« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/28/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie has done nothing for the United States or to fight cancel culture or protect children from the Marxist Democrat ideology invading elementary schools. He has no legacy in New Jersey except sky-high taxes, crime, and Bridgegate, and now he wants to clear the way for President Biden to win in 2024. The Democrat party hates America today like it has hated America before, and those of us who love this country and don’t want to see it turned into a third-world centralized state won’t be distracted by Kamala Harris or phony issues. America is unraveling and our founding and history are under assault; individualism is being substituted for group-ism and capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism. We cannot allow Democrats to do this to us and allow people like Christie to play grafter politics while our country is dying before our eyes. Also, the Hunter Biden laptop alone is enough to warrant an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, which is why the FBI and social media covered it up at the request of the Biden’s. The brave IRS whistleblowers uncovering the corruption of the Biden Administration and special treatment toward Hunter Biden should be commended for doing what weak Republicans in Congress can’t. There is no noise in the Republican senate about an impeachment inquiry because they are afraid of uncovering evidence and leading to an impeachment of Biden, which they don’t want to bring because they don’t have the votes. The Republican party is not out to destroy or transform America, but it is filled with quislings that wittingly or unwittingly tolerate and contribute to the Marxist Democrat agenda. Next, The College Board’s AP curriculum for African American history claims that slaves learned valuable skills while they were enslaved, which is what Florida’s curriculum says as well, but Kamala Harris and others are attacking Florida and Ron DeSantis. The Biden Administration is re-segregating the country through executive order, and to them, it is OK because they call it progressive and liberal. Later, Democrats will keep pushing climate change as a way to gain more control for the government and less liberty for citizens, even though they cannot point to any scientific data to back their apocalyptic claims. Now we get more hyperbole calling this the era of global boiling because they want an era of government tyranny.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now, broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the. The I am definitely broadcasting from the bunker. You can hear the uk activity going on outside the market. Can you not? Mr producer sounds like the dropping of arms, the firing of missiles don't worry america. It's called the weather. And we're in the middle of a hell of a thunderstorm polite next to her, thanks to
of course, climate change, debts, climate change there. It is when a clean up a few things here goes. The media are lying to you deceiving you. The headline yesterday from the associated depress was trump accused of asking stafford italy camera footage in florida, classified payments case. I said trump Used of asking stafford deadly camera footage. So in other words, it wasn't deleted producer. The accusation is that he asked the staff to delete, of course, that can be a crime of the materials subpoenaed and you are seeking to do so. But changes the entire complexion of this charter.
Does it not a staffer is making an allegation. So tat he said he, sir, so this is the thinnest, thin red to bring a new charge against the former president united states, so their throwing the full power. a federal prosecutors, our resources against a maintenance man to get em do flip. To support the state against trip on this one charge. Now what they doing there because their multiple most, Instead, I discussed with you two weeks ago, as well as on fox. Their present. Trumps lawyers can file and some need to be fired on, don't know what they're waiting for they don't need the weight till may. They can perhaps send a torpedo under this pirate ship immediately.
Wanted to point that out is number one. We have a killer killer. show this sunday on life, liberty and Levin. We Benjamin Netanyahu, and we have former governor bob Mcdowell I want to talk about this next issue slavery in the curriculum in florida- I must say disappointed by teams I am disappointed by wesley hunt, disappointed by byron, donalds, all my friends, environment, in particular, I ve known quite a long time. What long enough longer than most. in what they are doing is really quite perplexing to me. Unit two of the eight peace so abbess on slavery, labour American law, a chapter on this
A economy suggests this is the college ports that are set throughout the country that slaves learn to become painters, carpenters, tailors musicians and viewers and subsequently used, skills to provide for themselves and others they said it has been widely criticised in recent weeks, including by vice isn't ours, and I might mention those republicans that I did singular passage in florida, twenty twenty three social studies, standards which acknowledges the clubs, slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit. But he's praising slavery here. Nobody. Even that but forced labour. They wouldn't have learned these skill, the learning objective from a p curriculum just shows that this pseudo controversy was nothing more than a dishonest poet, child by harris, though
house on the union's to say just press secretary said and she's right and she's right. Then you can rywhere doctor William, our former chairman of the- u s, commission civil rights, had to say about this: you can read what frederick douglass To Washington had to say about acquired skills, under adverse circumstances. I'm quoting route came with I'd enable them not only to survive, but also to go on further accomplishments after slavery. twice, this become a hot issue, and why do wider republican spite these folks? Why did they go for this stuff? I dont get it. Why do they play into this? I don't get it I mean if you want to talk about slavery, what took place than talk about buying
segregation is perish. Talk about the democratic party, the responsible for slavery,. What are you trying to say at this and by the way, obviously, scotch running and to say this in the other two gentlemen, I mention of supported trump, but still. We in the mode right now to save the country, isn't that the goal. two of the republican army, becomes more on a very, very slick pair to the destruction of this country. So the typical kind of politics sets played is unacceptable. To me, my friend and fellow, like my friend and fellow along in speaking of fell
Chris Christie is not gonna, come anywhere close to getting enough votes to be president, I don't love he succeed. in accomplishing the very low standard to be in the first debate or not, but he's usually been backed and supported by people who have as their singular goal, take our trump and all the sabbath and there are certain house uncertain platforms who are promoting him like you is promoted. For a very long interview, Time during that very long interview in which it was obviously set up to just trash the hell out of tromp without any significant push back Making wild accusations, because that's what he does. Was he asked about his own. His own tenure as the governor.
of new jersey, some here to remind you, since those who promote Chris Christie, particularly in the media, have memory lapses. Intentionally. Sir This is from Wikipedia I despise wikipedia I'm using it in this context, it is good as any other Fourthly, lane closures, scandal also known as the george washington bridge lane social scandal or bridge gay was appalling, Whole scandal involving a staff member and political point, these new jersey, governor chris Christy shooting to create traffic jams and fourthly, new jersey. closing lanes at the main tall plaza for the upper level of the george washington bridge. the proudest began on September nine. Twenty thirteen went to the three tall lanes for local street entrance, where closed during morning rush hour can imagine local affair
emergency services in the public, we're not notice. side of the lane closures, which formerly declared a threat to public safety. The result backups and gridlock on the local streets ended when two lines where reopen on Friday september, thirteen four days later by an order from the poor, thirty executive, director and democrat from new york, Patrick Foy. He said that the hasty and ill informed decision, could have endanger the lives and violated federal state laws is low I suggested that the lanes had been closed intentionally to cause the massive traffic problem for political reasons and especially theorized that they were a rich retro beauty of attack against fort Lee mayor mark college, a devil brad, who had supported christie as a candidate in twenty thirteen for governor choose me who refuse to support christie who refuse to support Christy.
