« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/7/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, decades ago the Wall Street Journal took the position that “there shall be open borders.” How has that worked so far? Awful! Wall Street Journals claims that Gov Ron DeSantis’ illegal alien crackdown will “exacerbate the state’s labor shortage while doing nothing to fix Biden’s border failures.” Americans won’t work at low-paying or low-skilled jobs is a flat-out lie. It’s a negative stereotype of Americans. The idea we will starve to death and restaurants will close because we don’t have open borders is blasphemous. Also, a disciplinary panel called for Rudy Giuliani’s disbarment. Of all the crap and sleazeball lawyers, they want to disbar Giuliani? When these lawyers challenged Trump’s election – there was no problem with that. Later, Donald Trump is the most persecuted man in American history. But Trump didn’t turn the IRS against his political opponents like Obama did, like Lyndon Johnson did, like FDR did. Trump didn’t use the powers of the executive branch against any of his political opponents like Barack Obama did and Biden is. Afterward, it’s said that cluster bombs are only used by war criminals. If they are used against the enemy that’s not a war crime. Only Russia would use them against civilians, not Ukraine. Finally, the “missing” witness from the Biden corruption investigation, Gal Luft, speaks out.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the America mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, three eight one, one just to be clear to all the can
aids and would be candidates have their this, isn't your programme, this isn't the geo p a channel. We tried and at candidates one who contact us have something to say. but I don't run the show as a congo line for candidates just to kill time sometimes on friends with the candidate, so that respect do good. Some, times are candidates. Second third place worth a shot, but if here five percent Under four percent or under the Maybe we'll bring you wanna? Maybe we won't, we don't bring candidate. on all the time, the most of the time the candidates contact us
and if I put on ladies and gentlemen candidates, who want to come on this programme every time they ask, we would have a candidate every day. Five days a week will be now, MR producer, Would you listen to that. Do you want to listen to that? I dont side figure doing you doc. so we try and spread it out from time to time, and I say this. What we are learning here, it's But these candidates have campaign staff set a really whips mark on the ball, And some of them have arrogant purposes. No, I'm not gonna get into who right now. But really is amazing: we ve, two or three times he would bring us. I m sorry Do I owe you something symmetric keeping people off After keeping listeners.
There's a lot going on in this country. It's not me, a job to make sure your candidate does better in the polls? It's my job. To inform my audience who's been with me for we're twenty years about what I The priorities going on in this country, the threats we face, witchery, infinite I just wanted to make that clear to them now the wall street journal several decades ago, thirty years ago I think, give or take it was too The two actually took the position that we should have open borders. The late great Robert bartley. He was the journals editor for many decades before Paul got stepped in.
And our joy three two thousand, he wrote a piece the total page and was titled liberties flame beacons a bit brighter. They said is one of this newspapers proud, little traditions, Fourth of July, we offer an editorial salute: the immigration back in the mix asian debate of nineteen. Eighty four: we proposed a five where constitutional amendment. There shall be open borders. we have repeated this periodically since, under our editorial headline, invoking liberties torch the rekindled flame. As I work this open borders stuff, I would ask the wall street journal editorial page. We ve now had experience with an under Joe Biden has had a good thing. Hundreds of thousands,
from drug overdoses, including fetnah drug cartels controlling our border, sex trafficking of women and little children. The government on able to track young people who come into this country even though their supposed to track them. Bring them putting them out as fast as I can add to the general public. Were there now being basically indentured servants? Can anybody think if anything good, It's come out of open borders, so the street journal editorial page in the radical position was a hundred rock, but this is system talent. Maybe they change their view, but this is the mentality they started with that Paul D got the individual there. Now is the editorial and I've known policy go for decades. In a really talk.
but when he calls me work eleven, when you knows it's love, em I'll call him port pause. You got regs to produce So here is a set of toil joy six, twenty twenty three in the wall street journal decide to crack. Down will exacerbate the states labour shortage while doing nothing to fix, binds border failures. plata governor out. They really like Chris Christie. They want Chris Christie, the b the nominee. They would do anything for Chris Christie. They would, peggy noon and I'll get to her later with her peace governor on dissenters. Economic record may be the biggest selling point of his presidential campaign, yet he's doing neither his state nor his campaign to favour when an immigration Crackdown, looks excessive and may do economic damage in the fast growing state. Now,
most. These guys who write well- putting their names on these editorials, their built like pair upside down perished in know what must reduce, which can happen if he said too long. and I don't know the last time policy god has been to the border or not quite frankly, Mr decide to sign legislation and may that he claimed with combat buttons border crisis, but the law which took effect let's see her last week, does nothing to stem the flow of migrants, taking advantage of the binding lack, border last week, does nothing to stem the flow of migrants taking advantage of the Biden situate. How do they know this. Can they just say just cited in the law must reduce, while their pressure The law requires employers were twenty five or more workers to use, This government see verifies system to confirm the legal statute, a start
the new irish, those who don't can be found. A thousand hours a day sounds pretty good to me. Me neither you can have a law and enforce it. Are you not this is that knowingly employ undocumented immigrants, can have their state licences and permits revoked employers may lay off workers, they suspect or illegal, to protect himself. It's not a good thing. This sounds like a great law by the way, because that's why people are pouring into florida, not manhattan or the wall street journal editorial page, housed an estimated seven hundred. Seventy two thousand undocumented immigrants. This is how they write whilst region Illegal aliens andy commissioner, we could they talk like the left lived in art and twenty eighty, many of whom have been there for years and contributes significantly the state economy here you go construction
Culture hospitalities depend heavily on undocumented work forces, not least because Of a shortage of u s, workers for such lower wages, unskilled jobs that we hear this endlessly america Many more aliens is it going to take for the wall street journal and the other border pacifists. To be beaten by reality How many more millions and millions of aliens is gonna take. Use the same line every time jobs americans want do? If you have liberty and charity dusted off. Thus the often go to the immigration check. With its entire ruse about american, How do these low, skilled, unskilled, low, paying jobs is a lie. It is a flat out
It is a stereo type, a negative stereotypes of americans. Employers in these industries are reporting that they have been losing longtime time. Employees and cant find new ones to replace them, or why did they hire them in the first place and when they hire them, illegally. Why didn't they take steps to bring them through the legal process? Is that the fault. a governor he's trying to secure his state. It is the law. Street journal. After all, not the main street journal Many workers who are here illegally are worried. They will be found out and some are moving to other states accorded a half of workers, are reportedly gone missing from some concern. action cited south florida. The main reason for that is what. Florida will not wilma honour drive.
