« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/17/22


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the CDC received a blistering report regarding its handling of COVID and it was determined that it fell short of expectations and will be shaking things up. Contrary to what it sounds like the CDC will likely shake things up to make things more political while instituting additional woke policies. Then, Liz Cheney lost her election and keeps burping up platitudes about democracy instead of discussing our constitutional republic. Cheney is all about her and no one else especially not the American people in Wyoming. Cheney is no Abraham Lincoln, she's actually more like Benedict Arnold. Later, FL Gov. Ron DeSantis blasts Biden for adding 87,000 IRS agents to target the Administration's political enemies and raise money for the ruling class's pet projects. This massive spending and tax law will not reduce inflation, it will only empower the government and hurt the people. Also, under the Espionage Act, the people that write these classified documents have the responsibility to retrieve said documents, the responsibility is not the President's. Will anyone that produced or delivered classified information to President Trump be prosecuted? Afterward, Paul Manafort calls in to discuss his new book "Political Prisoner: Persecuted, Prosecuted, but Not Silenced."


Manafort added that he was imprisoned in solitary confinement with a 10 million dollar bond for an alleged Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). Manafort details how the feds only mistreated him in order to get to Trump by any means necessary. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes- have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom.
Good for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters at hillsdale for their great sponsorship, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the american bar club in here are number eight, seven, seven, three, a one three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one three
one one I'll be on hannity denied nine thirty pm eastern time. By who- Your watch now. the centre for disease control. Has received a blistering blistering report scares me: that's cholera, a blistering. String report Its conduct since. You know we had the virus and so forth, trying to pull this up for you And. I want to remind you, This all nursing homes. situation. There we were the first to talk about this when we were tipped off on the air by adults. There was an administrator nursing.
And I would go through the stats that were provided by the cdc- and I will tell you. But the definition. I've just covert is confusing. It seems overly broad that the correction, I was being given. Was contradictory people, are my shall lie. Liberty and live in. People behind this mike. And of course I was an attacked as denier who said denier of what are not deny. There's a virus. of course, I didn't deny that there is a virus. there were a lot of questions to be asked and the cdc was not up to it and one of the reasons is because Political position, which is not a Subject of this report.
Because they would respond to mcbride interest groups like the Teachers union. which really wasn't part of the report either. And, of course, we have foul tree who said don't wear, masks and then wear masks where boots Where backers, where goes double mask. And nobody serious was buying any that, except, of course, the media pushing the agenda another city see cdc director will lend. She now admits the cdc did not reliably meet expectations on covert. Ninety. They had had a review of which structure, systems and processes. Now. They're gonna have a shake up. The head of this centre is a disease control prevention. Today acknowledge the agency, fell short of expectations.
Its handling of the corona virus pandemic announced drastic changes for its operations. But once said, for seventy five years. Cdc and public health have been preparing for cover nineteen and, in our big moment,. Our performance did not reliably meet expectations and, of course, fallacies one of the reasons and, of course, his hand should be kicked out and kicked out fast. My goal is a new public health action, oriented cultured cdc than emphasizes accountability. Liberation communication and timeliness: Noticed she doesn't say emanates politics. The angel enable announced a review of its structure, systems are processes and the review came after criticism. The agency was slowed, alter Covered nineteen guidance in the face of changing science. Often it confusing recommendations are difficult for the public to decipher.
changes, would also include the appointment of mary wakeful of former obama administration, health official. To lead the agency's move towards stronger public health focus. Additionally, The cdc will strengthen the response team for health emergencies. At times,. One of the other things I want to look at is diversity at the highest level. So let me tell you this: you ready. I think a lot of this. the response is the opposite of what you. a normal regular american would think think we're gonna get more of the world. Politics in this department, this agency, more of it not less. That they're gonna remain political when they talk about communications and so forth.
Other bringing in an obama flak as if it's going to clean up anything As we know, it won't clean up anyway, I'm odin apology, many people around an apology. I don't expect one, I'm just underscoring the point and of course there are fantastic, fantastic experts yale stanford oxford Rockefeller college, so many in so many other places were out front and knew exactly what needed to be done We're not only ignored in many cases, they were derided and, of course, big taken. The oligarchs rejected any contrary, opinions even format Britain scientists, a medical doctor, they ban them, they ban.
They gave the scarlet letter. Now, we know also that the cdc work and the white house work. with these big oligarchs from tech world who now have received fifty billion dollars or so from you and me. In order to silence Contrary voice. and that's the problem. You see, ladies and gentlemen, the more centralized the government gets. The more ideological. and the more it is invested in During its agenda, no matter what. That's the problem, centralized healthcare decisions. That's the problem! Centralized environmental decisions. That's the problem of centralized economic decisions. in a stalin, Yes, star stolen. His people were starving.
The russians were starving to death. He was not going to give up the communes, not going to give up his massive stew. When your private property. the reorganization of agriculture. And so he and his people put out lies about production, lies. and when they wouldn't meet their goals, he would have the people in charge of the processes executed. Because I wasn't bialik ideology, you see it was the people. Because they can never give up the ideology told they have. It's the ideology. CDC admits, had failed to respond effectively to the covert crisis, we reorganization The change in the agency's coltrane, restoring public trust.
Plans to make the agency more nimble. Them just reading what they say, It admits flawed covered nineteen response. And it says its laid out a plan to become more nimble, unaccountable and accountable, thinks And if you bring in an obama hack in. If you're talking about workers and effectively can improve science. None of us can improve the management of the organization. You see The cdc like eighty chairs, like all the rest of the alphabet,. has enormous red tape, layers layers of in the tooth bureaucrats, Starting with fouche, among others, We're not talking about the kind of changes that are needed to truly. Fix it market oriented competition.
Taking more advice from serious outside scientists and medical doctors. They haven't even acknowledge, let alone apologize further work with ie. Big oligarchs and big tec to sound Two people actually know what you're talking about. Now, why are they coming out now and doing this? Why because I believe the republicans will take the house when they The house they live to testify and in be investigations. They're a point to this great report that they ve done. And how they responded to it that we're going to make changes. We're going to do much better we're going to be responsive to the public, we're going to. Going to consult this one in that one. we know we have a problem. This- is. A preventative effort.
to take some of the head off. God willing, when the Republicans take the house because they have said that this will be one of the top issues. So they want to come in and diffuse the whole thing we gonna. We worked on this, we agree and we have a problem and where work really working on changing the bureaucracy, in the response and and and I disagree and blubber none and they need to be held to account. This overhaul they're talking about major overhaul. Why do you think they're making such a big deal of it? Right back, then, that's no secret, that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus hills dell's, die
just of liberty is so important in primary law. said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years, In primus has featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these days our publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway chris rueful over a six point. Two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today, at absolute no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of em primus, my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free sums,
if you go to Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli v, I n for hillsdale dot com, the alright folks Liz Cheney lost in wyoming. You may have heard by forty percent give or take, and she was never serious about being a congressman or representing wyoming. she compares herself to Abraham lincoln. Abraham, lincoln, first of all, Abraham lincoln, was born dirt poor. A cabin in Kentucky. loose change was born. Spoiled rotten brat. She was raised in northern virginia maclean, Virginia, which sir very wealthy suburb washing.
