« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/3/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration has created a legal morass never seen or experienced in American history, as applies to a presidential election. AG Merrick Garland is authorizing indictment after indictment of Biden’s possible, if not likely political opponent, in the middle of a presidential election cycle, doing so through his appointment of a special counsel and whose charges must be approved by the attorney general. At the same time, Garland refuses to appoint a special counsel to investigate his client, Joe Biden, even though the DOJ regulation was originally instituted for these exact circumstances. We have former Attorney General Bill Barr who will do anything to get back at Donald Trump, while at the same time, we have current Attorney General Merrick Garland who will do anything to protect his boss, Joe Biden. This kind of legal warfare is not only unprecedented in the history of our republic; it will destroy our electoral system for all time. This unprecedented legal warfare requires an unprecedented response by the only constitutional body left that can do something about it -- the Supreme Court. Also, what Biden has learned, what FDR knew, and what the Democrat party seeks is to monopolize power and control government. That is why Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College so giant Democrat cities can control the entire election and bypass the majority of the country. Even if Democrats lose elections, they have the permanent administrative state to do their bidding. This is a party that needs to be exposed and destroyed if we want to remain free people. Later, Joe Biden is and was a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s multiple violations of FARA. A letter has been released that shows that Joe knew of Hunter’s business associates, among others who have testified the same. There is no reason to wait for an impeachment inquiry, and Congress has more than enough evidence to start. Finally, Mark is joined by presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss his Conservative values and the 2024 election.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the. America mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven, create one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, create one three, eight one one. I'm posting something now.
I want to read to literally wrote it about fifteen minutes go, but I've been thinking about this. My public advice to president trumps, legal, we must reduce its team tee. I am that time no administration is created. A legal morass never seen x and in american history. His applies to a presidential election. The attorney general appointed by the democratic process is authorizing indictment after men of his president's passed both not likely political opponents in the middle A presidential election cycle is doing so through his appointment of a special council whose appointment was a misapplication The special council regulation and whose charges must improved by the attorney general himself in parent
adequately, by the way as an important side issue. Jack Smith is not a presidential appointee. He We even stood for confirmation by the senate to hold the position check for typos red told the position he holds the axis the authority he is exercising against a party opponent. It should be. at the same time, the attorney general refuses to appoint an outside special counsel to investigate his client, Joe Biden, despite the fact the department of justice regulation was originally instituted for these exact circumstance, of course, the sudden for the purpose of what is taking place before us today. the attorney general, is approving the timing of dozens of charges against the former republican president, whose active
seeking his party's nominee nomination to challenge the democrat peasant through whom he directly reports, which are intended to cripple the ability of donald trump to effectively run for president, regardless of what Paul today, regardless of what the commentary had say and despite president trams, strength within the republican party. The outcome Election is unknown. Therefore, the poles are irrelevant in this regard. More Where is further evidence that these indictments are being used as political weapons, are the timing of the charges specifically all of these charges by the separate grand jury is controlled by the special council, should have been filed after the elect As there was no possibility, the statute of limitations would run on any of them. Furthermore, the special
council repeatedly insists that the charges must be quickly adjudicated, meaning before the people vote. for the purpose of having maximum influence only alike. In addition, Charges have resulted in a significant depletion of trumps campaign funds to pay for me in some legal fees, trumpets to take significant time from campaigning to address the dozens of charges dropped on him by the Biden, administration. Is he s to expand an enormous amount of time working with his lawyers in order to defend himself from charges that collectively would result in his imprisonment until his death? The fact is that this kind of legal warfare against a presidential park against a presidential impossible, not likely I it to. The present president is not only unprecedented in the history of our republic. It
destroy our electoral system. For all time is not something that should that should be left to various district court, sir local courts, to sort out in the course of regular judicial proceedings. In fact, that is part of the intended strategy. Are the prosecutors who are engaged in this assault on our electoral system? They must. not be rewarded for their behaviour. They must not be rewarded for their treachery and exploitation of the legal system in the courts to achieve their political and even while getting to the merits of these men to of charges which are easily unravelled. From my perspective, the process is what is used to interfere with the election. and the near silenced by those who are orchestrating training. Their shocking legal warfare when the american people are left in the dark is untenable. Therefore, I want to publicly a carriage the trouble
gold team to seek an emergency hearing before the united states supreme court, not to resolve legal disputes but to at least wearily, halt the abomination of this legal warfare that is unfolding in front of us. We're democrats, an air tight trump report. Guns or unashamedly, celebrating the use of the court's by the Bye administration and democrat district attorney's to further their political wishes. As the rest of the nation watches in shock, This unprecedented legal warfare requires an unprecedented response by the only constitutional body left that can do something about it: the united states supreme court. This is my view.
Because what is taking place today in various court houses and so forth, and so on as part of the strategy, the legal system is slow, it is the process, it is they process, that's the killer here and they know it. and they're playing the process by unloading. All these indictments pay taking tromp off the campaign field by depleting as resources by influencing people who are not like you and me, people whose a vote two thirds of the nation that are not part of the republican base. That's what this is aimed at the polls, don't matter the poles and the posters are fickle. We should know that by now- and it's not about paul and otto
If all this, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden has been able to sit on a beach and laugh while his department of injustice does all the dirty work, while the Democrat DA's do all the dirty work in the media, do all the dirty work. You see folks. I look at this holistically. That's what I do and I get into the weeds too, with the best of them, but you gotta take a step back from time to time and say what the hell is going on here, this is by coincidence oliver this purposeful. If you have any shouted stopping it, you have to get past the trial courts pass the appellate court and within
with within the time frame of this campaign, hoped that the? U s supreme court sees at least four of them. Do in order to take up a serpent what the rest of us see. this would not be the supreme court interfering in a political process. This would be the supreme court defending the constitution. Never before has a political party and opponents of a candidate ever before they sunk, so low is to take the law.
And twisted into a pretzel like this to use the law to use grandeur is to use charging documents. You subpoenas search warrant, an activist judges appointed by the same party to undertake such treachery and if, upon an emergency, requested the supreme court, the supreme court turns its back. Then there's no stopping this today tomorrow. Next election for the rest of this republics, life which is getting shorter by the day,
I look at people I bill bar Chris Christie, Larry hogan. Another trump brought this on himself, don't wanna! No, he didn't know he didn't all the people who are doing it Brought it on, I want to remind you about who Joe Biden is and that he will say to any level he must when he thought Would help of back home to be a racist segregationist? He was a racist segregationist who literally oppose the integration of inner city public schools. He was the george wallace, the aura focus of delaware he's a chameleon. He will do anything.
He tried to destroy the reputation of one of the greatest legal minds. This nation is ever seen by bork. What was bob works crime? There was a true constitution. Was nominated to the united states supreme court by ronald reagan, so they destroy them. Clarence Thomas, a black man, would not go down on bended knee and beg his white accusers on the senate. Judiciary committee for their votes defended himself against a typical stereotype used
hence black men by the clansmen and others kissing him of sexual harassment. If you will. Certainly there are justice, is on the supreme court who understand what I'm talking about, including the very disappointing cavanaugh. including John roberts, if he would actually wake up to reality and see what is taking place in this country. There's only one body left that if asked, can and should step in and stop this abomination, it is destroying our country.
