« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/1/20


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, KARN radio host Doc Washburn fills in for Mark. America dodged a bullet with Hillary Clinton, but America is not out of the dark just yet. Democrat Mayors have their police on stand-down orders. Despite the nearly 100 days of violence they've endured in Portland, Mayor Wheeler still won't ask for federal help. Then, the CDC has released information stating that only six percent of all coronavirus deaths were solely attributable to the COVID-19 disease. The New York Times was forced to acknowledge this new data in their reporting of the virus. Gov. Ron DeSantis says that many more people are suffering from a lack of care and attention to other medical issues. Later, Speaker Nancy Pelosi showed up at a salon to get her hair done with no mask on. This indicates that not even Pelosi, who is 80 years old, believes in the efficacy of mask-wearing. Afterward, President Trump used the term "dark shadows" in a Fox News interview and it took Twitter by storm. Trump is an expert at playing the media like a violin, giving them fodder to then control the narrative. Additionally, Trump more than hinted at on-going investigations into ANTIFA and other violence.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, there is a truly independent institution where learning Prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening, and my sincere appreciation to Hills Dale by their sponsorship. Now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader this dog losberne. I do the afternoon Dr Talk shown use radio, what a tuna care and Mark Levine's affiliate in a little rock Arkansas and as always, it's an honor to be filling in for the great one. If you want to speak with me,
and Marks officers Oliver America, the number to call to get in on the show, is eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. I hope yours, is thankful, as I am that we were spared a president Hilary four years ago by the grace of God, is concerned, as I am about the dark forces that arrayed against our present every way of life, not that easy in writing. When I say the Democratic Party is encouraging mob violence the streets of cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago Minneapolis, New York, Washington DC and even Canosa Wisconsin, paying attention at all. You know that young white and tea for thugs are not burning down black owned businesses, because their upset about the death of George If you're paying attention at all, you know that
rioting and looting, because you're upset the canosa. Please shot a man who was ruses resisting arrest. Paying attention at all They didn't murder a man in Portland over the weekend because they believe that's an effective way to combat systemic racism. You know I was never a big fan of Howard Stern, but a while back. I came across a video on Youtube of what happened on his show on September eleven two thousand one, and it is one of the most serious and compelling things I have ever seen. You had a year a studio fall guy, you're used to fund on the radio walls and realize ok, wait a minute. Our country,
A way of life was under attack. Let me tell you something it is under attack again. What is it tell you that Hillary Clinton has publicly announced that Joe Biden should not conceal defeat in the presidential election under any circumstances? Now one of the hallmarks of our constitutional Republic has always been the peaceful transfer.
Of power, and the person who was a democrat nominee for President four years ago is now saying how, without throw that out when I can have peaceful transfer power. Your anybody says too much at stake here as this occurred. You have you thought about this that once again, our republic, our very way of life, He is under attack now I plan to play the audio, I feel very soon. A little bit later, but first things. First, the Democrat Party has been taken over by hard core socialists. Have you don't bleed? Believe me just go to Joe binds website. It's all there. But the socialists are endorsing violence because they believe might makes right and desperate people sometimes do desperate thinks.
Now, tomorrow is going to mark the two month anniversary of Democrats in the United States Senate refuse, to support a non binding resolution to condemn all violence. Now you might say. But doc. I've seen Joe Biden Cavaliers come out and forcefully denounce violence recently. Well sure. Recently, you know why Don lemon set on CNN recently, Nepal He have begun to show american vote you're concerned about violence and our streets recently, but by Staffers have been raising a lot of money to bail rioters out of jail for months and commonly Harris has been publicly soliciting donations on social media to pay the bail of rioters for months.
And assured and condemned the violence. Two weeks ago, the Democrat National dimension to this- and I still haven't specifically condemned the marxist and if a thugs and the marxist black lives matter organization as Kimberly Strasser, says over the Wall Street Journal Abiden speech on. Violence in which he never wants names. B, L M or Antigua their calls out right, wing militants, white supremacist vigilantes who infiltrate protests carrying weapons of war, not like by actually wrote the speech, but you get the idea. Democrat mayors and big cities have clear had their police on stand down, orders regarding Antigua and black lives matter, violence and rioters for quite some time now for all marks
this is a freedom domain name. Seventy and in Portland you realize anti for tried to burn down the building. Your mayor lives in last night and he won't ask president tromp for federal help to stop the rioting there going on in Portland for over three months. Now I want to give you some examples A well known Democrat politicians and entertainment figures encouraging violence, I want to play some alarming video from Washington DC from over the weekend that should have gotten speaker arrested, but, as far as I know, didn't because was bouser as the mayor
of here is the montage in I'll. Try to try to tell you each one of the speakers. Is a famous Democrats encouraging and endorsing violets, courtesy of the guys over at the cauldron, pool and see. If I get the level round this guy's Speaker Nancy policy? I just I know why there aren't uprising of the country's. Maybe they will be innocent pcs, Daddy Deutsche people need to start taking to the streets. This is eighty eight or hungry. Woman, IONA, Presley MSNBC there needs to be addressed in the streets were. As always, there is unrest in our lives. Speaker Pelosi again. Our move up the state Chris Fredo Cuomo on CNN, show me where it says that protests were supposed to be polite and peaceful. It's in the first amendment, Fredo Cuomo, the right of the people peaceably to assemble. I mean you're, just a licence attorney with a law degree from Fort him. So I would expect you to be familiar with the EU
states constitution, former attorney general Eric holder being former George W Bush and Mccain staffer Nicole Wallace on So we see this again. Taking a rapid rain react on limit on CNN biggest paragraph is white men, most of them radicalized right up to the right, Nicole, while Some MSNBC again, I thank you for devising interfaith is aiming to be alive. He insulted July S, better, not Mexicans. Racism are he's have already said. I think it has gone from interface and they got the right. You have been a hero, Robert Deniro, I'd, like a punch, you Joe Biden, passionate we're in high school at taking human began Netflix TV star, David Harbour at the Academy awards point some people, Johnny Depp women's worse time, an actor.
Never Trop, Drifter, Rick, Wilson. There still gonna have to go on, put a bullet in doubt and that's a fact, Broadway STAR, Karel Cook, where you we need Madonna. I have thought another lies. The White House Missouri State, Senator Maria Chapelle, Nidal Very state senator, is under investigation by the secret service. After seeing president's trumpeters assassinated Maxie water sidewalk Darwin Tag drop out by Anti
I've seen again body that cabinet speaker, Pelosi again and sadly for domestic enemies to our voting system are honouring our constitution. Our way that sixteen hundred Obeying Kemal Harris telling Stephen Coal Bear, the rioting will continue even after Trumpet Like to everyone's to take note of that on both levels that this isn't they're, not gonna Maxine waters ago, while you know I gotta tell you something It sounds like they really mean it
Steve Police understands they really mean it was nearly killed, was sick six year old Bernie. Nurse fan showed up at a baseball field in Northern Virginia three summers ago, Determine the murders many republican members of Congress, as he could now I want to know. Have you heard Next piece of audio from over the weekend, this is in Washington DC and the speaker here. Sound serious and I had a bleak a whole lot of costs words, but I mean this sugar, You arrested in any city of America, but it doesn't look like it did in the city where Mayor is Muriel Bouser check this out. The point where I want you to know, I want to take it
I want to take the floor. Report we'll see we are holding this debate now. A lot of people I wanted to say Don't do it? Don't you in this respect,
the most Now my humble opinion. Do you see Mayor Muriel, Bouser, actually, Wanted her police officers, to keep the peace, they would have arrest this guy on the spot. As far as I can tell that did not happen. Now, coming up coming up, I've got a few words to say about George Floyd and some recent developments that have come up: He had the martyr case on George, some things you know if you're turning For the first time in a while, you may not have heard again the conversation, its eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one Doc Washburn feeling of the great mark of then now I know you love freedom. How do I know that
you listen to my show. My show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best to we liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because hills deal is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty, hills down each stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major in, whether at science or music or economics, or business, whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly. I just have conservative thought it's called in Primus five point: four million Americans receiving Primus for free every month and you my friend and fell, freedom. Lover should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, Delta, Comp, L, in Vienna for Hills Delta, come there's strings attached generously.
