« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/18/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, if Democrat groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or Weather Underground try to overthrow the government, even violently, they are called peaceful protesters and the DOJ comes to their defense. If you’re part of the Proud Boys or any pro-Trump group, you get the book thrown at you by Democrat prosecutors and face decades in prison. It is amazing how violent Marxists are treated by the media and federal prosecutors, especially when they attack Federal buildings with Molotov cocktails and attack the White House. Democrat Marxists are ruining the country with their ideology, turning beautiful cities into third world disasters and destroying our culture. Also, Vivek Ramaswamy is probably the best public speaker running for President in 2024, but with the thinnest credentials. Israel does stand on its own two feet, and not surviving on American aid which he claims. Israel is a very important ally in a very dangerous part of the world, and a counterweight to dangerous nations like Iran. We cannot embrace a Bernie Sanders-type foreign policy and expect to survive, because our enemies will choke us economically and force us into more wars.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the The The america living here, our number aids when seven three, eight one three on one, eight, seven, seven, three one three, eight one one Ladies and gentlemen, there some deep concern out there. but a hurricane look, so good sporting off the pacific. Did you see? This must reduce her
Sarah hurricane hilary. Hurricane hilary, and their concern that the Mccain. Hillary will be dumping. all kinds of liquids and fluids, all kinds of water, just horrendous and california. You know that the state can handle a lot of water. and you see a homes bill on the where sir, in tops and all kinds of things to happen. So we hope our friends would be ok. But now they're gonna know what it's like. We have hurricane hilary here on these coasts, tory ugly, very ugly. And the impact on the climate, what they should. Colleagues, may change salaries, just unbelievable hurricane hilary. Just thought you'd want to know the sky. We told
that before actually yesterday who's in obama- I Who decided to hold water back and his accuse now preventing access to more water by the far and environments on maui. Because he's a climate change fanatic. already. I would love to know how many lives have been lost, but how many people harm Or injured, as a result of climate change fanatics who we know the reliance on electricity. Tracy alone and the growing alliance and electricity is nuts, so we have a complete so fusion electricity. setting the iron on fire and a. An individual, apparently they reported lakes use me reportedly involve
Withholding water from the fire department, not directly He wouldn't give them more water. They asked force, that's direct enough as far as I'm concerned. climate change, the future hits just gonna be fantastic. Euralia starvation The union set a minimum. All these Things are going to take place. Anyway? I want to move on here. You know states, department of injustice is asking for a thirty year sentence for them. here the proud boyish, whose can did of sedition. This is how scene and reports it they just Superman is seeking three decade: prison sentences for the leaders, plural of the poor, Boys convicted of seditious conspiracy
Adding and leading the crowded, the generous six twenty twenty one capital right, positioning. The man has failed thuggish Political revolution is weird. I thought Donald trump was sponsible for this must but in a new court filing prosecutors, say and illegal trio, either nor dean, Joseph big accurate, real and dominican, zella, peseta coding, surely position themselves The vanguard of political violence in this country for years on January six sought the chain the course of american who history? Don't you think this is a little dramatic Seriously folks, these guys, whether their armed iran arm they didn't show any weapons when they went into the building they didn't fire any weapons in the building. didn't use any knives or swords her hammers or anything when they were in the building they didn't use
per spray bear spray smoke stink bombs, nothing. And, according to the department justice, federal bureau of investigation and prosecutors. There were leading a revolution to overthrow the country. The jury found has all are not guilty of seditious conspiracy and he's not alleged have leadership positions in the organization, Guilty of having leadership positions in this crazy organization, or they guilty of having done something. To defend its understood, the stakes, the prosecution, embrace their role in bringing about a revolution, no revolution, The revolutions taking place right now, they at least forests on the capital that was calculus.
To exert their political will on elected officials, by force and Do the results of a democratic like this? Is an essay. This is an essay More nothing less Soldiers are the right arm the arm to keep leader in power, there will be trump. They fell, they are not heroes, they are criminals, scooters road in the news filing. kurt file, many ways. the summation of the years long effort but said turning its office in these two prosecutor. reed's rioters she's my they prosecuted one thousand one hundred inflict violence, the abuse. On january six, I thought there queues of leading a revolution or were they guilty, that is sedition where they found guilty of violets.
Typically earning somebody I don't know. more responsible for the attack than the leadership their militia group, the old keepers, whose staff Weapons just outside washington is backup and suited up terry geared to march into the riot They stashed weapons back up. Did they use them? No. I'm sorry, I'm just being honest. I know I'm not allowed to be. A I was gonna, be a white supremacist me. The jew store, so founder. The oath capers received this sense of eighteen years in prison for his. On january, six, following his fiction of seditious conspiracy, belong and so far among any defended from that day they asked lady get twenty five years. The conduct of these defended is more egregious than that of the oath keepers of defendants, greater sentences. The prosecutors wrote critical that
Court imposed significant sentences of incarceration and all the defended In this case, to convey those who would mobilise such political violence in the future that their actions will have consequences are really is there one black lives matter, individual involved in violence who served twenty. I refer to use from others to pay both lawyers, ivy league lawyers in new york. Molotov cocktails police cruiser member that MR bidders member that american promoting cocktail under police crews, thank god, the peace For in their cruiser. The department of justice took a different position department of justice had looked. These are first offenders. They meant well. They were really trying to hurt anybody. You, member this america and they got
off. They spend a minimal amount of time and minimal miniscule, and they got out at the rio most of the united states department of justice. So you're gonna have some people, thirty years, the other guy doing? Eighteen years I don't know the man on other groups. thirty years, they're asking the other guy eighteen years and the poor through molotov cocktails. I pity cruiser obviously trying to kill us one or two police officers. There. Same department of justice argues that. They've had enough time in jail. I think it was like six eight ten twelve months at max and they let them out. this is why I read these stories to you. I can block
like everybody else, her. I don't need the greek If the comes along with we'll talk, About these things, but I'm talking about these things. It makes no sense does it unless you understand. What's going on money. To hear these prosecutors talk about revolutionary activity, black lives, and her talk specifically about overthrowing the country. It pushes the mock marxists doctrine is very specific about they don't talk about them. Way that the revolutionaries, even though they claim to be revolutionists trying to overthrow The government, even though they claim that they're trying to overthrow the garment same within teeth. So you see if certain people want overthrow the government even violently their peacefully protest.
Then at least two cases the department of justice will come to their defence. But if you're part of the proud boys. While you gotta get thirty years, each of them thirty years. I watch these shows on television, in addition, are doing a tunnel reading them. I gave any watcher the first forty eight shows like that. And sometimes the circle back to show you know, but the kind of the seas. People get Murders get thirty years, sometimes The chance for parole, sometimes not murders, yet thirty murders.
the fact is these people even come close to overthrowing the united states government they didn't come even close. It was ugly. It was violent. you wanna talk about ugly and violent everyone. The porter regan. freedom, terrorists who gave freedom fighters. We're sitting in the gallery. A house representatives may unloaded their pistols. They actually almost killed one charisma and hid others. And train overthrow our country
point in lead most of the mouth. Barack obama, let the last winter. Or the explosions in new york. They killed cops member them or Barack Obama, whose body was a domestic tariff. Students for democratic action- remember them. people were injured in the end people act got killed. Remember the to blow up the cap, building in the pentagon member Daniel Ellsberg, in the crowd member de l programme died recently is some kind of hero. Member all their though these are people who used real weapons bomb
guns murder. May him shot people blow up people and they were never. about like this. They all got lenient sentences. Are there Earl hourly case what obama's body there were. Some. The technical issue on his trial, so they were served a day that I understand so lecture, About this, please. And while we are here, already here. Their gummy violent efforts to overthrow the government. It can be nonviolent efforts to overthrow the government and every economy. the philosopher for the last hundred and fifty years as top about the west, non violent revolutions. They called passive revolutions.
