« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/17/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the greatest threat to America is the Democrat Marxist movement and the Biden Administration. Americans are struggling under the Biden economy with out-of-control inflation and mortgage rates at a 20-year high, crime running rampant in major Democrat cities across America, and schools turned into indoctrination mills. The worst censorship in American history happened under Joe Biden when the U.S. Government and various departments pressured Twitter to interfere in our elections, censor scientific information, and punish political opponents. Biden has defied every immigration law on the books and our borders are wide open, and every major city in America has cartel operations smuggling in drugs and trafficking humans. Despite all of this, Bill Barr still does not know who he would vote for between Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Barr will be a footnote in history as a Benedict Arnold saboteur while we fight to save this country, which is dying and being destroyed from within by the Democrat party. Also, Biden used pseudonyms like Robert Peters and Robin Ware in letters while Vice President because he was trying to cover up something. Rep James Comer is investigating Biden’s use of aliases and their ties to Hunter Biden’s business activity. Access to Joe Biden was wide open for his crime family to profit from, and Biden tried to conceal it by using aliases. Later, Mark is joined by Senator Ted Cruz to discuss the Democrat plot led by Chuck Schumer to unseat Cruz from the Senate.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader. The The the
the the. The America mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one.
One one ted cruises scheduled to be was in our three I want to get to you this evening. There could be over a thousand were fifteen hundred people dead from this fire in hawaii. That, in the first instance, was caused by an electrical power line. Knit electric is supposed to be our future, not part of it all of it. Many fires are caused by or deaths caused by. drilling for oil gasoline. Rynch, meaning that through paypal, Mr bitterness, her! I can't think of many have vanni because natural gas, And oil
Finally, plenty plentiful, the safest. Sources of energy that we have. and so I'm just telling you now, there's can be all this finger, pointing while the utility didn't do it was supposed to do. Tell you said it was focused on green energy is moving, a direction That's what it was putting its resources. Look, I don't Was turned toward them much matter, people are dead and I want circle back to this later. but you look what's happening off the shore of Languedoc city, the jersey coast, with these massive windows, the death, the degradation of the environment, the whales god. How does what else you know? We have sure sheep plentiful
Safe and yes, environment of environmentally friendly actual gas and oil, Those companies had a business We are reducing the amount of supply, we're eliminating future bridge to discover more supply. We are, during the entire industry to our enemies, the communist chinese in order to camouflage, although this wrong headedness, we choose the phrase: climate change, climate change, bets on climate change,. Which takes me to the bigger issue, I watch bill bar About thirty minutes being interviewed by your computer this afternoon for. eastern and thereafter.
And actually a neil did a pretty good job questioning him a lot of time. That's where I disagree with neo another's why why Though bars invited on programmes and on networks, they used to His guts now they can't They can't schedule my enough jamie Chris Christie, Chris Christy, Spends an enormous amount of time on ABC Nbc, CBS Cnn. but because he goes where his hated. That's not why, at all. he's not hated there anymore? They love it. What's the greatest threat to America amiss
You folks, this. What's the greatest threat to america,. Joe Biden, the american marxist movements, the democratic party, in what they ve done to our country or donald trump. no bar says you can't tell he doesn't know how jump off the bridge when he gets too. It is also a plagiarists than they respect, but what we want from that so for bill bar that the costs to close to me, Chris Christie, the calls to close to make Mitch Mcconnell, he prefers Biden, overturn peggy noon and she prefers Biden overturned. This is why republicans always lose the Democrats, and I don't mean politically, I mean the culture. I mean the rule of law, I mean.
Society. Because if it wasn't try but would be dissent as soon wasn't, one of them will be one of the others. There very viable. They say with Chris Christie. Chris Christie is, is a rhino. both physically and otherwise. He's arena. People are leaving new jersey, not because of the democratic governor, because a river but in a democratic governance, And do anything effective there financially, culturally in any way he's a safe republican. Any democrat tv networks, lovely guy. It used to, but he dances and sings further support. No bar that we're going to impeach him. They can't get enough of them,
my brothers and sisters of my favorite cable network, certainly in the news department they can get enough of them by the way they can't get enough of the vat promise me either and on a footnote there. Why is there. Why are you being pushed hard more on night later mortgage. rates at twenty one year. High they're going higher interest rates are going higher. The cost of food. Nine out of ten americans are saying is prohibitive. Cost. A gasoline nine edit americans are saying is prohibited utility bills, over eight out of ten americans, say it's prohibitive. In other words, american struggling.
nobody walks through a city street the sun has gone down: rigour, So your race in major seeding america anymore. Nobody. Could you put your life on the line, may not make it, people are afraid to take. public transportation in every major seen in america. The cops have been undermined. The schools are indoctrination, mills Most perverse and grotesque ideology: braced even by a fraction of a percentage of the american people, are Economic systems under assault, we have worse dead in american history. We have a deficit each more each year, which is unbelievable, unimaginable.
We're destroying our economy from within. We're not building up the military to confront, but is clearly communist china and their move to dominate World, economically and militarily, just stolen island, that's disputed from view Norman Taiwan, their building Air on right now, as I speak as they built a spy facility in cuba,. What are we doing about it? Absolutely nothing. this administration. The Democrats just gave six billion dollars to the iranian regime. It is a genocidal regime, that's orders young people who protest against it rate them. we stalinists, like prisons, are giving
thousands and thousands of drones to the russians took tumor. Ukrainian citizens. A building nuclear warheads to put on their icy beams I just gave them six billion dollars. The worst censorship in american history didn't happen under woodrow wilson, its happen under Joe Biden. It will judge said so and spell it out chapter and verse. They circuit court panel said the same. Thing they spelled out chapter and verse. A clear violation of the first amendment when they states government, the the administration and its various departments, are pressuring twitter, before elon musk came to the rescue.
To interfere in our elections to censor I'd typically, information to punish there, go opponents and all the rest. we have the fbi and the department of justice that have gone after parents. We have the He ended department of justice that have gone after peaceful pro life protesters. We have there. The department of justice that were gone after the catholic church. we starting to go after orthodox shoes? When the president of the united states, who defies every immigration law on the books. The worst mayhem, with ever seen with early Immigration were even democrat mayors and their phone. Sanctuary cities
Moreover, we overwhelmed. Begging their president to do something about it and he won't do a damn thing, because this is part of the process. The sorority wants to do We have women being raped and sword into sex trafficking, as well as children on the southern border. We have the drug card. How's pulling up the poring over the border area, Your seat in america, in all fifty safe now has drug tell operations taking place there, mister thirteen coming, where's the border sentinel coming across the border, illegal weapons coming across the border. time to really not exactly the consequences of all this, but its immense
From today on in this country, its immense and bill bar can't decide who he would vote for. With the nominees trump or biden christian He can't decide who he drove for if the nominee is Tramper Biden. Mitch, Mcconnell already decided he's gonna support by no question about it over trump. The usual operatives are the rhino state. The car rose, the bush sink offence. All the knives or out all this, But towards are doing everything they can everything they care.
