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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/31/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what is the likely crime Joe Biden committed? He’s a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s FARA violation. Any other situation would have triggered a Joe Biden investigation and an impeachment inquiry. What will it take for Republicans to call for both? There’s enough of a developed case. There won’t be a criminal investigation unless there's a special counsel. The basics won't even be done for Biden, but when it comes to Donald Trump - they throw everything at him. We now have a good idea why Trump was impeached the first time over Ukraine. There was no quid pro quo, he wad getting too close to the truth. Llittle did Trump know how close he was getting to revealing the Biden crime family. Also, special counsel Jack Smith built his own mini Justice Department and brought in the most aggressive prosecutors he could to go against Trump. An Attorney General is supposed to pick a special counsel outside of the system, not re-create the Eric Holder DOJ. Afterward, Miranda Devine calls in to discuss Hunter Biden’s international influence peddling scheme. Hunter calls Joe to demonstrate to his business associates that he can get him on the phone quickly. That’s what Hunter was selling – Joe. Later, Biden and Kamala Harris are in charge of the National Park Service and this is what they have on their government website. “Students analyze objects to determine what skills a house slave needed to complete assigned tasks. Students explore the potential marketability of these skills.” Does this mean Harris is a racist? Will she apologize to Gov Ron DeSantis?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader. The
the. the america mark will then hear our number. seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight seven seven Three eight one, three, eight one. When you know the report, again on capital hill in the house have been handed a gold, but they ve been handed a goal
Now, don't get me wrong. They've worked for these committee. Hearings have been fabulous. But they're waiting for pictures of like a murder scene. and even worse, the Democrats, her saying if you won't, have pictures or murder scene. You know you have no evidence that something's gone on here. Folks There's a reason why you don't hear from america. There is a reason why you don't hear from the department of justice at all. All this is swirling around the present, the united states, all this swirling around the department of justice. The outrage cover up deal had they cut with hunter binds lawyers and ordered a quiet them to get this off the table.
So there's not going to be a criminal investigation of Joe Biden. meantime we have Nancy may said others coming forward saying. Basically we can't do an impeachment inquiry. George too soon to do an impeachment agree? What do you need? The murder scene. you're not going to get the murder scene? You've got. Of information here than in others situation would trigger a criminal investigation and, in any other president, would trigger and impeachment inquiry so. What exactly is the standard here? What's gonna take you ve got republicans porcelain, while this will cost us the house if we go down this path
You know what sometimes you do the right thing in your hope for the best in politics, but you do the right thing when you have the most corrupt. Resident in american history sitting in the oval office. On top of being the most demented. There are not even calling for a special council on capital here, they're, not even calling for a special council. Well, let me tell you something. there's not going to be a criminal investigation unless there is a special council and they don't want a special council. Why? Because Joe buys
Corruption will be pointed out, be demonstrated even more Joe Biden will have to give testimony under oath to a federal grand jury member, how they forced donald trump. They answer questions under oath at the direction of the grand jury. Joe Biden doesn't have to answer any, but. I'll just keep lying to you. We, the people, the Democrats where they got more grand jury is goin on trop or anybody else who gets in the way. Then you can possibly imagine, then you can possibly imagine Then I think it at the next election. They think it is destroying the people who were in their way when it comes to impeachment. They couldn't impeach fast enough or often enough, based on nothing. Now, But the Republicans there, you know ring
there have been some believable to me. Why aren't they calling for a special council because we're afraid of Things one, the wrong guy I'll, be appointed and number two it'll be harder for congress to get to the bottom of a ticket to the bottom of what there at the bottom of it they should. impeachment inquiry right now. No, no! No! You don't understand and you're a step backward readier skis, whatever the stupid phraseology. and they play right into the hands of the Democrats. We keep saying what there's no evidence tying Joe Biden. There's no evidence, there's no evidence. There could be. Dna data, be fingerprints
Be everything it wouldn't matter to them? They would matter, but when you hear republican, say it we're dealing in large part with quisling says. I said the other day now there should be a special council appointed. There must be a special counsel, appointed or Joe Biden will never have to answer any questions that have any legal consequence whatsoever period and I would say to the Democrats: you have a problem with this she'll council. If Joe Biden hasn't done anything wrong. What's the problem puts the solely trop heads into an election haiti cap with a dossier in And hat and an attorney general in new york idea in.
Atlanta grand jury in washington, a grand jury in florida, trial now florida only he has to deal with that. Pretty amazing, don't you like now it's pathetic now I want to repeat this. What is the likely crime that Joe Biden committed this last week? What is the likely crime? The Joe Biden committed please Republicans on capitol hill pay attention and educating. You he's a coat conspirator in hunter by the violations. All you have to do is show that hunter Biden, one count of violating the fire.
This is a robber mahler did. This is what they did to manifest at set one camp Joe Biden, Even before today, as I explained last week, the speaker found twenty others. Joe Biden would have to prove his innocence, Japan, would have to prove that he had no knowledge who was, on the other hand, the phone and so forth, and so on. Yet the department of justice just said in court. that. Fire was an error. They were going to continue to investigate, but they're not going to investigate Joe Biden. Told conspirator: are they so he has to testify under oath? As I said last week, About his son, what is
I told him what his son didn't tell him about the names of the people. He spoke to those twenty times over the speaker and by the way, that's twenty times over the speaker. How many other times did he speak to people not in front of devon, archer, heads of state and so forth, and so on nobody's bringing that up. So I will say: you're bi needs to answer these questions under oath under penalty of potential imprisonment. Now, of course, you can indict a sitting president, but so what. You still need the information we voters, knowing where is the evidence the Democrats wanted or because they know that garlands back pocket, and so
Rational, follow up for many reporters with his or her sought, and most of them are is ok when evidence? How come you don't ask me for a special council? You ve got all this information out there. All this information out there. What's the problem now, what is far we talk about fire, they require Certain agents of farm principles were engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute and reading from the de oj to make periodic public disclosure of the relationship of the foreign principle as well as activities receipts and disbursements and supportive those activities before they got hundred dead right, that the rights and daddy
who participated at least twenty, and we know that more twenty and the devil archer twenty in front of devon archer. They get a fiber. For all, we know twenty in front of debt, an arch speaker daddy, come here daddy. Would you tell them who you are? I'm Joe robin it Biden junior, I'm the vice president, I stayed say, launch puckered Joe. They often call me quid pro Well joe, it's another name, they use the mark. You can't prove that the Democrat you can't prove anything. Okay, let's get a special counsel now or on what basis? Do you appoint a special counsel? Okay, let's look at the at the requirements at the department of This section, six hundred point one. Twenty eight see afar, the attorney general
in cases in which the attorney general's recused, the acting attorney general, appoint a special counsel when he or she determines, will appoint a special counsel. Here. She determines a criminal investigation of a person of arms. Is warranted? You said I wanted here I mean I think we need I answer for the Democrats and we must reduce, or they want to know, what's the evidence on, let's get it for them that investigation or prosecution, the person or matter by u s attorney's office or lead Adding division is the department of justice would present a conflict of interest for the department or other extraordinary circumstances in b. that, under the circumstances, would be in the public interest to appoint an outside special council to assume responsibility for the matter now notice. They talk about an outside special care.
