« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/21


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, seven months ago the US had approximately 7,000 troops in Afghanistan, the war was over and the troops were training the Afghans and providing air cover. President Biden reduced their air cover and slashed the number of troops in the region, now he is pleading with the Taliban to not attack our embassy because, as expected, they are taking over. The Taliban is executing anyone with an affiliation to the US military. Now the US is sending another 3,000 troops to rescue our civilians in the embassy. Our enemies in China, North Korea, Russia, and around the world saw Biden's miscalculation and weakness. China will feel emboldened to invade Taiwan, Putin will be emboldened to reclaim Ukraine and the United States will be humiliated even further. General Jack Keane calls in to explain that this withdrawal is problematic and that Biden knew it would endanger the American civilians left behind. He added that the geopolitical ramifications all equal a net political gain for Iran. Keane reiterated that the US pulled out all combat troops in 2014 and only left enough troops to train the Afghani forces. Then, the $5.5 billion boondoggle known as the infrastructure spending bill is the brainchild of Bernie Sanders and is ripped from the pages of the Soviet Union playbook. In the 1936 USSR Constitution, Stalin wrote that citizens had the right to work and the right to rest and leisure, as well as rest homes, sanitariums, medical services, and universal education through the university level. So much of this has been mirrored in the infrastructure bill to expand government services. This will make the US mostly socialist and push our public education to be more of an indoctrination system. Later, the United States' southern border is the biggest super spreader event in history because Biden is allowing immigrants open access to America. Migrants that have tested positive are being bussed into other cities and nothing is being done to stop it. If this isn't an impeachable offense then what is? Finally, Peter Schweizer calls in to highlight the media's obfuscation of Hunter Biden's latest scandal. Schweizer pointed out that Hunter’s latest video is problematic because it's a Joe Biden problem, not just a Hunter Biden problem. Some emails show that Hunter was paying his father's bills. Did anyone pay taxes on these gifts? Will the Manhattan District Attorney look into this?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills. They'll college for over one hundred and seventy five years for purposes have defined hills. Dales mission learning character, faith and freedom- thank you for it.
Sitting in my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had Hills Dale for their great sponsorship, now broadcasting unruly underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant, our numbers, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I've got a tonne to cover tonight. I hope you ll stick with us. First, thanks
first and silence my phone, Mr President, Some vietnamese veteran see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdraw and what happened it was some people feeling cuts him off What's whatsoever, zero says by why you had? Is you add entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy? Six, if I'm not mistaken that, a ban is not the sad, not the north vietnamese army. There not they're, not remotely com. blunt terms at capability, theirs, to be no circumstances where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy and, in the end, states from Afghanistan. It's not at all comparable. Now, there's a few things I want to address, which may not be popular with many of you. I keep hearing this is a twenty year. War.
How much longer shall we go to war? ladies and gentlemen, a couple things about this, we had five. Five six, seven thousand troops in Afghanistan a month ago. No, deaths in the last year and a half Fighting a cordon cold war in Afghanistan, it's not an ongoing war. I think they, all the hot war every day going on day in and day out, that's not what's happening there, that's not what was happening there. We have said that. Well, Had been training enough, the afghani armed forces they should be able to fight for themselves.
while they were largely fighting for themselves with our advisers and support, but we ve taken there. Power power, why we ve taken their air cover way for the most part, The afghan ground forces have no air cover and they needed that air cover. When we were pushed back. On those occasions when necessary, the Taliban and the Taliban feared our air cover. this has been a disaster, this The humiliation for us. every one of our enemies, are looking at this- the North Koreans. The communist Chinese. Odin in Russia, the Islam or Nazi regime in a rather all. Looking at this. And their seeing weakness. There are seeing a humiliated United States, worst
three thousand troops back in order to try and get our civilians out, including out of the embassy, so they're not harmed. In many ways. In many ways it is those final. This final moments in Vietnam, if a parallel but good enough. Said the Taliban won't take over, he was wrong, he's always wrong. These always wrong. so now a country that was basically neutralize. That's a big deal, ladies and gentlemen, politically diplomatically militarily, a nation that was basically which relies on their territory, And the country of Afghanistan. from where we were hit on nine eleven
it's gonna be Star, where wars marcy- and working with the communist Chinese will be working with. kind of will be working with other terrorists. This is if you're going to withdraw. This is the way you would draw The way you do at all people, you talk about twenty years, who work with us for twenty years are being slaughtered now, Taken over twelve of the provinces, the capitals are these problem. Since they control seventy percent of the country. women are being raped, the women are being married off. Some of these are young. Girls, said have know nothing of the Taliban. Many we hear now are being tortured. Little kids
A body with any connection to the United States, militaries being executed on the spot. Some of you may disagree me, I'm sorry States doesn't conduct itself this way. This is this is evidence of a deteriorating nation Nation, that's lost its core. I didn't say we should be fighting in fighting in fighting in Afghanistan. I said it was neutralised there Effectively, neutralised Pull the air power from these. Afghan forces her who are used to fighting with the air power from the United States- and you do it abruptly like this.
You ve created disaster. there are other reasons, of course,. This is the same administration that is propping up the Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran, convinced a number of our allies to poor billions of dollars into IRAN to build up This regime, that is, building nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons and right on the precipice. Is a weak israeli government Week, american government played it for you here? Matt lay the Associated Press reported, the Department of State was pressing Nick Price, the spokesmen at the State Department Is there anything the Iranians couldn't do that would cause you to start negotiating with them.
quickly said now, not you have to believe me. When I tell you she looks at this. You know a g's decided today. Looking around understand watching. What's going on with a ran and our government, you notice decided today, I can. Taiwan. Listen to me. I can invade Taiwan Putin's decided, in addition to buying and selling out giving it miss pipeline. I can take the Ukraine. This is enormously provocative for you. Isolation. This is exactly the wrong way to conduct business. Exactly the wrong way to conduct farm
I'll, see, policy? I wasn't even planning on discussing until the third, our and then look in the Middle EAST again what's going on in the Middle EAST. Again, do you that our government, you know that Biden is pressuring the Israelis to open a effectively. palestinian consulate in EAST Jerusalem and the Others are saying, wait a minute we get to decide. If there's a consulate in EAST Jerusalem, we have the United, Its embassy in Jerusalem now also abide administration. No, no! No! No! We want a consulate, an American slow, where we can reach out to the Palestinians. The Palestinians, who continued to insist on destroying the state of Israel who continued On terrorism. Then you look at our southern border.
Does a national security and foreign policy issue? In addition, domestic. You see what's going on there. These are disaster, These are humiliations, humility, since complete disasters and throw it all They want to destroy us from within this three points: Five, which is a five point, five trillion dollar massive boondoggle, isn't attempt the Institute in the United States, because the authors Bernie Sanders I Bernie Sanders what's between his ears, you ready for this. This attempt. to use chapter ten of the night team thirty six Soviet
Constitution and impose on the United States of America? You want me to prove it to you. You want me to prove it to you. I will prove it to you. As soon as we come back out there, back, then, American austrian civic education- is at a turning point. What we allow bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught a where we The whole truth now my friends at Helstone College argued for teaching the truth they ve They wholesale seventeen. Seventy six curriculum download a ball for free at Lowood, friend hills they'll back come available not only to teachers, but also the citizens like you to share with other concerns citizens. This complete through twelve history and civic curriculum designed to give educators guidance had not mandates. Alas, too
was to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as really happened, Children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and appalled. The dignity of each individual, America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, still, seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today, at Levine from Helstone Back COM. That's Al Av! I am free hills, dot, dot com. I would like to say I told you so but take down the names of the isolation in the apologist right now, because what was a neutralize territory neutralize country is now Going to be another launching pad. We don't have enough strong allies and certainly in that country, the EU.
