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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on the fourth of July. The Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action is out in colleges and universities around the country. Justice Roberts wrote the decision on the High Court's ruling, which strikes down affirmative action practices in college admissions. President Biden giving his two cents today in the White House press briefing - sharing his displeasure of the High Court's ruling. The Democrat party is the segregationist party. They seek to punish people based on their race and skin color. The Democratic party is destroying America, because they hate America. The Democrat Party today claims that colorblindness is racist. How anyone could be a part of such a party, is a question for the ages. The decision today was a very important one. Also, this country is dying, not because of us, but because of the Democrat party. The Democrat party is at war America. This party wants to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life and take him off the political battlefield. Biden will be remembered for trying to lock up his political opponent. What’s being done to Trump is violent - and he won’t be the last.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader The
The the in relation listening to the best of the mark, levine show happy independence day you're in the right place. Only today, every day, three hours a day, I know you've heard the supreme court has ruled that affirmative action is out when it comes to college In universities and admissions justness robert throat, the decision I did say look.
There is no problem with individuals telling their life story. Typically european Essays to get in the college in university, not just part of say tier so forth. but you have to do that as an individual. He can't speak for an entire race and he can't be treated as an entire race. One applicant that stereotypical ladies and gentlemen, there were of asian american students who brought this lawsuit against harvard. Harvard created a racist, bigoted admissions policy against asians and even stereotyped asian, saying that they don't really have the kind of personalities that would lend themselves to the diverse student population that we seek here at harvard college.
This is flat out racist. The congressional black caucus is appalled at what the supreme court did. The three radical left us on the cord. Obviously they endorsed racism. Joe Biden, who I'll get to in a minute. The last remaining of the all white supremacist. He says he severely disappointed, there's something wrong with the court. So it's ok. if you treat asian american differently than everybody else, according to Joe by everybody else, now, let's get something straight
These Democrats are recent regaining our society. You have dorms for blacks and whites. You have commencement for blacks and whites. Criminal race theory, suffrage donation into blacks and whites. They are risa regaining our society. There segregating our country no longer implore. Pluribus. No longer diversity, yes, but one culture. No, no! Never! These same democrats, call them. George Wallace Democrats, they congressional black hawk, is george wireless democrats, Joe Biden, george wireless democrat.
The three dummies on the court- george wallace democrats- that's what they are- george wireless webby thrilled. Would they conclusions that they reached throughout asia, and today I forget, americans, tomorrow after hispanic americans, what's this step, A college a university or anything else- fifty years, I was jews years ago. I was blacks, its asians same damn. Democrat party did george wallace party. The remnants certainly intellectually, are still all around us. Just look.
Yes, they say: state institutions and private institutions of higher learning should be able to discriminate against people based on their heretic. Wow george wallace would be proud, not so much abraham lincoln. These same george Wallis Democrats oppose school choice. They pretend that they want minority other nations, of course, and of course, but they want minorities, have equity. but they do not want minorities to have an opportunity when it comes to cross on the lines of the government. Democrat party teacher unions isn't that amazing where's, the congressional black hawk s honor nowhere because their coffers are lined
teachers, union money and their army of- It reads on election day, first things first year, folks. Well, the white intellectuals about school choice will rub my kids. They oppose it. They want. It skull nothing more and nothing less than a matter if test scores are gone down, the toilet doesn't matter if little kitchener. Going to school, are facing criminalization and other rhetoric things when they get there doesn't matter no school choice, but ass, racial discrimination and re segregating america that, therefore, the george party is still with us and it is
Amazing, to see how many minority black so called leaders activists sound like george wallace. It doesn't amaze me that Biden sounds like george wallace One of his heroes. So am I origin ignoramus writing for the minority talks about superficial neutrality, superficial neutrality really We do something for you so much to cover her stick with me. I have already broke. They stand in the way that nobody else can know brag just fact. Race.
Racial quarters in medical school missions- this is what we had until the day. discrimination against asian americans seeking entry into harvard segregating college dorm rooms and graduation ceremonies dumbing down school curricula sam. charging merit, scholarship programs, presidential executive orders that, for instance, excluded farmers and other privileged racial groups here, This is from the democratic party hates america isn't in america is an amazing. because of the emphasis on race as the basis for all behaviors and outcomes and I'll patients of year irreversible white racism based on skin color at birth, go race theory and what I call I've invented this phrase now: civil rights, marxism, civil rights, marxism. That's what this is.
the human eyes, the individual groups of individuals IRA. Equally, the scholars and active in promoting this point of view used ie human stereotypes, not only But why people, but to describe black individuals in the black community After all, in the end, marxism many kind, is built on the false foundation of oppressor and oppress class identifications, Abraham ex candy. After of centre right, antiracist research at boston unit, This is one of the leading bigots in amerika my view and only advocate of sea. Our tee has written to say ready. so that there is widespread racial inequity caused by widespread racism and by This sounds like some of my yours opinion. She's, all in baby say that there is widespread racial inequity caused by widespread system which makes the? U s racist, isn't
opinion it isn't a partisan position, it's a doctrine, it isn't. I left wing construct Anti white as an anti american, its fact in fact t, scholars and activists dismiss all social efforts, economic programmes loss court rulings, even their civil war, the presidency of Abraham, lincoln and Ulysses s grant, as well as martin luther king, Courageous activism and speeches as little more than transparent and self serving attempts white, dominant society or those who go along and help perpetuate Privilege, knowingly or otherwise, to paste over the union Incredibly, flawed american family. The civil rights marxists again, as I call them, also reject both the idea in pursuit of a colorblind society. This gets to the nub of the matter.
There, the modern day, segregationist steer them Andy racists. Lest we forget peter, see mars. visiting, fell. The heritage foundation reminds for frederick douglass. How are these phony civil rights leaders today can hold a candle to frederick douglass douglas nineteen, countries greatest abolitionists and some rights advocate. He said binding faith in reason, a truth and justice sustained an expectation, That the collar line will cease to Heaven civil, political and moral signal It's in america famous dissenting opinion in: u s supreme court history that boy this is douglas. Justice, John Marshall Harlan, provided a more focused expression of that sentiment, explaining vote unpleasant versus ferguson.
to invalidate allow mandating racial segregation on Trnka. He said our constitutions kullak flying useful law regards man. Is man takes no account. Of a scholar when civil rights as guaranteed by the supreme level and are involved in this brief. plain of some landmark round. Russia's part of education, thurgood, partial, argued, distinct based upon razor color alone are the epitome of arbitrariness in capriciousness constitutionally impermissible under our system of government. He said three score in seven years after policy came to most resounding statement of all. When the reverend Martin Luther king Jr stood under the shadow of Abraham lincoln, in a mortal eyes the moral vision of the civil rights movement by declaring A dream that my four little children
They live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their snack, be judged. Excuse me where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. The democrat party believes in none of this Today, some rights, marxism, again as I call it preacher, demands the opposite. For example, candy is declared we remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination, the going after asians donations, own slaves and american eighteen forties and fifties, I believe so how ridiculous. the only remedy to present discrimination. He says his future discrimination. These are the marxist. Thus, the demand for equity, the movement has come up with a new term for condemning cut, blindness you wanna hear this one.
