« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/23/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, tonight is the first GOP debate for the 2024 election, and it’s being hyped as the most anticipated debate ever, even though most of the 8 people on stage are running to be #2 to Donald Trump. Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy have been the favorites in the media because they are believed to be the ones who will do the most damage to Trump. We want a candidate with evidence and a record that we can trust, not someone who cleans their Wikipedia page and hides their history. Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, and Nikki Haley are the only ones who will be on stage with a record of conservatism, some more than others, and far more than Christie. Donald Trump became active in conservative movements years before running for president, speaking with groups like the Tea Party, which is far from anything Ramaswamy has done. True courage is standing up to a corrupt DOJ, federal prosecutors, and district judges who are destroying our Constitution, not standing on a debate stage. Also, a private jet carrying Wagner group bosses was shot out of the sky with a missile, killing all passengers on board. This is exactly how Vladimir Putin takes out his opponents, and this was to be expected after they had marched on Moscow with 10,000 troops. Putin is a former KGB assassin, and this is right out of their playbook. Later, Mark speaks with General Keith Kellogg, Co-Chairman of the American First Policy Institute, to discuss his time in the Trump Administration and the events in Russia today with the Wagner group.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the The denmark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one by the way, the report hunter visited thirteen countries with daddy thirteen. Countries and I understand a hundred forty seven hookers misdemeanours
well tonight is the debate. You may have heard probably the most hype debate in debate. History. Probably the most hype debate in debate history- I how to fix this, but there's gonna be a people on the stage and shoot me, They really are to be away to whittle this down somehow. Chris Christy's air. Basically to throw me turgenev swimming pools pass one, that's a big boy. So that's an ugly thought. I will see what happens but everybody's making predictions, and I noticed everybody's telling the candidates what they should do and many the people telling the candidates what they should do have never ever done anything politically.
But so it does annoy little. Doesn't it that people think they know everything whatever walk of life, the room? I give you my position. I don't know what you should do unless some advising one or more then I'll, give you my opinion, but I'm not quite sure, Like everybody else seems to be use, one of the reasons why like rhonda santas as an example Not sure who's gonna come at him, they're gonna pile on how many different She's going to be thrown at him and if he can have an opportunity to respond, a visa if he is the recipient of machine gun kelly that is attack after attack after attack after attack. he's going to have to figure out how to deal with it and that's going to be the goal of some of them, because many of them are running for number two. They want to be the first in the second tier, because their praying
hoping therein this for a reason. tribes legal woes somehow take him out. So they wanted in a position to take advantage of that period, Others are up there for reason, said only they can explain and not well, I'm sure doug There was a great guy had a north Dakota. Behold prove himself to be winston churchill. Tonight I don't know I doubt it, but who knows. So hutchison. Is there a sort of ay a week since to Chris Christy. Nobody's clear. Why he's there? Nobody even knows what he did as governor of arkansas. the new governance arkansas? Who is fantastic? How can sanders she's heavenly clean up a lot of what he didn't.
So there's that, but let me go down them and tell you what I think might happen, certainly not cock sure of it. Chris Kirsty has been heavily promoted by the media, he's. Never not a single digits he's gone from, maybe single the mid singular mid single the low single. and he, along with a vague run, why me and I'll get to that in a minute. Are the favorite of the media? Not just look? media by conservative media. Chris Christie, they believe, will be very entertaining And for the left, they him to destroy the santas, maybe destroy Rama swami. and I would. This is what you want from a candidate, a guy that the blue
marco ruby obey sang memorizes his lines? I'm hearing that already from him in the back, the swami like they don't we prep and they don't have anyone liners ready ronald reagan at a one line already memorized absolutely blew away. Waller Monday, I much sure what's wrong about memorizing light. What bothers is. When people keep reading no kirk, I keep shooting my hip, like they know everything Chris Christy, could be a factor in the debate. He'll be a non factor when all these debates are done, he's not likeable. These not charismatic, he's not attractive his record sucks. The people where's. He will tell you his record sex that people in new jersey will tell you when you
office. Taxes were through the roof when he left office taxes or even higher form a. U s attorney. He had a lot of influence would drop But now because he knows trump better than anybody else, he hates him the most while he and bill Barr. But you can thank him for christopher wray. Temporarily, when he was the head of the train isn. T me never showed up he's a lazy, Beth Not all these guy, you know who we're running president on cable. This is a guy who had a paid job on abc news, and this the guy, who got paid a lot. I think for a book that, in its first week, sold twenty three hundred copies. He's the most despised republican running in the field, and I predict.
Whatever it's worth that at the end of the debate, he'll still be the most despised republican running field, you all know a lot more about him and those of you it's like him or dislike him even more. He does. He really does already worked for the media, and the Democrats swear they love up. That's why they're pushing form One will be controversial for most of you, ve rama, swami, They keep telling you he is on the rise, telling you he's a fresh voice. They keep telling you that is not part of the swamp. That's all those things are attractive. I The spectral be some effort by some of the campaigns. Some of the candidates debating to put some actual fact
on his blank slate, because his slaves and all that blank, after all said, the dam things about nine eleven in any blames the media, but the media The atlantic is a loathsome left wing operation but unfortunately, for fact they actually recorded the interview, MR producer, didn't they put the transcript And he said about nine eleven, what they said. He said about nine eleven, Does any really say what he said about nine eleven they published what he's. about nine eleven and what it It was It was entertaining the possibility that there are certain actors at insiders that may have been involved even with our own government and so We just don't know, but, of course, the main culprit. with the terrorists and the saudis behind them
Is a very we're way to say something in that says something at the same time. He's walk back. two or three times what he said about Israel last week. Basically that Israel needed to integrate with its arab neighbours. I guess he doesn't. quite understand. What's going on over there we ve talked about it enough. I could be Wrong, but I imagine that the scientists and or and or highly we'll drive a stake through that he did the same with taiwan is ready to throw taiwan over. So I think what you're going to find is that he's going to be question about. His policy statements now affected, we would actually be a mean, says you want to get rid of the department of education, sorted reagan,.
catches, sign a document to get rid of a department. It doesn't work that way. It was on this programme. I specifically asked him said: ok, let's, want to get rid of a whole bunch of employees, and you have the Of doing it with Second of order in the federal government and the Democrats are really well guess what we're not funding border security. One nickel. or defence one nickel what're you gonna. He didn't have an answer. I. that's the sort of thing that will happen, and I still think many of you will be very impressed And even view him somewhat as a victim, that's my guess. I don't know Let's see here, we have the scientists. Well, the media has basically written him off they ve basis.
He said he's lost too much support. He can't fight his way back. unless, during the course of this debate, one out of it, people, somehow he d strange said, he's the babe ruth a baseball. So they put the. Test very, very, very, very high, almost impossible to reach they don't like the set in the media. many conservative hosts, don't like the santas. Many of you may not like the santas, and one of the reasons you don't like them, as you view him as the greatest threat to trump, or you certainly did. and another reason a lot of people in the media dont like I'm, really has nothing to do with trump that he's fantastically successful governor, no matter what you're going to hear tonight. People speak with their votes and they speak with their feet. And in that sense he used the babe ruth of governors.
