« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/11/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. AG Merrick Garland has now appointed a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, but in reality, he is doing this to cover up the crimes of the Biden crime family rather than find justice. This is a fiasco designed to obscure the truth and protect not just Hunter Biden, but Joe Biden, the DOJ and prevent the American people and Congress from discovering the truth. Ultimately this is bad news for Joe Biden because of the justice system outlined in our Constitution and the mountains of evidence that he enriched his family through foreign actors. There need to be special counsels to investigate Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and David Weiss - the man who was named special counsel today. This is not going to keep Republicans at bay, especially House committees investigating Hunter, but will instead embolden them to get to the bottom of the Biden crime family once and for all.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The Larry O'Connor sitting in for the great one. Markel have been kind of a last second thing here. You can thank comcast for that share with you exactly what comcast did to make it impossible. For me, Levin to join you tonight. It's not good for comcast. I clearly comcast hates this country we'll get to that coming up in a bit, as is my opinion, that very o connor and the host of the more inclined to be available in washington d c and also will counter tonight salem news in a locker, went on ya, think, and I know you're dying
about it at eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three at one, three, eight one one don't forget during too much programme. I need you to purchase pre order. The democrat party hates america comes out the nineteenth. I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy its mark within the latest. I know for a fact that he has been pouring his heart and soul into this book. He was sweat and blood. for this one and the title is probably the greatest title of a book that mark levine's ever come up with an that saying something. The democrat party hates amerika, and I know you're dying to hear what mark as to say about the actions of merit garland today in appointing a special council in the hunter binding I'm dying to hear that too, and I have good news for you you will be able to hear exactly what mark thinks about it. This sunday a brand new life liberty and levant. Eight p m fox news. He will have hit
opening statement specifically focused on this fiasco today. Out of the justice, parliament also his guests, not to shabby Alan Dershowitz miranda divine. Of course, the reporter who broke the hunter by laptop story for than you post posted, was so dangerous, so horrific that it had to be censored deleted, remove squashed by social media by regular media by dinosaur media that Joe Biden the candidate lied about it to your face on the debate stage and said that the end your story from rented divided. The new york post was rush In this information he lied to get that job bidding as in the white house, and you know if he lied to get it, he will do whatever he can't keep it, and I have to say of all
journalistic endeavours that we're gonna reference tonight to talk about this story. What it means, what it doesn't mean, what the ram effect patients might be, and we are drawing on huge experts. We ve got a great analysis actually from Andrew mccarthy, annette review, and that is not always the case either get It is real smart guy, but sometimes I don't quite get where he's coming from Some of his analysis, we ve got great report from catherine heritage, saviour news, we ve got really great reactions from across the board. Lord and of course, my analysis, you are reaction at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three at one one, but I start with the perfect, so ray of what we ve seen here. The perfect caps relation of merit on Friday afternoon. News dump from the two per The justice and I use the word dump advisedly- the perfect- take comes from the babylon, be you heard me right
Usually there is satirical new site, but this headline actually I don't see where the satire is: here's, how the Babylon be describe. What happened? Garland appoints a special council to cover up Biden crimes and that's exactly what we in here now. If you look at reactions. From the right of centre commentariat in journalism, dixon. Those of us who are concerned rid of and react to. Things like this for a living, I'm seeing two different reactions. One is that this is a fiasco in this is designed to actually obscure the true and protect, not just hunter Biden, but present biden. Merrick garland and David weiss, the special counsel himself. This is all designed to keep you the can people from actually discovering the truth to keep risk from getting out the truth and doing anything about it and to actually protect.
The individuals who should be impeached right now include David. Why special council himself, another another strain of, and who look at this and say you now yeah that may be so, but this still isn't good news for Joe Biden. In fact, this makes the path for Joe Biden in the days weeks and months ahead, even tougher for a lot of different reasons, and I got to say, I agree very much with the former and, to a lesser extent, with the latter. I think both can be true. Yes, this is an attempt to Europe, yes, this is an attempt to actually protect. All of them. Involved instead of actually getting through the special council here, has been named to try to clean up the damage to clean up the mess not to get to the truth and certainly not to find justice.
But at the same time, don't mistake. Just don't walk down this path, being what I like to call on you're conservative, where everything is bad and Thing is horrible and is now nothing matters and it's all going to fall apart and where I understand why your inclination is to feel that way. I understand after so many years of seeing injustice from the department of justice and corruption at the house, levels of our government from the people who are so was to be elliot nass from the people. Supposed to wear the white had on the shiny badge and enforce the law and put the bad guys away I understand why you would be cynical and depressed. I get it, but I beg you. I beg you to keep going forward with me. I beg you to keep having faith. If in the current people in our system, but the system that was set up by our founders in the first place, if you don't have faith and merit,
There's no reason you should. If europe faith and Joe Biden, we have no faith in Chris, I get it. I don't either have faith in in george, washington and alexander Hamilton and James madison, and the people who put this system together. That still is the best we ve got best anyone's got on this planet. Because, as long as that is there, and as long as we have the majority in the house, even if its by a slim majority, we still have the ability to hold people accountable into actually fine. Just as we have the ability to do that now. Do the republicans in the house have the will to do it today of the kurds to do it do they have. Shall we say that car owners to do it yet to be seen. But I will tell you this. The events that led up to today's action would never have happened.
if Nancy policy still had her sharp talent. Into the handle of that gavel. I remember, on this programme right after the mid term elections last year, when I was fortunate enough to fill in for market. And all my ear republican friend resent all we should have had a forty seat majority. We should add a twenty. Majority. We should have won the senate vis. the disaster. This is a failure, and I remember telling you at the time guy get it. I wanted more too But all you need is a one seat, majority in the house of representatives and you ve got the committee's you ve got subpoena power, you ve got the chairmanship. You ve got the staff, you ve got the budget, you ve got the lawyers and if you have the will you ve got investigations to remember what I told you that back to the matter is having a five cent majority in the house. having a twenty seat. Majority in the house doesn't make any difference.
As long as you got Joe Biden in the white house because elegant veto, everything you ve got, the most important thing coming out of those midterms was given the gavel than this committees and now you ve got James Are now you ve got Jim Jordan? Now you ve got Smith, and now you ve got results, If you saw today from merrick garland, the attorney general of the united states was not an attempt to get to the truth, not an attempt to expose crimes, not an attempt to empower a special counsel to do constitutional duty of holding people accountable to the law. What you saw wasn't on his heels back peddling I've got to cover this as best I can. smarmy little action, prominent many general on the run and that's good
keep them on the run. Now, let's start with the announcement, self from merit garland he had a new company, he didn't take any questions and before I let you hear this first, I want you to bear in mind that both the attorney general merrick, garland and. Mr wise, the? U s attorney from Delaware, who has been investigating hunter Biden this whole time, and it was I've been named a special council. You have to bear in mind before you hear what Merrick ireland had to say that both of these men are under oath test, to find a congress saying that Mr Weiss had full autonomy, that mister weiss could make any prosecutors decision. that he wanted that nothing was impeding him from press. Cutting hunter Biden to the fullest extent of the law merit garland said that David wife was already a de facto special council sworn testimony under oath. They said that both of them subsidy
because of the the whistle blower testimony that we saw from the irs agents, backed up by special agent the fbi and the justice department we ve learned. Of course, at Mister weiss said the exact opposite when evidence was brought to him recommending prosecution, serious prosecution of hunter Biden. That's when Mister weiss had I not the decisionmaking here. I can't I can't do that to go to DC, to get the answers for that? The one who makes the final call americans got a problem. knowing that both these men have sworn under oath to congress, that mr whitehead full autonomy Full right to bring whatever heat charges he wanted to do, pursue the investigation, wherever it led without any impediment from the attorney general. listen to america. Ireland had to say today cut one on tuesday of this week mister weiss advised me that in his judgment is in.
