« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/10/21


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, things are now happening in this country that will affect you directly. 19 Republicans in the Senate have surrendered to the American Marxist movement, with Mitch McConnell leading the way. How can McConnell be the Republican leader if the majority of Senate Republicans voted against the bill? The $1.2 Trillion infrastructure bill is filled with pork and pet projects, empowers Democrats, and expands government even more. Every Republican that voted for this bill has now paved the way for trillions of additional Democrat spending.  Later, Philip Klein of National Review calls In to discuss the infrastructure bill and the failure of Republicans to stop it. Also, there isn’t any difference between the various Democrat Marxist movements and the media. The climate movement has nothing to do with clean air or water, and everything to do with de-growth and anti-capitalism. The Green New Deal is exactly what Thomas Jefferson was referring to when he described tyranny of the legislature. Finally, Andrew Cuomo resigned as governor of New York, forced out not because of the nursing home deaths he caused but because of a damning report of sexual harassment. How does Biden keep escaping his sexual harassment scrutiny? Rep. Lee Zeldin calls in to give his take on Andrew Cuomo and the next governor of New York.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills. They'll college for over one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Dales Mission, learning character, faith and freedom. Thank you for it.
sitting in my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had Hills Dale for their great sponsorship. Now broadcasting unruly underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America market within our numbers. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one by the way, Adra Cuomo resigned, a thought. You'd want to know.
We'll discuss that in the last hour, not in the first because things are now happening in this country that are going to affect you directly directly. Republicans in the Senate, nineteen of them. Have surrendered Can marxist movement led by public and leader, so called of the Senate, Match Macao. Right after this vote was taken a day Mitch Mcconnell started to attacking the Democrats when the next infrastructure, We did that because didn't want you to pay attention to the first one, all kind a pork and pet projects in these bills, the Associated depressed, of course, the biggest media. Organ in the World
out there saying the Senate demonstrated that it can work and do big things. You see Doing big things doesn't mean something to work. You can do big, said a disastrous, but send it you see, is only working if it is actually expect The massive side of already massive leviathan, the bigger the guy. And they get the more powerful, the Democratic Party gets the more powerful the Democratic Party gets, the bigger the government gets. one and the same. Virtually every republican president finds it there Undermined by the bureaucracy. and the Democrats do everything they can to defend the bureaucracy. The union eyes the bureaucracy to ensure that bureaucracy is very well and highly paid and that is expanding year after
year after year, at your expense, I your expense. And I know when I speak like this: it hurts my ratings in Washington. I don't care, I don't care. Did you know, according to the Heritage Foundation, did you know that, each Also in this country is on the hook up two hundred and twenty thousand dollars and debt who's going to wipe out that debt Over two hundred and twenty thousand dollars thousand at every household on this country, this so called infrastructure Bill Almost another three thousand dollars per household it's not one trillion one point: one. Troy and one point to try and the real numbers closer to two trillion.
Hundreds of billions of dollars or unaccounted for hundreds of billions of dollars. You want to know what else is in this and we'll get to the three point: five trillion lighter that's coming to, as pointed out by heritage, lot of radical causes Special treatment for disadvantaged groups establishing a new bureaucracy to increase the number of female truck drivers. The hyper woke kids equity act which includes expanding internet access for prisoners. Did you know that the infrastructure bill, tens billions on subsidizing electric vehicles and charge stations, electric passes, electric ferry boats, so called green energy. dutch unmanned, hitting reports on climate change. Even here. A billion dollars to try to cool down pavements. In cities pavements what else.
Federal funding of local projects that involve traffic calming you ever heard of that may neither traffic coming. closely related to the left wing concept of road diets, Hallo Road Diet, which trend rotation, psychotherapy brutish, as has endorsed indoors, Road diets, what does that mean delay at least slowing traffic and creating congestion in order to afford people into public transportation, dsl soup this bill. I love these Paul's eighties. Percent of the american people support infrastructure. Do you support this, of course, not. Cause you're lie to their censorship. They don't tell you in the bill, but our continue. It provides a hundred and twenty five million towards studies and pilot projects to encourage state governments to do what the push her
miles travel tax on cars, miles about tax on cars, one billion for a ride Connecting communities programme by would tear down highways in urban areas, the Administrations infrastructure plan called for twenty billion dollars, a variety of activists, groups or Demanding more politicians often accurately site crumbling roads and bridges to justify infrastructure spent but in this case crumbling roads and bridges would be the goal. Giving a larger share of new spending. A mass transit intercity rail, as it does for I ways, even though, in real account for a minuscule share of national travel, because their radical cook base demands an equal amount of funding. for our highways, as it does for my strength, the city,
they'll spent fifty five billion dollars on local water systems, which Many cases will mean billing city governments that neglected one of their core duties. Crates thousands of programmes, rebooted judge and Transportation department bureaucrats get to decide how to distribute over. Billion worth of infrastructure grants and british measures have society will prioritize. They radical all related to race and equity. In such decisions,. and most insidious of all is when the federal government elbows its way into the private sector. The Senate bill does so two key areas: energy and brought an internet combined, one hundred and thirty eight billion toward a variety of subsidies, mandates government operated enterprise competing with private providers, gorging, the federal leviathan, not just a problem for unlimited From a conservative, reducing the
state and local governments- turns federal elections into winter. Winner takes all competition, unbelievable. What kind of a Republican will vote for this. What kind of Republican will vote for them. you want to hear the names of the Senate Republicans averted Phyllis, while are given to Ms Mckenna. Not much bacchanals republican leader right, forty, nine, Publicans voted there. Fifty what happened to the other one, but forty nine voted. Nineteen voted. I. That means Mitch Mcconnell and eighteen of his comrades voted for this
Eddie Republicans voted against that. How can this guide be the leader. when he's leading eighteen other senators, whence thirty in his own party, voted against this report? want part of the republican leadership not running for reelection. He voted for it. Richard Burton North Carolina retiring. He voted for capital of West Virginia. Who is a disaster and a disgrace? She voted for it cast of Louisiana these bills. Killing the energy system Louisiana is a key part, Cassidy votes for this collins and main columns of me. Let me go through this list to make from getting at all correct. Excuse me Looking at the Yeas Burke,
Him capital got her here. Oh Ass, he got him. Collins got her, who else among them? begins voted yes, Kramer of North Dakota, I saw the scout tvs. Tv is an idiot. Governor of North Dakota. They Mcconnell begged to please On please run we can hold the sea without, of course, we can. North Dakota Kramer follow Republican an Idaho by the name of create both spout crap. Oh, I like crap, oh so, Idaho, Both of its senators you're sick, for this massive phony bill with all this social engineering, shocking, shocking. Adding more debt on the shoulders of each and every one of you. What
the Republican voted for this Fisher of Nebraska. Sure I've Nebraska by the way you should know for any these Republicans ever again some of them are running again as they retire, some just one. You should never have for any one of them if they can stand up to this. There are not worth a damn thing. Lindsey Gram of Carolina Dizzy, Lindsey Charles gradually Please truck wrought again. We need a hundred and seventeen year old, senator, please Truckles right again, loser who has voted. Yes among the repute Proven North Dakota Hove and another one or please Please run we need you so badly. No, eight out hope you lose what other Republicans, Let's see here, I'm looking, I'm looking for me,
Second, I gotta go through the whole damn list. Oh. Let's see here Marquis. Ski of Alaska she's up for life Can you paying attention Alaska? I hope so. She's never met a spending bell, she's opposed and she's bought and paid for by the any oh by the way. Yes, the critical race theory anyway, that's Mc Caskey, that's Mc Caskey port, of our high always so good. He was a bushy. Was I won't be Bush guy? a centrist such a temperate guy, get the hell out. You jerk! That's right! I said it we have this guy rich of IDA, how we want to try it This guy, on the show I talked to the committee MR wishes not available Idaho. That's too, votes at Idaho,. for a mass of government spending. And massive federal government
social Engineering Romney out of every you, too, I mean if we can get serious men and women out of Utah Carolina? and Idaho, though, where the all we're gonna get him from. Let's continue with the repute, may I think I will let's see as I go down list, I know, there's O Sullivan of Alaska. Man came on. This show is MR big conservatively this fighting for his life for reelection, Solomon of Alaska and others. one is rose in now. South Dakota voted no, but this is perplexing not. He made a statement earlier today said. You know why. Sometimes we have to do this sort of thing. I know what upsets the Bay but we all we gotta, show that we can work together and by partisanship any votes against it. So there a guy with two feet firmly planted in the air phone, though
Alice of Caroline another one comes on the show running for us life and North Carolina The conservative out, you know yeah k great. Wicker of Mississippi. If you can't get a vote against massive federal engines massive debt of Mississippi? Where we go with this Mississippi, South Carolina, Idaho Utah Alaska, the rip african leader. They sold you out America, every family in this country, you're going to see higher inflation, they can say not one of the nineteen say and blame inflation on a Democrat, because we have inflation and they just added to it hundred billions of dollars that are not for in any serious accounting or budgeting ski,
every damn. One of these nineteen should be defeated regardless of everything else because you and your children and grandchildren having to pay a price for this, and I but all the rest. They Greece, the skids for once by three point, five trying at five point five trillion. and when we come back, I want to tell you what's coming behind this and that these nineteen Republicans help Greece, the skids, Fort I'll be right back american strange civic education is at a turning point. What we allow bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught a where we The whole truth: friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve they wholesale seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Lowood friend Hills Dale Back come available not only to teachers, but also the citizens like you to share with other concerns citizens. This complete