Symmetric Merrick garland even violated the appointment with jack smith, because jack smith is not outside the department of just always egg, like I said, he's not outside the department of justice and I spent a lot of time last night on life, liberty and Levin going through that we charted it. We did all of it. They simply set up another department of justice and they put the worst of the worst people in their particularly democrat hacks, but all that said The conditions for appointing a special council have been met well beyond the standard. That's required well beyond this and yet
Use this to appoint a special council to go after truck. That's not even the purpose. That's not even how you do this. Nobody's ever appointed a special council to go after the other party or the other. Can it it's an inch? a mechanism to make sure the attorney general doesn't appear to be in conflict with the man who appointed him. That's the real reason this exists, but we're not hearing a collective voice, including from the republican leadership.
That there needs to be a special counsel. Now now so Joe Biden is put under oath and then you'll get an impeachment, because then you'll determine that, in fact he was a co conspirator to violate the foreign registration act. Then you'll have it, but they don't want to go there. So what's the point, america. They don't wanna go the legislative constitutional rule and they don't want to go the executive criminal rule, the special council. So what route are they going to go on. And what are they waiting for? We need to develop the case now you have enough, they develop case.
Having a page. When I agree- and you certainly have a map of develop case to have a special council appointed you ve got enough for both or either we can keep chest. Can you believe a pang did, can you believe archers said? Can you believe, then what I mean Makes for gray ratings, I'm sure it makes for great conversation. And radio and tv makes for great call some columnist, but it doesn't help save that damn country. I'll, be right back much
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks. Record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or just a precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious, tat
Levant six, eight five nigh to again text l easy. I am to six eight five: nine to live in two six: eight, five: nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals, dot com, Now, on the basics won't even done warning We've done as they are in any typical invested, When it comes to the department of justice and potential patients along bobbing Joe Biden, the basics morning, be when it comes to donald trump.
It's not a matter basics. It's a matter of throwing everything. see we're both at the man. The kitchen sink, recur, ball, knuckle ball and aiming for his head with every pitch the complete opposite. I think there are several ways for him to fight back. Mention on air mention on fox have mentioned on the web tv, certainly here to fire real torpedoes into the side of that pirate ship. I want to hit them very quickly, not all of them, some of them, through some of the reaction today,. Some of the audio and other things to the test. Motor that devon archer gay,
second arrogant ahead. Miranda divine on the programme is well I'll, be right back It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency? No one has to know what you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold I raise is august a precious metals. Their track record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans are getting gold? I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact augusta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious
slovenia is six eight five nigh to again text. L easy. I am to six eight five nine to live in two six, eight, five, nine to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusto precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions; it get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dotcom new, while american revolution starts here. The mark levin show call at eight seven seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one most of what you are hearing you will never here on envy siri be serious. He bs or pbs Arend pr. MSNBC Cnn and you- we started a hearing on the mothership at fox cause? I started talking about and that's. Ok, the others, as opposed to fox, are never going to
his voice, and yet they don't even have people on there who are able to because they're. So one sided I'll. Give you a perfect example of. Why did The, u s attorney's office in washington, d, c and then picked up by these, so called special council jack smith. grand jury, invest to gaining the documents case. why was he handles Washington DC. Because these are all the favourable obama, judges and binding judges, and the very, very weak trump judges. This is part of the united states- Chairman of justice swamp. As I pointed out
Here- and I pointed out on fox and elsewhere, ten out of the twelve active judges in DC, It came out of the EU s turn his office. The public defenders office remain justice for both for two of them. The close they socialize. They have lunch together at the court house. I know this is a fact. I used to work there. Plus, as I pointed out in the chart smith, build his own. Many justice depart and brought in the most agree in your responsible prosecutors. He could many of whom
For him when he ran the public integrity, section targeted, the tea party and others and bob mcdonnel was great last night on fox, very courageous man when you, a special council. You supposed to pick somebody outside of this system. That's what what the rule says outside of not. We create the Eric holder department of justice, which is what they ve done. Now, here's what I'm talking about you still haven't heard this from illegal analysts, the department of the guidelines for prosecutors, nine dash eleven point one to one. These suggestions, these guidelines for prosecutors, who work for the department of justice quote on vat,
Limitations, a case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offence lies in that district What took place and moral largo did not lie in Washington dc now jack, the Ripper smith and is up the six prosecutors in fbi agents all know this rule. They ve been around a long time several decades, so they violated purpose because they wanted the judges in the district club, particularly. The one judge has now gone barrel. How who worked for patrick lay for ten years and has ruled against time in every everything, emotion and rules for the governor in every single motion: she's, a hat she's are left as she's now retired, but the damage is done and, of course,
grandeurs, her chosen from the population and that district, which has washed in DC. What are they raised haven for tromp haters on the face the earth? Five percent of the population that vote in washington, d c in the last election voted for trot over nineties percent for Joe Biden you know gee. She ping looks for numbers like that, so they purposely pig. This district. Because they want to bring these charge and this indictment against trop, not in florida. Here. And then near the end, he moves go down to florida. People are saying was he thinking did not realise bible obama. I'll tell you, if I tell you he's asleep bar
because yours truly has been on tv and radio talking about this, whether its fox witherspoon microphone and fourteen million people some of this coming office here, what I'm saying or their monitoring facts? They said. Oh he's onto us. so they move down to florida and then they they claim all they have to do read the charges to renew grand jury in florida and that's good enough. Now it's not good enough. The grand jury in washington d c, did all the investigative work at the direction of the prosecutor's office, not the grand jury in Florida that good enough just to read them and have them rubber stamp them. Otherwise, every gam prosecutor in the country would do that they would go venue shopping The rules doesn't say: all you have to do is in good faith, fix it or even a bad faith fix it.
says? This is what you shall not do, and they did it. this certainly should be emotion. I hope at some point is by the trump lawyers that this entire thing should be thrown out now, in addition, eyebrow. This attorney climb privileges that was decided on the last day of judge house churches still in secret
We don't know why she ruled how she did. We don't know what her order says. It's still in secret and virtually every charge brought against. President trump comes from that decision against him having due process rights and taking attorney client privilege away from him. So I brought that up and I brought up much more the search, two general warrant limitless rummaging around the dog. You can't say The government can seize similarly package materials coat in the vicinity, the boxes containing documents- markleham, that's a general warrant, yet to be very specific, isn't a criminal out there Any criminal offence lawyer can of limitless rummaging through stuff
And only that there is an affidavit that is attached to the work It is a swearing as to what we know is there what we're looking for that sort of stuff? I was there anything in there that was exculpatory. They need to know they need to know so what you have as much kali francs hearing a francs hearing a hearing in front. The judge server many had so much trial, but exposure when it comes to this process. So the judge in florida should do that because that's where the motion would be far presumably. so. This is why the additional charges were filed
other day by the special prosecutor because he's thinking of flame knock out these other indictment. based on what levinus sang being honest, that the exception crime for an exception to attorney climb privileged, actually did not meet the are in his venue issue. On top of that, just shows utter bad faith. A more now again attack on due process, its directed by the department of justice, not a suggestion, and, of course, there's more, I'm not going to repeat. self not yet anyway, so they thrown these sir, these ridiculous charge and they indict they had a maintenance.
