Salem, and we had a wonderful time had to be a thousand or fifteen hundred people there. But I did want to come back into the programme, but I want to thank Matching here and my buddy Philip waste and everybody else who associated with that outstanding station K or away just terrific my wife and I went and we just return now I never I'm working on this programme. I never stop, on this programme, demonstrate to you what's going on and we need to get it all of it. Justice Stephen Briar was on Fox NEWS Sunday, Give my right arm too, you, justice, Stephen Briar, but he would never do my shell. Now because I'm a right winger but because I am-
Stand the constitution at least as well as he does. And so when you have an associate justice or the Supreme Court they're coming the questions you ask that justice for my own perspective anyway, is about article Hu, the section one clause to this was a big deal. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was a big deal when it comes to the federal and stay constitutional processes. We Talked about it at length here, what does it say? state shall appoint in such matters. The legislature there may direct a number of electors What are the whole number of senators representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress. But no senator representative or a person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States shall be appointed an elected. You see the power, the broadest power.
support is given to the state legislatures, specifically purpose. Under the United States Constitution. Now these men who gathered in full They understood what they were doing they created. constitution, they Korea, did the federal government, they created the presidency And the vice president's bakery the electoral college. They could the separation of powers. And they created article two sexual one clause to. in such a manner as the legislature thereof, made direct calmer the state of Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania you're a gross, a grave violation of their federal constitution by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania is much issued, a violation of the constitution by the Florida Supreme Court in two thousand actually
This was worse differences. The? U S, Supreme Court in two thousand stepped in and up The United States constitution and what arguments people were making, including me, was exactly this section of the constitution article two section: one clause do as they fly Supreme court kept changing the deadlines and the manner in which you account tat. They could extending the deadlines they kept Interposing themselves into how Chad's her to be counted. RO violating the federal constitution U S, constitution, put an end to the. U S. Pre court under the Eu S constitution put an end to it, because Legislature makes these decisions, not the Florida Supreme Court. what would happen in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, was even worse because what happened. There is also an elected in this case.
cream court of seven members. Five of them were Democrats. Standard time for voting daily. Did the signature requirement and they did other things, The legislature and Pennsylvania, which was republican, did not do and so there was precedent for the? U S Supreme Court, stepping up to the play what an appeal was made to the: U S Supreme Court, but it only find two, maybe three justices who are prepared to do so. Clarence Thomas SAM Alito and I believe, corset. Hollywood Roberts is much concern about how he's trade in the New York Times at the Washington policies, also best buddies, hydrogen, what time is Friedman he's gone. Hollywood he's gone, Washington he's gone Roque as for the others,.
the other two appointed by Trop. They become a disgrace. In my humble opinion, she had justice Amy. Has decided that she did not want attacks on her can continue? she was appointed for, among other things, to interfere in the election and the other one. Well, They beat the hell out of him, so he's so much the coward right now cabinet. So there's Justice, Stephen Briar on Fox, do Sunday and he's asked a question cut. Twenty one go one of your arguments against seeing the court as political is the fact that it refused, even here the Appeals from the trunk camp about the twenty twenty election didn't even here, no anti the the real question. In my opinion,.
Would have been to cite the United States constitution. To cite the precedent of the EU Supreme Court and Bush versus Gore to explain what the fuck The Supreme Court did in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and you really have to be knowledgeable about these things they asked the question And then ask the justice: why didn't the court take up the case Now, why do you view its political or? Why do you think your political, or how did you avoid being political? criticising I'm just giving my opinion. I think I ve been a lot more useful based on what actually took place go ahead urge, including the Supreme Court, I am so disappointed in them. No judge, including the Supreme Court of the United States, has had the courage to allow it to be heard. Why was that What's it figures, they didn't bring a case. I guess that met the normal criteria for being heard, and this is why this chest needed to be seriously challenged if you're gonna bring up the subject, rather than
tack on Trump. Because they didn't bring a case. I guess that met the normal criteria for being heard, and what would that be, and what would that be?. Had we decide to take a case, There have to be four votes to take, so I can go beyond that but we do know, is that there were not four votes to take it because it wasn't take and there are criteria and if we don't take a gay since I mean the reason why the likelihood is that the criteria weren't math and he doesn't tell us what the criteria, but I will take the criteria web met. I just told you why they were met. The criteria were met. that article two section, one close to was clearly violated more than once by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
couple, the justice has understood that. The problem is, we don't have a justice renquist as the chief justice anywhere. We have adjusted Scully on the court anymore. Couple, a key justice has even Sandra Day, O Connor, understood. There should have been for justice is to take up this case because now opened the door wide open. To the changing of election laws by element and forces and pleasure institutions that have no authority to do so under article two sexual on clause. To this isn't about Politicizing the court, this isn't about would Donald Trump set about the court. This is about the federal constitution and you heard briar. He didn't give us a lot, but he gave us enough to make it up lay clear clue
with his cackling like come our Harris. but he was never going to allow this to be taken up by the court. They didn't made his criteria, not because it didn't meat the traditional criteria. Think of anything more clear cut. The court takes up all kind. a goofy cases, then I would argue, don't be constitutional criteria because they want decisions and impose their way, our whatever it is. But this was black and white letter law question. Each state shall appoint in such a manner, as the legislature thereof may direct a number of electors and so forth. The legislature there of may direct, At the state Supreme Court at the governor, not the Secretary of State, the board of elections. The court should have taken it up, The court should have said it says
It says: there's no ambiguity whatsoever seiners. If there's an abortion clause or something there is no ambiguity about this a legislative history that is there, institutional history, I should say, is abundantly clear boundaries in the castle And I wish I was there and been able. I asked the question about Bush nurses Gore about article? the section one clause to about What the Florida Supreme Court, which had done The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had done like to know the difference from it the traditional matter substantive matter and why wouldn't take up the court and what criteria exactly is talking about? That's? Why justice pry would never come on my show. Back, then Hills joke It serves for purposes, learning character, faith in freedom
occasion of faith, thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate and graduate students but nationwide through its free I courses its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty, hills, articles of association dating back to eighty. Forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution and includes the laws of nature and natures God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is firstly derided and denied. does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty, four and Iraq,
continue to fight to live up to that model, come what may learn more girdle of Infra hills, Delta com- that's l, e v, I am free hills- does not come as a number of matters that I want to discuss with you this evening and they all the common theme, the level of a line that we are receiving from this administration. It is surely a line on major substitute vicious that affect your lives, Media complicity. Now we ve been talking. Hearing talk about booster shots, get the boosters get the booster shot and then suddenly to the most senior people at the FDA. Resigned.
And what are they resign because they felt they were being pressured by the Bye administration to push booster shots before they felt, the data was, before the science was ready to support, it got Very minimal media attention and died within twenty four to thirty six hours. Now the Associated Press this afternoon. Would this headline FDA bridge among group opposing. U S, booster shot plan. The average person doesn't need a covert nineteen booster, yet in international group of scientists, including top you as regulators, rope, Monday and scientific journal. There bridge, reviewed studies of the vaccines performance and concluded the shots are working well, despite the extra contain just out the variant, especially against severe disease, even Populations with fairly high vaccination rates the
vaccinated are still the major drivers of transmission at the stage of the pandemic. They concluded so now there arguing know you need boosters yet. so the federal government is saying to things at the same time. These FDA experts among groups opposing yours, booster shop plans. the bide administrations trying to push the date for booster shot up early. You have Gee on tv toward take both positions at the same time, you now finally had people on our favorite cable network and elsewhere talking about what do we mean by on vaccinated? What about natural immunity, people actually have antibodies. Why would they vaccinated again and other Workers are showing up some of them, saying that's right that doesn't make sense, and I questions even on my Sunday shown Fox. I said all this thirty percent that
on vaccinated? What exactly? Does that mean some of them. Don't need to be vaccinated because natural emu he threw the Tiber because they already had the virus. So this is nature. This is the way these things work, so seventy percent or vaccinated and some per cent of the thirty dont need to be vaccinated. So when Joe Biden, tries to create a civil war between the vaccinated and non vaccinated as well. no attack Two governors they governor flawed and the governor of Texas and say what But to try and do eight from his disaster in Afghanistan and elsewhere. should be condemned roundly, but he's not. So what is all this. so I went over.