The ensuing investigation, senator and several of christy's appointees staff, including David I've seen who ordered the lanes closed, billboard, me, who had told the new jersey assembly transportation committee that the closures refer: traffic stay united states, Turning for the district in new jersey, PA fishermen launched a federalist astrogation rezoning in a nine can indictment against brigida Kelly. The deputy chief her step, rony and wild the wild, seen ended a guilty play it to fight against baronial kelly or Gillian all accounts on november twenty, sixteen david sampson. We are going to one felony cannot conspiracy in July twenty. Sixteen, racks on related italy enclosures, but on earth by the federal bridge, gate investigation. If these political standing was badly damaged by the scandal and its approval ratings from the scandal onward only continue to fall.
We said, even though I do not know if he did aided by how would I what my entire senior staff is doing. Once considered a leading contender for the twenty. Sixteen republican automation christie dropped out of them as an initial race. After we showing in the new hampshire primary this Candle was widely cited as a major factor in the early demise of his nomination, central nomination in twenty six in both the prosecution and defence in the trial to have Christy's, former aids argued that Christy who is closer souci environment and a plan to shut down lanes. We needed a g w bridge has it was happening and that they closing swore to punish skull which, for declining to support Christy's reelection been, is the first time Christie been efficient accused of contemporaneous knowledge of the plot. Now the debate, it's in the case of cuba convictions in june, twenty nineteen, the us supreme court granted cert heard the case
Kelly as you s in january, twenty twenty one too, an adult moroni having our begun serving his prison, prison term federal, immediate release on may seven, twenty twenty, the supreme court you immensely overturned the convictions. Judging the defence not have violated the fraud statutes they recharged under since they add obtain money or property today didn't rule that they didn't do it. They ruled that they couldn't be fraud, because I didn't get anything in exchange for the one about christy buzz pulling down the articles quite lengthy chris at sea. Here So there are all kinds of increase in dollars and the affair misconduct case against christie is Wikipedia puts a T. Next citizen activists, william J Brennan Fatah, complain,
september. Twenty sixteen and fourthly, municipal court, alleging official misconduct by christie, the complete Specifically said Christie had failed to stop the closure, then in progress when, according whilst in sworn testimony, Christy heard about it from baroni and wild steam on Wednesday september eleven, two thousand and thirteen the third day of the closure, the complaint alleged that fort lee in it's mer were deprived. in a fit of enjoyment of their community is a consequence of this. Intentional evil minded act in october, twenty six, the judge Roy Magee, the presiding judge for the municipal courts and in county new jersey except the jurisdiction based the events having occurred, and fourthly and further probable coexisted to believe that an event of official misconduct was caused by governor christie. Unquote. The judge therefore issued a summons
this put their case into the hands of burden carry prosecutor's office prosecutor. Goober gruel was appointed by christie accused himself from the case state attorney general christopher Corina, previously served as the governors office council also accused himself from the case, so subordinates in there officers had to handle the matter. The state security court denied reynolds request to appoint a special prosecutor. in january twenty seven tina. Seventeen state security court judge denied Christy's motion to dismiss them Citizens complaint, but also vacated, earlier finding a probable cause on the basis that christie been improperly denied his right to council at the october twenty. Sixteen here the court ordered a new hearing regarding the complaint later that month, prosecutors decided not to pursue charges against christie. Now prosecutors chose not to pursue the case. The bergen cannon, municipal judge role, they case had not been dismissed
in February twenty seven june, following a new hearing, the bird in county municipal dredge, ruled that the case could proceed. The court is satisfied that Christy had knowledge of the traffic problems. And fourthly, and then they, Should a new criminal summits. In march twenty seventeen, the bergen canny prosecutor's office, drop that complaining christy writing to disappear court judge. We do not believe that official misconduct charge can be proven beyond it he's the boat out all pretty sleazy. Don't you think America Christie has played robot dope? from the very beginning. I dont know what my cheaper staff was doing. My deputy chief was there. I can't pay. I dont know all they said it I don't believe they could prove a charge of misconduct beyond reasonable doubt and of course, Christie declared victory now is on the attack.
Now he's on the attack and he's given a platform, same platform he got today, has been good, chris sununu to trash trump when the car rove detract from two men used to remote mitt romney, and these are platform, that are used all the time. For one reason. One reason I am because Chris Christy, ever done. Anything at his entire life that has profound are important, but because he's a torpedo I'll, be right back much love in the if and anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something
could help if you have an eye ira or for a one k, physical, go in your eye or re, the world goal council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is it You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get ultimate guide to gold. I raise feels good to know. There's enough savings. Option diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids evans? Seven for gold? I re- that's eight seven so for god, I re eight seven, seven, my god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. Press this metals tat come there. The button works, having its pretty obvious, is really only one major
South there may be a few others, really one that under dance. There is at least two sides to every criminal case. two sundays ago. I was two sundays ago I provided half a dozen motions that should be filed by the defence. challenging unconstitutional, unscrupulous, actually evil, practices of the government that, if left on addressed can affect all of our lives in terms of due process and the right to a fair trial Molly was none of that picked up by fellow hosts or even non fellow? but none of it is a bit independently discussed it. There's only one side in its leaked by the prosecutor: if we
anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit here, something that could help. If you Then I re or for a one k physical go, in your ira, the world gold council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my in family, you should call a gusting get there, also a guide to god. I raise feels good to know that another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals, at eight, seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven: seven, For god, I re eight, seven, seven, my god. I write, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, pray
His metals dot com mug with him above thunberg on the right call. Now eight seven, seven, three eight one, three, eight one, one just a wrap up Christy has done nothing for the united states. Nothing Is there nothing to fight cancer cultures? nothing to fight the war on the nuclear family and parental rights. Nothing does nothing to protect children. From the ideology, that's promoting sexuality in elementary school doesn't even speak out against. It says it's not governments wrong, even though the government classrooms and government employees no legacy in new jersey, none sky, high tech sky high crime there. Now
takes this fanciful run for president because he wants to cripple the leading report. begins in the region. in primary and smooth for Joe Biden. The Democrats, despite is very weak Two stations he's given platforms remote this ideology and attitude. to the future. The republican party, He's not the future of anything Regret party does hate america. in hates america today. Get hated america before. Those of us who love this country do not want to see it fundamentally transformed annoyed third world destitute, impoverished authority Erin centralize state we get We see what's happening, we're not going to be distracted by come harris.