Then there are going to succeed if they keep it up, they will pay Wait ten fifteen twenty thirty percent of the republican party to vote, perhaps for a third party, or even by. when you look at the real conservatives, no bars no Let me doesn't have any can surely credentials. He shows up at federalist society meetings mostly to eat the danish. When you listen to newt gingrich. When you listen to figure Davis, hands. When you listen to former, u s attorneys, brent Tom, so many others former I shall council saw weissmann deputy special care.
When you listen beyond Certain of the legal analysts Losers go to left and right because they see be so impartial, Was not a time for impartiality. when the middle, the revolution, I laid out the bare facts just now,. The countries being destroyed? We live in a post, constitutional period. Repeat, we'll have to fear further. for their liberty when they speak out when they organise when they purchase weapons. And their law abiding citizens. They have to fear for their liberty, they have the fear from it. going centralized police state under the command of the democratic party and bill? our can't decide who he dropped for more. On irish
What, then What helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or gust of precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text levant six, eight, five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com, four billboard tissues, personal and that's too bad.
progress, Christy's personal emerged who bear, but for america, its life and death, its life and death. The bar says, by mid december, he decided to leave for a variety of reasons. Why would you to mid december if Donald trump, as bad as your on the ear saying he is. Why would you have to wait. He says four january six and thereafter. Why would you? have to wait at all. You were there long enough if you thought all these things about tribe in you experienced all these things about tromp. Why didn't you leave earlier christy says he knows trump better than anybody else, Why does he wait Till now and a few years ago, the voice use on tromp. Why didn't he worn everybody in twenty? Sixteen.
By their boat frauds- and they don't give a damn about the country because of the We windsor selection, they could be it helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold I raise. Is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact augusta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tech,
Levant, six aid, five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight: five: nine to argo, augusta, precious metals, dot, com, that's augustine, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot, com. Now live in america's pole with poorly now married seven, seven free born three eight one. One bill block: completely mishandled the hunter buying investigation. It was he. Where's, the? U s attorney in one week in delaware,. Resting eight hundred by says he was Investigation anyway, he appointed the: u s. Turning for woman worm eaten delaware. Why would you
choose. The EU is turning for Wilmington delaware, when the boy family owned that state, certainly ones at city. Why would you do that. Even though the use s attorneys appointed by tromp. Originally, everybody tells us bill bars been around a long time and he knows that you're, a turn his heart, because a president has some level of familiarity with the candidates, typically their proposed to him or its part of a deal. The bar says. Why would I appoint a special count? I had no conflict of interest. Parent now you did choose me You didn't upon a special council cause you're gutless. That's why you didn't and.
the man you picked has been a cover up artist for the Biden family, so good at it. The marriage garland has taken under his wing. You take notice its ability for that. What this guy weiss has done and hasn't done. The whistle. worse from the irs detest him he's, let now to statutes On one involving the biggest aspect of the tax fraud activity of hundred buying, in the other. The biggest bribery issue there now off the table because Biden was not indicted and in fact. To the best of my knowledge. There isn't even a grand jury. Imagine that. That's the guy who bill bar chose. as for election irregularities?
as one sanctimonious man. Says he told us you are attorneys to look for any election irregularities. The the form Us attorney from Philadelphia said: try to present some to build barney rejected them. Fact. Some of the laws in philadelphia tried to get some of the information to bill barn. It was blue By his communications director. Now, where these allegations about machines, no. There were literally constitutional challenges to what the Democrats party and their lawyers like mark allies, had done in certain states. Like in pennsylvania mania, Action law was changed. by the state legislature, mon you as the constant, Should compels regardless of what any supreme court says it was a very
port? In case they went up to the supreme court? It was obvious that they had at least three justices. I wanted to take up the case, but you need for. that was a legitimate constitutional challenge. Where was bill bar nowhere? Why, Why did bill bar allow mark eliza, the Democrats why did he allow them? The change. The voting system. When there was a a, various constant we issue and challenge. Why didn't you take that up? He never even talks about it because he was a coward. That's why there's Think they're about in a phoney charge Is your phone Depositions or fake,
Lecter voting machines or any that no straight up federal constitutional terms. And he was nowhere, you don't think it's a perfect example. and so I guess he's called on these things- you're not you're, not the things you should do as attorney general you're, not making sure it is a fair election. Forget about ninety nine percent of the allegations forget about, but what about those. Perfectly legitimate he wanted nothing to do with you think! That's how Merrick garlon roles think that's how he rolls since the most important cases of the federal cases
Lines in his interview, neeoka outta, one of the most convoluted, idiotic conspiracy. crimes, as does our friend Andrew Mccarthy, that I've ever heard. if this happen, and if this happened and if this happened and if this happened now won't be to prove. Then they ve got up. Which stature do they have a month? They eighteen thirty one planet, the tooth. thousand two enron or which one. Many of these same people were talking about. Oh while they have him trap on this, but as well as activity that day on January, sex
To try and prevent an election, then, of course they talk about the documents case, my goodness but whatever you do says, bar the hilary. The thing doesn't matter: it's not that she got away with everything. So therefore, everybody else gets away with everything Listen I how moronic! That is any fair! dear law student who serious it's not that hitler Clinton got away with its that's. Why the department of justice abandoning its prior position when it came to documents. classified information abandoning it. Which saved Hillary Clinton, big ass,. she had a server at home. It turns out For six hundred and seventy one classified, judge of information, some of which
I've been classified, some of which have we haven't been, but it doesn't matter under the espionage. She clearly met gross negligence standard. She clearly obstruct it. Those emails for subpoena by congress Is destroyed them based on the header was not even one on the email mail set per se. destroyed their cell phone he lied about classified information, obstruction, false statements, perjury, In fact the ep. I said it's possible that. foreign enemies, interception information on that serbia, but they have no way to know. and she didn't have the presidential records act to protect her. That applies to what we call president. She was
Lion naked in front of that espionage act and they didn't pull the trigger about obstruction. Nothing nothing bill our says, move along, don't worry about it, markel events as worried hell are you talking about. It's the same, damn justice department. What the hell are you talking about? You take your little personal. problems in obsessions would trump and stick up. because we're trying to save a republic here, not yours, reputation, it's too late for that, but the documents case they tell us the documents, Would that be the case where one of the key projects yours is accused of extorting one of the defendants which is now Under a secret review by an obama,
judge in Washington DC? Would it be that case would be the case where they, general warned, which is blown off by bar and the others. But why would you blow at all General warrants are unconstitutional, that goes to the heart of the bill of rights. I will read the word: wasn't just about specific doc, Answer specific groom, that's what a warrant supposed to be. It basically said They also the area in general ward. You don't get to do that, no big deal, they say. What about the change in venue which your department bill bar? It me annual for yours attorneys. Doing we're grand jury says you're. to use a grand jury in a desperate worthy
parents did not occur, or at least the major events do not occur, but that's exactly what this prosecuted did you get his indictments turn open and shut case marked. Don't you know, then, of course stripping him a attorney, client privilege? Why is it that bill bar and the others Believe I was legitimate, they don't have access to the judges order. I dont They don't have access to anything that was discussed between the prosecutor and the judge. Eddie was stripped of attorney, client, privilege and due process, and we, the american people of former present they presidential election. Oh well, that's the really good case.