And open, but I book to page one: ninety eight Marxism. One, ninety nine and you can see the nature of the beast that we're dealing with here. and they may move up to here. Nineteen. Twenty seven book propaganda technique. In the World WAR here Dwight last well describes propaganda as a tool. Used by the press and others cloaked as learning and wisdom, Europe, Again it is a concession to the rationality of the modern world. He lay it world reading. Well, they schooled where a pervert prefers to thrive on argument and news, it is safe, to the extent of using print, and he that takes it print shall live or perish by the press,
the apparatus of defuse erudition popular rises, the symbols and forms of pseudo rational appeal, the wolf of propaganda it does not hesitate, the masquerade and the sheepskin, in other words its propaganda a viable manner, the day writers, reporters editors, preachers, lectures, teachers, politicians, drawn into the service of propaganda to amplify a master voice. All is conducted with the decorum and the trappings of intelligence. But this is a rational, epic and demands its raw meat and garnish by a joy and skilful chefs. This is deserving of a little bit more unravelling because they continue to get into this as well of Afghanistan, because this is the common thread. Endless lie, right, Hills deal, college serves for purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom,
how education of faith thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate graduate students but nationwide through its free I courses its support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty pills
Articles of association dating back to eighteen, forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the constitution, includes the laws of nature and natures God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is falsely, derided and denied hills. Does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that model, come what may learn more girdle of infant hills, delta com, that's l, e g! I am from Helstone Dotcom. Yes, it's true that marshal of earnest of fastest growing radio show it Amerika. The marshal of the show is on at eight seven seven. Three. I won three eight one, one trustful some of this together. This AP story that broke a few hours ago, the
we are now we have international group of experts, saying no, Experts among group opposing yours, booster shop, plan, the art, include two leading vaccine reviewers at the FDA doctors, Phil crowds of marrying Gruber, who recently announced they will be stepping down this. For me, Sixteen authors are leading vaccine researchers in the? U S: Britain, France, South African, India, plus as with the World Health Organization, which already has urged a moratorium on boosters. in the. U S. The White House has begun planning for boosters later this month, of both the FDA Centres for disease, control and prevention. Agree. Rises to the FBI, away evidence about an extra Pfizer shot Friday at a key public meeting. Another reason these to resign and they are the two top experts of the Epp, Not just to experts, doctors
a crowd man groupers. They said the Bite administration was pressuring them to prove the boosted, Georgetown, universities very Gaston, said the paper throws gasoline on the fire in the debate about whether most American truly need boosters. Whether the White House got ahead of the scientists. always a fundamental error process to make a scientific announcement before the public health agencies have acted in. That's exactly what happened, ears and Gaston, whose So a lawyer and public health specialists now they will not Biden I'm not admonish Biden in the corrupt media, which Why went back to my book page one. Ninety nine and I'm telling you. that these are lies. I want to get to this point again. Propaganda technique. My last while describes propaganda as a tool used by the press and others cloaking as learning and wisdom again propaganda.
Is a concession to the rationality of the modern world? He lay Well, they reading. While they schooled world, prefers to thrive on argument and news, it is sophisticate to the extent of using print- and he that takes too print shall liver perished by the presently wrote this nineteen twenty seven so would somewhat include all forms of me- a big tech, big media radio and the rest the apparatus of diffused irrigation, popularized, the symbols and forms of pseudo rational appeal, the wolf of Proper and does not hesitate. The masquerade and the sheepskin, that is in the news, all Viable men of their day, writers and reporters and so forth, are drawn into the service of propaganda. Well, I am master voice. All is conducted with the decorum and the trappings of intelligence, For this is a rational, epic and debate judge raw meat, cooked and garnish by the adroit and skilful ships.
written almost a hundred years ago. Hannah Rent wrote a book called the art, of totalitarianism. She escaped from a holocaust survivor. And here she talks about the population. Why did the people put up with this. She writes before they seized power and establish a world, according to their doctrines, total Torreon movements conjure up a lying world of consistency, which is adequate to the needs of the human mind than reality itself in through sheer imagination, uprooted masses can feel at home address they never ending shocks which real life and real experiences deal to human beings and their expectations. The forest fires by totalitarian propaganda before them, events have the power to drop iron curtains to prevent any ones disturbing by the slightest reality. The gruesome,
of an entirely imaginary. World lie and its ability to shut the masses off from the real world. the only signs which the real world still offers to the end Standing of the UN degraded and on integrating masses whom every new drug of ill luck makes more gullible, are the question it does not care to discuss publicly or the rumours that does not dare to contradict he's talking about the nature of totalitarianism,. At last. What was talking about the nature of mass propaganda. Then he could smell the oder both of them. Can you not. You could smell the oder, both of them. As I was talking about the boost issue, but there's more than that.
It applies to what took place in Afghanistan, the Democrats Hardy and abide administration have sent out their thugs, and their surrogates to lie to lie about what Place right in front of your eyes. I want you to listen to this. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the sector state whose a disgraceful, shameless buffoon, cut three go Barton took office in January. He inherited agreement, Rita Sesar had reached with the Taliban to remove all remaining forces from Afghanistan by May. First, this Kate. Now we know from the document and the deal itself That's not exactly what took place there were conditions
and so what the Democrats do today, what did they do at the blinking? They lied about the conditions. The trumps so went surrendered the Trump the deadline cut, MR producer more blink and go when you came in offers on January twentieth? We were committed. This is rather Sherman. Who is a complete? The cluster punk go ahead, out of Afghanistan with in three months by May, first did administration leave on your desk? A pile of note books? Is, exactly how to carry out that Plan Did we have a list of which Afghans we going to evacuate What is this have to do anything, ladies and gentlemen,. Here you don't need no books and unless you had a plan, a deal that was set out at all, I ve been violated
being violated upon the election? It Joe Biden. That's the bottom line you don't need a less than notebooks exactly how you're to accomplish these things. And by the way, if they needed those things are they needed more? Why did they contact the Trump folks? They? done that to you now go ahead then begin Americans from all over Afghanistan. To couple out in an orderly way? How meticulous was the planning for it? drop administration declared, may first withdrawn guardsmen yeah, we inherited a deadline. We did not inherit plant here liar liar now notice, They say they inherited a May one deadline, but they pushed the May. One deadline two September eleventh
then they realised by their pulling. That was a bad idea than back goggles. First, no problem. Moving that deadline. President Trump has said his advisors of said. The document says: may one was in the end, all be while the towel and had some requirements too. So this is what is meant I read you passages from my book about propaganda. You passages from my book about the nature of totalitarianism and how its accepted by the masses by the way, Blinkem was also asked about a call that bind had made to the then president of, Afghanistan, Ghani, which and was pressuring him to lie. To lie there's. This question by Christopher is Smith- was an excellent congressmen from
the New Jersey cut six go did you concur is support President Biden I twenty third phone call telling press Ghani to be on truthful about to tell success according to Reuters, which reviewed both the two script, any audio presented by said quote, and there is a need, whether it be true or not, there is a need to reject a different picture. Was that ad Lib by President Biden or was, or was that lie scripted into the phone call and if it was scripted by who With regard to the phone call, you cited am obviously not going to comment on Leat purportedly leaks transcripts of phone calls. Here's what I can tell you hold on station was dragged through the how Hall by the Democrats in the media were there Rick Colonel among others
a whistle blower, whose name they would not prevent other than actually courageous and real journalists. A phone call on a phone transcript Late president Trump very quickly actually released it himself said, is a perfectly fine call, you'll notice the by an administration hasn't released the transcript on their own. Have they? Why? Because it was a lousy call, because What he did was unconscionable. Telling the head of a foreign country tat lie. So then he could turn around a lie to the american people, which get anyway and guy basically said now, we're under attack were being invaded by foreign terrorists were out of Pakistan, we need for movement on air power as quickly as possible. By blown off sounds like. pro quota me. Here comes the secretary stages. I don't talk about leak, transcripts.
