« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/27/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the entire purpose of the Hunter Biden plea deal was to cover up and protect the Biden Crime Family, and now it is collapsing to the point of labeling Hunter Biden as a foreign agent. Federal judges outside of Washington D.C. are far more skeptical about the DOJ, FBI, and the special counsel going after Donald Trump, and won’t act as a rubber stamp for Merrick Garland or any of the corrupt officials in the Biden Administration. Joe Biden is a co-conspirator of the violation of FARA by his son Hunter on multiple occasions and helped to facilitate Hunter’s activities. Congress already has all this information because these committees have done the investigation, and we know that Hunter has received millions through the aid of Joe Biden while he was Vice President. The case against Joe Biden as a co-conspirator is overwhelming but he will not be charged by the DOJ, but it should be the first in a list of articles of impeachment against Biden. Also, Democrats are still using climate change as a way to control what cars we drive and what appliances we have. There is nothing we can do to control the sun or the weather, but the liberal Marxists don’t want to hear from any scientists that disagree with their climate religion. Later, Mark speaks with Tim Ballard about the movie Sound of Freedom and his work to rescue children from global sex traffickers.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The.
The the. Denmark Laverne here our number, eight seven, seven, three, eight one Three eight one, one hell, eight seven, seven create one three, eight one one You know by now, of course, listen to this programme, the federal district judge in delaware among us, thing specifically asked the government.
what ongoing investigation. you're, giving him immunity hundred biden from everything for everything, despite the fact that he's only pleading to attacks case and a gun case. Then, of course all hell broke luke on that lose on that and other matters have legal analysts out there who bore hopped on this, and they all said. I told you this would be the big issue. Actually, didn't? This is one of the issues of many issues we discussed here that he might be liable for big issues, polish issue know it, but I want to take a step further. Here is a Jonathan Turley, very smart guy, real, clear politics describing what he he said to julian turner on Fox
During the course of this she said, I think the crucial question, at least in a lot of people's minds, is whether what these anew Ro proceedings corroborate, or at least substantiate the claims from critics over the last few weeks that this Please idea was a sweetheart deal. Excuse me to begin with a god knows: we ve talked about it here. We ve talked about it on tv we ve talked about it everywhere, Jonathan Turley. I think it does support that view. The problem of the plea agreement is, you can actually type, wink and not right in the problem of this agreement. Is that the judge read it and said. What is this in part of the obligation of the court is to make or the defendant and the government of very clear what the agreement means and they weren't in a broke down with the most basic questions that was, what was so surprising here is that these are the types of questions. As a defence counsel, you work out were prosecutors in advance. Let me stop here. These judges are not monk.
They're watching the news there listening to radio. They know that. There's a lot of questions about this deal. That's Please don't add up. You knew there were a lot of questions about this deal that don't add up so she basically asked one question of the whole. Darn thing fell apart, and so the question now is: where do you go from here? It's like a wedding where both the the groom objected anyone else's sitting there saying wait had a week add here and where do we go from here Turner, I know you know you don't know right why this reading, when it says, but why did they end up here? Why do they get to this point in this courtroom today? Where they didn't agree on what they actually greta on, I think Part of the problem is they really did want to cap out the cases now, let me tell you why and then I'll continue. I said at last night.
Because the governments getting everything at once from the district courts in Washington DC because almost every one of those judges come out of main justice. They know each other, they know the prosecutors, they know the assistant attorney general. They know all these people. Plus many the cases are go me for these radical democrats pointed by Obama Clinton to the court. My point of view the last night and our repeated today is the federal judges that are not in washington who are not from main justice there, far more sceptical about the department of justice, main justice. federal bureau of investigation and the special council in the case of the trumpet tax, that's why.
This judge never worked at main justice and she's, a judge in Wilmington, delaware,. Clearly, I think part of the promises they really did want to carry out the case, which is true, barbara, just as one of the cap, this investigation, but they did when I say that it was now over in front of me, any minor bind team said this is a close, our plea agreement there be nothing left to investigate, but the debate it is telling congress we're not going to give you there these witnesses or these stocks, because there is an ongoing investigation. We talked about that. They didn't make any sense community from everything else, but at the same time there are saying that the cases over. You can't do both things when a judges You to specifically addressed whether this was a close out or continue investigation. That's the truth!
thinking the washington dc courtrooms. They expected a rubber stamp and they expected one from this judge. Because that's what they ve been getting and all the trump kissed but they ve been getting an already on the challenges, but it's not the dc courthouse, it's, the wilmington, delaware courthouse or it's the four pierce florida courthouse. Curley says this is a big problem. This we're all supposed was all supposed to be scripted. True, though, supposed to be easy, this is why they have it. Excuse me, cholera, a judge with integrity.
He was really going to look at the law really going to try and look at what's taking place, makes all the difference in the world all the difference in the world. That's the lesson from this that we count on a judiciary that is truly filled with people of virtue. That's what we count on to be a check on the prosecutors and a check on the department of justice. We haven't had that up till now,. Turley goes on and if he were here, we go because a judge's raise the one charge at the white house, most fears, which is the chance that hunter Biden was a foreign agent if he was a foreign age and the question is for an agent for hook and for what purpose? The president was that purpose for influence peddling peddling its influence
the president. So if you go for farra, it's going to bring all this stuff in including some of these tax accounts for twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen, that Real justice allowed to run allowed the statute of limitations to expire. All of that can get boot strapped into a far issue. The whole purpose of this deal is collapsing, as were watching it. taken washington. By other surprise, I was on my held talking with the members, and everyone was floored, ok, which is why the department of justice, when it goes back to this court. I think it's thirty days reset today's days to do everything it can work out. Another deal with hunter Biden that may well include farra, ok, violated fara, Maybe I'll do a few months or maybe I'll do fine, or maybe it will do something, but what's the real exposure here.
the department of justice is not going to indict Joe Biden because its long standing parliament policy under republican and democrat attorney general that you cannot indict sitting president you I've been foresee sitting president to testify in a criminal trial, you can force sitting, president to testify in a civil trial. If he's the subject A loss of the supreme court is settled on that, but you cannot force the president. The test for criminal trial. must, of course, he's killed. Somebody on the street, in which case wages even more complex issues. But we need and go there cassettes now what happened? Let me tell you what the big issue is here.
Consists department of justice under no circumstances is gonna be able to, even if it could drag the president of united states into a court room. Does it sound like a general garlands willing to do that. Have you seen any evidence of their whatsoever? He won't appoint a special councillors. In order to prevent the door from being thrown wide open, Joe Biden is a coconut return in the violation of fire by his son a multiple occasion. His son flew on a jet air force to with him
And that was done to help facilitate his business transactions with foreign governments in front corporation. They multiple times it has said. the job. I was sitting with his son when he's making threats. To officials and others and foreign lands for shakedown job, I was helping to facilitate to facilitate hunter barton's activities. Congress already has all this information that is These committees have done a hell of a job. They ve already pulled the teeth. So they don't have to show Joe Biden received a nickel as to produce not a nickel. We know.
that hundred Biden received millions of nicholls Tens of millions of dollars. They also have information from witnesses. They Babylon ski among others, were gonna, hear Devon archer on Monday. They also have scheduling. mason on how often Joe Biden met with hunter binds business partners and others? The case against Joe Biden as a co conspirator.