We were reminded last night by an israeli carolyn click born in america who said one of the great legal mines in Israel who she spoke to said. You know in the united states the dredge caught decision, which was decided in eighteen. Fifty seven, Impact of that decision took a few years to really settling it served as the foundation for the civil war. Unfortunately, I believe we reached this point and outside to be provocative. I say that,
the gravest of concerns? I say it in order that we might avoid the potential of what could happen. He combustibles situation, because this can go on forever, And when I hear media type say we're gonna getting used to this, aren't we Martha getting used to this. It's thursday- must be more indictments three times now The forthcoming in atlanta. This isn't a joke. This isn't a sporting event. This is serious. Does Israel? ability this republic, I'm not getting used to any of it. I'm getting to my stomach. Every time it happens.
You- and I know in our heart of hearts that this is completely unjust. Alan brag brought phony charges against donald trump. The cases brought the other day, general six utterly phony a phoney case, the documents case, We even the best of these so called legal analysts, likud, so much tougher case. In truth, if the judges. Is really honest and has integrity. when and I hope soon the right motions are filed. She will throw a case out of her courtroom as fast as we possibly can. This is one political party trying to destroy another. This is one point
a party trying to monopolize elections, federal law enforcement in the entire justice system if they get away with it. It's over. It's over I'll, be right back helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold? I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks,
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after the bottom of the hour, so I hope you'll stick with me. I want to make abundantly clear that Not talking about immunization here, bogus is so many these charge. All these charges, in my view, are we're not talking about that, because I don't think the supreme court would do that We're talking about here is the integrity. An electoral system in the world. Nation of that integrity affects the entire republic, regardless of the FAO as you see on tv, regardless of the bar, who is a complete jackass regardless, I plan to his finally found his voice. Tacking donald trump. These people are
both on the edge of our new irrelevant utterly irrelevant. I'm talking about what's in the best interests of this nation. Be right back, It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracker it is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold I raised is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tat
Levant six, eight five nigh to again text l easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dotcom mark love and radios prince above patriot, call now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one if you more
comments. I suppose one way you could try to get the case quickly and friendly sprint. The supreme court, a one of them, is to file an emotion medially among the type that we've talked about before as the lower court to make a expedited decision. Take it to the appellate court, see if they can do an expedited decision, get it to the supreme court. I just think that's hogging to take too long, and I think that The department of justice has brain trusted this thing and have decided to exploit the slowness of the legal process even while claiming they want as quickly as possible a verdict to make it real to really box in donald trump as much as possible. And what should keep several things? A mine here, the burdens imposed on a candidate for president
By the initiative by the initiation of criminal proceedings is enormous, its enormous. The severity of the burden imposed on a presidential candidate who's been true. the stigma arising from the initial Nation of criminal prosecution, also from the need to respond to those charges through the judicial process, seriously interferes with this election. And to do so over and over and over again just demonstrates to what's taking place here and multiple courts scores and scores of cut of charges. The constitutional provisions, that is, the provisions in the constitution governing criminal prosecutions
clear what the framers believed that an individual's mental and physical environment and assistance in the preparation of his defence, both before during any criminal trial would be intense, no less for a presidential candidate than for any other defendant. But that's the point he's a presidential candidate. And this legal warfare that's been unleashed against donald trump. Intended to limit his ability to even focus on his reelection these funds that will actually go toward his re election that rather than his legal defence and eternal. All those non mega non base supporters,
it's entitled this. I want to move on. That's the strategy, that's the plan, that's how it's playing out, though they keep talking up this district judge in washington, d c, she's, a hack former defence counsel, boats, funny how she actors and she acts like the most wild eyed prosecutor imaginable. When. They related to trump takes effect and trump happen to get her as the judge. If you can imagine she what a coincidence, what a coincidence this is bigger than one district court judge, there's about a thousand Record judges: this is much bigger than her it's bigger than all the other district court judges who only get a piece of the action, its bigger.
an individual circuit court. The deasey circuit court of appeals was expanded for the purpose. More obama appointees on there. That's what they did: obama and Harry Reid. It's a very unfavorable appellate court to trump. As a result, that's the plan not just for trump, but for any conservative or republican, says you plod through this process, the pile his problem is these trolls. at the federal level they want a full trial. Then they want to have a sentencing guy smith says yeah. We want wanted all done before you, you even vote, so it's quite Obvious by the timing of these indictments, all of which can wait. There's, ladies,
Single statute of limitations- here that is endanger not one. I've talked about this many times here behind this microphone. They want a fast decision and a fair sentencing, but they know the whole process to appeal to the circuit court. In the: u S, supreme court can take years, they've got their indictments now they want their trials, then they want their convictions and they want him as fast as possible. As for appeals to the circuit court need us supreme court, they don't care. If that takes forever. The damage is done. The election is over, look what they did to Bob Mcdonnell. This is what jack smith does guilty at the trial level. The fourth circuit court of appeals upholds the guilt. Then it finally gets to the supreme court three and a half years later, and luckily they took up the case and they said now eight zero, one recused. No, that's not what the bribery statute says: it's not correct. Eight to zero and included scalia and ruth bader Ginsburg eight to zero,
But it was too late. This marriage was ruined, he won't broke. His reputation was tarnished, it was too late. We can have that the same individual involved in that involved in this. in the attorney general of the united states chose jack smith. Exactly for this reason, they want a bob Mcdonnell donald trump they're, going to get away with it if the supreme court doesn't step. In I know I'm calling for the travellers to do something that is unique, but given the circumstances, that's ok, worse thing, the court can say is now.
But they need to help save the republican, our electoral system, that's what we're talking about now. The idea that a president can't challenge an election, whether recalls a person in a state Secretary state or a governor, can you find votes? I heard a liberal on Fox say: that's that's kind over the top. That's never over the top Unless you say something, that's your legal or criminal, everybody says: can you find votes doesn't mean they mean. Can you concoct faults or illegally create votes? Can you find votes as for second set of electors.
About my friends on fox are very good. Listening to this programme, Mister Bellew says her. Others happen in nineteen sixty and it also happens. So you'll start to hear this now in eighteen, seventy six several states set two sets of electors. That's for congress to sort out such criminal issue is not a criminal stature. There's no criminal intent. It's a vibrant, brutally fought election campaign. And donald trump lie over and over again when he said the election was stolen, because you know we have some people- is that he know that it wasn't stolen. It doesn't matter, I know for a fact. He believed it. He still says it to me today, but let's say it isn't, doesn't blame it just for argument purposes.
a crime, and that also is very interesting. Cnn. And her name, she had the bill bar on our program. You know, bars making the rounds as many drifters do. and his purse, biomass, torch trop knows no bounds even enough. As with any rational analysis of the kind The of the law he made one of the stupidest comments, perhaps the second stupid it's after my pants or you know, even a conspiracy involves. Speak, and you thought he was really onto something. I could see the ellie delight bob in his brain pop up? Fifteen, wants probably not it's right there, MR attorney general, but there is no conspiracy. You understand what I'm trying to,
and have explained to people in the media and elsewhere that the four charges against the present involve statutes that have nothing to do with generous. My was passed so grand could prosecute, plan to were passed post enron because the enron executives, had lied to congress and where obstructing congress from getting documents. So there's your obstruction. and then the first of the charges is, is a statute that is traditionally been used on financial crimes against the government, ought to extend it's been used about tainting the government, but not through elections, Now these enron statutes have been used to imprison a number of people from January six, the protesters and that We appeal to the: u s supreme court, the court as an heard it yet, but even at the circuit level,.
