« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/2/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Constitution leaves it to Congress to sort out electoral college votes. It doesn’t leave it to the DOJ, a special counsel, or a grand jury. Not once was a prosecutor involved. Congress has the final determination. Yes, we’ve had contentious presidential elections in the past and nobody was accused of obstructing an election. In the past Democrats challenged elections by trying to overturn slates of electors and were never accused of obstructing an election. The Democrat Party has never accepted the election of a Republican president, not since Richard Nixon. They spent time trying to destroy every single one of them. Jack Smith has taken federal law and twisted and expanded it. Smith, at the behest of Merrick Garland, is seizing the electoral power from the American people and Congress for themselves. They are seizing the power to decide what will and will not fly in elections. Now Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and Will Hurd stand with Jack Smith? They all agree that a 150-year-old statute to abolish the Klan was a good use of a criminal charge against Donald Trump? Every count against Trump is bogus! Also, Trump just happened to get the most radical, activist DC judge to oversee his case. Judge Tanya Chutkan worked in the same law firm as Hunter Biden when he was a lobbyist. She needs to recuse herself. Later, Fitch is downgrading America’s long-term debt. This will have tremendous negative consequences. This is from the Democrat party's war on the family and the economy. They are pushing us into a 3rd world status. Finally, Caroline Glick calls in to discuss the fate of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the The the mark Levin here our number eight seven, seventy one three, eight one, one: eight, seven, seven create one three, eight one one: America's fiscal rating has been downgraded. I'll get into their later all kinds of problems, countries teetering on bankruptcy.
Yet here we are wrestling with the corrupt, democratic party and media. I want to start Given these programme with a history lesson, history lesson that is unknown to everybody that far who were spoken on tv and radio. That is unknown apparently to the prosecutors, and that is unknown to the department of justice are known but rejected. We ve had contentious presidential elections of the past. which this department of injustice and this prosecutor would say our efforts to overturn election. Now, let me be clear about a few things. The constitution leaves at the congress and only congress to sort out the electoral college vote. It doesn't leave it to a department of justice. There was no department of justice, it doesn't
Give it to a: u s: attorney or special council. There were no: u s attorneys her special council, it does Leave it to a grand jury or a trial, jury, or anybody else certainly doesn't leave it. Two inferior agencies of the federal government that didn't even exist congress has the final determination. In the first instance, the states have the determination. In particular, the state legislatures, I don't care what this, in court, says or anybody else. It's in black and white in the Institution to the extent madison, notes. Give us any guidelines. It's there too. There's nothing left for interpretation. The election of eighteen hundred, and there are others Thomas J.
Said in his chosen vice presidential pick ehrenberg tied for first place because back then ballots were voted electors vote On a president, and vice president separately, even though might be running together so tied for first place. the challenge to John Adams, who was present at the time Seventy three to seventy three ehrenberg and thomas J, personnel embarrassed stab jefferson in the back, but tied for first due to a communication error among democratic republican electors or a burn led concern see depending on whom you believe so right there that work. But up a federal, investigate, in a grand jury wit this is and all the rest of course I didn't happen-
election went to the house of representatives were supposed to go alexander. Hamilton who despise jefferson but hey bear even more turn tied by lobbying as fellow federalists, to throw their support to jefferson. After god knows how many thirty six about thirty six votes, So the decision was made, in the house of representatives president president, jefferson, that's how he became president. Can you imagine the grandeur investigation, eighteen, twenty four. These are all early in the republic, all four candidate for president from the same party, the democratic republic, rejection. It was a year of the war of eighteen twelve. He won the popular
By fewer than thirty nine thousand ballots, sure ninety nine electoral college votes secretary stay. John Quincy Adams took eighty four like Torah college votes Forty one went to treachery sector william Crawford and thirty seven, the house, bigger and clay, so no candidate or in a majority of electoral votes. The election again went to the house of representatives. The top three or to be concerned so play was eliminated by clay, still had a supportive after a month, a backroom negotiations, clay who can fourth, his supporters, most of them through their way behind items enabling Quincy Adams to win the house folk to win the housekeeper.
Now one Adams chose clay as his secretary of state soon after his inauguration and enraged. It rejects, I call it a corrupt bargain at the entire election and appointment of John Quincy Adams was corrupt, and he resigned, is set at sea, swore he would run for president again and he did anyone who was not accused of obstructing an election or anything else for that matter. Eighteen, sixty. That election wasn't just contentious, had tore the nation apart. The democrat party chose. Abraham lincoln illinois arrival senator stephen Douglas the southern branch. The party defect
choosing sitting. Vice president John Breckinridge, as its candidate John bell of tennessee ran it out the raised on the take up of the new constitutional union party. Lincoln one only forty percent popular vote, but to most of the electoral votes in the north, along with california, in Oregon. Breckinridge one, the electoral votes and most of the south along marilyn in delaware. One tenancy kentucky in virginia douglas one only missouri, despite finishing second. the popular vote. Imagine all the chaos. They gave us president, Abraham, lincoln, just we after lincoln's victory would fall, Percent of the vote. south carolina voted to succeed,
thought lincoln was an illegitimate present on top of everything else. Six more southern states followed form in the federal states of america february, eighteen sixty one and they allow did jefferson Davis has their present, I'm putting things in perspective for you. Eighteen: seventy six: this was a big deal, listen carefully,. Democratic governor of new york, we'll tell them one by two hundred. Fifty thousand more bow. and the popular vote, then, is republican opponent roth verbally haze and Nineteen more like poor college votes, so the democratic a quarter of a million, more votes and nineteen more like ta colored votes. Still today, Cried told him was one electoral votes short of the requirements already a hundred and eighty five and twenty
ouch remained uncounted floor louisiana and south carolina were to close the call. each party cues the other of fraud, are again and elector was declared illegal and replaced with cod Virtual results. You're one electoral college vote away, One of the people in our again and elector was declared a legal and replaced. As the crisis mounted threats of another civil war. Their civil war loomed what happened. Congress established a fifteen member commission of senators congressmen and supreme court justices, including seven, public and seven democrats and an independent to decide the This is something that Josh Holly had thought about in the twenty twenty election for which he was vicious
attack after the swing vote turned in his favour, thou one voter. Who had replaced the other one decided to support haze who had less votes? He was awarded or twenty electoral, The votes from the disputed states giving him the necessary one, eighty five, so this mention is that they want controversial, controversial elector who replaced another in oregon, decides go for a haze. This commission that had been set up by congress, fifteen members said: okay, well, we'll get all twenty haze and there's children who had more electoral college votes.