Color blind racism. Did you know that two new phrase, normandy The democratic party hates america can learn a lot of, in fact, a columbine danny plastic, an educator contributor. so the Huffington compost further illustrates the point she asserts. Color blindness voiced whiteness on everyone. It is another way of saying I've. U everyone as if they were white. Your default color for sameness is white. She says: colorblind strips non white people over the uniqueness, your default culture for sameness is why culture, when you're in add your child to be color blind or do everyone is the same you're projecting white on people who aren't white, negating their experience of traditions and This again, this good sound, like sort of my yours, outrageously, pathetic opinion. Color blindness suppresses critically important narratives of oppression,
says. Once you view everyone through colorblind white lens to deny the reality that non white people face. She says color. The great huffington composting about color blindness assumes everyone has the same experience here in amerika when you failed, the color. You felt a recognised injustice and oppression, showed colorblind promotes the idea that non. Why, raises are inferior when you teach your child to be colorblind. Your assent, telling them someone is in white, pretend they look like you, so you can be friends stripping people of a fundamental aspect of identity by clay not to see colors dehumanizing get it, we ve gone from top make decisions to embrace stereotypes the color of somebody scan treat them like an individual human being? To do that,
I'll, be right back then. If we and anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something that could up. If you have an eye array or for a one k physical go. In your ira, the world gold council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold. Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my and family? You should call augustine get their own, a guide to gold. I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids seven, seven for gold- I re, that's eight seven said for god I eight seven, seven
my god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press. His medals dot com, the mark levin. Wishing you a happy fourth of July back to the best of me So this writer had the Huffington compost, sketched of another matter. Just like the george party, the george. While, as democrats are you here speaking, meyer, says of racism, is conceived in practical terms, ready as mouths the abuse of socio economic goods, in else than its remedy, speak conceived in terms of redistribution, not only of operate these, but also of outcomes. Why call this civil rights, marxism, the proper function, a preferential rates, classification
since within b to effect the desired redistribution, the men. the condition of a just society in this view is that no historically, this favoured racial group would suffer any aggregate disadvantage. In the incidences of the main goods in the hills whereby we measure socio economic well, being the ultimate expert asian, is that those goods and ills would be strip among racial groups in rough proportion to their percentages of societal population. Thus I write racism, equity, marxism, civil rights. System that sort o my yours opinion today. That's the congressional black carcass, that's joe by that's all the other morons more one! return. If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
average. Irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that. Then here's something Could help if you have an eye array or for a one k, physical, in your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is that you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them to my in family. You should call augustine get there. Also a guide to gold. I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids Evans, seven for gold- I re that's eight seven, so for god, I re eight seven, seven forego diary, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures, augusta, precious metals, dot, com
this is the best that the mark levine show happy independence day. Its thomas raises some good points that actually, in a democrat party hey, america's well- and that is I'll put it my way differently: The democratic party only succeed only focus on the race for aspects of these. Thanks to everything becomes racist. The races economic system, the racists rights, an honor dont discuss someone discuss and I do discuss in the democratic party. Hates america is the socio economic problems, the break up of the family, the to get good job to get a decent education.
and so you have the breakdown of the family, which is exactly what march preached in one of his ten covenants and what they push every day. That's why they don't want parents to know what they're doing to their little kids in public schools. I mean it's pickett's bed as sick as it can be. So there's a lottery, some people do succeeding. Dont, succeed. that have absolutely nothing to erase zero, but for The people this gives them an excuse and that's where critical race there is all about Excuse is america period the founding of america. The white people in america. The minorities in america who support the white people in america. You know that kind of crap it just goes on and on and on I will say this. Joe Biden has been a law student in every
up a seat for a black person. He spent a senator, he never gave up the sea period, but every step, the sighed and said you know we have a cigarette, river blacks in those days where so many go advice never did that can give anyone a chance. became vice president. He didn't say to obama, you know really be historic with the first black president may be the first black way. He didn't do that and it course the course he fought I can't come Allah Harrison, others to prevent bukharin sober from getting on the court, so Joe Biden has lifted a finger personally, personally for black people might, in fact, when he was a centre. As you know, from this programme he lifted more than one finger against black people much
Fifty are who what did he say? That's right, you learn that too now. The democratic party wants everything to be about race, because, they are trying to fire up their base just They tried fire up their white base hundred fifty years ago. It's an evil party. who's buying at the white house today cut one MR producer go. The descent stage and today's decision call role again. Reigate he didn't mean it. He read any started the top reduce who cut one go For the second stage in today's decision call Rawls back decades of precedent. and momentous progress, and, of course I, like your asian
unless your asian you're treated by democratic party and there's sank offence. As ex where a hundred and twenty years ago, as jews, fifty seventy years ago, so which is the already, which is the ideology that seeks to discriminate every single time they just pick. Different groups, though, discriminate foreign against over the course of its history. The Democrats, Eddie go ahead with a statement from the decisions four run, the decision the court has effectively under an affirmative action in colleges missions No, it isn't it. one was going down ever. Was it ever going down? In fact, I would even go further. I told you before and again in the book woodrow wilson when they decided to and they expanded the federal bureaucracy.