At least one judge said this is not correct. This doesn't apply to these circumstances. So what will do it anyway and we'll do it to a former president and we'll do it to the presidential potential presidential candidate of the other party fatty stop this there's only one body that has the power to stop what's happening in our courts and it's the most powerful court in the country. The only one that's mentioned in the supreme court in the constitution, that is the supreme court. You have to hope. There's enough of a majority there. He cobbled together a majority. Politics, aside, put their social relationships and why
Can t see aside I'm talking to you, John Roberts, you ve been very, very poor on these cases very bad and hope that finally, dredge baron will meet the expectations. Had summoned people had for her and so far been enormously disappointed. Her cavenaugh will stop twisting words and twisting law to accommodate some weird moderate position that he seeks to take just uphold the constitution. For god's sake, sets all we ask. That's all we ask extraordinary times call for extraordinary efforts to get this front of the supreme court of the united states. The only chance- and I do think, a majority that core particular when it comes to january sex. You can look at this and say: what do you do?
now Jack smith's brief does prove one thing, ladies and gentlemen, the brief, as is, who knows what he adds to a later. The Donald trump did not further acts of suppression or any type of overthrow the government so forth, and so forth, Because he's not charge for that, but what I was saying was there was an interview bar did. with a host on CNN Caitlin. What's your name collins and she asked him a question.
That, despite all, is interviews on cable tv she's, the first one. I asked the question and I went something like this: will you question other special councils was- and you know what his answer was: america, I'm not comfortable getting into that cut five mister producer go. You spoke to the january six congressional committee. Have you talked to jackson? It's investigators, I'm not going to get into that thinking. Okay, wow! I'm not going to get into that. So he did and he clearly went after trump.
Based on what he's saying publicly, you have former attorney general, the united states, who so hates his former boss he'll say and do anything if a cat attorney general, the united states, who so loves his current boss he'll, do anything in his defense. I have no doubt the bill Barr told jack smith. What he wanted to hear. There are other people whose voices surprisingly, we don't want here, I'm not accusing them of anything. I don't know anything zero, but it's very strange that the President's former He for staff appears nowhere is now weird. Mr Milosevic. Had to be in on almost every meeting, this is
personal with me. I'm just sitting here talking it through with the american people happen to be a big fan of mark meadows, at least now I don't know what else has taken place. Will time will tell I make my pants through a soccer ball, but we don't hear anything from him. He's like been in the witness protection programme for six months, nothing past Nothing negative, nothing in any filings tokay, nothing in any newspaper article zero. I just fire weird, don't apply anything period. And I don't want to hear any calls from anybody- it's just strange. I'll, be right back then
helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks. Record is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raised as part of their retirement portfolios and you need to contact or invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five.
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And now I do not believe, like someone tracks that the republicans when they get in power will do the same to the Democrats, though they want. There's screwing around on impeachment hearing their scorn around on promoting a special council. They'd, rather just keep bringing their hands. I want to strongly encourage you to check this out here what they have to say because of here you're getting smothered you drowning under that there could be a perfect way out. For you Can financing will talk? You there's no risks, there's no pressure, maybe they're poor credit. They ve got with a lot of people with great credit. Poor credit doesn't matter, Check him out eighty eight nine hundred eighteen, twenty eight I've got a lot more to say, ladies and gentlemen, now during the break. If you want to read all about it, this and much more,
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sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the cow america mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one. One seven, seven, three, eight one three, eight one one. I want to read something to you, because I think it are important and, I think you're the smartest wall audiences. That's why you're here. What Biden has learned what roosevelt franklin resin
new and what the democrat party seeks is the impasse. a monopolizing, the political system needs is something of lattimer lenin wrote about insisted on an instituted before, during and after the russian revolution, Democrat. already has in fact largely conquered america's cultural educational media institutions, but there's remained significant resistance mode of americans reject what its radical ideology do not want to fundamentally transfer more And are now awake toward the democrat parties joined to destroy the country. Of course. The constitution is written to limit these centralisation and monopolization of power. That is the democrat parties present day. Paragraphs.
The republican party, while often anemic, if not ignorantly, contributed towards the democratic parties. Ambitions is nonetheless an impediment by its mere existence. that said, there remain active efforts within the republican party, mostly elsewhere. The challenges, the democrat parties growing tyranny Clearly, power sharing is not and cannot be part of the democrat parties agenda. Frankly, Like autocratic parties everywhere, the democratic party, intolerant of opposition, insists on absolute control, a democracy. republic consisting of multiple political parties. Competing for power is simply unacceptable. Soon incompatible with marxism of any form or in any country, including the united states. Yet that is unmistakable goal of the democratic party, this delay.
Philosopher. Raymond arose explained the party struck. american. Other western countries is based on the legality of opposition, the legality of opposition a rare phenomenon history, a constitutionally based peaceful rivalry The legal exercise of power, the temporary exercise, apparently legitimate method of exercising power. Importantly, he adds the opposition, decisions which were taken league. by the government in power, the majority. But if a time comes when these Surgeons endanger its most vital interests, its very existence, but they're not try to resist circumstances in which a majority chooses to fight, rather than submit Smooth functioning of a western regime depends essentially on what the competing parties proposed to do. The phenomena
Problem of western democracy rights become based on national understanding. A contestation is easy. difficult to resolve, according to the nature of the parties. The aims which they set themselves: the doctrines which they preach. Rights around when a party one party alone, as the monarch the political activity, the state. Is indissolubly linked to it. The state and the party. the multi party regime in the west. The state boasts of not being circumscribed by the ideas of any competing parties. The state is neutral through the fact that tolerates a plurality of parties. Am I right in the united states cannot be said that the monopoly parties, the democratic party- indeed the vast
ministry to stay built, mostly, albeit not exclusively, by the democratic party issues. Edicts dictates regulations, rules, fines, penalties that serve the illogical purposes of the democrat party, whether or not the democrat party is in power where's, the affirmative intervention of a republican administration to roll back, stop or fundamentally reverse the trajectory of straight of state decisions exercised on behalf of the democratic party, at the time of their efforts, fail, because the administrative state often seek to sabotage republican party in it if some policies or a republican president through leaks red tape and internal counter man's. thereby nullifying the decision of the electorate in a particular election cycle. In fact, they can be said that the administrative state is essentially become a permanent appendage of the democratic party cuts.
quietly, even though elections are held. The democratic party is a permanent hold on to me on major aspects of the government and policy, making the more Powerful the central government becomes with ubiquitous. articles, unlimited resources and increasing police powers, the more powerful a democrat party becomes. Hence the democratic party worked tirelessly to not only protect its administrative stakes, Them, but they constantly strengthen and enlarging the democratic party is the party of the state. Now, as around describes it in, Party regime, the state is the party state in people from the party which monopolizes legitimate political activity. If, instead of a state of parties a party state exists, the state will be obliged to restrict freedom of political discuss.