Those who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for hills to the Senate, Primus to you, where no cost every month start receiving and reading and Primus so who can know how to defend the freedom you love, gonna Levine for Hills does not come easy. I pray hills, dough, dot, com, Levine, friend, hills, Del dot, com or doc. Washroom volumes would break one march. Will then, once you are now the George Floyd, when I first saw the video Minneapolis Police officer, Derek Charm and holding of down with his knee on his neck, I was horrified at interstate, was gonna, know her which Floyd was saying I can't breathe. I just can't believe what I was seeing, but then, when the body video was leaked, show
George voicing. I can't breathe while standing next to the police goin. While he was in the back seat. I was like ok way way way way. Now wait a minute, but have you heard the latest, the Hennepin County, Minnesota, Medical examiners report finally came last week I stay George, why was not killed by the police, but he actually died of an overdose offence in it. The report was dated June first but apparently the authorities in Minnesota. Sadder like three months. She. I wonder why, was former Chicago may around the manual famous she's, famously said: never let a good crisis go to waste now, Sarah Taylor over the blaze heads this bombshell: defensive, Eric Jane Nelson Lawyer for Minneapolis police officer, Derek chairman, said the late George Floyd was victim of a careless overdose, rather than police homicide authorities charge. Children with murder in connection with,
its voice may death, which stems from an altercation purportedly involving counterfeit money. In light of the allegations. Attorney Nelson is requesting a judge, drop all charges against children whose plead guilty and a twenty four one or the other officers involved in Floyd's death also says Can footage shows a moment flaw reportedly ingested a lethal amount of drugs right down the body can according to a muddy report, rightly ABC News. Turning Nelson Father motion in here county, Minnesota District Court last Friday alleging the prosecution has not shown probable cause in Jean Charles was second degree on potential murder, third degree, murder and remain manslaughter in the motion. Robbins attorney insist: the former police officer carried out Floyd's detained by the book, including including the use of a maximum restraint, technic now
it's a charm believed the technique was necessary of concern that fly to harm itself or job in industry. Last year's during that time it now, said the Chobham and other Responding officers we're trying to help Floyd Clearly acting a radically during the attainment out of concern for the man of possibility, might fall a strike. His head, we hit by an oncoming vehicle on the road and more. Nelson insisted, the Minneapolis Police Department has approved training materials on such use of force, which shows an The third placing a knee on subjects neck in order to subdue him motion also noted the autopsy. George Floyd concluded, there is both sentinel and let them fair. In the late suspect system, otherwise known as a stable George Voice, who suffer from hypertensive Disease, as well as arteriosclerosis and hypertension also
Molly was positive, recover nineteen, the time of his death. Ocean of emotion, Red put simply Mr Floyd, could not breathe because he had ingested a lethal dose of in the police people combined. Single cell trade, his Briggs harsh conditions, Mr Floor use a sentinel and methamphetamine most likely killed him in Finland or methamphetamine to Mr Floyd's, existing health issues, tantamount to lighting a fuse on a bomb in county met. Javert Doktor Andrew Baker, also added that of George Floyd were found dead in any other circumstance, in this case home alone, another no other parent causes is could be action. The ball to call an overdose they had of accounting nickel Examiners Office Rule George, pointed out. The homicide determine that he died because of cars
pulmonary arrest, complicating law enforcement, subdued rural farming, sub, dual restraint and neck compression, but the autopsy report found no apparent bruising trauma to Floyd's neck neck muscles or, as a result of the restraint judge, Peter K Hill will rest, Nelson's motionless September, eleventh Court hearing accorded ABC, but do you The mainstream media is gonna widely reported this a course not. You think democratic this is because they gobs guess we go not a but why would a republican politician a deep red state like Arkansas? ten. To insist, George, why was killed because he was black I'll tell you. After the break more coming, Wash whenever the great one mark Levant now, I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you list
the Mai show at my show, and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with hills, Del college one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because hills deal is committed to pursuing truth and defending Birdy Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major in whether its science or music or economics are business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you, too, through their free monthly, digestive conservative thought. It's called in prime five point four million Americans receiving Primus for free every month and you, my friend fellow freedom lover should be reading it too? You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, Delta L e g- I am free hills, Deodar come there's! No, sir. Attached, generous
Those who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for hills to the Senate, Primus to you where no cost every month start with. Even in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love, gonna, love, infra, hills, dot, dot, com, au AV, Ireland, for a hillside, dot com, Levine from Helstone Dotcom Mark LAW should show where we create. The charging points, call now seven seven, three one three eight one one. A doctor whenever the great one and from little Cargan saw always and honoured beer, always an hundred beer shorter, George White situation and talk about the fact that. The medical examiners report on George Floyd's death dated June
First, they finally released last week in sync yeah here. He actually wasn't killed by the police he died. Overdose, a sentinel, so Obviously the mainstream media is gonna. Do their best to ignore this democratic politicians. Can do their best to ignore this, but. Why would a republican politician in a deep red state like Arkansas continue? to insist that the George Floyd George Floyd died because because he was black. This is just the craziest thing and I I haven't been we'll figure it out in Arkansas. State that I live in. It. Our governor agrees.
Rama Manuel, the idea of not letting I'm letting it crisis, gotta waste, so Arkansas Governor is obvious and recently announced she's gonna pushed for hate crimes, legislation for the state of organs on our frankly, it is fine. As I am concerned, I don't agree with with hate crimes, myself hate crimes, laws that is. I think you'd be a much better idea to. Just if somebody is found guilty of murder somebody else and, Why should it matter skin color religion, sexual preference or whatever of the victim or for that matter of the perpetrator. If somebody is found guilty and they now we got legal system so they go.
They go through all the year. The appeals and everything. Why not just give on capital punishment from murdering somebody, whether the vote, was white and the perpetrators black or is the other way around the both wider, the bolt black or whatever. Why should we. Protected classes in Amerika, I just think that's crazy, but but when I heard that are saw Attorney General Leslie Rutledge stood up at the podium at the gun There's hate crimes, press conference and said this or when George Floyd was killed simply because he was black of like wait. What. Seriously. Ok. Now in case you think, and here doc you taken out of context this only four seconds, long. Ok, let me before the income tax, it doesn't get any better than that. Let me make sure
the lower the volume I karagwah when unspeakable crimes are committed against people like one Robert Bowers Cargan at the tree of life, synagogue, killing eleven wounded. Six others, including the law enforcement officers, responding to the shooting or when George Floyd was killed, simply because he was black or a five year old cannon in it died simply because he was white, We must take action. Action is long overdue. These crimes cannot be tolerated and we must send a clear message: ok, so and hand? It was a five year old White Boy, Wilson, North Carolina, who is allegedly murdered in cold blood, by his next door. Neighbor, who was a black man?
twenties, but the family said it doesn't make any since live side by side peaceably for years we can and there's any racial component. So you know I don't know. Maybe we'll figure that out the trial, but. When the medical examiner report cannot came out Minnesota a few days after Leslie like I said, George Floyd was killed simply because he was black medical examiners. Report said: George Floyd died of Sentinel overdose, eye contact architecture attorney general's spokesperson to see if she was going to retract what she had said about the death of George Floyd. And the response I received was a resounding no seriously, the spokesman, The August attorney general recommended I refer to
your statements about George Floyd. You know the statements she made. For the body can video was released when George Floyd sing, I can't breathe, while. Standing beside the police car, the statement. She maybe where the medical examiner sure Poor came out, saying he died of offence in all over those comments. Back when a lot of us still thought the police had killed. George Floyd fine- that remarkable the time Leslie Rutledge said: George Floyd was killed. Some because he was black the body, can't video is already out there. I can't breathe standing there. Please, God, I can't breathe in the pact back, see the police car, but the the general state of targets are the governor designate a representative to that wonderful are in sea, we also tv last week and one of the two announced Canada Republican nomination for Governor twenty twenty to contain to insist. George,
I was killed simply because he was black. I mean at what you ve done. Nah force an officer of a particular state shouldn't you be supporting law enforcement. To some extent I mean we all, the police killed my first right now, evidence is rolling out, we're all given pause. I would hope. Given the available evidence. I can certainly understand how progressive liberal democrat attorney general, like if Ellison Minnesota, who want to continue process They're at for the murder of George Floyd. What I simply cannot understand is a republican attorney general of a deep red state. In Arkansas would cling.