And phony issues we're not gonna, be distracted by chris Christie and phony issues. We will confront them. In order to push them out of the way, but we're not allow a media- they claim to be friendlier unfriendly to tell us fact from fiction. True from falsity we're not going allow it. As I pointed out in the opening of the book this, It is not intended to be provocative, but and I cried party centric parts of our society and undoubtedly will be in your way member- that target made a run of us. We put an end to that quickly is not written for a crab party officials, politicians, media sink offence, activist surrogates,.
it's not written for rhinos threatened, Was patriotic americans who fear for our country in its future, america is unravelling. Our founding in history, under assault. our families and seeds for being degraded and has been substituted for group ism. color blindness is now racist elysium and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate and fanaticism Classrooms have become indoctrination, mills for racism, segregation, bigotry, in sexual perversion. teachers unions, her hostile to parental environment in critical decision about their health and welfare, their children. In america free speech, John academic freedom are shrinking than the pool state is growing? Does
monitoring and spying on citizens. The gun Men is banning and regulating more and more household products remain candy. light bulbs to dishwashers. while creating shortages and driving up costs of others, Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation and schools, while budgets are slashed many process, Peters and judges, coddle violet criminals, Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into the country as drug and criminal cartels ship killer drugs into our country by the tonnes, and brutalized migrants by using them as indentured servants had sex slaves. and the list goes on the demo, at parties responsible for most of this and much more seeks to
eminently control our governmental institutions, just as it I'm an aids. Our cultural entities in the media. Academia, American the science it seeks to de legitimate and the strategic, Including the bill of rights, the electoral college, the supreme court regional powers, which obstructs its Illogical designs and abuse since the rule of law, by targeting its political opponents are harassment. Investigation, prosecution in the end, it seeks to imprison them over thirty twenty o eight, when Barack Obama shouted do a crowd that we are. I've days away from fundamentally transform in the united states of america. He wasn't kidding fourteen two thousand able Michelle obama pronounced that we're going to have to
in conversation. We went up the chain a traditions. Our history, we're going up to We know a different places, a nation she minute. the farmers are not alone among democratic party apparatchiks and their contempt for this country. In fact, it's the rare top democratically politician who regularly praises america and his sincere about it, they most trash talk, the country and smear millions of its people legs. both are too numerous to catalogue here, but a party that is built on the demands and propaganda, revolutionaries, demagogues and malcontents. as a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible clauses, including slavery, segregation, the cook, clan and even luncheon,
almost from the start, the democratic party rejected the principles and values of the american experiment and tat It is the home of another anti american movement. This time american marxism with it. where's ideological appendages, my credit party ruling class are leads, and activists are united in this revolution. That is the title of this book. Declares the democratic party hates erica data. If you want to fundamentally transform something, you clearly do not love it or even like it, explain on my radio show if someone as I wish I could fundamentally transfer my spouse than you are so they dont lover like your spouse. But what, if you do not want different? mentally transform america and you elaborate country that it is important to speak the truth. About those who seek to impose their will on the rest of us when dealing
such a dire threat to our freedom, society and way of life, we cannot our responsibilities as citizens, specially in my case But I have such a large platform to push back. It can be difficult and predictable she's, making very different an unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this. Given the predictable outrage and anger that will surely result from numerous individuals in quarters. Nonetheless, I miss lake in the cause is too important to self sensor. So let us that back and examine what is taking place, central role of the democratic party, and, of course it is necessary to expose the role of adam crap parties, current leader, president Joe Biden, in undermining america. In my Twenty? Twenty three speech to the canadian parliament Biden concluded concluding remarks a mostly it further.
Remit to governments, space exploration, the canadian government, which it claim, ladies and gentlemen,. we're living in an age of possibilities? G? keeping asked me the tibetans plateau did I define america I could have said the same thing if he asked about Canada. I said yes, one word and I meant it. One word possibilities. He said nothing is beyond our capacity. We can do anything, we have two, never forget must never doubt our capacity, canada and the united states can do big things we stand together. Do them together, Eyes together we're going to write the future together. I promise you buy was not talk about the possibilities of entrepreneurship and capitalism. In Israel, human initiative, etc. Once he d or the canadian parliament who is tat, about the endless opportunities of an act of his government, which means
expansion of his own power and that of the democratic party the establishment of an all powerful central government, a command economy, the remit a man's nature. Indeed, Biden rules as an autocrat by said that he wants his legacy to be as big or bigger than franklin roosevelt's who did. fact radically change the nature of the federal government, its relationship with the citizen, And is being urged to continue the transformation of america away, the founding ideal stored in americanized marxist model that I discuss at length in american marxism. Today, mine, is a reckless and stubborn human wrecking bar was wrapped up bastards record, both domestically and internationally. Some wonder how Biden move from a relatively nondescript politician to a radical left us? Indeed, most of his life partners,
political chameleon, an intellectual lightweight, when he entered the senate, he immediately sided with the segregationist and racists we oppose the integration of public schools when law and order, because an important issue in the mid nineties: he co sponsors a criminal justice bill. Those tough on criminals. One party was a fiscal centrist by washington standards and also Where did some limits on abortion? You also back border enforcement corps his conduct on the Senate judiciary committee in the vicious and dishonesty of his attacks on conservative nominees was appalling but reflect, the views and demands of his party. Over by Norway saw himself has presidential timber when most did not Lies and deceit, including the habitual plagiarized pluto, stealing words and phrases of speeches by Robert Kennedy and neil kinnock, british, labour party leader at the time as well.
Bright lies, but as academic record, how, rail as previous embryonic presidential campaigns today, is lack of character, cringe worthy outbursts and obvious stage. Five dementia are all but ignored. Twenty twenty. However, the democratic party operative zobeide, as their only hope to stop trump from winning reelection trial was threatening their grip on power and the culture doing their ideological agenda. They rightly that socialists. Democratic, a k, a marxist Bernie sanders could not when a general election there where the party and its powerful surrogates its enormous infrastructure and resources, voting party operatives, we, donors, activists, media academics, hours, the immense bureaucracy, the legal community, corporatist labour, its and so forth to help the basement
welling Biden secure the democratic party nomination and its him in the oval office Beat it was the most radical elements within the democratic party in its powerful surrogates, never trumpeters, dark money, donors that rennie shadow campaign that saved the twenty twenty election forbidden. when twenty one february times more ball reported that there was a conspiracy unfolding by the speed scenes. Their work touched every aspect to election. They got states Change voting systems and laws and help secure millions of public and private funding. They found it off motor suppression, lawsuits, recruited army. Oh workers and got millions of people to vote by now for the first time this It's really pressured social media companies to take a harder line against so called distant.
Maybe in use data driven strategies to fight viral smears. Now that's only five pages of the beginning of the book. The book as four hundred pages long, so not only. Shouldn't. I read it on the air I couldn't. If I wanted. But this gives you a sense for what we're up against. Why The way I do, why conduct my programmes, whether on tv and radio? The way that I do. in the way I write these the ten times. Or the beginning of the rest of the survival of a country, It's just a tiny little piece of this book. I'm going to do everything possible to get into the hands of many of you as passport in as many others as possible?
I'm going to work myself to exhaustion. Now I dont need the money I'm very well off. I want my country back. I want our country back It literally brings tears to my eyes to think about what's taking place here. We ve got to be correct. we ve got to be strong, we ve got to be. Speak to one another. We cannot allow them to do this to us and we cannot allow the Chris Christy's and his ilk Lay the usual drift. Politics countries dying before our eyes.
the democratic parties doing this to us. I'll, be right back then. If we anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could up, if you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go in your eye ray the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my and family. You should call a gusting get there. Also, A guide to gold- I raise feels good there's. Another savings option. Diversity is the key call a gust of precious metals and aids
haven't seven for gold. I re that's eight seven said for god I re eight, seven, seven my god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com given example chapter to call them black racism and anti semitism The civil war is not only a breathtakingly bloody, just you between the north and the south, the union in the confederacy in the anti slavery and pro slavery, forces, but a battle between them. Public party, the democrat party, the latter com, the which is rarely mentioned, and certainly not emphasised- deed, free major elements of the democratic party. The civil war did not end in eighteen, sixty five, a never ending spite the best efforts of party, apparatchiks academics.