In case over Chris Christy, but there's a ton more. You all leave in new jersey from Florida than gone from floated in new jersey. That's for sure now. That said, you'll have to figure out how to deal with a possible pylon is one candidate after another after another, after another firing off different issues, and it put you in defence of posture, You cannot define yourself and people are trying to define you and I would these surprised at all cause, there's no prohibition that some of these campaign teams have been working together. Quite passed because remember a lot of them want to be number to the wreck. rama swami. There was a big piece. Abc knows tat. A number of so called conservative leaders and conservatives and his inner circle about who is trying to persuade
support him that his number one goal is to take out the sabbath. Don't bialik me, I'm telling you what he set according to the people who were with him in some donors from the donor class, Nicky Healy. I think she's, a very tough road. The whole I'm not exactly what sherwood, what lane she's she's she's better than bush you're, the bush family, She's more conservative than they are, but not by much not by much. When it comes to foreign policy seats, a traditional she's, a regulated, as am I, but unfortunately, I think in the conservative movement in the republican party we go through these cycles. We want, through these cycles prior to work
in the attack on pearl harbor. We want, through the cycles again in the nineteen fifties, with robert taft president howard s son, TAT always deny that he was an isolationist, but he was pretty damn clubs and we have that going on today. I think some us they charge charles limb. Ec type mentality, where they call themselves american first yours too,. which is something they really needs to be defined one day, I'm an american first I believe in the constitutional liberty and the number one defence on the face of the earth. Some believe in alliances, so we have to have a draft joint, send all our men and women all over the place because who have people Going to take on our enemies for us in an hour, it's with us, alliances are two way streets where they're supposed to be.
pushed see how she does. She could look. It's possible frame, people to be stand. I just said it's really unpredictable because of the number of people up there Hallway this thing develops its hard to plan. You can plan statement, sugar, memorize lines, you can have one liners, but you cannot control the environment there. Just too many people there, I think TIM Scott has made it very clear that he's gonna be above the fray. people are taken pokes at each of their way. To turn and he'll tell you that this is what's wrong. This is what's wrong with it. Public and part of this is why we not win elections, because here too busy fighting with each other. I'm guessing that he'll stand back and say something like that, because I don't think anyone's going to attack his record honestly, I don't He planted really knows when it is. I'm just saying:
I've got a few more level of interest in what you have said I'll be right back it helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the by an administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks. record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why? Thousands of americans you're getting gold, I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or vesta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech. levant six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy. I am to six eight five, nine
live in two six: eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dot com Nothing, I say here by the way is running the matter, one eye of misgiving, opinion on what I think might happen, but already telling you it's it's. It's almost impossible. I've been around long enough. People say things to me like the two men raise here there it is, there's had said that it's never as people say it just never is. And in a chris Christy,
if each is very unlikely to me, is a big heavy due to acts like he's, sir, Mohammed Ali. the complete a your maniac. He was really a failed governor. He had his luck. He escaped from bridge gate just very lucky. He too money that was for its work, hurricane, sarah and so forth and use them. for tourist adds to promote himself. I get a just find the guy repulsive to me. I don't think that's it, Mr president, I only use the future the country early, there's any way he would get elected So now what he's trying to do is burned down everybody else's trance. Right back.
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks. record, is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tat. levin, six, eight, five, nine to again text! L, easy! I am to six eight five, nine
live in two six, eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com. plus conservative, mark love and show call now that age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. Buddy read that donald trump life was threatened. Must really did you see that. There's not a word about nothing, but a word. We have this whole kidnapping thing with the governor michigan.
Police folks already got off because it was a set up in many respects by the f b. I but think, as you will, the point is Donald trump was threatened, his life was threatened and there is no coverage. None. I let me finish this before it gets still so to speak. You ve got The former vice president in here pants. I have no idea why my pencil running from present them and Each hour hall them in march short has done. Grave damage to pence listens to. We listened to force like J Michael lunatic, you now say before The member is clear and, of course, he's right and tribes ride and devour patrick tried, the other radicals alright I'll get to them.
Unfortunately a little bit later. I have no idea, I don't even know what he's going to do on the stage is going to dance MR singh, I dunno Maybe he'll stanhope the christine, so you know your ear, the new guy about this would tribune I I really Stop him on twenty. I don't know what he's going to do, but some of these guys understand that they have to make a splash noise, because You know when you supported by three four five: six percent tops the polls in only Days, you wouldn't even merit a place on a stage period period, and I think, apart from a couple, these people Being honest with that, then I'm married to be president either.
You listening to my show, because I think you are my take. I know thank the greatest thing you can say by running for president as a you, don't have a record. I went to see the record too weak sure. It is why we want evidence we want something doesn't mean you're at the most test a human being in the world. Why you clean off your wikipedia. I mean we couldn't we get our wikipedia site cleaned? Often attackers, I'm running for president, goes as bastards or liar, but how did you get that Mr producer, we were unable to get that done. Money it's what's rightly paid to have it done in point in trying to whitewash hanging there flat out filthy liars about me, but not about revenge, just didn't, want it and uncertain things. What's at all about that, It's on nine eleven are absurd and then keep changing them than blamed the press. When the press recording your comments- and you can't get-
the department of education by snapping, your fingers. It doesn't work that way. I wish it did. I honestly do. that doesn't mean you're, smarter and better and fresher and you're, not part of the swamp. It's not the way it works on. Fortunately, gotta be really smart, strategic bill coalitions and then kill the damn thing. So pants I dont know why he's right. why no wise fighting was vice presently wants me present, not gonna happen asia, jesus- I don't get this guy at all trying to be a sort of a mini christy. You can see in the him the canada with the least amount of charisma period,
bergen. I have no idea why he's running he said he's like is like a billion ere. I guess that's. Why he's running? I don't know I don't know now. What would I do up on that day? Firstly, I don't deserve to be up in that state run. I didn't earn it, but why would I do people keep it again? It would depend the factors you gotta be nimble, you gotta be sharp. You gotta be ready for anything to come. Of course, you're gonna have a couple of one liners and they all are even the ones who are going to talk about what we memorized your lines. Nobody memorizes lines bigger than fat boy. He memorizes lines all the time. Tat, cats. A coward What did I posted MR producer? I said. How many times we as christie to come in this programme, actually debate me.
and I'm not even running for president just debate me. I wanted debate you Chris. He goes on my buddy. My right A friend you, you would show constantly cause you doesn't the beta come on. You You know I'm right of the rhine It's comfortable air, you, bread, sununu, knows and other than other. But what can I do? So nobody knows who the governor, Decode is maybe who is when it's over maybe- I him and one about work. I don't know and I could be wrong about all of this one hundred percent because, as I said, events have a tendency to take over these things, or somebody says something in another. Guy gets a little,
set about it or what have you? I do know this, and I have said this many times that stage will have a people, a people, one woman, one black. Man to whose parents migrated from the country of india And you will not hear the radical media at all comment on the door see the people on the stake. They only commoner about the re. So. The people on the stage one when their white. But what? If there are not all white? What did you have an incredibly diverse. Group of candidates are debating, who are running they're, not gonna, say word because even old dumb stage, five dementia white guy.
Is another thing going on out there? They say Donald trump didn't debate. So they have he's given an excuse to buy, not debate. Ladies and gentlemen, it's one thing. The debate in a republican primary when you're forty fifty Went ahead or whatever it is, and you make those judgments, it's cool. Another thing when you're running for president the united states against them. A person one on one not eight or nine of you on a stage going at it within the party one on one? Do not let anybody try to persuade you that this gives an excuse to Joe Biden, Joe Biden. I predict and I could be wrong, but I predict key wilma bait. Why cause he's an imbecile? He is a certified imbecile and he's got worse.
