« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/25/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, what is going on in this country today isn’t strictly legal or political, and we don’t need commentators in the media twisting the truth to fit their conclusions. We have mugshots being taken of lawyers and politicians, including President Trump, who did not break any laws and acted the way they did because they were not breaking any laws. Democrat groups like BLM or Antifa can assault the White House and force the President into the nuclear bunker and face no charges, but anyone involved in January 6th or Conservative groups get the book thrown at them. We are living in a soft police state, and what is really on trial in all of these RICO cases is the 1st Amendment because Democrats did not like the speech that was used, not any actions taken. What’s happening now is bigger than Donald Trump, a mugshot, or any one person or one event; this nation is being put on a path that will drive us over the cliff. The Democrat party is consolidating power to give them monopoly control over our elections and law enforcement, because fascists and autocrats only care about empowering themselves. The similarities between the fall of the Roman empire and what is taking place today are scary.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The
The The. Mark levant here our number eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one, eight seven Having three one, three, eight one one you know, ladies and gentlemen, I'm pretty Sick and tired of legal analysts and former federal power
Scooters and political analysts and pretty singular. Because, what's going on in this country, today's and strictly legal, hence isn't strictly political and most of them honestly hate donald trump guts what they do is they trying With their analysis to accommodate their own personal belief, in conclusion,. and I see it on every cable, chow. The news platforms, the newspaper. While we know already, they have already surrendered. their own careers and professions such as they were being activists and advocates More and more the people I turned to the people, I want to listen to not excluded Labour, mostly Our serious flaws
Furs and historians understand what's happening to this country. Fundamentally,. Foundational early reporters today hosts news, travels home, putting out all the mug shots from the atlanta case. That's a disgrace. I watch these mugshots. The former presently united states. america's mayor, Johnny's jenna, Alice sidney pal. I watch others marked meadows.
And others who served in significant positions in the georgia legislature or what have you. Not in their wildest dreams did they think they were committing crimes because they weren't. A lorry gives advice to a client and they wind Charged with felonies, because the state that is the government The federal state level don't agree with them. Our refurbishing to restate the advice that they give us obstructing an election seriously. With all due respect, and many of my friends are made red network and on other networks, most of whom are not my friends his way over here,
This is way out your lane. I think one of the guys who gets it right most of the times, Turley. Quite frankly, Sure it's gets right almost all the time, but that's not what I'm talking about. Those mugshots these charges. the charges in new york. The judge in washington, the other charges in washington. Really to have somebody who's, a former federal prosecutor, Tell us what's going on, understand. What's going on. What's going on is the same people, the same Institutions.
Who'd been undermining our elections since at least two thousand. Are just using different techniques: more effective technics, more deadly techniques, if you will. There was no reason: Donald trump should be impeach twice. No reason he should be impeach once. There was no reason at all. Why there should a criminal investigation, Donald trump or russian collusion. The p who committed those acts? None of them had to go before a federal grand jury. None of them were true. crimes about obstruction, interfering with the transfer of power any of the rest of it, none of them, and yet that was the It is too sought on our electoral system and modern industry, if not authorised. And the same political party that was behind that.
Behind, what's going on today, of course, they're colluding, of course conspiring the manhattan dossier, the atlanta today, the U s. Attorneys oversight. Is the special council unwashed Andy? You see, there are collude Even if they weren't there already the press, but I want to ask a question: how is it possible. that not one of them dropped indictments on the same day as the other. How is it possible that they are trapped, indictments new york, one for but the two federal cases in the atlantic case all the indictment, your dropped within weeks of each other, but all these debates, including new yorkers, all drop within five months of each other. And these issues summer shoulda than others. How is that possible? And there wrapped in the middle of a primary election. How is
possible, and now all Want trials, if not yesterday with The next seven or eight months, how is that possible? without collusion. What, Coordination there collusion. There is coordination by the democratic party. by the same democratic party. That leaves the border wide open because they want to flip texas. and if we have so many states in the south east lynne, even the and even the south, by this, I'm gonna grab party that a federal judge and jury. Judges have now found censored mostly conservatives,. here pain issues, covered issues. Anything else that my poorly
but the buyer and administration and the Democrats in a low light. I mean seriously for they girl to parents, they go out of catholic church, they go after pro lifers. Eleven hundred people from Henry sixth, An hundred have either been charged. It did some pleader eleven hundred, I'd like to eleven hundred in there to me. I could be wrong somewhere. and some came out meanwhile, you have to ivy league lawyers in new york the twenty twenty riots who to Malta, Cocktails and had more into a police cruiser.
The same department of justice that seeking thirty three years for the heads of the proud boys. I don't and other guy's name thirty, three years who didn't throw em out Cocktail at anybody, but he organized Hey according to them. The same department of justice who wants that guide, put away for thirty three years a federal judge in new york through U s attorney's office had think in brooklyn and told the judge that the two year, sentence that each of them received? Even though there was a ten year sentence, possibility for each was too long and they were led out. The same democratic party department of justice. When the white house was under siege,
a black lives matter and anti for, among others,. You know they just paid a settlement to black lives matter, mr produce. Where the present the united states had to be hustled today, Go into the white house. We're scores of secret service agents, were, were injured in one form or another that's not insurrection day, and what about all the people who encouraged them to do it, what about all the Democrats or encouraged and do it, how come there not dry Their asses are dragged in front of a federal grand jury anywhere. Why is that? Why wasn't that an insurrection or sedition arkansas? she they commit sedition? It's not On the radar.