HU this assertion or when George Floyd was killed? Simply because he was black, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Now By the way, a lot of people are calling Kyle written House a murderer. He's a seventeen year old guy who allow Julie, shot three people killing two in Canosa Wisconsin over the weekend. The videos I've seen look like self defence, but the cordial figure that all out in them The great l Lynn would who represented falsely accused elevate part bomber, Richard Jewel and fight falsely accused coming to high school. Nicholas Sandman, defamation lawsuits he's sending Kyle Rittenhouse and, I guess that doesn't sit well with some of the past was the B. Because Twitter has
suspended the great Linwood who recently said on Twitter, how careful he has been not to violet any of their terms of service? Remarkable, isn't just remarkable. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one. One if you would like to get the programme, let me for a couple of calls in here before next break, let me go with Chris and Frederick me, what I'm sure listening on the great W email added Dc Chris you're on the I live in, show doc washroom. What's up I just want to say that I think we sort of let the left the fine tuning. The final figure this out We can't let them define the veil of life. You know this lighted more valuable than that live with with abortion, be illegal, fit the seventys, and now, like you
hey crime legislation, which is basically you say,. Oh. You know, I feel a cautious person. Then you get more severe sentence. Then, if you call that person Jimmy the color of their skin royal. I think we agree to take back the turn out We appeal the fine or define what the entry, the value of life really is because otherwise we're just basically operating off with the premise like like my mother, you gonna look like more valuable. If you, this skin color eagerness skin color, you protected it through the skin color you're. Not I mean that it is basically when he the right, the conservative, replaying defence against all these, arbitrary rule set up by the left, which you no longer I'm sorry, we regret sorry. I've got it for the Christian you're looking to the Bible and how, God define sure intrinsic value of all life.
Because we're all created his image. But absolutely They do not import before your born, when you talk about, if you know two years ago, you were slaving you're, their skin color will now you're protected more than these, be I mean this is different you know your operating on all these false premises. Basically, yeah, and let me tell you why that is there something called the Frankfurt school sum up. Course, socialists, who were able to Lee from Germany when not even nazis. Hitler was taken over came over the gun, entrenching Columbia, University and they came up with this idea critical race theory an intersection reality and that is being forced to our children's throats, not just in college universities, but in part schools these days and I'm wondering Chris if you think that one of the ways to fight back against this is it school choice idea that present trap is really
pushing for and hopes to an act which, once it gets ray. Reelected, I note Senator Temps got out of South Carolina, really been pushing for tuna boats. Children You know of low income. Families should not be forced into these government public schools for that, but at the same time, if all these schools. Even you know, affluent neighborhoods are being forced to teacher predict the curriculum or you know everybody in the school just one year, the apple once when I'm trying to say Chris of WAR Time here is that you know private schools should be where's, the teach anything We can really get the public schools some competition that could change everything in it, and I certainly hope that it will create great call brother gobble, I appreciate it. Thank you very much more
call coming up at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. As we talked about the Democrat endorsed violence in our cities and we look forward election night November third Doc washed, when filling up the great one. Well that then now I know you love freedom. How do I know that? you listen to my show, and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's this. With Hills Del College, one of the very truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Those deal is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major in whether at science or music or economics, are business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly.
I just have conservative thought it's called in Primus five point: four million Americans receiving Primus per free every month, and you, my friend, fellow freedom lover should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine for Hills, Delta, Comp, L e Vienna, Fray, Helstone, Dotcom, there's no story attached generous. Those who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for a host of the Senate, Primus to you, Renault cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love gonna, love, Infra, Hilda, DOT, com, l e g. I am for hillside, Dotcom, Levine friend, Hills del dot com. They stop Washburn coined the great one Marco been true
September. First, I mentioned earlier in this hour- taken, I was when I came across a Youtube video Though the Howard Stern show, from September eleventh two thousand one, and then I started watching the Youtube videos. From that day, the today shut the morning, America Fox in French and how serious and compelling the coverage was, beat Our way of life are constitutional Republic was under attack when you know what. When you have the twenty. Sixteen democrat presidential, nominee, saying the following you Realise that our system of government our way of life which we live
peaceful transfer of power is under attack. Again. I cannot stress this strongly enough. Here is Hillary Clinton, so we ve gotta have a massive legal operation. I know the vine campaign is working on that we have to have Paul workers and I urge people who are able to see a pole workers. We have to have our own teams of people to counter the force of it today shows that the Republicans and Trump are going to put outside polling places, business a big organizational challenge, but at least we know more about what they're going to do and Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances allow cause. I think this is gonna drag out and eventually I do believe he will win
I'll give you SAM, don't concern. Will eventually steal it. Now I gotta to say something watching. The television news- and somebody said something you start- cannot fussing at the at the tv. I mean even somebody that ninety nine some time you like what they say and then you like. I wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait like so my confession. I love Harris Faulkner on Fox NEWS, She is fantastic. Ninety Priscilla time. She makes a very compelling and cogent points. Ninety nine percent of the time, but when this Video of Hilary saying Joe bags Can she came out the other day, Harris Font Nursing? Well, you know we got We Clinton saying that Joe Biden should not concede on election night if its close and like no one knows what areas
Matt, but she said that's not, what she said: no, not just on election night, not just of its cause. Here's. What here worry said Joe, I can see under any circumstances. That's pretty widespread, Why? Because she says, give us enough time will steal it. I think this is gonna ragout and eventually, I do believe he will, when we give and in pray for a landslide, I am very concerned about everyone did how their acting near the lower childlike that there does belonging to everything that has to do with rights and not to look at it as it is everything to them. All right, let me go with that. Sarah and Cleveland Sarah! You are on the March Mark Levin Show with Doc. Washburn got about a minute and a half. Let's make it count what you got
I am very concerned about everyone did how their acting gear and came to our childlike there there The everything by has to do with race, and not just look at it as it is The damage is, however, that one mentality I feel, like another debate, he'll like I'm, not gonna, converted may starting out my life than trying to find mine on nine the college. I I'm afraid that I might even be on one side, but I'm gonna. I do not get a job I make a silence, does not mean that I don't have that fear. Almost I prefer a time I go mean you people and are going to tell them on conservative I'll, tell them my people that I know from the firm law enforcement. Afraid of what they say about me in it for a while blame you, I'm wondering if you have thought about maybe relocating to him conservative area, not to mention the weather's alot nicer in the south. I know a lot of people have me down here from the northeast
the MID West and, like you, I don't want to go back. As that everquest your mind, But I'm also broke Bob. I really and you probably a lot of family in the Cleveland area right right, right, yeah it's really hard or made just get my boys out, and you think saying you think if I feel I don't have the freedom of speech and more visible to stop, it no I I don't blame you for feeling that way. Sarah in and I will be praying for you we're up against at the top of the hour news break, Think a lot of things are going to change for the better after election night. God bless you. Thank you. So much for calling in coming up have we been laid on the chinese Communist corona virus. There's some new stuff out there that you may not have heard about yet come up right. The top of the hour,
Quite apart from the westward one podcast network, now broadcasting them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Adopt Watchman Philly, if the great one from his affiliate news radio wanted tonight Kate and walk Arkansas right now. I want to see a show of hands who thinks that we may have been getting played to one against and another on the train. He's communist corona virus. Why do not early on.
I was taken this very seriously. The world corner virus map in a match for the state. I live in very closely Stop do in that when, in New York Health Department announcer, they count thirty five hundred years Of people they hadn't actually tested, but they thought probable. Had covered a few months ago,. Then I noticed the CDC change their website without telling anyone. Say you can't really contract covered from dry services. After all,. And that's when I hear. Stop wearing a mask to the grocery store. Well until the over the state of Arkansas and imposed a mask mandate in that's also when I stopped sprang, I brought home from grocery store with seventy percent,
Solution because again, I had taken a very seriously but, did see, did what they call a stealth edit. They change their website without telling anyone to say you can't really contract covered from dry services after all, a city. Thanks! So much for not telling fifty state governors they want to talk. Like sports with the World Health Organisation, announced you can't really catch cold from people who don't have sometimes, after all,. Then the videos came out from up you're fouch in the surgeon general from way back in March, pleading with healthy people Not to wear masks a couple of months before they are applied, healthy people to wear masks.