Segregation had reached a stage at which he could continue his work as a special council hold on there and why? Why? What happen What happened this tuesday? What happened leading up to this tuesday Why suddenly what changed? I thought he had full autonomy. but he could do it every wanted. I thought he'd an app answered. Anybody curious. Isn't it are? Let's keep going pointed, upon considering his request as well as extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint him a special council, This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mister weiss, all the resources he requests or not cagey confirm my commitment, so in other words I've already committed to doing this. Will then why does he have to be a special council? Merrick? Would if it
already your commitment to give him other resources. What there's a budget problem here? Don't you? What this does. This is legally admission that they like this is an admission. That already perjured themselves open, but isn't it nice now that that, when speaker, mccarthy, or if chairman jordan are chairman, comber or jason smith want to subpoena David whites and said you get your What right here under oath than you testify before my committee, where the house presented as we have oversight over this you already too bless. You had all the resources already told us. They are now he's a special council now he'll say I am not going to testify you, don't don't don't in intrude on my investigation a special council? Don't you know why? I'm don't you know who appointed me now, I'm not gonna testified, quote protection racket. This isn't it I let him keep going. Mister weiss, has the authority. He needs to conduct a thorough.
investigation and to continue to take this he deems appropriate independently, based only on the facts and the law we told I do so. He says this reaffirms that wise has all the authority he needs again. This is meaningless if you already has that authority, why do you have to do this? Of course, he wouldn't answer any questions at this, so called press conference. Everything is saying here makes no sense. A p and David wife were telling the truth up until now, which they want. But does it amazing that in twenty twenty three with Joe Biden as president and mirror garland, as attorney general, we actually have to hear the man who calls him. The top law enforcement officer in the land say to you that this prosecutor we'll take steps. deems appropriate independently and based only on the facts and the law. Why is It even need to be said that, should all
It can be assumed with a federal justice depart that should be assumed in the united states of america. That no prospect anywhere and certainly not at the highest levels of our federal government would ever. take any actions that were based on anything other than the facts and the law, but here the fact that to say it prove what we ve seen all along there Hell of a lot of actions have been done with out being based on facts and the law right. There's a whole lot more here from garland. Today, more of my. Somewhat barely hinged anger at all of this and, of course, your reaction, where, where you stand Is this a sign that Biden is in trouble, or is this a sign that the cover up gets deeper or is a both? I say both. What do you say?
Seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one it's larry oconnor in for the great want merkel of it. Then hmm It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks it is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tat.
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engine is where you announced things that you don't want anyone to pay attention to. That said, the catherine heritage is one of the good, ones over there. It CBS news and she is reporting on this story, and she almost immediately when they broke in during coverage. whatever they were doing, with soap operas wherever CBS was showing I'd We saw exactly what this was listen, catherine heritage we're federal prosecutor. I spoke to just before this event said to me the appointment. A special council would have the effect Delaying a resolution on the hunter Biden matter in whose opinion- and it would certainly delay any anticipated testimony from the. U S, attorney in delaware to Republicans capital and seeking that testimony per several months, it's an extraordinary development, considering where the two parties were two weeks ago to wrap up this year's long case now to the appointment,
special council that will have these authorities, most importantly to contain this ongoing investigation, Margaret you hear the one word that she kept repeating over and over their delay delay. Delay, delay, delay the investigation and undermine and lay down wise testifying before com this delay delay delay. Here's a really interesting thing: merrick grown, appoints a special council and its david, wise invest, eight hundred bind the problem is there should be a special council to investigate Joe Biden and merit garlic David, wise,
it helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals. Their tracks record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact to invest a precious metals and get their free guide, I'm serious
levant, six, eight, five, nine to again text. L easy! I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to organise a gust of precious metals, dot com- that's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com. Inshore, the land of the free and home other brave stays that way dial. My gloves then, now need seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one leg o connor sitting in four mark Lavigne tonight- comcast hates america. And they are they basically sabotaged markel event nights. I will give you the details. Right from marks. Own mouth come,
in a bit, but in the meantime we ve got plenty to talk about, as you ve already heard. Eight seven seven three, eight one, three eight one one also by marks book, buy it now pre order at the democratic party hate america. You need to know this going into next year's election democrat party, hates america, it's out september. Nineteen, you wanna be the first one to get it so pre order it and get it for presence we get, we got, we get how it's coming up, you might as well get it now or you want evidence to support the thesis that the democratic party hates america look at the news events of today and by the way, even though this is a big story ready to be covering the special counsel thing and then the Europe and what it means an and truly. I do believe that this is bad news for Joe Biden, yes they're, trying to cover up but also
if this is bad news for Biden, because I still believe in our system- and I still believe and have hope that the people in charge of those committees that I mentioned are going to pursue this. In fact, statement from James comer here from the oversight committee is fantastic. I'll, read it to you in a moment that you want evidence the evidence that we actually do have a chance to take country back just look at the leaders of the committees right now don't be, and your republican right now I can't take it can't take it. I recognize why you're there, but I just can't take it. But yes, this is a big story and recovery, but don't don't for a second think. that I too, I don't have anything to say about Christopher re, that fraud that lying anti american fraud and his investigation of catholics. In this country and what we ve now learned about it and how we ve caught him in lies as well, and this is my
point that I just mentioned before we took our little break there. The special council that should be appointed should be for Joe Biden, the present. We have enough evidence right now to show that the president of the united states is Violation of the fair at that he is a foreign agents. As you have heard mark living say four weeks now we have evidence, does Oh, that he enriched his family to the tune of twenty million dollars from foreign actors? You notice how The Biden family goes out and starch their businesses, twenty shall corporations by them, who does that when they ve got a legitimate business, you know why they call them Michel corporation, it's the old shell. They hide the money under the shells and pass it back and forth. So it's ardor for investigators to track, but you should notice when the hunter Biden when the Biden family starts thereby
this. Isn't the open up their show corporations and they open up their bank account and they start getting their wire transfers they're not doing business with finland they're not doing business with canada. You know they they're they're, not helping out our friends in Australia. Now it's russia, it's china, it's ukraine, it's kazakhstan! It's these countries that have histories of having authoritarian governments and an end of of of mafia ties and oligarchs. Isn't that fascinating and by the way forget about Finland, canada, Australia, they also do do business with american companies? Oh, it's abiden, bran, YAP Biden, brand, isn't doing business with with american companies and helping americans out and helping them Eric corporations, it's not
having access to them, not the bite. What's the Biden bramble, the Biden brand is doing business with criminals an anti american authoritarian states. That's the Biden brandir if I have to hear Biden brand one more time, but we have enough evidence. We have learned enough under sworn testimony. for marriage garland to get to that podium today in announces real special council and a real investigation of not hunter Biden, Joe Biden, the big guy. And based on what I've laid out for you in the last half hour, where David weiss himself, the? U S, attorney in delaware, who is number one dragged his feet and ignored evidence right in front of his face for going on four years now. You know they had the laptop in december of two thousand and nineteen. You know that, but the investigator,
and an hundred Biden predates the laptop ending up in their hands in december of twenty nineteen we're gonna forest five years, David wife doesn't come up with anything We know that he ignored the recommendations as special agents from the irish who said they had multiple felonies, that they could charge two hundred buying with right. Now you know that David, wise, the you attorney from delaware allowed the statute of limitations to run out multiple charges, the irs wanted to press, and you know he just attempted they have a sweetheart. Please deal with hunter Biden before it all fell apart and court. It wouldn't have fallen apart by the way again if we and have that slim majority in the house. Thank god. We have that slim majority, a mouse if it weren't for the efforts of comber and smith and Jordan. That plea deal would have stood Hunter Biden would have immunity for as long as the eye can see, but David
Why does the man who engineered and signed off on that please deal David, I said the man who live under oath by saying that he had the floor. authority of a special council. How? How dare you that he lied Larry, you have no evidence it like. Yes, I do. The evidence was present today by mirrored berwin himself because he swore under oath david wasted, but nothing was in his investigation and he had the powers that are tantamount to being a special council, and today he was appointed as a special council wider. To do that? The point is a special council needs to be investigating Joe Biden. Especial It needs to be investigating merit garland for obstruction of justice, and a special council needs to be investigating David. Why? the man who was named special council today, as I said, you can watch
if liberty and live in the sunday at eight p m. And you will hear the opening statement from mark which is specifically about this case. But apparently his phone is his calm, cast his cup lie down, and that impedes him from being on the air tonight, but his twitter is still working. I'm sorry. His ex is still working today makes it sound like his ex wife is still working which, which she very well may be. So I want to share with you a market to say until a special council. This is mark levin until a special councils and pointed to investigate Joe Biden. The rest is of little consequence. Hunter Biden is covering for his dead, Joe is covering for his son. Make no mistake: none of the criminality was possible without Joe selling his office to one for an enemy after another or knowingly being used as a co. Conspirator communist china didn't pay ten.
Of millions for nothing, they got their man, they got their policies. The cover up continues. Garland is leading the cover up as a g as he is leading the effort to imprison donald trump. Obviously, he desperately wanted to be a supreme court. Justice was embittered when he was rightly stopped and in his mind he is getting even that's just a flavour of what you'll get from market. Then, when you watch his programme this sunday night, listen, I've got so much more on my mind about this, as you can well imagine But so do you and that's would talk? Radio is all about. This. Is the original social media? You don't get to call george step monopolise and tell him he's a dope. You don't you get a call anderson cooper again. Anderson are really believe. I agree what you say. Let me add to it. No, but you do that here because we are afraid in your part of what we do here. So, let's start with print in los angeles, listening onto the beautiful, a r l, a in l, a.