Well, then, the answer should be then give us the other transcript the one that's not leak. We want to see that wasn't going to comment on it and Chris Christmas follows up says was a transcript, rip, untrue, I'm not commenting on any purportedly transcript, I'm telling you what to my knowledge of the conversation the President said and what he said is what he said in public really I will comment on that. He just common on the transcript, the transcript not true shut case? It had long enough to figure out his answer he should have said it's not true. It's a fake, it's a phoney, but he didn't say that he wouldn't confirm it and the Democrats are protecting. their dictator, that's right. I said it is the key. Such thing to a dictator we Brad spires. concern, then Mr Wiersma follows up with a question. I ve been asking myself
seven go. Secondly, have any American been arrested, beaten, abducted or killed by the Taliban arises k since we left Do we have the capacity and the capability to know that Yes, how many Americans have been killed over there by the this like Taliban go ahead: american citizens remaining behind the ones we are in contact with. Were we five hundred people on a taskforce that an end teams day, didn't ask you about your task force or Europe accuracy or your red tape or your committees, and though he asked you look very straight for Question go ahead to be in regular contact with him and I have not heard from those people, that concern rate. I I can't say whether there are any american citizens or not encounter What you don't know who may have been mistreated in some fashion. In Ghana, so they have no idea
I give any Americans have been killed by the Taliban. None and I knew they didn't. They pat themselves on the back for the fantastic job they have done and are liars. this is written this book, American Marxism, Marxism, really it really lays the foundation for so many things that are going on in this country. So many forces so many organizations- the media. The democratic party they quite quite shocking how this has all breaking out now what we are back, then Hills jail, it serves for purposes, learning character, faith in freedom.
Now education of faith, thrive and freedom and freedom requires an educated people. The people of good character to preserve Helstone College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, and it continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate graduate students but nationwide through its free I courses in support of classical k through twelve charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of liberty. Hills deals, Articles of association dating back to eighteen, forty four commit the college to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This includes the constitution includes the laws of nature and natures, God, as described in the declaration of independence, and includes America's great heritage and liberty. That too often today is possibly derided and denied,
does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that model, come what may learn more go to live in front hills, delta, com, that's l, e g! I am french nosedive that come you ask for an answer and the LOS Angeles Orange County, specifically lotta people. S too. I'm looking at Amazon Dad come American Marxism is number five right now. Let me read you the top ten. It ends with Us- Colleen Hoover, a novel tarmac habits by June, clear number two countdown Bin Laden Chris Wallace with and tiny print is Co. Author, I'm gonna get
Mitch, Weiss that is Number three Leon, morality tomorrow, excuse me: apples, never for a novel number, four American Marxism number five. So, though The top five- I carriage? Those of you who have not jumped in yet for those of you who are contemplating getting copies for family friends, colleagues, this is the weak to act. This is the to jump in The horrendous things on the horizon for us has a country. Now, the Democrats, focus heavily on turning this country inside out. With this three point, five really five point: five trillion dollars spending billions in this spending barely intend to pour everything gonna get a past. If we're not. As is resolute as humanly possible, so we ve been thinking about it. I've been thinking.
Spreading the word by getting copies for other people. Honestly, Thinking about it now is the time this week in particular this week in particular. because the coming back to Washington DC in full force. The Democrats are at this. Their number one agenda and in They always amnesty for millions and millions of illegal aliens in that bill is the nationalization of the voting system that we ve talked about a limp bill is the most massive expansion of the welfare state in american history. Rabies for everybody, Mass that massive tax increases, and that will include you and that affect inflation you know folks, I want to do a place that we normally going to get some orange juice ignominy orange juice. I said why we can't get oranges. The prey that beef is through the roof and binds attacking, producers. You know why the price corn foetus through the roof. That's, why
Price of beef expect you gone through a drive through lightly. A fast food you see the price you see too, so they shortages taking place. You see the inflation you see. The gas pop now That time, liver nights, fellow patriot- Now is the time to jump in get copies of America, Marxism if you can hand them out, get em the family get em to friends, get him to look in it particularly. Chapter: seven vertically chapter: seven, it's the most unique book you will have ever written or purchase trust me on this and I believe, wrapped about nine hundred and fifty thousand copies. format, salt, let's roll baby! We gotta get this done. Jump in on Amazon dot com,
go baby I'll, be right back now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader said. I was painless done over Amazon that forty percent of companies that America market within our numbers, eight seven, seven three. I want three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. So we have the Democratic party. now, lying to cover up Afghanistan.
And almost none of them seem concerned about the american citizens are behind enemy lines, factually hostages. tens of thousands of patriotic Afghans who foot Sab fought side by side with us. They just don't seem to care. Michael Morrell was the acting CIA director under brought no, Benita Obama. These concern. Could I I think that the Taliban, winning the war in Afghanistan, and then the way our exit happened has absolutely inspired jihadist all over the world, the Taliban is saying we just didn't defeat the United States. We defeated NATO, we defeated the world's greatest military power ever so there's a celebration going on. We defeated the Soviet Union and it fell now. We defeated NATO
I maybe they can fall to. I think not only will jihadists be inspired, but a lot of them are going to come to Afghanistan. part of this celebration to be hard to be part of jihadist central after nine eleven they are scattered from Afghanistan might think we're going to see a flow back in and that's one of the things that makes Afghanistan more dangerous than other spots on the planet and that's the truth and that's the truth. So ask yourselves whether them crap parties lined up behind, but. Whether so few individuals democratic Party, who will speak out when the correct side of things on the correct cider thanks now what about Our eyes and ears now
What about our eyes and ears? part of the world. You know we pulled out a hundred percent. She was out in the bag and play a India front plan it so easy to dispute and account of these. but but you know, I also notice that Blinkin was doing a video the money was sitting at his desk. He did One person: why is that. Why is he goes in person to be world leaders? He in person to meet his own staff. He goes in person throughout the Department of State in the Biden administration, so it couldn't be. In personally was being questioned, no of course not. here's a question was asked by MIKE Mccall the ranking member. When this oversight committee, goes to the issue of intelligence, cut twenty nine go far went down
The embassy went down and we went dark. We have no eyes ears on the ground, we ve lost intelligence capability, in the region, it, Russia, China and IRAN. As you know, this is a national security throughout China moves and for all I know they may take over boardroom their base but this over the horizon. Mobility, I believe, is exaggerated. It sort of viable Option is too far away the June negotiate with countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, too, and I m sorry capability there in my last question is True that President Putin, in the present United States say he could not build intelligence capabilities in the region. This is an important question and one that in its detail in substance, I think we need to take up.