What the hell's going on in that country This was an absolutely humiliating withdraw. We now the sending troops in order to protect our embassy personnel from leaving. It is if we don't even give a damn, what's happening to the people in their who stood by us and with whom we stir. It turned my stomach. If you want to get our planet properly, did they get out before nine eleven. Absolutely unbelievable to me, I don't want to get into this have talked about this. Four, but it's a reminder in its necessary chapter, ten fundamental rights and duties of citizens. Stolen soviet constitution: nineteen, thirty, six, The right to work that is
guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work, in accordance with its quantity and quality. The right to work is ensured by the Socialists organization of the national economy, the steady growth at a price the forces of the society, the elimination of the possibility of economic crises, and they abolition of unemployment. Citizens of the USSR have the right to rest and leisure right to rest and leisure is ensured by the reduction of the working day to seven hours. For the Overwhelming majority the workers, the institution of annual vacations, with full pay for workers and employees, the provision of a wide network of sanatorium rest homes, club for the accommodation of the working people sounds really swell. Citizens of the USSR have the right to make into an old age, and also, in the case of sickness or loss of capacity, to work, this right is ensured by the extensive development of social insurance of workers and employers. State expense free local service for the working people Provision of a wide network and health resource for the use of the working people.
Citizens of the USSR, have the right to education, The right is ensured by universal compulsory elementary education by occasion, including higher education, being free of charge by the sea, state stipends, for the overwhelming majority students in the universities and colleges by instruct schools being conducted in their native language and by the organisation in the factory state farms, machine a tractor stations and collective farms are free, vocational, technical and Atomic training for the working people, like community college. Equality of rights of citizens of the USSR. Willing to talk about that anymore, we have critical race theory, which isn't Equality right here, spect of their nationality or race in all spheres of economic state. Cultural, social and political life is an indefensible law any direct or India restriction of the rights of or, conversely, any establishment of direct or indirect privileges for citizens.
On account of their race or nationality, as well as any advocacy of racial, national, exclusiveness or hatred and tempt, is punishable by law. As he murders, Ukrainians and rounds of Jews and all the rest, the conformity with the interests of the working people in order to strengthen the socialist system, the citizens of the USSR, again, by law, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, Freedom of assembly, including holding a mass meetings, freedoms processions in demonstrations, these rights are ensured by placing at the disposal of the working people and organisations print impressive stocks of paper, public buildings, the streets communicate. facilities and other material requisites for the exercise of these rights- of course, in conformity with the interests of the working people. Stalin goes on in order to develop the organizational initiative in political activity, the masses of the people sitting
into the USSR, ensured the right to unite in public organisations, trade unions Cooperative associations, youth organizations, sport into hence organizations, cultural, technical, scientific societies and the most active and politically, most conscious citizens of the ranks of the working class and others since the working people. You know In the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which is vanguard of the working people in their struggle to strengthen and develop the socialist system, and is the law the core of all organizations of the working people, both public and state, it goes off now. Nobody knows this language better than Bernie Sanders. Nobody knows this language better than Bernie Sanders. And so here we are: what are they proposing. national, comprehensive paid family Medical II programme
Free universal preschool for all three and four year olds, fun free community college for our students, expand the total amount of programmes to increase the maximum individual award, expand sister, this summer III b, T programme, which help some low income families with children by food outside the school year, extend the one nine trillion covert stimulus plans, provision, lowering health insurance premiums for those who buy coverage on their own, extend the child. exploited expansion. There was included in the recovery relief bill also contains money for clean energy programmes, of course, and on and on expand, Medicare expand, medicate. Very very similar stolen sanders in a democratic American strange civic education is at a turning point. What we bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught. Teach the whole truth.
friends at Helstone College, argue for teaching the truth. They ve they wholesale seventeen. Seventy six curriculum, Download, A for free at Lowood, friend Hills, Dale Dotcom available not only to teachers, but also the citizens like you to share with other concerns citizens this complete eight through twelve history and civic curriculum, designed to give educators guidance, not mandates. Elastic to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened, are Children deserve to be taught the truth for a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats polish, the dignity of each individual America's fee
True depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, still, seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today, at Levine for Hills, delta com, that's l, e g, I am pretty hills. Dot dot com remark will show you to Morrow Morning, show your privilege markdale seven, seven four years, one for one walking up before this election. I said on radio and tv anywhere. Anybody would listen that Joe Biden is the candidate of our enemies. And he's delivering for our enemies. he's delivering for enemies, he's howling out the United States of America. At the same time,. With a mass of invasion going on in this country, including people who have a Miller Pandemic, for which Tax to republican governors cause he's afraid they might be his opponent.
This is this is father of tens of millions of Americans who voted for him. This is the fault of tens of millions of Americans who voted from this should have been a blow up. So any level of unconstitutional efforts. Clean Pennsylvania. In violation of the federal constitution shouldn't matter. It should have been blown out. Election and buying should have lost, but all the other elements. Of American Marxism pulled together in every way, by hook or by crook, by hook or by Crook, I want you to listen to this from by now cut one go, there's something call Dorp defence, advanced research project, aces. Set up excluding french department lower to seek out the cutting edge research projects
Enhance our national security and outfit I came up. With the internet, GPS A lot is still a lot of things. I propose you. We do a similar thing. Tell us where we needed DARPA in general, because the private sector is not in charge of national security. the private sector, is not in charge of national security. That is a responsibility, one of the specific we're its abilities of the federal government go ahead. I propose we spend six point. Five billion dollars towards that figure. Come from nowhere, ends and billions in hundreds of billions and trillions in it, since this is like, like an there. What's going on here, go ahead
similar agency within the national suit of health. The eyes call advanced research projects agency hark by h, dark up with these names, o r H sounds cool, go ahead, I'll, be cutting edge research and how to detect tree incur disease like Alzheimer's diabetes, cancer. I let let let's stop here. Second, the guy spent trillions of dollars dressing all these issues in their horrific issues they really are, and if they want partner with the private sector. The way operation warps he did and so forth and fight, but you're, not gonna national lies private initiatives. You know, that's gonna happen. You're gonna have foul cheese and Collins is and impolite politics all throughout now. It's Speed anything up, it's not gonna
it up. Cures for cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's government doesn't speed up anything. It's filled with red tape with bloated overpaid bureaucracies. With unqualified individuals at every level. This isn't going to solve a damn thing at a slow things down. It is Private sector, it is capitalism, is competition. that's what gives us our advances. That's what gives us our advances. the United States government determines specifically what we need when it comes to national security. They have intelligence agencies of security agencies, military agencies, the State Department. That's why we have done Because they have information that the private sector,
does not have its neighbours its abilities that the private sector does not have. If you. want to unleash further creativity, productivity, inventiveness. Then why are you going to massively increased taxes on the very companies and businesses and individuals who do these things? Who do these things. and every time they talk about efficiencies and how we are going to solve this. In that I want you to remember. What's going on on the southern border, I want you to think What's going on on the southern border, Let's go to cut three Mr Produce cut three go: to the marriage school.
superintendent educators, local leaders, who are standing up to the governors, politicizing mass protection for our kids. Thank you Thank you as well Thank God. We have heroes. Like you, stand with you all and Kashmir is well, you know at this guy's as low as a low life can be while he, bringing people into this country who have these diseases. why is bringing people in this country. Who have the virus, who have the delta variant he's attacking public and governors over masks. The republican governors, are trying to stop these people from coming into the country this, the greatest super spreader in Amerika.