that's the really strong case. Really there will be the same judge how but work for patrick lay he for ten years she's. The obama point you, the chief judge since retired, who in January, issued a secret search warrant of donald trump twitter account. Why was it secret? Why so much secrecy, these trousers supposed to be public. Why this policy on attorney choir privilege why this piracy on I've search warrant. What's with all the secrecy? Well, because Donald trump is a flight risk, you see If he's notify, there's gonna be a search, was twitter account, he's gonna, leave the country and not return is leave his family behind he's gonna leave his billions behind he's going mar largo in his home in new jersey behind because
he's afraid anymore to get out of town because they might search his twitter account but bill barn Mccarthy, the others think this is the strongest case, the waiver, bomb judge who ruled a decade ago. a decade ago that tradition, watch could not have the information from the national archives. relating to bill Clinton. Keeping classified videos? In his sack drawer wow- not secure there is how many pictures of the sack toward did. We get none. Do we get any those mr misinterpretation about any search warrants. Were there any search warrant where they went through the
wait and how so maybe went through a hillary Clinton, underwear drawer? No, I never happened either. Wow. Any video now widow s for video mark? Why talking about this and that's that granted me we shouldn't do justice today, we're not doing justice. Did it The point there is that judge set under their prey financial record jack. She has no, I fired MA am to their national archives to provide judicial watcher? Anybody asks whether anything, because that As you know, the united states, under that statute, has or control power over what he keeps an doesn't keep while no one No, they didn't mention that in their a diamond showed. That document
Hey snow is an interesting bill. Bar never discusses any vista ever ever. None of it- I never brings it up, but that's the strongest pics he's not sure if he'll vote for Biden in this regime, that is doing all these things to catholics to parents to you, censorship all around she's, not sure it's a close call, he'll jump off that bridge when he gets to it. Big boy will jump off the bridge when he gets sued, countries dying being destroyed from within by the democratic party by their district. Ernie by other, they hit man, Prosecutor who he never criticizes, he never critic, as a czech Psmith ever.
he never relates to the audience its watching. What he did to governor mcdonald. Senator edward senator Menendez to the tea party. never mentions any of that. Never mentions all the leaks to maggie have prevented the new york times under the water imposing the cnn my counters, over forty in the last six months. Self serving process? tor non governmental leaks. mentioned any of these things His bill has turned into a fraud, has have others. no mimic what he says. I'm using him as a foil. But now know wise invited by these news operations. I, including news operations and hated his guns, guts and one of his impeachment billows. Now
in the favour of the washington ruling class, which is where he's most comfortable, he will be footnote to a footnote in history, but in that footnote to a footnote in history, We'll be viewed as a benedict arnold, he saboteur. while you and I are trying to figure out how to save the country I'll be right back then you know helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks
record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact with vesta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight five, nine to again text l, easy! I am to six eight five nine to live in two six, eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com So there will be two four guys for what's going on hawaii, which is horrendous, horrific the public utility in climate change,
and of course the public utility deserves some of it. Doesn't it was there electrical wire, but they ve been pressure. The Democrats and why pressured by the Democrats in washington to push the new climate change agenda they said been their focus, that's been their investment And you see, ladies and gentlemen, marxism has consequences. I bet there's segmented podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, and save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this
sponsorship. Your talk now broadcasting permanently underground, can impose than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, mac and martin. Living here are numbered eight, seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one three, eight one one want to raise two issues, and then them through our lab with you, Washing examiner Julia Johnson. Rhonda santas targeted by more negative expenditures than Biden and trumped combined now? Why would that be a call
murder of all independent expenditures, that's pack expenditures in the twenty twenty for election psycho. Twenty. We two million, has taught governor ran. Dissent is more than has been spent positive or negative, independent expenditures for trump or Biden combined. Trump the republican front runner was. It would just eight point, one million of negative independent expenditures directed toward him course. need to spend that much just watch the news every day according to data data compiled by republican consultant, rob pyres, The incumbent president front runner for the twenty twenty four democratic nomination been attacked by point: two million have independent expenditure. The top folks appalling, always attract the most negative advertising. However, few republican
The dates are willing to go negative on trumps decide. This ends up taking the most fire said: republican pollster, Doug usher, Lookin strategists doug, hey came to a similar conclusion, most republic, campaigns or those with funds have determined that Scientists is their biggest obstacle. That's the spending against him he explained. I let me Pointed from my perspective, ok matter republican, salt dinner any these other things and in a few torpedoes like Kirsty in some of the other The vast majority, the other candidates running a running for second place. They were collect as many delegates as they can predict cleanly early stage, trying it some of the others to drop app, does their hopes and their hopes.
That's something devastating happens, vernal mean physically, but something unpredictable Top of these indictments happens the trump and then Be right in line to get the nomination at the convention that have the most delegates. I'm telling you that what their thinking so, the scientists is the target. and you even see it. On tv. The news, media and additional targeting tromp there targeting my pence they're, not targeting. Mickey Hayley tim Scott? There. targeting the vat rama, swami factor promoting him, it's dissenters.
Because they want to take our number one and they want to take our number two you soon, I'm saying MR producer. They want to take out the leader of the pack. And they want to take out the number two in the pact because lets me so the most conservative candidates running and I'm not talking about Larry, elder and so forth, great guy. But I'm talking about people who firstly have a shot and flowers. Man me about that. I can't control it I back and before, but this is. This is a different. Leg when you're running for presently united states is opposed for governor. And so they found the back Rama swami now why him as opposed, tim Scott, De Hayley or somebody else why him Oh, I american, do you know why MR producer.
he's a clean slate he's running platform. The basically says other make millions of hours of my own business. I've actually haven't done anything, so you can criticise me and if Do criticised me I will make the argument that I We swap creature, you see. I've, never been a swamp creature when I, I'm on the programme was very slippery and it was very hard to get him on the programme. Considering goes on MSNBC and cnn, my attend Are always up always up, I'm nuts, he's a bad guy. I'm saying I don't know. I asked him: where, were you three or four years ago, we could use in these conservative battles and ever more, have you been in the last ten years? He was nowhere. He couldn't get. answer. You have to rely on his promises and is representation about promises. That's it went
Says things like I'm not looking backwards, I'm only looking forward of course, he's not looking backwards. There's nothing to look at. But why are the media getting behind him. And it's obvious is not particularly my friends and colleagues, why? Why are they getting behind him strange. And I'm going to tell you who may win the debate, the first It might be VIC Because I don't think anybody is as smooth as he is, as Which, as he is. And that concerns me to smooth and quick. There's really have to defend themselves on anything cause. There isn't anything there isn't anything.