The license given to illegal aliens in other states, because it does not give driver's licenses to illegal aliens? That is identification for a lot of reasons, including voting. Far as a top producer, tomatoes, oranges of captives get about half the crop, far more as lack legal immigration status Now, how do they know that if they know that, how is it that all these go and shoot undocumented workers are here. The funding of your nose of the law just because a immigration law just because policies that you have believed for decades. that are so radical and so do I, Turning to the nation that chernobyl. is that a governor should secure his border to protect the people
No state is obnoxious. We can have illegal immigration, but not as long as the borders open, nothing's, legal the wall street journal can tell us. Many members of the drug cartels from central and south america are in miami or other cities in floor, how much fat knows in florida as result of their failure to secure the border. How many unresolved crimes. I can play this game of occurred in part as a result of these open border policy. They don't care- and I don't know, on growing homestead, told the truth. tell em mondo, that's great that shit struggled defined workers since the law passed quote soft
does economy here and obstinate is agriculture. most of them. We know our undocumented. She said who's going to harvest in a we even have Visa laws, my wife used to work in this field, this in her area, but it was one of the things she was responsible for the deputy general council for company. There's like scores of various types of these. That can be given out, including for harvesting. You know, farming, seasonal visas and so forth, and they are used and people use them. and the wall street journal editorial page knows this, but doesn't communicated to you the problem is that these. Temporary visas and after their done, they don't leave. the corner the wall street journal just keep bringing people in don't enforce any the laws don't enforced, the visa requirements and limitations just keep this.
Going and going and going and going because they'll talk about the farms, but they don't go to the farms to talk about the border, but they don't go to the border. Demand for services and housing or surging amid flawed as population boom. That means more Workers are needed to build homes, change hospital beds, serve nursing home patients. Meals, keep restaurants, open, listen to house stereotypical and they sound like radical, they sell like elsie, Trashing, the american people they satellite Bernie sanders use, You are my kids shoes with you want to build homes, but for immigrants. Trickle illegal immigrants, we want We wouldn't be building homes, wouldn't be changing hospital, but we'll be serving nursing home patients we want
I have rare restaurants open, had a crap. Is this this war the states economic expansion, which has produced a jobs and tax revenue boom and an affordable standard of for nearly everyone- and it goes it's really quite detestable. She is right to lambasting bind administration in congress for their migration failures. They polarized the issue politically made solutions. Much more difficult makes no sense MR de to punish his own state. Even He vowed to clean up the mess and why why don't you clean up the mess in the editor page room at the wall street journal and what. To tell the american people you favour open borders, you attack buying from hundred times binds only doing what you lectured about a couple of decades back.
really appallingly stupid piece. You could do better than that. I mean there's like sex. You sit around the table right back, then If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could. up. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go In your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to me. Friends and family. You should call augustine get there. Also a guide to gold. I raise feels good
there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. five and seven for gold? I re that's eight seven cents for I re eight seven, seven, Why gold ira consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, His medals dot com, the get outta here and I want to promise you I'm going to get to putting this rudy giuliani. Stop it's absolutely appalling. Why is chris Chris? de on, all these tv shows and radio shows. Can somebody please explain to me: what does you one percent of the pole is because he has Donald trump and hates the santos, and what what is it.
and the guy never leaves the eastern seaboard. You know why said the campaign from his basement, which is true but K. Chris, He said to be campaigning from his refrigerator. Many times is gone west of the mississippi and quite serious, Why is he on radio and tv all the time he's a blowhard. I said before- he's the political Go into they hindenburg can anybody think of any? I think profound this man has ever done or said, given all the time he gets ok more! When I return. If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit here Something that could help if you have an eye re or for one k, physical go. in your eye array, the world go council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is that you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re without augusta precious metals, though the best I recommend them to my and family. You should call a gusting get there. Also A guide to gold- I raise feels good to know this. Another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. five seven for gold. I re that's eight seven cents For god, I re eight seven, seven forgone irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augustus.
Precious metals dot com mug. With the thunder on the right color. Now each seven seven three eight go out and create what won the war. st during journal editorial, I just read you is indicative of- problem within the republican party. And this is why the democratic party is really these state party, because the level of opposition from the republican party is really make feeble. When you have organs like the wall street journal and others that really Are peddling special interests for big business and globalists. While pretending disorder the walk. This fine line proud legal immigration now their pro open borders. Despite the attacks on binding, because when push comes to shove,
What a conservative does something that actually kind of impact what's going on in this culture, they attacked them, they attack them. And I've told you this over and over again. This is why they hate trump. This is why they are I hate to scientists, but they love Mcconnell and they loved Mccain. They la romney. Herein lies the the democratic party in the un unites in place for keeps they will throw people. Prison if they have to. I'll do whatever they have to do here, a strong bill it very well a bell very well thought out bill passed by the floor legislature, that represents the people here:
by the governor and, of course, they think he goes too far to foreign. What While there looking out for the farmers, don't you know why are they looking out for the taxpayers are and looking out for the victims? I'm a they looking out for the victims of of drugs. Are they looking out for the little kids on the border who are being sold in the sex slavery. Are they looking up any them because eva way of showing it not one day in about it in the editorial habit, the taxpayers of Florida who foot the bill for everything they look out for them, not at all and they condescension in this editorial. They Anti americanism about hard working americans I invite you gotta come. What may I go to the play? as I go in florida and virginia that dying I go into, which are multiple ass, my wife.
The places where we buy food. I would like him to come with me. I'd see whose working in these places- oh, yes, their people Speak spanish, that doesn't There are illegal aliens but their people. Third, fourth: innovation, americans, who does speak spanish. Whose ancestors never did the idea that we would see today that all our russian That's would shudder that there be no Hospital care, if we I borders or something I can do. It is. I spoke out against the american people, this term for page. This is what you'll get whether Chris Christy. Who has no chance in Hell and yet they can
promoting have the media. Why cause he trashes trump and the scientists between trump? And he said this That's approximately seventy five to eighty percent of the republicans who favour one or the other seven. Five to eighty percent of the republicans, not chris Christy,. Any other laggards in the polls nano policy change, but it's not that we're out of touch it said they're out of touch. They don't move the eta, world page to paso texas taxes or to macao and texas. How what'd they do it. We get more serious reporting from a long article. There was in the new york times, but I brave woman who could have been
fired by the new york times- and it was like you remember that article MR producer went on and on the interviewed hundreds hundreds of individuals, including these kids,. Who came in the united states, eighty five thousand of them, that they can you have track anymore to our working towards. Fourteen fifteen hours a day, cleaning dishes wall street journal, so What will we do without them? The have Bernie dishes give a damn about these kids, the great thing about this country's. We americans, we always find a way. Who was it that built the industrial revolution? Who was it that built the united states of america course with the assistance of some immigrants, but it's the america
people who did these things, not foreigners, the american people who built the panama All the recent foreigners, the american people build them, Adam Kanab, every damn thing. You look here. Including most of their skyscrapers, where these jerks even and work and write their game editorials that had it have a look down on you and the american people condescending course. They support.