We're going to stage five. He was probably stage three when he ran the first time and it's gotten worse. This isn't a joke. This is sick, pathetic. And doktor Joe Biden obviously despises her husband. You hear me media matters and mediocre. I in fact, May I hate her husband cushion knows better than we do. That he's got the wits about a mashed potatoes she now they know what she knows it. Well, discussion of whether or I work in to debate. There is no discussion whereby there is poster board paper and big. It creates a crown, so they can draw things out form. Try don't agree with everybody. I want to know more about. Candidates
wanna hear that I don't have a record because I'm well. means there is at least three hundred and thirty million. People qualified to run for president, and I have a record of serving in the government. That's not that's not good enough. What about tromp? I've talked about this Several years before tromp decided to run, he became active with tea party groups. He would speak to tea party groups, conservative groups, the federal, in other words he acted like he really wanted it, and he wanted to really learn about it and know about it and so forth. Most you don't even know what Ex business wasn, He did and how we became wealthy. Again, this isn't an attack. It's just I'm sitting here as a voter and think and throw it
I'm a clean slate vote for me. No a hollow now hold on. I don't know anything about this governor of north dakota too. Should I vote for him. Our main billion ere, I believe, seems like a nice guy. You gotta be able to do more than talk the stripes off of a zebra. You just do or the spots of elaborate nor the hammer I drive. Chris Christie, you gotta be able to do more than that. Me I just me just one person speaking here. One of the men who did the greatest job of attracting voters. Was ronald reagan, a nineteen eighty and eighty
the same thing happened when he ran for governor the first time in nineteen sixty six, he was an outsider, he was an outsider He never served and government before. So. Why did you the porter mark, because Several years before decided to run for governor, he had spoken about he'd campaign. for others and gave a national speak on behalf. Bearing all war, a national speak on behalf of burial war in nineteen sixty four. In that speech was so compelling. It was so poignant. It was so effective. but people wanted him to run for governor, then
they thought about it. The biggest state in the union, even then they had had it Mccrae governor for some time. So he ran and he beat the democratic government. significant margin and a build a record for four years, the first term as governor of california- then Ran again, anyone by even bigger landslide in a democratic state, California was considered a democratic state. He turn that state republic. In fact,. Up until george w bush, who actually won california and square The whole damn thing hand his son and his advising MR architect in the restaurant squandered the train. This
Some self from Reagan, this incredibly successful governor. Decided after his term was over and nineteen seventy four really early, seventy five to run for it seriousness, public and primary for present and against Gerald ford is sitting president The gerald ford ever been elected president. He was appointed under a constitution because Nixon spiro, agnew, resign and gerald ford. was a very nice man, but he had the communication skills of asia Hutcheson. And he was every bit as nasty- is Chris Christie and right- I had to take on people like that.
It take on the bush clan in texas here to take on all these rhinos, the rockefeller group in new york, the screen group and pennsylvania was one state after not any, took him on any almost knocked ford out spot a hundred electors- or, I should say delegates league, That speech and people said after he gave his speech and forded if they said, and they said we. Nominated the wrong man he runs again a nineteen eighty. Eight by the same republican establishment, Mcconnell, never supported reagan. Nineteen, eighty cholera was backing bush. there's a nineteen eighty he was leading the campaign. in taxes after bush lost. That is probably fox, doesn't matter.
One of the great presidents in american history hit a record. In churchill. Had a record. You nutrition whitewashing record it was a strong record- was a week reckon it was what was Margaret thatcher Had a record John Paul, the second had a record. How Paul had a record I can think no successful great leader in our country, any country that had no record none. I'll, be right back then
helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or augusta precious precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five. Ninety
live in two six. Eight five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals dot com, that's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com they could only be able exclusion. One call right now: let's go to tom double abc new york time in new jersey. Go right ahead, place Leave no stone unturned, our you well! Thank you. listen, I worked. I left you every night, then I also watched you on and evening I just want to say. I have a lot of respect for what you do on the radio and I was quite moved Yesterday, when I urge you your uncle, while I believe you are my green ran out on my own
And finally, it yeah right yes spoke about it. My dad was vietnam that myself lab where three generations elections by family a jury. my father was a world war, two that tourism. When you think about this election, we have thirty seconds. Yeah really easy. I like one besides, but I'm a trump supporter and I know he's not on the stage tonight so when you think about the debate, all right I'll brand as well. You know, I don't, I believe in confronting the jersey. What is you take on Chris Christie? I do like them, and I did oh for my good user pop again at the time, but I was very disappointed enmities. Now. What do you do for you about? It did nothing! Nothing! You didn't do nothing did nothing her that stay literally, I gotta run. I really am time, for your service where you're fired, where did it all?
right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again. for listening- and thank you so much for this sponsorship- pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the america mark levin. Here, we're going to circle back to the debate want to hear more view, but that said,
Something make happened today and it can't be ignored regardless what else is going on, and that is the assassination of the head of the wagner group by Putin's many conservatism. Trans appeared and even They claim not to be Putin's at all kgb operative is our friend said sebastian. Gorka tells us all the time ruthless, vile, violent in the time erika always has been murdered is waiting We have nothing in common with him and if you believe in the fridge America agenda than you don't believe. The first thing to say is that america is threatening russia, that america's imperialist, that america's colonialist, but for america and- the jewish president of ukraine is a neo nazi. Even though a he's Joe machine. You lost family members in the holocaust. If you believe in
stuff, there's nothing. I can do for you seriously. You're, probably in the wrong place, actually doesn't mean you have to agree with hundreds of billions of dollars going to ukraine and sober forth. What I'm talking about. I right from wrong moral from immoral evil from good tyranny. Totalitarianism. When you see it anyway, crime. Any tears here that the head of the volcano group was assassinated by Putin, but demonstrates repute news and who use Putin's overthrew the democratically elected government in nigeria, nigeria was one of closest allies on the continent of africa. They allowed. Our special operations are special forces to operate from there. We ve intelligence activities. There were able to lend our
that's their and so forth, not anymore, not anymore, because Putin's overthrew that government. Putin's back syria and the slaughter, let's go, on over. There. Putin's backing iran, as is china, and, of course, IRAN's backing putin's, Let's, let's stop playing games. I mean, I don't understand the while. I do understand it. These cycles happened. Like I said before we had a pride award to and the consequences were. for how many of you, like Winston churchill, was he not a great leader. Was he nodded tremendous leader what churchill cab warning about hitler? Nobody would listen.