More significant popular about he loses. Pellucid loses the Democrats didn't take the sitting down. they threaten to filibuster and block the official voting cap. the issue is settled on the negotiation and Washington's warmly hotel in February eighteen. Seventy seven, the Democrats would accept phases. Victory provided haze removed all federal troops from the south and you're, not that led to the survival of the coup, klux clan After Ulysses s grants and the united states army down there to wipe them out.
reversal of reconstruction and effectively killed reconstruction. There was eighteen, seventy six. What about two thousand. I'll go and george bush nor came down the outcome in florida. depending on how you counted just a few hundred votes separating the candidates in florida to determine Would be present in the united states it starts with a law suits, the law suits, go back and forth. Their recounts begin in full force. Charge hanging chad's. and on and on and on on for a month and a week the states
Record kept changing the rules to try and help Al Gore. Finally, the- u s supreme court stepson says enough is enough: enough is enough. Bush, who one thirty states canning florida maintained a razor thin five vote. During the electoral college, up until that time the first candidate in a hundred and twelve years to win the presidency without prevailing in the popular vote. Eighteen, seventy six election, several states, Two sets of electors today, it all fake electors for congress disorder, not a grand jury that wasn't your legal. It was an unconstitutional,
they weren't fake, they were close races they. Resolved at least to the belief one party or the other, both sectors, and congress has to make the decision. Nineteen sixty to slice of electors were submitted by hawaii. The election results first went to Nixon and then went to Kennedy. so they sent both slates republican and democratic congress disorder, and you know the president of the other, session congress was back, then america was the vice president, united stage you may have heard of him. Richard Nixon in sided with the kennedy electors, but they hate nix,
gradual, democrats of challenge the elections by trying to overturn the selection of elect? in several states. They tried it in two thousand two thousand and four twenty sixteen to no avail. cause their fellow members of congress. Stop them that's how this is decided. Vice president pence today he's got much more dramatic. Inanimated has me Donald trump told him the reverse the course of the election. Donald trump told him not to count electors. Donald trump told him. This donald trump told him that, but.
My parents were stood there, pressure, my god, he stood there and said no, so he's not the first. That's his view. But I read the constitution again today, as I do almost every day, what a thought Does the vice president actually have when it comes to disputes. The constitution doesn't tell us. So I went to medicines note, MR constitution. What do they say? Medicines notes? Don't tell us. And you johnny he's been another lawyers who said that the vice president has the power to send electors back to the state or the weight on the process. For the final, what's going on report commission, the way they had a commission in eighteen. Seventy six he's a coke.
And all the other experts are right stay. We have no idea I'll be right, back Ben It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their track where it is no less than phenomenal. Learn why? Thousands of americans are getting gold, I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tat.
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After the civil war. You know it was applied to the coup klux clan. Preventing black people from voting is absolutely nothing to do with what took place in this case. through the other three counts when we return it just shows you how pathetic this isn't and my pants around taking victory lapse. My pants. Awfully small minded and narrow thinking this is war on our electoral process, they wore on the electoral system, not by trump but by the people, my pants, her now seller, waiting more? When I return
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact augusta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech.
lavenders, six, eight five, nine: two again text: l e v, I n to six eight five: nine to levin to six eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com, that's augusto, precious metals, dot, com text, data and message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions that get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, mark, Levin, radios, hell raising and intellectual call. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one: three eight one: one mike pence agrees that a hundred and fifty year old statute that was written to try and abolish the klan was a good use of a criminal charge against donald trump
Then we have count to eighteen, newer c section: fifteen twelve k conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. that was enacted in two thousand to it was a real wants to the enron scandal. Spin, you against general such protesters, it's been very, very controversial. Its highly disputed no case has yet gone in front of the supreme court on this. Why? Because it dealt with financial obstruction and so forth? And so it has nothing to do with what took place on general. Sixth, then, of course they conspiracy to do it is count three with count, one one: eighteen c section: three: seventy one treating the government, fearing with legitimate government activity, historical This has been used and tax cases.
Or misuse or misapplication of federal monies and that sort of thing, so it's been broadened to apply to january. Sixth, as I've acts Behind this microphone day in and day out on living, tv or my sunday show that now even some of the legal analysts are pointing it out this man jack the ripper it has taken federal law and turned it on its head. He twitched sit. He expands, it he's been rejected by multiple juries, he was rejected, eight to zero by the? U s supreme court and now mike pence and chris Christie Somebody by the name a well heard in asia, hutcherson stand with jack smith. a span whether prosecutor appointed by the attorney. General, the united states, who are they
good of abusing the lawn abusing authority that to my pen stands with the actual. Chris Christie stay his whip. That's so well, whatever his name is, stands with. That's a wayside judge and stands with this. is an assault on our democratic system, a thousand times worse than january six years, the imprinted tour of official government action. What one party using a phoney special prosecutor, who was essentially reconstructed his office into an prosecutor's office under the democratic party. Under Eric hall there under an urgent call me and they call it special council, my pen
is more animated than ever seen. Why cause these desperate. He may not even shop on the debate stage. There's nobody supporting him, but he's desperate. Is showing a sight of him? The most of us never saw before he's got a little whispering in his ear mark short, who wrote that code? tales of donald trump into the white house, while he was sabotaging him. As for these lawyers, who my pants trashes, Does he embraces all like some michael loaded? I asked my parents. I asked Michael loaded. I ask all the lawyers on what,
Is can you say what the vice president's powers are or are not in the united states constitution or in James madison's notes? Spin it up I'm waiting to hear not what you think, but what is in fact. the constitution, and the answer is nobody knows because it was never discussed, that's the answer, we're back. You know there was a statute. I don't want to hear anymore from the former federal prosecutors. They ve been wrong enough. I don't care about the statue, I'm asking about the constitution buddy that doesn't matter this matter was resolved, it was resolved by congress.
It was resolved by pants, whether you like it or not. It was resolved not by grand juries. king at twenty twenty hindsight I what they think should have occurred at the prodding other prosecutor, like jack smith, these matters cannot be decided by prosecutors. Are the department of injustice? What are their roles? As I told my friend brett bear yesterday, one of them who decides the rules for enforcing the rules when it is lagging a legislature. Ok When, as sending a second set of electors as has been done in american history, ok, or is it never ok,. You're indicting lawyers paste that advice
the president of the united states, because people disagree with their advice, you're indicting lawyers for the advice they give your inviting a former president for exercising its free speech rights and one sided the indictment. It says trump knew what he was saying was. If that's the case, Joe Biden should be doing ten thousand years in prison, but trot knew what he was saying was false, and yet they indict the warriors who were advising tromp, whose advice that he followed. How do you improve both of those points, mr but
as an attack on the first amendment. This is an attack on our electoral system. What you're seeing here, let me put it in plain english, let me educate the former federal prosecutors in the professors, jack smith, at that. Hast america garland are seizing the electoral power from the american people and congress for themselves They are seizing the power to decide what oh and will not fly in elections. I gave a thing
extreme. Some of the most contentious elections not once was there a prosecutor involved. Not once was the department of justice involved when there was a department of justice, let alone subpoenas diamond conspiracies and all the rest. This is the most aggressive in your face. Bald face attack on the american electoral system Ever ever, even worse than eighteen, sixty even worse than eighteen, seventy six. It is the most grotesque power grab by democratic,
ready in control of federal law enforcement that one can ever imagined. I love it now when the hosts, including some who are friends of mine, they go on tv and they say this is the third set of indictments against donald trump. Are you kidding me. Helen brags, the first didn't everybody say he and that is a joke and they act like it's legit soros prosecutor then this one january. So this is the most disgusting thing. I've read and then We have the legal analysts saying, unlike the documents case, that's a serious set of very, very serious. It is Well, there are numerous motions Canada is an honest judge, intellectually, honest that should think that ship and fairly easily, when you bring a grand jury,
set of indictments in the wrong venue and do it purposely in order to get that series of indictments against a former present? And a republican nominee potential nominee for president that should require a complete dismissal of all those indictments. What do you think he added three or four? more afterward. He knows I'm right. He saw me on fox those bastards know I'm right. Next motion: there was a general work in complete violation of the clause in the constitution. Pass a probable cause and sober it wasn't. Asked specific room with specific boxes. It was sort of, In kind of a round there is okay. You can't do that in a warrant where all there for former federal prosecutors on that one amazing, isn't it
What about one of the top litigators in the case is accused of extortion. I'm telling the lawyer for the code defendant, you know that judge ship here, you're aiming towards mature, will be very propitious for you. If you could get your your client to turn on trop, that's extortion, its being investigated in secret. I got one more, maybe maybe my pants thinks it Ok, when you're charged to pierce attorney client privilege, I don't know, I pants- was.
