« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/4/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, one man, AG Merrick Garland, is using the judiciary and the court system to affect the outcome and course of the 2024 election and the liberty of Donald Trump. This is as clear as day intentional obstruction through the use of the judicial system against a citizen candidate for president. The DOJ under Garland knows they are making it impossible for Trump to defend himself while running for president because they don’t want him to run for president. They know what they’re doing dropping 2 Grand Juries on Trump in the middle of a presidential campaign, bleeding his resources, and taking an enormous amount of time away from campaigning. The fact is that Trump cannot effectively defend himself and run for president at the same time, and ought not be forced to decide between one or the other. Individual district court judges ought not to decide for the nation how we shall now proceed, given what the Biden DOJ has foisted in the nation. The only constitutional body that might take action against this is the Supreme Court, but even by that time the damage will be done to Trump and the legal process will drag out. Weak Republicans like Mike Pence and Chris Christie have given aid and comfort to Democrats in destroying our country and endlessly attacking Trump.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the the What does everybody keep quoting your bar particular my friends on my feet, A cable network he's, making news or something is he's not even coherent. And his personal animosity towards donald trump taints every.
It comes out with rather considerable mouth, so why? since the case in washington is legitimate, although there are certain stance is involved here. He would not probably pulled the trigger it's an illegitimate case. Then he says the goal is to bring the case as fast as she can. You would think both parties support that now. Let me show you how stupid that is your daughter trot. You want to bring a case as fast as you can a washed and see what they read. Obama judge a democrat jury. You want to get a conviction And then it takes years for the circuit court and then the supreme court to hear me while the. Actions over how stupid is there, though, bars getting down whereby the day my view, which happens to be the correct view,
is that I have. Finally, I think figured out. How it can be done is that the trump lawyers go to the florida corps would judge cannon or any the court single the current these, but I would do it that way said a trial data from may some time. and move for an interlocutor. Tory appeal trend it up to the united states supreme court, which may or may not take the case. and explain everything. I've said to you and everything I've put online, which is my client. If your clients, Ernie Grabowski, will be the same thing, but they The say that their client can up possibly span full time on fire For his freedom, because what words me about here are indictments,
Then if they succeed, wind pudding, tromp in prison for the rest of his life he'll die in prison. That's the goal of the party opposite. the goal of the democratic party? That's the goal of buying to arrest and in prison for the rest of his life. The opposition now think about that. In the united states of america When you get to the supreme court in what you argue, the judge at every level, judges and then the supreme court is like me I can not fight time for his liberty dealing with eighty indictments. He cannot for the average citizen will be overwhelming enough and
for president at the same time, it's not possible and the depart of justice on there merrick garland. They know full well What they're doing there Can it impossible for my clyde the exercises constitutional rights, found himself his dupe since it is under attack and run for president. now some might say. Well, then, don't run for president. That's the point, isn't it they know what they're doing dropping Two grand jury indictments on top donald trump in the middle of a campaign that This sort of thing has never been done before, and it never should be done ever again. Their bleeding as resources, so he can't use them on his campaign. They know that he has to spend in it.
An enormous amount of time finding himself sitting down with lawyers, they're gonna have to go through nine months of video types, they're gonna have to go through over a million documents. You have to do all these things with your client. Whose fighting for is life whose fighting for his liberty. and at the same time, trying to do achieve the nomination of his party and run in the general election feet? The man is trying to put him in prison the rest of his life there never been done in this country before the only body left, the only Institutional body left that might take it. And to put an end to this, is the supreme court and binding? To this I mean in the cases they can This can go on after the alike.
There's, not a single statute of limitations. She in danger of running here now one that same department of justice that in actually lack. The twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen times fraud statute of limitation run intentionally on hunter by costing the federal treasury. Taxes on one point, five million dollar so what are they going to do in court now say? No, we let that stuff, imitation right. I'm the judge- and I say wait a minute why, while the government. doesn't have any exposure whatsoever. You have other Argument job, although video we have all the the wit testimony that you need so you can use at his trial on the january next case, which is the weakest that you know
say sound a billboard. Are you an idiot. This guy is ease, he is, he is disgruntled, and he's a nasty s o. Even said today on Martha Maccallum show at them. January six. I was to pay a price for legit he's not charge with, what happened on january. Six in any specific statue, fraud fraud, because the government claims he was telling the truth about the election. You know you was bad money. They had sensors shape and then they wanted mounted Information misinformation. This information boards at home security. Looking over, what's going on social media imagine being indicted over something like it, then they use
Two statutes were passed right after enron. Because I realise that you have a criminal stature that involve the destruction of documents related to to congress. So those obstruction charges that has nothing to do with this. In fact, That red is so thin that a number. protestors who were convicted on that have appeals and that matters going to give to the: u s supreme court. They use that Our third way regard some pretty you get. Somebody bars a buffoon. so why do they keep quoting? Why they shouldn't? call me cause, I know what the hell I'm talking about him. Been an attorney general wasn't a very good one.
was chief of staff to an attorney general and he was a great one. Tonne believable, So what I would do, I'm just giving my opinion publicly sub blurs all lawyers. All you folks, department of justice, judges, non judges, everyone And you see what I'm saying: that's what I do your right say: one eyed, post. make much many the arguments I just made and there's more why this case needs to be stopped. Other case needs to be stopped. Supreme court has to decide if Donald, I is able to get there Besides his constitutional, due process, rights. And, moreover, on the second lane
This kind of activity by the executive branch against a candidate is constitutional. Because I don't believe it is in any respect, merit garland is dropping a diet, top donald trump one after another. After another he's got trial, It's up the wazir. They have court dates up the. Why so all through this proceeding through this election psycho, then exactly what there. Doing- and here is the key- please listen- this is the key one man Merrick garland is using the judiciary. using the court system to try and affect the outcome of the election the course of the election and the liberty of a man who's been
Sure you can defend yourself, you're gonna get day in court. Even if you don't have time actually present, a proper defence sure you can do that. Why am I the only one talking about this. where the hell other civil libertarians where's, the defence bar. Where's the icy I'll yo. Where am I follow concerned, where are they. This is clear as night and day. This is intentional. You have the bite in the parliament of justice and their hitler, and the special council Using the judicial system.