He put in a new requirement photographs. because he wanted to know if there are black applicants and to prevent them from serving federal bureaucracy. Twenty did. Woodrow wilson, when he was president of princeton, fair, proud of himself? He said not one black got accepted in princeton. was the president of princeton university, not one! That's in the book. That's the democrat party today, it's asians asians. Does your qualified, I'm sorry duration, for all these jokes about how they make distinctions, and so fourth and so on. We need more diversity.
so is the virtually lily white educational bureaucrats from elementary schools. All the way up the harvard go ahead: We will, of course, decision because affirmative action is so misunderstood. I want to be clear. Measurement is clear about the law has man and what it does not ban. Until today many people wrongly believe an affirmative action alive, unqualified students on call students to be admitted and equality. Students, This is not. how college emissions work? You are a liar. There be no issue. That was an initial. We're not talking about taking too can Sir, a hundred percent similar and
so the rack demagogues and then looking at their race now? That would be bad enough. That will be better enough. That's woodrow, Wilson! Right! That's what you're welcome. I don't want pictures for hiring purposes. We don't want to know about race for hiring purposes. We don't know what what you do with your genitalia, if you keep it those who use it. We don't want to know that. should have nothing to do with emissions, nothing so few now support a totally colorblind process. Promoted by Abraham, lincoln, frederick, douglass, martin luther king, then your white supremacist, We talk a little bit about language and brainwashing last night again
there's an entire trapper on. Unless that's what this is, people on tv, Phony civil rights leaders, the congressional black carcass. Although lily, why morons on MSNBC, cnn and elsewhere, who are pushing the same agenda. They represent the george wallace warning of the democratic party. You see, there's not a lot of difference between the marxist and racist. Do she's not. That's why marxist societies they they round we, christians. Try marxist societies, they round up minorities, people of faith professionals.
That's why they do it in march the societies of the democratic party. This is what they think this, and so they are that's what they believe. Let's go To MR producer go, we cannot let this decision be the last word one, We cannot let the decision be. The last word The court can render decision, it cannot change when america stands, for america's an idea, an idea unique in the world my idea of hope and opportunity, Possibilities. I'm giving everyone affair, shot only we know behind you. Ve never fully. Limbless is typical propaganda of an autocrat they take their own Racism bigotry through Tyranny and totalitarianism and they rapid and words of freedom and we, the people, then equality.
And binds been doing this a very very long time and then a few ways object instead or few. You are one of the six justices who wrote You wrote or supported what the others row there's something wrong with you, but the democratic party, China's article, what binds saying. But the media outlets her arguing for his at this, Important rule that yes Harvard you are free. apply racist stereotypes to asian americans and exclude them from your school, since I left you are with the japanese, american or woodrow Wilson were blacks. that's what the three justice is in effect, who oppose the majority decision said.
It's even worse, you ready as a matter of constitutional law. Under the fourteen amendments, equal protection clause, harvard college is free. To prevent asian american kids related sectors. in their school based on their race. Three justices effectively, so that all I don't care what they wrote, what they said, what they voted for and binds always been a big it in a racist he's, always been hypnotized semi, always. He just told colleges and everybody else ignore the supreme court decision. This is lawless, the sky, this this pats, this cretin really is
the supreme court as they continue to destroy one institution after another that, beyond the department of justice, the supreme court, then matter why worthy insurrectionists is the danger to democracy. The shared this is running, I fall throated, fascist campaign. This is what they say about us and the people that we endorse, but not to go. But we ve never walked away from it either. We not walk away from it. Now. What are you doing? about you eddie at first, but you don't walk you shuffle. Walk away from what I heard it's time to take to the streets in support Racial discrimination against asian americans, america, let's take beside a harbor. It.
And are universally north carolina. Let's take the side of the big it suddenly races. Let's join the george wallace democratic party,. let's re, segregate our society. Let use this women against groups that we'd all like or that don't look like us that progress, that's equity, that's paul, crap, and that your Grant party I'll be right back If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit here something that could help. If you have an eye re or for one k, physical, go In your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it?
You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re without augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get there. Also, a guide to gold. I raise feels good there's. Another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. seven seven for gold, I re, that's eight seven cents, For god, I re eight, seven, seven we're gonna, die right, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com. This is marred levin wishing you. I had a fourth of July now back to the best of make do not. do not allow this evil. Democrat party, their corrupt media, and these civil rights marxists
take control of the language to take control of the issue they are the racists there, the biggest stare bigots they are the haters. We stand here in defence, I've agent, americans at all americans against democrat party system that they put in place to punch, people based on their race and skin color, they ve been doing it, damn. I called damn civil war in this country and a tiresome each moment, had to rise up against the denmark party, and now they pretend that their protecting minorities and I applaud, marks Professors as guest all over tv telling you this same thing, all
majority on the court, you all. I know what. And they all follow line. Don't they? Here's Biden. a today out on he goes damage NBC today, one of his safe places go Thank colleagues on the judiciary committee would go as far as to say that its anti democratic. Do you agree with that? Why, when you should choose to punish question to colonel wallis, because you are one such whites, you, you are so divisive for this country. You are worst of the worst, in my view, talk about camille You just like Biden, go from John Mccain to this goal. No, if I say so, the democratic family gets all I travel is its value system is different.
and this is respect for the institutions- is different. In that sense It is not large enough. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't need this guy's at first, Level dimension, and I say that not as a he joke. I also put this on the book. Look it up pace at five level, dimension, dimension and that's what all this is about. His affectations you're, not affectations. consequences, bases the value system and only lectures Joe Biden on values. He need lectures from us. We don't like from a democratic party on values or race. We don't need changed from the democratic party on equality, They oppose at all and they always have.
This is a party that destroying america. because they ate america. America that allows asian kids based on merit at a harvard college. That's america! Not what the democrat party is peddling, not what their propagandists and demagogues and the media are peddling, not what they are now what their president is. Peddling And then the trash, the supreme court, I've had my differences with this court in these justices, and I made it up early, clear but tat the entire institution I made some reform ideas But listen away, talks
different value system on the court. How come nobody. about that inciting violence, if nobody says that he's attacking the independence of the gourd. How come nobody says that that's that they quiet watch of an insurrection or a dog whistle the violent people, none of it. So if you support race, neutral. Blind society, you don't share their values. You're right, I don't live for a second. How anyone could even be a part of such a disgusting party? I don't know. Look I've told you plenty. Times you can go to amazon dot com or these other places in order your priority or copy the democratic party hates americans, the finest book ever written. I think it's the most important book I've ever written because we're up against.