She believe she's entitled. She's done nothing profound. She said nothing profound. She is a narcissist through and through. Believes that she carries the future the country on her, shoulder god forbid, she keeps burping platitudes about democracy, She should burma platitudes about republicanism. She keeps being a platitudes about the constitution. While she serves on a committee that has as its purpose to violate the constitution, including these Operational powers, doctrine that committee And training of not treated a single witness, the way. Witnesses are to be treated
tickly individuals. Against whom she is very hostile. We cheney rejects due process. Due process has come by two thousand years or more. She rejects the idea of an opposition. She rejects turn the truth by cherry picking, information. And she rejects americanism spite all of her bravado list, cheney is about list any twice. She had a hollywood film crew, pulse, up for her speech. and why arming, with a beautiful background, the mountain, the american flesh an american flag her speech her speech. Wasn't the people? Why only.
her time in congress. Wasn't for the people in why She lost her seat, not because she's, Abraham lincoln. but because she is a self aggrandize loser. Who did nothing for her state? Nothing. Stanley as one congressmen, and they the congressmen is going to protect them from this administration. Not thrown with nancy policy in the press, we ve invited loose change this programme. She will not come on the programme. he will not come on the programme and now its clear and it's been clear. The cheese use this entire. january six rogue operation to try and promote herself to creating political platform she would not otherwise have Press attention.
Slobbering salivating press attention There she certainly never received before it's not hard to get it. She's, not abraham, lincoln she's Benedict Arnold and the Benedict Arnold's within the republican party who, populated throughout the CNN Msnbc, Pages of the new york slimy, the washing and cook compost, Dana To get attention thereof Actively grifters, they want to be not by hard work, but by Stabbing people and back. You can see on the view she would training. Nicole wallace. Mr assess Stephen schmidt. And there's so many, I can't keep track.
so is trainee wants to be president. And you don't elector. Ladies and gentlemen, you don't supporter, if you not embrace her Obviously, your part of the problem. against the country. If there's a new civil war, I would say the list. Cheney is on the wrong side of it. Or jefferson Davis than Abraham, lincoln. Just saying. Liz Cheney never spoke out against the outrageous attacks on trump when they tried to. Destroy his election within and outside the government. Try to remove them from office, She voted once for that. decriminalize his administration
She doesn't give a damn about this country about her, the folks, it's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus hills dell's die. Just of liberty is so important in primus Said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years. In premises, featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day. Here, publishers, people, like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway chris rueful over a six point. Two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolute
no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of em primus, my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your freeze exception, girdle event for hillsdale hills: com come right; now: l e hills doubt that for women, dot, com voice, the liberals want to silence. But you can talk to mark at age. Seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one well, I want to read something to you I really hope you'll be able to listen. Everybody to stop what they're doing when you read something to you, and I am looking forward now. kay mark, we stop what we're doing now. What the hell do you want I'm getting there. Computers, a little slow, I see here,
the espionage act. Nineteen seventeen, Mostly we haven't read it most of the people. Commenting on it haven't, read it, To the former federal prosecutors coming ever read it. and certainly most of the media media have not read it. And it is something that's very interesting and I'm gonna wait till the after the break to read it to become and make sure the right section Can it be a point after I really studied this, studied that's history, but really studied at this morning? I'd stay, it before. and it really does need to her. Be discussed inside someone. I'm going to do it here with you. First,
We will will wait till I find the actual the correct text. You know this law has been changed over the years and I don't want to use the wrong the wrong text. Braun dissent is on but oppressed. From today. Only eighty seven thousand more iris agents- and I want you to understand. This is going to have a direct impact on each and every one of you is not the first year. Second and third year. Cut one go
I think, of all the things that have come out of washington that have been outrageous. This has gotta be pretty close to the top and- and I think it was basically just a middle finger to the american public- that this is what they think of you all these problems we have to deal with and they think the way is to do. Eighty, seven thousand, I r s agents, there's going to be more people in the ios than in like a lotta. These other agencies combined now they're not putting very much money down at the border. I can tell you that right now, but they want to be able to do it in and unleash them on american taxpayers, and so so that's wrong. Fortunately, though, that's one of the reasons we don't have an income taxes, because if you don't have an income tax, you don't you don't empower revenue agents once you do that income tax, that gives them the ability to really go in and potentially talk, and it's going to be targeted at people that the government doesn't lie. Think about what he said there think about
the difference between iran to scientists in florida. This is the reason we do not have an income tax. You don't have to worry. about an income tax audit in florida consists no income. But you do have to worry about an income tax, because the Democrats now have, about the size of the iron doubled. There's, no, written seventy thousand employees at the iris. When you add the eighty: seven thousand new agents, and they ve told you but the purposes. They ve said what the purpose collect more revenue. but then they lie to you: they tell you, it won't affect you, It won't affect you, because your mansion is gonna, make sure it doesn't cut to go
We're going to fall all the way through I'm going to follow, to make sure the iris doesn't harass anybody, and I would encourage all of my all of my political friends to make sure their staffs are in contact with our is our make sure the PA doesn't overreach and it's balanced of how they do it. There's always a way to go out, rather than going out with a cease and desist order. Go out with an idea of how you make such an idiot. she just keep electing Joe mansion home, make sure the irish, the PA, don't abuse its powers power is not, how ridiculous is that it in to massively expand their powers. But this was a mass of tax bill, a massive massive reg toy bill. a massive I'm a change bill which has a purpose. To destroy your prosperity and it's going to. And a mass of centralisation of healthcare bill, it is now
destroyed research and development for new drugs. With price controls. It's the pharmaceutical companies, if you don't the prices that we set, we will attack you at ninety five percent. That's what idiot voted for. That's what he voted for, Keep calling it the inflation reduction. I they lied to you not only Does it fail to reduce inflation? The vast majority would say Mass of spending and tax bill right in the teeth of stagflation here. Is Joe match and asked by fox news. Is Hilary VON cut three go make believing in waste reduction act for a mere again, not living there? No fever in nine having everyday team? Why wouldn't wilding well mealy is now, but we never say anything happen immediately, like today's turn, the switch on and off.
About turning the switch on and off moron. And now we know america west virginians working men and women of this country. That there was an invisible hand behind all this bill gates. apparently quite the sleeves bar. But that aside this And richest man in the world Second, richest man in the world. He those your pain Your call minor, he feels your pain, work in an oil refinery, he feels your pain. If work on a reg Pain, if you show up your car your truck now, he doesn't. He's a fraud and a phony. But his invisible hand was behind mansion. working with schumacher, cut forego. Maintaining that dialogue in
including them, allow where europe Profound, like ok, we tried were done. It failed and because believed it was unique opportunity, my truck, the bridge the communication gap and encourage people to make one more effort in oh by. Because of the relationship we build over time And we were able to talk even at a time when heaped up people, his name may now. Ah, I wouldn't want to be in his possession of the last If he drives on you, gotta wonder how this guy remained a nickel, be as good looks, MR operative. but that aside, there were a lot of Figures in the ground operate, in the dark in the shadows, a marijuana smoke filled rooms, a lot of people.
who are involved in this who got what they wanted, who got the money they wanted to get the tax? Increases they wanted. To get the subsidies they wanted. How do you view. the view of the american people. We simply cannot rely on the corrupt media. They give us the facts. All Do is look at this Joe binds had a hell of a week. Look at all his successes, that's what we From these morons Will we get nothing more, nothing less You know it's fantastic. Can now we're gonna have clean air. What's next. We haven't done enough. What's next, they haven't even allowed the trillions and slaves and and Are owed to settle into the system. so we can all enjoy their massive centralized policy. Before they go out again.