There's thomas jefferson said: The tyranny of the elected, the tyranny, the legislature, it's just as bad in the end is the rest, because what you wind up with in modern times now. Police state of Europe Ben It helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the binding ministration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks record is no less than phenomenal, learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech,
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Nineteen sixties heirs airs rose to prominence as a leader, the far left, whether underground militant group. That's a marxist group described the epi as a terrorist group, nineteen sixty eight Sixty nine airs, co, founder of the weather underground, a revolutionary group modeled on the red guards in germany or the right. In china as well active at the same time that sought to overthrow what they viewed as american imperialism. Edward overthrew. Our government, though their underground, conducting a campaign of bombing public buildings, including police stations. The? U S, cap on the pentagon, drones, sixties and seventies in response to us involvement in the vietnam war? The bombings what a pity which cause no fight fatalities, except for three members killed. When one of the groups own devices, accidently exploded. that's three fatalities. You idiots resulted in areas being hunted as a fugitive for several years and charges. rob due to illegal actions by the fbi, agents pursuing them doesn't mean he was innocent, is a return.
professor now university of her Diversification inverashiel annoyed chicago formally holding the titles of distinguished professor. Two thousand, a? U s. Presidential campaign, a controversy, rove Rosa His contacts within Kennedy, Barack obama, and they kind of tropical That is not amazing, while not robbing it at all and which not thou bill, airs and more knows what you, about the muslim brotherhood and there association with a bomb in their visits to the white house during the course of his presidency, I will You do know how militant violent means sure groups are treated depending on who they are I'll be right back
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks record- is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious
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use of it, sir media cohorts and people come to believe these sites. Because, unlike you, people are not. Likely really look into history?. and by the way and get a copy. The democratic party hates america right now for percent off secure your first dishing copy. It's a big deal, first edition happy just good amazon dotcom, yet a first edition happy at forty percent off as soon as it comes out honestly you're better than that What gets better than that is actually reading the book. You'll see how they flip the switch. The script all the time of the day Opposed in november, two thousand eight row bill airs the vietnam war eradicate, who was a campaign headache for Barack obama, says in a new afterward to his memoir that the two were neighbors and family friends. Here's reflect
superman who paperback release? Who is two thousand one member a fugitive days? The ape he obtain copy the new afterward thursday and then in education, professor universal annoy chicago. This is where all the stalinist go. They go to college campuses here's. How found the vietnam error radical group the whether under the weather, the weather men, I should say which can bombings at the pentagon in the capital and elsewhere, During these years, this the presidential campaign, John Mccain, accused of polly palling around with terrorists, because this past can In these two areas, in addition to me, candidate event airs, hosted more than a dozen years one Burma was starting his political career, as you obama served on a chicago school reform. Group and on a foundation board about
has denounced stairs violent past and centres was never involved in his white house campaign. But in the end, Word of his book airs notes. They just elaborate on the description of family friends and two thousand eighty says there was out of chatter, on the blogosphere by my relationship, Barack Obama, we had served. The board of a foundation new one another as neighbours in family friends, had an end. A fundraiser at my house, why made us? donation to israelis, political campaigners, rights, but obama, distance himself and later airs tried to distance himself. There were good friends there, if the ideological overlaps, if you will that's the truth,. And the media did everything they could to cover it up with a pillow. Try to smother it.
I remember all this year have some guts to command talk about it, to tell the truth, the one guy to keep hammering on this and hammering on this and hammering on those over and over and over again was hannity. on radio and on his tv, show and should it is well, but he he hid it over and over and over again, and he was right. Now the weather, men, the weather underground, they attacked our institutions with bombs, they shot paper. tried to burn things down. Honestly, I don't know anything about the proud boys. I don't know if they ve ever done anything like that, but I would assume if we knew then we'd hear about it. This is worse because they charge the capital building. This is Jackson, bhikshu This a judge, chuck
the one overseeing the trump on january sick. She said not in response to different sentencing, elena, This is worse than twenty twenty. She said what happened in two thousand six, because what is an assault on the capital building? Oh, I see. Because everything why are we getting more time than all these other people that had riots killed people. Stood billions of dollars and property or trying to overthrow the arrears. This is worse, that's the judge. Trump has she wanting refusers her. And by the way, very, very importantly, harmony of justice and smith have ass. This judge to set the trial
This so called general six case. It's not even the right way to put it, but just for short short cut in january. In january,. But is it for five months from? Can you imagine. and trumps floors. Smartly said now, it ought to be April. Twenty. Twenty five after the election and after the inauguration. now we'll see what this judge shrunken does we'll see what she does I think I know already no one here, people like bill Barr, leading furtive Heaven, Try on so worthy saw it. You know that cover in there constable acts all These cases should be after the election, if not dismissed on some and have grounds for many many reasons.
I just want you to know this, because people aren't gonna remember when I am reminding you of their country, remember even on our favorite cable network, lesser listening to this programme and certainly seen in an MSNBC while smother. and so will the new york slime says a smothered the holocaust. Then some of the washington post as its smothered the hunter bide laptop, I'm just telling. But seems to me the The weather man, the weather under groundwork, did it: how will our more damage to this country I don't know many people who served thirty years either. No, what's the muslim brotherhood, what's the muslim brotherhood. That sort of a civic organization. You know like the like the lines club,
It would add, is certainly civics organisation. Let's go back to Wikipedia whose no friend of ours. Be society, a muslim brothers known as the muslim brotherhood, his age transnational, sunni islamist organization, famine in egypt,. In nineteen twenty eight, actually is pan islamic, religious and social movement preached islam and Egypt called the? the right yeah yeah yeah, they group spread other muslim countries which still as one of its largest organizations in Egypt? But what about it. Both have really have the scroll down this. This tells you lied about wikipedia, doesn't I'm getting there. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me see if I can help you ago, twenty eleven revolution and after well
They were involved in a number of things, including the murder of it. Let me a different side. These guys are so pathetic The muslim brotherhood understood as an international terrorist organization, let me cut to the chase, let me cut to the chase. That's essentially what it is that essentially what it's been. And even according to the council on foreign relations, let's see here, course had started in Egypt. group, came to national power winning the presidency. Spring, you may recall in the early two thousands, and then there was a year an uprising overthrow. It. Brok. Obama was very sympathetic to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, cut Funding for them when they overthrew through overthrown
ousted hosni mubarak, in twenty eleven, the group's political arm on a plurality of seats in Egypt, lower house of the parliament, its candidate may remember. Mohammed Morrissey was elected president, but he was stood in a military coup, and I might say Thank god founded in eighteen. Twenty eight is a history of violence. Learned legitimacy among its cork did chauncey pretending to vienna feed the poor and so forth. but it's been a radical organization Help found these terrorist groups, These shoot ass in the Middle east, and here the muslim brotherhood in our own country, radical organization. They visited the white house repeatedly
The obama administration started this group care that was founded in a meeting in philadelphia. in order to promote the interests of Hamas, among others in this country. and those involved and founding including the muslim brotherhood and care, of course, is effectively an appendage of the democratic party and they went the obama white house over and over and over and over and over again, so keep that in mind. And only that during the obama administration care was paid to river, anti discrimination advice that is anti muslim discriminate. advice to the fbi and other parts of the department of justice. She can see black lives matter, anti fur.