We're living in a soft We state that can get worse amusing, these phrases, so the back benchers can write down very slowly specially on tv. and other areas, digital platforms. This is a oft police state becoming a more more aggressive police day. That's what's happening. Let me ask you a question are proven. After this upcoming presidential election, how many of you are prepared to be involved in challenging at the? a state or federal level votes. our processes that you think we're corrupted by the demo. A party by democrat party activists by left wing groups by neighbour. in other words, how many of you are less likely
when your mouse about it or do anything about it. One of the rules. you think these lawyers knew what they were doing would turn out to be? I'm kind of rico conspiracy, it shocking! It's disgusting and you know it's interesting. The core of all these cases,. what's on trial. Here is really the first amendment whether to georgia, you take that urgent case forty one counts: thirteen against trap, you strip all about away the rico stuff there, more than one count in their by it, self bites of attacking freedom of speech that they didn't. Like the speech that the speech was false, that the speech was was fraudulent, say. With the counts, brought in washington dc same of those cup
since what our non disclosure agreements, criminal, energy, Psmith already tried. There were John Edwards, had blown out by the jury then stop the dying man From doing it against trump, because it's the process that kills Do we really need former federal prosecutors now now and then I get it to work as through the technical points. Do we really need them day in and day out day in and day out, the tell us what's going on? No, we need people have the that's an smarts, the historic perspective. The understanding of the american founding to talk to us about Taking place, that's where we need more and more of. That's what I try and do here as well as break. the specifics, but still we don't need him every day. What do we need to do now show up Show the mugshots first
president, whether mug shot, course he is look what they're doing. First, labour indicted first present. We're indicted twice first present, we're indicted three times. First, president ever indicted what time do not interesting? America even style, intended to lead to its opponents. It was one out. But they want to make sure that he goes broke. Defending himself no can't pay money left that is tied up in conceivable way so its new york, it's late its washington DC than they move part of it to florida. When they got caught in the wrong venue intentionally, I got a lot more I'll, be right back then,
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks.
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or gust of precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight, five, nine to again text. L easy! I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight: five: nine to organise a gust of precious metals, dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com, It is our task, certainly somebody like me with radio tv it is our task and our own
Our own communities this weekend, you for it a little again her basketball game. are you out with friends during dinner, we ve got to get the message across. The even people who were not sure where they stand on anything. No what's happening now is bigger than donald trump, its bigger than mug shock. Its bigger than any one person or one event. People Who post these mugshots- and I include the media. People who obviously cheer on and celebrate what's taking place, judges. To participate in this calamity then thrown these damn cases out of their courtrooms.
They are putting this nation on a path that Going to drive us over the cliff, we are at a point in our country. or choice, actually now has to be made. join liberty and tyranny. When I hear Like Chris Christie and others say, Donald try can't win, but I can number one you can't but number two. It's one thing to run against donald trump. Its the thing to try and sabotage and entire movement
spirit, tens of millions of people? The effort here is still disfranchised republicans and conservative. That's the effort here, The laws are still being changed in these states who can legislatures trying to fix those laws are still being sued by the department of justice. Joe Biden and you haven't heard this- has appointed more federal judges. In the same period time as any president over half a century
It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight, five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five nine to live in two six: eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com.
Marks nothin and on jeddak, patriot and unapologetic constitutional. Lest you Can region at eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one fluorine levine, their son emulate work very hard to peace. much of this together for you. But something that we need to think through and through Take more one show, but nonetheless I'm gonna do it doing My show I'm gonna take three segment for myself, so the first three segments will she's gonna be in my opening statement. Two more segments. then I'm gonna bring a newt talk about this too, because I think it's important. And I want to just do the show with three four five: How serve five? Six, seven, eight guests
In that their works doesn't work for me, so also If I don't say it, nobody else will become quite apparent. You can see life liberty and levant on Sunday night, a pm eastern five pm pacific Seven p m central ali times all around the place. I always encourage you to set your dvr for a pm. Their non sunday or whatever time that is where you are just in case, I miss the show the way always turn turn back to it, and I want to encourage you to do that. They rhinos the advice, ravishment picture, the establishment republic units interesting of undue in this long enough that, Fifteen years ago I made the distinction on the
Programme as I had in my books between. Constitutional conservatives and events, in name only a rhinos, and I kept talking the battle between the republican establishment, the republican establishment, constitutional, conservative. John baynard, came to hate me much more. Came to hate me, they all dead. Now nobody runs as an establishment republican. Have you noticed, said mister produce. Even when they are. They don't want to run as establishment republican. So we people who supported bush and ford and so forth? Who claim to be recognised? Then? I recognized chris. no regulating the ragged nights.
Then I recognise the not goldwater I'd they're, not tromp bites their mess. They don't have a clue. on how to address what's going on. They don't want a clue. There very surface level. They're very surface level, they always have been, So they try to sabotage the tea party movement, they tried to say the tatars, the reagan revolution. They certainly did. sabotage very goldwater revolution, then they're doing the same today. They're doing the exact same thing today we have these quisling within the republican party we're back stabbing. We gotta watch them while at this each time we have this blitz creek coming as full force in every respect in every respect.
So all this is going on. The other part That, of course, is his wife to protect Joe Biden. Why are they protecting Joe Biden so aggressively. Because, unlike others, I believe he is going to be the nominee If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. As you know, I don't it's it's not. I don't pay so from the back and then right at a time sir pieces at national view, the zillion links to myself, tat you and I am not doing What I'm saying is, I dont believe he's gonna just step away for a lot reasons, one of which is enjoying it because they met the journey. He's taken forty percent of the time off its free travel the guy's, a the god, the guy's a cheap. You know what that's what he is: free travel free food free, protect, And he got a new fence up.