Using the judicial system, the process of litigation, the process of charging, somebody against the candidate against the citizen. We cannot leave the individual judges and individual districts. We certainly leave it to local da's to determine the future course of this nation. Now the found should for tyranny is being built all around us all around us. No, when I come back, I want to prove it. I'll, be right back then
helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks, record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of their retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five
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but I would appeal is now trying to this case before the supreme court, you might lose it, they may not taken but they damn damage. Should this and a political question. This is a question of whether the judiciary is going to defend itself. From being misused by the executive branch. This way you can, haven't attorney general anymore. Security is not even present presidential point day he's just a career bureaucrat. You can't have an attorney general Whose buys is obvious, with its three hundred bind matters refusal to appoint a special council in the case of Joe Biden? and I have an attorney general dropping indictment bombs on top of oppression, president who's running for reelection, a candidate the middle of the election cycle in a way that intended to disrupt the elect That's why they say we want a speedy
the speedy tracked applies to the defendant. It's what's to them. status of the defended the bill of rights or not for the government. The constitution is to protect you. And so the issues- and is this a political question? their political doctrine, the queen is whether or not constitutionally they're going to permit. this situation to occur whereby the wrapping these indictments on dates determined by garlon. The Biden administration to do the most damage to the do pray Those rights of the target of the defendant and the purpose of interfering with the election, this isn't going to do
justice, the rashness along they can wait, but they don't want away. Sky Smith's got his orders from the attorney general. We want to move fast. We want this conviction if we can get it before the election, so we can affect the outcome of the election and for their case and for an infer tromp: this is nowhere. It's no joke. Got all these charges, many of which are just completely bogus if got all them, but he's got a about being convicted is very difficult to overturn a conviction on all charges right Allie as eighty charges against and when you count manhattan. two cases at the federal level. Eighty, so that it. Is I'm getting one pretty damn high.
and that's why they're doing it. And then atlanta will come and all of a sudden and so the defend himself against the manhattan DA. The the DA cases involving the feds. They all know what they're doing and we, the people meeting he protected. The electoral process needs to be protected. It's it's a sickening irony helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks.
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tax level, and six eight five, nine to again text l easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com. The democratic party has become the political and operational organism there which american marxism functions. Just as early in our history was the party of the confederacy in slavery,
segregation geisha in the coup, klux clan and Jim crow. Am I Sometimes it is adapted and tailored marxist ideology terms can governance in politics and in so During the democratic parties adopted. What some call a passive required Revolutionary approach that says the later tying communist Antonia grams geese argued a law, march to america's cultural institutions. Where intellect broadly defined, would populated, institutions slowly but surely radicalized them softened existing societal morals and autonomy destroy the culture and restructure society and it ramps. He asserted that socialism is precisely the religion that most overwhelm christianity, and the new order he said socialism will triumph by first capture. the culture, the infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by
forming the consciousness of society. Although graham ski urged, subterfuge and deceit. He did not happen force or violence employed street you clean wisely, this is the, crap party script saw Linsky a marxist and graham ski fan. rules for radicals, as you know, basis Essentially, on graham skis approach importantly alive was a key mentor. Hillary Clinton win nineteen sixty nine wrote her ninety two page senior thesis on a linsky as well What college and his writings were extremely influential with a young community activists named iraq or bomber. Obviously, these are two of the most prominent democrat party leaders in the lurch their last thirty years so bomber was a short term senator before. quickly. Ascending to the presidency, for two terms inclined the first lady senator sector, state and democratic party presidential candidate, so
the man they admired among the most was a well known communist. Obama was also mentor by frank Marshall Davis. The time obama was in high school college in a community activists chicago few people. Close to him as Davis as proof. sir Paul Congo recounts Davis, joint communist party usa in chicago during world war, two party number, was for seven five, four four: he, extremely active in party circles and even wrote foreign was the founding editor. In chief, the communist party publication there. The chicago star he left cargo, nineteen, forty eight for hawaii wayward right for the poor publication there, the Honolulu record Those writings reveal a man fully loyal to the soviet union and the communist party line, and often
and I can't resemblance to obama's own rhetoric where David was plashing wall street big oil, big banks, cooperating it is in their exact excess profits and greed and their fat cats. wealthy and the millionaires geo pete tax cuts that spare rich and on and on. mother leading influence in the democratic parties. Of course, senator Bernie sanders spite more recent efforts to mainstream himself, sanders, who nearly one the democratic party nomination for president in twenty twenty and musician. Papers have served as the revolutionary blueprint for the body, Illustration has spent his time Life is a marxist activists Who is treated as a kind of elvers statesmen of the democratic party is Accurate and marxist movements and activities support of repressive communist regimes and causes is so
Hence it would be that would require far too many pages in this book. This from my book to elaborate that said, Sanders his praise, genocidal communist regimes and the old, so union huber, nicaragua etc called for the government take over a most industries and offered a quote twenty first century economic bill of rights, they could have been lifted straight from Joseph Stalin's nineteen, thirty six soviet constitution, These are but a few of the stars and the democratic party, You can see. This is a top down. Elitist is movement just as great he encouraged- and I might add just this will add a mere lenin insisted, for example, Graduated from yale law, school from harvard law, school and sailors from the university of chicago, hardly part of it proletarian again no less than vladimir Lenin, who led the russian revolution and nineteen seventeen believed in a town
down revolution as well, which he called them. Craddock centralisation, democrat centralisation Of course there was nothing democratic about it. The russians were not communist revolutionaries when the tsar was toppled. Leninist system that the masses must be led by the few, and of course he was first among equals, moreover, in preached that the party be them out monopolistic structure through which every aspect of society's managed and that all citizens must adhere to the party programme. He did I believe in the natural attraction of marxist ideology to the masses, but instead excess the use of an iron fist, to oppose that this agenda on the population or public resistance must be broken. There can be, tolerance for opposition at all.