the weather, men and the weather underground the porter. Independence, movement, The muslim brotherhood See feeders don't talk about them the way they talk about the proud boys, the oath keepers. In the vast majority people, those countries, white supremacist,. nominate defending the prow boys. I don't know anything about the proud boys I haven't even looked into it. I don't know Thing about the oath keepers, I haven't even looked into them either. but it is amazing to me: How violent marxists be even from. Twenty twenty riots treated by the media and federal prosecuted. In round up eleven hundred people and prosecute them. Lives matter, antifa, they weren't
only reporting to congress, the fbi and the attorney general that they were doing so. The biggest investor. Asian in our history now or why not. Wasn't that an insurrection, they said they wanted to overthrow the country an insurrection, only happen. What people are pro interesting are breaking into that, but a building not pretty, but what about it?. People who are trying to breach the the fence outside the white house. How many of them were rounded up? Member that media It's nancy Pelosi attacking. The department of justice attacking the park police attack. People are trying to protect the white house over fifty see. service person, our injured trumpeters
Emily would take you to the nuclear bunker under the white house. How come nobody ever talks about that, as an effort it insurrection to decapitate the executive branch. Trying to break into the white house and the way as grounds. What about it? Now you know What about it? You know what the hell's goin on we'll be right. It, It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals their tracks
record is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact with just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech levant six, eight five, nine to again text l easy. I am to six eight five nine to live in two six, eight, five, nine two are good. I gust of precious metals, dot com, that's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com You know I predicted people are gonna like that roma swami after this debate, because he smoothed he's very smooth, but here's my problem
I don't personally dislike them. Metal personally know him. Jose things that are kind of flip and their quick, and then we move on their, not very substantive. Now. What am I talking about?. I guarantee he's gonna say during this debate. I am not part of the swamp. I've never been in politics. It's one thing to be an outsider. It's another thing. Have no record whatsoever. of supporting conservatives of being conservative or writing conservative things are saying consumer thing. Supporting groups like the teapot, it meaning an adult he's a man he's a promise? Thirty, eight years old, there's nothing
As two years or so and beyond, nothing. Now it gives you an opportunity to say whatever you want using, Fortunately, this family to do this, someone to do this are not part of the swamp, but that doesn't Mean if you're not part of the swamp. she conservative, this ban Majority view in our part of the spot. I can find nothing absolutely nothing, He was on the show I asked- and I put it to. He came up with nothing. So for me I need some fingerprints somewhere and people are finding them with george soros and older brother. In any says some truly outrageous thinks about taiwan. We're going to have taiwan's help us build up our chip industry, hopefully by twenty third, five or twenty thirty eight and then we're going to then they're on their own. What
So why would Taiwan help us build up our chip industry? If aid president of the united states, has helped us and then you're on your own Anybody know why we have an alliance with taiwan, anybody get to that in a minute, but that that position. rejects every position of every conservative candidate and president since Barry goldwater. And ronald reagan and donald trump. What's not forever war, so that can't be the issue. She's gonna hand, taiwan, the communists training. Now what are they applications for that america. What are the implications? Oh good, the philippines or next, because what
so the philippines. To you and me they don't even have a chip industry. That's the problem. But yesterday he said something to me. There was equally, if not crazier, When you get to that in the next hour, I gotta deal with business here. Let me start this maybe I can end to wreck rama swami Effectively says: look, I want to help the core my Policy in the middle east will to get more abraham accords between, has run arab countries and then leave to get out of there. And we shouldn't give aid israel unless we give aid everybody in about the same amounts. Really does that appeal, I want to talk about this when we return, this isn't
This is an even we don't want any more forever. Wars wouldn't want to call where war three. This is it stream is Bernie Sanders foreign policy I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and concern If your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk dot com to find the plan, that's right for you! Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship. Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The america mark. Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one, eight haven't seven three one, three, eight one one so the background, the swami rights offer T. He made a statement, but our relationship with the state of Israel. Which essentially says look essentially. We should treat the arab states and israel on a level
I feel we should. And I ll give aid israel's much as we give to anybody else. We get all these arabic, words in there are many more them and then in a great israel into these sort of arab alliances and leave. We don't need to give them anymore aid, so he's I suggested that since. Call them out, I said, not good awful, actually relationship with Israel's very special should be treated like, say, yemen, then I said that. The back also through taiwan on the bus. He says in response centre piece of my middle east policy in year. One will be to consummate abraham accords to point out what good for the us and good for israel. Let's stop right there. How are you going to do that? Are you going to do that I'll get to that in a minute? Trump
today we can lead the way and helping Israel fully integrate into the economic and security infrastructure the middle east region Abraham, according to point no, it is better for everyone if Israel's truly able to stand on its own two feet, with support from pardon across the Middle EAST that we diplomatically bring to the table. We will not leave israel hanging out to dry ever. Ok, these state. Start work together. You can't integrate all this in any kind of a logical way. What I'm saying is an I'm a break it down. Rebecca is probably the best speaker, that's running with the thinnest credentials. now who move quickly between you, I've been a business man and are not part of the swamp and everything, but that's not good enough for me. It s not.
When I see some of these guys, who have fought like hell to stop the radicals from taking over a country and other part of this, What about my in that. So I wrote in response to the vague israel does not is, Does stand on its own two feet? It spent and I had a correct is over Percent of its gdp on defence- and it is for eighty four, seventy five years, a numerous wars and battles. Your stay is absurd. None it's a tiny country where few people, Its enemies not only receive billions and weapons from our enemies. The case of around billions of dollars from our country, the abiding policies. However, you the point entirely. Israel is an ally in a very dangerous part of the world. We need Israel as a counterweight to array. Syria, terrorist organisations etc. You see,
bolivia to america's need to have strong unreliable allies throughout the world? They help our own security needs forum. policy should be based on prudence. Not flip ideological comments. You're not ensuring our security you're, ensuring that we will need a much larger military. Many more service personnel vigour into Kids operations, more ships, more aircraft, etc. If we do is use just tell the words, One is we're not gonna bases, we're not going have allies out there who are looking for to help us. We're not helping them china and russia in the region pouring in and you have they ran, is apparent, be a disaster lies benefit from our support, but we ve been fit from them being our first line of defence in certain parts of the world. Your position is now well considered happen, discuss further with you on my radio show after next week's debate, although it's always tough to get you on. Moreover,
you can't just say: you are going to create more abraham accords are then walk away. First note will enter into a new accord. If we take here, jason. Why would they. you're just going to sweet talk them into it, our there is what created the accords, his presence tromp understood second, the abraham words actually expand? Our role in the middle east? china, russia and IRAN with salivate with salivate If we did, as you say, You say you support them. Meaning the abraham accords, centrally said the same about taiwan. Some taiwan will help us build a computer chip industry. Then we abandon them. That's nonsensical nor is it our best interests in our best interests from go, ordered a trump, No serious republican conservative has believed. As you do. I fear you foreign policy is more in line with Bernie sanders or the late george Mcgovern, maybe squat. I also.