But I can tell I gave him a shot right here. He spent on the programme twice is welcome to come on any to me once I mean, I can invite him he's welcome to invite himself it took us. Four weeks to get him on the showed in MR producer back and with the times about eight. Ok. Well, I can't come over the yes, yes, kept saying yes David. Yes, yes, yes come on, and I never do that. I never. Training, candidate or anybody lab matter, three strikes in your out. You, You'd be shocked at who try to get on this programme. We're all of a radio and tv cleaning, oliver five, who will not come on. I don't know why I treat everybody with respect. Some I want you know that up front by christie, I would We Christie, like Christie, treats everybody else. but he's a coward, and no all talk about how Donald Wouldn't show up here, Donald trump wouldn't show up here. Will Chris Christie only mature appear what we have
fourteen, a half million listeners throughout the week. He won't come here to go on CNN he'll go A b c they'll go wherever said, but he won't come here. Honestly. I can't blame mr produce because it might destroy its campaign, but I'm just saying I'm just saying there are two people running for present Both tremendous conservative record present europe and governor disabled honestly the others are also ran when it comes to their conservative record. Some of them don't have very conservative record. Some of them have the usual republican milk toes record. Some of them were Kay as governors they weren't particularly offensive in any way they didn't really move the needle you ve got. Two men were moved the needle and those are the two, to take out.
hope and trump falls. Based on the way to indictments, which obviously has been the opposite, has occurred. And the number two who's been them were too. They hope he falls. because of number one goes and number two goes. While its wide open. but a rhinos its wide open to moderates its wider To sum up, Where conservatives- but I mean they're, not really fighters are leaders in a significant way. I'm not saying I don't like that. I, like several of the actual to think the least couple That would be good vice presidential candidates to TIM, scott and like a lot pretty nome and so the code, obviously she's not- and I the rancher when they said, but why are you running for president? She, so I would tromp there I'd lose. So why would I run the lose? You know that,
The most honest statement, yet don't you think, must reduce she's right in many ways. You also find than ever trappers like the tool bar and other They keep talking to christie, which me to my next point, bill bar, so many people who claim to speak for the tree. They have no connection with the people in this country whatsoever about you mark I sit behind this microphone where course of a week or a month is little literally tens of millions of people throughout the country. The listeners programme. We have a connection, we talk, you wouldn't be here. If we didn't. We know what's going on out in the country, we see
what's going on another country. these people have no connection to reality. None! So that's why they can Decide if they would vote for Biden or trump good traits record highs interest. Age record high when prices through the roof utility bills roof prices suitable. Well, that's what people live on. Prices, they have to pay their mortgages are their rent. They have to pay I gasoline they have to pay their utility bills, but the people who talk for the most part, don't at the way those things look. Honestly, I don't have worry about those things, but my kids do and sure that country we do, and I were worry about these things all the time. All the time because I was brought up by parents too, were middle
class parents who were here nothing and I remember. mass of inflation. I remember under carter mass inflation. I remember how they struggled we a store, a retail store that sold things that are not necessities economies, thanks, I wanna go south people like them are The most then a little star store in a town called Jenkins town outside of philadelphia. the town I have loved. And they sold knickknacks. They sold. porcelain, vases cinnabar basis. They saw sums screens they sold some sure some jewelry that's what they solve could. So you can imagine what happens. When you have a horrific recession like we do,
In the seventies. I saw what was happening to them. I saw in Heaven At a pinch, pennies. They never said a word about it ever, but you could see it. He never said a thing We rarely went out to dinner when went out to dinner, you'll be like. Donalds, because back then mcdonald's was not the way to you today. Unfortunately, what we got Pizza ryan place called Glenn side pennsylvania, is called reserves which isn't there any more julian, I went back to check it out. It was gone. That's what Did when we went out to dinner. These people, in Washington d c that had the whereby the damn thing, inflation recession they get paid, no matter what.
And when there's higher interest rates they get paid more, they can pay more. in many cases, their salaries are tied to inflation same with the other public sex union employs any cases not all by teachers, Pending a white union they belong to and what. Town or city they they workin, but when economy goes. South teachers aren't fired. Total employment fired stable it creates, aren't fired blue collar workers, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, cabbies uber little drivers, farmers, ranchers.
Restaurants, people who work in restaurants, the same people who are affected by the pandemic are affected by a man made economic pandemic. The bar says I'm not sure who I'm gonna vote for trump, whereby. Because none of this affects bell by no bars, Multi millionaire and look, I don't begrudging blue murder. The talk down a multimillionaires, of their money, but nothing will affect him. So he doesn't care. I care a lot. Because I was raised to care a lot about this stuff. Told you when I go into those diner, that's not far from where I am.
I watch these ladys in their lady waitresses, one little younger than I am one of them a little older than I The hell do they make ends meet. I'm generous with my tips just because I always heard, and I feel I need the government to redistribute my wealth- that's the joke. I always turban bind us, he determined to redistribute wealth, do it on my own, but they tell me what they're going through. And I go to that grocery store down here, the public's for the giant and the wagons and virginia I go in there. I walk around. I take time. I look what's goin on ice people. They are fretting there. Choosy than ever before, the bar to check it out. He's not sure who is going to vote for you know. wall street journal. Editorial pages are not sure either. I guess, but then again there
it'll speaks for them for itself,. when the middle of a revolution Davis Hansen sees it looking, Gingrich sees it, I see it, others see it. This isn't about defending the ruling class. It's about this The american people in any government can That can do what they're doing to trump can do it to you and they will and they have parents path, looks pro life.
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you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I an pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. You know when you look at hawaii They Michael guns who works there, I'll kick known she's beautiful pieces. The person in charge of. Strengthening hawaii water. Obama obama foundation, backed environmentalist. Who is just reassigned today. its guns, woman, because he purposely delayed distributing needed water. In the early days. The maui wildfire. this is what happens when these things become ideological, theirs. Common sense. He believes that
what it should only be used in certain situations, Recent years has been a debate in hawaii about whether additional water resources should be used even to fight wildfires sounds crazy and it is going to civil b Why department of land and natural resources, deputy director. Kalen manual balked at maui, firefighters and various entities request but up reserves and streams is wildfires raged, control. Firefighters pleaded with the agency,
They had used all the on hand, water that they had, you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and on charge. You, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year will join the most dependable five g network in america, just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, levine podcast, to make the switch to pure.
What and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Mark Levin, the champion of liberty and true conservatism of call mark. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, my pillow, Mr reduce resist telling me he has my pillow We'll give it back, it belongs to me, I know I'm corny, you know my kids always say dead, so damn corny. I'm gonna restaurant. There's no water within a hundred miles and a rivers no legs now ocean. I say I want an ocean seat so thee. Oh store color giggle and my kids.
my wife to now, though roll their eyes. But my son in law nike laugh so return, lovely girl, guy. They put up with me, I'm so corny when I go to these plato, there's a lot of other corny stuff. You don't like it either. Yeah dad jokes: I watch this progressive. These progressive commercials, their best on tv. You know I don't care for the insurance company, but they are the best. On tv v want to be your parents? Its Helen is particularly the commercial or the guys in the eu, but there skye is the guy that's doing whatever he's doing the a psychological, whatever I'm trying to help these people, its roots try that again going on the elevator cracks me up.