The border around his home and robbers than ever thing. The wary about scattered The weather them one hundred percent of the time, Joe Joe wake up. and, of course he you want to be indicted. Should the Republicans win. First way to make sure you're not indicted is to control the department of justice. And border they control the department of justice, justice hook, line and thinker top the by Bottom up middle out, all the rest of it. Annabelle he's going anywhere, and so they need to protect them. democratic! Don't talk about the obvious met Illness of job are the threat that is, for a great nation like as our national security, economic, well being and all the rest of it. They don't touch it, and then going to touch her there's a few solves, but the way
majority now than they But it was a great maui when he was a complete friggin disaster. They lie about his policies. I bought his corruption. You know damn well, if we're any republican president who had ten percent Ten percent of the environment, with far nations receipt of tens of millions of dollars corporations l, l, seas with phony names. Some like hunter Biden, who is the the pass through who is the pastor they would be waiting around for evidence shut with where's the Evan? States I have my god: we have enough evident how they impeached Proper second time I use them,
all kinds of stuff, then all the single earring they ran a rush, nothing zero bomb and try monies at home. Are you kidding me? You know all this. So what's happening people systems of justice. Ok, isn't that can obvious what's really happening, the devil we're parties consolidating its power? That's what's happening. that's why it's not enough to be a form of a prosecutor illegal, analysed her political analysts if he'd Comprehend what is taking place? You don't understand history. You haven't looked at history, not just modern history, ancient history, I'm telling you there. Consolidating their power, all the censorship. That's why
targeting of conservative groups, Why the effort to change the voting system? So you can't win had seats to the senate. Only democrats for them devour the supreme court and turn it into a politburo for the democratic party. There close are they smear, thomas and a leader endorse it and yet clearly by far the most, Corrupt justice may be the only corrupt justice on the supreme court of soda my or there never going to take she's, right, reliable left wing vote, also the dumbest of all the justice tavis, but then manner. So they're targeted by the media and their targeted by durban, and democrats on the Senate judiciary committee, this all part of the same part of the Same thing, and when you read and watch the new york times, don't read it and watch it for the truth
Read it and watch it for evidence and information and facts and real news: you hear about it. If you don't want to read it, I get it, but when I have to parts of it and hear about it. I don't look at it that way anymore. This is their biggest Propaganda operation. What are they saying, because it's true because its news where they try? drag us where they are in the pushes, were they trying to take the country, what kind of began to are they using because the democratic Haiti is consolidating power, it once have monopoly control over our elections. It once monopoly control over federal law enforcement, that's goes after local law enforcement and one Tat monopoly control. What
why the southern borders open. You know it's interesting to me some of so called experts haven't figured it out the mayor, new york cry like a baby. Now you got that haven't or new york cry like a baby. Now they're, even complaining about Biden, because, a what's going on in new york city, I once great city what a metropolitan now used to be. And the state of new york. Why do the national democratic care. Because they know that people in new york and of our democratic under every scenario. What about giuliani mark the city is changed. The city is change, to one party city, the stated It's about as close to changes, puzzle, zelda and almost took it, and I think of zelda and randy day he'd win, but the Democrats don't care. Why,
like the communist chinese, now they're looking at bar it is more important for them. While I have the white house where they get to make decisions, the border, even if it's just another year and a half to alter talk. after the country, in a way where the republic, can never went again and the Democrats can never lose again, and that is to flip texas california used to be a republican state, ronald reagan couldn't win, catcher in forty. If you are a lively day. Arizona go home. We go water is now a democratic state, georgia. For god's sakes,. If teetering on being a democratic state, virginia dark purple stay with a victory to its credit, but
victory, hopefully as a one off, but it could be what we're having to fight for Sis and irish zone and georgia and virginia we're losing we're losing bad and it's happened over the course of fifteen or twenty years and lightly over the course of a few years. They know they take texas, it's over. That's the focus, That's why that borders open they don't care how many people get killed. They don't care amity. How many drugs come across their they don't care about little girls and boys being rape, women being raped sex trafficking, they don't care about french law. If they cared about it, they secured damn thing. So why should open you gotta come to a rational conclusion. One reason One reason over only to empower the democratic party,
not in new york nationally they want all the action to be all of it. What do they want to get rid of the electoral college and their close, I believe, constitutional, but if they control the supreme court, then I won't be worth. They do this national popular vote pack, withered compaq worthy blue states assigned to each other We will give our electors as matters a law. To: whoever wins the majority popular vote in the country. So as an example. Let's say was cards as an example: votes for the republican for president
if the republican electorate, but a state law has been passed. Only the electors of the party. That wins the national popular vote are to be central I didn t see data I care about their own people in their own state. It's about the party, not the state, it's about the party, not by country. It's about the party, not law enforcement. It's about power, because this is how marxist and fascists and autocrat this is what they are Empowering themselves, about a little fight, new york, little there's a little that there's scene. I come we take out america no you're, not here in this anywhere from former federal prosecutors and you're, not going to enact, can I hear it from.
political operatives who worked for george portion, so it's not gonna happen all these things are happening for a reason. It's not a coincidence. I'll be right back then. Helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august, a precious metals, their tracks
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold iras as part of the retirement portfolios, and you need to contact or augusta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious texts levin the six, eight five, nine two again text: l e v, I n to six. Eight five: nine. To live in two six, eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com, that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com. This is what people with their whiteboard killer. hosting is their think tanks, don't quite get
though the democratic party or fight first state or fight for mayor the fight for a house. He lets minor league stuff. That's minor league stuff. What Really fighting for is control permanent, sir, for large monopoly control. and that's why the energy department can put our regulations they contain, informations about ceiling fans and then. determinations about automobiles and washing machine there on the move baby and there Way with you like you're, a hamster, you're on a hamster wheel and you're, going to run and run and run, and they shut the lights off. You can keep running, put the lights on you're going to stop running. They are teaching. American citizens, how to obey how to comply.
They are teaching american citizens conformity and uniformity. a whole new language, a homo thought process, that's what's gonna that is what's taking weiss and these people who talk to you through radio and television, many of whom you think, are really sharp. They don't have the funds yes, I do it's gonna, Some who do? I don't care, I said Joe Biden has appointed more judges at this time and its presidency than any president since J f k that's over sixty years ago,. The republicans had the power to stop this mitch mechanically credit inside about why the establishment, the elites, because it judges they say what's goin on He's the Republican later.
We have a guy lindsey graham says it's. it's his responsibility of the president. What he wants now, it's not then why the hell even have a clause in the constitution, particularly when its test president doing what he's doing drew their sharing it your responsibility to follow the ouse that you took to the constitution not some hair brain theory, and that goes for all other. Front page of the new york times. smearing, ran to say why going, that repaid. Smearing rounder, said some of you think that's cool! That's great!. This is why I support They get very down a pessimistic.
Gave you might take on the debate the other day carefully over an hour's time, and then people presume to reject to me what they want to believe Let me give you an answer opinion, but always going to give you an honest opinion. Whether people like it or not. There's too many in this business we're trying to fix Would you want to hear telling you what I see too late. Mister bennet I'm telling you what I see and I will continue to do- People are one agreement and people dont have to court lot more to go I'll, be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage.
Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the sponsorship, pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader that the democratic party is consolidating. Ordered a consolidated as to destroy those things. That stand between them in us, the government. You know we ve never had a more
ankara, incompetent self, grand and ruling class that I could liquor republican or democrat. Now I don't know how many correspondence in your ex limes or the washed and composed or any other networks have in hawaii. Which is, after all, one of our states. I think they had more, Response in moscow and Stalin was. Unleashing terror against people. I think they had more cars On in berlin, when Hitler was. Gazing jews and think they had more correspondence in the hills of castro-
castro is thirty or forty, so called guerrilla thugs. were plotting on destroying their country, go on and on but the new york times. It's always plotting to destroy our country, part of the sick, In nineteen project in the greatest propaganda operation, this nations are removed, so how many correspondence for actually out there. I want you to listen to this line. A resident and she wasn't interviewed by the new york times she wasn't interviewed by the washed, impose she wasn't anyway by any the networks. Now these places they have billions of dollars. Folks they are multi billion dollar cooperation. They pay their house their correspondence multi millions of dollars. and all they do is they should around and trop as the mouthpiece for the democratic party. That's about it
and I work in that hard their covering up everything that has to do with Biden and the border and crime. An inflation and interest rates at affect real americans, so I think resident in la hyena represents all of us. And she's interviewed and the interviews put on twitter, which is where we found.
cut eighteen go to today I haven't had any money come in, I haven't. Had anybody call me back, I didn't have anything. I have no idea. I lost my house, I lost my car. I lost my animals, I mean come on man, we're not getting anything till today. I still didn't get my meds. I cannot get my measure my mid may medicine was all birth. In my house, my rent money was all in my house. I have no money anymore. I think Joe Biden should take his seven hundred dollars and get back on the plane and go home. That's what I think the seven hundred dollars compared to all the millions is given to ukraine. Why we need it, that's why we don't understand why we're citizens and we cannot get money, but if they're, not citizens, they get gazillions of dollars from the usa, where, where where's our government fix your house before you fix somebody else's well, ukraine is,
it's. I certainly do on stand the point: what about the trillion dollars and debt? What about the hundreds. Billions of dollars? That's gone, unaccounted for in the covert nineteen point about the fat and happy bureaucrats and contractors. The main she's onto something there. Then this is really just appalling and he had a feel for this. Poor lady people were burned to crispin their cars. Firstly, of have this electrical wire. That breaks starts the fire. You have the withholding of water from the fire department, who have authorities blocking the road out of the place.
Learn allow roads there, I've been there many decades ago and the people who were turned back most of them never made it? They were burnt or crisp and the people cited defy the authorities. Most of them lived. and almost reminds me. In a much smaller way, but in the same mentality, on nine eleven when people were being told the stay still. Don't leave where they are. When the so was true, get the hell out of their as fast as you can as fast as you can buy the way. Let this be a lesson to use your noggin use your head. There's a fire get the hell out of here.
nobody's gonna get there in time for you and this fire prattling move very, very fast and, of course, the governor, the senators, the white house The Democrats, the media, immediately move to climate change was a climate change. Unless you believe, as I do, that they should it is her, so scared to death or the federal government and so focus now climate change that their base equally tracing windmills, rather than upgrading and strengthening that which they already have and, of course, it's the utility that will be sued out of existence, not that climate change advocates that the politicians, not the incompetent ruling class boobs. There are protected or be immunized.
Lot more, this is on the horizon. America. I want you to think about in the last few months, but the government bureaucrats in the direction of abiding administration and the democratic party of done In two short years, they ve destroyed our energy sector their nationalizing specific. Areas of the country. whether a nome large oil and We'll gas reserves them completely out of production. They have slow, walked any new permits to drill whether offshore or onshore, while claiming they were not permit. The oil companies so the lie because they know those limits. They have
For those wells, I'm not gonna struck Going to strike oil or gas, they lie to you. Their destroying the automobile industry, you know the: u s: w wants to go on strike. one day they will have to go on strike. The lobby unemployed, just like the call minors are facing a a dire future. The Democrats are pushing mass transit. The Democrats are pushing dense housing, the demo, Add sir nationalizing the suburbs everywhere you look to disaster. Government is outlawing the combustion engine via regulation at the state and federal level. Democrats. Did you ever think, you're ceiling fans would have to be ITALY overhauled, because the
carbon emissions. Of course there are no carbon emissions from ceiling fans went there talking about, is what turn them on the amount of energy that you is that the stew the stamp thing. I've ever heard a goat trying, an incandescent light bob. You can't we're like east germany, now we're trying to collect things. Thinking about what should I do I saw was happening. Three years ago, I think it was three may be. Four years ago, I had her age fact guys who were good friends with take out any age vac system we had here there was getting older before they broke Well now you know I did they. Mr producer. Because I knew that they were gone,
change the rules on these systems that their were gonna, make them much more expensive and much less efficient. But how often can you do that, and what about your kids in your grandkids I'll, analyse guy pick me up when I came back from Florida, where's weaken, tore virginia home And. Was driving me in a tesla these electric cars are basically the same thing In near the end of the trip I said them, it tries to, quietly. How do you like it? He said? Well, I really dont. I should why I've had nothing but problems.
And he said honestly, I'm trying to make a living living, driving people back and forth and. Then pull up to the gas station and fill it up in about three minutes. Five minutes: six minutes I gotta plug the thing, and I mean this is should be, surprised anybody can plug it in and it's not three For six minutes whatever it is, it is much longer and wait until everybody's on the electrical grid, forced onto the electrical grid by the Democrats, force there and are no growth. Leftist marxist imagined Henry we to help our longer than that you ve got these guys. Were these big trailer trucks were telling us the early models that its taking forever to charge them up
and so how are we going to get food from one end of the country to the other? How are we going to get anything medicine from one end of the country to the other? You think we have supply in problems now these people are thinking ahead. They don't think ahead. They don't think they don't care. To render the power game. doesn't matter to them. You know we heard about the debate. Bang. Nicky Hayley say she believes in climate change. The people contribute to climate change but and then fallen a blank about how we have to address now. But climate change is a phrase that they use to push their anti capitalist and type.
