« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/22/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party has interfered in the Republican nomination process, with 4 jurisdictions and 3 Democrat prosecutors and 3 Democrat cities and horrendous judges in the DC courts. Rather than the subject of debate on the Republican side being about Biden’s disastrous record in every respect, it will be about Donald Trump and the indictments against him. The Democrat party has destroyed our electoral and judicial systems, not Donald Trump, and now they are going to do everything they can while they have their guy Biden in office. We are living in a post-Constitutional America with a federal government that knows no bounds, controlling both inconsequential and consequential things that affect all American citizens. The Democrat party must be effectively dismantled and neutered, or else their anti-American agenda will be implemented to the point of being permanent.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one hell, Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one! on the eve before the knight of the debate nine pm eastern time tomorrow, night, ok! Well, not a lot I do about it. We'll see one
infants, hopefully won't be a completely about donald trump many people, including me, would like an over these candidates stand or how good they are, That said, given this little bit of thought. The and electoral situation we have in this country. Today's brought you by the democratic party tall intentional. see, I'm not a former federal prosecutor, that's a strength, not a weakness. I'm not a former campaign, british for any campaign, let alone the bush campaign. That's it. Try not a weakness, I'm not a former failed governor of new jersey, that's a strength weakness or a barely articulate am governor of arkansas that's strength on my part. It's not a weakness
And here's what I see as an old reagan, guy. The democratic parties interfered with public in primary process. the vast majority questions to those who seek the presidency: the republican nomination are about trump and the charges against crime. That's my point: by the democratic party were turnabout, afford different jurisdictions, Different levels of government, local state and federal three different them cried prosecutors in three different democratic cities. renders judges in the d c courts we now for you that out and that something and I had to be addressed one day. There is no question about it:
and so rather than the subject for the most part being on the republican side and I'm sure in the debate. Some of the candidates will try and alter that Disasters record in every respect. Every respect on family in faith. on law and order on ethics. On securing the border preventing illicit drugs. From crossing the border and so forth, and so on, Inflation interest, Its mortgage rates. It goes on and on and on the There has been no donald trump unindicted again he's been indicted for times before nobody has been indicted once and then people saying? Well, he brought it on himself like bill Varner. They brought it on himself. You know if he'd only done this, if he had only done that this guy that was treated like dirt,
before he even got off that escalator at trump tower. so those are well. He brought her on himself. You don't bring tyranny on yourself. What he's done as he's helped expose it now and then pratt side, the same democratic parties doing everything they can to protect. Joe Biden His mob lawyer runs the department of status or injustice. Is I call it and they bring back this this corrupt row. prosecutor at the hague, he was setting hey, they bring him back out of a million dollars in america, there's a guy they bring in because it is rather may is perfect. abusers a law. He violates legal ethics. Leaks like a sieve, perfect. and allow so do the party line or marquise
after democrats, too, is only gone after certain democrats, one after the tea party- I mean, takes a real set to do that, go after an entire movement, but they cover up her bag. The new york times the Washington post politico some of the others, Starting to show some angle on this they're starting to get worried Starting to two fields, X. The firm whoever self serving out their field lakes about buying Thing broke down with hunter Biden, who was involved in this, who is involved in that, but in the end there are four democratic, whether by nor an orange juice can or come quite won't matter matter, but the democratic party.
Has destroyed our electoral system. The democratic party has destroyed our justice system, not drop the democratic party they ve, or the impeachment process And now they're going to do everything they damage can protect their boy Biden as long as he's in there and I get really tired of these long in the tooth in the best way commentators are those who Whose socialize with them are work with them? No one in particular just as a group kid We know what to think and how to think when we don't care what they think. See there was an effort today to try to intimidate me by media. Any mccarthy's. An old friend talk.
much anymore and I've talked to many people much anymore, but there you have it, significant disagreements over the years. I mean involved and conservative movement since I was thirteen years old I don't always agree with these former federal prosecutors, especially when they're talking politics, her foreign policy and so forth. But I'd always agree with them. On their talking about the constitution, you the most of them most of them whether there on cnn or anywhere else have never really doubt with. institutional issues per se o due process and warrants a mad talking about that. Much complicated issues. everyone is free to speak. I've got no problem with that, but I am also free to disagree with them. I'm a westward one debate. cindy caterer radio programmes in the nation west, where one alone, I hire radio stations, perhaps the
Biggest westward being the second biggest doesn't matter Besides my fellow colleagues over time- and I They talk about me. I don't know I don't listen, but tackling them personally,. I disagree with them personally publicly. Should I be able to speak. So brother mccarthy, Your post he's online you once everybody to know that he's not gonna, both trump trumpet tromp cannot win. Given the pole, that taking place now and Trouble the nominee we will get slaughtered in the country will be dead forever and that's his view.
Could it happen anything can happen, including that, but I don't like it particularly helpful. When you are never trump or in two thousand and fifteen, and you were one of twenty five who wrote a piece in the for the national review and you and so forth, and so on to make declarations and demand that trump supporters. This drop and because you say so David, it's not it's not serious. And I went into some of that and media I'd says: market In attacks fox colleague. you see america I believe in free speech, I believe in debate. I believe, an engagement This is why I am this, You have c of the mind I believe that at media eyed and media matters the democratic party, the rest of the meat. They don't believe that they
leave they have one position and you I up behind when you put your your your your You brown shirt on in your black boots on and you click your heels and new march behind more Korea! Then it is, you know united states, and they want to enforce conformity or silence. So they're play is Only two fox management- I assume that levine's hacking, mccarthy, but they're not going to buy it That's not what happened. and they could try all they want. They are never going to silence meagre intimidate me if Left on a soap box day, so pakistan on a corner, that's Robbie Unlike them, who would be on that soap box stand on a corner, but probably naked under a raincoat. That's the left.
always a footnote what it? What is it with these guys run for president now who take their shirts. Christy has enough sense not to take his should also get mad, but you, Robert Kennedy, junior get rebecca. Roma swami: what are they then let him reputed honestly keeping shirts on Clinton, keep your pants on. Ladys, don't pull the address. Was over your head just right like a serious candidate. Run like a serious kennedy. so I take public position centre challenge all the time. What the hell is wrong with that and I want to Bait those positions- and I want to engage friend and foe and everything in between alike it doesnt matter to me:
Does what I've done since I was thirteen years old and so should stop now, because somebody media, whereby attacking agenda but attacking at all. Strongly disagreeing, and I do think that posting wasn't all that good. But there were no personal attacks. hey save those four marxists, I save those for chris, christina people like that who invite such responses given on given the way that they speak an attack. Others. I don't care what you to go to that site, but when you do you can see the whole pattern there. They may have one or two rational human beings, and then they have a lot of low. I q sub, whom sub humans over there, who spend their days.