Chris crystal because he is to same personality, want to talk about rudy giuliani. And by the way, this is why the Democrats, when we lose the new york times, washington, post and the rest of the. Fraud phones and more on the media that support the Democrats. They would never writing editorial like that about gave a new summer, the rest of them, because the wall street journal doesn't represent conservative. It represents corporatism, corporatist as I use the term.
Ten years ago, problem corporatist. These are people who believe in the market system. You know you and me we have to subsidize the music corner of the wall street journal, so called euro free mark Wall street journal there. you and I, through higher taxes. Our schools for our hospitals for four. you- and I suppose, this played eyes, big farmer, big business, cause- I want cheap labour and by god, legal or illegal. They aren't I right now, Editorial that should be written is why, rule so oppressive that it makes it difficult to hire americans? Why the environmental rules, the labour rules, the red tape, but you
But I bet you, MR mrs America, you're supposed to subsidize the wealthiest corporations in america. The corporatist whether its agri business or whatever. It is through the effects that Legal immigration has on your communities that it has on your schools on law enforcement that it has on house. Those closing and so forth? Why don't they do that peace, hospitals? Closing going? because of all the illegal emigration. Why don't they do that? Peace on heightened crime? because we don't know who the hell's coming into this country, why don't I do that pace on sex trade? We all on the border when you have open borders on the editor pay jolly of wall street journal solids.
Rudy Giuliani America's mayor, remember america's mayor, nine, eleven america's mayor, tremendous man. I mean you could walk almost anywhere in new york city. The squeaky shakedown artists were gone, the shoplifters were gone. Even the most low level, crimes that affect the quality of life and community after community in the city, it was all but gone. you didn't have to keep looking over your shoulder. the police were not only respected, they were supported peoples. Time in prison.
When it was the? U s attorney, he broke the mob. would giuliani? Is a tremendous patriot. He's given his life to public service. Early on he- and I didn't really get along very much, but here Become very good friends- and I haven't spoken to him in months- found intentionally there are things that go on. I would spend a lot of people in months, but then I come again. This peace today disciplinary Panel cause for rudy giuliani, disbarment. Of all the ambulance chasing Been fall, rat frame, Lawyers out there. I all the sleeves bar lawyers who shakedown businesses.
Nearby homes along the ocean in florida, California, by getting Five percent, or whatever they recover from a victims. I all that crap lawyers and the democratic party frivolous law suits and trying to say Our voting system of all crap lawyers in this country despite rudy giuliani, what did rooted giuliani do that was so horrendous. Well, let's check out the liberal site, political kyle, cheney and gas Josh diversity, that name sounds familiar a wash didn t see based bar disappoint committee, concluded today. There.
Lee giuliani should be disbarred, record, frivolous and quote destructive efforts to derail the twenty twenty presidential election in support of former president donald trump. He claimed massive election fraud, but had no evidence of the three member paneled declared in a thirty eight page decision by prosecuting that destructive case. MR giuliani, a sworn officer. The court forfeited is right to practise law. Trying to overturn an election, he should forfeit the practice of law. This is no isn't it or lawyers who were involved. in the criminal conspiracy to stop donald trump from being sworn in with russia
Illusion and the like how many of them were disbarred. How many in the Elias law from were disbarred was Hillary Clinton, despond James call me disbarred. That right think under james go was he disbarred about the general so the idea, was he disbarred. So Rudy giuliani says the election was stolen and he tries to go to court to prove it. And for this he's going to be disbarred, there's a group out there made up of left wing radical marxist, like lawyers, they call themselves sixty five or what have you and they have been. Finally, ethics. Complaints about
Against virtually every lawyer who was involved in managing the election woody giuliani, our friend dallas Course, Johnny's with public enemy number one But there's a long list. A long list of water advocates. Been accused of obstructing an election trying to. we're throwing the election. I see through these little democrat, barristers, went to the floor of the house of representatives and the electoral about against george w bush in two thousand no problem, one age let us democrat bastards. What would I have the floor? I once the twenty six ten election of donald trump, no problem.
at all the in staffordshire were involved in their no problem they were trying to overthrow an election. All these same bums, who won in other states Change the electoral laws now problem they wanted trying change an election of course, not trunk can't even higher lorries anymore because they know they're going to face their supervisory boards and committees and you want to know who made up this disciplinary committee had sent its report to a bigger committee. You want to know who To washington DC lawyers and one washington DC resident, what do you think of that amount
more on this. When I return much, then if we anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average ira and for one k balances, fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could up, if you have an eye re or for a one k physical go in your ira, the world gold council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. What does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my. And family, you should call augustine, get there also a guide to gold? I raise feels good to know that. Another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. In seven for gold- I re that's eight seven cents,
for god, I re eight seven, seven my god. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com. So here's roadie geo giuliani caught in a democrat city, caught in a democrat city, new york as well. washington dc in new york and the Democrats were just His queer. Take his livelihood away because I don't agree with them. And they dress it up as an ethics it and they dress up the what doing self righteously as a disciplinary issue.
And that rudy so threatened the campaign actually were the election, because you want the court. You know we know that threatens everything if you don't believe the democratic party Doesnt hate america, then maybe when I talk to liberals out there, maybe you're the once a drop, the cocaine off in the white house, the democrats hardy hates america. This is the democratic party. I even discuss some of this in the book. That's how incurred the wide ranging this book is unbelievable and by the way I want to thank kafka. They came in today. and they ve ordered over ninety thousand copies of the book. So really was only target.