We're guys cleaning is trash, can type the set of only had to wash out the inside of a trash can when, like them, Broken bottle in their something's happening there, but otherwise, who watches their trash. Can you do really not me Percent of washing in ankara set my own clothes except. It's not even true either. Is it honey I used to from our brothers and sisters. Bright bar. This is went off ass, both Wendell and I mean miss, pronounce your name. But I can't see the font very well. I'm reading off my iphone. We were back up system now that does at best producer uses what to broadcast. What's that sell towers, we were back up that uses south terror, so we,
ban dated, if you will, the connection, from where I am to new york and then from new york to the rest of the world, because the, cast connection is still screwed up up up. They were born. At the time cable, and this is what this is thursday. And that happened last. This friday morning, when I was not grow, fear, let's be positive. House oversight committee chair james comber, very strange, its hidden, with james come for us. we invited him on love. life, liberty and Levin, MR pollution. It I tell you this. Anyone on another show. with a number one shown: a weakened. Another issue. I decided you know what let me take a break from this.
We have invited him on radio, he doesn't like radio them. I guess Either battery has a praetorian guard of communications types who just on one James is everywhere Jamie, as they call he's everywhere. And we have high respect for him. I can tell you what they're doing on our committee is very very important that what the final the committee members to come on, I dont know why it is what it is, can worry about. It. Anyway, James comber, demanded today at the national archives and records administration see that organization over there is with rat. Thanks and democrats, they went after Rob initiated a whole investigation on the documents case, but belvoir things Fine, you know don't screw around what the government that. his advice to roll up in a fetal position and do what you're told- national archives, but we're all
documents in communications, they need a hand them over and which then vice president Joe Biden use pseudonyms. Did you know that such as robert peters, robber, peters, like germany, peters, must reduce. It Robin where. and J r b, where. So uses these fake names and these letters Vice president of the united states, this is a real head case, but why would you do it. Those who are trying to cover up something. It is, after all, the Biden, crime family. I coin that years ago,. I prefer a new one which the manchurian president calmer. stood the sun and a lighter, too narrow, He demanded access to then vice president Joe Biden documents and commute Patients rig
the official duties that overlap with his sons activities in ukraine. One which commerce says that committee has already seen include attachment with its president's schedule indicate he had spoken by phone to then ukrainian president patron ports, anko the email was sent to a robert l, peters. That would be by a cop to the vice president son hunter buying? What do you know there's so many smoking guns, there's so much by india. Dna is gross that is all over the place, but bill bar my group for sure. Joe Biden was the designated foreign policy point person to ukraine during the obama administration, the house oversight committee argues that Joe Biden threatened to withhold usa to ukraine and twenty fifteen. We know this
the present ukraine fire prosecuted, victors shokhin, we've all the video some, are paid hunter biding. Eighty three thousand dollars a month, as you know, for board position to obtain the brand is by Business associates, don't archer described the arrangement later in two thousand and eighteen Joe Biden bragged about the firing of shogun as you're well aware, and I'm not going to bother you with a rendition of it four thousand time on radio on tuesday comber issue, they request to the national markets for all all on radioactive materials which then vice president Joe Biden used a pseudonym. We his relationship with ukraine. Opposition to this man. Said somebody ought to look into this and that by the impeached. That's why
because they knew he was getting close now added members of congress, no gas your way. You ask me because I'm a watch but that's what I do really whispered to Nancy shut This damn thing down. What do you mean remain trump? trump suggesting that they might want to look into raised Am I firing the prosecutor general? oh joe, it's Nancy Joe. What Joe n? Yes,. Please just do what I ask. Ok, You know I'm here kissing europe. that's what I do I'm Nancy and they did. It Commerce said the email attached where they document was sent to Robert l, peters.
Synonym for Joe Biden, oh by the way job. I knows all this that he's catch me if you can he knows he has the corrupt media. The maggie have remains the jake tapirs where's, the evidence, where my god, where is the evidence, where's the evidence, what Helen Keller. Yes, they are where's the where's, the evidence all over the place. The committee seeks unrestricted special access under the fr re decay, number twenty two these three, whatever entitled, email messages to and or from vice Biden and hunter Biden related, the men, ukraine, which has been published on areas website. These records have been reduced for public release pursuant to the Pierre ray and fire, for example.
Female bearing the subject friday scheduled card in only walks around with their cards binding. I remember when I saw him only aim tracking cards in his. Is withheld in part under a piece so whatever attached to this email. Made available on the narrow website is a document that indicates a twenty seven twenty sixteen, providing took a call with president ukraine, poor shankar It is concerning the committee, however, that the document went to Robert l p It's a pseudonym, The committee has identified as then vice president Biden, so why would they do that? dealing with a corrupt crime family. We think this committee the committee's tax.
neither judea shaken all those committees are known. being down, as part of mrs oversight responsibilities. Now the Democrats wouldn't do any of this. They be circling the wagon may I ask you a question you're the attorney general united states reading these things in here about these things and he gets every day. I know consists chief of staff. My attorney general got every day pack we're gonna, try today in the morning and in the evening a stack of here are copies of. Why stories where site stories now news. papers magazine articles, whatever crucial, typically three quarters of an inch thick with a big staple, our clip on it. you're the attorney general of the that you're saying now now the idiot I work for using pseudonyms,
How corporations, millions of dollars from fine government. So what does Mary garland thinking? season stuff. Now, what do I have to do to cover that dumb, ass, his ass? That's what he's thinking How else can I do I've done everything I can? I am as mob lawyer after all we ve got pseudonyms. I call Whether the national archives, yes, sir talent, dad? Never, then? Yes, sir, Damn fight like hell for this information we gotta get through this election. Yes, sir, let me call Jackson. gimme judgments on a phone, ok, jack you're, sir anything you
Drop tomorrow, yes, sir drappin, I gotta take attention off this jack. You got it the way, jack smith here. Does he take his orders and german? Does he missed relations? I don't know. Joe Biden has stated there was an absolute war between his family's farm business schemes and his duties as vice president and, of course, ya to believe Joe. I bet I have a higher iq than you know you and a higher I q them than a rat. About it, when I'm not so sure about that, It's reveals that access was wide open for his family. Influence peddling com, in a statement the nation Our cars must provide. These unread acted records that further investigation families, corruption. We already have evidence of that.