Tracking me tracking over conservatives looking for any opportunity. They pay. legally. Plagiarize with media matters does the going fox in. I am with westward one humorless westward one too. They never say humorist westward one house where they never say plays media housed or just bark letter box. because in the end that's who the war is actually with. Would it be refreshing, There is some disagreements on cnn publicly openly. I don't mean throw cutting. just lawyers on cnn or hosts unseen it. You know, I don't really agree with that, doesn't sprightly. So I guess serious point to me what about this? All my fair attacking exile or in better MSNBC scarborough.
this would be looking and talking in the mirror. I know we'd rather anyway,. Cause every house than he go aghast. Excuse me that he barely brings on kisses and ass going on fox. I have tried to bring on the so called best and smarter to the left. There aren t they won't come on I'm not gonna, bring on any schlep, because that's That's not interesting, it's not substitutes line in attaining fact. I have no interest but to bring we ve tried rascal. Now we ve tried is the list. As we try christie. No, we tried romney, no. Years ago, I tried Mcconnell, now ok
Well so we tried, we have tried lisbeth warrant now shimmer. Now I think I said rascals. No, not of Bernie sanders now I ve been a republicans. I won't come up to only come on they were booker some issued a hawk. That's gonna end going to end right now. Right back then.
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans you're getting gold I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tat Levant, six, eight five, nine to again text: l, easy! I am to six eight five: nine,
Live in two six, eight five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com besides, the federal government keeps empowering itself, seizing more more of its powerful itself is a democrat party. keeps empowering because it really comparing itself. Does the federal government do that acts? Does that actually works? I think we can answer. This question I wants to control every aspect of our lives used to be stay out of the bedroom there in the bedroom.
turn the living room there in the kitchen there in the laundry room there in the garage for everywhere everywhere Now they are regulating the climate. When you ask a question: this phrase, climate change- that nobody can really define, but it has become a year While for the politenesses out there, you know it's become the rallying cry and so forth, and so on, but from an only goes one way. How was it? climate change can be good, sometimes mr produce And always bad, not. In their game, a change in climate. How can it be that climate change is only bad, but it's never good. Temperatures go up. That's bad temperature. Go down that path.
But how can it be bad all the time it's not, So you had this this term. Storm there, so what are they called reduce or storm Hillary Clinton that hit southern california sober, but it wasn't as bad as they predicted. sort of a hurricane right. I wanted this. That's that's. How can climate change only go in one direction? Bad, maybe climate change actually helped us to prevent. Horrendous situation in south in south to california we ride back. You know.
helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks, record is no less than phenomenal, learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise as part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or augusta precious precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text, the six eight five nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five,
to live in two six, eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com, is america's constitutional convention. The mark show common now, eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one I've been doing radio for twenty one years. The company that syndicates, my show humility, phyllis westward one purchased The company that I've been the gate with called citadel said our purchase the company from a b c news, radio.
So we ve had, I think, maybe there's another one in their three different corporate. entities owning. The stations in part with me on some occasions. Not once has anybody told me what to say or what not to say. A memo. One out after january six, the last election, not to me not upon gino not to shapiro, But one out there some local host, you know can a wave in them off the subject and there were websites like me, I media matters drudge and the others who are extraordinarily dishonest, and
strong early dishonest, and they were saying we had received memos. We were told the cut this: how to cut that out. We didn't receive any such mama. I didn't receive any such memo, but they wouldn't take my response or theirs and report on So nobody has ever told me what I and I cannot say on radio It has ever told me what I can I'd, say on the blaze network after all, one of the founding partners, but that's ok, nobody, Nobody has ever told me on fox. Nobody wants can or cannot say nobody. there are radical left wing groups.
Organised that are financed to try and get me to either keep my mouth shut, Not comment on certain things following the line would never trumpery Critics on the network or and writer, I'm not gonna- do that. I just assume quit one or more those positions, that's never gonna happen ever and the people who partner with me, know that. They know that in advance. And they know that I am a good colleague, then I work well with others If I have a disagreement, Disagreement is impersonal in nature and that This agreement is legitimate based on What views mine and there's that's perfectly fine. It's called speech.
Republicanism democracy whenever you want to call it. What is she King to me, what is amazing to me is the they control? Not only what I say and where and when I can say it. but how media. Media matters drudge report. How they say exactly the same thing and use exactly the same tax, their tactics. by totalitarian regimes and there. State run media. so Mccarthy says something. I disagree with him I down and I disagree again. Then we engage- or at least I engage he should do in his thing. Why is a terrible add an attack or a attacked. My Be nice,
If somebody over at media I'd, have this agreement at some point. What's that all about. Or on cnn. Farm MSNBC, enforced one hundred percent? for one hundred percent conformity conformity not to happen And they're not going to go where they want. That's the other thing. It's been constant. These attacks, it's not to happen, fact all be a surprise in the near future. Now not pregnant mr, but it.
Can I give a radio contract coming up various other things in the works? Very exciting, Rather than shrinking. We're going to be expanding and my wife. Is so worried about her hobby? Then I'm already overextended, and so I can, I am, to be honest, cause these guys actually don't write their books, they of course writers? I know they do they might fact check them. They might added em but they're, not doing all the research area damn thing you see in my books. His from me good bad in indifferent, every single thing, if I quote other people, which I often do because there's a lotta people came before me, who are very smart, are a lot of contemporaries who are very smart and I give them all the credit in the world.
Through an end note, if named in the substance of the book seeking check it out. I want you to check it out. For not having myself on ahead. I want the help, with your help say: what's left of our country And as a lawyer, but more than that is the sun parents who taught their son to be ethical and to be true for. I would never steal anything from anybody else. Find knowingly use something from somebody else. I give them credit If I unknowingly use something from somebody else, and it's called my attention. I corrected in immediate publicly say so it's not a bad thing. Thing, and it's better than a habit. It ought to be a reality much of that doesn't happen around me, as is I've, come to learn, but that's ok. Now, let's move on.