Is sloppy with his classified documents, but he's self righteous. You see man of deep faith. God tells him what to do unlike trump and so what's happening to any client privilege and what to do each to think on your own case. If a contract or business dispute you be involved in it is a. Terrible divorce. Whatever the case may be, maybe some of you are former felons have served your time. Maybe some of you are under investigation today. Maybe some of you are facing an ira saw it and what, if they could all say? Oh these government entity, you know crying fraud, exception judge
We want to know what that person discussed with our lawyer. We want their notes, we want their texts, we want their emails, for you better, have some real crime fraud exception for that to happen do today, because you can't have a fair trial, When the government uses your lawyer that testify against you and yet that's exactly what happened: donald trump and the documents case. So there's four areas and there's more so, when these legal analysts and their ill go on tv, I can other documents Carrie sets a very, very serious merit serious because the abuse of power by the prosecution, Only we get me started the presidential record jack. It's not even mention I native donald trump reliant on the presidential record.
back even putting aside his belief that he could be classify it will, which he can put that aside, if he believed under the presidential records act that he had a right to take with them, whatever he wished to keep it, it's not a crime. That's not a crime, so my pants, who at one percent or less, has been quoted all over fox, is being cut. all over the radical left media he's being is this the foil that he wanted to be used for, and you know what that means. He just destroyed his career because he's not doing it out of integrity, he's not doing it at a principle. He just doing it now where's he been if this is really the way he
I'll, be right back then It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans you're getting gold I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or vesta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech, levant, six, eight, five, nine to again text l, easy! I am to six eight five, nine
live in two six: eight five nigh to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com, the donald trump had to know he was lying. The indictment had to know he was lying to the american people, their state legislature, towards first of all, let's pretend that that's correct. So what? What does that prove? What the hell is? This.
It is this angered analysed the Democrats were lying about past, like you, don't criminalize these things, so you have these disgusting exploitative. opportunists on the democratic party sign on the republican side. You ve got my pants Chris Christie. A saw Hutcheson well heard here for them. Maybe three of the four catering get enough support to be in that on the debate stake you don't need a lot in our shameful, absolutely shameful, what's being done to this country in our electorates, just disgusting. You see, ladies and gentlemen, we reached a point in this country where the the are making their move, that
is the democratic party in their marxist were making their move. This is a revolution we will also suckers and the republican party who think that by giving aid in for to thy revolution that somehow they'll be drawing your attention and your support. We, the people who write the history books for pat them on the head. or maybe they actually believe, they're righteous when in fact, the opposite. These truly are the times. The time the tests men solve. Whether a patriot
of this country or doesn't we are staring this tyranny straight in the eye? And then we have the quisling stabbing us in a back or we're trying to fend off what's in front of us. They won't be forgotten either they won't be forgotten either. The document charges are predicted they would have been brought by any other prosecutor by any other administration against any other former president
Their fears in this election is beyond grotesque and it is constant and its ongoing. I don't care if had backfires or not it's a hundred percent inappropriate unconstitutional. Then they drop this for charges against against donald trump charges. They didn't concoct against anybody and what happens these? Stalinist tactics are used and people You even thought you knew exposed and her soul, great dark, very dark! That's what's going on in your country, the sealing the media are corrupt,.
because they are the state media by state media. I mean the democratic party media them crap. party is leading this revolution every part of every marxist force within it, I'll be right back. This segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post teeth and the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the clock of america beyond hannity at the that nine twenty five pm tonight, eastern time, judge in this case is tanya shotgun, she's, the most radical activists, democrat judge, in the entire district court. Washington, d c and trumpeters happen to get her. You know She also worked in the same law. Firm has hunter binding one,
Biden was a lobbyist for that law firm. so obviously should refuse herself, but she is incapable of that. Now she jail day, Protest or nonviolent protester for forty five days, despite the fact that even. The prosecutors recommended home detention, MR producer, for sixty days, she's a workshop. That's who she is, Born in jamaica, graduated from the university of pennsylvania law, school work at the firm of boys, schiller flex there from two thousand to until she was confirmed as a federal judge and twenty fourteen straw. Connections to the democrat party and then can son hunter Biden whose dad president Biden slightly to face.
Twilight the law firm that judkins high profile cases included representing toronto, see blood testing company run by jailed elizabeth homes now she's been picked oversee the case, bobbing donald trump and washed in D c. The think trouble get affair fair shot with her. Of course not most of this is going to have to be handled at the supreme court level. Now John Roberts hates trump John roberts and his wife are friends with Tom Friedman, his wife, who is a radical cook, left us at the new york times colonists. We ve talked about multiple occasion.
and so the system is really truly rigged, jolly truly rigged. Now what about democrats challenging elect? Some time ago, we played your montage of democrats, questioning elections of Republican. Are they knew they were lying according to jack smith? Surely they knew let's take a listen, go you can run the best campaign. You can and become the nominee, and
We have the election stolen from whew. How can you win? We resident affairs know that breitling an illegitimate president that didn't really wink. So how do you know fighting static when you absolutely illegitimate president my mind, would you be my vice president? I absolutely agree. Trump did actually win the election in two thousand and sixteen he lost the election. He was put in all the russians and trump knows he's an illegitimate president and the president elect, although legally elected is not legitimate president elect as a legitimate president, you said you believe that russia's interference altered the outcome of the election. Do we have a president with? In fact the disapproval has been assisted by the russians and may in fact not be a legitimate president. The one thing that trump is allowed, then yeah when it comes to being president, is that finally, we will see how legitimate his victory actually was. I have an objection. I object to the fifteen votes on the state of north carolina. I object because people are horrified he's an illegitimate president. Do you believe trump is a legitimate president. What I believe is that there's no question that the outcome of this election was affected by the russian interference. There actually is a cloud of legitimacy. Legitimacy is in question. Yes, that was a very tainted election and in that sense it's a legitimate. Why do you think the president is going to such great lengths to essentially prove that he beat because he knows he didn't? He knows he isn't a legitimate president, stolen emails, stolen drone and drone installed an election. Welcome to the world of unprecedented trump said. You believe. President trump is an illegitimate president. The face of what I just said was I can retract the russian attempt to have the election and frankly, we have to be either way in the election either make you make. It makes his election legitimate. There was a widespread understanding that this election was not on the level. We still don't know what really happened. Isaac I mean there's just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover, but you don't win by three million votes and have all this other shenanigans stuff going on and not come away with an idea like whoa something's, not right here. The outcome of the election was affected by their interference, and now we need to know to what degree if any, the trump campaign was actually in collusion with the russian. He knows he's an illegitimate president. So, of course he is obsessed with me and I believe that it's a guilty conscience. The AL gore won that election for bush vs gore, the presidency of all the votes were going for them. That AL gore would be president today in georgia will be back on bump florida, where you and others participating in what I call the united states code a time. There's no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president. I rise to objections. The fraudulent twenty five florida electoral votes almost object because of the overwhelming evidence of official misconduct, deliberate attempt the germans signed by myself on behalf of my diverse constituents and the millions of americans who have been disenfranchised by florida's inaccurate vote count. The united states decided this election speaking to a democratic group in Chicago tuesday. He made it clear. He thinks Al Gore was the winner. The time it was over, our candidate had won the popular vote and all the way back when the election was to stop the voting in florida when Harris JEB, bush bangor and the supreme court and tampered with results. Al gore would be president as Maria laura wanted to say a hard act, one thousand, although not the presidency, but the supreme court, the supreme court, the cocoa on the vote, the supreme court selected, George w bush as the president, he was not elected. There is overwhelming evidence that george w Bush did not win this election. What I observed as a voter as a citizen of illinois four years ago, were troubling evidence of the fact that not every vote was being called a like. The george w Bush won the election in two thousand against our goal, because I think it probably last quarter and also the nationwide. You invite me back on the show about a week or you're going to get all the court has been thwarting formation of the popular will of the most spectacular example being bush vs war, where the majority, by a five four vote, enjoying the counting of more than one hundred thousand ballots in florida. And it was
doing anything, not counting votes in florida
I had the two thousand everybody talk and while he did win the election l gorg after the election, when you stole the election, you came back here and say: get over it. No we're not going to get over and shoot on date on the constantly shifting vote tallies in ohio and malfunctioning. Electronic machines, which may not have paper received, have led to additional loss of confidence by the public. The right to vote has been stolen from qualified voters in two thousand, and four. The democratic process was worth it. The two thousand and four presidential election in ohio was riddled with unnecessary problems. Some machines malfunctioned, causing the votes to be counted more than once or not at all, reasonable number of allegations suggesting stolen rights, violations and misconduct. I joined with my colleagues in jackson, county in the state of ohio's electoral votes, as in two thousand. The votes of many who wanted to vote were not back down in this last friday night I arranged to meet senator Kerry at a fundraiser to give them a copy of my work. He told me he now thinks the election was stolen. The wife of John Kerry said she has lingering doubts about the legitimacy of the election or theory goes like this two brothers. He calls hard right, republicans own the eighty percent of the voting machines. In the u s, therefore, it would be easy to hack into the mother machines that control the electronic voting
We even more knowing Mr Medina.