Their property rights de growth agenda can we all least agree on that. So there was a big strike to me. The back rama, swami Exactly the right thing. He was emphatic basically said it's a farce. The problem is. But eighteen short months ago, when it was being interviewed about it, he said. Yes, it's real and yes, man contributes to the warming of the surface on the planet. Folks, if you're a big boy. And you're really smart and you're, so smart, you put me And gather businesses and you're, making six hundred fifty million dollars and so forth and eat off
Somebody like me are you he's going to know that you flip flop and the course eighteen months on one of the most important issues of our time. It is a choice between liberty and tyranny, and their use in climate change has tyranny their destroying our economy, their driving up prices, food prices, gasoline price there, making it impossible to purchase homes to get along Their living a high off the hog, the ruling class lilies, The americans are not their struggling there. Having to make real hard choices, and much of that, in fact, a great deal of that has to do with this whole climate change thing, which is nothing were then socialism economically.
and marxism culturally, that's what it is. They finally figured out how to do it that is had had a full. So many people If you can lead a revolution, man I'll tell you what you, but I have your ideas. You better show more than you're a great debater good, looking we'll go anywhere to say anything. I want to see some evidence evolutions aren't build and started in the green rooms at fox, sir. A b c or c, n, n and so forth and so on. Revolutions are grass activists, grassroots movements, that's where they come from, they don't come from the top down and they don't come from tv and radio they just anyway. I took a little side turn there I'll be right back
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environmental scientist at the university of antwerp. However, the presence of p f a s polly and and purpose at whatever known. As for every chemicals, because It lasts for a long time before. Breaking down in these straws means that's not necessarily true the early wow and so are government local governments in particular. They impose these things because they're fads, because they look really cool because they pretend they're doing something about the environment Strong our already have through the programme well well. Well, stick with it I've got tons more I'll, be right back. Is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? You know the site,
it's right, short battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Cracked screen that gives you glass splinters ouch it's time to put that old phone to rest and upgrade to a new five G. Samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free. Five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign it for pure trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy when you switched of your talk pound to five zero
Mark live in pure talk, simply smarter wireless mark levine show my gears tomorrow's morning. Show you can reach marked now at eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. So the department of justice is very, very busy harassing parents pro lifers catholics, Donald trump censuring you on social media. Very busy. securing americans from all over the country from parading, trespassing on the grounds of they capital. Very very busy suing republican state legislatures to prevent them from tightening up election laws all their very busy and very busy protection there, buying Biden in his boy hunter initiatives,
kristen you at members on that stage. Republican acer hutchison says they deserve our respect. What a clown they deserve. Our respect, the american starts. He deserves our respect. You see america now they deserve to have their bud slashed and I mean slashed because his more of it from the department of injustice from pox business Eric reveal department of justice as lawsuit accusing spacex, that's elon. Six company a heroes far as I'm concerned space acts of hiring.
Discrimination really against blacks. Now, hispanics now gay people now hence to refugees and asylum recipients. Excuse me: what are you talking about the department of justice? found a lawsuit against spacex. Obviously, its Targeting elon musk, that's what's gonna I'm telling you what's going on in this country right now,. I don't need to be a whole look at that. He was a federal prosecutor. They find a lawsuit against spacex, accusing the company of discriminating against asylum recipients and refugees in its hiring decisions. These posts are higher. Asylum recipients and refugees, without
our american citizens, the divergence just as alleges that space ex quote routinely discouraged. ass. I leave and refugees from applying fused a higher or consider them because of it citizenship status in violation of the Regulation nationale, yet I must be confused, I thought that's required, but immigration and nationality acme. Ladies and gentlemen, it is so they're bringing this lawsuit through gonna, try and stretch all corners of the law, trying it other Biden, radical left wing hack, fully judges, marxist lawyers dressed up as judges to give them what they want. according to the suit spacex wrongly claim that federal regulations related to export controls restricted the company
totally hiring you S, citizens for why shouldn't they respect, be restricted only higher yours citizens and law for permanent residents. Yes, exactly, green card homes, so citizens in green cardholders, like one Was growing up and I was chief of staff to attorney general- that was the rule. Our investigation found that spacex failed to fairly consider a hire ashley's asylum and refugees because of their citizenship status, those what amounts to a ban on their higher, regardless of their qualification in violation of federal laws, said assisted attorney, general kristen clark, the departments of rights, division, she's, a racist Big it the thing she has said in the past, the things they cheat is written in the balance, She is notice how they're all
under the radar, but how rather all accomplishing what they want, she's a marxist bomb. Through what else did she say? Our investigation found that spacex recruiters in high level officials took actions that actually actually discovered asylum and refugees from seeking work opportunities at the company. America! Haven't you heard about enough for this. You, american citizens and green card. we're too, who get a line of work through the process. I juice. However, this you're treated like crap. Their destroying your lifestyle, but is this administration he can barely make ends. every time you turn around. Prices are going up up up up up by nominates. He praises himself.
Workforce participation rate is like at a record low, even though we all look at unemployment, it's a three percent. Yes, it's a three percent because people have dropped out of the damn work for it. You idiot. The government is supposed to improve Or at least to sustain the circumstances of the civil society for the citizen. It's this It- is in those in charge of the country we collectively the people of amerika, the people of guatemala. that the people of wherever there how it is this not unbelievable,. There literally shoeing. Elon musk and spacex
They're putting citizens and green card holders in the front of the line, as I thought why by federal laws, none and refugees- and you understand Under this administration, refugees aren't really refugees. You understand. Asylum seekers are really asylum seekers. We have million illegal aliens in this country? We, Democrats, city, so what the level they get a free education, free health care and apparently a job if they want one The deal jays announcement noted that the permission granted by the federal government for the asylum and read
Jeez who live and work in the? U s doesn't expire, the agent Added that there is no restriction on asylum and refugees working for companies that have to comply with export controls, in course, of its business space exports with certain good software technology intact. data that are subject to export. Can you understand the issue here right? Space acts is a technologically cutting edge corporation. It develop its own technology it purchases the most cutting edge technology, it can even export this stuff, the wants to without permission from the government and with the binding ministries in as well. Who cares what you mean? Who cares year to open your employment doors to everybody in anybody
If we say you'd open doors you to open doors, what do you think about this. The suit also lists numerous other instances in which they are so they're targeting this company. You know I I I I don't even want to know what to say anymore, they're, never going to target pesos they're, never going to target Zuckerberg they're, never going target gates than ever going to target to any these left wing billionaires these dark money type said help them with their campaigns. Never ever facto bent over backwards to accommodate countries gone we're fighting to get it back and if elon musk mosque was left us and if elon most didn't change, twitter, feline
didn't say the things that he says he will have a problem. None they civil rights division Is requesting the asylum refugees contact the division if they either apply for a job, So now there saying oh by the way you people who cross the border, Have you refugee status. We gave you asylum status, whatever state and understand the deaf. Actions installing apply anymore they're, like rubber stamp in anything. Anybody who comes in here from any part of the were oh good for your stamps. Amsterdam stamp another sign of these businesses, and now you need to hire them. Wait a minute I thought among these posts are higher citizens in green card or not that I know you
to hire them or you're violating federal law? No, I'm not! Yes! You are, and you know what it costs to fight these these bombs. It doesn't matter if you're, the wealthiest man on the face of the earth they're the wealthiest entity on the face of the earth, There are the real robber barons, so they are fighting against the american citizen against the green. cardholder. Who is here legally and has been approved legally spacex says: that's the law we ve been complying with the law. That's the law for a company like us that deals in all these efforts, control issues and so forth and wonder. Why is that national security reasons we don't know who these refugees
he's a sigh leaves are with no idea. They must destroy the country, the barriers they must control. The american citizen and reengineer, not just the society but the citizenry, that's what they're doing You union guys out there who vote democratic politics. you bet await the hell up. You bet awake, they held up and you better wake up fast. You can awaken. One day and say what the hell happened: amount of a job. What the hell happened. I can't afford diesel fuel anymore, but they, how have you happened.