Vice president Biden speed Dining having coffee with this Far business associates they never did strengthening? What's wrong with you or to quote the late great bill bar, When is nothing to do with the other, who took all the chocolate iced? down at side of the green room. Here Imagine him mister producer and what's his name. Christy in the green ring fighting over doughnuts. Am I right
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the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the handler along hello America. Mark Levin. Here are a number in seven three eight one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one One one face Stop playing games with us This matter will be resolved next week. They keep it one gentleman does to us, since big fan, ok, great.
how long does it take to allow us to purchase ads on your damn sight? I don't even care, but the publisher would like to to get it done. I don't even use facebook. Robert rice remember him little fellows. Claims to be what does he call himself democratic, social, he's really little marxist. In my humble opinion, of course robbie may I call you robbie so he's on em, ass ours today, with joy. Read too, of course, is a big it in a homo and it has had a long record of being both and that's. attracted MSNBC in comcast, her apparently maybe she'll be a special so one day so there talking to each other and I went to see how a touch they are with the average person out there.
rubber, rash, works, a belief in berkeley and, of course, joy. I think someone new york, cut, tango hopefully about this little bit, because it seems to me that the more republican scream about drag queens- and you know putting Prager you videos instead of real history in schools, it as an indication to me that they want to avoid dogma by economics because by non religious, don't let's, let's slip. Let's stop please. She touched ranged if I talk fast, I don't trust them, I don't trust them. Why are you talking so fast? Well, with few exceptions, my Bench appear. I trust him of my life's good man. I bought it this way when leftists talk this fast, I don't trust them and here. She is, of course, look what she got so and set in about four seconds. She's
acting Prager you Dennis Prager is a great patriot. He's got a fantastic, I agree with his videos. Republican scream about drag queen internet screaming about drag queens. You want to be a drag queen, joy, be a drag queen, go for it. and if you think your kids should should be lower. it may be. Grandkids should be Dry cleaners go ahead, these very typically fat why I dressed up as women, but go ahead and joy. But don't imposing on everybody else. You see how that works. Joy. So what has little robber ratio to say about this because obviously there attempting to distract- America from by not now I want to think about this. How to touch this whole statement is right. You know if people are lying about the economy, you know
prices are through the roof, and your budget is tight You know, if you use a credit card to get by, you know the price of a gown, a gasoline is this eve. As I speak, you, What you're utility bills look like. and you know what your mortgage rates are, but republicans are true the distract you from their susi, because Nah mixes fantastic: this is how marxists regimes function. This is how fascist regimes fund this is how totalitarian parties conduct themselves language propaganda. It doesn't matter, If you either and it doesn't matter if you the air conditioning or not. It doesn't matter. If you can afford your bills, it doesn't matter what matters is that you believe in the damp
my party and by mix step out alive. What matters is conformity, that's where they hate Prager. They want conformity. Then I want you to think for yourselves. And so one marxist goes to the next one at this time. I remember that drag queens it as trying to distract or not any economy. Great, it's great! Isn't it robbie? It's credit harry Mcadams great. What does he have to say? Go you read it Think that's exactly right. Joy thing are trying to deflect attention from the fact that the economy is courageous. it's a bit of goldilocks economy outside the autonomy is great day. Listen america specially, Democrats out there surely those of you who have to work with your hands are breaker ass, every damn day, pay taxes and follow the rules they Economy is grey, its grey.
Recorded a robber rice, a code the joint read to read. But left Democrats the economy's great repeated after me. economy, economies grow louder is DR peter. They may come he's great painter after made by economics, by economics, by economic. It's great economics has great. I chose great optimism- bc- go ahead or participating at economic. I was each were at least thirty years and I dont we call an economy. That is this good, but you were up up up up up now. Been working with think tanks top democratic. I'm working on these issues for thirty years he's never seen anything so good.
What they're trying to convince you is that marxism works that economic socialism works. What are you whining about. We ve never seen anything so great as that, Bore starving in Cambodia. We never seen anything so great as to pee We're starving in the old soviet union, we never saw anything so great and don't you dare say otherwise, organ send barrier against you or maybe some a bill bars. security, she never know, Not challenge the regime, They say the economy's greatly colonies, great you're. The problems you're eating too much need to lose weight. Europe Probably driving too much, we need to take public transportation Or the problem you live in a single family home or get rid of it, an apartment of more dense area, use public
interpretation. What do you mean? You have your own car, the economy's great you, Are selfish. You're using more resources- and you should be- kind of these great all bound by economics Joe by these crimes. Wake up all bow go ahead. public basically want to know what do they want. Work is what is that they want a credible way story. I mean a watch while goes, nobody knows what did it? Do you, go re, syria and listen how the moron lamps the background joy read. This is how it works. This is how marxism and fascism totalitarianism, journalists, how works control the language
processing mainly turbo critical race in india at their white. Nobody! I really! No one! I raised my head anybody out there white, I really dont being not be nervous. Put a few, are your raises: its head, simple anyway, out there, black or even part black. I am ok polystyrene. I beg you not. You are your victims, can't think for yourself to do a freedom know what you're doing that's critical raised there. Now, no european taught that knowledge everybody's imagination had most of the countries really cares stuff, but it is a reflection that at least among certain people in toronto inflection, So we're not allowed to talk about this stuff because we're not celebrating the greatness of the Biden economy.
Hey little fellow ones. Last time you were in a grocery store supermarket by the way when's. The last time Joe Biden was shuffling around there. In this, with all the respect in the world, America should come down. South florida. You know it. you, don't have one of these great stores, publics Four shuffling around all over there must but is now really be we'll shuffling around all over and there looking at the price of bread. I see it to pick it up slice for their looking at one, lady cause, I go to the daily counter like they get corn beef, turkey, whatever. You don't. She did mister producer, She bought seven slices turkey. You ve seen it too. she didn't say, quarter pounds a third of a power. She may have seven slices of tricky.
Like that's, may be all she went to prison. There was an aid at all. seven slices of turkey, that's what she bought I'm guessing. She was in her eighties, its heartbreaking, And then to hear this bs where they mark people peoples, mention are being diverted from the great economy. this diner I'd tell you about there's another lady she's, like the manager She does all the ordering for the food. and this morning she was paging through you know the food they have to get eggs at the beggar enabling a bread. Obviously butter sugar saw the whole thing and she's not fancy person she's, not working in the back at a desk, she's workin out there with everybody office is just an additional responsibility. Have I said you see everything
prices are going up our then she took her thumb. but you know their hand, went up up up up up, were distracting peep you know, what's happening the economy not distracted by talks about Drama queens such an important issue that applies to parents and their children and the public school system, something that unimaginable just a few months ago, a few years ago, a critic, race theory, which is a racist ideology by a racist party pandemic, a party that is used race against that country over and over again. You're using that you see to distract people from the greater To that's going on yeah they great economy. Yes, yes, I meant
say, great economy. Thank you. Thank you. Joe cut Evan go. Is it possible, in your experience, to get people to actually feel like the economy is bad, but when you poll people a lot of people say we're in a recession and that this is literally not true, it is easier to find a job for most people. It is just got this america, We too, to convince the american people. The economy is better. The polls show that they don't believe it. Is that a believer in a recession? Folks, you don't much care therefore efficiently in a recession or not, and when we are efficiently in recession, tell you we're not anyway, but in household many of you are in a recession, your income cannot but with the price increases, your income cannot but with inflation. and many of you are working two jobs for when a part time jobs or your gesture.