We have a federal government that knows no bounds. We live in. constitutional america what's happening with the department of justice, the phoney special counsel. You see all these things happening. But there's some things that are more what they call granular effect. You directly. I mean all this perfect you, but this stuff with factual, directly daily mail our failure, safety chiefs to toward dangerous. Airports shifted. Dozens of near misses It claims that air traffic control shortage makes disaster inevitable Ninety nine percent of aircraft traffic Troll facilities are reportedly understaffed. Forty six closed, calls between airports recorded in July alone, forty six in one month safety bosses will concentrate on airports. Intervene
Failing that a series of emergency meetings. Now here's the deal Some large countries worthy air traffic, system is partly controlled by the private sector. Member which ones of the timely canada is one of them, but there could be wrong. But for what? For whatever reason, we think the government can do no wrong in washington. The federal government course local governments? They have their power MR, but the federal government in particular, to go to the family. I can't even get enough of a air traffic controllers. They can get him trained up. They can keep our airs. Our air traffic protected has a possible. well for one, these sectors of transport
And his lazy he's an incompetent. And he has no background and the stuff whatsoever. That's number one number, two The present the united states as a stage five problem, dementia patient. Quite frankly, I think that's why they keep bringing them home to shoot him up with something that said You wouldn't want to accompany this way So you, whenever the We today c our president, who you know. Shuffles around can't talk and all the rest, the board would get rid of the board in this case. Under the twenty fifth amendment would be the vice president, and the cabinet, but they're not gonna, do anything throw sink offence. So how is it? The government keeps expanding its power, expanding its authority over things, small and big Sequential inconsequential just to show they have power and use the iron
Is to enforce it and get bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger, but they can't kate that damp air traffic safe something's gonna happen, others that then the other week we talked about it. Study forever chemicals detected in nearly half of you as tap water least forty five percent of use tat borders estimated be contaminated with so called forever chemicals, according to the new. U s, job article survey research. This is actually one of the good federal departments. Now that aside. They talk about climate change, global war, global cooling, it's an imminent threat.
They say: republicans repose, the clean water and clean air that the ringing every molecule. That's potentially dangerous her cancerous out of the water system, And then one day we wake up forty five percent use, tap water. Is contaminated with forever chemicals have trillions of dollars. Have we given that crap ap ay, and I read that these fraud groups. to ensure that our waters clean water I take over the automobile industry and they want to shut down the oil industry and everything. What about that? Damn water have rights, philip chemicals contamination. But they want to do more stuff.
And if you are agreed in doing more stuff, obviously you're a white supremacist right wing match maybe mega forgot. What's the number one job of government to keep us safe. from foes, foreign and domestic, how they doing. This all the democrat party, the democratic party has in many ways destroyed local law enforcement. Don't get me wrong, we very brave men and women and local on, for there are enough of them and allowed to do their job, but it makes kind of tough. Murder through the roof rape through the roof arm break through the roof. Burglary. In front of our faces shoplifting going on mobs that are organised on line destroy. stores, shutting down entire entitled neighborhoods but on the streets urinating on the streets.
one of the greatest cities of all time San francisco. Now he wants to go to san Francisco. Anyone who lives there once they get the hell out of their anything gum saw the stars want to get out of there. They gone broke their there's, no protection, well. The prosecutors are apparently are focused on trump say they care raise a family there and you get paid access through the wives. What about it? Gotta go run for president, republican side, Chris Christy. Disasters, cities in new jersey, so many disasters. You ve got one of the worst pension system in terms of financial soundness in the country and he's
About we need to fix social security. Medicare is that I gotta do it republicans, gradual, as that guy to do when he could when doing in his own state. And he's trying to same line that use would Rubio that This is memorizing as lines this in fat boy. Why don't you focus on what it is that you are capable of doing for their country rather than trying to trash everybody else? For what. Four tromp you whenever anything to say in between Duncan, don't I said, you're walking down, but that's on other story. Let me get back to this. So crime in the streets is through the roof. Thanks to the democrat party, let's be honest,. Border security, we got drugs, drug cartels, sex trafficking, child trafficking,
kidnapping mayhem anarchy. Why. That's not natural! That's not mother, nature! That's fine! And the Democrats, so. My point is. they can't even do the basics if they have all these fantastic plans for the future, they paint a picture of utopia. Fact the responsible for a hell I'll be right. Then you know
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sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america mark levine. Here I numbers Eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three one! Three one neuron. ass. The news is a great site. Its founder and entrepreneur, a great journalist, but an aim of John solomon possible. Foreign, I've known john solomon for at least twenty years maybe even longer was being mockery market a p in any moved, I think to the washington times or washing examiner
then they all now he started his own thing, people Their freedom, and in this piece on his side had he and Stephen richards rope new memos hundred cut by new crane narrative democrats, soul during twenty nineteen impeachment scandal, disclose state department, memos conflict with the narrative democrats crafted since twenty nineteen of peach went and yet people national. You said he should have been convicted by the senator disquiet, five for running for president again, I mean this is what I mean there. There's The insanity is just unbelievable. Closer People not to call the shots right Just weeks before, then vice president Joe Biden took the opposite action. twenty fifteen, a task force of state treasury justice department officials to
that ukraine had made adequate progress on anti corruption reforms and deserved a new one billion dollar. U s loan guarantee ready. According to govern memos. That conflict with the narrative democrats have sustained, since twenty nineteen impeachment scandal. ukraine is made sufficient progress on coating on its reform agenda to justify the third guarantee. Recent october, one twenty fifteen memo. summarizing the recommendation of the inter agency policy committee, a taskforce quit advise the obama white house and whether ukraine was cleaning up its endemic corruption. More western foreign aid, The recommendation is one of several: u s. Government memos gathered by just the news of the last thirty six months from foil litigation, congress increasing government agencies sources that directly conflict with the long held narrative that bind was
conducting official. U s policy when he threatened to withhold a one billion dollar you sloan guaranteed affords ukraine to fire prosecutor general victor shokhin, the countries. Of the american attorney general Time the threat was made in december. Twenty fifteen shoguns office was considering creasy aggressive corruption, investigation into bree, small links and energy, the state department beamed, been engaged in bribery and then employed hunter buying and paid a millions while his father was vice president. new details on the impact of that probe of emerged in recent days. Shoguns pursuit was rattling bereavement and the firm putting pressure on a hunter bind to deal with it. According to recent, testimony in interviews with death archer hunter binds former business partner and libraries, my board member now these new, my most obtained by just a new show: senior staff department officials. Send it can
waiting message to show him before he was fired. In writing a staff to washington for january twenty, sixteen straw gee session and said personal note saying they were impressed with his office, is work bullet. Does all new? U s Patients face pressure from charisma emissaries in the end states to make the corrupt allegations go away and further The firm is made to bribery payments in ukraine is part of an effort, get cases settled, bullet tab, Excuse me, a top us official give blamed hundred four undercutting. U S, anticorruption pilots in ukraine through his dealing with the recent too. In other words, the corrupt company bereavement pressures hunter binding And then his father threatens the corrupt regime get rid of the prosecutor, whose investigate embarrassment and potentially my son and his business partner, and that's what they do.