I'll be right back their segmented podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. And save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this. Sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The air. Listening to the best of the mark. Levin show happy independence day. I mean this- is. Murphy, I've never seen anything like this before and
It's gonna get worse before it gets better. you're, didn't see more republican officials being imprisoned. Period of time you just kind you can see complete reckless criminality when increasing number of democratic It goes unpunished to be able to separate the men from the boys than women from the girls when it to who stay. strong and who stands firm. You can see what this trump stuff right now you don't have to be. Trump supporting, not devote tromp to realise what the hell's going on in this country. None of its good,
Even when they have the goods on the Biden's save the goods on the department of justice they the goods on the api, I they have a goods, it doesn't matter. Stolen would be proud stated The last chapter, my book stolen be proud, We have July fourth coming up independence day, we're going to celebrate the founding this great nation. I have always said since The kid and I have said it here- I was born at the wrong time. I was born at the wrong time. I should show me I should have been born the early days of america. Revolutionary war, essentially
folks, member low, but of a tough time today with that the revolutionary war over. creating a new government, my god, what I would give to be at the constitutional convention, just a watch, This is why I am counselling in these various projects. What can we do? We just can't let this escape us. We just can't give up. We can't the bad guys when this is evil. What they're doing To our country, to republicans Servitors, what they're doing. to our fellow citizens, people of goodwill worse clinics and protest, thing rounded up: parents
in the school board, meeting pink targeted taylor story, I can't use a name. I can't even gimme the state, certainly can't even the school district. I want to tell you it's a high school or middle school education. much one or the other. The parents. The other week, maybe was last week of the week before. You're in the audience with so many Appearance proudly watching their kid gradually. and you know how he announced the children's names right must relation we are proud of their son. They love their son.
Have a wonderful family. and is there some goes up to accept his diploma, throw the principle. His son is called elizabeth and making up the name. Now wait a minute its charm honoured. lama- the name is Elizabeth and The name read out as elizabeth: I just make up an airline- the smith, not John smith, Elizabeth and the parrot, looking each other what in the world, as this is just happen,.
For the entire school year, the school district in the school was hiding. This information from the parents and In force in the idea that John was really Elizabeth. And John was using the name Elizabeth all through the school year. All the other kids knew him as Elizabeth or the teachers known as Elizabeth. The parents knew nothing about any of the country's dying, not because of us for because of them, The vast majority of employees and school districts, not all their great exceptions, there's patriots Majority Democrat
A majority of tenure teachers are democrats. Not all, please don't say, I'm a rubber. I know the way majority democrats in your own right, I was on a school board Majority of administrators Democrats, the inter educational bureaucracy, is run by the democratic party and its for the democratic party- and it applies The tenured professors to same damn thing, the democrat party. uses your tax dollars to build its army of activists, its infrastructure within the culture. And they finally conquered the department of justice and the fbi. They finally conquered conquered the: u s: attorney's office, they ve, copper, conquered the legal system. That's what's going on.
They go through the motions. Would hunter Biden oh Biden they go through. The motions of the special council what job I they have. No intention of doing anything. We go through the motions about caring about documents, even cannibal. classified documents swore well was married. Choose me swachh was having an affair. If, essentially with a classified document, was he not much to produce democrats? Don't care Democrats circle, the wagon all they care about? Is the party the party, like the communist party, the eddie comes first. Everything else come second screw the country screw the people it doesn't matter. While now that is mindset at the department of justice. And the fbi and all the rest of them,
The democratic party is a war with this country. it's a war with our history It's a war with our police to war with our military. It's a war with our language. it's a war with american. It rejects it. A hundred percent some other media. We noticed how many these sunday shows the media interview, the media, you notice and Mr Barroso cnn interviewing somebody from the new york times. MSNBC interviewing somebody for maybe see new. It's it's! It's incredible!. Like we give a. You know what a rat's judgment, and so I look at this.
Unfortunately, in this sense, it's it's it's it's it's it's all over me. I can't get away from it. This is what I do it's. What I was born to do. Tal around me: it's all around us comes friday, night can't shake it. Saturday morning I can't washed off my it's the same. Damn thing every day, every hour of the day Not thinking about it, I family members, I can't stop talking about it. I've got friends, you can't stop talking about it. I get texts and emails, they can't stop. Talking about. Is what it is and it is not stop. Nonstop.
And it always has the same strain of connectivity. It's the democratic party, the democratic party defended slavery, hurried, the fence, slavery. The democratic party rejected the united states of america. It broke off to form its own country. The democratic party supported segregation after the civil war. How can you be filled with such venom and hate for black people? Just unbelievable to me.
The democratic party spent seventy year seventy year preventing black people from voting from going to good schools. Wasn't amerika america didn't do this? The democratic party did this, which is again the port of them. I am not going to let them off. I'm not going to let them get away with this. It's not the republicans. It's not! That Democrat acknowledged that the republican party is the democrat party. They did this and they're still doing it. We're still doing.
The democratic party wants to put the current leader of the republican party in prison and take them off the political battle here earlier never been done in american history. It's done in every authoritarian totalitarian regime and now done in america and one here about documents eclairs, I don't want to hear about it. These are all subterfuges. That's all! They are good. solar with the tax, stuff and trump, and we saw with a non disclosure agree merchant trump, and we saw what they So mad and the other they it's just the latest in a line and they feel. Got em now. Why? Because they have. The entire mechanism of the justice System, the injustices. And they're going to use it and they are using it to protect biden undergoing
Tell me what democratic in trouble in washington d c as a result of this attorney general that nobody thereon clear there all safe. They all have immunity, effectively, column Does a matter that nato policies wheeling and dealing and she In the big lug husband or her, making fortunes off offer her legislative priority doesn't matter if you want to talk about it, so I just thought it was time to bring it altogether to crystallise it start, the use the phrase the democratic party hates america. Can we not have disagreements with them? They want to destroy us, they want to obliterate this country. We have, Nothing in common with the times
sick of the republic. Can we be by parson? No, we can't with what, with whom. They hate our constitution, they hate the men who wrote it down independence halls a kid I live outside of further. I love the place said my god George Washington sat in that chair at that desk. Both- creation of independence and the council comes to them. All the men who were there created the two. these documents in human history. In my view,. Certainly up there were the magna carta
Left they just don't burn the building down and everything in it, So we can't talk anymore in generalities. We can't be sweet, Kind nice about this. These are revolutionaries. These are true, hard, core violent revolutionaries. What's being done. I'll try right now. The monument violent. And he won't be the last. He will. I'd be the last. I hope, you'll take some time seriously.