Because they want him, somebody else to flip on trump and say: yes, he directed us too, to erase certain video by the way, video was he raised its just the act of directing somebody to do it. So let me ask you something: is really serious when you going after a former president candidate for president, Mr Buzek, wait what do you want? looking for her other than other than do whatever you have to do, to get a victory to get a win, but that's. Why did it cosette separated from everything else, but even there it's a he trumps is now. I know.
I regularly do anything. Okay! So now, what do you do? But more than all of this listen to me carefully more than all of this. What does this demonstrate that this case would be brought with the grand jury in d c and then moved florida. It demonstrates the motives, the number one motive which to interfere in the election, because smith knows and he had to get the approval of Garry garrick. Just keep a mine very garland, that mary garlands involved, and I use the final say on that day. When a trumpet indicted, they knew
They get him indicted in Washington DC, yet, move the damn thing to florida, bag Indicted interfere with the election, craters the problems as you can. They are not expecting a support to go up. Of course, as much as you can, that's what it's about and all the media does in our three Time and again trumps gaming scheming to erase very I'll tell you here: oh you here is the prosecution side from the media. That's it and yet, when it comes to Joe Biden or years to Joe Biden, side and the hunter by inside and their lawyers side so year, thrive. ignore them we'll be right back. Then
It helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the buying administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more. My best resource for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks, record is no less than phenomenal. Learn why thousands of americans you're getting gold I raise is part of the retirement portfolios and you need to contact or vesta precious metals and get their free guide. I'm serious tat. Levant. Six, eight, five, nine to again text. L, easy! I am to six eight five, nine.
live in two six, eight five nigh to or go to a gust of precious metals dot com. That's all gusty, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dot com and when all the news people out there to listen, even the frauds, when all the newspaper lesson it away and news max and when all the new people to listen at fox everybody, these people media item mediocre. What I do for fun, I do research, so I went to the national park service site now who's
I urge the national park service, mr produce Joe Biden, right department of interior reports to Joe by the nash, the park service, who's in charge of a Joe Biden and Kamala harris who funds it congress. So the federal government controls the national park service, the federal government- Determines what the national park service puts out in terms of information Museum management programme, national parks, overshoes department of interior, by an administration. Teaching with museum collections lesson plans for children. from slavery to freedom, different journeys to liberty. I so of this should be interesting, So I screwed down to less than two less
Two is called ready for this house. Wave acquiring skills, not cool. students analyze objects to determine what skills here slave needed to complete us. Tasks students explore the potential market. Ability of these skills This lesson also introduce students in the nineteenth century food ways say: why say why students analyze objects to determine what skills hey, how slave needed to complete assigned tasks, students explore the potential mark ability of these skills lesson also introduces students in the nineteenth century food with the potential market. A bill. Of skills MR producer.
We not only have they college boards, we have. The show united states government national park service under Joe Biden. Now I am waiting for congressional democrats and some republicans to insist that this language be addressed. Come on her, as vice president of the united states, the interior departments, ports to her and her boss His come here is a racist, Slavery had no redeeming vow, there's no question about that, but they wore on governing dissenters. His wrath, peculiar? Shall we now have a war on Joe Biden and kamala harris? Let me repeat:.
For the slow to lessen the low I can, previous version, the angry thoughts at me Bulgaria, media matters. And cnn and MSNBC another after that, crap alphabet out their students analyzed objects from Portugal to determine what skills A house slave needed to complete assigned tasks, students explore the potential market ability of these skills. That's all that decide. This israel says it's not even his tall. The scholars who put it together said: that's. It. Now I would say this will come our harris marched to the door. where's the interior department, which is right there, washington, DC rainier, the federal reserve bill. but the reserving I don't know but go right there to the interior department. You going back. Matters come on you're going have a press conference in front of the
By that you're gonna tell them. This is outrageous. Are you going to say job and I always cysts by governments, racist, we Democrats are licence. Will you come out. And all the rest out there who taken umbrage at this? This is not my issue. I die on this here. I'm just saying: by the way I misquoted, the byron Donald, the other night is good. And I just wanted to make that clear. When I make a mistake, I just make it clear that I made a mistake, but I'm talking about others now. What do you think of this? Mr producing. Quite a little find all those massive corporate media they don't even look me said anthony.
Dining room table, but all my books and our I lock and there it is. The park service was filled with racists, as is, by administration that oversees the park service. pretty damn outrageous. Vs me I'll, be right. Back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the.
Sponsorship? Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader. The american hippie me. and we're gonna miranda divine on in about twenty minutes, but When I get into now some of the audio after today's closed door. Hearing her questioning of devon archer, Fines long time part an ice here, people. How can you trust somebody for serving a jack? I don't know how can you trust.
hunter buying. I mean they're all sleaze balls, but this guy's no reason the lie. Thrilling on this point is not a minute for we stan goldman, dank omens. Turning into a real clown, I mean he is a clown, but everybody's getting the cds, a clown sky was in the southern district of new york prosecutor's office. They must have called him quite the quite the dance cowan go. The witness mister archer was very clear that hunter spoke to his other every day that, and he indicated that he approximated about twenty times over the course of his. Ten year, business relationship. He had with MR by it and which would be would undermine, which will be about twice a year. Hunter word there. Let's not sidestep is just see what sleaze borrowers guys number one.
hey. That's part of the cat out of the bag hundred spoke to his father. Everyday must have it is about what now? That is a perfect question. For criminal investigators, four grand jury: what did you speak about with your son every single day once business came up, not a single time. buried in the name of a foreign potentate that he was interested in doing business with? Then you go down the whole list of all the flights. The laptop Information and so forth, and so on I mean, will be brutal. I get to be brutal, and when he does, which is right, you see they spoke twenty times who ve tenure, business, roulettes twice a year how do you know they didn't speak times in one month way dividing them out like that, because the guy's, a fraud and a think go ahead. Take your phone with
with whomever was at dinner and he'd. There is no indication that he had any idea who was at dinner with them. It was say hello to dinner here, and there was nothing relate to his business deals, that's not what was said when the information were reading. Nothing related to his business deal. Joe just got on the file with any Tom dick and mohammed because a sun city I'm here, with the with the vice president the speaker now dad. What would you like to tell. general lee and communist china. What would you like to tell me? Can you tell em hello Joe robin at bag and junior launch bucket Joe. They commune scranton thanks dad. Ok, when you're done
Mr produce, when you say so. The hell was that all about. showed. No curiosity didn't want to know why you put me on the phone people who was then now step back a second folks. Poor back everything on the firing line right now, but back then you're not on the firing line. Your son is telling you that speak too cannot get on the speakers to say hello, So why wouldn't you say dad this is easy ping. Can you say hi J? How baby could honour. So the idea that at no time at no time Their job, I know who the hell he was talking about or too is absurd, and we only know twenty times would devon arc,
how many times where without devon archer, just by hunter bided after I spoke to his father every single day,. it's gonna cut to go steamers and he never talk to any of her body business associates. Clearly he talk with you about the weather would ever be. He said specifically that he's never Does this contradiction? I dont know what his comment is and we're gonna y. Don't I don't think that's what he said He never said that he has never spoken to any one. He said that he had no to do with hunter business dealings, so you see in order. these are shameless best it they just are the worst of the worst. They are the lowest of the low. We all know what hunter Biden Seti's headed the tens of millions of us. He said
response to trot and a debate. He said it during his run the presidency, beyond the debate and before the debate, We have video, we have audio of it: They only now started to change the the propaganda in order to try to I'm at eight the information it's coming out go at one. that he sees his son with what is it Most to say, hi, so No, no I'm not going to say hello to the other people at the table. I may tell you how works jack ass. I get this from time to time from people. I don't know, hey mark, will you say hello did so and so- and you know what I say every time MR producer, who is it. Who am I supposed to say hello to and ninety nine the time I say now, but who is it not just in the vice president, so that at
Think about it, you shoves votes, as is the way you can back. Your lies go ahead when it's kind of a preposterous premises. Think that a father should not say hello to people that the centre, a with the sun, is a dinner and that is literally all the evidence is. You know. You're, a sorry I'm so be. You really are. Maybe that's how he can, says lie but there's not another father in the face of the earth. It does that unless ass, they know what's going on, is potentially criminal but twenty times you're scientist, I would say hello, you're speaker vice president united state, you don't say anything Hi, I'm Joe Biden. Ok, I now it's interesting is the texts that there was real about two weeks ago, ten days go, give or take.