With another, nearly trillion dollars and guess what. It's not just one trillion they're going to fund this stuff, Over and over and over again it creates a benchmark. It's a bottom. Work. We spent almost four hundred billion dollars on quarter, While climate change Suppose we increase it did so desperate out there we need to pay per spend. Five hundreds in a billion dollars next year. That's how it works. That's all works because their policies never work, that's hollow. works. I'll be right back then,
It's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus helstone die. Just of liberty is so important in private looks at the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years In premises featured speeches given at hills, they'll evinced by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers these days most of the publishers, people like victor Davis, Hanson, mollie, hemingway and chris ruvo over a six point: two million american households and businesses receiver and primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it today at absolut No charge, I always look forward to receiving my copy of em primus, my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subject.
If you go to Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, l e v, I n for hillsdale dot com. The way you know what's funny about this cdc stuff, the press will act like They never defended. Everything, and anything said by issued by the city's black like They never trashed sceptics supposed to be sceptical, though act like This was all science they'll just move on and pretend they had. No participation. In giving this agency it's free will They had no participation trying to shut down other exe. Words and scientists and medical doctors. That they had no role and trying to humiliate people. Like me, course they can't, but they tried.
Who dare to raise questions about the information that we're getting that doesn't even add up or make any sense. and I want the media. I understand this is why your despised. This is why your hated now. I want you, if you can stop eating dinner. Stop making dinner stockpiling dinner for in your car. Raise the volume on your radio. sure on online, raise the volume on your computer. your hand held device. Want to read something to you. In the u s: funeral jack of nineteen servant, there is a section ii. section. One part ii.
I want you to listen very carefully to this, whoever Being entrusted with. Or having lawful possession or control of any document writing code book signal book, sketch photograph photographic, negative blue plan, map, model, note or information relating to the national defence. through gross negligence,. Permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or d. Would anyone, in violation of his trust. Or to be less stolen or abstracted produced Roy chubby punished by fine, if not more than ten thousand dollars a by imprisonment. For now, more than two years are both of this is the section of the law that apply the hoary. That's beside the point. It's right there at the beginning.
Whoever being entrusted with. Or having lawful, possession or control of any document and so forth,. Permits the same being removed from its proper place of custody. Or delivered to anyone in violation of his time, Stan software. Mr producer, in the, first instance? Who is entrusted with the document. That would be the agency that creates the document correct. Being entrusted with her haven't powerful possession. Why is it said that this applies sclusively or at all, but exclusively to donald trump. If you are entrusted. That sugar, the cia director.
There's a lot of munchkins involved in this, but you're the CIA direct I can see is created this document. you're entrusted with being entrusted with or Having lawful possession or control you're entrusted with control over this document and you but to the president of the united states. It remains, your responsibility, Sure that that document. that you delivered to the present or to anybody or to anybody. Is returned to its proper place of custody when it says proper place in custody. So what am I saying. this law was now
Intended to apply to a president or even a former president. It was intended to apply. The individuals much lower in rank than that within the federal government. So why do we ignore the fact that any classified document there was brought to president tromp as president secret topsecret secret and beyond. Donald trump did not create that document. Tromp was presented with that. The person whose entrusted with the document that is its creation, its maintenance. Its security. Is the agency in the person I need it to the present.
I'm not I'm other national archives, not turn about the white house counsel. Who created improve Did the present in the united states, with it arguments are in, the boxes were removed. Which agencies, which individuals. Because it seems to me, ladies and gentlemen, the application of part iii under section one. The espionage act of nineteen seventeen quite Really applies to the people who brought The classified information, after was created by somebody other than the president, who brought to the president. They were entrusted.
With making sure that that document, if this statute is applicable in this section, is applicable. With ensuring its return and its safe, keeping. The question is failed to do so by gross negligence. They committed a felony. My being quite clear on this, MR producer. I notice not one of the legal analysts or any other frauds and phones and buffoons at point: Is how that's the purpose of this paragraph. But they're so busy applying it to travel. They're so busy trying to figure out how to screw tromp they're, not reading the plain language. they're not applying it to the people to whom it should be applied, I want to get into this a little bit more
Now, if anybody brings us up your know who they stole it from because I'm surrounded by plagiarists, but that set. This is a very, very important point. however, being entrusted with entrusted with Through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody, documents on the president's nightstand. Let's hear president obama That's a violation of this statute, this segment of the pot, Ass is exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk. Dot com to find them and the right for you? Thank you again for
Listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the head of america. Mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one me. Try this again and then I want to move on They keep pointing to the espionage act. Nineteen, seventeen, let's read it. Relevant section that apply to Hillary Clinton. James call me said was too nebulous grow negligence, my hand.
When classified information, he said nobody whatever bring a case like that. And yet here we are, suppose a reason for the search warrant. Same fbi. And so my question is: why is is supplied to trump wise in this? Being applied. To the people over the responsibility create these documents and have the responsibility to make sure the return and placed in there, is it appropriate Safe revolt. How many of them are being investigated? How many search warrants have been served on them? How many of them. have been charged with, a crime. Whoever being entrusted member that phrase. or having lawful possession or control of any document,.
Relating to the national defence. Gross negligence, It's the same to be removed from its proper place of custody. On reading the relevant part, parts shut punish by a fine. If not more than ten thousand are in prison for not more than two years. The people who are entrusted with these documents. are the people who create them, provide them. And then are required to take them back. And put them in called their proper place of custody. President does have a proper, Play some custody. The documents created the cia. According to this goes back to the cia, likewise, so my question is.
But all these classified documents are all These people going to be prosecuted. Let me show you how ridiculous this is too. It barague obama's president. And he takes one of these documents with the stripes on the cover that says top secret or whatever. From the oval office. And he brings it up. The private residence. Michel toxin in bed and he's really It falls asleep and leaves the document on his end table. That's a crime. That's a crime, something here about taking it out of the building or how long you have to take it out of the building or so forth, and so on. He supposed to at least again corridor what spain.
Washed out. There is supposed to return it to the person. provided it to him, there is supposed to put it in proper place of custody and the president wants to read it the next day than they bring em. The document back. to gross negligence, otherwise she my point true. And then we have this Which again underscores how these search warrant was unconstitutional? In many ways, but in particular backed anew wake, which of course, is unreliable, but none Will play along to justify the unprecedented rate on a former presidents residents protect, the source will reveal the existence of trumps private horde of doc, It's personal stash of hidden documents. They call it. Fbi agents wanted to trumps residence on the pretext.