Gets and media propagandists to ignore spinner obscure the horrendous story. The democrat parties past the cook, clan and lynchings to segregation, Jim crow laws, voter intimidation that our party had a hand in all of it. All of it. In fact, jefferson Davis. The president of the confederacy was a democrat as reversed We all! the leaders and generals of the confederacy confederate general. Nathan, Bedford forrest, a Democrat became the first grand wizard of the ku klux klan after the civil war, which he helped found. Whereas the newly freed slaves and got reconstruction and which Republican Isn't it Ulysses S, grants to destroy but point the? U S, army grants efforts stymied after the democratic party, won a majority in the house of representatives. decades later, among the leading so called progressive intellectuals. A k american marxists, though Eighteen hundred, generally nineteen hundreds was woodrow wilson, prominent democrat
who was president of princeton university, would become governor of new jersey and is accurate. work on american history. Wilson was friendly to the clans mission of Pressing blacks- and he was for, forgiving of its terror tactics, explains williamson members and education, weekly Anyone he was the president of princeton wilson, expressed his pride that not one african american was admitted to princeton doing His tenure. governor and nineteen. Eleven wilson sign the law. Eugenics bill titled enact thought through some provide for the sterilization a feeble minded, including idiots in brussels and morons epileptics rapists, certain criminals and other defective, which was later struck down by the new jobs, new jersey, supreme court and among them, blacks, blacks, payback, eugene.
common among progressives at the time, you're gonna learn all about this, and also the third chapter is entitled anti white races. Entire semitism, because the democratic party never misses an opportunity to be racist. Never this book, I think he's, going to make a difference, if not only among us, but hopefully the future that country, but not. Well, maybe in enough time, maybe when I'm long dead and gone, maybe not but it will change your perspective, even those We're has title the democratic party. You will come to despise it literally despised
I'll be right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk offers great coverage and concern if your family money on your wireless bill every single month, go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan? That's right for you! Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the sponsorship. Your talk now broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our living here. I'd never ate seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one,
the eight one one we will be taking calls and our three. now, ladies and gentlemen, have been listening to various republicans public and slightly incur the microphone go to the colleague lights front. A tv cameras. Some have said no special counsel for Joe Biden, james commerce, that whoever enormous admiration for all. Carla what those points some kind of a toady, a special council. So that's the case. You cannot expect to get to the bottom of the criminal nature, the buying crime family, because all We can do is say we ve found stuff, and here it is. They have no criminal authority whatsoever We have people saying no impeachment some of
No impeachment inquiry. It's a straight to a republican, saying, no special council and we have Republicans who are saying. A peach manner, no impeachment inquiry in a peach winning because ultimately that leads us to impeachment there get cold feet, america. It's one thing to go on fox or one sean or a max Serve talk, radio or various pod casts fares, platforms and kick up does about what the fighting crime families doing. Another thing to actually do something about only two things that can be done about it: one is, via the executive branch,
and obviously Biden controls the department of justice and the attorney general, the united states. So only option in that regard is a special council, so the only option tat a great option. It's the only option. And it's interesting: their marriage garland is doing everything it, and to prevent the appointment of one. Why. you? Will you see how some brave at the agents and come forward some brave iris agents who become for because as bad as it gets, there are patriot who have character of the guts to come forward? America Merrick knows that, even if he points somebody a special council, we hopes will do his bidding. There may be a prosecutor, some
just like there might be a drudge. Some red woman who says enough is enough. So do not count me among those who who says there could be no special counsel. I strongly believe there should be american airlines hard against it and I'm pushing hard for no one about an impeachment inquiry because it ultimately might lead to impeachment an increase in powers, the judiciary committee to you. is subpoena power and to use deposition said Doesn't otherwise have the authority to you now I don't need to go through The incredible amount of evidence that has been uncovered, circumstantial or otherwise.
By these very committees have been doing investigations and even before these committees were doing investigations, the near post, others, sahara, pardoned laptop alone. is enough to warrant and impeachment inquiry. There's more information on that laptop And there was ever available when they went after donald trump of their first and peter, why they covered it up. That's why the press covered it up, try the f b. I covered it up. That's the social media platforms covered it up with the urging of the bag and people? That's why they had fifty one frauds. On patriarch anti american former spokes, in others. fifty one of them sign a letter saying this must be a russian plant knowing it was.
Biden campaign did that under blink and blink and was rewarded with a big big cushy job secretary of state and yet we're told one peach of an inquiry might lead to impeachment. We gotta be careful about that so the brave men and women who came forward F was so blurs the brave men came forward. I rest So blows it to not three get some cool editorial columns programmes and what I countries under attack. We have a corrupt man in the oval off sees, bought and paid for by the communist chinese, among others, and he's conducted himself herself. Their way is the manchurian president. we're going to self censor
tyrone hands kid, the republicans and anything is his mother's, such damn losers in the senate. Look at the republicans. mitch. Mcconnell shouldn't be in the Senate any longer serious. Where the man needs to rest, final years on this earth. is the longest serving leader of either party it's going to serve out its term about given its term it's about. What's good for that country By the way, Feinstein stein, the senate should expel them. The Senate should expel all three of them. every damn senator up their republican Democrat knows that fetter has been mentally. Image by his massive stroke, everyone
I'm knows that Diane Feinstein can't find the restroom every one of them, those that match Mcconnell is incapable of being leader of anything This is a representative republic. It exists for the people. For that hangers on, we can have respect for these people and thank them, but enough is enough. Save with a president Joe Biden. It's not become accepted. That he's a humiliation. It's not become accepted that he forgets thoughts in midstream. It's not become accepted that he can complete assent.
There isn't a silk stage: five, the mantra. There are seven stage as a stage: five look it up, but ones. These Republican there's, literally no noise in the republic ranks and the senate about any this course. He of the conservatives who speak but even ran paw has called fee what we need more information, how you plan to get where we have these committee here. Excuse me toward a impeachment when increase for it amazes me, putting aside all the graft and corruption Give a man and Joe Biden who was violated the supreme court ruling on stood alone, that he does
have the authority with a magic wand to forgive These loans or any part of these laws, and then he turns He's doing it right now, in defiance of supreme court ruling, that is an impeachable offence, is vital Our immigration laws, people are flooding across the border, they ve now changed definition so that illegal aliens pouring into the country. Now many are coming through ports of entry on his and. So they're, not counting them as a legal way they bring him in processing and let him go with eighty five thousand kids, migrant kids that we can find on Joe Biden watch. That's not enough for a peach when inquiry
Curiously, the destruction of women sports. It is the violation of china and of the civil rights jack tied on that's, ok,. The recent regaining of our country through executive order, Like woodrow wilson reciprocated the military in the federal bureaucracy, that's ok cause. We call it progress because we call it liberal, progressive, that's, ok. The use
the fbi, the department of justice, to pursue your political opponents, namely donald trump Buying can put an end to that today. Today he is the executive branch. It's happening under his auspices hundred Attorney general: that's, ok! He can stop it. Everything I just mentioned EU has nothing at all to do with anything: the calmer and jordan smith and the others have discovered nothing. They all serve as a basis for an impeachment inquiry. Just an inquiry.