It's much more likely to cause a world war, China and others see appeasement and weakness as great opportunities I'm all for outsiders, but respectfully you need. Phone up a bit on this subject. It's not about, however, wars which has nothing to do with this or new thinking it's old and failed and provocative thinking, nothing or smart about, in my humble opinion, godless. So it's gonna take those of you out there who are constitutional. Who are conservatives who believe in along a strong national defence, Our national sovereignty but understand that we have to have alliances that help survive. Purposes the weak, And embrace sanders our policy, mcgovern farm policy, the squad, far policy and expect to survive. they're going to choke us off economically they're gonna, be
I am increasingly aggressive: the military is getting bigger than ours and so but the volunteer. Army doesn't work they're, going to start drafting our sons and our grandchildren. when I grant daughters this is not the answer. In my view,. But you can treat israelite yemen you gonna treat Israel like why, like a kuwait,. I once they have these courts. Then Israel has to integrate into the arab societies that come on his it's a joke sounds cool. It's quite different and to have the abraham accords and then assume that the your state and its population is going to be accepted and embraced and integrate into them. some communities where they killing each other in the middle east? It's not gonna happen.
so sometimes you have to embrace reality and far policy should be based on reality. That's why use the word prudence. It should be Based on my birthday, statements are sweet, talking or pay sky or whatever the hell. It is Abraham accords there's not another arab country that will engage. Gin and abraham accord negotiation about things the united states is gonna, be on everybody and leave leave the room in china and russia are ran. It's not to happen. So that's number one I dont know who the farm she had visor is: if there is any. Oh, I know others more old school hawk, I'm not I'm a reaganite. What I am Now it's time to hate reagan, they already know it's not most
Successful president, what. Really, maybe ever I mean it put washington lincoln up there, but whose number three for my prison? if it's reagan and by the way. solid conservative, not perfect, perfect enough and. The greatest electoral victory. first time he ran ever for republican ever In the second greatest electoral victory ever, you ever ever lose one state by three thousand votes and, of course, the district of columbia. We're donald trump can get. Fair trial, of course, jury of his peers. So, yes, I have some questions. Now I don't know who George Soros his elder brother is
he's a good guy, a bag. I just assume just as bad as his brother, but here's my question. Before you announced that you're gonna run for president, why do you broom that off your site? Why do you pressure wikipedia dictate that off their site? I'm just curious, nothing, personal why would you do that? First of all, we ve been trying to get wikipedia to stop lying about me over and over, And they blow us off completely, they don't even the name of my wife correct. We try to fix that. They ignore completely. I don't know how you persuade them. Paul soros, whose name off in connection with a fellowship the you add of some kind of unwanted it again.
If you dont have a background or record. What people supposed to look at those you, after their beta gonna, come back and say I like that, guy more you're in a hall I like that guy show, like em vote form that stop in anybody from doing voicing my my opinion. Now look at that and then I look at the track record, which is enormous, the abraham, towards such trump securing the boy trump got close. In china, in line trump. little rocket man stop firing the annual on and on and on about his presidential record, its tremendous. I can go on and on and on about rhonda sentences, gubernatorial record, despite what somebody tromp, haters and other say about em. It's the greatest
country, in fact, is the greatest I've ever seen of any governor in my life. Ever. Is why he comes under attack by Chris Christy's training out of the number two slot which is why they say there are areas that guy that goes to war. Over A gaze, and so they lie like the left, Got go to war over a gaze that he fought back. He pushed back anyone any change the state. Fundamentally politically, they ve super. They ve legislatures super majority once timer Republican did something like this once the first time. I want by almost twenty percent when he ran they put. everything on the line and runs again and, as you know, is gonna, be beaten up by trap and then there's chris Christy applause, look at him and I look at this rebecca. It's me.
to me how friends, even colleagues on my face cables. Are they keep pushing this rebecca? And I go? Why entertaining I agree, but I have some questions I've got some more questions. Organ invite him back on after the debate will divide invite to scientists back on. Of course, one right, Donald trump tim scott de Hayley whatever will keep in writing Where's christy we'll get up? You know what about the? What about a chris mister, turkle, Why don't you come here? You won't get hurt tokay, sarah Chris he really said today. Mr blues had a big leader. He said We need a really big leader. He says. Let's listen to this. Let's go, let's cut three cut. Three
repression in the united states shall because I want our country to go back to do a big things. We, become so small in the way we divide ourselves, pit ourselves against each other small in the issues that were arguing about look with a big things to deal with an entitlement programmes, big issues to deal with china, and I would ask the people in new jersey, specially republicans was this guy and good governance Your pension plans in new jersey, aright disaster- he didn't do a thing to fix them about your property taxes, about your income axis about your quality of le wife. What did Chris Christie do about, but the vision, the guy cake, like the dog, catherine new jersey. Today he wants to be president, so we need big leaders like
Christy so in many ways he's he's like the back, but with a record and not a good one and not a good one. Go ahead, mr, but is for people big things to do around the world in terms of standing up to authoritarian dictators like Putin and g and shown. How would you do that exactly. Here the during wars interrupt europe killings, are at anyone here anymore, clearly my: how would he do this? These things, this guy everybody around and shutting down a bridge because their anger, it had a mayor and a little town in new jersey. Putting down a bridge between new york and new jersey, Imagine shutting down a lean on the bridge. He did Only the chief of staff knew the deputy chief knew the campaign. Guy no
The janitor knew the there's one about kristen know anything know nothing about it, nothing at the end. He was looked at carefully and they said we can't make a. A case that meets the criminal standard beyond. Annabelle doubt even though they felt the need of a role, but that's ok,. whose grew ceasing to stand up to the poorest christie is gonna. savage our economy, we need big leaders, he says like watching the lincoln fdi ronald reagan limitation by ronald reagan. Most of these republican.