How are you brent, lower thin Larry? You sent americans increasingly choosing to abort god, the bible and the ten commandments. Our once cherith constitution, bill of rights in the country are being betrayed and abandoned and corrupted conservative or concealing the socialists savagery, which our republican leaders will be subjected to. Should the democratic fasten Jack Psmith be successful in suicide in president trump in their deasey ghoul. and every republican leader should know that they will be treated with the same courtesy and respect that now stolen hitler. Pol pot castro and che extended opposition leaders Then americans can expect the demonic democrats to deliver the same treatment to christians and Jews as the sea
Bp extends to their wiggers and falling gong, or german democrats socialists delivered to their citizens at a progressive quarantine camp named. How should have you. Have you published this somewhere? It's it's ugly. It sounds like this is a book that you'd be gone. No, it's just, What I'm thinking and craig incredibly well thought out and eloquent, and I'm going to let your statement stand on it's own brent. Thank you very much. That was then that sounds like it sounds like he was pitching a movie that was that was it was stirring and inspiring. Also, I didn't quite follow the references steve in long island sitting there on the almighty, Debbie ABC hasty. What's up,
the Larry bird thing. I wanted to a full statement. I found your post today that chinese import, but for that twenty three, the united states are down twenty five percent on every enlisted in the show, keep up the good work, keep boycotting china Yeah, you know why to see real, fast you're, not wrong. China's Enemy is in the twelve right now. In fact, it's worse off than has been since two thousand night. Unemployment for chinese youth from the age of sixteen to twenty four is over twenty one sat right now, China's imploding in their economy right now and, and its partly because you're right that america's starting the withdrawal, even before we get a new president who will ex excel rated even further, so so well spot it we'd be out there. It stay visas, their certain words you can't say on the radio was his ego? Yes, that's why I'm here anyway, you keep up.
More keep like on china and second thing when trouble further, Could he have appointed a special council to the russian delegation? Do exactly what are you doing now? Well, I don't president, appoint special councils are appointed by the attorney general, but sure I mean a lesson that the President's theoretically can Make statements Angie. I think the attorney general should appoint a special council, but ultimately, as the attorney general's calling, you know how they have to keep firewall there. You can all this. Happening only because tromp ordered his lackey, the attorney general to do that rights. Deep. Thank you for that but you bring up a good point in terms of others. Special counsel statute. The three general merrick garland has done here and whether its even within the guidelines of the law, by the way, to directly answer your question. I hope that if
tromp organ only could be another birds, and what is your lives like it's going to be tromp as the republican nominee. I hope. He campaigns on the idea that we are going to re litigate everything that happened during rushing collusion. The fact that james call me with that smug face of his continues to walk as a free man, and be celebrated on cable news and write books. drives me in saying there isn't justice unless the people who break the law actually see justice. So I hope that's what happens
But you are you talk about the law or brought up the special counsel statute, and I want to point to Andrew Mccarthy he's a former us attorney assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york, a conservative writer at national review. Your semen foxes, I, like Andy Mccarthy. Personally, I think, he's spot on much of the time. I think also. Sometimes he writes that as I don't quite get it, but he points out something important here and andrew weiss or cv david wise. The person who has and appoint a special council is actually not eligible to be a special council. Under the regulations of the special council statue, the attorney general has the authority. He needs to assign wise to the case, which is exactly what he did today, but as Andrew mccarthy, right under the regulations that garland purports to be applying. What makes a special council special,
that he is he or she is a lawyer brought in from outside the government, not outside the justice department. But in this case this guy's in the just spoken as well is it was a tourney. he's a? U s attorney already, when you bring in a special council, you bring. Somebody who doesn't work as a? U s attorney or indeed bringing somebody who doesn't work currently under The president and the family that you're back he's investigating the president son and he works for the president- can do with mccarthy. a section six point: three, the regulation states without ambiguity, and I'm quoting now this special council shall be selected from outside the united states government. The entire point of the exercise is to bring in a scrupulous experience from a prosecutor who does not work for the incumbent administration.
So he's not even eligible to be a special counsel. Now, of course, because of your fantastic elected representatives who write laws like this, they also have a provision in there that says but no one can actually see the attorney general for refusing to follow the very regulations that provide for the special council. So in other words, there is a good idea if require this,
statute, says the attorney general shall name somebody outside of the government to be a special counsel, but if he violates this statute, there's nothing you can do about it in that nice. Isn't it great how they stack the deck still, it adds to the odd deja smith of this, and it adds to our suspicion that we're not seeing justice. We are seeing obstruction of justice right before our very eyes. That said as they keep reiterating, there is good news in all of this. This is a desperate move. Today, a desperate move to cover up and desperate people do desperate things.
We are desperate because things have gotten much much worse. For the Biden, family and I'll explain in a moment and Larry O'Connor in for the great one mark, levin mud, love in ooh, hm What helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals their tracks
It is no less than phenomenal learn why thousands of americans are getting gold. I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or gust of precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious text lavigne six, eight, five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals dot com Larry O'Connor in for mark levin! Listen! I know you want to get in here. Your jam and the lines will get your calls coming up right. After top of the hour. Your, I assure you, I just want to I have this loosened. I left because I'm I'm complain
I'm telling you it's a cover up mark within said: it was a kite as a cover up but he still silver lining here. They're still hope here. First, it lies in the house of representatives and what we have heard today, from Jim comber and from cabin mccarthy not share that with you in a moment, but also recognised I two weeks ago, hunter Biden was on the verge of standing in federal court and getting a plea That would give him immunity, a slap on the wrist, no jail time served, and we have gone from that two weeks ago. That's where we were in this entire thing goes away. We ve gone from that to where we are today Where all negotiations were pleading are completely thrown out the window with withdrawn devices a special got. Then I don't think this is gonna pass the smelters. I think there will be a real legitimate special council pointed, and it won't be this. I don't think he last a week in this position and now we have an emboldened, mature
in the house of representatives you ve? a news media cycle that cannot ignore this any more. Despite their best efforts You're Joe Biden right now, would you tell me where you are today or were you were two weeks ago? Thank you very much in promoting this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again,
listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk now broadcasting on roaming underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a non district fielding. We have once again made contact with our leader, real country and for the break one marked levant marked within, has been sabotaged by comcast on today of all days. I'm talking to you out of washington d c on the mighty mighty w m, a l, the most important, powerful and unstoppable talk radio station in the nation. I know you, like your talk, radio, to hear right. You've got a great radio station, listen to right now, I'm partial to w m a l in the nation, capital- and I appreciate mark asking me to sit in for him added please by his book. It's coming out sector.
Nineteenth you want to be prepared. You want to be equipped not just for the holiday when you have to sit across the table from your liberal brother in law- god forbid, but all for the election coming up. We need to understand exactly where things stand in this country. Right now mark levine's new book, the democratic party hates amerika pre order it. Now also eager dying to know what mark's opinion is of what is transpired today with a special council fiasco. This cover up. you are going to want to watch life, liberty and Levin sunday. It is a brand new show. Eight p m eastern on fox news channel marks opening statement all about this, all about David, wise and his gasser, Alan dershowitz him and advise you think you think they're all over the story. You know they are also want to take a moment. Mark did share with us what happened today and why he's not a you know he loves the show more than anything you know he wants to be here, but it was literally impossible. Here's what happened, because
Here's the thing these days on the show you you do the show you do, radio through the internet with our studios were all connected through. I dresses and no internet, no radio, that's where we are at this point and comcast apparently, is the provider of mark levine's, internet comcast, comcast, better fix this asap earmark had to say: comcast is a disaster, thereby exit Lee broke the connection to the bunker apparently midmorning when he was working on someone else's cable. It isn't tell anyone he just leave. Now the internet is dead, nothing works. It took hours to get someone on the phone basis, earlier, someone can come out, is sometimes tomorrow, no time framer window. Given I should just and around all day saturday and hope. Someone shows up at some point some customer service and in trying to.
Escalate the matter to a supervisor. You can't get anyone on the phone now late afternoon on the east coast. The weekend is almost hear. The likelihood of getting anything done is very poor. What a crap operation and waste of money. That's why you don't hear mark within tonight thanks comcast enemy of the country comcast. In my opinion, I am wary of credit, that opinion, by the way are so, if you're like me and you're wondering ok, I know how I feel about this new story. I know I think is going right, and I just told you I just laid out in no uncertain terms how how this is. Obviously, This is their playing their own shell game. Here at the justice department in the by and administration this corrupt presidency. There should be a special council for president Biden. There should be a special conference for Burkhart and there should be a special counterpart david whites. Instead, David whites himself is being name. The special council
by marriage garland- and I know everybody is what does it matter doesn't matter? My your republic has matured conservatives, none of it matters, nothing good will come of it. This is all bad news, I'm telling you there's hope, and I'm telling you is good news. And you know how you know how to know that this is good for us. You know how there is a glimmer of hope here. Look at how the liberal media is reacting now Dana bash, who covers politics out added dc per cnn. She looked like somebody shot her puppy dog today on inside politics and listen I'll. Listen to this! You you, you, you think you are of all this is. This is great, because Biden can cover up his crimes even better. I am telling you Joe Biden and hunter Biden are a lot worse off today than they were two weeks ago and proof is in how Dan Abash is trying to cover this story. Listen david lies
has been working on this for five years in five years. I'm not a lawyer, but I sort covered enough of this another five years. A really long time, maybe pause here for a minute, because she's gonna try to make the case that hey they ve been invest. this five years and they haven't come up with anything. So there must be no crime there that this is the the through the looking glass world we have to deal with every day. When you see the crimes right before your eyes moment you saw that laptop and what we can do Didn't you knew there were crimes that the fact that the pleaded first of all the facts,
There was a plea deal is evidence, their crimes, Dana. The fact that the plea deal fell apart shows that there are bigger crimes involved here that weren't covered by the plea deal. The judge saw through that immediately. Dana bash actually believes that the fact that that has been five years is evidence that there's nothing wrong when in fact You- and I look at this story, and the fact that David Weiss has been investigating this for five years and still come up with. Anything is proof that David wise is corrupt. The David Weiss is the last person who should be a special counsel.