Specks of life were subjected to the will and whims of the communist party controlled state. Furthermore, truth and justice are to be defined by serves the best interests of the party. Inevitably, the democratic parties infinite cultural, economic and political interventions, always in the name of the people in some virtuous and wealthy cars led to this eddie decline of liberty. Steady rise of totalitarianism and to the ecb why of the people? when fewer masterminds, with an ever increasing army of bureaucrats enforcers. Rain over the citizenry and decide what is it is not good for them. The abuse Is a power limit list, as are the justifications Slowly, but surely the people get used to it even vote for until one day its grip is too tight. Then it's too late
the police state is not known to retreat peacefully or over there. The crab party, as the state party, is By a state media, poses a free press. The state There are no less devious and diabolical than apart, they promote and, like other propagandists, skill. The deceit and deception will be here for the cause I'm the democratic party ones an election, whether its the board may our level or governorship our presidency comes even more powerful and dangerous, toad Terrorism through the ballot box is not new. Even now, Crab party electron victories further. The administrative state and its appointed traditional oligarchs. Who hold what is as close to permanent governing authority without checks or personal consequence as kind as ever invented. Indeed, Crap party makes the most of its electoral victories both in its efforts,
to enshrine electoral changes that advantage it and a strengthened expand the unelected part of the government that is appended to it: increased The republican party victories while deeply troubling an intolerable to the democratic party are see fleeting interludes in a long march to what is effectively the hardening of one party, democratic control of the country, less like all autocratic parties, the democratic party in its media and other surrogates wheel leslie pursue republican victors. Well all manner of tactics and sabotage, for they must, a huge personal and professional price. For again, The challenge is not alone, win an election and disrupt the one party cried party rule friction If Richard Nixon was forced to resign for doing far, less than When rose about John Kerry, or Lyndon Johnson and there
and I the irs fbi and lay even the cia, I don't was pursued over the so called iran contra matter, which was nothing compared. Brok obama's one point: seven billion dollar cash payment and nuclear deal with the iranian regime and, of course, the endless political and criminal pursuit of donald trump by the democratic path. He is unprecedented in this. virtually all else? It does the dinner wrap parties. Loathing of america is limitless. require party hates america. That's from part of chapter. One. You get on amazon, dotcom right now, and priority or copies at forty percent off
yeah, the retail link rabbit. I really think this is the book for the time. This time these times Those words were written, MR producer seven or eight months ago. I updated it along the way, as we were at any where I could, but the tyranny is so aggressive now so ubiquitous, its possible updated to the day or even the weak. But the principles that I discuss, the history that I present all of it relates to the same thing. They don't care for destroying our electoral system, they know
Republicans are quisling said that they will not use the same power that they are against republicans. The republic won't use that power against them. We have the bill bars the my pencil. The Chris Christy's, the Larry huggins. The christian news, the asia hutches image animals and the other phalanx of quisling. They have no such thing. So this pass over quiet revolution is in fact taken. Place right before your eyes and you They want to discuss on capital held today. Mr producer ufos. You have heard the country is on the brink.
Communist china is on the rise there. Preparing for war, Happily hilda discussing ufos today Media discussing you have waited discuss what's happening to trump. MSNBC and seen in our part of the government media. But I call the state media. And so you know what they're going to say in advance of them saying they exist, to be propagandists, they existed, that's the call of totalitarianism. Somehow they they're going to escape it now, be devoured too. they celebrate tyranny. They urge tyranny against europe.
Minutes, or at least those who agree with them, but there's no. schools to be promoting bill bar and his ilk. Who are the weak underbelly of of our republic, though the weak underbelly They are the Benedict arnold, they are the backs, divers call them what you will look at my pants. Just then, it is past statements prided generally, six undercut his claims on election integrity. Constitutional treaty pensive, repeatedly maintained. He liked the constitutional authority to send the election results back to the content it states, review and insisted. He saw no evidence of voter fraud, swine, Our committee, twenty twenty election
or vice president's own words. Prior to the events in january, six, however, seem to come Direct his post vice presidency narrative video footage from a public. Dress less than one week prior to the electoral certification, ungenerous six shows pensive, pressing concerns about the election irregularities in the car. Test and vows up here. The objections of his supporters during the certification process, seeming suggesting he how the belief in his to do so, he said I know we all got doubts about the election share the concerns of millions of americans. Voting irregularity. She told supporters ungenerous forth I promise you this wednesday, have our day in congress will hear the objections. Well here the evidence. in. May the remarks throwing a rally to disport then geo peace, senator Kelly, lovelorn david, do, in georgia, run off smith.
died. Many clouds, six other co conspirators whom, with whom MR proper legend Conspired to unlawfully overturned the election, how ridiculous. One of those individuals who alleges put forward plans at lunch the theory that pence could deem the electoral system. It's from seven disputed states and valid- and you know it's interesting There's not a word in the brief the indictments filed by jack, the Ripper smith and approved by the attorney general, the united states- that I'd say scintilla constitutional language or cuts. To show history that disputes the advice the trunk got so at the department of justice and jack, the ripper smith cannot provide language in the constitution are from the cap institutional convention. I don't care about mike alluding who gives it
It's about him if they can, Provide a single cell of all that even disputes the advice that tromp was receiving where there is good or bad I sound advice or anything else. then how the hell do they bill a criminal case on it. I'll be right. ben helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold iras as part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or augusta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious texts levin the six, eight five, nine two again text: l e v, I n to six eight five: nine to live in two six, eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com, that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com, You believe the they go This woman has Mr Miller's the goal of this demagogue,
I mean I thought after she said that are false teeth but fall out of her mouth. Further facelift will unravel right in front of us showing one of these. You are folk pilots, Maybe the skin would melt away and there it is. Are you a foe pilot. But now there she is And he says this is why we want to take out the republican party, the next election folks. Can you imagine if they succeed. If they, when the present see where they, when the house and so forth, dover. that's, why they're fighting for keeps right now. That's why these? Charges are being made now not later. they'll bar is blue it by animosity, I by the cholesterol.
that has gathered under his eyes. I dont know. But he's irrelevant, is a sucker. I John Bolton who's out their begging Continuing making an ass items. You can see all these disgruntled former employees had trump fired or who quit. May I have a head on. They can't just walk away, none of halon boy, so them Preposterous case ever brought in is brought in a federal court, involving january six, but not in one a case that involves january six and doesn't involve generous. I mean when you re What is so incoherent? That's right, blue definitive trouble explaining it it's lee incoherent. tromp was lying about the election and over and over again any upset people. Can you
I d generous it. Now, then, who cares what you think who gives a day what you think this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you. So much sponsorship, pure talk, he's here now, broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the multisite cnn, the bars anywhere he's like the have naughty.