If who talking about ronald reagan, never supported him in the in the primary? Never more on that, when I return I'll, be right, back much love in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news for new and current pure talk customers, pr o'clock, just added dated at every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to pure talk.
you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I and podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. What is That stand on right to life. see stand on right to work, I'm serious Go through a bunch of other issues too, where does he stand on that's pics mother issue such talk about this. What do you hear about the flat tax or across the
Lord income tax would say ten percent. Where does he stammered convention of states? What did he do? to support the tea party movement in this community? If I mean if you want to run for present, yet you gotta have done something right. Ok, just wake up. Morning. Our its budget can and will run for president just curious all these energy honestly, if you watch cable tv it'll give feel for whose pushing a what vat, roma, swami increase Christie appear everywhere,. on our favorite cable network and on the other cable network. when it comes to a guy like Rhonda santa's, he's not on our favorite cable network that much whose pushing him nobody certainly not
the more news worthy platforms with this isn't an attack. It's not a criticism. The level trying twisted. That doesn't matter what they do, I'm speaking in plain english for you, this is how it works. This is what's going through the minds of the candidates and the campaigns. This is what through the minds of the workers, and the other is in the news organisations but I'm curious where he stands on all these issues And even more than that, I'm curious fees them anything about any of them
alright I'm going to move on I'll, be right back. The company is looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to pure
talk and your seven additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I and podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Park of liberty and rule conservatism call mark now eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one I get these people send to me A lot of them and endlessly by president trumps team, mostly in the really quite fascinating. I don't we Pete the much goes pulsar fleeting, but this one seemed interestin and take it. You know. As you would use your noggin when you hear these things in it, National could appear university, poor conduct. After the august, one federal indictment of trump. Finds that Mr president, with a thirty nine Lead over his nearest rival florida governor
The sadness trump get support from. Fifty seven percent of republican registered voters, the scientists gets ten per cent business man, vic rama swami, gets five percent former. Vice president, my pants for no one? I reading this to you We find this slightly entertaining I'll. Tell you why it just watched a programme. Where the whole head back on programme. Then she took her. He she, it has two guests. And they say vex tasting than taking the nation by storm. Mr producer he's at five percent now prose Trumpets this pole, among others, where ways at fifty seven percent the this anticipate. At present the vexed at five percent pensions. Four percent, no other republican, gets more than three percent. If you're at five percent, I don't
Think you're taking the nation by store. I'm just give me my opinion, get not stir in the not attacking anybody. If I wanted to do that, I know how to do it, but why should I. That's not where I am five percent taking the country by storm now caviar? This is very important. You gonna watch this debate and you gonna like this guy. You gonna like this guy I'll tell you why you gonna, like the sky, the same reason, my daughter initially like This guy's till she started to dig in rome and others have to it. Fresh voice in many ways to positive refreshing voice. What he's gonna do he a hunter said, the donald trump, although he did not after January sexton factor, trashed him pretty good, but that's. Ok. I got its politics.
But the grave danger that the trump team seas. The tribe supporter c is dissatisfied. The wise they wouldn't keep crashing and now even more than that, that's a secondary. Most of these candidates are running for second place. They are not running for first place, I mean, Would we ve talked about this with the exception of Christie whose just out there trying to take our trump too, does any one is in his way the way tried to do to mark a rubio pretty Our guy then I have a few others who are doing that, but in truth,. Even though they say there, not nobody says, the running for vice president. Nobody is about william heard or people like that. Their irrelevant. they have the same time on the stage I guess, but their irrelevant. What
we're going to see a pilot unjust, predicting pylon not exclusively but mostly will be on rather said cause. These guys are running for vice president, most of them. That's what's happening here, you running for president united states, I'll keep promoting your arrival. You don't keep promoting big dog who's running you don't eat defending the dog, who's, running and then yeah, but my views are different x y you're having both ways. You have an appropriate Why run against them they christie norm soda best, like I told you yesterday, they said to her. Why don't you run for president and she said cos?
I can't be donald, proper, the primary she's going to win and by the way she supports most of its policies. I wouldn't run. If I reply, why would I run against him. Clear. To say this is not running vice president and even if he were troubled and put up with it so he's Running for vice president. but I'm going to tell you a little secret, I think Nikki haley in many ways is, I don't think she'd get it for the nomination. I definitely think TIM Scotus, even though they of course deny it strongly as they can and by the way he wouldn't be bad now, first choice, but he wouldn't be bed. Surely does let me now, but so be it, but Debate for another day that discussion for another day, so I think this is that's how this is going to set up and we'll get alot of people call here. It mark you
We like this fine lover. Form do whatever you want, but I'm not talking about that. I'm giving you might take him. Taking place, you can see it, you can see it and to the extent that he is not a one or two percent, and that is at five percent. That's a big deal and may be after the debates will be at seven or eight or nine percent. That'll be a big deal. I think. If you say it just comes out of this debate strong, I think that will be a big deal too, that doesn't mean he gets the nomination. I'm just telling you that'll be a big deal too cause he's going to be the target. How much you want a beverage to produce how much you want to bet How much you wanna bet, MR call screener my right. They are all strategizing right now.
There is little memos and their little notebooks that they have to take out the santa. Then I can even try and take our trump again, except for christie and the others of a handful of others. But there for number two. Obtain other reason, the running for number to be ready for this one. Because they're hope beyond hope. Tat somehow some way that Donald trump doesn't get the nomination. And they want to go to their republican convention with a most delegates for second place. and they want to claim that they should get the support, but the trump supporters, the delegates they should get the support of other delegates that the sanders supporters of whatever its
Ray and telling you how they think it's another reason their running for number two trying at the most allocates as number two. Should they make a run at at the convention or they want to be vice. President they'll take either they'll take either. so that's kind of the game. That's the play! That's what's going on right now and I want to keep going here. Shorty predicted vote. We'll do well if he doesn't do well he's finished, but I predicted this is. This is the first, Debate he is. Gaming, this that he cannot debate anybody. He wins thee. Didn't government president debate an unknown can stop him after that other than Trop might be right pending. You folks react adona.
But you can see already has made. You know it's interesting about this. You have a lot of conservatives who live inside about way or just outside the bellman who attacked with it ah insiders or the ruling class. Many of them are appended to the insiders into the ruling class and washed, and while they they rail against it won't find me invited to almost anything. The republican parties involved here, it's the aral sea, the inner this- the s either whatever it is, certain The republican convention had Whereas in my back then now whom over. But they come on tv, including on fox, and they talk about.
who's the fresh air who's, not the insider and suffer so weird thing So if you're successful governor. you're part of the swamp regular. As an incredibly successful governor was no part of the swamp, and I wanted to get to that and glitter reminded myself to hear People like my dear friend and rhino hewett and Chris Christie and larry hold him. In some of the people on tv and radio. Who never ever supported reagan, early on in his career. Dismissed him as a dunce denounced them is an extreme us as a threat They did the same exact thing to reagan. when he was challenging the reply. Like an establishment in one. People involve was car of.
The core nineteen eighty when he was behind georgie's w bush and they Working behind the scenes- sleazy smearing reagan- he denies it. Let me put it this way. Should I call a liar mister Bellew said no. I would never do that. He's not right. He's not accurate, not accurate, and there are others Mitch Mcconnell, never supported reagan in any of his efforts to take on the republic. Ruling class, as you can imagine ever ever but They say reagan asked somebody they look up. They look up the reagan Chris Christy looks up to reagan, he's a bush guy, but he looks up the reagan.