because the reason it's been going on five years and they haven't come up with anything- is because it was going to hurt Joe Biden and it was going to hurt the Democrats and it was going to help republicans and help donald trump, because, let's see five years, that goes back to two thousand and eighteen didn't they impeach donald trump and twenty twenty. Didn't they impeach him because he was talking to the president of ukraine about what was he talking to him about again, oh yeah, all the stop that David Weiss has been investigating and should have already arrested, one hundred Biden for that's what and that's why they didn't do anything because they were impeachment, goes away and then trump's reelected for four more years and then Biden can't run for president look at. That is evidence that hunter by must be viewed as it listen, and you know, god forbid we're bringing humanity into this, but to be six stringing along and to be having a person's life
in limbo and we're talking about hunter Biden, the victim here is hunter Biden. Not you, the taxpayer, not not justice, not the rule of law, know the victim. This poor hunter, the crackhead, who made twenty million dollars for doing what again, I'm sorry about what was what is his skill again, what product is he's the one that read the Biden brand, which now you can add victimhood to the Biden brand and we're talking about his family, and you know, frankly, the president's family taking a politics aside. If you change the name, hunter Biden to Joe Smith. You would say you know what that's not really fair. You change the name from hundred Biden to Joe smith and he's already in the slammer, except for the fact that if you change the name from hundred button to Joe Psmith, he wouldn't have twenty million dollars, because the only reason he made twenty million dollars is because his name is undermining because he illegally,
On ethically and morally and corruptly sold access to his father, the vice president, if you'd shapes the day for about your by the Jos smith, poor hunter Biden is how dan Abash inside my favorite part is set. Politics aside, Michel was called inside politics data, but that's how the liberal media's covering this today now you tell me something if this is a great day for Biden it. This is a great day for the Democrats is this. It is devastating news for republicans. Is that how data bash is try to come and go, but when I say cover the story, but of course I mean, as cover up the story, in pay, no attention to the evidence here: pay no attention to what is really going on. Let's just let our hearts bleed for poor hunter, whose
only the victim in all of this. Let's get this over. Your calls gives a lot of. You have been waiting for quite some time. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I've actually got more from down a batch way. Do you see some of the other things that she said and more from the liberal media is reacting to this? But it's your turn. Let's get in here, robert in philadelphia,. home town of the great one mark live in our robert get in here you're on the market of income, thanks, you take my all, but I am. I dont have full confidence in some of the republicans in the house Holding the baby state to the fire and with any for any peace, in terms of selling access rush, lamborn at last episode pointed out that they put their spouse, our elected officials about women, there's vascular sibling, pastry and when raytheon or black rocker
Why is Europe needs a bill passed they go over. They they were elected. Official refers that corporation multinational corporation, maybe china corporation to the sponsor symbol in they write a check their help. Decide how to vote sometimes equal to their whole power, your salary, so both parties are selling act at I'm republican. This is times can what the vines have done, what normal protocol that both parties in DC black guy? Don't he, I think it's another durham at resolved or another bar resolve. Anyway, you know that the guidance not not running for president evil can run for re election to feel part of his son, go off into the sunshine and get to keep all its millions of dollars without any legal consequences. Well, while our listen and again, as I said when I, when I, when I put my friends who were your republicans and your borderline robert. I don't blame you. I read nice. Why? You tend to think exactly what you thought, but, but let me pause for a moment there on two things. The first is, you just said you don't think Biden's running
present: why why? Why do you think he doesn't make it to the ticket? Think he can go after by himself. How can we possibly debate somebody robber that didn't stop in four years ago and medicines Then you know whether those finger on the button bright now that that that's not it. I with that, but he had called it as an excuse to hide in the basement this time that won't that won't path, but that doesn't keep him ok. So so what happens between now and the Democrats? Nomination were somehow job realises that is incapable of being president you're here near you, celebrate unita that co very could run from the basement that doesn't care from running. You think he's not running right now? He is running so, what's gonna change, I think it's important
his son he's unelectable ngo as exactly robert, and that's my point so so we ve pardons his son. That means this story, in fact, is moving along that as a result in and of itself, But he asked to remove himself from the ticket and shame because he s a pardon his crooked sun, which is really tantamount to pardoning himself and he has excused himself from running for reelection. That's a result, Robert, that's a start, but secondly, and robert in philadelphia. Thank you for the call. Secondly, you have every right to have no faith in Republicans and the house of representatives far as I'm concerned, they need to earn our faith. That said about you, but so far as meticulous immethodical, as they have been
A meticulous and methodical are euphemisms for moving at a snail's pace, but as meticulous and methodical as they have been in the last six months. We wouldn't be here today, if it weren't for the efforts of Jim Jordan and judiciary, jason smith in ways and means, and comer in oversight and comer statement should make. You feel somewhat confident that they're, not distracted by this obvious cover up move today, let me read your james comer statement. This is again the chairman of the oversight committee were really a whole lot of the developments have been made. James comer, but they're on recess right now in congress, but that didn't stop him from putting out this week's statement about the way. Let me just remind you, Merrick garland in his statement, said on tuesday. David Weiss called him and said I don't believe I have reached the limit of what I can do as
and turning. I believe I should be special council now, that's all bull but tuesday, another very important. What happened on tuesday isn't that right about wind, james calmer, chairman of the oversight committee, put out that document detailing the twenty million dollars that were funneled in and out of the Biden bank accounts that escalated. This story to another level. So here's james combers statement today. This move by attorney general garland, is part of the justice from its efforts to attempt a bite and family cover up. In light of the house. Overset committees mounting evidence of president Joe Biden role in his family scheme selling the brand for millions of dollars to foreign nationals, the justice, apartments, misconduct and political decision in the Biden. Criminal investigation already allow the statute of limitations to run with respect to a grievous felonies committed by hunter Biden, just as part of visual refused to follow evidence, they could have led to Joe Biden tipped off the Biden transition teen an hunter binds lawyers about planned interviews and searches and attended the sneakily place under Biden on the path to a sweetheart. Please deal, let's be clear. What today's move is really about. The Biden just apartment is trying to stonewall congressional oversight, as we have presented evidence to the american people about the Biden, families, corruption, the house oversight committee will continue to followed by an families mony trail an interview witnesses to determine whether foreign actors targeted the vice president Biden has compromised and corrupt internationally.
It is through, and we will also continue to work with the house. Committees of judicial error in ways and means to root out misconduct at the just spent and hold back is accountable for weapon icing law enforcement powers, so says James comedy, and I know it is more than just words. Oh you just put out a statement. Show me action show me that that first paragraph that I laid out, that is the basis of an impeachment inquiry. Right there, what he laid out. That's the detail that will lead to the impeachment of president Joe Biden if he doesn't resign. First, I'm Larry o connor
It's the mark, Levin show much love in the you know: companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty per cent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to pure talk,
you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n pod guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, Larry oconnor, even for the great one mark levine on this, I think pretty important day. We're remember this date, progress, dilemma and again let me be clear
it's not because I think that David, wise, as a special council investigating hunter Biden is executed, do anything that leads to justice or leads to any sort of significant investigation of hundred by knit that's not his job. No. This is an important day, because this should emboldened the leadership of the republican party. This, let me ask you something as you look at this: does the employment of David Weiss as a special council to investigate hunter Biden? Do you think that moves republicans in the house closer to impeachment proceedings or further away from impeachment proceedings? Objectively speaking, any one looking at the facts on the ground here would tell you this moves you closer to impeachment proceedings,
At the very least, it confirms that there's a whole lot there there that just the typical operations of the justice department can't or should not handle number one number two. They are ticked off at this. I just read you the james comer statement where he says is a cover up. This isn't going to stop us good. Let me give you speaker of the house Kevin Mccarthy's statement on this, and I know I know it's just a statement. So This all stack up this mounts up and by the way there all at home or another and recess they're gonna hear from their voters.