History, can you think of another president? Can you think of another administration, Democrat or Republican that would open up our border to what will be two and a half million people in a period of twelve months, hundreds of them since every month coming Into our country, untested unprotected. And being distributed throughout the country. Is there Another president, who who has done such a thing if this is not. And a peaceful offence than what is. Forty percent of migrants released in Texas Borders, city tests, positive recovered nineteen The city of Laredo Texas has refused to take a migratory been busted in from elsewhere on the border. After discovering Eighty percent of them tested positive
corona virus. You can wear masks call your work with the important people what this virus that mask is not going to protect you! You can't wear. second of every day,. P J media. It's true Public health crisis. One border town is puzzling, hundreds of untested illegals too often and Houston every single day. Every single day, forty, of whom have been found? Do you have a virus The variant are being passed into two major American Citys, Austin, Texas and Houston Texas,. It is shocking
heroes. He says they heroes that Democrats or define the republican governors. You ve got republican. governors trying to come together to secure the border, and you literally have the attorney general, the United States Guy and a federal What this stop them and they get a better. judge, though I agree with them,. Every one of these federal medical beer crash goes on tv. not one of them criticizes this administration policy. Not one and the only one to challenge them is Peter, do see at fox. No, A journalist gives a damn so Tell me: did Joe Biden really care about school children? really care about all people getting this disease. Now he praised he praised. drew Cuomo, getting our job. Fifteen thousand people are nursing, homes
get a. How about job does binding, a man who gives it s about Americans here beings in this country, What is pouring in the streets of our inner cities? One bureaucratic risk J after another? Does he said like a man who gives them but the smaller that's occurring in the inner cities. not in the least. soft on crime, always soft on crime, Passion for all the wrong people encouraging they here, the Democrats on school boards and in cities for defying the scientists and Governor Abbot, pretty amazing. Meanwhile, the southern border that he's in charge
That he's in charge. what's going on down? There is criminal. And what this president is doing to our country in order Empower the Democratic Party is criminal. I know I was the first to say it and I'll say it again: these are and peaceable offences. on top of that, defining a supreme court decision. These are unimpeachable offences What what do you need to put it in a letter to Ukraine, then that'll be unimpeachable offences at it is that it. But don't worry, don't worry wants to create more government. two to eliminate all timers. Governments going to eliminate all timers to limit
diabetes in cancer. I remember one: Richard Nixon announced a war cancer, one billion dollars at that time. That sounds like a lot of money. We ve been lot of advances course not enough, but they're, not coming out of government that he wants to take money out of government. Excuse me out. Private sector that comes up with these things he wants to take money out of the very Petitions out of the very laboratories. that, saw or will solve these problems. That's what we need folks. Nationalized warm or the private sector because they do such a damn good job? What do you think of that in Vienna State local level? What do you think internal revenue service. All of you haven't even got your refunds. Yet what do you think about about that federal government channeling the border. What do you think about the federal government channeling of a budget year
just be more power? They just need more authority I back then, American. History and civic education is at a turning point: what we bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught teach the whole truth. Now. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve They wholesale seventeen. Seventy six curriculum download A ball for free at Lowood friend, hills, they'll back come available not only to teachers, but also the citizens like you to share with other concerns citizens this completely. through twelve history and civic curriculum designed to give educators guidance and not mandates alive. students to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened. Art Children deserve to be taught the truth for a sound recollect that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual, America's future
depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, still, seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today at Lavigne, pray, hills, delta com, that's l, e g! I am pray, hills del dot com. I watched this event a strange and watch by and watch this democratic party there destroying America from within and destroying America from without. All the tremendous gains we ve made over the last four or five years under President Trump, her vanishing. The tremendous nation there was established by our founding is going He pulled down like one of those monuments over the summer.
they will cease being mostly a capitalist country and will become mostly a socialist economic system. We're indoctrinated. Our children on Marxism and the American Marxist spawned movements. loud and County Virginia yesterday. The school board voted To impose the transgender agenda on public school students, on top the critical racy region. Those of you who understand this, a red American Marxism are going to It is exactly the kind of movement they. Expecting communist regimes to points as footnotes. I read one idiot who said marks got a wrong. It's closer to fascism. Very stupid person wrote that. The level of indoctrination, as the book explains.
These various movements. They go Marxism now look marks? fascism when you're, destroying Americanism you can come from many angles: many angles: We need to understand who the enemy is. Fascism is actually easier to understand. Tat particular clever, the iron fist, the police state. You can see it in IRAN. Islam or nazi regime. That's what I call a fascist regime, what's happening in our country. isn't like one, strong man or even one movement, its slicker than that makes it more complicated. These are american born marxist moment.
Then another eighty, I don't have they got up. My emails are going to mark and when you talk about your book, you really ought to start telling about. What's in your book, the most of it is I've been talked about. What's in my book said to myself, How did this any even get my email address, some believable. but this is what's happening. You see, folks, the Democrats, Party does not believe in american sanity it. I believe in american superiority just As its change language to equity,. Friend, embraces the lack crib movement in Hamburg. Since the United Nations, it embraces all these movements, they d growth, At the international DE growth equipment and so forth, it embraces them off. Which means the incarceration of America's. You know it next, our general Jakin
we'll be on the programme. The third our why Peter Schweizer to talk but the latest in Hunter Bide and don't Thank job I'm not connected. This is a corrupt, crying family, corrupt Family protected Praetorian guard media, just Cuomo was protected, despite his Mala stations and what he did in a nursing homes is the media. Are
I'll, be right back now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant. Here I number eight seven, seven, three, eight one create one one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one look it's one of those days where you have to be intellectually flexible, moving in and out of issues, moving back to issues because of the nature of the news right now,. in my case. As you know, fuels it with history, infusing it with philosophy and reality.
there is an arabian christian immigrant, loud and Counter School Board meeting on Tuesday. And I want you to listen to what she had to say about this County School board, meeting Critical race theory about- and gender ideology cut six go dear disgraced board members, you think your walk below, which will open the door Am I killed in marriage and armenian our minorities of the minorities in this country. our ancestors and people, survived, massacres of the church and ISIS I grew up anyone as a Christian, We went to school as much the government wanted to indoctrinate. Does the teachers than an allowance. the teachers that their job teachers, the curriculum science, math biology, etc.
Try to shop propaganda down our throats diet, almost knowing Twenty first century we have social, social justice warrior, so our teachers are trying to shop. The garbage ideology done our kids through. These are our children, not yours ray job is not to raise my child or my neighbors child. Their job is teach I kid math science biology, literature. That's it, not ideology. Now you want to push: Irish crap like pronouns. the hell? Does I keep it kid from succeeding. How does I helped does that teach them? How to hide you want to?
start club is done by kissed I'll make you call my kids, king and queen. That's. How will address my sons and my daughter, you really You look at me, you call me master, you want that to be in your mouth. When you look at me. Your garbage ideology is Your garbage don't be a job. politician don't waste of money that we pay for. We were for money weeping. Taxes, we pay for this damn building it doesn't belong to and they cut his MIKE man is brilliant and courageous. And I'd open this country to more and more migrants like him who assimilate into the country and love the country and fight for the country. Unlike the phony Americans who sit on that school Board, Robin the Angelo is one of the
individuals whose made millions of dollars on pushing what I call. critical racism, marxists theory, she's, a fraud. In my humble opinion, I'd be more than happy to challenge you to a debate publicly here and He has pushed this ideology, she is pushed this racism and when she caught she spins. cut, seven go. Well, I wouldn't try to say here's what critical race theory really is because I dont think people are engaging not at a rational level. It is the new boogeyman other white populist has always been susceptible manipulation around racial and I'm just listen to the way this buffoon talks. The white populace Always susceptible to manipulation around racial animus.