Michael. I monotony of attorneys terms of his ubiquitous appearance on tv veil, Reconsider that until you drop about fifty, but that's just my opinion,. You. Ve got washed in post reporters tv sang the whole job. things baseless. You have marked short this become a real sven, golly, real sleaze ball, but he's been for a long time, quite frankly, he's on cnn and he's trashing who's? He mark meadows. He got I caught a lawyer in washington, d c and other hack. The use when a trumps lawyers, and I don't know the so these guys gone out and attacking their former climb snapped the way used to practice law, but that's the way tat carbon others do you ve got Others
This is long but This is the ruling class struggle class and the and the like. choose the hangers on the ruling class. This is how they make their money. This is how they ve always made their money there. Of the resignation in Washington and then they go into the private sector, they just stay in washington staying government these, leech lawyers- these are slipping, fall and lynch chasing washed in DC lawyers. and so then I really interested in linking government really interested in what you are interested in the world Can anybody they'll come and go be attorney general for bush as easily as though the attorney general for trump John Bolton begged to be there. To be the director of national security under trump called me repeatedly. And I'm not the only one left
we'd like hell, even though he knew, and his heart of hearts They didn't agree with Donald trump's powers, so why would you want that spot? John bonham acted like he was president there would trumped up, we will then he'd have a stump pretensions. Then trump. Drop kick your out or he resigns you. The way who cares and look at this. Jumbo writes a book even judgment, where it says you can expose all this information in your book they fight John boardman. The guy leading the charge is bill bar. When I hate trump Whose trumped up to him and who are since John bonham chuck koper. a lawyer in and around washington DC, who I've known for decades? I don't talk to these people anymore
I don't want anything to do with my life is too short. I can't trust him their unprincipled there's plenty of good people out there. My pants tried to call me this morning. I was available for the call I mean I silence my phone when I'm taping on I looked. He tried to call me and not taking mike. So called want nothing to do with them anymore. He said to me. But because he doesn't support, try not because he doesn't cash crops, but not because he doesn't shine trump shoes, but because He's done aid and comfort Those who are trying to overthrow this country might could say I did what I thought was right and I know what I did was right. He could take his position.
I follow the legal advice that I thought was the most sound. That's what I did. History will judge me one way or the other, we ve got, is judged me. I in a positive way? There's nobody does he's made up called calculation with this This sleazy mark shore, Who have also known for decades? I remember when you would use to carry out we nor its brief case now. Bigger strategist. I wife work with him once too. She liked him. And I'm sure she is a different view. Now I try to keep her out of this stuff. But none of that matters. they'll go on cnn gone MSNBC that listen to this. I just want to give an example. Mark short, worked at the white house with mark meadows of march
Had a problem with mark meadows or a problem with donald trump, why did you work at the white house? Why, while it was working for. Repents originally was working for trot. He was working for trouble. He hated trop. Does that sound principal person I, but this is why the embrace him on CNN. This is by the ruling class embraces, and this is why washington loves the guy. because he has no principle. it's like Chris Christie in two thousand and sixteen it was Chris Christie was all there was all the rage who is head of the transition had power was decide who would get what he recommends for ray for fbi, directed prompted him up on it. All now, good, look at Joe scar Joe and make scarborough had their heads jointly so far up trumps, but it was disgusting. It was embarrassing
They had a on show. Nobody walked, of course, but they had among their show. They promote them in the republican primary to remember all this, MR pollution. Then they got angry with him. They got cross ways with him, so now they have bent their careers trying to destroy me? It's funny I originally supported take crews and the republican primers. As many people our trump remind me and donald trump trying to time lapse about it and, after whose loss I supported, trump might defensive trump. The defence of the legal system. Might defensive trump? Is the defence of the republic and low our system that if they can do this, making good anybody? I'm a cop, the crucial is that the bottom line, I'm my regulate, that's the bottom line. That's why I came
politics through reagan, six and eighty? I know that donald trump loves that country and, I know Joe does not. He notes that country for everything you can. I know that crap party hates the country. I know Donald trump loves donald trump, what's nothing. With the ruling class in Washington DC, he wants nothing to do with their media in washington d c This is why they were stunned when he defeated them This is why they tried to take them out even before he entered office While he was in office after he's, left off. even that judges in washington DC can't stand idle drop. The judges, the legal bar, the fbi, the depart of justice, the cia. They mean the types their rhinos.
The hangers on the a there. Is your ruling class? What do you think that north Dakota. What do you think about a kansas do you think about a new hampshire? What do you think about texas in law? south carolina? What do you think about it? The rest The country you like this. Yeah like what the hell's going on here. When I read something to it's, very heavy it's from Kevin downy junior pga. It's very heavy. The left for me construe intentionally, because the left. In the media. They are the echo lights of the big lie, so they don't matter. He writes
On his death bed, my friends grandfather. I call on matters revealed how, as a lithuanian, he was forced to unroll in a programme. see paramilitary groups shortly after the nazi occupation of a small town near vehement near vilnius This group, as the lithuanian rifles, is another The officer pointed out his other options were to become a social, democratic, communist, the nazis care for these people. Social Democrats want to concentration camps. communists, were shot, Whose duty was to patrol a small town, unarmed, without lithuanian rifles and report back to the nazis. He didn't like the nazis, but he hated the communists. and being a lithuanian rifle was better than a camp or a bullet. Besides, germany was the land of art and science. He figured germans were civilised. Communists were animals good riddance. to the stalinist who
I found themselves under the gun. so germany was wanting more months after it. Thing is the lithuanian rifle mattress and israel. these married father to three and began to hear insane rumours. He thought that surrounding a jewish men and teens in nearby and shooting them in the forest said his friends refused to believe the rumours jerk they thought were cultured and sophisticated. They europe and engineering, germany was home to some of the world's best composers, brahms bach beethoven, german build city soviets, not germans were feral Stalin's men deported thousands of ethnic, the lithuanians out of his town, and they were never seen again russian. Both theatrically moved in it took over the city and thereby towns, unlike the soviets pyramids didn't send train loads of lithuanians to destinations. Are no the germans
never commit soviet like atrocities, not on ethnic lithuanians, anyway, those soviet, what they deserve. After dismissing the rumours is likely pro style and propaganda matter, walk to a store one morning to see that the towers full assigns ordering all jewish men. Fourteen years in order to Portugal, one in town on a certain date and time now, lies, the rumors were true. Several hours later, he received a note ordering him to report to the same point. Two hours before the jewish men do that morning, to take a sick day ninety minutes later three frightened lithuanian rifles and a very angry nazi officer pounded on his door. The lithuanian rifle standing at the door also sought the day off then not, Refuses There were no six days allowed on that date. There. under the forest where matters
jewish men and teens digging a large hall but doesn't lithuanian rifles watched in horror as the nazi soldiers drank vodka made jokes, it is in his fellow hold out lithuanian rifles were handed guns and told the guard. The approach to the pit Where did too? Should anyone who approached and anyone who attempted to escape the knots He threatened them to not disobey his orders again as they stood why they heard the guns, go off minutes. you're three lithuanian rifles, looking terrified and to them and said they were ordered to the pit suggested that they run less. They be executed for not showing up at dawn, but they That would mean that their families might be murdered. They hurried to the pit. Nazis were drunk, lithuanian rifles comprise mostly men in their thirties and fortys men who work
carpenters, farmers and sharp owners had done the shooting man enough to kill jews, but you will be man enough to bear them the angry nazi boom to them. Maddest minutes Before passing away and have track, michigan what his grandson, that he didn't shoot, but he did bury the jew. Men, some of whom were still moving stuff. The last time that anyone had heard that story, the first and last time this The vilnius having a centuries old, long history of being conquered and occupied by opposing armies the atrocities. Those armies committed. This watching other lithuanians get carted off by the soviets matter. Still further. Can happen here than in his lifetime Calamities belong to history, People like matters The united states from war torn countries most of.