Then the CDC director admitted that hospitals have a financial incentive to count deaths as covered related. What really. Then, I read a remarkable article. Several weeks ago and the american spectator call questions for doktor found she it's an open letter from three of these two fatty or great one. Effectually refers to him Anthony Tony Fouche Pouch. But the latter makes the irrefutable case that Hydroxyl Chloric when works, Given to patients within the first five to seven days of the commencement of symptoms, is full I can tell Anthony Tony Foutch vouched Your has not responded, but have you have you heard the latest. I turn now to a gentleman who has been all over Fox,
use a lot of mainstream media lot of radio talk shows recently is a much better public speaker. Then, I will ever be John Macarthur, pastor and best selling author it really comments about coal, the door, the Lock down and whatever else is going on and what is called the pandemic. I dont want offer myself as any kind of an expert, but rather telling report came out this week and for the first time we heard the truth. The CDC the centres for Disease Control
Which is the National Organization Government Organization that is to report to us? The truth about disease said that, in truth, six percent of the deaths that have occurred can be directly attributable to cover. Ninety four percent cannot have the hundred and sixty thousand people that have died. Nine thousand two hundred and ten actually died from coded no pandemic at that point, the place erupted in applause and he went on to say you know in the meeting together now for weeks and weeks and weeks, no mass, no socialist distancing, yet socialists, distancing, and nobody we know has it even though. If
What they're saying is true that a lot of us should so really so. Fewer than ten thousand people died from just covert. According to the cdc, so. Has a different from age when in one now, I think it is. May I make a prediction? I predict Donald J Trump. Will fire doktor found she November forth. You know it algae and Burke's, where the experts we all thought they were. Why did what governor shut down their states. Play a little bit more audio from different speaker now. Let me play for you.
What the great Rhonda Santas governor of Florida said today about this whole mess. We will never do any of these locked down again, and I hear people Saito shut down the country and, honestly, I cringe because we know places that done that when he says I, your people say, though shut down the country you know is talk about Biden binds all your sure you will. Down the whole country you hold? Do there is broken into watch? What those You told us what were the time for my jewel putting populate the most Coney and locked down in the world has been Peru military enforced since March they had the highest per capita mortality.
In the world from covert sounds great binds hand loose and at best what a walk down will do is the way it does not reduce the ultimate mortality. But I think that your Alice would agree. It creates a lot of other problems with mortality that a lot of people don't necessary, we focus on is one of the things I ve tried to stress in the last couple weeks in particular is covert important, but if you look, we have about six percent of our beds are filled with covered positive patients, all those individuals we care about their families, everything we need to be their form, but at a twenty two million people we ve got issues with people delaying cancer. Screenings not coming in for heart or strobe, lost ground on the opium since March, but wait that's not all not only Ninety four percent of the people they say died from carbon. Nineteen have an average of two.
Wait. Six other co, morbidity. Not only is the real number of people who only die from covered nineteen over nine thousand. But now, over the weekend, even The New York Times finally admitted we have probably been testing Four covered all wrong. Ninety percent of our positive may actually be false. The New York Times admitted that over the weekend now, let me take you to an article. From the great Stacy Lennox over at PJ's media entitled. Finally,. The city publishes covered nineteen testing guidance that makes sense she's You know it's good news from CNN and their Babo heads very upset.
Monday. That's Monday last week They see updated its testing guidelines to say that not everyone needs to get a test for global nineteen. You only The test you ribs. Symptoms or have had close contact with it an individual. They fly only determine the cdc, close contact, their definition, is to be within six feet of an affected individual for at least manage. So why the masks I quote from the CDC, updated guidelines. If you do not have covered nineteen symptoms and have not had close contact with someone known to have a covert nineteen infection. You do not need to be tested, but wait. The CDC guideline lines went even further If you have been in close contact with six feet of a person with a covert nineteen affection for at least fifteen minutes
but do not have symptoms. You do not necessarily need to test. Unless you, vulnerable individual or your health care. Provider or state or public or local Public health officials recommend you take one so now. The CDC goes on to say. But if you're not a high risk, you should monitor yourself or symptoms and get testing under the protocols Fort symptomatic individuals, This revision should bring an immediate end to meaning protocols for employers, schools and just bad everywhere else, and Doktor Leanna when former planned parenthood directors says it makes no sense, as that entirely consistent nordic countries. Have accelerated their opening, an abandoned, Kova nineteen testing plants. On July seventeen, twenty twenty.
The CDC, outdated, guidelines to discourage- Retesting individuals will recover from Nineteen. This change was a research based decision attributed A greater understanding of how long A person remains. Fractious additional way, highlight one of the significant flaws in the pc our test used to detect the virus. And I had to look up the pcr. What what that man? It's it's a dna tests. The gets really really really really specific, this case, maybe too specific. According to CDC guidance in Future the test in tests positive, you do not need, be the test. Unless you're almost required hospitalization you can turn to normal activities like workers school at the past just ten days from now on. Set of symptoms and twenty four from when any fever have so
has excited on its own without the aid of any fever, reducing medications research, the city cited. Has demonstrated a person with symptoms, is no longer infectious under these conditions in order to be hey. Just a person must be harbouring viruses capable of replicating with a low significant enough to trains. The disease, these parameter Appear to have been established to the CDC satisfaction. Generally, the city. He has been quite conservative in its assessments, so the evidence must be Substantial. So the CDC of advised against retesting its position We stated that the pcr test amplify rna from a virus no longer capable of replicating for night. Days. Post recovery it'll be go to find this and recover patients at their immune system has defeated, cut Nineteen: it can all we found in individuals who have never
infected by the virus. So positive test has never in. Indicated an active infection or the ability. To transmit the disease to others. In the absence of symptoms, it could simply mean an individual has reactive t cells that eliminate covert nineteen through an exquisite The amounts response this process We still leave viral debris in their airway that a pc artists can detect so again looks like we ve been testing at all wrong. And possibly ninety percent of the positives are false. Positives time to open stuff up the time for me to go to break, etc. Seven three, eight one, three, eight one one if you want conversation Doc, Washburn filling in for the great one market, Ben you know what I hate overpaying for something we're already tax the death
Then you pile on all the other service is holding US hostage to high rates home internet Kay, utilities. Then there's your cell phone bill. Eighty tv, her eyes and T mobile. They all want to charge you for data, you'll, never need, and so called, You'll never use, thank goodness for pure. Hawk USA, because pure talk gives you the exact same covered same tower same bars. Cause, you have would know tracked and no excessive fees right now enjoy. Limited talk text and to gigs of data offered twenty dollars a month, the person, is saving four hundred dollars a year on their wireless bill. Gotta pure talk, USA Dotcom and are promo code Levine podcast when you do you're safe, two hundred and fifty dollars of any Iphone, including brand new Iphone S e, that's pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levine Podcast, that's l, av iron,
cast Washburn really of the great one mark Look coast coast and if you got the CDC saying that we ve been testing for the chinese quota virus. All wrong then call that, but I do cause I'm here to speak the truth, the test for all wrong and the test Is much too sensitive and who knows maybe ninety percent of the positives had been false positives if you got the CDC admitting. Finally, That out of what is it like, a hundred eighty thousand may say have now died. Chinese communist grown a virus only I need two hundred of them. Didn't, have any other co morbidity. So we We know for sure.