Larry Haug and looks at the rag and worse than a bush, got acer. Hutcheson just stay basic garden: rioting, moron reagan, guy, there were. None of them were ragging guys, not one of them. I'm just making the point, but look at this. Ladies and gentlemen,. Abiden mega donor gives massive contribution to Chris Christy's campaign. multi billion air and Biden get donor, buried, diller has donated fifty thousand dollars to aid the presidential campaign of republican trump rival chris christie dollars already donated a hundred thousand dollars to the re election campaign of Joe Biden, but now the I mega donors seems to have started a concerning trend with a tightrope. candidates positioning themselves as rival the former pray the new york post, reported in the world, imposed, reported that Democrats spent ten
millions in advance of the twenty twenty two mid term election in efforts to prop up republican primary kennedy to they thought where the weakest, so according to the Oh Democrat spent fifty three point: three million dollars and thirteen different primaries on that effort by the way fewer than half of the democratic candidates. They want that the candidates on the republic inside they wanted prevailed that doesn't seem to bother them live wells had been donating, decrease christie in both large and small amounts. You're wondered what are these republicans while Lotta Democrats carry switcher host VOX media's on current switcher gave Christy modest, five dollars. I gave a money, she say goes. I want him to be honest: age. I want him to reach that number and I really like debates I watched them. I think it's. for in that trump have someone who actually can take on a low, but take him on a little bit better. What
Here's to be the real motive behind liberal, supporting christie, stopping trump. while gave Christie the equivalent of a small amount diller with a network, Three point: eight billion dollars according to forbes contributed a hell of a lot more, but the effect will be the same. They knew could appear. Innovation. Paul release wednesday show that only seventy percent of republicans have a favourable view of chris Christy is the most hated candidate state, not even close. Meanwhile, the real clare politics average, no nation. Why pause for christie puts them at two point: seven percent, so you see what's happening. Christy is a year. A puppet for the Democrats, in the left any willing puppet for the Democrats and left Then he hated her to hear first, despite the fact that he shows up on every shown america. Nobody else will Jump possesses the one show we won't show up I'll, be right
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I talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. I can't get over this. Chris Christie learn on the morning, grove, run it because I want our country to go back to doing things. Isn't this why they hate donald trump alloy, ridiculously they accuse from being a dictator or something but didn't do big things. He did very big things, that's where they hated.
that's it. He did big things to try and corral the ruling class and so forth, and so on same here in florida with RON D, why they hate these guys. Chris Christie didn't do big things while he did big things but good. Lord, that's unspeakable, not they must release. I have mentioned it this sunday, a pm eastern five pm pacific. Said, sevenpm, central yeah, you know the times life nobody I live in it, Killer show the opening the killer, their guests, fire senator time patent, fantastic, their Davis handsome very fast. Little old me, don't miss it set your dvr as I'm speaking, to set your dvr. Don't forget I'll be alright.
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And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. now broadcasting from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have. We have once again made contact with our leader. America aren't levant here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three eight one one. I am sad to report to you. Those of us are old enough to remember that when the death of James buckley
William bucklers older brother is very sad. But a solid individual, he was ronald Reagan appointed him after each in the senate for six years on these circuit court, and why, do see, I had the great honour briefly meeting him when he was a big fan. I guess he was in his eighties them post james are Buckley a conservative beacon who won a shock election victory, represent new york in the u S, Senate nineteen seventy died he was One hundred years on buckles death Any washington hospital was the result of complications from afar, and I can't how many times I hear this, and this has been experienced in our own family, his nephew,
author and political satirist, Christa buckley told the near times on friday, new york city a buckley, the elder brother of William uppercliff national. You catapulted tonight, no fame with his victory the conservative party the three way senate race between republican incumbent, charles good, now have been applied. by governor nelson rockefeller, to surmount the term of the assassination snyder Robert Kennedy and Democrat richard, did you now. Let me tell you get out was a liberal republika serve at a party had enough and liberal republicans out of new york, that's how they regaining practically nelson rockefeller. Get down. Was the father of Roger condemn The commissioner, the nfl, those also lebrun, I think, he's a rebuttal, but he's a liberal. We who had sought to challenge, get down for the geo p line, but was rejected by
stay party official have para. Both reports and the democratic for their dovers stances on the vietnam war. You see riders up concerns were hawks supported. The military. Supported our fight against communism. Today, europe a handful of people debating on that stage who share that belief. then I believe we should support Israel, taiwan, that is utterly contemptible to me. Buckley won the election will just thirty eight point. Eight percent of the vote at lincoln won his first election for president with thirty nine percent of the votes. Barclays Three was the last for a third party sunny candidate told you we remain. One reelection is an independent from connecticut two thousand six unknown an incumbent, senator contender as one on a third part
balanced since Buckley sir, the single term in the senate. see here which each b and adding a so called human life amendment to the council, too often in the aftermath of the road decision to us all the primary sponsor the family, education, rights and property at which limits access to students, records by third parties and the protection of people's rights. They parental rights law which allows parents too spect instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum. This law, stolen existence, which can still be used by parents across the country. My wife reminds me this all the time this was the buckley law and he did so yes, that's not mentioned in this article? The freedom of information act via that was buckley Buckley wrote and sponsored that legislation.
never was made the nineteen seventy six republican national convention adrift buckley as the parties presidential candidate The nomination eventually went to president Gerald ford following a strong challenge from future Ronald Reagan, ronald Reagan, fell about a hundred delegate. Shore taking up the incumbent appointed present- gerald ford in the establishment hated him for it. Mitch Mcconnell was afford guy Since when everything was on the line, what was the Are you going to be and whether the country look like separate the men from the boys Mcconnell one with the boys. You guys want with forward so did their advisers. They don't want. You remember that Whether you want with forward against red- and you know it My friend or get me wrong that nowhere
buckley lost his re election bid, which he contested on the republic in a concerted line, may have heard a who Mr Dana Patrick Moynihan. They wouldn't but One more attempt to run: eugene eighty was defeated again this time by connecticut Democrat Christopher Dodd. He lived in connecticut at that point reagan, buckley, as is under secretary of state. Getting a ninety. Ninety two: he spent three years his prisoner radio, free europe. Radio liberty nineteen eighty five reagan appointed buckley? Do the s court of appeals for the district of columbia? said for more than a decade. Making him the rare american to serve his country in all three branches of government so served in world war, two enlisting in the navy. The attack on pro harbour.
Saw combat in the pacific before his discharge as a lieutenant. let me just see here the new york state. Serve at a party chairman draw costs are. Said on Friday that his party owes buckling enormous debt of gratitude for nineteen. Seventy historic sent a win, an express great sorrow at the news. hundred years old. He had a lot of accomplishments they gnp german adcox, no attacks. Of course, the at one time the sun to richard Nixon pray. Buckley is a fine man, a true concerted, principled centre and a superb judge, but they haven't herbert stop herbs. Stop an old buddy Emma
reagan days, former state chairman of youth for buckley nineteen, seventy herbie fill out there. You know my friend, an ear Cities, commission, on aging from ninety nine for the two thousand to called buckley, with whom he maintained a friendship for fifty years, but personal hero. And he was using graecia buckley was in Bethesda maryland. At the time he passed away survived by six children, eight grandchildren, two great grandchildren and his wife Francis coolly died in twenty eleven thought. You should know how many of you know He was a great man, now when we come back, a little with an early break. Mister Bruce. I want to read something to you: what's happening in new york city now, Suddenly democrat cities do not want illegal immigrants.