Hope you read this book. The democratic party hates america have because I poor my blood sweat and tears into it. Why do you care about that? That's my problem. Right, not yours!. but because, when I sat down to do it, day in and day out night after night. I didn't know whether was two in the morning at ten at night, I'm just focused hour after hour that passes I thought what is my orleans gonna think about it? phrase. What is my audience want to know about this person? Would you our sitting there with me. Will you not enough who are sitting there with me. I'm thing. my family, I'm thinkin about your family, I'm thinkin about generations yet born what the hell are. We doing. I'm thinking about kids and grandkids yours mine, I'm thinking about
What goes on in these classrooms, with these little kids now. Thinking about the rule of law, the irs, what are we going to do? I have to go to a break if you do get a chance What I'm trying to do now is to push hi as we possibly can. The pre orders on amazon that come to make a statement to our fellow patriots to please help join us. To unite us to pull us together student, one issue or another, it I'm interested in all the issues: the debt crap party, hates america, snyder title, that's harder forget, but it's hidell. That's never been more honest and more true for.
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I think that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text with plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month with pure talk spaces the past that the mark levine shall happy independence day of time this segment to get back circle back to those hunter Bernstein We therefore need an You- and I say this as a footnote, those of Who read any of my books, liberty and tyranny, moroccan marxism, all arrest? You know that these books- different than what anybody else right? Why number one I write them number two
I do all the research number three most other authors, A radio hosts for tv hosts, not all but most others, do not write their books. they might review them too. them and say that they edited them and so forth, and so on. This is Given. This is very personal for me. I would never. you to buy a book that I don't but I didn't write in research whenever I suggest you do that, I didn't think it was worthwhile. I don't like a book worthwhile on publishing Pushed the number one on amazon, if you think it a getting it now, will be great time, and I appreciate it for eyes and eighteen. t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily
Save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited talk, unlimited text and ultra fast five g data just twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the covered? You ass its phenomenal I'm on it pure talk, uses the most dependable five g network and the nation just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, levant podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing, you us customer service team will make switching very easy, so choose a veterinary company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, levant podcast for unlimited talk and text with plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure talk that calm and use promo code, levine podcast you'll see
additional. Fifty percent of your first month with pure talk. This is mark, live in wishing you I happy fourth of July now, back to the best of me, you see what Fools and asses people like Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, look like. or the congo line of hosts on MSNBC bc. In cnn, you see with disaster, appalling frauds, they're they're, all in for the mob. throw him for the day, doesn't matter what they say: a call wallace's what're. What a crackpot. Or the bigots and racists thy joy, red.
Oh the slavs, on the view there all in it's incredible. How can you be mc grath today, I don't hold you responsible for the things that these people are But how can you associate yourself, the party that supported slavery or mark what about right. Well, what about it for juvenile And things that you never knew before: it's not some doors, good when, in our document, Franklin rose. What you learn. Learn things about franklin, roosevelt. You never knew the truth for one. You ve learned the truth about franklin roads about what a
What an unbelievably dishonest bigoted Man that he was. how we use the arrests and the fbi gives this political opponents here, they're trying to lock up trump. Well guess what it'll be Joe Biden. Joe Biden will be remembered. for literally locking up his political opponents. this slaves ball, who try to destroy robber spark their slaves ball, who try to destroy clarence, thomas, their slaves, ball? Who trash mouth is track mouth
hundred million americans was homey disagrees as mega white supremacist. This man was a white supremacist. He was widespread he's also chameleon he'll do whatever works from his perspire whatever works. I've read a tremendous amount about Joe, but also for this book tremendous amount. He wasn't just opposed to integrating public schools. Including his home city were a wilmington He was one of the leading advocates for segregation. I don't care what bull crappy,
bins now? That's how he was part of the civil rights movement. He was now Report of the civil rights movement, he didn't lift a finger for the sole rights movement he's twenty nine years old. He runs the senate by trying to destroy his opponent about sixty sixty two years old, his republican. It brings out the big unions who help him. That's. Why he's barton aid for by the teachers, unions in the eia felsi area, not the rank and file, but the thugs run, these damn places and. He sworn in time under the cap, do these thirty years are immediately
immediately as a senator who does he embrace James eastland. The seniors cenis senator from his mississippi here watch that Elvis movie Mister bellew, sir James easel has a prominent role as a senator because, of course, of us was born. In mississippi, but east lynne and others chased anonymous. They turned the state troopers against they don't like the way he moved reminded him too much of a black man, so they got rid of pushed him out that James is he in Biden. very close eastland took Biden under his wing.
And he wasn't the only one. when campaigning in the south thinking that couldn't hear him in the north, he would praise george wallace cause. George wallace praised him you folks in the south, when he was in the north, he would take the opposite position because he's asleep bar that's what he is. So his drug addled son buys a gun. he lies on the form that has filed with the treasury department and you'll see on sunday on life liberty and live in near the end of the programme. he literally check the box. No, On the form that asks he's doing any drugs,
including marijuana known of course now with the guys, don't coke he's an attic, buys a gun. Joe turbines run around trauma, gun control. His party's run around saying: we need these red laws we today, you should get. Defining his son and what is the department of justice do on that? One? Nothing. I think we're going to give him a here's. What the department of justice did. I used to work there as you know, here's what they did. They put the kibosh on every serious crime that they figured that any half witted low I q prosecutor could they put the compassion, but they say we have to throw something. Now to the of the world to the Republicans, we're gonna, throw some.
here's what we're throw up our act, attacks yeah, paid a gay misdemeanor, o the gun, yeah. Well, I will put em on this programme if he stays of drugs and so forth will take that funding off the list offers I thought he was clean. What do you mean if he stays after so Throw those out there and then they give the talking points MSNBC and see an end to the compost and the slot? They give the talking Oh nobody's ever been charged like that, and then we appeal coming out of the woodwork, particularly black people, coming out of the woodwork excuse me I was charged were that some of them are famous. I don't happen to know rappers say wait a minute. Their lawyers are on tv
my client what the present for four years over that my client, what the prison for two years. Yes, all the white lily, livered left wing democrat. slobs over there, their MSNBC in cnn. They don't get to meet. Many of you folks had gone to prison and tax evasion. Everybody's time at the right old man, the ceo of the trump organization,. They claimed he didn't report one point, seven million hours and tat he still present for five months. the old guys in prison for five months. And I just read to you in the case of hunter by onward what about far more money than that and the justice department is covering up the case.