Hey through twelve history and civic curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates, alas, too to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened, children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and appalled, the dignity of each individual America's future. Depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, still, seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today at Levine, pray, hills, delta com, that's Al Av! I am free hills, dot, com, one other thing: nineteen repute help set the stage for a whopping three point: five trillion I wanna and want to slaughter. prior to voting on this first. So Infrastructure build today: nine came up
begins led by Mcconnell the demo. Rats had passed the one point: nine trillion dollar bill. So that's one point: nine one to buy their numbers and then three point five. One point: nine really turns out to be two point: three, the one point two really turns out to be two point: oh and the three point. Five really turns out to be five point: five, so that Up to now, point eight trillion. They hoped to do. in seven or eight months now in this? Three point: five, which is roughly five point: five trillion. They have a whole slow, no entitlement. I want to remind you, thanks to our friend state, more that of the one nine. Several months ago, the expanded unemployment benefits free healthcare, more generous food, stamps, Rennell assistance, more money for it,
teachers unions, state governments. Now the three point: five tonnes They won't do entitlements universal and fully subsidize day care, pre kindergarten, free, free community college stood own forgiveness, for children who went to places like Harvard University now debating whether to make the weekly three hundred dollar temporary bonus when unemployment benefits permanent permanent, dangerous of all. I hope you seniors are listening. He planned expansion of medical care and medical. They ve already taken money at a Medicare Medicaid recovered. These pro problems have a long term deficit of fifty five trillion dollars. but now they want to expand them, so they can sink faster more when I return american strange civic education is at a turning point where we are bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught
teach the whole truth now. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth they ve they wholesale seventeen. Seventy six curriculum download a ball for free at Lowood friend, hills they'll, dotcom available not only to teachers, but also the citizens like you to share with other concerns citizens this complete Kay through twelve history and civic curriculum designed to give educators guidance had not mandates alive. Students to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened. Art Children deserve to be taught the truth for a sound Franklin that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual, America's future
depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, still, seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today, at Levine from Helstone COM, that's l, e g! I am Pray Hills does that come yes, it's true. Marshall event is the fastest growing radio show at America. The marshal of in the show, always on at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one Philip Klein is a senior writer is a senior editor at the end. Some of you online feel. How are you, sir, do unwell? Are we doing while as a nation, when the Republicans pass their so called infrastructure, bail and nineteen o them fan out across the median? Tell us how well. This is now really grateful sickly, Republicans everything that they ve told us about this for months.
had been a why they claimed it would be fully paid for the ceo says it again: or at a quarter trillion to the deficit. They claimed it. Only narrowly focused on things like roads and bridges is that only twenty percent of the bill He claimed it would scare away moderates from supporting the larger three point. Five Trillion dollar bill they crimes in the entire radical liberal agenda and the Democrats moving spoke speed ahead. That larger bell there. They didn't waste a moment. and you know this is and at a time when more run out amounts of surplus. We're already coming around the pandemic at coming out of a pandemic where, if all these built pathway we spend ten trillion dollars in just the past year and a half above our existing spending.
And by their own budgets, says that were on pace could break the World war to record for as a share of the economy in flight and out of control. So it's infuriating, that Republicans would essentially Greece the wheels for bite into passes. His big by partisan, accomplish men at this time and and what Speciale Enraging is that it coming at a time bright after bite in defies the Supreme Court and, and issued. An illegal eviction moratorium and the Congress was supposed to act on and he did it. so he found his nose at both other branches of government and Republicans responded by delivering him. This huge victory and its disgraceful
I agree one hundred percent- and you know they always claim- are in the minority. We have no power. What are they talking about when the Democrats in the majority to exercise a lot of power, especially in the Senate, and we have massive numbers of people coming across the southern border? a significant percentage of them? Have the corona virus? Many my criminals. Many of them are hard drug, pushers and on and on and on. Why would they vote for one dollar to support anything by once until Biden. Even attempts secure the southern border you don't even use any leverage. Do they fill no, I mean work when gambling when Tromp wanted to have infrastructure, we Democrats said: did they weren't gonna? Give him the big three they didn't want enable trumps other action that they disagree with and he drew a line in the sand and Trump never got infrastructure thought now by, and come, then Republicans just roll over to give him everything you want and
It's really perplexing and it's hard to know what the political strategies because if it were just talking about things from a crude political perspective it and keep in mind, I think those who substantively about idea, but even if we go into cynical politic it when health obstruction ever hurt. Right Republican tried to block everything. The Obama did end date took back Congress under Obama Democrats when they blocked with Trump did they took back the Congress, so I dont really see. Where is the the idea comes from that? If you give bite in this huge victory, it's gonna. somehow when Republic in Congress, in twenty twenty two, I think it's the same defeated strategy, the republican tat for decades when they were the permanent Bernard and really wasn t kill. Ninety four that you know
in the early years, when they decided to fight back and that's when they return to power. This think the media, like they're, just remember when a minority mindset where they're getting a lot of money to bring back to their states and they don't care about all the other things that are going to happen as a consequence, in a day in itself and grand icing way to go out, and they actually argue there are the consumers actually heard this guy from North Dakota at home, in the other one actually say that further consumers? I saw this guy Cassidy, unhinged. On television going on and on about how this was going to suck the moderates hinder their position on thinking are our so so brainwashed by inside the pathway in the Associated Press praising these people, for what they're doing there like Certainly Supreme Court justices once they get on the court Phil? They just flip and
led by Mcconnell, Mcconnell and eighteen, as colleagues voted against thirty of their colleagues. How can you be the republican leader when you're in the majority of your own party? I honestly, I don't know, what's going on and I think that you know what what brush grading bad, what's going on the new democratic and push through the three point: five trillion bill and all these republic and will vote against it and then try to convince us that they oppose the big Biden Bill, but the reality is that this grief the wheels for the whole spending this with this with something that they needed to get everyone you bite and said that this was in ten How well he said there were connect dead, she murmured them both on parallel part. This was either tricky job to try to get,
situation that mansion and air sea could both vote for and Republicans did them a huge favor by getting. There One minute, for a few weeks ago, mansion had said if the by Partisan Phil bill falls apart, the whole billfolds apart. So as far as I'm concerned, any Republican who voted for this room for structure bill should be treated and having supported the entire four trillion dollar bill, because Democrats certainly see it is the same thing which is it. actually why, right after the vote, Mokanna runs through the microphone answers? We ve gotta two defeat distant crash socialist berwin gotTA defeated because he spending is our constituents. He spinning the american people. Just like a Democrat. You now fell climb. We use talk about social concerns over there. So controversial The conservative hawk told there so controversial, but at least we could all be fiscal conservatives
can't even be that anymore. Can we and am again I mean we're in situation where much worse than all the previous times that we talk about equally as a result that the pandemic its moved up by a decade all of the fiscal problems that all of us have been warning about right will be talked about GAD, as a share of the economy exceeding the size of the economy where over a hundred per cent of GDP for the first in writing. We were to accept after world war. Two we said the crisis is over now we're gonna returned home, normal spending levels and back then Social secured be within its infancy. We didn't have met care Medicaid or Obama care so Now we're coming a we're already came into the covered crisis on an unsteady, sustainable path due to our entitle them, Then we had six trillions of dollars spent
being in the name of fighting covered, and then We come out of it and instead of thing, ok about that, the crisis is receding. We have, you know, get off go house in order, The Democrats say: let's move full speed ahead in We drive the social safety net to make us more. Like yours where we have a cradle to the grave welfare state system and rip organs are going along with it. I mean this should be a fighting call. I mean look at that. The three point: five trillion dollars they want to give away. You know universal preaching. And your paper everyone's I'll care community college, the green new deal stops and if they want to expand Medicare, add dental envision vision to with which a ruddy broke and you know I mean last year before the pandemic, the trustees said that medical
It's gonna run out of money in by twenty twenty six that five years the way it's probably even sooner than that now, if they ever get around the issuing. A new report which bear much and let me ask you this focus on what kind of a representative republic is it when they keep pace in these mass of omnibus bills. Are twenty seven hundred pages long, the other? Next one will be even bigger we have no say in it, there's no debate about it. They do. It is fast. They can as big as they can. So. The american people are cut out of the process altogether, completely cut Aunt em look! There's! No! I mean if you try to read the twenty seven hundred page bill. If you're, not you know a natural, lawyer, but somebody who's, sort of congressional legislative aid- it very how to make headway details of what buried in there.