go there were numerous irregularities in ohio, including large percentages of rejections of permission to validate problems with voting machines. As we look at our election system, I think it's fair to say that there are many legitimate questions about it's accuracy about it's integrity. There are still legitimate concerns over the integrity of our elections. Obviously, is how many users were not caught, that we don't receive a lot of honest glitches where it just didn't work right, but also that these machines are hackable, a dishonest employee of a vendor or disorders, employee of a local board of elections, or should we so many noses electronics computer at could hack into these machines and putting the secret is complete, disregard every twentieth, democratic, voter id ten percent to the carrier for the bush order, whatever he might not ever know, I agree with tens of millions of americans was very worried when they cast a ballot on an electronic voting machine that there is no paper trail to record that folks. The numerous irregularities that occur with the electronic voting machines in ohio on november second of last year point to an unresolved national crisis. We cannot declare that the election of november second, two thousand and four- was free and clear and transparent and real. There must be independent testing of the voting machines used in ohio, not confident that the election in ohio was fairly decided. We know that there was substantial voter suppression and the machines were not more liable. The members of congress who brought this challenge are speaking up for their aggrieved constituents, many of whom may have been disenfranchised in this process. Treating today's electoral vote count in congress as a meaningless ritual would be an insult to our democracy. It must be registered our own protest against the obviously flawed voting process that took place in so many of our states. Voters who wish to cast a vote for president or vice president, can approach the polls with certainty that their vote will be counted. One of the most significant problems in ohio and in many other states was the lack of measures to ensure the integrity of electronic voting machine in two thousand and four. They caused democratic voters in ohio to wait for eight hours before they could cast their ballots. They turn the department of civil rights or the justice department into the voter suppression division with voter id laws, voter purges, voter, caging, voter intimidation. They are going to be any more election, stealing ninety miles, howe and the inauguration of the situation we find ourselves in the wall. Without voter suppression, stacey abrams would be the governor of georgia. The Andrew gillum is the governor of florida. Former secretary of state will be certified as the victor in the twenty eighteen gubernatorial election is not in session. If she had eighteen elections, she already would have won. He refused to concede and say that you lost. Do you stand by that decision today? Absolutely the election was not fair. The process was not fair. If Stacey abrams doesn't win in georgia, they stolen it's clear. It's clear that stacey abrams election has been stolen, for you notably did not concede. You acknowledged that he won, but you did not concede five months later. Do you still feel, like your opponent won through voter suppression? Yes, georgia, voters did not have their votes counted; they were not allowed to cast votes, they had their votes discarded. She would be the governor of georgia day and the governor of georgia disenfranchise one point: four million georgia voters before the election. What happened to Stacey abrams was the election in georgia. Statewide are free and fair election. It was not a free and fair election reminder. She wrote Brian Campbell stole the gubernatorial election from georgians and stacey abrams, and it was not fair to those who filled out absentee ballots and depending on the county, you send it to it either was counted or not counted assuming you received it in time, Brian Kemp, oversaw for eight years the systematic and systemic dismantling of our democracy, and that means there could not be free and fair law we could go on, but I wanted you to get the full flavor of this.
Is very few house would even do this. Does that give you some context and perspective. What's going on here democratic party has never accepted the election of a republican president, not since nixon, never. and they have spent time trying to destroy every single one of them, including next, including reagan. Including both pushes, even though his operatives in staffordshire stupid wake up to it, and our trump.
I can tell you having worked for reagan for a year, the cause for impeachment were constant and they thought they found something on. I rencontre. They found nothing. If your blood's not boiling it now, it never will I'll be right,
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You ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I end podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Let's talk about this judge, church tanya shotgun has handled dozens of cases. They write a red state, really de january, six she's build a reputation as being the harshest arbiter in the game for good bushes, given a higher sentences than recommended by the government in nine different. January six cases and is matched government commendations and fourteen others she's handled. one january, sixteen cases in total gang by comparison around eighty percent of all. Generally, six defendants have received sense is below government recommendations, in other words, She gives elevated sentences at a far higher rate than other judges.
And links similar cases cos a radical leftist at points to a deeply. First on emotional investment by the judge. The event As of sixteen twenty twenty, two, the ape even label there is the toughest punisher need to how she was handling those specific cases. Chat can appears to be, on a revenge tore as a judge. As to the nations capital and there is every reason to believe jailing trump beer ultimate prize, concerning is what circles tracking And before assuming our position is used in euros district court, she wants what four boy schiller inflection taken guess who also work there. That's right hunter Biden. Once again, the incestuous miss of the away shown the obama pointy just so happens I work for the same law firm that once gay under buying a sweetheart employ medea that absence italy, no one else- would have gotten in the given time frame. Is that right,
the relevant to this latest trump indictment, not necessarily, but approves more evidence of the school of thought. The judge trunk and comes from judge, can you should be refusing yourself even an appearance of a conflict of interest. Is enough get there how off the case. you are a radical left this out, to prove something
I'll be right back, you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, pure twog, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america, just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to port.