And you're gonna hear these fools on tv telling you I what's the big deal, the republican sack ina this pass march. Senator truck rashly press garland as near posts, rights on whether. Us attorney wise said was caught her virtues me, however: delaware, really able to bring charges without the approval. The department of justice, specifically of the alleged crime, occurred outside delaware. Without special council authority. He could need permission of another. U attorney in certain circumstances, to bring charges outside district, delara, gradually noted at the time. I'd like to clarification from you were there. back to these concerns, carlin reply, that weiss would be able to charge hunter Biden even if crimes occurred outside Delaware he's
add the u s. Turning dollar has been advised that he is full authority to make these kind of referrals that you're talking about bring cases and other jurisdictions, its necessary, and I will assure that, if he does, he will be able to do that gradually pressed Does the delaware? U s attorney lack independent charging authority over certain criminal, Since against the president's son outside the district, Delaware fetch another district, have to bring the case in another district, but, as I said, promise to ensure he's able to carry out his investigation and He be able to run it and if he needs to bring it in another jurists, diction, he will have full authority to do so. Will he wanted to bring case they wanted to bring a case in two different? U s attorney districts wash in d c and other stuff.
They discovered my memory, in the? U s turn his office in those states had now you can't we're not gonna help you so this guy weiss was blocked. Gradually pretty damn sharp senator gradually make a referral again make a referral to I don't care if it falls flat, you gotta keep at it. MR garlic committed perjury. You at least contempt of congress, that is, the sun cigar lied under oath, he required In plain english, the re use and understand even for garland. MR garlon light under oath. He lied to you lied to congress. He lighted American people, nobody,
Do that just carry it. What you can do about Mister Weiss needs to be brought before congress, but here the problem over the justice to Barbara. They figured out how to prevent him from testify. No, it's all over the hunter buying stuff, even though he's got away with felony after felony. Even though what's happened. Here is a joke. Its ongoing investigation and so under that nomenclature theirs to prevent any congressional oversight. This is how diabolical listen. This is how preposterous says it's dead A crowd party, they hate america. This is what they're doing. This isn't a one off america. Susan, a one off. they're doing it over and over and over again
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In my view, what used to be the most beautiful state in america, but people are fleeing neither speaking with their feet, speaking with their you hon, and they want to do that to the rest of the country. The same point, right back I'll, be right back Ben. you own, a small business. You know the value of time. Innovation refunds does too late made it no matter how busy you are to apply for the employer, retention, credit or e r c gotta get refunds, dot, com to get started, and in less than eight minutes see if your business qualifies for e arcy assistance, your vessel,
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now back now, broadcasting only underground the members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader here. Listening to the master, the mark, Levine shall happy independence day. I think at paris chris he's gonna, clear everything up. First, minister producer, We have a widening of chair for the young man. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back Be me maybe I between the two of us, we'll get to the bottom of things. Thank you dizzy, Lucy. The chinese family, which apparently own slaves at one point MR producer, unlike the trump family than ever and slow.
Or my family, some three thousand years ago. How build the pyramids apparently play you they get that anyway, Here we have a dizzy lizzie and she said the aspen ideas festival. You like that. Sanctimonious these fools. we're going to have in the list. Pay lifting her nose of income out here in your presence. Any ideas can tell anyone Her ideas, republicans bad trumpet she good. That's where fifty grand. Salute trainees heard there now drifting for speeches. What are you gonna do cut. go. It's really important for Democrats.
Take him seriously. You know there can be a tendency icy, sometimes for people on the democratic side to say well, look sure you know the republicans will nominate him, the republicans or a mess that will be able to beat him in a general and that is playing with fire and it's it's a risk we can't take. So I think it's really important for everyone to look at the threat that he poses apart from from party ideology and and realize it something that we have to take very seriously and we ve got a stand against. No wonder they invited her so profound, so unique. wisdom is unbelievable, bots coming out of her pours or every poor for every orifice. We have to take the trump threats sleep. She says the aspen ideas fast. This is her ideal with seriously
and we can't just let him be nominated and claim you're going to beat him in a general election I wrote something down and put it on. My desk I got it never happens, must produce two prediction: I'm not going to tell you folks if ve never happens, thank god. And unfortunately, the dozen would pull it out of my desk in a minority I have to be honest. We I've never seen such hate towards an individual. In my life in my life. People will lie about it. People which was the facts. People will do all kinds of stuff Joe Biden, MR big tat person,
He was in Chicago today. Pure he visited the most downtrodden areas, but of course she didn't, MR by now- She's the abiding by dynamics again feel, but I remember they wish used to take. Regular comics was the greatest economic explosion of growth in american history, Finally, for the rich created the biggest economic expansion in american history. I, following conservative free market price I will never work. Ok, he also got the biggest vote of any republican in history. Popular vote, an electoral college. What's the big deal, but here
find today Chicago still hasn't going to palestine ohio by the way. nothing there move along cut six go. Economy grows the economy from the middle out, the bottom up, instead of just let me get this straight middle and bottom up hold on a second middle out. Bottom up is to produce Does that sound like pornographic. fundamental up at the bottom of the middle and by what this guy The real guide, The kind of growth economy from the middle of the bottom up said adjust the top down. That happens, everybody does work well. These tools everybody has any idea what the hell is monster That bottom up, my
where's, my drink bottom rap, Madame scrap metal, our top down Where am I will go on iraq, IRAN, god save a clean. My arms up Go ahead for the latter, who still do you? Do they pay their taxes? Like you, son, you jack S, doing all this. Althesa many sound like a marxist. What a putz sky, on a government salaries, entire life except for two years in all societies, gonna, mansion and wilmington? It's got a man general, but peace on the ocean. He's gotta A hundred and fifty thousand dollar corvette mike. I went. The camera writing about my chat. Now I've right go ahead. This vision is a fundamental right.
There is obviously a sharp everywhere, except my show, much impetus everywhere everywhere. And the benefit of radio is, he doesn't really have to present his physical self. Do you understand what I'm saying Did he get one of those bans? I think he did. I think he broke the damp. Not trying to be rude call them. As I see it, go ahead of america's middle class. for decades cry america's multiplier there. I met a top down stand right out a I used to play Whereby it, I am atalanta, where anyway I now make sure that a hell of a job here
Those of you who have joined, presided interest on your credit card- you maybe there. sham percentage is marga garage me bank, man, bottom up, medulla, oh yeah, fo prices through the roof, yeah pump up the archway at me, mug, inflation erected work that inflation. We like the re write or their god save the queen. carries great. Have you thought up? Rick Carlisle. Gasoline is cheaper today than it was twelve months ago Then too rare I write, shut up. Yeah borders secure like never
Now I gotta infrastructure, my everything by them by non Y, got more friend fraud and marvin before I get that record, we can. By eighty five thousand miles children, ass right. So what other record you know? Oh I, like my records. I like dvds, too, Sex trade at a border. Why flies by magda extremists notes. How'd your father's repugnant I'm are dragged maggie extremists.