Britain lost a lot of people war. One sided we destroy Decisive elation ism going on that continent, Well, as in the united states, the first america but back then led by the likes of charles limburg. Post any support for europe any support for britain. Even ass hitler broke out. And started conquering one country after that we heard the same thing. Other sedately and I was always german: oh they speak german So much of austria, s gay all the chakra that trackless slovakia is, Oh ok, well, you know they said that they are threatened. Am I tried on the border there? They have a right to same damn thing same damn thing. and we don't even listener repute and says what he writes he's already
reddening poland and romania and the balkan states, like lithuania, estonia so forth, so hiding Moldavia, ok, he gonna have to get crimea. Iowa george, I care, for that has already been done. If it wasn't for ukraine if ukraine had rolled over and played dead when they were invaded, which everybody expected them to do, if it wasn't for the brave ukrainians, with our support and support of nato countries, not troops, not even air cover. At this point, just support against the russian military against their long range missiles against their their checks in their bombers.
against their navy and the black sea. We might now be well worth three. Because our red lines would triggers all over the place in nato The ukrainians, who have prevented were war three Buying in his eddies they have prevented war war, three everybody, it backwards and upside down and inside out. They stand between Putin's and nato. They do. They stand between Putin's one between Putin's romania between cuba and the balkan states between
come Moldavia and beyond, anyway, circling back. So apparently, this private jet, the vagueness, grew boss had several. He wasn't all that far. Moscow is partly in between moscow and saint petersburg. was shot out of the sky where the missile proof, shut out of the sky, ten people on the plane. As far as we know, including three pilots, Now, there's some people out glad we don't off his dad and maybe be the kill marylanders at Nana. He kill them. This is he killed. There's no need to pretend you didn't
There is every reason for him to get as much propaganda value out of this is possible, and that was expected. Wasn't. You're going to march on moscow, with tens of thousands of wagner troops, these hardened troops, these vile, it's murders and all of a sudden you're going to stop and turn around, and you think you're going to have a run at the country. Just have a grandpa pew doesn't work that way I never work that way. so this ass unease, kgb whenever general Keith keller the programme at ease chairman of american first policy, interested she is the same way. used to have a foreign minister about six weeks ago. He had been the ambassador to the united states from communist. China is extremely loyal.
Probably raise some questions about what she is doing on one matter or another race. I am concerned perhaps in his disappeared, what happened to her? What do you think happened to her? They probably took him out back and killed him murmured, the former chairman of the And his party of China, who served his ten year term, inequalities angel lad is most. Genocidal maniacs do. he pulled him out of that conference. The congress was meeting, so everybody could see worldwide what happened to him he's got: rethink happened to him. Probably buried in a shallow grave somewhere. That's what Stalin I've done that's what line and would have done. That's what now would have done. That's recast.
would have done that's what they all did. Why in our worthy threat to russia, Now, let's russia's nuke sir, aimed at us, not you they don't have any nukes anymore. It is amazing to me how cowardly we become as a country, the american first movement so called pride to resulted in the deaths of millions of civilians and hundreds of thousands of american troops, because the goal is to stop
before it starts. We're gonna have general kellogg on in a minute. I'll be right back was: is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement? You know this minds right sure, battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen that gives you glass, splinters, ouch time to put that all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you see
and for pure trucks. Unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, to five zero say mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless, you're not gonna, have our friend general Keith Keller, co, chairman of the american first policy institute with us general. How are you, sir? I'm great marked thanks for have me today first of all, generally want to remind people who you are. You got a long and arms length. Long patron Eric resume
just hit us with some of the high like well, you know marker came you know do any army after college in spain thirty years in the army. Eventually, retired is reached our general, probably don't you. I thought you make me all of our nations wars. I thought not only in the gulf and in panama, but also in vietnam, coupled to retire, what I like to one of my greatest accomplishments, and I was fortunate enough to command image. Second, airborne division. Poor black now show called ragnar shackled liberty. and then after that went into business for awhile, and then I went into politics and joined up with Tom J trump and spent four years with a master as his national security adviser. I didn't start as he started his campaign and was the chief staff and esker the council for for most of the four years and was also my cancers dashed her and then acting like every time. Donald trump remove it was carried by your eye, was universe kurds. I'd like you to tell regarded at when you out
if all national security by your present from had it in my you might my clan or hate Mcmaster John bolton awry If you put all their time together, I still beat him by thirty three days, so I was there for quite a while put out a statement strongly endorsing trump. You said You know you worked for trump and you work for pants and there was simply no comparison in forty eight hours mark short ones up on cnn and what seems to be a year, he opponent of youth smearing. You just listen to your record. Attacking you then he's on cnn again yesterday smearing meadows, what is with this guy got. Did he make a whole bunch of enemies in the in the trunk way out where I could use part of swampy born of a treaty he's kind of a career guy, and I think he really in a lot of advisers with my pants, didn't give him good service and
they they cause friction within the white house and that it was my comment about the vice president. The time was look when you took on the press, the united states and made some disparaging remarks about the president. You to me, you crossed the line Well, you were the vice president and everybody kind of held the line there and we understand there are some friction points, but when that was crossed I said okay, I need a lot everybody kind of know. This is where I stood. I said it should have been surprised anybody, because I've been with Donald J trump mark, since two thousand when I was one of those very personal security guys came on, when you know we were no I'll be on the thirteenth for trump tower, and there is about forty of issues at all and worked really hard. You know a youth pictures when I was on trumped force, one waste apply. What there's only two or three of us on the airplane mayor hope he actually stephen miller shadow more time. So I knew the guy and I trust the guy, and I believe and what we did and I kept saying everybody you this oil, a they're here
with me and then you violated and loyalty issue, and I want to make sure we're occurred on the day when I said that I also get the impression that the underestimated trump his substances in toys, and whose decision making and they really tried to force him to make decisions I didn't want to make. I think John Bolton was away, probably general colleen. it in the others, and I suspect you took it from a different perspective. what he's the president and how do we execute here? Work I tell people when I was with him he's very socratic humanity trump in his decision making. He would come in with a position in any attest. The room and he'd go around the entire room and everybody kind of had to deliver one. That should be the socratic method where he asked their opinion. What do you think and you would have to defend your position? Gregory well. He would listen to you and he would take in advice. For example, you are going to give you a good one when moving the embassy from TEL Aviv to Jerusalem. You know
There was a waiver on that. You get the present your way that every six months, which in law- and there was like thirty six waivers while the president waived it the first time because he listened to his advisers, but he told everybody you better come back with a good recommendation because I'm not waving it again and he didn't it was. with IRAN's nuclear deal where he gave everybody a lovely way. Give repetition is shocking. interstate a lot of leeway and then he finally made a decision on, but that was the way he made decisions. He had his position. You knew what his position was. You had an opportunity to change his mind, but if, if you didn't make that case well, then he went with his instincts. If people are incredible and he made a decision and he went with it and a lot of people didn't like that lot of people shared once I gave you my recommendation. I kind of expected you to follow it. Well, that's not the way hurry anyway. He made his visions and alone. these guys, I'm just being on whether bill bar rex, tiller santer cannonball nor her mark shortfalls. matter they ve been around. Our function,
so they were heads corporations or whatever, and they He didn't want to be second fiddle. Did they know I'd hate, your mark more came into the wider area everything from day one and that happier light out anything. Maybe it's the water you drinking place, but we gotta go can kind full of it. I reminded everybody at least once a week. None of us got in a single electoral college, but not one of us were not elected president we're here as advisers and our job is to give him the left limits and the right limits, and if he wants, our recommendation will give it to him. But the decisions, his not yours, show dont. Think you got any electrical as well to you. Gonna go. Should people that, as the president in the end in in my experience in washing DC, is that's hard for a lot of people do, except once they it in those positions they think they're there.