in another setting for years, I know that you are very much appreciate. Let me just say this already bodily- and you know this very well, given your your focus and expertise on these issues the terrorists, those metastasize dramatically over the last twenty years and its most acute in places like Yemen, like Libya, like Iraq, like Syria lie, Somalia force. We have much greater now and like Afghanistan, you Idiot Especial Afghanistan, but go ahead Capabilities in twenty years ago, in terms of dealing with that threat and in many countries around the world, we deal with it effectively with no, you puts on the ground we, asked some capacity for sure not having those puts on the ground in Afghanistan, but we have ways, and we are very to be working on that two to make up for that too. Many airlines have now number one
We did a ground strike right after our thirteen heroes were murdered, we had a father and his family, his wife, in their seven children, he was United States aid worker in Afghanistan. That's what happens when you don't have intelligence on the ground number two talking about putting troops everywhere, but we do have intelligence assets in many Countries, human beings,. not just our own operatives, but operatives. The countries who assist us and we rely on them. They're very, very important. So each alone, don't do the trick. They don't do the trick. It's a combination of peace. Of information, gathered need to be looked at. That's why we have a CIA. That's why we have a director of national intelligence. That's why we have
a massive bureaucracy. You go through these various incoming pieces of information, but human intelligence is absolutely key. We don't have human intelligence in Afghanistan any more as a result of what they did horse. They blame trump carpet, never have done this and he didn't do this and I think It's one of the things that disgusts me most. These people have created a horrific situation and they take responsibility for nothing. Trumpeted worth a single piece of this he didn't forced by the do a damn thing sector. Comparative enforced blinking do a damn thing. National security adviser O Brien Enforced Sherman do a damn thing or Sullivan to do a damn thing. They decided to do what they wanted to do.
On their calendar and in their way, they have no. Information to the contrary, none, and so, Democrats are today's hearing. Circling the wagon Brad Sherman what pots, what a clown but he was the only one that biggest was blanket. why answer might but calls question Firstly, pewter did threaten the United States. I wish Lady told use Pakistan and all the other stands. Your To assist the United States and obviously Biden blinkin and all the rest of them caved obviously they caved. This is a huge, huge problem in so many ways. Tell me: do you think at a mere Putin's has any fear whatsoever of Joe Biden
Think J. the mass murdering genocidal, not job, who runs China? Do you think he fears Putin's an abiding anyway course? Not look at In says not job in North Korea is having a grand old time is Papa off missiles. He showed off. It kidney candy store. The Iranians are laughing thanks. A lot he's clear. The way for billions and billions. To go to the iranian regime, the Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran, and what do you think that With the money. their move, heaven and earth to get their nuclear weapons? They all went to get as much done in the next three years? Is humanly possible. Skype, blanket is a disaster. A disaster. We don't trust binding on science when it comes a vaccine to trash the vaccines before they would develop. We don't
fresh pond with our national security. We don't some of our economy with the inflation rate through the ceiling. We don't some with our border. We ve never seen anything like what's going on on the southern border and then major media that corrupt damn media in this country reports nothing about nothing. As I say is the closest thing to a dictator, we ve never had no respect for them constitution, no respect for a separation of powers and, of course,. The vaccine mandates. And the media are right. There, Cheryl, gay, stalwart, New York Times reporter, that's right same near times had covered up the holocaust. The same New York Times that did for style on the same New York Times that help propelled Castro office and all the deaths in horror that the near doesn't want or tribute to its own.
Contribution no way. You know we have Cheryl Gay stall by whoever they, how that is on a more Joe shop now he's wrap your long standing so also area cut. Fourteen So I share. What's annex four four states like Mississippi and South Carolina, Gunnar said: he'll go to the gates of hell, far for public health officials who actually want to protect Now here's the question dumb ass without due respect so well so so Cheryl Gay, gay back he's the question for you to the top FDA experts who top experts has Cheryl you're with me. They resigned because they felt they were being pressured. You see they were being pressured by by white has to approve a boost to share before all sides. Asean Cheryl there
that innovation. May I say the science Cheryl, what do you think about that share all go ahead And the senior citizens of South Carolina bizarre thing actually to go to the gaze of L far, but that's what they receive is going to do. What is next in terms of legal challenges. so the governor can try to go to the gates of hell, but in fact, legal experts tell me that the present is an treaties, solid legal grand who are the legal experts. I'm just curious who does
Go ahead citing the law that established OSHA, so you know that if you have a factory, let's say we're exposing people, a toxic fumes and it's gonna kill them. Osha can come in, give you a citation and they can give you a few- are really a severe violator. They can take your court, so the Bite administration is making the same case that this is a threat to workplace safety. Now, let's loaded. Forcing people to get vaccinated is not. The same thing is telling a business. That you're letting loose toxic chemicals are killing people in your business, forcing people to get vaccinated. Is not the same thing as cleaning up the workplace.
and she's talk the legal experts about this. That's not a legal question that is game playing with scenarios. So telling somebody they have to take a needle in the shoulder if that individual or in the bicep that individual has natural immunity. The end. Nobody is Threat to anybody. That has nothing to do with toxins in the workplace. Number one number two If somebody on vaccinate in the workplace, their spreading the virus in the workplace, you're going to have who's that. You can't just argue with platitudes. You can prove that that's number two number
three: the establishment of ocean nineteen, seventy one didn't change or constitutional law, statute doesn't change the constitution. We talk About the cases on point from the Supreme Court, a handful of them going back to the early nineteen hundreds and forward the Jacobson case, which the court created this. Balance and reasonableness test The court a little over twenty years later rule that yes,. Four sterilization of idiot women, their language, not mine? something to that effect, is constitutional. No notice chose Azerbaijan is dumb as they get, and this Cheryl gay Stolberg New York Times reported dont discuss that They don't think about liberty, your freedom and must be a notch. Aren't you see whether nation of the two top FDA experts.
who said not so fast on the booster, we ve had a lot of politicizing of this entire issue, which is why there is a lot of debate and a lot of people. Don't trust their government. then we have the National Education Association and I believe the aim of tea both invites Did pressuring the CDC when it comes to masks and vaccines also missing here from Scarborough Stall, brain trust, debate. this is the same administration that will allow a proxy two and a half million give or take illegal aliens into the country Compelling a single one of them to be vaccinated. Some emergency. How folks? Compelling a single one to be vaccinated. In fact, not even knowing if they are. and saying openly that something there just gonna have to deal with. More IRAN, client claim
Chief of staff infections over there at the at the White House, said the using OSHA was there get around get around. Get around the constitution- Jonathan Turley written about this. I've talked about this there. and to get around the constitute oh there's a constitutional issue- oh I see so here. We have multiple strikes, but I dont trust Lee Radical left justice is on the Supreme Court. I dont trust Hollywood. John. I don't trust the Two of the three justices were accorded, who were obvious, Like the present United States, we get there. So this is not so much a question of the constitution as it will be whether or not we can cobble together five justices to do the right thing, but look the extent of the stock And the stupid arguments that you have to hear. It just quite remarkable.
Back then, Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless, carries to pure talk over the past few months. We The rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, tee and varieties and her team over your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, UK great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika, does that sound good while he gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just there? Dollars a month, and if you go over on data, they don't charge you for it. They don't care gotta, pee,
Talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine Alleviate podcast, and when you do you're safe two percent of your first month, that's pure. Usa, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless. Now we moved the masks masks one to wear masks not aware masks. You did a timeline. What the government, scientists and so called experts were telling us about masks. It will be incomprehensible. and you already know this only me to remind you- know man Yes, masks.