Assisting his son to violate the farmer is overwhelming, but mark you just said, they're not going to charge him. That's that's correct. It should be the absolute first article in the list of articles of impeachment against Joe Biden, because it is compelling it is bulletproof. There is no speculation. You don't need evidence. The Joe Biden took a nickel he's a co conspirator for his son, who took tens millions,
way. If they investigate and find more that's perfectly fine by me. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. But they have Joe Biden dead to rights for impeachment right now, as I speak, dead to rights. I'll be right back then if we ve learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that. But here's something could help. If you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go In your eye ray the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is that
You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get ultimate guide to gold. I raise feels good There's another savings option: diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids evans seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, so for god, I re eight seven, seven, four gold consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. precious metals. Dotcom gonna have an idea one sunday, so you can actually have a truly fair and balanced interview by me. He's always an attack by these really media, because israeli media media's heavily marxist leftist.
But some of the american media, the near times washed and post and some not a little circle, Cause I conservative, hosts and so forth. And so I will give him that opportunity. The charges against him in Israel are all about. even a judge, their suggested, the prosecution drop them, but so powerful are these prosecutors and so forth in Israel that they so they're not. You're saying that the effort here by the democratic parties to put trump in prison in the effort in Israel by the left is party Coalitions over there is to put Netanyahu in prison and this coup f, was hatched three years ago by a hood, The low midget once, prime minister and a complete failure, petra. and he was so. Ladies and gentlemen, what I'm saying is
Some great legal experts are focused on, but the department of justice will do. I am saying, as of right now, this minute designs making the year. Joe Biden is a co conspirator in turbines violations of the fire. The judge was wise. She said what about fora Just let all this commentary legal analysis I'm telling you the department of justice. The position is you can not Data sitting president knife- and I think that's one of the recent biden- is running He doesn't want to be indicted by republican department of justice and they're, not gonna pursue job period, then pursue them. Yet they want to appoint a special council, whether also going after trot they're. Not going to do it don't do something.
With hunter. They have two: they have no choice. The judges put it under their head could be some. The alleged site, that's what I suspect, but look I'm mad nostradamus. What I am saying is the evidence, evidence evidence the Joe Biden, greece, the skids for his son, the flights on air force to where were they just towards visits? We know that business deals came four out of those fly the phone calls the wit, testimony when you're doing impeachment inquiry you're not doing a criminal inquiry. you don't have the tools to do a criminal inquiry. And that it would be a separation of powers issue anyway, so when you hear the left, so where is the evidence that ignore them their budgets,
the bear and they mean to be. But tonight Joe Biden is guilty for impeachment purposes. being a call conspirator too far, violations by his son ten. I can I, as I speak to you, I'll, be right back if we, anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average ira and for one k, balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could up, if you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go. In your ira, the world gold council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them to my feet.
and family? You should call a gusting get there also guide the gold. I raise feels good There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids, Evans, seven for gold- I re that's eight seven said for I re eight seven, seven my god. I write, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta his medals dot com. Nobody says it better than mark levin about it or with a watermark levin said because nobody could say it better call is now eight eight, seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one one by the way we may have time for this later, we'll see but notice all The focus of the media is on the florida curriculum. Mr producer. because Rhonda santa sustaining up till the perverts and the cooks night after.
Day after day, if the florida curriculum. What about the new york curriculum? The california career or the illinois curriculum or the massachusetts curriculum. All of which is sick. However, this issue about slavery had the scholar, santos, the scholar who who talk about the slaves. How horrific at all was, but some of them. His individual human beings were able to learn skill. While they were under the most horrendous conditions, when they were freed, they could Subsist to some extent nobody's using slavery, and I don't believe anybody's even saying slavery is a good thing would not be weird. These are two black scholars Speak with them says william, Alan is one of the four michigan stay universally is an hour black man, but a very well known scholar, and I guess he's a year programme
racist and honour. here. I want you to hear this from right scoop. This is where I saw a comma harris is going to be really upset when she finds out about this. About what, in emergency trip to florida, just abashed the states curriculum that teaches children that slaves acquired skills spite their slow the benefit of them once they were free, well she's, gonna, be really angry when she finds out that the associated press, africa action we're not the associated press, the advanced programmer african american studies course. That they all wanted florida to adopt, has the same teaching in it were higher Has the same teaching in it what it says in part. In addition, agricultural work and slave people learn specialised trades and worked as painters. Carpenters tail is musicians and healers in the north and south.
Once free american free american, american juice, these skills for themselves and others. This is the p college board recommended coursework. That every state has been adopting. That. The un c p, how sharpen kemal I harris and the others got behind and insisted and insisted that florida adopt And then decide to sit up, and he said now as to other aspects of it. Only read from it again thanks to man walking. In addition, it agricultural work. This is the a ps3 african american studies, not florida and slave
people learned specialised trades and work is painters, carpenters, tales musicians and healers in the north and south once free that is free. hence they use these skills to provide for themselves and others what are we to make of this? Mr produced? What are we to make of this america very strange. We'll see if the same people who were attacking decide. This will now apologize where they want to attack the a p college board. recommended studies and the aid be college board. Is a radical left operation. These days said almost exactly the same thing when you make that MR producer. And there's no time at all with the florida curriculum. The florida curriculum.
Cause it's a had on disciples. Anything. I mean I remember a few years ago: what does This was going so counter, basically, really both administrations when it came to the vote when it came to the side of my own scientists, I am old brain. I look at this stuff and he, but this economy he kept the schools opening, took the mass off the kids. He said vaccines for the most vulnerable, the elderly and so forth. The beach were open. Remember all the attacks took now people act like you never happened. We get people running. I want to talk about future, not the past, because I don't have a bit. We ve tried, At my back on my they keep sending us new days in times. Violence should forget it you're all over the place. Distributors. You're everywhere, but for some
yes and you haven't a tough time figuring out. What did talk to me and I am not against the guy not hostile at all. Weird, isn't it must really he's been here, once before. I believe they asked to come on. We said yes The day they wanted another day we gave another day fine, they gave us times. We took them then they set off. When are we need another times game another time today they say well, can we make a work? I said, that's enough, that's enough! You don't have to come on. It's okay, talking to kang to worry about They want to talk to forging ahead knowing concern, as you know, that it's ok, I back to this. So although these special counsel in washington with his favorite judges, has not pulled the trigger on January six, today, the river Running ears that Carlos their oliveira marlon
His head of maintenance. is awaiting indictment on three or four accounts in florida. That their adding a few more counts pay the indictment on that I acme case against trump in florida and maybe with his coat defended to the other guy. His confidence And, of course you don't have the details, but the talks about filling around with a videotape there. The security take isn't funny: since the way these guys work It's no longer really about national security. There is no Allegation that trump gave national security to anybody, or it was exposed anybody They have none of that sort, We're talking about video cameras, video cameras.