But the republicans her frere afraid that only two impeachment. I love. I love this argument. I think it was on fox. I won't name. One of the people is very thin. Skinned gets very nervous called me. Since I wanted to say that so. I mentioned he knows who he is. Please not the only one. The votes and ascended to convict anyway. So it's really a false or what. You know it's interesting. Under a constitution, the house of representatives has a job in the senate. Has a job just like.
Prosecutor has a job. A jury has a job to quit. The Democrats did do our country during the trump administration. Look what they did to us. Look what the fbi and department of justice did triggered initially under the obama Biden admitted. Creation and by the Hillary Clinton campaign, look what they did. the democratic say where we focused on this now. Are we looking into these things that is, he anti american diabolical Totalitarian party that should have no influence on what we decide to do.
This is what I mean when I say the republican party is not destroy america, it's not out there. its form, america, but it filled with quisling quisling. That wittingly and unwittingly, through their passivity, may be there. Special interests. Ties are what have you. are willing to tolerate contribute to it. The democratic party does not have an effective opposition. Its members, it surrogates activists its media, Wake up every damn day, rated a tear this country to shreds and a thousand different ways. The river.
What console capitol hill wake up every damn day, some do but most of them Trying to figure out how to take down the democratic party, I dont mean defend us, I mean take them down now there wouldn't be by partisan period destructive. You know, The voters would like it either the problems we have in the report party is that we want a people know to speak What has been one of the maiden before the accident, but look the people. He is surrounded himself, where they look like Paul Whereas they can even begin to put sentences together.
I'll be right back much love in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, PR talk just had a dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code. Levin podcast, to make the switch to pure talk
you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. You know that the hunter Biden department of justice deal fella pardon emotive, heard about the attorney general united states had to have signed off on that. Mr misinterpreted, the special council report to him directly. There's been no statement put out by turning general garland. There's been a press statement, no press event, a press conference, nothing and. give a damn: they're, not hanging out with his door than out of his home, saying tourney general garland. Are you trying to do here,
airlines in charge of the department of justice he's in charge of this investigation that special counts reports to him. David Weiss. I guess, frustrated with these former federal prosecutors and legal analysts. You gotta cut to the chase. It's not just some U S, pisa, jello, the department of justice, this people there who are making decisions and directing decision the attorney general, the united states, signed off on that deal, And there's not a single press person whose asked a single damned thing about it, not one, not one.
I'll be right back, you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure clock just cited data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year will join the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk that come in a promo code, levine podcast, to make the switch to pure talking
I save an additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, plastic conservative fire, the mark levin, show call now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, I'm going to see We can't do our big reagan, library announcement next week, that'll be my my goal. and in the meantime we have two other great book signings. I'm gonna tell you about gonna do many but we are going to do some. Saturday september, twenty third, ten, a m you can this america, bookends ridge, would new jersey. Anyone in the region,
new jersey area, new jersey, new york, connecticut delaware, pennsylvania, ambient we'd love to have you will have to meet. You greet you talk to you. It's patriots, people make lifelong friends at these events and bookends. Fantastic low, independent bookstore in our most little independent Stores are hard left. Bookends plays a right down the middle. There. when we show up their very courteous, as I say, it's a fantastic little bookstore she's, my cholera and they have great parking there and great restaurants enrich. Would new jersey, So that's book in september, twenty third shouted a ten a m enriched with new job, so that's gonna, be the first book signing the second book signing is legs the very next day clean, virginia barnes. You know
thyssen's corner at the mall there. These are two places we always go to as they are always very, very responsive to you. There's plenty of parking and plenty movement areas to move when we have a significant crowds, barnes noble Maclean virginia- that's the twenty fourth of September that's a sunday at one p m. only a one p m: we did it at one p m number one. So I could get from new jersey to virginia and number two. So most eve you go to church in the morning. You will be you'll, be able to attend if you'd like said a september, twenty Fourth sunday, one p m the afternoon barnes and noble, thyssen's, corner maclean Virginia would love to see you at either or both, and we will be making our reagan library announcement. That is my intention. Shoot me. Next week
Fine white house pressured facebook. The sensor lab leaks. July, twenty eight twenty twenty three: this is the second. Of information released by Jim george involving facebook, they call themselves meadow now toward it calls itself exe call twitter, twitter and I'll call facebook? Facebook, just don't call me late for dinner. Member that old line mist with his anyway, bobby suave at reason can my quickly remind me why we were removing, rather than de moaning, labeling claims that what is man made as me, as president for global affairs mega. That's what reason calls them anyway Joe binds white house pushed matter. The parent company of facebook and instagram, to censure contrary uncovered. Nineteen condon, including.
speculation about the virus, having escaped from a lab vaccine scepticism and even jobs in our Your liberal say even liberals: I respect even someone fox. It all started tramp tramp tramp. He was pressure, you know, focuses hilarious. The machine of government every agency of government in coordination with the white house and the Democrats. on capital here devoured and pounded social media platforms under Joe Biden and his fellow marxist, and they dare to compare that. The trump.
And they all the same talking point I really started under and tramp trump. This no president's perfect trop wasn't perfect. Certainly the federal government's, not perfect, but let's not play games, political party that hates free speech again in a book by the way in exquisite detail. The party that hates free speech is the democratic party. What do you think the espionage came? Woodrow Wilson, nineteen seventeen, it was amended in nineteen eighteen. They through two thousand people in federal prison, proposed his post, on a war one in a people that would just give a speech. They grab them and threw him and federal prison.
Put me candidate for president of the socialist party, eugene debs ran for president from prison because Wilson put em at present, even if she gave a speech. Even if you just said you opposed it. Can you name a republican administration that ever did anything like walter's truck? That's how sick they are sick, franklin, about unleash. The irs against his political opponents particularly knows pay publishers in philadelphia and elsewhere? Moses, Edinburgh. The inquiry which wasn t new deal. He unleash the irs against him nearly destroyed the man. You know they like to talk,
mix in the democratic party has a whole line of presidents, that of them as a whole line of attorney general, that of them. Next, then, how about if the ardor makes them while Lyndon Johnson. Our next redneck said we got back said the amazing. So now it's you know It's a shame. Actually, we do have some evidence that it was the trump administration that started to try and put pressure on these soldiers. Okay got it and Biden. We have a federal judge. Looked at the entire record. I was appalled by what he saw and when its trump you don't understand, it is a corrupt party.