Primary and in the really not now secondary advice, I thought marks shorts biggest smear was heaped virtually imply that with something to do with generous six. Did you see what I'm talking about hunger, what they, Was this fool? Doing here? Was a gathering I fired back pretty hard because one of the comments he made at doing? asia on your left their mighty while he was standing the post yeah well by in what It was Robert o, Brien, gnashed courier visor was down in miami died. Shall Tom Debbie ask security adviser, Matt map insure what did not come in at day, so on january, shakes how it works. You always always have a senior national,
your adviser would crash the united states and when you move a package, the vehicles there's a vehicle called quote: control. That's with a national security advisor shit in his days with the primary package when it goes anywhere. Okay, that day, I wish the national security advisor to the press, united states. My job was to be with him every step of the way to vehicles behind them and control their behind what they call stagecoach, which was the principal vehicle and in the shooter's vehicle and in control? And that's where I was at, and I said to mark that I should mark eyes exactly where I'm supposed to be. I was with the president, united states, his national security from the morning you walk in and then when he walked in the oval. I was with him when he went to the lips. I was with him, but he came back really the with him. When he was in the walker shooting in the reminds women's work, I stood my post and I made it very clear to everybody- but you knew what was going on new, that everybody in she could surely
my final headlines mark short knoweth tat. Nobody decided on scene and interact with one other quick thing general. Before we get to russian economic The mines with mark meadows and what he's doing or what he's done, still work in a thrill but he goes on cnn and yesterday, answers mark meadows was a ringleader to overturn the election, though he wasn't in fact, what does it mean ring leader and trying to overturn the election number one you're allowed a challenge and election to the moment, their done voting on the floor of the house. So in that regard, The ignoramus, but meadows obviously not able to publicly speak, he's been targeted and so forth. What do you make of taken us Shot at somebody who came and defend them, so they I worry, use it. You ve got the right out on the product, I'm not a ringleader, he was easy. What he's just push me? He was the chief of staff. Exactly is the name of, nor are we gonna have to run it, and I don't want you to leave. I want to get to russia, which is why I really got that all of you.
The assassination that took place today will be right back with general keller. The is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the site, it's right short battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Cracked screen that gives you glass splinters ouch it's time to put that old phone to rest and upgrade to a new five G. Samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free. five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you say
I know for pure trucks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers on america's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk, to five zero say mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless I am about frontier on the right color now age. Seventy seven, three, eight one, three eight wide one here with gen Keith kellogg, a great honor code, chairman american first policy institute I'll tell what happened in Russia today. Our was pretty brazen
when you think about it was a shoot down by soviet era, the financial regulation. did unification, who was away wagner group? I just come back from africa, which wine from my moscow peters regulation, daylight, the russians put a missile in his aircraft, brought him down. The report out there every human aid that they will It will be on him. The second airplane is his primary airplane and he got guid The other members on board gonna dmitri uterine, which was his number to show he basically decapitated divide nor organization this is one of those were proven. You know showed is true, where's the way he always years. He just cannot standish loyalty, you know they nearly pulled off accrued of honor group. Our proposal a couple of months ago. No, it pulled it off and you know, I am reminded of that famous emerson quotes. You know when you
gregory king. You must kill him well, he know they had a chance to actually pull a coup op, they pulled back from it. They went to belarus with the russian with the wagner forces and then Putin just decided. It was time to you know, limit progression and british. If we power politics, It's gonna be interesting. That may mark is looking with a larger group. What we all remember what happened when they took over the russian headquarters adultery headquarters, that we shall fight, ukraine and washed up on dawn and how the people there city of Washington actually greeted the wagner. Group is kind of heroes. It's going to be inner says he would putin, now because he's eliminated. Somebody barred from the blogger group promotion of real populist and populist kind of here And it'd be interesting, see what happens and not saying that one happen. Odin, but it there's a lot of it
here I would tell you better start looking at your food tasters too, because you now o connor, true power, politics and act. Couldn't get just eliminated arrival in bonn and promotion, but the border groups are very capable mall cherry force and they need good commanders new flush, not primarily former military, our gr you, there no turn challenge, there's about ten thousand of them at the abbe lukashenko embellish right now, but who knows what's going to happen next? but one of those okay did you another one. You're showed how ruthless It can be an hour. You really can trust that guy What what are you doing? What do you think he pulled back I mean he's is almost in the city of Moscow. Who was on the run. The russian military was caught completely by surprise. You think he just got cold feet.
I do market, you know I had a dog once she used to chase cars. I used to ask the dog when I came back, what we're gonna do if you caught the car and- I think they had not? Naturally, liberals tend to do the go ahead. Liberals gonna, do they chased cars and so for? Well, you are moving very hard. The guy was leading that calm towards me gal. Scoured dmitri can who is actually his call silence response was wagner east that, where the wagnerian named came from but I think what happened is realising realized. They were actually be one. I think I'm gonna. Do you think they could have pulled it off? I think there was military forces really facing them. Then one major obstacle to go, and I think you're gonna got cold feet or call it off. And out in any stop it shouldn't a start me want you go after somebody like a prudent you'd, better go in, for the kids you didn't do it in here that we obviously putin we retribution, took to produce nothing,
Are you in when you look at it? I was watching it that day that it was going on in as fast and as hard as they were moving if they had gotten inside the kremlin. There were no forty there. There were national guard courses in moscow and I'll talk about when they talk national guard in russia. There talking bout police super pillaged, that's all at once, but he could have gotten if the kremlin and then you that who knows what will happen, but I think they got cold feet at the end and know to me they forgot what emerson said about going after Kim, We didn't do it, but there because only a dinner the brighton shop today. What daylight should use your crept down from with russian this'll? That's pudding, What let me ask you this general, your co, chairman of america, first policies. No, you, and I know there was an american first movement Our limber charles lumber, give and others let it prior to the attack on
a harbor right up to the attack on pearl harbor. Then limburg changed his mind, but is a little late, and we were quite isolationist. Churchill had to beg us transfer ways to get us to support even though hitler was already on the move, Joe Joe obviously ITALY, the nineteen These weird robert tat, the sun of howard, tat he was much an ice oasis as much as a pacifist, a conservative and it was significant wing of the republican party that went that way as well, and I I like we have some of that going on today. If you don't recognize the putin's all kgb that is a monster, is a mass murder. and that he invaded ukraine and ideas. He has intentions beyond ukraine, you blame america. First Mean to put you on the spot is that your idea of america first policy.