or was it an audio at this point, but it was released. and it was information. Remember- were hunter Biden, talking about the shakedown. Remember the bribery he wants million five million tonnes ten million. Moreover, I think it's a text. Any doesn't just handy found His dad or the speakers that All conversation leads up to it right. There then Remember the irish whistleblowers. They testified to the fact that they, wanted to find out. They were going to you gps systems. Mr produce, you remember that to find out, if Joe Biden had used his self I was in the same exact location as his son and they were stopped by the department of justice
they say, where's the evidence in the middle of a cover up all the censorship, all the obstruction it's going. Where is the evidence. go ahead, confirm using the speaker phone conversations. They don't seem concerning to you, because there is no specific, not business. It just seemed like it was clear that it was clear that it was as part of the daily conversations that inter Biden had with his father? and it was an end. Sounds like most of the time now present invite and didn't even know who the people he was a dinner. He was just ass to say, hello, so here's the deal. This is way more than enough to appoint a special council. Way more than enough. Thanks to this guy dang government. Voters father all the time and here's. My next question
how do they know what to charge hunter Biden with if they don't get testimony from his father? You understand what I'm saying forget about it. Even at this point investigating Joe by they now are having to make a decision on a hundred whether or not to go full I'd trial on him, which they're not or some kind of you're not to do some kind of deal. You kind need to explore more. What exactly happened, who better ass than the number one eye witness MR producer, his father.
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you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n podcast guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, a random diviners and intrepid a serious journalist near post. How are you hi mark? How are you It's a pleasure very, very well. Thank you. Ok miranda. I don't want to bore you with the same questions. You're getting all day. Let me ask you some questions that I want to pursue with number one: the sky gang government. Is he not the best spokes? for the republican party. I mean this guy's such in any it it's. It's really hard to believe so. He says today comes out of there. He says: look they spy Every day, father and son and I'm thinkin- ok, that's worth pursuing and
twenty times over ten years and they need divides ten in the trace, thats twice a year for ten? You know could have been ten times in one week for all. We know what the speaker and over five years my question to you, need to do is find one instance in which hunter. I'd and violated the fire it son, Matter of piling on cases its one instance where he did register and he did know what he supposed to do under the federal I urge you may use this pretty gregson. Against man referred in some of the others. Mahler did so they when a door. This thing, but my point to you is this Joe Biden: you don't have to demonstrate that he took a single. for him to be a cold conspirator in his sons, violation of fire. All you have to do is demonstrate that one time during one of those costs that he knew who was on the other end, he doesn't he
have to know about the business deals. Isn't that why they really dont want a special council really dig into this cause. They know- and I know- and you know that all how will break loose yet you really guard need a whole lot more evident. just on the phone called the line which today the Democrats Dan Goldman we're trying to explain why entering. Joe Biden. You know you spoke about the weather until he doesn't need to power influence peddling work, Joe Biden. He was the product that was being peddled his influence, his immense power as the vice president of the united states, who had been given power over ukraine, china, romania, these countries, where
he's family. He found the hunter and his brother Jim, bought and were getting millions of dollars, so he doesn't need to talk about the minute detail of the deals and how much money is being paid. Oh he's there for his sure that hunter can demonstrate to these people who are showering him with diamonds and cash that he can get this powerful man on the farm at the drop of a hat. Any time on call on spade. Dial put him on the speaker. Firing introduce him to the group. That was what he was selling that was worth in the dollar's, open and shut case and the joy by now to pretend that I'm, not sure you noticed, but there was a he is on.
patient right you'd gone hidden away. I've tried allowing other direction to be quite honest with you he's at the beach and supposedly reading books. We talk but he's away from from questions right. That's the point that it be effective, the beaches, the basement, and yet he. However, there was a podcast that he was on today from obscure podcast and they he's the episode today and in it Joe Biden, says apropos of nothing that he speaks to his family member every single day. That's not a coincidence that came out on the same day that hundred Biden form a best friend in business has said that joy bottom was put on the speaker barn about twenty times in his when he was there that he witness, though, probably many more time to speak to her.
The Biden's either said business partners. So what they're pretending it's just some random phone call that Joe Biden had every day. He had no idea that hunter Biden was putting him on the phone and introducing him the ukrainian oligarchs and so on and enjoy no idea, and he just for using introduced a friend and he just spoke about the weather, so he completely innocent. You would have to be sorry dumb to buy them Why? That's why he needs me under oath. That's! That's me Where they do the trump that's pretty typical apprenti gets her all there for a special council there more than there they ve been there for a long time. They just keep piling up. I mean they blocked the s whistle blower member he wanted to get some cheap. Yes, alignment on Jos found yet. to see what was and the department justice told him. No, then, these clowns come up its where's, your eminence hello,
What is your hundred ever? Let me go ahead, without that thought. There's of evidence mark, as you know, a remnant bank statement from whatsapp messages and emails and documents and whistleblowers and form a business partners and the more evidence that comes out the more the democratic say. There's no evidence is its absolute. Gliding and live pleasure. No need evidence for an appeal for concrete upon whom he inquired inquiry is again enough. Here, you better look into it. Here's the thing. Don't want an impeachment inquiry and they don't want a special council, and I hate to tell you this miranda most reply against don't want it either. I'm listening to them? He, I think what the house more with these people- they don't then a an inquiry where they can reach. dig into even more, and they don't want to So what are we all to do? Just keep bringing our hands over this? It's crazy because you know
they ve gone out on a limb now that they have done a very good job. James karma, particularly with the odessa committee, that money had six months, I've uncovered a lot, but you know you look at the republicans in the senate and They are either carrying water for Joe Biden. There is nothing else you can say, but that that's what they're doing and they don t want any patron inquiry and look, I don't know Do you think giving a special council is better or an impeachment inquiry, because it's it's. The duty of congress when the d o J had failed to do their job and the f b I or the many years with all these allegations would have flooded in it. But the the house oversight committee is doing what has not been done for almost a decade by the dea.