Can you save an additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I end pod cast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Mark love and show the fool feed for the conservative media diver. Now, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one folks! It's amazing about this new book, the democratic party, hates america. I would touch on office as well as this dead information fitch. sleep. I didn't know that today they were going to downgrade our long term debt and I want to get into that soon, but whole issue. The debt sealing. The unconstitutionality of the efforts by the Democrats. the drowning the nation in depth report guns aren't pure on this, that's for sure, but the democrats
take it a thousand times further. This is a war on our economy. It's a war on your family, your ability to put food. the table and fuel in your car. Heading towards a new round of spending and budgeting they're gonna drive up the cost of using fossil fuels triumph or she went no electric vehicles and so forth in products that don't do what their ship to do or don't do them, as well as their supposed to do their mentally lukashka an arm and a leg. Their push this country into a third world economic status there going down I many of you. This is economic d growth. This time they keep. Spending in spending and look an organisation, few business Your rating company, based on the fiscal
soundness of various countries inverse corporations you can ignore. This role must have thirty three trillion dollars in debt and as I've told you many times that just the one budget death suppose he scheme saw the off budget. Long term obligations of the federal government I around three hundred trillion dollars its unimaginable, but the people at fitch. No, there, and they know there's no way out, there's no way out and it's getting worse. They know that we know that I wrote an entire book on it. Plunder and deceit, it was one of my least successful box. Even though was massively successful by every other measure. but I measure one booked against the other. Those people. Don't want to hear it.
and this is how you destroy the next generation of future generations yet born. This is what you do to them. These babies. youngsters coming into a society that is destroying itself. And were placed the burden on their shoulders and people don't give a damn. They do not care. I'm deeply hopeful you'll take a little trip over the amazon site and acquire your priority copy, this book it'll be out soon. I think when you he did. You're gonna be stunned by how how it flows holding information it's in here, and I think that all invigorates you quite frankly. I'm holding in my hands the first pre publication copy of the book I receive about a hundred and fifty these to hand out too.
Some of our folks out there who, who read it right reviews and so forth, and so on is about to come out. But. I have it here for my own reference now for my own reference now look at this fichte situation. I want you to think about what we just went through a few months ago. I know it's hard with all the rest. That's going on and I get it I get it trust me. This, I believe you will you take a look at this week that ceiling debate. Remember that I regret the Democrats said the present nine states, as the party unilaterally raise it here. This is from the book. That's now at the printing press, which will have by september nineteenth, if you order it now, the federal that may seem like an obscure and boring topic, but
determines whether americans will continue to enjoy economic prosperity. Specially for children and grandchildren and generations. Yet born. Indeed, in may twenty twenty three, the government accountability office, Austria released a report title the nations fiscal health, which was virtually no media attention, except by me right here this week, It is a stark warning that the federal government is fiscally. Attic controller begins with this statement. And I'm reading this in the context of the fitch announcement today that they are downgrading our long term debt. This is gonna, have incredible consequences for our economy, and for the value of the dollar worldwide I mean this is just the disaster quote the government. Faces. Wrote trio, an uncertain Annabelle long term fiscal, future welfare notice this at the end of fiscal, twenty twenty
two debt held by the public was about. I'd, be seven percent of gross domestic product gdp projections from the office of managed but budget know I'm be, and the department of the treasury national budget office and geo all show that current fiscal policy is unsustainable over the long term. That's why fitch acted today dead, how by the public is projected to grow at a faster pace than the size of the economy dead. How by the public is expected to reach its historic, I have a hundred six percent of gdp within ten years. They can It grow at an increasing pace year. jack- that the ratio could reach more than twice the size. The economy by twenty fifty one any changes in revenue and spending priorities, in other words, reckless or unconscionable.
Federal spending and borrowing are not curbed and reversed. If that doesn't happen, the federal government will drag the entire country into an economic and national security disaster. Now that's from my book now, let's report fits said today. They report their downgrading the united states, long term foreign currency issuer default rating to a double a plus from aaa. The writing downgraded the united states. They wrote reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years: I and growing giant general government debt burden and they re we're gonna governance relative to doubling in tripoli, rated peers of an elastic gauge, meaning other countries. That is man I stayed in repeated debt limit, standoffs and law. many resolutions in fitch's view they write.
Has been a steady deterioration in the standards of governance over the last twenty years, including on fiscal and that matters not. standing the June bipartisan agreement to suspend the deadline. Until january twenty twenty five, the repeated that limit, political stand off some last minute. Resolutions have eroding confidence and fiscal management In addition, a government lacks a medium term fiscal framework, unlike most peers and as a complex budgeting process. These factors along with several economic shocks as well as it goes back to the book, The geo does not mince words, which is rare for a federal agency. It the warns that if there is not a significant and immediate course change, the well being of the civil society will be at stake. The report finds that called the fiscal year, twenty twond
Two federal deficit was among the highest in american history. They this occurred. Even though revenue growth has been strong and federal, covered, nineteen relief spending as decline, recent years, I'm calling from a loop the cost of financing the dead increase from prior years, because interest rate throws substantially in fiscal you're, twenty twenty two: she can see the cycle. Congress really binding the Democrats keep pushing spending spending spending spending, then interest rates go up, and then you have to spend more to cover interest rates. Tat country destroys itself. they say, rising, get relative deacon economic growth could increase, borrowing costs for both the federal government and private bars and could slow economic growth. Prediction is a major recession by early next year, on top of everything else, cbs
stated that a high and rising federal debtors and share the economy increases the risk of a fiscal crisis. Fiscal crisis, The underlying condition drive in the unsustainable fiscal outlook pose serious egon I'm a security and social challenges, if not addressed. this report by the way is well worth three. It's clean. That the last few years I write of unprecedented peacetime, profligate federal spending and barring not just in twenty twenty the year the covered pandemic, which said to necessitate a one time: emergency spike in spending spending bar, but the noise miss spending and barring in the subsequent two years by the Biden, administration and the democratic congress with some notable republican co conspirators, including centre republican leader mitch, Macao driving the nation to the brink. It
by the blaring sirens warning of economic catastrophe Biden. The democratic party in their surrogates insist that the constitution requires, that the debt ceiling be raised to pay for all the spending and borrowing they demand without limitation in love losing spending and borrowing that is reducing the budget, but the constitution does not provide the democratic party really from control. its insatiable spending and barring addiction, or, for that matter, certain republicans who suffer from the same addiction. What, then, are they talking about? They point to section for the fourteen moment which was ratified in eighteen. Sixty eight after the civil war talks about the validity public debt of the united states nobody's doubting that says, including debts incurred, for payment of pensions and boundaries for services in suppressing answered a rebellion that is specific to
civil war and thereafter, but the united states nor any state shall assume or pay any dead or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection, a rebellion and so forth. First, nobody, challenging the validity of the public debt. The text makes clear that certain getting during the civil war was valid in certain debt was not second languages. effective civil war, related debt court, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounty, For services and suppressing insurrection, a rebellion unquote was not and is not a general statement of authority conferring a warmest power on the executive, that is the president, to unilaterally pay all debts amassed by the federal government. Third, the language says nothing about fundamentally altering the way the federal government raises. Revenue and pay is that this is a core power that is specifically granted to congress, and only congress are
One section eight of the constitution, which I will read you right now. Fourth there's absolutely support whatsoever in the legislative history for the proposition that section for the fourteenth amendment was intended to replace Replace any part of article one section: eight: where congress has this power and fit separate, No powers is foundational within our constitutional system to grant the executive power the paris rather Congress means the president would have virtually complete control. The federal government's financial activities, for example, cynthia what have the authority or final say on spending barring a taxi. He did not He congressional input on budgets are budget related bills. He could just spend bar tax with impunity, thus in key ways. America's constitutional system would chain from a representative republic to a dictatorship,
I'm going go on, but that is in the chapter, the democrat parties, war on the constitution and the reason this is important. Is because they have no standards, no principles whatsoever except those Dance, the american march agenda and empower their party. They don't care if the economy collapses. You know why. Because republicanism smaller republicanism goes right out the window, just as it did with the pandemic and blue states. in fact that's fine by them. They ve got no problem, whether what so we're just like. They have no problem with the with indictments again. Donald trump and the protection of bite and all the rest. The open borders, which are clearly intended to import democrats, they weren't importing democrats. They would secure that border like nothing. We ve ever seen before.