Masks. but not out. Mass Inside and outside. Masks for everyone by rioters, blacklist manner and Tifa. Masks, yes, for Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn broke, linen and others. there's no rational Can we ve been given by the governmental masks again, the let of masks its Political science, not science, appalling because we deserve better The CDC, the National Institutes of Health or
mass, a bureaucracy folk. You don't realize how many people involved, how much money is spent. All the red tape involved will be right back mark, loving and research are of conservative media call now eight seven, seven three one three eight one one cannot require some one to be vaccinated, digestion. What we can do, the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not no, definitely not. You don't want a mandate and try and force anyone
to take a back seat. We'd, never done that's. Our interest is very simple from the federal government, which is Americans, privacy and rights should be protected. It is a matter of privacy to know who is who is it? You don't wanna, be mandating from the federal government to the general population. It would be only forcible, not appropriate, perhaps that our governments should step in issuing mandates and putting it is on that. I had the needs of asking. I think the question here: one, that's not the role of the federal government. No, I don't think we should remove the toy, wouldn't demand to be mandatory. First, we must increase vaccinations among we own vaccinated with new, nation requirements. And on and on and on and on. And by the way is we ve talked about and nausea choices when it comes to medicine, trick when your baby that The choice vaccinated. That's not a choice.
the science write a word over. I keep saying what about those where the antibody Y know would they get vaccinated part of the eighty million they keep talking about. Not yeah, but what I want information about so hence in the best medical advice I gonna Randy Wine guard me radical left wing, not job who runs the eye of tea. Which is a radical left wing job union. As abuse so many of your children by not teaching them. just understand by the aid of t exist same reason. The anyway take care of their members. And all of you saw that over the course of the last eighteen months to two years. All of you regard of your political pedigree. Bahraini, Weingarten, it being an expert on masks. I guess she wears a lot of them.
Here's what she said, Marcella stated a ambivalent notice, how these news organisations cherry pick, their guests. Fox really does work. They have a myth. Have guests and so forth. Msnbc seeing tat they could care less propaganda twenty four seven. Rennie Weingarten adds nothing to nothing. Cut fifteen, go before Kobe. No one. hey baby, whether the issue about People state categorically say: what's the matter Irma responsibility we have so I just use an excuse me down with me I'll call you didn't when I think I will in point two: major unions and major cities all over this country, but could give a damn about. safety. They re trying to shake down the taxpayers in the school board for more money. And many of them got it got it.
What about the intellectual progress? What the actual education of their children. for this one, guy If that is your name before this, nobody would have thought teachers would be against such things, but in many cases they are at. The good too It is, of course, damage. Many of the union. Fucks them go ahead but he's governors are doing about that. So do we know a hundred percent GDP founded unconscionable with a desperate party governors. We're done, of course, not The death of senior citizens coarseness did she I what black lives matter was doing city, Their city unconscionable course not around if no, of course not about the inferior, education or the lack of education. so many of our children get hundreds of thousands of them in the inner cities. Because of all
Of school choice, because wine garden her elk blue, them from getting educated. Does she that unimaginable unconscionable course not now go ahead, if everybody at present, I don't know we're on a hundred percent certain, but what we have seen already within schools that have opened over the course of the last night. Why why she even on tv? Is it a good, looks must be why she on tv. What does she offer? What does she country? What does she know she's special interests. That's all. She is a big fat special interest. They ain t And she represents they Ain t here. I've been article local newspaper the Sun Gazette Great OZ, Maclean, Open, Thyssen's, Vienna, all Virginia FC,
yes, makes points for infusion of covert cash, that is the Fairfax many school system by far the largest school system in the state of Virginia one of the largest in the country, Fairfax school leaders were leading a football game cheer. My girl, like Boola Boola, we ve got the mola. throughout this it's pretty good. Actually, anyway, there. Federal covered more law that is fair, School board members have agreed a plan to spend nearly one hundred and ninety million dollars an hour entering secondary school emergency relief grant. Funding too. Going down to the school system and approved arise. There was guiding the school district as it addresses the ongoing impact of covert To produce a wooden mass call up the cost, a lot less than a hundred ninety million
and will work to ensure quote that staff have the tools to support students, academics, social, emotional and mental health said so when ten of Scott Brad Brand lose it may our plan. I dunno a clear and consistent expectations for what schools should offer as equality, academic content, addressing gap standards from the previous year standards to cover their school. Yet now wait a minute we ve got the headed the thugs Going on about, we need safe schools in the way the superintendent somewhere to spend a hundred. Ninety million die looks like the vast majority of has nothing to do with cover nineteen School official Saddam publicly acknowledge it by recently released state standards of learning. Tesco show what many of suspected, with most Fairfax public school students spending the past school year, either fully or firstly on my rather than classrooms, educational achievement lag significantly Tesco,
particularly created in science and map, especially we at the lower grades. Not the answers with a hundred ninety million. Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think the answer is mister. Higher more union members higher more teachers. You see, I myself stay in these other fraudulent, corrupt news organisations. They know what's going on, but they don't put the questions to these people. You ask here what is being done to protect the students. You go on here and you talk about those place they did masking upgraded ventilation, good social distancing, their staying open. That's why we have to do this, one man Upgraded ventilation, good social sensing and Fairfax Kearny doesn't require hundred ninety million dollars. Doesn't, ladies and gentlemen, as I reckon
two hundred and two hundred fifty billion dollars given out the school districts by you and me. So they have simple answers: the iron fist. Fire anybody who do not vaccinate because they say OSHA permits that that's a lie like that's ever even been tried. everybody must wear masks. Mother mandate. We may shut down businesses, we may shut down all kinds of places. One of the few people making sent you know for the first time in about ten years, as I was on this flight It's something to do. You know it's a five hour flight so A couple of magazines. And one of them was national review bought a national. You magazine.
Ten years maybe give or take I'm going through it. Going through it, there's a peace in their in this, the problem with national view. As a corporate position. They took a shouted, the sadness that he was too extreme, not There were at my word if you say because his position, vaccines, masks just little too much for national debt. for the data Chris Christie I'll get to him. When I met the year, Kate may orca, the Reagan library, I guess they're doing now- a whole Congo line of rhinos and losers, and I don't know What's going on there, but they are losing their way. That's for sure should go to the agenda forward librarians,
These days will say keeping an eye on this. but here is wrong dissent as one of the governors that makes actual sense and does follow the science cut. Sixteen go SB, two thousand and six That is a lot of different things made. It prevented private businesses from acquiring proof of vaccination to just do normal things like go to a movie or go to a restaurant vaccine passports that also applied to governments, agencies, and so, if a government agency in the state, Lord Forces seeing as a condition to employment that violates Florida, Law and you will only stop as soon as I listen the governor to scientists and I listened to the others who are demanding mandates and so forth.
if you were in communist China, fascistic Russia, Islam or Nazi IRAN and so forth, whose position would line more closely to theirs. Rod, scientists, his position now they buy at tall position would go ahead. And you will face a five thousand dollar fine for ever single violation, and so, if you look at places here, intellectual county, like the city gains bill, I mean that's millions and millions of dollars, potentially in fines, Orange County, many many more than that so here's what the Democrats are doing, their loan up these school districts with a quarter of a billion accused. could have a trillion dollars, or so the majority is not being used to change
in fact, systems and all the rest of the mass majority which being used to go through the union, pockets and the pockets of administrators and a post their usual agenda. Zena critical race theory Conditioning and all the rest. Gee. I wonder why standards are going down there not going towards the vast Already is not going towards these health issues, certainly Fairfax County Virginia allowed County Virginia where I live, so the he'd milking the taxpayer for more more money, milking milking by demanding more more mandates, more more protection for their union members. The students are the losers, the taxpayers are the losers, the rest of the Can people are the losers This is a scam. no I've, asked and I'll ask again of the eighty million, maybe a media matters or media, maybe the daily He's the Huffington Post
And the other sleazy soviet style operations- maybe they can tell us what percentage of the eighty million that bind talks about already a meal. What percentage. I mean the seriously it if you have an easy answer, give it to us all amounts of tomorrow how much of this two hundred and two hundred fifty billion dollars is actually going to what Randy Weingarten said: Masks Social, and sing and h vat system. Because she thinks so three will do the trick, how many, how much and other guinea, to enter into an fifty billion to do that. To you, America. I'll be right back
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sign off your first month. That's pure Och, USA, dot com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless, how many people they get up some ungodly hour and color why all the way across the country back to Virginia. Waste from the airport to the bunker and paper heard two or three hours show much, but if he says Joe Biden Have you say you drinking on the job this in my blood. All those things I do professionally radio is number one to me and it always has been a little kid.