threatens them of a billion dollars, and of course, pretty obvious. Now that trumpets right. but in private classified email shared with just the news, one of the top you as officials and the key of embassy, told them ass, Marie unmarried, given of each member leftist under the obama administration at a hundred Biden, had in fact impact of the: u s: anti corruption agenda in ukraine, theirs. Those big knows, except in them, american media The real issue, to my mind, was at summit in washington needed to engage vp by quietly and say that his son hunters presence on the bridge aboard undercut. They attacked russian message. The baby and we were registered because ukrainian turd one must from us saw another set of behaviour with a family association. That is what the vice president with a corrupt figure, whose but he was known for not playing by the rules. Embassy official george can Oh, do you advantage in november and every twenty
to twenty sixteen email mark confidential tibet. It really testify that way, Joe Biden role and pressuring then ukrainian president patron Portugal in december, fifteen to fire. Shokhin has been a serious controversy since April twenty nineteen author on this story. They come for they all every job solomon on earth they choose. Eighteen videotape of the former vice president bragging about his role to foreign policy Think a tank so was solomon who uncovered that video. The shokhin was investigating bereavement for corruption. We know hunter. Was receiving over eighty three thousand dollars a month, so others by the archer. evidence would show. Excuse me evidence showed during impeachment afterward that binds conversation, we're porch anko, the president of ukraine. At the time keep going and by the way, pollutants body car going
to kiev in december twenty fifteen under pressure from yours and western officials. Do you indian president, eventually buckled unpersuaded persuaded to resign. A few months later. In march, twenty sixteen percent, ukraine's president, would are Biden. There was no evidence. Shogun had done anything wrong, but he forced zog nation anyway. To appease the, then as president My body Andy Says- and this is my point- but we'll have these back and forth- we're going to continue. Hopefully, I'm going back I'm waiting for the fourth. I'm not sure if he was talking about january six, that trump should have been impeached, tried and found guilty and disabled permanently. From friend running again,
this impeachment was complete farce. In fact, trump. My view troubles impeached to pursue the cover up of what actually took place there Let's start my january trompe is, Impeached in the last days of office. he leaves the presidency without any resistance whatsoever. The impeachment took place literally within a forty eight hour period, There were no hearings, there was no evidence no the testimony nothing, It's never been done in american history, and why would it be so to say it's a political process notes a constitutional process followed constitution. Still- and it's not me
to be a complete farce, where, if you vote, you impeach, because if you of the numbers, that's not the weights, it's work. Goes to the senate for trial. Walk as a private citizen, goal now is to convict in and make sure he can never run again and some republicans Firstly, back by Mcconnell mokanna wanted a vote for this to vote all the democratic and convict. Without a hearing a shredded testimony. I guarantee you that will go down in history, assuming we have a history one day. A hundred years hundred fifty years from now is one greatest shams at american institutional history? people writing in support of it to be noted. For how wrong they are and how wrong they were
this is the first impeachment I'm reading about. Basically, this ukraine stuff. and then we have macao, whose Thirdly, supported by in the best way, establishment ruling class republicans and not just those who elected but those who been around forever, who you know like the here themselves talk say a hell of a lot salient much new pray, my follow the Mcconnell republican line, ripe ferrari and Mcconnell. Garland would be on the bench. What do you say that. you're telling me another leader, a conservative leader. Whenever enough sense to stop that, of course, they would we talked about it. Indeed, Mcconnell acted. now, but you don't understand. I understand a hundred percent he's getting credit for Instead, I think any republican leader would do not you know,
collins- or at least some Back to they help for real action by the way both of them said they're not likely to vote for trump of he's the nominee. That's the kind of Republican said Mcconnell supports, I believe I know askew ask, you said believe I believe councillor from wrong, I'm wrong, but their been other romney. That matter and so you have these two phony impeachment. Phony mahler investigate. I think everybody agrees even than ever. Trumpery said the charges in manhattan are outrageous. people with common sense understand the charges in georgia are pathetic. And they really smart among us understand that what has been done these charges. On january six and even the document case totally with all the cutting of corner.
the expanding definitions of the law, the ignore The presidential record jacked and the king and the denial of attorney, client, privilege and all the rest is a sham She don't believe in the american judicial change that the american justice system. and man all this creates a precedent for the future all on and that's the problem, even putting trump aside floodgates had been thrown wide, open now wide open I don't know how you shot him and get the water back in there. I don't know, I don't think he can. I don't think he can. And we're right back then? Is your cell phone in desperate need of
placement. You know the signs right battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen that gives you glass splinters, ouch time to put that old, phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free, five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra. Guerrilla glass. When you sign up for pure, marks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy you could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say mark levin for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk pound to five zero
mark Levin pure talk. Simply smarter wireless is very interesting. Is why they're leaking have to figure out he's by day and why you see I should means, democratic, new york or something I don't know what the means There are some interesting information, often from that perspective, sometimes just information parliament has pursued a high wire legal strategy and tramping cores passing judgment Lenny any some, just informing you of this we are after receiving a subpoena from a grander investigating, far present trumps attempts. They write government told us twenty twenty like. Can we stop there for a minute? I only Have the swim against the earth,
What is it the waves into the waves, whatever it is against the stream trumps attempts to overturn the twenty twenty election? America. We are surrounded by ignoramus some of whom are legally lusts, some of whom are just miranda coasts, politicians, whatever. The election is not over. he'll congress says it's over. There are different, steps to an election for president and vice president of the united states. Voting is one step one step, then Decisions are made, the state level.
First and foremost, the electors have to vote, then. the list of the electors. Has to be affirmed rise by governor, sometimes and sectarian states. Sometimes the chair of the board of a light. Whatever. And sent to the arc of history and I stay- stay legislature, for instance, disagrees with what took place They are the primary role under a constitution, but apparently not in John roberts courtroom to if it thinks they are We must set a another group of elector, but that is a no to this right now, so the election still isn't over the archivist. Then sends the electors. The states to the
secretary or whatever it is the house the scent of whatever it is whatever the bureaucratic they send it to that person and on january sixth, congress make determination. If it is going to accept the electors, certain electors, all electors whatever it is, the states congress has the final say, not the supreme court. Not any court not the attorney general in the department of justice, not a special council, on the one hand they say the work place. Ungenerous six was an insurrection to try and prevent congress from voting on the electors, ripe. On the other hand, they say that trump try to overturn the election.
With his battles in the states in the in the in the electors and other which is it where it says that. Maybe try to overturn the election which he can. Do, even if, wanted to prior getting to congress. I want to turn interaction that try to prevent congress from Heaven final say on an election. We one was a totally a bar. We just wanted to be all the above. Alright, so I wanted Like the language of the nimrod soup, who came up Irish themselves, as journalists, legal spurgeon, analysts, when winter, after receiving a subpoena from a grand jury investigating former present trump's attempts to return the the twenty twenty election mark, meadows commenced state get dance with federal prosecutors, spin awfully silent. I mention that a couple months ago, so something's up typically a working with prosecutors.