She doesn't know you, she talks in these bigoted the Tunis phrases. This is all she is. This is, she does and it appears Lot of people, particularly other bigots and racists. But you see you don't know a critical race theory is. If you read my book, you know it. beginning to an nuts and bolts. and even quote her not extend Lakers Shootin, invented she's made a fortune off of it, go ahead I assume you are aware of the southern strategy, this the latest manifestation of it the southern strategy. Another fiction created by The Democrats in their marxist left friends. the southern strategy. Ladies and gentlemen, I see.
while our view part of a southern strategy who about college in university strategies, go ahead area it's perfect in a way. You know it's just vague enough. You can attach just about anything to it, but what it comes down to, in the reason that I am called a critical race there's, even though, technically I am not a legal scholar comes down to is technically I'm not illegal scholar, critical race, theorist, you don't have to be illegal scholar, and you know what you performed, and you know it go ahead, when that racism exists, that it is real, the country is founded in it and that is infused across all of our countries been founded in liberty. Cunt, was found with a declaration of independence. There's not a word of racism in the declaration of independence, not
the Abraham Lincoln, who did more for black people country, then you clown could ever wished to do, can ever wish to do and gave his life. Ultimately, he understood why the country was founded. He under That's why I wanted to keep the union together. He embraced declaration in the constitution. He embraced the founders, he explained it, but not you you're, a hack. Go ahead owing to be seen as critical race theory, and there are very, very, very deep investments in the sky Squall industry is very deep investments in the status. What you see you see it's this. In its society, she's got all the propaganda down. Yes, there is a lot of investment in the status quo, which is now races, Liberty,.
Unalienable rights, nuclear family faith, capitalism, ass in a successful country, the people are invested in the status quo. The status quo. People have never been invested in slavery, forests of a war we struggle with a right up and through the civil war. segregation and so forth. We re fantastic, diverse country. most forty percent of the population is not white and that's it the majority white population, allows the population the continued to become more and more diverse you, see that in many countries go ahead,
we're getting us not to have the conversations that we need. We don't want conversations with you, you're a dim witted before propagandist and a radical. You tell people who interviewed on the Black NEWS channel where they are promoting a marxist ideology that was then by a marxist. Why don't you explain that to them. Why don't you explain that to them that Derek Bell founding father of critical race theory who stole? bunch of his ideology, from her our coasts, say communist at Berlin, Germany. Why don't you explain these things to the people? You speak to have one to explain what Bell stood for an to explain as I do in America, Marxism that Bell rejected Martin Luther King, the Bell reject, a colorblind society that Bell rejected this. Sixty four
Sixty five civil rights acts that both rejected the Supreme Court, Visions that both rejected everything before that there was advanced to try to address discrimination, slavery and so forth, because bow believed you couldn't fix it because. It's a white dominate society in all these things are nothing but window dressing. You see this system must come. It must be overthrown right, Robin right. Yes, Robin! That's right! You give way. go ahead! These conversations are, what is dividing us? Do you Had India Walton on that enough? Is enough we'll be right back then over? Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless, carries to pure talk over the past few months. We
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like you, I say: dot: com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA. Simply smarter wireless pleasure have the man we go to in situations like this general track: Kane retired forced our general terms to the institute for the study of war. The institute for the study war. Have we ever been humiliated like this? Before in in Afghanistan? that whatsoever up. As a matter of fact, it you we're we're picking what is ill. boy. You perfect situation in Afghanistan, but was relatively stable the situation was stalemated between the Taliban and the afghan government and its security forces and by the Bible
decision making this decision, the pull out lastly, the monastery this data would prevent. The Taliban. in over the Al Qaeda from coming back, one decision that Bob I think, Sherry's miscalculations, but you can make a case that it was the girl. I understand that, but then, once you make the decision what we ve done here is embarrassing. This is preventable what was see in front of US mark I mean you ask me the questions. Ok, I want to get out, but I want to get out on our terms I shall we don't want to travel by russian the gate, as were as where exiting I want. No part of that. So give me the conditions, have to be established to ensure that are withdrawn? Is not gonna, be precipitate Taliban take over and that would have made.
some very serious recommendations that the military would have been making to the present by understand that he dismissed. All of that, we may decision and he wanted to get out as soon as possible. The people are trying to tell him. We can't do it that quickly, because it's gonna undermining afghan security forces, so significantly woman home all we're power that they used to having on a daily basis away from an that's what health to precipitated Maybe it is serious miscalculations on the part of this administration more So what do you think we should get out of Afghanistan and not others? I think we should stay a good argument. Had we may believe, but given you made that decision that we should have put the conditions in place to avoid what we say in here tonight, with switches so preventable and it should be pursued by the United States. It is about a thing that would do it. We have people from the State Department, pleading with the Taliban.
In Doha, Weathers international community meeting taking place for them not to attack our embassy. please help static and humiliating. Is that what we should Do it is go over to the Taliban, led a paradox, put your finger on his chest and tell em if you get a our people get hurt at all. They are withdrawing from Afghanistan. We will kill you by the thousand, a price that is too to watch how's it going over there and treating women not to hurt us while we're leaving? I mean my god, what people are barbarians fanatics and but that is not the way to deal with and the only way you deal with these people's disbursement,
in this new ties piece of a few hours ago, general, which makes your point american negotiators and trying to extract assurances from the Taliban. They won't attack the. U S embassy in Kabul, if the extra This group everyone's the capital, lay there offering foreign aid, not what the hell is. This no, she and China. He must be lap and this up acute be lap and up. The regime in Tehran must be lap, and this could this not. evoke. These these genocidal maniacs to take actions because they know that we have a commander in chief, who's made a decision like this. In the way he's made this decision, we are told grab your geopolitical implications of this go far and wide. I mean we said from the Outset Seven military bases out of Afghanistan as a net strategic
regional game for IRAN, China and Russia, all who are neighbours of Afghans and they are thrilled. There were leaving, however, the other thing that they don't want as they slowly don't want. Afghanistan destabilized they really dont want the Taliban the take over either. They would have much preferred to pay stalemated situation with the United States gone at that was possible, but yet the geopolitical it ok Since we have our adversaries, very real, and that's what makes this even more day. First, because it opens them, and it certainly look it up. Allies on this fact was Europeans who have had so many problems with on so many issues, as you were Vice President Biden that they agreed with key A modest force there to prevent the Taliban have taken over the Al Qaeda I'm coming back? There was a Europeans
military said the same thing to tackle the secondary offences. Chairmen healed commanders, but he would have no, no part of that. That was what serious miscalculation. The second one is we are witnessing now that we set the conditions to make our withdrawal successful and that's really unfortunate unfortunate, in a framework of people? How can, with the state this emphatically our troops? What, when he's Anita? What is eighty percent We ve been in this war torn ears and our eyes just said at the opening of the show. Neutralised, basically country in this territory. So it's no longer a launching ground to attack the United States. I mean we're not in a
full scale war in Afghanistan, each and every day and night are we now we, we pulled all about combat forces out seven years ago and twenty forty we left in place some advisors of robust challenges capability. It's been followed, this close down without CIA basis. There is well that contribute to that. The keep our eyes on Al Qaeda, principally, and we had significant coordinators and air power, and it was the air power and the intelligence capability that the afghan security forces, by so much listen. Our mission was to prevent another attack from the outset, and we have accomplished that measure. Many of us felt that that mission really has ended so called war on terror against radical Islam. Generational war and a modest commitments
Sure I'll kind of those who attack us again, many of us leave is the right course whip with we evolved on this part where we ve got more sophisticated, ideally with a cup a situation like the radical Islamic woven this forty to fifty movements, there under the umbrella of that title of jihadis, and we're only interested in five of them, and why is that? Because they all have the same aspirations to kill the american people at all Oh, that's why we're in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, EAST Africa and That is why we wanted to stay many of us believe in Afghanistan, Say reason in all these cases it's a very modest amount of forces and we re not the rule but that we don't care about radical Islam, it the world but we sought to set its, not our problem and the only