That around ninety two hundred people actually died from coal with itself. Then why we still wear masks, I mean superstition of this point right. You got the cdc itself saying no need for you to be tested unless you were within six feet, Of somebody symptomatic with the crew when a virus for more than fifteen minutes. How many of us would do that. This is this is getting ridiculous, is getting out literally ridiculous. Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Let me go to John Doctor John in Ocala Florida,
we got a couple of minutes until the bottle the outbreak. Let's make a camera, what you got, What I been taken care of covert patients from day one here, its central Florida you're right on which everything you said we had patients washing in the hospitals, fully recovered? Who kept has been positive because, as he did, he heard the gonna contributes as positive They're not contagious for right. We both had desert, yet I find that your difficult yet were putting influenza were putting oh yeah, and if you put any of that down as a cause a dead, you know it's insinuated that its Colbert nineteen at the CDC with the new that would lurking audacious is presumed carbon nineteen. So a lot of these, that's what Utter viral illnesses are not part of the body, but they ve been attributed to call the night here you're gonna. Tell you that the treatment of jerking off issues in this country has been abominable abominable during this error. You know they ve been. Wishing doctors on visiting under their ways, even when it got cold, the nineteenth prevent the progression of their symptoms. They have now,
and getting hydroxide cork when they will not get invited. I go on and on, but I do not think I got some forever time. Your Doktor John California, have you tried talking to you state senator your state representative, because it sounds like that thing, the governor dissenters, would want to know about and do something about. Well, That is called many. What Europe that we want? A few dogs you told by patients they don't have to wear masks everywhere. I wrote about it for a year. I e the great guy this nursing care. I am just beginning to write about and talk about, you're the first person I called after this ninety six, your patient of mine, amen. For two weeks of citizens understand on then he died yesterday and honestly, even at ninety sick, he credits are barred from covert had he been treated in the nursery on any of these. Well, we ve nursing home becoming death camps and if they do not become tat, Doktor John, I gotta run to it, but please send me some of that info. I really appreciate it. God bless you. Thank you very much. More recalls. Seventy seven, seven, three, eight one, three
one one doc wash. Filling out for the great one or two of them I've been watching these riots around the country, I'm absolutely sick and I'm sure most of you are you know. John Locke once said: law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom where there's no law, there's no freedom. You want to let riders burn down your city's. There goes your freedom. You want to get rid of cops. There goes your freedom you want to like Joe Biden. There goes your freedom as you've heard me say many times. I have a liberty agenda, and it Levine TV which errs on place tv, you can watch this come to life with our conservative pro american content that reveres our constitution and champions our individual freedoms. This is what we do each and every day and there's never been a better time to check us out just go to Levin TV, Dotcom, L, e g on tv dot, com and sign up today for a free, thirty day trial. That's right
We're going to give you a full month of love in tv and all the other great shows on blaze, tv at no cost to you, but only a few subscriber right now and Levin tv dot top marks, Levant radios prince about Patriot, call now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three, eight one, one doc wash fully integrate the great one in from his affiliate in little rock it's on use. Radio wanted to nine care, and so on turns out speaker, the House, Nancy Policy, Is it a San Francisco hair Salon yesterday afternoon for a wash in a blow out despite low ordinances, and I shouldn't know where mask she
where a mask Nancy Pelosi- and you know what that means all things a sham. She's. Eighty years old, he believed that she was in danger. She would warrant a mask, wouldn t dare scamming all of us. Aren't they she's eighty years old, I'm kind of excited because I saw like this is a gift and, as a talk shows, you feel like with a story like this. You need to get down on. It can get an email from cool the gang Rebecca today. Yes, it's a scam. Nancy Pelosi is eighty years old. Now.
I dont know. If who rumoured love of alcohol would be an underlying condition. I don't the thing with the dangers as a co morbidity. I don't know, but she doesn't believe any of this cause if she did. She would not have gone to the hair salon yesterday when no mask on the. Dialogue is wearing a mask. Andrew Cuomo. This picture him out yesterday in public without a mask. Member Nancy policy was the one who said that Trop slap, sire right in the face, because there are some people in the The iron sheeta want wearing a mask, remember that yeah yeah
The only reason there still making us wear masks and this goes for the governor of Arkansas Republicanism Hutchinson as much as anybody else. I've It is because they like power, and there is a state sleigh Torreon, Arkansas Game Dan Sullivan Who is suing over that of the fact that the governor did not consult the legislature because you know we get, These are what we call its work: laws on the books, unbelievable on freaking, but evil, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, let me get and up
Kay Em Missoula Montana K. You are on the market, even show Doc watchman filling in love. I am happy to say that I am actually talent fell, Montana, but nobody knows her caliphate and they November. Why I've heard a callous bell, but I you know I do the kind of look on the map by Glacier national Park, one of the most beautiful places. I
in the world, especially this time of year. Oh my gosh! Yes, it is to you go up there and I went up there. We could go on. It is absolute gorgeous! Ok, my question is: I'm a registered nurse and one of the nurses aids that I work with apparently tested positive for China virus you and because I was within six feet of her for more than fifteen minutes. I guess I needed to be corn teamed until I could have a negative kind of irish tat logo and my employer called me Friday afternoon and said you have to leave work. You can't see any more patient, I'm home, healthier and need to go, get tested or quarantine until September, which was a blow at ten days after my exposure,
well. This call I got was a few days after that I was almost in the middle of the fourteen day. You anyway, anyway, I was tested, and I knew I was negative eyes. I'm negative, helping me to Morrow. I might be positively no man. I have a negative result here, for my require run. I can go back to work up now. I have to go in the morning and be fitted for an in ninety five. Now little blue, surgical, math are not effective. Well, yeah, the kind of masked that they want the rest of us to wear aren't really effective We need an invite five, but there, serving those for medical people, smoking from I thought about this- were there talking about two thirds in China Virus cases
the academic and I'm wondering they, your positive, until presumed negative or gender, the presumed positive until you test negative, but when they get the numbers to go in to lose tested, positive answer, because I was presumed positive, am I counted in that heard of corona via, even though I never had him? I would guess you problem were now. What do you think when you hear that the CDC is admitting some things like the young was the pcr tests is that the witches is is way.
A way to sensitive, analyse what they call a pc are, and so like. Ninety percent of the positives may have been negative. I mean yeah, the pc art as what what think when you hear something like that, when you hear something, let you no fewer than ten thousand of the deaths, and from covered only yet polymerize chain reaction, pc artist who get down the dna is way too sensitive. Do do you here they things and go. Ok intimates all in doing this wrong, all this time. Let me you'd have a better bead on and then I would ask as a health care or professional yourself. What would you think I
we ve been doing it wrong. I thought all along. We ve been doing it wrong. Why are we putting people that are a symptom attic flattened early this summer? I worked for the county avenues that with testing people prefer the tide of our, but they had to be a symptomatic. They couldn't have any symptoms if they had sent them. We call them, they had to go to their doctor, and now the CDC is going to have. You know, have symptoms and no big deal in an Inward I suppose, suggest the pretended. Employees wearing clothes right, yeah, yeah yeah. I had a math and I can't get a little. I don't know what you want to call it, not nice. I guess, but I had a lot of the blue math, but we are required to where you- and I are our governor-
laughing Pollack, and I rode on the front of my math, because I'd heard somebody faded from about that. From now on good, I wrote Bullock Vodka on it because the governor came out to life. If keys, I would happen to be at work that day and said everybody had to start wearing them after public now, will see your your governor there in Montana actually identifies as a Democrat. Sometimes our governor in Arkansas. This acts, like a Democrat so so is any possibility of target to your state. Senator your state represent insane hey. What's that. This is ridiculous and providing that person with some information. While up a good idea, thought about. Yeah, because I mean I don't know if you tell us Bell or.
Mozilla the either one you know yet a republican or a Democrat. I am no idea bottom, You know, like I said earlier, the republican state rap. We just got like state Senate here again, Selwyn in Arkansas, is actually mounting a lawsuit against the governor because he says you dont have the statutory authority to do what you're doing without the approval of the legislature by state law. And I'm wondering if it would be the same thing a minute. India in Montana, you might wanna to contact you state, Senator State Remsen find out but either way I mean a great call, great call in and appreciate your call K. God bless you. Thank you very much eight seven, seven, three eight one free, eight one, one Let me go to Marie and Palm springs. Caliphs you're on the market even show doc. Washburn fill in. What's up Marie love. Your shall. Thank you.
Really reactivated. I went law school, I'm an investigator working part time, you know of Everybody'S- got, do with a friend and our friend had Theo PD human Way, older in chronic, I'm kind help people smoke. You know we state from everybody, but he died in his house. And he was so terrified to go. See a doctor or mine. I'm wondering Any other elders or people are doing this because the financial incentive to tear point with the thing went the CDC, what changed it and People don't realize that he actually go back Mark within really got me way back when with just be Kelvin and instigation, repaid, o thou achieved with aids, look up the pieces,
I have back the nineteen eighty when aid would be up K, I had occurred in the dark her maids and he was giving all he would whistleblowing into this day. We still think he got killed. Oman intentional and fortune infliction, ivy emotional abuse when people, where the mask go back into the history of it. It's a poor man of submission that a lot of these mass don't work. Unfortunately, I live in a state where it loaded with democratic standards. They won't list Do you because they just want the money there cupidity starting fires in order to more hydro money, because they care prevalence, a cheque book and I'm thank God Tromp every day, then he did the money the way good, because we would have never gotten it. There's people still are being struggling and waiting and there's people better clarify- and it's like for the Democrats to think that they can do this by board
Our people have to do is go to the innkeeper website. It's a fundraiser bird, Joe by Joe Biden, come all Harris Economic heritage. Husband represents pharmaceutical industries, your heavily down in vaccines. And what does that tell you Mustn T Marie when you can pack a church for the funeral of George Lloyd or Jean Louis, are Elijah Cummings. But people are. Allowed to go see their own grandmother in the nursing home. I mean this is just so wrong. It's so wrong! God bless you, I'm sorry for your your loss, and I appreciate your call. Thank you very much. More recalls. Come eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven as we continue to do our best to speak the truth to power in before
the break. I gotta room I got a mention several months ago, I heard one of the most heart breaking phone calls when a nurse home operator in the great state of New York, call Markleham. Then, on this very radio programme and said we have been begging, Governor Cuomo and the health department, please don't sin covered positive patients to our nursing home to get people killed, and they want to respond to us and now the OJ the Justice Department. Once all the records from states like New York, they did that oh yeah, oh yeah pray for the re election of Donald J Trump. Eighty, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one Doc Washburn can doing filling out for the great one market.