No, not at all. You know what the american person you notice from from history is back in the late thirties and started the force was an isolationist movement, america first, america, first policy institute america. First, it's all about the first, The people of the constitution in the preamble shared it's all about ensuring that the united states is protected. First, you I've been to ukraine, it pretty clear like when we work at. If the iowa's look worked chain, we understand you created
I didn't know hot chocolate we haven't supported in the way we should smaller aircraft or long range missiles. Even the abrams tank hasn't shown up and been killed yet, but at the same time we owe it to the american people to explain to them why you cringe or via natural interest what our job is there? What we intend to do in my cake, always with ukraine, isn't ukraine. It could be moldova as far as I'm concerned, my job is you're, taking a strategic adversary, russia off the stage and why that's important because then allows you to pivot to the pacific. You know when you look at the national security strategy of Biden. They talk about russia as a threat got it yesterday when you take monster stage, but they call
China, a competitor now France's competitor. China is an adversary as well, and we need to be the pivot from Europe or even a middle east, into beijing. China as an emergent threat it in the future, but abbot foot, but for somebody did. I think we make a huge mistake, When we start point back and in training, they see become isolationist, moving away from ukraine, but I think there are some things would do in its new wants. I think there are some things that need to be explained to the american people watch our end state. What's the goal, what are we and to get there, and how do we support our you know the alliance as long as it's you know, as long as it supports american interests. First, let me just give you a quick aside.
every and one leader comedy the end of the cabinet room and talk to president trump? The first thing out of president trump's mouth was always what's our trade balance with you in a point he was trying to make is, is always about americans first and we must addressed america first, the people first and then, once we address our needs, then we go on everybody else. But it's nice elation is not moving away from world. It's moving the world. in the world should support america. First, our people first now a couple of things in response. There, too. Look at what the binary doing the goodies done in afghanistan. The way he would drew the code Doing ukraine too little may be too late Now, look in the middle east, where he's going to the state of Israel fronting iran, which it now setting.
or selling oil willing. Owing to the communist chinese, they had the full thousand of our neighbour personnel, surrounded the other day with drones, just flying all over the place. Their speedboats surrounding our destroyer. Does I understand it. and we're giving them six billion dollars via south korea. People are that three point eight billion at Israel gets. we need Israel's alliance, we need Israel, they help us in that part of the world. Don't we We do anyway, my concern is, we've kind of you know turned to turn a blind eye to towards IRAN. You know, and I'm shocked, what's happened and that's what I just walked away from it. As you know, IRAN and saudi arabia put together a deal talking to each other was put together by the chinese, not by the united states. Within a year a year and a half? What concerns me you're gonna, shoot a nuclear break out by land. Not going be able to do, it will candy shouting. We just want you
thinking about it. But let me give you an example: the nation here described but hold once again. Second is not going to tolerate that Israel's going to go to war, they gonna have our backing. Well, all you, the wealth. They would have a compliment. I ask for I don't want to get his leyden. Are you In a rough way, because I think you're looking at administration, that is risk averse, they look, everything they have done has been risk averse. They never address the issue that is facing them. I don't care if it's immigration, I don't care for ukraine, I don't care if it's china, they just kind of walk away and hopefully that the american people won't pay any attention to look in the last three years. We've evacuated fired us embassies, you don't want ours, because it is right that we face in the trump administration Graduated not you out, and I think I just look at any type of that diversity is an ability to walk away in any kind of, say. Well, the american people won't care or should not talk about.
Yeah, my concern the militias gonna come up where you nuclear iran them. What you do, you can see an expansion of north korea, nuclear fuel is well used, looking which happen which russia in miami the emerge, If you have chinese, let me just say this: I got the original I'm going to want to bring it back just because I have to go I don't think you're gonna see nuclear ran. Are they going to see a war? because there's no way the israelis are gonna, be able to put up with that because they keep threatening use new Against them in a further Minister of Israel, that means do whatever they all you can to make sure they never get noakes cause it. You know that this in between IRAN and israel out tiny that country as they can't they can afford. Even a blinking mistake are a job at home. I apologize. I do have to go. I want to thank you. You're always welcome here. You great patriot,.
and also very sensible, so you take care of yourself. Thank mark edge, wrap me or you be well. Gentle he's a great guy and he went on that one I didn't know him. My world got no much better and he's very impressive in he was one of. President trams, most loyal, consistent and thoughtful advisor. We'll be right back ban? Is your cell phone in desperate need of? placement. You know the signs right battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen that gives you glanced, splinters ouch time to put that old, phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free Five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra
guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure marks a limited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy you get ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super adorable, five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk pound to five zero I say, mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless. The one of the thing is it's going to annoy the hell out of me after this debate is all the spin. You know I shoot straight. Percentage authority, and I don't know for sure when other surveys and all restaurant probably
degrees with me on my view of russia, probably there go out there who, like to listen to the show, may not agree with me on this candidate or that candidate we're not here. They have a good start. Such we're, not here to agree with each other Everything we're here to promote liberty, republicanism, capitalism, faith, the nuclear family, a marrow as is my principles. That's what we're here for and if we have disagreements, let's have What you're going to find is there's gonna be a lot of spin after this debate, so called journalist, so called hosts radio tv. They are. have their minds made up. They already know who they want to secure who they want to promote my eye.
I urge you to put most of that out of your head johnny tomorrow will go over this you another hour. Don't get me wrong. I would join tomorrow will go in shoot straight about I'll, be right back. I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills dot com, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn. My challenge to take just one of these fan. Testa courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer,
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rudy giuliani has as a great patriot and done for this country. The idea that they headed might take a mug shot him today in a rain him today Julie care, the same thing and others, I remain julie, Kelly, Julie, Kelly is our friend. Yes, who is at risk nl, as thank you had to think of myself. I gotta be on my toes here, but I am host after all. Generalists others is is a disgrace you know these people to pay a million to two million dollars just to defend themselves and their liberty and their liberty, and for what. I wanted you to hear from rudy today with reporters.
And you ll notice, if you're not on the side of the left, they join smear you no matter who you are. Miracles mayor then matter lorries. Just do it jobs are not illegally. You did your attacked. You and I we see the big picture, we know. Going on when I really got analysts we're not former federal prosecutor, see what's goin on here. And I want you to listen and rudy with report today, and I want rudy to know that you're welcome on this programme. Any time rudy. Can I go back? A ways? Cut: nine! Go
Georgia, I'm feeling very, very good about it, because I feel like I'm defending the rights of all americans, as I did so many times as a united states attorney people, people like to say I'm different from the same rudy giuliani, the mafia, the new york city, the safest city in america, reduce crime more than any mayor in the history of any city anywhere and I'm fighting for justice. I have represented donald trump, and this man, who has now been proven innocent several times, don't know how many times he has to be proven innocent. They have to be proven to be liars, the actually enemies of the destroying rights, the destroy my right to counsel my right to be aware that destroying his right to counsel, it's not accidental that they've indicted all his lawyers never heard of that in america, the lawyers indicted now, whether you dislike or you like donald trump. Let me give you a warning: the kind that comes to you when the political winds shift, as they always do. Let us pray that republicans are more honest, trustworthy and more american. These people that trying to discredit the government is conducted this way, the system of justice, politicized and criminalize for politics. Your rights are in jeopardy initial, the soldiers weren't just coming for him, the people in this case, I don't even know who they are, the regular people making a normal living going bankrupt.