which argued on what they have to do, and so there together a card charges which can go on forever. So what do we do? Robert rice, says joy red wine. Do my follow marxists. My fellow my fellow Democrat, what are we due to convince them, but Joe Biden, Joe pioneers my god. What do we do to convince them by buy works, what are we joe, I mean a rat What do we do? They want Listen to us go ahead like your job? Then you say that unemployment is high. If you don't like, you know what I mean, but if you don't like your personal circumstances, you can read, the economy is worse than it is. Is that what it is? I think prentiss, joint part of it also is that remember we ve been through a roller coaster of love in the last three or four years in terms of the pandemic and the economic cost
isn't the endemic the economy going down and the economy going up inflation. I think a lot of people are still kind of uncomfortable with for the british regard to the future. They they're they're so traumatized from everything that's gone on in gentlemen, you're not being psychoanalyzed fella knows everything about you, you're traumatize, while that's true But you're traumatized from the past nano it quite simple over there and Emma sd people, The food store d the damn thing that has come down and prices, nothing. Every things up, some of the shelves are empty. Some of that, Prices are less than they used to be. That's the problem, it's called Reality.
It's called living under by dynamics. It's an economic disaster. It is affecting households all over this country, but not, a colleges and universities would tenured professors. an ad on MSNBC and CNN, with hosts, going completely out a reality. You know it ladies and gentlemen, before you on television and most of these places they make up artists. Some of those who are really bad big get the allowances they ass people to bring them launcher dinner course Companies done they have hair people, take care the hair these things by the way, but about you mark.
My own make up and by the way I haven't got used to it, don't get me wrong. My wife, kids me about it. I put on my omega and only a person for obvious reasons. Nobody, as my meals for everything on my own back then it helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the Biden administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold iras. To help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your ira or four o one k gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals, their tracks It is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest precious metals and get their free guide, I'm serious text.
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the limits are much higher. So this political action committee. which uses Rhonda Santer, says these other ones. Do they put a whole book together on what he needs During the debate, and then they leave it to the media the decide. This campaign is running around say: that's not our book we didn't put dead together, that's not our plan and so forth chance, like sabotage but I am sorry to see on begin people are so surrender scientists who is going to do this and random? That's not how it works. b, he will wind up doing some of it. My hope is that people what talk about these mortgage rates, these food costs, these gasoline caused these utility bills and when Chris Christy goes negative and starts attacking and does what he does. They can say. Chris, I got it. Coming from your attack me, your attack and trompe attacking dissenters that may work, pray bc news that may work- you know
in your background, but that's not war. with here and then control of the answer and talk to them people buy what you wanna do. And in another I'll be out there doing that sort of thing, but I dont think its unfair to press the guy How do we know you actually believe these things are going to do these things while he's an outsider? I keep hearing, is an outsider us the homeless guy on the street he's an outsider to I want to know, what's gonna be done to save this country and to help people who, suffering from biodynamics ted cruz scheduled to be next. I shall return Welcome to the wealthiest brute s, Amar enjoy the big boat, Vibrant sounds of real fruit. draw berries, spread,
circling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste, is bold as you well she's, less fruit, stuff, flog founder on right now, seven, seven, three one breed what one pretty funny nor in the break. I was checking the Unifil channel and eagle you're playing the brown, the school three to two like a baseball we're hockey school. because, obviously the top to your play you're, not playing I'm sure, especially the eagles, who can put their quota back on a shelf very long. Then, of course the That's replaying sailor. This! What I mean about this time slot you got people of time slots be formulated another man. My numbers are really
this time slots for weak or to see how you do and I'm short, ted crews one of the smartest guys I've ever met ted. How are you, sir mark Terrific and I received in primus for literally twenty years, then amazing I knew it. How did I know it the fantastic resource and I'll say hills, dale is an incredible station. Larry are neurons, it is, is a dear friend of yours and mine. He's doing up, I told back in twenty thirteen. I was incredibly privilege together the commencement address it ills, dale and there I cannot tell you how many hills, they'll graduates I have hired in my office, cause they're there, Had you waiting young men and women who are smart, who have terrific education's and then many of them are strong principle conservative at its heart? survive. Today's college education and then and not be indoctrinated. they'll is a refreshing exception of that crews, TED,
We talk about all these races and everything europe for reelection I went, to explain to my audience how tough this actions gonna be for you, Well, we have an incredibly tough fight in the state of texas. I'm up for you. action and twenty twenty four A consumer has made clear that I am is number one target in the entire country that the debt crasser, targeting me more Any senator in the car we try to take out my last reelection and when a eighteen was the time the most expensive senate race. In? U S, history we're out raised. We were out sped Three two one: the Democrats, blooded cash in the state of texas and what did they do with it? They more than doubled. Democrat turn out. They took Democrat turn out in texas from one point, eight million all the way up to four That has never happened before in the history of politics. We saw
that we lean did aggressively and we drove group look in turn out from two point: eight million up to four point: two million, but mark point two: was the whole margin. I won by two hundred thousand votes at a more than eight million votes cast. It was a two point: six percent market and, given that humor and Democrats they were, but take me out, I'm leading the fight against their disastrous policy. Each every day and they're gonna spend a hundred million dollars The number one take me out and trying to number to flip this blue, and I gotta say: if that happens, I think the country is lost. If we ever lose tax and, and they have set it as their number one priority. This election, in turn, in the center races. I honestly think, centred accrues. That's why the borders open its to flip taxes, if they flip taxes, we can win the presidency ever and, of course, of
Take you out they get a Democrat in their pretends to be a moderate they'll. Never we'll get rid of him either. So this a huge election across the board. We focus a lot on the presidency, which is very, very crucial, but we have I'm a huge elections out there like yours to me is the number one when it As to the house in the senate, are you going to get there backing you need from. the senate, african leader and others who raise enormous sums of money through their political operations. Mark, I don't know, but I can tell you and twenty eighteen and that cycle Mitch Mcconnell raised and span about three hundred million dollars and senate races in nobody spend texas zero. Not a damn honey. was in the middle of the most expensive senate, raise in? U S, history without being out spent three two one and waited a penny of support at and love. people at home. You wonder how come you elect senator
so don't end up being conservatives. This is part of the reason which is, if you stand up and fight against the washington cartel against the swamp they cut off your money and they want you to lose then, and so what I've been supported from from the beginning, when I first ran it, we hear listers ma. I would go on your show when I was at two percent in the polls. No one thought: we'd have a prayer and an you'd have me on the radio wait talk in and you would announce and le then search and we. Would leir listeners come to our website kid crews, dot, org, ted crews, dot org ted crews, dot org, and it was without the support of your listeners. I would not have one in twenty twel because all of the washington swamp was against us and still the reality, if it's conservatives its patriots, its men and women, brought the country or go online. Tat grows dot, org and get plenty fibre. Fifty or a hundred.