So all three guys apparently are going to be one guy newly indicted, a maintenance guy maintenance guy. What do you think about this america? You think this is fair, think this is right while job- and the most crooked man to ever be in the oval office sits there and by the way this guy can buck from from a colorado. We endorsed him. Part of the tea party movement. I did for the ceremony that MR medusa here must one that sea thinkers, twenty ten give or take door. for the house has been on the programme and the distant past. He praised Christopher re after christopher raise cover up testimony and was a disgrace. In the last twenty four hours he said that the mccarthy's distracting us with this stuff, because really in open. are paying attention to the budget spending,
is one of the daily other: they both Written the survivalist republic, so this talk man impeachment the see is a distraction. That sounds like a liberal left, so I have to wash my hands this guy. What the hell happened to him and I don't care. This is where you separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls when your back is up against it, well we're taking on the most corrupt regime in american history. Abusing their powers at the department of justice, and yes can back that includes especially the fbi and under christopher ray. then, then you don't get it. You don't get that these, Those are our multiple fronts, including the budget front, but there are multiple france, new, say we're gonna, give up on the constitution. We're gonna give up on addressing the corruption. We're gonna give up
democrat party, taking over federal law enforcement, up on all that, because it's a distraction that is Jes reprehensible to me reprehensible. Just the way it is. Till we ve done morn forty minutes in anybody. Doesn't three hours on a shelf. how many more, how many more storage are they're gonna, be on the scientists in florida and the african American studies course when now we know that provision that they took out of context that they spawning twisted just like they did that bill, were they they wanted to de sexual lies elementary because our antigay another do a gay or anything else, the matter or they're, trying to ban books yet taken. If he had an elementary school library, their banning books, america, whether conducting the biggest censorship scheme,
they history, the united states were the ones banning books. Will some books need to be banned? We don't want pornography. We don't want Pornography and perversion and all kinds of sick crap exposed our children when their seven years old they don't care. maybe that's why not a single democrat congressmen appeared at the sound. Fraid, a movie that I saw the other night. They don't care tried. I don't care if the borders open with eighty five thousand missing children over tromp kept them in cages. Eighty five thousand missing children: they don't care They don't care on. I love today when they say the american people are not interested in hunting in their non interested in these.
Narratives about Joe where's. The evidence we see evidence you a peach, Donald trump, nothing Where's the evidence. I don't know if the eminent smacking your face, you wouldn't even feel it. You are after marxist? So you don't care but now we're diverting the attention, the american people they spent four years, smearing trump, for years, were lies about russian collusion too, and there half of those four years with a mile or investigation to phony. piedmont's day in and day out night after night, a phone whistle blower on and on and on leaks and leaks from the behind a department of justice can bucks buddies, oh yeah, and now all of a sudden, the american people don't want to hear all this mister producer. What are we going to do and then one idiot they care about abortion.
Gun control. All you republic is you need to run on abortion and uncontrolled. That's all! That's it tat it that'll at all, I'll be right back much then. If we. Learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that here's something that could help. If you, then I re or for a one k, physical, In your eye, ray the world gall council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet, and family. You should call a gusting get there also a guide to gold. I raise feels good
there's another savings option: diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids Evans, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven seven, for god, I re eight seven seven why gold ira, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com the two hundred and fifty so years. Former president has remained indicted, not even on one count:
not even on one cannot now democrats in their hack prosecutors are thrown open the door, they thrown open the door every imaginable, so called crime, I'm Tobin his eyes, as I said there can be thought of his being used to were to bring charges It's really here. You know this is the staff there really push me over the edge the cost with the right to book. I'm just being honest with you that the democratic party hates america. This is what did it their lawlessness.
there on the meaning of separation of powers, the supreme court of the electoral college of the filibuster rule in the senate, the after bring in for more democratic senators going after estate legit. ages the way they conducted the last election. I so that's enough. Somebody's to Paul slept together going from their history. The mid history present day to future I'll. Do it it's an enormous undertaking? It is an enormous undertaking, but I pulled it off now, brag just fact in spectacular fashion- and I wish this book again-
today, the cancun outer superman nineteen, because a printing just takes time, but I really wish would and you'd see exactly what I'm talking about. So I hope you'll jumped amazon priority copies. You'll see what I mean when it comes out: We will use this is our guide post and we will go through it together. we don't like reading books, there's an audio, I'm going to be recording summit. it's just too long for me, you can tell from mine breathing coughing to do the whole book, but I will do the first chapter in the first. Half of this book is very long
An extremely intriguing and compelling so when I write a book about chapters are there going to be people? How do I know I'm ready yet how long the chapters b, which I've always thought is a dumb question will be as long as it needs to be. That's how long it's gonna be. and so this book has hundreds of and notes for you to check out. It's got an enormous amount of important history and philosophy ideology. It's got a tremendous amount of connecting events mean how did the democratic party go from an air tight black party exclusively aunt? I black.
And now the republican party is said to be the pie, black party The simple answer: it's not I'm guessing and just throwing out a thought to matter of figuring it out, and I figured it out. and this right takes me about a right. These things- and I explained at the democratic party. but I also explain and have here, you're not here and anywhere else has really moved his being. party, supposedly of civil rights, when really it's a party of some are wrong. But I guess what I'm saying: how did this civil rights movement blue from power? equality and justice to a party of marxism- and I explained in the book It's exactly what's happened to the so called separation with stuff
A party that demands pride properly so the equal treatment of human beings, regardless of their color to a party that insists on recycler, geisha marxism centrally. Power. That's now these civil rights movement epidemic spoiled lots more never boring here. I'll, be right back. This segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again
for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground to land, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The america mark. Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven one three eight one one ryan nobles. Nobody knows who that is yes, but he's NBC news. Capitol hill correspond You know it sounds like a Democrat, of course, covering this hunter buying stuff
Here's what he has to say and amusing him as the foil body is cut three go Republicans were already insistent that they were going to continue to investigate, binds foreign business dealings now federal prosecutors. In that hearing yesterday saying that their investigation continues now it is important to keep in mind what we're publicans believe that there is a time between a hundred binds business dealings and the president himself. They have yet to provide any hard evidence that the president himself has done anything wrong. Get that that's why. Saying bypass, all this crap factors is is conspirator. In support of his sons, grafting. That is his violations of fora that it is not in dispute, there's no Evan you, see, there's no evidence that they have to provide hard evidence. The present himself has done anything wrong while being a code
Spirit or to the violations of farm is wrong. To expect this, I'm an injustice to do anything about it is laughable. So it's an article on the impeachment process. Certainly during the inquiry, in my view, No all over tv and radio people can keep bringing their hand, wringing her hands sites. Okay, I ring my hands to, but at some point the raw and see need to come up with ideas, not fanciful ideas. Real ideas, relayed. Am I had tipped Kevin Mccarthy once they have been impeachment inquiry, despite what can buck has to say. and under the impeachment inquiry you can turn can gather evidence about Joe Biden's role in helping his son get money.