And, of course, he's not named by the federal prosecutors in any of those cases. He is named by the georgia prosecutor, who remember her father was an active member, the black panthers, so definitely objective here choice but to show up and eventually to testify. Yet MR meadows trumps, final white house, for staff, initially decline, answer certain questions. Second to us, a boss, his position? They were sure to executive privilege. Of course I was stripped from trump by the cap. judge who ever seeing his so called january six case, which an outrageous decision, but can the Democrats one day will pay the price assembly? We have some republican to know what the hell they're doing, prosecutors working for the special council challenged trumps executive privilege claim, while of course, they lost so what'd meadows do high wire legal act and a new challenge medal.
Strategy of targeted assistance to federal prosecutors and think, like public Silas, largely get him out of the forty five Age election interference indictment that smith filed help amend folding county george, of course, for the reasons I said, let us tactic reflected in some degree as tendency to avoid conflict and leave different people, believing that he agreed with them. There also dictated by his unique position in trumps. We're on the illegal jeopardy in his presence. Bottom line of this article is this: he avoided being indicted. Because you agree to work with the prosecutor to appoint The prosecutor agreed not to make a public mess, The thing is your cell phone in desperate need of it. I you know the signs right sure,
battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Cracked screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch, it's time to put that old phone to rest and upgrade to a new five G. Samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure talks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks on me: plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk to five zero say mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless.
Yes, it's true marshall event is the fastest growing radio show in amerika. Mark love and show is on that. Eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, one of the better lawyers out there. The most have you never heard of is a gentleman by the name of george to welcome. He was a pretty attorney general at one point, a billion. Of course. Now. He's the one who's been. representing meadows and honestly been doing a hell of a job And tat you. I've talked to them in a decade or so since the irish contra stuff give or take. But that said meadows is in good hands with that. Guy. You don't seem on tv
He doesn't have bombast, that's not his personality, is actually very nice decent individual. if he likes trump or not, and that, of course, is the The trick is in an issuer. Job is to represent a client. didn't we know you want to get caught up in the politics and all the rest of it distinguished from bill bar relative Represent anybody any more but himself and his out there just a blunder bust in my home opinion theme Be friends they probably are, but it's completely different ways protein, this stuff into well occurs these sort of the consummate professional You know we talk about the destruction of the constitution and what you see in front of you now is its complete obliteration.
You have to buy is now defying a? U s supreme court decision on separation of powers. Ground says: hey, look you do not The power to spend four hundred billion to a trillion dollars in student loan, so called forgiveness. Amazing, how many people have mortgages car loans or credit get up the wives zoo in you, don't get any court in court forgiveness. Do you that such a passive word? We, the taxpayer,. or on the hook for somebody else's loans. Well, your pain down your own loans, while these all right, get more money than you think mine is buying their votes. These are mostly maloney, also not exclusively there. No. They need that vote. like they know they need the vote.
I mention this- was regurgitating by a friend on radio and tv notice. They need the rope. of the unmarried single woman without children that their abortion vote. why there so radicalized by It- that is the democratic party. They don't do anything if it's not for power. Nothing But you're watching the cards to show Your eyes being destroyed and that so you destroy the country. But the same party in the same people who hate the people who wrote it hate the people who adopted it hate the people are ratified it and The people I read, journalists who are not Did they go in the courts to uphold it, and they way it around like a little marxists, and this is the problem
was so called some people on our side. For a variety of reasons, some of which are fly balls, headaches, mental illness or just stay flat out: hey tromp, that's fine! They are prepared Despite what they say and see the destruction of the republic and through that, the distress the constitution a single indictment, that's been brought against trump, is an indictment against. The legitimacy of our system now seriously, you hear them say when the big cases, the documents hit, let's step back, let's look at the document really. You Wang this thing. you're wearing this thing, you're in the department of justice.
And you tell them yeah you go ahead and get a search warrant get into that damn place who's a swat team. We want to make sure nothing's destroyed, make sure this a lot of tv. There make sure the I logos on the back, you know so nobody gets shot and server will get into mara largo go into the home and grabs. and they get a warrant from sky in florida that you can drive a truck through. I dont care with the former federal prosecutors. I've read warrants. What this warrant is, And they also know the history of that clause in the constitution, probable cos. It was general large that they rejected general warrants, and this is a general one, something you can the boxes euros over there and anything around it. Boxes around and other jack, that's not an As a legitimate warrant. That's a search- strong mission now.
I won't get into the weeds again tonight anyway,. But if that's the most legitimate case of all these cases, when he have. You listen to these guys split hairs on these networks. While he had these documents, he wasn't aloud. by all means: listen dynamo boy had closed doc him tomorrow, larga, which of course has a fortification protected by the secret service and by the way, sometimes, happy eyes there, ok great While he mishandled documents, I would get him utterly espionage act for that. One. You have to be looking cross the rubicon to bring that case.
Particularly given precedent with Hillary Clinton, with bill Clinton with others, particularly given president, were they judge's ruling? Another obama judge for god's sakes, dc year. A court judge Jackson, their online jackson, their apparently judge jackson, Clinton and his satchel, with the club So five video in there So we have literally split hairs, debated where's vacation issue. What does that constitute another for entertaining issues that have we're even been imagined before large transport, though it's not transform. Presidents and vice presidents and, dare I say, cabinet sectors, even attorney general. Dare I say what do you say bill.
have taken documents home when they shouldn't. I can remember when lawrence wash, who was independent council, about seven centuries, as head of the irish country. Investigation which went on for about eight years He spent like eighty million dollars in much like smith, he was targeting people reagan, bush, niece, shorts, wine, burger regan and a host of others. And the reason why, as you say, because they gave these toe missiles. I went did, or somebody did the iranian regime in exchange for hostages and so forth, and went in the money went
towards the freedom fighters, and they got very clear, planned by the way and they said there was a violation of the bowl on amendments to the budget bill But there were serious constitutional questions about whether the ball and amendments could control the executive branch, his power to conduct foreign policy, so this was huge dispute, but it didn't abortion care. so little birdie contacted me when I was representing attorney general meese. Reagan, administration was over. He asked if I would represent him. I said a hundred percent He said I have anything to pay us at that. Doesn't matter you had to pay me. Even on a government sally for so many years under reagan, it was my honour and guess what.