Since the state presupposes has absolutely valid the attic the ideology of the monopolistic party, it cannot, Visually allow this ideology to be called into question fact. The restriction on freedom of political will Caution varies in degree according to the regimes of a single party, but the end in such a single party regime, which I'm arguing we now have in america. In which the state is defined by the alley ideology of the monopolised excuse me by them Not ballistic party is not to accept all the idea is to prevent some bad ideas relating to the party from being openly debated, and this is where the pathetic. A party, is driven the nation, the power and control of the democratic party and allegiance to it. It to its idea, Ology, above all else, are now the objective, the objective of the state, This is evident in the media, social sites, entertainment and academia and at least with rigour,
To those who do not belong to the monopolistic party says around the party state reserves for itself almost unbounded possibilities of action based of the monopolies justified by the vastness of the revolutionary changes to be achieved. How can one s, the exercise of power to be moderate and even legal. Exactly, ladies and gentlemen, For those of us who love our country, the principles and values on which it was founded, the democrat party is pushed and dragged the nation into a very dangerous and perilous place decades of usurpation of the constitution
family and faith and abuses of power and governance and support of so called progressive or more to the point. Marx's theories and models of ruling are destroying our country from within, and the pace of the decay is quickened and the extend has broadened and, of course through The democratic parties become more powerful and on the present in our everyday lives, is two and a half to three pages in the democratic party hates america And those of you who have stepped up god amazon or other retail links to priority or copies. I want to thank you in advance. Europe truly great patriots, and you are truly Trying to delve into what is taking place at breakneck speed in this country. And you will be ready, you will be informed with about
of ideas, because that's where we are the battle of ideas. If we lose the battle of ideas, which is why their brainwashing in our schools and all the rest, then we lose period that we lose period
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You'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, freedom house with I discuss the other day Servers centre left group, but really it. it's not one of radical cook. Groups had really tries to do well in terms of monitoring. Fascism, marxism and like it argues that majority terrorism stick with me, but jarred terrorism is a signal idea of many authoritarian to use it for the proposition, elections are winner takes all affairs in which the victor has an absolute mandate with a lot or no interference from institutional checks and balances.
Now I say, of course, this is evident in democrat party efforts to eliminate the electoral college, which has, as its purpose to select President's advice president's based solely on the popular vote, that is, they do. This would result in denmark. party run metropolitan areas, mostly in the east and west coast, where significant a crucial population of the Democrats party base, reside essentially concerned. following the outcome of every election. no longer what states, with smaller populations, rural areas etc, have any effective say in the selection of presidents and vice presidents. Indeed, listen to this only nine states, the most popular states, almost all of which were democratic, cept, flawed in texas, only nine states make up fifty percent of the nation's population. Thus representative government
where all areas of the country have a say in the conduct of the national government would end in? This? Is their effort right now. Tens of millions of people would be without meaningful, inputting governmental affairs most. Just happened to be republicans and independence represent. The government would be over four civilians of american citizens. Underscore what was. What I'm saying here the democrat party wants to pack the supreme court. Is you know more democrats by adding porter rico in washington? Is new states producing food More democratic senators, eliminate the senate filibuster, enabling a sum majority to make enduring changes to the country expanding the supreme court in order to packet. So ultimately, theyve orange the law like they are right. Now, when it comes to the justice department and the appear.
And meanwhile, even if democrats were to lose elections, save the permanent administrative state which is created populated subsidizes and as its bidding? That's what's going on. That's why I want you to read this these just a couple of sentences ever this book. It must reduce, and when I read different sections he says why that's good! Well, that's import! I agree You really need to sit down and digest the whole thing you can use it as a reference for forever more, but I just the whole thing: it's about eighteen bucks on amazon, it typically retails permanently. For thirty bucks, you compare
what are your copies now, but allays at all I what you're saying with tromp and all the rest of it. This is a party that needs to be focused on. This is a party that needs to be exposed as a party that needs to be destroyed if we are to survive as a free. But because they don't believe in those things that you and I believe it, I want to repeat, for the back ventures and others who might be listening, there's enough cremation overwhelming amount of information. Now, and it's just topped off the icing on the cake with e devon archer. Transcript? There was released yesterday in a market to discuss it again. We discussed yesterday there Joe Biden committed a crime.
And so I want to inform MSL St and the constipated news network. Joe Biden committed a crime. Joe Biden is, and was a co conspirator in hunter Biden's, multiple violations of fara If you represent a foreign government, a fine cooperation, you don't even have to take money from the member, for you just introduce a foreign power under foreign company does somebody or somebody some is very broad, not tippit? Wasn't used was only used seven times as in terms of criminal prosecution
only successful three or four out of those seven times prior to the attack on poor management by molly and vice, men environment has handed on these special council in this case too. By the way he worked with jack smith, when vice meant was general council, the fbi, you can see what's going on here, catcher. And also a letter from Joe Biden has been released for its clear. The Joe Biden has failed significant amount of knowledge about him Funds, goings on we have testimony from bob landscape. of testimony from archer with testimony from others
The reason why these iris was whistleblowers were cut off. It was because of hunter was out to protect. Joe Biden was cut off by mary garland and the department of justice. I want a carriage. The republican leaders, my friends when capitol hill, of which there is about seven. you don't need await anymore. to have impeachment inquiry. You ve got more than enough as we concluded here? I guess was last week earlier this week: But all this information involving the prior corruption in ukraine- that Zelensky replaced the firing of the prosecutor, there, the demand of eurobonds The bragging about it.
the reason they impeach trump, the first go round because of a phone call that we offer was perfectly fine, was to create a political rail. They could not be touched. Because I think many people knew we didn't, but many on the crash side no released. They got the directive from the white house. Or, should I say from from Joe Biden from his basement that ukraine embarrassment could destroy by a presidential candidate because rob, was right to want zalewski to look into what took place there. because we now know that the former chief executive and executives, charisma, we're paying turbine and desperately
Came to influence this investigation to stop it. And the only reason they were paying him was to try and get word to his daddy. The only reason. So it's really quite remark, So I will continue to say into other say in Jim combers, come very close to what MR produce ribby known. If he said. You know maybe Biden's in violation of the. foreign law. No, but he is conspirator and the violation of the sun? Multiple, violations that much we know and that's just a little bit:
a lot I'll be right back the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to pure.