good to hear from their constituents Kevin Mccarthy. This action by Biden's d, o j, cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden. Family, corruption. If weiss negotiated, the sweetheart deal that couldn't get approved, how can he be trusted as a special counsel, bingo mister speaker, house republicans, will continue to pursue the facts, for the american people will take more of your calls, a seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. Yes, of course this is an attempt for a cover up, but that doesn't mean that this doesn't actually help us lot
on the path to impeachment and actually utilizing our justice to spit system. Honestly, that's up to you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just cited data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g network in america. Just gotta pure talk that com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to pure
what and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. The voice of sanity in an insane world from mark levin show call him now at eighty seven, seven, three eight one three, eight one one Larry O'Connor. And for the great one mark, levine, watch life liberty and live in this under a p m fox news. Channel marks. Opening statement will be all about the special council, the sham. This cover up this debacle. David Weiss, his guest. By the way, I wonder, show its aunt miranda divine of a new york post is book is until now official release data September nineteen, but all the cool kids pre order. The book, the democratic party hates america want proof. I read today's headlines: Annie Mccarthy, former assistant, useter,
for the southern district he's on fox about an hour ago Gillian. This is a sham. There is no special council investigation and there is no Biden investigation, the special council regulations what makes a special council special you're, a lawyer whose brought in from outside the united states. government, not just outside the justice department outside the government. This U s attorney is being appointed notwithstanding that he is an attorney who is a top official in the Biden, justice department and garland made clear. Is going to remain at tom official in the Biden, justice department? This is the fighting justice department vehicle maintaining control of an investigator. That they are not pursuing. That is correct hundred percent andy is not always right about everything, but he's right about this and my, but all add one step further. This not only is, is david wise, a u s,
ernie in the Biden administration and in the Biden justice department, but he is the EU s attorney for tell us where della There is the home state of Joe Biden where he has been a united states. Senator for forty years and then the vice president who states another president knotted states, Joe Biden, has been one of the most important and influential and powerful politician and the state of delaware, since nineteen seventy two and his son was the attorney general of the state of delaware. Every judge every prosecutor every day. every lawyer of prominence who has any interaction with the government in the state of delaware is approved by the Biden. Family David Weiss included.
So it's more than just the fact that he works in the bite administration. Either you s attorney for delaware, the corrupt state that the corrupt president is corrupt. Son come from, and you heard me garland today, talking about well he's going to have all the powers of a special counsel he's going to give you all the power to which we were told, of course, under oath by merrick garland that he, those powers already during this investigation, so this seems a little redundant unless there's something also play which there is it to cover up, but secondly, listen yeah, guys, I'm not a lawyer. I I'm not I'm not an expert on federal lines that an expert on the constitution like mark levinus at the many of you, aren't either but kp here's the thing you don't have to be. You don't have to be an expert to understand one basic aspect here,
one base added, if you're in reporter for cable news. You don't understand this. If you, the host of a tv show of your jake tapir, you don't understand this of your george stepping up us. Maybe you understand you like your audience so often they wanted knowledge it, but you Stand this you get this. What's the reason you appoint a special council, you dont appoint a special council, so they can have power. You dont appoint a special council so that they don't have to ask permission of the attorney general to get a subpoena or a grand jury. Or what have you I mean? Yes, those are all powers at the special council get, but what's the one fundamental reason why a special council is appointed in the united states of america special council is appointed. You know this because the current, u S, attorney apparatus in this country under
umbrella of the justice department, the attorney general and the president of the united states would not be seen as independent or without any conflict of interest. That is the only reason every no power, but David whites now supposedly is granted. He could. have exercised anyway. reason you bring in a special council is because we, the american people, would suspect that if you didn't bring in a special so well, then the game is rigged. We, the america, people would think I'll, but that there is a conflict of interest here. You can't investigate yourself. You can investigate the son of the president, the man whose, whose future, He holds in your hand; u s attorney serve at the will of the president of the united states. That means they can be fire without any reason like that job
Listen to me, Joe Biden. Can fire David weiss tomorrow. You bring in a special council, because without a special council there is an appearance of conflict if not outright conflict tell me how mirror garland appointing this guy, the? U S, attorney from delaware, who sat on this case for five years. How does this avoid? the appearance of conflict of interest. It doesn't and they are so blatant about it. They don't give a rip. They think you don't care, they don't think you'll notice, they think you're too ignorant or they
that you care. They know that you're notice. They know that you're smart enough to get it and there are pushing you and they are. The great cully stems in former just worm an official along with confidence, because he also formally the justice department, they just threw together a great article over at the daily signal heritage foundation, a sham special counsel, opening graph. Just when you thought the justice department's handling of the hunter Biden case couldn't appear more corrupt attorney general merit garland, announced friday that he was appointing delaware. U s! Attorney David wife s, special council in the case, not only is while the same, controversial, fetter prosecuted with box, the investigation of Joe Biden son so far, but the written rules governing special council call for the attorney general point. An outside special counsel by the way this is a bit, then that's the heritage foundation, guys here
foundation doesn't throw around corrupt loosely, but that's how colleague, simpson enhancements, but caskey describe merit garland over a bright part. My pal Joe Pollack, echoes same thing, appointment of David Weiss, a special kind of maybe unlawful, alone flies in the face of any logic. any normal human being would apply to the question. Hey. Do you think maybe there's a conflict of interest here. its insulting to you, it's insulting to the law. That's contemptible is what it is, but again here cures why I actually feel upbeat about this and how I'm not yet? Yes, I'm fired up about this attempted cover up, but I don't think it's gonna stick
Because think about what we're getting here, but what was the last time you saw unanimity like this with you know how we Republicans we conservatives were always frustrated. The Democrats are so good at their messaging right over there. So good at messaging and they always stay on the same page. They always have the same message dislike. They sure you know memos with each other before they have. You noticed something from bright barred to national review, to heritage foundation, from Andy Mccarthy, to colleague, simpson, to the federal to town hall, too hot air mark lavigne show to the speaker of the house. to chairman comber too, I haven't read you majority whip, Scully's. they're all saying the exact same thing. This is
one of them's doing a mitt romney, not one of them. Doing a jonah Goldberg. Now one of them saying. Well, it's good that we're finally seeing some justice done here and now this is time. For congress to step back and allow the process to play out, while the justice department to do their thing. Allow the judicial process to continue this invest Russia needs to be done without the noise and politics of washington. The none of them are doing that. Have you noticed there? you're, saying exactly the same thing. This is a cover up. This is corrupt. This will not impede us. This will not stop us In fact were even more emboldened to go forward? Have you noticed that when was the last time we were like this? One was the last time something happened, Where we didn't have that one guy well, actually this is a completely appropriate thing for marriage garland to do. We always have that guy he's smack that guy.
whereas that guided, I dont, see em. You should see some hope in this. You should see something very good in this. I ask you again, objectively speaking, do you think how republicans are closed? into an impeachment process. Today, after these events, or do you think they will shy away from an impeachment priced process because of these events every bit of evidence, I isis tells me that there once- and there are many steps closer to impeachment. I promise you that I'll take her cause. Eight, seven, seven three. on three eight one, one: how about Donna frederick maryland listening w emma s head donna thanks for coming in its larry o connor and from our relevant hello Oh I've missed you Larry and I'm sorry about com gas with mark in the lead in there with them. One day my perspective on this, but this is the second I heard it. I was like oh I gosh
covering up the cover up year in the cover up is always what gets you need? and I have no doubt in my mind that now that the people are engaged in what actually going on it's really up to the people, like you mention the but he call me your voters and I I'm due mirth an idea it is right and I want to say to those people. The email or worried somebody a letter or share in article two one little thing for your country: gonna make a difference. I promise you, and I think there is a lot to say about being positive, were in the people that we ve trusted in the house. The freedom carcass taken our country back. We cannot allow this to go on and I think we will Larry Dave. You done. We won't. We can't otherwise Otherwise what what? What what other written option we have right? We,
we can't and your random listen and I have a lot of love and a level of charity cause. I understand at its it's pretty easy Jana to get down. It's pretty easy to feel like it's hopeless is pretty easy. Feel like no matter what we try. The deck is stacked against us. Just look at the last ten years really of what we'd have to live there, starting back in the obama administration and their crimes and cover the donna these and thank you for the call from frederick maryland. The vml they're still telling us by the way, but the obama presidency was scandal free world boy. Are we gonna have to re, write the history books because make no mistake, my friends this entire story, even though its playing out during the Biden presidency view Is an obama scandal look at when all of this transpired. Look at when all of these transactions took place.