We shall vote for the wrong party I'll caricature thug bosses had to say I don't care what the third bosses have to say. Maybe there needs to be another revolution in this country. Were price sector, union members who love this country. Who labour hard to get dern under their fingernails, whose scraped their knuckles? Maybe it's you? Six hundred to overthrow your union bosses once and for all, I don't care mechanic. contract. They negotiate for you one day, you're gonna be gone. I won't matter they the great contract, if you don't have the job that covers it, I don't know. People don't understand this. I'll be right back then, is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? You know this
I write short battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Cracked screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch, it's time to put that old phone to rest and upgrade to a new five g, samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free. Five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you see. for pure trucks. Unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super adorable, five g samsung guy. See when you switched of your talk pound to five zero say mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless?
the democratic party hates america even hear me talking about this. Now for six weeks you ve heard heard many of my monologues, reopening statements on tv and on radio, their essentially coming out of the book. there's so much in this book that I want you to have that. I want you to know that I want to pass on to you, Go to amazon dot com, get your foot The addition were already printing. A second edition get it at forty percent off Eighteen box and change, if you can afford it or abide for somebody, it comes. September nineteenth, where only three weeks away now grab your copy. had them delivered to. You were the ground running. We got it in time, your programme plan and I want you to parties. They will us be right back My friends.
twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be. A better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at helstone com. you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one: there are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie
and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, ele, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader, the american mark, levine hair, our number, our eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one don't forget! Please dvr at eight p, m eastern seven, p, m central five pm pacific for sunday, life liberty and live in and then only be too. it'll, be me and looking rich,
and so were it'll, be a killer show. I know that for sure they begin, watch live at least will be able to watch it right on promoted here, it's not gonna get promoted, trust me. So we look forward Were you joining us I can be a congo honoured guests, just I think some intriguing impact for discussion, Can I, as I've told you many times before when I met with the fox folks, I said I don't want to do what everybody else does and Mr Murdoch and suzanne Scott could not have been nicer. They said: ok,. So when I was growing up, we used to watch these shows where they didn't have guessed, coming, go and come and go and come on and go on members again, gambling gaga it was. Incidentally, have a discussion where there was bill bucks,
whether was these serious said, melton freeman had so many other great. And I learned a lot as a young man and. I would watch time a soul. wanna Williams, so many other. Can you imagine giving water williams for it's an honor, the next gas, MR! But if it's ridiculous. So I wanted to do something differently and they said absolutely go ahead where they want to do these long form, interview. And as long as you keep coming I'll, do them, if you stop coming off, stop been incredibly successful. The programme and the format.
We are a number one really every, Sunday, saturday night combined night, I'm prime time, times where number one the entire weaken so is a good fight? Could battle footballs here now, so we take, it hid from football and you still still you come. Many of you in this audience. and those of you who see me when I'm in florida or when I'm in Virginia gone from a diner, the grocer, Store phone up the car and you're so so kind, Tell me you can't wait for that, show on sunday that's what I'm gonna make sure you set your dvr, so it is recorded every sunday. And I'll give you an example. Get up early this morning, six six thirty this morning and I spent four hours
Pulling together, where I'm going to say to you for hours,. Doing my own research, throwing things away, thinking about how I should present them trying to figure. This is complicated, nobody's going to care about that, Are we trying to figure out how to address entertain you but inform you give you information is worse worth listening to and turning in for. because that's my job, so a motivates me you you, Watch me on a sunday evening cases of sunday night then. Needs to be a reason to watch me. Otherwise, what's the point for anyone. So I don't pay by the numbers are not a big picasso.
Either, but I dont paint by the number I paint the way I want to pay. As I do this programme And those of you who watch those of you who dvr I want to thank all of you all of you. because I'm doing it for you trust when I try I'm not doing it for me, I wife wants me to pull back. somewhere. Somehow my schedule, One of these days, I'm gonna have to do it, but not yet there's too much at stake, not yet download trouble news max Greg kelly, I'm a huge greg, kelly fan and on the booking process. At fault in the county jail last evening, had to go.
What was it like? How do they treat you? What was the experience like today in jail experience men are treated very nicely, but god what it is like a bug shot, which I never heard the words Malta that wasn't engage with that. It be worked school. If I then- and I have to go through a proud benefited Election interference, you know that better than anybody you've covered so well. He didn't and fantastic job. I have to tell you for the first fantastic job rick, but it's a very sad experience and it's a very sad day for our country. This is a weaponized justice department and all of these indictments said cases. I have a couple of cases divergent use cases where you have these left lawyers, do it like woman that I never saw C4 other. That's like you took a figure of twenty five years they want to lie on a contributor,
liners up. They are charity, lied everything it it's just like one thing. the natural world they want to do. Is they want to try and where ya out with ever do, but they went away. If you think about it, just an absolute, are about saying that they are doing, and I've never seen anything like it issues third world countries, I really believe they getting hit by did. I will go there with tremendous crowds in atlanta. They were all friendly cell, finally put it the radical left district attorney as we have a new york it as we have in all the other, is whether its district attorney or agencies. We have added to your they're going after all for nothing May the educate after ok against me at all, do it to try and get elected, but they also do in court with the department of injustice in washington. Terrible thing never happened before
We can try to imagine what this man's going through but it really is unimaginable bad enough to have one case. He had for criminal cases and ones, And to civil cases. All of which are either unleash? Democrats or backed by democratic donors he's got six cases for crime. That threaten his very liberty and to civil. That threaten his income is his is wealth. I mean this. This is. You're in amerika, we don't really have words to explain this as we know, has seen anything like this before we ve seen in other parts of the world.