that said it wasn't going to put it in its stores and target, has now said that a well, but were monitoring all of this, because the push back by the left is what it is here is what it's going to be. They don't like the titled. I hate the book. and that's fine by me Is an eviscerate vision of the democratic party like there never has been. And I thought to myself. Why not? Why hasn't turban? Because people are afraid. where they don't put one. I one together. Please don't just happen. The department of joy. This doesn't just go along going after republicans and so forth. version on demand is and in the constitution, whose pushing that open borders an addition, wall street journal. It's big pushed by the binary ministration in the Democrats, who put eugenics one hundred twenty years ago. How did that happen
How did it happen I'll be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again. we're listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the alright tux. Welcome back. Thank you on this friday evening. The peg. You do in pieces
Why pedantic very long I honestly believe every so while she right she writes to impress herself I'm not impressed That said, that's beside the point I'm gonna cut into the middle of it because We only have two hours left. She sits there Paul Johnson was tremendous historian pro the west pro american pro israel. And she says that the sheets heights him for his comments about napoleon. The polio she says it should be noted. Should your mind be going there that donald trump isn't napoleon
it was a serious manner or any one else he's a one off and of his time johnson rights at the cauldron napoleon in a way that is now pertinent, as he wrote Johnson wrote the english intellectuals. If that is. fancy a term were divided. Lord Liverpool was a young man. They witnessed french revolution and never got over tars blockade, Place in history, napoleon as the man who took a violent french mob, enter. into an army that terrorized you're, william wordsworth protests it, is cruel treatment of the peasants and occupy countries, Samuel Taylor. saw him as a threat to democratic freedoms. The we'll genius of the planet? Edmund Burke was, of course, lines was powerful, literary foe. Others still can divided by the revolution? The french revolution,
Saw him as its residual air I'm hated monarchy and welcome bonaparte as an enemy of the british throne. Him admired him more as a criticism of british institutions and rolling personalities and approval of his doings. She says the poet John keats pursue shelly, saw him as a romantic hero, a daring break through the breakthrough artist of history, Paul Johnson, They were influenced by the work. Napoleon's pay propagandists, specially the painters, Jacques Louise thou read, and I don't have It's french or even say names and french, the called up a part was originally wide, but it didn't last and rights. It had power in a moment, but it passed. reality settled in history, made its judgments the call to change the subject-
or added nuance when pressed to explain their previous support, but johnson see Napoleon's called the beginning of I think the rise of mass and effective political propaganda. quoting a twentieth century. This Actuation was there occurred time and again, George Bernard Shaw that brilliant man fell for stolen became as well dupe woman, mailer and others. Worship castro, french, it'll intellectuals celebrated MAO. The irish writer fitness to road in them times and twenty seventeen of shaw's loyalty to stolen. By the way, if you ever read, Shaw's interview have stolen as I have. It is pathetic. It's sick, but let's go on in political colts. There is the quote tendency to Decides you know this has gone, but I want to. I didn't want to address it.
There is the same in patients with the messengers and efficiency of democracy leads to same crush on the strongman leader could cut The irrelevant mattering, some of parliaments and parties back to now, she writes Chris Christie. Could easily defeat job. I see what I mean Mr Buzek,. because he's friends with her and she with him. What did she just say that in of course, culture personality while there's one right there Is Christie could easily defeat Joe Biden so could settle the geo pete candidates. Now in the field, Donald trump, wouldn't for one big reason, his special? Superpower, propeller Is the only republican who will unite and rally the democratic base and dry independence away. He keeps the Biden coalition together now, let's
therefore there is no way to know any of this period. she believes Donald trump is going to be the republican nominee. So she can say this time of the day she died. He's the only one who could lose when we looked at them. Well, the poles are meaningless today National shall poser absurd. Electoral college. We, like president state state that in an hour popular vote, but it doesn't matter. She goes. A sad thing is that many bright trump supporters sense this and the case against him, but can't conceited and break from him in Cases because they fear him and his friends, Who she's interviewed or how she noses could she's hated trump from the beginning? They don't want to be a target. I don't want to be outside the in group. They want to be safely inside
All of you who support trop many view blue collar workers. Your problem is, you want to be seen. not because of your beliefs, not because you think he might be the best. President, having seen they could handle it country and one turn. but because of your psychological issues, they carry favor This week in a party one of MR trumps, new york supporters of former office holder. We made his way to me to speak of his hero. You further abraham accords and the economy and said: surely you many was a good precedent. It was our wound up. So I spoke slowly. Aren't you nice just like that, the toil page the condescension is dripping and for what in particular intelligent for what.
She said I will tell you what he is he's a bad man. I know it. and if I were a less courteous person, I would say that you know it too, but he was startled Didn't reply and literally took a step back because I think he does know it, but doesn't ever expect it to be said as cause you so brave peggy. You and ruling class a lead us in their surrogates, you're, so brave. She supports Chris Christie. Let's go on the journalist and our cluster. It's a cluster. What MR producer said musingly. That was An excellent example. The purposes the rhetorical, vice of saying something by saying you're not going to say so clever. We all moved on, but that was the their necks out of a certain political dialogue. Surely you can admit he made france
It again he's a bad man. It's antecedents stretch back in history, political culture. Never She says often rise always pass made this time come sooner rather than later, and so, of course, she saw a favoured whatever it takes to take our trump. She is so blind to the events swelling around her obsessed with her hate for donald trump. No, she didn't say, run, saint this by name god by name vic by name, Nicky hayley by name my pants by night now Chris christy and this is what motivates chris christie- maybe try. you're thirty, these sorts of people in demand
another new jersey, maybe even parts economic. Let me explain something to you: peggy noon in our countries, attack, and not by donald trump, who isn't even in the president's the Democrats, parties destroying this country by design. It's destroyed our immigration system, although I guess the the old wall street journal. What applauded. It's a war, we capitalist its impact,
Tat, I saw medics anti semitism; rather, it is embraced racism in affirmative action against asians. The democratic party believes our children through their surrogates. The teachers you should be taught about sex organs should be asked if they, the right sexual organs. Should I graphic books in the elementary school library on what people do a sexual organs and without parental notification. the democratic party owns the department of justice, as harmony, justice, memo them traded when they went after parents of all parties and background problem in all these practices at their school board, they unleashed full power, federal law enforcement that member one,
the fbi and want to them national security unit and went to the criminal division they want to the? U s: turn offices and the hot, They provided was the domestic terrorism hotline should anybody. Have a concern about parents. Protests were being spent into bankruptcy. spend into bankruptcy. Oh sure the republicans have contributed to a but nothing like this republic, spend. Like drunken liberals Democrats, like drunken marxist just like they are. our foreign policy has fallen apart. China's four he's gonna have an advantage to graphically, and at some point militarily it's good in that advantage advantage over our materials and geographically.
Iran is threatening, Israel would nuclear weapons they weren't doing this effectively all over the world, our enemies kind of stood still when Donald trump. Us president, broke out between Israel and former enemies, korea stop shooting missile trinity, even burke about Preparing for war against the united states. russia had no inkling about in vain ukraine, while Donald trump us president, though it from Afghanistan stand happen under the Democrats, the dinner destroyed our cities. They oppose school choice, their posts, law enforcement. They oppose sending recidivist criminals to prison, they destroyed women's
words, despite its protection under title vi of the civil rights today,. Drawing our voting system. There are war with the supreme court undermining its credibility. They want to add. Or no democrat senators permanently to the senate, so the republicans can never win. Even if your precious chris Christy's run, their corrupt Biden is corrupt and you attacked donald trump. This is more than a cultural or worse. It's worth the democratic parties the state party, it's the government party when the republicans were in power, and you know what peggy
I supported ragged long before you did when you are still working for dan, rather as a Democrat and so six and eighty came along a little bit later. You might recall, that's Bureaucracy, the tried to undo trump trodden do reagan at every turn. They sabotage republicans because they work for the Democrats. And the Democrats will continue to expand the bureaucracy and fund the bureaucracy, because it is the bureaucracy, And I could go on and on. I don't care about who you meet at your tony parties, eleven little clever. Fortune cookies statements were trying to embarrass people that doesn't take any class. In fact, that's no class.