We're working to focus on is those that our child tat tat the american people, and I think that is the and sobering conclusion that we came to and how to deal with this issue and that's what the reasons are disappointed that within Afghanistan is one of those countries that we should maintain. That kind of folk general I know your pressed for time. You ve got other obligations. Just how can you hold over or not you are, to pursue additional questions with you, for the audience will be right. Back with General George Ass Drug radio call we're married seven, seven or eight one, one, one that eighty seven seven three eight one, three eight one one. We have to choose
to the general jakin of talk ready, and I were now. now general keen Afghanistan, the horror and I dont know a lot. I just know what I read, but the administration must know a lot of it that is taking place over there The brutalizing of women has already started marrying off women, taking them as hostages. The sum the execution of anybody who may have been associated with any westerner, has westerner culture, its already started repression, the United States. Doesn't this even cause you at least some some. Consternation there you would work I know these very much aware of the reality is that we were facing there the premature withdrawal or not setting the conditions are much better one. He knows full well that the Taliban walk away away. All the way to Kabul is no doubt about that, and
he has shown on television and radio there, buried, always short kinds of music. The women are going back in the full barkers again the women it just be yeah right out of school, there's colleges and in some of these provincial capital, all that's been stopped for women. Classes are about to change its total, social upheaval in the country in addition to the horror of what is taking place with people's lives being threatened and really will then be taken from their homes and be enforced. Don't marriages after supper was apparent in the regime for five years when the libitum ran the country and one of the astounding things are. Our views would appreciate. I mean I wasn't it would appreciate. Is that the up? Serbia is done in Afghanistan for the last twenty years. I didn't want to come
by the end of Chechnya. Right by the people of Afghanistan is always hovering around eighty five percent. That is absolutely staggering. Street in the record here, we have ensured received, has never been one as unpopular as theirs. That's why they have absolutely refused political deal the power sharing, because if there was ever elections being held, these guys couldn't get elected to anything because People find them so reprehensible and that's just what they face it's gonna be a harsher shore and general came just people understand. We had people talk about them Yo Cons and the Washington military establishment and so forth. Our reason for being in Afghanistan is to protect. The United States of America is the absolute. What did we go? Get it the things in Afghanistan, as we did in Bosnia Herzegovina to a degree that fast we positive
two. Yes, terms of nation building effort, our our reason for being there. One fundamentally is the makes that there is not going to be another Al Qaeda organization. It rises there with the aspirations to attack the United States. That's why we also had the CIA there. In their eye on the AL. Qaeda leadership in in Pakistan certainly was from every member that we attack had been logged in patent, so we just hold the way all those eyes and ears bigots. Given that the Taliban are gonna, take over and less your bike. Does a reassessment changes. I daddy's gonna do that frankly, how'd he s stomach for it, but the the other thing I can and about was the Taliban does take over most so I ve been observed in this, and I've been involved here for a long time closely, absolutely
Convinced that the Al Qaeda will resurgent inside Afghanistan, there is a presence of them Right now that they'll just feel just build on that Can I have the eyes and ears that we have right now, to see that happen to take active action against. So here we have a threat that that will be facing us ashore within a year or two years, and would not much ability, to do anything about it. Why would we put the american people at risk again We did take the actions in the nineteen nine. These will. We know you solid Ballade had dropped both of US Besides in Africa, and in fact the U S S cold and all we did it Einstein was throw some crews missiles up into a training based in Afghanistan, are better equipped administration. The fact that we, we did the harm to them, convinced you saw Bin Laden that America
we and they can be taken advantage of, and that's why you wanted to attack us to read. play. The scenario is absolutely outrageous when there's no reason to do it, given all the lives and resources that have already been spent- and I want to ask you about that. Finally, general, lotta gold, star families and listen to this radio show my wonderful beautiful Americans who died Afghanistan over horribly, maimed. What can you say to them? What can you The frameworks for your very strongly about I mean the reason. Why are we Our soldiers there was to make certain that the Al Qaeda did not attack us again, and we have succeeded in that for twenty years and we'd make certain that that didn't happen.
We wanted the keeper small force that will guarantee that wouldn't happen in the future years as well, because we are involved, the generational war? Here against radicals love, they haven't said the war is over and these people out there to want to do harm and kill us our soldiers, the law, that we sacrifice to catastrophic wounds that so many the sacrifices families may is commendable because they have protect in Amerika, for these twenty years, that there should be no diminishment of that whatsoever by this horrific ending this day, employees because it miscalculations of leaders in Washington that does not take anything away from them. sacrifice in art that those soldiers and families have provided in his nation at will always be remembered, channel king, you know if the war is over. Against terrorism, the water with tee, I say, I'm Senor thinking. Why do we have no fly lists? Why do we have all the?
These things in place to try and protect us from Hell IDA and organization to the same, because in we know the war is over, don't why there. That is still there is an ideology leaders change out. As we ve seen we killed leaders are leaders rise up their committed to a good fanatically committed to their cause. They have resolved which they have suffered significant setbacks. To be sure, another on the administration and taken the ICES Caliphate away from them that they they were the most barbaric right was, the organization and history- and finally were summarily defeated when we put the right basis, resources in IRAN and gave our community the authorities to take the appropriate action, they were brought down pretty quickly it could have been done a lot sooner, but nonetheless, it was thought that threat is out there. We have bought US involvement in it.
the priorities? China's and so Russia and we have Resources to put in that direction, while we keep a small, modest amount of forces dealing with the threats that still there and, as I indicated, is only five countries that were concerned about Afghanistan will still be one even though we don't have any forces why you footnote. You do raise an interesting point. The Obama, by the ministration. You saw ISIS get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger trunk comes enemy, says that's enough for that. Any and he gives the generals in the and the sea, I guess, and whoever is needed, their own heads and says: take them out. You see kind of a return to Obama by but more just of abiden type of fire, policy, which is really quite provoked. If not destructive. In my view, the Arctic binary the more dangerous, because he's here,
he's been on the wrong side of somebody policy decisions feel throughout his life it if it's really good, remarkable to me as a particular, HU, I ironically, professes to be a foreign policy expert review Bob Gates book up about his tenure as the secretary of the fence, a war. A journal that book Your statement about Vice President Biden was very mobility, said that vice President Biden has been the wrong side of Mostar policy issues support. He has never seen anybody spend so wrong for so long afraid of what he said and I think it is being played out. Before our eyes here and now that he is a president of the United States this is just a disastrous reckless decision that is made
I generally Kane. I want to thank you for your past service in your service. Now God bless you. My friend, you barker greater talk view While I appreciate the up to sit our pleasure, thank you, general. Boy. I told by NASA Human Pandemic. It's reckon wrecking. And people are losing their lives as a result. In our cities, overseas people are getting sick. As a result, he can pick on republican governors only wants hundreds thousands of people soon to be millions coming cross, our border signals Significant percentages of them who have this corona virus, that's by. We wouldn't have to wear masks, but Rob in his praise, the United States and hidden in vanity. vaccines. All I was done under the Trump administration.
This man inherited a country. There was on its feet. There was on the move, economically, geopolitically. A country that was rebounding now he's coming legs out from under us, and they we just begun as such. Ed marking, marxist Massachusetts said the other day they get the pay, this monstrosity of a bill that shreds there institution, the United States, in virtually every part of the civil society, that's just the getting he said, just the start just a down payment right back then over thousand of you. My listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless Carest pure talk over the past few months. We the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're with
eighteen, three and Verizon or T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika? Does that sound good while it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just thirty was a month, and if you go over on data, they don't charge you for it. They don't care. Gerda pure, Haug, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast. Again, pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine Alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty four I note your first month, that's pure
Och USA, dot com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless. By the way, I want to be clear, divide, by administration, the humor I wanna be a clear to speaker policy not accepting that there are three point: five and five in five trillion dollar destroy bill is fait accompli, we're going to fight this every way we know how in this programme and I'm gonna need all you help. While your help all your support, this is our country too, We're not surrendering to a temporary minuscule majority, in the house and no majority in the Senate.