she. The genius of this is the right to demonstrate the. Fine got a penny and always a crook, but I'm saying congress doesn't have the investigative tools that the criminal prosecutors to do so we got it. We've got to come to reality. So what can we do? I've told you what we can do, I'm hoping the backbenchers pick up on it or expect them to point to us. That's okay, but at least at least regurgitating at least plagiarize you don't have to prove the job. I took a nickel. The fact that he was at any meeting one is son was shaken down the communist chinese or the romanians. The fact the fact that he got the prosecutor fired
crane the fact that his son was on multiple playing tricks with and when he was vice president and the other facts that have in fact, Been demonstrated, rhine, nobles, NBC news capital, your correspondent is more than enough evidence, is overwhelming evidence. The Joe Biden assisted his son in getting payments from foreign governments and foreign government front corporations. for which he offered services didn't really provide. Anything, didn't really do anything for it. But he said that there were things he could do. This last name is by the far right. There ladys in general, go back to the near post articles coming
the wall street journal editorials wash and examine your awash times Multiple shows on tv and radio. Begin to the evident yourself on the internet. not one of these legal analysts. America has criticized these judges now one because that's not how lawyers are trained, particularly lorries, that now clients that go in front of judges and washed and easy I'm not talking. Those who doubt, but those who do they're not going to say, is because the judges in Washington dc all the way majority, come out a main justice, its
incestuous relationship. Many then we're prosecutors, neither former federal prosecutors passing judgment on prosecutors. Ok, that's fine! but there's this incestuous relationship, many them. No people who know people they socialized with each other, and there you have it. That's Wilmington delaware or fort pierce florida, The case of the censorship case in Louisiana. You got it these cases that are washed indeed say that doesn't mean it's perfect. You have a couple of mecca it's obviously out in these other places too, but what I'm saying is. The reason. The d o j and the Biden lawyers cut this deal, even though, in daylight. We talked about it, everybody talked about it you're
be a lawyer to understand it that it was a corrupt deal, a cosy deal between the buyer and the o j and the bind defense lawyers. We all know what we talked about it. Everybody talked about it, but the difference: here's they figured it would be rubber stamped if it got in front of a judge, beryl howl who has since retired, or that creepy obama judge. What's her name, jackson, who or whatever her name is or any of the rest of the ribbon, some of the a blog and judges who have been all well sucked into the vortex very, very disappointing that one day I'm one of them has stood up now. One.
You are the ones I know, shame on them. They have to live with it. Another nine do about it, but still this evening nobody's mentioned this to really quite remarkable. Hillary Clinton destroys thousands and thousands of emails she's, not even an ex president she's, an ex secretary of state. She was never charged with obstruction, even though those emails had been subpoenaed by the house oversight. Committee jason chaffetz has talked about this with us and yet now mister rogue prosecutors, apparently throwing three or four more charges. On top of so we'll have forty charges against trump and again with ice
What I've told you before is the goal here is to just get him on one count. What happens is the jurors they go in the back. They they want to then want to completely disoproxil. Sometimes there's there's the they're courageous enough to do it, though they'll start negotiating where we get forty counts here. How about these? Three that's at least to these three. right, I will drop the thirty. Seven will take the three or will drop the what drop twenties, extra them and will pick up. You know, fourteen of them, ok, gray, we'll split the baby in half a caged anytime, I gotta get out of here and jack Smith knows because he's he's a slumber now my guests, my two great guests on sunday include former.
In your republican governor bob macdonell. it's an exclusive interview and we're going to talk about jack smith, we're going to talk about his henchmen, although Bob Mcdonough doesn't know this yet because I haven't conducted the interview, but it's just logical and how they tried to pressure his wife or threatened his wife protest, ammonia against her husband, how they went around and got attorney climb privileged information. All the same.
all the same rotten stalinist tactics took the supreme court to finally step in. They have a lot of people who are hostile to trump on that supreme court, including people he appointed like Brett kavanaugh, are buried, including John roberts. He listened to some of these fools like MIKE loot is lost is mine and my view former federal judge, former friend, I'm nothing to do with that. Guy lost, in my view, completely she's. I remember picking up the phone The irony of this one, mr, but is calling, I think it was trump and sang, looted, precluding thank god. He did.
thank god he so here's ryan, nobles, NBC, b c news capital, correspondent. Saying exactly what I know their organization. I know it's important to keep in mind, while republicans believe that there is a tie between hunters business dealings. President himself. They have yet, prove any hard evidence provide any that the present Health is done anything wrong. While he's a coke and spirit. We have to learn to use their tactics against the minutes are perfectly legitimate tactic. He, greece, the skids for his son, twenty two. What happens when you're selling your name and selling your office people keeps saying where where's the money you can get the money money you can find. He helped the son. You get money
What do you mean by that? No, I don't mean anything, but we witnesses we are whistleblowers. We've got hard evidence, texts and emails. We have a laptop cut a whole lot to demonstrate that we have flight records, all kinds of stuff.
What kinds of stuff I'll be right, back, much, love And- and you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, PR talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to pure talk.
You'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today is clear mechanical. She certainly, female virgin. Chris Christie, forgive my drift Mr Blair's, and she To pretend to be a modern democratic from the show me stay and she showed a little too much and they voted her out. Josh hawley kicked her ass. Thankfully,. And so now she's an MSNBC grafter cut. Seven go
doing what they ve been doing. They are going to try to indict a father for loving his son, who really how they do, but she is there not can invite buying. Ever ever, people need to get that through their heads. He won't even appoint a special council plus his eyes. If the republican and democrat administrations have consistently said over the last half century that you cannot indict a sitting president. It was first looked into with richard Nixon and then subsequent presidents. That's number one, so they're, trying to indict a father for his loving son to these people know how stupid they sell. I understand, Jeffrey downwards, mother love the hell out of him much to produce. Do I do.
I want you to think about how they have treated the the trump children. And how they would have laughed and mock such a ridiculous comment. And how do we know? Joe Biden loves his son hellas how's. He demonstrated at anybody. anybody know how demonstrated his love for his son when he came in demonstrate his love for his granddaughter in arkansas, his love for his son house. Is there any evidence at intervened in his drugs? However, these are any evidence and intervene when he was you know, gating his Deceased sons, wife and then dated outlets. Gross island? We know all the things that guy did didn't intervene. Then. Now he actually said he thought it was pretty nice when he started dating his to see sons, wife fast about the approved of it.
And, of course, there's territory. Tarried fled the russia for god's sakes that poor girl the russia you could see she was stretched, gain enormous man away. Nobody would Listen to her. Nobody believed her. She was humiliated. She went public. She fled the country for god's sakes, unbelievable. I guess george conway- couldn't advise her and help her write. Studies he's he's gotten increasingly repulsive, like absolutely repulsive to me and and an intellectual fraud. Sorry just the way it is so there's claremont. Go then we have somebody named David chow. The unseen and political director. I want you to hear this.