And if you belong in the leadership of the party, were you speak for the party, your corrupt to its just simple? Let's go on here. Quote. Can somebody quickly remind me why we were removing, rather than demoted, labeling claims that covered his man made ass nick clegg president for global fair, said the company in July, twenty twenty one email, those coworkers Moving removing trothing demote them label label caught to moderate reply, quote we were under pressure from the administration and others to do more. We should have done it to the white house was monitoring at me body on social me back. I need stuck out cancer information misinformation. Now information people's lives are at stake. National security mega mega,
okay, okay, okay you're, under pressure from the administration and others to do more. We shouldn't have done it The last words of people who ben totalitarian regime, we should have done it. These are other emails obtain, representative Jim join in the wall street journal provide further evidence of the federal government's vast efforts. Descent online have anyway again centres. I understand Kennedy who I like working on this but I, like everybody mark, will be I'm not an impeachment man, you know what is it going to take to Heaven impeachment inquired? What does it gonna take? Apparently nothing. It's not gonna happen. Sigh reported in reason, rights, the author march, twenty twenty three
should the centre for disease control and prevention communicated frequently with, Spock content moderators and push them to take down posts. They contradicted the guidance of federal health advisers. So if you believe that what's happening here is marxist right. I certainly do marxist and modeling marxists in practice, marxist mindset and it destroy our country from within and then I'm not an impeachment me. What's gonna, take. Till we wake up one damage to light manner should we should should have had an inquiry. The Democrats, full speed had no real inquiry. Second impeachment. They did Record time the Could against trumpeted here we'll talk about it? each one april I dont know how to thank a bad name, See opposes it. Jamie's, ok, special.
council. We can't do that. I'm starting to. This wonder about the sanity lecter sanity, these people, colorado, a trove of conference, Your documents obtained by reason, health advisers at the cdc, had significant input on pet down pandemic era, pen dammit eras, social media policies at facebook as well. There are concerned frequently at times daily. This is by the bite administration. There actively involved in the affairs of content moderators providing constant than ever revolving guides. Trump didn't do this jessica. They requested for and updates about which topics were training on the platform and they recommended what kind content should be deemed false or misleading. The facebook file show that the plan. I'm responded with incredible deference facebook routinely. The government, the vets specific claims, including.
whether the virus was man made rather than zoonotic in origin? whose zoonotic mr, but is another Now facebook gas reach the following claims, which we recently identified on the platform: can you You tell us if the claim is false I believe its claim contribute of acts Refusal so they're asking the gunman is this: how can a poster did the white house was engaged in the exact same behaviour? Is the cdc does not remove least surprising. Indeed, it's already well known that Biden, staffers hers social media moderators Do we have any evidence that trump staffers work ranking social media moderates liberals, for, if so, can you play? I immediately at Seventy emails have not been previously released. The wall street journal
Putting demonstrates once again that the platforms themselves were deeply sceptical of the government's directions quote Why does has previously indicated that it thinks humorous should be removed, humor, meaning that administration. If its premised on the vaccine having side effects are, we expect it would seem I really want to see homer about vaccine hesitancy removed, wrote the vice president, a facebook. I can't mark a case zuckerberg in a million years been cultural, removing that I wouldn't recommend it. Nick lag, wrote in his subsequent email, the prayer rep. to see a mark, Zuckerberg some of the emails facebook executives press concerned that removing posts in which americans expressed hesitation bug in vaccinated could actually make them less likely to get a shot. All disclosure show that its pointless
to be angry with social media companies says the writer they were put in a very difficult position. The government were threatening them much trouble now current college. Now John tyler
now Joe Biden I'll be right back then you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, George watches added data every plant in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk, but also happens to be veteran owned and only hires. The best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year will join the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, levine podcast, to make the switch to
I talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code, l e g, I an pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk. Today we had a very good mood to now. You know why, despite the world going to her, though not because a try causes great. You have sea fight Saturday night, mister producer, terrific fight, I'm obsessive sport can quite explain- and I don't need to us- pose. I think Dana wide has done a fantastic job. There. and. I don't know how these people do it. Maybe that's why can do things that I'm incapable of them. But its units a throwback to
When men were men in the cabin city to do what they do it not the feminist asian amend factor women who find it still suffer from you to watch as well. Can I use to make him a joke about and russia the men are men and women or men he came and make their joke anymore investment it does. That applies to us too. and vice versa, the men or women by the way, my buddy. Damn Bonn. Gino loves. You have see two mme, it's not we're coordinating on this or anything he's Tough duties are muscled up and everything you know his background secret service and the cops and and by the way, is an absolute pussy. His ease
guy decent guy, not looking for trouble, just don't get in his face, but he's a dear dear friend of mine. He loves it too. I loved to we just came to differ. I used to watch this this finding beef for they did it inside professionally before there were inside cage when they did, outside in cages sit there watch it mister booth for six hours six hour mike. What do you do for fun Ok, I just explained it I'll, be right back and my twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be. A better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com,
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Now run casting a monopoly underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steel of a non descriptive. We have once again made contact with our leader, the more free and you have a marriage as less power that government has more freedom, you have the less power, the! U n has the more freedom. You have the less power, the democratic party in there gonna beat this climate change thing. Over and over and over again over your heads, because it so many suckers in this country who buy it governments paid mightily to the crops,
different community to come out with false reports. And yet there is not a definitive report, not one they can be pointed to to lay the science? Had it's not like the laws of physics? It's not like. No ironclad laws of science It is it's amorphous. Can we really define it. Genuine to determine if it's a problem. carbon dioxide sounds like carbon monoxide? You know and so the you and now to cheat. Gutierrez warns that we go from the era of climate change,
to the ear of global boiling. Tell. Of course we get to the Of gold and avert global ice cubes the summit. Can rights of bright barbie afraid be very afraid, united nations chief Antonia good, the areas, Last night I rolled out son of his most apocalyptic climate rhetoric to date declared The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived. You guys want global government. I wrote about it. Liberty in tourney fifteen years ago, that's what they want. He went on to lament how terrifying it is seen. Children's swept away by monsoon reigns families running from the flames workers collapse in scorching earth. That is scorching heat. Turn portuguese socialists painted his picture of a world in peril going.
stream speech from you and headquarters in new york, Returning once more to a theme of climate doom that issue almost without respite. Since he took office the surest way to destroy our sovereignty and our economic system. he said short of many ice age overcoming day some scientists eliminate as two major Twenty twenty three would shatter records across the board the changes here. It's terrifying just beginning. Good reed's outlined the global warming is ended a year of global boiling as arrived it is clear in their tragic. We must get rid of these incandescent light bulbs. just think of other lives up lawyers, As parts of north america, asia, africa and europe is a cruel summit to heat americans, say heatwave.