How can you ll save an additional? Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I end pod guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today and on a pot. I shudder, patriot apologia, constitutional list. You can reach him at eight, seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one have another fought like flood. Ladies I'm glad you're here, because I have a lot of thoughts running through the cranium loyally or more than usual. Post. This is well should Donald trump get elected. He should part himself from everything Biden, garland smith are throwing during the course of this campaign. Moreover, although I concurred with those who who argue that a present I can.
part himself respecting non federal charges. In other words, that's not his belly wick. Nonetheless, he should assert supremacy. Clause must. Producer and pardon himself from state local prosecutors charges or any convictions launched against him during the course of this federal campaign. And then sorted out. I don't know why the left in promoting their autocracy of tyranny. Burn everything down baby. I don't know why that's acceptable, but defending
yourself by using whatever toes might be available, is not at all by the anymore. I just don't. I sit here and I try and mull over what's taking place and what can be done? I mean it's very difficult when you're dealing with lawlessness and the enshrine men of lawlessness by courts as well as they participate in the justice system. So that's why I'm trying to figure out ways to get out of the box tall new territory, but trouble is now required to accept what is being done to him by the democratic party. So again, should trumpet elected should part himself from everything buying garland smith are throwing at him during the course of this campaign. Everything
although I have concurred with those who argue that a president cannot pardon himself respecting non federal charges and having second thoughts about this, I really am under the circumstances, and there ought to be tested. Let them let them chase trump. Let them chase the law for once. Why not? I? I really believe it. Why why must resign will take a lot of heat sinai after all, among the corrupt democrat party media, The things I'm saying and posting this evening. I oh well, I'm sorry, not there. The enemy you gotta get used to that fact. That's why I told you earlier in the week I went to the local store here and I did something I wasted. Sixteen bucks
About a new york times, washed impose the usa today in a wall street journal and on front page every front page after the devon archer testimony on Monday Not one headline, not one front page story, none other next day, when the issue on general six dropped some shoe more like an old sneaker, any people showed you the timing, how preposterous preposterous it is it's just outrageous. What's going on in order to try and control the year, the public spin, the media spin, they dropped the stuff on tromp right after there's headway. Maybe
the binds. I got. The newspapers then blazing headlines like APOLLO eleven man on the moon, carbon indicted. Here's bill Barr again on CNN yesterday, cut that that's s! Listen to this and tell him if he can even follow it cut six go. Do you think he knew that he lost the election. So I personally believe that yeah first, I wasn't sure or not you, she saying you note deserted Grabowski. Your neighbor think that what it wanted, What a guy I never realized! How dim, when did he was go ahead, will be well that he had lost it.
action, and so what snap? So? What? First of all? It's not true that he knew well, but what if he did or didn't? Who cares? What is the violation? Ladies in general, what is the crime here? There is no criminal statutes covering this. None none now one so bill bars buying off on this full jack smith's use of the law which is used in the past against the tea party against mcdonnell against Menendez.
Against many others, this lawlessness bill bars now all in go ahead is important, as the government has assumed the burden of proving that the government in their indictment. No thanks, what's important, is bill. Is that when you're charging somebody in the course of a campaign to combat the burden of proof and proving it right now, it's the indictments themselves that are intended to have consequences. It's the process, that's intended to destroy the candidate. Whatever the outcome may, actually be that's the point bill go ahead and he had actual knowledge that he had lost Action in the election was stolen from ford and never have to pay, that beyond reasonable doubt. Which is a bogus? It's ridiculous even by bill, bars terms if the private beyond reasonable doubt, but why should he have to prove anything
He's allowed to say whatever he wants: Hillary Clinton, no, she lost the two thousand and sixteen election she hasn't been charged with a to amazing she's. The perfect example the problem Blows out thirty, two thousand emails, no problem, they were subpoenaed, no problem destroys evidence on suffer. No problem has classified information on their server. It no problem, trop they throw the pagoda, get a warrant swat team. Forty indictments forty forty two. The sky it bar now. That leads me to believe that they were facing a tip of the iceberg. On this evening. I access asthma
Oh yeah awesome. What does that mean the tip of the iceberg on this one? I know you understand. We have information that other people told donald trump that he lost and that donald trump acknowledged he lost when he told mike pence. You're too honest. Okay in the crime is what, while we found us. Should we found for two involving enron, one involving the clan and another one typically used and financial crimes, we're gonna stretch those babies, we're going to use them because it's the process, the charges and we might get lucky. We might get a couple of of guilty verdicts minute after all, as these sea and we have the most loathsome obama judge ever appointed, go ahead.
Believe he has had more and that some things and impressed me about the indictment. It was very spare and singing praises, machete yeah. That's how he's impressed by this diamond, which every cloud knows is absurd and it's very spare. Usually you don't lack stuff, like actual, like actual obstruction, like actual obstruction, like actual denying voters the right to vote, particularly black people under the eighteen. Seventy one statue very spare universe I am very impressed by this type of god. Almighty go ahead and I think there's a lot more com and I think they have a lot more evidence, as did president from state of mind.
You said you've come around. They have evidence of president trump's state of mind the amazing they have evidence of his state of mind. America did you ever think, we'd reach this point and he used supreme court justices. Listening to this, I gotta believe you guys are sitting there you're shaking your head right, particularly when we talk about political speech, then course of an election. Where does this end go ahead? Do you think he knew that he lost? Why? Why have you come around to that yeah, your stupid lady, with your stupid, ass questions to even understand the law or the history of free speech or the rest of it here, YAP too low. I q people talking to each other
and a low raided network on top of it? What makes you think he knew? Yes. While I read his palm, you see, and there was a long one right in the middle of his right palm am I experienced
As for the the long line on the right pawn, I can read his mind and his mind says that he knows he's not telling the truth isn't a first amendment issue. This is the first time he conspire and speak. You know conspire about what well fraught fraud of what more just off. If this got to the supreme court and the supreme court's awake, this will be kicked so far, and so fast, it's not even funny, but it's the process swagger to try and file for an emergency hearing and make a case a strong case that it'll be too late for the court to fix this rudderless ship.
The election will be over the damage will be done. Galahad number one comments from people like ban and and sky an idiot. So who cares what ban in and but, like stone, said well, they said. They were ready. They were ready for the claim that of they liked was stolen. So what. crime is that you may not like it and agree. What's the crime we're talking about a crime, putting somebody imprisoned in this was the attorney general, the united states shocking at seven There also saying that he was just exercising his first amendment right here do That's a valid argument in your view, nor I really don't
That's a valid argument. Big organise the indictment says he dare they're. Not attacking is first. and went right, he can say whatever he wants, you can even we can't Simon every wants and they are attacking us first amendment right and why you regret Imitating one of the stupidest parts of these charges? He could say whatever he wants free to say whatever he, unless, of course, we don't think he is guide Oh people that that the election was was stolen when he, when he knew better, but that does not protect you from entering into spiritually all conspiracies, involve speech? and finally have any idea what this buffoon saying he's become a buffoon that does not protect you from entering into a conspiracy, a conspiracy to do. Why
to say that the election was stolen when you know it wasn't stolen? First of all, that's not a crime. Second of all, he believed that was stolen. He still talks about it today, which is against his own people, interest cause people. A lot of people are tired of hearing about. It doesn't make any sense. Unbelievable
I'll be right back much love in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, PR talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to
I talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I an pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Second hearing the bars place, it can even imitating that MR producer, just your average nerd you can actually Conspiracy in speech, conspiracy to commit fraud and speech, and what would that be I don't know I just like hearing myself speak. Plus you invited me here and you're. The best does not have any green room of any network I entered. Dan America, the rama swann.