But they were seeking all government documents. Says one official who has been involved in the investigation. The true target was this private stash which, Still, department officials feared donald trump might weapon eyes They collected everything that rightfully belong to the: u s: government, but the The target was these documents that trump I've been collecting centrally in his administration says the source, the after document still with a variety of into matters of interest to the former president, the official, Suggest material. That trump apparently thought would exonerate him. Claims of russian collusion, twenty sixteen Or any other election related charges. He did order all I russian stuff, declassified member that must reduce trouble at the white house in january, twenty twenty one, many their normal processes of transition. We're not followed
because the president would not admit that he had lost the elections or that it will be leaving office has a result. We now know some twenty seven boxes of documents were shipped immoral, largo by mistake, the Papers under: u s law, which the national archives is supposed to take, custody and catalogue. Twenty seven boxes were shut By mistake, summits My gross negligence to you, rich. if they contain. classified information. Yes, I think so. Then they go on over the past eighteen months. The trunk camp in the archives engaged in a back and forth On the return of fifteen boxes and some additional documents as lighted june, third officials from the fbi, injustice visited moral argue to serve a grand jury subpoena for documents.
these negotiations were largely cordial now. This is often the government. All these leaks the course of its investigation. The fbi justice became aware of trumps. Private collection now wait a minute, that contradicts the beginning of the story. The fbi rate, omar larga, less money was specifically intended to recover trumps personal stash of hidden documents. To u s entire official said. Justify the unprecedented rate on former presidents residence and protect the source reveal the existence. A trench, private horrid agents wanted to trumps residence on the pretext, that they were seeking all government documents. so they say he was collecting this stuff sincerely on. But now they say. As they say, they just learned of it, so this is, I can more lies being pushed out by the media, and newsweek is more than happy to regurgitate and they
course of its investigation. The fbi justice became aware of trump's private collection. As newsweek previously reported, a confidential human source revealed that the former president was planning to divulge that he had possession of some of his own. From the administration officials, including former national security, visor John, but why do I John Bolton thinks he wasn't there near the end. This guy's a hatchet man, they train. You should announce right now. She's elected president. She will appoint John Bolton. some high position cause I've similar personalities, don't they, MR producer. Which means none. so I'm not clear donald trump documents that interested in one of those official said.
Sometimes uranium, north korean nuke, sometimes ukraine or russia's some foreign leaders. There was subject per se, that was of interest to justice, as was the fear that trump might denies. The information include, For personal gain, the official said. I didn't mean any than in the warrant. A jew. That does not necessarily the investigators were folk don. While official darkens, regardless classification, are required to be returned, the archives under the presidential records and surely the affair was going about its business of retrieving every thing. But it is act. to think about what was retrieved moral argos, two distinct sets of documents. But we're talking about here is not just documents that the archives was seeking to fulfil the provisions of the act there so after some number of documents they considered more sensitive but also documents, they felt the
The president had no intention of returning. and so the lies. Thee arguments of the government Ass continue to count, Direct each other the course they won't release the affidavit. They say because they don't want to reveal any of this, so they just sleek at the news. We. but a slice of the compost. But all this aside. That search warrant was unconstitutional I don't give a damn what any former federal prosecutor says or any existing federal brusque. it was way too broad. Aid to broad, when look at the fourth amendment it requires. Particularity particularity. Why Because, as we discussed.
the colonists had to deal with these general warrants. They had to deal with it where the crown What delegate power To its officials and the colonies. Who could issue general warrants, that is, Search the persons, the things the places of people without giving a reason, and without being specific hats, There's probably cause for a want. That's why it has to be sworn it's right there in the fourth amendment with particularity And that's why the particularity of what it is you're trying to do needs he presented. And when you re this warrant, even without Declaration or the affidavit. You can see just Because you list three crimes that doesn't. That doesn't exonerate these guys. It doesn't
it doesn't allow them to say, oh and by the way, any document that he read there was created by the government that he may have written or whatever during the course of his presidency. Fair game too, and they basically admitted it here. That they wanted everything. one thing is, we ve talked about before to get everything under or get a lot of stuff under the plain view doctrine, for example, I'd say you have a search warrant to investigate somebody, taxes, because you have very solid information that they had been embezzling or whatever. and of the search warrant to go into the home. Began to the home you're, the fbi you're searching the the Sk in theirs. in the drawer there's tax returns. The next drawer, there's cocaine,
why to pretend. If your law enforcement that you didn't see the cocaine to take that evidence in your life to use it Criminal process. but you can't start by saying we want to take everything in all the living areas, so that house. Yes. We are concerned about this law, this law, on this law and by the way and the next section everything anything the business man or the other ploy may have touched our redder created. Don't The course of his or her employment that doesnt work and yet that's in the search for. Just raising it I'll be right back then right now,
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Is it what basically for our present trumpet saying, which is wave, a magic wand if you're the president and go poof. Your declassified is our constitutionally. Yes, ok, the classification authority rests with the chief executive. That's the president. The president is not just the head of the executive branch, he is the executive branch. Yes, there are all manner of forms and product and procedures and worksheets that one should follow. So it's done in an orderly manner. So people know what has been classified in declassified that presidents of both parties have observed for a long time but Talking about just the law and constitutionally the president, the power and it cannot be opened intended canopy trumped because one. The agencies in the executive branch has come up with a workshop that wasn't filled out, so we do need to keep that in mind. The law allows very broad,
She even broader that we like, but the reality is very broad declare. I know this is exactly what I said descended here. I've set it on wooden tv set on fox. You see, ladies and gentlemen, If you're trying to pin on the president, the espionage act of nineteen. Seventeen. That's never been applied to a president. The removal of classified documents- I like this law, Or conversely,. They asked to follow some bureaucratic regime in order Declassify them it's not correct. That's not what the constitution says he gives, Broad, broad powers. Now they go to a guy miles, tellers former chief of staff to trumped Hs secretary nielson. We had a lot of these miscreants malcontents, apparently secreted,
throughout the government in power? go positions. I don't know who headed the local personnel office at the white house who approved all these people, but obviously here she did a great job and sabotaging president trump. So Camerata goes to him. Go ahead That doesn't make sense. But how can. they present and for your donald trump, just any president, say poof, you're, declassified and never fill out any paperwork and not telling me baby. My reputation make sure since, if you what the hell you're talking about, but you don't to take thirty. second, it can even be on the toilet, can even In the toilet, allison take thirty seconds he read the first sentence of go to section one read: it What does it mean? Why are there and it makes sense, but it all upset you.
because the narrative falls apart because eli hornig in this instance is correct. because he lies regurgitating what I've said on sunday, During my mom locked behind this microphone on the radio to millions. let's hear from miles tailor the former chief of staff to trump A chest secretary go ahead think we're going to have a national commission on this after the facts, because both sides are gonna be upset depending on the outcome of this, but I've gotta side with ellie. Here I think it's a Aegis if Donald trump left the white house with this information, at the same time, though, you can already see in his early defensive him saying well, it was declassified. I have this system he would have, but I really really doubt Donald proactively declassified any of this upon leaving, but it's really wanted visas. So what if he did so what? If he didn't? That's the point,
So what if he didn't. You cannot diminish the otter two powers of the executive branch from the president of the united states in particular. Is the executive branch? Statute, a regulation. Which is why this law has never been used. Let me ask you a question: they say no president's ever done this before. How do we know. How do we know? Maybe we should ask China, Turley end Mccarthy,. How do we know? No president, has ever taken this kind of information before on their say so. On their say, so how do we know If their home has been searched case of obama's five, the states have out their wives closets have they been searched? I don't think so. So how do we know right now?
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One month free when you make the switch today just go to pure talk, dot com and enter coat. Levine podcast for this special offer. That's l e vienna podcast it another reason. When you choose pure talk, your choosing. This support american jobs, you choosing to support a company who see? Oh as a? U s veteran pure talks, no risk money back guarantee. You won't regret. It got a pure talk, dot com select, a plan and in a promo code, levine podcast, that's l, e g I and pod cast and get one month free mark a very tough ass, her all thats. Why? I lie particle of him and I'm not sure a lot of people like me stuff is what I like him. I love a call now, seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three eight one one I will be on a hannity tonight, nine thirty pm eastern, I hope you'll join us. That would be six thirty pm pacific, MR petition, our times in between and all around.