I'll, be right back then you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk customers, your clock decided data every plant in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk, but also happens to be veteran owned and only hires. The best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk that com and then a promo code, levine podcast, to make the switch to pay
talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talked outcome. In a promo code, l e g, I n pod guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Should it in this long time ago the table a kind and so the democrat party hates american each one of these chapters, quite significant chapter on the democratic party and authoritarianism, chapter to aunt type, racism and anti semitism chapters- Anti white racism and anti semitism chair therefore language, control and thought control chapter. war on the american citizen chapter six war on the nuclear family, chapter seven war on the constitution. Chapter eight star
would be proud and of course, then the epilogue I think, you're gonna love this book. It's also going to in some ways upset you but also inspire you and that's what we need to be right now, inspired it. My time many of you were upset through. You just want to forget about all this stuff. That's fine, but the sigh. The revolutionaries they're, not stopping their droppin indictments left and right the quisling within the republican party or giving them cover or their silent, and all these terrible things are happening there banning products there. Demanding that we by products. We ve got control on language, controlled war on the constitution, war on justice system is taking place. number or no son. Summer or no summing I'll be right back.
You don't want to miss the last hour you right now I. He's here now: broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader count. Em out of an era number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one. ray eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I will be on amity tonight: nine twenty! five pm gibbered- take work. announced the reagan library signing next week, as it turns out next week, If the set up a system that can handle all the calls on that's good thing, don't forget
those september. Twenty third cited egg, tiny book, bookends ridge. Would new jersey will be many books there. You know they can They take so many people, so its first come first served and barnes noble sunday september, twenty fourth, we everybody there it's a big place. On p m in the afternoon sun. He said amid twenty fourth barnes unknowable Maclean Virginia thyssen's corner centre, a k, a thyssen's more. We can and everyone in any one. The democratic party hates america is destined to be one of the most important books, not just that I've ever written, but has ever done a deep dive. It's gonna become a reference on the democrat party, what they're doing to this country and it could be an ideological,
battle between liberty and tyranny, and you can have a part in it, an important part in it, and we need you. I want you to listen. First, this is cut. Eighty must produce devon. Archer would Tucker karlsson today. Listen carefully cut. Eighteen go Joe Biden than the sitting. Vice president knew that there were hunters business associates in the room, I can I can definitively say at particular: did as or meetings he knew Or business associates any said he in or if I was there, I was a business souci. I'll be right there. He knew. So. What does that mean?. That means what I've been saying for the last Several weeks, Joe Biden is a coke and spirit and the violation of the far law they foreign agents, registration act he knew there were business associates. So so
A business associates devon, archer, a business societe hunter by in this matter. And again, by lying he's going to prison for a year now representative Jimmy comber headed How so recite committee, a news mac yesterday getting pretty close to the point that I've been pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing their Joe Biden as a co? Conspirator is your first and peaceful article right. there are three go when you think about what our testify the day. My question is now: did Joe Biden commit the foreign aid registration at because family was receiving millions and dollars from the Foreign nationals, none of these people that he put his dad on the business phone with a reputable business. There you go wonder where you heard that from MR bidders.
He wouldn't violated directly the forest. So I would be careful: let's get it straight. A code conspirator he's a co conspirator. That's all he has to be. that is, he helped his son violate these foreign agents registration act, because this never reported sigh The way he's supposed to. So there it is it's over. I mean you know we're still work On gathering evidence, one step at a time: what are we working on gas,
The evidence you want but haven't impeachment impeachment inquiry they just indicted friend for nothing. What are we waiting for for god's sakes? Does it not crazy? I I think it is crazy, know: rome, rome lasted a thousand years, but the roman republic, as opposed to the emperor while it lasted, and we count down to the exact numbers, lasted two four hundred and seventy three years. Mr four hundred and seventy three years, I won't you think the american republic, similar to that in the last four hundred. Seventy three years were near to forty seven. What do you think? America? You think your children live in liberty
four hundred and eighty two years close were only too Forty seven years old, the we have another two hundred fifty years left on us. The empire was a thousand years when you count the republic in the empire, but the republic was for in eighty two years, our republics only two hundred forty seven years old. and, as I say in the last sentence of the book, the democratic party stands for relentless pursuit of power and control america was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty, the dispersion of political and governmental power. The roman republic wasted. Four hundred and eighty two years are republic is only two hundred forty seven years old. If the democratic party succeeds, the american experiment will have failed
That is crucial. That is a profound sentence. If the democratic party succeeds, the american experiment will fail. That's the concluding sentence of a four hundred page book. It is a concluding sentence. There are enemy they're, not our political adversaries; they want to control you. They want to control how live where you live. They want to control your livelihood, they want to control the where'd, you can use if the thought processes you have, they want to control how you raise your children. If you raise your children, what you call your children, they want to control all kinds of products that are in your home because if they can do that, they control everything in your home. they don't do it through the front door that, due to the pact or regulations, they make it impossible for regulations to produce them.
Which vac system you have or the air conditioning system the air conditioning window system. You might have to produce dishwashers and washing machines and dryers that drew AP, incandescent, lightbulbs, toasters, automobile all coming from Washington all without your consent or without your consent. Then what the hell is this here. What is it then I'll ask for our permission they impose their will upon us and you'll understand one hundred percent. Why in this book, why why, and where does this kind of thinking come from.
Where does it come from what we talked about? Marxism you'll, learn about leninism to Lenin, said. Marxism is very, very important as a core ideology, but he said aspects of it are impracticable, like in america, America has a vibrant middle class that will go to war to defend the country, it's not gonna rise up and overthrow it, and so london preached and they so progressive in america listened, the power must be exerted from top down. He said.
Graham ski another communist and a communist said we must devour the institutions of government. We must devour the institutions of the culture. This has to be a top down revolution. Were the revolution is imposed on the people, whether they like it or not. You gonna learn a ton I'll be right back then joys and honour to have caroline, like on the programme she's a point in america, she's in israeli citizens, might still be a. U s. Citizen, for I know she's, one of the great colonists and thinkers
In Israel, as far as I'm concerned, how are you caroline great great, great macgregor back in your show, thanks for having me it's a great pleasure. Just tell us what the hell is going on in Israel while tomorrow? We're gonna have an incredible hearing before it full complement of the supreme court, which never happened. All fifteen justice. Is there going to be funny to decide on what's called a basic law and whether to disqualify a basic law that talks about under what circumstances a prime minister can be ousted from office, and I mean the the case that the law itself is is less interesting than what's happening.
here. The source of the authority of the supreme court is according to the supreme court of the basic, was of Israel. Andy they're not allowed to do anything better than bade them. Those laws which are passed by the canal, that our parliament, and so what the supreme court is doing by having this hearing if their setting up Israel for a civil war affected because it say it say it say abrogate the law than what they're saying. Is that their no limits under their power that the rule of law doesn't limit their power, that no law limits their power that they get to decide. The rules of the aim for the government for the elected branches of of israeli governance that the government and the connected, and they also get to decide the limits of their power. Porch lake that virago,
based on whatever they feel like they're they're just are leaving the mother ship, and if this goes through, you know it's gonna be very difficult I call Israel a democracy, because we will actually just be officially a judicial tyranny. So that's starting tomorrow and it's about a what is it called when a when a president, when a prime minister is in firm and capable of carrying out his duties? So the purpose of the letter, later was always say that you know if you're struck by a stroke like ariel sharon was A calmer, whatever, then obviously can fulfil the office. Then you have to be removed from office, but dad art general wants to remove benyamin benjamin Netanyahu from office, and so she was trying to expand the death should based on nothing and third see the method. Went very queer, went quickly to a man. They exist.