It will be on the program in about five to ten minutes. As I write mystery lives here, wow they changed the time again today. Is that correct, okay, so I'm hoping will be on the prints going to be a very positive experience for the man I dunno, what they're so worried about he's not bill. Barr he's not Chris Christie, they are trying to destroy the country comes across to me, is very intelligent, gentlemen, but I dont know what they are. about. So I want to learn more about him and I think you should know more about a match. This is business back in hamburg. Where has he been registered here? I just have a quite a few questions that well. I is good answers. I'll be right back. I.
the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hello america mark Levin here are numbered eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three, eight one, three reais one, on its now pleasure, to have thy back rama swami. How are you, sir gotta be earmarked? Are you We finally made it vic here we are, I'm glad I'm fine. Thank you you're, one of the most articulate politicians, poor new politicians. I've ever heard one of the most intelligent
You have a really a very, very fine gift in this and that's very important communication and so forth. You're very successful business man at a very young age self made are very, very important qualities, particularly for conservatives. I think Want you to tell me and I'm serious about this, and I asked the other candidates to those were willing to come on. How do we know you're a conservative, you don't a long history of conservative activity. I might even turn by government politics. Maybe your associations- may maybe donations, maybe your speeches and so three four five six years before he decided to run we, involved in anything it explain. But how are you wish, sir? Well, look I love affair with you that, first of all, I have my career was as an entrepreneur writes it wasn't in professional politics.
And I think that's gonna be one of the things that allows me to actually govern Dogan enemy on that night. I agree with you on that. That's not come on. Let me tell you it look better not hold on. I just want to make a point. There are businessmen. There are other people, do their thing who are not in professional politics effect are not even in politics, but they get, involved in various conservative causes and so forth are gonna. Let you speak. I just wanted to refund sort. Focusing on the point go ahead. Yes, I've been donors, to end, I- and I don't like to flaunt it but millions of dollars- in recent years and donations to conservative causes across this country and even some that I continue to dispel the no campaign about recently
For example, in doubt, at american identity scholarship to foster national pride and the next generation been a large supporter of the america first policy institute the heritage foundation. I've been on the council for national policy You may be familiar with the and pay, but I've been yet there topped here, membership, prolong time, helping guide and direct what I think of the future. The conservative movement that, before land through periodic table, was one of the organization, but I've heard on the board of which has been fighting the woke cancer in the philanthropy industrial complex, but probably the biggest piece of this was a few years. So the conditions under which I made a decision to step down from my job comfortable job at the biotech, ceo I'd, let that company a ceo for seven years, but when the George floyd related post, George floyd, yes, black lives matter, protests were raging across the.
Andrei there was a demand for me to do the same thing that every other biotech ceo was effectively required to do pay homage to the temple of blm, praise them and maybe make a donation. I refused to do it that led to a series of controversies that actually led to a couple advisors from my company resigning and I had to face the choice of whether I was going to bend the knee and stay in a cushy position. or whether I was going to take the sacrifice of speaking my mind without apology, but have to separate myself from the company to do it and that's the choice I made, and so you have to think about me markets, I've written three I know you're a prolific writer, but I have written three books in the last couple of years myself that detail a lot of these experiences. They're, not typical candidate books. These are books that delve into substance, but a lot of my personal story is woven in there too, and I think that'll give you some sense that, yes, I haven't been in politics,
but at least in alas you're, probably three to four years of my life three years in particular, it has been my life's work in the last three years and my post business career and now are continuing to actually be it all away. you're running a very fascinating campaign. On the one hand, the so far use and be able to walk the line between soft I'll call. Soft criticism of president trumpet out. Then, on the other hand, I would say appropriate outrage of what's being done against If I described what about right, why would say yeah. I would describe it a little bit differently. I think that president trump was, I think, an excellent president, and I think that his win over Hillary Clinton in two thousand and sixteen was probably the single most important political event in my lifetime, certainly, and in this twenty first century that stopped the inevitable leftward march through our government institutions, at the very
and so for that reason I feel, particularly during an election where I'm running against him, some sense of obligation not to just throw that like it's the end of the bus and start criticizing. So I wouldn't even call it soft criticism, but what I would say is I'm unafraid of drawing contrasts. any care that right on policy and style on approach, and it turns out, we have more I play overlap, but you're right, I'm not afraid to draw my contrast with anybody. I don't believe in criticizing my fellow candidates here, but drawing contrasts, I'm happy to do and I think that's a good description of. I think the way we're thinking about this campaign and the way I'll continue to run it to the very end I ask you this. You know there may be candidates. I agree with most layer disagree with mostly but their son candidates, who are really like human torpedoes. They wanna get on that debate stage the purpose of trashing one or another candidate telling about Chris. Christina put
clear you're, using more this from my pants, although I don't think he's gonna be able to get on the debate stage. Are you can see about candidates like that who may take up all the oxygen and get all the headlines when there, they going nowhere but the, but they serve them this of the of the democratic party media. I'm not concerned about it. I do somewhat irritating only because I think it doesn't help us in our quest to select the best nominee for? U S, president, which the job of the republican primary it. I think we should, talking about what do we stand for? Why do we stand for it and then get to the question of who is going to best advance that agenda? I personally believe mark one of the subjects near and dear to the- Heart is shutting down the unconstitutional administrative state, one of them and I am in this race is, I think, I'm the probably the single candidate in the last thirty years, who has the best understanding of how to actually get that job done. Those are the kinds of issues
like to be talking about rather than hurling, sir. How will they do anything yeah? Well, I think that it takes a unique combination of actually having been a ceo at a business guy like trump I've built multibillion dollar businesses and lead them and I'm willing to break glass, but it takes somebody who has also an understanding mark of the laws and constitution of this country, and that's the combination I'm bringing to the table where actually it's a myth that the civil service protections would stop president from reorganising the government. That's what they told trump while the advisers were wrong and that's why you need a president who understand the law itself. The civil service protections apply to individual firing of one off government employees they do not apply to mass lay off and mass lay offs are absolutely what I am. to the deep at all bureaucracy, when you think about reorganising, are shutting down branches of the administrative state like the department of education or the.
God, and I think, we've laid out in our campaign unprecedented detail of the mechanics of how we would actually get it done. It turns out. There are reorganization statutes, one dating from nineteen, seventy seven that says under limited circumstances. The US president can do this without asking congress for permission or forgiveness if it stimulates the economy or reduces redundant agencies, and the market come back to that. It takes that special combination of someone who, yes, is an outsider, isn't beholden can actually see that through as an executive, but also somebody who actually understands the and constitution of this country, and that a rare combination in that part of what draws me into this right. I think this is very important and I remember in the regular ministration we had what we called reductions in force since really you're talking about and yet do need legislation to do that.