And I even put this in the report. We had a right. You see to write a report that was appended to the prosecutors report, which was a what Fourthly, lie after another, but it didn't matter we got to attach. report, as did the others. Because a little birdie had told me. the large walsh had been a deputy attorney general under Dwight eisenhower. A liberal republican who hated reagan telling you this hate stuff goes back to. reagan and goldwater- it's not just trump and lawrence walsh,. Had to suitcases folded classified material that he brought on a commercial airliner near it's melbourne. It's unbelievable. He checked
Suitcases MR producer into the general luggage He leads in los angeles from Washington DC because he's interviewing ronald Reagan, as what doesn't show up much to produce. The two suitcases full of classified information, that had been sent through the law. each system, He never showed up, they never showed up the fbi. Two weeks looking for they never found him. No lawrence washed in how many protections you're just a prosecutor, So what happened allowance was nothing
is he charged with the espionage act? Of course not. how many, even though this story, if I didn't tell it, none of you- can publish report public report. I don't want to hear this crap that would Donald trump. It is unprecedented and any should a prison for three hundred years and is have been done before and look out reckless. He is and all the rest of it. I want a circle back in a moment got more on this guy when we return I'll, be right back. Is your cell phone in desperate need of placement. You know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charger on hand. Cracked screen that gives you a glass splinters ouch, it's time to put that old phone to rest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free.
Five g samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display an ultra strong guerrilla glass. When you sign up for pure talks, unlimited talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for half the price of the big carriers. America's most dependable five g network make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy. When you switched of your talk. to five zero say: mark Levin pure talk, simply smarter wireless So many of you listen to this programme because you, like my perspective on things and bring my history and experience to it a lot my reasoning here- a lot of
institutional issues, history present day issues, I think common sense. You might call some of this as well as a institutional, conservative, imagine that all in a new book, time together. The poisonous Activities in history and actions of the democratic party- it's called the democrat party, hates america people Already looked at his head is the most important book. I've read, and I agree with that. It is the most comprehensive take on the democratic party from a liberty perspective, probably in modern history, if not all history, and this is in chess, regurgitating stuff fear gonna- find some really draw helping information that will be very useful to you, and you too about these issues with family and friends and colleagues and neighbours, and so forth, as priority pre this book and get a first edition copy at four
percent off. If you act now, the days are too running, the clock is ticking for its please. After labor day encouraging or amazon dot com grab your copier copies, even if you're thinking about a gift the future. You want to get the first edition because, as soon as the book comes out, the first edition for my books sell out So, jumping now, if you're thinking about it, if you really want something that is intriguing enticing. very, very informative and substantive, and yet entertaining this is the buckets toll on one to democratically he hates america. It's available now this guy large, wash IRAN contra investigator in addition to checking classified information, it was into suitcases, eddie checked in the general law, Jerry and it never came out the f B- I never found them
means he should have be prosecuted, go to prison, but now they wanted to get reckon. I would never have it was also reported by a patriotic federal contractor on a commercial aircraft. Who was sitting behind walls in one of his prosecutor, aids. Then he was reading top. I supplied information with the striped cover on the airplane front of anybody who wanted to read over his shoulder. Another violation of the espionage act, there's. Nothing happened to him as he kept secret sacred quiet many times this happens about tracking luggage and, of course, has the patriot act. None of these other people at the patriot act patriot at present to record jacked excluded
documents, cases a farce, like all the rest within its not destroying it may be the strongest case, whatever means, but it's still a farce, a third Blockbuster hour I'll be right back I fringe one in twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at helstone com You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la
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anyway. I want to read something to you book, an establishment is mostly flat footed flat, voted in the face of them. A party in the american marx's agenda, does not exist. To fundamentally transform america the one who refuses to acknowledge, take effective affirmative and pro active steps to counter the democrat parties agenda. The forces of american marxism wait a minute. Wait a minute get to do something: one of the hat tipp to learn. Who is an exquisite Dog trainer has are too little beautiful baby. He's for the next three weeks. And by all accounts
Settling in very nicely, but I miss them Joyous absolutely mean they are puppies. we gotta get house trained at least get some help towards. That goal. and just sure their safe together. That's all it whence I may thrilled man, but it takes time. there are puppies and they had brutal backgrounds, anyone can do a lot and can cause that's my daughter's named to our duration. So we give our had to parade now back to business there welcome party establishment is mostly flat, footed obvious The republican party does not exist to fundamentally transform america, but when I refer
just to acknowledge, take effective affirmative and pro active steps to counter the democratic parties agenda, the forest American marxism, in too many cases acquiescent, contributes to them. The republic Party fails in its most important mission. To defend the american people from a democratic party. literally hates the country and is destroying From within that's five, no stomach for than ever trappers. Or even though started for the people trashing the scientists in some of these other patriots. Who knows look make for it because we're losing the country. Moreover,. Unlike the democratic party, the republican establishment would rather betray its own base. Conservatives try to marginalize it then battle the damn
brad party, preferring to make appeals to the democratic party media and stemmons straight there, so by partisan common sense in pursuit of temporary political power and positive media coverage. Send a republican leader mitch, Mcconnell and the like, mitt romney so in collins, leeson rakowski, chris sue, acer, hutches, Chris Christie are but a few contemporary examples of this defeatist mindset. It is also one reason why they and republicans like them constantly talk Donald trump rhonda santas ted crew, My glee and others who understand the nature of the threat and are willing to confront it. Takes uncommon, fortitude, prince was and foresight
recognize and engage the democratic party at surrogates and the american marxist movements. In addition, it literally putting your career and freedom on the line last year with a rearguard action from quisling. So within the republican party. Even with all this, I don't believe it can be said that the republican party as an institution hates america or exists to again fundamentally transform america. it's not the home of the various marxist movements that plucked alien and a thousand ways against america, and then the crab party seeks to effectively sideline the republican party with repeated efforts to carnal eyes to cartels card ally's control over the electoral process, which it is close to achieving. Already having near monopoly control over the culture
you, my guess. This is the last chapter, the democratic party hates america So what is the answer is just a little piece of it. Just give you a taste. publishers, like authors, to end their books where proposals for addressing or fixing the problems they raise fiddle. Get virtually all my prior books, I do that the proposals. I suggest, as I look back on them, were very important, and, I believe, remain important and you can look at them. The liberty amendments in turn the american marxism and so forth. However, in the end As I spend more than a year researching in writing this book, because obvious to me that a democrat already is a treacherous political organization getting back to its founding. That its obsession with self empowerment and societal control
ever embraced, americanism and its the. T through which and in coordination with american marxism, that is self this- Progressive ism in democratic socialism, in is to impose top down a top down revolution, in every way, this reality must be communicated to as many people as possible, in other words, the first step to identify the autocratic danger. The democratic party represents without Kay coding and hesitation is my deepest hope that this programme, time is pain. Pamphlet to the early colonists will help us. Our fellow citizens to the eggs existential threat as they like to say and rally peacefully to the cause before darkness descends on this republic,. moreover, every legal, legitimate and appropriate tool and method
be employed in the short and long run to shatter to share the democratic party in its answer, in fundamental transformation agenda. Emma party must be resoundingly conquered in the next election or it'll become extremely difficult to undo the damage. It is unleashing at breakneck speed. This must be followed quickly by launching an instituting measures to deny the democratic party that kind of power control presently wields against society. For example, this includes corralling dismembering Corralling and dismembering the democratic these administrative state. Some of the same strategies and tactics employed by the democratic party gives the republican party the culture, and Targeted opponents must be employed against it. The dammit, a party must be effectively neutered or tat time
we're agenda, will become permanent societal fixtures. I do not possess the wisdom or assume the arrogance ride a comprehensive to do less. You'll hear that from Christie tomorrow, perhaps for back and so on. to be used in all circumstances and on all occasions,. There are tens of millions of us love our country, families and our freedoms. Anyone Every corner of the turn every walk of life can and must find ways to promote liberty and defeat tyranny and adding moves. Indeed, it requires the empowering and dismantling of the democratic party, and that starts.