And there's all sorts of stuff in there. If you look where you no special deals for Alaska there, there is if her alaskan high way there's something in their per The appellation commission which mentions wife is serves on there's just all sorts of things. I think, honestly, four months, we're gonna be reading about playing than say. Where did this come for me, Louis Philippe from it, hey I didn't hear. Say that again for months what I said that, like four months after were speaking, we're gonna, be discovering thing if that were in this bell that are just atrocious. This is in every respect at every level. A disaster this first bill and for Nineteen Republicans to go along with the promise there are seven of them
just one reelection. Three of them are not running for reelection. So that's ten out of the ninety. People like Lindsey Grandma boys poses has a conservative and so forth, but I must say from my perspective, always let us down. Yeah, yeah yeah. Now when the ground I mean the thing about it, was that if you're ever weeks ago, they all matter and form White House encountered this great by partisan agreement, a man bite and says well. This come comes to my desk. Without you know, the three Point five trillion bill a MAC and asylum answer them. Lindsey Graham says, Egypt, acting like we're a bunch of idiots you what I'm done with this and that he turned them Biden just issued them. You know mile the ape man and then all of a sudden flimsy grounds back on board a few days. Do you remember when Romney City was severely conservative? Yes, I do
standing in the room. I think he severely unhinge now and I dont get this at all. We have with Us Senator for Mississippi Wicker. Require our Mississippi We can hold a senator for Mississippi if we can hold a senator from South Carolina Assent, friend, Louisiana capacity. We have caput copy So from a West Virginia whose father was the Governor West Virginia. She's got a solid hold on that sea. We can't hold her. I mean looking down the list area, just absolutely stunning, it shocking. Is it not minute. They must all be getting something. I mean it Look at the legislation is pretty clear that during the states up that yes, the individual states, it's it's a lot of stuff coming back on and I think for Romney. It's the sense that I've gotten is that somehow he was embarrassed by being this liberal bad caricature who ran against Cuba
and he would never comfortable playing the role of conservative, so he felt like you want to become center and resuscitate himself Reno, revive himself and come out with the legacy of somebody would sorted. This responsible Republican, and I think really. I get the sense that this is what's driving it. I've been remember, Romney, This is why we have Obama care in the first place, because we have in Massachusetts he did the same thing basically wanted to show that he could sort of that. You know he can yeah a republican you could deal with and he design that Healthcare programme and it became the basis Obamacare and they even had the same arc. Jonathan Gruber, who design that the same mechanism and the individual mandate it started with
wrong name. He tried to sell it as some sort of conservative. Individual responsibility idea fell. I want to thank you very much. Keep it up. This is very, very important We gotta keep battling this and I wish you all the best my friend thank you parameter Phil Klein National Review. What we- back then American, history and civic education is at a turning point where we are bureaucrats and lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught where we, The whole truth. Now my friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve they one seventeen, seventy six curriculum download, a for free at Lowood, Friend, hills they'll back come available not only to teachers, but also the citizens like you to share with other concerns citizens this completely,
through twelve history and civic curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates alive students to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened, art Children deserve to be taught the truth for a sound. Franklin that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and appalled, the dignity of each individual, America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, still, seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today at Lavigne, pray, hills, delta com. That's our easy! I am Pray Hills del dot com. You know that used to pay. You wanna tell you pass appear they all. That has a specific purpose that has a funding source. That's not anymore!. We, the people, have no idea what the hell's going on.
No say in it, and nineteen Republicans and the senator perfectly happy with these nineteen. Ten of whom are the other immune said the ten just one reelection, so the re cocky three of the ten or not running for reelection, but we have to make Others pay a price for work. Tribute to the destruction of our own country. Emily these guys and gauss. the issues I raise an american Marxism, it's so over their head. This is, why said, do not expect the Republican Party to save you. It isn't capable of it do not. Exe the Republican Party, to save you, we have to save ourselves, I'm telling you folks we have to rally Torah own freedom. We have the rally. Own country. We have the rally to the defence of what we.
what our children need and grandchildren in the future. Because of you expect Mitch Macao and Romney and Susan Collins to do it. You are, Thirdly, wrong, we must vote. But it's not enough to vote It is not enough to vote now many You have children and grandchildren going off the column you need to arm with a copy of American Marxism and same with their own communities in your neighborhood, so you're up speed on exactly what's taking place, why it's taking place whose behind it and what we can do about it while the Paul reveres. This is the time Miss Paine Pamphlet
marxist I'll, be right back now, broadcasting on roaming underground demand, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America. Part of any trust me we'll get a global is already resigned. Look at some of the more superficial shows who want to start with this I'll get to that telling about things that are happening now with your life. Senator Ed Marcie is, in my view, an american marches course he would denied. But who cares.