Always white supremacist sat there and I know when I hear that used to be one. You know. Oh yeah. I am lived a life, you wouldn't believe what might away away. Doctor Jones here, ladies and gentlemen, over here doktor jill paid heed education. You now. nowhere He gives me br about it. It's maggot it alex I mean reaganomics, I mean by normal, oh yeah,. Ro shortages of food stores- that's big grocery there, the grocery does it. do. You should see the guys around these grocery stores are off that unhappy.
a martini Cakes jumbo ira, bali's guy, the titans and postal. I can't stand it. Why not mix. Oh yeah, why not, ladies and gentlemen, this guy's an idiot. and so I just posted in I've asked you neurologists out there. We need your help. We need your help. I don't mean me in particular, I mean him in particular. Can't you speak out No, what you see here can't you. Began tell the american people this guy is Fifthly, imbecility. now he shouldn't run for reelection. He shouldn't be present, and I can you imagine the skies six years from now at the end of his second. A visa like can on the democratic, Then we're gonna hate america, they'll dovo for anything.
Anyone any thing they gave us obama, they want to John Kerry. crash, don't care. I said at the beginning of the show. support an orange juice cannot come quite or whatever it is laws they get their agenda. You know Add Joe, he has there's something about his charisma. There. My wife bumps into some idiot in our community she's a phd second marriage. They ve got six or seven kids between them. My wife surrender their the bumps under and they get to talk big lip piglet. She's trumpets always a liar, you can't trust trump Joe Biden. On the other hand, cheese is earnest, he's earnest.
I said whose earnest, though, he's earnest? Oh ok,. And so she's a loser, there's no persuading her she's, a Democrat and you'll see Dim, what's all along the ladder of intelligence, panama, dim with means How did you have a lower? I high, I killed him. You can't reason irrational your dim when she's a dim when. and I hope her children become dim when it clearly married to a dim with them. When chief phd Joe Biden has earnest, All this corruption swelling around this puke or a zionist- why am I trapped by rap, sounds like make a looks? A lot like Joe by john bull, monitor,
So let us continue of having lost your place. Mr producer cut seven go. nobody says clearly, as I can go down, approach failed the middle class fail. However, trickled down failed. The middle class trickled down is big government. It's not the private sector. Private sector rewards you don't get married in government. They never talk about merit. They talk by race. They talk about a redistributing wealth. They talk about ten year and in public sector they never talk about mary who's got, who wears merit. trigger them narrower that's right right. So economy never worked. America. How are they or trickled down. what happens on your leg, you jerk like a joke
trickling down again go ahead, the deficit increased inequity, can are four had shut up. You idiot, why am I even wasting my life? I am so. I went to. goes to amerika. I just cost you five minutes. You, your life in five minutes of my life in our life, is finite. It's fine. I should have done that. I can give you the five minutes back, but you'll do something enjoyable after the shell I'll, be right. Back The then I french one twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be. Am a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college
You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fan, testa courses. You can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today The this is mark levin wishing you a happy fourth of July back to the best of me harry Harry.
Bottom a metal and appears, as I posted and it's a brilliantly, I might add, the Biden propaganda campaign begins by economics. their proud of all the families who are struggling thanks to their massive deficit spending record high inflation rate, double digit. Credit card interest rates record high mortgage interest rates. I food and gas prices and supply chain shortages. Yeah you're out on that mental up scroll you throw the back whatever. Meanwhile, did you see this article. You see what was found by investigating the son of this hundreds of billions, two hundred billion taxpayer dollars, which they took from you.
Supposedly for covert, are literally unaccounted for. Did you read that Mr Bruton, two hundred billion dollars. That's a fifth of a trillion dollars. They spend more money like drunken crooked bastard. My wife education. My hair, Really old people, young people, that meddling in the upper right when we need- and we need more money, creation and then back or asia. Two hundred Damn billion dollars unaccounted for. Anyone a prison. Any politician, hold holder account about the president he held up now. He's earnest, as the idiot
am I came in he's an earnest man is a foreigner cook, a phoney, I meant crook, not cook, but maybe it's a cook to god. Save the queen. hundreds of billions in taxpayers dollars supposedly for covert, are literally unaccounted for. My max weber. At a martin, omics open borders, tens of thousands of fentanyl debts sex trafficking of women and children, eighty five thousand missing when children where they are now killing. Women's sport would transgender, is trained, gender is and which represents what about one one thousand per cent of the population or yes, now we're gonna teach it's in book. and we have to recognize it and who's. Gonna recognises that
teachers union see little frank over there. I think he'd, look very cute and address frank come over here is, are you sure about true. Gonna tell you where china tat? Can I show you Let's get it out of the elementary school, see this frank yeah. Why? Oh, my goodness, you don't really need this. To you, frank, why is my mom? Don't talk to your mommy frank? Were professionals we know better. takes a bill to surgically mutilated time. where's my mammy Frank. You don't talk. The perch were professional. Am I right back?
the hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers. Love, is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu This is the message that the mark levant shall pappy independence day. You should always for the third, our but this is really fun. I got to thinking the other day. Ladies and gentlemen. The Bobby drag queen. Why aren't all the drag queen fat men, whether off back.
We notice I'm MR there are fat, they all looked like. May I say Chris Christie and address too much make up lipstick, lice infested, wigs their legs like Water buffalo leather, high heels, are only about two inches high, otherwise they follow the drag queens, always like these fat ugly men. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I need to expand my group fatty united, a refuge to include these fat drag quaint.
It's not so much that I'm offended by drag queens with little kids of cars, not whitebait. I'm offended that they're fat ugly men dressed up as fat ugly women. What's that all about. What's at oliver, I'm serious about it and by the way none of these people have sex logical issues. I wish I was born a woman. What can I do it and then we have the surgeons come over here. Fella, take care of you.