and they also make democrat operatives cut. I go the fact that if indeed the result that of court today is there is clear understanding on both sides that there is, ongoing investigation in the hunter bided that fits beautifully into the republican I guess they follow the republicans. Somehow, Do you really have to be as dumb as this dumb ass to get a political director job at cnn What consider nothing to do with hunter Biden's schemes and conduct they had nothing to do with the investigation of hunter Biden. While I was at tropopause, I said they had nothing to do with samba congress re. They cut the sweetheart deal this judging Wilmington, who, thankfully, is in part of the d c crab kisses I demand this isn't kosher, and so
helps the republicans. You see, that's how they see stuff kill the Republicans long live the Democrats. Go ahead. You noted Kevin Mccarthy. This you're talking the laying the groundwork for an impeachment inquiry which goes back to these issues. because the whole should there be an impeach. When I agree Under the Nancy Pelosi standard there should have been an impeachment agree. Even before Joe Biden became. President re must reduce oh yes, had been impeachment inquiry when Joe Biden was on the solid train heading to washington d c for the four billion time before even announced, that's the way they worked with tropical If so, this cnn, you see sick, your constant the news network that has no red patently these staff
efforts, cnn six hours from rabbi, zaka mothers who has a sudden ass. They do that guy nasty dude. I think he used his face for a bullet and board when he was a kid, mr, but if they said where looks to me. How does a creep like that? Get anywhere he's got the intelligence of a year of a come. Quite right is gonna, look of a pineapple there's, no success whatsoever
in any destroyed it. It's so bad. Nobody can figure out how to save it, and I would just say this: let it I put in an office be done with it tat, scene and you're done. You can go. It's ok! Let go you done. Let go. I said like our camp, you can't come back one way to save a carbon footprint rather than our incandescent light. growth. More david, shallying sea bass threw him I'll, be right
you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just cited data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g network in america, just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to pure talk
you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I an pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today mark web, but you're a man who had brought from art, thou art, seven seven four year, one three, eight one one. As you know, Joe Biden has many things and he's also currently the meteorology the climate challenge. Now he is the man who could not pass Moscow allow plagiarized is a man of enormous wisdom and knowledge and climate changes. The key it's the key and here is on a hot summer day. He knows it's climate change cut. Sixteen go. I don't think anybody can deny the impact of climate change anymore. There used to be
My time would have you know it's funny thing how they, how they use whether to define climate change. Weather is not the same as climate change, and I love these moronic repo porters going on there and they're saying it's the hottest. What is it her or July since recorded history? How it's not since recorded history I mean, since records have been kept, whose records We are talking about go ahead. I was not a problem or I don't know anybody. I should say that where do you honestly believe climate change not assert problem, so you see, if you don't agree with him, you not honest. That's it said simple,
we deny or you're, not honest, probably a white supremacist go ahead. Just take a look at historic floods in vermont california, earlier this year round, we addressed you believe this grant guide growing more frequent intense, why fires spreading a smoky, hey, I'm a change, not the moronic democrat rules go ahead I'll worse in air quality record temperatures- and I mean record- are now Actually, more than one hundred million america- ok, that's that! So who is responsible for all this, Mr Blair's, whose we're possible for this cut. Seventeen go all my investing in numeric agenda. We provided erect
Fifty blend lasting in america. You investing in government to different things more on vesting in america. Agenda guy had to nc to restore wetlands manner while fires help americans in every state withstand extreme heat. Although he's helping us Stand extreme heat, MR medusa, I turn air conditioning on that's what helps me with heat and a fine his way I wouldn't have an air. air conditioner wouldn't work, there be no electricity, because most electricity is made from coal and natural gas and oil. So there be many more deaths if he had his go ahead or stream.
congress, the dual: it's the maggot ext rag extreme. I think his teeth are falling, lose their it maggie extremist. She congress there had. not a single one of them. Not single Republican voted voted for the inflation, reduction on whether and how the inflation reduction I mean it was about climate change such as line, while it's not even funny Malcolm roberts, he's a senator from queen queensland, Australia. had tip to twitter. The who is as many as a phd in biotechnology signs journalist. Ceo of sun flew answer. He was banned,
Twitter in twenty twenty one by the bad guys who is allowed back twitter by elon musk and twenty twenty two elon musk, my personal hero. Let's listen to Malcolm roberts. Cut eighteen go as an end near educated in atmospheric guesses and as a This manager, I was responsible for hundreds of people's lives based on my knowledge of atmospheric gases I listened to scientists examined scientists and our debate. The signs I ve never found anyone was logical. Scientific points Don't an empirical scientific evidence that shows we have anything to worry about at all. Basically this When you burn a hydrocarbon, feel you ve been molecules, tiny carbon and hydrogen with oxygen. They form c o to carbon dioxide and heights. Water vapor, that's it! Carbon dioxide is essential for all life, but Go beyond the science and I've looked natural experiment, we ve had to natural experiments blow
experiments in the last fourteen The first was in two thousand and nine when the use of hydrocarbons fields in the recession that followed the global financial crisis reduced, it was, carbon dioxide produced from from human use of hydrocarbons and what that what happens? carbon dioxide atmospheric it kept increasing and what happened in, Only twenty, when we have, a major recession, almost a depression around the world as a result of covert restrictions placed by governments we saw the same reduction in hydrocarbon fuel used by humans. The same carbon dioxide output from humans and yet carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, continued increasing and those who understand the science understand that it is fundamental humans cannot and do not affect them of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, control by nature entirely nature entirely. You know, tomorrow what I want you to do
I put on your sunglasses? Look up in the sky must produce. What do you see up there? What's the big yellow, shiny bar, it's the sun. The amount of energy in the sun is so massive. We can even begin to describe it if the sun hiccups, it affects the climate in the united states and all the other planets in the solar system. We are nothing compared to the sun were a drop in the bucket. The sun is a power force that is indescribable, unimaginable. We're tracking around in our little combustion cars combined, an engine driven cars and outlawing
light bulbs and changing dishwashers. He could me. Are you kidding. He got Biden and the other maggie extremists didn't want here from scientists. the only one here from scientists are bought and paid for by governments. They don't want to hear the real science. It's a baby is not a baby when you have an abortion, while an has has a choice that I can right. Try sets than a baby or the science like doing covered nine. when they had no idea what the science worse. They start up. but all that aside, he just her job
fine mumble through a whole list of events that occur: floods, forest fires, hurricanes heat thousands of years ago, people might look at the moon. They might look at the moon and things would happen here on earth. Things are worn, particularly pleasant. God knows what and they blame it. people doing it. They would talk about upsetting the moon goddess. We must have upset the moon got so they sacrifice. People sacrifice ass, they change their lives. They do all weird stuff because it's the moon guards are very unhappy:
let's just nature, doing down on the moon gods and you got to follow the site. it's not a to it's an ideology. It's a false religion, science, you can't put, Five independent scientists in one room who could to find you a climate changes, such an ideology and invite brainwashing language thinking, processes, allowed to think outside the box on anything in their destroying our tommy changing our lifestyles in the name of climate change, so they have to keep it up. It's a far side, also there's Biden, who knows nothing about everything Thing about nothing same would carry John Kerry. These are politicians. They weren't talking about this forty years ago. Talk about it now cause it's fine
what they settled on. This is how we take america over. This is how we destroy climate change every It's hot. Every time, it's cold every time, there's a fly, Every time. There's an earthquake. Every time, there's a hurricane, it's worse than ever before ever ever ever ever before. While, as george parliament say, tell that to the people who used to be a palm pay right. We have nothing to do with this. Nothing we couldn't effect, climate. If we wanted, there is nothing we can do about the sun, nothing. Earlier other natural occurrences, the idea, the hubris, the site them. That they'll use a few cherry pick. Scientists like they used to you know that the monarch
whose two seven eight hundred years ago. That, though, use these cherry pick site said no tell them so called Scientists what they want to hear and most of them are on government payroll, some kind of grain or whatever. Their destroying our life, and so this gives them the afar To outlaw the incandescent light bulb wiser, killing somebody a light, bulb A washing machine, a dish, we're gonna, lose what use less water gotta use less water. When you wash the toilet. When you shower. Why. I just thought roma was loaded with floods. Mr produce. or anything else they want to do. These are little creepy steps in they're, gonna get bigger and bigger How many cars can have what kind
argentina have cars that have to be approved by the epa before they can be manufactured monitoring how far you drive where you drive as They'Ll- be shortages of electricity brown out some blackouts. You can drive on these days on that on those days, and you can only drive so far. Not only that the well being of the air, the water and human life. We cannot. these big homes, any more with a We live in single family homes and the poor living apartment. Building. People must now change the way they zone in these communities for densely packed areas. Public transportation were now going to have social credit set, are handed out each household and each only to see how the door we only get it from public utilities.