That's not how Republic works were not hanging over. This priceless nation. The Bernie Sanders And other marxists creep from Vermont. He wants to run the world, let him run his own world. We ve only just begun to fight, we ve only just begun. And now you we know who they are. We know these different groups. We know there Had agree we that they are, in Recognize form of marxists. We know they are not afraid to say it. we're smarter than them. We are more numerous than them they lie. They cheat their corrupt. And how they try to convince people to side with them
but I'll leave, awakened the sleeping giant. You, the american people, you, the american people,. and I hope I pray I told show inherited this today. He and I talk The time of the year, I said, shot how many books I saw. I pray to God. that this message is getting up. I pray to God that the book messages getting out. I pray to God that some The strategies and tactics will be embraced by thousands, if not tens of thousands of people and even better and more thoughtful strategies and tactics that you and your community may come up with. I pray to God. there. You are part of this mission. We need each and every one of you take the book
Use like Thomas Pains, american crisis spread the word spread. The word. Being evangelical for liberty. ostler ties for the nation. We Do this together. All of us. We can overwhelmed them, let them have to defend what they have. Let us take our liberty back from them. The other day, in a minute we have liberty. Today, less liberty today than they had put To the american revolution- and they want still a mess, chunk of what's left of it- Income belongs to you, you put your life but into something that labour belongs to you, it doesn't belong to somebody else to give this somebody out because they vote that way.
Your child's mind belongs to you and your trial. not a racist, said, Marxists and union bosses Please jump and were both feet, please,
We need you know we have a very powerful third, our I hope you ll stick with us and I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hours, podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me: underground commend both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant. Here I will not be here tomorrow Friday, flying after he reckoned library for Saturday event flying back back Sunday night, but on the air on Monday, the sun and I fucked programme is brand new. I hope your check it,
a pair eastern time, it's a very, very important programme. If he can watch live. I hope, you'll Dvr, the programme. set tough time and a PM eastern term. But we love the fact that you're there the highest raided Sunday, prime. Night show on cable top. What is a cable news? So thank you. Thank you. Thank you and keep it up, so we can keep doing it I've got a lot to cover in the next twenty minutes, or so Peter Schweitzer is gonna, be here we're gonna talk about Hunter buying in this later and how they relate to Joe Biden, because not enough to point out how turbine whose aim? task human heart, Norma. I want to talk about American Express in the car Next of American Marxism aware we can do about this. Can express the daily mail. Is terrific motorway Merrick
Express invite a great grandson of nation of Islam. Founded to give capitalism is racist. Talk, I've told you be, this whole Louis, Fair can stuff is critical. Race theory Louis Fair, I'm style, but dressed up as scholarship and the Eric and Express staff were forced to undergo critical race training to identify their privileges. internal documents, show how the banking John it is telling it's worse, workforce that the capitalist than the pays their salary, was founded on racist logics. LEO Mohammed, the great grandson of a nation of Islam foundered. Elijah Muhammad spoke at accompany event. He, I make workers that capitalism was baseline, racist, logics and for of domination and said MAX and its. There are complicit other doc Its reveal a max created an anti racism initiative for its workforce on systemic racism. White privilege
Michael Micro, aggressions, Amex, when you grow six point five percent in the last fiscal year to a whopping. Thirty one point: three: six billion dollars, in fact C O Tacoma total sour package of twenty four point: two million dollars in twenty twenty. pretty shocking is other documents provided by whistleblowers also show em created in Anti racism, initiative and so forth, and so on. The event, with Mohammed CALL conversation about race in America, reflecting on our history and the american dream took place in September. The web stream in my I described capitalism is racial. Capitalism said MAX, and it's Stanford Complicit in giving privilege to some races over others
said American Express has to do its own digging about how it sits in relationship to this history. Racial capitalism. Anybody have an American Express card. Anybody have a four one k or an IRA or invested in this is a collection of mutual funds, and would include American Express. But why don't hundreds of you, if not thousands of you shop at their next public shareholder, meaning. But you shut the neck shareholder meeting. Or, if you wish, cut up your American Prescott, if that's what you would like to do, because they're making money off you. now they're crashing you, I have an American Express card, I use it a lot. I've gotta look into an alternative now.
Well look into an alternative. Now This is how you do it. This is the Beady s movement. As I write- in chapter seven of American Marxism. Are going to use the marxist tactics against the marxist? This is what the Great Grand sign a grand son of a larger Mohammed, wants to do. Well, this is what mark levantin. You should want to do and if that's the way American Express views Millions of millions of its customers, you. pushing a marxist racist hate, filled agenda with a boycott divest from them but you do sanction them. Shop at their shareholder meeting. This is a perfect example. Perfect example. but what should be done- We'll keep an eye on this and there's another one. This ban
Jerry spinning Jerry should be out of business New Jersey, mayor blast again, the daily mail nothin times like the Washington Post, Jersey, mayor blast, bending Jerry's virtue, signalling pro palestinian stance. It is how still so China Saudi Arabian SIRI, if you care about human rights. The company released a statement enjoy nineteen that selling ice cream and occupied palestinian territory its core. Today in Sumeria, you might want to check the Bible. You wasn't system with our values. The ice cream makers owned by british consumer goods conglomerate Unilever Has it? U S headquarters and angle. Would Cliffs New Jersey, mayor, Rio grande Jack. This is, good man, there may I sent a letter about the ice cream makers decision on Monday to Unilever. He, carbon various decision, virtues signalling and question what D Alsace. I screamed other countries with appalling human rights record haste
person for the mayor described the letter to the daily mail. Dot com is threatening legal recourse against Unilever and that's, you and I believe, E r, town, official we'll be introducing a resolution regarding the company on Wednesday evening, You should go to your town, officials, folks, To go to hear your county boards supervisors and others and tell them to do the same thing. that you and they want to boycott Ben Jerry's and even better Unilever, to the extent you're able to. And when Unilever, a board meeting in America shareholder meeting. We should drop at that too. So I congratulate Mayor Mario Grand Jack. Because Ben Jerry's is now Ty symmetric operation. anti Semitic had explain, selling to China, which is killing wiggers, among others,
Saudi Arabia, we know about them- the Islam or Nazi regime in IRAN, Syria, which kills half a million of its own people. Gazed many of them and Jerry's and Unilever have no problem doing business in those countries. Ladies and gentlemen, but its Israel is where the Jews. Two more jackasses. They come out of Roma Ben and Jerry. Rice cream sucks, it sucks. There's a lot of good ice cream out there, particularly the lactose rate, Oh they're so clever, let's call ice cream, a Babo had eyes no. Then, a common and Jerry Greenfield those names sound jewish to you how many times have, I told you about self hating juice. Really are not Jews anymore.
The Cairo March was a Jew. They are radicals, absolute radicals, so Bennett Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, they start rice, Crean chain and nineteen. Seventy eight. They solar to Unilever in two thousand worth of fortune, but of course, down for the revolution like these other pukes like these other picks up, proudly parted J Street in these other phony fraud organizations, front groups for the Haters Haters, another haters. So bending jerry should be bankrupted Unilever should be asked. I'm just giving you some ideas. Folks, one of thing before we get to our guests social justice summer camps consists not sound.
Like Marxism. Do you and I was on a summer camp- is working hard to program children. This is from posts, millennial site, which is terrific, with anti racist ideology, and they camp is run by an Arizona public school teacher. Tat leadership. Camp quote. A human relations organization dedicated to educating embracing and empowering leaders to promote social change change. However, we empower future leaders to support liberty. The constitution in our country. they envision. They write a society that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, respect and justice for all people in practice, the Phoenix area, camp proteins- boat, so called anti racism through racial division and propaganda. Stick rhetoric as part of their camp practice too, separated according to race, gender, sexual, the adaptation to quote talk about what ties them together.