and he was on Emma sell us. Do yesterday had Tipp right bar we want you to know some of what's going to be in this next bill that these nineteen Republicans made possible cut thirteen go and what you are describing that some of the measures in that budget reconciliation. They sound like measures that were in the green new deal that you are one of the architects of. Is that something you're allowed to say. Or are you worried that if you say that Republicans lose their mind because they so successfully demonized a green new deal, somehow listen to this city or by so successfully demonized a green new deal? Marxism go on the right
not without question the green new deal is in the dna of this green budget resolution. All of the things that are- and we talked about in the green new deal that we have to go even further in the years that you understand this is just the beginning. They have to go even further just to start because it never ends go ahead, Here- and it includes increasing the fuel economy centres for the vehicles which we drive inch means that we Tat, you can remain in Glasgow. That brings the whole world together later on this year. What President Biden, finally, having a piece of legislation which passes so that the rest of the world seized it? Where serious that, where the leader and not the language, you cannot preach climate, temperance from a bar still services. This is the the logic
insanity that there we're dealing with. I want to give this some perspective and give it took to you right away right away. There's an entire chapter on climate change, fanaticism and climate change, so called reeks throughout. This next Multi trillion dollar bill and the reason is, it is a way to control you a way to control you so called environmental movement of the nineteen seventeen I write in moroccan Marxism, his device into another avenue. Do attack american constitutional republicanism when of course, capitalism from clean Erin, clean water to global cooling, warming, climate change, The goal of many the leading intellectuals behind this effort has been the introduction of Marxists thinking and objectives through the guys, environmentalism as the green new deal, which promotes
And I'm a regression radical terrorism in order. rule that's! What's in this budget. But the movement has expanded well beyond that to include virtually every programmatic, an agenda driven goal of the American Marxist, which has been in to one degree or another by the Democratic Party, among others, heavily preshent, don't you think? moreover, the environmental movement is develop. Numerous areas of overlap with other marks, eccentric ideologies movements such as Nicole race. They reveal environmental justice which they could the existence of environmental racism targeting minority communities and some of the movements masterminds insist that Marxism does not go far enough, stab washing their growth utopias as they and life and a perpetual state of nature were productivity growth the Matera. Acquisition are toxic to the human spirit. This is a religion, and
where's, the ended all involves a form of repression and autocracy. At the core this mind, numbing amalgamated marks of centric remarks is like crusaders. They d growth movement may kind consumers and producers too much The blame resides with capitalism in America. Again a variety of movements within movements targeting one or another approach, but there are basic tenets. The best Explain this as to expose what certain of its leading advocates have to say. And there s a what is de growth from activists, slogan to Social Movement, Koran quote leading they grow. They go. The Maria France Schneider Zylka over and John, Are not layer right that quote growth was launched in the beginning of the twenty first century, as a project of Terry Societal, shrinking of production and consumption
its social and ecological sustainability. Quoting quickly became a slogan against economic growth and developed enjoy social movement like sustainable development, which is a concept based on false consensus de growth. not aspire to be adopted as a common goal the? U N or the European Commission idea of socially sustainable de growth or simply de growth, was born and safer, also for radical change, their contemporary context of NEO. Liberal capitalism appears as a political condition, meaning a police. go formulation that fraud closes the political and prevents the, Let the designation of particular demands within this stick with me within this context. The growth is attempt to re politicized. The debate on much its socio ecological transformation. That use big words big phrases- and I explained them in a minute cause- they mean nothing
dissidents with the current world representations and search. Alternative. Once the growth Jews the ideas of green growth, their green economy, and the associated belief in economic growth. Is it desirable, and political agendas that growth is not yet. An economic concept, it is a frame constant, by a larger area, concerns both strategies and actions. As a result, the growth has now become a conflict. Point we're streams of critical ideas and political action convert so explain so the goal is to reverse the mass economic progress resulting from, among other things, the industrial revolution, which created a huge vibrant middle class and in when a technological, scientific and medical treatments that Overwhelmingly approved the human condition, but this TED of authors continues quote de growth as evil. into an interpreter frame for a social movement. Understood
It is the mechanism through which actors engage in a collective action, for instance Ty Car and eighty advertising activists cyclists pedestrian its campaigners. Partisan Organic agriculture, critics of earth- Sprawl and promoters of solar energy and local currencies have started see de growth as an appropriate. Representative frame, further worldview unquote so, as I explained, The social movement envisioned by these utopians would drag America into a regressive him, Every society with wide economic and social dislocation. That is, a print Austria lies environment, where progress comes to an end for that. the go ahead, A car is time, mobility, attire, retiring is at Times speech and time In agriculture is anti abundant food and tie fossil fuels. play abundant energy, etc, one one
What of scientific and medical advances? How would they be devised than broadly applied for the benefit of the general public. A population like Mars, tourism. Generally, this t growth movement is don't theories, abstractions that when force he applied in the real world, particularly anyway A successful and advanced society have arrived All that is disastrous for the population. Moreover, Bearing shows that for those among them who are famous wealthy and are powerful, they will continue luxuriating lifestyle created by capitalism. You wanna hear more. you wanna hear a little more. You want to know why this book has solved Quotas are the million copies so far, because people want to know. People want to know and we need to know how we didn't know exactly what's in this bill. This bill relates to exactly what I'm talking about now. You stay in the background they go on quote.
de growth is also an interpretive frame. Diagnose that desperate social phenomena. Stick with me I'll explain such The social and environmental crises are real Aid to economic growth right, the foursome be growth actors are thus signifying agents engaged in the production of alternative and contentious meetings. A meanings which differ from one offended by the mainstream; they on the prognosis, usually characterized by a strong utopian dimension solutions and hypotheses new social patterns. The practical gulls, this says, opens new spaces and prospects for action strata, these are associated with the prognosis tend to be mobile in terms of approaches. Stay with me, these can be alternative Buildings, opposition research and in relation to capitalism, they can be anti capitalist capitalists and despite capitalism, so there you have it for many
the environmental intellectual, so called behind this amorphous yet widespread movement, the goal, despond myriad supplements aimed at taking down capitalist system- and I explained it in many fifteen, the DE growth, seek to eliminate carbon sources of energy and redistribute wealth according to terms they consider equitable. They reject the tradition economic reality that acknowledges growth is improving, live. conditions generally, but especially for the impoverished grace less competition, large scale, redistribution, sharing and reduction of excessive incomes and well viagra we- want to engage and policies that will set a maximum income or Manuel to weaken envy as a motor of consumerism. They say: opening borders, no border in fact, do means to keep inequality between rich and poor countries. One of the reasons for borders, open
They demand reparations for, supporting a concept of ecological debt or the demand that the global North Pay for Palestine hasn't colonial exploitation of the Global South, the negro, We also demand that government established a living wage or reduce the work we did twenty hours. It goes on american Marxism to vote, very important chapter I haven't spent enough time on it. That's for sure that is chapter five climate change fanaticism. This is in. the next coming multi trillion dollar bill that the Democrats are pushing. This is in its Capitalism, it's war private property rights, it's a war. Technological progress, improves our lives, creates medical technologies and so forth. This is a d growth moment has nothing to do with climate change. Has nothing to do with a green new deal.
and notice, as I say these so called intersection reality. This is in the bill. The Democrats are going to vote on in the nineteen Senate, Republicans plowed the fields plowed the way forward. They have no idea what swelling around they get a new bridge and new airport cub. Billion here cup a billion their sell out in their paid off, starting the kind of the worst of the bunch he's an all that doesn't understand what the hell's going on so is full of old bull. Every major. Modern american marxist movement is represented in this bill. The open borders movement, the growth movement for all in this bill.
You understand this because you listen to this radio show. Are you read the book you understand this. More more people need to become aware of this as soon as possible. Ladys and I dont know what else to do. I'm on radio What tv about Digital tv I dont know what else to do. We need your help. You have got to spread the word you have got to spread the word. The mission is critical, I've done like sixty radio interview. I don't know how many tv interviews, I don't know how many digital interviews it's been enormous. I'm exhausted! That's! Ok, People do I have a lot more than I do, sir. when trying to save this country and protect us, I'm asking for you to do is read it in passing. The next person read it. You're devising a red- you read it.
and pass on to the next person pass the next person and pass it to the next person get the word out. Please get the word out as fast as humanly possible. Toulouse and I don't mean an election. I mean a country. I'll be right back then over thousand of you. My listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months. We the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with
eighteen, three and varieties and r T mobile your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team based right here in Amerika? Does that sound good? Well, it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data, just dollars a month, and if you go over on data they don't charge you for it. They don't care Gerda pure, Haug, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, Levine alleviate podcast and when do you say fifty percent if your first month, that's pure,
like you, I say: dot: com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless. This is an example of a grub meat in America, David Knolls Republicans largely silent code, red Climate change report, where this report comes from the internet. We're mental panel on climate change, the United Nations you see, which is correct Does it gets corrupt as it gets. And our media mouthpieces are there: are they there because they want to reply The news not, ladies and gentlemen. I set it over and over again in interviews and on this air. There is not a dimes worth a dick; between these various marxist move. in Amerika and the media in America.