it's her on this and those are very profound. Words from rudy had more to say, cut ten go I don't. I play today. But if I do like pleading guilty- and I get photographed- isn't that nice, a mugshot for the man who probably put the worst criminals of the twentieth century in jail, you find a prosecutor who has a better record of mine in the last hundred years that you know, or maybe they're going to degrade themselves by doing a mug shot of me. Like people will recognize me and of course they can fingerprint me, but I've been fingerprinted one hundred and fifty times. This will turn out exactly like the fbi. Search turned out that lying or telling the truth and primers. It's the system that grind you down and then some people can handle it. They can't go broke, the stress breaks them. They have emotional or nervous breakdowns, their families. They have divorces, some people are,
Two horrendous ends: driven drank the drugs when a life is on the line and relying on a democratic da to be honest, you're lying on one of these hack judges. This guy looks like it's a joke. when you're lying on democrat juries you're literally and hostile territory for an honest, shake for an honest, shouted justice. in your life is on the line, you're liberties on the line and you're gonna broke. Gotta make decisions about whether or not you can keep your home with your two kids in your wife, you gonna make decisions about whether or not you can afford then your kids to college. and this stuff's hanging over your head, while you're here again in borrowing to try and figure out how to pay your lawyers just You can have a fair day in court, while
The site is all the resources. They need your tax dollars, the tax dollars of the peace, of a given state. This is prosecutors, one in this country. This damn thing needs to be fixed somehow some way, some. They soon. Because that's what's going on here and it's a damn shame, And I'm not going to tolerate, I don't care who they work for the same. Companies I work for other companies I don't give a damn who they are recognize this. then I will engage too damn bath. And I ve no people who have experienced this sort of that
me obviously, but I've known people who have it destroys, it destroys them. It destroys families unless they're, incredibly strong. It affects generations of those families did humiliates the target. They can't get away break in the press? The press serves the interests of the prosecution and the government. They want leaks. They want the inside information, though the same people. Same people as the people Madame. grad party the same people is that people running for the project. Look at the russia collusion thing was the press collaborating with Clinton campaign and the
and see, and the fbi and the d o j and obama by that's it. That's it. People say to me why. Week after week on radio tv, wherever I was such ardent defender, donald except the the cooks out there. You don't think I show enough loyalty, MR positive. I'm supposed to get my eldest the cause, I guess most of them sit on the grass and don't do anything except. Whining complain. Now. That said,. that's funny, I'm not doing it for donald trump I have enormous respect for who is that
target of all those who standing up to I'm doing it, because I I believe in our constitutional system, and there are people who are destroying it. Whether was the phoney impeachment. The first criminal investigation are all this. I can't will never be the same again and it's the same people who have destroyed our class and are trying to destroy the minds of our children and come between us and our children, the same people who turn amusement parks like disney and propaganda mill, and you watch you watch that big fat went on the stage attacked a scientist for dealing with disney. You watch. But what do I know. He's got by the way, amusement parks in new jersey and benefits anger. He didn't care
now: dunno he's the gotta believe and capitalism and federalism. No. He doesn't. Never has never well, I that's inside, and defending the constitution. I am defending the bill of rights for all of us. I am not going to bend my knee to the marks of cars or to the fools. The fool Who are winning falls to this revolution that michael loading, the bill bars at others? Many others I am not going to participate in the demise of my own country, our documents. They don't have the goods on trump.
January six, they dont have the goods on tromp, some we, georgia, she does have the goods on trapper giuliani, urgent hours or anybody else and I'm supposed to play along. No, I don't think so. This really does separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls had really does that Really tells you who means when they say they believe in the constitution of liberty and who
Billy. Does it's not hard to be tough when you're in power when you're in control? It's a lot harder to be tough and they stand on your principles when they hear any controls that culture and a government and a politics and the grand jury, judges. That's tough twond thing to say like I'm sure, some of the debates that I believe in due process, I believe in the car. Detention or like the fat one. You know
Yeah trump is a coward and you know he's been indicted in four different places. Trump is a coward who is standing up to this and fat boy is exploiting it to make a nickel and to draw attention to him it's not courageous, to participate in a debate. With seven or eight other people, its courageous, to stand up to a corrupt department of justice, a corrupt special council, corrupt district attorney's and a corrupt media, that's courageous. Its courageous to stand up to the teachers unions throughout florida to stand up to the disney corporation, which is owned by a bigger corporate
im in california, because you know you gonna, take he that's courageous. What chris Christie did in new jersey was perfect Acer hutchison pathetic and go down the list, all sudden? These are great leaders, america, all of a sudden. There are great leaders, they can't even defend people who are leaders Why so many of you are spellbound by vex we been fighting, these bastards fridge won, t thirty, forty half a century and rebecca was now We'll be found now he's going to shut down by fear the department of education he's gonna. Take on that many chinese he's gonna. Do this he's gonna? Do that wherever ban pow? Where have you been
Where were you three years ago just three years ago? Nowhere just saying nowhere. and then the others have been in politics quite awhile and will even done anything I should be the commander in chief. They should be leading the country, don't you know where? How I don't know all of a sudden. My pants has found his voice not on fighting tyranny, not on securing the border not on taking on by, but attacking trump. Now is courageous. He's camping, I'm courageous!
get up to trap. Look at me, one that three star general who I had on the programme general kellogg, I combat veteran. He left his post says his hr haldeman. Mark short, he lied to. I wanted the general I to explain what actually happened. He lied. And that's pensions right here: man, they hate Not because trump said I'm going to stir the pot, I'm going to push back on the establishment until they're out to destroy him And many of you don't understand this either. Quite frankly, that's why they're out to destroy dissenters tonight, that's my guess:
so he can talk your way into and out of almost anything on a stage its drama One house just say or said something like demonstrate ferris and demonstrate that and demonstrate their sentiments. And I'm listening to this programme saying to myself, you know of abraham lincoln, had been on the stage. a man who was said not to have charisma and a voice squeaker than mine? He probably lose the debate, but they didn't judge debates that way back then, the lincoln douglas debates they dug judged on substance, not how you came across substance. They debate after debating to debate with no median while none, but the word got up the word gun.
Well the abraham, lincoln, couldn't get elected today. If the standards that are being thrown down by the media today apply, he couldn't get elected president have a winston churchill short stubby guy. wasn't as fast talker was a slow parker, the genius. What would Chris Christy the church you're so wrong. Back then, in nineteen twenty, when you're advise costa alive of thousands and thousands of british naval personnel. with never be elected. Prime minister, so use your noggin folks. Don't let people tell you what the think I wouldn't I don't really care what anybody has to save after the debate
Do after the debate, MR producer get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I'll Then you know- helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your, I re or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource, for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks. It is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text level! in the six eight five, nine to again text, l, easy, I am to six eight five. Ninety.
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wonderful human beings- we don't have any idea who they are we are better than americans. Americans commit enough crimes against american, so, it's an absurdity. he's doing this intentional Now I want to pursue this a little bit further after the bottom of the hour. Stick with us I bet Welcome to the wealthiest brute s. Amar enjoy the big boat vibrant sounds of real fruit. Dr various forehead. Circling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you
Jeez, less brutal form mark shall begin tomorrow morning in which might now seventy seven three one. Forty eight one one when I asked cleaning here when a circle back to matter facebook and we're back, the fast track. The process is my understandings best. They were able to end So we are back or we'll be back on spoken. Instagram is my understanding, and so we give credit where credit is due. That's a good like we not sell a our facebook anymore than we sell a ten a bucket target. That's not the point slight them with the debate. The point is the principal entered the depart
justice can destroy a former prisoners running for present, whose multi billion ere they will. Ass, each and every one of us, speak corporations and these corporatist. Can stop somebody like me, the number one conservative author in the country, spink, truthful thanks You not me from Heaven. A platform or whatever their certainly free to do it, but I'm free to speak about it. They can do it anyway, so I have got to the tipp of the spear for this stuff. I don't want it doesn't matter. I've got to be. And I want you to can think about. It may be before the debate. After the debate, people need to come to grips with the fact that we have a political institution of his country, It's actually older than the republican party that hates the country.