Here, used ass, much energy this month, as opposed to the last month, see those most with you. Ve been a bad boy, I mean a bad boy girl. I mean a bad well wherever we call them. Yes,. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It is going to be horrendous and what I fear is sixty five years old I'll, probably be dead and gone. While all this has gone on. What about the kids and the grandkids kind of country this going to be and notice is only one political party pushing this. Don't get me wrong their absence everywhere, but as a force as as as an aggregate. It's all the democrat party control all. We want to control where you live, how you live, what your lifestyle ass! We want to control over it in your house, how you wash your clothes the amount of work he can have the flush, the toilet. To shout we're going to affect your lifestyle: hey stay out of the bedroom. We are
in every other room in your house. and now your house, the automobiles? How far you can drive weakened driver will look at this, the theatrical grid all of a sudden he can handle this
It was love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to
I talk and you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g I and podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, so Hillary Clinton deletes tens of thousands of that had been subpoenaed. But the house oversight committee chaired by jason, shape it and they say to the department of justice. This is obstruction or we don't. We don't charge in cases like this. Mr cheap, it's what's wrong with you, former secretary of state. We don't charging cases like this and now donald trump. This piling on. I think it's forty charge
they go after a maintenance guy charging him. He the I cannot afford a lawyer for god's sakes, and this is what you do. You know, you're putting pressure returned states, wet small, be ok with theirs. Pow come on an hour ago and after you know, it is happening About this movie sound of freedom, I've been posting about it that I on tuesday night, with my wife and or of individuals Capital here on the cannon office building will be The video who this stories about as well as the individual's he saved in the individual's he couldn't save as TIM ballard former was government agent his job in order devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffic. You will be with us, next our. This is very, very important, we'll be right back I.
the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The tarmac and mark Levin here are numbered eight in seven three, eight one, three o three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three eight three eight one, one to book signings to announce. Where are we going to be? doing three maybe will add one later, but that's about it, sir. In addition, at the reagan librate, please not contact them, yet we're still working on a date and time, but we But you know, and when we know and will announce it because that sells out. Literally within minutes. But here we go
saturday september: twenty third ten am at bookends in ridgewood, new jersey. We do them every one can do any book running two years ago, so we're going to do them again, but not many fact very few. Book ends in new jersey ridge? Would new jersey, it's a fantastic independent store- and let me say this to you, if you live in a new jersey, new york connecticut, Pennsylvania areas: delaware, we'd, love to see you Or anywhere in the country, we have a wonderful turn. The producers em, my wife's there, others are there I have other family members from time to time. So that's began Saturday, the twenty third ten, a m opium check it out.
The next day, sunday september, twenty fourth at one p m bar The noble thyssen's corner has centre Maclean Virginia, we use, Barnes and noble all the time either Access There, the more it is huge. And we have a hell of a fine time there too, that sunday September twenty fourth one to five until people stop coming, it's barnes and noble mclean virginia anybody's, been to one of our book. Signings will tell you. It is fantastic you're there with fellow patriots, you truly have the respect and so forth, and so on to that book ridge would new jersey, saturday september, twenty third, at ten a m. and then that's barnes, a noble sundays. number twenty. Fourth, at one p m thyssen's corner centre that citizens more in maclean virginia you can find all this on. Mark levine showed our com or website. There is.
will be doing the regular library in october, more like we earlier than later, and we will announce it. soon, as I know, we're gonna TIM ballard on the programme very important, sound of freedom. This movie was literally done it, when fifteen, but they couldn't get this neither to market it. They couldn't get. Twentieth century fox, I guess which is now twenty first century fox to do it. fantastic small, independent angel production stood at twenty four pain? It took all this time to get it out. It is a movie. You never hear me talk about movies ever some movie. I want to strongly encourage you to see and we'll talk about that as well. There was a hearing today on the mutilation of children and the Democrats attack. The fact of the hearing.
And many of them walked out of the committee. I just want your parents to know about this. They don't care. Apparent note of notification. They don't care about the surgical Mutilation of children they don't care here- is clear. We call a d transition She was a tomboy, in other words younger other, like ennobling physical thing, in sports and so forth. So she was mutilated. and now she wants to come back to being a woman and she's trying and the poor thing to find the now she's she's a monster.
I read about this in my book to theirs everything in this book. It's like the dictionary of democrat party, hates america, the real is almost day an all inclusive here. She is cut tango, So what message I want to bring to american teenagers in their families. I didn't need to rely too compassion. I need to be loved. I needed. In therapy tell me through my issues. Not for my delusion that, by transforming into a boy, it would solve all problems. We need to stop. Helen twelve year olds born wrong. There. Right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable their own skin. We need I'm telling children that puberty is an option. She was what kind of pure be they will go through can choose. close aware or to listen to purity is a right passage to adulthood, not
It is easy to be mitigated said most. The Democrats work that they'd anyone here test. My you can really work scum get elected under the democratic banner cut eleven go today, I should be at home with my family, celebrating my nigel birthday. Instead, making a desperate plea to my electorate rest, my elected representative. learn the lessons from other medical scandals. Opium process to recognise that dog, these are human too. times, they're wrong by child It was ruined along with thousands. at each other stars. I know through our networks. This needs to stop you well can stop it enough. Children have already been victimize by this part, pseudoscience? Please let me your final warning. The hell. If we become what in the world is going on in this country, you won't find the republican
Hardy supporting this certainly conservatives it's one party? backs this. Here's jerry nadler, his witness, unbelievable. Legal director and see our democrat witness at the hearing on gender, affirming care for minors, cut twelve go What are the benefits are receiving gender affirming care there are enormous they they produce positive mental health outcomes for these young people. They dramatic clearly improves improve their quality of life. I do better and school, they develop positive social relationships. We heard that with miss reynolds testimony their relationships with their family, improve. I have tons of evidence that this is for a hundred percent false a hundred percent for obvious He can pick examples here and there, but A hundred percent fall sets in the book to
presented wesley holiday here on the hearing today cut thirteen go. If my children have their way, they would have. I screamed for breath. Launch and dinner and for every single meal? twain all the wisdom of children but in a sense, country, we know that children are mature enough to make a decisions that will impact the rest of their lives. That's why we have parents DR cry for, but as parents we have the wisdom to know that ice cream is not in their best. risk, particularly their long term. Interest had fourteen go miss scanlon Daughters are gonna watch this because you there are new. He groaned. I can assure you that my for europe, Material daughters will not change,
biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are part of it You think that we are all equal in the same biologically you ve literally, You lost your mind it. When my two daughters work, coordinate sport work hard foreign aircraft to be the best they can be amongst other women. They will compete against other women. I owe Victoria in libya and every other young lady in this country that. if you think I'm wrong, I am not the problem. I can assure you. We have an opportunity in this country to get this right in twenty twenty. Four, so we could stop all this foolishness. But he says I cannot. Thank you, ladies enough, for bringing this up. I apologise that we live in america, where this is happening to our body. Lee hunt, comes,
the programme from time to time will be right back much you know very well, I am very pleased to do this. Interview had something I've been waiting for with movie out sound of freedom, threem where'd that as many of you as possible see a tim ballard, he's the man that made this will be possible with his whole team zeal for me The us government agent would do chess here. He quit his job to devote his life to rescuing from my global sex traffickers, the movie. is absolutely high rent. absolutely hard wrenching what's taking place in the fact that we
Really only talking about the case, the movies, Fifty a hundred kids are so forth. The happening by the thousand swam to shut up tim ballot. How are you my friend doing great so much romeo and mark tim tell it. America little bit about yourself in what you now committed to really for rest, your life and why are committed to it I spent twelve years and special agent undercover operator of: u s: government working cases, the cases of child crimes in an abuse and child trafficking, and then in two dozen Thirteen. I was working a couple of cases and They call me off the case, one one in particular was in colombia and that's depicted in this, kind of freedom in a week. you know we quit and decided to stay to finish the case, and it was six. have you seen the film and and and from there we were able to continue to grow into into multiple organizations and today,
I'm I work with dozens of organizations consulting fund raising and doing this, you have brains, are all throughout the world supporting lawn foresman and your services around the world well, let's get into some substance to this. How many children are we aware of, and many of them are not even children- their babies are kidnapped. one way or another in salt into sex slavery. Do we know about how many a day can even imagine the numbers we have from you- a state department department of labour, put the total number of slaves of twenty seven million at about six million of those. Are children either and slave labour organ harvesting, the three million are estimated to be certain to children in the commercial sex trade unionists Sweetie, we being that, where the number one consumer and health material. We used to call child pornography makes us
a target country, a country of injuries, we're the world's wealth of the top three four destination countries: So you know when we have eighty five thousand unaccompanied minors, thousands of them under five years old into the belly of united states. That makes that's a great concerning situation. Obviously, It is very concerning, and honestly and are trying to drag in my work. I don't hear this administration talking about it. I don't hear the aid. I'm talking about it, you worked for which department, homeland security The investigative unit agent, usually investigations and you had to leave because they were trying to pull back at this point right. gray, jurisdictional limitations, bureaucracy in and don't make me pull me back. Does it help We talk about child sex slavery.