Unquote, so they segregate in ages, and I can't much like a school segregated students in Atlanta. Just now, we ve come full circle. Here the Democrats denouncing this kind of segregation, do you. I mean they invented in the first place. I've told you whole thing about Marxism is a scam. It's a scam. It's a throwback, it's not for the people. It in slaves that people and imprisons that people it destroys the mind of the people, that's what it does. I'll, be right back then Amy
the Association of mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits in discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S! Peter Schweitzer, my good friend! How are you, Sir Great Margaret? Could we would always, by travelling author
files in corruption before get a hundred by terrorists has said. Look. all this investigation involving who Cuomo his resignation. How come there's not a real investigation into Joe Biden? and what I say he did to me and ninety ninety three and what she says he did to her is worse than Anything Chrome is accused of he's accused of in essence, what falls with definition of rape it brings to mind. George Orwell's animal farm from animals are more equal than others, someone and are apparently more equal than others and remember, even in the case of Andrew Cuomo, The media attended to sort of a lot of the allegation. It is only when the attorney general, the state of New York, who is a liberal Democrat, decided to investigate it and put her imprimatur on it that suddenly they gave,
real weight to these allegations. So it's exactly right. I mean she is right to be frustrated, she's right to be angry and we Do not have you talk about this before you ve written about it marked we do now. have independent stream media anymore. That is trying to hope people in power in check that the role of the media, they certainly true to do that in spades would Donald Trump, I would say in ways that were wildly inaccurate and wrong, but they are doing exactly the opposite. Would Joe Biden images not serve our country Well, at all she says my heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endure attempts to discredit them, like I did coming from about Joe Biden with the help of non profit, so we're supposed to help women like, like time's up retold Fox NEWS
may there be some measure of justice for the survivors? Now, let's call for real investigation into Joe Biden exposed the corruption protecting powerful predators and she torture group, time's up that was meant to assist women who were subjected to sexual harassment and sought. It was swept up in almost scandal after revelations that co chair repaired to Kaplan, assisted Cuomo in discrediting one of his accuser and she as time's up committed the most hideous betrayal to protect their most powerful friends. Not only not protect provides private survivors, but cause harm this young and really has been so high. Perfectly treated by the press by the Democratic Party. All these phony Women groups all these phony women, senators, hoo hoo clay to be really upset about this sort of thing, but when it comes to Joe, and they circled the wagons to Praetorian guard. Alright, I want everyone here with you, my friend.
The daily mail has done a hell of a job. That's quite a newspaper, isn't it they ve got a remarkable job and are doing a job that other than the New York pose. No, what Publication seems to be interested in covering, which is the Hunter Bible story, which is really not just a hundred Biden story. It's a Joe Biden story Front and what are the fundamentals of the story? So the fundamentals of this story- and- let me say bodily, is what what they can as a story about fighting corruption. We broke this on you're on your show two years ago, three years ago in my book secret empires about all the payments for foreign money that that the binding were receiving from Ukraine and from China. That was a corruption story with its weight as well, revelation is now becoming really honestly a virus being our story in this latest videotape that have come out with the tape that honey buying himself recorded. It
He recorded when he lets say with having a physical relationship with a woman. News outlets have applied was a prostitute. Animals have been confirmed, but in the tape he's explained Today, this woman, whose obviously stranger than he lofty laptop in twenty eighteen, when he was engaged in a big work. Binge in LAS Vegas met his laptop with taken by people. The he described is russian drug dealers any expresses to her the concern he is going to be subject to blackmail and that the information on the laptop that not only includes information, obviously about him in these pictures and drug use, but also contains information about his father and his uncle a bit can and might be used. If compromise as evidence to pressure by in the family,
the direction that these people might wanna go. This is not. The only but hundred Biden has referred to the fact that this information could be used against the family if not the only time that he's talked about the people he's dealt with, have intelligence connections, he disquiet Patrick CO, a chinese executive energy companies working with these tasks, in spite of China. So what what you'd feel Mark is that Hunter binding himself is saying that this They national security problems for the binding family, yet there's compromising material it is in the hands of the people that might use it against them The irony is that mainstream media not covering this. They covered the Abbe so called dossier on Donald Trump, which was unreported It was not a. It ended up being completely totally bogus. They
regarding the interests of national security of this sort of no dossier hear you. actually have the vice president, now President's on saying we, In a situation where we can be compromise because of this information and the media programme, he doesn't want to talk about Let me ask you a common sense question All these years, the laptops, the information on the laptops. Basically, passing money on two were too turbine one government or or another. This is a corrupt family. Isn't it, and this is a corrupt presently, the United States? Isn't it Ultimately, it is, and it I'll say mark that we meeting my research team, we ve had a copy of the laptop here, for while we go Through the emails all of them were going to have to report on this, but this is far worse than we
No now at this point, because when you start appeal back the people that were given Hunter Biden. The money given the pine family money, here's. What the email show. Shows not only the hunter was getting paid at all and that that James Biden, Joe Biden Water, was getting for money, but that Hunter I would pay his father's bill why we would like President he was doing it with a flat I went out on now. Can I carry over after the bottom of their? I want you to repeat what you just said I want to pursue. This is that alright, theater its Peter Schweitzer. Don't go away, we'll be right back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now, over two million conservative member strong and on one of them
believes in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and it's not enough. You'll get em.
by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot! U S! New american revolution starts here. Come show at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven not be gone Friday, Saturday, Sunday back Monday, but I hope during the core So this three day period you will acquire copies of american Marxism. Read it spread. The word make sure your kids, going to college your high school have occurred. be in their book bag or under their arms use. It you
it is they rallying cry the way? crisis was used right before the battle of Trenton. I think it's very very important. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to welcome back Peter Schweitzer author, a profiles in corruption, not Peter. You were saying that Hunter Bind was paying some of his father's bills. Can you elaborate on that place here? solutely mark. So what do you mail to make clear is that Hunter Biden was covering his dad's bills, while his dad was vice president. This is not when he left office. This is He was vice president of the United States and that far we ve got tens of thousands. of dollars. There will be more of a bill that There are clearly a Joe Biden bills that are being by Hunter Biden now, family member, you can buy a gift for Christmas
birthday for a politician that in your family you certainly cannot be subsidizing their lifestyle and that's exactly what was happening in this case, Maloney slain, and then you can the gift up to fifteen thousand. to remember your family. My question to you is this: He exceeded that it sounds like what you're telling me he did did you. Barton pay taxes on that's great. That is what they just one after the CFO of Trump World in Manhattan. For yeah. That's exactly right! The other issue you have with Hunter Biden is looking at the club, her of a wealthy ease, pass through I bet he has the money that he takes it from overseas- you no more than a million of it- ends up with James Biden, who is Joe Biden, brother,
or Hunter Biden Uncle and are all these questions here by the way when it, when it comes to the issue of emotion, felt Mars. Here's what we get from the beginning, because you know a report and what we don't know if these are. You know the accurate males? We don't know if these are genuine, so we start within and again I just went out for the audience notice when the dossier was given. None of those questions were raised. There was just a sort of accurate, that's that's exactly right, and so what we did mark, which we did something very simple news media could do. If we what information is out there. That we know is one hundred percent act, so the secret service has released hundred Bibles travel records, the? U S and a committee were least treasure apartment report, what transactions going to hunt by so we went through the EU who said do they actually correspond when the secret service says that providing was in Dubai on a given day. Do the email,
but actually call went to that and I absolutely do the same thing is it there's a wire transfer. You find an email from the chinese business by saying we wired you the money, I'm so all lines up completely with a body of information we have. That includes other emails from other Hunter Biden, business partner. So there's just no question that these emails are accurate, clear and one hundred percent genuine and yet there has been zero interest from it media other than as you mentioned, the daily mail in your host, actually going through These are a beggar gold, mine of Information Tom, you're going to be much more reporting on down the road you are. You are a Doberman on this, its crucially important you and your team keep it up, and I am convinced Joe Biden is corrupt right up to his eyeballs, and it really interesting how the Democrat Committee in the house keeps going after Ex President Trump and his team. Returns