My transistor radio, which was whereby an eight votes battery listen The talk, radio, all the great Lillian Tenor Madeleine. I tried it. Trying to get the best reception I possibly could breaking my bedtime our and all the rest of it. This is my first. love of my all my professional per I love like everything else. I do. Please don't get me wrong. Some people in radio they considered a drag too much work, or or a stepping stone to something else. That's not the way. I have you radio. This is what I love to do. because you and I we get to spend several hours a day with each other which we otherwise wouldn't have.
Now strolling your tv and you walk down the street you're more recognised. it's not something. I live for. I'm my favorite movie is patent I've proper, seen at twenty five times better In a speech on patent. Many many brilliant things. Wonderful things are said, including. glory is fleeting glory, is fleeting. So. Some people in this business for the tv business, her Hollywood or whatever they think they're big, the other, not a big deal. when they're gone they'll be somebody else. The goal is, while you're here Ryan, improve your environment
improve the world, whether situation Urim and that's. Why I'm? Here we have a powerful our left. Don't leave us at our door in the bright I'll, meet you again over at Amazon that com? How about that in a minute? Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by EVA the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S! Slash joint now run on roaming underground commend both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader in America. Japan were poultry, airway go over it, just a nose, a great site, Solomon site, Department of Education, open civil rights investigation afford a ban on mass mandate. You can see the enormous destruction or constitutional system for the police powers of the states to the undermining the authority of states,
visa v, their school systems. You can see the these centralisation of power that is taking place, whether it the virus, whether its taxation, whether it is voting, we are assault. The entire system is under assault. New CDC figures appear to bolster governor dissenters argument for parental choice over mask mandate says just the news: that by the Department of Education is open to civil rights investigation into the governors executive order banning mass mandates in schools on the same day that the first Strict court of Appeals reinstated the ban after been blocked by Lee county farthest. Circa. Judging by way of the activists judge, the department of education office of civil rights said in a letter Friday addressed to Florida education. Commissioner, Richard Corcoran through was open. A direct investigation or whether they governor stay. Why ban? Maybe it was
stay. Why ban? He said parents get to choose. Let me add to ban in the sense that schools, camp mandate, but a ban in the sense that that apparent the kids, the where mass they can wear masks. anyway, what is the these subterfuge or whether the governors state wide ban may be preventing school districts and the state from considering a meeting the needs of students with disabilities? Students would its abilities, MR winners, what This has to do with students with disabilities. A heightened risk, persevere, illness from cobra, you see what they ve done is created this mass of leviathan. They want to do let's size in two weeks? and I'm using this leviathan, which is an appendage of the Democratic Party and vice versa. Let's be honest,. So they use the cdc too.
After landlords and guns they using OSHA to go after Called quote the on vaccinated they're, using Department of Education device federalism in the tenth amendment and to go after a governor. but you have nothing to fear, of course, nothing to fear its appalling. And you are paying for it Risk peace here had seen as news a real new side by our friend Terry Jeffrey I can spend more on taxes and twenty twenty than they did ready on food clothing, healthcare, entertainment, combined, According to newly released data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, now Terry goes into this stuff in detail. American consumer units? That would be you you're consumer unit, birthing People all they got all kinds of names for human beings, but this is the bureau. Labour statistics calls you a consumer unit, Spain at
of seventeen thousand two hundred eleven and twelve sense on taxes last year, while spending Sixteen thousand eight hundred thirty nine- I was ninety nine cents on food clothing, outgoing entertainment, combined. consumer units Theo S explains include family single persons. Living alone are sharing a house with others financially independent or two or more persons living together, blah blah blah blah blah. The point is this or Americans. The pavement in taxes in twenty twenty, then the baron necessities? Food clothing? Karen Entertainment and the government once more of your money and they go means. Creating shortages and the cup French, creating a mass of welfare state and they govern opening our borders to millions of illegal aliens at your government.
so most of you are many of you for sure have spent more on taxes and on food clothing. Outgoing entertainment combine. What do you think that fathers would say about the poor. Do you think the farming, but the bloated Kate may orca Chris Christy. now by the way I guarantee Chris Christie spend more on food than taxes. Mr Petition, simply no question about that. Skype thinks he's presidential material he's a blowhard. he goes to the Reagan library, I. Friends who go to the regular library events all the time they live around that area and so forth, and they went to this event, even though they don't like Chris Christie- and they told me about maybe two hundred and fifty people were there. I read a report, said three hundred people, whether I'm there
fifteen hundred people are there and we set up in ours. Chris Christie they're probably have to hand out tickets to homeless people so no backing, but the media were thrilled with all the media were all over you're ready for this. The amount and marxist movement is all around us. Our schools are under attack. Our boy, is under attack our car. Traditional systems under attack our courts are under attack, are financed An economic system are under attack and what is Chris, We have to say at the regular library per ten go republicans We need to free ourselves from the quicksand of endless grievances. We need to turn our attention to the future and up wallowing in the past we need face the realities of the twenty twenty election and learn not hide from them. We
need to discredit the extremists in our midst. The way we before Gus that I went to see the Bologna sandwich in his mouth always put. It sounds like it go ahead,. We need to renounce the conspiracy theories and the deniers the ones who know better and the ones We're just plain not wow so profound, hey Chris. You didn't call into this programme. Let's talk about one state in particular big state Pennsylvania. We don't have that about voting machines or ballots or anything of the sort. Let's about the constitution. Mr Producer, MR call greener. If somebody calls up in their name happens to be Chris Christie. Let him through to discuss this with you Chris! Let's talk Pennsylvania irony, a public offering to Paul Ryan
coward. He didn't shop, you a coward to Chris. I said: are you a coward to Chris? I wanted Scots Pennsylvania with you Voting machines not ballots What did decide discuss the United States Constitution Chris. and I have more than two hundred to three hundred people. Yet millions of people you're, a tough guy. You liked the debate right right, tough guy, Lord. all the things going on in the country. That's what to say the Reagan library liberties under attack languages. happened in Afghanistan? Look what happened Afghanistan look what's happened, on the border, it goes regular library, because he wants it. a peddler Yes, sir, I grant you wanna keep headline outright.
I've got an open line for your brother whenever you want just want to pick on State Pennsylvania. I don't want to talk A balance I do my job, I voting machines. I want to talk about Pennsylvania, two cases in Pennsylvania. all the crazy out there, the crazy you so, get crazy, asked me to be perfectly honest whenever I guess he do. But what I know I don't even know you then on the show once when you decided to run for governor at some like that re rich. He was praising the hell out of me. Remember I left me: you every time only drive how, anyway more than happy about by Chris are treated with respect, tell you raise your voice, then I'll deal with it. Then I more than happy to have a debate with that the Central Pennsylvania, focusing on what the States Supreme Court did. Let's talk about you S Supreme Court president. Let's talk
the United States constitution. And let's talk about what Damage was done by the fact that that state Supreme Court got away with this. Wasn't resolved by the? U S Supreme Court, the way they It Florida that's all. And tell your handlers Chris, whoever they are an ice. Fact. I know who they are Tell your handlers Chris, that they mean nothing to me. You want on for President president of what the honest club. I don't think they would have you I'll, be right back Amy,
The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy. Joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s! Well, it's a pleasure! It is a friend of mine, long time, radios Bobby, ABC and elsewhere and found the guardian angels, kurdish slower. How are you my friend
slogan it twenty four hours a day. Would you know me MIKE? I never sleep And I'm in the battle of my life to shave, New York, city problem, continuation of Democrats, the words governor, we have add cobble the words mayor: we ve never had the biological and now the guy which employs about them Eric Adam soothsaying choice, for me, that'll, be three in a row. The voted, to that end, stop, that I've got to save our city and convince allotted Democrats. The vote for me instead Well, I want to give it the opportunity to do that and to attract support from around the nation here to financial and otherwise, because Erica displaying soda the Joe Biden ROPE Adopt game that he's kind of a moderate, somewhat aware, elder statesmen. He's got this wonderful background and so forth, and so on But he's really not easy now In fact, just to give you an idea, we saw what happened to our colleague Michael Buddy,
peaches. I call a moody Giuliani, you remember what happened on nine. Loving. You remember how he kept us informed. He really was everyone's mayor at the commemoration the twentieth anniversary on Saturday. He was bombed finance. Hello, she popped and this was a decision made by obviously binding in the local Democrat, to allow Rudy to be seated right in the front? Weighty prominently deserve to be humbling and see this. What is happening about anything?