We can make it clearer that she couldn't just out the prime minister because she didn't like the way was behave and today they limited it said. I think that you can only ask the prime minister from obviously these medically incapable perform his duties and the supreme court is gonna, be adjudicating this tomorrow with absolutely no legal authority whatsoever. That's what's happening in Israel, You understand, america, you don't need standing in Israel. The coroner Sit there and twenty five people consent, hey into this, or honestly, they can read in the newspaper and decide on their own. They want to look into something under some pretext and its pay. Only a politburo what it is. It's not you went to court anymore. It's a politburo! It's been criticized in our country repeatedly, particularly the year, the brain so called behind it, a gap in the name of iraq and other barrack, and so really the people of Israel, caroline black hair, recourse whatsoever when a,
a judiciary such as it is rules that hey look, you can to marry. You want majority minority done matter to us. We will the final say, and by the way our finals It will always be of the left But you know I mean, we've been, they say we're in and we're going to move into a constitutional crisis. We've been in a constitutional crisis for a very long time, certainly when in a constitutional crisis, since two years to go when the supreme court ordered the speaker of our common effort. To resign or or hold elections for his replacement, because it was an idea that the the the left wing opposition party was going to rule or the the country through the knesset or because they they cause, they had an operative majority essentially, but they couldn't My government and heat that he wouldn't hold the elections, but who reside in the supreme court that you know how to reside. We fire you and
They fired and there, Absolutely no legal authority to do that, so we basically been since then the clock has been running down. The supreme court has just been said all the residual powers of the method and the government to oversee regions and the legal reform that everybody is screaming, abandoned, saying that this is gonna, be the end of Israel. If we have this very limited judicial reform go forward, it sort of it's against time to try to legislate a means to legislate limits on the court's power before they completely destroy democracy, and so what does the owl going supreme court press and, after how you plan to do, is go out in a pillar of smoke. She retires, but the end of next month, if she wants to make all of it, judgments that destroy hope. Demography before she had to leave So that's why he's writing?
undermining? Did? The last word of vast the juice of limits on the supreme court power, including in September there's pushed in two weeks which put their ordinary six weeks. It will have a hearing to returned the law that the connection tab too weak and a half ago that limits the supreme court's authority too, return government decisions and so are saying that we don't mean without legal authority, there is no basis for anything that they're doing to the contrary, to our stipulate that they're not allowed to do anything that undermine the basic law and their thing Well, we're gonna. Do it anyway, anomaly that we're doing it in a matter that regards are- One authority is to talk about a conflict of interests. There's nothing more clear, then that one and for that, tat. We are right now and ending a friend of mine. I would prefer to send me the other day
we're tongue. Mary said you know the dread, scott decision, which came out and nineteen. Eighty four in eighteen, fifty seven and essentially guaranteed that the united states. He's gonna go into civil war and I went out and wait. They didn't know in eighteen, fifty seven when it would happen or but it had been centrally became inevitable and it took four years worth. You know those shots terrain out at fort sumter. In the beginning of the? U s civil war in here. You know it's a thing. I think it's a quarter saying the government and the knesset have no powers whatsoever. We get to decide everything, including our own powers. Then then, you know there's going to unless somebody on the wake wakes up very quickly. You know unfortunately, your thing we're taking away your ability to legislate and now the only thing that europe left of confrontation, though it is very, very danger, that's actually a brilliant point, one the system collapse,
as the law collapses, the law becomes the crime or the criminal. Spare c and there's no way out now, there's without measure locking up into a direct complicated with why it's? Ok, a pie and why you know we were hoping that the president, who sort of he's a figurehead he is supposed to be. The israeli version of the of the monarch of Britain, buddy we had the groundwater in italy to come in and sort of force to the laugh. You know running this insurrection being led by the supreme court to come to its senses, but he apparently didn't have the intestinal fortitude to rise to the occasion, and if that didn't happen, it's not clear right now. You know what figure on the left? Who who would be willing to take action? Has the gravitas to do so and so we're we're in a pickle that's right, we're we're the problems remain and planning and early imposition right now
Isn't it amazing? The left and most these countries- and I want to hold you over a break They are really leninist. You know its top. Power they claim. They we representing the people there can be no disputes that I agree with them or anything of the kind I mean for a group. Lawyers- that's what we're talking about. to seize authority that was never conferred on this court or any part of the government simply changing the original nature of the government and the law under the founding of state of Israel by many socialist european socialist. They see, and they have no intention of giving it up. I want to pursue this with you further caroline glare, people want to reach. You read about you: what your website? How am I what
it is caroline glick dot com and they can also go to JANET's dot org, where I'm the senior writer, okay, we'll get back, we'll be right back the my friends only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity. So I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss, but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one: there are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la and for hills del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course sheila.
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one six, three and use promo code levin to take advantage of my special offer on is my pillow: that's my pillow dot com, promo code, l e v, I n, or call eight hundred nine five one. Seventy one sixty three Well then, the thunder, although right now the seventy seven three eight quadrant parade. What one were talking about: caroline Glick, about the horrendous situation taking place in israel carolina With the support of radical left groups outside of Israel like J street, with support of propaganda to despise israel like thomas freedom, with the support of left wing parties in your own country, a hood barrack. Would you explain who he is and what he, but he promoted, Paraca idea waiting
greatest failure ever to serve as the prime minister of Israel, with the chief of staff of the army also did a terrible job there hitherto kept getting promoted up to another level of incompetence, and so he he was he came and later the defence minister. He was an. He was an office for fifteen months, and then he was arrested in two thousand and one and Then he served a couple of sense of air defence minister, which he also did poorly, but whatever the thing is that he has been pushing this idea of a math revolt against, the government by the elites of Israel for the past, at least three years, the first time that we, we had I like a youtube video of him discussing his plan for Israel with video there
He made in twenty twenty when he was talking about wandering the kind of protest that we're thing now, ostensibly about legal reform against the government, but in relation to the cove nineteen nineteen down, so he was using any opportunity. I think of to promote math violence and rebellion against Netanyahu's government, with the aim of overturning ed, overthrowing it by taking the economy and and using the left it in a key elite units in the idea like pilots in the air force and stretched special forces, operators to try to compel the government. To stand down or to foment its collapse, and so you ve been doing this
he's very tied in with democratic than the united states, where he was very close with Jeffrey abstaining met with him. Thirty time. After Epstein's initial conviction on the child trafficking. or whatever in and so as a really dubious relationship a lot of the higher up in in the united states and the So he has been promoting political discord and chaos in Israel, and then there were the video that came out think last week, where he was explaining to this group of pilots, who now comply surveyed the main group of pilots who are threatening to take upon the airports. If the government goes for with judicial reform
of them retired from the cockpit a long long time ago, but they're trying to gin up a po, a psychological warfare campaign, at least against the public, and particularly against the government, into thinking that they have to stand down, and but he explained to them that a an expert told him that he will be coming back to power when there are bodies of Jews killed by other jews. floating in. They are corn river in TEL Aviv and idea, what he wants to prevent a civil war so that he can be called a power I can or de gaulle by a needle nation who looks to him for for for for stability and so he's very openly working who really destroying carry in order to advance his call- and he has been through this
and one of the central nodes of the. Correction of all of the political violence. But we ve been saying on the street and organizing the various groups, high tech people, Again and again, he was the former keep us out of the idea, and a lot of these economic moguls is very wealthy israelis, bankers there, sort of around him and he had in raising the money and part of it out of pocket. Cookies emily wildly for these, where these protests, for whatever you want to call them that caused well, we're you know we're talking, probably Now in the range of forty million fit million dollars witches, you no way beyond anything we ve ever seen in Israel in they have unlimited cash on hand from various sources to pay for this violence. Had they been acting on the streets of Israel.