I have never seen first hand the decimation wrought by tyrants. We in our time and money on luxuries like an ground pools and outdoor pizza evans, believing it can happen here. Are you those I might add, but make no mistake. Germany is here is hidden, state run news outlets that distract us from the truth, With stories about little green men and lizards latest chunky stunt, they lie I too, americans, on their twenty four hour, propaganda platforms about our own President skulduggery, china and downplay, or ignore the ramifications Should chicanery presents, such as spy balloons left unfettered? A border left open secret chinese police station and more than thirteen thousand military aid, chinese people flooding into our country Our leaders lie to us with the sky. Is falling Flapdoodle how climate change and phantom white supremacy, not the tyranny-
a sponsor which will be our downfall. albert einstein once wrote to assign theirs thing amazing about americans, democracy. It's got a gyroscope but just when you think it's gonna go off the cliff rights itself. While you that gyroscope we don't have a system to thwart tyrants. You constitution. That's it that's it! Yes, that's it! I'll be right back, then, you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure,
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go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. How far will the most corrupt president in history go to keep republicans from winning back the white house? The cast of unscrupulous accomplices he's assembled to again trump melvyn bragg, the radical liberal new york prosecutor, who refuses to prosecute violent criminals, jack smith, who's made a career of persecuting innocent republican officials, Letitia James, the socialist, who ran on the promise I'll go after trump and Biden's newest, lackey atlanta. The Bonnie willis show incompetent on her watch. Violent crimes have explode so tainted. Willis was thrown off one piece for trying to prosecute political opponents, so current willis got caught hiding a relationship with a gang member. She was prosecuting, show dishonest and willis was accused of creating a fake subpoena. Welcome to the fraud squad, the message to great ad and he needs to push back and he is, and
somebody asked me, I think, was tat area today. What do you mean, transfer. I don't know anyone what webster think I dont know I hope they're good. I just don't know them I'm not only inside folks, I'm not an insider? I give my opinion to you. I give my opinion publicly. That's what I do if somebody asked me for my opinion, I'll give it to them as well. and me from time to time I give them my opinion, probably right.
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L e g, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. My parents taught me a lot of very, very important things. My teachers me a lot of very important things. And I ve tried to live my life As a good human being, none of us are perfect. But I do know right from raw no loyalty from disloyalty. I know it's legal and what's illegal. There are no true friendship from phone, Friendship, I guess,
Disappointed all the time, quite frankly,. And you just a deal that when it happened. I'd consider bill bar friend com. Now is reprehensible. and work with John bolton in the meat justice department. His conduct is beyond belief. I've known my pants for decades. And in forty eight hours forty eight hours. he plus himself up, at least in my view,. The support donald trump perennially.
And I have to agree with them about anything. I don't always agree with them, But when you see what swirling around us today. Can you take the side of a man? Is destroying our republican, destroying truly our electoral system jack smith. Who's fronting for garland is running for Biden, so we took- I every day and night what's happening to our country. a you genuflect, and you feel that there is a need. Now to say things are you haven't said since then, january, twenty six to january six. I want to talk to you anymore.
period and were nothing to do with you. I want nothing to do to a bill barn when nothing to do with John Bolton. Nothing much. Now I would never work praying these politicians. I would never work for donald trump VIC Wrong number. I spent my eight years with reagan, and I love them and, of course, I am committed to you and what I do here. These people chose to take these jobs. Then, from what I heard, Donald trump survey Difficult boss, I didn't say he's a bad boss say he said that's quite a difficult. We ve all had difficult, but
If he can handle it, don't take the john don't do it. but now what you're doing is retaining the republic. Know what you're doing is attacking. Perhaps the only man but perhaps not in the Publican ranks who can help us, Feed this tyranny, we nah. It's going to be him or not. Though we know, is leading, and we know that these we trying to deny cap him. Any perspective. We need some context this country will not be a free country. for more years abiden, how came
Freeze, speaker, checks, where is present. Excuse me, as the majority leader continuing in the senate,. and when they lose the ruling class. When these people lose they blame you and me Blame us for not getting behind their milk toes candidates. who have no desire to take on the tyranny the year, the tyranny- The people are committing none the macao He's the collins, the romney's, the list is a very very long one. We're not going to follow people who have their own is with triumph for their own issues. With this. It is therefore an issue with whom I don't expect the join you in line up behind you in your own little you're a little
The hard since over were not going. Do that we're not gonna. Do it As for these crackpot law, Is that the vice president talks about Spain is Brad all this was considered one of the brightest floors conservative movement. Was the dean of a law school he's written extensively? He clerk for clarence, thomas He's written multiple briefs, including supreme court, breeze, very strong, brief, now Well, he's a crackpot because my lewd again the gang. Thank you Michael we sold out to corporate amerika long time ago, as the I b m general counsel, then get nominated to the supreme court. I saw a completely different, michael loaded, when I saw him testifying in front of that bogus rump.
generally six commission. he seemed unhinged me self, righteous. Well beyond angry and disappointment: here's the truth mike Mark short and all the rest of you, the constitution As absolutely silent about the power of the vice president, doing what you were asked to do. It doesn't say anything Medicines notes. They don't say anything we are trying to protect their own narratives into the situation.