involving Republicans so that Eric Adams is a new wave of Democrats who have learned just like in the case of Biden, say whatever you have to do in order to get elected, try to create this image. You're a moderate you're, not siding with AOL Seo, allow crazy, Alexandria, Cassio, Cortez, Democrat Socialists of America, that you approve police. So you can bamboozle not only moderate Democrats about Republicans and independence. They saw it as a. Such robed road to victory, but Joe Biden and he's taking the same track. The problem. In this case you know be bored, I mean every neighbourhood, with less republican they saw in New York City, is Abraham Lincoln on a five dollar bill and a half we need good, they ve been airport in two years. You know, that's quite has
A new year's eve, if you're, not sort of a doctrinaire party guy. You calm, as you see him, your common sense guy, your age. It should have a neighborhood guy and you're, not embraced by all these radical cooks and so forth, and Adams is so there people he says he's not one of our organizing to get him elected. So there must be something that they want from this guy He's getting wine guided pocket lined M his mental. Let me just say it's three words swim shady shark did lead. That's his mentor: that's a guy who has guided him
a local political base as a person who is in charge of one hundred blacks and law enforcement. They will always adversaries of the police department and sharply has created this image and helped him sort of gain stature to the point where you can run for mayor. He won the democratic primary, but I'll tell you that she has no compassion mark people. amazed at the number of homeless and emotionally disturb person said I take care of and have been doing so with the guardian angel for forty two years, because these are really lost souls and I think what touch, his no matter where they are, whether they voted, which on providing or their independence, is my love of animals. Like yourself, I believe, no kill, shelters. When I may, I will never again gonna put to death a dog and cat or another animal. We will find them on their own
Coaches or political lines politically, because its compassionate and that's really what we need more of in politics, instead of just numbers analytics and a sort of humanity that's what it appears to be the Democrats, say they progressive, but they progressively been driving us right into the abyss and showing no you mad at me. No compassion! Look in Afghanistan, I came gate those images of women crying the elderly and the children that, whereas compassionate humanity, monk, everyone agreed at some point. We had only about Ganis, then there's no doubt about it, but there is a right way. We we turn our backs on these people, many of them who will die as a region Their loyalty to watch will die a horrible death. Where is the compassion? Where is the humanity among she's Democrats? Now, out of the country
familiar with all these barrows in New York, and these are big barrows with a lot of people in them. Which are the most republican and a republican leading barrows, which are the most democratic Democrat, leaning bars. I mean I know, but I want you to explain what they are. world and those approximately close, the nine million people, Percent live on the island. truly is an island because politically is so different than the rest of the city is a red island. It is begin island is Staten Island. It is the region market, I'm running for mayor of the city of New York because against their own party leader, they nominated me to be the mayoral candidate. And now my battle is in the other poor Barroso, which many of you listen as originally were proper planning, Queens, the Bronx in Manhattan and they're. All blue. I mean we're talking and eighty two one registration rate of chemical
two Republicans and those republic Enshiu used to beyond the roles. Passed away and there in Heaven or maybe someone stray sail without an especially suit all they like the word and not guideline is South Carolina. Georgia, Virginia Texas, fantasy and the exit is continues because it's an unlivable city, no quality of life is no zero tolerance towards crime. They vilified, Rudy, Giuliani, saved us in nineteen ninety three and a view what he did
having been a pensive two people of color. And yet you look now mark you look at the rhetoric, number of shooting stabbings the killings, the attacks of emotion, disturb persons who need mental health care in their medicine, and it's almost all by people of color against people of color. You mean to tell me it's a better city in this. Could, in this case than the city there, Rudy Giuliani in Arid, went in with two thousand murdered she ye five thousand, most unselfish shootings, and we went from being the quantum capital, the murder capital, to that same pitch, big city in America, in the east of the Julian Ministration any attributed so out of that they help it. I gave him with a guardian angels in opera troll in the rubbish dump it in a city, neighbourhoods of the city and on the subway, You know the two in your campaign look at elder in California. These are blue, blue blue areas and yet people who live in these areas, if thou take off their democrat teams
and really think about it, they really happier these really the kinds of areas they want to live in the weather being treated people, They have an opportunity for a new day, and I strolling carried you to vote for sleep in a kurdish people, want to contact or bone. Where do they go quickly? courage. We work for mayors, dot com that kurdish we were poor, may adopt come help me save our city so that New York City residents don't point to you you're stage and turn your purple and may be blue eye kurdish. Like my friend, I shall return aim at the association. Mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them he MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a seed dot; U S work with it or miracles, mentor of conservatism goal now, every seventh southern free at one, forty, eight one one
I recall action at their California to Morrow. Some of you have already voted. Many of you are going to vote in person. I want to address this in a moment as well huge election in California tomorrow? Here dependence writing off you, folks, you can make a big difference. You know, You folks in California, you can start a brush fire? You really can one To listen to some of what the Larry elder and I discussed on Sunday and life, Liberty and Levin can't play But I want to play a few were few clips and encourage you strongly the vote to throw out Newsome and, of course, four Larry Elder and- All my show last night- and he told me, was gonna break the story. He did a break story about rose Mc Gowan and The pressure that was placed on her by new sums, wife basically shudder mouth about Wednesday.
And he told me was going to do this and I say: go for it. Cartoons. for you ve, heard the allegation that well, it's just me about Gavin Nuisance, wife. She made the allegation with three days ago where's, the Washington Post. Don't worry about me. Waiting times wrote the article one we see with political. Well, if this had been made about me, my girlfriend standing over there If I let me, let me I'm a correct this. This is information. This is today, go ahead. contact on behalf of attorney boys who Tommy Weinstein's lawyer and call roles Mcgowan. Instead, what can we do to make you go away? What can we do to make this happy at all? You got to be talking about between now, and the end of my campaign is a double standard to which I have been subjected to my entire time and I think of it, and you want anything of it, where's your integrity. We should.
now, what role said about death and do some life? Is a bomb shell, this man, whether by the other day because he was trying to do a counterpoint of these women- are smaller than men, women. I want no more, the very positive their war. There are. There are very, very there better. Where is he? Where are you he's lying context wells? And what can we do to make you happy? What can we do to make the story girl wait right before the hardly wisely story blew up? That's all you got to be talking about the allegations made about me or might live again. Other, Now, here's what rose Mc Gowan actually set at this press conference cut twenty three go. It gives me no pleasure. to be the bearer of like truth, which is sometimes ugly What do you want? A society that gangrene on his leg but puts on a fancy suit and for transit there, while they hobble in pain,
Or do you want just stop look reality? Take your medicine clean up the wound and run. Run free. Why not change. why not go pick? Why not for a stake in the heart of evil? Because that's what this really is. This is good, and this is evil. And you're tired of people looking at this country like the floor of the world, which is looked upon that way, because you now is earned it a lot of ways. I know this place has in it to be better. I know it does, I have met so many good people in this country, not the elites, absolutely not. But the person I mean you know. That's the housekeeper thou, I'm saying should even have a title because she's a queen of a woman And then we have the Jennifer civil nuisance of the world.