I've got a lot of it in six months, but they need more power. I think in congress has a duty is dont. You think a constitutional duty is to get to the bottom of this since the day I J refuses to do the job. You ask a great each branch has their own responsibility and they should pursue them now. The problem is, we have a corrupt branch. The tram by Joe Biden, that will do nothing to investigate buying and anything to try and destroy his opposition way over the top and so many others and so much of their staff, but I think the requirement is you supposed to somebody for special council whose outside the system outside the department of justice, I try to prove last night facts at exactly the opposite of what they do with trump. But you know what these are. The cards had our delve us so that how should pursue-
peach when angry? I don't know what they're waiting for is, I think, you're a dead body somewhere and an end. The and the justice women should be pressured to have a special council Let me add, I'm curious to know what you think of that, and other things will be right back tomorrow. The divine the great journalist colonists.
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save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today with him thunder or maria coller. No, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one with us is miranda divine near post outstanding columnist. Let me let me clarify what I'm trying to say here in the department of justice there in full cover up mode and worse, they represent the Biden crime. Family. So I don't see how you get any worse for the special council and I dont think that or she would be, complete, completely bought off if they were to be bought off at all, because. a garland doesn't want one he's perfectly happy And being in control and then on the hillside devon, choose their main guy for the year for the committee.
I don't have any more shoes are going to drop on off a lot of them as centipede full issues of already dropped and if scared of an inquiry? They say with the developed this develop what you ve had this'll blowers up there. You have the laptop up there. So you folks, you have other texts gather in, for I mean you know all about this stuff. What is it that you're trying to develop exactly? So my attitude is: let's go. Let's get on with it. Look I mean they do have some other equally good witnesses coming up to dive in article four certainly not their only one, but you right, I mean boy, go there's only six month here, I don't really know whether that be better off and they have
wepower is now going straight to an impeachment inquiry, and but you know it, the problem, I think, is the sort of internal skepticism and edo the senate. You had, I think, Thom Tillis. That was the other day who was saying: oh, I have an impeachment and you know it's a very high bar, because the Democrats cheat and the person, yet they did on exactly the same issue on ukraine. They did shape in the process. For a special council, the problematic merit gallon chooses. He chose a bit o a cure for president trumps new occupied document and he chose a pussy cat robert her for Joe Biden, driven a peep out of him. He's hardly spend any money compared to jack meeting jack power, spend about three or four times more.
at the last look am so that that the third are already covering up, so you can't do much worse and a cover up not at all, in other words, garlands himself yeah look I don't know, do you think an impeachment, I'm sort of into mind? I think you know I'd love to see Joe Biden pitch. I think it is It's absolutely high crime than misdemeanours, it's all there and it would force. mainstream media, the left wing media to actually start reporting the stoppage. This studiously ignoring But, on the other hand, is it going to be a distraction before the election? and take all the energy away from other important things that need to be done through moments, in stopping the border crisis right and and making sure that the next election
rigged. You know the problem we have, of course, is the media if we had a decent media, but would also united and dream all I want, but here's my added yet so I'm sure, do the right thing, because it's the right thing and hopefully the power Eggs will follow, maybe a walk, but I dont think we get anywhere. You know just running in place, I can tell you when I was chief of staff to attorney journal me say this thing called the independent council statute They were using it against him and ragged in anybody else. They could use it against. It was developed the go after republicans who was it was signed in a law by Jimmy carter, was written by barney, frank and and Dodd of of connecticut on a grand old time. Until all of a sudden at here bill and Hillary Clinton theirs star there doing Six seven investigations at once and both parties came together and kill the law. If
there's going to be one side: warfare with a peach, manson special councils, and that sort of thing we can't win in fact will lose and so my attitude is: I'm not a hundred percent sure where the politics falls, but republicans have got the learned walk, chew gum. At the same time, they gotta be able to talk about the border inflation, the price of food and all the rest of it, because, as it is now just my perspective, miranda they're talking about trump defending trop all the time- and I get It- I defend him,
lot, because I think, what's going on as our rageous that set defending trump and talking about the economy, let the democrats defend binding and talk about the economy. That's my attitude. You know I I I agree with you and look to me. There is such a simple path for impeachment. We have the quid poor core their plot, probably many others, but there's one glaring it's in the face of it on business, and it also involve a country. Ukraine that it, currently at war, arguably because joy by mr wake and opened the door that now we have the leading money. We bleeding cash, where you know it's a very precarious position and people are dying by united, the hundreds of thousands and and joy Biden
practically threatened to withhold a billion dollars worth of aid unless they fired the very prosecutor. Who was investigating the company that he's somewhere compromised on it with putting him on the phone with those executive. That was that was that prosecutor victor shaken at that time was investigating bereavement, the corrupt ukrainian energy company, and we know he was investing a guiding that company thoroughly and aggressively because a couple of months after that phone call in dubai, where he was on the speaker. Fine, with the ukrainian with joy bottomless on the speaker, fine, with the ukrainians victor shaken when Jane and seas
all the property in kiev belonging to hunt abiding ukrainian benefactor, the the order of business, and so many lives, told about that and the lies got donald trump impeached. So I would like donald trump to be out of this identity. It helpful that he's, you know going on his truths, social and and saying we that the republicans have to impeach Joe Biden or otherwise he's going to make sure that their prime rate mean he should stay out of it, because this is just a clear cut case of corruption of Joe Biden using quid pro quo and that the catastrophic consequences since You can see in the ukraine more, they make excellent points and here's. The other thing is I'm listening to you. You look at american history. Others he packed or whatever it is. There's nothing compared to this absolute
nothing all these foreign governments find front corporations its Obvious hundred bind was used, shaken them down using his father's name. He had nothing to offer these people, but his father and but the name and Joe Biden didn't know about it. It's been going on for twenty years, it's been going on and on and on her to quote the great dangled at least ten years. So it's an I'm thinking to myself. If that teach me close is ever going to be used separately. When they also gonna be use. I mean that's number one. From a impeachment munich, I understand there is a very close margin in the house while they we're a card. They got explain what's going on in the american people, they gotta earn their majority keep their majority. We know what we're up against here. From my perspective, you're ahead of us right on the senate. It's pathetic other than a handful of us senators, johnson and gradually and a few others, Latvia, who a brilliant yes
Tom, tell us I'd, say it's a joke to be perfectly honest with you. Go ahead, I'm sure that ron, johnson and chuck Grassley were well ahead of the curve. I mean back in september of two thousand and nineteen before we even got the laptop. Why I suddenly started getting interested in anti Biden back then was because they produced a really thorough report with a little of suspicious activity report. They had half the story then, and do you know that they were ron Johnson was prevented from getting subpoenaed by republicans in his own committee, and that was a the direction of Mcconnell miranda robin yes, and why? Because somebody there is compromised because of their friendship with joy by many many of them, because Joe Biden within the senate for almost forty years