so people are telling my pants. He can't do something. Some people are telling me he, and it is fair. For the president of the Senate, who's ever saying this process to take it. Consideration what might happen to the country. should we make one decision or another. That's an acceptable thing to be concerned about. But the system works, except when people are destroying, obviously The final say about the twenty twenty election was in congress. But apparently the elections not over not because of trump mike and mark and bill And more curly and so forth, it's not
Were because Joe Biden doesn't wanted to be so they ve criminalized. What is it really constitutional slash political process were congress has the final say. Where the states have. The first say that mike is how the constitution works. You see make when the constitution was After it and then ratified, there was no department of justice. Let alone you ass attorneys and special councils and other estimates. In fact, where no district records MIKE there were no appellate courts record in the constitution is the supreme court. You should know this. You saw on the bible to pull their constitution it's a perfectly legitimate point of view to think that maybe the president, can
a second look at this, or maybe he can't. You're there in that position to make that decision. It's your decision. President trump may oppressed you to make a decision others pressure to make a different decision. You don't at the buckle under the under the pressure. You made your decision Decision, it's not the wrong decision, it's a legitimate decision and you made it. President trumped didn't commit a crime press his case with you. No criminal stature. They covers that these charges, Charges, by implication that opinion charges based on the law using thee,
Eighteen, seventy one clan act using these, obstruction, acts that were passed after enron having nothing, to do a january six and that's very controversial what they ve done. These protesters and that's kind of he'll do the supreme court? That's not solid law and, of course, the first count on fraud is your typical stature. That use against people who commit fraud against the united states, financial fraud and all do damage to the institutions but they're doing damage to the institutions by the nature of the fraud they commit. That is financial fraud. That sort of snow, intended to apply to an election circles As ever, none of these statutes. And so really when you stepped back. these charges. This indictment. Proves that there was no insurrection.
there is no seditious conspiracy because, despite its best efforts, despite his. his his obsession, his unhinged objective, to get donald trump, even jackson, Couldn't figure out how to make that stick despite the propaganda that we go. From the illegitimate generally six commission that was set up, Nancy Pelosi she chose the Democrats. She chose the republic despite all the loose train. He said it was a lie and it never could be true. Because it was donald trump who said to the secretary of defence, the acting sector, defence, the head of the joint chiefs
chief of staff to the acting secretary defence, perhaps another person as they were, leaving his office. Forty eight hours before january, six ask the bigger. The house ass, the mare, if they want federal troops, to protect the capital building. That was even noted in an independent report by the inspector general, the department of defense millie even had it in his Contemporaneous notes, even though he hates trap the acting Trade defence said by all means it did occur. His chief of staff says exactly the same thing. You can't run an insurrection and you ten thousand armed troops around the capital building.
I know all the rest about peaceful and everything, but that's the bottom line in had absolutely no communication, no texts, no emails, no oral, communication that anyone can testify to no written notes are even pensive were trump said. We're gonna, take the capital, nothing zero, you ve been lie too by the media, but the democratic party and others andrews I'll be right.
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People want attack my character, reputation, and that doesn't mean that people will try destroy me whether the arrest or the guy. So far, my fingers are crossed problem, but you know what I mean: and yet these men admiration in my new unexacting I'll, be right back my friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss. But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer
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Maybe we're the problem And of course, conservatives were excited by this because. Brooks stating the obvious, but he stating in the new york times unease he's. from being a oh crystals think of it national conservative republican Do I drew the magazine whose name I forget it went under under fairly quickly? To a liberal writing at the new york times, he knows. He knows who were pays who doesn't know. That said, What he said is not new others have said it. Not many but others.
Four hundred thousand people purchase to copy of on freedom of the press and in there. I mention the gentleman by the name: a well run, CBS news, digital political correspond, Tell me if this sound, something like the david Brooks everybody so excited about today. On november, eleven twenty sixteen shortly after Donald trump selection will run CBS news. General political correspondent of the network's managing director politics wrote an extraordinary opinion. Peace. The unbearable smugness of the press in which he excoriated the Democrats party, press and fellow journalists sounds very similar with David brooks has recently done. Doesn't it must produce he said the mood in washington press corps is bleak. Really so.
Couldn't come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few sections. We were all Italy are explicitly with her, which has led the way eating I would just like to a certain anguish in the face of diagrams victory. More than that and more Thirdly, we also miss the story. If having spent months mocking the people at a better sense of what was going on This is all symptomatic of the modern journalism, great moral and intellectual, failing its unbearable smugness. Again, as some us reads very similar to what David Brooks wrote today in the new york times, crop knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and here's the reporters covering em. They hate us and for some time I can you blame them. journalists, lovemaking trump supporters.
We diagnose them as racists and the way dark age clerics. Confused medical problems would demonic possession journalists at our worst. See ourselves as a priestly cast we believe we not only have the access to the despite all the facts, but also greater truth: a system of beliefs divine from an advanced understanding of justice. This is all a whitewash. You see, from voters are racist and sex, so there must be more racists and sexist than we realized. Journalists, he said increasingly don't even believe in the possibility, reason, disagreement and as such dr cynical motives to those who think about things a different way the direct result. We get a rough with greater frequency, wrong with greater frequency out on the road, we forget to ask the right questions:
we can't even imagine the right question We go into assignments to certain there, where we find will serve to justify our biases. Now was a brilliant peace, written and twenty. Sixteen, Almost seven years ago, so I dont give David brooks any credit. are any kudos for anything because of conservatives and media elsewhere, would do their work. They would know that MR rack said this: first amateur at that went. Mr producer. Mister Brooks reddit too. unfortunately, his wise counsel to his media. Colleagues, as I wrote, has fallen deaf ears, spite, runs warnings to his media colleagues, since the election, the democratic party press unleash they were lent lives and hellish campaign of insulin, condemnation against trump, whom they see
to drive from office and his supporters for whom they have opened disdain aside, from certain news: media platforms, a few cable programmes newspapers and serve to talk, radio theirs. The current ability to counter it? What's the large old media platform, The democratic party press has a great book that's page, eighty, nine and ninety check it out yourself, nov, eleven twenty. Sixteen well ron are a chance. Cbs news, digital political correspondent. I haven't checked back so I dunno what he does now. Maybe still does that either? David brooks this peace some time ago or more recently,. Or has almost identical thoughts, norma accusing them anything, I'm just making a point.