Then you know what I hate overpaying for something we're already tax the death. Then you pile on all the other services holding US hostage to high rates home internet. Able utilities. Then there's your cell phone bill. Eighty tv, her and T mobile. They all want to charge you for data, you'll, never need, and so called You'll never use, thank goodness for pure talk, USA, because pure talk gives you the exact same covered same tower same bars, cause you have would know tracked, and no excessive fees right now enjoy limited talk text and to gigs have data offered. Twenty dollars a month. The person is saving four hundred dollars a year on their wireless bill. Gotta pure talk, USA Dotcom and are promo code Levine podcast when you do you're safe, two hundred and fifty dollars of any Iphone included
Brand New Iphone S E. That's pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levine Podcast, that's l, iron pot, got wash portfolio. Put great one mark. Look in a little Cargan saw so we're doktor, factually and surgeon general lying in March. When they say you don't have to wear masks, you don't have symptoms or they lying now send you gotta gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, wear masks, they ignoring she saying: well, you know Really endanger unless you're than six foot in six feet with six feet of somebody who has it symptomatic.
Ah from all fifteen minutes it- is ignoring all this movement teach I'm trying to seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Let's go to rob in one of the original subdivisions. The country TAT New York, rob your ended, Mcluhan Show Doc, filling in. What's up sir Doc? How are you you know? I just want to talk to people as the average healthy American, I'm thirty, so I wouldn't consider myself to young, but you know I'm pretty young. I didn't buy this thing from the beginning, but I followed the rules. I played their game and then about two months into the China virus. I said the hell with this mask
social destined figure. You know, and I watched my hand like a normal sanitary human being word before you go to the bathroom sure. I didn't go crazy and I think this just proves to most people what they need to understand that we have this thing called an immune system. We are designed to fight viruses. Right I mean I don't I don't know where this easy idea came that if we don't know where Mass were putting everybody at risk, this fear that being driven by the left wing media, it has really gotten to people and I'm people that I would never imagined would be walking around cowering down to Cuomo in Math really, because, obviously there is a built in sub group people in New York. I wish he'd never gotten elected governor families that, that kind of folk should talk about Rob.
And end the eleven thousand poor family than you know, I'm sure that number is higher, but you know who had to deal with their loved ones being killed by a governors, mismanagement of the virus and then somehow he turned around and blames the federal government. The amazing to make. Yet when he foresaw those people whose nursing homes and Jan Esteem, while sir, other law and mother law, she's meteorologist over Fox NEWS, and she Retweeted something out there on twitter about how the state is. Fighting freedom, formation s request to find out more info on that you know, cnn- all- mainstream media acting like a Cuomo. It is some kind a hero and, to me he's got blood of, like you say, eleven thousand people in his hands that they're trying to blame trump for that For all the deaths in the whole country, and now we find out that ninety four percent of them might not have even been for covered because.
Had cancer emphysema, something else it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous rob appreciates calibre. God bless you. Thank you very much. And remember, remember there's no war against getting. That long line for you all in New York and coming south, where a barbecue is actually a kind of meat instead of a cook out. All don't get me started are immortal but up here another hour of the marvel of Show Doc Washburn failure for the great one from the West would one pod cast network lady
Gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash jaw These now run casting them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of a non this script building. We have once again made contact with our leader I dont Washburn, filling in the great one. Michael of then there is a soap opera, spooky soap, opera, it sixty
to the early seventies that is treading on social media right now, dark, shadows I'm old enough to remember it. Don't tell anybody, should turn you and me, but I am, I checked to see why it was trending and it turns out that the present trump used that term while talking to Laura Ingram and it went. Something like this I would like to mention by because he's not controlling anything drawing by strings. I is it former Obama, even though that you ve never heard of people there. In the dark shadows, people that I mean. That sounds like conspiracy, theory, darkshire example that you haven't heard of the people that are on the streets there. People than it calling the street. We have You to get on a plane from a certain city this weekend
the plane. It was almost completely loaded with with thugs wearing these dark eurobonds, black uniforms with gear in this and that don't play where's. The rest I'll tell you sometime, but it's under investigation right now, but they came from a and that's where it stopped. I gotta tell you something: Donald plays the mainstream media and the democratic party machine. But I repeat myself: like a Stradivarius violin. He does take something else: Senator Rand Paul else Senator four accosted. The other night, I believe, is Thursday. Night
Came out of the White House grounds by very violent people who are threatening to kill him, and he is now calling for a complete federal investigation. He wants to know play for paid the plane tickets. I mean a lot of laws were broken that night and it wasn't just against Rand Paul and his wife are. My cup could be said. He encountered the same kind of thing, Alice Johnson, african American Lady, who was set free. When President Trump, his second chance, prison reform, deal after being in jail for many many years because of the the crime. All the Joe Biden push through in the nineties. She was
to buy some of these violent people coming out the White House ground. She said they said thanks to her she'd, never former life. Think she had never heard before in her life, so That's kind of a a verbal shot, Cross the bow the present trunk dead because you can not be paying attention and The Joe Biden is in charge of his campaign monetary, something say something. Yesterday, I'm sitting on the sofa in my living room, the all in all screwed up for Biden. So flew him from Wilmington Delaware to Pittsburgh. To do a twelve minutes speech.
In a hall, there was empty, except like four five reporters that we're way way far away from him. They did not try to any questions whatsoever and this whole time for months now, I've been saying: there's, no, his handlers. Will let him take a debate stage or Donald Trump. He can't stand up for ninety minutes, much less field, questions. Philly commercial Trump put out to recently what happened Joe Biden, charm and twenty. Two thousand sixteen to sharp. As a Now you just fondling around mumbling losing his train of thought has no idea. What's going on around them so Monday Yesterday, I'm sitting there watching bidest
wait, a minute speech and I said a prayer. I said Lord, please let him fall apart here, so everybody will see the truth, and then this happened. It's only nineteen seconds law. Corbett has taken this year just sent. The outbreak is taken more than one hundred years. Here's the wise! It's just think
More lies this year than any other year for the past two hundred years. Ok, all right! This guy he's gone. You know he's gone, I mean. How are you gonna tell me that he's going to be able to get a debate stage. And put up a verbal fight with Donald Trump like you did, was a Paul Ryan eight years ago in which, in the EU Republicans are like men. Ryan should have brought his a game and it didn't do too well against Joe he's. Not there anymore
So I'm watching Fox NEWS after Biden speech. Watch it for an hour and a half after buying speech, Melissa, France, Dana Primo and brought in one guest after another, sometimes two or three at a time. Nobody mentioned that obvious fumble. Nobody mentioned no questions from press at the end of the thing and I'm like your weight. Those are the things are caught, my eye, I mean, Look I'm sure that at last night, Eddie the chance to watch some shit. One in in Laura, I'm sure they brought it up. I watch part of Tucker didn't get a chance to watch the whole thing. He probably brought it up, but I said it before. I say it again, Joe Biden's not actually running for president.
Their internal pulling a guarantee is a lot. Worse is a lot worse than the public pulling at an end. Listen. I saw Jerry Cushion or go on a couple of weeks ago with bread bare and There's one of my favorite news, guys. I got nothin against him but he was asking to cushion about the Poles and Jarrett Jared mentioned. Ok, well, bred, your pole there that you Citing a course is the date they questioned registered voters not likely voters and breadth like ok. I take your point. I wonder why they do that. And I wonder why everybody, at the same public polls that were so horribly wrong for years ago are now the Bible.