Why Why do you keep choosing? Why don't you acting that. Don't listen to their buzzwords, call leaders which is what these people are. I would know I grew up on one like. I said they massage your mind, They keep you in fear. They keep you in doubt. They do all those things Albert cut twenty five on life, liberty living and go It's amazing, Larry Elder is, if you are a radical left wing Democrat and if you were running against a white governor who was republican, where this record, you would be supported by all the newspapers in California. You'll be supported by the national media. You, you would be celebrated and yet The opposite has happened here now. According peace and the OAU Times a Columbine Erika De Smith and the course here times to decide,
it's gonna, be run a newspaper, Larry Elder, is the black face of white supremacy. You been worn white supremacy men amazing, you have These white Hollywood, multimillionaire actors, white, big tech types you ve got Why George Soros you ve got why Bernie Sanders. Why Elizabeth warn you ve got White Newsome, yet you're the its premises. The reason they call you this. They don't really want to confront you on the issues, your brilliant man. They don't like. The fact that you have an african American here who actually believes and liberty and cap listen and school choice and all the things all these wife? You need a strong call. Em white supremacist and the Democratic Party using their own language, oppose. Isn't that what's going on here, that's exactly! What's going on here. They ve called me the black face of white supremacy because they cannot and this man record mark.
Former Senate Majority Leader, Democrat name Gloria Romero, she still a Democrat. I have Party lines and now supports me primarily because of the issue of school choice, which I support: black and brown parent according to the Poles one school, yet they both for Democratic Democrat after Democrat, when the large impediment to school choice is a California teachers, unions, the most powerful union in state, the largest funder of my opponent, given Newsome in their scared to death. God forbid this kid from the hood who went to public school breaks is yet I mind trick stranglehold that the democratic head of a black and brown voters. That's why they're so deftly afraid and that's why Bernie Stand is a kind of commercial forum and bomb. A kind of commercial forum is to war in did, and nobody uttered the following words. Mark Gavin Newsome has done a good job for the people of California. They call it a republic can take over because they cannot defend the man's record California is an opportunity to save itself.
opportunities, particular present themselves. Many states are present themselves at all. The problem is, of course, in California. They ve bought off a sin, The percentage of the population. The teachers, unions and other public sector unions. Get whatever they want, gave a nuisance. Gaelic avenues to spend your harder and tax money give it to somebody else. That's what he does. The the environmental Marxists Heaven this power in California. That's why the price your homes in California have gone through the for why a young cup barely afford even live there. The reason I water, Cause, I won't take the resources that they do have to invest. Improving the water systems, air and making it more valuable. Rather pouring it in the Pacific Notion Ocean.
Said they spend it on extravagances, like failed subway system. The reason you have these horrific wildfires. His again, because of the failure of the state government control your forest focus, a climate change because they blame People for their own failures. and I could go on and on and on California starting to depopulate. That is the production people in California starting to leave. while the state is overrun with aliens. Could you major cities in California? Los Angeles is on governor, but now. San Francisco was the most beautiful city. I thought in the country Most people don't want to live there, let alone go there. and are not the only ones. Most of the other major cities, are facing the same thing.
and the way the virus was handled, the let them Cake administration. while Newsome in his family were living one way, everybody else was expected to live another way. If you wanted to go away, store Cells booze, it would be open if you wanted to go to church. It would be closed. He wanted right in the streets and burnt things down, attack cops, Treated one way very liberally. On the other hand, if you are religious, you wanna go to Church synagogue,. You are treated another way with the iron fist. California is a state not in decline. Authority declined it. state of extremism Caused our work law enforcement is undermined, that is our filthy Newsome. I Jerry Brown.
I can go round inherited, beautiful state, doing beautiful things. the state they gave us rang a dude major wealth. Three tremendous governance. everybody used to say go to California Go to calibre when I was a kid growing up in Philadelphia, that's what they would say. That's the last opportunity, not anymore. The question is whether or not there enough people in California. matters into their own hands and control the outcome of the state or whether they ve just bought off to many people. California have an opportunity and what would encourage you to do if you live in California for having voted, obviously vote but be risk. Support for five or ten other people. You ve heard me say this before it's up to you:
it's not up to anybody else. It's going to be up to you. I will see what happens. And I want to salute Larry older. Is it gutsy man he didn't have to put up with this stuff honestly successful career, but he said finally up and fight this who the hell's gonna. Do it don't step up and take this on whose. And here you have a black man Who grew up? In LOS Angeles? She went to public schools, so seated became a lawyers successful ray. I wait. This is what we expect warning against and showed his mouth liberal White Democrat. Who had to fight for nothing, nothing supported by
Many of the same people have had to fight for nothing. I don't believe in diversity of thought, for diversity of color. Larry alters the guy felt this bastard out this new. Some is a disaster. Back then, Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other! Fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot. U S after the show you how it already take a trip over to Amazon COM and acquire your copies of american Marxism. If you're already purchased a copy, think about your family.
friends, colleagues and neighbours spreading the word wearing. Huge huge battle and next week and two or two on what the Democrats when a good or a country- and this is confronted in the book- it's confronted in a book Explain where this is coming from and the battles we To engage them so and not leave it other people. We cannot simply leave it to the Republican Party. It does concern army that the phrase American Marxism still is not being used on cable, tv and radio shows and so forth. I dont know what the serious, maybe like concerned about copying called names, but we ve got Break loose from that I've got explain exactly what's taking place in this country you I've got to be the leaders and you are. Will you wouldn't be listening to their share.
We stand on the shoulders of the people who founded this country and the people who defended this country. Now it's hard turn it Regarding in many ways, more complicated ways cause it's from within, and what I preach here is peace and non violence, but action action, knowledge, This american Marxism is that book. I think book for our times. So he's a choir copy. If you already have think about. Happening it as soon as you possibly can. because time is short: they're coming back They intend to try and ran through the most radical agenda in history. The book is called American Marxism, nine in fifty thousand copies and all forms of sold we need spread. The word. We see if we have a moment or little bit of time to take some calls here Dennis
Kansas City, Missouri, the great Casey Emma. We only have a minute Dennis go right ahead, please They saw a loving. Thank you. So much for taking my boy is a privilege to talk to you, I'm gonna wanna. Thank you producer. Anyone, ok, I think they presented, is cremated on an hour before anything, I'm really wanna my prayers and by Baku today. Thirteen where respect for that kill in August, twenty six in coupled airport and Afghanistan. Quite I don't do them, but I quite quiet way because we share the same open, a new beginning for the Eu S evil. I want a translator. I wasn't arabic translator anyway, so I felt for those bend. The road to buy by suicide in the airport, in my heart, to go to the city that EU citizens, as always to be high and the idea of going to stand with the translator that help us a cultural or that kill. Some have been bad
I just don't think you can get capture gifted that cop he'll go to a country that document Freedom, Translated will be killed, tortured and killed. These events This kind of Kay the end of the year Dennis first, I have to go, tell her that. Secondly, I want to thank you for helping our country for your patriotism that you're exactly right, but this administration is done to these other interpreters. Another is his. A sin is a sin, and God bless you, don't hang up or going to send you a signed American Marxism and God bless you all. Thank you all for being there. I mean it see you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2021-09-14.