Unlike President Biden, numerous democratic law makers who shared on social media, the conclusion of you and Secretary General Internal Gutierrez Report that that is Code, red for humanity on climate change, private Republicans avoided posting their thoughts on the matter. They didn't avoided for the most. Are they probably ignored it. in a Tuesday interview with national pubic radio. However, Senator Rick Scott was asked directly, about the release of the report and why wasn't pushing for greater climate change measures? You see that? the media in America. The newly pass infrastructure bill that would help ensure the safety of Florida residence, a wooden, rip off, louder, resident We clearly want to a need to address the impacts of climate change. It we ve got to protect our environment, but we ve got to do they fiscally responsible manner, said Scott. We can't put jobs, the rich, so you see he surrenders the high ground.
he surrenders the high ground. He accepts the propaganda he accepts. Movement, we just gotta, do it in a proper way, you know, so we don't lose jobs, wait a minute. He has no idea what he's talking about you do cause you read the chapter on climate change, but even more than that, many of you have looked. the back of the book of the notes with all the experts and so forth, media push this agenda justice, they push critical race, Theory Chester's, they pushed open borders, chestnuts, they pushed me these so called infrastructure bill, one infrastructure bill to justice. They push Joe Biden just as they push the Democrats and now here they are pushing this Public and senator from fly
says. Well, look. We can't I think we can focus on the impacts of climate change and not put our jobs at risk and kill our economy, I don't understand, I don't know Stay awhile, Joe Biden, Kildee case don't exile pipeline. there was environmentally clean. Why did he do that? Because it's part of the d growth movement has nothing to do with the environment. Has nothing to do with clean air and clean water? Has nothing did carbon dioxide. This is there. This is their faith. This is their hymnal, then they think they ve perfected it now.
As all through the supper, you don't believe in climate change must be a denier. You know like a Holocaust denial like the Washington post. He finally found the phrase climate. We searched for fifty years. Fifty years we work on us de growth, didn't work, anti cap Listen didn't work, We didn't work heating didn't wear cause. I was winners, a river a change because the climate changes we got it now:
We have suckers and the Republican Party applying and thinking I'll, be right, back Magua crowd for democratic constitution. Galling now, seven, seven, forty one, forty eight one one! Let me just be blunt about this. I thought this book was your average book you think I'd be pushing at his heart is pushing it. Honest to God, ladies and gentlemen, you think three quarters of a million people would have acquired a copy, this book or some form of this book. If they didn't think it was worthwhile. You gotta Amazon D come there's now over five thousand comments. Four point: nine out of five five stars.
I'm on a mission I'm on a mission. This is the vehicle through which I'm trying to press our case. It's the line through which you can see what's going on in our country. That's the point of it. whether it mass of omnibus bills, with all these, these thesis, These marxist organizations and what their pushing their ideologies are being Hoisted upon us with a mass of omnibus bill. Nineteen Republicans wrote for and worse two common. They show all our drawing the line. You should have drawn a line yesterday yesterday. All the social engineering that are in these bills there's two bills, ladies and gentlemen, between the two of them, one of them. said to be one point, one or one point to try and it's actually closer to two trillion another. Coming up is said to be three point. Five, it's actually closer to five point. Five.
The one earlier was one point: nine. It was actually over two, but let's, let's rounded off five point: five plus two is seven point: five plus two moors: nine point: five trillion. In a period months, ladies and gentlemen, we are now are It is now over one hundred percent of the gross domestic product so happened was once before world war. Two. When we ran up the fight war war to what are we gonna? Do we fight the commonest Chinese. Now we're not kind of any money. We're not gonna, have the ability and then have these phony poles in the media, or look at all the people who support infrastructure. Eighty one percent you had Republicans referring to these poles you didn't know, was in these bills, you're thinking structure they need to wine the road I committed there, not thinking of that twenty three percent. Twenty three percent
so called infrastructure Bell, went to what you think our roads and bridges and all the rest. There shipping mass transit. They control your vehicle. They want to make I'm lighter and lighter, so there less and less safe. They wanted conditions where you're going to try and give up your call and go to mass transit, more more density at the pandemic, these people and They don't know what the hell they're doing. and yet there are imposing a well on us. They have no mandate to do any of this. That's why they have to push these these secular borders, orders, that's why they have to use the bureaucracy and regulations. That's why they these omnibus bills. God forbid, you have an opportunity, to figure out what the hell's going on this. The real insurrection. It's going. right now before your eyes. This is what Thomas Jefferson COD Tyranny of the legislature tyranny,
the legislature by the way. I will be on Hannity tonight at Sean's request: nine twelve, five pm eastern Time nine, twenty five pm eastern time I'll be on attitude, and I, for one will what Mr Barroso, my three minute hit or whatever it is for. I guess. Well, whatever it doesn't matter, I hope you'll join us, but this book you know people write books about themselves, This book isn't about me it's about us. It's not about my career. It's about saving the country, its response to call its response, the listeners mark. What can we do welcome they were. Why are these things going on? I I've done a zillion interviews. I hear that
so many cases the same thing. What are we gonna do? How did we get here? The book explains it. It's an effort. It's a reach back. to the common sense and american crisis? Pamphlets. What I'm trying to inform anybody who wants to be informed? Anybody who wants to be informed anybody who wants to take control of their own situation and inform other people? This is the tool. There's nothing else out there. This is the two. How do I know cause I've spent months and months and months. If you're looking for answers if we looking to understand it, looking to get involved, then you're at the right place. those of you to listen to this programme for a long time,
Often said I was born at the wrong time and I often think this what I would have done, what I would have given to be there during the debates, second Continental Congress and Independence Hall in Philadelphia, which was the Pennsylvania Assembly building to participate in that what I would have done, They sit in exactly the same room during the debate. The constitution for five and a half months and fill it his heart is. It was what I would do to be back then,
And it is, I'm writing this book. I think our I wait a second. We have to do this again. Different environment different circumstances, different methodology caught it, but fundamentally we have to do this again. We are fighting an enemy its, most powerful enemy we have ever faced ever faced and it is the most com Lex enemy in the most daunting complicate away to fight an enemy. Why. Was I devoured so many of our institutions and our culture. So we have to make a decision on how we do this, and so that's the effort at the effort.
That's the point in the very last chapter, the book chapter, seven at the beginning, I talk about our found who trashed, who been attacked, been besmirch. By people who contributed absolutely nothing to this country, nothing, zero. Democratic politicians, Joe Biden, Camilla Harris Black, lives manner. They contributed nothing to this country. They still contribute nothing to this country except hardship. they pass judgement on everybody else, including the founders some person. Basically comes out of nowhere with a journalism, degree rewrites, american history. Sixteen nineteen point: Jake put by a diabolical media. Operation called the New York Times leeches into our school systems?
critical race theory with these out They were, these could be out. Captain wannabes Louis Can one of these making millions and millions from their books attacking white people pushing why supremacy in white racism and on and on and on they embraced promoted, leaded hustlers hustlers. What do you do about And so it is very important that we build this movement is very important that we act Too many of our fellow medicines, as we can from all walks of life, all races come category. It doesn't matter. If you love me,
countries want to say that if you love your children want to save their minds that matters. We will not use the violence that access militia uses The case is to support the Democratic Party. We will not lie to each other or two thirds parties the way our corrupt media do each and every day, starting with the New York Times at the Washington Post major television networks and, of course, seen in an msnbc this we want to do, but we must. galvanise. We must round. We must do this, and so please
join the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of other people join them join us their tens of millions of us join us I can sit here and do it most and just and complain. Not hard to do wine and complain whining complain, regarded the same stuff, one guided the next one gown or the next. But that's not me. it's never been me. It's never going to be me. That's a complete waste of this. Of this platform, I've been blessed to have a complete waste, be right back then over
two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless, carries to pure talk over the past few months. We the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, Tee and Verizon or T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs with the absolute best consumer service team right here in Amerika. Does that sound good while it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data? Just there, Dollars a month and if you go over on data there don't charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure Haug, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, dot com, promo code, Levine Alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent
if your first month, that's pure. USA, dot com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless Diana Presley. Is they reprobate? I mean Representative Adam S, shoes one of the marxist neighbour, Next candy is multimillionaires, made a fortune out of pushing am I view Louis Farrakhan, racism and marxism. and they run a video call yesterday had tip The millennium great site cut twenty go I was just asking doktor candy about his recommendations for policies that are actively. Entire races and in what we should be seeking to advance in this moment- and he was Britain.