And we have this d n y. You see the bologna and Patrick sylvan, the white Counts on his deputy under president trapper interviewed by the fbi in connection with, access to sensitive documents. There. Started, MR trumps residents in florida after he left office. Three, Both familiar with the matter said so, the I'm at leaks, leaks, leaks and when there death would you Is this not some ongoing investigation, MR philip sip aloni Mr Tobin, the most and your people who work for Mr Tromp, who are known to have been- you'd by investigators after the national archives refer the matter to the justice department this year it was headed by a left wing goom. Done this to another president, let alone a cabinet member. In fact, in twenty fifteen that same guy said.
He didn't think it was necessary when it came to Hillary Clinton. So we see this is all a scam. The interviews are a sign of the intensity of the investigation gee. I thought search warrant was. Into how sensitive, how sensitive Remit material left the white house with MR trump remit, It is palm beach residents smaller logger for more than a year, More than a year. But there was an urgent need to get it more than a year. But we urgently needed to get it. Oh Now we know you just wanted to grab everything. Mr Saddam was interviewed in spraying according to the two other people familiar the matter. Investigators reached out to the members of MR trump circle to fire Fifteen boxes of materials, some of the marked as class. Why. Made its way to morrow larga was unclear when mister.
Baloney was interviewed. Well, No, this to be true, I just use my noggin common sense. We call it reason. They claim to have some kind of a mole. Don't worry, MR producer. I don't know if that's true or not, but this article Indian, why use ie just revealed that MR film in the deputy council to the present at the time. Was interviewed in the spring correct. He was interviewed in the spring about documents and boxes. Maybe the referring to him. I don't know. MR sip, he mr fill them we're too. Mr trumps representatives to deal with a national archives moment gets interesting. They were named to the position shortly before the president's term ended in january twenty one another
mark meadows, the former white house, chief of staff,. Some point after national archives official realize they did not have trouble white house, documents which are required to be preserved under the presidential records act they come tax, Mr Feldman, for help returning them. spokesperson for Mr Ferber and did not immediately respond to requests for comment. MR film, and try to help the national archives retreat material to the people. Familiar with the discussion said that the former president, pointedly resisted entreaties from his advice. There is it's mine, several advisers say MR trump told them not stop right. There. course. The media been using this The dumb loathsome people pike. Joe scarborough.
His pointed out what he thinks is classify these classified documents, or it is not what it says. Well, we know it's a note that he received from somebody where, that he wrote to somebody. that he made on a cocktail napkin it's not, there's it's mine has nothing to do with classified information, certainly possibly does not. I should Say probably does not in that what it says. It says that one is deputy: Whitehouse council wanted it. returned documents. The president said there is it's mine, but what is he talking about when it comes to its? Not there is it's mine it? Maybe Mr Philby didn't understand. What donald trump us talking about, or maybe he did and of course the media are using this, as they always do to care The darkest spell they possibly can
these people, that's why I'm able to pick this stuff out, I do god the needle in a haystack. It's not. There is its mind as it means talking about classified information by the way. On the items in the box, it is packed up from the white house residences Mr Tromp was departing was mister trumps correspondence with the north korean diktat. Kim jong on So well as a letter to MR trump from former president Barack Obama, one obama departed the white as well. There you go. The market doesn't belong to him. Took hey, you don't. Barge is somebody's home warner, no warrant and search. Whites closet, the former first lady over this. But the ross a variety of other documents that travel to morrow larga having come. When a lawyer, MR trump. Who was said to have suggested that the former president resolve the matter with the justice department? I didn't
That sentence that sutter illiteracy once the material which was kept in boxes and a storage area in the basement, but before their meaning. Couldn't people familiar with the move was unclear if he was the one, the only To do so. no one julie, f b, I went in and looked at the box. and they should have taken what they felt belong to them. Then nobody was gonna, be able to stop them. At that point at least one trump lawyer scientist statement, saying material with classified markings. Returned, according to four people familiar the document, all is an accurate? Did? He say: listen, You're dealing with criminal law, you need to be specific, did he say Every last classified documents was return. A classified documents were returned. What's he attesting to? We don't know.
This is very poorly done. The two lorries on site for the meaning who work with MR tromp from MR corcoran and Stena bob Name, names of fbi agents only name, names of lawyers workin for trot pfc, but It shows, then you stay subpoena. to obtain surveillance, footage of the hallway. How the storage from a moral largo and answer Something that alarm them. You see all this being leaked if its accurate. They also received information from at least one witness. who indicated that more material might remain at the residence people familiar with the investigation said. The government is leaking. Which is a crime. Mr Ferber is among a people who worked or used to work for MR trump whooping cough
backed by the fbi since a grand jury was formed this year faster gaiters also interviewed derek alliance, a former white, our staff secretary. Mr lines, Today the white house was december eighteen meaning. He did not know how the last boxes were packed. His MR trump prepared to leave, but information about paper, flaw in the white house and how the former president handled material. Why is it only how the former president handle material. I discussed earlier in the shop. The fbi's reached out to about half a dozen people currently work for MR trumpet who might know what documents he may still have in his possession Poster py I interviewed top white house lawyers about missing trump documents appeared The new york times, of course,. Gets more more disgusting, More and more disgusting.
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at one month free when you make the switch today, just go to pure talk, dot com and enter code. Levin podcast for this special offer. That's l e v, I n podcast it another reason when you choose pure talk, you're choosing to support american jobs, you're choosing to support a company whose ceo, as a us veteran and what pure talks no risk money back guarantee. You won't regret it go to pure talk, dot com, select a plan and enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, e v! I and podcast, and get one month free the one of the things marx writes about. He wrote more by the way than the communist manifesto. He wrote a lot, and angles run a lot of it form, but nonetheless,.
Is about the inevitability of what would be called marxism. Scenery use that word himself. I use its inevitable. Now the problem is, we have this ruling class richard hoss president council on foreign relations, he's part of it he's been in various administrations, And they get bigger and more powerful and they find themselves by raising taxes. there will now be eighty seven thousand more members of the ruling class at the irs he's. People are well fed. They have nice homes. Mendous pensions and healthcare plants in your paying, for all of it and they don't intend to give any another fact. intend to expanded. In order to expand it, they have to expand their power, they have to control, regulate tax, more more more you're. This object, you're the target of their power.
And so if you dare to challenge them, this is what you get richard. Hoss cut, twelve go. You're going to see people elected this time around who fit the description you've been talking about, who don't accept the basics? And the question then, is how does the political process over the next two years play out, including selections of electors and so forth after the two thousand and twenty four elections? I don't think it's an exaggeration to say this is potentially as dangerous a moment for this country, as we've seen at any time since the middle of the nineteenth century and in the run up to the civil war yeah. But it's not trump republicans and magazine conservatives whatever you want to cause? It's not us. Were threatening the supreme quarter supreme court justices, who have an open border whore Hacking are national security with workers and in our military. or undermining law enforcement source, reed's her ravaged. Ravaged by
killers and burglars and rapists are not doing this morning. hacking? Our economic system not undermining our hour. Spare and our strength in our history, making it easier for domestic and foreign enemies to conquer it's not Oh it's the run up to the next civil war, we're in a domestic war of sorts already. Not of our making, ladies and gentlemen we haven't done anything. We dared Four donald trump. And that's heresy. Because he has done more to take on this ruling class in washington dc in new york and our. Can anybody ever. In the office of the presidency, and so they don't like it. Must be destroyed. His entire movement must be Destroyed.