and by the way I want a blast away too. Polonius, erroneous and abs, luke sham excuses and arguments that I've been hearing from people like jake, capron, Dana bashing, cnn and mourning Joe in these idiots, literally it's they're either idiots or they're liars. Take your pick could be both, but I've heard this for the last week you keep hearing the same thing. Well, no smoking gun. First of all, you ask any prosecutor in a murder case. Very rarely is there a smoking gun. You build a case with evidence, that's what they've been doing here building this case with very real evidence,
The and I also hear well do others nothing that shows that anything directly benefited Joe Biden me tell you something, two things on that. First of all, when you go after a mob family, when you go after organized crime, when you go over the top guy, you know vito corleone. You think you think, there's checks made out to vito corleone Hugo Hugo boss. Here's your money, you think, there's a wire transfer there for vito into his account. Now the veto doesn't touch anything. did or did not money transfer to the big guy. That's not how this is done. Twenty million dollars went into the family and the entire family benefited from it. The whole family, that's number one but number two,
on this. Oh there's, no money that went into Joe binds accounts. Let me that this all happen when he was in his seventies and as far as he knew this was the sunset of his career. He never planner running for president. He was the vice president and he was done. What do you do when you are in your seventies and you ve been a politician, your whole life and if the end of your career- and you have just so many years left and you ve got a family with children granted. What do you do? What is your number one concern? You wanna take care of your family. That's what you want to do the fact that the money went to his family and they can show me how it went directly into his bank account with a van mo from hunter in between crack and prostitute binges. That doesn't tell me anything the fact that it went to his family actually tells me. The Joe Biden benefited precisely the way he would want to benefit. He wanted to help his family and he knew then when he,
out of office. His family would take care of him. That's what this is all about. Toward your eyes and say: well, he didn't make any money. It just benefit. Is family thats the bomb. Library wanted. He wanted his family to benefit. The last thing I wanted was a paper trail to him and there's what other argument and talking point that I want to blast away and I'll do it in a moment. It's when you hear all the time from these people. I know you ve been hearing it and I will destroy it in a moment,
I'm larry O'Connor in for the great one mark, levin mud, love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent. More five g data plus mobile hotspot get twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to
our talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n pod guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Larry o connor, even for mark livin. Tonight it seven seven three three eight one, one I'm in the midst of refuting and destroying the arguments that have been made. The feudal pitiful arguments made in defence of Joe Biden, but we recognise something. None of these arguments actually claim to excuse hunter Biden that they're all every all they're all ready to throw they know. Hunter Biden is corrupt. In a crook, the only thing they've got left is to say well, none of this touches Joe and we've already caught Joe and all of his lies about. Oh, I didn't know anything about her, never talked to a veteran and now they're very move those goalposts.
And now they're saying what there's nothing showing when you going directly into hunter to Joe Biden accounts at, and I already told you that that's not how it's done. That's not how its ever done. The fact that the family got riches enough to show that there is corruption number one number two did Joe Biden wanted to benefit as family. That's the whole point Durban was in the seventies he has, although he is vice president. The money comes in it benefits as family, which is what he cared about as its legacy but retire, and then what finally is done in these drooling. The family takes care of him little did. We know that the drilling would take place at sixteen other pennsylvania and the third one you here all the time. Well, there's nothing. shows the Joe Biden did anything to help these countries the paid the bite and family were,
they do to help ukraine. What did he do to help kazakhstan? What did you do to help russia? What did you do to help? China? No policy was changed. Nothing was done here. First of all, I think the charisma thing speaks for itself and the prosecutor in ukraine, but say only and when anyone frozen at you just tell him this. You think these bill and errors in china or stupid. You think Oliver stupid, you think these people in these governments is corrupt. You think there dumb you think. They d gave this money way because they felt like it. They kept in these millions of dollars because they were obviously getting what they wanted. They got My twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college
You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars, so visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today.
These now broadcast in the memory of the ground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick in steel of a non described filling it. We once again made contact with our leader, Larry old country and for the great one mark levine, because markleham innocent sabotaged by comcast. Today there is some. Various things at play, report you decide, but I am not.
To be in for mark on their side pretty critically important day, I think in history, as we see a desperate attempt by the Biden, justice department, with his puppet attorney general merit garland to cover up what is clearly a crimes within his own family that clearly, the evidence suggests involve him directly when he was vice. President united states do day. Every classic dc scandal has the crime the cover up and the obstruction of justice, and we are seeing the cover up a part of it unfold before our very eyes. Today. and we'll continue our discussion about it. Eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one I'm Larry O'Connor. I am a radio host on w m. A l in Washington dc the morning show which is a welder via mail and then talk radio in washington. What more do you want to hear? The dominant really only major talk radio station in Washington d
I also have a tv show on nightly on salem news channel nine p m. In fact, as soon as I'm off the air here, then the show begins it's a busy night around here, and I do want to take your calls on this. But I also have a couple of things that I want to point you to with regard to this obvious cover up that we're seeing right now and and the fact that I want to keep stressing the David weiss himself should be under investigation. the fact that he's the one who was named a special council is beyond and outrage. It is insulting its insulting to your intelligence and its clear. They have contempt for the constitution. They ve contempt for the rule of law and they have contempt for truth, and I truly don't believe this is going to last I'll be surprised at this stage for a week. I think
if the pressure is going to mount so much that eat, I know they're shameless, but even these people will have to reverse course on this and bring in a truly independent special counsel, but the fact that they attempted to do this means the die has been cast here. House republicans are emboldened. They are empowered, every single one of them from the speaker to the majority leader to the chairman of each of the respective committees, investigating the Biden crimes they have all.
said the same thing. This is an obvious fraudulent move. This is a cover up and this will not impede any of the progress that congress has made and that's the goal here earlier. I played you Dana bash, who again looked like her her or someone had shot her puppy dog she sobs. Yet you wanted all my all my friends who always look at the the dark side of things and and I recognize why you have no I recognise how you're depressed I recognise why you're depressed you seen the russian collusion hoax play out. You even the Hillary Clinton email story play out You ve seen the indictments brought against donald trump. You ve seen the corruption you seen the one sided justice. I understand why you think
this is just one more step, while nothing's going to happen system's rigged. I get it. You have every reason to believe that, but step out of yourself for a moment you, you want an objective opinion about how this is going down. You look at what the liberal media is doing tonight. You look at you think, they're celebrating that they are forced the liberal you, our friends at the media research center, led by the great proposal and then his incredible team that he's got there, with TIM, graham and and the whole group. Forgive me for forgetting some of my friends at work over at media research center. They have been documenting. The lack of coverage from network news. They have been documenting how networks and newspapers and cable news stations that dump begin with end with ex,
have ignored the bereaved mystery. They ignored the irs whistleblowers nor the twenty million dollars and wire transfers. There was uncovered this week. They ignored all of these things. They ignore devon, archers, testimony where he said so. Under oath italy's twenty times or more Joe Biden, either on the phone with hunter by not speaker phone with these businesses and these busy, where we say business associates. These are foreign entities wanting to buy. Access to the united states federal government at the highest levels business associates. What's the business devon archer testified that Joe Biden participated in those phone calls and and stopped by for dinner at restaurant when russian oligarchy, who were giving me into dollars to the Biden. Family were at those restaurants and binding happened to stop by the net.
Ex ignored all of it guess what they're not ignoring today. I pity the people who, in turn Twenty three have abc CBS Nbc Cnn as their only source of information. They get pity think of how terrible they are feeling right now, as they are treating To watch the nightly news and suddenly like why? What what especial counter? Why did we ve been needed? What what is it? What's this all about? What's: what's up charisma, Whose devon archer wasn't an old silent film actor. What does that? Even matter unaware of this? The viewers
work news and the readers of the new york times on the washington post or some of the most ill informed americans, its I've actually do pity them. I feel bad for them because they are so ill served by the Gatekeepers of the media, who have decided what news is worthy and what is you, on the other hand, you get your news from alternative sources, you know where to seek the truth. You think for yourself. And you are way ahead of this story forget about following a but these outlets or forced to port on it now and for many of their viewers is the first they ve ever heard of it, and you want to know, this story is going down in and had in san francisco. Indeed see you want to know how Democrats our view,
that's right now, you want to know why I think mr wise doesn't stay a special council one week from now, because the pressure will get to too burdensome you just look at how they are reacting to it. You look at how upset they same look at hearing this is my. Where do the day so far, Dan Abash literally trying to look at the bright side. She trying to the silver lining in this and listen to what she says. It could feel the Republicans, but either way to look at it is that it could keep republicans at bay because now than you do have special council, which a lot of republicans were were calling for. I envy I kept member was a paul or one of our other reporters make. Maybe you guys are making this point that, while the special care. Paul is doing his work. He can't he's unlikely to talk too to congress and its
wait for them to get the information that their work. You you I'll upset. She she sounds by the way, but did you love this open? Like hey, hey, let's look at the bright side, the bright side. You know this might keep republicans bay. You know just an amateur political analysts here, it's not like, I am opposed to the tv show and cable news called inside politics. But maybe it's me, I don't think you're supposed to say that part out loud Dan Abash. I,
I dont figures both to share with your panel. While the cameras are rolling in the microphones. Are hot? Well, hey! Look on the bright side! This will keep republicans at bay and and here's one upside of it now David wife won't testify. I mean we got that go in for is right. Of course, this is a cover up attempt by merit garland, it's it's fraudulent, it's so transparent that anyone can see right through it, but that doesn't mean it's not bad news for Biden. This is a bad new cycle Joe Biden, I assure you and you just hurt. Maybe this will keep republicans at bay. That's the only sunnyside. The Dana bash cnn could find today. Maybe that'll give republicans at bay Kevin Mccarthy, James comber, Steve Scully's,
All singing from the same page, this will not impede us one bit. This is not going to keep republicans at bay if anything, it emboldens them and it should embolden you. Let's get to your calls here. Seven, seven three, eight one, three one, one: how bout louis in laurel maryland also listening May I add that sauce by for email, halos, what's a partially agree with He knows comment as far as fuelling republicans but our land with this report well, today, by marit garlon. What he's done is poured fuel on an already burning fire. see help Joe Biden survives list. I agree I agree I think, he's gonna. I I if I had a trust me, I think he is closer to either impeachment or resignation today than he was yet this morning when I woke up. I hundred this, of course, this pours gasoline on the fire and a final.