How are the most radical left wing mayor in the hemisphere flat on the planet. They don't want illegal immigrants. Why. because their citizens, their actual citizens, have had enough. They ve had enough of the crime they ve had enough of the fell from the treats they ve had enough for their parks being taken over. They ve had enough. This is Happens: america, when Joe by has allowed over five million. Illegal aliens into the country, five million. in less than is full term in two and a half years and office, five million billboards, not sure if he vote for him or trump there, our cause borders alive there I know about bartlett. There is an illegal alien within ten miles. but the american people see had even there.
credit are starting to see it. I hope Not a sanctuary city anymore, to lay pow its President historian, any key keeps going gona you notice, they not do a thing to stop at. They just lie. They play rope. It though, and I want dress this in a big way. Where will return I'll be right back welcome to the wealthiest brute s emma enjoy. The big boat the vibrant sounds of real fruit, Dr various ahead Calling rosy ah made with real fruit, for a taste is bold as you well, less fruit still form
Want to read something to you in the folks in new york Chicago all over the country needs major cities. You haven't, put your fellow citizens. There is voted democrat and the devil, party hatred country, the hate, you even hate their cities there dialogues who push agenda- does where are the consequence? That's it activities taking place and their destroying the country. Democrat party hates america I want this to be emblazoned in everybody's brain from seed, a shining see and beyond. Then I write, again. This is just a baby
or taste taster. What's in the book and I ve talked about before the liberal democrat and on this issue He saw the writing on the war past a few years back did Democrat. Governor of colorado, richard lamb. Traditional liberal. few years after leaving politics, he gave a weighty, five minute speech. This is the book into that and four in washington on how to destroy america? Comments cannot be properly summarize without doing damage to their impact. they are both profound sink. lisa sink enough to provide in full. I say in the book. Again, this is just one tiny piece said in tone. This is impression.
Twenty years later,. You believe that america's to smug self satisfied to rich the let's destroy it. It's not that hard to do nothing in history has survived the ravages. Of time. First turn america into a bilingual from de languor and by car troll country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension conflict antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures, Blessing for an individual individual to be bilingual, however, is a curse. Pray society to be bilingual. They hist Google scholar seymour lips, it put it this way. Histories of bilingual and by cultural societies that do not assimilate her history. The turmoil, tension and tragedy. He said
and belgium, malaysia, lebanon, all face crises of national experience which minorities press for autonomy. If not independence, pakistan and Cyprus, subdivided nigeria, suppressed and ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with basques, protons, protons presence course again in a course now muslims, second, to destroy america, invent multi, hell. I'm trying to read when I closed, invent multi, culturalism ism engage immigrants to me. And their culture make it an article of belief that all Cultures are equal that there are no cultural differences, make it an article of faith that the black and hispanic drop out rates are due to prejudice discrimination by the majority Their explanation is out about. Third, we get me.
the united states, he hispanic quebec without much effort, the keys celebrate diversely rather than unity. As benjamin shore said in the atlantic, monthly. Recently, the apparent six of our own multi ethnic. I'm all cultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony without the, minutes that once dictated ethnocentric sensuality in what is To be in america, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism hold us together I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting plot metaphor with these salad bowl metaphor, important to ensure that we have various cultural sub slipping in america, reinforcing their differences rather than theirs. Americans four their similarities. Fourth, I would make fastest growing demographic group, the least educated,
I would add a second underclass unassimilated under educated and antagonistic to our population boy, oh boy, the meeting the demo with a white majority. The white dominant We have this. Second underclass, have a fifty percent drop out rate from high school point. Four destroying america will be to get Foundations and business to give the efforts, lots and lots of money, I would invite- an ethnic identity and I would add I wish the cult of victim biology. Yet all minorities to think there success. Was the fault of the majority. I would say I would start a grievance industry, blaming all minority failures on the majority population You have it see our tee. My sick plan for america's downfall would include
Dual citizenship and Divided loyalties, I would say great diversity over unity. I would stress France's rather than similarities, diverge People worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other. That is whether or not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful are stable. Society is again most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity, unity is what it takes to keep a nation together. Look at the ancient greeks, the greeks, leave that they belong to the brace there. Essentially, common language and literature and they worship the same gods. All greece took place in the olympic games, took part The olympic games, sorry, a common enemy persia threatened their liberty it. These bonds we're not strong enough to overcome two factors: local patron tourism in geographical conditions that nurtured
local division, so Greece fell- and I might add, when you look an ancient julius and the second temple, Many of you have visited the romans brutally attacked. In the temple, the walls. For several years, for it, five years. While I was taking place. While the Jews in the temple were trying to defend themselves against this all powerful roman army. There are fighting with each other violently at times, different jewish tribes. Having different interpretations of the Torah. your violently fighting with each other.
While they were fighting the romans. sounds a lot like the united states. with china on the rise. Deplorable sunium from many one in that historical reality, if we put the emphasis On the pluribus, instead of the boom, we organize america, surely, as Kosovo next so a place all subjects off limits make a taboo talk about anything against the cold of diversity, finally, a word similar to heretic in the sixteenth century that stop. This in paralysed thinking, words, racist or xenophobic, hot discussions and debate Having inside america bilingual by cultural economy having estate bush multiculturalism having the large foundations fund a document victim ology. I would next may impossible to enforce our immigration laws, there you go,
This is the Joe Biden manual. I just read it to you, the late governor. Grant richard land and the democratic He hates america. back you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show, their apple spotify or wherever you listen. But then the right now, seventy seven for one three. Why one? I heard!
regular during the brake. We're gonna send some have sixteen ukraine and other. Folks out, there's some of you that certainly online the commented, many of whom are russian march by the way we understand, but also the the cute night the e g have This will cause where war three more about define out because it can cause were worth three and people need to stop mimicking. what the most asinine in historical people say about these things. Then he said my take on an I'm sorry, at least that's my view on it. If some great calls here and I'm gonna take some of them That's gonna, Fred sunday. california, where we lived at one point that great care
At fred, your back, how are you buddy I'm doing good captain? Thank you. What do you think? I hope you're doing well as well. God bless you for your server Listen. I just want to get to the point this guy rams, swami wami. Whatever Leave you and I we gotta be nice. Gotta, be nice. Ok, really any then I'm. What am I I have been what I think people need to be aware of just like Chris Christie and others are saying Wanna hear, but I really think they're working for the opposite position. Another thing is: if the gentlemen that does get in- and he is a
the the a nominee for the ah republicans. He won't be the nominee he's he's running for vice president and if he can't get that he's running for the next time around. That's what he's done very good if he gets in and he has any kind of power and he doesn't do what republicans or you, and I expect him or hope that he will do and anyone complains about it. They'll just call the Is this card? I don't know about that, but I will tell you I thanks for call fred. I asked a simple question when he was here. I said the oppression What's your ideas, my question to you is this:. You wanna fundamentally fire all these people in the federal bureaucracy, I'm certainly fort. Let's say congress says not only. You won't be able to do that, because we will block it and he said We have the power and the executive branch. a lot of this on our own and he's right. let's say they say. You know what the Democrats.