and he was a guy, he knew exactly what was going on he's a creature of the swamp, and you know I am sure that he's tied up a lot of those republican senators friendship. You know lindsey, Graham particularly, is very damaging to resign side. We talked about Joe Biden, he was, he was there and a committee the other day. He really shouldn't have anything to do with it, but he's there publicly talking about Joe Biden thing, you know he's been a friend for a long time. Do I believe he could take. A million dollars in bribes all know a guy I've thanks, Lindsey grandly society. We want, yeah he's very annoying. So the least. Well I want to you for all the work that you ve done in areas. you ve done even though its come under attack ribbon sensors censored been one hundred percent accurate. Three very careful, your reporting as our most kind It is by the way, Jose. No people are looking over their shoulders on all the rest. So I want to thank you,
keep it up. We rely on you very heavily thanks, so much my great jockey. You took up less than she great, MR pollution. She really knows her stuff. By the way. I want to mention two books signing said I'm hoping by weeks and to an hour Screw you, when the reagan library of endless, don't Well then, please we're going to announce it when I announced the reagan library Van is we ve done in the past, with John high bush and so forth. You're gonna have to contact them as fast as possible, sell out within ten twenty minutes, so just a heads up out there, so the book. Signings are always fun pay. It's from all around the country come out by the thousands, and I try in much time as I can with each one, as you know, and because of the coveted restrictions
last time we couldn't happen, but this is different. and we're gonna have three books. Signings I have one on Saturday september, twenty third at ten, a m at bookends ends and would new jersey It's a regular hot. We love going there. They have great parking gray, restaurants for you, too beautiful little town. That's bookends ridge would new jersey. On september, twenty third, at ten a m: to try and give you know little independence. Those two will also become very good friends with the folks Barnes Four and five and very loyal to us- the Maclean Virginia thyssen's corner location is fantastic. There's tons of parking again cleanser restaurants and we'll be there the next day, sun september, twenty. Fourth, at one p m, that's barnes ignoble tat
since corner centre, Thyssen's corner more maclean Virginia september. Twenty fourth, at one p m and again. Also be signing the reagan librarian speaking while dinner there. The date in the time will be announced, hopefully by the end of this week, but we have sure were set up. So we can make sure that when you inundated, we don't lose, you
I'll, be right back much love in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks! This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to
talk and you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g I and podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today a couple weeks ago. America, I told you about human. Remember this, MR medusa. It sir a party plan coverage and but a call into them helping family member, who cannot help himself This is my second round. The first round took two and a half weeks. And then I recall me back Maybe they tried to get domain, but no message was left, so Second time around, we finally have some really good progress. At least I thought we did trying to get the count reinstated. They
been pulling from my visa card for ten months and all of a sudden start for two months, so they cancel the account, not And again, I do this for a destitute, family member. Nonetheless, they finally looked payment taking care of visa said we don't contact you. Married to make your automatic payments they're supposed to contact us and they didn't do it. Ladys in Jos, worse than the envy, in the dim rehearing virginias got. I have to be honest. The governor yanking has really cleaned up. It's so much easier now go in the day. We I go out of the dmz. It's like it's! It's quick, quick! I know a shocking but its quick. They ve done a good job, but this who married, I told you about this. Maybe ten days ago they still haven't callback back.
It shocking to me these adds run. They run like what, in the fall. up to early went there whenever it is to pick all these why I'm bees is plan b that plan b the other planet? Ok, get somebody get you gotta follow through enough. if I'm having this issue, imagine if you really elderly really don't have somebody helping you haven't, helped you get through it and, although that's my pet peeve of the day quite frankly, but I think it's worth mentioning, you know what else is worth. I want to thank you folks, with a hell of a life liberty and live in last night, we are coming to morrow. I have a feeling me through the roof, but it was the show- and I want to thank governor bob mcdonnel for coming on a courageous one.
Great leaders of the world and has been for a long time. The prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, are trying to destroy as well he's up It's the same forces we are. He can believe in other media is actually worse and urge other I bet, My. twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated. American look every new year is a new opportunity. So I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss, but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer.
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He's here now, broadcasting permanently underground demand, both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mac american mark of an unhappy you. I think We have a pretty good idea why Donald trump was the first time on ukraine, which was a perfectly fine phone call. It wasn't a backward pro quo, that's what they tried to create. That impression and their media tried to create it. There was no quid pro quo. He was getting too close to the truth.
When he said he wanted the binds looked into. Whether new reform president of ukraine, so linsky, who also said the king. was perfectly fine. Pompiers said the call was perfectly fine. Little did donald trump know how close he was getting. To revealing the bag and crime, family in one of their main benefactors? The corrupt government. Ukraine that preceded zalewski, MR produce, that makes sense to you. I think that's what happened here. They shut it down as fast as they could. Don't go there anyway. goes there's a cook anyway, and then they a peach, donald trump. And the very same actors and the democratic party.
and our pretending, the actual criminality that occurred, that as for millions of dollars to this truly stupid family, this truly corrupt family. There's, no evidence of anything here, nothing, you don't! I finished my book. The democratic party hates america I didn't really finish. I always turn it in a week or two before the deadline, and I did in may. Then we have three reviews. This is typical, just letting you in on how this works to make it. We'll changes I do and so forth, because its wanting right the book than you need to step back and look at it than you need to look at a couple more times to make. It is perfect, as we possibly can,
we may do there more than most publishers, but that's what I want to do. I want you to get the best product. I can do Then I decided you know what there's a missing trapped here. I wanted to how they use language I thought processes. They were racist against blacks, racist against whites have anti semites how they are destroyed, and have destroyed. Our constitution I lay out how their authoritarian and totalitarian again into all of that- and I said I can't finish this book without addressing what they ve done, how they reviews the legal system So I added chapter eight, his nine total chapters, but nine is the ep.
so I added a chapter eight before trap in it this chapter stolen would be proud. Stolen would be proud. Just want to dip into this little bit, trot now stands indicted by an elected democratic district attorney in new york city haven't brag in another bogus and politically motivated case involving non disclosure agreements and other elected democratic district attorney in fault and counting. Georgia covering most of atlantis fanny to typify. Willis has concocted case against trump involving the twenty twenty election she's announced at the elected them. I'd attorney general of new york state Latisha James has brought a civil fraud lawsuit against trump and his children, evolving business. As for hundreds of millions of dollars, braggin
name's, both campaign on a platform of indicting trump, which is utterly unethical and should have resulted in both using their law licence, while he was president troubles Objected to a multi year, multi million dollar federal investigation based on democratic party and media accusations, gender unethical and even illegal activity by sea I department of justice and intelligence officials that In his twenty, sixteen campaign colluded with the russian government to win his election. He saw Called russian dossier, which was and by the Hillary Clinton campaign was a complete fiction. Servitors Launching off point for the democratic party median fbi allegations against truck the former repeated james call me despite knowing that those here was false, used. It used to thrive.