But you're, not an intellectual heavyweight. None of you folks are an editorial page. You see tyranny. Even see totalitarianism and you play- donald trump and his supporters pathetic unconscionable I'll, be right back more than four eyes and eighteen t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talking easily save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited unlimited text and ultra fast five g data produced twenty twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? U s its phenomenal, I'm on it pure talk uses the most dependent
the five g network in the nation, just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing us customer service team will make switching very easy, so choose a veteran one. I think that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text with plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month with pure talk so according to the wall street journal, peggy noon and trump, is worse than napoleon The wall street journal editorial page dissenters, fluid pies.
signing legislation that secures the border courting do the wall street journal peggy noon. If only all of you what lies behind Chris Christie, then we'd win and they speak for the republican establishment. If Donald trump denominate, he might lose, but that's not because of him because of us, we, the people, we, the people. You decide to see the nominee, he might lose two and that's not because of him all of us- and I don't mean you, because a shrinking number people who understand or care about this country.
Donald trump is the most persecuted man in american history to patients. Half a dozen criminal investigations. Seven or eight grand jury tat, Led by the iris really under investigation businesses under investigation? And, of course they pylon? Please you to pay, What I bet history will say on right: peggy at the earth just another one of the rhetorical bomb throwers by the way peggy wanna- do parallels check them you check out parian several his speeches and then think about check smith. These so called special prosecutor, washington, See, I think, I see a lot of similar It is in terms of mindset, if you dare,
I'll be right back for eyes in eighteen, t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited och unlimited text and ultra fast five g data produced twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the cover? Jew S, its phenomenal, I'm on it pure talk, uses the most dependent The five g network in the nation just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing us customer service team will make switching very easy. So choose a veteran one
I think that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text were plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks a month again, when you go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin, podcast, you'll, save additional fifty percent of your first month with pure talk. Nobody says it better than mark Levin. Mark Levin said because nobody could say it better call is now eight eight, seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one one. folks, many! These people used to love me because I'm a recognised. a campaign for regular seventy, six and eighty shaved and his administration for eight years. I think what a fantastic presidents.
Reagan had a completely different personality than trump although I would say the wonderful nancy reagan, she was tough, tough. I think you'd want to fight back the way trumped up that aside. These are two great presence. We completely different personalities, so what so? What Donald trump didn't turn the irs canisters political opponents, like obama, did like Johnson did. I Kennedy did like empty, are, did down I didn't use the irs against his blood of operating usually apply against. His political opponents, like Johnson, did.
Peggy want some history. Educator by John Kennedy did like fifty are, did. Trip didn't use the cia against his political opponents like I'll, be jaded enchanted. Trump didn't use the powers of the executive branch and any of his political opponents. The way obama did hilary did and Biden is. Trump didn't defy any court orders, not one. didn't try to legislate from the oval office. Trump improved our border situation farm policy situation force, nato,
actually muscle up, build up our military back law enforcement. For anti semitism on college campuses, firmly with israel. Do you know? Joe Biden still has not invited net now to the white house still hasn't. I'm waiting for the editorial from the wall street journal that one or peggy, maybe the the napoleon problem Of trump, not accepting the election results, trump left office. you didn't call in the military. you didn't call in any the multiple arm departments of the federal government.
Evidence of that they didn't do it. have any direct link between trump in any the violence that occurred in the but I don't know they work hard- that generally six committee like Little stalinist operation Their bury a clone, MR smith, like Mr Smith, goes to moscow. There. Mr Smith goes to washington here. find any direct link either. Although work very hard to threaten witnesses so called but long Is it senses if they don't cough something up? Numberless bothers peggy napoleon. donald trump, didn't try and change the senate, dad republican senators, although we,
Talked about it, he never lifted a finger on the filibuster. Donald trump, And talk about expanding the core defeating get his way and trash. The job this is one by one and the court over and over and over again rezoning protests by their homes in restaurants and a life threatening. potential attack on one sitting. Justice. Or, unlike humor donald trump, their record out Justice is an
I urge the mob to go, get them. What exactly did donald trump due to piss off these people? He won the election. He won the election, he beat, whoever the guy was. He didn't follow the Paul ryan agenda. He didn't follow. They mitch Mcconnell agenda. He was there to stir the He was there to fight back, he was there to change the rules, and so they came after and they still do the permanent bureaucracy, the Democrats, the permanent prosecutors,
The Democrats, their permanent washington, new york media, the democrats and their trumpeting lapdog republicans not all of them, but you know these self righteous wants to properties, social events they really give our what to and what for forgeries to these. Reprobates still support tromp at so they're. Not much for them. The Democrats in many respects they hey you too,. here we can win the selection, they say, but for you, but for you, americans, will not support chris Christie. Mr one percent.
I mean even bide was mister temperature margin if we could unite and fight these forces on the left. The enemies, the democratic party, but that slavery or segregation, lynch and the clan yes poultry literacy tests and god knows what else in Jim crow south to the democratic party. Eugenics, the democratic party.
Nineteen forty franklin rose with a great franklin rose about refused to sign an anti lynching bill, a federal trump trumpet assignment to second, that's why Joe Louis voted for thomas doing campaign for him. True. The federal housing administration, to pointed to as the great first I comic move and the new deal by hefty. Are they help subsidized mortgages migrate. if ha still around today. All this is in the book by the way you won't find it on the pages the editorial pages the wall street journal. All of it is in the book, the Democrats What america, the fh
one problem under the new deal democrats and the FDA Che under franklin, roosevelt. They refused to give any money to assist black americans from getting mortgages and black communities, Even the community's around black communities do not, they did mister producer, they had maps of these various cities. They took a big red parker! This is where a comes from from front. rose about in the new deal struck. Never did that. Men are like the way talks. Peggy you wanna, compare president to napoleon would be after
we don't know history really franklin roosevelt at the height of the holocaust, his state department was peppered with these violent, anti semites, who were very close friends to him. Even though roosevelt head. Jews and his cabinet polonius treasury sector. When it came to immigration,. There is one manual learn about it. The state department in particular, who go when way back with russia. They work together in the woodrow Wilson administration. Imagine that another democratic, racist the work together in the navy depart wealthy big donor use very sympathetic to hitler and his Barely literate book, my comp
Roosevelt was impressed with his friend, who is a big donor put em over there. The state department was in charge of what immigration back then that's where it was. and it's very, very interesting. You know there were still immigration or war were too from all over the world, but there is a Several your period there worthy jews weren't. Emigrating to the united states they wanted to They were trying to escape europe, but this pig in the department of state Wouldn't allow it they didn't even meter their allowable numbers. He kept them out donald trump, never did anything like that. Peggy, quite the contrary. We have the abraham accords, another enormous progress that was made basic.