That's what happens! Here's! What happens! Congresses don't do that. I can do it I'm going to do it. Ok, you going to do that Ok, you know their defence budgets. Tell you, I guess, while you're not gonna get it. What do you do with a circumstance? In other word, I'm saying is yeah. There is there's an opponent now there is this: hurt Barely that takes place. What do you do in a case like that? I have my own thoughts, some curious. What would you do? Well look, let me say what my first intention is. First, I am an optimist, and I am aspirin not, but what I want to achieve with this country. I think that we need a landslide election. You brought a break at a nineteen eighty, four nineteen before reagan style moral mandate. We haven't had one in a very long time in this country
I think that we're in a moment where the rot of the administrative state has already been exposed even too many elected official republicans, who will be part of that landslide that that was the big service that trump did for the country is exposing that rot. I think that, with that landslide election, I will have at least the first two years to take a quantum leap word mark before there's any of the app yeah, what you would call ma modifying effects that you might see from than a broken congress, and so that's what I'm laser focused on, and I do think I'm going to be frank with you. I I think there are many other republican candidates in this race who can defeat Joe Biden, who are good people. But I think I'm the only candidate mark who can actually win this election in an unequivocal landslide because
We already see we're bringing young people with us. Forty per cent of my donors are first time ever donors to the republican party in any form compared to two percent for normal candidates. That's what I think it's going to require to drive actual change, not just incremental reform, but a sort of rebels which is what I think we need. How are you going to get around the states, particularly them in reagan? One? You know massive number of states. Massive electoral college victories. He won states, nobody thought he could and then you have states like california, in new york, illinois, new jersey that have changed their election rules and really quite corrupt in ways that make it very, very difficult to win in these states, and I was arraigned guy in seventy six campaign form and seventy six and eighty work and his administration. For eight years we had to massive landslides. I think that would be almost impossible to pull off. Today. I really
because of the way they ve changed. The election procedures no well mark. I think that if you had said that an in the summer, nineteen, seventy nine hundred. That was impossible, tat men out of bed, that it wasn't the same thing and nineteen seventeen a lot has happened in the circumstances have changed, but but people and seven- and I might add that the same but look what have you got there- is that I'm already doing my best to get a head start on it, I'm going to the south side of it.
I go. I've campaigned in kensington and the inner city of philadelphia, I'm reaching young people college campuses disproportionately, focusing on young people. I think young people are part of the key market to do this, where part of what we tend to believe that they are part of the neo progressive neo marxist left, when, in fact, when it's talking about eighteen nineteen twenty year old, kids really are recent young adults, they're just hungry for a cause, actually they're, starved for purpose and meaning they're just lost, and I think that one of the things I'm doing in this campaign
I am leading us not just to run from something I'm leading us to start running to something and that really resonates with young people and brings along people who might have thought of themselves. As you know, even if Bernie Sanders voter that actually come along and say, you know what, if individual family nation and god are filling the vacuum in my heart, more than race, gender, sexuality and climate, maybe I'll try the other thing this time, that's what we're seeing across the country. So I'm I'm hopeful mark I'm not saying that it's nothing definite right! We have our challenges ahead of us, but I certainly think I am the candidate who is best positioned to deliver that landslide as the youngest person ever to run for president in our party, I think the traction we're seeing is good evidence of that. Already this early on going from zero point zero to third place in the
public national pulling it donor base its particularly unique of small dollar donors. We built up that early, but I am hopeful and I think that the best chance we have. I will say this: you are a very positive voice in this race. I listen to some of these guys just being hive. I'm nuts. In your pollyanna, I'm saying again when I listen to the Christy's or listen to some of the year back pantries like Larry whole, gunnar S, hutchison. These guys, I mean you're ready to just thrown the tao about what's taking place in the republican party and so forth. It's what they don't have anything to draw. support they'll, draw attention, say on meat, the press or face the nation, or something like that, but they have no bay and you're going out there you're trying to create your own base set about right. That is about right exactly, and I think that that will be good for our movement
In my view, market. This is another speak the truth at every step, and I would rather lose the election than to play sums. Political snakes and labourers swipe invest For fifteen million dollars of my harder body in this campaign, rather than asking about you begged owners properly and to I dont like super pac puppets are good for our party or far electoral process, but I leave it they were doing. This is I'm bakery who speaks truth and if you want to stand on the side of revolution over incremental reform, then that's great and tell the people country who I am and what I believe in what I stand for it. That's what they want, then I'll be the next president, but if everybody country knows who I am and what I want. They want to go at different direction. I'm at peace with that is well that's. The whole strategy of this campaign is to be just that direct about it and on attached to the result, but I'm all deserve, and if the people of this country feel like they need to call me too
If the next president I'll do that for the next eight years, and I'm confident that when I leave office in January two thousand and thirty three, we won't have an administrative state. We will be independent of china. We will not depend on our enemy for our modern way of life. We will be growing at a four plus per gdp growth rate again and most importantly, young americans will be proud of being citizens of this country again, which is, I think, the single most important thing I can deliver Well, I'm glad you came on. I think you, you made a very strong case for yourself back and I want to she's a lot of safety and the success out there, and if people want nope? Where do they go? Go to vivek twenty twenty four dot com vi, v e k, twenty twenty four dot com? We prefer volunteers to donors, though they will take both, and I appreciate that for sure the opportunity mark. Alright, god bless. Take care of yourself be well. It's a very nice gentleman isn't
Mr Medina very likeable I'll be right back then I friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study, the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit LA
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MSNBC is owned by comcast a multi billion dollar american company cable that shape she down effectively rip you off effectively every month. so they know much care by ratings either, but they bring in the most. I'll partisan, sickening ignorant, hacks imaginable. I'm talking about the hosts in the newsroom, wait till you get to the guests. So these two corporations, I believe seen in his stolen by times warner a t tee and, of course, Msnbc is owned by comcast. These corporations are responsible. for much of their hate for much of what's going on in this country,. So we talk about social media or other people do, but these two institutions these two platform, specifically Could we know about the near time? We know about the wash them
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lords for hunter, maybe there from the same group and on another working very hard to try and figure out how to work. walk a fine line in order to accommodate the judge, who barely doesn't want to be fooled by any the so called. And heritage is on CBS news, she's fantastic and you this moron dan goldman, who was a former federal prosecutor at these southern district in new york. A complete a whole very low. I q, which makes you wonder about that southern district in new york here she is cut fifteen, go earlier this week we just had to rely on the characterisation from Republicans and democrats about devon archer testimony, but now we can see the full transcript recall that democratic congressmen. Dan Goldman said that archer testified that it was the illusion of access
Joe Biden, that hunter Biden was offering to these clients, but in fact, when you look at the transcript, what you see is that that phrase illusion of access is in dan, Goldman's question is actually not what Devon archer testified to. He says yes, but that's not quite fair. This was about showing that there was the signal that there's influence and an access here. What kind of a person can live with them? Assume that this god then who does this? again then common they want to see trumpet prison, they wanna seemed see die there. Look at this sleaze bar. He uses a word. then he puts it in devon, archers mouth then they say release the full. Transcript will show that it wasn't really that bad larger, really and make these accusations, release it and it's worse than anybody thought so devon archer
Never said were dank omen, said Seti said it was entanglements question, so he lied sugar, prison, I think, must reduce who should be indicting, go to prison immediately. That's the new states I mean we won't have a democrat party lobby and said, singer somewhere where they'll be operating. I suppose mister producer. Do we have any cars? I be surprised because I've been well. I ve been talking Days and days and days with all the stuff going on yep tony clifton, new jersey, tony, how are you, sir. I'm working tony miss tilney. How are you my found good tony to you and I yeah here, How are you I want to say something? First answer. Thank you. I want to say something. First,.