We are we're not going to fund defence budget fifty other thing. You say good, so I said these are there the things you need to think about any had didn't, have an answer. They- and I'm just saying. Maybe there is no answer, but you had to be paired for real hand to hand combat this is how can I this isn't a harvard debates aside. This isn't a harvard debate. Society You got a skin you're knuckles get some dirt on your fingernails and if you done that before he can explain how you gonna be able to do it, does that make sense must produce because when push comes to shove, you're gonna have to get in the trenches and fight how you gonna do it. I think it's a legitimate question, mean this? Is the presidency we're talking about? That's gonna, look trucker talk, Xm satellite luke, carry you, sir
Mark your home, everyday Drucker right to chase I've, I've watched, probably twenty interviews with the vat grandma swami and I've I'm listening. Watched him very closely and I or you know you'd have to be the greatest con man, but I really Do you think the he loves this car? I think he loves america. I think I understand that. large american. He before. And- and I wa smart off the charge, there's no doubt about in in many see you don't know a dancing about what broadway and I don't either, True, I'm just say it. I've I've watched watch. Where do you live in a one? Sided? Ok, look! Let's have it Our resolution, where do you live in Utah america, american, for you, it's where I loved you out for a mayor. If you know anything about the mare
Let me put it this way. Appearances on fox or meet the press on radio shows are great. I've been doing this a long time. I am not against the man. I want to be really clear: I'm not his enemy. can't pin him down you're not going to persuade me otherwise, because I need to persuade me otherwise, and of course you watched twenty times on fact, because he's been fact, twenty tight, I'm not against that either. That's why he's at five percent and not of one or two percent, like Chris Christie he's but on fire wherever too, but he's not likeable vectors, likeable the vacuum hawk, he's articulately, smart! That's great! It's not enough for me. That's all it's just not enough. When I see it, Against a donald trump was a record or up
its deronda scientists, who has a record of some of these other people. When you back we've gone through and fought like hell with the teachers' unions and fought care whether republican establishment and affords a cow for wall on the southern border, and I fought like hell for judge ships, whether that spring important for when I see all that there's my patent, there is my george patent, When somebody says they're going to do things that others are already doing that, take medication director. Communications director? I want george pack That's what I want. You understand what I'm saying. The other thing is, is you don't know? buddy uh yeah. I think I think you have to have
But each person does each person dies but awaits the status and drop our warriors. You know for sure I just baked it. Maybe There has to be some humility to understand that nobody is going to have all the answers. All the time trump's made mistakes, we all make mistakes every hit, you know, so I think there has to be I'm understanding that hey look. You know we're not going to have all the answers all the time, our foreign policy, honest and that you know and and er. I'm confused so who has to have humility? Who are you talking to. A a a world leader leaders. What I would like to see to you know to be able to say: try for them to be able to say that literally, unless I let me to the defense of all of em up here. They have have answers. Otherwise, what's the point, I don't think means they don't have your melody, I think means they have to have positions. They have to run on stuff. They have to have an agenda which
I believe in which they have to get behind the key for me the voter, not the campaign, and I do not think for me. The voter is what am I four. It's what am I voting for and so That's why I say I live here in florida. We do have the time more than half the time of the year compared states. This is paradise, it didn't just happen. You, kids, you send your kids and grand school kitten, grandkids the public school here, they're not going to about see our tv they're, not gonna, learn a private parts parental. Rights exist in this. This was all done under to say. I'm just making opponent to to say this right here, They had the pandemic. And we were here- it was like in west germany, virtues east germany,
We can go into a restaurant if you wanted to, you, didn't, have to wear a mask rest events were open, they survived. It was night and day no. I have Compare that to vague ramaswamy, who I'm told is rising in the polls and everything why it's not that he's a bag it's, not that he doesn't have good ideas, but to get these things done an estate or nationally, like trump did. You have to have I phone you have knives in your back there. local injuries from this that people want to. Take you out, you have under your fingernails. As I said, you're knuckles are scraped. You understand what I'm saying, my friend thank you for the migration somebody. Let's go! on quickly cats- berger new jersey, the great w abc quickly. Please go right ahead, I mark, I guess
Add to that healthy scepticism on the neck when he was on haiti last night I maybe we're trying to get him to committing winter. When I was on how many last night he was I'm ingram today he's beyond cavallo tomorrow. That's that campaign, I've great. There go ahead on run before he said he would part in president trunk anyway, last night on Hannity. He was talking about taxes, And Hannity wanted him to say there would be no inheritance tat and then he said he would do a twelve percent tax. Is that really what you mean you would have an inheritance tax and then he said twelve point. Five percent across the board, though, was just done there's been started literally said well and then too later. I won t this under reg. tax got, there was zero, zero and
tell when George Steinbrenner died, his son was able to inherit the yankees and not at the sell it. But When these so called wash the redskins at the time now the watchman commanders, when the owner there died, you had to say arrogant, inheritance tax and his family couldn't keep the company that is solid to snyder and we know the consequences there. I know, let me finish I thank you for your call. Pre shaded four times is enough. we'll be right back then love yours, I'll phone in desperate need of replacement, you know the signs right sure battery life, so you have to have a charge or on hand crack screen they She glanced splinters ouch time to put the phoned arrest and upgrade to a new five g samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free, five g,
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I feel the same way with fox and friends of the morning, those folks I do a hell of a get up. It's not easy. Getting up at some godly our undoing show like that, but they they do a fantastic job. Brother Hannity of course pretty much the king, the long time, king a cable been around the longest. The steady eddie gets solid ratings, no matter who is up against him you know, there's always up and down, but steady eddie and another in anybody's last, as long as he well maybe Larry came. Did mary came folks. The weakens here. the evening friday evening upon is probably the best time of the weak, and you have a whole weekend ahead of you. What your amazon dot com priority, your first dish. A copy of the democratic party, hates america been reading, little tidbits for you and it's forty percent, or
On top of that and done we get sunday, we have a great loss. Liberty and Levin. If there's some football we're something going on. Please go ahead indeed, dvr the show it at your dvr. Now we have great guests. We have senator Tom cotton, who is uniquely skill, an experienced intelligent as a senator anything else and Victor Davis hands Hu, I call america's wise man you're Have you want to listen to them and, of course, my kid opening my luck so we go. going on, I hope, you'll participate. We go to America every friday,
in honour of you here we go
the the the the
the the the the
america dont forget, please life liberty, levine, eight p, m eastern five, p m except all times in between and around here They go see a lie. Please set your dvr this evening, though, is officially over the weekend. Officially begins. Now we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. We salute their freedom fighters in taiwan in ukraine and around the world, and our truckers can each I d, get. I greatly regret I pepsi. Exuberant smoking
jeanne, indian, barney and patton. and roaring and marty how we love you can I dad can. I get idly I'll get a job I see at amazon and thirty seconds. I.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-20.