And for that matter I've never understood polls that are popular vote. Poles. That's not the way our electoral system works. Is it we have electoral college for reason. Doing. And twice within the last hundred years, a president was elected when he didn't actually carry the popular vote, two thousand George W and two thousand and sixteen with Trump I mean the two thousand was George W. That was the first one and well since the 18S. Anyway. Your thoughts are welcome, as always at eight hundred and seventy seven,
eight thousand one hundred and thirty eight 114e run of the break. Let me try to squeeze a call in here, John in Columbia, South Carolina says you're a marine vet. We appreciate your service to our country brother. What's up yeah. I appreciate that had taken the gall of one of the issues. I look at our own boy mindset, nine years- and I have a prediction- said you may get em there are November member for President lashly border federal employees back to work goes I can tell you- is very lonely in my building wow well yeah. I think so I think so, and I think that she's gone November. Fourth, I mean this is just been. It's just been a travesty as far as I'm concerned- and you know I mean I thank god- that President Trump didn't act like an emperor ages- gave
some guidelines based on the best information ever found. She and Burkes the guidelines for the governors and, unfortunately, forty a m shut their that their states down. But I like the Scott ATLAS guy that he's got now and he I think you're right, I think, get back to normal. At least you know, like you safer employees on on November. Fourth, I know what it's gonna take for Governor Gavin, a in California, Governor Cuomo, New York. Even my public Mcgovern Arkansas like William, we get a vaccine, am I did not Thanks I mean I don't think so Because the CDC is saying that perhaps ninety percent of the of the positives are false, because
pcr tests his way way way to sensitive way to exacting, and now we find out that dumb, only six percent of deaths they are coming is covered, died of only covered everybody else's all bunch, other comber, better use its, crazy job, but dumb John we're going to celebrate on the evening of November. Third. I hope so, but I dont think matters one way or the other. I think our government is paying. Better ways to be at work in the US. Why? Ideally, we all should be a work. You know, I've been encouraged, didn't actually get course to do the same, but I I get paid to do my job and guess what I'm at work. Yeah yeah member God bless you again, preciate your service. Thank you very much more. If your calls
Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven- do you think it's possible that Joe Biden would take a debate stage with Donald Trump for ninety minutes Pelosi already said he shouldn't Jimmy Fallon said he shouldn't. I mean How are you going to stand up and send Clair for ninety minutes? He can't do it and I think we all know that. Don't we eight seventeen three, eight one, three, eight one, one doc, Washburn filling them for the great one Levant Ban; Amy, the association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook, in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about? More than talk, a MAC fights a fault.
Time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone and a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get a max by Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot? U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S
dont Washburn failure for the great one, Michael of in and present a trump an attorney General WWW Bar where it can no ship with constant. Today I gotta clip from the present get a clip, from the attorney general and will try to go to your calls at eight. Seventy three three, eight one, three eight one one hears a president of the United States of America, violet lobby. Demolished or damage at least twenty five business burn down public buildings and through bricks at police officers? Would you please offers won't stand for and they didn't stand for? These are not acts peaceful protest, but really domestic terror. My administration, coordinated with the state and local authorities to very very soon fleet deploy the National Guard surge. Federal law enforcement took a notion: stop the violence,
And I strongly support the use of the National Guard, and other cities in the same thing would be happening. If we did that, you have, the same thing happened in Portland would happen very quickly. It would all be over very, very quickly Yeah, but even though antifreeze trying to burn down the apartment, building the mayor of Portland lives and he doesn't want a federal hot help: TED Wheeler, TED Wheeler? Oh, my goodness, the looting Orson we're on oh by the way. Sorry, this, the attorney General William BAR the looting any arson were unacceptable as it progressed. It became more and more distant from the issue of racial just ass. It was violence for violent sake and once again we saw the hijacking of a protest by hard core,
group of of radicals who were carrying out planning a coordinated, violent attack on law enforcement, on public property and on private property, and that can't be tolerated. But these are the same people, many of them who came from out of town out of a hundred and seventy five of rest, a hundred were from out of town, and some of these are the same people using the same tactics that have been used and various cities, Washington, Dc Atlanta, Chicago now, Canosa Portland, Can't put up with it cannot put up with it and they come across state lines, nets, federal and got a problem. Right, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one June. Comes in LAS Vegas from the great listen, the great Katy W in Vegas you're on Mark Levin,
doc, washroom filling and got a couple of minutes. Brother preoccupations was up. Thanks Ravin, we autumn a frequent listener. First time collar, I enjoy Mr Levant work and you're doing good Job Mr Washburn, were they in the mantle while these away personal protection. My belief that be right, but you don't. What are you what you put it passed? The Democrats, I think ten days before the election the job of work to the mantle by your side, filmmaker a plea frantic plea to the protesters to the american people. Let's just all stop the rioting to stop the protests, then, like a lot of positive, don't turn it off It will require com we believe there in bed together. Ok, so give em a couple days after that began to put their tv together, and the message will be
president Trump and wouldn't Let's go LOS Angeles stepped in that that's intriguing, and that would not surprise me James less fishing theory, but when we got for trying to burn down the apartment. Building that the very we'll Democrat mayor of Portland lives in I'm not sure, but I think they might be out of control at this point, got thirty seconds go for it! Well, true, New story, though, they ve learned how to mobilise the groundwater They point planning. Can the Wall Street Day the Wall Street Whack job group by one million right: they know how to mobilise they not a planned. There's a lot of money, you're right, you're right, I gotta run to a brother. God bless you! Thank you very much. If you,
the video, the guy. They got shot the other night in Portland. It was obviously a group, activity and they were very well trained and they got They are. The shooter got other very quickly with a police right around the corner ever, let anybody tell you that Antigua is not organised, Doc, Washburn, film, before the great one mark, Levant more coming up straight at aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now, over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights all time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including
special member. Only rates on car insurance travel discounts cell phone, and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot. U S! America's most powerful conservative voice. Denmark loving, show dial now eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one, one it sure and fully and for the great one mark event from his affiliate
Rock Arkansas and use radio one or two nine Karen haven't had a chance to mention much about Jacob Blake. Have we now riots in the looting in Canosa Wisconsin was supposedly. Result of the police shooting Jacob Blake. I mean they had riots and looting the other day and many ATLAS because Murder suspect decided to commit suicide when the cops are closing and that that was enough. That was enough. People in Minneapolis to loot a it store, but in connection Wisconsin, when they try to burn owing to the ground, Newark Post says. The police involved, the shooting of Jacob Blake, which touched off fresh wave of angry anti police sentiment across the country were attempting to arrest him for violating.
Training order stemming from an alleged sexual assault. Twenty nine year old, Jacob Blake was forbidden. Going to the Canosa home of the alleged victims from a third incident and police were despatched so following a nine one. One call saying he was there. Responding officers were where he had open warrant fulfil sexual assault according to dispatch records and they can show professional Police Association, which released a statement on the incident on Friday, Jacob Blake. Who was paralyzed and the shooting had been here. Come to his hospital bed due to the warrant, which was vacated Friday according to a stable, released by his lawyers by his law your Benjamin crop all Benjamin crop. Yes, of course, he always turns up.
First heard about him when he was lawyer. Vertrieux on Martens, family chrome, said Jane, a Blake's restraints were removed, but he still facing the criminal charges. Blake is accused and criminal complaint. Which was obtained by the New York posed. A breaking into the of a woman. He knew and sexually assaulted. Her Who is only identify by your initials? In the paperwork told me she was asleep in bed with one of her alderman Jacob Blake came into the room about six clock in the morning and allegedly said I want my expletive deleted. I can't really say what he did next. But it certainly qualifies as sexual assault all generally, the officer who took her statement said she had a very difficult time, telling officer
How does she told how to defend and assaulted her? I wonder you know I hear drew breeze Back to New Orleans Sage has decided, put Jacob Lakes Name on his helmet, I won, If he knows about the allegations against Jacob Blake- and I wonder if we were matter this point- I mean I thought- maybe since they screwed up all the professional sports and the Ba, really down the tubes manually Small ratings are down the tubes. I've been a major baseball fences, Ives tinge ten years old and watch one game, so they started back I've always get ready, go down the tubes because you got commissioner, what's guy's name: Roderick Adele,
So we are, we really should also call on capital yoke. Your ball. You wasn't really your protest, you good stuff like or the troops of the police. We really should have listened to Even though we should walls were hurt, someone or if it when people can now, I'm thinking only three still have college football and now and now and now and now Alabama Crimson, tied, Nick Saving, your leads his athletes and some kind of war. For social justice, social justice. Ok, MR saving, coach, Nick. What what.