We're having a heat wave minister producer coda. He way Never had he always before now. We never had to use air conditioning before now. so we go from one pandemic to the next how tyranny rules the day device switch, was a real pandemic. Alot of people got sick. Some people are still suffering from it, but the Democrats, the, u n, the big government types took full advantage to exploit it. Good, the areas spoke as a separate analysed for the month, published friday Let the university climate side is karsten how steam many July could possibly finnish zeal
point two degrees celsius warmer than they train nineteen record, these records or a lie. There was one report and one of my favorite networks with a reporter said: it's the hottest recorded temperature in recorded history. I said: are you nuts The fact I has been predicted not only would that make it the warmest month on record, but potentially in thousands of that tens of thousands of years. How would he know there has been the foggiest idea. You may have to go back all the way to the indian, period about a hundred twenty thousand years ago to find Similarly, warm conditions- and you know
reported that a be seen if I could just question one of them, including abc newspaper pretty what what is with you in this scam. But since pay yo temperature records do not provide high enough temporal resolution. We can I'd say with certainty that this July hasn't been otter. During the peak of the current entered we period wages No, so I assume it is that this is not the first time good, the heiress has warned the world. Whatever happened. The good years from Chicago must reduce from other little punk. Could the air is just last november, it all participants have twenty seven climate summit of impending climate chaos through the humanities, fossil fuel addiction. That's right! It's an addiction will use fossil fuels because we're addicted were addicted.
It's going to work in coming home from work put in the air Nations I want to talk. They need our wanted. Skyward picked it when I would think that the capitalism word picked a prosperity we need to be impoverished. We needed the growth, the economy and other de word d when our high waited climate hell with our puts still the accelerated. The career diplomat insisted during the actual. Seven opening speech the resort, of Sharm EL sheikh Egypt. This is this extraordinarily pricey resort,. Where they use things like electricity and natural gas. How will we edge. Will they be going? Is all I have to ask what you do,
for our world and for our planet. When you have the jet folks, these are marxist pigs, that's what they are. They are marxist pigs. They hate the capitalist system, they hate entrepreneurship? They hate individualism. They hate your freedom, they are literally really fear is that you get up in the morning alive the kind of life you want to live for now. For now,. You need to understand that people from our department of energy are department of. Commerce are recalled department, r e p, Ten, these events, you say previous to that. In twenty nineteen, the secretary general said climate related devastation of striking the planet on a weekly basis, global act, It must be undertaken immediately with you and agencies in the lead, pig.
We're here because the world is facing a grave climate, emergency got an air as told us today, Abu dhabi climate meeting notice. They never go to places. You know better how hold up a babby shambles check Climate disruption is happening now it is progressing we in faster than the world, stop scientists and predicted resolve pacing. Our efforts to address Climate change is running faster than we are. Try everything that's been bill during the car, so humanity is try. It There's driver wheel. destroy the wheel. I don't know what to say any more. The gun. What region in your home, it's looking at every appliance from your life.
bulbs to your toasters, to your washing machines, to your dryers, to your clothes watchers. Do you window air conditioning units to your eight track system, so they're trying to figure out ways to screw you to make life harder? by non ec. You know decided by now mixes the new term for stage five dimension wagons. If your by think, that's quite appropriate. The climate changes nothing more. The media manners you deliver prevention lower few neanderthals. Are you listening mediocre? I wear your phone There has? news to glue squirrels to half of his head to brittany- not bad as a cuba. Listening over there mediocre I of listen carefully. Climate change
As a rule. It doesn't even have a definition We agreed on three points, of experts from some of the top Top universities and think tanks in the world whose You're full of crap particularly paused man made global warming. If this his warming the earth decided. am thing we can do about it, but the fact is, This isn't science, the society ideology. That's how you destroy american. You finally settled on a friday. He's an ideology: and you're using the unelected bureaucrats and unelected judges to impose your will. If
bill on the floor of the house for the Senate today, that said pregnant the outlaw the existing light bulbs, gas stoves h for existence, air conditioning systems, heat water boiling system, the combustion engine it wouldn't pass. But if you push it the bureaucracy and imposed on the people, it doesn't need to pass. The people have no say that's what happening. This is what the democratic parties to india. So in inviting shuffles around and says his he My plan is working for whom, for what and what economic plan
Destroying America's economy is not building anything in the market: the fascists they deserve I think they don't bills. steal from those who have built things who have come the things who have developed, but they dont build anything. I will say this: they ve taken billions and billions of euro dollars from all over the country. my wife and I live about forty miles from washington, DC gibbered take and I confess they're doing a lot of building. Now by building, I don't mean taking your any of building roads, but that's what they're doing through more bypasses and ways for laying roach new roads. New bridge is being built
around washington dc than anything I've ever seen in my life, its non stop. These are the most wealthy congressional districts. In the end, states of amerika, certainly among the most wealthy thereon Represented by Democrats. they steal your money out. My hither wins. For themselves. their own communities. their own salaries and pensions and medical benefits for their own comforts? That's what they do if Joe Biden any other corrupt members of the mind, I am firmly want to be the first to live as they seek to dictate to you now gasoline products, none.
limits on the size and types of automobiles, And the air conditioning I'll give an example can I change the air conditioning in the air conditioning systems in the white house, Eliminate the neue pa rules are not going to change him, binds mansion and wilmington is mansion front mansion irrelevant they're, not going to change anything Can I get rid of his corvettes thing re into an hour, We're going electric know now is not gonna. Try. policies not going to change Keen jeffreys, is dark. None of them are going to change your going to change whether you like it or not, I'll be right back. Then you know
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Unilaterally, open our borders wide to drug cartels, and their drugs and The horror that follows. Following out our current. relying more more communist china for materials. Solar panels for electric batteries,. The communist chinese are on the move, and this country is not ready. from a publican isolationist, the democratic peters. This country's? Not really does it look like. We are. Are we taking measures to build up the united states military, even as a deterrent to the communist chinese. No one.
we're running out of hardware becoming chinese. There already attacking us cyber warfare already of killer satellites. We don't already have methods for knocking out the electrical grid, which will be our only source of energy at some point and we want to energy from that our technological edge has been set one right out from under us, because we have failing Of fbi agents, sit down american citizens rather than chasing down. Come chinese spies, rather than dealing with a ran trumpeted by Attacking Israel.
This is where we are america. This where we are I want to say something else: to trim and the call for help representatives who oversees the great Of our farm powers from the republican perspective cannot doing your job. we ve been in washington to law you're, not doing your job. and I for one, am sick and tired of it. Robert. We spent a lot of time, was weak explaining to you, America, who he is is a radical marxist left us was put in charge by the by. and its creation in blank in his childhood friend, in a ghost actions with a ram he's, security clearance pool at a meeting the other day to discuss it with the state department. We stir I don't know why his security clearance was poor. Why
It all you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast aben. Follow this show their apple. Spotify or wherever you listen. loving rate, one great one, ireland. Now seventy seven and thirty eight one three eight one one. There is. thing called the bohemian grove group in california I've been repeatedly invited to attend this thing.