The reality check was a reality check years ago, but they don't care. I don't give a damn about what you thank her, what I say or we say or anything of the rest. your friend of mine, just texted me. He said I put this give up on twitter He works in the capital building you not if I told you I'm not going to. And you said: look at all the crap from taking from the left. I said: what's your name, why do you care? What do you care? They hate us That's the way goes beginners funny. In my case,
The feeling is mutual, the feeling mitchell, Here's mark short on CNN yesterday cut six mr producer. Go so Do you think you don't know for a fact what you think the mark meadows cooperated in the testify? Why I don't know I roundly jake, but I would imagine that, certainly, if you look at the list of co, conspirators mark was the ringleader bringing the very it's. Let's tat, he might be right. I've surmise the same thing. But that's not the point I wouldn't say so on cnn. But that's look at the animosity. Look at the hate me was the ringleader bringing in the various lawyers can a punk? Is this. You have never tramper whose working in the white house,
and then later for the vice president, the united states and now on his campaign. Why would you go on cnn and do this? The answer I dont the foggiest idea. How would I know go ahead? theories about what the vice president could do organize most of those meetings, organize the meetings with members of congress, and so was it was a leader in much of those efforts that the so so so what so? What. Organizing members of congress to challenge electors, while I never been done before at least time in our history five times and identity. That's not even carrying them three.
I'm so that twenty years wow, what a screen that mark meadows must be. That must be abstraction. He should be indicted any brought in these. Cringe worthy liars, a former dean of a law school who clerk for clay. Time is. We can have that crackpots? Don't you know, because Short such a great lawyer that a lawyer yes, but we had mike alluded You know the story about michael looting. you and ass. My colluded phrase advice the former judge provider
them unsolicited. He clawing at their door, did Michael lunatic. the the crackpot advice that I was very crackpot, crackpot about it. The This is a legitimate as any other advice that they were received from the rhino lawyers, all the was legitimate. Everything was on the table. The constitution from provides no direction at all non zero. Everything else is somebody's opinion, so the vice president had to make a colony did he can defend it It can defend it without doing what is done, which is thrown
with the indictment mob at the department of justice and the special councils, is destroying our country. You can do that. You know. unless of course, you're trying to now attention to yourself verse, media platforms seeking go beyond one percent support go ahead, then. Trying to convince the new vice president, this magical authority, and so the faction and magical authority meet head mark short. I want to make public challenge to any time. You want to come on this programme and debate. This issue you are welcome to come on Rather than go on these, these networks that use you as a useful area, You come on this programme and we will debate this issue. In fact, you can come on program? Bring your power michael loaded with you, do it
To reduce or if they contact you we're gonna, given that our our whole hour so stop with the cheap, shots, stop hiding behind loaded get your ass on this radio show bring his ass with you and let's do it do it and we have taken not the baseball player. He was a great man. We have ty com. a washed and lawyer? There are many of those. Are this. This guy's been hanging around a long time, when a lot of money from in all cases and so forth, and really trumpet his ass to the sidewalk too, I don't know that for a fact, but I have to believe it. And so you're a lawyer for somebody and then use This cut seven go as you know, I think this is sad in it unfortunately
this situation could have been avoided from forced stood upon. The department of justice, by the way doktor themselves last few days in office and and cavan literate most have by the conducted himself good lord so you see, ladies and gentlemen tribes. Former lawyer says its terms for that. charges were levied by the criminal, in fact, I'm quoting I'll. Do it because it's hard listener by the criminal conduct that he committed as he finished his presidency,. That's right. He violated the cooks. Clan act, the enron laws. That's right and the financial fraud laws said about right. Cobb, I wouldn't higher this guy.
I wouldn't high this guy to do a contract for a landscape business. I wouldn't at first Second, and then we have the well known litigator. They clarence darrow. Joe Scarborough, who you know us amos litigator very well known nor florida. Ellie wasn't a jerk anyway they go, I'm just curious ages in Donald trump hears from the judge even goes out. I mean says this process is a scam, yet his usual, which hide scam stuff like that, No, how judges, federal judges in alabama would respond to that where you practice by, Where I practised in north was florida, ices fact judge, collier or
judge vincent went from throw my client in jail. And and call me and dress me down and say so. You start why. Why would they throw your client in jail was A gag water that your client, while shows you wouldn't ignoramus, cisco, theirs, abstaining order, you just throw somebody in jail for exercising their free speech rights outside the courtroom now thursday, I go to a place and they violate the gag order that is A court order could thrown in jail. Now there could be a challenge that particular when you're talking about a man is running for president, but we're just practice law you'd. Only when an order and play set right, you're clean, spock. he sends the yeah I guess
it calls for the marshals. I don't know who the hell I'll see signs what the security guards at the at the courthouse that man, why shadow is away from the judge in geneva I had a basis for this. You don't have a gag order out. I don't care, I rush that man and put him in jail now, that's where Joe scarborough says he practiced law. Mister. Is this dumb ass, and that was one of the requisites of being hired by MSNBC I'll, be right back much love in the you know, helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your, I re or for one K, gold can't be tracked. Like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource.
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happening in their communities as a result of immigration, illegal immigration, massive illegal immigration In a sanctuary city, of course, most of the people protesting there in speaking, very peacefully, very politely, but very upset. Were black in this day was always going to come. Here's. The cities are not being destroyed their being overwhelmed with illegal immigrants. because illegal immigrants, despite all the talk about on the damn, I laughed about picking lettuce. They had her metropolitan areas. That's what immigrants my they had for the cities. And cities that are already cash strapped cities have already undermined their own police forces, they don't have come.
And educational systems competent politicians, while this just obsolete If, in the impoverishment and so you have fallen Illegal aliens coming into these communities that are not Many of them aren't even middle class. Some of them are quite poor. taking over areas Using utilities things Subsidized by people can afford subsidized this: is the democratic party All of us Whether wider minorities, all of us who have supported their party been suckers the democratic party of old. Not much different from the democratic party today Welcome to the voters fruit as emma enjoy the big boat.
Vibrant sounds of real fruit, dr various forehead circling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you well she's less fruit still form the new york times porters and put five echoed number three put some of one or two percent and the rest of the crown and I'm not putting a man down. I'm telling you the truth, but What I have just looked at Mr Pinochet polls in iowa and new hampshire. you know who is
gaining some speed in those states. Mr producer, the sadness see there is local news there, jabez stone, hereabout outside the states, Which the news is on the local stations and so forth, we all see the commercials. We don't see the ground games, we don't see any of it are they talk about these national poles and they treated like a horse race- and I don't know how many times we ve been suckers for that. but I looked at new Hampshire looked at iowa, he is he's in the running, I looked at it. Maybe I supposed to say anything. You never know. but there I just said it I've been remiss.
our one went by our two went by our three- is almost done with a fantastic. Life liberty and live in this sunday, a pm eastern, I wouldn't care, we go had been censured, dvr for every sunday, eight p m easterner. Whatever times went to you wherever you live, in my opening statement, which is a killer, I have two fantastic guests: Jim trusty, was one great lawyers for donald trump, I mean real Former federal prosecutor, this man is a smart they come. We ve had him on the radio show as well and Matt whittaker, the former acting it in general. They want to listen to bill Barr. I want to listen to Matt whitaker and he is fantastic to so. The opening statement, I'm gonna go through the history of some of these contentious elections. In a way haven't done it before
so you will know more than anybody else. We're gonna take a close look at what the criminal justice jested trump, and then we can Take a very close look at why by you should be in sing sing, so I hope your job yes, it's this sunday. If he's your dvr right now, you don't even have to give it a second thought. You know. Maybe your outside my car, I met the ce mark shown. I can't see it and let me say something of everyone. I go. People come up to me seriously. Thank me for this radio show. In the sunday they say they, on sunday night. on Sunday night. It is appointment, television in their house. And the numbers show it, but you shouldn't May I thank you.