And that is spent most of its existence. That is the democratic party trying to destroy the country. It'll do anything It'll support slavery in the past segregation, Jim crow, even lynching. And today it or support marxism, anti semitism open. waters, world capitalism, war on your children were on them. Clear family parental rights. Don't matter this is the party dear friend of mine, I think you wouldn't mind if I said so called thomas one. Greatest colonists, not just today, but ever ever
in a paraphrasing he's cities rid his read. The first sixty page of the book, the pages of the bug and by the way, goes very quickly wondering this book and he thinks it's fantastic. He thinks we have some kind of movement out there to help promote a beyond beyond us. wish. I could figure out how to do that as I can a balance anymore balls in the air. have any billionaires are listening out there that could be fun, but It's not what I am relying on am relying on word of mouth. relying on you spread the word because the it needs to be spread badly. He can go to amazon dot com right now, right now order your first edition copy and get it at forty percent off once the Comes out, I don't I'll settle beyond forty percent again. Maybe it'll be thirty percent will be forty three percent, maybe
We know discount. I have no idea twice. Good it in his face ass. He can, when you pre order again it's the first printing is the first edition. adventure really jokingly last night that there were eighty left in their work, Overflow section of the reagan line where they sought out the main area, obviously, in less than an hour about a half hour. They sought out almost all the overflow section, and so I said I haven't talked about how many seats are left. They said eight, so I want to learn so. There's eight seats left and MR blue, they were gone and twenty second twenty second the last thing that's left there for the ringing. Women are not going there twelve october and am very excited about use. They have how to do all they can to maximize your access to their authors and to their speakers and one of the things they do. That's actually quite brilliant
I will be signing from whatever it is one o clock, the five o clock, something like that. So if you sign up now, website the reagan library website there. Sure you get. I think it's a ticket, a bracelet or whatever it is. You don't have Stand in line for four hours, they have won our windows. I wonder too Two to three something like that: whatever it is it's on their website you come within the timeframe, you have the rest the ticket or however they do it, and you will be guaranteed hello, which I can't wait to meet. You. And then I will sign your book. You need to acquire your book, from the reagan library. They can't do this for free. They gotta keep up a huge expense. That's all that's left but I d love to see you when I had to make All day and night out of it
you want to do that, but that's what's left now Eric Adams, they marry of new york city, CBS this morning- and this is what I was talking about- Joe Biden at the bottom of the iron elaborate in a minute cut fourteen go Is this a sign of progress, or does this speak to the humanitarian crisis your city is facing? This is not a sign of progress. Of this is a sign of crises, greatest believe humanitarian crises. A city has ever witness when it down in texas, okay, we can deal with their cause. They In texas, meaning the Democrats like Eric Adams, Arizona yeah we can handle that that's arizona. South where she had no big deal. You know where we're new york. Ok,
internet the eastern seaboard. Now about the south, the solid! That's, ok, we're we're we're, ok, florida, I had floated thousand miles from new york four hundred miles Now it's in the city of new york, these other states the deal with five million illegal aliens, five million in two and a half years. that's Joe Biden policy. He doesn't give a damn what you think, He could care less. He could care less five million. He doesn't care few union nonunion white black, oh and between dead matter, jewish. Muslim christian aid system matter, since new york city no problem here
experience, it families never gonna experience it all. You Democrats, you being sold down the river. And other cities have to deal with it all of a sudden when our sanctuary city, we don't want these people? What is supposed to do with all these people? I dunno texas supposed to do, and then I resign and florida. somebody hasn't called these mayors who are going to be held to account one danish too bad. The governors race with buddy leaves out and is, How this move are MR producer cos when hands down now in new york, Hogle is despised and by the way so as atoms, they're despised
You Democrats need to understand that the democratic parties about power- smart about you. I don't care about, you, look what they ve done, everything they do. Is to angle from more power and to break down the civil society, the culture and the republic generally the constitution, that's the purpose. And you want to know why the borders wide open, because I'm attacked for what am about to say why. because I'm right, I wasn't right, I wouldn't be attacked the entire purposes. The flip texas, they pretty much flipped arizona through in the midst of flipping georgia. They know, though, if they went Texas there is no cost.
Viable way for Republican ever to be president again forty years ago. The Democrats could not win california. Now it's in the bag. Forty years ago, Texas was a bright, bright, bright, red red state. Now it's on the cusp. Forty years ago, georgia was a bright red state. Now it's not. Arizona was a bright red state. Now it's not virginia was a bright red state. Now, let's not get my drift. Their plan longboats Nottingham Biden, it's the poet the commies around them. If you in new york is going about democratic if they like above the florida. What the hell are we care.
and so we lose this one mayor we lose a governor who cares the big picture, baby we're in charge, and just these stupid local democrats, dont know what they're doing and don't know what we're trying to achieve. That's their problem like I said, they'll get elected anyway, we're going to vote for a republican for mayor, a republican majority. That radical council only, of course not republican governor in California. Unheard of these days. So they know they ve conquered these citys. They ve conquered these states and if they get texas, it's over. Regardless of what they say on the stage tonight,. There's no voting our way out of this. That's what they know,
and by the way, one ever have a majority in the house of representatives again anyway of all those seats that will go from reddish purplish to bluish. That's what they think and that's their plan. And god forbid, if you see ted crews lose this election, that's coming up. People forget he's up realer. you will see There are well on the way of accomplishing what they want, that's why I listen to the show, because I think strategically I look at history put things together rationally Only the listen anybody else regurgitate From somebody else who have their producers on tv, radio, listen to this show and right take their little notes, and you hear the next day. You know
I'm talking about you know, I'm right. Do I ve come in here, mr produce from say: did you hear what someone so, how said, can you get that in can you now I don't care. I'll, be right back more than is yours I'll phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen, they You glass, splinters ouch time to put all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free get a free, five g, same song galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge display and all. A strong guerrilla glass. When you sign up for pure
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The tap dancing with belly dancing. Or whatever it is. certainly not the inside the beltway way crowd of any party of either party hurrying. To tell you what to think. We'll have fun tomorrow, we'll have substance tomorrow, I'm going to tell you what I think not what you should think, but the People are already. Commentators and others on different, Works different platforms and so forth. They already have the candidates. They already have an agenda, not all but too many, not all, but too many, So we'll see how it goes. and keep that in mind. You know when I say here all the time think for yourself think for yourself
You ve got a lotta inside the boat way type. We're gonna be commenting on this hooker great. You have to decide, If that matters to you or not. I think this The answers the smartest of audiences you'll make that decision and we Also interesting to see in the end, if the appearances Michael appearance, president trump makes any difference so much in a debate but On how people are surveyed in poland terms, it is support, but I will say this present trumps. Basic supporters unwavering, nothing or movement, nothing will change it. and you have the rhinos they never tromp person, My party, the media, in many respects the responsible for that
because his enemies are your me. And what they dont understand. As you put your feet in his shoes, and you say what, if I were in that position,. Then you believe he's fighting for because why the hell are we doing this is needed, doesn't need any of it. when you go online, you will see the comments that some of these should be. Commentators will be making after the election shoot me after the debate. And you'll know where they stand so think for yourselves, that's the best. It I give you We salute it. Our forces police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, are truckers, their freedom fighters in ukraine in taiwan. You latest audience of audiences. God bless each and every one of you and their well tomorrow. Don't worry, I promise and I'll see you. Then here.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-25.