Trump when he was president elected in the earliest days of his administration, the wash them grew louder and louder, demanding the appointment of a special council to investigate a hillary Clinton. Democratic party the eye concocted fiction scandal against trump an attorney. general Jeff sessions refused himself from the matter for reasons they remaining comprehensible. The debit turning general rod rose and steam buckled to the democratic party pressure, see we don't get republican pressure on garland for a special council, but they put the pressure on and he appointed mamma he did so. Despite the fact there was no predicated justifies such an appointment under department of justice regulations. And the end of the investigation, you know what happened. Nothing explained there, read it here. Then we have. The
Warm investigation, you found an awful lot. I don't need to read that to you here either As you know, I was in their present trumpet be impeached by the house democrats a second time On january thirteen, twenty twenty only a week before leaving office on January eleven, twenty twenty one- the Democrats accused incitement of insurrection for the events who january sick. Twenty twenty one two days later, without hearings or investigations, get it without the being able to provide a defence of any kind. policy in the house. Democrats ran through the second impeachment with ten lagoons, voting in favour and hear all we hear is they haven't building the case, never countries. Histories are present, have been impeach, twice, never
There have been a senate impeachment travel former president former president. Both impeachment broke the past practice those and traditions of the impeachment of Andrew johnson and eighteen, sixty eight and bill Clinton. Nineteen ninety eight the high crimes so called needed to impeach a president were actually committed by the democratic party and its apparatchiks. The law was originally signed. The of course trump has now been indicted by special council jack smith on thirty seven counts and now more. And I explained the history of the law on who was behind it so forth, and so. There's a reason: the espionage act there's never been used against any former prisoner. Vice president. was never intended to be used against a former president or vice president. There are complex constitutional issues, questions
de classification in a more recent times, a nineteen seventy law could they pay Financial records actor the peoria in the period purposefully has no criminal penalties. Claim violations. And, of course, I gonna do jamie. berman jackson and she concluded the same thing. This explains why the special council, in his forty nine page indictment, there's not much in the period, even once, is the period in the espionage actor. Inking grew it. He former president cannot be cool Withholding documents, including classified documents from the gulf, can be charged with a criminal violation of the espionage act. retaining them. While he has the broadest possible authority. the pr ay covering whatever documents he wishes without recourse from even a federal court, and I get it.
They, history, that into the law, the buying department of justice under Turning journal, merrick, garland fbi, director, crisper, re, special council, jack smith, all know the peoria trumps. The espionage act in this matter between, if they believe it close question. You do not indeed a former president whose so Lee democrat president start with leading opponent to testify hearing her purse, the edge of aid legal analogue- and you do not, charges with the hope of imprisoning Former president opposition presidential car the date who is only seven years old for the rest of his life. Moreover, to be crystal clear, the special counts reports. The attorney generally attorney general mary garland made them final decision to indict donald trump. Nobody else and garland reports directly
turbine and knows very well what he's doing, and that is in in a presidential election- and I go deeply into this. I go into the binding family corruption. I gotta watch Taking their, I give, you were much, thought an information based on alone based on history, of course, which I have no time to read all here. So I walk left unsaid, of course, is that the vast majority of those who acted in a manner while a meat? Let me just say this: let me leave it at that. These chapters are very long and our and many of them- and I think, you're going on the very compelling slot, a new information. I want to thank all of you who have jumped on amazon or other platforms in a priority copies. Forty percent off.
The clock is ticking, we're getting much much closer. Now I can tell you that I knew the title of the book. The democratic party hate tomorrow. Would cause some cold feet, some of Friends were different organizations. I knew a because some of them cold feet. But we ve had very good friends with some organs patients come forward and take up the kargil, I also want to promote the book and we want to thank them for doing what do this is a time when it takes courage. He really takes courage to do the right thing. Organizations that are spent decades and decades arguing conservatism, arguing for freedom, private property rights.
The constitution and so forth now is not the time to get scared. Now is the time to get stronger, I book on her to the title on her to these ideas. These are points made. This is the most comprehensive book ever written about. The Democrats I'm not talking about a cushy kiss up job. I'm talking about a book. That is looked at every aspect of their party. It is dissected piece by piece. I understand why I'll get the cold shoulder from the left from the left media New york, slides and the rest, I would just discourage our friends out there. From running scared, I'm taken all he and I
I don't mind one second, the titles very important, as is the rest of the book. Because the democratic party hates america it's time to stop pussyfooting around with elections coming. We have issues up here and but for the democratic party. This will be such a free country, such a vibrant country. Such a prosperous country, you think we are now, would be a hundred times better with sir, Communities with secure borders with sound money. so many opportunities for people, regardless of their grounds or their ethnicity or their skin color anything else. The democrat party hate. america and its destroying america.
And you have children and grandchildren, most of you and now is not. Time to flinch, do not be afraid of this book, embrace it be proud of it. Carried openly when you have it today, Crap party does hate american. If somebody comes up to an issue about it, explain it to them. You have every of information. You need need an answer. I see there's a book by a leftist. I don't know this person. but the left, as is writing a book from their perspective, I've comes out a week after mine ever heard of her, but barely she's been on social media she's. Talking about, the destruction of america by us. You and me.
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That's innovation, refunds, that com, or one eight for three refunds from spain and, of course, folding county aces. Work is done in tromp probe and were ready to go. This is today for candidate fanny. Will We affirm in a local news interview that she will announce charging decisions by september, one invest irrigation in efforts by donald trump and his allies. This cnn, to overturn or just twenty twenty presidential election result applauding the right job security measures around the local court house, the workers, a camp still ass to what a strange words accomplished.
What was told cnn affiliate w X, I a at a back to school event. Over the weekend, we've been working for two and a half years. We're ready to go. You know, atlanta is a very dangerous city. Was has previously signal and letters to local officials and those providing security should make any charging announcements between July thirty one in the end of august, she laid at a variety security provisions. Her team plans to take beginning Monday, oh yeah, because. Everybody knows that there's a tunnel maggot in a lamp. Isn't there, MR producer. aye, aye and they're gonna russian, weren't house, the weather Rushed in manhattan, though I they rushed in albany the way they are. Didn't washing tenaya. There are great threat, people get killed and maimed every weekend.
The local news interview will assess appraise the fulton county sheriff after barricades Molly went up around the county court house in anticipation of what the shirt off referred to as high profile legal proceedings, cut catholic crap the sheriffs, doing something smart in making sure the court out stay safe, put any the employees of the constituents that come to that what else in harm's way aren't you special. It was said that people may not be happy with the upcoming announcements and sometimes people are unhappy. They act in a way that could create arm. I also urge local officials to stay vigilant passports. the threat of female over the weekend of which he shared a racist and sexually. Measures, she was mister bidders are how much hate do I get.
I mean so she gets one email, I'm not trying to downplay it. One email. You know, I leave a call screener america, why do we the costs, greener Nor I hear that people say They say to my coughs greener, We have the wheat apple pie, semites, left and right, unbelievable I'll be right back, you know it. Helps me sleep well at night, physical gold, I'm concerned about what the by an administration is doing and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your irish or for one k? Gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it you're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource, for gold. I raise is august a precious metals their tracks.