Because the truth is, if you weren't there, if we weren't these killer rating numbers, the number one show on the weekend short about I can forth. between Maria me cushion fantastic. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it Because my plate is very very far. But as long as you want to see it. and as long as I can my opening statement, nobody rights, those I write them veering noticed go down this path. We don't have any monitors where I read. Let me put it this way. What do you call those monitors? People read off mr fitness yeah? I don't teleprompter what you here comes right out of my mouth, maybe a few notes, they're all mine, All the research is mine. I get up ultra early in the morning, spent three
three ahead may be for hours researcher, Why get annoyed when the plagiarists come around adjust still stuff throughout in a grand old time on the weekends or at night, sir. You know they come back with tans at a march break in his butt and so, when I hear somebody just rip me off in its usually a producer that won't do it. Radio and tv and Into their host producer, doesn't rip anything off from anybody number one. He never has number two I've never ask them. I'd, be appalled by it So when you show up, it makes a huge difference. Sunday night, a great great show, said sure dvr, if you're not sure you're gonna be able to watch a trusty and whittaker and let off by my opening statement away What to do MR producer behind on something.
joy read on MSNBC yesterday she is a sleaze ball. Please Bob sleaze path, they had a clean out her. Her social media say Mister bellew, because of all her racist and homophobic comments. and, of course, MSNBC owned by concourse. They thought those where revenue razumihin in answers. So there she is on tv crashing p, Stereotyping people chest a real low life, I might say and she's very excited happened yesterday, cut nine go and people who showed up on January six, we're so arrogant and feeling they could deficit in the capital, tear the capital part b notification in the capital you moron speak, confusing them.
would be a lemon and other marxist revolutionaries, amazing Doesnt commit crimes, while I was trying police officers and committed crimes as you like that Has this woman, I assume she's a woman has this woman ever spoken out against the attacks on cops before no cop systemically races. That's your line. Around see cnn even black cops who do things to black people. There supremacists till you see because they get their training from people. Have this white when it montel it, they gotta I figured out on the left. You see, racists, racists,. In her case also homophobic, but not anymore, they they broom that they I watched it, may I say, go ahead
and go to their hotels, get on planes and go home and wait a year to be prosecuted. All of it feels so incredibly arrogant to me that I'm like no. This felt like a day when we got justice just to see him humbled old president from young ladys and gentlemen, you, damn well and soda. Why if they had a publican of trap be chairman. Iran she'd, be in the audience, throng tomatoes, you know damn well, she would this is. we're up against. It was good. See trump can this way I care about that. Treat gunning like the country, many would like the constitution. we need to see trump humbled. The way Deference that some of the media give him needs to be put on the rack. When a hall one and a half
then you have this ellie honecker, who is kind of schizophrenia when it comes to the law, he's a senior legal analysed at sea and also the junior legal aid First is cut ten, go player in the day, were talking about cameras in the courtroom? Another there, not the anderson cooper, who were who used to be They got a storm again, as I was his green interview. Is this guy still against me on Sunday? Did they cancel? Am I don't hear about him? Anymore must reduce, I think, he's Listen, my colleague, Andy Andy, this guy Was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth and the the vanderbilt, are you still on at eight p m eastern time on Sunday Andy kind of pressure? Information at their cnn was gonna beat the number one weekend host on fox crickets cricket. Have I not begged them to put
per saki up against me. Mister Bellew, sir we're on Emma's hosty event said they should do. I owe you something don't I know I don't we'll be right back, then don't fall for their free phone. the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick, the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks. A month at zero percent interest, no contract, cancel or leave any time get a new, phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure
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even using the sources that I say to you. So I not blaming any networking. Particular your not blaming any talk show. Poster host in particular of others, one in particular? Does this each very dispiriting, On the one hand, I've got this public form and I want to discuss with you what's in the book, but on the other hand, when I do it, because the book doesn't come on september, nine trauma september, nineteen, he jumps ahead. What would you do? Mr producer? It's kind of a conundrum has its it's difficult so Would it be corrected its very frustrating to me that this book is now is very frustrating to me. The people do this really their producers and their driving home there listening. I don't know, I don't know
It is really bush leg. It's just really really bush lake Oh, don't guess, but the but infuriates me innovation. Refunds has been helping small businesses, they qualify. To get a business perrault tax free funds through the employ retention. Credit are also known as the the e r c. the urgency is a tax refund for businesses. They captain is on payroll for parts of twenty twenty and twenty twenty one. So if you only business where more than five employee shoot, em money waiting to be clean, innovation refunds in their independent tax attorneys. I dedicated helping business owners navigate the complex finally process The sea is a tax credits, not alone gives,
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although on the other hand, MR producer and america living nights out there once the book comes out, you'll know who did what won't they? Mr Biddeth they'll, know it'll, be quite obvious. I think. And they can unknown in the trade for doing that, stealing guests and stealing. Subject matters and that sort of thing and no
I guess cause you're, probably guess rock. We go to america every friday in honour of you here we got, the.
Please join in life liberty, levant sunday, a pm eastern your dvr, if you're, not sure, you're going to be there, I'm sure you're going to hear all about it. So I want you to watch it yourselves. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency person. Now the men and women the freedom fighters in ukraine in taiwan can each? eighty and griffin, can I pepsi and smoking, I've selden gigi. Can I didn t patent roaring.
my barney and marty? Can I dad get a mom? Can I leo? Can I Joe patriots And I promise you and we will continue to fight for this one, a country of ice god it's each and every one of you see on sunday and that on Monday have a wonderful.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.