My amendment to age, our wine to lower the voting aged sixteen in federal elections, lower the voting age to sixteen in federal, much wiser. t? Why not twelve distributors go ahead. Shocked by how polarizing at issue this was- and I will tell people will listen- Jean Louis is Is an original co sponsor of this saga, Jean Louis. Wasn't got lots of. But a lot of stupid ideas, her good people, but they said Stupid ideas go ahead No are you deserve to have a stakeholder in our democracy. They taught me about why you out, but that's, antiracist were meme. When you look at younger people you look at younger voters, were the areas in which we talked quite a bit in terms of black.
browser being disenfranchised, but young. Black and brown folks in particular- it must have, it is run of disenfranchisement. And- and I let you started over the internet, but I don't hear- and I go ahead when, when, when the sort of younger generations are more predominantly black and brown. It's, what leads to greater level disenfranchised anything back and ensure that younger people can vote. younger. The better is the younger, the better. the younger the better go groundwork And thereby bringing a greater sort of central multiracial sky full of S, it's not even funny gets paid an awful lot of money for being a hack seed is what their thinking. More and more of the younger population is I've color. So you see the younger
people can vote the more floods. I happened to democracy, so it's all about power. At all. Tell about power: this is the radical movements. Nineteen sixties and earlier dressed up as something else, Younger and younger people should be able to vote. Younger and younger people should be brain Ashton, indoctrinated in schools. We can just do these things, be wonderful, another's, guided, invent anything Abraham Ex candy he's not really. In a regional or profound thinker, scholar, any kind basically he's, Gertrude taking what others have come up with, and you can hear the talk how black and brown folk particular younger black and brown folks for disenfranchised. though disenfranchised optional.
In the greatest nation, on the face of the earth, with the greatest access for all. His liberty, on the face of the earth- and you have these two fools. Trying to influence has many peoples. I can particular young people, even ex candy. nothing profound about this guy that profound about anything is written. He pushed this raises outrageous propaganda, any celebrated for. So you heard what he said anything that can ensure that younger people could vote the younger the better
He's going to then allow more black and brown folks devote bringing multi racial democracy to this country. We have multi racial democracy in this country. You idiot add this guy get tenure, shirts, lieutenant, younger and younger I'm telling you folks this assistance is an ongoing battle.
And the media in this country promote this stuff. They promote this lobby right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now, run them wrongly underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, America, article of an air, our number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! I want to congratulate Joe Biden. The Taliban is now over on the seventh and eighth afghan provincial capitals. They are slaughtering people left and right
Joe Biden said it was a good decision thing to withdraw from, ozone. Ladies and gentlemen, it's the way you would draw from a war zone that matters. obeying truly is a heartless human beings, absolutely heartless, despite what he's personally been through, it doesn't seem to have affected his view of the rest of the world. Motion on demand funded by the federal? I went right up to the last second aright Did you hear Andrew Como resigned? Maybe you didn't. Andrew Cuomo resign. And he was forced out. Not because of the the slaughter that occur. And the nursing homes in New York retaining faulty and turbine, and the rest of the reprobates remained silent about
I do see other people picked up on Joe Biden Interregnum. Mr producer, that's that's good. Very good. but you won't resign. You only be pressed that was data during the campaign? Don't you don't we almost four step, because of this report that was put together damning report. I listened to his defence counsel, air, a birth, giving individual What do they call again? Mister Bellew so forget a birthing person who is a form federal, produce, pretty good price, Measure client sucks. and in the end, whether Easter There goes was in fact a political matter and now he faces potential legal issues. Andrew COM, at a press conference today cut one go
set on national tv to a doctor p p and giving me a covert noses nasal swap you may download should I was joking, obviously, otherwise, I wouldn't have set it on National Tv but she found it. Disrespectful I take. Full responsibility for my actions. Is that sexual harassed, I'm just curious meant, as we see it, tell somebody there you look good I can. Is- is that sexual harassment, sticking your hand under a staffers, skirt and molesting her. Now. That seems to me to come So I ask you, Mr Barroso,. So I was made at what he's talking about here, but nothing was made of a Joe Biden did deter, read nothing go ahead. Too familiar with people
My sense of humour can be insensitive and off pudding. I do hug Kiss people casually grows when and men. I have done it all my life s. You follow. Women and men all your life, have you done that to you know there is a difference between a friendly hog and kiss his somebody. You know when you ve known for some time and they understand that, but there is a difference govern. I just wanted to point this out when grabbing somebody's but or somebody's breast. You do understand that right. I've been doing this all my life. I have. I'm a very sensitive man, but maybe I was being insensitive and I take full responsibility, but I really thought I've done this. All my life go had been Since I can remember
in my mind, I've never crossed the line with anyone. You see that's a weird line. In my mind. I've never cross the line with anyone. You either have crossed the line you haven't. You either have a habit of signing your mind. Did you cross the line of my line? I did not like I didn't go ahead bought. I didn't realize the extent to which the line has been we drew. I actually sympathise with him in some of the cases but He explained the ones we grab. Somebody's took us in their breath. That line has not been redrawn, has missed rhythms her now line is not been redrawn. Go ahead.
There are generational and cultural shifts that I just didn't fully appreciate And I should have no excuse me, will you made twelve excuse now cut to go. don't get me wrong, This is not to say There are not eleven women who I truly offended. There are and for that I deeply deeply apologize. I thought a hog. Isn't how strange to me to be perfectly honest with you. It's very strange to me. Now, obviously, he's a serial grouper. I think we can, Concluding, a serial grubber, pretty much. But all these women were not group. Some of them didn't like what he said. Summit ended got that.
There's eleven women, I heard that could even be more MR produce, but there still this thing called due process. Am I wrong. There still is this thing, and I am not even talking about the groping I'm talking about the talking you look in. Why robe? Oh my god what he said. You look good Likewise o my lord. I am curious about one thing: mapping a women at all. Intending to become one the women ever say about guys. You know that guy looks good in those blue jeans. I'll tell you why. The woman who say that do you think, MR producer, never never, apparently. This brings me back to Biden, has Biden escape any scrutiny whatsoever is he escaped scrutiny? Go ahead.