And I go on or on the book and I can go on and on now what about the the conduct of Joe Kennedy senior as ambassador from the united states to britain, but about him, the kennedy family? But what about him? They never discuss them. Why they never discuss Margaret Sanger Democrat. Why its trump pvc. Pages of the editorial page of the wall street journal today, traps under attack and Cyprus is under attack and Chris Christie is promoted. Talk about being blind to I was going on around you and how. no courage whatsoever to step out from behind your damn desks.
Help save this country, but when I was at the sea four july to surrender, Was here when her fellow came up to me in. You have to admit middle east. The troubles and the boy did. I. I threw him for a loop of my double twisted back. Or upside down bending over backwards? And he didn't know what to say actually took a step back. No, he didn't take a step back polygraph some cocktails egomaniac salon. I'll be right back much love in the verizon eighteen t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily Save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited talk, unlimited text and ultra fast five g data.
Just twenty dollars a month won t dollars a month. What about the covered? You ass its phenomenal I'm on it pure talk, uses the most dependable five g network in the nation, just go to port talk, dot com and use promo code, levant podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data, just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing! U s! Customer service team will make switching very easy so choose a veterinary company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, levant podcast for unlimited talk and text were plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure talk that calm and use promo code, levant, podcast, you'll, see additional fifty percent of your first month with pure talk next hour, we're going to touch on a subject. That is the third rail
in many ways and conservative. That's his war. There was, By russia against ukraine and cluster bombs, cluster bombs, MR, but, as you know, a cluster bombs are their bombs at launch other little munitions. And its being said tonight, the cluster bombs are used by war criminals. It's an act, so war crime, if their use We want to talk about this next aaron, whose committee what war crimes. Cluster bombs in it of themselves are not munitions for war crimes if they used against Civilian populations, obviously that's a war crime. If you against enemy soldiers, it's not a war crime.
there's only one of two countries in that war. That would use cluster bombs against civilians and that's russia. And I have to say I am truly appalled, by the level of putin's? it's not russia's, I putin's support among conservative. Is it because Biden is supporting ukraine and doing a very ineffective job of it by the way. Doing a lousy job of it is that it. Is it really because of a long war complex? So am I so just eliminate the united states military. I guess we're leeches put em on our borders. We're not help taiwan when there are going to need help when they retire. By trying to show we not help israel when they need. I the with IRAN. What are we gonna do here? I'm just curious, pull out a nato. So
They ran Paul all over again soon constitutional conservatives, mits extreme libertarianism and quite frank. Left wing marxism. I'll give you my peace next hour, you dont have to agree with me because here we don't censored dewey if their books, you don't like, there's no read take him off the shells. We're not target here. But I get a lot of the box. To come in the russian in to come into my sites, don't they must produce when they come in big It after poll shows that the law majority of conservatives. Republicans wanna help ukraine. Because they haven't lost their morality and they
Lost their minds when it comes to national security and good versus evil and noticed donald trump Donald trump talks about making a deal trump talks about trying to figure out how to bring this to an end. Quickly am all for it, but donald trump doesn't take. side of lattimer putin's. That's the problem with Many people are here and watch that is insane He's the one threatening our planes are drones and threatening us with nuclear missiles, not ukraine. my friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be
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easy now: broadcasting, I'm lonely underground the members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, my goodness I apologize america. Sunday life, liberty and levant a pm eastern on fox, I opium, you're dvr, regardless, because sometimes you know you get involved and stuff. You dont, knowing slap your instead, oh, I need a visa. Now that said, killer. Opening statement is coming, I take game like a laser beam at this prosecutor. At the department of justice I provide
the evidence of misconduct, lots of it. I have the great First guess, David shown, who was one of president trumps impeachment lorries with this man, is a brilliant Constitutional as criminal defence lawyer and our sex gas will be the great joy jones interviewed, like only I can interview, it really is a blow MR show, when we finish it even tired crews, that well it's a hell of a shout now you might on world markets. people always say that to me, when I finish to show, I woke up, felt very, very proud of it. When you finished at year. We had a tape, it today secure killer. Shall I can tell you now.
in my opening statement, I think, is it's gonna grab the attention, certainly the people, the department of injustice, I think, as well as republicans, but a little, especially in the house,. You gonna see things in here things you have not before, and I have any with mention among radio, because Times are things that you can't do on radio. Spend a hell of a week- and I want to cycle you folks, the demo a party does hate america, And we overcame her little bump on the road. Thanks to you The priorities sales are brisk. The retailer Certainly, the large ones appeared all be in, there will be pushed back, Whenever did hear from our lady friend did we must reduce redly daily beef reality she didn't
shouldn't writer peace. I apologise for this. I know it's annoying choking for breath. Always is We didn't hear from the daily be challis what I mean willing to say that we were for more. And keep an eye on this. We know these pressure groups are out there, these these little groups of stalinists who hate free speech and capitalism. For that matter,. but I hope that those of you are really interested in getting the book get the book. Do your pre orders. Amazon dot com is the discount gets bigger. They. In short, I am told that you will get that says the price changes and benefits europe is supposed to benefit But I am very, very proud of you and I want to thank you. There was
organised boycott here it's called freedom, freedom. What do this as we need to end this me, just communicating with you. But all this aside. target aside, the cover aside its what's in the book. What's between the front in the back cover that matters And I am chopping at the bid to discuss this with I'm chopping at them. They get this into your hands for you to read it to get your reaction. I think you're gonna find this to be, as I feel it is something quite different. than anything you've ever read terms of its comprehensiveness terms, are the facts and the substance of the details. The matter.
Which had written have given it. Sort of a novel approach, and I ve only novel in terms a rare I mean in book novel to try. And have it flow right through one hundred thousand words to the end. I think the enemy in this country, the democratic Indian surrogates they're the enemy they're, not adversary, they're, not the opposition. They are the enemy. I'm not dividing the nation, their destroying it. Bi partisanship in support of destroying it country is insanity. How come their neighbour by partisan on our core issues on our principal issues, burning down the constitution, the burning down the supreme court they burned. the department of justice.