Drags media outlets you'd never wanted to cover it into the fray. They add there's no way they can cover this louis. Thank you for that. I appreciate. How about john in san diego john, come on in here you're on the market of info? twenty million dollars everybody's admitting that divide and have received that is such a low number, but they ve done is they have protected china from being culpable and are being held culpable in the murder of millions of people? With coded also protected china's five hundred billion dollars a year trade surplus with america. That is not something you get paid. Three and a half million dollars for if you're in extortionist, that's a multi billion dollar project. There, then with ukraine, as supposedly they got eight million from ukraine really because
gave your praying a hundred and thirteen billion dollars. That's another thing you don't it's not a fact that a three million dollar project either that multi billion this, what they ve done is they they've, given that, given the Feds access to all these named accounts, Where are the worthy? The accounts from the islands and rights which are worthy overseas accounts? You don't think that course they exist, and here I agree with you that twenty million is a low number, it's just all that they ve been able to prove. As of now, I think james, Former chairman of oversight set a couple weeks ago. An interview, I believe, was of marie about roma on fox business that he expects us. He wouldn't be surprised if this got up to fifty million dollars, but this is just what they can show them, what they can prove right now, their building,
case John and san diego. Do you believe that this is moving toward even closer now as of today in impeachment proceedings? Oh sure it didn't. If impeachment and and er there's going to be a conviction and they're going to have to pay back the twenty million which, if I had if I had extorted A billion I'd be thrilled to get away with paying to twenty million dollar fine and keeping the rest, because then there there click nearing the clear after that. John thank you for that. I appreciate at eight seven, seven, three one three one one! I agree with you. I think this does lead to impeachment. I don't think, there's a conviction in the senate. I I think this was the way this plays out, as there is an impeachment and others pressure in an election year. There is pressure on Joe Biden to resign and step down so that Democrats
in the senate, a third of which is up for reelection, and it is not a good map for this for democrats in the senate this year, they will put pressure on Joe Biden that he has to step down so that those Democrats are not forced to vote on this and that's how this plays out. If I had to guess today and I hate predicting the future, I hate making predictions god. I do not want to show up on one of those people who poo, do you know there's no way? Donald trump could win the presidency there's no way. I promise you he won't be. They are. The last thing I want is to show up on one of those youtube reels, but actually, I believe, were closer to that scenario now than we were before when whether, when we woke up this morning and that's not to say- and it hasn't at honestly- it has nothing to do with the effectiveness or my faith in David voices special council. Exactly quite the opposite. Back to David waste as a puppet and was put in place to do, this actually shows the american people, the corruption that's at play here.
There are a whole lot of dots, get to connect to prove the corruption playing out before our eyes, and I am astounded that republicans are so determined with there statements that they put out today, and I know all of it all just a statement. What are they do something they're in recess right now, they're, not even in washington. That's why this happened today. that's. Why we're a garland did this today because they know that congress is out of town for another week or to the very bad day for Joe by a very bad day for the belgian presidency, and that means it's a good day for america. Actually
Are more of your calls and I haven't forgotten you christopher ray and your attack on catholics and the end? The lie that's been exposed now in that investigation of catholics, innocent americans, who happened to be catholic, he's next christopher, raises we'll get to that add your cause is Larry oconnor in for the great one mark, Levin much love. Helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the Biden administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best recent for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks
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you remember he hidden when I wouldn't when new hampshire, they like Bernie, they like elizabeth bomber came in and said now, we get a fix. This has trumps gonna win and we got. We can't let that happen and he'll be Biden. He'll beetle, isabel worn because it lifted Joe in there. So he went south carolina because obama has clymer. You know: ud basically swing the black vote in south carolina over Biden's way in exchange for the promise that he nominate a black woman to the supreme court and a black woman, as vice president and metro, it was The men Biden ends up getting, but you know, but no one liked Joe Biden or cared about Joe Biden. You think they're going to take a bullet for him, so we can get four more years. You think they're going to they're going to sacrifice their reelection for biden course not. This is this is where things start to move. This is where this is going to be a very interesting weekend in Washington,
very interesting. We can for the democrats- and you know it. Let me tell you something else: watch Gavin, newsome governor california watch cabin knew some very carefully over the next several days. As this starts to unfold. There's gotta be very interesting. Try it. I would rather be a republican right now in washington in a Democrat, because they all own Joe Biden, their stock with him until a joe, you know over the elder statesmen of the party, have to step in and whispered in his ear and say Joe, it's time to go. That's her this his head, I coming up. I do want to. I know that you're waiting to get in, I want your call, especially brenda in Michigan, because that's my home state and one tucked in michigan, and I also want to talk about hurray and his lie. The fbi director about investigating catholics, keep it here. It's larry, o connor in the great one people check here.
minorities which caught your tree, subsidy, gotta brenner. I just got ass cartridges work in our view we run in Kosovo. Fortunately driving you crazy, come on people, don't get carter's switch to have. You got it, it also a big bottles of ink that you point to eco tax for big intakes, so much for in all you're perfect for that discreet switch to have legal to just village you sugar out our epson ecotank, We need to deliver the tyranny of my blood, then show now. Seventy seventh, we won three eight one one Larry oconnor sitting in for the great one mark livin tonight on a very important day in our history. I believe with this sham of a special council announcement from merrick garland here David wise man, who should be under investigation himself,.
and certainly not in independent special council, not somebody who's free of the appearance of conflict of interest, which is why you get a special council, its insulting It holds our law and our nation and you, the american people and contempt. Larry, o connor, I'm a radio host under mail in washington dc filling in four mark today. Mark is not here because of comcast. I would not want to be comcast, I met you hear mark on the radio. Imagine being the customer service person having to do with mark when comcast deliberately cut his connections and then just left and did nothing. That's where you right now. I he will be on law life liberty and live in sunday. Brand new show his opening It will be all about this. David Weiss, tobacco and his guests are Alan Dershowitz and render have been divine. Excuse me from the new york post by his book, it's out september, nineteenth pre sales, now the democrat party hates america and we're seeing that play out every day right now in the news
with the policies and that and again this what Merrick garland has done here and Joe Biden have done here- is so contemptible it. It is so insulting to you, the american people, because it thinks you're a rube. They think you're a rube. They think you don't get it, they think you're not paying attention. They think you don't care. I know you care, they want, you defeated, they want you beaten down They want you to be in your. They want you to be walking around saying like it, but there is nothing I can do about it because everything read the whole system. Mistake there's! No! the reason why I should get involved. I shouldn't be active. I shouldn't vote. I should that's what they want, don't give them what they want. Eight seven, seven, three one: three, eight one, one brenda. In the wolverine state, although you could be a spartan, I'm going out on a limb, I'm gonna say: go blue. Go ahead! Bryn!
Is this larry? Yes, is brenda yet all right. I would like to know the listing to dance gino? Sean Hannity, a market for a year or this adverse. nation, is going on but even the notion in mister mark it is, living room? They live in Why look toward treason come up there? This is why I would like to know in the care of the two shin if they president commits treason I get to you
You should be removed from office up the shanghai goals here then I wonder well I'll I'll answer your question and I appreciate your passion and thank you for calling in and and things are, things are heating up in Michigan. So let me just try to. Analyze. What you said in the best possible way constitution says you can impeach the president. For treason, bribery or other high crimes of misdemeanours shrank at eight. In fact, the remedy their jesse. You know the remedy is removed from other notion. because there's no hanging from the night to impeach him from office for committing treason and, of course, treason, is betraying the country.