pursued while taking the picture was friendly, but He found it to be to forward I kissed a woman on the cheek at a wedding and I thought I was being nice, but she felt that it was too aggressive. Well, did you know the woman. Who kisses a woman on the cheek at a wedding. If you don't know the woman am I, About that, Mr Barroso,. Don't kiss women on the cheek that I don't know. If I kiss a woman on the cheek typically, it's my wife, my mother, large, my daughter, you understand he must a covert spread or two, I suspect, he's a spread. Could you have to remove the mastodon like kissing, although I noticed that the photos with the party with Obama he slobbering all over the place to? Did you see that rich. my goodness I was a slob slugfest. There really was
I say that, with all due respect I had called people honey. So it hard tenderly I meant to be endearing, But women found I touch. I kissed has said you look good. could you sweetheart. Come on old timer. You cross the line Could I had no idea that the line had changed? What do I know he's doing the rope adopt the stupid defence go ahead, aided and our friends. Well, and you know it's funny, I bet forty percent of them live in New York. I would vote for this guy still maybe fifty percent the Democrats. They don't care, How who's running steps net Democrat? Democrat Road Democrat. I mean they vote,
They call me, oh what a disaster is destroyed. Their saint Gaza matters. Your Democrat Letty, James there's another winter loser Oh yeah we're going to vote for Latisha, she's, great democrat and other democratic. I, by the way I'm to officially endorse Curtis leeway for mayor of New York City. I forgot ahead done it for weeks? You know that MR producer what the hell am I waiting for I forgot the kurdish we're all or your baby? We hope you win I'll, be right, more than ever the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s: stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s! My friend of your phone calls. What do you say Keynes Phil Florida, one of my favorite towns that great W S K why initiative
drawn by the name of honor generally big deal. How are you good morning and others feel good. Then do a young lady name liberty, the other day shears. Yes, I kept saying Many people were looking around like I was losing my mind: liberty levity. Anyway. How are you and very well? Thank you, hurry, lovely. Thank you go right ahead. I just think that the basically We saying yesterday was that the republic, The party and the whole house betrayal. They turned into traders they're, not protecting our country. There is an all out war on this very, very dark or any, like you said earlier, we can't depend upon the her working party that mass we need to start, praying to guide the arrival rod and may your enemies be scattered, because this is bigger,
what we can find a way out when I went and when I think here is they couldn't even block this and then they pray and that this will help stop the massive bill behind it. They should vote for anything that will help the Democrats, who this administration, it's not worth twenty three sense out of a dollar on roads, and then you have the other seventy seven cents and all the rest of the crap. Thank you. You call my friend, let us go to representative, leaves Alvin who's running for governor of New York. Representatives. Zelda looks like you might be running against a different kind of Democrats, Dancer we'll see who the Democrats and of choosing to nominate. But we know it's not going to be Andrew Cuomo. It's in one respect, amazing that it took him this long to realise that it was time to go, but as people
watching the press conference today? They're all lot of people who said they it wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't resign and just tries to keep fighting, but impeachment removal was starting to look more and more like a certainty losing at the ballot box next year started to appear more and more like a possibility of probability and what we all need to make sure doesn't get law in all of this, as we talk about the serious Allegations investigation conclusions our made. We cannot forget about the thousands New York families who still want accountability in answers enclosure as a the contents of this governors, deadly nursing, home order and cover up. We can't forget about this governors. I point one million dollar self, congratulatory book eel and all If, in investigations that are going on
telling his words. He was in announcing his resignation. part of holding himself accountable. You can tell by his words he was resigning to skirt accountability. So, while you may not be the governor anymore, we are not going to stop talking about what happened, especially with his lieutenant taking over as the next governor and the thing is this even from all this, the horrific mismanagement of the state that mass of taxes you have people leave. In droves. The depopulation of the state, particularly New York City, for as the mayor of New York City of fools all over that state. Quite frankly, isn't it I'm clean House have somebody with a with the stellar ground you in particular, bring some common sense to the office of the governor is enough time to just sweep this crowd
this. One party democrat rule outside power of self described socialists are resulting in our law enforcement with handcuffs on them. Instead of criminals, we need to repeal tassels bail New York. We need to keep qualified immunity. We should pass a law enforcement bill of rights for our great men and women and blue. We should make sure that critical race theory is out of every school in the state of New York. Are schools. Kids should be For a quality education, not indoctrination or brainwashing, and those small businesses that bear survived. The walk down policies are now being told by Mere De Palacio. Did they have you turn away good paying customers, because they don't have the vaccine paperwork to allow them the walk in the front door. Leadership
these eroding public safety, the quality education that the cost of living, increasing our freedoms under attack. Why should we continue for a moment longer specially, as we have seen with clarity, how in other states who can be living freer with their money going further and healing safe we can have that here, but not with Party democratic rule like this And New York is really on the precipice of having a lot of potential solid, opportunities here, with a mayor all raise with the governors race, for many, the you, Sir State assembly seats and so forth. I mean if the people of mark a really serious changing. What's been that bring, some positive leadership back some common sense back. They have an opportunity to do that now. Nothing or cross this state
salute. We have sixty two counties in New York or of the five boroughs of New York City really being the difference. deciding who is going to win these stay wide races, but when you take out those four burrows in analyze, the other, the rest of this entire state, I do have some. purple counties, and you have a whole lot of red dark red counties. You have opportunities stay wide if everyone actually shows up in boats. I remember when the sea fact past and in January of twenty thirteen you add, register got owners in this state. You had strong constitution, conservatives across New York, who were registered a vote or registered, vote and I didn't vote my men to them is yes, it is your right to vote, but it also your duty to vote your obligation to vote. There are going to be operating in these four Congress for Senate for Assembly.
We have a super majority here in New York and Assembly and Senate. We can break that. We have twenty senators republican state centres. to get together with twenty three to break this year, majority were close to and in a state assembly. But what that means everybody across this state whose hitting their breaking point their emotional and passionate they get it. They feel like they are about to leave their family, their communities at a breaking point, two states to breaking point: you have to participate. You can't just wake up the day after an election complaining about Google elected today before, if you didn't do your part, and if everybody everywhere is all in top down a bottom up cleaning house winning back the governorship and all these other opportunities across the state is going to be a once in a generation memory that will be reflected on forty years later about that year. Twenty two. They too were New York with backwards
of watching conservatives on their heels defending territory like Georgia. Instead, you saw Democrats on their here. Losing weight is like New York. In California and elsewhere, I'm gonna do my part, and it's going to be port, no for millions of New Yorkers to step up and undue there's there. Now before we have a hard breakin, I lose you. Where do people go if they want to support the campaign Odin for New York, dot com, yelled, the eye and Ethel are New York elder for New York, Dotcom, hiring and real ass? One is this primary again: if there is a private maybe June of twenty twenty two, all Republicans will need everybody support in a separate taken. Nothing for granted, aren't too stay with a lot of people, you starting early, that smart energy,
folks. I endorse Liza colonies. Absolutely terrific good luck to you, Sir, and God bless you and will be right back AIM Act. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
talk. A MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U S! Mark love tat! First, all! That's why I like Bartle of them, and I'm not sure a lot of people like me stuff, is what I like him. I love.
call in now hate seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Ladies and gentlemen, cut big takeout process. When purchasing. american Marxism. I am no longer on Twitter, I'm no longer on Facebook, when Twitter started attacking the president. I left twitter. I left Facebook because Facebook me for no reason at all. I didn't it either twitter Facebook for. since the end of February February Early February January first Facebook long, So you won't see me promoting my book on Facebook, and you won't see me promoting my book on twitter. Fathers do that's up to them. I have nothing to do with nothing zero, so cut out Facebook and twitter and I would encourage all p.
who are consumers with books, cut out twitter and Facebook? In fact, Stop using twitter and Facebook, I'm probably the only radio harvest digital host. And I'm guessing Fox host. Who is not Twitter, let alone Facebook. I dont know that for back. That's my guess. That's my guess! So If you really want to cut our big tech, then cut out Butter and Facebook, Let's talk about Amazon folks, Amis, and has actually been very, very good to US terms of my book has it been some books, yes than a tattoo reverse course, I'm no special pleading. For this guy bees, I was once they washed compost. I detest them. I detest Oliver I need to get things quickly and so forth there's, a number of sites I use on the internet, Amazon's wanna,
and I'm guessing most of you do too. So, let's not live Alai right, but there's other place to get the book. My only point as I dont promote this book on Twitter or Facebook, and we still have caught soul, a three quarters of a million of them. I dont where that is about badge of Honor I'm saying you know cut out today. cut out Facebook, but I do I cut them out. In fact, at the end, the book in chapter seven, I encourage you to do the same thing. Believe me, you'll, be mentally so much healthier. Looking over your shoulder at these dreams lying about you and smearing you and given you this in that light, does go on These are these social media platforms and also in chapter seven. In my book I talk about,
the things that we need to do. In my opinion, this individual citizens to confront twitter and Facebook, and one of them, is to get rid of them. Is to get rid of them, so you will not see me promoting my boy For any videos or anything else, I left me Levine Twitter. What I read car was mark. Levin show Twitter, MR producers. I write Mark Levin. face, I left behind, and millions and millions of you had friends me and were following me, millions of you, but I stood on principle. I stood on prince. Why cut out these big tax social platform. now we're over parlor over five million of you follow me it's It's it's a site that still trying to get its legs. There's no question about that. question about, but a lot of but who danaus big Tech, twitter and Facebook there still on twitter and or Facebook.