Will you Paul reveres carrying them ass, explaining what is taking place. To an uninformed, her acquiescence, population in responsible for it. The democratic party stands for the relentless pursuit apparent control america's. The principle of individual and human liberty the dispersion of political and governmental power now the roma if the public lasted for one hundred and eighty two years, the empire over one thousand, but the roman republic lasted a four hundred and eighty two years. I reply It is only two hundred and forty seven years old. The democratic parties succeeds, the american
permit will have failed. That's how I closed the book If the writing some four hundred pages and making the case. From history philosophy. From there icon so called to modern day. It is hardly regurgitation as an exposition This is my view, the most comprehensive book ever written on this subject. If there's another, let me know what it is. And you will have here. Ladies and gentlemen, I have encountered how many a no turn this book.
But its enormous- and I consider them for reference if you want to use them for reference. But there are. I'll give you the number pages in the forest is quite small at sea of my direction, in addition, is up to speed. Excuse me, let me just put it This way there are hundreds and hundreds of end notes used column footnotes there at the bottom of the page. You can check. The sources yourself and you can see I give credit to people I watched another show two long ago, the ceiling with a host but the words right out of my mouth from last night. Not even talking about fox for you, for you, people, oops imo, said mister bennet over media, but that's beside the point he might seem
Have you been talking about this, but for many weeks now let me ask you a question. since I'm the only one who wrote it. and other than a handful of editors and my wife, I'm the only one who read it: beginning and who else is there to talk about it right now that day will come when its released, but are met I can't go on fifty shows right now talk about a book, that's not even released yet so it's you and it's me, and it's always been that way. This is my tenth book, I'm not sitting here in carrying a number of books. I remembered how does its once offered to me solicited. That is written fifty, but I'm sure, we're all great
I have no interest in writing. Fifty books, none every one of the books I write has my heart and soul and my brain power behind them every one of them a book like this, the longest I've ever written an ice spectres, a typo tuna. We do our best, we do our best. Then we fix and, of course, our enemies pick up on. Rather than the substance of the book, in the other hundred thousand words that are in the book doesn't look at that. You ve got the word, is twice or something like that. The care they don't matter and by the way that The cool thing about having a first edition like stamps or coins, or whatever any little technical, clerical corrections like that they occur in the second edition. The first edition is, it Maybe that's what's gone from me to you
My point is that it saying that's in this book, I'm responsible for nobody else. I'm responsible for all of the good, the ban in the ugly and trust me. It's all good. But it's very ugly because of the topic. One person you know said to me: I couldn't put this book down but then again. I couldn't stop fretting about what's going on Said one, then you for achieved the purpose, the goal of a book don't put it down. And talk to anybody you made about it, not the book, the substance, the book. What's in it the points in the book it so crucially important in I don't just pat myself from the back. I want to thank.
hundreds and hundreds of brave salt through Among us today. But many of whom have passed. Many of whom have warned us about fifty a harvard professor other professions. Other philosophers long gone they deserve the attention and the credit to, but in many this is, I cannot state their argument better. So I won't. But you'll see, there's an enormous amount of my own writing and thinking in here as well. So I would encourage you tonight, don't wait. What are we waiting for priority, Put comes out after labour day it'll be you're doorsteps and were often run
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Circling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you, Welch's, less fruit stuff from the one three one one. No you heard what I read at the end of the book. Democrat party must be destroyed, not just defeated. If we are to survive as a republic, People say like bill bar played rising their show, the nominees or binding trump jump off that bridge. When I get there of a buoyancy see issue, so I wouldn't recommend that bill. But that just shows who his ignorance. And that he has no,
No concern about the future of this country and I would say the same about others in. I was critical of mccarthy. I didn't attack him but You know he says he's not alarmed by the way. There's many sorts noticed him he's not four trump attributed now many interests can win anyway. So what's the problem the country will be destroyed anyway, Ladies and gentlemen, we men and women and uniform often in secret, Who fight for the future, this country in every give up. Eddie, a grandfather when fortunate passed away at the age of seventy. Eight.
Who join the marines at the age of thirty four after we were attacked pro harbour, He wound up seeing hand to hand combat. are you a gmo is falling guam, he said. at the same time whose Of witham, rather when he sign up His brother law went by them A tug is really was william. married to his sister. Obviously, he joined the marines as well, and he forty guadalcanal. These are two very tough men. Used to drive one of those all trucks from I'm in town in philadelphia. To call country in pennsylvania, philip there there rickety truck with as much cause they could afford. Drive back to german town
Where they were then go door to door and sell it. Because call was used to heat up. Stoves and heat homes at the time now, of course, we can't even use natural gas, but you get the point. These were men who had little or nothing. And they loved this country. They were second generation. In the case of the rubens anyway, my grandfather, his father, had fled russia. ah great russia and the programmes Just fifteen came to the united states, love this country His son, my grandfather, love this country. His daughter, my mother, love this country.