We ve seen it in marxists regimes and fascist regimes. We ve seen it in south east the middle east, we ve seen it in africa, central and south america history, actually we saw in europe. America has never experienced this before John locke writing about. Four hundred to five hundred years ago was the moon Important philosopher, during the revolutionary period in this country, mount askew during the constitutional parent. but John locks writing this book. he's going on about liberty and the civil society in the sun,
a contract and how all this is supposed to work with so so important to the founding this country. Some important. There was absolutely a genius I've written about John Locke. I've written a lot about mothers. But people would say to John locke, famously you write about a country. where people are relatively free to do. They want without much government. Where does such a place exist? This was happening. Fifteen hundred. Where did such a place exactly said america. It exists in america, america's untouched.
By the feudal system, by the old systems in europe its untouched, the merit he famously said is a blank slate, not anymore, not anymore. Haven't brag changed over mary garlon Joe Biden, jack smith train Darlin fanny was changed, all we're not that country anymore and we can undo what they did. and that's the problem were facing right now. That's why for candidate, The commentator, whatever doesn't
comprehend this I just dismiss them. because they can help us save the country. What's left of it can help us get back what we need to get back there incapable of it. That's why the maxim of types and they. Public leadership, the senate are quisling there, there buffoonery their irrelevancies and they throw in with this marxist moment. Christie throws in with days are hutchison. People are our are appalling, absolutely appalling I'll be right back then you know,
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trump. I predicted all four of these indictments. The strategy is to get a quick trial, get him convicted in jurisdictions that are overwhelmingly anti trump and they're not worried about it being reversed on appeal, because the reversals on appeal will occur after the election is clearly a political ploy, especially since the district attorney now says she wants a trial within two months. It's unthinkable! Never in history has there been a trial within two months of a case as complex and difficult as this was so many defendants and so many counts. But what she wants is the mug shot, she's gotten that the fingerprinting she would like to get a quick conviction with a biased jury and then not worry about it being reversed on appeal. That's tomorrow's news! After the election, that's just unfair one hundred percent.
People are caught in a way in my earlier on this charge there, he d looked at the document at three o clock when the sun was up, and you know that kind of crap. Let us no time for that, had misses the point entirely. There's no time for that. Little good it'll do but. Like to say one day. The real historians, the real thinkers, Real philosophers: they will look back on this they all research it. They will Can these indictments, though break them down one at a time they will look at the set up, a democratic turkey general on behalf of a democrat president running for reelection against the likely person that they are. Targeting and trying to destroy them.
Look at what this guy men had was up to. Then this woman in atlanta was up to. They will look at the background. Jack smith were jack, smith has been doing in his sleazy sleazy pro Victoria abuses. There are right about the mass of corruption by the man in the oval office, whose everything he can to destroy his opponent. So no focus on him. He hopes and I'll be more. But while this was going on in the interior, the united states, domestically our enemies got stronger, got more aggressive. And should there be a war against us,
Economic or military got what they wanted. This is a real. When you look at street is a real mix of things going on. Here I mean you can the fall of the roman empire. Before the fall, a roman empire. Already in fighting that took place. The republic was about five. years old and then the dick Yours took over after that one had been a an ancient democracy turned into a dictatorship with just the the looks of democracy. It completely useless senate. Judges as they are completely useless, one man control.
What do the next man an ex man, they kill each other in our family I saw it on and but the the outsiders, they don't wait, they want, in other words, they don't wait just a weight. They wait if their strategic looking for opportunities. to take advantage of these situations, in other words, even within our country, there's evil outside our country, and I don't care how many people go on about the never wars. there are always wars and theirs. Is going to be wars. We don't get to decide. These things are enemies, decide these things change is deciding it right. Now on deciding it right now. There on a war path towards now There on a war path and people blame us.
The american a first drink trash in your own country, but it's not just those folks. It's left Tarifa would bring it on ourselves if these countries thought The wicked destroy them within minutes anatomy with nuclear weapons. Then we shouldn't have a concern but more literally. Drawing down our military because we're not have keeping up with inflation while the enemy spending eight percent of their gdp and they live Their gdp, They want us to be passive, that is a prescription for disaster disaster, will be written, but in the meantime, what will happen in your children, intervention in order to be free
We need to have a functioning republic. A strong constitution actual rule of law were losing. All of that. I bet welcome to the wealthiest brute s. Amar enjoy the big boat. vibrant, sounds of real fruit, draw berries spread circling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you Well, she's, less fruit stuff from the then right now, seventy seven four year, one three one one
Erika the Democrats really are playing with fire. appear to be any circumspect. Of reflection whatsoever. When I read something to you now from election law blog ned foley attacks the part of the boston glove, it's behind the pay ya know we have access to it stay David Scanlon. This is of new Hampshire. Who will oversee the first in the nation presidential primary just five months. Cities received several letters lately that urged him to Action based on illegal theory, they claims Constitutional powers him to block trump from the ballot. Now, I ve been talking about this since june. Twenty twenty two plays never picked up on it, a ripple
Is that come despite the fact that I've talked about it repeatedly? Our friends at fox never picked it up, even though I talked about it repeatedly. Other conservative friends of mine ever picked it up, even though I talked about it repeatedly and now, apparently, it's drawn their attention. This is diabolical. This movement has been afoot for over a year I got wind of it. I've told you about it. I've broken down under the fourteenth amendment. He's received several letters lately urging him to take action. Scanlon begin cities listening and will seek legal advice to ensure that his team thoroughly understand the arguments at play. I have some and how stand for journeys our election experts isn't it.