Little snip here in a little clip there I ass, I got a whole industry build up, we make a fortune, I mean we're about civil rights here we do not think if you want to be a woman, you should be burdened with that thing. You know the thing and we're here to quickly help you make a decision. No circumspection, just circumcision, a really big one,
You won't feel a thing will knock you out you wake up in the next thing. You know Joe wolpe Yolanda than for Yolanda. Nothing says guy like a very good surgeon. I often wonder how these people can do these things to other human beings. I really do Its sickening thank you believe in drag queen rights. Actually I don't get out of my face. They have no rights, You wanna dance around like women, then vance ran like women, keep away from me. it's where oughta be signs out! There no drag queen with a thousand feet of any public school? Why
You're a sickening influence. That's why you're creepy Say it I mean it, I try, I wonder what kind of people are now being it Acted the teaching profession here when I was a young guy was the smartest people. Round, who were very now use the word artist, who wanted to help kids who enjoy teaching kids math Science and history didn't want to get into sexuality and gender and all the rest, and I bet a lot of the teachers to their so sick of this its mind about funny. But then I have to wonder her education departments throughout America today in our schools of higher learning and lowering I just wonder how many of these people in the education apartment now our perverts. obviously not all of them.
No, I'm not changing my thinking, I'm not changing my language. I might go along with the crowd. This is what I believe in, have rights to you. Now I get to speak to ooh. Yes,. So we need signs, no drag queen within a thousand feet of a public school. This is what america's come to be. We need signs like that. We also should have application forest procedures that sort of call out the sick. Are these educational administrators. Many them former union members, their educational bureaucrats.
Takes a village. Hillary said to raise a child, a village, a village whose village a village made up of whom and what a village to raise a child there, how they taught Nehemiah. They do not sounds good. They read in her fortune cookie, Takes a village Tereza child, I don't know why we raised our kids without a village, and villages are filled with idiots. Joe Biden is perfect, example So they lose two hundred billion. Are our lack, an idea middle our bottom up for my wife, trickled down life. My legs are aware, when trickling down, I believe, in a trickle down again how where's doktor John jill your sister, iowa where's era,.
Was your mother gave what arrogance god save the quaint yeah. I want that the village idiot raising my child? Yes, Now it's your flesh and blood. Now it's not the democratic say it's not! You may have given birth. You should have aborted, of course, but you you may have given birth, but now. Eyes. We get to work the little mines. What will they save us? A hundred years from now democrat party with you Annex democrat party with abortion on demand, democrat party with. Surgically mutilating our children democrat. But what will they say about. as they'll say, we're sick, we're sec and whose doing this to us, but we circle back.
Have you heard a single major democrat in Washington dc in congress and the executive branch speak out against what's happening to our children? Now they support it. Have you heard a single one of them? Tell Joe Biden stop using racism now they all support it. Have you heard a single democratic speaker and tell Joe Biden stop with your anti semites some against. As we know they support it. We heard a single Democrats began to say job stop, destroying the middle. Quite another support it Here's the thing they always taught by the middle class like we're a class society move in and out of the middle class for the upper and lower, but they want to make an angry and jealous
the fact that he has over there. I me and I'll. Take it from him and I'll give it to you problem. Is they take it from you and they give it to them? We notice democrat party is sick. It's perverse! It's evil! dangerous. It lies, come on all eu Democrats in the media. Aren't you gonna come to the defence of the democratic party and start attacking me. mediocre right in media does matter for america, all these fraudulent hemorrhoids on the body politic, come to the defence of the area in a democratic party I am. I am. I am an objective reporter. I wrap anyway back to dry queens.
You can tell the countries in decline, because why we ve been talking about dry, cleaner. While even near our children wanna be a drag queen bee, a drag queen wanna be a butterfly, be a butterfly wanna, be a goal for me: a want, wanna, be a pig hey what do I care, keep it to yourself and get out of my way, and I do not share your mental illness with my children. Sorry every day is not hollowing. Every day is not halloween. Never we talked whether everyone you ve grown, appeared tomboyish. These girls were good athletes like hanging out with the boys. You know the educational bureaucrats see their MR producer an opportunity. I look at that. Tomboy. Are there.
What really wants to be a boy we need to have a conference bringing the psychologist the psychiatrist, the school counselor bringing the outside experts d e s, g g abc bring a moment, do not bring in the parents. What are they now sallies a tangible, and we have an issue here. Sally. Can we take you to our elementary school library? It's filled with fantastic books. Here we don't ban books here. Sorry, no! No! We don't ban books, see this see this one here sally the tomboy. She turned to the last page turned to the last page. There. The charm, graphics, look you're all enough euphoria here, five years old, take isn't that
wonderful see the ending of the book. Yes, she would happen. Yes,. Shall we really becomes tom? You can identify with that. Can't you sally where yes ones, reset sally tick. Look here frightening me: The salad you want to sit in the corner. Yes, yes, it takes a village to raise. children, don't you want the union's raising children, they care so much.
Don't you want hollywood? Raising your children come on now, don't you want your children exposed to drag queens, particularly fat ugly drag queens. Yeah, yes, has, of course, I'd get with the program get with the program. The democrat party could put an end to this tomorrow. It's their unions, it's their marxists. It's their executive orders, it's their books, but they won't. Why? Because they hate you, this is not a party that pro american pro capitalism pro family pro child is a become a marxist party.
The goal is to destroy the norms of a civil society to devour it to allow eight the status quo and create something new. They will embrace critical race theory there, Embrace whatever they have, they will promote whatever they have to and that's exactly which taking place. I'll, be right back then don't fall for their free phone The us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick, Lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest. No contract cancel or leave any time get a new
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sport is celebrated. Warhol fly around the world is a great leader, of robin it Biden senior, who confirmed, of course, her act for ukraine and people who said george w bush. Do that and I say exactly. the net, whether he knows no bounds with Biden. However, he does at every day. Would you miss me if I weren't on radio anymore Mister booth? you miss me, america, if I weren't here anymore, new york, wouldn't you me if I wasn't here anymore, who can replace this.
Yeah me, ukraine, I mean Iraq, are. We have. kristen welter of NBC news. She saw this. Andrea Mitchell saw this and they are concerned Like we know, you're an imbecile, can you talk, laugh read the script. There was almost rep, Thirteen go, the question becomes andrea. Is there a growing concern about some of these gaps, for example today, To confuse iraq with ukraine, I spoke to a white house official about that who really downplayed that they said. Look president awaited out of you spoke to an official. In the vine regime about binds mental capacity and they played down china, that's not not drought as possible, where the Democrats they love this
Yes, we know is an imbecile, but we can't tell anybody he's our vessel anomaly that. We ve been able to push the most radical agenda in american history through the imbecile these are the so we like their neighbors, plus the other I saw the vice president. We can't control her as much so call it the imbecility white house for reason: we love it, we do with its phantom. Ladies and gentlemen, we salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are truck driver frenzy, Freedom fighters in Iraq I mean ukraine and, of course, in taiwan, god bless each and every one of you and I'll see you. Tomorrow I.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-06.