It's just too weird: invited repeatedly over the last decade and I've said no, so here's political At the bohemian grove, these secretive, clay of men, who gather in northern california The attendance was a who's who of pre trump republicans a murderer's row. bundles in wall street journal editorial page favorites, including former, how bigger paul ryan and exploited having a job bush my colleague, ryan leads reported, with fears setting in about trumps renomination. They get became something of a fantasy camp, on how to avert that prospect, or at least confronted one. They came up as a potential, a political, independent domini
Retired admiral, william mc raven, this guy's a leftist believe it or not. Former special operations commander, who became chancellor at the university of texas. These are the people Chris, they represent all these sort of in the shadows. ruling class self appointed. The latest self righteous. I'm not afraid of a binding, reelection, they're, afraid of tramping alike. What exactly did trump do as president that threatened our country? What did he do. There is no martial law, he complied with. constitutional, followed supreme court rulings even when he lost. Take out along with congress. Ok was police,
The Democrats, who were trying to destroy him from day one, so what is it exactly? entire binds done. So what's with you. Job bush and Paul ryan now contents A raven They don't you realize how they come off in their secret meeting. They want to impose an independent nominee. Well, Agreement on the nation. Also nation doesn't even over how the guy is dead matter. Doesn't matter threat the bohemian grove many people do they represent not one, not one. So these are the people behind the scenes who back the christine in the zoo news and the rest of the malcontents miss grants.
The invisible hand, so to speak of the Most incompetent. ruling class in american history? Let's take some hollers. What do you think MIKE aren't ten virginia, the great w mall w. I may I go. Great one, are you doing very well I give my life I would like you to concentrate on the coming week. If you can, on their senior service director kimberly cheetah place, kimberly cheadle year, yeah judo Here's a Biden appointing she was appointed by Joe Biden in august of twenty
twenty two mom? What, when the more reliable rate happened in secret service, were told to turn down? She is too who told you that nation about the missing from january five generally six, he was the deputy assistant director when they went and picked up the gun to try to retrieve the gun in october, two thousand eighteen in delaware and they come on up the whole cocaine. Miss yeah cover the whole cooking very interesting. I'm glad. Racism and take another look at this. My very very good Arlington Virginia nice here from anybody. Let's keep going, that's got us at bozeman montana, serious, satellite l, l, hello, hello mark? How are you ok? Thank you, sir death iron
Are you surviving the waves? Sir? May I ask you? Yes, I am thank you I now hear you little montana: there's a lot of wild animals there they do. ok or they kind of walking backwards or fly. Upside down everything gone ok out there. I I've seen this job out of the water. I guess I just had a normal appear, so I dunno I go right ahead. Guess I have to ask it off. I have to ask about when you have climate changes, people about the whole cataclysmic thing that created the ice age. The well we before the ice age, we were much warmer, do I don't understand how, as we were concerned, liars.
Their liar, you know the people pushing this agenda either marxists. The radical left us their democrats. the usual repulsive republicans, that's it and this. I just being bought and paid for by federal government grants from NASA nowhere from p and virtually every other department of the federal government their buying. These so called signs that they want. We also saw that with the u n in their organisation in Europe, some time ago. If you were to say, I want the definitive information and sober there isn't definitive information. They can't even define with climate change, means now, there's it's hot. So we're having a hot weak. and so now now now, what else do we have the surrender? What's? Next we are going to have who had pressed up with their skirts and get rid of our pants. I don't know what's next, my friend.
Our montana. Thank me for your car. Let's keep going about their show? We are heard in every corner. This country must in fact were heard, every corner of the world, it's just fantastic for canada Cleveland, ohio, w c ellie bob. How are you my friend, Thank you so much. I support them. On your only on paid employees. I always did get your books and sam swab. I go to the different clubs. Put your book and I love all and did I have abstained. Not buying enough of them so in time all this talk about though I have to say, the same walmart is climbing. Bunch of them, that is true, yes way: tracker, yo, R trader yo, droid is sovereign trader, figured this out it and I think the I the
media? The stayed leader, the moors or norman colluding together and is not the democratic party. dead along time. There's a marks party does rowing and then We should have a face friend. I read your coupled our major american to give to these Wurzel bores at the end where's and because I been maltreated- and I think that that would be somebody could step up to the plate and golf clubs. and of them. I think these whistleblowers are a terrific, I'm just disappointed that none of them and their lorries won't come on the program. I'm too hot mean hot, like cool, I think, sometimes I'm just too hot, because I'm blunt I call on the way I see him I am not a politician. I'm never going to be. I think
One hundred percent accurate, when I'm not, I try and corrected, but that makes me hot for these people they now want to touch it. So it's too bad. We wanted to talk to her terror red Who Joe Biden she kissed? raping him in a carter when she twenty five year old staffer, she came george who is very brave. She was but the smeared by the media and I wanted to come on the shows you didn't come on the show next thing. I know she takes off for russia, and I shall very very very bad about that. I, my friend thank you for your car. I'll be right back then don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick,
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the really big show sunday, please set your dvr if you're not gonna, be able to watch a lobby should set in anyway, just in case April, Minister, eastern every sunday night, life liberty living on fox. It's the number one weekend cable news show period and this week and during the course of my opening state me you're gonna, learn how obama, holder and kind Either ties to these special counsel. Esther against trop your as a goner really pop open, because I too time to do all this research myself. We have a research staff had life liberty and eleven. I do it myself and so on should it take a look at what I uncovered here. I think you're gonna see why what's going on is going on. We have to fantastic guests. Bob mcdonald, former virginia republican governor and the last year of his administration, how he was
by smith, and tax. Happened to him and how they indicted him and his wife and what how he went through and how they cut corners to get after him you're. Also here from the great prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, you ve heard a lot ally's from the radical left. The south in time as free means and his ilk and, of course, the. administration, about what his gun. It is doing over in Israel, and I want you, I hear directly from his mouth, what's taking place without the Blitzer interruptions and all the rest of the bs, so he will do that he will be there. So the opening statement, Bob Mcdonnell. prime minister Netanyahu, you're gonna love. This show you're gonna love it I know, well because I know you, I'm part of you, I'm with you and of course don't forget. The book findings. Please mark them down september twenty three sunday, ten, a m bookends bridge, would new jersey,
patients corner maclean, virginia barnes and noble sunday. september, twenty fourth I'd enough, all that we go to America every friday. In honour of the hearing.
the the The the
the the the
please join in life liberty, levant sunday, a pm eastern set your data if you're not sure you gonna, be there sure gonna hear all about it. So I want you to watch it yourselves We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency person. Now the men and women, the freedom fighters in ukraine in taiwan can each Eighty and griffin, can I pepsi and smoking. Can I well gigi. Can I didn t patent rory
my barney and marty can I dad get I mom. Can I leo? Can I joe all patriots I promise you I, and we will continue to fight for this wonderful country of ours, god bless each and every one of you see on sunday and that on Monday report.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.