And when you listen, allowing trainee, you're really listening to the? U s attorney in washington, you really listening to the attorney general They are on a mission. They are narcissistic, they are self righteous. They are obsessed, they are on a mission there. break the law, while they pretend to enforce the law. They the norms and traditions, while they pretend to uphold them. These people are true believers in what, in themselves. My concern is you're not gonna, be able to change the way they are our operate. That's a grave concern. Do you want
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The plan for details, but I'm telling you this is a fantastic offer Now, rug casting on roaming underground command, both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over longer script building. We once again made contact with the leader of my love, my Erika mark levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three: one, three eight one one- ten minutes, or so poor management will be on the programme monsieur written, a fascinating book police, a prisoner, persecuted, prosecuted but not silence. Then I really want to dig into there with them. Cause boy. Was he treated like hell? He treated like Hell.
mass murderers, are treated like he was treated in my view, You know why to night, we, yes, I think we do now. I wanted to get to this with the sea. Adam Baldwin. Adam Baldwin is a good guy. Did we ve had upon the programme years ago? Did we, MR producer, like who the hell's adam. yeah. That's what I'm saying Adam Baldwin. Yeah he's our body not to be confused with Alec Baldwin. and he was on the Chris cuomo project. Yesterday now. This is gonna, come interesting with Chris Cuomo. Isn't it MR producer? Excuse me.
Yet what are we talking about here?. so you rode Adam, and it's alec, america mark le. Then this is our three our best, our their programme, Alec Baldwin Alec, not the great Adam Alec, at the time. We start this our over somehow america, only christian my project on youtube yesterday, Sixteen goes, you say you never pulled the trigger The gun went off you do the abc interview and this kind of left there that we will not make sense to people if a bull and comes out of a gun they say. Well, then someone fired familiar. This did not come for me. This came from the days of his themselves, you're familiar with what fanning a gun image of europe that phrase standing a guy yes, but
Explain as you pull the hammer back and you don't lock the hammer. If you pull the hammer back pretty far in old western movies, you see someone fan the hammer of the gun hammered in the lock. You pulled it back to an extent where it would fire the bullet without you pulling the trigger without you locking the hammer. The man who is the principal safety officer on the set of the film declared that the gun was safe when he handed it to me, the person who was the principal safety officer of the film declared in front of the entire assemblage. This is a cold gun, now. Why did you say that. If you didn't know if he hadn't checked the boy All of us were to sir we're throwing him in the back: go ahead, Working with a gun that saved readers were suddenly, he explained it to me effectively. That is exactly what can happen if you pull the hammer back and let it go if it's alive route to the end, there's only one question to ask church could put a live round in the gutter etc,
There is no other question to ask. no other question that it is a fair question who did but that doesn't get you off the hook necessarily either. I wonder what alec not Adam Alec bomb would save. said happened, somebody with somebody else like somebody who actually supports donald trump, you think, I think he came across the same way, MR putin. I don't think so. He'd say this is one reason you know thereafter trawl white supremacy, gun control. and all the rest of it would you not, I think so. I think that's right. I want bomb baldwin, Has not had to face a grand jury.
How the situation without baldwin seems to me is a little bit more serious than the records protection act. Don't you folks? and this is what is meant by tutor Of justice, I think The united states postal service just institutionalized election interference with new male embowered division by our body. active war now Texas, formerly of california,. and this is in the federalist. Pretty big deal. Not you think. to address. Some of these have the use postal service announced on July. Twenty eight it was creating the election and government mail services division. Adrian Marshall, a united states, postal service veteran was named as the divisions first director with our Elias member that as hobby regret, foremost, law, fair professional, longtime, proponent of alike. by mail,
Joining out his approval People just keep digging their way into the bureaucracy. The rationale for this new division is that the growing use of male imbalance requires extra attention to ensure that greater vine, the male ballots, can be handled by an increasingly overburdened. U s p s. It reported it delivered more than one hundred and thirty five million ballots in twenty twenty, but forty million delivered so far this year during the primaries. More more elections conducted by may have been a long time goal of Elias another of his ilk since long before public health fears over in person voting during the covered nineteen pandemic since Active denote the most european nations from mail imbalance to be susceptible to fraud and limited their use, but not in america. Now we have a perfect system and
Say anything you might be dragged me for thee, January six, french revolution committee, be dragged in front of a grand jury Another problem is male: imbalance can be cast by someone other than the voter voter idee measures are harder to ensure apps in person voting with a government issued idea and this grab outs more easily compromised by professional ballot traffickers who quote helped the voter fill in their ballot. some mail and balance will be an increasingly important part of the democratic election playbook. One. Paragraph says it all, in related news Biden, nominated three people to fill vacancies on the mind member: u S p s board of governors, the boy Determines the postmaster general who remains for now look The boy bind Nominees include the former chief counsel for the can postal workers union.
And the head of the national vote at home institute. A nonprofit the pushes for nationwide melon voting. Some eighty democratic members of the? U S, house of representatives, senator by an urgent action on the board of governors nominees to speed up the joys ouster because they know They want to hack running this- this is how they operate. not our geysers, how their guys operate for the voting public be concerned about the? U s, p s playing club, paying closer attention to me. Ballots will it depends on the trust, you place in federal institutions of their employees. He says the? U s! Postal inspection service is the oldest federal law enforcement branch regard. Election related male, both campaign materialism ballots, the postman. Special service as their monetary they monitor, political, no election mail as it moves through the postal. When I worked to prevent
identify resolve any issues that might interfere with its secure and timely delivery. all of which sounds great in theory, but what happens at the mail doesn't get through or for them Get through selectively investigating, after the fact will change our election results and which party does all this help bite marriage. The usb has claimed it delivered. Ninety nine point: eighty nine percent of mail and ballots Within seven days during the twenty twenty election, one of the leadership of the EU s piastres heavily unionized workforce, decided to put their thumbs. The scale of a national association, a letter carriers, Filling the air fell, sierra leone endorsed by twenty twenty irreverent Two hundred seventy seven thousand workers postal workers union, also endorsed by It represents another three hundred and thirty thousand workers that six hundred thousand so far and is also under the air fares. Serio umbrella, though
a concerted effort to hinder election mail, the postal inspection service. Italy would notice it in time to stop and prevent it. Case a melon ballots, Postal service union interference might take the form of an effort Get delays and republican heavy areas, both male and bow, and applications. It goes on. Oh boy, any go soon. Example after example, in baltimore and other places. and so they're gonna use the postal service. Their use in the? U S, attorney's office, using the dossier in atlanta, the use in the EU. turning journal in new york to send messages all over the place and there's nobody better to help. Explain this to us then Paul manafort, politik prisoner, persecuted prosecutors, but not silenced
you will be with us after the break I'll, be right back The know I don't know Paul manafort think I may have met him once or twice, but I sat here behind the microphone talking to you about how repulsed I was about the way the man was treated, Paul manifold. How are you, sir,. I'm doing while barton, you're, you're right we about a couple of times, but I think I know you're real well, because For a year in solitary confinement, yeah. Every night you gave me out, Psyche that really year makes me feel great. You know what they did was so disgusting. this book a so so important for the american people, particularly now it couldn't be more pressure.