What is social justice? What what are you mentioned or are you just try and come to the conclusion that maybe it will be easier to just go along to get along. As opposed to telling your young charges eighteen nineteen twenty years old was up, what's really gonna is that? I can looks like you a lot of these sports figures that it's it's insane. It's insane, Eight seven seven, three, eight one. Three eight one one let me get a body in Colorado Springs body. You I'm sorry when it is body, Stiller bodies, sorry about that chief. Are in any case let me go to bury.
Woodland Park, New Jersey, you're on the market of and show doc washroom filling it got kids attacked here thanks to take my car. Thank you welcome things are covered up in your current I'm going back to co bid. Is that ok yeah sure yet out again in Florida? Is we can actually food for the first time that was fun and got you a great state of Florida, and I got the news about the CDC and I got excited and I started texting my family members of my friends going and I knew the data was long from the beginning- well, element New Jersey, ok, DM! Be can't get it straight. How the hell are they gonna get a point? Any time had come to government issued. You know MRS. They can't get it right. There is a big one. Where are you all right? So it's like renters me. Well, that's not really they're! Not!
they're, not rejoicing wavered. They don't want to be free. They are Democrats against political issue that I can not only a pandemic. Sure political issue and when you look at the case members you're talking about nine thousand, seven hundred people have died from coal with alone. Now I don't even know. I trust that number. No doubt it stop right, right, sure, ok, so the seasonal flu, thirty three thousand people at least ink a lot of young children without under a wine conditions right Why isn't that media open schools? Why you people walking about this right now, ok, what is politically citing the great whether your you, their are await shower
oh yeah, the country, the country store you guys on tv all time, yeah yeah, he tweeted without he got ridicule and everyone said you're putting up fake information. I did the research I didn't. Actually my son went on the CDC founded on their website. Sure sure is correct. I have sold out he just now. You gotta tat well and in its because berry. I think it's for the same reason that a few months ago, you had a lot of these habitats. Yah juice and unhealthy workers in the whole covered realm saying you know what social justice, is more important than social distancing and they were applauded. People go out there and peace
protesting against the death of George Floyd Masker, no mask. You know it is political for these people. It really is. And it's a shame and like somewhere. I really call Hercy, and I appreciate your call- God bless you like some of our earlier colors, I believe things to get back to normal on November. Fourth, that's that's! When it's going to start in a lot of places are eight hundred and eighty seven seven thousand three hundred and eighty one create one one want to get to a ban in Clyde, Arizona Ben. You are on the dock. The mark Levine show dockworkers and feeling in maybe I'll figure out where I am here in a minute. What's up hey good. Should really can I have a little bit here because on the Corbett I agree with, and I pay. Change your presenting that information but I see no the electoral college so that this sum we ve been talking about two yes, Basically, what I want to alert people too, is that this there, the twenties,
states that actually passed laws which said that the electoral college must vote how the majority voted. That's illegal Fortunately, we are yeah well Artie Are you sure it's twenty six states? That's what I heard I dont, know for sure yeah. I dont that I don't think it was that many, but anyway go ahead. The devil out because you know that that means they're gonna, try to steal a boat packet, but The second article of the constitution, Clearly that the only thing very have the authority to do as appoint the elect course right right right exactly then so. Here's the thing You don't want to lose sight of Donald Trump and his campaign team are paying attention to all this kind of stuff. Just like one Nevada a few weeks ago, Well, we're just gonna, send mail out balanced everybody,
that still our voters and immediately the Trump campaign file suit, so don't don't ever The mistake some people make of thinking that Donald Trump doesn't have agency himself, that he is not paying. Tension that he doesn't have very, very bright people and very bright attorneys. Working for him who are taking, who are paying attention to does not make sense. Let's have some good people, but he awesome bad people, because you, fight, a fight after you ve always been already been, kicked in the teeth in Lyon on the ground. What you get you need to have a lawsuit against. They states before the election, afterwards. You're gonna say what a moot point. That's that's my big concern. Counting yeah sixteen states. Sixteen states have passing their national popular vote bill, but its we, because you know
time around. This time around. You know that you didn't it didn't work in all those states are now because, like you say, is unconstitutional and he is illegal. But there is a will. There is a man about their. I just you know what I googled. The words states passed laws OZ electoral college, popular vote and I came with this sum, the web, out of these horrible people and it has the the ones that I had actually pass a law. Why shouldn't Oregon Caliph the Colorado in Mexico Hawaii, Illinois Dc Court, not estate mail in Delaware? New Jersey, New York, Vermont Mass chooses, can get in Rhode Island, but here's the thing and is just turn. You may want to keep it down Oh, you know we are on the airless being was due by millions of people I'm gonna win the popular vote, this time, it's
a landslide and it's not are you gonna be close, but I appreciate brother. Thank you very much been Clyde Arizona. The Doc Washburn filling in or the great one, Michael of in continues continues with your calls cover up at eight seven, seven, three at one three one, one now see if I can see it in actual proper english syntax more coming up on question filling if the great one Michael event, then Amy The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
Old time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond But to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts cell phone and a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U S, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot? U s
a dog wash portfolio for the great one mark Levin. Recent comments from Joe Biden about what's going on in the world, now, what was it he said about fracturing earlier? He said he was against it and now he sing. You know in Pennsylvania Course not getting rid of fraction. Do we do we other. The actual limit- let me see, will regret here and by the way you know I sit on the stand. Oh no get out. I got a lotta got harry legs. Note that turn that that that that dead turn about blonde and saw wait, wait not accuse you, sick above region the ball on rub my leg down other always train that watch the hare come back up again. Oh no again,
I learned about roaches I learned about, gives up my lap what I've loved kids jump when roaches grief theirs setting up this guy is not running for president actually. Ok, no way in the world. He cannot take a debate stage for ninety minutes with Donald Trump Jimmy. Alan and Anti blowsy are begging him not to our achieving, that squeeze a couple of calls in your eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven even in law Maryland. You are on the market of Info Doc, wash unfairly, and what's up sir I would not back about balloon Democrat Party. They know that they will not when they do. They not abandoned. As a compromise candidate in there today. The only objective at this point is chaos in those too bad
chance of winning told you know he said no to the bay noticed her window and they're going to strategy racism backfired, because those good black Democrat that donor bridle looting and any started their individual and absorbed a block away. The cannot abolish, because unless Europe I repented Bob We have progressed in conditions that do not endanger the only thing that only those who cannot combat a bombing voting and they're not gonna. Do that up again, she told you bet she'd, never surrender and operators. At present the election super financial anarchy, and I do not believe I thank you very much- a priest call Ivan. Thank thank very much. God bless you. I think he nailed it there and I think a dull trumps can have a lot more of the black vote. This time.
Round than any republic candidate in a long time, let me go to MIKE Casper Wyoming listing on the great m. Twelve thirty caveats see my got about a minute. Have us make a cat brother? What you got the good whiling work Inter state. What what I don't get is these people that are recidivists running please now lying along older big shot enabling get but Robert, I don't. Get it out the copper tenure On the contrary, I think that State of Wyoming is conservative. Yeah. I like to think that way pillar? I only took one county in your state into Sixteen Donald Trump took every other colleagues get it, I mean why are these people run from the place and not complying there? They ve got criminal background. Ever one of them and they get shot you. Anyone filter
I dont get it. I think it's a cultural thing and I think if you look at people who grow up in a two parent household mom and dad state married and raise a kids. I give your black, it or whatever you're, very, very unlikely to get involved in violent crime. But it's it's a cultural thing MIKE and it is it's a crying shame, sir. We appreciate your service to our country. We appreciate your service to community law in Force and God bless you. Thank you very much. Look. I just want to mention here real quick A former talk show host Neil Boards said the other day on Twitter. Please join me to pray for rational, embodies fighting an infection with a badly, as immune system ignore the inevitable hate filled comments of the left in for God's help for our friend thank you and rational and law. I'm not so much for this country and is the reason I have a job, probably the reason just about any
You're everybody and talk. Radio have a job so be really good idea. We bring rational, embodies days, doc. Washburn mice of time, really of the great one mark Levant, I can't say thank you enough to Mr Le Pen. Mr producer, Mr Call screener just infilling from MR producer: God bless you. God bless America, five, On Twitter finally, on Facebook and wash from from little work until we again. God bless. Thank you. So much from the westward one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-08.