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russia's depth travel around with an accent, light p d guy was armed because of the threat he gets. I'm not going to go into details here, but I say we ve come greener for reason, and when we have book signings, we very heavy security. Now, why is tat for a reason. I don't under the newspapers. I barely mention this to your folks. Do I very rarely, except in a case like this so. She makes that one email available by some not and that Suffice all kinds of actions in her mind, and I mean in terms of protecting her, but in terms of projecting that onto trump supporters. It's the way they on the left,
exploit these thanks again, I am not saying that a threat should be taken very very seriously against anybody. Anybody. but on the other hand, the idea that this is sort of tromp may you- and so it is ridiculous She lives in one of the most dangerous cities and is the dna and when the most dangerous cities in the country. She hasn't done a damn, effective, but all she's a democrat. So she keeps getting reelected, but I can't wait to see this. Cockamamie charges are charged that she brings, which are your kinds of weird sounding stuff, no question about it. The danger is hit that has been created here would now local d a state attorneys rob bringing charges in the middle of an election, the Feds spray,
Charges in the wrong venue, intentionally in the middle of an election and notice, noticed. the least up till now everybody is there indictments in ways that don't conflicts with the others timing? Have you noticed that, Mr Milosevic? How do they do that because they communicate she's a liars. We don't talk to them. Sure you do sure you do and it's all you know, death by a thousand by one thousand knives. You know that's the way it's working here so the mediaeval they will report what's happening. They won't report about the law. They won't report about anything. I tell you about what's been done here, that is outrageous, roger espy, Ghana The first president in american history, many indicted yet again, four hundred and twelve times hoping one and keep something in mind.
pardon himself. If he's elected. on matters related to federal offences. He cannot on state offences it's not by accident or coincidence that erika You're saying, if he's charged just wants and found guilty of ailing. He needs to be immediately impeached of his re elected in others. This whole group, it's in there, shadows. I've told you about also funded by democratic party dark money. The purpose which is to prevent him from even getting on about trump Cause he headed some insurrection. You now still waiting for the for the details of the earth if you see bill Barr, bill bars and obsessed listening to this program. I, how do I know that this line where people say I'll cross the bridge when I get there since I was like twelve I've, been saying I'll jump,
that bridge when I get there's been saying that for here for twenty one years, right must reduce so big bill bar. Who's, a weightwatchers, flunky flunked, their weight watchers, I understand and was so bad. They wouldn't give him his money back ah bill Barr here he said same one is asked if it comes down to trump and Biden who will you vote for, he says I'll jump off that bridge. Get that now just jump off it now. So that tells you everything you need to know. Doesn't it he viewed them is as equal threats to the country cannot trump didn't do anything to thread this country, so law abiding president too funny impeachment. Joe Biden as a crook up the wives zoo he's not even under criminal investor, documented documents, I'm talking about all the rest of the stuff he's not even.
Your investigation there's no, when a file opened on the guy. That thing. Now you and I they play us for stupid. They play us for fools and some people are like bill. Barr, w b who's really w g. If you get my drift, Mr Peterson, yes, oh yes, he has his all these charges. You weren't, yes, thump screwing around a government so am I happened laid out a very strong case, motion after motion after motion how these people. really violated the not only their ethical duties, but perhaps the law, certainly rules and the department of justice and not once now
once as w g gone on tv, he mentioned it. It comes up. He mentioned. Take this guy mike lunatic, who I used to know, knew very, very well wash my hair. so this guy should be my glued it anymore. It should be mike lunatic as far as I'm concerned. I don't know what it is about trumped the heat on is unbelievable Tom believable. so when I see one of the objective news, Services contacted cabinet member. In sub cabin and members have paid supporter,
I share an eye on here. I dunno it's some absurd number. They came up with and that's intended to do. What intended to do what I dunno, how come they don't go to Chris Christie's my chief of staff, deputy chief of staff campaign manager or whoever was all of whom were charged with crimes because abridge gate hey the back christie for not not all my dead body armor. How can we don't hear from them. Then christian earners out there were my buddy. You hear it like stereo rhinos right there must produce for you wear that now don't get me. wrong. It could be very entertaining at times. I'm sure he's a good Radio hosting is good friend, but he be the first to tell you Even though health threat- I am, I did this.
oregon and this frank, ok, gotcha anyway. So sooner comes on here. Come on Michel and over the past seven we invited sooner nothing from sooner nathan from what's his name. Chris Christie is for vex dog coming on thursday. As far as we know, yes, okay, good, don't out to hurt anybody. But I do have a right to ask questions on your behalf. Don't I yeah, I think I do it's funny that to said this will come on, he's got no problem, TIM Scott. Oh come on, he's got an oprah who else comes on here, mister producer, we don't even like allotting politicians on earth. To be perfectly honest with you. I forget who else who else has been on here? Pence has been here: no problem, fine and I'm polite. Everybody.
Chris Christy's, our home other animal- you see he's like this pro bar by the way I have two conditions actually want. Should bill bar chris Christy. wanna, be members of Few fat is united. And have given us a lot of thought. I actually. The Van diagram is never what's your name says: come out I did a venn diagram if you will. I did event diagram of ie seven. Forty seven. And I had to do. Seed assignments wished, but This fact is united, I mean. Obviously we fell. Appointed has an effect on all kinds of stuff. First of all, to slower flight, ugly, any more fuel because of the euro, and so you can
quadruple down on the pretzels which Can these tiny little bags? You know that rituals? Now it's like I'd take out. Three of these tiny little midget pretzels honor, that's it can have another bag and they look at you like there's some wrong with you. May I please I just paid seven hundred thousand dollars for my seat. May I please, and now they give you a full can of soda, which is ok, but can I have just another bank? Maybe they look at you funny? We can't do that. Everybody can we give you? Can we can so now I slip Therefore, you know maybe I'll bring some popcorn on there. It has to be low calorie popcorn. You know. my wife, is looking after me. Funny thing she wants me to live and or something like that.
Because I know I'm not gonna run off and it's really not their job. Anyone any way back to the point. So here's how we have to do it and maybe mr produce your can't each one of them and offer them an honorary membership. At a few I would have to separate theirs to gas. Because of these sit on the same side of the point, even though some forty it's gonna list, you understand what I'm saying MR bloom They're, both on the right side, it's gonna list to the right left Silas. So I'm thinkin, you know each them get. I get an exit row. They need extra in a leg, roman whatever, extra belly room, so the eagle each of them have an exit row opposite exit growth, but then I'm thinkin, No problem have helped anybody gonna get through there to get to the X.
but I have another idea, we can have each one of them in a bad one in the back, wonderful rather than balancing out the sides, rebound said the nose and that there is very convened for them they can eat, they can dump, they can eat together. They just keep at it and we'll call that a special class. You know bathroom class or something. And so I think that would work, don't you rich? I think it would work and if the limit the pressure, and so forth, but nonetheless I think it would work and I think the myself there may be a what on the treatment of fat you and that ultra fat and let the skinny schuyler, but still those restrooms man manomet the new fit into the restroom which do not a guy you gotta come. queasy, sideways right in your thin and.
Looking. Ok, the taos versus the toilet paper and I have widened and the water the waters it. You know hid it in its staff should get the key patented like grabbing the soap grabbing, the water grabbing the towel anyway, there's a lot going on in there. So maybe it's not such a good! You know what I'm not going off the memberships. I don't want them in my group anyway. I'll be right back then: don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen, ten t mobile folks. Just another trick: The lock you into a long term contract- that's gonna, cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest. No contract cancel or leave any time get a new
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pleasure to talk to you I'd. Imagine I'd ever get to talk to you, but I just want to tell you. I bought the book democrat party hates america as soon as it went on sale. I had a quick, I assured him in a comment and did: is it possible? Is it even realistic to consider that obama might have known at all what joe was involved in if he ends up being impeached? We know the facts, but if he ends up being impeached considering he was using an official government vehicles and not know something. Well I I mean I thought as well. did he not knows? I bet they would at least one of many reasons. You backed hilary and he wouldn't back Joe but died. you're onto something there is well. I want to thank you, sir. Very, very much We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel the men and women, the freedom fighters in ukraine in taiwan and the truckers out there. Thank you and you, the american people, the patriots.
God bless each and every one of you see at amazon and five minutes.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.