Election, experts is about constitutional experts and it's about serious, constitutional expert to understand that this is nonsense. Here in new Hampshire, the geo peas, twenty twenty nominee for their first congressional district attorney brian corps, messner sudden a radio interview that he read at the legal theory and now thinking about suing to ensure scale and enforced is the constitution against trip? So here you have a rhino establishment. Republicans, you have never trumpet grabbing. Them are one of the most insane arguments about the constitution, to prevent donald trump for being on the ballot in new Hampshire. How many of you will accept? I don't care if you support, many of you will accept the distortion and destruction the constitution this way enhance except a democrat win
to the senate, the house of the presidency. I won't even accepted now, but there has been going on here. You don't get to do all this interfere in all this turner. constitution inside out turn our legal system into a democrat party operation funded put the taxpayers of this country expect us to accept the outcome of a game election. You watch now on the fbi's most wanted list. Now, I'm not promoting violence. I promoting Logic and rationality, really incredible:. Scanlon said the former president faces for criminal indictments clean through there Retained in his attempts to subvert democracy after the twenty twenty election- that is the deep,
in atlanta, the in washington. Who did even bring sedition or insurrection he's in total Due process- and he said, judges are better equipped than it currently is to determine whether the case and they culminated violence and the capital triggers the fourteenth amendment right. So that's what's gonna. I pass this information on my body jesse waters. Couple weeks ago, and one of the legal analysts just blow it off can't blow this. Farfetch percolating, it's been percolating. They will do anything anything No holds barred the gloves I don't know how to put it. And whatever you do you better, not protest boy? Whatever
you do. you're become the enemy other state. Just like that. You better believe, I'm on their lists, we stood How the hell? The january six committee got thirteen my emails what's wrong hundred so benign. They destroyed more than half of the information I pulled together. Why wouldn't I scared up? Oh my god. What happened? What's happened. Or in the middle of a revolution- and there too over the country and their destroying it. That's what I think said.
So I say this is a hundred times bigger than donald trump they're. Trying to me permanent changes create permanent precedents. there will exist for the rest of the country for the rest of the time that this country exist. That's what they're dead. And so here you have this republican we're going to take a real, close look at this. You know I've got some election expert election experts who are going to the fourteenth amendment make a determination. but now you see what's gonna happen, MR producer, this gets the ball rolling. Doesn't it from one state to another. This gets the ball. Rolling
They never tramper establishment ran a Republican who are the quiz links. for the useful idiots and the Democrats. In this form will give them cover just, michael looted. Another clown, a complete ass, gives them cover. No need to take a break. Now, MR producer, Right back much is yours I'll phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery lives, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen they. You glass splinters ouch time to put all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free five g
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Speck Keesar, sue hack, tartu believe that you get it sectoral state state, run. without the blessings of these two new crime family. Maybe the crime, family, the mafiosi family, that's close enough. and another they have committed crimes. I shouldn't say that you know, then it sounds like you're going to all yours spot repaid for all right: but the sooner you watch a political machine that would be more accurate What are the play? This way before we go George Stefano plus former white house committee asian director for Clinton and Nicky hayley watch how he treats her cut forty.
Go well, first of all, a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for common hairs. You know that, and I know that there is no way that Joe Biden is going to finish his term. I think carla Harris is going to be the next president and that should send a chill up every american spine, but I also think the fact that we have a primary probably gives me one or the other sure he just woke up, because the producers said in his year did you hear that dinner? He hit that he hit the man either hit our guide. She had our guy go ahead
The ask americans: do you think he's going to finish his term? Do you think that he's actually going to finish what he started? We look at the decline he's had over the last few years. You have to be honest with the american people. George there's no way that Joe Biden's going to finish out the next term. We can't have an eighty one year old president. We have to have a new generational leader senate. The Senate has become the most privilege, nursing home in the country. You've got to start making sure we're getting new generation. Everybody feels that republicans, democrats and independents feel that it's time that the media acknowledge that you all want to talk about Joe Biden and donald trump. We want to talk about the future of this country. That's what we have to start doing again. You didn't answer the question. What would evidence here that is not going to finish the term of what americans? Let me, let me help you here. The evidence is he's in deep declines in stage five dimension.
Even look at what he was two years ago he's not even close. We look at what he was twenty eighteen demanding that they fire the prosecutor was investigating bereavement, potentially a son. there's plenty of an uncertain. Everybody knows what are you deaf and blind Georgiana? Actually, you pretty much higher. Here's a guy who's. Eighty one. He wants to run for president again, he'll be eighty two. Should he serve his full term. He'll be almost ninety europe, No nation does that to itself. When ragged randy was sixty nine, and everybody want ape crap. This guy is an imbecile in the. purest definition of the word he's an imbecile go ahead.
The term or not I mean, if you look at the decline, I mean every person should be able to tell what country they were in the week before he couldn't do that. Every person should be able to tell how many grandkids they have it's the reason I asked for mental competency tests for anyone over the age of seventy five. I don't care if we do it for over the age of fifty, but we need to understand that the people in DC they're making decisions on our national security they're, making decisions on the future of our children's economic policy. We need to make sure we've got someone at the top of their game. Joe Biden is not at the top of his game. You know what I know the american people know it with that. I think he s is at the top of his again here It has been a mental midget, but in this case now it just shows.
It just shows he's always been an idiot he's, always been nasty, so has been a crook always, but now it just shows but I don't disagree with her. I think there should be some kind of a test. You can't compel it And I'll tell you why the constitution presents exam clear. What the standards are, the requirements harder run for president no statute can confront the guy. Institutions have they pass a statue salary that is going to take it'll, be ruled on constitutional. But it's one thing: if you want to pressure, might think we should pressure Joe Biden at least put. The list of your meds see I want two questions at cut right to the chase america number one. We want the list of your medicines number two
we want to know. If you ve ever bought depends, I'm not making jokes, I'm telling you the truth. That doesn't mean everyone who buys depends apparently has. image. I'm not saying that everybody whose alien has dimension or almost has dementia does use depends. We go to America every friday
In honor of you here we are the
the the the.
The the The
Right folks, don't forget this sunday, very big, show I'll be doing a weird note pm Eastern time go ahead, your dvr just in case please go to amazon perfect time to do it or your priority copy of the Democrats, Party hates america, you won't be disappointed. I promise its forty percent off We salute our armed forces police officers, firefighters, emergency purse, it out there
Damn fighters and taiwan the freedom fighters in ukraine are truckers. Guy. Less each and every one of you can each groovy get I'd pepsi smoky. Can I Zabulon gigi get I'd indian pattern and rory. Can I the little barney and Marty. Dad and mom and LEO and Joe and Goodnight america see I.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-27.