To make you laugh, and then I want to tell you what I did. I felt run run away instead, the most terrifying worth english language are, the government and I'm here to help you out here. It's true, Oh, so you mail drew have few days have been very stressful for all of us. So thank you. Thank you for what you did today. I just love it. I just feel so incurred by it and I have been put in king in my head. What can I do- and I previously retailers who speaker Mccarthy and I go through my congressmen- and I communicated you- could call them in You can get the money and I communicated my feelings, and I said you know I grew up in a time of kennedys
in asia and the candidates and one of the king afridun. So I'm taking was happening here very seriously because first of all, the office of president is being diminished and do you know the story as they do everything the Democrats, but also because a president is going through all this that no one is bound to the fore and because I am also worried about safety, and well being for the country. Then I said: if there's anything you can do to stop the wheels from being in motion Is there because it is a very serious matter, but our lawyers retired yup, though what when he had trees written? I do you, I don't want you guys to be held accountable with people onto the import. We're going to be In a mass set all think one hundred percent right, tony entrepreneur
in writing. One of these days you get the hell out of that blue state. Cosette, scam, gone from bad to worse. And I want to thank you very very much. You know what I am now gore, such in alone. Noticed concurring opinion in arizona averse, my yorkers mate, twenty twenty three, here's what he said the sooner this he wrote since march twenty twenty, we may have experienced the greatest intrusion on civil liberties and the peace time history. This country now gore such in this opinion, sack officials across the country, issued emergency decrees on a heartbreaking scale. Governors and local leaders impose lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shudder businesses and schools, public and private. They close
churches, even as they allowed casinos and other favoured businesses to carry on. They threaten violators, not just with civil penalties, but would criminal sanctions to these surveys. Church parking lots recorded, license plates and issued notices, warning that attendants and even outdoor services, satisfying all state social, distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct, fed Executive officials under the act to be deployed on public health agency. Regulate landlord tenor relations nationwide, the use they were place safety agency to issue a vaccination mandate for most working americans. Three that they threat shoot me. They threaten a fire, not comply employees and warn that service members who refuse to vaccinate might face dishonourable discharge in confinement.
Along the way, it seems federal officials may a pressured social media companies to censor information about pandemic policies, of which they disagreed. the concentration of power in the hands of so few may be efficient and sometimes popular, but it does not tend towards sound government. However wise one person as advisers may be, That is no substitute for the wisdom of the whole of the american people that can be tapped into the legislative process. Decisions made by a few often your unintended consequences that may be avoided when more are consulted. Autocracy have always sought these defects when he dealing with somebody like
with a mind like that or in a leader, thomas I've gotta believe at least those three would be amenable to emergency filing, like nothing ever seen. Quite frankly, to deal with nothing like nothing. We ve ever seen in this election. I've gotta believe that's the case, because that's what needs to be done and to try and fair is ok but did not try and to ensure failure is not ok.
That's where I'm coming from, and I don't care what Kennedy you support or camera party or in, as I say in chapter eight, and I read that to you from chapter seven. Actually, the last chapter, the epilogue, but I want to read this to you in chapter seven, the democrat party scorched earth unscrupulous and unconscionable political and criminal persecution of donald trump is totalitarian in every respect. The Democrats and their media talked about impeaching trump long before he entered the oval office. They are talking about it again, even before he wins reelection,
Democratic party, daddy trump onto phony impatience, now trump stands indicted by an elected democratically da in new york, utterly bow this politically motivated case involving non disclosure agreements, other elected democrat district attorney in fallen canny, georgia cover most of a land of fanny, taffy, willis. She's ready to unleash her indictments. The elected attorney general democrat in new york, she's unleashed a score plus a dozen civil fraud charges against president and his family.
while he was? President trump was subjected to a multi year: multi million dollar federal investigation based on democratic party media accusations, gender by Hillary Clinton, and allow for him so called russia. Those here funded by Clinton, there was the one. in point for the democratic party median fbi allegations against trump for rapidly. I directed james. A call me despite knowing that dossier was force, used it to threaten trump in to unleash a massive investigation against him. Think about all these things that have been going on all these things. We have the doorn report, the tells you how corrupt the appear yours, it's absolutely shocking.
I really do wish that the democratic party hates america was out right now. I wish was out now so could help us deal with what's taking place in the country right now, and you will understand that when you get the book, but we have to wait until september, nineteenth law can happen until then a lot, as have since we have the republican debate on august, twenty sir we're Other things are happening. I I'm gonna, make a prediction to you right now. Chris Christy will be the so called third in swimming pool big day interred, but nonetheless. The only way he can draw attention to himself is to be ultra loud and obnoxious and to attack trump and to attack the said this. The way he attacked Rubio a few years back,
He is very little in terms of a conservative or successful recorded. jersey, new jersey, is run by the same crooked, pathetic party. It's always been run by christine fixed there and all the others who are try. The same should MIKE pants. Finally, get a few shackles and a few supporters, This a man is running, and nobody knows why he got on that debate stage or hear him talk about how fantastic he is a righteous. He is how he stood up the trump well.
in stand up to anybody. What he should be saying is look. I did what I thought was right. I got all kinds of advice. I did what I thought was constitutional. If you agree with me vote for me, if you don't daughter of print, that's not what he does. He is a much darker saw than I ever imagine, but it is what it is. I'll, be right back then don't fall for their free phone. the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract, cancel or leave any time get a new
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may orca K a year ago stated seclusion of anyone s yeah. I pray ordered your book. I got one for myself. My daughter, make you jerry, no problem, william who stood in the year, you're gonna, love out of the port really dumb year, open my daughter really year region when is she in college. She never really went that whole woke way, but I a girl on earth with he was a thing she was willing to read the book. People like her have gone through this college system if their willing to read the book, I bet it changed the minds of at least seventy or eighty percent. That's how powerful this thing has no doubt, but are you alone I'm kind of with you on the whole what
waiting for a thing I mean: do we need a picture this guy with a bag of money in his hand? Example, I don't. The standard- and I like you, pack, get pats member. I have to cut him off on four we see under the show- and I want to back tomorrow- is to producer We salute our armed forces, police officers, fire fighters and emergency person. Now there m fighters in ukraine and taiwan and knew the great people of amerika the great live I'd pay. Through its listening to this programme. I can't thank you enough and he's right. What are we the guy with handfuls of cash you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.