When the borders not secure her does or does not increase? The problem mended and a secure borders, the only compassionate policy, I I would say he would Donald trump did and other than a little funny as Clinton built more of the wall then trumped it. So it's never been political and kill trump touched? It then political, everybody and you're going to say was a bad thing? But when you build walls and when you enforce border policy, you give Child, their last hope, because he forces the traffickers to take that child into a port of entry, where trained women and men in uniform can identify and rescue, as you saw happen in the film which is a true story, and so early as two plus two equals four, but this this administer you want to play with that mass and act like there's something wrong with border enforcement, something compassionate about it when in fact the only compassionating, these children, one of your rescue,
and they know their last hope is of a wall- will direct their captors to take them to a place where they can be rescued into that simple. So really the devastating. What with what this administration is done, in terms of of politicizing, and not enforcing our bars. Our southern border, thee the open border, a lousy sex traffickers to work between the countries and between multiple countries- and you say the word- the number one this country- Consumer of child at what I would call child sex, or whatever we call it. My aerial tells exchange rate video chelsea material week. We consume more than anyone else in that area, so we We have to demand. We have the pedophiles files, congregated hearing in numbers like like you'd. Have you don't see anywhere else? I, I can't believe that we don't have a concentrated effort in.
it's so divided into departments sober, but it's not talked about The halls of congress much aspect. Hardly spoke about it. Some lines today during his press event cause he was at the savanna was His event where the movie was shown he wants to do more about it, but I don't know if I were presently united states or attorney general united states or director of homeland security and I saw this item of meeting the next day with my payments. Ok, what do we do about this? We got it a lot more than we're doing it's on the increases had not elsewhere some increase, like we ve never seen, and I was too and I want to work it came across- is almost an interrogation with an independent. You're, a committee between us and return, my arcas and and ten crews. and senator crews brought out these bracelets, and he said you reckon I viewed. Basically, these mutual trust. You know in mexico are making upwards of fourteen million dollars a day according to the new posts night, I believe those numbers and equipment,
like wristbands rallied kids to keep their trafficking of them organised the crew showed my workers, the risk anthony. Easy deregulated racism never seen before and It blew my I talked to later and he said they blew. The mighty thought he was at leave can win, minute. He knew little kids, Been branded this way, and actually it was In trafficking scheme, he said you know I don't know I didn't seem to care. I mean that exchanges quite astonishing What people in this country? They want open the borders, and I guess I don't care that children are clearly getting hurt in the process how young are some of these kids work. How younger some of these kids? Oh? If you look at the gdp data thousands of them are under five years old
a two year old three euros. It sounds bizarre, but such was the truth showing up unaccompanied and in people wonder well. How do you think that three oral got there eating using be walker, walk. There are no the traffickers, it take them from central america, but them and a place with it. Dorothy BP officers, tat, bring em in they immediately gonna hs. Now these kids Have I been there have seen it you kid have like it a piece of paper either Bobby Pinta there, heard or in their pocket and have the name in a phone number of the sponsor a kid just by policy has to call the number and this hello, I'm george Psmith, oh yeah, little jose gonzalez on here. I am thinking that child, zero vetting, zero background checks, they used to have a rapid dna technology that biting just cancel about three months ago and he'll, be Children are released to whatever sponsor picks up the sponsor doesn't even have to shoulder you a citizen, it huh.
or to adopt a catholic shelter. Then it is to take a child out from a teacher custody. And now or taxpayer dollars will pay for the final league of what will likely be I became experienced by putting that kid, I trained plane or automobile in your tactic. Dollars will pay for that came to be deleted to the unbounded, sponsor its deficit. look at him. I want to hold you over the break when I talk about the movie where people go see it because I think it, sir crucially important it is a life training event certainly is we'll be right back. with TIM ballard, who is the really the hero, sound of freedom movie bag. I french Only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be
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but then the thunder right now, seventy seven three one one one Jim ballard, who is really the real life figure in sound of freedom, which is a fantastic movie. It is intriguing its compelling it's as good as any movie. I've ever seen, production rose through the roof and you trouble getting a year major studio to to do the movie and market unmarried anytime how crazy have fox first, only within required it in How did it were included? They weren't you to do anything with it with it probably wasn't a surprise but should have been and I took in one over together, that is the main producer I it out of duties, hand after a year and then took it everywhere.
Turned down the netflix turned him my amazon turn down by everyone. and then finally angel studios Are you kidding me what we will gradually thing and go and ninety days later, they launched and its astonishing, What happened? People want to see this movie how they find our words playing to age. and you'll dot com. Flashed freedom and observed there you go down and and and there you go you can you can find out where, where where it is, and what theatres explained posts that online social sites and still holding up. Ok, and these are movie houses where they start to pull it know if it's gone it's crazy, it's it's it's want to go down the screens, but they're going Our third weekend was bigger than our first weekend and our first me We been indiana jones,
We feel we overtook mission impossible. So it's Where did all kind of dumbfounded watching it in its is continuing to do so further and there's gonna be an international relief into latin america on august the reversal but we're not going worldwide and the point of the movie is too: make it clear to everybody who over there watch it. what's going on, you know, it's interesting they can and building where we were there of food in the bag was lovely. I was eating it before the movie, but during the course of the movie I put everything down. You can watch this and eat like it's some kind of, were you know cannon barbie movie. This is this: is the real deal I am just telling people out there, don't just go, but you're so bring some family and friends. Like us. They need the money for the movie although that's always nice, but it's because
getting the message out there and you, started this organization, the spear fund, dot org. What is that Spear fund is its. It's awesome that resources and has put on it to deploy to the groups and organisations that exist throughout the world over the last ten years. Several private organisations, non profit and and other groups have pop up with expertise in this field, and so we find them we provide the resources to them so that we every child would get the best rescuer on the planet. Get them out of their held there, and so it's kind of inclusive, almost capitalistic nature, we're running it because if you're, the best rescue you're going to get the funding, and then you get our consulting and coaching as well as as we go rescue the kids together, it's called the sp your fund, the spear s, p r fund dot org. We will have a linked on all our social sites, so tell go out there, a little bit about your movie give them.