Now I m: forgive me, you may call me you know, of a square sure a wishy, washy conservative. I do think that the actions of taking a bribe from ukraine in exchange for pressure on their government to get rid of a prosecutor does betray our nation and betrays the best interests of the american people in our foreign policy, but that is a lot harder to prove than the blue If the report you asked a very simple question: why is nobody mentioning trees and I'll? Tell you why? Because we got bribery right here in front of our face. That's why we have wire transfers. We have money, we have up to twenty million dollars. We have an f b, I report
Have an informant who said: oh yeah, he took a five million dollar bribe. I that's very easy to prove bribery is where treason is a little less so so the the short answer is whether you think that his actions are treasonous the impeachment articles- were a lot easier to draft when you use that. Second, one bribery, bribery is pretty plain, its pretty simple and that Furthermore, there are eight how about bill in los angeles on Charolais, go ahead bill your next up bill, that's line, one with. Are we going to build the other bill, hello bill and salem Oregon year on Margaux know there were to build Mary. You found me frank and we are the employers. our representatives,
I would love to see Kevin Mccarthy maker called tonight, and have all our republican representatives go back to be seen on Monday and show america how serious this is now cut. Occasion short and get the work yeah. So what an endless- and I'm no apologies for congress if they are in resource. But I've been interviewing congressmen all week I seen Darrell Ayesha. Actually, you saw that hearing of the gold star moms out in California, that you saw the hearing, they did in arizona on the border crisis there actually working right now, they're doing hearings in their districts, so I'm not gonna, what a vacation, even though you know you and I we would see it as a vacation.
They are working and they are doing stuff, but but I gotta tell ya somethin bill. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next week use it, maybe not the whole caucus republicans, but maybe a committee may be judiciary comes back and has a hearing may maybe that could happen now. What's interesting about the powers of the speaker is he doesn't have to just call the republicans back? He would call the whole house back included. democrats, which would be a spectacle and then that could be. That could be a good thing to do. I don't know if it's necessary, though, let's watch how it transpires, but I agree with your bill that it would certainly some that message that it is serious it wouldn't take all of america to take notice, say hey: why are they back court so early? You know what I mean I would be thrilled if an american noticed to be honest but you're right.
it will get, but here's the reason why you will get news is because the Democrats would be ticked off because they are on vacation. Thank you bill. How about the other bill, as promised in los angeles, go ahead bill you're next up aquila, vinca, the hale area, we to talk on a weekly basis, here, ok, kbc I miss I miss my ella show, but thanks for listening, Yeah you may remember I'm a former all school news reporter colombia, J school. Eighty six and I got to say that the cnn known as corporate news knit with paraffin three their profession, along with the first amendment, privileges by plaster tooting themselves for the democratic party, the standard for investigating public corruption. When I was in School was the mere appearance. Then a politician or his family were unfairly benefiting financially from its position.
Not a library, bribery and would never have got that far so dry just put static. It had to get this far you're, a hundred percent bill, your right and in the media, and they were so there's they still are so invested in hating trump and stopping trump and and burning their entire profession down for the sake of tromp that it's too, for they they can come back. That's why it was so amusing to see the Dana bash clips that I just played for a bill. Thank you for that. I do want to take more of your calls, but I don't want to let christopher wray off the hook. You remember this story from odd from earlier in the year. I believe it was January february when the memo was released. It came out of the richmond field office for the f b. I, where somebody with a bright idea,
There said: hey, hey, you know, you know, and I know I know the higher ups in d c, the the bosses. You know Chris ray and his pals there. I know they're really intent on rooting out some domestic terrorists and we all know that domestic terrorists are white christian conservatives in this country right. So we got a great idea. We had a great idea, white christian conservatives. You know the worst white christian conservatives are the real terrorists out there Catholics not just catholics, though traditional catholics, the ones who go to a latin mass they're, the worst they're they're against abortion. On demand, I mean we see him praying. out in front of planned parenthood clinics. These guys are terrorists. Wait now, but they're going to snap they're going to blow up a federal building at a moment's notice. You know how extreme these guys are these guys these these traditional catholics who go to latin mass? They don't think that children should be allowed to change their gender. They don't think that children should be given.
Hormones and drugs to stop their puberty and change into the other, gender, in fact, they're. So radical and extreme that they think parents should have a say in whether their children transition and change their sex. So we gotta investigate these guys. We've got a great idea. Lets surveilled these churches, these catholic churches, let's spy on them, let's follow them as they go to their latin mass. Let's get some informants and pets, let's let's recruit some priests and get them to inform and have them spy on their own parishioners. What do you think guys? What do you think you remember that story right? What what kind of dysfunctional unconstitutional seth
war? Is christopher wray allowed the fbi to become that somebody would even think it was ok to put something like that in writing. Let alone even float the idea. The fact that someone at the f b I thought to themselves am we should probably spy on these catholics because they go into latin mass, so they're, probably terrorists. The fact that they even came up with the idea tells you that the f b, I is irrevocably broken and, of course, nobody got fired, But when Jim Jordan had christopher re under oath asking him about it well, it went like this provide new opportunities to mitigate extremists thread through outreach to tradition
catholic perishes and the development of sources with the placement and access to report on places of worship. That's pretty fancy language for they're trying to put inform its in the parish in the church. That's what this memorandum said director from one of your field offices, and you won't. Let us talk to the people who did it a response to that I I was waiting for the question priests. You think priest pre should be informants inside the church director. We do not recruit open or operate confidential human sources to infiltrate target report, But that's how on religious world was a sad. It sounds like you were trying to do it in richmond Virginia! No, sir! No words! That's just did it happen. You can assure us that this didn't happen. That product tat did not to its best. We can tell resulting
any investigative actions the best that we can tell you what the motivation for this once. Why? Why would they even think about doing this? You know at the motivation was well. I think that's what our internal review will find and I'd rather wait until I hear what the results of this was over six months ago by the way that they haven't finished their internal review, how long they have to review this right is pretty and Jim Jordan gives him the. I don't need an internal review. I can read the document I assume you can do the same right there on the same page bridgman assessed extremists interests in radical traditional catholics is like to likely to increase over the next twelve to twenty four months in the run up to the next general election. Saying paragraph events in which extremists and radical tristram catholics might have common cause include.
Just lace in judicial decisions in such areas as abortion, rights, immigration, affirmative action and algae bt, q protection, its politics, that's the motivation, that's right! This is all framed around the election and politics, the f b. I wanted to investigate people because of wrong think because these people hold basic fundamental point it's form conservative issues that the republicans agree on and they happened to go to latin mass. So there are probably those crazy conservative republicans and in the beginning portion of this testimony, Christopher wray under oath said this difference between a traditional catholic and a radical traditional catholic. I'm not an expert on the catholic orders, while your fb, I wrote a memo talking about radical traditional catholics, I'm just wondering if you can define force well what I can tell you:
It is you referring to richmond product, which is a single product by single field office which, as soon as I found out about it, I was aghast a single product written a single office and when I found out about it I was aghast. Oh, he was aghast. He didn't fire anybody by the way. Finally, I just you know if I'm ever made F b, I director and somebody suggest to me that we start spying on someone in their church, because there are probably conservative republicans, I will say, clean out your desk yeah yeah. How so many companies have zero tolerance policies? Do you have to sit through your company's hr programs every quarter where they tell you not to not to use the n word and not to the demean women in the workplace and that it's all comedy it's it's ridiculous, infuriating, that they lecture you about basic common sense protocols and in manners and behaviors
they tell you in those hr programmes all the time we have a zero tolerance policy, one infraction in europe, one infraction in your fire: zero tolerance, zero tolerance, zero challenge, where's that Freaking zero tolerance at the fbi for an infringement on the first two member right to practice your faith, you would think the director of the fbi. I would have a zero tolerance policy for somebody in a field office suggesting that they spy on catholic, speak their catholic and recruit priests to inform on that. But now they are lot of tolerance for that, but you remember what he just that they're under oath under sworn testimony. This is a single product coming from a single office and I was aghast he wasn't a gast. This is the fruits of his own rhetoric. This is the fruits of his policies. He wasn't a gas, but that first part,
single product single office, but we ve now learn from an unproductive memo. The christopher raided want to hand over, but he finally did under threat of contempt that seattle office in the alley office has also contributed to this. He lied, he lied and he should be impeach to, and you know it. I'm very o'connor. It's the mark. Le venture must then don't fall for their free food, india's from verizon a t and t t mobile folks just another trick the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract, cancel or leave any time get anew
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theory of connery and for mark Levin, who was knock off today because of comcast. He will be back on monday in the meantime, brand new life liberty and then this to live in this sunday with Alan Dershowitz and miranda divine, and I get the book the democrat party hates america pre order. Now the book comes out September nineteenth. Thank you to the whole team here before helping me out here, as we stepped and two issues that I can't even close to filling Joe in new jersey finished up here. It's mark within show, I'm larry, oconnor, hey Joe Yes, I, like you, a hundred percent rise listening to you about the fbi. Re here, it impeached a long time ago- and this is the point I want to make- is that congress trumpet
man, you don't let go my man even though I haven't voted before sixteen. I voted crimson. Sixteen, how about I haven't report that I have been voted for over fifty years, why I'm a veteran welfare Give me your service and welcome back to the fight. Voting is what we gotta do, listen. Thank you guys think for other great comments. I'm always better rapid. Stop it. If you want to follow me, find me on twitter, Larry, oconnor, Debbie, males my radio station morning, show you'll love it. I.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-13.