The more relevant the book as political prisoner, persecuted, prosecuted, but not silenced. Let me break this channel of it were put in solitary confinement. That was intended to break you. Wasn't it that's all no matter who they are, They only arrested me could be on home confinement with a ten million dollar bought Ten million dollars for fair violation there The boy gag order up, so I could talk They put the banned because they didn't think I can. I could make it took me: four tries right back rejected, but before try Was able to cobble together a package that permanent, he couldn't reject, because she had proved all the pieces of the three this period I put them together, make what I need it so but what I did that they saw that they would have to. Let me get out of containment. They
came up. It is only with discharge. Witness tampering, charge inhabitants the detailed rightly from court at the they will told me the dc present, but the Lies objective: two thanks to get I guessed bill at the justice department. They sent me not your great Laser windows prison out of the water used unsure about of virginia three where's, my lawyers, why couldn't talk with them very? Much Sailor was eight by twelve. No windows slide for their food. And I wasn't able to exercise or go outside at wasn't fun. They really wanted you to confess the things you hadn't done and they really want to do to get tromp. Didn't they mark that exactly right. in the book. I actually detail because
After the first trial, when I get a second dropped out of three weeks later deasey up again, the hostile judge and the one who tried to pick a decent jury but Listen, you appreciate as a hundred twenty Oh sure of yours. The pools because they like to explain why the values that I couldn't get a fair trial. They wouldn't do that Twenty weekly we're a questionnaire that they allow us to ask abroad. of questions one One sure we thought could be fair. over ninety of the council to the book, so they ate they make it I realized I needed to cut a deal, not give him anything, but did just now. Both trial because At the second trials were before procure actions have been taken and they went back twenty years of my life gobbling up things I give to my kids and so I got a deal to get the properties of my kids out of the package,
as a result that I spent fifty out. and for a weissmann andreasen that group were intended to tell em anything, but the truth while they were gleefully thinking. I was gonna spill, the beings, but in the course of fifty hours, long way to answer your question. was able to decipher what might theories were, What you collusion what is more, our motives were what the links were and they were, crazy ideas, There is way all idea when I worked for a while, the book son reynaud, stone. Dealing with what the russians and wikileaks shop telling? stone. When do I wonder the Acta, which release meekly The other versions going on it, was with no weapons issue of it. What did he want me to corroborate this legal? I want the point that he was
badgering me. He tried to bring five more lie to you to F, I agents charges as we do I'm telling the truth they never brought, but it was all but to get drunk and heavy and what I am do which waiting did not appreciate. put on his record The council notes the case. No rushing collusion. And in the case where Hillary Clinton's really with a personal committee. We collusion. ukrainians the russians. You know Paul manufactured one year in front of a jury that is not a jury of your peers. when you're in front of an obama judge who obviously hatred guts. and then he got a guy like Weissmann, who is a legal hip, man.
You must have said yourself, my god, I've been conserve republican. All my life. I've worked on behalf of candidates like ronald reagan, Donald trump. How the hell can this be happening to me, it had to go through your line as this america or what who's got a career overseer of fighting the soviet union the russians. bill in ukraine, where there was, waste. Crazy theory I was, and who got ukraine to change the laws of the economic structure to apply we part of europe, and it was all publicly known. That's all It was so absurd mark, but I said to myself I'm just girl. I had my fake my family and that donald trump will do the right thing when this is over with at some point in time. Then I just in the in the moment. Literally, I'm not exaggerate, I listen to you every day, you gave me all, because you are carrying the case you and Johnny Emily
they got me through a very difficult time. Your point about, I moved on and you and I never spoke right. Yet lorries- and I never saw I just know it know you know- well, if your time, during the wagon days, but I'm during the course of all this stuff, we didn't know that What I've tried to write you a letter? They wouldn't. Let me send it to you who you mean the the prison. Wouldn't let you send it to me. Oh yeah. Don't buy all my phone all my incoming and outgoing mail was monitor very They told you, they said. There's not one thing. That's going to outer one call you're going to have, except to your lawyers that we're not. Look at and listen to that I want. I was annoyed low writing. Who was just told you you said you now: aboriginal. You were for me and how much I appreciated you saying some of the things you're saying it wasn't like. I was telling you a secret information or railing against weissman, but they,
they wouldn't let her go. I pi want you to hang on. We really only got started here. This book is absolutely fascinating and truly important for everybody. Listening political prisoner, persecuted, prosecuted but not silenced, and you can get it on any of my platforms on twitter and elsewhere, as well as amazon dot com, we'll be right back with the
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trying to pursue and all sort of stuff. Well, I mean he was a bully. I mean that's correct, a really good call a pit bull, he was a bully or he was very arrogant. He had queries that were not in fact, but the ages created out of whole cloth. If you disagree with them, he would beat you back report. fifty hours, but I spent with him though he was insured regarding, in particular the book he was tried to make somebody work with a ten caused in colombia a russian spy, the fact field all the documents were still sealed that shit. that club, because a u s government after a in- and I even had a cold being from the us embassy in kiev to protect him cable traffic, but he was,
He was trying to make the leg me. He had this theory that trump was going to We give eastern europe to russia and I thought what a detailed of the book there was no basis He just came up with that, because what you want eastern europe or eastern ukraine surely one law of ukraine, as should signal as several months No evidence of any of this Then he wanted me to say I had meeting her colombia about. You said you had a meeting in madrid and in march, Two thousand seventeen metropolis present due to pass laws how to get this done right. Well, wasn't madrid will make anything other than savary for like eight months, I wasn't factor it's good, but it had nothing to do with constant nothing to do with trumpet. I do have a personal thing. A friend of mine was getting married, yeah. Well, whatever
Yo you attack, is the ticket. There cannot be any measure at the same time. I said well that would suit. but are we gonna do? Is there if he was there- and this is where you started to play- mind games a week and it was late in the afternoon and start with my games will be trying to get me to say plainly what, if gay and I didn't, but it was when I realized. you know how he was going to color me for the rest, and this was early in the fifty hours I was going. We put the rest of the the whatever mom thought I was going to be with him and that's that would have reached despair? Think they throw in trying to do you say that the composer was. I was aware of the release of the weekly You have documents before they were released, in before the democratic convention I would say no and then he would say well what did you know this? That or whatever which you would just be making it up? They weren't they're, not they're. Not in germany documents.
the team for a using these days. I was I that good help at that time because of solitary confinement job, He would probably my lawyers, I was. Why he was just gonna break up is not what I I told my lawyer to cut a deal with special council office. I said: look don't fight for five key letter because I'm not gonna get because I'm not going to give them what they want. So it's not important to me a bit that I get a letter. All I care about is protecting my kids assets About what you're you could take my assets and put them instead, that was the kind of guy he was. Nobody will bring in Genie week or to take a piece of it, so she could try and be the good good guy or the good guy bad guy game. Workers are so transparent. what the motions,
You didn't show up in the because I was new The game judge hours then like em Everybody showed up every time we do see because working jackson, villages. over there his motions were always creating image in a way that will not just as a criminal but as a b, the old woman beings. Those of them all together with a leak, would mean what to do responded, the media. They would leave all kind of fake things to the press. As I say, we can be made. The court of public opinion before I ever got to a trial well. I never really our chance and I remember this was one of those things at infuriated me. This gag rule What the hell do you have a gag rule for? Why do you need a gag rule? Let them speak out, but his lawyer speaker, let the american people
point of a public trial, so to speak or public, Criminal justice processes, so the public can watch what's taking place in no buts, taken place, but I found her. her rulings to be outrageous. It pointed out over and over again because they were outrageous. I want to ask you this: you see it's happening with trump again you see a search warrant which I think violates the fourth amendment given its breadth there. Going through his house. They go through his wife's closet and ensure they did exactly the same thing to you. They it leaking stuff. Their arguments, don't even jail, or in other words one day, there's one reason for doing it one day, there's another reason and there's the media pouncing There is the media. Pouncing here, sit back and think yourself. This system is screwed up its screw. the prosecutors have this kind of power.