And the role of the vine administration, you ve got to this guy maui, you ve got blinkin, you ve got the form bastard to Israel from the united states. You have groups like jason you have the radical left us within the democratic party, the role of the united states, and undermine My state of Anna fell from from that perspective, that the problem is, I mean, there's synergy between what the left is doing, what the binding ministrations diet, administration, you know, and it is pushing a policy. Of appeasing IRAN and its proxies particularly bala which controls lebanon, poor iran at Israel's expands and at the expense of oil. Sadie we are and other you have allies, because the united states think that Israel is too powerful and, as Barack Obama put it, when he was president
Israel has to be weaker, saudi arabia has be weaker. Today, you can reach some sort of a balance the power with iran and, through that balance of power, and the will be stabilize courses, is completely delusion. Because you're on is not stated, quote power, it's not interested instability of the revolutionary regime that wants to export its islamic revolution throughout the region. Overtime in all of the governments of the of the muslim world and to turn them into fatter paves the way it's destroyed. Lebanon and Syria, Iraq. Yemen It's cetera and they want to annihilate israel and they're developing nuclear weapons in order to achieve that purpose and rather than that and of course say they want to destroy the united states as well, which they consider the great satan and so rather than confront iran in any way, including through sanctions, which the binding administration does an enforced,
The binding administration is appealing iran and their doing so oh by, among other things and working with the left in Israel to destabilize the government and paralyze it from action against IRAN, both because of domestic political constraints and then because of actions that the united states is taking in the region so and so yeah it it's sort of a perfect storm from that perspective and really it was very heartening. I have to say when a week and a half ago, despite everything, that the bite into ministries and is doing in the lap, of course, is working with a bite into restoration and openly calling for a two I played Israel and not can meet with and for not enough for the private profit. Not meet with an opinion in the white house or anywhere else, which, of course, we have not done, and so it I was very heartened when they passed
the law limiting judicial power in a very, very tiny way, but all the same, the fact that they perhaps dead. Showed that Netanyahu is still standing, strong against incredible odds and trying to protect israeli democracy. He said so in a couple of interviews: I'm not sure if it was in the interview that he gave you as well, but I thought that in one or two interviews and he refused to say whether his government would abide by a supreme court decision, That overturned, though the basic law that they just passed a week and a half ago, limiting the supreme court's power can overturn government decisions. What he did say that was very important ones, that we will follow the law and we go with the law and the point that he was making was that in illegal
cream court decision that it made without any authority legal authority whatsoever to reject limits on its power, duly constituted as a basic constitutional law by the knesset, with the express purpose of limiting the supreme court's power, and then that would be an illegal judgment which, of course, is correct whether he's gonna have the wherewithal and power. Actually refuse to implement a supreme court decision given. The situation on the ground with these will have to answer. China really are the most powerful forces in israeli society is still an open question, but at least they passed the law which was really import. And be Netanyahu signalling very clearly that he is not willing to throw in the towel, so both of those points are very heartening. We're gonna have to
Oh, you ve been very, very informative. I will say this reminds me like the fall. The second temper but they re and they are carried out on our agenda for the american people, while the romans are attacking the jews and the second temple their fighting among themselves. Their fighting among themselves and and this is what concerns me a whole lot. Carolinas that. Iran is at the precipice. Others are at the precipice. And the countries falling apart and by the way our country here is falling apart to anyway. Any final words, I guess: If one is, I'm writing a book about this, so I keep this space open, I'll talk to you when the book is out and on and thanks, Everything is that you know where I believe very strongly that a majority of us are very low
The majority of israelis are not going to allow this ship to go a thunder and we are facing a problem, unlike any that we ve seen before largely because so much of this has propelled by internal by a very powerful for horse inside of Israel. That rejects the legitimacy of the israeli society. But I think that, if particularly with the help of our friends in the united states and if we hear more worthy of support on the hill in the in the senate, for israeli democracy. For the legitimacy of elections in Israel, then I think that that's going to happen
pack, it very impact. Will they always expand on report expansively? What tom Friedman rights in the new york times make it seem as though he is so important in which, of course, we both know with is untrue. It would be very wonderful if we could hear more voices of support from people in the united states who understand the importance of maintaining democracy in america, in Israel and throughout the world, are your terrific? We appreciate it now now Your sites, ok, my cited carolyn bike English dot com- my name is spelled caroline Glick, the caroline glick dot com and also you can follow me on twitter and the senior editor, a giant s thought or the most important and beth new site in england in Israel, and you can follow me the earth well in and get updates on. Israel progenitor
work every now and then I shall open is really media. Isn't that funny going on you? It's it's hilarious, major malaria mark While that made me appreciate you to appreciate it hoping it over there. In a few months appear in law. The m ipod cap see that an absolute will. God bless. Thank you very much for that, but I take care boy, oh boy, when a mess we'll be right, Then you know it helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the by an administration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your, I re or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource. for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks
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really been mulling over? What I'm going to discuss you know it could be Biden, could be these It is indictments. I've been moving it over. I think I need to go bigger. I think I need to put in context what's going on in this country whose behind just thinking out loud with you you're the family My family consequences are but and consequences of this kind of revolution. To pass a resolution, what they call it a passive or quiet revolution. There aren't armed, marauders and militia in the streets, but it is what it is and it's a top down revolution, and so you see it all across
of de the culture. You sit all across the government fitch. What was once the the greatest financial Nation on the face of the earth is collapse, You see it on the border. You sit on, I'm in here their attacking lifestyles banning household products being household products. I mean banning vehicles it sitting incredible. All this is intended to control your control your life control, your mom you know, control you're here every movement and nobody's voted for this. It is incredible, and so these these indictments
Are an effort by the democratic party to monopolize politics? That's what it's about. Their intended to monopolize the deeply democratic party by per out of business republicans, and I don't think, I begins even understand this. Put the republican party effectively out of business. One party rule I can California, we saw our forests police officers, firefighters, emerging person, we salute the men and women in taiwan and ukraine, the freedom fighters most of I salute you. God bless each and every one of the two quick thing, randy, amazon and us in thirty minutes on how did he shoved jobless.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-04.