That's ok. People make their own decisions. I made my decision some time ago that, if you're gonna be and a former president for life, I want nothing to do with you and in the case of Spock, when we later learned Zuckerberg involved in the campaign! I wanted nothing to do with him, so you won't fine. Me promoting my book on twitter? You won't find me promoting my book on Facebook if either do it's up to them. I haven't asked them nothing. None of that stuff scar period. Publish, is free to do with the publisher. Wants to do. Friends are free to do what they want to do. I don't get involved. I do my thing. I do my thing. So if we really want to leave big tech behind thing, atta twittering get out a facebook? Can I say that all my brothers and sisters, my colleagues and rate,
tv, land, digital land and the rest. If you dont it's ok, it's ok. We each have to do if we each choose to do now. Here's the thing: if Amazon, Wants to promote my book, which has been number one on Amazon's list for almost an entire month, isn't that a good thing if the New York Times, which I hate with a passion. I've dug up all that information I provided it wants to He put me number one on the New York Times list and I can tell it and talk about it. That's a good thing right because they hate me. They all hate me. They despise me feelings, they're not number one on my list. I'm number one on their list right, Mr Barroso. I beat them at their game
Ben beat me if anything, so the time and place for everything. I just wanted to point that out. It just shows you the power of the ideas. And the information and the strategies in the book, American Marxism. That we don't need twitter and Facebook. We don't need them. I don't need them, but I'm not going to use them. Let's go Can you Frank break New Jersey? Their great debut ABC Frank, go right ahead. Please go go mark, don't hurry! You frank! I'm alive world, lifelong Democrat, conservative, fiscally girl, democratic, dear God, and that I just
I was always brought up free speech, civil liberties and challenged the power of government. As you could say, I offered any more so what I do, I I support it and Lindsey Grandma booklet, Lindsey, Graham did to me in a shell out, did make any difference of opinion or a Democrat while I did I it does on the fringes, but it would be better if we had a conservative. Don't you think that's what Public and primers are all about, but it is hard the perfect politician. We don't expect the perfect politician, Frank, but we expect a more perfect politician right. Our true but you have a bunch of losers in your estate. I must confess I must say it up. Grace here to even some of the Republicans, but why was on hold? I ordered your book and I just bought it. My friend Eddie was over. The road truck driver driving
right now is listening to your book on CD and the cities get passed around from dropped, her struck, drive one while listening to it, because I can't read what the driving the liquidity of works well, great American. I know Frank, you call And sir, these tracker, I can, I tell you something: I am shocked at the number of audio sales. Are this, but it must be the truck drivers, they're, all workable, Both became Andrey ironic, not amen that the politicians UK you, take care rather than cog in the wheel. I'd frame bless you my friend It is exactly the kind of person I'm toilet, there's a man if you Democratic Republic in blue collar. Why cause? I don't care if you love country, we need the galvanise and we need a rally. It's that simple tat simple. In my humble opinion, MR produce reminds me to remind you. I will be on Hannity on Fox tonight, nine twenty five pm eastern time, I've known
idea what it is talking about or what it is. It is going to ask me none nor posted on Twitter or Facebook right, Mr Vanunu, we posted IRAN parlor because who went to live Liebig tech behind. And we want to kick big tax behind. Can I put it that way? I think I will. Where am I rich? What am I honour? Let's a re, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, the Great W phd ray you're on big out near we I d, like you say, hardly had the right idea. When you said one communists in the government was one too many only thing you got that just understand re. This has nothing to do with that. we'll get it has nothing to do with the soviet infiltration of our government. This happen Do these just want the mark people, understand you're, giving me an opportunity to explain this. This has now
Can you do with nineteen fifties? Mccarthy, the none of it whatever you think of it Has to do with these home grown movements that had been tailored big, uniquely american marxist movements, go ahead. I faith our government cell in the country a basic, the Republicans and Democrat. While you see the vote today, you see what these rebukes did her. or I, my friend, thank you for your call. That's re in Philadelphia, ladies and gentlemen, go. All the way across the country actually need to take a break them would go back back then aims
the Association of mature american citizens is, one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more
it's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s! Let's go to Louisville Kentucky Exam Satellite Tag, a Jake J how're, you Louisville by the way aging Mcconnell. These are my com, calling these people Mcconnell Republicans. Now those nineteen. they sold us out. They, Greece, the skids for the Democrats, it is the the biggest bow
headed move that any rhinos have ever done in their lives. Go ahead, Sir, Google, I never supported, but listening to your talk about the the social media, Armenia, professor tenured adjunct Goody University in Kentucky and all my students always want to know why I'm not on social media like they wanna Facebook, your twitter me or whatever, and I Tom tissue, the email system, an inverse had flips amount. But what I call about with the one point two tree in London today, we know it's gonna cost more I learned at three and a half which we know is not a cost more right away. I'm through with reconciliation one option, because I think these boats, like it, through where we have no option goes. We don't get the vote the the option you have is the clear members of Congress, but they really blew at big these nineteen Republicans. They really screwed up.
and they are self righteous. They are narcissistic their praising themselves. They got median say there are the real concerns. These are the sell out. These are the dupes. They got a future, a few dollars further for their state the usual pork, both barrels, Fannys, and you know some of the people in every state now devote em out. Don't forget about them, as I said seven other nineteen just got reelected like like Mcconnell Like grandmother going assuming going to forget and then and then you got three m who are running for reelection, and so are you magic, professor, you know we can't snap our fingers and fix this now. Can we send it. if we take control the health and send in twenty twenty two and be beyond by their end, mechanisms to reverse, of course, just like they river- Obamacare. Remember they didn't
even though they had the votes to do it. Thank you. I didn't that's the problem. That's why the Democrats ramming through as much as they possibly can they see twenty twenty two, the so, whether shoulder they know. Look, it's very likely certainly possible that lose the house and so the ram and through everything they can and this is this- is not right, organism? This is not constitutional! Isn't this a tyranny? My friend are, we handed books that I, Mr Barroso, let's not forget the edge on professor You sent me name answered marking the same book plates. Think it better semi another email. I apologize been a busy day. Let us Tony Oak, Mont Pennsylvania, the Great W J S Tony. How are you, sir? fine, sir. Thank you very kindly were taken my call and it's an honor to speak to you,
guess, I'm a combat marine glad Marine Vietnam sixty eight sixty nine, while right in the thick of it I'm sick over what's goin on countryman, Lincoln me, sick and ok what I just don't know, what's gonna happen here, but I know one thing: chums gonna get back and I could feel it you might be right I'll be right. If he does he's got my support. and when I came home from Vietnam, it took me- they get a job for the state, but I work twenty years and a maximum security prison, no boy. So and I want to let you know that I bought seventy your books. Well, I pass them on to the Mai, Buddies Data, I keep in touch with. You are very a kind Tonia terawatt number one. Thank you very much for your service and
Two, don't hang up, we will send you a signed copy of Amerika Marxism as soon as I get them signed, which do very quickly, goes, must reduce, was going to semi another email. Tony thank My friend you're, very, very kind and you're doing. I mean you're, obviously a great here on. I appreciate the Vietnam war. He was sixty eight sixty nine, I'm telling you I was in the teeth of it. Entities of what I was a teenager, I remember all that they call you, Vietnam, vets, all you vets out there we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel and those who stand up for our liberty, elected or not I'll, see you on Hannity, nine hundred and twenty five p dot m. thirty minutes from now on Fox tablet.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-11.