And begin early action in the book target. what are you speak about the pursuit of that sort, do the b ass, a media socially play so that there would be a way convicting trump right now of espionage. I read that battle to know. After the last week. It's not working w. The american people are finally onto the game and ah- and I think that's why they took the desperate actions they did. This week, I read, as I've been saying, the people you know but generally six been a threat to democracy. This is a a threat to democracy going under political opponents. This is world code of behaviour. Interestingly, in writing when the other coleridge one indicted his calling upon it what I was told me again, although she was there they'll be here all present you shall go such he was guilty
I thought we could go to offset by you represent What about obama administration? To tell me Are you crying and publicly chessboards, yet a cohesive you, dont, building, democracy. This way this is a genuine democracy. When you go out to hear all the political powers now. This is trying to make america into the tent on democracy, that's becoming because that's exactly what he's doing. And that ridiculous first impeachment was the claim that he was trying to get the maiden. In in trouble too, I mean they do what they accuse. Other people are doing. Let me ask you this, because I'm sure the audience wants to know. You were in bad health. Therefore painted time was your life hundreds Really on the line was it It was a red eyed, always been good shape. I worry about being able to exercise. The food was bad and I never had doubt, but I got out, and I was
Not the diabetes which persuaded get I tried to change the diet of the menu. I was getting less the day to Bees are usually thou, be less problems. They said what you don't really secular help you, because it just the same food but less portions. that's always going to cause me pain. I couldn't walk. I mean it was so severe. I mean I goodbye up there, but that didn't buy goodbye who we know. Weissmann brought me into the grand jury your turn over. how's, your family. The family, scott my wife is the drastic which is only a little boost, but you know they believed in me and ah and find out who your friends I will you go through some workers.
My family and my friends of urban stronger, might work either way. I read: what's that, then my faith, how was I decided? I gotta use all my skill strategies the programme build every day, which was found. Korea and we in the bible Instead, we will be suffering the way st Paul talked about it and then relying on knowing my family was there for me and the end, but One way or another I would get through this. This parliament referred, I'm speaking to author, a political prisoner personally, It prosecuted, but not so what's last question, many people willing to talk to you and talk to you. bout. This board can give you an opportunity to speak its it's growing, Take what they did to present drop last week as Chris
an interest and MR vidal existent? Otherwise, because I deal with these issues of my book. Like I predict, all of these will be, aid is essential, the end of the first year by the administration, so I can get into a lot of the excesses of his is: is white house a popular per day somebody saying things out of it: those people and our reading a book up finding growing interest. Very, very good, I hope, are also the audience- will order a copy immediately. Its pull up political prisoner, persecuted prosecutor, but not silence it a truly compelling book, it's very, very important book and paul manner for it. I want to thank you very, very much and I hope to me you one day, So am I gonna wanna. Thank you very much regretted it over. my god, bless you, my friend on your family. You take care of yourself, like you,
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We all remember things differently. What's important, is that they're worth remembering from canoeing to the coliseum? You can book it all use code via tor, ten, in the app for ten percent off your first booking fight tour, one site over three hundred thousand experiences you'll remember laughing, enjoy that talk of Paul Manafort. in the book is so thorough. What's so important, I'm so glad he wrote it its police a prisoner person. You d prosecuted, but not silence is very important to read this book but the propaganda from the media, which regurgitating what weissmann said openly and linked to them this church. And is tracks and is an abomination, absolute abomination? just can't get a fair jury trail. In the district of columbia, many cities, if you're a trump card, Surely grotesque, they want to remind you. I will be on hannity in about forty five minutes. Nine thirty p m,
stand time. Six thirty pm pacific, Therefore cut me off this time. Mr establish. One never knows. Let's. Some calls here David Alexandria, virginia, the great w I may, I gave it go right ahead, place more thank you for having MR mann afford I'm from alligator within your he was living when he got rated say his took his computer took his papers, only through them. They'll pick out something prior, you know is involvement, will trump I the pre analogy to city courthouse when he was after use convicted and on the wall the courthouse they have. The bill of rights in the port of men said of opposite. The court has to swear before a judge at the scope of what your book for any just struck me is it was shortly after he was convicted. Unlike its on board
evil ball back back figures, rather than he had yet what the report says. We have to look for specifics and I just got like got you the member is worker ban was why wait a minute? What are his book as soon as we get up a wine in acts on the page, you brad you're born radio nights. my pleasure. It was an honour to have in the books called. Political prisoner, I encourage you folks to get it and thanks a lot David. I appreciate Pritchett. that's gotta, Robbie, Memphis, tennessee, the great Debbie, you r, the c robbie go mark. I should like in my girl, number one? This is the most serious thing hackers were in a basement under law. I can t being guarded by the secret service, be up. The accident in get in unless they got the scope service and
That should be the arctic there worried about the records. I guess the only people who knew about the wreckers was dropped and the people in the government now I guess what people in government known about it, that could be a problem. it's all a sham, it's a sham, and I think these people can stop and I think that's why so many republicans and conservatives her her rallying donald trump. They see what's taking place here. It is almost a figure like dreyfus. At this point. Our eye robbie, thank you, my friend. Let us continue, I think I will scope to Jeremy, los angeles, California,. Eight. Seventy charolais, they answer where we are alive and national go. model. A man like you for everything you do. You are the great one
why don't you take my call missing just to get a mention on what you asked a few weeks ago about a good nickname per hour governor up here. Gambling should, though, should be banned the prime minister of turn again we need to make california america again about How about gavin, gruesome. No, I mean like you like here: I don't blame you, aren't you listen, living near the year, the great gavin, trudeau or no or and a great big one with beetles yeah you hobbled, or Nancy nephew positive, on the to listen Thank you for everything you do We are everything to show the problem one iota hot dog. I go right ahead yeah, that's what they say on the streets. That's what I've heard. Anyway, so we are more from a constitution or we are.
transitional government. I'm actually actor here, no way out of her. Who said yes, don't worry about anything my my boys been heard on the air being listened to Shit, you met him in these matters in the winter congress in seventeen. Ninety poor wine com, he's trying to appropriate funds. french refugees, it would be haitians now they are trying to do Thirteen thousand dollars monitoring went to congress due to his colleagues. Instead, can you point to an article on the constitution, where people gave congress the authority to prompt raid, funds, money for their constituents with applause the purpose of the netherlands, is anything anything time is doing today. We do so he had been her well, where we're gonna run, everything changed with
actually theodore roosevelt, who was republican, progressive and then from their went down hill he had woodrow wilson, franklin, roosevelt, really, our country into the beginning of a post constitutional republic,. We can discuss this a little bit more later. German thank your body I'll beyond hannity at nine thirty pm, eastern six, thirty pm pacific, thank poor, Paul Manafort. I want to thank all you heroes out, their god bless each and every one of you and I'll see you tomorrow right see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2022-08-19.