They're burning down the congress, giving all the power to the administrative state to create laws, neighbour, Doubt our immigration laws they burn down. Our classrooms course figure later, we got it in the classroom, burning, got our economy and we should this in a bipartisan way. Count me out, but this is the first book that exclusively looks at the history.
Looks at the issue words and language, not just the policies, but what drives them and ties them all together really for the first time and they fear the cover the book, the fear, the cover of the book. Mr bender's, they don't fear the cover of the book. They fear. What's in the book. they worried about. What's in the book, I'm not the wall street journal editorial page, I'm not a. pr person for republican member of congress. I dont have ghosts, writers and ghost research.
I'm not a griffin who, just as these things from money six in months. Morning, noon and night weekends. no vacation other than two weeks around christmas to how the waiter and a nickel snout what it's about. I won as many people as possible read this book and if that means your book is circulated to ten people, you know That's fine by me that is fine by me. I doubt you can finally spoken libraries in america only port I we not this book o the title. The title can you imagine in the united states of america, where we embrace free speech, reverie peace, piece, crap book with outbreak kind of
title and headline curse words: sexual images, but don't challenged the democratic party enough of that. That needs to be part of our discussion in each can be part of everybody's discussion. No longer No longer do we give them the benefit of the doubt. No longer when we speak about tyranny, do we exclude Democratic party no longer when we walk about racism and marxism, which Core believe so that democratic party are, we afraid, dimension a democrat party. Just as we are no longer free to use the word, marxism, thanks to you, an american marxism. We do not have to surrender the culture to these people. We do not
the surrender, our language to these people, we do not have the surrender I thinking processes to these people. We. Had the surrender a damn thing to these people, not one inch. The problem is we have not you and me, but the report I couldn't say right whereby my friends. others who were not even associated with the republican party, they're scared or worse, they don't care, and so they attack you and me they attacked trumped. Today they attacked the tea party. Yesterday number They attacked a sad, though attack everyone in any one end up talking about the worst reader wall street journal attack,
Tea party remember that MR mediation relentlessly any grass roots movement. The challenges really challenges. the forces of evil top down ruling class evil in this country,. The plane inside opaque game, you see, happens when you come to close to their rail. They bernier, while today in bed. On the biggest conservative author in america, not because I say so not because I pat myself on the
Because of you, you not me, you that's what they're afraid of and the worst of it yet to come. This is nothing. This is a component elephant says I'm just being honest with and I will be ready. Will you be ready. The battle for america- and I don't mean violence and ammunition the battle. Where the heart and soul of this country, the push back. Begins on September nineteenth. We've got desperate efforts, wonderful group.
great patriots out there really working hard. I am all for it and I acknowledge them, and god bless them. This will be really the first historical, factual and intellectual attack on the democratic party as an institution, in other words, no more defence. You'll have everything you need and a hundred times more, you won't be complicated, but the brutal truthful In there they will know how to respond Thought to a hundred thousand words of condemnation. They weren't so Just do what they normally do: characters nation smear attacks. This isn't skull, doesn't matter. This isn't real
for them, it's written for you If I wanted to write a book there, I appeal to all sides and making it nor surmount of sales, an enormous amount of money for the publisher. You think I would call it that Mccrae party hates america, MR producer, of course. Now that's so intemperate so provocative? No, it's not it's the truth. the programme you get out of this and I'm tellin you right now. It's not even fifty fifty its forty sixty in their favour and it gets worse every year, if we're gonna get out of this, we better at least have the courage to speak the truth to one another and, to other sort least open
The understanding what's happening to their families, to their lives, to their liberty to their country, and you know, people like this or not of the hard marxist left or not marching sacred marching with shiny boots behind democrat party leaders. We need to get to those people too. In my goal here is to give you something to get to them with an autonomous pain. I'm no Paul revere Amir behind a microphone. These rich really brave men in the middle of a revolution. But the written word has an impact.
Revolutions encounter revolutions have been started over ideas. Look at marks he never lifted his finger in battle, never lifted his finger and bow. I'll not brave that way, like the joy joy. Of the world. Are the peat hexes or my father, my grandfather's, my great uncle. I do things my way I dont know. If it's you my dna, but you know what I'm talking about we're all vote differently, uniquely. but we're at the precipice here and we are in the abyss. The question is whether we can claw out of the abyss ask yourselves, be honest, think yourself or ask
Thousands of friendly ever say: I'm scared to death for the future. My children of migrant children- I don't know what the hell this country's going to look like when we're gone and they're here at our age, you ever say that you're supposed to produce it, we all do now is not the time to self censor. Now is not the time to cower Now is the time to be strong and confidence to be informed and to lay the blame exactly where it belongs. fantasy is that in my lifetime, the Democrats, party will be nearly irrelevant it'll be crushed by the people. it'll be obliterated by the people The party of old
Then we will wash our hands of that party as a nation, because Parties, binary stinking negative, abusive thing: that's ever happened in this country. Don't believe me I'll prove it. I'll be right back then Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then? You need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple
spotify or wherever you listen. I'm going to play audio for your video that was released today. That is that I'm not your saxon. Your jaw will drop. This is not hyperbole A genuine by the name, a gal loved geo hell, you have tea, near post points out the drip drip, drip of evidence detailing the buying family criminal enterprise has turned into a torrent into a torrent. This is from the editorial board, sudden quiet from our most striking democracy. Defenders. Court on quote, has grown deafening cases the silence around revelations com and in a video exclusively obtained by the new posts in I gotta give the near posed?
The kudos in the world and their fantastic writers had just been great absolutely at the head of this. You're here obtained by the posts from gal loved a key would be witness. Biden, family corruption loved alleges that he provided evidence. Abiden family misdeeds too, FBI and twenty nineteen claims to that. It's twenty. Twenty three arrest was meant to stop him from testified before thou oversight. Committee. Joe Biden, along with hunter met with representatives of the chinese government linked energy conglomerate, that that kind, Why am I was paying huge sums hunter and his uncle? Each month strange for use the family name and promoting chinese interest that hydrogen, pet, more within the fbi who provided tipoff to this. And is trainees company and more Why are you the audio when we read and.
ever notice how you'll come across somebody once in a while that you shouldn't mess with that meyer, you can call them at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Actually that's you please set your dvrs. If you can't watch and life sedimenting way p m sunday night eastern time I'm telling you you're, gonna love their show, it so important. It really is, and the contribution by the guests incredible. God, love J, I first name: l you have tea. He issues this video today, I will play somalia exclusive lee with the near posed, he's now in Israel which listen to this man, what he has to say, cut eleven go past. Fifteen years of being arrested, Israel For four years I was senior advisor to the china energy company, see if see at the same time, of its dealings with the Biden family.