the monuments clause, which is so funny. It's not even funny, and here we have Albania sitting present the United States, who is selling outdoor enemies whose son is hard, nobbing and trap all over the world whose son is a disgusting piece of you know what, in my humble opinion and he's. Even talking about the Russians, have this information and they might use it against my father, I mean it Incredible, I can clearly not that whatever happened game where Eric Guard or die Junior anybody else, it's just just incredible how they protect by because each pushing their there. local marxist agenda. Exactly why Denmark, here's the thing it is not just they have done and how they're covering it up. Joe Biden has lied, the media repeatedly about their humming. Remember at first she said the hunter Didn't have any overseas deal that was shown not to be true. Then he said he
no knowledge of those deals that turned out not to be true, then his argument I never met any of his business partners or discussed his business deal there ended up not being true, and then he said you know I never benefit from these deals, and now that's not true, so you think about it from the standpoint of of a journalist, You know this guy has told you lie upon lie upon lie about this. When are you going to stand up as your rapporteur and say, wait a minute, I'm being a lie to I'm gonna hold this guy now Peter Peter remarkable their corrupt, it's gonna Somebody like you, uniquely you to expose this and get it to the american people through were in and around her and above the media? This country, which is corrupt? This corrupt, can be they don't care. What it is done when it comes to Cuomo they had they won't thoroughly sacking Cuomo after the year after We're done using him to attack trump now
now they want to make room for one of the markets in the state in New York. I am convinced that so called me. Nothing to them? If, if Biden does keep up as radical agenda will try and take him out to replace him with a comma Harris. I suppose, but all that said. It is amazing to me that this double standard, and what has also amazing to me, is the job and gets away with another forget about the media, freedom, about all that. What heap key issues: tax returns. Yes, I see our queen clean out of the meat suggestion hears he's getting his bills paid for he's, not pay taxes on them. Nobody is an end. Course there's a way to get around the Internal Revenue code. It's called money under the table. Isn't it exactly right? Remember what Joe Biden said during the campaign I ve, never Kate. I remember what he said he said, but leaving Wilbur anyway going you said, I'd never taken a dime,
for money. Well give you launder it through your sign. right, you you're taking for money, you're technically getting it from your son, but you you're, absolutely correct, and- and this is this is what everybody has to realise when it comes to issues like bribery and corruption at the statute. It does not matter if you're buying gets paid directly or what payment is made to assign or another family, but it is still corruption and we continue to close the loop on what is in the emails. There's going to be a lot more turns to this story over the next five months. So as well as research at any it's getting worse for the binding certainly not getting better how to what think another heads will blow up the media matters and media I took them. Corrupt phony. so called media operations on the planet.
This is a manchurian candidate, the sky, but he's just doing too much to destroy America too fast, including the open borders, including our economic system, including our financial status. He's going to my to assist our enemies overseas, including the year. The iranian regime and look he's doing even in Afghanistan. The way he's withdrawing their, which is which is our wall Trump. One of the trunk would never withdrawal this fact. That simply would never happen. you go on and on and on. I think This guy really is. is in so many ways disloyal too to his oath. I really believe them imagine you had a situation with Donald Trump who
let's say one of his sons took three and a half million dollars from the wife of the mayor of Moscow, whose deeply corrupt or dark and then adopt from becomes president of the United States, and he were versus course of his predecessor and says no gotta, let wash your bill bat nor an exact gas pipeline. So I shall tell you: why is there a special council investigation? You know, what. Why is there a criminal investigation of thereby hell of a lot more than they ever had on trumped, which was nothing and here's the thing mark it incumbent upon people, in Capital Hill Republican to call this stuff out. Joe Biden. soft on China, there also commercial ties between the buying family and China is still exist to this day. By the way there are the financial eyes between Russia and the Bible family. He has certainly taken either
of course, the towards Mr Putin and Russia. Then then that I doubt tromp ever did these questions and they need to be called out. You ve got to lay it out for the american people specifically and ask for an account It's not enough to say your concern about the shift in policy. You have explained the people what they ties are explained. The people, the the the fact that Holbein himself says that the family, our problem of copper March or compromising information, and I think if you do, the american people get it they understand, and I think it would make a sea change in turn The attitude of a lot of people have like now, which is either there they pay for your kind of defeated. They feel kind of detached vein. to read your book for one thing: that they also need to be informed specifically about the Biden family connections
please come back with central Paul. I think, in addition to the reality of what's going on with the US administration, by the way. While I have you, although I don't have a lot of time, this is from the Washington examiner Timothy, Carney TED, loose campaign donated fifty thousand dollars the Stanford before his son applied to Stanford now, what are the names of those actors and actresses some of them went to jail. I forget their names, I mean going to be investigated. Is this going to be something? That's kind of move the moral needle of the meat, of course, that cause TED Lou is a radical unhinged cook who they will protect right, I have never seen this before mark. I have done a lot of work on corruption over the course of decades. And I ve never seen where somebody's political campaign. Ok, it's not a personal contribution. His political campaign. Cod the Czech to stay upward universe
the? U any university where his son is applying, who attend. I mean it's, it's remarkable, this cry out for Congress to investigate the Ethics Committee. We know they won't do it, but a cries out for them to investigate and again the question is: are the Republicans on Capital Hill The call him out by name specifically physically needs to be done and demand that this be investigated my friend Peter Schweitzer, now I'll treasure the book as profiles in corruption. You have got other things coming out. I hope you'll come in the programme were given time. Discuss them his eye We do because your very, very important thank you, my and what thank mark you take care of yourself. we'll be right back then Amy
the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC Fights
full time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot! U s! So I will be at the irregular library sedative with my beautiful wife, my beautiful mother law.
all the California? requirements and place Mr Produce, I think I'll, be wearing a raincoat and burka on time and a pair of boots in an umbrella. So, something like that, but anyway regard We're gonna have a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you but I'm gonna miss all of you the millions and millions of you out, and you know, who are not able to attend, and you'll be in very good hands. Well, it buddy Larry, O Connor from Dublin. I may always a very, very dear friend, and when not here. I just hope I hope you'll think about it wine, your copies of American Marxism were almost out of the limited edition signed copies mere collectibles dot com, Slash Marxism, we're almost out capable by the time I get back? I don't know, but that's how you are left Premier, Collectibles calm, Slash Marxism. It's on my parlor site and I have I thought of
big tech, ladies and gentlemen, see I'm not on Twitter, Facebook anymore, like so many hosts and tv and radio, If you really want to, we really want to talk about not being in the bed with big tech Somebody like me anyway, then, are you use twitter, Facebook, I dont begrudge you do what you want. It's perfectly fine to free country, while almost free, but you get the point Amazon dot com is not big tech, so free to go to Amazon dot com and order your copy of american Marxism. We been number one on their pretty much straight. who for almost a month, and they I've had no inhibitions about selling my book. Neither is my publisher, Simon Schuster. So please jump in with us now. that matters who you get it from what in the book is what matters and, of course, all the retail stores Carrasco, Barnes we still have plenty of books, Walmart target.
Also time to act? The fact is, it's really luck that this book came out when it Amber every turn and airport, they should have them too, but the point we're running out of time report meeting up on their sir on this vote on spending you're, going into these school atmospheres environment. Now the time to act. The fact is, it's really luck that this book came out when it did its propitious. It's absolutely propitious MR produced saying, I think that's one of the seven band words: no, it's ok, they're great abc Paul on Long Island go right ahead. Sir. Go ahead. let's move on who else. These two court of a trillion dollars to the debt. They can't even claimed to be fiscally concerning these are the Mcconnell Republicans They say that will help give the Mcconnell bathers wasted a golden apples
Edith, came and told the Senate by supporting that only infrastructure bill Ellie betrayed us: they really screwed the country in your children and grandchildren, and they added These two court of a trillion dollars to the debt they can have incurred to be fiscally concerning these are the Mcconnell Republicans every damn. One of them should be the primary if they run, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters at american personnel. Thank you, America. Thank you very much. I ll see in a couple of days please secure your copies of american Marxism. Push out the message, push out the book as much as you can wear, depending on you,
Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.