a bit of fear for what you want to learn. What you had to do so a kindly picks up on him in the u s: government, and while I am on the southern border and I I I get permit. In cause. I beg my boss if I can go to columbia and and only consult on a on a case, and I offer commit I get really emotionally attached and you tell me to come home. Can I haven't proven my myself right or haven't of evidence or get your name I come Wife, myself would bring a neutral can't come home. I know we're gonna refugees, kid and she ate my wife. Is it as the film quit? Your job I was. I was more cowardice than the film depicts, because I said I thought the right answer. Catherine, your specific get home. We have children and three thousand dollars in the bank, but said to me. Instead bruce you hurry of prison of great see him. She said I will not let you jeopardize my salvation by
doing so. She said to me. I admit this you're, so they can put that lion, gives it would take too long to rehabilitate me the courageous person, because those are the words actually needed in real life to actually do this and then we go in doing a roller coaster right after that, and we end up finding fifty four children actually in the annual a hundred that we rescued, but the film only gives to fifty four. It became the biggest rescue operation today that we know of any good. deep into the jungle I find this young girl correct right in and That is actually the different location. We have elapsed explain to me. We have reacted so protect identity so that it has different location than what the film shows. But, yes, this child labour camp, whether doing all sorts of horrific things and were actually still work,
in that camp, doing or not so let us be careful that listen. We won't go anywhere else. You actually gonna fight with ahead of their group or no. No that was now liberty taken. So but you Your life on it on many times, didn't you they're. All they have to do is say many heard her shoe. You know in the head, yeah steps have been in dozens of those situations. You know we don't we don't take guns and began They see it again where you they're, gonna, kill us immediately so about verbal judo him in I think the role we generally are wired up till we gotta be plenty of it. So it's been pretty high risk what our teams deal throughout the world too many, these countries, let you in there are: they I had to see you or you have to go in. There are many people in that, in your position, sort of were secretly.
So we most in the beginning, with tough to get people back into it, and fourteen will merely launched into this project. not. Today, though, we need proven ourselves, we readily rescued over seven thousand women and children thousand arrests. So at this point the countries for actually begging us to come in and we we can't get their fatima, I'm one reason I set up the spear funds so that we can, or we can respond more rapidly because we have a vast network of diff operator, different operations groups. because the demand is is so high in this film is only increased demand, which is a great because film goes into other countries, the people we urge screaming for more response. And so we want to be prepared to assist. We want to help him folks hope we can have eleven surge and get to the spear fund dot org, whatever you didn't when I do these folks will go direct, we are trying to save these. These dinner, who were in these horrific sex
labour camps, sex slaves, situations. In some of these little kids, four five six seven eight years old there forced to endure rape for five times a day. Aren't they. Absolutely days. That is the reality of the situation itself believable, it's so Ben all these pedophiles her out there I mean who would have thought seriously and and most of them at least most of them, who are getting these kids, are in the united states. Do we know what states their mostly uneven Their bitter pretty equally sergio spread across the country. Em there's been a fight Seven percent increase in this initial rape of videos, like eight years alone, One reason is for governments to work with us because we live. like what the pinnacle look like. We are what the traffickers are trying to identify. And service so necessary commentary on work and our country and our western culture, but it was
who are the ones who are travelling down, but now the cartels make more money if they can get there. It is true pedophiles spend the courtesy of the usa to america, they able to do that with you open borders. We have over eighty five thousand missing migrant children in this country. Norway, that's right! That's what again heard no mark at when at during the screening when they deliver too. Over as agreed with the help of heritage foundation. You saw they delivered a problem, The proposal to go after those kid so you'll find those. Eighty five in case that I was one. was encouraging fruits have seen sound of freedom? Can I would love to see it happened in another part of finding new eighty five thousand children But is it an amazing to you, too, out of sound of freedom is amazing to you that,
You could have tens of thousands of these migratory another. They used to say. Oh look there in cages the goal to try and determine whose kids they are. You can't just give them to adults because they can be these sex traffickers who paypal. I would say The cuban cages thing was insane? Those are the lucky ones and then I hated by the way there. Then I thought the four seasons, but I mean the kids are being What did they are, what we try to find their families and not now the president, tromp, was trying to doing and thirty two he's a pudding cages and it's like well, the alternative to the institutions of therein is rereleased to whatever kind file comes to pick them up. It's really astonishing. Well, thank you again. Go to the spear fund. Dot org see if we can help them out folks, its dot org shorts, the doktor by not how much the spear fund dot org the spear fund, dot org
and we will have that link as well as a link that weaken put in your ear at your zip. And you can find out where the movie is near. You and TIM ballard we're gonna be back in a few months to see if anything has been moving anywhere. We appreciate But thank you so much greater meet. You know my things What should happen as you, too, god bless. You can thank my wife for that. She said Go on go we did, back, then you know it helps me sleep well at night, physical, gold, unconcerned about what the by an administration is doing, and I've decided to learn more about gold. I raised to help me diversify. Did you know you can buy gold for your, I re or for one K, gold can't be tracked like digital currency, no one has to know it. You're buying and there's no way to print more my best resource
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I want to make a public statement to present trumps lorries. I dont know them as opposed to a social knows her and publicly encouraging president trumps lorries to file at least one of the most devastating motions they have, and there are several but just pick one may be too, and they have sarah and the documents case, it's time to launch a torpedo into the sight of this pirate ship and try and bring this took Quickly, perhaps even this year I that MR reducer. they have many many motions. I went over word on tv at some length. and they need to do this so sour and I want a encourage you folks.
If you can, as soon as the programmes over head over to amazon dot com. and please go ahead and priore or copies of the democratic. He hates america have been I get it to the top of the list of amazon to get the discount down the bigger the the pre, the better the discount, but have also been trying to get it there too, attention to the enemy, which is the democratic, Already it encompasses all these elements evil throughout our society? He really does it really does, It is a party that is anti american, hates you that hate our freedom, that hates our economic system and they Now, just a wrecking border. This country, I don't care if its appliances in your home, you're automobile, safe, in your community, your job,
The value of your money, it's endless and its them get your copy. Of the democratic party hates america want to be able to They were both with youth, and thomas time. we're almost there it's almost september Now, when the media in italy going lists start talking about, these charges against trump and so forth. Not wanted While mentioned the motions that I have, I get it on fire That was two weeks ago, and the fact that they are fired, filed now watch when they fire them say, We ve been saying, as many of us have been signed out, as I have been saying: let's get the work here. Let's go boys, let's get it done. I know you can. we're going to a great show sunday, with former reply in virginia governor bombing.
We're gonna have the prey minister of Israel, benjamin Netanyahu is going gonna tell a stray what's goin on not these typical media questions, Why are there so many people in the streets? I think we know why we're experience it in our own country and please Go to amazon that come already or copy the democrat party hates america, it's right there forty percent off for you to take what it's like? All of you, all you great heroes. There, either as listeners in the world, and that's you I'll see you tomorrow, god bless.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-29.