Under normal circumstances, I would be define before congress about my experience. with see. Sadly, to circumstances. I shall describe here in this video and forced to tell you the story via video. My own view goes back to A final decision I made in of two thousand nineteen to share with you other my knowledge about. Families, relations with safety, It was in march two thousand and nineteen in a two day session at the: u s embassy in brussels. sister that the meeting take place in march, because at the time the rumours that Joe Biden was planning to run for president. I saw it as my civic duty to alert the government beforehand and give it
Ass time to prove the issue, I want to be clear. not a republican, I'm not a democratic I've. No, the girl motive or agenda. I did it of deep concern. If the bodies were to come to power, the country would be facing the same. Dramatic russia collusion scandal By this time was china, sadly, the deal jays cover up. This is exactly what happened next Over an intensive to you to the meeting, I shook my formation about the by families. Financial transactions will see if sea, including specific dollar figures. I also provided the name of rob walker later became known as hunter divides. Bagman.
Yet, as we now know today from the the blower testimony gary sharply. It took the oj whole twenty. nine month, to probe the issue and to actually talk to walker. but perhaps the most alarming information revealed, was of a mall within the d o j who shared society information we hunted by and he's chinese partners, I thought, The d o j that hunter was cool. the associated with a very senior retire retired fbi official, who have distinct physical characteristic, had one eye One of the fbi agents of the time even told me, you know that will be. very easy for us to find out that many one eyed people in the bureau. The information provided the fbi in march, two thousand nineteen.
Was fully corroborated nine months later the famous laptop belonging to hunted by which contained all the? melvin receipts was handed to the fbi. and guess who seized the laptop from repair shop. It was specially and joshua Wilson, who was with me in brussels earlier in other words, the f b I knew about from me. by the sea of sea deals before them. But all of the laptop way before that time to investigate the issue, but they didn't know after brussels, about some of the o instead of showing appreciation for my whistle blowing, I began public enemy number one.
Past four years that followed me, my family, my friends, my associates we're all harassed, intimidated and finally, I was prosecuted, despite all that on the eve of the twenty twenty elections I saved my lawyer to washington to meet with their acting deputy attorney general. Mr Richard tunnel, you to ensure he was informed about the information had given his department in Brussels nineteen months earlier and also One is that there may still be a model within the oj. Not are you confirm to my lord. He was aware of my claims, but now from the irish whistle blower that it was reached on EU himself was suspended, investigation, weeks earlier on september. Fourth, twenty twenty.
On the grounds that it was quote too close to the elections. Finally, in february this year I was arrested in cyprus on an extreme. request for the sudden district of new york. the very same office that met with me in Brussels, Seven county indictment said: I violated the export arms export control act. convicted. I would face up to one hundred years in prison, Was detained in Cyprus was portrayed in the international media is an arms dealer, even though I never treated a bullet in my entire life, racked no in my indictment, the j claimed or presented evidence that I bought Saul shipped or finest any weapons. Lastly, gub I was an inferior to it for the: u s: government, about potential securely breach and about
compromising information about a man vying to be the next president I am now being hunted very same people who I informed and may have tools If, on the run for the rest of my life, I war, the government about potential risk to the integrity of the twenty twenty elections is going posted by. U s court would never be able to again in EU us elections just think about it and ask yourself whose real criminal in this story, now there miranda, divine If we had a real media in this country, she would have gotten a pure surprise. Some time ago she, about this in the near post? To this is the missing witness the miss witness from the Biden. Corruption, investigation this this gentle as is rarely professor doktor gall loved slate
as bribery allegations against the president's family in this extraordinary video founded in undisclosed location, while he's on the run he's on the run from the Biden administration from the democratic party. And in the forty men are recording. You heard the guts of it pained exclusively by the post. The few the former israeli army officer Claims he was arrested in cyprus to stop and from testifying to the house oversight committee the Biden family receive payments from individuals with alleged to the communist chinese military intelligence and that they had, the imo, whose Classified information, whether benefactors from the china, controlled energy company sea have sent you know they had a concocters russia collusion thing you to be Helen keller, not to see and hear and all the rest of it when it comes to the
an action between the buying family in this communist regime and how they have bought them off? the sub proclaim fall guy says he provided the incriminating evidence to six officials from the fbi and the department of justice it a secret meeting in brussels. twenty nineteen, but alleged it was covered up he said. I who volunteered to inform the? U s government of potential security breach about. Compromising information about a man vying to be the next president am now being hunted. by the very same people who I infer. In other words, he meets with these people. They go back and then they start hunting him down. You heard what he said: he's put his face there, his name out there his voice out there and a very courageous man. Should I warned the government are governed potential risk the integrity they twenty twenty elections. Ask yourself whose
we'll criminal in this story? The house oversight chairman republican aims calmer, who is preparing to interview left before left, disappeared says the israeli remains a potential witness the buying family probe, despite his fugitive status corset. Always take his testimony. You know for a computer, This guy, obviously not going quietly, is miranda rights. into the sunset he is determined to tell the american public. Has she It's his version of the truth now question: the linear climbs the washed and composting constipated news network in Marseilles d. Don't you think you should east interview the man and try and follow up and see what's goin on judgment cholera, but they won't
Because the media are not the free press there, the state press the democratic parties, not a political party per se. It is the state party, the state party, the state press, the administrative state, it's all owned effectively, by the democratic party and there's no way in Hell, they're gonna. Let Joe Biden get chopped up I'll be right back then don't fall for their free phone. yes from verizon. Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick Lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract
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Enough is enough. Come after me, fight back because there's nothing here, not now you we, we have finally fighter regal, rais d, child mutilation, girls, save communities, our economy, guarantee
not winning a fight in Florida is just the beginning. We must protect parents' rights and innocence of our children. We must restore sanity in our society. Every mama, every grandma, every corner of the country to stand up and fight back violating the We go to America every friday,
in honour of you here we go the the
the the the
the the the
why my brothers and sisters- please don't forget sundays, big, show a pm eastern time, five pm west coast, sevenpm central please set your dvr is right now it's very very port programme. Don't forget! Go to amazon dad come get your pre orders. We really gotta hit the ground running and keep This momentum going. Can I sprite again I griffin pepsi gonna observer- can I smoke.
in gigi, get I didn t get I might aren't you, gonna patten and rory and marty unite dad. Can I mom, gonna leo gonna, Joe again My beautiful wife get better sweetie seer next week.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-09.