His name was maurice. He hated his name. Went by their name, a mountain. They went by the name, a mile in talked much about what took place. and he would GMO Guam. but as we got a little older, he spoke very brief and it was horrific what they did to her. p o w on that island, both islands. The middle of the night. They could hear them screaming, they were being tortured. and so on. They were Jima, they decided they were not going to take any prisoners alive. we used to fight wars and win them today, of course, at all, be court martial than they'd be any more.
hey prison, So when I hear people in this country have never faced anything like that, never We like it, wouldn't dream of facing anything like it. With between version by now jump off that bridge. When I get to it, you know efforts between burma. I excuse me trump and by I'm not vote. Four tramp And he's gonna lose anyway and that country's dead. You know, I think the myself you gotta be kidding me. You have got to be kidding me. I can only imagine my grandfather would say about what's going on by the way he was a Democrat, wasn't it eddie alike?
he wasn't even a liberal. He was a rock solid conservative, but in philadelphia the party Duffy he lived in. It was democrat. So is a Democrat. Didn't mean anything to him and the Democrats back then we're not the democrats of today. They simply were not they weren't marxist, god's sakes. They were not even John Kennedy Democrats. For the most part, they were more conservative, So when you think about what somebody like that had to deal with, we came back from the war, honourably discharged, For then, and for our families, a big man, he was over six feet. Two inches taller was very strong. Work out. He was very strong. He'd been a boxer
amateur boxer, just for the hell of any box. It was a tough man. I remember the first time I saw me war leather coat there, one from You know the back of his neck and shoulders down to his knees. One of those Still remember this code, it was tan anymore, stetson,. Any talk like this. Because he lost his voice while fighting over, which he lost his voice and you never get it back.
And when I know em percy was a much older man, his hands would shake figures. Shock heating complain. Did your shock. In other words, he wasn't the shaggy man who came back. Any neither was his brother in law teddy Mass of ants could break your next snap. He wasn't the same man either. The one thing he told me
Is one night only would dream. He was with a hundred and five men. They plenum up, it was horrendous, they couldn't dig in was volcanic ash. The japanese were dug in and they all top sir. Despite all the the fire, that had been senator that ireland from the ships so many of them were sitting ducks, they couldn't begin, they couldn't Foxholes in everything And he told me that he was sent to get What we have more ammunition- and he came back.
At about one hundred and five with them, there were about twenty left. He said it was unbelievable again, he barely were talk about. It was horrific island. From him learned from my father, my mother. there. We are blessed to be in this country. And those of us who sit on our asses and our air conditioned home. Post things on social media. In the weeds splitting hairs about the niceties of the law on documents and whether trot
this document in the bathroom or in his closet, where these made the crimes of this century, for which you Go to prison for hundreds and hundreds of year makes me sick to my stomach sector, my stomach I'm almost sixty six years- I don't you know the vietnam vets. They're in the seventies and eighties, some early nineties, if they talk to table. the horrific things they confronted. With a vehicle, the annoy vietnamese, all supported by the communist chinese and others. Torture and the horrendous jungle conditions, the mosquitoes the snakes, the the And all the rest,
There being trashed by the dim. Crap party in the left here at home, burning our cities. claiming it was on their behalf when they are undermining our war effort. Last time we had a draft. I anybody in this country today would even understand what a draft is about: half people who are draft, we gotta Canada, whatever. they must be saying to themselves the same. Damn thing I just said accepting the right to say it. You sent me over there to fight these communist bastard. I lost my wife. I lost a big chunk of my life. I lost my best friend. I lost people No, but it was horrific.
All in south east asia and was very young canoe and look what you doing in my country Look at what you are doing to my country, our care for your former federal prosecutor with the attorney general, the united states, the current. Turning journal, the united states, the babbling fool in the over, I don't care. These people have no respect now, whatsoever for the people who, created this fantastic country and the people who defended it. And apparently attacking them too much to use their various public perches postings columns parents is on tv
it is on radio paralysed, It's gonna little to gain much. There stand for this country. right back more is yours I'll phone in desperate need of replacement. You know the signs right sure battery lives, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen. They. You glass, splinters ouch time to put all phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free, five g same song galaxy with today, battery life edge to edge display and all a strong guerrilla glass when you sign up for pure drugs are limited, talk text and fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks a month plus it comes with mobile hotspot, get all the daddy. You could ever need for a half the price of the big carriers, america's most dependable five g network make this
to my cell phone company pure talk today, just style pound to fifty and say markel event for your free super, durable five g samsung galaxy when you switched of your talk a pound, five zero say mark live in pure talk, simple smarter wireless. I understand this is a combat. Rich So make a difference to anyone. I don't know if anybody else and that stages, maybe one or two hours. I just don't know. As is the nature of our politics and vivanco, be the first to say so. getting hit pretty hard right. Now, in many ways, deservedly so I mean if you're gonna air somebody in editor, too,. De berulle more, why? Why are some your past.
that'll catch up with you. Or your relationship with E paul Soros foundation that I'll catch up. or comments to make related to nine eleven that I'll catch up with you. Can these full interviews are available. I know it all say, but I'm sure telling you folks, even if you want to vote from you, have got to study these candidates. You ve got to know who believes in what I've said over and over again probably some of these candidates have heard me the problem, with an outsider ever prime, with a blank slate. This blank slate as being filled now, as you might expect. From I suppose, opposition research fox has some stories out there. The atlantic has some stories out there and you might ask us- maybe maybe not, I don't know,
I don't I'm always sceptical sceptical as somebody person involved in the conservative movement and doing their show for decades of somebody. I never heard always son. They show up, that's great go for it baby, but then gonna, be scrutinised, you have to be You want to be president. The united states. Most of what I know I taught myself I learned myself- I couldn't wait to get out of public school so confining for me. Believe in learning by their numbers, like paint by the numbers, something interesting. I will pursue to the ends of the earth. Supervision in the constitution, I want. Why is there and I will begin-
Emily Laurence, tribe and looting, and all these other phonies and frauds to tell me what they think. I don't care. What they think doesn't mean a thing to me: What do I care what they think when I go to original sources and figure it out myself I feel the same way we candidates, you amber in twenty. Sixteen. My primary kennedy was tied crews and by the way, I think you would have been a great president. but he was defeated, fair and square by down. Tromp and I didn't like donald trump stack exactly like a mobile told, the exact I thought behind this microphone. Today, some of the nimrods go up there. You are never trapper, there was never a never trapper set for twenty four hours. I mean I've got years and years, we years approval, but that's not the point I was invited
to be one of the twenty five authors by national review, trashing trump, I said no thank you He was the nominee and then he gave a great speech at gettysburg. He talked to me several times. I said alright, this guy is the real deal he really wanted does want to save the republic. I quickly endorsed I didn't trump gadget. I'm not writing from, but a lot of these nimrods that's what they did for one of the folks going to do. If it's the santas by some chance you're not going to vote for him. Everything I talked about tonight is meaningless. or a tomb scott or somebody like that seriously I will be on tomorrow night, before the debates three hours, I hope, you'll be with us, don't forget to run the amazon dot com gotta. Do is ask, and you can get your prayers. Taken care of.
Salute all you heroes out there and you tremendous patriots. God bless you I'll see them tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-24.