and that is literally how we survive, The onslaught of the far left. and by the way, america crews that org we're going to put that link on all our social sites on all our platforms and talk, radio ted crew as one of the most potent forces we have that's under utilised, yeah, I've tried to tell our number candidates were running that they have no idea because conservative talk, radio and honestly, especially this, show in the size of this show. People are, I committed here? They don't want to lose the country and they are huge ted crews fans are they raise their money? So the Democrats they raise their money because look for for the left, politics is a rooted religion as in you- and I have talked to talk about this before I every person has a desire in their sole to live for some.
thing bigger than themselves to have a purpose greater than their own material benefits. That moment and and for most of human history. Faith is, play that role for you and may faith is an important part of our life it it eat. It gives us a purpose in life. to live according to our faith, well on the left politics, as their faith, Green new deal is their faith, radical environmentalism as their faith and end what ends up happening. We you're, getting out raised ross. The board, where you look at my likely poland is a democrat congressmen, name cop Collen all read these one of the most Liberal members of congress is first four years and in congress he voted one hundred percent with Nancy. Policy, not ninety, nine, not ninety, eight, every single vote as first four years. What with Pelosi either First, fifty nine days in the race he re six point: one million dollars ease raising over a hundred thousand.
Hours a day. I listen if bureau, if you're a little leftist in manhattan, cargo or or san francisco, if you're a socialist, if you're an anti acted ass? You go online and you give twenty five or fifty or a hundred bucks and on the conservative side of things most conservatives. Look they care about politics in the country, but they also care about. business in their job and their church in their charity, and it's one of many things they do and there's a difference, because the left is obsessed with destroying this country and an we more american to love this country to rise up and defend it, and I gotta say your listeners Our unique because I know the men and women to listen to you. There committed their energies that they love freedom in the constitution. I've looked mark you and I are. Our good friend one of the things I love about you, you are the most unlikely radio host on earth you're a brilliant constitutional
or do you just says whatever the hell you think it beautiful, but but frank you shouldn't be a radio house, except for the fact that people began. need to know. What's going on, I should have. You are more often crews. My lord by the way you are welcome to come on. More often you ever hit podcast by. People want to hear you and that with my buddy ferguson, where do they go, though its verdict with their crews? do it three days a week we do at monday, wednesday and friday we every month, just done a million. A unique listeners we are, every week, beating cnn and I gotta say your listeners luck there listening to you no they're getting serious legal and constitutional and political analysis, but but in the eighteen thousand garbage from indictments
And between the mounting evidence, every day of hunter Biden and Joe Biden, corruption, the corporate media cover any of that, and so what I do and my part gases we walk through in detail. We walk through here's the latest evidence here We now here's what it means here why it matters and people download the podcast gas vertical tat grows listen in a half hour, they can understand. Ok, what is the evidence that Joe Biden, listen, didn't receive. No dollars of bribes from foreign nationals and and we try to just present smart, straightforward legal, constitutional, political analysis and cover. Frankly, what now body. If you watch cnn, it will know any of this, then, and people go to the pod castro. They listen to you, Martin, because you can't get this information anywhere else a lot of time left centre. Cruised head crusoe
if they ask you this, I don't mean to put you on the spot. I see bill Barr out there. I listen to what he says and I shake my head. I say this: isn't the bill Barr, I know two is disgruntled he's out there. He sounds more and more like Chris Christie, knows better than to say the things that he sang, and he knows we're up against it in this country that we cannot afford to lose the next election, whoever the republican nominee. Is there any thoughts about that. Oh look. I do you and I are both friends with bill bar alike in respect him. I wish you were not say and do what he's say right now and and look I get that he's pissed off, but but it's not here boy. If you disagree with donald trump, if there's a way to express that which is go and vote at the ballot box, but what the democratic, and right now the these indictments our It is more than two hundred years old we'd. Never before indicted president will never indicted. A former president will never indicted a leading candidate for president
In less than a year, we ve done it now four times, and these are radical democrat bringing absolute bs charges that their garbage up their due yet because the Democrats number one hate trump with all their might and number two, they don't trust the voters. This is an assault on democracy. Everything the Democrats charge, others are doing. Is what they do. The reason the Democrats or bring in these cases is they'll crossed the voters. They think the voters might well both for tat and they don't want that to happen, and so there crying who bring these cases number one. They believe and I think the data back them off every time they indict trump is numbers arise, the primary, and I think the Democrats want trump to win the republican primary because they think he's the easiest to build. Beat but I think they also believe that, if he's the nominee
These indictments- will hurt him badly in the general election. They want to see a criminal trial in september or october of next year. want to make the whole election about their attacks on donald trump gazeta want to discuss Joe Biden miserable deserves record an end. It is, I think, that one of the most cynical attack on democracy we ve seen in our country- and I think this george a case- is absolute garbage brought by a partisan Democrat DA wants to make a name for herself. If you look at the the there are one hundred and sixty one overt acts charged in in this in this indictment, forty three of them reference acts taken by trump, only twenty half of them certain georgia and an hair for those are tweets mark explain to me how the hell is this sitting as you know, the united states tweeting a criminal offence that is the law. It is
law. It is the abuse of power by rapid partisans. Beautifully put what ted crews, america, liver nights, Let's give him my hand, I know it's early crews, dot, org ted crews, dot org, we're posting it on all my platforms and I'm carriages. You strongly to put your worker down now? I know most of donate much later, but this would be a good time to do it we can't lose tat. Just no way we could lose ted and plus you can imagine the reaction. If we do, we cannot allow this ted crew God bless you my brother, bark. God bless. You keep staring fearlessly up to the forces of darkness, our country in asia, Well, you're very kind to my friend we'll be right back. Maude ban is yours.
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the don't forget: ted, cruz, dot, org ted cruz dot. Org every little bit helps he's he's going to be swamped, then we need to help and we need to give these guys air cover. That is one of our generals. Folks, don't forget, the democratic party, hates america going in priority or copy will be assured. of getting a first edition copy of the book. When it comes out. I got failed to mention that I don't know why. You get it at forty percent. Also get the huge disco you'll get it. First edition of the book we'll get it as soon as it comes out now working going talking about a big time even before it comes up the democratic he hates america, amazon, dot, com, check, any major retail store link as well. I'm telling you always order, choose me early saying: go ahead and lock in your dvr, a pimp
strict time, life liberty and live in I'm gonna have a killer, killer, opening statement. I've done a lot of research on it. I tried good is compelling as possible tom cotton. Whose absolutely fantastic of course, victor Davis Hansen, who is tremendous and that it'll, be the show sunday, you don't want to miss it if he can't watch alive, go ahead and set your dvr now back, set it forever in case you, You ever mr show our item, america Please don't forget half over to amazon that come order, your copy We, the first edition copy of the Democrats, He hates america. That means something at percent off. On top of it, I want to lewd all you heroes out there I want to salute all you folks in the audience I am blessed. I have you there and I will see you tomorrow gamble see each and every one of you.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-19.